- - - - - - - - - - - : : - . - : - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; - - : - = - - ; - - - . . . . . --T . . . . . . . . " . . S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAITA 1)AIy 1EE : 8A'i'JRDAY ( , MAY 9. 1SIH ; . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - ItUI4ES TO COVERN CYCLING Summary of the Now &gnlations Adoptc by the L. A.W.Itacing Board. A NW SYSTEM OF FIlING ENTRIES ProvislutiN for liii CCM I ) ) ' I'rofessInIIIM LI flI % 11111 PU rM-.ltestrI(1 h.iiM Pla.ed OIL i ( I tiic-rI i i.g ICH \VII ( ) ItItIt fur Ioicy. The aban&rntnent of the classification cm of raelng by the League of American Wlieelmcn and the nlOptiOfl of purely amateur ami profeionnl c1ases for this year , saya the Now York Sun , have neces&tated a general oral modifleatlon of the racing rulea of the organization. The racing board hal been at work overhauling the rules for 9averal 2flonths , until flnally the regulations to gov- em racing this Ecason have met with the gneraI npproval of the' boird. Many raIlcaI ( ami noethful chianges have taken place. 'hero schc or cha9fo rules exhted , itrong , Iron- iatI rgiihatLo will meet the racing men this ieason. The coniphaints from racing mn and race meet iironiotcrs have been hooded , and with additional hints from members of the racing board and oiflciai haiidknpperz , ru1t' have becu frattiiI this year whtch it Is antici- pate-I will reIflCIy many of the defects In racing. 'rita 01)011 recognition of profelona1 riders thik yaar has required the board to make 'pe- cml rules atI(1 ( provisions to govern this cIca Ono of the 1nc4L aceaptable and satisractory changes that vhli taho e1fet this year will be the recognition of amateur and Irofoiona1 rItIer competing in the national ChflmiIOfl- ) IiIp to ettiu the ( IitIOfl of the rightful ( hnmllon ) of the country. Alterations have hiOcil made In all the gen- cml rules , which vihl result in icomeiiing Xl more stringent recognition ct the racing laws. 'rha racing board has modiflcd the rulm , talc- ing into lull coniideratloii the custom of seine racing I11X1 to Violnt them on technical hOlflt. . The following aiiiiouncrinCiit regard- lug the jurisdiction of ricIng througiiou this country has been promulgated by the hoard : "Through Ith racing board the League of American \Vhieehmen cxercos Jurisdiction over alt cycle onipotttion and record trials on trck within the U I ed S as of AmeIca , atid each (111(1 cVcry person who shall In any way ha concerned or einhiOyel therein , as well ai all race promoters ( clubs , associa- tloni , or individuals ) , hail be governed by tile followiilg rules of said board : " The lightest punh'hinent Inflicted by the board upon rac.ig ilion for a dirregard for Its rules is suspension from thio track. Objec- then Is froquwtiy made that riders arc suspended upon charge3 too trivial to dererve recognition. This exason the suspension rub has been made full and explicit , as fohiows : . ' .1. Aiiy rider wilfully competing at races not 1101(1 under the mica of the board , or rules approved by th0 board , or who shall enter , or atteiiipt to utter , an event which , by reason of his status or time record , he Is not prtviiegcd to enter , or wh shall corn- pete at or In any way partIcipate In a race meeting or event not oiilcIahly itnctIonet1 by the board , or who shall otherwise offend agaInst any of the rules of the board , shall ho liable to surpension for such a length of time as the racing board may dotormne. " 2. ItWers are notifled that to compete against any rider who has hem surpended will render them liable to the came penalty. " 3. Ally rider under suspension who shall enter or compote In aity race In public or icr a prize shall be liable to further sti..pension for such cciiternpt ot rules , at the dlrcretloii of the iatLonaI racing board. " OfllclaJ lirnIicappers find every year that racing iiien try to evade restrIcted limits by cunningly fairifylng theIr entry blanks. This practice It Is tile Lntentlon of the racing boarti to stop. With this purpose In view they have altered the cntry rule to read as foUovs : " 1 , All entries rnut be made on blanks of a forni as hereinafter prercrlbel ( which vlhl ho supplied by the racing board 1 ! dslred ) , and must ho signed by the rider entering or by some one authorized In his behalf. WIthin the time appoInted for cboring , entries must be forwarded to the pcren authorized to re- celvo them. All entrIes not actually ro- Celvell at the hour fixed for closing shall be Ineligible , except entries by letter bearing po.itmarlc not later than the day of closing , or entries notified by telegraph , the teic- gram to be actually received at the scndhig ofilco at or before the hour of closng. Entries - tries by telephone or telegram must be supplanted - planted by an entry on th0 prcacrlbod tot-in duly signed by the entrant or his agent and placed In tile hands of the race Promoter befor0 tile day of the meeting , Notice to promoters to enter a competitor shall constitute - stituto an acceptance of contract on entry blank. " 3. Entrlca to liantitcap and chit-s races nitist close seveil days lirior to contest , to allow tim0 for proper iitvostigatloii. All entries - tries to such events iuti9t be accompanied by a statement ot the best two performances of the rider and all other Information called for relative to tile ability of said rWer ; all entries not so accompanied shall be thrown out by the handicapper. " 4. Entrance fees must In all cases ho paid In advance , and failure to so pay shall ho suillelent reason for tllsqnaliflcatlon 111 tile eCcUtl'O board of the race meet and ausiension by tue racing board. "If a contetauit shall imavo wn a prize and for ally reason his fees shah not have been paid or collected , lie shall be given thirty lays In whiclt to pay same , and one week before the expiratIon of that time time manage- IliClit of the races shall notify him by registered letter , and it no reply is received may sell said prize ( or , If cash , retain eanie fo' its own account ) , flfld tue contestant shall forfeit all ciaImnii to same , " 5. Entry forms shall contain a list of the events of the meeting , and state the prizes ahiportioncl to each event and time value of ouch prize. Evemy entry form , when signed by 11w rider or his agent , shah constitute an agreement between him imnil the race promoter tO time effect that the rider will comnpcte , subject to the exceptions hereinafter - i after mentioned. in the event or events for 'which Ito has entered. amiti that the race promoter vilI award hIm any prize ho IilXl viii , stmcii lrlze to be of time character and value , 'tated Iii the entry form , \Vhicre time value of a vrizo l brought immto dispute , time retail price of stmclm prize shall govern tue eettlenient , Where cash lirizes arc offered I only the amount that Is to be actually paul In cash shall be advertised , ' , o ivery entry shall further constitute an agreement that all persons concerned will submit all questions anil disputes arising out of StICit entry to the authority and judgment of tiio racing hoard , ann will abide by any ruling upon disputed questiona made by said board. " 8. MI entry blanks shall become the property of time league. and shah be in charge of tile offlcIl hiandieappet. " 9. Race Promoters iiall not advertito the IfltClibei ( presence of any rider unlr'ss an entry or other notice In writing to that effect Is in their possession , signed by time rider or lila agent , "A tuber may withdraw his entry to any or all events of a meeting by giving notice to the promoters not later than one week prior to the ( bate of the meeting. In default of such notice , or of a satisfactory anti coq- elusiVe explanation of his failure to compete in any of limo tyPO n for lmIclt I o I aq or.tied , ito shall le SiISpefllCl from all track racing 'er a pejo0 to ie 1bete mined by the clmair- man of tue racing boafd. " 10. Any rtitrant making a false entry shall be disqualified and debarred from any place or linac , and 'lil he liable to smmspemision from all conipetitlon or time trials at the option of the racing boar& " 11. Any entrant who neglects to give his legal residence , or who gives oIlier than his legal resimlenco as tnicim , or who gives any incofleet or mIsleading Informatiomi on his entry form. shall be comisidered to have macla a false emitry , and will be subject to tile penalty for false entrieR. " 12. fly violatiomi of the rules defining his class an nrilaeur imistalitly forfeits his statimo , and his mctibseqtment entry to amateur events is a false entry , for which duo permalty l provideI. ' ' Tue rule , , regarding sanctions have tmnder- gone considerable change. Time executive ComnflIltIco of tile leagime has reduced the fees adopted at time national assembly for open flleetIlgs. The alterations read : " 1. Promoters of race lnect must in all casea apply to the member of the national racing board of tlto district In wimich tile event or events are to be run for olflcial sanction. They shah remit wIth such apphl. cation tile eanction fcc required by the rules , viz. : for each liattOtial circuit meet , 25. For each open meet or general ecllction , from $10 to $5 ; each atldltlcnal day , $2 ; athletic clubs , if only two events are scheduled , $2 ; but no fee shall be charged for a sanction for a meeting the entries to which are limited to the memberM of tiio school or club holdimig the meeting , Glared school and club meets and L. A. \r , clubs must In all cases obtatn sanction. No fee eiialL be charged I. . . A. W. clubs fully complying with tile requirements of the league regarding sticit clubs. " 2. If It shall appear that there will be a COnfliCtifl of dates and interests , the first application under this rule shall have ire Cedoflee to be decided by raW member of the board , and notice of such race meet or ovcflt must be forwarded to the chairman of the national racimig board by the member in charge. "The board reserves the right to waive the rule regarding tile ceslfliction of date.s on national - tional hOlidays. " Tile race meet programs will also be changed thIs year as fellows : " 2. Programs thail show the address , city and state of each rider , and shall specify whichi events are for amateurs and which for protenlonals , . ° Tiie prizes apportioned to each event and time value of each prize shall be stated on tile program. " 3. A notice shall appear on the program to the f&lowlng effect : "Notice to Ftldors-ltacea on this program arc defined us foliows : "Amateur-flaces for which any prize of- feroij does not exceed $35 value open to any amateur , as defried by the L. A. W. , resident within this state or within 100 miles of place of meet , or holding a permit to compote otlt.4de of such 100-mile limit. "Professional-Itaces with cash prizes or prizes of greater value than allowed ama- teur. itiders are cautioned that to ride In professional races or to violate any chaure of the amnateur rule will render thent Ineligible to future amateur ovents. " 4. No further sanctions shall be granted to any race promoter fail'ng to comply with any of tllC above requirements. " The League of American Witeelmen itac been agitating the question ot appointing an efilcial referee to officiate on the national subject , and the question by a vote of time board has been decided as follows : "An official referee who shall be required to offIciate at national circuit meeta ( for which proper ccmnpensation will be allowed ) may be appointed by the chairman of tile racimig board. Tlio chairman , members and representatives of the Hational racing hoard , anti time iiandicappera in their rozpectlve states shall be ex-omcio omelal referees withIn their respective dIvisions , Wimen it Is impossible to obtain the t'ervices of an official referee , then the referee may be named by time member of the racing board in ehiargo of the district. " The rulea relating to time national cimam- plonsitip races this seac'3n are : "The National League of American Wheelmen - men championship eVents sicall be as follows - lows : One-quarter , one-third , one-half , one mile , two miles and five nub bicycle. "Each League of American Wiieelmemi division - vision niay contest , under the supervision of its division racing board , events to be known as divisicn cllnrnpionc1lips. Priese may be corresponding to tue national chlampionshlpt' , or otherwise , XIs each dIvision racing board 11101 decide , "No prizes except medals , suitably Inscribed - scribed , shall be given to or received by any cyclist corniietimig imi division chamnpionsliip. "E3cil division racingboard shall have entire - tire charge of all matters pertaining to the running of tue cliamnpionsliipa of its di- visioti. Pho division championships shall be COilteStO(1 at such places as tue division racing board iiay deterittine , Division chamn- plpnships are open to any league members residing In the division , "Tile national cimalnpionsimIp % shall be contested - tested annually between July 1 and No- vemuber 15 , at such places as the racing board may dcterniine , National championships - ships are open to all wheelmen residents of the United State9 , anl the trophies for national cilllmllpiOilsilips shall ho medals , to cost in no cue moro titan S50 per set of three , gold , silver and bronze , reapeetively , to becoimle the lrolbrty of tito winner and to ho struck from dies owned by time league. "No city or cotnmty championship shall be granted umiless approved by the division board , "l'rivliege to hold state championships in states where no division of the leagimo hiss been formueci may lie gramltetl to clubs or autimorized associations , where. the imnpor- tanco of time meetIng is sutilcient to warrant tile racing board's sanction. " The reguiatioml of record trials has caused 000000-o-o-Go-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oo-o-o-o-o-o Do Yet Stop To Coiisder f / ' That the high standard on ji IngrainCarpetshasbcen main- . I That you can buy-of us / I4II --the best wool- ' ' - - - quality-pure wool,7' 85c- 3-pIy Ingrain-for Patterns dyed in genuine vegetable and wood dyes -embracing all the newest colors and designs- This 85c Ingrain is the best 85c Ingrain ever sold- its the best Ingrain made-at any price-that's why- Orchard t Wilhelm Carpet Co. , ' 1'lIl Dutigitia Stu'cet - ' -i' - _ - - the board eenk1erable thought , but It. Is thiommght that time members have drawn up rules on this question that will be satisfactory - tory : " 1 , Tue racing board will receive and pas. upon nil claims for records , either competl- tioli or time , "The standard table of recognized records shall be one-quarter , one-third , cite-half , two- timirls , three-quarters , one mile anti cli even miles upward ; no intermeitate dis. tances , Competition record must ho made at an open meeting. The board wIll enter no competitioml record on Iti books that Is not inado at an open maccling , of which at least one week's notice has been given. "ltccortto against time may be made at an 01)00 meetIng , or In private , and with or without pacemakers. Itecords made at prl- vate trials will only be allowed It at least 0110 week's notice line been given the chair. man of the board that such attempts are to be made. "The board will consider flyIng state only "Tue board wIll consider flying starts only in COillPotitIOfl records. " 2. At imcii trials there shall be present a referee , who elmall be a Properly accredited reprerontati"o of the L. A. W. , appointed by tue chairman Upon application , three judges , three timers , arnl In aduhlticu at least twelve witnese , all of whom shall sign a statement - ment attee'ting to tue correctness of time rca- ord. No prIvate tria's ' xviii be sanctkined between - tween Juno 1 and October 1 or January 1 and March 1 , " 3 , Claimants muM fmmrniMll a sworn state- lnemlt from the titnekoepers , ccrtityeig that the titmIe clalmned Is correct , together with a sworn statement from a competent surveyor , certifying time measurement of the track , " \\'hen a claim for record has been proved to the sati'cfncticn of the board , tue record shall be publihmed In the ofilcini organ , and stROll as record CII the books of the board. No clalmn for record munde at a meeting not governed by league rules will be considereJ. No claim for record made cii Sunday wIll ho conaldered. " 4. A competItion record xnltst ho made In a race between men , , ,5 , No records nlale ( wltil the assistance of otler titami recognized cydllng machines , pro- Peibed by man-power , wlil be accepted. " 6. Ill tinpacel events , or during unpacel record trials , there shall be no paclmig or ill- dicatimig devices , amId only the rider making the trial shall be on the track. " IlegardIilg road racing amid betting the board says : "The Leagtmo of American Wheelmen re- garcIa racing on the publIc Iligliways as an uniawftml practice and refuses to recognize and legislate for sucll form of tllo sport except - cept to forbid the competing together therein or pacemaking , one for the oUmer , of nina- tours and professionals ; an anlateur also loses his stattis as silcil by competIng on the road tinder any conditions that would pro. fe.aionalIze in track racilg. "At race meetkigs no open betting shall be permitted , The oillcials of the race meeting - ing idiall not bet upon any result of any race. Officials found guilty of violating tills rule shall be debarred from holding official 11051- tlons at race meetings for such time as the racing board may determine. " CII account of tile reckless and thoughtless riding of seine of the new iiien each year , from which several bad accidents have re- suited , the board has placed the followIng ro- strictionti on the gencral rIding rule : "RIders allah ! pas on the outaIlo ( unless the mamt pasec1 iO dismounted ) , and must be at least a clear length of tile cycie In front before taking the ititeide , hut emi enterillg the homestretch in the last lap of a race the foremost rider or riders must keep to tat part of tlte track ulret selected , or be liable to dlequalificatlon ; and the hIndmost rider or riders , when there is sufilcient room to pass on the inside or anywhere cmi the homestretch - stretch wIthout interfering with others , simail be allowed to do o , and any rider Interfering to prevent lilmu or them from so passing shall be disqualified. It a rider , in attemptimig to pass another eu tile homestretch , should at any titHe cross or swerve so as to Impede the progress of anotimer richer , lIe shall be' ills- qualified. A rider shall not change froln tim inner to tile-outside of tue track during any part of a race when another rider is so near that In altering hIs posItion ito interferes with or impedes the progress of the rider , No rider shall touch another. In any race wherein there shall be a violation of these. restrictions the offending rider shall ho disqualified - qualified and disbarred from any Place or prize , and If the referee believes tlmat tile rider intentionally committed acts of foul riding ho shall report him to the racing board for further dIscipline. "A rider during a race turning his head to look backward , removing his hands fromu the handle bars. or otherwise riding iii a careless or unskillful manner , thereby imperiling the safety of other riders , shall , at time discretion of the referee , ho dlsqtiaiifle < l and ruled oil the track for the remainder of the meettng in progress. "Competitors may dIsmount dtmring a race at their pleasure , and may run with thmeir cycles It they wIsh to , but they must keep to the extreme outside of tIle path whenever tiisniounted. If a rider be die- mounted by accident. or to change his machine - chine , an attendant may hold his machine while 'he mounts It , and ho shall s mount at the extreme outside of the path. " The definition of the racing class and the rtiles for scoring lap and team races have undergone considerable change. A novice race is open only to thloso who have never won a prize in a track race , and shall be tile first race of the meet. A cias race Ia only open to those , who , up to date of time closing Cf the dunes , have net won tue first pod- tion in track race or trial heat in the same or better time titan the class under con- alderation , In a lap race the position of the first three men elmali be taken at time finish of every lap , Thio first man shall score three points , the 4teconl two points , the third otto point. No others elmail score , The contestant who croeses the line first at , tile finish shall for that lap score four points. Tim competitor wimo scores the greatest number of points shall be declared the s'Inmior , but any contestant - testant in order to secure a prize must ride tile entire distance and bo wIthIn 150 yards of the finleil when tue fIrst man cresses the tape at tile 0110 of tue last lap. Any comietitor falling to comply witim this rule shall be dis- qualified. The 150-yard mark must be marked by a flag. In a team race the position of the first number of meit , correspomiding to the numbo' of teamus starting , shall be taken at the cud of the race : "Time flrs man shall count a number of pollIts equal to tile number ot teams starting - ing , the econfi omm less , and so on. "Tue team scoring the greatest numabet of points 511511 be declared the winner , "A team shall be limnited to three riders , pachi of WhOfll shall have bec'n a member of this club entering thi. team for at least three months previous to date. of event. Each team niember must also have resided 'IthIn five miles of the city or towmi where the cimmb 1153 its headquarters for at least six mflOiltbs ilm'eviolms to tue date of contest , "ImI ml heat race , the position of each rider mnust be taken at the finish of each heat , Tile first miian shall count a llunther eqlmai to tilat of the contestants In time first beat , time second man shall count one less , time third two less and so on. The colllpetltor who scores tue greatest number of points shall ha declared the winner. "i'loys less titan 15 years of age shall not be accepted as competItors III regular races anti 110 race meet will b sanctioned includ- log races for boys under 12. "Any club or race' promoters desiring to pIece upon their list of events a race of different nomenclature titan those giveim above must first explain time nature of the event to the chmalrman of the national rae- Imig board and obtaIn hi ; consent , The consent - sent having been obtaIned , they shall print upon the entry blank and the program of the day a rule to define the race , that the ouilelals amid contestants uilay clearly understand the conditions of time comltest , " Tile plea of ignorance of rules wIll not be accelted as a valid excuse for the vlolatioml of fits rules this year. The amateur and professional riders are to be interpreted as folios's : "Clause ( a ) , You sacrifice your amateur status if you ide a wheel for money , In the Imira of any person or exhIbIt as a trick performer , act In capacity of trainer of athletics of any kin(1 ( for pay , ride a race for a muiOlley lirize , for a wager , or for gate money. "Clause ( b ) , If you rIde a race in which 'there arc PrOfoIOflal competitors. If you make pace for tile above in public , In public shall be construed to be any iem'formnance or event where sufficient advertisenlent ( mtews- paper notices will be deornei aulilcient ) lice hteen manifest to attract an audlemice. This audience or spectators umeed not have paid admission to wItness the event , A publIc road where a number of spectators have gathered together to witness time event may b considered In public. 'Cbaure ( C ) . Selling or pawnin for cash , exciu.migiug for other merchiamldise , or Ic any manner realizing cash on a lurize. In short , thmo original prize must be retained. "Clause ( ml ) . If 'you take or accept anything - thing in the way df.cxpensea from any one. Toil must pay your own expenses wIth your own mciiey , If youthtsve received or mire to receIve money forryour expenses from a manufacturer or caiy ono Interested in tIme businca , of cycllng7ouiiose yotmr status. Ac. cepti'g ompenratkmn of any kInd whatever for riding a wheel , Sntranco fees are cx- penses' "Ciauc ( e ) . Competing for a prize of more than $15 In value. "Chtuse ( f ) . Ihaclng men employed in cycle establlshnicmts , nmnym be transferred to the professIonal class It ; the board is convInced that they are receIving any racing advami- tage by trad employment , No other evl- mleheo lea necessary , 'CIause ( ; ) . Outride your osm state , be- yonti 100 mIles of your legal resIdence. fly this is meant you may rIde in the state of your legal residence , and not to be restricted to the 100-111110 lImit , so lcmig As it is within the boundaries of your owmi state. If you cross time line to go Into an adjoining state , yomm must ineaslmre yotmr distance by the 100. nillo hlnilt , starting from your legal resldtnee. Special Imermnlts may be granted to 0105 wish- log to exceed the 100-mile limit , upon application - cation to tile member of th0 national board in charge of the state where you reside , who will smid you a blank to fill omit anti awear to. If yotm qualify for the permit you nine' keep exact account of your expenditures en each of these trips , anti render same sworn to at CIICO after each trip to member grant- Lag pernlit. 'Clatmro ( h ) , Under this elauc'o the an- tional board has decided to sot nsItl0 time an- tional championship for the purimoso of brimig. Imig riders of both cias'es together to determine - mine the champIw of all , At no other tIme or in no oIlier event may you compete with a protceabnal , ' 'Ciaimse ( I ) , Iii plain as It reatis "l'rofet'rioulal--A protessicilai Is any rider other titan these Included In classes A and 13 , and may ride for a cnadm prize , "Yell sacrifice your amateur statils and lie. comae a llrofessional If you ride a race for a mcmiey prize , for a wager , or for gate money , "If you ride a race in whIch there are pro- fesslonal competitors , If you make pace for irofee'rionals In public. "Iii no cas0 except where a special permIt ceil be shown by the race promoter can you race for a greater inize than $100. 'Forfeiture of Status-fly vinlation of tile rules doflimiuig his cias a rider instantly for- felts his standIng , and by then entering a class to whIch ho is not emititled makes a futha entry , for wilich dtm penalty is pro- videO , " A rule line been framed to Inflict fines upon professIonal racing mcmi as 'follows : "In tue event of insubordination , strikes or objectionable actions on the track by a profosstonal rider the official referee may lull- 1)090 a fine on such rider of not less timan $5 or more than $50 , which amount shall be forwarded - warded by said referee to the meniber of the racing hoard in charge of the district. Tile rider shall be suspended until tile fimme Is paid. " The rel'ereo wIll ho allowed to Use hi dis- cretlon In the matter of time limits this year as Zcdows ! : "Time referee may place a time limIt on any race except ilandicap , team and lap races. The time limit shall not be announced - nounced to tile contestants until their at-- rival at the tape preparatory to tile siart of the race. If the competItors finish wIthin the limit they shah receive time prizes. If they fall to so finISh and the referee Is convinced - vinced by their tiding ' anti the time that they endeavor to 'reach' ' the lImit , imo may award the prizes. It shall be hI privilige to 'ithhoi(1 any prize it. , in his opinion , ammy competitor did not try tt win the race. " Time question of pacemaking in competition cvemlts has received careful consideration , and time folowlng rOles have been adopted : "A general pacemaker may be put in any race by the race promoter , ime having pre- viouly notified the referee of the fact. lie shall assist no single rider , but shall act to increase the speedt of the race in general. lie shall , If a single rider only , be entitled to any place or prize , lie may win , if ho starts from time scratch , or may be rewarded by a special prize within time' limits of time class. "Tantlems , o' paclngt machines , carrying. more than two riders , may be put In to pane competitors only by consent of the members of the racing board In charge of the dis- trict. " It I l I "mi I 0 U S. Time directions on the high prfce cans are the same as on Calumet cans , viz : "Two teaspoonfuls to a quart or flour , " but they say , one can of hugh price will go three times as far as any other. Can any claim ho more ridiculoims ? Another claim made In favor of high price baking powder is stiil more r'diculous , viz : that ammy baking powder sold at a less price thami theIrs must be dangerously adulterated. ROSES FREE TO ALL LADY PATRONS of Kuhn's soda fountain today. Nm IImirr' 'rimi - Simist , Iiieud oil day in Omaha and leave via "TIlE NORTII\rJSTERN LINE" OMAHA- CHICAGO SPECIAL at 0:20 : p. m. ( dining car. ) NO HURRY TILL YOU START. Then there's considerable imurry for the train arrives at Chicago early next morning. This traIn is equipped witim EVEI1YTIJING and words are very hard to find that do it justice. If you MUST leave earlier , Inquire about the 4:45 : p. m. Overhand Limited , City omce , 1401 Farnam St. ISIIANS IN SECItFI'I' Olti)1IIIS C.ovsrmmmmemit , , t&eciigs I'robe hit , , time - Myslt'rles of iiIiii lmmitfmiIomms , The recent report that the killing of T. H. Madden , a prominent merchant of Bragg , Indian Territory , was instigated by time Ke- too-wab , a Cimerokeo secret society , has led to an Investigation of the secret tribunals , 'itb imlterestl'ng results , writes a correspondent - spondent of the Chicago Record. It imas been ascertained that in every large tribe in the Umlited States there are secret organl- zations , varying in namne , but similar in purpose. The illeflibera are bound by the local solemn oaths not to reveal tue secrets of tile society , and In addition each Is mmtrouigly obligated to carry out thme wishes of tiio mnajority , even to the extcumt of conimumit- tlng murder. The govcrumumiemmt agents amid time troops stationed emmimong the Indians thud these "dog soldiers , " as tlley are called , exceedingly - ceedingly troublesome , flntl every Possibio effort is being : mmde to suppress theta ; still time secret lodges of tJto "clog soldiers" flourish awl continue to receive accessions froth time rammlcs of the young braves , No sooner does a young itt-ave attain time age of 18 titan hue is straightway inItiated with the most solemn and bloody righiti. Into time iuld- dcii nmysterios of thm ICe-too-watt or otlmer secret order , One of tlm rites practiced on these occasions requires great courage on the van of tue candidate , for while all tile oaths arc takeut on ibl000y knives , timls su- prcme test of heroism , according to tim In- diaml standard , rcqoire that the kmmlfo upon which tile path is 'tbken be crimmlsaned wltil hum own blood , frocfla aelf.Intiicted wound , The novitiate statids in tile center of a group of six , who holki six bloody icumIves crCsseil above , his head. The candidate Is given e nets' knife : tha must be Innocent of hitlnaan , blood , and whllb time weird chiamit is suimg ho cuts a long gash in his breast or moro than one if he aspires to special 01mm. tinction and aiiowse'the warns blood to gush over It. lie theml takes tile oath and is formally accepted into the brotherhmootl. The 1murpoto of tilemme societies Is similar to that of the llighmblndere 'or time Mafia-to avenge time real or fancied 'wrongs of tue members and to otherwise furtho time Interests and execute tue will oil ttL majority , Among time crimes attributed to time dog soldiers arc ulmurders , stealIng , of squaws amvl other pos. sessions , the maiming o stock and the administering - ministering of harmful potions , Time Indian Is never at a loss to devIse means of re- venio upon those against 'whmouui ito hiss a grudge , In tue olden tinmes those societies carried on their work without tear of governmental Interference , but of late years It bias become necessary for thicln to exerciat tmo ! utmost caution , for the Indian agents are ever on time alert. The penalty for participation in secret ameetinge of this cimaracter Is very severe , but tim dog soldiers vIul get together and plan and plot , det'pite 'the close our- veiliamice of the agents and thO Indian police. It not infuequectihappens that a dance or feast , held apparently ( or innocent aniuso- mmient , is only a blind to avert suspicIon , the real purpose beIng to get the dog soldiers together in secret conclave , The existence of a. lodge of dog soldiero is made knowa to the Initiated by means of signals displayed from the top of a flagpole , tlm color of time flag Indicating' the night on wiiici tIle iueeilng i to be belci , lice , May S. ld. : &t f Straw Hats. . . . ; : There arc nowof OflC kind and another , 1400 doz Straw Hats under the roof ot "The Nebraska" here in Omaha , ± t and 1200 dozen under the roof of our Kansas City store. &lfVc incntioi'i the quantity so that people who come in ; ; here late this sutiiner for straw hats and experience that ; - "all gone" sensation , may know that we have had few ! if On hand this year. We mention it , also , so that our i1 conlpctltors necdn t lay awake nights wondering how L "The Nebraska" can afford to sell icgular SOc hats for a quarter and reguLar dollar hats for 65c. When you 4 'o ' come to think of it , 32,000 straw hats is not an order to _ % _ _ be sneezed at by any factory , especially when the order - t is accompanied by cold , hard cash , and the house that & .f tf gives that sort of an order is not likely to pay as much - - - as the fellow who orders as many as " 20 dozen at a e lick. " It wilt also explain to the public why some stores have to get a quarter for children's hats we sell for 1 Sc , - - and 60c for the little fancy straws we are selling for 35c , Speaking of childi'en's hats , we show 27 different styles _ M _ from i 5c to 35c and a prettier lot of patterns and colorings - ; ings than can be found in all othcr stores combined. 'd IV/zi/c you're wailiizgr the Trans-i1'I/ssfs z/p1 Er/mo. eM slUoji CO//iC iii and sca our cxbosi1ioi Ihal i's almost as rood. , 6) ) ) ! CAUGII'i' A SEA. MONS'l'i1t. A 1itlle of Eve-rytiuIuig , nmuui No1tmtl' Cmiii 'l'eII 'Iimmt lit' Is. Captain Shannon and hIs crew , after a fierce struggle of over two hours , captured and kIlled a sea monster off Caviar , N. J. , tile like ofvhliclm none of the fishermen had ever seen. The strange fish weighs about 500 pounds and Is fifteen feet long , of a light seal color and is quIte slender at the tall , Time head Is about two feet long , Witil a horn growing fiota the nose , and there are two rows of teeth 1mm tue large mouth , Time eyes are 111cc those of a shark , witim an elongated pupil. The body is covered wltim t coat of mall , or scales , that reunblO oxydized silver. The dorsal fin is very small , and tilero arc epaut holes in the imose. The monster is tmn- doubtedly time samne one that has been terrify- lug the llshuernlen at tile capes for tile past ten years. Sonic of the fishermen claim it Is a veritable sea serpent , Captain Shannon and several of Ills mcmi were laying out their large drift net about a mIle below this port , when one of them noticed an object in the water about half a mile down time river. lie callo3 tIlO attertlon of Captain Shannon and time rest of tile crew to tile object , vilIcim seemed to be makimig a great couniflotlofl in the water , Suddenly the monster lealled into the air and tile men were horrified at it'm proportions. Tim monster movel through the water so rapidly that it dashed the spray rigilt and left. Its head was Iited imigh Ill the air amid It was a terrifying looking object as It swiumi toward the boat in a direct line. CaptaIn Shannon raId it looked like an immeumse alligator as It got nearer and he saw the gleaming teeth and glaring eyes. As the monster seenled deternilned to attack - tack the boat , Captain Shannon gave orders for all hands to secure oars , poles , axes , or anytimIng they could make a figilt Witim , and stand ready to give battle. Vhen wihimln twont'five feet of the boat tile monster icaiea into th air 111cc a porpoise auli dived umider the craft. But in goimig down the strange fish or serpent became entangled in the not. It then made a dash for tile boat , carrying the net with it. Captain Shannon stood in tile stern of tile craft with a large gaff Iron and as the monster rai92d from tue water lIe struck It a terrific 1)10W On the head. Down tile monster went again , making a circle arOUmli tIle boat , and coming up at the bow. It completelY wound up 1mm the net by this time anti was soon icilled with an axe and towed aslmoro. - Make it a point to sea that your blood is purified , enriched and vitalized at tills season - son with hood's Sarsaparilia. . _ - ROSES FREE TO ALL LADY PATRONS of Kuhn's soda fountaIn today. Fur Itm'iit. One-half of our store building , corner Fourteenth and Farnam streets. MILTON ROGERS & SONS. - i'i ; ' 'J'IMC. GItIeng ) , MIiwmi ukt'e 5j , l'mumml it'y , No. 4 , leave Omaha 6:30 : p. in , ; arrives Ciulcago 9:25 : a , m. No. 2 , leave Omaha 11 a. m. ; arrives Chicago 7:15 : a. m. No. 1 , leave Chicago 6 p. am. ; arrives Omaha 8:05 : a , m. No. 3 , leave Cimicago 10:25 : p , m ; arrives Omaha 3:25 : p. in , The "MILWAUKEE. " City 0111cc , 1504 Farnanl Street. 0 31 o us t C iN , The enormous engines that haul "Tue Northwestern Lino" OMAIIA-CIIICAGO SPECI4L east at 6:30 : every evenIng ( Union PacIfic ( lePot ) anti Into Chmicago at 9:30 : next morning-well vortb takng a lIttle timmIe to ee tumeuml-notiuing In this country 111cc them -nearly as high as tile Umlion depot , but not quite as long. City ollico , 1401 Farnam St. ' .md ( liiiIc'icuugimme , One of thle beet lcnown citizens of Vas- salboro , Iie. , bears an odd nicicumnune , vilicit he rcceved in t sonicwhat peculiar mariner. Vassaiboro had a ciuango of poetnmastermm , and as tue new immcurnbent took tile relums of 0111cc be dIscovered that sane of the addresses - dresses on tue matter that caine to ills notice - tice were not au ilaim to read as might be. One day ho caine across one that puzzied ilIflI. lie ttidiod , scratched ills beau aumd eyed tue scranl , Flujaily lila Inthignatibn got the better of lmimn , and lie asked of a gentiomail present , " \Vhic in thu devil is % Long ? " Tue address was intended for T. S. Lang , and lOt- . Lang is etiih called "Seven- eiglltlls L0fl4 { . " SeIf-IgmuiIomm ofnte. . Time solf-IutItion of cptton waste has re- eerily been umiatio tile subject of curefimi cx- perinment , A small amount of time coullunomu waste was saturated wRit linseed oil , wrung out and nclemmed in a wooden box , Into which was fktetl a therznomneter , Shortly after. ward time temperature In time box , which s'as 70 degrees centigrade at time colulmneulcounent of tile experimnent , rose to 173 degrees centl. grade and the contents comnmenced to suimoke , Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair. Dlt a CREAM BAKING POIR MOST PERFECT MADI3. A pureGrape Cream ofTartar Powder , Free ( coin Ammonia , Alum or any other adultera.nt' 40 Years the Standard. On opening tue box time eolmten'e burst into flame. ROSES FREE TO ALL LADY 1'ATItONS of Kuhn's soda fountain today. (1iitzmg. , of 'I'Imuuc. CHANGE OF TIME. The ELECTRIC LIGIITFII ) OMAhA-Cl- CAGO LIMITED of the Chicago , Milwaulcee & St. I'niul now leaves time unioul depot tinily at SIX-THIRTY (6:30) ( : ) p. in. , arriving Ciii- cage at 9:25 : a , tim. City Ticket 0111cc , 1501 Farmiam street. 'I'Jiere 'l''m , CilisseN. Of railroads running between Onmaiua and Chicago , the M1L'm'AUKEE-anti "tue 0th- ers. " It doesn't cost any immoro to ride by the best line than "time others. " Magnlfi- cently equipmet1 , electric lighted , solid vesti- billed trail's leave the mInion depot daily , City ofilce , 1504 Farnam street. F , A. NASH , General Agent. NI1'T 'i'i'tt CAR ! ) Viii , Ilit' llIMm4ouuri l'mut'Ille Ity. On and after Suulday. May 10 , tue Mis- ourl Pacific s'ill put on a Fast Lirnted Train leaving \Vebeter street depot , Omaha , at 3:45 : p. rn. , via Platisulloutlm , Nebraska City , Atchison , Kansas City , reaching St. Lotus tile mmext morning at 7:20 : , rnaklulg di- rcct connections to all po'nts couth and east in the Gramud Union station. No change of cars. Through l'ullman aer'ce. Night train for Kansas City leaves at tl:30. : For further Infc'runatlon call at company's omces , N. E. corner Thirteenth anti Farnaun streets. THOMAS F. GODFREY , 1' . & T. A. J. 0. PIIILLIPPI , A. G. F. & P. A. -0 CIu1emmro , MIL\VAIJKEE & ST. PAUL RY. Train No. 4 leaves at G0 : ! p. m. Arrives - rives at Chicano at 9:25 : a. m. CITY TICKET OFFICE , 1501 F'arnarn Street. A 'l'st of ImmIt'rmi A Tue battle of Adowa , where King Menelek's Overtllro' , ' well-armed troolis % - European forces , attacking thue lumfantry In lland-to- imalmd fight slId taking entire batteries without - out their being able to fire a single round , has discoumcerted thee 'ho ilttilorto luisisted that it would be imnpossibhe to get anywhere near troops equippeli with inoderum arias , s.iys tiio Philadelphia Ledger. This Ic because flrlmig in actual warfare arId imi lOCO practice imave nothing In cainuuon. According to Geul- oral Cosseromi do Villemmoisy , the Fl'enclm army expert , tile reascuu lies ium tile fact tilat , willie in the latter case the target is cieariy cliscernuiilo and the distance readily etti- mated , In war tile enemy keeps vell out of sight , and thiere will always be slight iluldll- lations of the grounds , hedges , busimes or maybe oven herbs or tufts of grass , witicim macro or less obstruct tIle view , anti Imeutce the fire is aimleci : at randommi and alinoNt Invariably - variably hIgh , Tiero : is nlvays a "dangeroims zone" at some dietance , where the bullets fail thickest , and by 'advancing beyond tills the enemy cami avoid mllost of tile danger. This iii wiuat llappened at Adowa and vimat c'lll always he fatal to yotung , imnpressionaile troops , while timu fire vill have its ( till effect In tile case of oslrn ouid experienced , timat Is to say , old soldiers. S6ur doci ; ; : will tell you that Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphites will cure a stubborn cough , heal the inflamed - flamed membranes and give the body the re-inforcenient it needs to arrest wasting , and strengthen against dis- ease. ct ttnd $ m.oo itt nil druggists. lSTA1IL1SI11iD ! 1874 , G. A. ' . . Li'ndqzds , TAILOR , z6 Soul/i F//ccizt/t SI. of Siring ATovclez'es l'RiCIft % 'i1Y ! f.Ol' . NOPAIN ! NO GAS ! Tm't'thm extrlmete'l absolutCiy with-tout paIn by our locili llZlli.tstiletic. Jiarmamess mimi s'aer , Jo cocaine , lull llAftY [ Loading DoisI ! , Oflmco , Thlri Floor , l'axton iliock 16th antI Parmltmmn stmtet. Teiclilsne , loti , German spoken , Lady ittiendant , ImmIi Set of 'l'eetiu , I't-rtt-et Fit , 1"inemmt end I'est Teeth , per set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alumnimlucul l'into . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11'OO 'J'eetim 1'iimou ( l'imite , at .iedvrnte Cost Bridge Teetbm , per teeth and mtttachmlmemlt .15,00 ( Ioli Crown , : z ki . , , , , . , . . , , . . , , , , , , , , , . ss.e to * 8.00 Ittebtmnend Crown . . , . , , , . , . , , . , . . , , . , ' , ' ' . ' , . . , ' $8.00 Tetlm lilied without staIn and at i'ricas cerre. spondfni ; with the above. All work guimrsntu'd us rCZtesetllCd , Special. . . Cut Prices : -ON- Clothing , Men's Furnishings , Silks , Stationery and , S Shirt Waists _ Ai' ' \ ; ' SEE THE BASE1ENT. , 'I'Iic Celebi'ated Iltitteikk Puttmvn . ftl.c the limt. SATJRY9S CLOTHlG SALE -TIIEY MUST GO-EVEIIYTIIING BEING SLAUGIITEI1ED. Tlue prices s'ms quote are from 35 to 50 n.e. cent less than actnal value. Men's suits for $3.75 , fornler price $5.75. Mcmi's all wool worsted suIts for $4.75 , formncr price 57.50 Mcii's fancy casslummere tit ! for $7.50 , forumier 1)11cc $12.50. Mon's 'ery 11116 worsted smmit for $10.00 , former llrice , $18.00 aimd $15.00. Boys' long pants suite , double and single breasted all wool black and blue , for $350 , foruimer price $7.50. Boys' kulee pants stilts , blue and black , for " $1.50 , former price $3.50. floys' odd knee pants lOc Men's jeans pants , SOc and $1.00 , former price $1.00 to $2.50. rs aLghrn'ed $2.00 , $1.75 , $1.50 and $1.25 siik , all In the new large novelty designs , go at OSo yard. 75 cent silks in stripes and small figures for 19c a'ard. SEll THEM IN TIlE WINDOWS. SPECIAL SALE OF % 100 dozen men's celluloid collars , 4c emiclm , worth 20c. 1 cltsm ) of macn's Thritlsil sex , Pc ; worthi 25c. 100 dozn much's balbriggaa shirts amid draw- cr8 , iSo each. 1 lot of uiiei's : wash ties , 12c , worth 25e. Mcii's fammcy percale sllirts , , lOc ; worth 75c. \Vlison Bros. white lamuntlere'cI shiIm'tmt , town muafie , large sizes only , 17 to 19 , at SOc each , , worth $1.50. Men's fancy negligee shins 25c , lIe and SOc. worth double. Men's heavy all wool sweaters DSc , worth $150. Boys' sweaters 25c , worth SOc. EXTRA VALUES IN LADHIS' AND CILiL' DI1EN'S UJSERY 1 case of boys' bicycle hose lSc , worth 250. 1 caco of unlsseim' extra flute fast black cotton - ton iloSe , 12 ½ c , wortiu 25c. Latiiemt' fas , black seaumiless imoso 12lc. worth 25c. 100 dozen ladles' fast black cotton iiooo , regtlla ! 400 qualIty , rcmltmced to 25c , (1 ( SILK IeIITTS 100 dec11 ladies' silk mitts , 12 ½ c , worth 25e. 25e.Ladies' r-imook kid gloves , We , is'orth $1.25. Our $1.50 kid gloves go at $1.00. Every pair warraulted auld fitteti to tue hand , SETS , : 100 dozen ladies' ventilated summncr cot. - SetS , 29c , worth 75e. LADIES' Lnthid Waists Made from tue chtoico percales in the new- eat colorings , extra large leeves , yoke back , high roil ciiar , worth frocn iSo to 2.00 ; specIal sale imrlLes , 25c , 49c , 750 511(1 1J8c , h3e the values we offer In timla department. 8OOKS 'v4 AND STATIONERY SPECIALS FOR SA'fiJItDAY. 1-lb. paper , wmtlm CulYciOllOS , IDe , 1 qimiro paetwitim enveiopes , Sc , 1 bm'.t imuk , 1 best mucilage , tluo two for Sc , 1,000 hoW novels , worth 25c ; your choice 7e. Special Bargains i.25 feather cushions for parlor hiar unock , , 40c. Croquet sets , CSc , Hammocks , 39c. l.O0 fancy collars , See. 1.25 spangle belts , 50g. BUTTER , EGGS , ETC. Fresh eggs , 7c , j Freshljutter,7c , " 1St' , Sugar cured Imamna , Ge.