Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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I.111 OMAHA DAILYIIEE : Al U D.\Y , IAY ) . 1MU. )
itnc8c nncl Attorney have Had Thefr
in the Bolln Ciise.
E ldiiee lnroditcetl Ip ( lie Defnutie
a ( rrit Si.rjrI MeTelill , ' tintlier
to CIIVIC ( 'I'Iiti ii Agflt f- . % r-
IiIIlIelItM Aru Itrief.
The taking of tettmony In the flolin cao
a9 conctu1c yesterlay forenoon uiiil the
arguments of the attorney ! foh1owi tmmc'
dhatoly. Athutit County /ttorney D.tY
OPCflO(1 In fl short , but conceo statement to
the jury atiul was tohIowel by Attorney Wct
for this ( hCfeII'O. ) The latter proceeded on the
theory thaL there wn io shortngc.-the tOOiO (
In the Mtdlnnh State bank wn , i.tttl there , the
httt in ( ho cash riiwer had been tJ.Lll , nnd
ItohIri' saUry accountoti for the ieinuIn1er
ecejt thO Irocced ot the bnd , hJi ! Ito
I accredited to error9 of booIdtcePttl by the
if experts. lie edmitted varraiiti hLLl
( drawn for flolin's aItr : ) anti ere iaicl , hut
thorn \as nothing to show , ho stated , that
Iloilti rrcetct thu money on them.
% tt.rney MQcfnrand tor the 1cfenso startc(1
out on the 'anio 1mb at at the former trIal ,
makIng a pIe for sympathy and ahulng
thee s'ho hiati urged ( lit. vrocctItton of Ilohlu
for hIs defaIcttIon. lie Itad proceeded flU
thiK 111,0 , hut a UtIle while whic n i'toppetl by
the court atiti Instructed to confine httiteelt
to tnattcr8 In evtdehee. Thin itppered to
dlconcerL hint , flflI , ileprtved of the oppor-
tunlty t COhIlIIfltO ) the BIJCCCI % lie It(1 maipel
OUt , tli cIolng vortton of hh atidreMs was
rather seah , lb % VOhIflI up by a iIa for
mercy on th theory that even If ItotIn hiatt
talcen city fIIilhI1 ( the honrknien vould niake
1f ) thin lass and 'to good cmilil conic of enthIng
the defendant to ( tie imnitentlarY.
County Attorney flaltirigo closed the ar-
gtimcnt on thto case at the evenhtig Nossion
with a clear , tatenient of ( lie trani'actlcns
, . on w3ilch the Htntt' depciiiled for a conviction.
- - At the coiictiiiloit ot liii , rgumcnt Judge
ihiker wail about to conittincec his charge
to tliti jury , when , at the reiluett of one of
the Jiii yrrten , lie deferred it until ntornhiig.
There vere ieveral sirIirte , In the progress -
ress of the case yesterday rnorniti. Tue first
Otto ctite when ( lie defense drew Ii oinV. . A.
l'axton , tt3 OWfl WttiOs , the itatoinont that
flohiti Iiai turned over to him , as trustee for
the bi a , 'liineii on all of the bonds given by
Ilolhit. alt of his hiropert except his hattie.
titead. 'rho tIefen.'o dlii not ask Mr. Paxton
why this transfer hail Ieen niado , but in
view of tue fact that. the openiiig statement
of the attorneys for the defense showed that
they took the lO'ltiOfl that there wa9 no
shortage and that every doInr of city and
school funds had becit properly accounted
for , it. occasIoned contilderablo rtiiiark about
the court room that they shiotihl have iihor
that Itotin hiatt transferred lila property to
his bondsmen in order to niake good any ios
which iiitgiit fall on thorn on account of his
'l'iio next surprhiofl when the defense
Introduced In ovidtnco an account current
made by the treasurer to the comptroller
July 10 , 1895 , which showed on Its face that
there was a thortago. as shown by the trcas-
uror's books , of about $45,000.
The last surprise caine when the defcno
announced that It would rest Lts case. It
had Introduced practically no evidence ; no
attempt had been made to show that the
funds were properly accounted for ; the defendant -
fondant had not been put upon tile stand , and
\ ft appeared ( in tim taco of It a though the
ofen'o had nothing La offer , except what
might be developed In the arguments on the
testimony offorOd by the stato.
When court convened yesterday morn-
log Judge Baker announced his rut-
ng on the admtslon of the two
certificates of Comptroller Olsen. both
of which Informed the city council that
ho had examined the accounts and cash o
the treasurer and had ( aiiM tlio same cor-
root. The court ruled that these certificates
were not competent in the case at bar for
the reason that the certtficato of one officer
that ho had checked the accounts of another
thid not establ'sh the fact of the correctness
of the accounts of the officer so checked up
or oxamineci.
\v. A. Paxton' ' wtla the first witness called
by tiLe defense. lie was questioned regard-
, log what was said by hello anti others in
, _ - _ - , . . . _ '
hlohIn'e 001cc the evening BolIn returned from
Hill's road houo. Ho said ho could not remember -
member what anyone else hind t'iid , but remembered -
membered distinctly what ho had said to
tiollu. lb was not asked regarding what lie
had said , but was questioned closely regard-
log what hind been said while Swobe was
rosent. The witness explained what had
/ trapsplred in the committee room In the
presence of the exports ant some of ( ho
Dondsmen after the report of ( ho experts
had been completed , C. J. Karbach hind
isked flolln about tlio item of $77,700 , and
I3ollti had denied that lie got the money.
I'ho witness also testified on direct examlna-
floit ( lint helm had turned over to him , as
trustee for all of the bondsmen on nil of
his bonds , a large amount of real estate , but
Iho defense did not follow up thIs evidence
by asking thin witness why the Property
bad been ttirnctl over.
FxperL Wottling was called by thin defense I
sod testified to the fact brought out In hIs
$ tatoinent. yesterday regarding the Item of
fl7.700 , repeating the statement made at that
( line to the effect that tlto lroceed from ( Ito I
saio of these bands bad brett deposited in the
attoiial Ilank of Coinmcrco and the MerI I
ebariti ? National bank.
The deteiio theit catted J. W. Fend to ( Ito
itand and he tlentlfled an account current
made by liliti July 10 , 1895 , showIng the bat-
InCeil In ( ha several funds and ( ho amount
of funds deposited In each of thto several
batii < s fls sliowit by the bank balance bobks.
The defense thieii offered In evidence tIm
CaNhi book s'howlng that the respective grad.
log dIstricts tncliidetl In the bond tsouo hind
each been credIted with the vropor amounts.
To thin surprIse of every olin In ( tie court
room the defense announced that thIs coin.
pleted Its case. flolin tial not been liit on
thu Htand , nini ( ho purpose of ( ho dofensa in
prceentliig evidence whlchi had already been
prt'seiited by the state , coverIng a point not
In dtputu , was not clear. There was no
dlputo about ( lie bonds havIng becti sold
and about the proceeds , $77,700 , havIng brett
deposited In cIty banks. Thu duplicate entry
of $77,700 , about which sit tlio dispute was
centered , was not touchicti upon by the dc-
In rebuttal thin ttato called Ixpert lVott-
iliig. 110 testified ( lint the account current
Identified by Fend , shio\vetl on its taco a
I gihortage lii the city funds of 120.000 and a
shortage ht ( Ito school funil of' $24,770.27 ,
This statoinelit IOeiiiItl to "rattlo" the the.
tctiso very much and a hasty consultation
Was hold , after which \Vettli ! was excuscil '
lthout cross.exainination cud Fend wat , Fe. 0
railed by the defetise. Ito tettifleti tlitt tlit ii
pliortage lii the ohool fund , as showit by r
Vettltiig , was caiiied by thu fact that , at the '
unto the rcpgr ( was made out , there was In
the city ftiutis the stint of $21,770.27 whIch
belongel to the school district , but which
hail not beeti transferred to ( ho shioot fund ,
Do cross-exantinatlon Ilaltirige drew friii
Iead the statetneilt that the tiansfor of tint
a p21,770.27 front ( Ito CU ) ' (111)116 ) to ( tie school It
treils wouitl ehitiiIy Ito tranferrtiig the
hortago in this cbtooi fund to thin city
ftiiids , iiiakiiit. the total shortage iii both
vchiool and cht ftiiiJti the same as It up.
Peareti before , except that It wolilti appear
in ( tie cIty tunis instead of lii both ( lie city
111(1 school funds. n
ThIs coniplete'J ( Ito taking of testimony anti
( lie court ordered the arguments to Proccoti O
It once. - a
COMMFNCl Tlil AltuUME'r ,
Thin argtiineiit of Mr. flay was concise and
brief. lie dwelt liarticularly upon the site.
iflo Itenia of etitbezzlontent front thin school at
funds , antI upon thin iteiti of $77,700 , explain.
log the matter clearly to ( Ito jury by rcatltng
front the recortla of the ( rcaurer'a otilce.
Day was followed by Mr.'est for the tie-
tense. Referring to ( be charget , of enibez.
Element ( coin tito scnctot tunils , he salt ! the
avitionco showed that every dollar was in the
tiebool funtl , excelt ) the one item of $10,000 ,
vhilcli oil atimtttod wab in ( tic Mtdtantl State
, bank. Ito argued that If ( lie nionoy was all
there , ( hero could certainly Ito no grounds
for chargIng hello wIth hinyitig embezzled Ti
- . 01110 of it. he
' . I akIn ip the Item of 77,70Q West urued I'
tht the notry as It tat I on the
htok % 1I flOColSitty as sit fz't' uf the
aIIIC'lItIt bArged .igninst ( lie sevorsl grading
cPstrr ! , . Ito sail It waultl te vti easy ic
tract Gilt thk entire trattsactioii "If eric
would tale ( ho time ti , do ht , ' but ho didn't
tnk the time. -
Passing to another feature of the case ,
\Vest 'ald there ns no controversy ( hat
there wat a licrtagc in lije city tooths of
$2,0O0 $ , auth lip aeke1 tue Jury It It ! 1
to send Ilenry lIutin to ( tie janlteutlat On
tltl t ; Count lJ1ln had given a good band ,
lie satil , and tlto taxpayers would itever lose
a cent as ( lie bonclenien were some of ( Ito
Lest hi011 of Omaha. TIiI amount , he
said , was niade up of advances to city em-
ploycs and ottis-rs vIio were entitled to to-
celvo money trout the city , together with
other Items s hitch hnJ , , lrico been 1mW.
lttforrtng to ( lie i'lips in the cash drawer
charged to tiullit.'eit argued that the
fact that the siipt were lilaced in the drawer
iis a irouf that liollti had no criminal
Thu reliabIlity of the experts was touched
upon In cloi'lng anti tlto errors which \Vise
hind nihinitted having made were commented
111)00 nit itliowing that ( lie evitlenco of ( lie
cxperts % % ts not to he tiepondeti on.
After a Mior ( recers Attorney Mactarlanil
romnienced his argitnient , opening thin
same tragic exclamation which character.
ized ( lie opening of his argument at the
first trlaI "Crucify html crucIfy Win !
are ( he 1 % ortla hich come to us down
through the centuries of the world's lila.
tory. " Ills argument was addressed to the
sympathIes and prejudices of ( lie jurora
and frequent references vcro niaiie to ( ho
effect a convIction woulti have "upon his
ntiiiest dying wife and his little oties. " As
itt ( he former trial , Macfarhand tarteti upon
a personal statement , explaining thiy he ap-
peai'ed in the case antI dilating ulton ( lie
abuse vhicii had been heaped upon him.
% 'tieti ( liii. hiatt continued several momonta
( ho county attcrney objected to ( lie coutisel
( Iraggltig In matters not lii evidence. Judge
linker notified Macfarlanil ( hat lie would
bo confined strIctly to ( lie evIdence and
must not bring In outside matters.
Macfarlarid objected very strenuously to
itoing confined to time evidence , but the court
was firm anti after several sharp passages
Macfarlanti contiiiued lila argument to time
jui'y , It wa.t painfully evident that lie aas
greatly nonpttisseti by this ruling , lie stunt-
( tied along anil ilcuntlered about hlko a ship
aithout a rudder. lie soon drifted back
litto hits ersoiial explanatoa and was agaii
catted down by ( lie court. It was several
inhiitlte3 before the effect of the seconti scor-
log worn away and ( lien Macfarland took up
( lie ovitlonco nod dlscusted it.
itefeerlog to the shortage , lie admItted
there wits about $20,000 whlch'iiad not been
accouitt.l for , but this might be easIly ox-
plalneti by the fact ( lint Ilolln' salar3 for
his entire terni amounted to ( hits sum. The
state hail sliowit that warrants for Iiohtim's
salary had been drawn and stamped "paid , "
but the titato hatl miot shown , lie said , ( hat
Ilohimi ever got the cash oim them. The sum
of 20,000 might also be accounted for by
the slips , etc. , founti In the cash drawer.
There was no evidence , he said , that thmeae
clips hind mint slnco been paid ,
Thio eXprt canto Im for their share of at-
( elition , but tu ) reference to ( bent , as coin-
paretl wIth tIm vicious and merciless on-
slauglit at the formiter trial , was as a sum-
mner zephyr compared with a violent ( or-
undo. - Their work was reviewed atiti ( he
jury was cautioned that ( lie experts "mlgbt
bo mi'saken. "
It was argued that the city or school
board could itoh possibly boo anything If
there was a shortage In any fund. The
bonds wotild cover every poaslble loss. "What
pqssibio use Is there , " said Macfarlanti , "of
sending Henry flohin to the penItentiary ?
It will not (10 ammyono any good and will
only servo to mm him. "
At tIm conclusion of Macfariand's argu-
itient Judge liaker announced an evening
session , comumneiiclmig at 8 o'clock.
\Vhten court convemmed at S o'ehock last
evening , County Attorney Baldrtge corn-
mnenced the closIng argument In the case.
After explainimig to tlmo jury in detail the
several counts in thme intormmiatltai amid their
relation to each other , I3aldrlgo dIscussed
the several checks , which had been inro-
duced in evidemlee , and shOwed how these
checks proved that Boltn , within hem titan
sixty days after taking poession of the office -
fice , ittitl comnnianceI , hits peculations , anti
had contInued thitWo acts duriimg his enttre
term at short Intervals. thto amount. shown
to have been baken during ( ho first six
months betimg about $10,000 , Ono after another -
other , Baldrigo picked up these telltale
chocks anti clips , commenting upon eaclm In a
clear anti concise mwziner , makIng a telling
array of tue nmost damaglimg evidence.
PassIng to the othier evIdence. hlaldrhge
dIssected the testimony anti explalneti ( ho
entIre transaction to the jury In a clear
and forcible manner.
At the conclusIon of Ilaldrige's argument
Judge Baker was about to instruct the jury ,
when Jean Schctns , one of the jury , requested -
quested , on behalf of hIs associates , ( hat
the charge to the jury be deferreti until ( his
morning , amid the request was complied with.
: iiox'I'RztJ.tlA AGAIN.
New LtJCSItiOfl for tin' ILeuIViiel Jt'nd
or's 'i'renp.uire Saul to h1t till ishittiti.
PerIodIcally a report Is cIrculated by a
local syndicate of gamblers , says time I'ItII-
adeiphia Times , that Montezuma's hidden
treasure has been located. Pleat It woe reported -
ported that thin treasure was on some one
of the Islands oft ( he coast of Lou Angeles ,
butt after the schemers learned that they
wotmlti not be permnttted to make of the island
a mnodormi inferno on the style of Monte
Carte , ( hey now locate the treasure on
Tiburon ( Whale ) island , In the Gulf of Cali-
fertile , Mexico. Tim island is Inhabited by
a tribe of cannibal Indians called Serls. The
syndicate attemptetl to organize a company
af Aniorlcans In Arizona to cross over and
wipe out the Indians , ofterimg each man $50
a mmuontli anti 20 acres of land If Ito stir-
rlved. Thuo scheme faiteti , The Arizonians
had heartl of the nuimierous expeditions thma (
1exico hiatt sent to ( Ito mmian-eatlng lolamid
tvhlchu did not return , Now the bait Is matlo
more alluring by locating thin stmpposeti Im-
nense treasures of Montezuma upon the
slan'i. The chief lronmotcr Is mow operating
romn Mexico , and propesei o fit out an ox-
edltion to be taken to ( lie island ott a
; chiooner. The schooner Is presumably to
ako away the gold.
Tim "well-tiuthienticateti legend" Is a fiction.
fontezuma mmever left the City of Mexico ,
elther thu ammy of hum lIeutenants. lie bind
10 "great treasures of gold , " as is popularly
tmpposeti , amid if them hiati beep any in the
oftcrs it. is htnrtiby voaaibte that Cortez would
been o blInd as to let it escape him , for
hat km what he was after-this main object of
ilti contiueSt. Stmppostng ( lint Montezuma tliti
mave "muntolti treasures , " according to ( mdi-
iou , them were plemity of niotmntoin caverns
1041 oter places to bury t witout battling It
evomal lmuntireti tithes. In eouthmi'estemn Art-
: ona them Is a deep pool of water called
'Montezimimia'mt ' % Vnlh , " auth it is stated in an
authenticated legemiti" that Montezuma carted
its treasure all ( lie way fmoimm Mexico anti
Itiiiipeti IL into thilo pool. hence Its imamne.
lor several years this 'yiithicate , one of
'biom is en ex.federal ofhicer vhio does a land-
( lice lmusinras as a gaiiibler. hiss been en-
leavoring to get an ii'laiiti for a gambling
sort , About a year-ago Mexico made a
oik 1aiiui to the clmaimm of Islamids oil the
outhermi California coas ( It is I
ow lehiovei tat. ( hose fellows had
minced some of the Mexican olhlciato
a set tip this claim to see how j (
'oulti take , But the tJnied ( States gave it
a attiution , The lrincltmal mover of ( his
ilantl amnbhing resort , Johmit Bratlhury , Is a of thi two brothiers who own
atallima lalonti , a sumimimmer resort ( wenty.flve
tiles off the coast opposIte Los Angek ,
'hey brlieved that If Mexlej' couttl success-
illy claini the Islands they could make. of
atalina a gambling resort. Failing , they
ow ( urmu their attention to Tibumon island ,
I the Gulf of CalifornIa , lmavitig liurchiased
r leilatti it froni Mexico , if these iroinoters
ecQmm1iaIiy the expedition the public vtll rest a
itly. . t
-U- -
F'iiils in . ' .
Jewels are the fail in l'aris. They are
rung In garlaimds over a liauidsrne bpdico ,
id the very latest idea Is to IavD the ma. a
minI ahimiost covered with thorn , A hianti'I
inn whiito satin gown recently wont at a
II in I'aria was emmibroldered with pearls ,
termuated with small diammionds. The shoulder a
iitis , him of the square iieck anti also the it
ickle coittalnetl miiany large diammionds , and
0 bodice oumabommo everything elite In time
oina , S
- -
If _ iti inn't hheii % 'i'll I
IkO a book uiid read In the electrIc IlgItWil b
rlts ( of ( ho Chicago , Milwaukee & St. n
ul Ity , Ctx UCkOL uli1ce 101 Famnain at. c
Methodists at Olevelanti Have a Most Exciting -
ing osion.
' 4'oiuan ttiicit lntm htnhit ll , tgnimm nitil
1'l ii' ( lie COlt fereliep I tutu
ilL A isicry hicitti to t'iitl
( if liItterncNs ,
CLEVELAND , May 8-The Methodist
general conference has stow been well
tamted in the Immass of importaumt business
imichm is before It. The lay delegates arc
showing ( heir purpose to curtail , if iossble ) ,
tIme powers vested in ( lie mmiinlsters and make
thin conduct of chumrchi affairs immure denmo-
cmatic. That issue was raieetl totlay lii Due
forumi in committee amid sill doubtless be
( lie cause of more titan one hot debate on
the floor of ( lie conference. The general
coinlmi'ttces are in aet'aiouu every afteraooii
anti today was begun ( lie consIderatIon of
( itO ProPos tion to increase the nummiber of
biahiopt. The colored Methiotlss ( want a
bishop of their own atid so does China. It
Is lironosed also to lighten tIme labors of
( lie four older bIshops who were appointed
iii 1872.
Thierc vnit a marked falling otT in
the attendance this morning. Illlmoim
Hurst IirSltled amid ( lie devotional exercises
were conilumctctl by 11ev. S. Vt' . Thoiiias of
l'lmitadelpliia. Dr. Ackermimaum of Aiabnumia lire-
senteil resluiioiis ( biankitig ( lie mmiayor atutl
city council of Cleveland for ( lie cordial imian-
tier of ( heir greeting to thu delegates ,
"For all your kinti words amid lovlimg. fra-
ternah deeds , " declare the resolutlotia , "we
most sincerely tItanIc you , anti we will ever
pray timat upon you and yours time richest
blessing of heaven mmmay continue to descend
amid that tIme atreatly splendid comiuinerclal ,
socIal , educatIonal antI eccleslactical achieve-
mnonts of your city may ever be multiplied nit
hum nti red-fol ti. ' '
No sooner hind the resolutions bcui adopted
by a rising vote titan ( ho woman tiucetion
catile up amid caused a good (10111 of trouble
botlm to delegates anti BIbop Thirst ,
Mr. Morris Sharp of Ohm preseiietl ( a reso-
hutton to excuse the womnemu tlelegates in that
( hey has'o relliittumislietl ( heIr seats and that
theIr expenses be paid to the date of ( heIr
witlitirawal. The resolution also called iii
their main reserves
Dr. Neely of Philadelphia presented a sub-
stittmto lii which ( ho women were Invited to
renmairm as honored guests of the conference
anti their expenses ordered paid ,
Dr. Cranston rose anti asked for a rutting
by the chair ama to ( lie liresent statuts of
women in ( ho conference.
Ihitihuop thirst decitled It was not a point
of order , but was a matter of imiterpretatloui
for time body and ruled that Dr. Neely had
( hue floor.
Jumat after Dr. Neeiy began speaking Dr.
Frisluiger of Penmisylvania appealed from ( lie
tlc'cision of the chair on fir , Cranstomi's poimit.
Bishop iiumrst iUt time question as hieing on
the appeal of Dr. Crantson anti great confusion -
fusion existed. A motion to lay ( lie entire
nmatter oil the table was bet by a vote of
218 to 104. Dr. Kynet ( raised time jmint of
ortler thmat the question had been improperly
put , but Bishop hut-st held that Dr. Ne-ely
hind thin floor amid Dr. ICymiett appealed.
BIshop hurst tlectineti to entertaIn the
appeal , anti a dozen moe-n were on the floor
shouting for recognlion. ( Ilishiop hurst de.
dined to recognize any one. but potmuided
with lila gavel auid she-muted : "Dr. Neely has
( he floor. " Dr. Leonard , Dr. Chiafee arid
oltem-a loudly insisted on ( lie appeal being
put , Bishop Hurst pountled until he broke
hits gavel , Dr. Fristnger insIsted on the
appeal being put , and in this lie was joined
by the entire conference. Shouts to put the
appeal almost drowned out the bishop's
voice , and ( he utmost confumsiomi reigned.
Dr. Frisimtger leaped to his feet and said
if he would not be given the right to appeal
ho wotmld resign.
Dr. Neely' made himself heard above thin
din and said ho desired to withdraw his
hiaPer. Bishop hurst would not permit this
anti the din continued. Dr. hurst would
recognize no one , bitt held ( hint Dr. Neely
hind the floor. Finally , forced by ( he conference -
ence Bishop Hurst said lie ruled that both
papers were before the htoueo , and he would
entertain ( he appeal.
Mr. Sharp asked to withdraw his resolu-
Lion , but ho was not permitted to do so. Iii
the midst of Intense excltemutent ( ho vote on
( he appeal was taken. The ruling of Ilisliop
Ihuret was suaatned ( by a vote of 223 to 204.
As soon as is was decIded that the papers
were before ( Ito house , Dr. Neely anti Mr.
Sharp both wIthdrew their papers , and thme
immost violent struggle of thin first week of
the conference vas over.
The lIttle storm over the womnan question
having paed over , J. lit. ICings of New
York presented a reaolution. Time docunacnt
was directed aga'nr ( the use of federal mooney
by the Roman Catholic church and Lts read-
log \vas frequently imiterruptoci wIth applaure.
It was unanumimousy adopted without discus
Thin resolution opposed tim practice of ccc-
tartan appropriations for huidtan education.
It atates that ( hits gemuerai conference , representing -
senting time mnemnbcrshmip anti constituency
of the MetliodLet Episcopal church ,
reiterates its convictIon that the
euro for the sectarian and ecceelas- !
( teal aggressions is to be found in ( hue adoption -
tion of time proposed sIxteenth amnendment to
time United States constItution , drafted arid
promulgated by thin National League- for ( ho
Protection of American InstitutIons , It is
tlirecteti ( hint a recorti of thIs action be
prommmptly forwarded to ( ho secretary of ( be
Dutiteti States semmate , time secretauy of the
house of repree-entativos anti to ( lie secretary
of the interior \Vauuhmlngtomi. . This
com'ferenco thirects ( lint the slgnatumremt of its
presitient and secretary be signed to this
action ,
After the transaction of other routine bust-
ness the convention adjourned ,
The committee on constItution is con-
aitlorlmig a pcjposed miew article of tIle con-
mutitution , relating to lay delegates , time general -
oral intention bctng to make it muntilclently
liberal to nteet the wishes of ( hue general
conference regarding ( lie admission of women.
Another meeting of lay dehegates wait hmehmi
tonight to discuss tIme miiinisterlal ( him limit.
A resolution was introduced providing for a I
flexible arrangement controlled by ( lie bishi. I
ops , but after beIng debated for sonio ( imo
It was laid out ( ho table , Time sante fate be-
tell a resolution to malco the timmmcm limit
three years , Thin mneetimig adjourned without
hiavo accoumiplisheil anything ,
Thi& platform meetIng in ( ho armory to.- I
rmlgbmt was under the aulpices of the Meth- ,
oihiv ( Hoard of Elucation , Addresses were
matie by Rev. Dr. J , Fl flrpwn of ( birnmnoq
Theological institute , Atlamuta , Ga. ; Rev. Di' ,
C. II. I'ayne , the secretary o the ilcard of
Etlumeatiomi ; Bishop Warren. the projector of
Denver UniversIty , mimI Bishop hurst of ( lie m
American university , Among the meetings
of ( lie standing comummntttees this afternoon ,
that of ( lie comimmltee on ephacopacy , was 1
( lie amiost Important , brim protested against a
Lho proposed retiremnemit of Mlssiommary IJtshop
rhoburn , amid time hIachimg , of a regular
lshop in lila stead , On ( Ito otbuer hand , China
sod Japan asked for permnanent resident
bishops with full Episcopal authority. 3
The colored Mehedivts aeked for a bishop
at thmelr own , and said. they hail a muon ciii-
nontly llted for ( ho Imlace , TImey refer t
itey , Dr , J , B. E. hIoweu , presIdent of clam-
non Theological intitutu of Atlanta , Ga ,
A m'esolutlomi was introduced providing ( hat
he senior group of bialmopo be permitted to
10 arrange their vork as to be able to pass u
lie rt'mainimmg years of their live-a in ease
Intl coniforfr. The proposition Is (0 provIde
hem suitable salaries , , 1mm view of theIr serv.
re-a , amid allow tue-nm to select their own
ilace3 of resitlenco , after the other anti umwro
ctive bishops have dIvided tbelr owa work , a
rhie senior bishops were apimoirotod in 1872 ,
Intl are all of flue-ui ehl at.iyancetl iii years ,
hey are , Bishops Boa-juan of St. Louis , U
lerrili of Chicago , Andrews of Now York It
ntl Foster ct liostou , They object to ( Ito g
cticmi proposed , desirIng to mentain in the a
arne's. 0
Thin committee on temporal economy dea
ideil to submit to ( lie coumicrenco a propo.
ition curtIhing ( lie Iowers of time ministers ,
rhich wilt probably be opposed by ( lie latter.
his Is to time effect ( hat hereafter it shall C
0 tmnderstonti that ( lie congregatons , and
ot ( lie niiuitstors , shall clioose ( lie local
hurch officers. It. has been the mmactlco to
. have thin clans Ic. . ' ma a ; trite I by thie
mImmitrs , nut I In tlir1 tm-ths f the
churches the pasora mnak Ott ! 1im's t whmni
tlmCy want for steiards .anl trums'ees , and
delegates are cimosrm by time ineuuibera.
hte' . Ir. Moore says the fuar wtmen delegates -
gates have decIded not ( a i'eaume thielr seats
In the contercnce. though they'are probably
entitled to them. lie and uthiem' ativocatemu
of omcn ilelegatca feel tlmej" have niade a
long etritin towarth their gt'I'lh ' sectmrtng ( lit
vote of a conetitutionslatttIln1ent. _
StmiIli..rmi IlithulINt Cnmivtiitituii ,
CHATTANOOGA , May S.i-rThio Southern
BaptIst convention was called -to order at thin
First liaptiat church by irpIIJent John liar-
olson of Selma , AIim , Tht9 qiil call showed
7G1 delegates present. Judge liamalson anti
Secretaries 1. . MeAmitirewit of I Augusta , Ga. ,
anti E. F. Gregory of ilmultitnoro were me-
elected , Mayor George \ \ . ( Icha anti Dr. It.
Ii. Garrett , pastor of the ' First llapist (
chuuirclm , ulehiveremi addresco of welcomne.
There are over 0,004) isltors anti delegates
present. Wttmntngton , N. C. , wants the con-
ventln next ( Into anti will probably get it.
At ( Ito session this afternoon tIme reports of
foreign anti liommie umtissionmory boortla will be
sumbni i tt etl.
TonIght thin convention emnion wIll be
preached by 11ev. 0. 11. Siakely of Washington -
ton , i ) . C.
lNi)1AN ( ; A3ittII ( ; G.t3ilL
'i'iI ( ' l'itn II ii PM nudNiNlmumni I lt'M i'lmi ed
' 'Siit-IImi't' ' tO ti It'mma
The social event bf thto sean for ( hue
Puyalhup , ( lie Nisqually amid a few \'liito
river limdians has just passed , rays the Ta-
coral he3ger. It aa ( ho annual gambilmig
anti hiorre racing of ( lie tribes , which took
imlaco on the Nisquatly reservatlomi , Time fee.
tivtties began Saturday anti ta.rted u.nll Momi-
day morning , when ( hey ceased , amid a liroces.
slon of ( lie mnoct tired Immtiians that time 1)001110
along tIme route have seen lii muaiiy a day
started back to tIme l'uyahiup reservation.
They hero mm laurels , it is ( mite , but then ( hey
hail their Imotiles amid blaumbets , which at one
tune dtir'iig the gatobllng they canie disas-
troiisly near losIng.
The sport took place at a gambling hotms
kept by Jin Dhmrood , a Nisqualiy Indian ,
anti located in a clearimig mive acres tim cx-
ttsit on the right bank of time Niaqually river ,
fotmr muiile above Maxneld station , where the
Northern Pacific crcsres the river. The game
plityeti by tIme Iimdiaums is called ' 'eta-had , "
and vniu actively participated Lii by thirty
l'uyallups , five White river Imidimimis crud
t'mirty Nisquallies , ( lie \Vliite river Imidlans
layimts with the l'ttyallup' . Time stakes put
UI ) by cccli silo were seveiiteeii , one
cow aiitl ten llgS ,
It was in ( hits gaunbllng lmoumse last Satimr-
tiny afternoon ( lint Jack Skaumienke , time
leather of time Nlo'.itmally gamblers , stood imp
amid began singing ( lie low , dirgc'-lie song
wluiclm forms part of the ceremony , amid then
hmamided the bones to one of his mmmcmi. The
liumlian took ( lie bones , fitntbled anti changed
( lioumi , and ( lien , tinkling a buto tightly ccii-
cealed Ln either hand , began swIngIng tiienm
for a vary Puyallump to guess which hand
cdmitained thiovlilo One. The gambling was
in full progress. TIme scene was a strange
one , well vortiiy ( lie brtmrli of a Frederic
ltomningtcii or any \vito Indulge a liking for
the wild and fantastic. Tue bright wootl
flre were but-ntimg 1mm either end of the room.
Ten feet frorn the walls two rows of Imicilami
muon were kneellmig tiowim , facing each other ,
heaving a space of ten foot between them ,
In cite row were Puyallup arid \\'hiite river
Inthlnn , and in ( hue other were Nicqumallies.
Iii tue center of the- kneeling rows of Imidians
vere ( Ito leaders , Tommy Lane for tue
I'uyalhtmps and Skamenke .for .tlie Nisqimallies.
Back of the kneeling bucks were benches
mututning ( ho entire length of ( Ito room. On
these sat the Indian women of thio respective
tribes , who vatchted the var'ing fortunes of
( lie players with mutest intent imiterest ,
Stuck in ( ho ground iq semi-circular form.
in front of bothi Lane and Skamnenice , were
thuirty-fivo small wootlen pegs about three
inches in length arid one-qumarter of an imich
In diamneter. These were 1me "beans , " and
vhieut one side won ( lie thir3'-ftvo belongiuug
to the other the gaune0and'pot were also
Suspended from the neck of each Indian
player , and huamugin In tran of his breast ,
was a hmandkcrchutet. beneath whichi lie- deftly
concealed hits hands whin,1thio bones were
given huimn to owing , . , m- , .
The bones mnontioned arq1tbtroe incites in
honth and otto inch , lii diarqcter. One of
tht tn is perfectly whiIto. tie , other one has
two black rings around it. Each of the
headers line two sets of bones , but only one
sot is used at a time. TIle gauno proceeds
Os follows : The leader of ( lie dde whose
turn it is to play chants a sing-song in-
camitation to bring luck , thin aquaws join-
lug in ( hits inusjcal ( ? ) effort , anti the bimcktu
alan if they wish. Two of huis unemi are thtemm
desIgnated by the leader to shake time bones ,
which are grasped by the player , one in
either hand , and both hamitls are placed be-
neatlu the handkerchief hiamigiimg over his
breast , where lie fumbles time bones , shifts
them about front hand to hmanmi to confuse
those who are keenly watching him front the
other lde , anti time-n , suitidenly tirawlmig time-itt
from beuteath ( lie handkerchief , begins swing-
log ( item to the right and left in front of
him. The loader of the opposite side th n
guesses himself or names one of his mnen ,
whom hue thinks may be ( lie more lucky , to
stress which swinging hand contains time
white bone. If the guess is correct tIme
leader of time side which is playIng-not
guessIng-pulls oneof thin beans front tue
grouinti in front of hun and teases it over
to thin leader of the side which has matte the
correct guess , Thin "bean" is taken by tIme
wirmmier and stuck In the ground with tIme
other beans belonging to hIs side , The be-ties
are also to be passed to thu guessing side ,
whioto turn It becomnes to play.
Providing ( lieglueas Is incorrect ( lie side
making it toes a bean over to the ltie
playing , and the man who has shialcen time
sticks has ( lie right to shako ( Item agaimi ,
while his opponents mnahce nuiothmer gimess.
hioth sets of bommea were gueasetl upon by
time name titan at theonino Unto. If Ito
guensed ( ho white of one and mnisimh time-
other he won a bean anti one pair of bones ,
but host a bean upon thin otluem' set , which
ian almaken again for him to 'make another
Dices. In this manner the 1)00CC aitti beans
wore consbmmtly passing hack amid forth from
no eide to another with thin varying luck of
tIme different slthe. Saturday's game ended
In a draw.
Ii'IsII CAXO'i' itia IIECrIIYEI ) ,
Ihme- \mti't liiU. ii t - ( ' ( ) ( ' $ lIOic ,
It't'ii 'Ihiogl , it iIsg muse Itt 'uYurti.
A lh'hming party hind been organized anti
Qadsby , vhio was ama ardemit discIple of ( be
rod amid liar' , hind gone ahmeati on ( lie early
train , re-late-s the Detroit Fmeo Press. The
later arrivaLs vero hurrying along the roati
to ( lie- stream which was to be- ( Ito scone of
"I wonder it Gntlst)3' ) line he-ft any flem ! for
Lis to catch , " salti oneof tiucmn.
"I gueso the-re with he a few , " replied an-
) thier , "I'd have got discouraged long ago
f I had been in hits Place. 'i\'lten lie drops
1 line in time waer time fish all sec'mui to turn
uroumnd and run thin othiOr way. Who's that
omuiing imp time road , I wonilor ? "
"I tioii't know. h.ooks odd , whoever it is ,
( taybo it's arm escaped hmuic. "
llumt when thto tlgurcm' ihicsv nearer they
'e'cognlzed it. It was Gnqlmy , Thin chano
hint imad carrie over htiia owever , se-enmcd
0 ftmlhy justify the lurmiI heary. He was
tamofooteci anti wore a battered , big brimmneil
traw hat , A pair of : dnrm , earth-stained
rotmsemmJ anti a gingliammi , smtr ( coimipleteul an
iiro which on a moan nt.Cadsby's pitoctil-
ous ( ante was mntumo than tmmyo'terlous.
"What In thin minnie of'commnon cerise hove
mu been doing ? " asked nnq of hits friemitle
0 tommes of tIm mnost. nmtious concern ,
'Iluivo you gone staring , . niati ? "
"No , " vas thu reply , i'L'oit not crazy. "
' \'hat are you lookingJik ( lila for , then ? "
"I've boon trying to capge my luck , I've
card people say that flhi 4td not possess
great ( heal of Iuttelligcn , If anybody ever
ella you that hon't you qfvo 'cia. I caine
Ip here ahead of you imecI4iio try an exper-
ment , l'vo uaen there : 'cqummtry hmoyma got
1(0 after bite , wlmilo I did nothing but hiammg
ny feet over the water amid look so often
hint I resolved to try a new mncthuod , I got
hmeso clothes and a bent pin for a hpok
nil baited with a conminoim worumi. "
'tAnti you dIdn't catli anything ? "
"Not a thing except ama eel , Anti as soon
S ho sa'i whi9 I was lie wriggled off the
ank and got away. Tiico scIentists know a
re-at tIe-al , but % vheut it comes to taiking
bout ( Ito lntchigenco of dali they are away
It , I've tried ( lie experiment amid I aiim iii
positiolu to speak , You can't fool 'em. "
'l'ime "I'ris I it t ii mu t It ii mis imim ' 4I rime"
ml the Burlington's "Vestibuied F'yer" ' for
Leaves Onialma-5:0O : p. mu ,
Arrives Clilcago-8:20 : a , rn
Tickets at. 15Q2 Famnarn etreeL .
- -
= = - .
- - -
- - - -
- " - -
- - - - -
. .
i\Vtj.X > : <
r4 . . 0- .
r < < r. < i x - < r < . tw
: -x ' : 1x' ' 01.k' ' ;
, xTh
't . An Undershirt for 25c.
I ! > ' X : ( - _ _ - - - - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
k ; ! : . .
It's no exti'aorclwary thing to get a natural mix- '
'i ed baibriggan undershirt for SOc--and at the
- same tiiic you don't-as a rule-get them for
k- ( less-These arc the 50c sort for 25c-drawcrs
, j" " : .
same price ,
. . , ,
I ' :1 : ' he dollar quality inFrench finished clouded 1)albtlggali is '
50C tomorrow.
F :
w , : : ' : i- '
ahi '
' < i' ' , dt.\ > 't.t.)4 1 < ' U1. 0 ' : "tI : tt- , . < t.\- \ t..t % \ Ii _ < t- <
Mrs. May D. Tmuax line iumztituuteti pro-
cee-dinga in ( Ito district court for a dIvorce
front her imumobamitl , Chmarcs Trumax , ahlcgimmg
abuse. For somtue timno past ( lie Truox
family has licum keeping a cigar arid frmuit
store on lower N street , amid for fear ( lint
her husband wouH dispose of thin property ,
which is valued at $1,000 , Mrs. Truax has
obtaiuioti an i.rmjtmnction from the court , pre-
vomiting Truiax fromu disposing of tIme hroilertY
'titttil the care Is heard mmext Thursday. Mr.
Truax tried a milplit or two ago to get
ahteati of huiH wife by giving an ox-constable
of Onmaha a bill of sale. DurIng ( Ito event
i'g the comistable hmireti a coriple of wagomis
anti waited across ( hue street front time store
for Mrs. Truax to clo.a up amitl go Imomimo.
'rhien he lntemide opening the done with a
key belonging to Mr. Trtuax amid takimig away
( lie stock , The comisiable grew lonesommie
amid fmtally trtmck up a conversatioti with a
stranger , vlio was hoiterimig alcng time street ,
amid told hint all about time- case , amid what ime
intentled to tie as soomu as Mrs. Trtmax went
home. The "stranger" hmappeuicd to be Mrs.
Truax's attoriley , and lie soon managed to
leave the ex.consatbio anti got worl to his
client. Mrs. Truax ccitt to her home for
betiding a.d a couple of mmeighbors , amid
mnuch to time astonishmniemi ( of ( lie ex-comista-
ble , slept itt the store all night , and till
comitinues to do so. The constable is kicking -
ing himself for talking zo mutuch to eangers.
Sit I atg fur 1)osr 'lax.
clerk and hits bonds-
henry Dltzen , ox-city ,
macit , have been cued by the city to recover
$240 , whIch it to alleged Ditzcn collected for
tiog tags during his term of efilce and failed
to turn into the ctty treasury. The case is
to be called in time district court next Man-
tiny. Ditzon's bomidamnen are T. J , Eggore ,
John Frey , and flalthias Saumtter. The bonds-
macn set imp as a defcaso that they are not
liable , as it was the duty of ( hue city ( reas-
urer to collect time- money for the dog tax.
Clerk Dltzemi was under a $1,000 bcn1 , amid
he does not think he caum ha held for performing -
forming a duty which devolved upon ( lie
treasurer. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Muscle Cit ) ' Gossimi.
Janmes Cumnmmmings of Talmoago is here looking -
ing after lila Property.
Tim Current Topic club will mcet this
evening at time High chmooh.
Mrs. A. Bowers hiatt retmmmnttd from Aimburn ,
where ahe- went to visit with friends.
George Stewart of Sheritlan. Wyo. , ii , iii ( lie-
city attending to some business matters.
A. Skeleton of Long Island , Ian , , was a
visitor at the- yards yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. It. A. Carpenter amid Miss Jennie
Graham returned last evenimig from Olympia ,
Mrs. E. C. Morris , Twenty-fourth and J
streets , who has been sick for seine ( tine , is
niuchi better.
D. G. Brown , an olti-timne stock yards and
Board of Trade- man of Chicago , was a visitor
at ( he yards yenterday.
James Sweeney wan sent tip to time county
jail for fifteen tlays on breath and water for
hmlttimmg yotimig Jolmn Bremyton with a brick.
John McMahon , a suspicious character ,
vao taken to thie county jail yesterday afternoon -
noon , where lie will atop for ix days and be
fed on bread and water.
Jophi T. Dulany harm broimghtt his wife front
Blair to St. Joseph's hospital for treatment.
His mother anti baby are etayimig with Mra.
Johip lleleami , Thirty-fourth amiti J etrocte ,
This evening the "Retis" of tim Young
Mcii's Christian association will give an on-
tertitinment In ( lie reception roommms of ( lie
association. Time program is as follow" : Se-
lectioit , male quuamtet recitation , Otto Brown ;
vocal e-3lo , E. G. Rozzelie ; origInal readimug ,
WI. . It. DummrOy violin lo , Frank Slabaumgh
atidree3 , 4 % . It. Murdock ; selection , male
quartet. _ _ _ _ _ _
i' ( I'l"J' 1I3R 'I'/tLICS A 110(1'S' lt.tiLitOitIS.
'rlitmuis OmumiltitVili Stmnu iiii-'e Aim-
tithi t'r iOssterii Cimmi.Iitui.
Arthur S. I'otter , president of ( ho Omaha
Bridge & Terminal company , has me-
turned to the cIty from a month's trip in
Florida. To a lieo reporter lie said that thin
( rip was one for pleasure only amid that lie
thu not stop at alt iii Plmllatlolphiia and oaly
a few rmiinutes in New York City. Ito is
looking mmmcli better anti stronger titami wimeui
ho heft. anil salml that lie was feeling mtiuchm ito-
proved in health.
lIe i'atti that lie thought Omnahimi woiultl be
opened to time east by saute zion' ratt'ay con-
nc'ctiomia at an early date. Time syndicate
which recently hiurchased the Omaha & St.
bottle road woimltl soon build a line filling in
thin gap between Pattonsbumrg aumtl Trentomi ,
Mo. lie saitl that ( lie matter hind been hang-
log fire since last December , butt now everything -
thing iras settietl , Ito thought it likely ( hint
a line woultl also ho constructed bewcomi (
Quincy amitl Iiesrdstown , Ill. , comimiecting with
( lie Baltimore & 01mb * 'ystemn at thin hatter
point , Time Santa Fe system would be mumet
at Ilurdlanti , Mo , , anti time route fromo Omaha
to Chicago via thin Santa Fe would be ommly
twenty-five untIes hanger than by thin Ilurlimug-
( eu route , _ _ _ _
ItUNXlG 'I'1ahl ltllUCli ) OIl IAY.
( t mild , . Iri'ighit 'I'rim I mm Ser'iet' hot t'vt'm
flinmi hit ii miii Nt-tv 'York ,
Etlmnunti Keane , asaistant general freight
agent of tIme Baltimore & Ohio Soutimwemmemn (
railway , caine up to Omnabta from St. Louis
yesterday and after consultation with tIme-
Missouri Pacific freight othicials here , macb
arrangements for quicker ircighit semvce ho-
( cen Now York City anti l'hmiiadelphmla and
Omaha , that will prove of great interest to
local businesa moon who receive freight imouum
time east. Effective Monday next , May 11 ,
( Ito Continental Freight line will make time
distance between New York City and Onmahma
in ninety-six hours-four days , 'rite- beat
tIme now niade its live days , while seveim
days is not umicominon , Time Continental
Freight hue embraces thin hlahtiinore & Ohio ,
and ( he Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern sys-
( ems , and operates nto Omaha over the Ma-
sourl Pacific line
Ien I ha of .11 rs , Fl reHotie ,
Lact night word wits meccivetl mmnnouncins
thin death at Coluunbuum , 0. , of Mmii. Firestone -
stone , wife of C. I ) . Firesione of time Column-
bus Buggy company , Mmmi. Firestone hiatt
many friends iii Omnmmhua 11cr funeral wiil
occur today , The Omnimhmuc otticu of thi coin-
pany will be closed todays
, J.t'lC ( ) 'I'll tAb IS XI.t1t iV 0' , h21t ,
Argmitum'ma't of tim' Al totmie s iii dime
Cti 't C ( 'ti mu mit , ' ii . 'u' Iti iii ti t'
Nfl\\'l'OhtT , Ky . , Miiy 8.-Thin emmtl tmf time-
Scott Jackson trial i mmon' near at lmanth ,
Thin eomnumienwealtli aimmuoummiced ( tile imiornlng
( hint It liati ito moore itnesre , to offer , Cal.
otmel Crawford caileth Captaiim Bamusiem' of ( lie
United Stimtes weather bureau to sliov ( he
state of thin erminer on time muigiit of Jimntu-
amy 11. Title closed time tceimtioruy ito the
During the trial (1w prosectmtlon czmhied
seventy-three witnesses , 'I'hie dofeiuse called
eighty-two , incltmdimmg de-positiomis , Thei'uos -
t.'cimtion , iii m'ehuittimh , coiled forty , amid ( lie
ulefemuso followed vith omie , making a total
of 1913 witmiesses. Time court atljoumrnc'ti until
2 o'clock this afterno3n. Time nrgutuiients
begin toniorrow , anti will alternate , the coin-
mmmonwealhm ( closing ( lie case.
John Seward , the detective who figured
umipleasaittl ) ' in ( liecase. . was nasatmlteti in
time streets last niglut with eggs , thrown by
a lot of yotumig omen anti boys ,
.t very 'exceliemit concert , under time mis-
pices of time Nortliwesteria Scaiitiiumviaiu
Singers' assoclatiomm , was ( lie attracti.jmm at
( lie Creighitoum ( heater last eveuimmg ! , It was
heard by an audiemice that was zatiefactory
both in numumbers and iii appreciation of the
imierits of theprcgmanm. . Thio boxes at ( Ito
rlghmtero occuttiod by ( Ito imiembere of tIme
ety coumtcii , ) 'hmIch hiatt accepted ami invlta-
ticti to lie present , anti both time upper and
lower htoimse- was veli taken ,
Thu singing soeietes have been heard so
frequmentl3' ( lint their imarformimances are too
fresh in muinti to require extemhed mneimtion.
'rime Scantilnavian Singers' society , tiirecteti
by I'rof. Etigren , samig thin "Spring Soutg"
by Lindbhad , The Germami Singing Soc ely ,
conducted by hans Aibeut , remidereti "The
Saiior's Dream , " by Ab ( , and time Swetliuhm
Singing society , also ( IirecetI by I'rof , Ed-
gren , comitributed a weildimug march by Soder-
mmman. Tue Swedish Ladles' chiorims was hmearti
in a niedley of SwedIsh melodies amid tIme-
ScandinavIan Glea chub , under Mr. E. Nor-
din , also rendered a sehecton.
Thin emily mitmummimer that was contributed by
distinctively native talent was by the- Schubert -
bert Glee club. leti by Mr. Lee Kratswhmlcit ;
it sang a double mmumber , which was warummly
received. Miss Moeller sang a mmiixed miumn-
her , consisting of Swedishi and American
melodies , for whhcb Prof. Etlgren fumnisimeti
the harp accotmmpanmneimt , anti C. A. Jacob.
ten sang ( lie "Aria luifehice , " front Erruammi.
The instrumental features consisted of se-
beettons by ( lie Musical Union orchestra , a
flute solo by Olaf I'eteron arid a viohimi nurn-
her by Hans Albert. Mr. Albert playeti omto
of Chopin's rmoeti.mrmmes and tIme"Itomimie des
Lutins , " by Ibazzini , Mr. Peterson played
the "Faust Fantusie , " Imy Goumioti. Time
solos of Mr. Albert anti Mr. I'cterson wore
enthmuslaaticaiiy received and energetically
encored , Thu's was time rum of the ovemmimmg ,
iiois'ever , for ( lie continueti applause that
followed itearly every miumber testified to the
approval o ( ho audience- .
Tomorrow right I'eter F' . Dailey will open
a elite-c-nights engagement at ( lie floymi , amid
( ho sale of coats for nil timreo nights will
comunemmco at 9 o'clock this mornimmg. Evci'y-
body knows "Peto" Jailey its a coumiodinmi ,
who fills houses from Maine to California.
lIla new piece is cabled 'Tiio Night Clerk , "
amid is front ( ito pen of John J. McNally ,
wiio has written all of Mr. lalley's eucceues.
"Time Night Cierk" is said to be by far the-
best play Mr. Dailey has 'ot imad and to be
replete with fun froumi begitmnlng to end. lie-
tam suplortc4 by cute of time best comedy organizations -
ganizations now on ( ito road , 'imicii imiclimilee
Miss Jcnnio Yeamans , John G. Sparks , Ocr-
trudo Fort , Itaymnotid hitchcock , Rita Em-
mnerson , Fretia Depow , hlertie Dyar , NellieV. .
Parcer } anti Reime Strc'tti. TIm Olymumpia
( luartflt will also be a fc.aumro of tItle engagement -
ment ,
Creighiton nimmale hail will be opened tonight
WI Llm an elaborate vauttboylibo performance ,
procanted by we-il known artists , unaimy of
whom have mmtade indiviilual euccessea , during
former appearamiceti 1mm ( bile city , aniaumg i'homu
ale Leroy anti Chaytomi , sketch imrista ( , lImo
flrothiers Iiammtamt , mmmtuu'Icai clowns , Trimly
Sitattuchm amid Leoba Mitimeeli , vocalists , ( her-
( rude llayneo' , rnuisicat artist auth Meters.
Lutz amid i'edersen , mnbolsts. Tim programu
i.iil be changed weekly , introtimmeimig riommo
Luit. high salaried artists of known relmutatiomm ,
amid bouim entertainment and eurmotiimtiiugs
will lie abovereiruach , Alt lathes attemidhmmg
will ho roqimireti to lie accompanied by escoriu.
J'erttoiiii hmohdhumg vent checks ( or Creigimton
theater will be mit.iumiittcci free- .
'rite coumming one-mmighm ( engagement of August
Daly's great conmpany at thin Crcighmoum ( Tees-
thay , 'dn3' 12 , o'ltoiultl prove omme of thm grt'at
local theatrical evc'mits of recent years an
( lit , extmaordlnary tmtiemmts of MIss Atla ltehan
Place that rrcat oerec' in lImo front mamik of
It or lirofess Rum. ' 'i lie'imtummi iig of t lie lu mew , ' '
S'hialcept.'jrtu's mmierriost coiimeti ) ' , will be pro.-
tliictl vithm till time elaborate oftectit amiti by
( Ito E'.iiit ( ' tahcmmtetl commmpmuimy as tiurimmg the
i't'ct'iit successful iireseimtntiomm iii New York
Large theater Parties will atciiti ( trout all
atijact'iit cities ,
Ii tmrra3' amid MacIc , simiuporteil ii ) ' a largs
Coummiiaii3' Of farc'o.commietiy artists , will open a
two-iiiglits emlgagoimuemlt at time Crelghmtomi with
a iiiatiutco temmmorrohirostniuig their iatmgh-
ing sumccess , "Fiuimmlgamm'u. Bali. " 'rho commipany
tnchtmtlcs Oracle Cutmimimigs , thin Lorimug Sisters ,
Etiithm Newton , \\'immitrcti Stevnm-t , tUtu lixon ) ,
Lonnie Ieamm , Cltmytomm E. ' 'hiito , hlert Leslie ,
Charles Laummb antI Vimmcemtt Mine-Ill ,
l'FtLSXt I , l'.tbtAGht.ti'ltS ,
C. E. PrInce , St. l'auul , Miimi , , is a liarkuta
gtmes ( ,
\v. A. Ci'alg , Chicago , is stopping at ( Its
Ii . II. Ilouglttomi , a Cluathrcim attorney , Is itt
time cIty ,
M. V. Nichob.'omi , a Vabenttno banker , is an
Ommiahia visitor.
James A. Iali , Lafayette , Intl. , ia registered -
tered at tIme hlarlter.
hr. n. O'Lymiui of Chuadrcn caumie iii emi this
eveimimig train yesterday.
Judge S. M. Chaputmnmi of I'hattsmmmoutlm was
in the Cit ) ' Inst ovenimig.
E. Cah left last evening for St. Louis
eta a short busIness trip.
J. S.VoodrtmfT of Lamitior , W'yo , , was
aniong Onuuhmit'a visitors yesterday.
Frank It. Wimugfioltl , etlitor of ( lie Crawford -
ford Gazette , Is nit Oimiahmn visitor.
William Stuirgis , a Chmeyonne cattle-moan.
was at cue of the hotels yesterday ,
E. D. Satterlee , a. huotel muman fromn Cliaulromi ,
accommipammicci by his rife , Is in ( liecity. .
P. Ii , McI'hicrsomi , a South Omnahma banker ,
we-mit to Arapaluoe last evemilmug on a buummesi
trip of a few ( lays.
F. It. Lugrit , malinger of agencies for the
Natiommal Life luimutmrnuico company of Hart.
ford , Conmu. , is in time city.
11ev , W. H. Peters of Keystomie , S. D. , is
time guest or Be-v. Dawsomi of Walnut lIlt !
Methodist Episcopai church.
Deimnis O'Neill heft for Chicago last evening -
ing iii rcrponse to a telegram stating ( hint
lila fnthter was dangerously Ill.
Mro. Kimball , wife of Richiarti Kimball ,
who has been visitmmg relatives tim this city
for a Week , left for her homeat Mercem- last
Mrs. J. C. Iloobler belt yesterday for
Jamestown , N. Y. , to attenti the- funeral of
a relative. She will be In the- coat comae
Frnumk Tierney , a stockunan of Broken
Bow , left for homno last eveuting , after dia-
posing of a ( rain load of cattle at South
P. II. White , local agemmt of the Milwaukee ,
stationed at Fairbautlt , Mimmn. , was tr ( ho
city last evenliug on a lmort vtstt with
frki'ids ,
Janice N. Clarke , a pmoimminemit hiar'eer of
Ilastings , Neli. , who has been tui thin city on
a short vtsit with F' . N. Clarke , heft for his
hmonio Inst evening.
1) . C. Woodring , Limicoln ; Joe Wilhiammit , ,
North Platte ; EWtiliam It. Caitill , Grand
Iclttnd , cr1 A. lj. Mitilleton , Hastings , arO
Nebraskans registered at lie hlarhier ,
Ncbrinkamms at time huoteha : J. P. hlrommson ,
Oraim.l Islanil ; Theodore C. Koch , Fimliortont
II. hayes , OakIarl ; Ii. I ) . 'tVatson , Keamney ;
J. II , ltosonkraimii , Ilaigier ; N , W.Vetls
and W. F. Neiuuian , Scimmmyler ; George Reotler ,
Grand Islontl ; 'I' , hI , McCool , McCool ; Goorg ,
S. llayes , hlasttumgs.
LOGtI , htithmVl'I'IES.
Mrs. A. Singer of 1109 Douglas street
tins been ar'reste.i emu a charge of assault
and hattery rcferred by Mrs. A. Jacobs ,
a nelglibtir.
Spontaneous combustion in a paint barrel
belonging to henry Lehmumman , iii the rear ol
119 South Seventeenth street , called thin fire-
macui out last night at 12 o'clock. No dam.
It hiatt herm tiecideth to coumtimmue m'erving thin
regular Saturday evenhmmg tulle d'imoe ( tlinnor
at time Ommihma club tlumritug ( lie- summer
mmmouithuu. 'rite roof gartli'um at time club opens
There will be a special moetimmg of this
Triangle Wheel climb on Saturday evemmlng at
ii o'clock at tbmo Youumg Men's Clmriatinn as-
sociatiumi. 'flie Imiami of formnitg a club to
itumrchimuuio wheels at emit prIces will be dis-
cuoseil. Arm iuhthltional delegate to thin Amtmmo-
caeu.l ( Cycbhumg chums will ho elected anti
other bubineca ( if irnportammco will ho pre-
serutetl , Every Young Men's Christian as-
sociatuii ( whmeclunami should be Itmesent ,
! AL1vLiIJ :
, 1 spg,3
-,3 S I I a
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