Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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- _ _ _ - - . - - _ _ [ . OMAhA DAI1 JiEE : ULSIA ) , MAY 5 , 1
The Mont1a MuIca1 club met ystcr.1ay
with tts , H. C. Cory.
Juttco Cook yetterday unttc1 ii marriage
IMUIC J. Peterson and Elizabeth C. Ilooker ,
both of Sprngfled ! , web.
TIi Granil liotd , Council flitiff ! . high
ca ; In esery repcct. 1tnte. $2.O twr Y
cnd IlpWftt(1. I. F' . Clarke , roprletor.
The Itthkah flollef nspcIatIoji 4o. I will
meet at the honie of Mri. 1. A. S. Snckett ,
1116 ThInt avenue , Wodnoday afternoon ,
May C
1'In were inltc'tj yi"terrfly over all the
. cIiool hotu In the city In commemoration
of th0 100th ar.tlverary of the birth of
hlorice Mann.
There Il tc ft meeting of St. Patmi's
Ommihi ( lila ( Tmmeslay ) aftemnoon at 4 o'clock. at
th' residence of Mr9. B. M. Sargent , 817
' Sccrsih avemmime.
Accorhlng to a report of City AtHiltor
thu expomu'e9 of the cUy government
for April vere $9H5.3C. The total city debt
May 1 wa G34,62O.O9.
* I Owing to the failure of time proectitton
to put Iii cit npenranco Jimdgo McGee yesterday -
day morning thlptI1i3ed tile emnbczziement
cao ngn'i t Anton Weitrhahn.
Mbtmm lrnrtcis Martyn left yeter1InY for
it ; LotiI. where time will hereafter rci(1e. (
Simo at accornpammie ( by Mrs. Mcloweii ,
imo % vIli make her home ( hero with her son
The revival imervices at time Christian tab
ermmaclo Ate being largely attontlei ( and Evan-
gtiht Martin Im doing PlemmL1it1 vork , 1)0th
In ar1i ( out of the pulpit. Aim immonito crowd
1itencd to his sermon on "Itetmnion In
Heaven. " The revival Is hut a wecic old amid
lourteen persons have nlrenly united vith
tim comgrcgatlon. : ThIs week there vIll he
two oervices every ( lay , at 8 In the aftcrnofl
and 745 at night. TimIi evening the pub-
ject will 1)e "how time Thief on the Crosm.
Was Saveth"
Otto Mnrquardt thou yesterday mnorntng
after a very brief ilsuet'9. lie vas in the'
I _ city Sunday mimorulog and onroute homer
tepped at a ctfectlomioy til Itroad'sny.
Wiullo hero lie 'you attacked with paralysis
r anul soon became tmnconpctoums. lie was re-
mnoveul to 1119 lomb on Linco n avenue , and
phyoicans ulid all that was possible to relieve
hint , hut theIr efforts were uiavaiiing. lie
imais beemi In tim employ of Ii. M. Sargent.
flo was a natlvo of Chicago , but was raised
In this city. Lie 'as 22 years of age. Funeral
iervices wtti be held from the rosidommee
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
( las ranges antI service connections at half
price for fifteen days. Call mit company's
7 office for full particulars. 210 MaIn and 211
t Pearl streets. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. \Vali paper cleaned , now process , with
patent right at Miller's , 108 Main street.
Young Etri wanted to assuat at housework.
r Inautre at Ilee
First tv'JiUe It.nitt'ii'e 1tpbbt'ii.
The residence of a .J. Gilbert , ott First
avenue , was rObbed yesterday afternoon anti
a quantity of clothing and valuables taken ,
iiow much has not yet been arcertalned.
Nra. Gilbert left the house between 1 auth
2 o'clock and ( lid not return until nearly 5.
She luau ! carefully locked all the doorui and
\vltit1ovs before leaving , and when clue returned -
turned imo fotiuith time Precaution had been
of no avail , Ito far n protecting houmiehotd
ProPertY was concerned.Viien she opened
the door site vas paralyzed to see the Interior
of the resitionco In a cndltIoui that seemed
N to indicate the itresence of a young cyclone.
Ivcrytluiuig was turned upside down. The
contents of closets had beemi irnlled out
anul ecattered on tue Iloor , and every drawer
In the house lied been emptied on the carpat
itnl their couiteflts carefully examined. The
: house haul beeui burgiarlzed during her ab-
5011CC and thoroughly raniucked front cellar
u to g3rret. The thiovea had effected an entrance -
trance by forcing a rear door , and had au-
parently Spent the' greater part of the afternoon -
noon carefully searching for valuables. The
pcilce were Immmniediately notlflcul , and officers
Were ecnt to Investigate. Time burglars had
loft without leaving a duo to their Identity
behind them. The ( urnleilngs In the roome
vcro m0 thoroughly disarramiged that It was
uhilIlcumit to discover what waa missing. A
hasty inventory only revealed the absence
of a lot of clothing and a small quantity of
Jack Wimittaker reported to the police yes-
tcrday that imI email atore on lhroatiway , be-
tweemi Seventh and ligimth streets , hail been
robbed eomo time Sunday night , antI that
the thieves hail beemi rotvarded for their
p wcrk by eecuring $2G In casi and about 200
cigars , bestdemm a quantity of cigarettes , Entrance -
trance had been iToctcd by prying open the
rCnt door. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
See cur $3 pressure water filter. Nothing
chie'ap about It butt the vrice. Absolutely high
grade. Stcpban liros.
Dr. Cleaver's office moved to 600 Broadway.
stilt flhiitiiig for , Iururs.
It was necessary to Issue two special ye-
fires fer additional urymnen In time dlstrct
court yesterday afternoon. The venire
resulted tn drawing ten citizens from their
buslnes.'m. They were D. W. Sliby , 1107 Fifth
avenue ; W. A. Anderson , 1027 Avenue A ;
Nels Christianson , 923 Avenue hl Frank
Howard , 1319 Eighth streetl G. W. Irwin ,
612 Wasiiiumgton avenue ; George Denton , 803
Seventh avenue ; Robert Stevenson , 1516 FIfth
avemmue ; Charles Bryant , 213 WIllow avenue ;
John Kessler , 1410 Ninth avemillo ; and S. M.
Williamson , 317 North Seventm street , Silby ,
Irwin and Denton were excured.
Time second cult was made when IL was
found that the first bamil hail not caught
enough. It was also for ten. Those drawn
Were : F. Vi' . Itucker , 925 Third avenue ;
George I ) . Rex , 615 Fifth avenue ; 'iv. A.
holder , no address ; Frank M.ller , 1429 Tenth
avenue ; Frank lines , Sixtim street ; C. A.
Saunders , IC Eighth street ; Jommi .1. Itudd.
2202 Avenue I ) ; J. N. Dalton , 1718 South
Eighth street.
Time s1merii amid his deputies ere scurry-
lung around au afternoon Iu an eort to find
the talosnien. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pae'torage-For horses or cattle ; plenty of
shade , salt regularly ; good running water.
Adtlremam Mary Gallagher , Weston , Ia.
I'asturage. L , P. Judson , 929 Sixth ave.
Iliurl of JIt'ii lOi a t % % 'ark.
Chief CannIng , as the executive officer of
time Iloard at health , has detailed Officer
Sherrat to ElCfltl unit of his tIme during
the month of May investigating hack yards
s ammil ahieymm and ether idaces where litter
, anti refuse umiatter accumulate. Time officer
F goes on duty as health inspector at noon
unit worlim , until 7 oc1ock , when ho reports
p for duty on him regular patrol beat , amid remains -
mains there until 1 o'clock In time morning.
For time Purpose of expediting the bust-
ness Chief Canning has gIven Instructions
to miii time oflicers of time force to consitler
inspection of alloys anti other premises as
a part of their regular duty , Tito officers
report tIut condition of time city to be cleaner
than It Iii ordinarily Sound to be 1mm time
t'arly sprimmg time. This is accoumited for
by limo fact that during the whiter there
uvamm very little snow to cover up unsightly
piles of rubbii.h amid kitchen refmmso and coot-
L omen undo kept imeople ! roni piling the stuff
_ iii adjacent streets and alleys.
, \
"I' Io the ICruuiitIiigf
Our prices are rigmt ! Our goods wii :
please you ! II. Ij. SMiTH & CO.
l'aattmrago at Uniion Irlvlng park.
I.m I from mm Lii ( I .1 e'r.
Henry Dale of thu Northwestern local
force ( eli frumn a ladnier Saturday aftor-
Roan arid sustaimij Painful Imuj'Jries , lie uas
! ngagcd in traimmlmug a refractory rose buch
themi time latliler mmlipieI front Its footing
Do time sidewalk amid Mr. Dale was tlmrown
to the rouumiI. One finger was tiislocated
tad ammio Itainful bruises were inmfllctctj uumomi
bia boity. 11mm sa on time utreets last even-
fag , but. wee scarcely abl to walk
Vbeii Baby was slcl vo gave her Qustoris.
Wimemu the was a child , miho cried for Qmztomts.
Vimen she Lmecanio ) Ihs she clung to Qistoria.
p. Whaahu had Cbtlihui , Lite gem's Ilium Ctu.torth. .
Paving for Pearl Street rthally Dedded
Molter of 1i.rfIer Imiprnvt'niemut f
I minI In urn Crs'ek Iteetul s ci. Sonic
utile CnIlsiuIersntiumI-limuINImi
Vuiaiergeummuul VlrCM.
After nearly a year's discussion and delay
the council last miight declared In favor of
repaving I'earl street with vitrified brick.
The reconunenilatloui of the committee of the
whole that First , Willow and Fifth avenues
between Main anti l'earl be imaved
was taken up and discussed at
considerable length. It developed that
all of the lroperty owners on Fifth
avenue were opposed to time iniprovemnent ,
shmlle onVlltow and First avenues time forces
were evenly divided , half desirIng and half
opposing time paving. After a good deal of
uiiscmmssion time council caine to time oplnlomm
of Alderman Ilarstow that time necessity of
pavimig time avenues was as great as that for
repaving I'earl street. The council finally
decided to order time paving of First and \VI1-
low avenues at thu sante time that Pearl
street is Paved.
Time motor comnpany was given pernmllon
to iave between time rails of Its tracks with
Soux Falls granite. Ilonm. George F. Wright
spoke 1mm behalf of time comnlmammys request and
eximialnemi time roasoums for desiring the pave-
mmmemtt 0.1 granIte.
It was nlo decided to go further with time
imnlmrovement of time Indian creek sewer. The
city has already spent $1,000 on the work ammmi
time city engineer reported timat $1,500 addi-
tiommal wouid enable time committee itt charge
to go on and complete the ditch front Nineteenth -
teenth street to the Missouri river anti glva
the creek a better outlet titan It luau had for
ycare. The reconmmnmiendatlon to appropriate
an addItional $1,500 was concurred In.
Complaint was mnamhe timat Garbage Coni-
tractor Iientoum was "woiflng' time city , and a
comnimnlttee u as apooijmtNl to investigate imis
bills. It Sfl5 charged that ime was taxing up
time cost of burying deceased cats at time prica
allowed for burying cows , amid was running
ump the rates nil along the limme.
Time soot of 77.37 was allowed as expan'as
of time committee that went to Des MoIne'
and secured time passage of a bill niaking tin
appropriation for the Transmnississippi exposi-
The resolution of the park commissioners
agreeing to pay for the share of tite Pearl
mitreet pavemnent abuttimug Bayliss jmark was
received and made a matter of record.
City Marshal Canning roparte1 that he hail
notified the Women of iii repute to abandon
their Pierce ttreet habitations , and that time
order was beIng generally compileti with.
Time Council Bluffs flumsiness Men's assocla-
tion Presentel 11 rennonstrance against the
imentltng ordlnan. requiring the telephone
ccmpany to place Its wire ) In the busness
dlt'trict nuttier grommumd. Time association imelul
that the Plmrpase of time ordinance was to shut
out competitIon , and timat It would do no real
good to have the telephone wires under
ground umniess the wires of nil hilnils In the
btms'ness center simoultl be subwayeti. Time
matter was referred to the committee of time
Time motor COnmpany offered to mismate the
city a street timat would give property owners
bcthm sommtim and north of Broadway umear the
bridge access to Broadway. Time matter went
to tile comnmnittee of the whole.
Alderman Brown introduced a reeolutlon
providing for the employment of a meat and
milk Inmspector for time balance of the year.
The resolution met with the rougheat kind
of treatment and was referred to the corn-
mmmitteo of time whole.
The finanmce commIttee was instructed to
imavo time annil reports of the city officers
PrInted and time usual distribution of the
copies made.
TIme smmmmm of $1,000 was transferreti from
time police to time general fmmnmd ,
Amnong time hills allowed \vere the failowing :
Otfler ant ! clerks , GGO.70 ; fire department ,
$1,234.27 : police department. pay roil , $769.c5 ;
engineer's department , $158.60 ; sewer depart-
mnemit , $115.60 : vtreet department , $410.40 ; gas
and electric lights , $8S9.
Curd .f ¶ I'I.mmm.ks.
We hereby desire to extend cmmr heartfelt
thanks to all timose who in any way asssted
at tha Silver Wedding ceiehratjon. We
would love to give to each dear friend the
mnenitjoum that ime or she deserves , but it. is
Special thanks should be tenderei the fol-
howling : Mrs. C. A. Atkine , Mrs. Laura McBride -
Bride and Mrs. W. 11. Lymicimard. to wimoun
a great sluaro of the imccess of the celebration -
tion is due ; to time fifty indies of the city
who conmpon'ed the dfferent reception corn-
mntttees ; to the nearly sevonty.fivo ladles
who so kindly fmmrnisimed cakes ; to J. F. Wil-
cox. floris't , vimo decorated time dining room
amid the parlor ; to .1. fl. McPimerson , florist ,
who decorated two reception rooms ; to Mrs.
Li. A. Caiper , decorating time mandoiin room ;
to Mrs. McCabe , decoratIng time ofTering
room : to Mrs. Caidwehl and MIss Margaretto
McBride , who received time offerings ; to Mrs.
Moomnaw , who imrepared time frutti : Mrs.
Barker , Mrs. Marah , ? Ilases Tuileys , Lnhrlng.
Catdwell , Nelson , Norene , Vanflrunit amid
Mao Vanlirunt , vimo prestiled in time dining
room under the direction of Mrs. C. A. At-
kins ; to Mrs. W. H. Lyncimard , in charge of
thmo register ; to Mrs. Brown , vimo loaned a
beautiful dIver platter In which time otter-
Imigs were received ; toV. . A , Maurer anti \V.
ii. Mulhinm , elegant candelabra ; W. S.
homer , Johnson & Olsen , St. John & Gil-
hinsky and J. J. Maurath. fruits ; to the HIgh
ciiooi anti time Council Iiimmfts Mandolin clubs ,
wimo furmmimuhmeti tousle afternoan and ovemming ,
We ahi-o ilesire to thank time members of
time Methodist church most imeartily for time
use of their cimtmrcim building , Thammks are
also due tii memmibers of time choir , wimo ran.
ticro1 bcaimtifui mnmmsic during time services ,
amid to Mrs. 110ff , Mrs. ltuiits anti Mr. Nec ]
Mitcimell , who generously asssteil ! , and to
time \Vonmman'a Itellef Corps , wimo attended time
services 1mm a hodyl to tim& Young Mon's
Clmristimmn associatIon anti to time Christian
cimurch , u'lmIch offlcialiy joimmed in time ser-
It would give mis pleasure to niention the
mmammmo of each friemmil , imo was prcaent , but
space forbids. Later we will publish a Sil.
ver Wedding extra edition of time home paper -
per , which will contain time namnes of every
one , far and near , who contributed imm any
way to time success of time occasion , a copy
of wlmtch will be scat to each donor.
It somme 000 who ought to be specaliy !
mmmontloned baum not been of that one we beg
pardon ,
Our imearts go out in gratitude to all the
citizens of oimr beloved city. Time attention
we received was tar beyond our desert , and
we feel imummibled before God for time wonder.
ful mmmanmitestation et time love of our fellow-
workers 'ouchsafeti to us of 111am cmi our
Sliver Weddimmg day ,
Umomu ; each of you wo pray that 111cm bless.
ing mmcay rest , and that flnauii we all may
umieet in Joy around the mamurriage feast of
time Lanmmin.
Yours' In Christ ,
MIt. amid IdES. J. a , LEMEN ,
Christian hlommme , May 4 , 1850.
We offer you onmly clean , crisp , anew white
laundry york and best delivery service at
Eagio laundry , 724 Broadway , Teieprozme 1ST.
Davis , drugs , paInts and glass ; tel , 285.
Aft.'r Vu iit''ustqi lugs ,
Poundnmaster 1)obcsp will start out his dog-
catchmitig wagons and vans this morning and
all those who are blessed or curbed whim
cammimmo pets will flnmd It necessary ho taco
vmommmlml actiomi to ave their miecks fron time
wtre noose. There was a rush at time city
clerk's ohhico yesterday , amid tlmo nunmber of
apimlicationa will probably be itiii greater
timis morning. TIme pound has been eniarged
anti time mmmeans provided for pronmptiy do.
stroying the unclalnmmc4 and defenseless curs.
Captured dogs will be held for two days , anmd
if time $2 for their redenmptionm is not forUm.
coining tinny will be semit to the happy bunt-
mug grounid. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Modern room and board for two gentle-
eisa , Inquire at 11o office.
.fl1ii ; % 'iIhTi1 (11:1'S A Vllt1)ICP , for 2m ) ( ( ) ijmm nit inijummet lost ilommul
nmuil ,1ii ( I.enmr'u lime CoMt.
The case of . .Jennlo'hlte against David
Gray and S. 0. Ummderwood , which has been
on trial In the district cotmrt since Friday
aftcrnoon , wits eonclmmmleti yesterday afternoon
by the Jury returning a verdict for time plaint-
itt for $1.
The sumit grew out of a series of burmese
transactions of many years ago , and was the
lnlmnclhato ( result of an Injunction which Gray
procured seven years ago restraining imer
from interfering whim his possession of a
building on Main strect which Gray was
usIng for a harumess factory. S. 0. Under-
wood was on the injunction bond and was
really time defendant in the juresent stilt. Time
injunction was eventually dipeolved and Mrs.
Wlmite stied for time recovery of damages on
time bond. The case was hotly contested on
both skIes and attracted a good deal of in-
tcrest. After time verdict had been rendered
some of the nmemnbers of time Jury were heard
dlpctmssinmg It , Onme of timemu saidVe : would
have reached a verdict anm hour or two soommer
if It hind not been for eight d-ti fools uimo
wanted to give tim womnan 10 cents ularmi-
ages. "
Mrs. MarIe Gilmnnn was given an allowance
of $300 imy Jumdgo Smnith yescruiay to asit
In her emmpport for the present year. Mrs
Oilman Is the winiow of Joimn OIlman , wimo
died Decemimber 17 , 1895 , leaving her anti timree
chmiitlren of legal ago. in her application mime
stated timat the real estate of her husixummti
was worth $15G00 , ani timat imis personal Cs-
tate was worth $2,200 , y witlm all of this
property at her cenimnanti sime thought that
time mimoulest shin of $300 was suifficemit to the-
fray imer living expemmses for time next twelve
mnonths. Time animmmintstrator was ordered to
pay her timat amnoummt.
The report of the appraisers of a tract of
real estate belonging to the estate of time late
Justtms Johnoomm wins flied In time ilistrict coimt %
yesterday afternoon. Time appraisers fixel
the value of forty acres of farmmm lands at $30
ier acne , or $3,000 for the lump.
D. C. Bloommmcr , admninirtrator of Mrs. Dr.
0.V. . Gordon , flied a petition yesterday ask-
tng the court to use a Portion of 122 reallzol
front remmtals of a tract of forty acres belonging -
ing to time estate for the purpose of lnYn
'ice interest on a rnotgage ! for $1,000 on time
tract , The reqimest was granted.
The report IhlemI by N. P. Dodge , ailmuimmis-
trator of the J. M. I'h'ilps estate , covera time
receipts and oxpemmditure for the past year
anti occmmpies nearly three pages of the big
docket. It shows receipts during time
year of $1,854.21 , anti time expendIture of
$1,175,711 , leaving a balance on imand of
Time cat-o of B. W. Nash against JoimmiV. .
Paul was eailed for trial at 4 o'clock yesterday -
day afternoon. It Is the attachmnemmt case
that was startetl by Mr. Nash last July , Just
a few days prior to the time wimen Mr. I'amml
imati a sensational bath in time Missouri river.
The attachment was levied uimomm the one-
limirci undvlded ! interest cf Paul In 118 acres
of land aggregating in vaimme $125,000. In
imis pleadings l'auml charges willful and mall-
claus attachment and files a counterclaim
for $2,540 for imis bait interest in stock in
the Uniomi Land and lmnprovemnont company.
wimich imo allegea Nash took and refused to
pay for. A Jury is hearIng time evidcmmce.
Wimemm this cara La concluded another cne of
the Paul and Nash cases wll ba called. nd
If tlmp court gets through wtim then timis
week the $40,000 damage miumit filed some tbrne
ago in which Harry Evans seeks to recover
timat amount front Colonel Reed for injuries'
sustainel by a 9-year-old son of Mr. anmd
Mrs. Evans In time switchback ac2tllent at
Manawa Ian summrner will come up.
Id. F. umENlhlICIS UNItER. .uuulwl' .
Efforts iim hlehmmtlf of IL ,1'rleniI thie
E. F. hendrIcks , a well henown dry goads
clerk , imas gotten into trouble by kindly con-
umenting to as'ait an acqimaintanco in obtatnhimg
a reward for returning host property. lie
was arreateti last evening upon the chafge
of larceny. On Saturday afternoon imo euys a
friend of his picked up a pocketbook on
Broadway , near Pearl street , juat as ime was
abcdmt to take a motor tratmi for Omnaha. Time
friend told hint the pucketboak conlaimmcd
some mmotes , checks mind otimer valuable
papers , and timat they beongeti to a mmm3mm
wimo worked for .1. F. Wilcox , in time vegetable -
table gzrden , lIe suggested to Hendricks
to go amid see time nnan , and wlmatover reward
he offered for the rtttmrn of time prcperty
would he divided between tlmenm. hendricks
did so wIthout , lie saym , ever imaving seemm
time pocketbook or lcnowjng anything about
its contents beyond , wlmat his friend hail told
him. He thommglmt ice otmghmt to imavo $10 or
$15 for returning tb.e property , but the
owner timought otimerwis'o. lie informed lIen-
tlricks that time bcok contained two notes ,
one for $32 and time other for $20 , amid mm
check for oometiming like $30 , L'igned by J. F.
WIlcox , anti $10 in cash , and ime retuseti to
allow time reward claimed , Hendricks sayc
he left to repart the situation to imis friend
in Omnaha , and was arresteti before he had
a chance to do so. Time cass' will be investi-
gateti today. hlendrlc's Imas always born aim
excellent repumtation , anti his friends em-
pimatically deny timat there was any intention -
tion on lila part to do wrong in tbimu instance.
Crescemmt City 1'omghm mmii 'I'rimi I for lime
Assitmiht mum Snmimmmel l'a r4io %
Justice Cook spent all of yesterday afternoon -
noon hi an inquiry Into the responsibility of
Celly Ilough for time murderous attack made
upon the Partlow brotlmers a week ago last
Sunday. The prosecuting witness , Samuel
Parciow , was the utmost unsatsfactory ! of all
time state's witnesses.Vhen lie came into
court he still appeared to be weak and suf-
rering from his iumjuries and easily confused.
Two little newsboys under 9 years of age
mamie better witnesses and were able to gIve
a much clearer account of the transaction
th'u' Pardow himself. There was abundance
of testimony , honever , to show timat time as
sault was vicious anti wholly unprovoked ,
and timat ilougim imath no real responsbiiity
for its not end ng in murder. City Piiyeician
Trcynor testified to the true state of the
man's injuries and the condition lie found
him in twenty-four hours after the assault.
lie was In bed mmmi suffering greatly and imi
mmmci seriously affected by time blows ice had
received about time imemici. Other witnesses
testified that llommgim knocked Pmsrdow down
twice and then kicked him in time sides and
face as he hay imelpiess on tue brick pave-
nmment. One of time witnesses testified tlmat
l'ardow imeld up his imammd In a feeble way
anmd asked hlougim to imelp him up , and that
ileugim gave imimn a kick instead ,
Time evidence was only partially in wimemu
court adjaiirneti and the case ' .vas contnucd !
ummtil this mnornimig. Ilougic was returned to
time gounty ml. _ _ _ _ _ _
lItit lIeu Smisim.
We have 1,000 Imot both sash wimicim wo are
going to close out. They won't last long.
110w nmmany do you vnnt7 We will malta you
a price timat can't be duplicated , C. B ,
Paint , Oil anti Olan's company , Masommic Temmm.
pie , Council Biuffs.
housekeepers are in despair wimen they
visit time Dumrfee Furniture company. All the
new timings are so Jmandromne and so cheap
that they want limo whole store.
Ifoffnmayr's Fancy Patent Flour immakes time
best and most bread , Ask your grocer for It ,
hi-3t.m'or Climmrgcmi vlt im Croule'dmmess ,
DUBUQUE , May 4-Specal Telegram.- )
Mayor fluffy' 1mm a message to time council
today charges that ox-Mayor Olinger sold
permits to padtllara anti faIled to turn time
mmmoney into time city treasury and that time
first perummits ttmrmme'l over to hlmmm were stolen
frommi a desk in time mayor's office by sonmo
one having a key to time door , lie imolnis
that Olingor had a key and was the only per.
son Interected in stealing the pormita. Time
council bami appolmmtetl a commimmmittee to loves-
tgato ! time charges.
ileuuiieri'ii Ih'smit'rmitc by l'o'erf.
JEFFERSON , a , , May 4.-Special ( Telo-
graumm.-L.evl ) Corbin was discoiered lying or.
time Chicago & Northwestern track east of
time depot last night Just before the Denver
Ilummitod was due ; in fact. the train as In
sight. lIe hat ! detornmmined to end bi. days
sod it was with difficulty ho wa Imiduced to
leave the place. lie aselgoed poverty as
the cause.
( Continued from IIt Page , )
Louis Fey. Time upper floira of the five.
story building were occupied as flats.
Time ( inlet anml dirt cont'i'rmed flying for a
time so tlensely that the work of rescuing
the victinme proceedetl with great difficulty ,
although the police and tmrcnhepartrnents rallied -
lied heroically to time yrek. The iiloone
were said to be quite , full .c people. One
of time lmarkeepers , who was not on duty at
the time anti escaped , Bvt1 in one of time
tipper flats anti was wild witim grief , be-
caumso his know that his wife anti fommr chit.
dren were in the rumine. One of imis chiidrcmm
was recovoreil dead soon after time explosion.
Six bodies had been recovered imp to 9:30 :
p. rn. , anti it was known that there are
many moore. Time firenmemu worked in the
rear anti on tmoth sideo of time wreck , wiuile
the police icept the place clear amid protected -
tected the work of rescue.
l'art of ono of the side walls remnained
standing , anti on the IliUm floor , plainmly iii
view by the electric light titmring the work
of rescue , imtmmmg a picture that was dear to
sonie tamniiy ocmmpying time flat , wimilo time
occumimants Were no uloumbi 1mm time debrIs ,
Ormo of the children of Mr. 1)rachs was
recovered uleati. Time hotly of Mrs. Drncims
was foumnd son after time explosion , but it
couimi not be extricated from the timmmbcr and
was still in time debris at 10 o'clock ,
It could not be definitely learned for sammie
timmmo wimat caumseti time explosion , but it aa
finally ascertained timat time saloons in time
building had put in their owmm electric plants
for incammtiescemmt lights and hind jumet secumred
a gasohimmo engine witim vimicim to run the
dymmammmo. Time plammt got cult of fix ammul there
was mu flash , whicim conimunicateil to the gasoline -
olino amid caused the oximioslomi. Time suilden
cohlaps'a of the large building smmmotlmered
everything 1mm the cellar , sa that timere was
no fire. Time firemen were soon assltemi by
sommmo expert emiglneers , who made openings
through the basenment valie of adJacent
bumildimmgs and \vero recoverimig sommme of the
victimmit' in that nmanmmer. Time tiehris seomneci
to Immive fallen inmto one heap anti was muot
scattcrctI mubclmt the street , s'a that there want
time greatest difficulty in recovering time tiend
bodies anti rosctmimmg time injureti. Altimonmgim
mill ioszible efforts were muatle to clear ump
time place , it Is immmposslblo to ascertmuin time
extent of the lost , of life mit present. Time
lcsi in property is quite large.
Mr. John J. Janmes of time Salt hake City
iloralilas just lemmvimmg time Gibtomm house
at time time of the explosIon with imis heavy
grip and wait blown into time doorway of amm
atijoining store. lie was kmmocked senseless ,
bmmt afterward recovered stmfliciemmtiy to take
time train tonight for St. Loumi on imis way
west ,
Nolamm Davitt , a traveling mmmamm for time
Coltmnmbia Carriage company , was' walking
aiommg the s'treet at the time of time explosiomi
and was blown ummtier a street car anti killed.
Carl Crimn , a well known detective 1mm this
city , who worked up the evidence against
Scott Jackson and Walling for the mmmurder
of Pearl Bryan , is among those known to
have been in Drachs' saloon at time time and
mmmv among time victims of tue rmmimms. At
10 o'clock there were twelve injured perSons -
Sons at the Imospitmil. . None of timem vero
coumsiderefi seriously injumred.
As the night passed tbo.scermcs about time
wrecked builmling became more distreexing
timamm ever. Womnen . whose Imumphamitis and
Sons lmati not reacimqd imQmmmo imy 10 or 11
o'ciock canme down t the. Fountain sqmmare
anti filled up time spape about time govermm-
mont bmmildimmg , wimerp Imgy were weepimig
anti cryIng about th r , fri nds being in the
wreckage. Timero wco qumite a nunmber of
union amnommg timeso % : ppumg ; ones. Severai
nmen felt confldemmt that timeir 'ans wore 1mm
there large roamn. at , tima , unto anmd ammiong
time victinms. :
At 10:30 : time 3-year-okt boy of Adolph
Drachms was taken fropi time ruins m'a badly
lmuit that ho is not likely to live. Ills aged
grandfattmec was amnong thmpse wlmo had conic
to tue scenme. Wim nm Imo learned timat Mr.
1)rachs' youngest child imi bcen taken out
dead , his 3-year-old ) takemm out seriously
injured anti time b9y ut Mrs. Ihrachs could
not be extricated fmndtjmo ) heavy 'tinmbere' ,
the oid nmanm broke down under the news and
Is now in a very serious condition.
It was thought early in the evenimmg that
Mrs. Dracha , as eil aim her Imuebanti , was
killed. Time body of Mr. Drachs was recovered
and taken to the morgue. As Mrs. Drachs
was known to be in her flat at the time of
time explosion she s'as counted among the
dead , but imer body want readied shortly before -
fore rnidnigimt and sime was ouumd to be still
alive. She was sufferlmmg Intense pain and
all time efforts of time workmnen failed to rea-
cmme her. Up to 12:30 : they had baen able to
talk to her for over ars hommr while sime remained -
mained pimmioned 'under a imeavy beam.
Jack McCarthy , Peter Burns anti Charles
Thlley were taken out of time ra ns about
midnight , bmmt it Is feared that none of thenn
will live. They were rescued by digging
through one of the wails of an adjacent
building. It. is , however , imposs'ble to rescue -
cue Mrs. Drachs , even in this pmanner. At
12:35 : tonight Mrs. Drachs was furnished
with sometiming to drnk anti time rescuers'
provided for her as best they could. 11cr
feet were under an immense beani and probably -
ably crusimed. It may be necessary to nun-
pumtato them In order to save imer life.
All time departments of time city are at
work on the ruins. Time police commissioners -
ers are tlmore In charge of their department ,
together with Chief Dietsch , and time fire
commissioners , with Cimlef Arch.bald , The
street cleaning departmneot is out In force
removing time debris and hauling it away
and good engineers are on hand superintend-
inij time imandlimig of time heavy timbers. Cal
Crnm ! , who was rupposed to be among time
victlnts , turned up all right tonmght and time
detective will continue imis work in the Jackson -
son case. Workmnen reparted at 145 that
one of Mrs. Drachms' children want certainly
still alive , as they coulti plainly hear it
calling , "Manmnma. " They paiti timat the
servant girl of Mrs. Dracime , nanme umnknown ,
want death and lying by Mrs. Iracims' side.
Thin , does not , however , increase time number
Cf timoso killed , as Mrs. Dracha imad been in-
eluded in that list.
Iumstrmmelt'mI Ielegmute' , for MelCinicy.
MODESTO , Cal. , May 4.-The republican
Seventh congressional district convention today -
day nominateth W. 'i'm' . flowers of San Diego ,
for congress and adopteti resolumilonmi in.-
atructimig its delegates for McKinley , oppos.
lag tIme umsn of public money for sectarian
pumrposes mmxiii favoring more ctrirsgent laws
relating to foreign immigration ,
444b + t(44 1 * 4 + 4
Wha ,
IDoY4ii I
: Want ?
. Ih' )
i : If a niCe ,
pretty$1ioe at a
I an
modetc price ,
1-las them - AU
Omaha cannot
touch us ,
Look for the Beor.
Customers' Shoes
Shined Free.
I 441ti.eCCCO ,4 L i * 14 +
Tltt'm'US ' 'I'hiC FtfltfflTS lliSI.iLtii(1.
Secretary of Insmmm's tctnoerntlc Ccii-
Irnil ( 'otmmmmmitls'e oil Silver.
OTTUMWA , Ta. , May 4.-Speclsl ( Tcio-
gram.Secretary'nish ) of the democratic
state central committee declares that the
figures sent out fromn Dee Moines concerning
the free sliver strength are misleading.
There have been twenty-three commnties reported -
ported times tamto him , viz : Audubon , Black
llak , ihoemme , ClInton , Des Moines , Dickin-
sum , Urumnti ] ' , Gtmthmrie , lianmilton , hancock ,
llnrtiln , humboldt , Montgomery , O'Brien ,
Sac , Shelby , Slonmx , Tama , Union , Wapello ,
Vm'innebago , Woodbury umnmi Wright. These
sanme ceumities immuti a representation of 253
In time Mmurshmalitown convention last year
and will imave a votkmg strength of 214 at flu-
buqime. in 1895 at Maru'imalltown they cast
ho votes for free silver an1 143 votes for
golti. They vill cast at limbmmqtmo , if miele-
gates obey the plain instructions of timeir
county conventiomme , 150 votes for free silver
and 61 for gold. At Marsimalltowmm the sanmo
counties gave thIrty-eight majority against
free coinage of oliver at ltmbuque. They
will cast a silver majority of eIglmty-eigimt.
Time esmue coumntlos in 1S95 constitumtecl 22
Per cent of the total voting strength of time
Mnrshaiitown convemmtkn. In ISSO they constitute -
stitute 21 per cent ot time total mmummmmbcr of
delegates mit Dubmmtitme. In time samimo counties
at Marshailtown 43 per cent of their vote
was cast for silver anti 57 per cent for gold.
At Dubuqime they will cast 70 per cent for
silvco anmi 30 per cent for gold ,
, l , ( , Iefemm I I ii . ' Ci trim rOt f ' In st ,
OTTUM\VA , In , , May 4.-Spcciai.-There ( )
is on foot a plan to defeat time entis of the
anti-cigarette law , wimich goes into effect
Jmmiy 4 next , The nmammtmfacturcrs have prepared -
pared a little cigar to take the place of time
cigarette. It La mmmuumie after time idami of the
victitmm of time new law and only differs in
timmut it is done up in a highs brown tobacco
wrapper whereas the sure-emmougim cigarette
enjoys time lumxmmry-if suchm it be-of a i'aper
coverimig. Ottummnwa dealers have recoiveti a
smuumiple of the mmow article. The mmmanumtacttmr-
cm say timey are wtiliumg to hmmdcmnnlfy dealers
against losses until a test case can be matle
simoumid tue aumthorities ummdcrinko to bring time
sumbstitnmte u.mder time han of time cigarette law ;
amid timoy nine language that evitlemmccs timeir
amixiety to secure a test case. Time qumcstioum
time court vill have to decide is Mtmst a
cigarette hiuve a cigarette wrapper in order
to ho a cigarette ? Time law does not affect
the Jobbiumg trade to dealers oumisitie time state
anmi joimbers declare timey Imavo entire right
to ccli to ! owa dealers it the latter choose
to buy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
hnuii I.misuer Gross't , 'fireti iE Life.
WATERLOO. Ia. , May 4.-Walter Alford ,
a. lawyer anti politician of timis city , attenmptemi
to comnnmit sumicido at imis imonmo tim ! mormmlng ,
shooting lmimmmr.elt in time imack of the heami.
Aiferti was formerly prommminent in republican
councils 1mm Iowa amid served his party as
speaker of time house of representatives in
time Eighteenth general assenmbly. Time
woimnd is not timought dangerous ,
. Ioimt Smihilimitim'irkcr , . mem't.
CEDAI1 ItAPIIS. Ia. , May 4.-Speclmml (
Telegranm.-Time ) eiglmtim amimmumni session of
time Sabbatim Asrociationm of Iowa met hero
today for a two-Jays' session , vitim a fa'r
nunmber in attendance. A nunmbcr of inter-
csting atidresses were mimmide. Time nmeetlmmg
Ic in time Interest of a mmmcre strict observance -
ance of time day ,
mor.Me nunmmm Fit ( mill ) ' Stmilhed.
CEDAR ltAI'IIS , ha. , May 4.-George
Broan fatally stabbed Chris W.lson this
morning at Morse. No cause is known.
Ofllcers itre pursuing time assailant.
Commrt CmmIhs for 'i'iiesdm . .
Judge Fawcett-51-288 , 17.376 , 19-25h , 20-252 ,
21-231 , 83-60 , 26-126 , 37-14. 37-307 , 37-316 , 39-133 ,
40-86 , 42-103 , 42-19 , 43'103 ; 42-246 , 41.275 , 4.iub ,
4-105. 45-251 , 45-256 , 47-17 , 17-78 , 47-7S , 47.99 , 47
238 , 47-302.
Judge Slmibnugim-32-145 , 40-355 , 41-243 , 14.313 ,
45.3w 45-159. 4-177 , 15-IF.O , 46-113 , .i412 ] , 46-133 ,
46-COO , 46-336 , 46-383 , 47-33 , 47-301 , 48-30.
makcs little , pale , thin babies fat
and chtzbby and healthy ; gives
strength to weak mothers cures
coughs , colds and weak lungs and
overcomes tendencies toward Consumption -
sumption by arresting the waste in
the body and supplying it with the
proper nourishment.
One of the health-giving elements -
ments of HIRES Rootbeer is
sarsaparilla. It contains more
sarsaparilla than many of the
preparations called by that name.
HIRES-the besi by any tesi.
Si.d. my The ci.i. 1. lure , Co. , rsmm..mm5nm.
A S5c. packsg m.kc. 6 5,00.1. . .rcrwsre.
Cliase-ListerTheater Co.
i'OI'ULAIt Seath tin smile
l'itI..ES , at icox othict
It In a Great "Practical Huninailty" for It OfThra Competent Modloni Treat. .
mont at $5 a Month-This Fee Is Suitable to Those hard Times.
11mm , Commelnuimi timid $ liemnrm1did mini
ties 1 , , I lid r smt . 'mi % of iiu'imm't lm'imig
uus'illeiime n , t1 mimouie mimumkliig ( 'isi'mmie ,
html ultin tis' larger ammit miohiler hmmr-
inliNe of emma mu img uicrMomi of nmimmmmll
nimemmmis In o1tmmlmm tInt' , niummie iron t tium'fl I
( himmi rlehu pemipie miim lnrge smiths of
unDue , . for. 'h'liest' slmsliui ins lCNt ) '
hunt ( hey ennui cure hunt
p.mih' itt mmi mme-t'uithuM of nine meoiile ,
nod I imi'y kmuni ilimit hi ) auls'n'rtislmmg
this fmnet minI Iretmtlmmg imuhlI'uitM ( iii mu
grim mud semi Ic ( lucy cmiii afford Iii
i'iunrge it low fee to cover tile coat of
service , , mmml , umeahIeImmc , lii these
Imarui I hues siit'hm U Ii'c t'ommiuuta'uilnt it-
pe'If ha , Cs cry nun' mmi'ci immp unmeahleni
Iremil tumeint , H mmii s lieu I lie' mmhiii I ,
time iiiSi'Ili it is suimelai'ai for eer'
eek lay eliissims of iminehm slmmumahimim
mmd mmmi imumiiemielaumhlC sernei ly , itlia ,
aieNIre oh lacr , ilmonlal kmmOsv 5 % limit s'mmmm
lie iintmc for I hmcni , ii ianiial st'i'uui I liii i
inai , ai'eIs mumt'ahi-
tint' uummimm air nomuIui mm 55
emil mihtcumhlomm cmiii iuuitki' mini muminaIml'
tnt gipimag it , irs , Caupelmmimal nmmai SImt't-
mural ,
im'iiFH ii'lChi.
\'RITi6 FOR A Sl'ECiAI.t't PltFPAhtlM )
SVMl"i'OM flIdnNl ANt ) Ol'i' 1)115.
01' YOUIt 'rhtoUllLl6.
X ( ) \'m'mc tL' TIiili.
htehief Conumes iii mu Ft'isVe'is huy hiu'
Capelnmmal mm mmd Sineinmnrat Nt'vm
Mt'ilmaialpa ,
Timero Is 110 chmmim.n of imatienta 'imere time
marked maimperiority of time Cotmelmuntl nnmmi
Sheparti light fee systemmm over time slos' tutu
expemmstve old school nietimods is better ii-
himstrnted timmumm in PCOIie ) of ndvmmmmt'eil age.
1mm stmchm ctmsem' , wimere cmtuarm hmmui immfeetiomm
himis inuitmeed wmistimmg of flesh ammti cmmergy ,
with commmimlictttetl nmer'otmmt tmonmbles , thiimi
mmmetimoti is lronmhmt nmmd eilleiemmt. cIr , A. N.
Jmty , Oceoimm. Nebmnitka tmntil reeemmtly Iii
time iitarnecmt bumsimme'ss imm that Cit3' , tells
about iil cmise touimty. lie' ' : t3'nt :
"Time very illmernal terms of Des. Copolmmnmd
ammil hlimeimarti-$5.OO a ummommh Ii , I mmclmni I rig mmmciii-
climes ammil overytimimmg-seetmms nil tile mntre
memmtrkmt bie I romum tim e I :1cC 1 hmmm t nen ny it Ii
vimo lmmtVe ever immmtl experieno witim timeir
iyuntcmmt m cgarti it mus sumpemior to nov oilier.
In regard to the Pronmlmt ammtl radical beume-
fitmi that caine' to me , for example , tmcs'
are time facts :
. , I 'eImt tam these imimYsicitinS nhuotmt three
years ago atimi took treatumment etierimig ni
herbal of sixty ilnys. At that I iRma' I 1181 *
lC'etm nuiimmg for foumr or live vemurmi. 'ii
iemmdimmg pyumilmiouns vere imontfmmeimt' , stoppage -
page of thm nostrils , airy anti ; * rcimt'a1
throat nnmth tommgume 1op itt flPhit'tmto flflhl
restless nights. I tll mmot feel migimt in ammy
% nv. I u'as gradually itwiimg % veigimt. Mv
mttra'ngthm anal enmergy uerc inmpaimed nmmti I
always e'uperiemmcetl a imemt3' ailnttrei
timmoumpim time breast mummil iummgs , mmmiii hail ti
group of mmmitmor symmptonmmi , all of viuicim
foru'ci tlm eommvietionm timat I was iosimmg
gromimmti iii ever' wuty.
' 'l'ronmmtiy titter comnnmemmelmig witii firs ,
CoI'eiatmtl auth Slmeimmtmtl , however , ins' muik
A. N. JA V. Oseeoln. Neb ,
mmemmtmt b"gnmm to imemmi , nmmil I luumlit sup in
St i'a'mmC tim mm mmii e nm fort mis Ii m mi lommg. 'i'hm
tiehili t y anal sn ( Toting hi ichu imiutl limit mke'd
fly ctmmclitiomm ) 'i ci' . in' nmmal It's" , ummmtih I
fommtmtl nmyself tim ext' , hlt'uit lienitim. I immm
lmraeticmull' : over the' vimoc trouble mummti Imavi
lmt'emm ever sluice mimy tmcmmtmnemmt. I nmmm 71
3'emurH olti. "
la' . .Jmty iii uunni stsihiui mis Maim1
( 'amuhumi'tam' .Jma air hIu , 4)smnlut &itra'eI
11 ii I1 may a'aumuu mui Ii y , It tOil tli'ra'Ii I Ii
mas.tulmmt. . , Imt're In' muaiii I , , . Na'I'mm nil
ails , 111111' . lIe ijill glumully i'uify hImli
shin teuiemm I tin mm iiy anile aiim hum 9 un Ic
or e.tll
ROOMS 312 ANt ) 313 N16\V YORK LIFE
0111cc lloumrs-9 : to 11 n. mn : 2 to S p. nm Eve.
mmimmgs-\\'etln'Simt.'P nnmd Smmturdmmys emily-
6 to 8. Simndzuy-1o to 12 nmm.
- - - - ---S -S--S
Knows that the Peerless Remedy
for Diseases of the Liver , Kidneys
and Bladder is
Dr. J. H.
It has Cured Thousands of Desperate Cases. Try It
tir. S. Mosher
having fully demonaratod by years of successful prmmctico and experience timmit ito Is
able to cum e multitudes of diseases which bathe the skill of ordinary phm3'sJniamms , ho
feeho it imle duty to make known to suffetimmg hunnammity hint Ime devotc lmi wimole tinno
and energy to this particular branch of the pmofesmnlomm , anti wil' ' Immepare mmmmti furnish
medicine at his 0111cc or visit those cases Wimie'hm may require persommui exanmminntiomm , Patients -
tients at a distance may consmmlt Dr. Mosimer by hotter , givmmmg mu cmtrefmiiiy writtemm history
of their cases , describing their symptommms minutely its iorsibi' , which 'iil enable him to
mmuko correct alimugnosis , and Judge very accimsately of time curability of time aiisemtse , ammd to
apply proper remedies. Mediclr.e forwarded oltler : by mmiii or sxpress and all methicine
prescribed by Dr. Mosimer is prepared under lila own persomman s'ipemvision , 110 treats all
diseases wlthmtmUt mercury or otlmer poIsons. which create disease of timemmmm'elvem ' * .
The doctor by his mmew 1IESTOIIATIVId TREATMENT cures umil ctmrabo disense , and
treats wIth success nil aftectmomm of the Liver , Throat and Lungs , C'atmrrim , Epilepsy ,
Dyspepsia , Heart Disease , Rheumatism , Neuralgia , and all Nervous Dlsemtes cntmsetl by
overuvoric , time Indiscretion of yotmth , or the excesoes of riper years , anti wimatever may
tend to lower time latemmt fomee or the tone of life's vitality , causing physical debility ,
nervous eximaustlon , insanity , mmcl prenmntumre decay.
Consult personally , or by Letter , free anti strict ! ) ' confidential. Address ,
Dr. S. Mosher9
Office : 623 West Broadway , Couiicil Bluffs , Iowa
Couttcil Blulis , Iowa ,
CAPITAL , - S100,00D
tI P1111 CION'I' I'AhhJ ON TI3ill I)131'OSI'I'S.
Clothing , Dress3 tiyl 1toiis1ioId Gods
oMAhA oFr1c1d-i2i Iemmrnmmmm. Tel. U2I.
COUNCIL IiI.UV1-VorIus and Oiftce , Cor , y.
mmue A. and 26th St. Tel , 310.
Semi for Prics List.
It Pays to Investigate !
Before purchasing a mnoimnt for
lime Setamaofl , Our hilcycies will
stntnd InvestigatIon. Ve mmmake
no assertiorms we cannot sutatnmn.
hate. W'e have leltaus of rec-
mmnemmdation and praIse ( mcmii
experienced cyclists tlmrougtmout
oar territory , Our compemitors /
imowl-we can't help it , because
our ssiieeis are pretrred , to
otimer , . Our agents mire not coin. .
peikd to cimt prices to sell. Our
guarantee is worth bounetiming , .
It mneancm something , .
TflI1IUNES-"Iiest in time \ . . . ' - . , . ,
a : ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; m'e" : : h1 'N1' . I \ \
knuvkdgedIeatIer : ru1c $10 n24 * . . ' : . . ; - jt 0' _ , 9 : .1 ; ; . ! . . , /
; ; ; ' ; ; ; : ; ? 5L
, , S . i - S ? C . . . . ' , " . 5 , i. - I.
Largest line of Sundries and Supplies in the mid-west. General western distr.butors fo
the fIe'ciilcs ( J'o'i Rim1 W"/celer Re/vrm .S.'ddIe and U. S. C'i'clonckr. Write for catalogue.
Wi'Ite DEERE , WELLS & CO. , Council Bluffs , Ia.
J. T. FINDLEY , Council Bluffs , Ia ,
WILL BARNUM & BRO. , Omahu , Neb.