- - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TILE OMAHA DAILY BEEIODAY , MAY 4 , 189 ( , CARE 01 ? PUBLIC SChOOLS omo Interesting Facth Gathered by an Ea8trn Magazine. INSUFflCIEUT NUMBER OF TEACHERS - % ' 't I , . I'ti rE IeiInrly 1)plIiI.i t I ti 'Vu 1w 1twi)4t-I II IltRtIM TIPIS I nil lie , , , ) ) iIi ti or Teieliirw-l ii- , .uflleIen t ( thu I IfiCil I liitiw. The AtlantIc Monthly tn two reccnt hum- bers conuiltiers : "The Care of time l'uibllc chooI. " Clrcumlaru were ment out all over the country osking varlouR ( lumestlon. as : ' 'Vtmat Is time nurntmer or ptiplls per teacher ? WI'at ia1ary Is 3)ahI ) ( 7 Iu tenure of position lui ally WRY ahStlrC ( ? What Influence ohl- mlio of ni'it or fitness results in the appint- flhcflt or retntiofl ot teachers ? " llespoflSe.9 were receive I from every state and tern- tory. cxcejt ) Oklahoma anti New Mexico. In all t3no , wee 1.189 replIes and nfterarl camne 400 others. whicli wene not in timule to he conmitIoeL liult modifled in 110 way the analysis - alysis as giveui. Prof. G. Stnney ! hail , 'e1I known in cull- catlonal circles , writes the flnst pipen , which Is a review of the answers eiit In and the coiiciuishons arrived at. A nenuarlable thing aijout these answers is their uniformity or opinhon ; there Is a difference In degco , hut hone in kitiul. flieee are sonic of the results : Time oiscrn uttates havu the fewest pupils per teacher , the lowest tiutmiher being Mahmie with thirty- five. The iiorthueatut iiiiddie states follow with forty-one ; the westenti arnl Pacific coast , forty-five. Motitana gives the extreme , fifty- eight. Dr. . hail thinks that a great gain In the tecchlng force would ho secureul It the onto- ben of pupils to the teacher vee decrease I. Except Iti Mama the nutnber Is evenywherc too large. I'AY I TOO SMALL. The consensus of opinion on time salary question him that the pay is too small. There arc sonic timoflificathins In these rephics. the most pertitu'nt of whichi Is : ' 'Tue year teacher is vahi too tuitcht ; the able teacher not . ' enought. S With regard to Improper Influences , the evil I national. Thie pencentages present ronio interesting numbers. Nehrauka etanuls fourth with C.5 tacked on to it. North Dakota - kota pnouuhiy icatls with 100 , 1 aiuts ha SO , California 60 , Oregon 40. 'rIme rest of the country is below 40. As lunproper Influences are enuirneratcul chuirchi , politics , persetial favor. Some teach- ori e3fl cniy get Positiotis where their par- tIcuha religion predominates. As a quahifi- cation to teach , one canchhulato wa aekod how many vo'ers ' were in her ( enmity. The chiooI hook ccmnpanhca aiao taniper with the teacher's hOLitlOhi. ) Iii Nebraska church Influence Is repented as nioro Pitehit than politics. Hero are omue extracts verbatim : "Now York teachers are above the average In In- teiligenco and professional epirit. " Chticago I a striking Intance of a large city th3t hmauu ueceedcd In putting Its pith. lie achuoola on a ouiid bai'Is ; the main dim- culty Is gettIng rid of poor teachers , though the rank and file seem more cultivated tItan the supervItors. " " 'reachiers ought to he both by ability and : by poitIon moral forces In the , community atid their opinion ought to he hetut and ilnai concerning text books and school supphies. " Itt seine placci. tenure of poItioii Is as'- nuncd by law , notibly In CalIfornia. In Nebtuteka tIto ciflee of suponlittendent is , as a general thin , a lohitlcal office. t SOCIAL POSITION OF TEACIIEItS. Tim second pcr , "Sc.cial and Intellectual PoItIon of Teachers , " is by F. W. Atkini..n. The anewers of teachere also furnish the . basic elements of thus arjcle. ! iloraiiy , teachieru e'taiud Itlgh ; socially , they are on a . . lower hovel than members of other profee. % 'iomt , Thuo reasons given for this second statenuent. are various. Insullicient salaries Is omue. Thicir pay does not permit. thieuui to dross properiy for socIal occasion9 , One reason for ine'uhllclent pay Is lack of lure- fesslonal training , In wliicht is Inciuded lack of culture and scholari'hip. T1e members of other profeasions have acquired a broader schoharshtip titnoughu their profes.'lonai train- : log and their intellectual ability Is marc apparent. Professional training is insisted lilian ac a preluulo La the raising of salaries , thin elevation of the calling in the esteem of tlto Itmbhlc : and the greatest good to the L puipliuu. Apropos of urofeesional training the normal lcuooI9 ceuhlo in for sottio mnucit deserved wltacks. With few exceptions they are ac- cttscI of stibthtuthng the hotter for the spirit ; of le.ichting manner and nucthods Instead of r , . Incuticatitig sincerity and Intellectual breadth as thou eleitient.s of success. But whuiie tier- mimi tuchooio arc , teaching raw boys aiid girl' u' anti ineuffichenthy advanced students whiat ¶ they tultoutld aircady know on entering , the s case is hopeless and nih they can huaue to acquire iS a tow cut-and-dried methods. In the matter of trained teachueni , Germany Icada ug the world. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; A'i"1'Jil"I'lfl 'lao uucii. r l'ra.te.t Agit Inst S'perficiitl aittil Jlutr. . A . ri'ui ( ' ( ) . s The Now York state superintendent o ! eduication , Iii his annual report , lays special stress upon the practice of trying to cover : too iuiuclt ground In thie public schools. lie says : " ( Jun chthhdren are heIn lttirried oi : t.e : r.huhiy. This poflcy certainhy tciiJs t'.wur'l ' suipcntlciallty. W'e are paylitg too i Uk a' teqtiou to a vehi.grounded preparation in vfiat tmuy be Ind1stiutctiy retnembero 1 u C ssential and fuituilutimiontal braimeltes , 0mm clii lrerm are iturrying too fast .fren : c.e guaiI. to another. from one tuuluject to or.- otht'r , uvitout nuasteritig the succes.slve steps by uvhichm : thiey expect to rise. " "This Itiuidency hues long been recognized , " Fp14 the Ntv 'onic T.uiies , ' 'bitt there Itn heei ( fret I on tIle hart of thioe din mu'.l % vii ii tItt mumuu'agontent of cltoohs to ehiee' It. and thzo evil consequteticce arc ntatiy ott' srrIunE. The cause of tliI htttrry , i'hmicit re- auilht in suip"rllciaiity in Instruction and lack of truuirhuiu' Iti tIme iritpii , Is a desire to teault tuh to I arti tuititty thiings , hut Its effect that miotbi t' 14 eIther really iauhit or iu.utuvuh , rhterL' is a useless sttiatteriti ef lmuvidso ; uttiul no education. atiti 1mm hue eflrt to stteieht mnatil' 'courses of study' over t utItihtouu 'grades' at scltoiars tlte most iniriuntatit stage of all is most neglected. ' 'It ha not itmipontant that I he pupils itt lath- lie hioIu should be taught tuatmy things. butt It : s i'nportattt that oh the chiidrotm of tit3 COititUliuty shiouilti be trained in the tile- h1'Ctats otid numthitiicttts Cf study whiictu ihi otmabho Ihietu to hearn and to tb afterward , TIme hurItuIor grade is by fur thai tnost immu- hucurten I , attd u titi h every cIt lid Is b roui g hit Iii I 0 it and carefuily taught tue heeinnimig of IcttoiIculwe amid trained to the effort of ac. quirhog Iriowhcdgo , money and labor Jo htigluer krtude , are largely wasted , 1'hro ahmouhl t'Gt 1 e a douse of pubile niotmey speu IttohI hhhvht siIioohs atid colleges so bug us th etc is hark of acconmmnodatoti and of cni- : Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair. L : IItE BAKING : MOST PBRPI3CT MADI3. A PUre Gripe Crcm of Tartar Powder , Free iom AThtnonia , Alum pr any other adulterant. 40 Years the Standard , 1 _ _ . petrr.t teaching in the lowest grade for every c.ihtI cthietwlse provided for , "What tmseil to be called thie three 'It's' are still the essential elements of nil cdii- cation , A child that can road itnul write and use figures ha grasped the keys of kubewlodge , and many' a man has opened the way to success In Ife is Rh titese alone. No book In any language is oh- solutely cloctI to hum , no rvuIt of the study and research of othuers is beyond his head. trheso first titeps shotihl not. he slighted in the Itasto to get to others , for they give the strength anti confidence that are necessary for all the after climbing. Mi children shtoitlul be taught to use the langutago of their country and to know h'3Iitethihhig of the geegrapity anti history of their country , anti if in the ptibic schools they get thtat much teaching carefully and thorottghily administered , thtey are prepared fer the ccnqttcst of any' field. Iletter that puthiic Instrltction should go no furtheit thun tltat it should be hasty and htcetlless that f.m. " \'ben time elementary education. of all children has been fully provided for , it may he veil to have other grades. and it niay not nuttier hiow high they go at the hithlic % expense for a uliminiahming number of pitpils able to avitli thetnelres of theta , provided Ito intccessive s'ep of advancenient is slighted , but in no grade iui nttmbor of studies or rapidity of rogre of atty con- siitence In ecmnparkic n with thmoroughmnciuuu of training and imiasiery of j , . , hat is utndcr- taken. Our whiolo itystemu of public niuca- ton : iteeds to be refcrtned open the hinihicllulo that. education is training ant hint acqttisi- tiuiti of knowiedge , auth tiiat acqueltion ! of knowledge itseif Is valuahie in proportion to Its ulepth and not itut superficial area. " iteform on the lines suggested above Ic being ogitateul vlgorottshy In I'iuiladehphia , auth is sithiported by leading tiucators and the hireas. u1r. Spangler of ( he l'hmliadelpiiia Ilcard of Edtmcatjon delivered an auluiresa re : cently in oupport of a motiomi for an in- czutigatIon of the curricimhutni of stutdits In thuo Pttbhic schools , chowimig the necessity for uliiiplicity In topics anti for plain cciii- thOu 50050 teaching. lie asserted that thue methods etniloycil in the lower grades at irooent are utnoulted to any hut thie bnigltt- est anti mnos't hmealthty pupils , Inasmuch no thu others can cR511) ' 'tanI ( the strain. Even thto teachers are harried with initiute iti- strtmctlotmu. ' anti abstnitse , hair-splitting Icc- tunes on the difference 'twixt. tveediedutm and twceti led cc , foil in cm cry-cuRl vatcd itiind study , the Investigations' of the phe- nomnona of phachalogy anti other fatIguing exetcia.s arc rccDmlnentlcd to them which are itioro iikcly to addie their brains titati to imnltrave their teaching tiumaiiflcatlonui. uIr. Spanglor , itt discutseing the subject of examinations , gives the foliowitig as sample. directIons anti quee'tions relating to the pri- itiary and secoumtiary grades : "Third gratlo , anithtnietic-Ilarry put eight apples in his basket. 110w many apples would it take to fill cix basketo ? "Third-Show the pupils citalk box , Ack thmeni luo' long they think It is. how mnany inches wide ? how deep ? "Tiuird-Ask them how many pints of rand tite box vIll hold. I low much they think it will weigh when filled with saud. "Fifthi-\Vhcro have you seen a part of ti'e e'urfaco of thio earth ? "Sixth , geography-A man having a store in Philadelphia buys lea In Asia and coffee. in South America. In witat kind of coma- tticrco is thus moan engaged ? Tell why you think lie Is engaged In the kind of comnierco you have stated. "Ninth , language-Deu'crIbo and compare a slate pencil and a lead pencil. " I'tlt USIb'0113i IVY ht' thOu SChOOLS. NottIi uvt'slern 'i'etteh , ers ( ive the I'Iiiii 'l'h.eir U.uttt.himoiis Siutitiort. CIIEItOKEE , Ta. , May 1.-Special.--The ( ) thi'rd annual meeting of the Northwestern Iowa Teachers' association came to a cluuce Saturday evening , after a rousing three clays' session. Seven hundred and twenty educators from different parts of northwes' . cnn Iowa signed titeir names to eurolinment cards. A great many questions of state of : II : Importance were thoroughly uIieussed in all . of the different uuectiens. 'flte topc ! which called forth the - ' most c-plritcd tI'acussion % as the question , "Is State Uniformity of high schools Advisable ? " The matter was taken up by the 111gb school section Satur- tiny afternoon , and after tltoroughhy discuss- ! r. the question , a vote was taken , whelm resulted ttnammitiousiy in favor of state unt foumaity. A. V. Storm of Storm Lake was aiuiDinteui a committee of one to canvass tito northwestern section of the state to uscer fain time opinion of all time leading educators - tors with regard to time matter , and to report ao results of Iii. canvass to tue State Teaclt- cr5' absoclatien. which will be lucid at De Moirea tue crtning vInter. The quest1on Is bong dealt with at considerable length by liii' tlifferent tcachieru" assoc'ations , which are bz-iitt held thr5 imgiiout Iowa. and the opunion that thue tnethmod should be adopted ecmnu ; to prevaii. "lr. Sabin spoke long and attlently in sumplort of its adoption , and said that he thougltt the state assocatlon w.'imh I bttt ely adopt It. 't'Iio qiestlon o ! where the association % v , uki field 'ts ' next meeting was brought up and sevetul towns vere avorably spoken , . : bitt when the question was pu to a vote. 'oux City was unamiimnously chosen. \Vt'udbury county futruisiteti the largest tide- gatomi , over 100 teachers being present from Siotix City atid adjoInIng towns. The following cificers were elected for tne ciuettmug year : President , E. N. Coleman , LeMons ; vice president , C. W. 1artInuIa1e , \\'cbsier City ; secretary. Miss Neihe Jones , Siuehtion ; treasurer , Charles Henry , Ouieboht ; ' .i't'eimth ti eoirmittee , chulrtnan , Ii. E. Kratz , Skaix City ; Agnes J. Robertson , Cherokee. antI T. 13. lluttoti , Allan. l'titiiar iectioii : President , MIss Louise Mniy , Storm Lake ; vice president , Mary Crowehi , LeMars ; secretary , Mrs. Mary Swin- ale. Sou. ! ' City. Graded school section : President , W. 3. S tiuiccfl. Sioux City. 111gb school secton ! : I'resitlent. Miss Laura Seals , Storm Lake ; secretary , Msu Esther hunt. LeMars. Itttral scheoh section : Preeldetit , Miss Agnes Itobertsoim , Cltcrolcee ; 'ice prosiuient , Mary Vaum Darn , itcdnoy ; secretary , Miss Martiua Myers , LeMars. N. , ( CM feotit I Iit ( 'I t . S.hm.oi.u. Tltc roonis taught by time following teaciters St Ii tiui It I ihtest ; I ti t ltd r respective be ilti i ngs Mlttn l'caisott , hiancroft ; Miss White , Cass ; Miss 1rtiibitstct' . Casiehiar ; MIss IIobrt , Central - tral I'ai'I ; Mrs. Nuckel , Columhlaui ; Mrs. Christiancy , Conienius ; Miss LaRtie , Javeti- Pert ; Mrs. ICeati. Dodge ; Miss Gregg , Iruid 11th ! ; Miss W'ohtott , 1)upont ; Miss Masim , isrtiatut ; Miss Partridge , Forest ; Alice 'Fiuotui isnmi , Fm tmki I ii ; Al his Sin I t ii , iCe ; Ails , damns , Lake ; Alise lloyd , Leavona'ortlt Miss \'carne , Lincoln ; Miss Stttithi , Lang ; Miss Lhitleiiehul , Lothirop ; MIss Shirley , mn- tiler ; MIss Ktilghit , Mason ; Mii's Eddy , Alan- tuioutit i'arlc ; Miss Gnodtnatm. PacIfIc ; Miss E3)'rti , i'.irk ; Mrs.'are , Saratoga ; Alice I Iutnpltrcy , Shternuan ; Altec Forbes , Truhut ; Miss Latey , Vlntoit ; Miss Roger , 'V'aImmim 11111 ; MIce Lebanon , \Vebsiu.'r ; Alisa Saltnoti , \\'indsor. Ailse Mason of Fartmant anti Aliss Timompeoti of Frankilti cachm have a per comit of 911.0 , MIss Lelumer \'ebster atiti Airs , Nitekol of Cohtititbimm are above 99 per cemit , Schtools whmose average per cent Is above 95 ; flancroft , Cuistchlar , Druid huh , Fraumk- iiti , Leavt'nwortht , Lotltrop ; I.ake , Littcolmm , Mason , Vintoti , Webster , atumbIer'cbster heads the list , The certificates of those who were success- tuh itt liassing tito inst examinatIon given by the examnituhuig conitmiitice of the Hoard of Edueatiott tnay mmiv be obtained at the city arperltitendent's office , lates of interest : May 8 wIll be time tuflicers' Ito ! ) at thto IligIt school ; May ia chase ulay exorcise atValnttt 11111 school ; May 22 , COtahuetitIvo drill of high school ctt1et at Youttg Men's Chnltmiian . % ssociattoum park , On Tuesday host Miss Belle Shields , sit- penior of time Onmahia kindergartens , became Mrs. Citittendon , tito wife of a South Omaha cottimnisslon snerchamct. After a two weeks absence fromi time city , Airs , Citlttentlcn vIli resume her duties as supervisor , devoting half of eacit day to the work until the end of thio year. Mts , Chittenden opened one of tIme itret kindergarten ecitools In the city cmiii lee ever since been actively connected with the cause as director of ICeliom kinder- gart p , aptj later as euperylsor and trainer of teachers. Time 'mowIng ' exhibit of the city sclmoolus vIll be opened about May 13 , A portion of the work is already in , and aives evitlenco of special openiojity , Tdo hittlo girls of Central Park , first graulo , have developec quite vhenotnenul skill In jiajuer cutting. S\'itbout any asist- Utica of lueumchh or feldIr.g , they ate able to ihlu.strate the most elaborate tale ho a man- tier at once artistic and edifying , Thsy that " 'vi1l say "pr1noiai5 tbt3 er ho rellcvcti from marking their teachers' ; that time corps Is to be lesuieneti forty-eight sottisi : that those teachertu mctiitatIng matrimony - rimony or voltmntary severance trotmi the suchiool force will ccnfcr a great favor' by notifying the boarti at once. Iiy c'a doing other less fortunate teaciters mimay be left with a profesionai heath. " Time teachers atid pumpils of Coltimbian schionl tentiered a May tiny reception to time Patrons' of time schmc'ol on thto first tiny of May. In one of the itntmseti rooms' a well arranged exhibit of work was clown. Then each room ftmrnishetl sonic excellent features for time literary anti mutisical program , One of the primary grades sang anti Iniperson.tteti a ng ab'ttt to littie sunflower. Atiother set of ptiplh gave a very pretty wanti drill. All tue vnnthti were wottntl with garlantis of spring blot.iomns. anti the whole effect van very pretty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( k'timti I tii iii'nl hittini Nut m's. The I'hii hem Kappa socicty of llarvantl I has chosen George S. Morrison , A. M. , ' 03 , I the celebrated engineer , as orator at Its an- niverrarl' , Jitne 25. It has boon decided that there will be no poeni thils year. Andrew I ) . \'hiitn wIil deliver the oration before time literary societies at the Comntuiettce1 1 macat of Itoanoke college , Schema , \n. . on tin , evening of June 0 , and on tue fohioving day m Secretary J. Sterlitig Morten will deliver tito cotnmeiicetiient adtlrcrs. hong We SIng Is at 96 probaby the nhuiet iurofcsoor actively etigagetl In edmmcationnl work lt tine world. lie ocettlulcs tue chair of physiology In the school for thio Sons of the Enipire at I'ekin , which is tIme niost an- cIut unIversity In existence. The Ilostoum public library cciitalns a total I cf 628.297 hooks , of which 158,423 are iti ten branches scattered throughout the city. The nmttnber of persons vitIt rcgk.tration cards is 31,812 , an imicreare of miearly 6,000 sInce thmo library nioveti into its imposing new gitarters about a year ago , Time ilostoti Transcript recalls the fact that I time late llaroii tie Hirsch fountieui and multi- i taiuued mommy schools in Egypt atiti Emmropcamm anti Asiatic Turkey. For instrttction iti Ga- Item he gave 10,000,000 france. To Itucila he t mantle the offer of $10,000,000 for ptthiic in- i strttction , with the sole proviso titat no die. tinctloii should be mnatlo as to race or re- hlgion , This tnerclfui offer tite Russian gov- crnnuuit tioclined , Sitice 1890 hi1 expeditures for charity hati exceeied $ lEO00,00O a year. & T1i0 W'ashhngton l'ost baa been lnvestigat. iig the subject of imigit school catiet corn- paiites with a view of flndig omit whether time iractico of military tactics In selmoolmi has roahiy a tendency to nrotms'e warlike in- tInct.o in jiupils. It fintis thtat the iiitmbor of boys in i'chiooi military companies is ac- tttahiy ies's than last year , vimicli , in view of ali the war talk of the paut year , ougltt to put a qttlctus on the ntmxiou souls 'imo object to military traiultig Iii the imbue shoo1s. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i'miuiio LI hiltAht V Nt'FES. The new lIbrary building janitor , like a new broom , sweeps clean. . The inventory of books In tite library is progressing satisfactorily. Librarian liar- rows hopes to have it completed by thte end of May. Librarian harrows is at work upon his first annual report , whuicdi lie hopes to make a complete account of the condition of the library and tite work that has beeui done since his advcnt to its managenient. The bcard of directors is again wrestling with the question of finances. The rotluced tax levy for library purposes will compel a tilost rigid hiusbantlitmg of the vrcsent year's resources and lirovent any material expatt- lon for sonic tIne to conic. A certified copy of the ordinance under witichi the lihtary board Is organizeti and tIme library condttetcd is now on fIle in the library. Heretofore the only accessible copy of this important document was titat kept itt tito chico of the city attorney. A search atumong time archulves of tltue city clerk's office last week unearthed the tnattit- script copies of the first seven annual no- poits of the Pttbiic Library boarti for the years from 1877 to 1884. These reports have never been printed. The librarian has been instruetei to Itave them copied at huls con- ronlence , so that. the library may ho in poe- session of a complete file of all its reports since its organization as a public institution. The explanation of the actiomi of the city i council in throwing out the bill for time It- brarian's iticidentutle last month Is as hitm- morous as It Is a reproach to the intelligence of seine members of the council. One of the items of tite bill read : "Subscription to Edo- cation-$4. " The brilliant aldermumaim , who ttever iteard of such a publication , imnmetii- ntely jumped to the conclusion titat time board was beconming recklessly extravagartt , and lund even gone so far as to make a tionation of $4 to the Board of Education. So , imistead of making intulry , tue whole bill was hung imp. It Is needless to say that u'hten the item was explained all objections were with- dravn and tue bill allowed. An effort is to be made to collect au abel au Ic PossIble thuat is owing time library on Its tlelinquent tine list. Thtis hot fools up nearly 0O , mostly In very small stuns , anti has been the bugbear of the library for years , being shifted from one coninmittec. to another without practical results. It con- taiimui time names of many of Oniaha's most C Iramninent citizens , atnotig thtein city and state officials , banki , business omen mind Ia- boners who have signed as guaraqtors for i book borrowers anti who pay no attention to notices sent titetn to make good finet , loft ttnpaid by thto card holders. They have tI boemm deprived of flue privileges of the library , hut that uueenms to have ilai little effect UlOfl n titeit. It iii proposed to find 'otmt how many s of these accounts are good antI charge time I remainder up to profit and loss. The directors constituting this' book corn- niittce imavo under consideration several coni- PIaimmt of time abuse of library privileges S by non-reoldent book borrowers. Whtilo time library io supporteti by taxes levied ttpon time city of Omaha alone quito a groitp of people living In sttrrounding towns have ac- quireti cards , eltiter In the1r own miamea or c iii tile tifltflOS of residettts' and receve all a tite benefits of the library. Books belotiging P to tito Omaha public library are , therefore , ii circulating 1mm BlaIr , Soutit Omaha , PlatteI'u mnoutbt alit ! other tovnv , anti wimCn called for ti by Omaha readers are frequently out of ' reach , There Is a nmtlo timat nomi-residont lila ) , draw books only omm payment of an annual - nual tiu of $2 , but Its enforcement seetus to have lapoed. Time practice of the library t 'lihm referotice to title subject will In al ! probability be reviced amid placed upei ; a uniforni basis , _ Seei.it.l I mint itt Ciiti.rt. The hmamah of time Sscond infantr will give o its initial concert of , tIme sensn in time batmti 0 ritanul nt the ( cmi on the evomiltig of May 6 , comnioncitig mit 7 o'clock. The ltrograrn con- L'ttuts Of eight mitmmhem-s and hits beotm selected - lected witit great cure. ti Pitro hIooti is tIme safeguard of hteaitit , C ifeep time blood pure with flood's Sarsapanhlla 'l if you would always be velh , S I'hiltSONtl , I'Ait.tltti'JlS. E. L. Calkins ofKemmrney was in Omaha U last night , U Eu Ilirihop of Denver is in tIme city on a sitort visit wiUm friends. tc IC. Sonnenshmein of West I'oint watt in , s'e Omaha a few hottrs yesterday. It Judge Barnes of Norfolk left his name on a hotel register esterday. E. J. Ioi3ehl of the Rosebud IndIan agency ° was an Ottiaita visitor yesterday' , 3. N. II , Patrick returned frotn IJo-'ton of last cvenimmg after an absettco of a week , w E. I ) , Gouid of Fullerton , otto of No- braska's leading horeuemmiemm , is in time city. . S. 14. lliglthyman of St. Louis , tax corn. tt mtmissioner of tite Missouri I'acitl , is In the of city. city.E. E. flignail , division simpenintendemit of the liuniitigton at Lincoln. , left for Chicago last i-c night. Carl Morton , E. F. Warren an S. 0. ilutcimlnson of Nebraska City vero Omaha visitera yesterday , Augustus Styles , ravohing passenger agent am of the Union Pacific , returned from a west. era trip yesterday. or C. 13. Ruatln loft for San Francisco , Cal , , last evening im connection with some mimi. lug interests be holds in the state , 14. A. Btork , rate clerk for limo iikimorn , tim and J. Ii , fluckinghani , chief clerk of time of passetiger department of the fluriington , b heft last night for St. Louis , where they sill attend lIe transcontinental meeting of 811 rate clerks. thi Nebraskans at the Imotele : P. L. Ilaworth , A Ord ; S. 0. Campbell , Madison ; J. 11. ciii. of mimore , hay Spnitigs : Fred Ileliler , Nebraska City ; Ian Miller , Frernoxtt ; J. C , McCorkle , g51 jLemnlofori ; , , ! ! ENTERS ON' IJIIS PASTORATE ReV , Warfielil Prcacih His Initial sermon at flrst Oongegntiona1 Church , OPPORTUNITIES THAT ARE OFFERED Siiii'ess uf time 'Cinirehi , mis lilt lit- ilI'Iiltiiiiw , Iemt'itis ) nit 'i'tiklttse _ tiis tiiihti55t' of 't'hiiuiui 11ev. Frank \Vnrfielti , time new pastor of : hto First Congregational eiimtrchi , cccitpieul tis puipit for the first timmie yester.iay. lie aas greeted by large cotmgrcgatioims at botit tervices iUiti the itupremusion that lie left ivitit timem was decidedly favorable. As a uhplt orator Rev. Wanfielti is plain , cottclse imiti agreeable. lie Is glfteti with a sotiorous intl well imiotittlateti voice , his delivery is ? arrest anti Itnpresslve , At tine ttiornltig service the discourse was in tltn vords itm ltovelatioti , "Ilelmoid I have tot before you au opeti tinor. " Time speaker lecluireti timat time vrcsetmt was an ago of ) Ci ) ( leers. lii time last imalf century time lark continent of Africa ltami ticemi pemme- rateti amid a citaimi of republic strotcited temotis Its Previoltely mttiknown territory. Very recently tlte vonid htmiti beeti stnrled by tIme nforttmatlon that an advetmtttrous voyager matl thiscovereti thmo north polo. There were ) pefl doors all around us , Thtey were opeti- ng wider every day and every 'car anti let. ing lmitmnnnity mice further into tue. secrete if time Altmmighmty. Cotititmimlng , tie speaker said that opeti icons vere everywimero luresenteti to ( hod's icopie. It we were to analyze time secret ) f atty mann's success it. wommlml be fotttid he as iwotmipt to cuter every door that was ) Petioli to bite. Usually it would be fomtnd itat men who hind proved fahltmree Intl been dow to timemmis'el'es and in ajusert ' tardy eaten- tig on time offered provitlemicee of Ged. It Ivas with churches as with itmuhividtmals. Tltme memccessfuml ctturchm was time one that neglected mo miew oimporttmtiity , bitt performeti every lttty that time saint dictated. Iteferning more particularly to time now field wlmicit iie hiati emmtered , ltev , Warfleld Lioclared that a chatige iti a pastorate atm always aim occasion of new ttntlentnkimmgt' . whmemm new doors Were opened for time chttrchi cud its itmemimbers , lie calied attemmtion to the three ( loom which stood opemi as ho emmtcrcti Impon liii , pastorate of I Ime cittmrcit. One was imis own tmt'efmtitiesi , . Thmero were too many Pastors who were ilmysicahly alive bitt spiritually dead , They imati died of eam'e , cmmd ite visiieui the prayers Of htis congregation that thio prophmecyToe tmnto tlmemn that are at ease itt Zion" might never apply to hlmu. Another ( leer was time cotmfidenco amid af- tectionmite regard of itis PtImle. Comtming hero as a stratmger Ito needed this to ittako imi I service effective. Anti timen there was the door whicit stod open to me ftmli feilowmuimip with God. Any man whio hind this followsimip was a power for good , whether It war , edti- I eated or ignorant ; and ime urged imis hearers to aigimalize limbs ne era in time pastorate by endeavorIng to arrive at a closer mm- ierstammulimtg 'ithi limo Altmilghty. Time mummolcal features of time service were rtmrnisheml by tue choir , nuttier tine direction Dr Prof. Torretmc. The opeimlmmg antimemmi was , ' 'I AmVaiting for time Larti , ' ' fromn Men- : icissohtn' "Ilymmi of l'raise , " in which tIme ilos were sung by Airs. Squmires and Mica qlm'res Air. lan IL Wheeler , in. , sang an Ave Iaria by Marstomt as a tenor solo. wlthm violin bligato by Aims Darlene Coo. For time offer- Lory Alit's Coo played time "Lago , " by liammdoi , 111th organ accotnyaniniont. mLUiiS'l'iN 15EV. "dhtOM.iiS CILlIEl ) . 1 1 roti c ' .I I n 0 rit uf . Cli I ( mtgt , l'v.wh , ) t.tr' . , . , l'ei-ppt ItIs'AcI mitissioti. List winter when time people of time First congregationa1 cimulcit of this city were earcimlng for a pastor 11ev. Profit Ilitfiltig- Mfl Vrooitinn of Chicago . was invited here in ti'lal. lIe caine amumi preached a couple Jr sermomus. but for sotimo reasoti tue call to cmnaln and permanently fill the pmthplt was 'ever extended , At time timmie , It was hmlmited lint Rev. Air. Vrooman's Cotmgregatonalsni ! xas not just time kind that was reqmmircd by lie teacimings and doctrines of time cimitrcit. fter leavimig Ornatma , Her. Mr. Vronnian no- urned to Chmicago , and later received a call .0 time Itenwood Presbyteran ! cimumrcim of titat : ! ty. In ortier to accept anti be duly in. tailed , it WflS necessary for imimmi to becomne L mnernbor of the presbytery. 110 took time uxatnlmiation , but an appeal was takemi by , anle of the immoro orthodox minIsters. The lotais of time now futnoems case are given by , toy. John Clark 11111 , D. D. , in last week's ntiepenmlont , as follows : Time ( umtdmmmentmii quemitiomi at isstmc in this I inse is : "Wimitt do time terms or m4ubscnip- Ion to tIme Presbyteriatt stantiards imply ? " Time case has already become a notable ne , anti , as it is stlil pending , it is veli Lu dive tb essetmtimil particulars glveim in do- ( Frank Bufllngton Vroornan is a grad- iato of Ilarvamd , a man of strileinm.c hier-on- Lhity , ttbottt 3i years of' utge. lie huts spent onsiderniuho time itt rtudy in lIurops ; lIved year at Toynbee Hail , Ionthmn , time iirmit Ocial i-etthemefl. He tmaui acted as simppiy or several promimment cimurcimes in Etmgmand nti America , Presbyterian anti Congrega- iomtai. lie has made sociology it sPecinity , To imecame promltietmt iii Chicago soni' riomithis ago , In cotitiectioti With atm effort om a lie Immirt of the Civic Fetieration to eniiti he mu'mfllllttlY of tile chmimrc9mes hum it womk. Vimlie ho vas thus engagt'tl , lie rmmmide atm p navorahle impression on many , on occotmnm t' the deprecimitory rnmmtmmmer in which he me- erreti to time work of foreign missions in d ontramit with that of time (2i'ir Fetieratiomi ntl similar sociological reformatory outer- rises. 0 The Konwoo'i elmurclm. ( 'imIt'tgo , to wimleit A C SWuM cahieti , hi H b2ati ir a izo I only . .htou oitm rncnthe. It Vtt8 largely a colotiy fmtnn me First I'resiytCtiflmi chttmt'hi , of whmichm lr. 11. lmtrmows wute lecetithy huuletor. Air. 't.ootnmln was very cordially rotmitnemiuleti to a Imie ctmUcht liv imiembets of time pmesbytery a nd othmers. lie mimmlpiiCtl time' liulpit for seine , I Peelts , mind ts'as enthmueinstictuimy etihled to a In' iiastornte. ills serummonu' , at ietst extracts from timetmi , iertu freqitently reported Jim time tinily vu- ore.'itemi ill WItS nntmotttmt'eti thmmtt ito vni l aileti to thit' pastorate or tim ICenweoul ti humtrchm , qitei'tionti were at once amuketi : If c imeco reportv of lbs serniotis arc crtect , rouihi it 1)0 info to receive hitu as a metmmbem' 1' thai preshjytet'3' ? In due course ime mipylic'ui for ndmniuision.tm liii credentlmthui ( mom it ( . 'nngregationni autism0 imitiomi vere in orulem' . ( 'otnlng from what 'I' I techmtiicniiy known , in l'resbytetian tmsumgt , ii 13 It. "foreign buy , " lie vmIe rcqttlr'ui to u mlntt'nibo to tIn entu'titmmtioim ; but befot's , lieu c.ttlul lie penmnitteti to do thmmtt. its' % aa hUe. uired to mmuiituit Iii atm exammijnntion nut to iii thoctnirmal'iowF. . Time iirst ( ei % ' questions were tmlhlclent to a mow that the pntsbytery would rt'qtmlro n cry oxtemmded exarninaticmn baroro It wotmhui a satlsftt'ti. Ag tim sxatnlntmtlon liroceederi me impression buennw very general tlutt Ite P 'as entirely at sin on what tire regartled Of ic funtIarnetmtttis oft t3me evnngollciti system , SC p i-a ) ' nothing ot'thtt' narrowel' limits of time ci ) titeSCiOhi of ( mtith. , Double were raiu.'etl its t htls' position oti : ( The imuthtority of time : riptttrea , the tnlmmltv , tite atmttonment , antI me state of time finnilS' immienitent. No roe- 0 ti 'as imizmtie of 1.11111 flintIer of title eNemaam ation , tvitichi iasft'd over two hours. Ilati lii vote IieC'ii tnkenttimen ; It woimid itmive beeti ou peni'lmeltnitmgly auitmiost reception ; iuitt , etc ill lie i-tmmteui , ite humid 1mm lntlnmmitlomm whmatevt'r tat , Ito was to be uxmunitmetl ; In time interests fair play llnmt.iauctiotm % 'ae delayeti one m'ek , SI Wiiemi time lneshYtcry again assomimleti and it IC business in thwoaso sync rt'nunietl , ite Al as , contrary to I'roth'terlan usage , permit. Lu , tI to renti Km carefully prepnrcd statetnemmt itis positIon , 'l'imfs paper , however. did ) t uuuhilcietttiy clear up time impressions t tat hail been mathem as to tmiH 'iews at time am st meeting. In closing lila etotemnent ItO g ( ys : "Now it itt for you to say witethmer ri ) U hltiti hero Caivinism , As heroin iieIinui ui id interpreted I Chifl sign time standarde , ' A large mmutiiiier of time members of time 'esb'tor3' tild not regmirti time paimer as mc 'finltioum mund interpretation of tite etatni. tie , at. thtoy are ordinarily understood to mit I received by those vhto sign them. On be is ttccount an oral examination was ugain mooed , S'imen titis examination was completed ev. W. H. Phutnmner lIr'atl , pastor qf the lurch of' the Covenant , rose and gave iTo- . o that within time constitutional limit of 'mV ' lie Ito would tile t complaint to the synod G Illinois against the action of the lines- ery. lIe minority. shortly afterward met and a Iolteul IL formal cottiplutint. this was is tmeti , not only by those who voted against of 0 aetiomi , but by severni 'tmo voted for it. in sufiicieot number e ( signatures , one-third an thowe voting , was obtaimieti pa tie to mitny MI Iv furthter proceeditmgmm. wtml'It stay in- Ivem. the immiteflnio ( potponemmment of time sri itallatlon of imir. Vroomnan as pastor of the an triwooU church. . ad l.1IVI'Elt Ct iIhlhlIhlS I ) A IIANI ) . , % 'nrk itig for 'l'ii ,1 r ti t littiti 1 Colt veit- . Ilium Iii lIt1sithqiti V'fli , Tito local branch of time National Letter Carriers' association held its regulac btis'Iness meetitig at Labor tctmmple Saturday evening. - Iii audition to transactitig a quantity of rotmtine bitsineza time following resoltititis' - were atioptemi : \Vhmerens , Time enterprise' , lflmbiie , iuinit nnul perses'eratmce of our citizens' coiutnittee of this' TrahimmilsIsiimpi e.huoiIthntm lint' met vitht renmarkmiimle anti itntuitnhilleti Micee5 - anti has rect'iveui thte cmmtiorsethit'titi4 of nil organizations wherever they imtive OPi ) leti , linS hiefl dtte to their eiiet'gy neil immdomnitnlulo vihi thimtt the t'nlted Stnte i-cnnte itii tnlcen notIon ntmti reeogiilzeui our TrnhmFluisiuisfflmpi expoitlofl n mm great put'- lie enterpriseu , worthy of imtitumnl sit ; ort , hi. , etmacting a law tmppr pniuithtig $209sm ) for it Mtccei.s ; therefore belIeving it Is time titity of ever % ' immitnlotic ettizeil to lenui hiimi , immititl hi mnmmcimig tititi great entoniinit' n grand u'tit'cess , thtC' letter carriers of Omnmmimn. Neb. , iii meetIng nsetnbie 1 , V'iQh & to uximress our sentlnic'mits In time fohiotltit , ' , 'imercn9. itratich No. & , National Asoeia- tioul of ietter ( "arrieru' , lit mmmi orgatilzatitmn of letter ctrrerr , , macti titout ot wimom own their 'lttie Im mneitmiiti tire ltitert'iitetl Iii time properhtv imtitl welfare of Otmimlimmi ; atimi we further tiu'hic'o ottt' P0511101W 05 liumluhir Fervammts i-hmott'd Imniiiit' us with a uueti'e of iei'IiOmiihhhIt. ' In imellmitig to make this grimed eumiterpniro tin umnqitutl'fled s'tmccers.'eu mmli' ) believe otmt' close relallon mind itmtercoitt"o vItli time whole vet us' thmrotmghmntmt time litiltemi States vil lieu a great fnctbr iti pro- mnot I ii g t Ii e intl ivid itoh Immtercs t ; atmil W'lmcretmui , As mimi rganizntioti we lmrefet' to ite nh netiV butler rather timmimi n fol- lover iii time umltimnmite stmccess of this eXlitfld- tioti ; therefore be it - ltesoivei , , That % 'e. time mmiemhenii of irmtticlm , No , ! of Ommimmimum. endorse the action of iirotiter I ) . 'mV. Tiilotmutmtt in itiS letter to - time l'otnl Itecord , a' tlfylng our brother carriers all over thur coittitry of hiI ititemi- tions to itmu'imut on titit Nrmtlotial Associuitiot ) of hetter ( 'arriers to hmod time nnmittai con- 'emitIomi of letter carriers lti Onimiha In time year ISIS , ntmti we imercimy ; iledgc imlun our mttilteti miimpport In itle enuiemtvor to bring lmntor , to hiraticim No. I , Nmttititmal Association of 1atter ( ? nrniets , rttiui that our exposition immmty liroilt thmvroby ; anti lie. It further Itesolveul , 'l'hmmtt enehi omme cf its ( letter cat'- & niers of Otnaima nail Sotitim Onimtiia ) , itmuil- vitlimmuily anti c"llectlvoly , will iiO miii we can to bring nimoitt time cotustmtnnmuttion amid realzntlon of tue highest hopcu. of it lire- jec tori- . Signetl imy II. I. . . haag. I ) . \V. Tillotson , m ( icorge 3. Kiefl'ner , II. 0. flose'ie. South Omnuitma. At. Ilotertomi , II. It , Overall. C' . Ii. Ct'etghto'i. II. N. lhowieuuV. . Al.'ic - - tOr ntiui A. P. lirntiy , comma tteo. II Igi. l''ii ( ' ( ' Cii ii . 'w 'I'nftiii' . Mrs. Gracr , 1451 Sotmthi Fourteemmtii u.trec't , iimiui hmer next door neighbor. Johmn W'elcim , hnt'e nit beeti on friendly terma for some titno pmtst. Severa ! imm'nthut nm.o sims' Immui ii high board femice cotmstmueted betvee'n time two teslulences anti thmemm lImo troitiile began. Alt'Velcim ni-i-entoil that it interrttpte'tl his view and AIrs. ( ' .nimcer refusetl to sa % ' off evemi a foot of time barrier. Yestertlay timitigs reached a eimnax anti Welch itas imeeti arrested on a charge of tiisorult'rly commduct and s'itit tmsltmg iirofttne language. t A 'l'rliiiI ) ' of lIs'iI , i3iIiotmsmies , sick imeadaclme mmmi irregmmianity Cf time bowels accompany each otimor. To time ronmovai of this trinity of ovis llostettor's totmmaclm Bitters is specially adapted , It also cures dyspepsia , nlmeumaticni , malarai ! coma- imlalmits , bliiotmsness , nervousness , amid conat.- si patlomi. The immest satisfactory resuits follow ai a fair trial. Use it daily. - ci t thim holier F'or a iittlo macni-nay , nay , not on l3itrU lngton Route ( lining cars. 01 On Burlington Itoitto dinimig cars yoim pay 01 JUly for wimat yom order. And if you ortler right , 60 cents gets you as well cooked amid it tu'ell served a mneal ice the heart of mmiami caim st lesiro. Time Burlington's 5:00 : p. rn. train for CimI- : ago-4:35 : p. ma. for Denver-9:05 : a. mu. for T t. Joselili amid lCammais City carry diners. hl operated on tIme a-Ia-carte plan. City ticleot omce-1502 Farmmamn St. - Is Six I' . .l. 'V ELECTRIC LIGhTED , Si . STEAAi II1IAT1ID , ill , SOLID VESTIBULIID . di . Omaha. ti Cimicago , cm Limmmtted , ( p vIu. the "Mihis aukee. " F. A. Naslm , general agent ; George Ilmiynca.tii : ! ty pamemuger agent ; cty ticket 0111cc , 1504 ' ? arnatui street. til - TI A mm I tim t' io 'IIi ( ' ii t. tu The flying Nortitut'stemi Line train to Chmi- rago. "No. 2 , " "Time Overland , " Omiiniia 4:45 : B n. , Chicago 7:15 : a. m. fr Tile CMAI1A-CIIICAGO SPECIAL , Omaaimn vi ; : Io p. ni. , Cimicago 0:30 : a' tim. The last fast train iii tite evening , Omaha 1mm 0 Chicago. Nommo better are bout , es City ticket 0111cc , 1401 Farnamn street. cc - . or foimie St'eL..rs' iIeitrsioil. hhsi' 15 , LSDG J , ' 0 Points 00 time F'rertiommt , Elklmorn & AilsT. . 'ouni Valley railroad in Nebraska , includimmg Ti mointe in 5110 upper portion of time fertile gi Ilkhorn river valley. W Ask agents for jrnrticulars. or semiii to the 3 ttidorslgncd for maps and printed matter. WI J. It. BUCHANAN , Sc onerai Paescrmger Agemit , F. E. & At , V. It. IL , Omaha , Neb. to w ' 11 St at AMUSEMENTS. ccocccccooocaneccocctoctoo With the organ recital yesterday afternoon Vi t time First Congregational cimttrclt caine 'si 0 am end a sonie of concerts wimicit it is te robably hot too nmtmch to say have glvemi ut reter vleasuro to a greater ntmrmmber and one nmcro toward bmmiltiltig UI ) cxci fixrtg he musical taste of Ormmalma thiati atmy other : ieatms witicim lao comitnibmiteti to that end. IC ir , Taijer'm toWflshmeopho have bocomtmo so Cr Led to him , to time eight of hIm about time Oh trects amid to time solmmmd of lila playing tiiomi itum lit favorite itstrunment , timat timey are alit in sVh great mmteasure to take itlmmi for gratmted , lii nil not to rothize , ttniess their attentIon. Is aim Irected to thu immatter , imow fitie anti true miii 0 artist lieu is. Time iiroverb about prophets iii 'itimout liommor in thmelt' owmm country is cosmiccli homes applied to AIr. Taber by his fniemmda , tim html Imorimaps ttow anti Simon by Mr. Taitor tim a hm imniel C si' it a ii it o feels tim o st imm g ii ii id mmmi otuios frotti time real or fancied neglect of tim 1550 svimo simoulti be his mmtatcim suppom'ters. Cr lul. surely it is sommmetlmimmg to have perp : manemmtiy raised time standard of tmiusicai pimnoclation in a corntmmtmmtlty ; atmml thmLu Air. aber , by Itemuictent effort , fihliimg time immeas- no of his residetico imore , and ofteit pursued hider citcunietancos of disulmpolmmttmermt , on I nl to 0110 sIde and aliIiarett indifference an [ me other , mrta' fairly claittm to Imimvo dono. Inc ssiii miot be Imossiblo hereafter , In viess tim r imis services , for inferior porfonttiers to tin ot titc' following thmoy might have imad eli Ut for imimn. "flmo PeoPle kmtow good orgatm laying ; or , If they do mtot , it is not for watmt ! hearing it whenever they Were mmmlnded , , , I iiatemt. W'Imhch , ssltit till that it Implies r resttlw in tIne to comae , is mmmucim to ito en iankfttl ( or , tmtmd adds greatly to time gems- inc artistic pleasure which mill trite lovers Pt ( have deris'eul 0 mmiusio fromn timis modest tisL's playing as they ssent aiong , I'er5fl ( 113th if ho ssero less modest regarding i. pam 'tO acimievctmiotmts , and tiaumtteml his mmm irita , se I time public eye immoro bravely , his tie- maui trmiahy recomtipenaa might be greater. It Is to si'ay of time world to recognize ammd ro- meet that which takes it by etonimi. limit lacy be doubted wimetber timat part of r. Tahor'e fatne wimich will endure couhd 3 rendereti better wortim the itas'ltmg by time uplcyimmomit of methods which arc so on.- rely foreign to imls imature , Anti after all , i has beemm mid sotmiewimere before , "a ) iXi mmamo is ralimor to be cimosemi than .great I chmcs"-a conciusiomi to wimicim Air. Talon ma doubtless comae sltbout the aid of the esent. repetition. Yesterday'm imrogram , the fifty-timirmi of time nie9 , was compoacd largely of mequest ittubers chocea from time best of All' , Ta- r' extensive repertory , flanging in qutal. r from the majetic movememmt of time rand Zclarcii froma the "Queen. of imeba" time pgJjlo rrs ci ClopiO'a F'mmqeral a arch , and emnbi'aclmig three widely diverse i' 'tmgner nuriers , liatisto's Communion in and time beautiful Andante from Meudeh. oimn' Violin ConcortoL bp pi'ogram was veritable feast of music , none of wimicim intrinsically popular , but every number sshicb has been 'popularized , to time lastra I : betterment of the people , by Mr. Talon's vi tistic handling and unremrmltting zeai. ucim of the musIc was time organist's owtm rangetnent ; in particular time lntroditctloa .h ii flnidai Cborus fromn "Lobengrin , " &s aie4 tQr tttv rm'u Iz 4r , aber , caJ ) 9t ilec , May 1 , lSCd. .A : . . . . FAST. - , - t- - t Thc most intcrcsting placc in the whole city for t mothers at the present time is that Children's Dept. of ' A . ( , ours on our second floor. The man back in New York i. k 5. is making it decidedly interesting by reason of those scc- i end purchases which arc now arriving every day. Friday t we opened up a case of I 75 knee-pant Stilts which arc by : Long odds the biggest values this town has ever seen. They arc just as good and just as handsome and just as - . - well made and trimmed as any suits you have ever seen - - ( marked $3.50 or $4.00 , but we are abLe to sell this particular - : ticular lot at $2.SOpcrSuit. They are double-breasted knee-pant Suits in all from 4 to 14 and c _ - , ages years , consist - ; sist of Cheviots , Cassimeres and vVorstcds iii some of the " ; ' c _ prettiest patterns we have ever seen. Nothing but hard work and shrewd bargain-driving could have secured us tc these suits so that we couLd sell them for less than $3.00 : to $3.25 apiece. It's a veritable feast for you. Qthf . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED , " TRY SAPOLO ir high praIse for its imiusiclummuly treat- tent , Colored mimmetrelcy line always beemi no- : uivcil with mmiore or less immthifferemmce by mnauma theater liatrotis.'Itii omme or two ecelitlOlls , timia has bcemt time rule , as a umber of fairly clever commihimmatiomie re- emimber svitim sorrow , 1mm view of tlmis fact me emicotmragement. Mahara's colored mmmln- tell received at time iimltlai performmntmice time Crolghtomi yesterday mmulghmt be ac- imted as iti somne degree mneacurlng time ox- clletmce of time ontertainmiment. Timere is little uiiontuitmity in time old ileimi for time lmmtroduc- oil of mmmuch that. is miew , but all time clover oveltie that this class of ssorlc will per- it. are comubimmed in the Malmara commibimma- on. Tlmirty antista COIfllOSC the commipammy , mciutiing severai muammies fammilliar to the ttiln- roisy of a quarter of a century ago , iou as apuiar today as of old. Commieiiian hilly oung hteals tue list , with Jammmes Joimnsomm , alloy Stewart , Leroy Iihammti , Bob \'ebster , imuttmdorsomm , Gortlomi CollInsi ammul lliliard rower , humid , Stevart and Johmmson are ctcrans of time vimmtage of hlaverly's prime , icon tIme Auastodomis imicluded mmli time best dent of time eIas time market offered , The ork Mumiager Malmara Imresemlts Is excep- Ommauly free from jokes of qumcstiotuablo tomb Id is clean througluoitt , Time somigs and ( flees , luck and wltig work , vaumdevlhlo or- ets amid efficient corps of vocalists and nmicdians , all contrIbute to a pleasing per- m'mnammce. Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll will be at Boyd's eater tomorrow ovemming , a hmen lie will tie- er for tIc' first tinme in this city. hIs lee- ire , entitled "File Fotmniiatlcns of Faithi , ' ' he sale of seats for Colonel Ingerachl's lee- Ire svili open this mornimig at U o'clock. hem Seimarwenka , svimo will appear at oyd's titeater tonlgimt ( Monday ) , mirniveti elm ) St. Lottie yesterday tmiormiing. lie sited Fort Ornaima yesterday. lie was an leer iti time Gcrmmmnmi armmiy unti takes a deep tcrest imi mmmiiitany affatrs. lunlng tito 'onitig Mr. II. Al. Jomues of the Ommiaha Con- rvatony of Altmslc gmtve a immncheomm in hmommor hmt gtmest. Those presemmt vore : Messrs. A. Creiglmtomi. Scitemmkttloiphm Meyer , W. naier ) , Captain Kimmz e , J. T. Liumiharil , ) ornas J. Kelley , Dr. Ihactens and A. lion- uimi. Tiiitm afternoon time ladles of time 'oniamm's climb Will give himtt a receptioti , from to 4 o'clock. Tuesday mmmortmlmmg receptions Ill be tendered imirn at time Cotivemit ci tIme cred heart ummd at Brosimmell hmahi , ltmrof. Scitarwemika has beemm appointed dinec- r of time "Bach Society" of New York. ' me fotmrmders of time society are William elnway , Carl Sclmunz , Oscsnlui Ottendorfen td many of time leading imiereimummts of New ) rk. Scbanwenka goes to Eutrope in July to nduct SIte reimeansais mmmi performances of S opera "Alat'syimmtlta , " at. Vm'eitimar atiul enmia. Time sale of seats for l'rof. Sciman- enica's concert this evenimmg at lloyd's thea- r is very emmcoumraglng anti itmuiicates a large teimuiance. Lovers of imigit class tmtusic cmii all over time state , anti time larger towns svesterti houva , sviii ho hi attendance. Time comedian , Clay Cienment , wihi open a ttmrn cmigak'etmient of ta o nights at the eighmtcii ss'itim a porfotmtirimce tomtmorrosv simt , , igain presemititmg "Tile Now lommiimm- i. ' ' 'i'hto character of flaromm ilttimcumi4attffen , micim Air. Cletmiemmt vet trays 1mm tide iimo- ctioti , lihovod a mevolatloim out imis formmmer pear.mmmCe imere. Mr. Clemmment's comimcdy is tttral atmti &ommtancotms , his los'e tmmaWiig fasekiatlomi itself amid liii , outburst of pas- in at time cloo.3 of time socommil act tratiscetmuIs 1' reaciteti of mifimmplo am t. It mmiay be aulded at svitit this ness' creation of itle Mr. Cho- eat lies already siomi a imammmc ( or imiimmselt mit challenges cotmipam ison ssith ( oomiwin , ano , Sothmi'rn cmh , : oilier stars of tlteir imoi'e. A niatlimeo will be gis'cn W'ciineeday. Time attraction at thai Crclgbmtomm for two imts , cotiimmuimcing Sunday ttmatlnee. Alay 10 , II be Mtmrray & Macis. time smtccexefmtl ' ' ' flail. ' ' ior sim comimediamma , im 'Fimmmmigutt'im cmii tihtmo it hmau. hieen ovidemit to those whmo 5'O siotchuemi thto workings of Imublic favor St time lIght amuhitieitmIt ) los'ittg iL'oltlo were 1mg of cotnedtes atmii farces drawmm ogm Site I himmes , and it Is eiuremmthnl that a coimtcdy be sticcei-stmmi mmmitat have a dialogue that new , origimmni , atmmit.mttig , daring amid crisp. e peciaItie irttmmt uo bright. catchy .and Lorta liii mm g. 'rite singl mug mit list be gooii amid I choruses strong. ' ( ito girls ttmuet le ut ty , gru cefmml , besti I elm I tug. 'i'im e tucim tmm us S versatile , clover actors end strong Ii their 'cia I t I ( ti. ' ' Fl mt tti ga n's his I I' ' a tm fi time coma- ii , cogageti for its prodtmctimt : mire pnoimm. d to cottibine all tlmot'o attributes in a rhed degree. - IPESand Tobacco Pouches FREE in oxchanso for ooupons with aiI Pouch "Chowlnsz and Smoktrmg" The ant NICOTItJ NEUtRALIZED TOBACCO. Cenulne French URIAQ PIPE and Salt-closing flubberTOWiCCU POUCH 11'J ! Just suit. the Smoker Intl POUt' ! ! Avoid. Waste nod toc. Tqijsccu imI'cifect Comtdtiomm. ! tilfllII Oiliuauii 1mw to soctira I tie Aiini'u , ) a Coupon i'm each 6 cent (2 ( C'LlflCe ) I'uccIaie , rr3 Couponi ill each 10 colt (4 ( oumce ) l'ticLtt2e , Mail Pouch Tobacco Is sold by all doatera. cieliges ( nowomale ) contaimmimig mmmi tatiitpm. Ii tutu tccemIeti Ub t'OUOtiS. " 2 ut. " Iu'iaty Flag , ao Cupoa , ' 4 oa. " Inmty Flag a. Sea iotjon. . LIST RAT ED Cstalouo eji.il.er Iattumt4e .4 rtittsi Fm ccpta'aUuam , low ( a p ( IAa't , Maliod or secuest. B Bloch Uros , Tobacco Co. , Wtiealing , Y. Va. I ( j0up0u9 elchamiMcsL utter July i 113111 FLEMISH OAKQOW A Kb . i ± L. ( If you care for artletle furniture why not get tlto beet ? Time finest ercatlonim today in the ass'ehi shops In New York and London - " don are built In Fietmihshi Oak , If for dininii" " room use. 'cr0 are time only ftmrnlttmro hmoumie in thmi city siiowimig a lai'go line of Flemish Oak ( itnitig roomn cabinet work at how prices. Our prices for it are mmot immoro than sixty ( per cent of time Iirices cimargeul hi New York. Time dark greenish black ground mmialses a uupetb relief for mmietai tnimmmnmimmgs. Time ornatmientation itt greatly asaleted by a large range of reprofitmctions of olmi hinges , locka and fittimiga imi wrougimt iron , copper anti braso. Fleniish Oak Fmmnniture him just whiat l needed iii roonis svitlcIm imavo been painted in the late English art claIms , or mipitot- " " " " fabrics. stercd in "Morris" or "Liberty" CHASI SHIVERICK & CO FURNITURE aiicl DRAPERIES. 12(11 ( and DiiIas , 1IiIIard hotel BI. "Sen di'on" Bicycles ce Truest Iieanins Most thgid Promo S wilt-Strong-S tire Ccii or write for Catalogue , Nehrus1tc C.ull' Co. , 8I8 S. ifitlm St. Or Iowa Cycle Ca , , Coltimo I Jiluffs , Ia. ENDILONVil1ItIt. . CO. ( Maieursl 'fc4edv , Ohio. , - iiSTtiU.i4HJil1 ! 1S74. p G. A. Lindquist , ' TAILOR. 316 South Fi//eeui'h SI , irt , Siring 1Voveiics IpItichis yJiy LOW. FULL SE'F OF TEE'fJl , $5.00 Aud icc gmmarammteo alt our work to ' be the vary bu.t. Teeth extracted ( or 5 cenSus. DR. WI'fHL3RS , 4ttm 1ieom' itrowit iliock , _ _ 16th _ ti'i ' iuugiaa St. - - - - - - - - -U-- - --r-----