- - - - - . - _ _ _ - - - - : - - - TIlE OMAJTA flATLY 13EE.1btNIAY ( ) , MAY 1 , 1S9U. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) \ I Pulse of Western Progress. " L ! i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Sum rty unique X rAy Oxpttmcnt of extraor&1nary ucces have reontly been TnaIle In Oregon City by Dr. 3. Ci. I'erry , a ' : wdll known physIcIan c'f tIis city , nnd Mr. C. Cheney , superInttndent of the I'ortland General 1tcctric company , stys the I'ortland Oregonitn , The cxperimnts were made with golil bearing rock. In which the X ry .lo f1nc1 the frco gold as i'iainls' ' s if It lay on the nirfaee of the quartz. So fai a is known ibh' b the flrst swcsftiI experiment of the dti0 iin4IItctc'I V.ith iiuartz , antI the p1endic retiit obtnlnet jttIfy the assertion that ' ' the n"w ray ; Il1 prose of great value In L 7nining ojwritlons. 'rho posI1iiItIea of the X ray In this droctIon are nimot unilni- fleil , and it pr3lnises to bcotiie fli 40 tiio mining expert as It atreaily Is to tlio phy1an and stirgt'.n. M 1)urng the eperini'nt' , an accident i - covered the peculiar rowera of penPtration - of th ( ' rays. A donh.i' ptateliohler , to ac- conirnolato plates oi either liie , va filled , and one sIIe ( OXffld ) for a brIef period , with It hanil on It. TILe hulder waa then Iiierted for tli qinrtz perliiient , and a fine plato obtalnri , bringing out the gold s'ory nlanly. lint in devcloplng the flrt plate with the hand. lr. l'erry and Mr. ( 'heney were nr. prlaetl to find faint sklagrapha of the quartz , Htto % lllg , In this lutanee. that the rays 1ial JaLd through a rubber diaphragm , the gl.ias of Lln flr't plate , an Iron shutter , and sprIng beneath It. and the glass of the second plate. 1)eore ) It reaclieti the sonItlve film of tha latter plate. The rsdt obtained waa v'ry Iiiillar to that of a coInpaIte pliotograli , only , zi tiil Instance it wn.q tiiiintentlnnal. UNIQUE TUNNEb SCllllF. The nist unique iiiInii eiterprlsc , that 1ia come lately to the Murfacn I that of the Pllce' Peak Tunnel MInIng Hallway coni- pan3 , . This conipan ) ' lLae botn organlzoil , ay the 11o1'n.t Indep'tidciit , under the Iai'i ot Arizont with a capItal stock of $5OOlO.OOO p _ . _ th $100 alarca , and accordIng to their pros- ectii they propose to drive a tunnel from Colorado ( lty through I'lke's Peak , aitti under - der Cripple Creek , GlioM OtIs I'eirco Is the conultlng c'iigliiecr ot this company , which claltn. to own enough rich ground to pay all xpone uf driving the tunnel front the start. The prospcctu of the company states that : "The shortest route now to reach Cripple CrcetCs mInes by rail Is fifty-four miles. This straight. t3ort tunnel wIll reach CrIpple Creek In sixteen miles and pass through be- ieatli the PrinciPal ruining towns and canp.s , , In twenty-t 0 mIles. On the lliie It vIlt cut through l'ike' peak , Crow mountain , Gold- 1101(1 , Ilull lull , Ilattlo mountain , Squaw mountaIn , flavon llll , Gold bill , Poverty gulch. Glubo hIll , Grassy , Gtliott , horn mona- tnlii. Canieron' cone , localltle where are located thu principal mInes now being werkeil. "Tim average depth of the tunnel beneath the ttrface at CrIpple Croelc slIl be 2jOO feet. but where It vll1 Intersect the fohlow trig naiied , iiiliios the lepth below will be Victor , 4,000 ; I'ortlaivl , 3,500 ; Itebecca , 3OO ; inLlcpenience , 3,200 feet. " GRAPt CROP INJUR1D. Extreme cold weather , attended by hard frosts that were unparalleled for fifteen years , bas bad disastrouJ effect on the grape crop of CalIfornia , and has Injured ecverely early dorrlcs , peachiei , pr1ns. aprlcot and vege- iablei , 5ys a San Francisco dlpatclt to an easteri , exchange. The wInter was one of the iiilblest for many yeart , and throughout \ February amlt part of March th siirr was as warm as. in Juno. The result was that alt rult 'as far advanced. and therefore siilTered snore thali usual. The wIne grapes in Napa end Sonoma valleyS promlsC(1 ( a large yield , and all decIduott fruIt trees were loaded. For three iilghts , hoivaver , the mercury fell below the freezing point , arid only there 'Iiie- ynrdtS who buIlt fires and sniudges eavel ( their crops. It Is esiinated thot fully one- halt the grape crop of the state Is ruIned. On the other hand. the price of whiie grapes has advanced to $25 a ton. so that half a crop whli bring more money than a full crop last yolr. Upon the fruIt growers this loss vhll ' fall hic.arler , for last year tlie suffered from poor vrics at ChIcago and New York , due to qiiirels over the auction s.ton1. RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAY. D. C. Corijin returned from the east , where be has been for several weeks on Ijus- Incas connected with hits many Interests In WashIngton and lirItish Colunibta , says the . . , - - - . - . - full conthrma- Spokane RevIew. lie brings - tlon of-the news reported In the Spokesman- Review In regard to the building of the lIed NouiiaIn raIlway. " 1 have all along Intended to build thIs road. nud now I shall buIld It , " he said. "The conditions nOW wIll warrant It. Up to last ye.r the conditions were different , but now I ant sure tI-at the tonnage Is here , and ant prepared to go ahead auth buIld It this suinnior. In a day or two I shall go over the rattle. and when I return I shall make the start , aliil it Is sate to say tIle road ivill be conipletel to Rossland tills suillifler. 'The eurveys have been made for sotno tIme. In fact , there were a nuitiber of sur- .Yoys niado , and now I am certain I have the best OflO that could lie seli'cted. "The road will follow closely up the north fork of Sheep creek , makIng one detour In oriler to get a good grade. " . , vhll you bridge the Columbia ? " asked the reporter. "Yes ; that is part of the scheme , to go through to Rosslaild wIthout transferring , The bridge ivihi cross tIle Columbia. near Northiport , Iios 50011 the work wIll ho coin- inenceil on the bridge I cannot say exactly. " " \'hien vlhl you inaugurate daily service -from Spokane to Nelson ? " "Seine time before the middle of May. " This sets at rest any doubts which have been cxiiresseti relative to the buIlding of the Ited Mountain road. As a business tiroi- oltlOii , the ( line sas not ripe until this sum- iner , aud not until last tall was there a rca- sonalile guaranty of tonnage from the camp , anti , as it votbhl ( cost one-thIrd more to build through thin mountains In wInter , the vIa- dam of the delay Is ailarent. ) The road , Wheli completed , will be as well buIlt as any road in the northwest , NO F'AITII IN NAVAJO GOLD. The announcement that a mIlItary expe- ( litlon had been ordered to repair to the Navajo reservation for the purpose of clear- log It of Invading hosts of vrospectors dll not creitu niuch feeling in Denver , says the News , for the reason that there are few of thu reliable men known as tIrolectors of the eouthwest. who take any stchc in the re- L. porte so assiduously cIrculated about that distrIct , It is argued that It thera was any ' , ahliount of gold In the reservation It would have been made Ictiown to iiuny white iiieii ; who have lIved In the contiguous terrItory for most of their lives. No such reports have been received from a reliable source , atiti all the talk has beeti of the nature of rumora from these who heard the story from seine one else. The Navajo reservation has many times attracted the attention of prospectors , and scores of remarkable stories have been told , In Vhllll It is chinied that the richest gold ilCtOsits of North America are to be foutid within the limits of the reservation. The rep'Jrts were pubhhehed very extensively aev- cral years ago , and In 1892 the InterIor tIe- partnient took the matter in hand and secured - cured the appointment of a conitaiion to go Into thin country and report upon Its gold thcposlbs. The object of the department waste to throw the tcaervathon , or at. lead a hart of It , open to gold hunters If the stories were troven to be correct. General A. MeD. Mc- Cook was placed at the head of the cxpehl- ( then. Other members were ca-Governor hlarstow of Vermont and an expert aiming man nanied Allen of Albuquerque , hiouien- ant Ilakor acted as engineering officer of the expedition , the party making quite a for- ifliIflblO array lii the eyes of the Navajoes , who InhabIt thic fastnesses of the reservatIon. A ronipetent body of proepectors aecoin- ianleil the party anti a thorough exploration of that portion of the ret'ervatlon which was alleged to be richest was undortiken , Tue Party ipeiit sl weeks In the mountains and returned to civilization loaded with epec- iniono , which wore taken to Los Angeles , thou thto hiea'lquarters of the mIlItary (10- p.irtinent , and assayed. The returns were lutsatiafactory , arid the project to open the reservation i'as dropped , 'IiIk In Denver , General McCook many hums spoke of the expedition. lie was poi. hive that the stories concerning mineral i'althi In the reservation were fakc , and gold woltili never be found in paying quati- tlties in the hionie of the Navajoes. AFTllt TREASUI1R TI1OVI , Jacob Simon of this city has receIved sonic gooti news froni th island of Cocos , about 330 tithes or ! the coast of Co.ta RIca , in which he and Captain Gelaler are interested , Pays a Stockton dIspatch to the San Fran- deco Call , Several years ago Goisler learned that millions of dollars in treasure was buried on the Islanil. Expeihltons : had been I'Etit before to discover the hiding place of the burled wealth , but Goisler secured a chart from sortie source that purported to gIve the location. lie needed money to back his enterprise , and so he iaatiaeiI to Interest Jacob Simon of this city , who Is jiossessed of considerable wealth and Is a keen businerti nina. Simon fitted out an cx- peditoti here , auth the schooner llayseed was secured for tue trip. It Li provIsioned for It long voyage and a party of Stockton mon was selected to niati it. The Island was reached , but the expeill- lion did hot irove to be a success , as tlio treasure cotild not be located. The schooner returned 'ithi Its men after a time , but Geisler still had faith In thio ultimata sue- cess of his plans and so hail SImon. The ! sland had rich soil upon It , and Captain Gelaler saw a chance to get kohl of it until stick time as he could locate the treasure that ho was conviticed was hidden there. lie made an otTer to the Costa Itlcan government - mont and obta'ned ' a concessiolL to farni the island for a bug term of years. lie at once set about arranging to colonize th Island. Numbers of Germans were brought from their native land and put at work plant- lag coffee. ThIs was three years ago , and yesterday Simon recevel ! ( a letter from the isiand telling iiiiii that the coffee wao getting ripe and that a good crop would be liar- vested this year. This was very pleasing Information to Simon , as it takes nearly five years for coffee to grow from the bean oil tue mainland. The little Island is only six miles across ant ! Is nearly all high laud. The mercury oil the warniect days seldom registers above 90 degrees and at night the temperature drops to 65 ilegrees. The island is heavily wooded and them are millions of birds upon It. The only anlmils are the wild hogs , whlchi are there In great numbers and are very vlciou. . The treasure supposed to he hidden on the island amounts to tiOOOOOOO , according to tIm traditions hianiltl down to those wuio are flow searching for it. It was in 1821 that It was supposed to have becil buried there by the pirates vhia robbed the shIp Itehampago Oft Acapulco and took the money that was being sent from Mexico to Spain. AN EXCITING CONTEST. Two river mcii belonging to tue Stone- breaker crew witnereed an exciting incident orb the Ciearwaer last week , says tue boats- tori'ashi. ( . ) Teller. As they rounded a bend just above the mouth of the North Fork they observed the water being lashed Into a foani. The splashing was equal to the coaiinotion caused hiy a powerful engine turned loose. With the roar of ivater cattle a scream in a voice of tIcipalr frotil the concealIng foam that rolled ten feet high. The men tolled on over the stony beach towing their heavy boats. Whoa they came wIthIr fifty feet of the strange commotion of water the battle seemed to end , and ojily dancing bubblea marked thto scone of diii- turbanco. Two great batch eagles were sit- tlng oil the beach with native pride subdued by water that dripped front belragglcd pitim- dge. They watched the approaching men with avago glare and reluctantly deserted theIr sentInel perches on the boulders. They iioved , little by little from. reck to rock till tile > ' were fifty ( cot above the river on a crag , the beach betweea the rocks , ten feet from tile water , was a isaitnon , a monster of forty POLIllhS. ( It struggled and heat the rocicis and gasped in the battio for breath. It was torn by tue claws of the eagles. Its eyes were picked otit. and it lay tile prey of the cruel birtle , The eagles had potitice I upon the salmon as It cruised en tue ripple , They buried their dawn lii its hack. side by side tiiero iveio a dozen wounds. The fish hail borne the bIrds to the shoals : they dragged i1ith. inch by liicii , toward the shoro-iisch by inch till they had him on tue stony bacii , Then tue hattie was won. The vie- tars waited for tli thu to beat out its own life on the rocks , They waited for their dIn- ncr , but the men robbed them. JACKSON'S IlOLlI OR BUST. Colonel \V. T. Sawyer wIll In a few days leave Ionver wIth a colony of about seventy- five families vhio intend settling in thlO Jacksan's hole country. Last summer about 100 titiulhios Weiit into the valley and alerted cattle raising and farrnin with apparent success , antI theIr giotng accounts of the country have IflIUCO(1 otitera to enter tiils spring , says the Rocky Mountain News. Part of tue coioi451 Which wIlt leave Denver wIll sqttio ( it thio Teton baln. where a ditch l beIng buIlt for Irrigation purposes , The news from \'aahiIngton indicatIng that hireo troops of cavalry would be summered in the hole country has ansuired the settlers that there wIll be no trouble from the lndlatus for some 'ears to conic. The preii'cnt winter In the valleys hiss been quite mild. Only about and a half feet of snow has been recorded , In comparison with a foot more last year. A winter cx- tenda only from January to the latter part of March , thu does not amount to very much. The lofty mountains surroundIng the vark breaks all wind stornia , and at the same time .siore great quantities of water for euniriler use. It is a good country for colonista with meana , It Is stated , but poor men stand but lIttle show on account of the necessity of getilag starteil before there can be returns off vhiichi to live. In the vicinIty of the Gras \'otitres and Teton a mining excitement of considerable importance has sprung up. Captain Smith recently took Into Market Lake several larc' sataphes which ran over DO In gold , and free millIng. The extent of the veIn , lie caiti , ho did not know. Marcus laly and othier big operators have scat in proapector' wIthin the past two weeks , and hundreds of deltas have beeti located. One of the ciahitis near Captain Smith's property , two men worked last. fall. \\'hiii the snow throve thtc.nt out about Christmas , they had an ounce of amalgam as an average far each day they hind worked. The water used in washIng wan train a well 1111(1 ( pumped by hand ; so with thcee crude appihsiicea the showIng is remarkable. TIlE IAICOTAS , Aberdeen In to have a large elevator in place of tue one recently destroyed by fire. A party of Ehkhorn surveyors hia run a prehiniltiary etirvoy tip Battle creek , leathitig toward the towit of lCeystcnc , l'ennlngton county. Keystone lii noted for' the rIch tahties iii the vicinity , and the residents now feel assured of raIlroad connectIon in the near future. hly sending out notices to the county auditors over tim state , State AudItor Ihlpple hiius dloovercd that there are seven telephone companIes doing 1)usIneas In South Dakota , whIch have so far been exempt from taxa- tlon , but whIch will be required to make returns - turns in the future. Messrs.Valte and Gibbs , who recently sold the Florence group of tames to tue Golden Reward syndIcate for $ SO,000 , hiavo purciiasetl the property at the corner of MaIn and Ieadvood stroete for $7,300 , and will immediately erect a thoroughly modern five-story atone and brick business block in Deadwood , I The Aberdeen city council baa taken steps to establish a park on the large tract adjoinIng - Ing the city on the wed , which was recently acquIred. An artesian well vlhi furnish water for the law4hs. lakes , treea nnl flowers , s ithi which the Park will be artIstically or- ranged. The park s'ill Include about aevetity acrea of land , and it is antlcipi ted iihl je a great improvement to tue cIty when corn- tiloted. hlange papers report more calves on tue range this year than for any year in the 1a51 , says a l'ierre dispatch , and they accredit - credit this fact to the policy begun last 3-ear by many of tire stockmen to raise their own calves rather than to buy eastern cttio every spring. Tire home-bred cattle are better - ter in every way than tire oa.stren "dopies" which are brought onto the range , and the policy now bpgun will be given greater con- eliieration each year. On account of tIre inlhi winter and spring the cattle shipments for the market will very likely begin several weeks earlier this year than is usual , All In all tire cattlemen can hook for a most ' prosperous year before them. An engineer on tire B. & M. raIlroad , . wimhie makIng hruii tinIly run , noticed repeatedly enie- tIring iii one of tire railroad cuts clear Rock- forth that glistened hlko gold , At first ire paid but little attention to it , thinking It was iron lYrhto'J , but inc cutiosity having liecri aroused , ho had a frlc.nd get same of the rock that lie might have it tested. To hlir great surprIse tue returns hower1 thh rock to be very rich in gold. l1 Inirriediatel ) ' had his fric.ad locate it for both , and they are now takIng out some nice ore. It may ho that Dr. ltothcrnrel'si theory that gold grows will apply hiere , as tins ground has been prospected over- ninny times anti nothi- big found until tire engineer dIscovered It from hiri cab while running by at a speed of thirty miles an hour. ltc'erit dispatches to thro Omaha papers front Chicago , Hot Springe and Rapid City relative to the taliuro of tire bond upon tire Tea group of mInes , do tire property and this raIning region great injustice. Prof. iCing , tire expert viio examined tire Property , found sonic of tire thirteen claims included 'Itii practically no doveloprrierrt , Itock train lucre holes and prospecting shafts dirt not give good returns , but Ire did riot pronounce tire claims "worthless , " as stated , The flee correspondent , who saw an abstract Cf tire ropart arid corrospondctrco , can etato pool- tively that in declining to mice thr whrole property the Pock-Studebalcer syndicate of- fared to develop tire Doicrxie , with a view to purchase. Satire of the rIchest quartz over shown was taken out. by I'rof. King and his report on thIs claim could riot have bean otimer than favorable. COLOI1A DO. Ore worth 42 is claimed by Denver men oil Sampson mountain , in Deer Creek dIstrict - trict , Jefferson county , A three-foot ven ! running high in copper arnrl Iron and averaging $90 to tire ton ira ieen opener ! in drlftierg fronr the 200 foot level in tire Denver and Central urine at Central City. Jr. W. Moore. who recently beaten a claim on the Fall river district , near Ccrr- tral City , and cot a force of men to work oil the damn , reports they irad orrly gotten dowim fourteen feet vireri they struck a rich vein of ore , winch assays $110.40 to tIre tori. _ \ \ . hi. Adams , up fioni San LtrIi valley , rclrarts that a large lot of cattle will lie brought Iota tire rreighborhrond of that viii- Icy Iry Nicic Iowlnrg. 1)owling is at pros- eat in Arizona , where lie is hruyimrg the atock , which will be brought to tire valley and lumen baa upon the rairges , About 4,000 head will be brought north. Near Dow Center Dick WhIte has just raceived rcturnrs fronr a null run of $05 per tori gold , 0 , % V. 1)ow has a force of mien at work era his tunrmrei whIch is now in forty. five feet , Mr. Dow hiss an Incentive to work , all ills nrlne has already inrado a record , lie having turned out ore runnIng per assay $ h(71.42 ( lit gold , lie received $1.61 at grass roots , .arrd made tIre lucky strike at thirteen Reports from tire Taylor park placers , ho- cated about forty muons from Asironi , are to the effect that the Taylor Park comparry , whiieh owns 2.700 acres , has a force of mcii at work arid the gravel lii panirlng sirlenididly. The news was t'roughti bp' Tl Marney , a miner , who carrie over1mL. } Ito vusiterl the crew who have been operating quartz mInes on Cross morrntan. In ' 6' ' Tin ( 'up conintry , and says they have iikkltll about 500 tons of ore that will run pr&bhy $1,000 or $1,200 to the ton. The men will endeavor to have a large stamp unit pir Va "this surntiier. One of the mnrort sthft'ng strikes in the Saw Pit district was triiecrvered In tire l.lrue Kiln group last week , . , Lt. Is 5 tuated on tue north iiide of Sari Miguel river , Iretween Simm. mit and \\ihlow cree3 ' 1aborrt four mrrhhes thIs sde ! of the camnii SaW I'It. i'our claims , the Lime Kiln. hcsue PIne , ClIff and another. comprica the group , and they all lie alongside eaCh othdf' or time I rio corrtact. Thre tunnel. in the bruitlof which the ore was encountered , Is p I 9 feet. Tire into- oral Pee in the line coniact ! and Is tire rch- ! cr1 iii gold yet d'ecovs'red In tire district. Mar- velonra values are obtainird by pannrings and the strike has created a r.ppkr of excite. nrerit in Loan. WYOMiNG. Ex4hovernor Osborne Ir adopted a iectrlkir Irrand for his rhreop. It Is a skull arid crose- bones. An oil spring near Mtidrly creek , in tIre vicinity of Casper , flows a beautiful grenlshm colored cii steadily. The Casper oil refinery is irtteretl to Its utnriost capacity In fIlling Its orders. Tire out- limit tire Irresent triomithi has been twIce as rirucim as any month simica etartitrg up. A irarty of twenty grarlerr , are at work u short dlstanea veiit of Casper brmthrling reservoirs - voirs , Iii order thrt vater rniay hr s"orcd for Cr85 of stock shippers durIng the surnririer aol fall itronthis. Ilugli L. Atkinson , a well known resirlenit of hiate.e l'ark. lost hIs life Mcnrlay by tli accidental lrreahilnrg of IrIs wagon. cmi whicir ira vita lrarrhing a load of wood. The deceased - ceased \a5 ti9 years of age arid was one of the jicmieer settlers In tire Bates l'ark die- trlct , At Newcaetle County Ccmrniioner 11. F. Snrrith was ecriouriy Injured Mciiday by a runaway team. Mr. Snrlth % rnO attempting t stop the hionse.s s'hien ire was Ihironir to tire grorrnid , tire irorres arid vagon passing ever him. Six of ills' ribs vere broken arid lie was severely bruipol about tire hoar ! and body. Johmr Mead , a yorrnig man chInning to hrave good connectIons In MI'souri , was arrested at Casper Friday , charged wills stealIng a iair of horses from a Johnson county ranch- mmdi. SherIff Patton took time prisoner to CrawforJ , Neb , , whore Ire turnel hInt over to tlro olreriff of Johnson county , who took iiirn to Buffalo for trial. 'l'iro nrumnerolis clairno tirat have bair taken ill ) turner the llrockwny carnal , on the Fetter. mnami flat , near Douglas , are the scenes cit great activity. Plowing arid seedIng to gralir , alfalfa aird small crops are bsirrg done during tIre prevailing fine veatirer. hundreds of acres will he trnder cultivation this year , arid tire iritirerto barren ilesrt will be riratle , urrrler tIre trarrsfornmiinrg effect of water. to bloom like this rose. J. E. Dainr has iii view tire irneartiming ot a mammnotir nrieteor on Iris gold chalnrs at South l'aea , witlrimi a few seeks , says \Vyorrring Ierriclc. Last year when Mr. Iaini was working Iris inurIng property , ire went ant vithm Iris gun to Icill sonne meat one niorrnIng aol fenrod where a rulgirty meteor had torn up tire earth for 200 or 300 feet , mowimrg tire brush in its way as a mower would cut grass. 'rho heat was too great br hlmri to approcim tire spot at tine tIme , but he was ( letermninsd then to renriovr ? frorniite eartirly repo'e tire Iunrlriorrs Idienorn000n of tire celoatlal space. On Frhrlay last Jolti Sellers , lIving near the Lak ranch , Cartlan conrnrt3' . shot and kiiied Morris 0. Smith. the 1G-year-oiri corn of WIlliam Smith of 1c MountaIn. Sellers and Smith had quarrele I abormt tire ownership - ship of a hior'e. On' ' Frida ) while Sellers wac iranri.ig a load ofilUnuller lie was met. by tire SmIth boy and i brother and a young nianr darned Lewis. 'rIle three yornng nucu trlerl to pull Sellers fr'Onhi iris wagon. lie noo1 off the two largpr , boys whIr his rifle , but lIre younger aria caught hiolri of Irlnr. Sellers struck him witjrJirc rifle and knocked irini down. Young Srrith nittenipted a acond tIme to get to Sehles , who struck at him again with irl gun. . which accidentally cx- ploded , tbp charge IrIknig Smith. , In the head , kIllIng Irimu in'tant1y. Seicns ! gave hrirnahf up Ciod the cas'r iuIll be investigated by the grcitd jury. 'i ( I Or1EGON. Plans and specifications are being drawn up for a now opera irenise in Eugene. It Is intended - tended to erect a tao-story brick buIlding , . 80x120 feet. a Boettchrer , tIre thnatlila sheepruan , ox- Pacts 5000 to comrrience irks sunninner's drive to tire east. lie vihl take tire usual nrunrthcr , abonrt 12,000. There will b dozens of now dwelling irouzes required in Cottage Grove arrd be- mali to accommodate the great flow of mi- migration to South Lana this year. it. : Graham has been endeavoring to secure - cure tire estabiishinrrent of a beet-sugar ( ac- tory iii Coos county , and the Mail sao that there Is a fine prosiCt that strchr a factory will be located cnn Coos bayn or the Coquihle. Wool hras begun to arrive .at tire Pemnrhleton warehonrees. Tine qualiy is pronounced , as a general thrinii , very good. Th scouring- null proposes to Irrcreac'e its capital stock by 30,0O0 at its annual meeting , the 5th Prox. The recent hIgh waters mayo caused tire Wihhirnetto river to cut a new clraancl nearly a nrlie long In tire viclnnity of the monitir of tine McKenzIe. TIre nOw cinannel is yet lull of anags and has never been navigated. By reason at tire cinange mr the river tire old channniel iras been rerviered uninrarlgable. There Ia a move on foot in thro vicinity of Buena Vista to hiavo a slice of Polk coirnity cirt oft anrd annexed to Ilenton. Tire hcalrlo wire resurin about lhmnena VIsta state tinat in orrlcr to get to thin county seat , Dahiet' , threy are obliged to go Imr a round-about way , that takes tinrie amid trialces thro oxpenca much greater than if they eotnid take tue boat arid ruin direct to Corvallis. Tire hharrihrart chleel ) , between 7,000 and 8,000 , are being sireared on tire Baker ranch hrolow i'enrdiotcrnr , err the 1Ynrratlhia. Some very good wool in hrIng irauleri to i'enrhlet&ri from tire shearimrg pens. Some of the .1. B. Smith eheep are aiso being sirerrred at tine rxinnro irlace. Sirearens are recoivimrg 5 cents per fleece tins year , tIre samnro tirice paId a year ago. At thin rate tire mom arc cciii- pelted to board thenrrA'eives. Hardwood logs for tire Jmrdepemrdenco saw- nihils are now beIng cut along time Vthhiairiettc , abavo CorvallIs. . William HrIscov amid Johrn Nixon of Corvallis recently secured a corn- tract for thur delivery at Inrrlependenee of 100,000 foot of ash and irnapie , amrd tire first raft comprised 12,000 feet , and was taken down wIthout the aId of a steamboat , It % vinnt to jrlece several tiinei , but was tlmrally landed at Indeperrdence intact. 'I'ho big loggIng outfit , which , in tIre employ - ploy of CaptaIn SmIth , has been operating to thu vicinity of Corvallis for tIm past five monthie , has about completed the centract ( or furnlehlmig 1,200,000 foot of bairn arid i : wtrlto fir logs to tIre Orugen City irulp mills. All the hogs have been takei &rwn except a raft of O,00G feet now at the islamid above Corvallis , nimd amiathret of 100,000 feet Jown the river. ThOSe will be taken o Oregon City by litre haag in a tow days. Three irnrndrcl and mifty thousand feet of logs were taken freon the Gerhrartl place. Unless another - other contract it' ecieil there will ho no more logging operations by the outfit for the liresent. \\'ASiIiNlTO. ( This revennro ctrt'er llesr Is InkIng 401) ) trns of Ihluc Carryomi io5l freeii Irrke'hrat. . crifli , The establhshnient of a wooI-sonrrinig plant at Proser will ho delayed until fail by the ileathi of tire Iartnrer of Melville Stone , the Michmgami man , wIre iran lnrran8ed to engage n tIre busimiess. Three sober cltizeims are reported to have seen a reptile , in Sliver lake , near Merlcal : lale , with a hnearl and face of a muomrkey , large eyes that shone hike balls of fire arid with a row of fins on Its back webbed to- gethier. Only $500 of tIre $1,000 required Is yet to ire raised for tIre G'lrirore cresinrery , at Now \'irat corn. ihehi I ii ghr a mn hnay Peolil e vI I I hrold $100) of tire captai stock , tine oilier l,000 to lie taken by the IneoPlo \\'lmateomiib county outside tIne cities. A vast acreage of grain has been sown thnI seneca in ICitekitat conmnty , and all birhs fat' to prodrrce air nhnrnrdririt yIeld. One oh- server eStlmnnates that tue ireat crop of liliclritat cotminty will thrs ! year be sonic- where near 1.000.000 bnuiiurels. A now sav until to coet 50,00C ) Is socmm to be erected cmi the water front In Tacoma b3 a comnipanry , nt the head of whrchr Is II. M. Ithhis. Work on tire nrnlhl Is to be c'omnrnrienlcel Inn thIrty days , Tire capacity of the mill wIll be 00,000 feet of lumniber per A pronnustng discovery lii reporterl err Car- low creek , forty-five nriies vest of Marcnt. ii. Mclmrtyre , tire locator of tire claimrr , wlmlcir Is called tire Monte Carlo chaIn , sirowed ann assay receipt which slroits that tire ore says $27 Inn gold nun 19 per cemit inn copper. It Is of tire iacack variety. lie says tlrere is a hedge there six feet wide. The AnirherseniVeodenware connipanry of Tacoma inns receiverl an order from a ICansas City packIng house for 200 caricaths of ware , to Ire nnarnrrfrrctnrreti fronri woorl native to \\'asirhngtorn. Several ( lays ago the corupinly recelverl ardors ( mon ICarnsas City , Onrraira ann other ccrtral eastern packing hronres for woodenware , aggregatIng 200 carloads. Tire specflcationrs of tire gasohinro hammnch t1rat is to carry sumrnner travel betwt'enr /u'toria ahiI llwaco , coirnectinrg vltir Cc- lunrriria rIver boats. hmave been enilnred. Tine hroat is to inave two engines of twentv-hrorso Power eacir. iirstead of fifteen , arid irer for- warl part will be Iririit for truckIng baggage , givIng , it is tironrglrt , first class servIce. The Goidendale Agricniltnrrhst reports that onrt on tire It. A. Sinninus lacc , ann tire Colurn. mlii inonmotainn , the crows are acting in a pa- cml in r mann e r. They are ha I hI I nr g t in ei r nests. as nrsrmai , brrt , instead of leaving them oIemi Oil top , tirO7 are all enclosed , except a small entrance on tIre side , As far as can iO learned , no one iias ever before seen strcir ' ' " 'doings. Tire new Caltliness sawnrriil , at Everett , wIll cut 100,000 feet of lnnrriher tInily when coin- Pleteih. Tire miami bulhrhlnng vihi be 40x200 , a wimng. 20x50 , anrh a boiler roonri , 40x52. Tire two buildings irientionred are two stories. \\'lrent threse buIldings are completed. . a dry- hrCire wilt be atIficrI , as it is the lnntenrtion to cut it.rge qnnamntities of cedar siding , as well as ordinary Iunnber. MISCELLANEOUS , A prrspector iras located tIme graveyard at Moab , Utah , as a placer damn , Preparations for nfl actve Season of rho- veiopment arc being nnanhe at Gold 11111 , Lit- tie Cottonwood ( tJtahi ) camnyon. Sainron fislrinig on Rogue river for tine season iran Conrnnieneerl , Report is that sal. nron are ilentifnrl in tint streamni , and a snmc- ceefnrl season for fishermen is ammtlclpated. The aurleopiionie , a new invention for long- dIstance comnnrirnntcation , is srmccessrnnhiy used , u , Itoiuc river iii conninunicatlnig between the towns \Verlderburn ann ] Geld Beach. niatcd a nnrlle anart. Six fee of tire zriastodan discovered at .rroyo Orande , lras been exirninnerl and tire stnhiject is attracting a great deal of atteni- tio. Tire bomio so far as explored is ehp- tcal : inn ehiie and shows , no Joint. P.irttc. ' have contnacteil with C-ha county , , \ . P. , Cattle on ners for 2,000 ircarl of cows amnil steers tar delivery May 15 at Gerornlmo , The ilrlccj ag.'ecrl upon arc' $9 , $12 arid $ iS for 1. 2 arid 3-year-ohiis , respectively , amid in for cow. ' and stags. A cempanny wIth tire neces8ary capital is being organized In Moirave county , A. T. , to brmhiil eectr'cai ! hInes of road between iCingrnramt antI W'hrte hIlls. Tire line wIll handle freight and rasserrgers and will make thr0 run between the two towns in a little Aver two hours. A strike hna been made in tire Kincani- non , mrear Murray. Inlalro , a proparty hreiorrg. Ing to tire Granite Mining company , that pronnises to be one of tine best of tire year , It Iii a two-foot ledge , nail several ass-.iys made on It sirow very uniiornt values. averaging - aging abonit 1O5 per ton. Cohorrel flrnsseil Heathr of Carpintor'a has a tree of this species frcnr whiichr caninhor of commerce is nrade. Tire twig was scarcely larger than a lead Iwncil is'iren ilanrted , Lievonr years ago , and it now stanrls nearly twenty feet irlgir and measures , ircar- tIre bat's , severr amid a half inchnes In diameter. Tire Fiesta at Los Angeles proven tine innost brihliamrt of tire California flower festIvals over gven. The Street decorations , tIre ceo- tunnies , time floats in tire great inarade. tire mi'ght spectacles and tue carnIval's siririt , which wac gayer than New Orleans or St. Lonrhs cxli bibs at tireir annual pageants , all comnhnlmrod to nnake tire week's festival note- won thr. A pcor prospector named Martin Neilly nrrade a most remarkable find m'eccntly. Wirlia cromsinng a dry bed of tire Colmnmuhia river below Trail creek , ire d'scovem'ed a huge iroulder of ore that vlil weigh no ies than 60,01)0 ) terms. Three assays iriaclo fronni It ram frormi $17 to $03 in gold. Tire iirmge rnuggtt is snmpposed to be a sitle ( raIn Lookout - out yrrcuntalrr , at tIre foot of winicim it wrrsi found. Neihly i fairly crazed with joy at iris good ertunie. DWItt's S'itch Hazel Salve creanses , purl- flea and heals. It was niado for that pnmrpose. Usa It for burns , cuts , bruIea , chapped tianids , sores of all descriptIons anrd if you have piles use it for them. 'l'rngedy- Mr'nm , Stearllly thio water gnninrc(1 on tire pumlnrs , It wars now ix feet (1001) inn tire iioiil. Time imiim was curlIng , rehateii tire Ciricago 'l'm'ht , . nra , PreparatIons were made to nhrnrndon tire irnorl verel rind take to this hnoabi , Vitii a limo inanirl tIm crmptahnr wrote a jdef account of tire rhisaster , giving Iris 'eciconing of tue latitude and honglttmtlu ninth 2 orriec ST DLACttWL.L.5 DURIIAM 'ODACCO COMPANY. DURHAM , N. C. Deiti- Sir : T LL You nre entitlcd to receive FR E from your w1ioleno dealer , WHITE STAR SOAP WiLl ) tIll ttio Blackwoll's Genuine M chant Durham Smoking' T obacco ) t One bar of soap Prco with cacti pound , whether 16 OZ. , 8 oz. , 4 oz. , or llhQ Rotal I 2 OZ. , packages. We liavo notified cvery whole- gala dealer In the United States that we wlfl supply thoni with sonp to give you FREE Order a good supply of ( II3NUIN3 ! DURHAM at TOiCU. once , and insist on gcttitug your . Boap. OnebarofSoxip FREEWItII cacti pound you buy. soap Is offered for a limited tinie , o order to-day. Yours very truly , LACKWELL'S DUB1AM I TOCCO COMPM2Y. 44 + + + + + + 4 + It you maya any dlftictiiiy in procrsrhrigyotmr soap , cut out this iratlco anti i.nd It witim 3'nUr order to yasir wiioie.alo dealer , the ihirec'tlcrri iii s'htlc at' exlW ted to nravl- gnte tIre boats. Turn lit' rrnlipi for a bottle. It vns brought. lie r i'nroveii thir' orlc , roliel up tire flrntnnr- srrlpt , rnrnil wzs nhroitt to tri'eit it wimenr uric of tine nrisrierngem's , 0. tall lissotirl coiomrel , hinrettly lokC up. ' 'Cnjrinhmi , ' ' ho said , inaic , hut vitIi tine ring of iron rewhtitton iii IrIs 'oii'o , "I cci' they's a fans ilraps left tn tlnrtt ( mdc. ham ! it Ineto arid I'll enripty It , ' ' ' Tlrntmrke. Now ict 'or gob" ' -4 + * 44 Curretit Ijterattire. "ReminIscences cit Literary Lonmdon , 1779 to 1853. " by 1)r. Tiiomas Ilces , vetl primrti1 cmi fine antique laid book paper , approprIately bound , Is erie of absorbing inrtererrt. to every piiijhhiiimer , bookseller amid book lover. All tire ( annUlar literary tlgnmr'es of that day , includ- log autirors , publishers , artlsta , illnmstratons ann booksellers , are described wfthi anecdote amtd rennnlmilscemices , told In the nimost rearlairic style that holds tIre interest fromri cover to cover. Francis I' . liarirer , Now York. Miss lila Tarbell inns wrItten an nrhmnilrabio biograjnhry of "Mildarmie Roland , " mmd which sine largely draws her version of tire rovoirn- tionary hieroimne's chmanacter fronni letters arid jomirnnahs mow in the l'aris Bibilotheque Na- tlom'alo. 11cr letters to M. Ilohannil , wiroini sIne muir- ned , shrew clearly that Inn irer mneiureirs sire niisrepm'esenrted irer courtsirIp , and through sire Initiated Rousseau iii relating immcidemrts s'bichr it wonmlnt Irave boom veil to lgmnore. sIre yet strprressed tIre fact tirat in 1784 sire sonngirt to secure a title for her behind and spent several weeks In I'aris In , vain appeals to tine royal ollbclaha winomnu a few years later sire was Instrnmnientai iii degradhmng arid brlmrgimrg to tire gtnbilotlnue. Tue writer deals lminar. tiahhy wIth the womiran winonmi liar enmlogusts have exalted as a sainrt , but whromn sire shows to irave been a strange conuupounnd of ideaitty amid conceIt. Vitir better Judgnnnemit amnd rniore self-control Mmne. hlehamud wotrid irave treenr emma of tine great ciraracters of inistet'y. As It Is , she Iii cortnlmnly one of tire noblest amid niucet interestIng figures of tire Frenclr revo- lotion. Charles Scrttinuer's Sorns , New York. In Mr. George Gbsslng's mew book , 'Sleep- lng FIres , " we imavo anotiror type of tire ; rob- ieniatlcai novel of tue day. it deals wIth tire eternal qinestlon of nnamr Inn Iris relatIon to womnauu in tIre mamnnner that characterizes tire writers of tire yellow book school. Tire style Ir light and nmnflmrbahed , arid tire scenic ( lescripttoni mauro or less labored ann ) forced. The creel and teacirimigs of tIne writer are voiced in sucir nr'.nonmmucemrronts as "Thre mnrere cereuuomuy of marriage as of rio aceumrt. " All true , no rioubt , but until we get a mew world amid a new race of intrnnamrlty to Inhabit it , it is a very necessary ceremony-quite as rice- casary as tiio dIvorce counts. Tire book Is lnterestlmrg iii Smite of tine poor , inuhiterary way of treatirng snicir vital qrmestiomns. It cii- wards tire wrong-doer , amid in a weak way asks s'iricim wars thro greatest sinner , tire mnnan who lived witironit nmnarrlage or tire womnman who niarmIeil without love. May tire day soon connie vhiciu the lrrbhle shih turn with ilisgnrst ( rerun inch writers as Mr , George Glssing anti iris ilk arid seek a purer amnd healthIer atmmnoajuirero. D. Appietori & Co. , Newi York. "Iii tire Blue PIke , " by George Ebans , is a delightful ronramuce of German civillzatior , at t'ne cornrnr&ncmmiemut of tire elxtseirtir ccntnnry. Tire story dorIs with tire unirequltol love of Kninri , a cope dancer , for a niohriemnuamr , All time cluarariters tntrodnmceri , amid tirey are innairy arid v..rriel , are hrictured witir Ebers' cinarac- terIsta fidelity to hrunnan mature , arid the hronuOiy events of Kimmul's life are torh ! witir grapirtc skIll. D. Apphton & Co. , Now York. Anotlrec of Enmgenro Field's unrfinui'ired ' booke lii In tire iranils of tine revIewer , It is tItl2il "The hious , ' ' ninth tclis of flne trials amrd mu- venttnres of ens Reuben flakcr , astronoinier , auml : ii is wIfe , in selectl mg , bnryinr g arid inroini r- 1mg a inonnse ( or this occuinircy of tiielr fnmii- ily. Tirere are ennamny clever timimugs in the story. Fieid' Insight of tire everyday i'ypo aronrnrl irlmni using lartldnnlarly Iii evidemrce Inn ' 'Tue Iionra. ' ' Altlroirgir tircre irs un- niecaseary verbosity , the experiences of Uris couple are very rnmnrrnsinig , auth all lovers of Eiigemrc Fieirh s'lil Ilirul nrucir inieaenmre in tire rearllnrg of "Ire house. " Chmarhes Scriij- nner's Sonii , New York. "I'ho Farnnner annul tue Lord , " by George Ii , Ilcirworthr , Is a rrnm'rose story ( mat will mayo little force to convince any but tiroie nlresIy of Itti own faitir , Tire ( arnnier 1.i tim iroirest , sturmlv fellow , whroci. ( aiIm doss riot take I mu mr icicles or hot Ii er I I a el f mn in cit in him t airy oilier lift ( man tirat ire ohervec upon L'urls nrplnere. Tins nranr bei'ornues coniverteil to religion , as tire phrase goes , by tire nilrhurerrt iirar'vel In thins reslgnnatiomr nrlthr wimicir inki tlauglmter nrneets her tieatir. Timet erich irblmrd exaltatioq of rolgious bulief is iriuchi aklnm to the erlirrlnal tslcinng of one's owim llfe-thnat It Is it f.rtalustie micrrrsehctaires to dethi , or tirrnr. Inig our hacks on tine dutIes imposed inn life of wmiebn we simonihil miel.ver tire firil mnusasure , tire imnitlror seernns to bus unaware , ann tire urn- ocinooled fanner- marIe to take. tirlie act ( era a mIracle , srrri is thereby convertomi to .Mr. hleinwortr's ) ( mrhh satlsfectiorm , I. 1' . Dutton & Co. , New York , "Veniezmnela , " by William Ehieroy CirrUs , conirbinos tire features tbrnrt time traveler or casual reader looks for in a history , a nurra- tive of travel , ammnl a gmrinlebook. The open- hug cinaintera gtvo a Very good Idea of how to reach tire enmnrtry , arid vtrat connhitioeu of affairs one tinny expi't to find tmpoin lamurllng. The short intl event rnml history of tIn' tuitIon Is clearly told , arm' ! tIre chnalrters on Mtrarmda , lloilvrir annul ( htmznnnuumu iilamnca Sri' esimociahly noteworthy. harper & htrtrthi'rs , New York. , 'A Lsoil lcr'.r in , ' ' by Tirorirtus I I .urd y , tells tine tutor ) ' of air ini'iress. MIss I'uitihit i'owera , thin tIrtirghrter of a great rnllroanl btriider , wire left liar mini enoriununtus forturmue at hmls death , Atmromrg her irosse'cIonua was tIre It' Staney Castle , a lnrli'llmng vlnIm'1n hrad belonnreil to the lo Stttnncy cannily for nuanny eemrtnrrles , Miss h'owt'ns mid George Sorrier t.ett. a yenning archItect , wino fail in love itli her. Sire was tmmncamrsclotms of tIne fact tlmnrt sine rettmrmrol tire feelIng. SIne also mud Cnrptrlmn : 1)e Stamrcy , tire mdc of tine oh ! fumnurhiy , l'iuo tale Is a stnrmly of tire cnrrlotms effeet on Paula , hrorself a mrobody so tam' as funrumil3 went , of the onu mnererip of an old castle and tIre snrrroumndhmng property' , every sqtnare yard of whricin ias associated in traditiomu tine fannnlly vhnbchr liar ! so lonrg otvnori it. harper & Brothers. New York. Sr'rlbmuer's have nunihihislreil Iii 'ery attractive fermi Mr. Jtnilan hiawtirorrne's travel , ' 'A Fool of Nattrn'e , " a hlcir took tine $10,000 prize offered by the New York herald iii 1895. Tine hieralih orfemeil tints snmnmu for a good ntory and Mr. liawtlnorrro wrnnte hrat iras proven to be a cleverly comsatructeul talc , thuoronmgimly American , uveli told arid sIsIm a toucir of Nary York socIety amrd cosnnnolrolrtamn lIfe ssirtch gives a decluicrlly attractive chuarmtcter. Thnerti Is notiulmrg deep or soul-stirrIng about It. It sinews a good deal of thro u'ottemnness of so- called tnigir life , bunt tmttcrly vIthronmt coin- mnuennt. Natnmre's Fool secmrus t ho a wire , in spite of occtmpylmng a fals positIon thurough no fanmlt of Iris , rcrnmahmus trmre to irIs best amrrl shinpient imnstimncts. Tire story is wrItten in tine w nbc's best 'etni amnd Is really tine cleverest thlmng Ire iris done. Tine comnversatlonis are sonnice hat on tire order of Mr. Oecar , VIlde's epbgranins. aim ! tlmo hrnrchr- olor rmnald aind tire iirrnrra donna are tinor- onrolnly thin tIe niiecl annul Anrcrlcamn , Charlc3 Scrlbnier's Sons , Now York. "A Miuster Sprlt ! , " Mrs. Sirofforil's new book. is a brief ronnranuce inn whicln tire nit ! irroblenni , whether art for nirt's caice is bet- icr. or duty Icr duty's sake , is once muroro stated In terms of lnnrmnauity. There are lint four ciraractens in tine story-un old wommnnumr , a young womnuan , two yotnng' mmcii , Gratian ta the aesthetIc smnuatterer , with anne tuarttcmmhar sinister side to trim. lie is an lmnpressarie , aud Iii over on tire Iookommt for a vaieu , u1amIamnna i tire ex-sunngt'r , birt with a mnietirod. tier 'olce has Iuecni lost , lint shre cain still Impart these lcwmomns whIch nnnko ucoirho sing. In sonic Amnnerlcan townr Gratian cornier. across a gri-hre ! caibs mat' iunrrinua-whnoso voice recalls pearls , anniber , svect incense , amrd irma. besinles tint , lcnoo'a iron to sing. Gratian determmnlmrcs Domninnr , uviro In irer srr'ect ineart is donnrinatemi by liar mrrtmsic , shall leave her place as singer in tIre innnnninie vii- lage ciroir amnil hre Lnrcrezha or Ginmhietta. Sire ehahi entrance anrrhiences with Icoirie's death Cong or whim Lncla's ' 'Oh , gioja , " or witim Firieibo's ' 'Abscireuhiclnor. ' ' lie minim's love to Iomnnhmurn , amid sire can scarce resist irlmni. lb fasclmrates hrem. Mrirhanrna semis Into tire iranc'st character of tire gIrl , annul half threads such change as mnnay comnue lnrto irer hicacofirl I to. It camnre near a nruarriage , when tire fates would mayo it otherwise. for Gratiamn In drowmreth , lie aiways woui' nnpt fortune , ann ! ye ( eunuth a watery grave In tryling to breast a stornmn. Cinarles Scrlbner'a Semis , Ners' Yk. SIGNi LIII ) 1)it Imililit. A mm 0 iii Ciusfnim ol'Cz.rimt'iu cr5 ShotuJe. Sirimim' ( ( I. mmrt'h. i'eoi.ie. Every builder in this cIty , says tire New York Snmn. knows that. winch the thnurbens of a new strtmct.nmre imiuve been connpletciul the carpenters. tack up a fir tree to notify tire Diviner tirrut unless a. keg of hoer Is fortlr- comnmlmrg tney will loaf Inn doing thur rest of tlru work. 'Pita cmmetommi Is oirssm'veul so strictly by carpenter. . hut comnnetimnnes It causes trouble , especially If tire owmner irurpnens to be a prohmhiriLoniet. That in just svirat hrarpenC'rl In till ? town of Nyack recently , amrmi thm goorl imoimio of tine plac have not yet got over tire shrock to thnr3ir mineral teacirimigs whIch rosnnltem.1 fronnm it strict airerence to time rmnin. Tire custonnu is called ' 'tolnpinrg time hrmIhthimig. , ' ' All Nyack was shrockeri-ail religious Nyachc , tli'mt le--wirenu It 'rioke nip one morn- trig met. long ago , amnd siw a firms evergmeemm mtalleul to tire aimax 01) tine tinrberus of tire nrrs' cirnnrch hruildinng there. Tire huilrllnrg of tIre chrurcin was unrder tIre persomnal unnhisrvhsionn of tire clergyiin.rmm of limo hnr1rIrm. TIr evergrecsr ras a mnoiice to iimmr tirat lie irnust ( urmnlshn the cuustonrary keg of irer. irer.Woulil Woulil tile clergynmnan rio , it ? ' .Vonmhtl tire carpenters got tineir hoer ? Timonini were time iluestlonna that everyone was aslthnrg , Fimmahiy ttra ciengymir mm mroticcd that time work art tlr cbrrmrcia war. irot progrealirg as It isirotild , lie Siiohio to tre cemrtractor , 'Tlrat Immmlivhmlnmtri polinteul to tine fir tree air tins roof arid salt ! tirntt mrotinlng could lie domie umrtll tire carirenit. erri got thnm'ir liner , At Iturt tire mnuinnlster gave In. 110 rmrodmmcerl $5 aimmi gavrt it to tIme men to buy what thn.'y wIsher ! wit'Im It. 'rmrey irrommnimtiy hionigint hreer titril bronigirt it to tire chnmnrchm , wirere tinny tirirmrk it. i fter that work err tine cbmmirchi hnrogroarl rapidly until it was eamnrplotetj , I'ozzenl'ni ComplexIon Powder Irroducos a soft auth bneanmtlfmml skin ; it comnmb.nres every clcmnrenrt of beauty ant irurity , , PEN PIOTUHEIS PLEASANTLY ND POINTEDLY PARARATDMri- - - j A QtiiSTIIN W'h'I'hi 3IIN ' 1 Inc orti'it tlnir it'lt'u-lnnt vhnt'n you coin- , bl tie ) rk'tr ii intl sstyhrm a ii d . W't.'at'-UH Iii our i.OO lnnrot'tenl RussIa calf trill emlfto tihilt Vl3 smill fot' ; IO-tlmeui ( ) wu'ro stui'o ot' tliolt' traih'-thuls eli'gmtntt shoe lui nih exti't'iiho Polihtetl ueenllt' toti anti Ini 'jthm- out oX't'itlil tutu hr'st rIme ( or the UtOhhQ _ ' ' itt this ot' any oilier city , "I'- Drexel Shoe Co. sI . obd for our thus- . , . I.I'I.I hiit4iilIfl 'l'AM liOhilNilS itl ) IIOIINS _ \Vo lmavtr uthi exttshordhihmIl'3' lrirgt , line of tmtrliig instrlhnlhelhtrI stt the very lovt'r4t irrices-witit $ tt'ihIgH for uris of thimi Ut i5ti thi-W'ti s'll1 sell you it bt'nnitltui tuitohinlh'l ) foi i,5Q-ImnuIhhOliItli ( tnt' 5- Ot'arliinnm , 2Sc-urisy to lmhrt-t'itsy tO lillY -e'erytlnluig In the line ot' niusle ( ci' very little , A. Hospe. Jr. MUSIC and Art. 1513 DoUglas j A _ O'I 3i.tV'INGS hIOl.I.IN ( . IN.- . . Ilntloiibtotlly s'o nrc now possessem of tIme titoart eteiislvo line of lilIittlmlgrs ever Ishtownu.-thlt.l'se itLu ) nihmihly Irtnsv bmt3'll'H to ltHk nit thins ) 't'ntr-rstyles hot itt all ithiko 'mniythuing you've et'eih b'tOVO-OIlI' u'lct' mU'i , 11 $ hov us otin' miurilities iti'e high- tot' John Chmhutrinnitin hints done hiIinms'lr imroutl thtl $ yt'nim' to recotiji ( loin 1118 ills- ' ' . ustrotis W'Itt' Omaha Carpet Co. , Only exclusive 1515 Canpet Itouse here. Dodge .JJ lint rini . ' - c , 1n1 ' \c ) ; ? j ) iNY I.tI ) t'hIb 'VILI. YOL1 She ( lren(1s time dentIst nrioro tItan aiiy- thminig else- ! ? 3'Ohh cUli Oihly realIze it that t1t'tld hniubeen oveVcohlie-w'o iiiiv U imlCtlIod of out' OS'Ih Unit muinker It alj. SOlIhti'ly IhihlOSisIllt ) ) to irtirt ) 'Otliiiitl'ti donm't l'ep you long , either-our teeth sets inert u. llftrtiiiie-40 cents'voi'tlh ( tee tIle tht'st tliiie hitivo w'ot'k done. Dr. Dean , Dentist , ? ,1. w. Corner 409 liti nurh Dodge 410McCague Bldg 4. a . 1 Douglas'i 1Jtfi G I 'Ii l'o V A. P0 IN'I'l ! It- . . Yotit' old eiotlies In your' closets vlhl get full of iiiotlms this smnnmiiner-tiuiles yell thkti cnre-lt's this hint ! of serisoil 1111)1118 itI't ) thnhchest-ve'ye got the genii. I iii ) run I Ii I a I I s to int'l I a t 84re it VIi ii ( l pnckliig ennuplmor itt 15e aiim ! giiuu , i'aiii- lhlOt' ( oh'nie ( ii , Iotmihmiyoii'ii bettet' iitiy % 'iiemi , 'Oth cliii get. isuchi jnl'lceul. Kuhn's Drug Store , Really tine only 15th & Cut I'riou Drug Store Douglas 'i th ' : ttIIt ft , ' I , . , , AhhOlJ'I' ' 10 IItllSiI-Iclflti' _ 'i'iieii ) 'Onh r fii iih I t ii iu ss'l I I ihend Ii a iii- Ing-bettet' have it C0ii In one land timrtn four Ot' live-we hhmtv timom'otighihy rd litbie mneii a long s'l tli otis' " 13'n ' irs" utiuti thIt'3Jiiit tIn' ( itrnultiii'o of ii seven- 1'OO iii hmoiittt.i I it a t a iI ii lOst mlrii.si's you ii I oil tiltS in'it'i'-iiiutl It K8S'eS lots of I i'oihble ( ' ' 'lfe ci' your' , 0 maha Van iiiid Stoi'tgc Co iup.iriy Our tult'imhmone , l591415 FLLI Inn \'eibasiu 0111cc 11a1fl --.4 f.p I , ' 2 I ( 4i k % 'A'rCJi ThI.t'I' M1tN Not thIs ono---hii'is all right-but vntch lilt ) Uitii In tInt strm'tnt en r. i-emil it maImer- t ho ii s'euai gt. mini n Ii oh I it Ii I s luau pOP nIT at lu'iii'e ; It'hlgthI-its It' lie s'its mmfrrilml of It - lt't : ; nil lii hIs 4'ym' , Iliotighi - 'huimt ho I mt't'm Is to JIll VII Is mm Il ii4 I elni ss op t Ida ii go ( JI'Ji' I hose eyt's-.imt Initisas thin I iii'u rlglmt-s'u test c'yoaslglit ( i've , Aloe & Penfold Co. 1408 Fai'naiu r