Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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- 2 11J ] O\1A1T. % . . 1)ATLY ) IrEE : MONIAY , MAY 1 , JS9 ( .
Hubbard's ' Objections to the Mcsnro Re-
ortet1 for Pacifla Road Relief ,
Ililiurliu I , t 1) : * In Ni PSI ni IMIII'I s , 1141
1. lIllpl'r.'s I II Igii oril Il4I' ZIM
( II I Ii 4 t4l t N4'l'NMII r Fcn Iure.
fI,1 1)1lufIplg It Lst ,
\SIINflTO ! , May L-pcIa1.-Mr. ( )
Iubbard o the committee on Paclflc rail.
roa19 , who stilnnltted a minority report
on tlio bill IfltrOltICe(1 ( by Chairman l1ow.
cr8 of that committee , does not heItato
to say that the amount of IiiIorruatlon
which thu committee . obtained during the
IttIg of that body from the varI us In-
tercat.i called hetoro It , is far ihort ot what
Ig necessary to accomplish ( ho relief sought
fr thosci raIlroads. lie says In lila report :
"As a committee we are Innocent almo.iL
ot the lU8IfleS O tilOUsafitIS of flhLlC1 of rail-
real and more thaii a huni1rcl millions at
icurItIee pertaining to the Union Pacific
cornpary that wouhl ho transterrel or released -
leased untler this bill , Neither of the bankrupt -
rupt companies matlo any statement of Its
asots anti liabilities. ft was not considered
whether tile government iis or has not a
lieu on all the nesets under the Thurman
act , either In view of the acceptance of that
act by the companies or as a matter of
law. " He 4lICtk'3C8 under separate heads ,
firIt , the want of sufficient Information ;
second , the tiropositlons in the bill arc' not
the bct otters made by the companies ;
third , the propolltions iti tile bill are neither
'afe nor good for the government , and flnihiy
ro omlnonlls the ubstitutin of the Morgan-
lirico bill in place of the bill reported by
the committee , and then states that under
the lireposeil bill the Union Pacific would
Ilifluo 'ccuritie to the following amount.
F'irt mortgage bonIR. ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ M,000,00 ( )
ecofld mortgnge 1oncis. . . . . . . . . . . .
Preferred stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tO.OX )
Coninin stock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GI.OOO.OY )
TOtal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2fl,000,000
lie calls attention in tim report to the
recommendations of Government tfrectors
li EIlery Al1derlon and \V. J. Coombi , that
the Union anl Central J'acIaa railroads
ltlOlllli ho ( bait with together as one sys-
tein , ati1 that RII ClleflO ! of relict ihiould
Include these two companlo'J as one , as wn
originally contemplated vhicii they were
given government aid. This hi along the
1mb for what The l1e ( has contended for
yearH , anti would meet undoubtedly the
hearty approval of every state between tile
Niaourl river and the Pacific ocean could
iiticlt a condition be brcughit about.
Senator Warren , from the committee on
military aff3Ir9 , has reported favorably his
lull providing for the construction of a miii-
tary road from Fort \Vashakle. W'yo. , to
the Iflotith of tile Iluffalo fork of the Snalco
river , hear Jackson's lake , In Uintah county ,
\Vyomiiig. t
Senator Allen 00 April i4 succeeded In his bill to e'tabli8hl the oiiicial lairr
vy of fractional townships 3t and 12 , itovtht
of ranges 6 , 7 antI 8 , west , of the 6th prln- II
cipal meridian , In the state of Nebraakn , Ii
north and weat of tile Niobrara river , and 11
( Itlictilig the title of settlers thereon. Thie
land Is a portion of tiio old l'rnlca Indian
reservation , aitti Ia in litigation over a dis-
crcpancy in the flelti notco made by C. A. '
Mauncra , a United State9 surveyor , In 1858 , E
also by Ogden Mar9lI , a United States deputy - I
uty surveyor , in tile year 1871 , and the of- v
fidel niat and field notet iiiatlt by C. I' . c
Meyer In 1813. Five thousand dollars is appropriated - t
propriated for the purpose at correcting the
Inistakes of tue several iurveyors. e
The paago ! Senator Warren's concur-
root resolution 4 reiatlvo to tile relief aeked
by the Union Pacific railroad in the way of
securing titie for lands occupied along the
lno of tijo oysteni will iet ariglit a great
many tiettiers on tilose lantis and permit
the lands under contract to ho deeded to intending -
tending purehasor. which , under the ruling
of Secretary Smith , are now halt ! up. In
a report made by Senator Alien , from the
COlUhllIttCO Oil public iand , he says : U
"No Zatonts to railroad lands in the district - r
trict tInder consideration have bce signed
since .klluary 31 , 1895-about fifteen mcnths Cl
ago. The effect of tills suspeurion haa been
' very disactrotis to the i0110ceOt lurcilascrs-
third party holdori of these rallrcad lands- t (
tOliO"llg , as it lull , tile hard tunIcs and
Panic of 1893 and 1891. gi
"Without patents from tim government to
tue raiirojti , title cannot be completed to tim
Present holders. No eonlpetellt abstract can
io furnislieti uprn which to eftect eaies or
loana 111)011 these laiids. heal otato has ,
inco the foundation of government , formed
tile best and most aubstantial seCurity Upon
which to borrow mtiey for working capital. iu
Tue ClIstolU , in city Ufli coniltry alike , to tlLO
real estate for tills PUrPOSe , anti to ho ut- ill
able to thus use it , locks up anti makes mitt-
valiable for ctlrrcnt tlsO a large capltai. In
"Again , as a matter of economy tilUSe lists
shOUii be worked tip and checked niT with
tlto itr&'nt force In tilO blUti olilco. To
tinue tito suspension leaves tue clerks usually to
eflhIiOye(1 ( UIO1l tbbt work practically idle , and j
will necessitate at 101110 future time adclia
tional force all(1 increased ( IXICfl5e5 In order y
to Perform a labor that must oventuaily be
accoinitiished under tile law , no matter 110W
iclIg delayed.
' ' 4l4 flIt eXahllII0 at tile EWCiIIlg ) extolIt tr
of tile order of sUspoliSion and tile iircadth Hi
of tile rubject anti the area covered we mOlla
tioll'yoming. . The tillion i'acillc railroad til
grant covers a pace ilcaily forty mIic wide af
by about 400 mlie long across tllO sOutilern in
ailti rilost tillckiy rettietl portion of that
stato. Settlement conlInoncecI within tills Is
tract at tile time of tiio hitiidIig ! of thlo UlliOfl Ill
Pacific railroad , anti 1189 COfltiHlll'i ( LI1 to
date. The railway lantis In thin ( 'asternmost
county of that state % rere all Hold many
years ago , With tile exception of two sac-
tlons. cover'ng iuL 1.2S0 acres. TIto htnd ' °
in the scont1 casternnint , coulIty were all hr
501(1 ( by tile rtiliroatl iuntiy ) enrs iliee , LUll ] liii
a large llroportlol , ( if tile iantis lii the remaining -
maining three counties on til0 Union Pacific
raiirod iino have bei : lol.
"These 1011115 'yore PllrCilased by hardy , an
bonet , anti intluetrhotis
settiera bent
tiiOfl es-
tabi is il I Il g COill fort 111)1 0 110111 Cs nilti ' 'I I I I rig
to ciltiUro Privation hue payIng for their ta
laitcis , Tiley started In sod houses , log of
hilts 01111 slItlIlties , 'lllCll are ijow becomfoi
lug dilapidated anti unfit for habitation. Tue
11100 antI WOIlICtI are growing old , havIng Sa
spoilt the best Portion of ( heir 1lve. in tile
thovelopinont a ntl h IH ilrovenl C 11 t of I ii dr iaiuls of
children have COllIe to them , anti with larger flu1
families , Increased expeii.e , anti eiilitlren to at
educate , inure money in 1ivtit1 , na vell n iie
for the purpose of fencing their possessIons , Wi
buying Inure live stock , farlulluIg irllPlenlelltu , flit
firniture , etc. lilt
"Tllose settlers are 09W witIlolit shelter ab
aver their heads or glounti betitlt their
feet , olid are suSpelItled In the air , as it let
wore , 10 tar ai Ilegotiablo thtli to thor land titi
[ 3 C0l1Cel'flCd , Tiue&e pioiiecra 'vile have W5
biazed tue way In CII undeveloped wilderness an
and prepared It for icier civiiIzntlnui dettervo 'ul
the lilIlulediate attention of congresi , auth conwi
grez silOulli direct tlio * inlorhltig of tue ry
tie-tip , cud affor'l settlers tile shelter to
anti ( t'ira firma which undisputed laud tities be
will afford , In
"At present these settlers are waiting on "Fit
the. railway ColIlilauly. Tiio railway cornlix
pany , while having no lnolleyed Interests
hi IileL lands set forth In tim iists ieferred ni
to , Is yet willing to c'iutend for patenL , till
and thu railroad is waiting On ho secretary tin
of tue interior , 'I'ilo secretary of the intecil
rler , Is wnitIiu on congrcs. till
"Therefore , your COnlIlIlitee enrocatby recy1l
ommeilds early aCtiqil t'hich vihi bring relief hate
to these worthy pioileer settlers. " ate
_ - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - . - - _ _ _ _ to
' ChlldrenCryfor
f pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla
Children Cryfoi
Pitcher's Castoria.
: - " -
xnhuie.tslc.t "I' . P. .t. .tNilAb , iii'iia
OItit'pr , . iii'vt cii nuil 4)1 i.'r 1tti uICMq
'I'rzs ii MO i't ( ' ( I Il I I.ltlt'lI II.
IANCOiN , May 8.-Th Nebra'ka tiivlsien
of tile Travelers' Protective Associatiert of
North Allierica met yeste4lay. The tli'iSioll
Wac well represented and a goad nlt'ting
was the rt'suit. Itobert Itintorii iiresided.
Secretary anti Trealurer 0. C. iiobnia mails
ili'J annuni report. 'This report showed that.
the financet of the associatIon Were In gooti
condition anti the prospecto far tilc' year
The following officers ejeeteli for the
ensuing yceir : i'rotdont. Robert bilnford , I.In-
con : vice presldcnts , C. A. Wirlek anti C.
\v. liulaly , Lincoiri ; Iuilioy Smith nt1 Mau-
rfro Meyer , Omaha , anti C. 0. Leake , Iro-
mont : secretary and trefttYtlrcr , it. F. ilodgin ,
Omaha ; directors , A. II. liucbcsiaff , J C.
liarphain , M. ii. Tilton and 3. W. Morgan ,
lincoln ; iaui Farrell , Omaha ; chairman of
t'io railroad coinniittee , 0. C. Iioline.
Omaha ; irtss , IL ii' . Iloilgin ; hotels , La. J.
ileaky , LIn'obn ; leginintion , li W. Garoutto ,
I.incobui ; employment. J. ii. Spencer , Lin-
leiegaton were chosen to the national con-
vc'ntioui Witicil nleetM ill Terre ilatito , Ind. .
Juno 2. itobert Ilinford , 0. C. lioimev anti
A. Ii. iillcieCtaff % S'OtO eicctoj. Maurice
Meyer of Omaha will go as Mr. i3uck9taft's
ai te mate.
The delegates vero instructeti to do all
lit their irnwer to intliico thu ae.oclation to
1101(1 ( its convention in Omaha In 1898. A
deigation of Onlaha business Illell will ac-
compiny them to assist ill th work. No effort -
fort wilt be niatlo to get the Cons'ofltioll for
I8)7 ) , as It Ic genc'rahiy underatood that It
will ga to anqtbcr city.
I I II Ii ( J .t It i II I' ' S Y dt"i' II A Z' C. ! t I ) I'I' .
I Iii rllu'll I' ( ' Stirt' I.iitetl ii iiil Cniiniii er-
111411' ( 'ii I lt'i' Cii vrlesl .iu'il ,
I1ANC1tOFT , Neb , , May 3.-Special ( Teic-
graln.-Tilo ) hardware store or I. S. Singpiei
s'as ontereti last evening anti abotlt $75 worth I
of ictilves nitti razors taken. Entrance was
elfectoil by cutting a giar out of a window I
lit tiiti rear of the atoro. Several euspiclous
characters have been selling Jewoiry , iculvea , I
vatcho' , etc. , aroullil town for a day or two ,
rind tills morning l1happoared , It lt tllotlgilt
they are the guilty partlo ,
I'IEitCi. Neb. , May 3.-Spoclal ( Telegram. ) I
-Burglars relieveil Frank SclltIiz' saloon of
us and tile drliiks to the crowd iast night. I
o clew to tue robber.
3TllNi ( ' for % 'yIIIIlg iit'ltI41l'llil4.
GRAND ISLANI ) , Nd , . , May 3.-Spccial. ( ) I
-C. P. \VIlilanls of titit3 city , formerly of
Li1o Sheridan ( \Vyo. ) l'tiat , ilas contracted
vitil ' the Pacific hose Company band ailti
tiantling's orcitoatra of this city and the
\rlon Male iplartet of York to furnish nlutlIe i
It the republican state conventjon to be held
tt Sheridan , Wyo. , May 11. The latter or-
; anization has olilciated hcro on several oc-
asion iltl under tiu tlhrection at Prof.P
'aries , illlflreif a composer , has male au C
nviablo record and ctahiIshed itreif as beU
tcltI any tlouht the best organization of Its g
cliii in the otate. Of the Pacific hose Corn-
any band tile best eighteen men wiii be
ho'on , Inciudiiig those who compri I3ant-
log's orchestra. Both tue iocai organhza-
ions mentioned rlldcr the best of compo-
itiona , anti tile all' of Sheridan , 'Wyo. , wIll °
in May 14 rceound with straIns of iiitisic
he best that a sister atitte can offer. QuIte hr
' number of tile delegates from the cIDiltilern
'art ' of the state will be cornpe1hei to como
0 Grand 1Tand for railroad ccnncctinns , and
L is expected that a large party will icavo
ere on the night. of May 12 for the scene of
COiIlltlll , ' E's iew Omeers. cli
DAVID CITY , Neb. , May 3-Special.- ( ) C
t a meeting of the members of company
I. First regiment , N. N. 0. , called for the
Url)03O of electing a captain to fill the D
acancy caused by the election of Captain
cargo 1. Cotton as lieutenant colonel of
IC regiment. First Lieutenant R. F. Phlier
as elected captain. A. It. Knight wis di
lecteti first lieutenant , and receIved an op. .
OlIltnlcnt 118 I'Cgllnefltai quartermaster : 5cc-
uid Lieutenant J. F' . Zoiiioger was eiecto1
rat' lieutenant , vice Knight , promoted , and el u
lea Burr was elected eecond lieutenant.
Indor the Iwesent. officers it Is expected F
lot tiio counpany vlhI lnalntnin the high
.andard of drill and diecipilne that has given
. tue hIgh reputatIon that It now holds.
NOeIM i"roiii 1) ii ti Jii * r.
DUNBAR , Nob. , May L-Spcclat.-Part ( ) Hi
r the farmers are planting corn , and the
1st wilt COllItilenCe next week.
Fail wheat Is in very good condition , cxat
flit In low places , where it is covered with In
un from the heavy rains. hI
Tile Cilristian Union of tile United Prebytlj
trian church celebrated its fifth anniversary pr
lis evening with an appropriate proh
ram to a crowded iiou , ? .
All Omaha club Itne been organized , with
large membership. A large delegation front
lie commuility expects to be in attendance I'
the eighth afintlal Inetitute , to be hold
I Onlalla August 19 to 24 , 1S96.
HI III4' ( ' S ii I t ii I Pl'l' III ( Ill t , gr
FI1FMONT , May 3.-Special.-Lena ( ) hag- ri'
nd yesterday afternoon flied a petitIon ill :
I tue district court for a divorce from P
r huebanti , Charles ifaglund , She alleges O
at they were married in 1891 and that not. tit
rig alter her marriage her husband , with-
It any cause or provocation , deoerted her tit
Id has since faIled to support her , She als vl
larges 11101 svith extreme cruelty and wanta thi
' resunie her maIden name of Brugil. tii
ath of the partIes are well icnown hero
id have not lived together for about four
ars ,
- ml
I'aXt'N C ) IlllI Ill F'reely. a
FREMONT , May 3.-Spociai.-TIlo ( ) city or
easurer reports that taxes are being paid
lIeu 111010 promptly tiliti year than last ,
r' '
larger number of people wiahing to save Pc
0 interest % 'iliCll they are obliged to pay lc
ter May 1. The county treasurer hi male-
K a special effort to collect all back perHO
iiai taxes and an increased oliica force
oliipioyed in making out notIces and talc-
In tim .
g money. 001
F'r'inoii I 'oiIlpn'N tI iii , , Sa
FItEMONT , -S1reciai.-'Tllo ( ) Fre-
ant Woman's club lurid its regular meeting Ilt
sterday afternoon , the vleasant vet1ier vt
ingiuig alit A lrgo atteiitiance. The leadauii
P01101's St ore 111)011 landscape gardenIng to
cl architecture and wore llrcticai in theIr ho
turo , coi
- .
CIIIVkI'ilN lii ii , ' 1 I'l'l' , slit
A. 1ll tiiat builds her haute in the willow 'Id
tl hlvis there like any of the ordinary Pa' '
fit-Ilestilig birds is one of the things tilc
Iked aboilt 110W out in the Ileigilborhlootl
Fell anil Stanyan streets. The eccentric to
t'l is lito firoperty of Joseph Lantigraff , re
II the willow is in his back yard , says the
ii Fr4licIaco FnniiIier.
SIlO is Ito ordinary chicken , iut ha.i all
tiue fierceness of a hawk , anti it is no thc
ecilIliton thing for her to Iiy violently
tue head of any one wIle venttlre. about
I. peculiar habitation , A man named Allen , res
10 rulis this back yard , has dos'elopetl a
aiier fear of tue ferocloci lion , 011(1 ( all of
I long aclluaiiltance with her has hot eu. a
led 111111 to curb 11cr siit1 apirit.
Ft was si'vcral weeks ago that the chicken
L tue rooat anil decided to abide among ant
buanclte cf tile wiiiow. Site Illade 11Cr I )
ly front a iiigli a1id to the iotv branciles
U tlicii waiketi along until iio fount ] a
table place for a iltt.Vnpii tilts tnueii
l4 aecomplllhecl tIle clilekout began car-
sig dry leaves , straty 811(1 aucit ntgterlal
the true , anti ki a fet days had a nelt that C t
ilteti precIsely hike tiioe usually found tier
the hanging-nut iat' of the Park birds. est
0 nct was calefully built anti securely tait
cii between two siruiig brauicliea , ' soil
i'iicti lucre were nioro iiitercstlng devviop- for
ota.Viieii Allen hazarded t ybi to
I tree thin other illorning lie toiiiid that boa
neat % t'iis olelipleti by nearly ii dozen
icks. The maternal fowi ta5 away at the '
It ? , but niailo things Intercstiiig for ihlcii
en site retcirned , Siio flew at liiiit nuid IltU
Igt'41 iiiiii th $ ( claws anti witga until ( tie tue
itiadder upon which io % aa at'aiiihng ] , han
lfiiei over. Alien toppieti over , too. lie In
S not ievert'i ) ' butt , but tue bird baa tar :
nI given a tii1o ralgo ever since. tIol
L has not been decided hst rbuhl be iutil
to t'ItlI the youngster , ' . ho the neat. . Their 001)
thor lilt's rcadiiy (10111 thu grounti to tile
.t and bade , anti the nien about 11w place G
I waiting to see how thio little ones prt.
0 10 et from tito willow bratc1is ,
- . - - . - - 'lay
lad couuplexlpo iOclC4i4H4 Sri unhealthy Hat
te of the , ytteuui. iht\Vhit's Little iariy 91 ,
'en ' are hilils that wilt correct thu ceodi. Cf
1. They set otu the liver , they act ou the era
touch , they act oa the bowel. . copi
. . . . _
' .4 ' 4" " ' -
Proglain for the Coming Week Does Not
Include Much Business ,
'I'lIll 114 .t hiolit .tli hid I l hiiiiii
) ' ' ) ' . . , lll ( lilllC
L i , ii liii i'iiiiit'riit , . Ihi I it-
14 ( 'it I ( tI.
WAShINGTON. May 3.-The program fer
tlir aeclr III I he hioue Is very utisettled.
Notiiing ileflnte : has been agreed upon. cx-
cept that tlto i'aclflc railroad funding bill ,
lit b5ilalf of ssbich there has beeii Illucli
PrC.8Ilre , will not conic tip. \V. ilartiloitle ,
chairman of the coniniitteo on emigratloui.
( lesires to get UI ) tue immigration hIlt the
latter Part of the week , but it Is doubtful
tviietiier ito will be abie to do sri. In case
any reports on nhtpropriatloit blil are vro-
sonted , they have the rigilt Of way.
There are a half ( lozen colitoste-il election
cases 011 the cnlenilarantl , as they are privi-
legetl , it Is proiahie that inos't of tue week
tvili be occuped ! In their consltleration. Tue
house has already dirposed of nttcteoii cases ,
tiiiiteen In favor of tire sitting nionibers
toil six against. The unseateti .ieiiiocrats
tero Itobbins of Ainijania , McCann of 1111-
lids , Cobb of Alabama , Taraney of MIs-
touri , iloatner of Louisiana and McKinney of
Virginia , The cases on tile caieniiar are
iohri'an itgainst Stokes , frouic tue Seventh
otlthi Carolina ; Murray against Eiiott , from
the First South Carolina ; linker against
iowlting , from the Sixth Illinois ; Cornell
tgainrt Swansoll , front thin Fiftit Virginia ,
tuid liege against Otey , [ rout tue SIxth Vir-
; lna districts. 'rue reports in the two last
ases favor tue sitting members , and will
ccasion no tlebate , in tIlO Johnson-Stokes
: ase , thin Itlajority report favors tile sittiuig
number. hilt there it' a uiilnority report In
'aver of the contestant. In the Murray-
lhiott and Ilalcer-Downing cases , the lila-
ority reports favor the conthstante. In
hese cases the litldings of tiio committee
viii be rca sted by the democrats. Mtirray
S a colored itian , and was given a seat by
lii ? Fifty-first house , after a contest.
Tomorrow Is suepensiolis day ,
' ' ' ' ' ' '
i'uto'i'hc'i'ix ; 1'mii tI lSSiONAIhil'S ,
: Igrors tIC ( III' MillIe leiutrtiliemmt sit
( III' 'h'hllu' ( If the IlItM lit ( 'Ii 11111.
WAShINGTON , May l.-A consIderable i
ortlon of tue forthcoming volume ou for-
iga rolatlomis for the blast year is made I
Li ) of correspondence by mail anti cable ,
rowing out of the anti-missionary note
It China. The correspondence shows that
ho greatcet eaergy anti vigor were inant-
asted by our officials , both In Washington
nil China , in niovltig for the protection
f Antericamis in China and for the vunisb-
lent of Chinese who iiad been concerned
t the riots. The main facts have already
eon set out in the aews dispatches , but the
iiiitmnary of tue efforts of time State depart-
tent by Mr. Denby , our minister at Pe-
big , is interesting where he says , after °
oscribing the conipiete success attendIng
10 work of American cornniitteos : "To a
iii Departnient of State Is duo beyond all " 1
oubt the crodlt of havimig broken throttgii Y
ltInee obatinacy and of having ( liplomnatl-
cliy and without menace brought about a
uht which wIll constltuto an era irt the a
eatmuent of foreigners lit China. " Mr. 'I
cnby is also on record in tue ccrrespoumd-
co as delivering a tibet glowing tribute j
[ ion tile American mIssionaries. "
Mr. idoe , who acted as secretary of state
iring tue progress of tile rioting awl was o
thy In criIe eonrmectioct with Minister Ii
oliby , Is lo ohown as posseased of the
tntost energy and determination In the
rort to protect. the Antoricaita' lit Chln ,
or instance lie teiegraphed Mr. Deaby s
port the latter's suggestion that. there must
ive been official connivance iii the massa-
0 of missiommaries , that "stern reprobation
id punhshnient must be expected , " and
iaIn when lie canto to know that tilO Ciii-
iso government was actually about to ap-
lint OflO of the chief ctflchals concarned o
tue rioLi to Inveetigate the same , Mr. ri
doe cabierl : "You can hardly have failed C
once to remomistrato against the cifensive ti
dependence of appointing such a man , Ia-
tring under such a grave charge. to Inves-
gate a similar grave outrage Ia another
'ovince than that in which ho himself a :
td misgoverned , "
llrt ) ' unzigi.rsYihi Try' 'i'Jii'Ir 1Ist
' 't'lliNVo.'I .
li It'eI , out i'OhitiC $ ;
WASHINGTON. May 3.-Tile senate pro-
am for next week i to first take up the
er and harbor hill , and when that is cm
E'poSod of to follow witit the bIll making v
vropriations for tile DistrIct of
tinlone differ very widely ac to tile time
a river and harbor bill will consume , but a
estliflate phitis it at less than two or
rea dayt. Whetiter it dish go on longer t
II depend upon tlto poiitical temper of
0 senate. If , a is not improhabie , seine a
ing siiouid he bald to open up a political
hate similar to that of last veok , there to
'no telling to what lengtlt the dIscussion
ty he drawn out. Tue managert , wIll make in
strenuous effort to keep politics and saytir
al financial questions in the background co
tI to heM tile tlincuaslon down to time mimorits
the bill. Tub may be acconiplisimed by a
antico of au opportunity to discuss the
Ifer bond rca-ahimtions , or some other poutPC
ii question , before final adjourilinont. of
rite irinchital subject of debate in con- '
ctlon vhthi tito bill itself Is the anteiidthl
'nts suggested by tile comntltteo Cii cornIn
rce , iiroviiing for tile expoliditura of $3 , . dli
) ,000 for the improvement of tile harbor at PU
nta Mcmiica , Cal. Suator White of that or
ito will offer an amendment making the tlt
propriatloit dependent . upon ibie recoin- CII
mmilatloit of a committee of engIneers , SI
ilclm lie vihi propose , and in case thiia tb
iendrnent is loot. ho will imialco an effort th
defeat time entire Itrobiasition. lie wIll tOt
supfiorted by five or six membere of tiio till
mtmmiltteo oil coumimnerce , especially by Sennil
tr Ilerry. They will imiako an effort to j
) W that tiun apprcprlatloil line been pro- nIt
oil for at tile inat'tnco of time Southern to
due railway , and it Ic not improbable that flu :
I l'acillc raliroall ( hilestloul may lie draggoti in
0 tue discussion , There vlii lie an effort
eng the vuatora on tile republican side art
agree on an order of buoness for the thl
t of tile session. lIe
liii''fl Iiu' tO Iliil iiiml , aol
VAS1I1NGTON , May 3.-The secretary of mc
I interior has authorized a delegatlpn of till
'en Indians front time Otoe amid Missouri ° "
ervation In Oklahoma to come toS"ash -
term to confer with omcbtls here , regard- at
adjustment of the amounts due tile In-
r.s : rommi settlers on Indian lands In Kao-
: nod Nebraska. for
'he secretary has recommended an allow- thu
D of a rebate of five years' immtcrest and un
iieiit of the residue iii live equal ammituai plo
fnieilte. 'rho Indians refused to agree. ter
, % , 1' . A. . ' .imirt'mii ( ' Clliilu'il to lt't'I , 11CC
VASIIINCTON , May 3.-The supreme
neil of the A. P. A , will assenibio Iii' tIi ! .
May 12 , About 250 delegates wiil be cor
'e , TIle meeting promises to be an inter- got
log omme , as the council Is expected to I a
: e action on tue question of recommending I
Ito spociai presidential candidate for sup- Del
1 by tue itmembers of tito orgattzation. ! Tb
tlimninary to time big iilCeLlig , the advisory re3
rd whit asseliible iicro on May S.
ArrvemlIeil t , , -il Ii I lit' 4hiOJlll ( ' , cht
'ASI1ItGTON. May 3.-Thio agreement SUC
tie Ustuecu the Interior department 'and of
Rimostiollo luidians for the iurchiase ) of the lilY
Lilt comltatmtiimg $ iio blIg Horn hot Springs ter
\Vyoniluig itas been forwarded by Sere-
I Stuitut to congress , _ with a recornineltda- res
t for ratIfication , The lands are tea
Ca square , and tile purchase price is p0-
, - - oth
flecorimicil A , 0 , LI. Y , C rnye , set
RAND ISIAND , Neb , , May 3.-Spocial. ( ) . tIl
nciett Order of United Worknlen fical
0,115 duly observed today by lodge No. 1 , lice
.ummvuiy lodge No. 37 and Charity lodge No. and
tile thtree lodges of tiths city. The graves wb
leparted ; iiitlbers ver0 strewn with flott'fini
and scrv'cea trere attended in thu Eplaup
ti church. Uc
II . : ; Ill ) t"I "l' ( ) % 'N.
S. 3. Pimlhin sarnong various oilier
thilumgs , a lhllOsopher ) , lie ala ) ' not at all
tiflle5 m'ao ! In that dignity. but there' are
occasIons on1 tvltkh hd certainly tiocs. The
other day ho as walking nlon.g l"nrrmamn
l'trcet , the proud posnox'ar of a fine silk unt-
lirelia. It was ralnimmg at tiw time anti na
other artielohnIt3g ( a man'o poeseosions was
of greater value for the titHe being. lie
grashlel the omnammienteil iiamulio with a grip
whlcim kimows'htiioosenlng , hltitiing defiance to
the 'ind an& tM , rain , when suddenly the
unitireila ancI"tM hiantilo parteti eonipuiy.
Mr. b'iillbPil'likeil at the mmtngniflceuit
efireati of silk ilnibroila sailing ekywartl until
it vtrimcbc time telegraph wires ammtl a soumici
of tearing cmlii iemno1ieiei1 his lmops. Then ,
turning iii gaze to tim ornamental hut bat
imselmil fart ho iii'itl in itie hand , rentarkod ,
" \Vell , I tu'etl Ute imamimilo anyway. "
Them is hhue woman imi Ommialma who bias
always prided iicrself on getting foil vaitmo
for imer mommey witeut imo pllrculased amiy-
timing , but it Is hIossoascilvitii several va-
notion hots of conceit mtow than formerly.
A rmtilkmnami taught her a trick that hme
dltlui't have down ici her baok. Siio had no oc-
canion to find fault with the quality of proLi-
uct of tiio dairy furnished her , but thought -
a portion of creamn along with tile lilallm
miiilk woubtl ho a welcoiiio atlditbon to tue
famnliy table , aditi conequentiy coinmmienced
thin vurchaso of sonic every mnornhmmg iii ad-
ihititim to the regular sImipiy of mnlhlc.
Soon L'te mmoticed the milk vas miot so
good as formerly amid after flItting Ufi with
thiiit in silence for a tt'iiii , notifletl tue mmihik-
man to tliscontlnue hula visits. A day or
two after tue aforesaid mmiilkrnan sold out
and the new Illlrclaser caine around to ' t
hack the ohl customers of the daIry.'imon
the woumuami stated her reacins for qimltting
tito flea' mitan said he could lix that au
right 1111(1 explained the qualIty of the mnllk
by exhibiting a little book kept by time I
fernier lroprotor , wltlcii allowed that all
tile regular purcllnears of creant had been
riuppilerl with milk that had beemt partially
\Viien it davuictI out thio wommian that shm I.
hail been paying double price for cream amId
then inircilaseil tile mmihik train vhilchi it 1111(1 Ii
been skimmed , it was fortunate for the
fernier owlier of the dairy lie hiati started on C
a journey to lila native land on th oilier \
Ido of the oceami. A
George Ii. Sumistroni , iii dmecussiiig art , time
atlier day , with a lice reporter , saul lie hiatt
bimst returned front Citimia anti Japan , 'hore
he hat ! been bmmying curios anti hrlc-a-iirac
rot an eastern firm. lie saltl , "tilere are no
itranger or more heautifui worhe of art
In tue world than those to be seen in the
thiops of Cantomi , Fee Chow , Amoy , Tokio I :
iitd Kioto , The Japanese liavo an art that g
almost entirely tlerved froni time Clminese.
rimey may hate the , Chinese as miebhmbors ; hut
Illey are indebted to the Chinese for aimnost
uI they possess. Their wrlttemt langimage is
alf Chinese , their rollgicn is frotmi the
hiineae , either ( ihrectiy or indirectly , amid
: lior art is eqtmauby of Chinese orighim.
"Tue artkatie among the Japs and tue
hiInese are among tIme lowest castes. The
owest is that 'of the farmmters , tue next is 0
hat of time artisans. The artisans have
; ulids in the various cities , where they iivs ,
md through tltbsi guiltla they cormtm-oi the al
vhole of thie fancy work of tile towns arid
' iii
iroviilccs ,
"You may tateoyour : silver or gold to any au
rtiean and 'giveyour order for its work , Ic
( ou wili receive a ( Iupiicate of the order Pt
nd a recahtit for , so rnucht gold or silver. Cl
'he amount ob gave wIll all lie returned to It
00 , and it any moan iuotlld steal It. he will r (
Ia as aure of death as thought on the scathe
old. But omevay , they seidomu or never ' t
tcal. And ¶ lmelr prices are frIghtfully low. ' :
'hey iiiako even ' harnesses of taild silver
ars , workint thiettugs out of time bars into
exibie ropee , 1l'ut tue greatest tIling 'hey
take l hair , pIns The poorest of Chneso
, omiioll miiust.havei titer hairpins , made 111cc
ur ladies' hat pins , Tlte bail is generaly .
trtcateIy wOrked and sometimtips It is set
rItl iireclotlo stonesj muhies , pearis and fib1) ,
ionds. W0n1CRthere gather hat pmts aa
ur women gatherriuigs , and even wo'se. Mi
ome have htmndreds of them. , Generally iii
hey are tnade of sliver , that beIng the lIt
raclous metal , - gold. is iittl , used-for your
old or yellow Is the imperial colr , '
Whoa aekeil If there was going to ho lotje re
f travel to St. Louis on tue occat'lon of the k
Dpublican national convention George 'W. qt
iaytomi , northwestern passenger agent of o
10 Wabash read , said : "Thiero'a lots of talic Ia
ow about go'itg to 'St. ' Louis , but it's a Sc
uetlCit in my uqind whether meet of the at
eope ! wii are announcIng with a wuioop
nil a hurrah tlmat they are goIng to be there hi
'iii ' not change theIr mimmds before time 16th al
r June arrives.
"I've Just retttrnetl front a trip about time
) untry looking after this convention busisti
ass. in Iowa therq Ic strong talk of scudth
ig clubs of several humitireti macn down to Ice
t. Louis to about for Ailiron. But from ai
Imat I s'ay I believe that ntosL of these cxet :
ir&000 will dwlnjlie away before the conphi
intlon is called to order. In Nobraaka tiiero so
' 0 very few towns or cities outside of Omaha to
id Lictcoin that wIll rend down muore tiiami
couple of mnen. Of course , there vill be
good deal of travel to St. Louia , lots of
opho taking advciitnge of the low rates su
at will be offereti. hut I don't take much cx
ock in all this talk about there being ucli Cr
rush of travel that tlio roads can't handle co :
' Ticketa to tIme convention ball are going yc :
be mighty scarce prtlcies. amid tue prosby
ct of standlmmg around cmi time outside aboutpa
g for their favorites womi't attract nmany er
LOtlSalillS of mcci fromii this section of tim an
untry. " an
- - - - - - - tot
A clown town dinner Is becoming a very
iltular rnctiiod of rcjttveimmttlng the finances
tite various churches of the city , ant' al-
cat every clay in the week the emmipioyes in
0 cIty and county offices are betiegeth with n
'htatlomis to come over anti get a "home aim
outer for a ( Immarter.Vluomi tile cilurcil car- slit
t shows Indications of comnimig tilbsoiutioml tn' '
there is a sad rent lit ( lie pastor's salary oti :
at needs reparhog , tile womnen of tIle no- thc
rty are appeaieil ti to raisa tile tt'intl , They ini
cure time misc of sonic vacant room in a got
. , vit town block. tmsiiably as a domiation to thmc
0 CtIUBe , funitishi their own eatables aimfi
d all comners for a price that excites tito '
concealed res 'utment 01 our restauramit Fir
Hi whose Prerogatives are thus invaded. urn
I uliost of tlip mmirttenlah for tIle feast is fur229
iied without cost tile \vommieit are enabled Ir ,
give a 50 cent dinner for Iiait titat mt
lii coil still clear a neat sum for the liroiect 9
view. cole
omnehiotv it happens that public empboyos ter
a always appealed' to to push tue good hat
Ing , along , 1110 $ ot tiieun lake their lunches doll
0,0 town and 'b ( ( it rule they arc troll satwc
leil to hiatroniz the church and titus cxi :
itlify thonmseiyc witit the religious cb'i
tnt , Ilut there are souno objections to Cli
) emiothods pmlrsued by thu church caterers gre
ii soicie of the good women might timid a mne
) fltable "tip" lub the tale of woe whIch a cou
II known city nfiiclal had to tell after ing
rtalcing of ca4Jt thmoo philanthropic regoo
file oflicial In question imas been noted
' Ills . faithful qtendamico on every church Cas
joel. that cormu'i on time carpet. It is not Inel
ceiiiinon for blffi to take his oflice em-
'yes ' whit htirmi and thus add very ma- ii
iaily 'to the patronage of the affair. But 13
ording to bi experience it requires a sort
of patiento anti devotion to the cause
stay by It titus loyally. "Now I am not tiiOl
ticuIarl ) ' to the fair sex , " lie p101
iiplalnetl , ' d'ordInariby I cami stand a eon :
) tl deal of rmcglect froiti thorn , Btit when be
01 hungry it IIJtlltferemit , arid this is why thie
to' getting disgusted wIth church din- heir
'S. I go In and takes a. seat at a tahip , in
ore are a dozen or moore women etammditmg proj
dy to watt eii tabjp antI tiice who are inte
WH are ' ( JUt.CIC.hY attended to. But as gre :
tilt not recognized a a niemuber of tue womi
irchi I tt'ait for ten minutes. Then I flies
coed in attracting the attention of one coumm
tue young 'woimidfl and bile etarts to take
order. But Just tiled a young man en- N
1 who seemB to Le a favorite with tue can
iinicme mmienibera 1jf tue congregation , will
I , there's Willy Jones , ' and tile saltvort
see combine in a cane rush to eec who Cat
II win the 9roud distinction of having
llyi seated at her table. It requIres an.
er ten minutes to get tht ! satisfactorily A
tIed , for of ' course Willy can't choose
at oiiee , t1eanwlihho I ant losing In appe. re
I but galiing in wrath , "I'beu just as fore
: et another girl started to get uny dilloer 'ifl
, nearest and dearest friend hiappemis In a in
I I have to wait another fIve tubules bert
lie they exchange civIlities. ooietIrnes I in v
thy get may dinner and sometimes I get the
and go out In diagust , but anyhow I a t
in the ohil Iilaco l good enough for 1110. " hayt
cococcceoc1cco cccc'cJ
'Y6Stirday for'miomi limo fire ilCllrtili"lit ( t'lS
clIe.t to tti 1101110 of John Masar'bc. Twenty-
first ammtl P streets. The flirt was ext imiguishmed
It liii a loM of tiot niort' than 0. As nomie of
time f.lunily could elmak linghllm enough to tell
how the fire stnrtcti , Aetilig Clmlf liollailti
oattoi , to Imive3tigtt acid found unmimletikalmie
eviilc'umco timat ihe ( Ire was of imicenllhrmrA'
Origin. iii the front m-oemmi of tlm iimisr , which
is a ttVC.story , six-roommi affair. a smmmail hole
was liotleeti in the planter from wimlehi war
! .tslmlimg a tlmiy stream of smoke. 'i'ime cimIf
pilL his fluigers limb time hole amid Itmhbell ) omit
a ll'immllful of usher whilcim tvas saturaici t''ttbi
kerctie. UI ) stairs In a closet hi found an-
othCr tlnall iiol tiirommglm tile plaster froimi
which lie Pulled a gttetl.slzed , Partly burned
rag , which was oahcetl tt'itli lImo saute iluitl.
Thn fire vbilril hind mbommo hit' dammi.jgo starteti
lii thi , clocet anti rail up betwrcn tue attiti.
dumig to the roof , which vns fartly blinmieti.
After dirc'ov rhimg tue Pahi"r amid tile rag time
chief locked time house iit1 drove to imhIe
IinarIrtiarters for Chief ilrcnmiami. The ttt'o
thou tvont to the Place niiil talked svlthi Mrs.
Moeupk through on iriterpretc'r , Silo was
ihiowii tiio rag amId the hole It had ecii foummll
Iii , but declared that she icnt..v miotuiing about
liotv it cairn , there. Time pohIet qlie-'tlomiptl her
ror half an hour , hut could get mio infonimiattoim
xceiit that tue lloti5 ? Was lmismired for $600
cud ( lie coimtents for $300. Chief hioilnmmtl imas
mmriietl tiu oily rag coil tiio aprr over to thio
neal ngeuit of tim imisuraiice comiipamiy , wiio
vill huivestigato further today.
tIA'l'1' ANXIOUS Foil 'l'hIFi i'lA'I.
: ' ( pllmll'liIlmiml , hhhi * il'hlglrI'p. it ( 'MigmIlti Icmiu
CII lIt' liflhlliI In 'i'iiihghit ,
Meunbers of th couucll : expect a lively
cession tonight , for it has bceit reported that
tiautciunrtl'o resignation will be read , and
lat the umtaycr ts'Ill namne iti sticcest.or.
ilnyor 1nsor said yesterday that lie lmad iii-
ulicatiomus fromn seven democrats who s'ould
e willing to take the place , amid that lie
iad imtaternh encugh to ICed ) aim ahpohmitrug ) !
mitil ills aipoiiitmnent tvns conflrnmetl. Antomig
h.oe nmontioned for the vacaitcv are : W.
I. Sloan , W. Ii. Chieak , J. II. flulla , .1 , S.
S'ahters , George I1arls , B. I ) . Towi , ChrIs
iehchor amid J. F. ititclilmart ,
Tue nihhk ordinance wIhI comne tip for its
Inst reading , amid will be ielerred to thin
udiciary contniittee to fill iii the amounts to
o cimarged for a Iiceuise , antI tile amount of
rot to ha pa'tl the Inspector. itegulatomts !
0 govern thi Imoilce and lire tlepartmcmmts
ill he presented , and tue resolution lire-
ared zoom timmie ago , alithorizimig time city
reasurer to collect $50 a imioiitim from cacti
amubllmig house will be taken up for discus-
iou. It is tmultierstooi that all of the coon-
ilmen are in favor of compellimig the gaIn-
ier to pay for being allowed to run , ammO
I all probability the iesoiutions will be
assed ,
'rho council will also be requested to
mithorize the fittimug Up of a coupho of roommis
1 tue Finley block as an oflice for the
mayom , . If tiii is done , au of time city
flices will timeut be iii tile same buildIng.
Fi rst i'ri'sI't * 'rliti * All II I 't.i'.m i'y ,
The eighth aminlrersary cervices were held
tite Firet I'rcsllyteniimm chimircii last even-
ig and 11ev. Ir.Vhieeicr pratciued iui eighth
inual sermon to time congregation , Tue srv-
o opened with a l'Catiimig of tile scriptures ,
rayer end song. After tIme singing by the
icir of "Lead , Kindly Light" and "la.tthier ,
ratiie an Bvanimig I'rayer" three-minute
aponsea train au of tile church societies fol-
wed. 'Our Ctiurclt iiihihe Sciioh" was re-
ionded to by M. Carl Smithi ; "The Ladies'
td , " Mrs. Charles Miller ; "ieacomis , " C D ,
Ibsen ; "Fourth Vard Mieon , " 0. B. Bruce ;
dug's , ' laughitore , " Mrs. Anna Tliuriow ; "It.
, ooety , " Miss Sadie F'owler ; "Maxwell
emnorlal , " Harry Wehie ; 'Tylor AI'ashon , "
din Taylor ; "Woman's Miselormary Society , "
r.e. Harry C. Smmiitlm ; " 0mm 'tYomnemi Trustecs , "
rs. Wilhlant Berry ; "Doaconees , " Mrs. Jea-
mine Rich ; ' 'Iliideas'or SocIeties , ' ' Misses F.
, Sage , Jeminie Allan and Winomia Evans ;
rruateec : " c. At. llicli ; "Tile Elders , " A. Ii.
rnihl ; I3rtthrnlicoi of t. Andrew ard Phil-
) . " Alex Lackey 'Thie Janitor , " George
tworth ; "Our Choir , " Dr. Wlieier.
SIIrprIsel4 til ( ' Sn 1(11,11 l''t'r ,
The actloii of tile mayor and council lii
fusing to extend tue time iii whicii saloon
tapers could pay their license mmtonoy was
mite a surhirise to time lIquor dealers. who
pectetl the same kind of treatmneuit as ,
St year. Tile order to pay In time $600 by
Lturday night or close catighit coumie of thlein
a dIsadvantage , amid In order to accommuto-
Ito everybody , Treasurer liroatiweli kept t
S office open until inltlniglmt. As a result
I 1)010 In except half a dozen or so.
Saturday afternoon Mayor Eiucor receyed
I amionymomis letter , in sviicit tue wrIter I :
ated that buckets of beer hail been sold
e Sumiday before and carried away In mar-
it baskets , amid wrapped so as to give tue
pearamice of groceries. The mayor in-
ructeti the police to keep ji tt'atcht for alms-
chous looking iiiarhcet baskets , and if any ° ,
booci keeper was found ceiling "growlera"
ClOSe lila itlace at once ,
CCCNH SJlriIgN II SmirmrDu- ,
Taxpayers Iii this city were conshlerahly k
rpnlsetl to read tIme statement as pimblisimed t
elusively lit tue lice that Assescor J , W.
ee iuitentlecl to raise tue asseatnient emi lila
rpom'.ttions , , Every spring for a nunii > er of .
rs paat mmietluigs have been iiehul , gener.uily j
thio Taxpayers' leaguci , to talk over mnummici-
I niatters omit ] taxatioim. The siihject of in-
taslng the assessirmiemit oil the packing liouss
ii the stock yards compamiy alway coimlec m1t
tl is tahiceti over , btmt notuiimig was ever tiomie
yard raharig tIle asaawmiiemmts until Mr.
esa toolc action a fctv days ago.
\.lI I kci On I ti II I lIe Shi oe , .
atturday evening a well dreeted stranger
ec'etl tue st , Louts shoe store on N street
ii asked to be , fitted wIth a good pair of
, e : . A pair tiiat stilted ss'as found amid
lii On , W'hiile tue proprietor tt'ai' busy with
er custoummers lit the trout hart of tht store
I stranger shipped out thui' luck tt'ay , heav-
; lia old eiioes behInd. The 11011cc have a
in tiescriptiomi of tue fellow , but it is not
ughit that hieilves inthiis city ,
thigio ( It' ( lIc4shi , ,
lme funeral of Swan Olson ts-as lurId at tile
st Presbytcniaii chmurcil yciterulay afternuon '
Icr thu auspices of Amnenlcmu iotlge No.
, Aitcleuit Order of LlmiltedVonicmiiim. . 11ev.
, W'liceler preached time Itmemeral s'erunon.
eriiieimt. was at. Laurel 11111 ceumietery.
'ho noticee sent out by the stock yarts
ipany to tile effect that Cuclaimy tvlli ilaugim-
1.000 cheep a clay , commncmiciuig today , have
I a good effect already. Yesterilay twenty
hle deck cars'of sheep frommi CJorIclo p tInts
ra received and double that miumber are
ecteti today ,
'here Is some talk of the Young Men's -
ristinmi atiocIation leasimig tue vacant
unils on Twenty-fourth , treet near Al , for.
rly used as a sktiuig rink , for a tenmiis tim
it amtd basket bail park , Thursday even- itt
of thus weele tvlil be Inelmibera' nIght. It lit
0 programn is being prepared for tIm occa-
I antI refresiinmenta trill ho served , Yes-
lay afternooll 11ev. J , itt. Wilson of tue
leiltir Precibyterlomi church addressed the
'nbers ,
( "I. 'Vgi.s 3 ! gJi I II. ' ieteruii ii . . .1 ,
isiiop Samuel F'alhows saId in a recent
non : "Iii settling the compensation of
I who labor the ruling thought with empo
fcra shioulil be , not what is the lowoet
I I can pay them , hut wimat ought they to we
paid tiia' ' I may obtain a fair tirofit and rIO
1' allow their fainiiIec to live like limmumian by
mgs , The scale of wagee would ho chmaageri
miiany a barge estabhlstimiiont If this Idea till
raIled , and the enormous profits accuinmicai
d hiy niemi who live 111cc lords and own thi
it estates omt both ieities of the ocean OUi
id be divltled ctmiiong hundreds of fain-
I. whmiclL would enable thorn to enjoy the j
torta of life. "
0 IIXCUSO for aicepiess nIghts wlniu you
procure One Minute Cough Cure , "I'his
relieve all anuloyancea , cure tile most eo
) pough and give you rest and health ,
you afford to do without It ?
SJe'hi ( III II I'hgiiik ,
narrow , hard bert is said to be the best
rentive of bad figure's , If 011(1 CAfl 11150
go pitiows so much the better. Wonmen
I round shoulders and double duets have
cans lirovided for their cure if they are
lie enotigii to give up tue downy couch ,
hiciu they revel , When one thinks of It ,
place and posItIon in which one spends .
bird of every twenty.four hours nlubi Tat
aneffect upon the figure , baa
WI , tTli : 4I (1 it It1ii''I' uii'i.i.t-'i'i' .
ill'rilIemll Mlimtionef tim. ' t'lli4'l'uiI ) '
( If t'lrimMkmt ( llc''c ImItormImmIticlil.
The xperiuitiit sttic.mi of tlio tYmtlvc'rehty
of NebrllsIcm hia jtuet Issued bulletin o ,
'II , containing a .letecriiitlon of thmo experl-
Inrilts in the culture of time sugar beet In
Nehraska Omirlng the years 1S91 tinil 1S9.
I Th hulletimi explaIns at bcimgtii aibi by
ItlolImis of Carefully prepared data tIn , citisi'
or tim failure of beets to lay till a large
ammiollilt of sugar tltmrlmig tIlt' season of
Th ne'.Jsomis fcr this are sumnieti tip thus :
"Septc'mmiher npene.i liii a 'gcmiti'ai rain.
CGt'erimig mteariy tile whoic' of hit' mtatr' . Thti ,
ttas follctwetl by a Perle ] of high tcmiillern-
tumre. Th nearly nipeiied berts , respond-
i'g to tlic mmiolsttmre and warlmtth , beg'imt
a bieriod of growth , drawing stmatentoce frrnti
tiut stigar aireauly store-ti. iiefnre they cdliii
.tmcahml beglii eiaborating sugar a iierioil of
cold tveathmcr sot in , clicekhiig grotttlm aitl
leavIng tiicmmi In au Irnmiiatlire conditi mi.
Thii is a cotuiltlon ef tt'eatiier totally tin-
prece&lemttecl lit Nebraska , anti one that iimiy
never occtir ngalmt , "
Time exh'rhnteiits at the st'ttlom farm have
hon continiieul alomig the sairme hues as
iier.'totoi e anti are mmiaking of stmgar beet cul
ttmre a etifer ammO sImpler operatlomi for the
faruner. Several hew varieties , lovelopetl lii
iitlrope hia'e been tried , iitit have miet done
as tt cli as thi t elI kmiot n 'llnionimi aol
lCbein Wanabebener varieties , The test of
potash fertilizers has becmt contiimtmc'tl with
the snmmme results as before , mmaiimely that
Lucy caminot h profitniuly used itt jircsent.
A ntmmmtber of ehmeinmical nmtaiyses of the
simgar factory uiroiltmrts are given. Tii so-
called "pulp" fromu the oxtractetl iwets ii
ilmowmt to be au exceilemit cattle food , es-
peciahly for tmtlbclt cottc , Analyses of tue
frczett niiul unfrozen imulp indicate that freez-
log is cletrintental miot ' only to the lceephimg
qualities , but to tite feeclimig valime. A cttmii-
iarisen of sugar hieets tt'lthi litmifi shiows that
welgiit for tveightt time hieta comitalit miiore
ntmtritlotis mmmatter , owing to the greater
antount of st'ator in tii uiulp , bnmt that the
dry matter of the lumulp Is miioro imimtritiotis
than that of iii'ots. An analysis of tIme
"llmmto cake" given away at tIle factory
ehot's it to 1)0 0 vvry desIrable fertilizer.
Thiiec valuable builletlii is sent free to nil
appilcamita. 4'cliIrcss the tilrcetor of time cx-
1)01 hunemmt station , Umllversity of Nebraska ,
hi cmcoh n ,
\S'l'1hK LV II I'Ilt'L'S ' ( I ht.t'I'l II'V1 G.
Nelmrllm4lclt Climb Vorhe 1'rog rt's'chiij.e
'I'li i'IigilIIit I Ill' Slim te ,
The weekly reports of thue organizers of
tue Nohiraska club of Sattlrilay show greatly
incrcae'od iimterest in time vork of the club.
One of them , front tile western portion of
tue state , reports ' 'all that ha retjuIrcd is to
fully prerolit th matter , and all the mnem-
here mucoded can be huritl. " lie scctmreul sub-
scriptlomus to 105 6hiares in thirei' days.
Tile ciub has jtust maimed iooooo clrcmmlars ,
brIef niid pohntetl , on tIle amlvamitages of Ne-
brasica , entitled , ' 'An Imirhtation. ' ' These
arc tili'tribtlted amliong time various roumntie
iiavhuig orgauthzed auxiliaries , with omme page
Di' 300 wordo devoted to the respective coon-
ties , cmid tt'Ill be dititributeti directly by the
club to its list of imtqtmhrera , also by hmmsiness
litemi amutl faruitors amnomig tiieir eastern con-
respolidonts. SuppiIc'a can ho had by apply-
mig to Secretary \Vihllamson.
lieu , M. A. 1)ammgherty of Ogaialla bias accepted -
copted the aitpoilmtittemit as organizer for the
lxtli eongrvroIommtl district ,
Tile state executive comnniittee meets at
hte Comnultercial club , Omaha , at noon to-
lay.Ouio lim.miidrod amId thirty shares were re-
) ortel by Mr. T. L. Itimigwalt. secretary of
: hio Douglas county auxiliary , Saturday.
VilnItl0 1i'Juit'l'iNG IS 1).tS ( UlutotiS ,
ilL Sh'il ) it OfiemlIteNults ill ill. ' Ientll
ilziii ,
In Sicily young mcmi 'tvhio are eligible
ttties have to exercise extreme care In
heir demrmeamior toward young unmarried
odles , says a foreign exehamige. To damtce
a'tthi tlient so oftemi as to be remimailted , to
ttteniit ) to talk to thiemit alone , is , to use
he ingenuous expression of an Italian frIend
Jr mitine , to be exiected to mualee you their
uttire-imi-Inw , In lower
- - the casses a
, 'entletta results it' ci Immii pay's attemition to
In unmiinrnled girl whtimout rnarryiumg iucr.
"endettns nice .iite prevalent stilL I
mearti a chuarutctorlsttc and rather nmntmsimig
tory about one the otilel' tiny. A gc'ntie-
naIl's coachuntnn tilil lii Iurt tn a veimitletta
imiti tS'flS sent to ll'ii'tlll for it lenin-there
eing no capital pumtisiimneiit lit Sicily. Ills
mlrLSteI' trout to visit mOult lii prison , anti
ickecl if hue coimhil do nulythlhlig for him.
'Yes , signor ; if you wIi pay luaU' a trance a
lay for lao I ctti have ii hotter room ititil
atter food , atmd a Siimt'e. " lIe nttlteiierl
tiest iniportamico to the shave. It' a nba
: c'es his brother beIng murdered not more
bait anyone else in the crot-d telil ho do
Lmtythiug to bring the oremider to juircttce.
-le may not even interfere , hut ime tvihl
mike it upon himself as a sacred dimly to
:111 : tile niurderer vt'lienever iie hia him at
tl . .
mercy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p.
1OCt I , mlii CV1'I'IiIS ,
Tim city oflicials have received Imivita- re
Ions to attend the centennial celebration
t tim entry of the state of Tenmiessee Into ch :
tie union , which is to be hold at Nashville , oj
utlo 1. CU
A 2-year-old daughter of trim. hattIe '
rent , 1706 Nicholas street , anil a child he-
imigimig to Mrs. licarletta Gunnison , Sixth
mid Grace streets , strayed away from their
omnes yesterday mornIng amid were fomimmd ci
tat evening near Seventeenth anti Capitol so
venue. The 3-yoar-oid eon of Oiflcer Franhe a
often of Soutlu Omaha uas also found at d )
wontieth alit ! Spring streets yester'Jay , to
'lucre lie hind been beguiled front hiommue CC
y some other boys.
a1e Beauty Wi
Ft you want a soft , tmenutlul complexion ,
ere I omihy one way to get it. Imeimetilately
ter washIng your face arid hands rub a
tb of
Complexion Cream.
lo the slcin. It Iceeps it soft and fine -
ruined and IiicreitseRts beauty in ever
ssibbe way , It Is lenoait Os MM1' . YALFI'
tEAM , Once you use It you will miover
Lilt to do without it. As a iiouschold urti-
it is one of tile Imiost useful anti is needed
every nmeinbor in the family , from Ihto
ebancl altO fatiter down to tile tiny Infant ,
ii casii of burns It steta like niaglo , tailing
I fiii out more quicbciy than anything else
:1 : , 1' or chapped , rough skIn It is tue only -
rig to use amid na a berimititler It Is marvel. j' %
4. Price $1.00 jer Jar. Soiti everywhere.
IMl : . . M. YAL , , Health antI ( Olnplexlon
ocinhist , Yam Temple of Beauty. 110 itato
, ( 'hicnEo , Send for Mrne , Yaho' Imle
utile t Beauty , " muiid free.
. .
- - - - - -
Jim tl
Dswogo Starch' '
The Org1naI and Best.
' ' ' ' j'I ; ) Joxtis ' ' ' '
lhit'J'JIU.1'Ii k'I'ItH l0'I'S. liii
l , room , . iatiir , strain tieit , tnd cli mnoticrgl tie 1
t'eir.ncca ! , Itidsi , $ l.fO 1103 11,00 psi day. Set
, i uxtn-s.hId. Special low ISles to r.guIau iioor ,
rdr. . 1"ItANIC lIil.PZTCII , Mar , isry ,
Scrci1tija : / '
I uifcsfs the 1110011 of liuunnui'uty , It , . ,
npeiml' III 'itt'ii'i1 foi'imtii hit iii forced
to ylt'ltl to I Iuccl's Slll'SilIiti"iIIlh , 'Iiich
Ifil I'i II c numil v I t it 1 , blond n iud
Ciul'0i3 nil such illaensca. lienit this :
I , Iti Siitcmilbcr , 189 t , I iatntlm , a litlstcp anti
luijured my ankle , \'ery sooii afterwards ,
two hiielics across tormtieii amid lit 'alkimig
to favor it I sliraimied my nmiklc. The sere
became worse ; I could not Iltit 1113' hoot
oil amid I tliotmiiit I flimtilli ( have to give UI )
at every atoll , I t'otmltl itot get itiiy relict
ntid had to stop vcirk , I rend of a euro of
a shittilar case by llood' Snreapnrllia nttct
comtchudccl to try It , Before I hind taken
all of two bottles thto sore had healed auI
thu svehlimig luaU gone t.lO'll , My
Is now veil arid I have hecmm greatly bone.
filed othiervIse , I have increased In
weight amid nmct In better health. I enminot
say ciiouglt in hiraise of IIood't Sarsapa-
rllla , " 111119. ii , hiLtIcil , So , licrtvlek , Me ,
This amid other simnllar cures itrove that
Is the Ouie Trmir' fliooti l'tirlflt'r. All ilriigglst , $ t
l'rei.trei , tnl' ty 0 , I. hicitl , .t Co. , ei I , Mitsi.
tile hii'st f8imtlh'ttthiartio'T
, ' ) ( --'T
Hood s P11 Is o liter stlmmiuuaiit. ! o.
The Forum
MAY , 1896.
The Political Sittmation , l. L. Oodbclri
A Salutar , ' Ttlaitdate to the National
Comtvemttmons , - . Whit. Szilornoui
Tila CuliAN Ogs1moN , : Our luty
to Cuba , - - Senator II. C. Lodge
The Qicstomi of' Ctibamt llciligere'ncv ,
Jobimi Bassett Moore
l'rofcssor ( if lii I i'riuiuttomini 1.11w ,
Colmmiiibla Piityerehv ( , N. 1 ,
PItoIuLEls 1'o'ucrui'y PAU-
OF AN ! ) -
i'icmcisat : Need of Better homes for
\Vagc-Earners ,
Clare do Oraffenried
Special Agent of 1110 U. S. Dcii. of Labor
The Cultivation ofmncartt City Lots ,
M. A. Mlkkelsen
Modern Norweginit Lileraiimrc-I ,
BjornstJcrnc Bjornson
The Unaided Solution ol' the Southtermi
Race Prohlcmn , A. S. 'inn de ( Irnaff
Pcstnlozzi amid licrhmart , % VlIItcInt Rein
I'rofcsor of l'odigogy. Uluivursity of Jelia /
tIodcnmi Arcbluology : : iteccilt Exca- /
'atiomis jut Greece , . J. Oennadlus
liilbitsSalbOr from Greece to liar Court
oi ht. JIumnos
: the l'owcr of Chimistiamilty Vanimtg ? -
No ! - - - - - Ii , K. Carroll
25c. a Copy , $3.00 O Year.
t.rz'SpecIfIc for Dyicpopata.
! ttI Sick Headache , Consti.
' ; : : . . : . . # .
: patton. Regulates the
'FIACt ' 3MAas Bowole , flflCI Stimulates
11 the Liver.
Iukc P Iilacktcmrii , late Covcrmmorof Ilemmtueky ,
'riteS ' ; ' ' I ii tat dy 111011 OH nuid coit'clipatiotm of the
oweI'i It excels all ether remiucdies koots'u to tile
refssiomi , "
lii another eommimnmuimlcatbomm lie says : " Crab Or-
mam-l % 'aler will ciirc imiore diseases tlmami nil ) ' OlIC
-Imtc'i3' I have ever used. "
Vroiii George .1' . IIrwlim , r.t. I ) . , formmierhy Viral
( ) i'lamlt l'blysicialm Ceiltech Asyluiiii , Ami.
orage _ . , ICy : " I regard it as the besoj raliis
i , ig.e/c , anti minlike etimcm-s of its class , It leaves
I cebi'ily l/ii',1 , htit time syt4teml , alter its mite ,
el invigoiated ail Ionc'a' up. Its Merely of ac-
ill COil''Cll irmice for tiilleulllmig , amid smmuallucs
do.'te t ill atm omigly rcc'omum mumemict it. ' '
Front Ilcmmry C , Miller , : i. n. , State Medical 1I-
ithimer Kmmigiiti of honor , amid alito 6r the All-
jilt Order UnltetiVomknten , Corocter of Jeirer.
II County. ic'atuck ) ' : "As au aperiemut III cocisti.
( iou it certa'mmihy imir relitairkable vIm timet In
'sPeplia It ColmIbhiles ( Ice hircipem ties 11(1111 of a
miic nliI laxative , muakimig lIds Iii eparallon cz-
edummgly desirable.
.1' Soid by all Irmiggists.
rab Orchard Water Coo , LouisviIfa.
- 4
I maanima used Wool &Oap ) ( I wlthmino hiac3 fC'
II' 1V.I Nilli. 15 lIfted in the laundry , In
( ho cheausitigof winter iihanketiiarmnels anO
nh wooh fabrlc betoro LWiog for tliecasoa ,
' '
'l'tuu yato of
is lmiesilniabie. SVashc silks , laces anti all
sumnrilor istiries without tIliury. Equahiy
VahliOlci for bath , hoiichiold cud gcueral
laundry urposca. Bold by all datcra.
awerth , Schodite & Co , , Naker , , Chilcaga ,
lrYorkQiflcog3I.onar Si , l3oston,3Cbrthamt ,
i : ' i'il. '
_ _ _ '
'I'll , . , 1331 , ' .
[ II CIIII1II ! Aigrs ; I
'ioiiiglit at 8:15 '
.Iithiiii''is , lit ill titot Ii Coloi'i.d
I11'ucos i5C 3c , 0a ,
sctimy , MIIV Mrmtlmmco
ilc'lciny , hIM Woduicaday
PM ii iti'i' : UIIN CNGAG EAII'1'
t'ricttc , 0o , Sac , APe , lOU
ace Prices , 211 amid Oil.
May 30.11 , P'ltcnogan'a Halt ,
tvotfd'renoteltd i'lamiist , CoulIposer 5111.1 Co '
I 0111) ' sppeur.titCe iii s Itsattal of ltQmait. I
'illiiIfO1iU MUSIC.
ml UtS iI'itV Oil Sill , At Usual prices , FiriL
Ic asid Il.00 balccny , Lo and ito , iM.