- - - _ - . _ _ - _ - - - - - - - _ - - . - - 1OD IfL * PART ! . THE OMAHA UNDAY BEE. PAGES 1 TO 8 , ESTAIiLiSIIEI ) JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAhA , SUNDAY MORNING , MY b , 1s96rllwENrlly 1AES. SINGLE UO'YIVIOENT. ED\V1 \ ABBEY LEADS Amcrican Artist Bnrprse3 the British b us rjrst Academy Picture. , LOUD PRISE \ IROM TUE LONDON PHES tOritics Uait3 in Euthinia3io of Subj2ct and DEPICTS RICUIRYS WO3N OF runcral of King llcary VI and It Drtmatic ' Int3rrnptkn Portrayed. sARGAr ALSO GETS A HIGH PLACE ltiitcrlei H ANMUL'IlLteM I n the lLoy a Aei,1iitr ha ii t. html i l'IteI r JI.I I4Ii Ilrt ( Iireii lit ( lie l'reMet l.lilliIt. ( Coiyrlit , IS9C , by Prci , I'ubllphlng O4ION , My 2.-Naw York Vorlt' CabIgrain-Speclal Telegranij-It eem very generafly ac1cnowleclgct that the pictitri - , - - Ut the year at the ltoyat Academy exhibi tion ( yesterday being a r1rnto view ) , I EdII Abbcy't 'lUchard , Duke of Glouce' ter. and the Lady Anne. " Tt119 lit th young American artlsta first exhibit sine his elcetlut a an : tciat. Today's Lon ) FO3O )9 of it. with unstlntcd pralec anil thu St. Jame9 Gazette ot tonight says 0 fl that the ltonr o ( Iiavin patnteI what I UnIUUtJtC(1iy the iitoit brIllIatit anti strIiit &abjcct pIcture Ie ( lie present year's oxhibi tIoii 10118 to U iccont asscclate , Mr. Edwi : A. Abb3P , WhO ) I' achieved work at one artIttIcaIIy fine and rainatIca1ly in&crcst'iig a PtetUrO In whIch , In ptte of Its olaboratol : arcliaeoIogca1 veracity , tito 1iimaii appea In 'o forcIble and direct that It could hardi : fall , one \voUd : think , to be wIdely popular. " , 1ostIbt The Telegraph i-ayE : "It Is itIto the Academy during tb that It vIttorS to coinIng montlii were askel to Ii the matter , they would vote Mr. Fdwi Abbey's. " The two Anierican a'ociates arc Indeed tithe the T1me3 gIves to ar the lore , since even geant Ofld Abbey the flr.t rank ot exhIbltor or Mr. Sargeant'i portrait , Joaph Chamber aln , In..tlio Thunderer , iya : "Mr. Sargeani as overybod. ' Icuowit , 13 an AmerIcan , thotig he liae long ben ettlc(1 ( hero , and Ia nOW a \ , ssoclnte of the Academy. It is tiot p1ea lug to our national vanity tf have to sa that it tiiI portrait Is the clevere.t thing I the exlilbUtcn , the next cleverest , we d act say the moat beautiful or most -atl factory. Is tli work ot encthr Ainericar Mr. l. A. AbItey , one of the new arrnclntct' . DESCItIPTION OF THE I'lCTUItF. All the inornitig and niternoan pa cxtendcd comment an per3 give an decrIlItIon to Mr. Abbey's plcttlrc and * ltice it Is certain to be one of th znot discussed paintings of the lerLoL th XoIjcvIng graphc ! details must Interest Amer lean readers : Itight athwart tli whole Ion canv pac8aa the solemn funeral processlo 01 Henry VI , backed UI ) by a crowd. Tb continually recurrent black of mourners dreS8es Is broken up by the elanting hors o ' -thn retl staves or reversed halbcrd and Ut rich antI elaborately ornate heraldic adorn incnts ot the 'bier forms a somber and ye gorgeous background for the flgurcaof Glou caster and Laly Anne. She walks by Ut ber ! of King lleiry'u body In tuinp U0U vtIed with crepe , and having a long bIac / tratti , embroidered with huge fleurs do Iya I : gohl , which her pages carry. Froiti he elaborate costume , her IasIotate ) face look Out , and through all the cuinbort'aine robe you ercelve conflIcting agltatlocii of tb woman as the sinister and crimson-clad Rich ard follows ter , a ring temptingly rrolteret In hits right hand , whilst the drawn Bwor wli'cb ho has offered her to stab him with , I stIll earrl'd ii ) his left , The wierd , iiinpini flgura of the duke teem to posCct3 such ai uncanny facInntIon for the unfortunati daughter of Vorwick , that she cannot tak' ' her eyes oft It , and yet can hardly bear tt look at it. I hear authoritatIvely that Sir John Mu laiM , the new presIdent of the Academy , i suffering from a nirtlignant affection of tlti Ijircat , which , ( hiring the past two weeks , Iii been rupitily growtiig verse , and tIe wars fears are entertained. lie itiay Cool ) follow hi : predecessor to his grave. IIEARINCI oi' TilE DURlMN CASF. At yesterday'it examination of thu Jiurder jewelry thievf'e' , Mr. Townsend Burden first vandered Into the reporters' box and wa evicted by tie uncivil local pressluin. Aftet that tlr. flurden stood up in the court amoii the ioIIceinen , the counsel's box being occit plod by Mrs. Burden , Mrs. Lied say , Mrs. Ilurton.llarrison and cx Assemblyman A , it. Conkling , As s"taflt ! lIL'trlct Attorney Lindeny , who wat lven a seat beside Sir John lirIdgt vitI : wit ni , during the proceedings , ho coztverze In a friendly anti confidential manner , TIic IriIolters hcrupulously avoided inoetitg ( lit eyes of their former master anti mistress , : Before his vifo took ( Ito witntma btand , Mr. ] lniden Itatl oxpreKel1 carr3 thut she would not be a gooti witness , as site lied never beri th ( ho box before , adding ( hat lie had boon , , there often anti would be nil sight. lie a as wrong to ltotlt prestimpUons , lot' Mr * , Burden , notwithstanding a. little apParent nervotis- floss At first , vaa a perfect vitticsi. Afer ( overcoming a tendency to ntIIo iii a lorcetl fuahion at her fricndi , and especially at Sir Joltu lh'lilge , she recovered her selt.psses. ttioii and. fairly got ( Ito better or Mr. Nea ton , the IrInoner's ) solicitor , rlio cottrt broke itto a latigit wlit'ri It was elicited In ( lie crosi exantluaUalb that Turner had left tt ithout $ itoico ( because 1)0 tO $ itlIgIrtt ( at being In. , ' , ; ; ' 'i terviewed by ( ho pollt'e , Although Mr. flur. den ( neil to siiootlt things over , Turner Itiin. aell t'as unable to aItvire' a tlicketing grin. l'ltlNCIl.I1tICfl FOR TIIAM\VA"s'S. Tao I'hII.dclphians , NessiL LiJIWyn and Alfred i'arlsh , 'lto built ( ito first successful street railway hues In lngland , have startled London by a lropoItIoii to take over , I be- hove , nil the trattiway iIne of the metrofi. oils , The ) ' 010 baeked by a powerful finan. del 'yndlcao ( anti oTer to iay'to the iato iaycr Of London as an annual rental for the hinci wltih have now , or are about to come tittdcr the colttrol of the Londoii county cotinoll , tlit'ir total Prcent net earnings. 'I'Iw lines are at present all operated by lterc Powcr. but the syndicate proposes to run them by electricity anti to bake its IroIit by Increased ehliebency and verliap , cftcapneu of operation , Their propottjon . - ltas Quito taken away the bretth of London - - ! cince their offer vuitJ amouut to an annual rental of 122,000 , while the best otlter oiler t tltuauthorItle bavo received Is 41,000. - . 'thto syndicate's offer Is hotly discussed lit the slutt'z1apers , but vublic expression is ca far In fls favor , Loitdog t ; lircbably the orst equipped in tito matter of tramwayi of any lArge civilized city of the world. Ther Is not a single line existent in the fashion' able or business section of the mttopohls Tite present hines run only through ( lie out' lying parts o the vast cIty. I1ISULT OP IlLlCilITCD LOVi , The circumstances of Jameson'a Transvaa raid daily grow more disgraceful to British good lath and natlcnal honor , since , In splt of the revelations of the captured cyphoi telcgranu. the minIsterial nevspapes , witi ( lit. Tinies , the most reactionary of nil. con tlnue to defend Jameson anti Rhodes Anti in' timate that the liocra must still be forceil into subtnislon. hero Is a little story vet ) current in the clubs whIch , If true , may cx ; laln the : ) iitlterto cautious and elt-conta'ne Cotta dictator's amazing recklessness In all tiie recent prcceedlngs'ion : In Lender last year , tue report goes , he fell Iti Iovc vltli the widow Georgiana , countess of lutl' Icy , still one of the most admired Englist beattUes , although she has now been a grani. toothier for a couple of years. This lady is said to have declined at once anti finally his oiler of marriage , declaring sIte bath resolved never to marry again. Ever sltice this re 1)5111 CecIl Itltailca ' Is cold by his friends tc linve bacit a changed scan , having grown Lenfohd marc reserved and arrogant tItan be tore , rejecting olT-hianil anti restraining thic counsels of hIs former advisers. lie had never before been known to show the slight' cat fancy for any woman , and hail always itintlo it a point to htavo about bun no mar rierl men. The effect of such a disappoInt. meat on a man of bin Immense self-will and iitido may well have been whal ltts frlenris now assert. Ills careei its regarded art eniled , as thter 50011)8 flO irnsslblo way for hInt to re htabliltate himself , and it is quite probabhc he may be ordered home by ( lie Imperial gay erament to take his trial with Jameson , lust friends arc profoundly apprehensive that such a conmanl might result either in ter inhndtlng Itis life by a tragic catastrophe oi in his Iiiugiitg back a defiance at tito liii' p0 : lal authorities , which might eventuate ii an otztbreaic of war withi the mother cotta try and ( lie ultiniato establishment of thic United States of South Africa. BALLARD SMITh ! . It lI't'5iiS ' 1')1''XTIttII'j'fl 1)11 , 1IlItZ ( rc'tt fleHititi iccllut.p. to l'ernil ( ( lit A ri't'st ( if ii IyI ii 5Iti ii. LONDON , May 2.-The extradition of Dr , Cornelius , iicrz , the Panama lobbyist whc has been ttiicier arrest at his home at Ijourite. ittotithi , at the Instance at the French government mont for over three yeartj jast ; and who at the tune of his arrest and over slitce hat been lying In bed iii with diabetes ' an hieart disease , was definitely refused today Dr. Jlerz has been repeatedly examined b eminent English doctors , alto have certifiet to the seriousnesa at hi condition , but th French atttliorltles have again and again re fused to accept these medical reports ac au thentle. Dr. lierz is charged with ccmpllcty' in mis. management of funds In the I'anama Cana company , although he was not a. director officer or manager of that company , and it Suite of. tlte mismanagement to which he i : said to be a party , has been passed upon b3 ( he courta anti the accused directors and cm cers have been acqulted. Another charge brought against Dr. JIer is that of extorting money Iron ) the ha ( ( Baron (10 Reirtach , the well known Panam canal manipulator. But it is poInted out that the baron himc'ehf never suggested such charge and it Is statute barred by a docrec of President Carnet published after the first arrest of Dr. ilorz in England. On the above grounds counsel for Dr. l1er contended that h sltoulc ] not be extradited CIIO'.YN PItJXCIO1'iIOCLAiMEL ) SIIAI % 4iL ( if i't.rNiiI's itircJered Ititier' . % 'IIl : slitii lit SlIM Fa flier's 'FIt rent' , ( ( 'opyi , gtct , 1biO , by Press Publishing Compafty.l TEHERAN , Persia , May 2.-New ( Yor World Caoiegram-Spechai Telegram-Mu ) zaflor-ed-Diu , the vahialici ( crown prl'ncej has been proclaimed shah , in succession tc his father , who was assassinated yesterday , Tue proclamation was issued at Tabriz , wherc Muzaffer-ecl-Uln is governor. 'Fite stew shah telegraphs that lie will has. ten to this city , the capital. lie is an am icable man. The shalt 'as at his devotions , at the shitin of Shah Jtbdui-/tziz , near the city. when lie was shot by a released prisoner , lie died before rcaching title city. Ills body is lying IL ) the palace. Tue bitt ial will take llace in the sacred rslirlne at Keel ) ) , This city is in mourning. I'rcp.iratious were making for a jubilee. Tue deorattons are beliig dismantled. Quiet prevails. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lItil ii'ti ) u is ( Li , let LONDON , May 2.-A dispatch front Bulu- t.ayt ) , dated May 1 , says ( hat ( lie town is quiet. The Matabeles anti a ( real ) of cavalry. tiled , commanded by Captain Ghuford , recently exchanged siiott at iiope fountain. The ? 'Iita- behes qtttckly retired , LISIION. tiay 2.-It Is reported here that 200 of ( hid flngllshimen have gone forward , to Mu.iionalaiiil ! , traveling in bands of flIt ) ' , over tile Ultra railroad. CAI'E'I'O\VN. Mai 2.-A report from Sails- bury says ( Itat tue i1rItI'li column ebgageci thto Matabshw on the Qiceqice river , near Owslo , The rebels lost thirty nien end retreated - treated toward Mavenekral. No Jlritslt castialtie are . ! ! . ! . ( biiiiti'tJi'i ( billiiivs s'itii a Ilitric , L1\'thL ooI , MaThto Cunarti pteant- ship Etritria , Captuin Fergu&un , while leaving ( hits Port today for New York collided in ( Ito Mersey % S.'Itli the Italian borIc Goronima fltanehcia , Captain Garibaldi , which arrived here on March 13 from Buenos Ayres , Tue lurk was so badly dutitaged that site had to be beachcd to tuve bter front sulking. The J'truria : sustaitieth no damage worth mention. tag and viil be ahilo to procecd to New York titis alttrnoon , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ ia , , Itilleil by a ii ix5IIaNiciu. \'iCTOIUA , ii. C. , tIay 2.-The * sleamshiip Miowera brings the Particulars of ( Ito ex- jilcon : In ( Ito lirunfy colliery near 'ehiIng. tot ) , New /eal'aticl , on March 27. Of ( Ice sixty icien entombed not one escaped death , It not killed by lice first explosion they cQuld not have long ttood thin deadly gases. All but twelve were married stien , most of them tvithi large ( amniltea , anil by the death cf tin , breafiwlactera 250 women nmtd children vero heft desolate. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( iznrc'n'i * c.li I'si .ici's a iti'itt it.s Xig lit , NICE , May 2.-The czarewitcht paseeci a restless and feverish night , Ills mother , the ex.t'mnpreu of Russia , wac at his bedside urmig the greater part of the night , Tito JhiysiciSnS In attenclanco upon ( lie suiferer Liavo ordered a change of air , but his condi. Lion prevents him trout being moved at present. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l'ercIit'ui It tiler J'recin lisicil. 'FIFLIS , May 2.-Immediately after the eath of ( Ito shah , ( lie heir epparent , Muzaf. rcr.ed.nin , "au proclaimed shah. Iiussa amid Lireat Briton recognized Muzatter-ecl.Din as heir to ( lie Persiami throne in 1858 , The rand vicier xviIi govern until the arriyal of iiu ntw shah at Teberan from Tabriz , - - - 1\IAY \ ARRES'I' RllODE ha Departure from England Was Made t Escape the Law. ENGLAND'S ' DEEP SCHEME IN TIlE SOLJDAI Aims to Occupy Equatorial Province am Quit Lower Egypt. CZAREWITCH CANNOT LIVE MUCh LONGEI Private Information that Ho i in the Las Stages of Consumption. NEW FRENCH MINISTRY IS SHORT LIVLC usc ( ) , il' hlejie iss in l'lnylig' oh Grehilt .tgtiiiist Atiitlivr-Sscmne LI't'Cl3' lhtteVtiitIiihhhLt Ciiii p1 I en I I OliN , ( Copyright , 15)6 , by the ssoctated r.es. ) LONDON , May 2.-The "Capetoan crypt ogram , " as yectertlay's Transraal reveiattoi is now termed hers , is producing an Increas lag sensation , coupled with deep humiliation Cecil flhodes , vice , by the imblication In Pro ( aria of the telegrams exchanged beta eel various people Just previous to the iuvaeioi of ( lie Transvaal by Dr. Jameson amid hi fihibuters , is so clearly shown to have beet the head and front of the conspiracy , ttac' nO Of ) ) ' premIer of Cape Colony at the tIme but was also a member of the l'rivy council I's the matter stands , Ithedes and other olfl core of the British chartered South Africam company are liable to be arreated , and It I : more than possible that the charter of thi company will be revoked. It is said that the secretary of state for tiii colonies , Mr. Joseph Chamberlain , got at inkling of the affair when Rhodes was Ii England recently , and that the cucic1eci departure parturo of the ex.premier of Cape Colony 10 South Africa at the tIme Dr. Jameson Wa : expected to reach this country was quiti unknownto Mr. Chamberlain. Indeed , it i asserted that the latter did not knotv.flbode hail any idea of leaving England until he wa on the high seae on board a German steaiii shill ) , otherwise the ' 'Napoleon of South Al rica's might have hceen compelled to awai the arrival of Dr. Jameson and the Investi gallon which follon ccl. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain has instructec Sir Robert MartIn , who icy' now In control o ( lie forces of the Britiah South Africa COt ) ) patty , to vrovide that neither he nor an omcer or trooper in the employ of tIm cern pany can its future hold shares In any South African venture. Everybody seems to be waiting for events and it is believed that still more starthini developments are coming. The general pub lie and the newspapew , as a rule , are heart lly ashamed of the whole business and ar calling for th pttishin1Cnt of Cecil Rhode : and his aosociates , high and low. It is cx pectcd that the statement which the coloola secretary , Mr. Joseph Chamberlain , wil make on ( lie subject in the House of Corn tnona on Monday , will decide the fate of th BritIsh Chartered South African company The general opinion k that.its charter vii bo revoked and that steps will be taken ti punish all those who were concerned in or ganizing the raid into the Tranavnal. It I : recognized on all sidea that President ICruge is master of the sittiatlon , and that Grea Britain will have to steer most carefull ) ti avoid a race war in South African. SChEME IN THE SOUDAN. According to the London correspondent o , the Novosti of St. Petersburg , she claimc to have Oltflifled bits information frotit British cabinet minister , Great Britain's aimi in the Soudan expedition is to reoccupy thc equatorial province and when She estabhisbec herself on the Upper Nile to evacuate Cairc and thir Lower Nile. This correopandent alsc claims to have been informed that the opera. ( ions against the Dervishes will be cesiducted conjointly by Great Britain , ( ito Costgo Free State and Italy , from Dongola , Suakitn and Uganda. A raliway is to b run across ( icc desert from Sualcin ) arid thus Great Britain tvlil still have a hold on Egypt by her oc. cuIation of the Upper Nlie , even if Europt ineists upon her evacuating the country , and it is further said ( list she will not object to ( lie neutralization of Egypt , although ohs vIhi not allow another power to establih iteif in that. country. A private Intimation has reached the court that there Is not the slightest hope of the recovery of the czarewitch. lIe is sa d to bo in the very last stages of consuttiption and arrangernent have been privately made fl case of his death to cancel ( lie coronation festivities. Thicro tviil be instead merely a reglous service amid s'omno itulispetirablo for tttal futictions. /tnothtcr private intimation whichi has reached tics' court ( rem St. Petersburg is that the coarna is encettte and hopes are Once snore cxpreued that sIte will present ( Ito czar with a son and heir. ShAh'S SON DID IT. It is rumored in this city that the asnssina. t'osi ' of ( ito altalt of PersIa vas brought about by the zncchcinations of his eldest eon , Mae- ioud Mirzla. governor of ispahiaii. The lat. Icr wca ltotii itt 1850 , % Vitiie ( lie new elicIt , second siati of tue deceat'd ' tiionarchi , was born In 185a ; but lbs latter is an affrpritig of a wife or higher rank tinl thus was chinsest to cue- cred hits fathiet' , in place of Macsaud , bus eldc.r brother. lie has often rebuke.i Mbrzbi far hI unruilnw' , amid iii ISSS recalled hint antI only allowed hut to return to lipuhan ifter disbanding sonic of the reglitienis , and rdering hun to pay more than the usual tribute. Mumoud Itiirzia , vlio is also knowii is tIn Zhiies Sultan , or "ebtadow of the king. louui , " re nted tlik' treatment , coil it svac belIeved tiat hi mnlgict in'3ke an attempt to .hsurp this throat' . iciaesouci Mirzia , 'ito is : norrnously rich , Is unpopular on account of its severity and intolerance , attd , on the oIlier cand , MuzaIfer.ed.Iihii , the new shalt , U much eyed by ( lie Ieopbe cC the province of Azer. ajati , where the I'ervian army is chiefly re- : ruRecb , lie is a ke'n sportsman , like hii 'aChier , 'l'ite discontent of ( hue Babist sect1 upon vitichi Maceauci Mirzia is bolievad to have worked. be duo to the fact that the late shah lid not allow ( heat to stablLibi ( hier ! reiigon , ii refusal to do e'o being based on repre. 'eniations ' made to hits ruiajesty that it would ontlict with ( lie existing faith in I'ersla and pill the ieoplo imito rehigiousi factions , The iabists have always been kept In check , anti ittle has been beard of theta for 13011)0 years ta ( , FRENCH MiNISTRY'S TROUliLE. A very short life is predicted for the new inittistry , Its existence depends en- Irely apon playing 000 group against an- timer , and , with the exception of M , Ijano. aux , the cabinet is composed of men of no : reat etninczice. Its policy will be to patch up a compromise with the ennte.anti aclop a series of state socialism proposaI In whic public works and old ago I'n'lOflhiWiil hay ft leading place. M , linnotaux i a pro ncufleed anglophobe , anti consequently Iii appointment as minister of foreign affair itas been received vith htttli 'pleasure it Great Britain. On the other hand , acivice from Rtissia ray that M , Jianotaux's appoint meat , especially , anti the , change of mm Istry as a whole , have been very acceptable though the impression prevalI that the prcs ent tnirtistry will sean be followed by another which , may last until the general elections In the meanwhile , the socialists are becom lag more violent , the consrvatives and re puhilicans more warmed , arid time revishonis campaign more acute , indicating that Prod dent Fauro will soon havd to face an ox ceetlingly difficult situation , The decision today not to grant the extra clitien of Dr. Cornelius lI r , the fatnon l'anamnn lobbyist , who has been sick anti prisoner here for over thir years , ends i case which line iieeii dragging wearily along littt It Comes too late to help tlio unfortunat Frenchman , who seems to be ipon ( hue poin of death. Sir John Iirhiges , the chief , nagietrato c the Dow Street extradition court , and lawyer representing th Frcnchi goverirniont , tray eied to liournemouth en Monday , accortiinj to agreement , and there conducted an exam ) ) mallen of the citflerer in his hdroomn. Tiii was in accordance wIth the modification o the treaty of 1S70 , recenth arrived at be tween France austi England , so as to nhlo any magistrate to conduct the exarniuiatioc of an extradition prisoner anywhere in Eng land. The examination In this Instance tool Place in Dr. hera's bedroom. lie was sup ported by two nurses and his wife. Thti micene was a most painful One , and Sir John [ Irtilges today , In declining 'to grant the sici nian's extradition , saul lie slid not behie'i any just jury would convit him upon tim evidence prothiceul , and tl refore declined t grant lila extradition , addng. that time pro ceedings at Bottrneunonthi orned the sadtles spectacle he hind ever seek , 'anti filled hiti vith pity for the poor wlfq 'anti children , whui vere so carefuliyattendinthi , dying inca , CECIl. ItIlO1)E Mrs'L'ImiI i'UNiSIIHI ) N'eeszir for Riigliiiifl to Cii i hut i ii hteiiiitzi IltiCi lOT IJytihiifliot.tI . ) sistlee , LONDON , May 3.-Tho Observer ( hi : morning says that if 'the.cipier dispatche : recently published are 1aujhentic , Ccci Rhotiea is palpably guiltbo complicity it thto plot against the Tranvabt govermuent and should be dealt with as. thougli , be won a person of no importance. The Observer adds , "It 14 nacessary fo : England to maintain a reiutntion for even handed juatice. There is n0'ground for ( hi assuntpton ! that the govcrnnent Intends ti shlld prominent and veaItiiy delinquent : front a just retribution fort. past actions There is no doubt that Mn' . Chamberlain I : fully alive , to nil that ha'r.'been done b Cccii thtodes and the Chart rd South Afric : 'c'ornpany , and hien the proptar time arrive : he Ihi take the action necerato vindicats an otttraged honor. t c.ti"i'uiti : tiis iitoM 'i'jti cuii.tss Situ ale ed 'i 1'igl , i for' ' ! svn hiosrH"wJ U Fm ftveii iliiuiilresi 1 n'iirweis ts. HAVANA , May 2.-Cohor h.Mo1Ina7 ' in pursuit of the insurgoh'te , hce band : of Larcet , . V.aqucz anti , La 'Mayo , 1,500 is number , Ztt Cejopabho , 'Mt.tnzais. For tw hours the troops were uqder. u galling fire TI Spaniards finally suceetIed in captur i the campas of the insulgents , the lost of the Cubans being conskerable. i quantity of arms and nienittons fell into tb hands of tin , Spansh. Lieutenant Maser and two of ( lie Spanish e lders were killed and aur were wounded , Several countrymneci captured from ( lie in slirgento after being carried Away from tieiu ) homes by ( lie Cubans cceIaro that Loadet Larcet was wounded in the neck , Leadet Vaqiez ii ) the forehead md Leader Pan. choperez in ( lie leg. It is bohheved ( lie in. surgcnte carried oil many dead and wounded as they left the field. It4s. now reponttd that General tiaceo's bose ih u'ecent engage. inents with ( lie Spanieli , tc ps. was more than 300. . N1CAICItGVAN IiIdulELSt 'SUIt ItENHitilt , % 'ttr IN Ot'r nail ( Oocr7imuttnt 'I'roscs iriicOccupic.i Lt'n.i. MANAGUA , Nicaragtta , May 2.-via ( Gal. veston.-Tlie ) prcaideiit of e rebels , Con. oral Baca , sent a commission of the foreign merchants Cf Leon to PTesident Zelaya and to the American mluiistei , Liis Baker , vice arranged for terms of peace. Prcidcnt Zelaya demanded an unea'ncittiorcal sqrrender. This was finally agreed to and the govern- tnent troops , with flying' olois , entered Leon today and toook possec'sicn pf ( lie city. The Insurgentis currendered ait Of their amnmuni- then. The rebel generals , their president and ( lie various mninietcrs left the country to save their lives. Minister Concz hiac ofllcialhy utotifleil United Slates MIutger ( Halter that the war has ended and that peace has beem established , The port ot qoninto will be opcncl to commerce in attw days. It iii ex- pectetl that ( lie AmerIcan cruiser Olympia will sail north in a ! 0wdya. _ ii , ( t I'Nt hour Un ha it Iteoriiii. MA1)JLID , May 2-Tiit Iirahi uiubhisliea on intprview with Captain ' General \Voyler in which lie is quoted as aying1hiat ( lie action of ( lie comigress of ( Ice ' Unitc-d States in no- gard to recognizing the bcigcrezicy of tin Cuban iieurgentu has seorved , to hticreaeio thiclr number , and Inc canzequence , it vull be necessary to postpwaqtttte Inauguration of political reformo until the rebellion is crut'hetl , General Weyber isaiao said to have atintitted ( hat the financial situation in Cuba iii serious , but improving. I't'rii _ ti1isei to trlitriitt' . LIMA , Peru. Mar 2.-yia ( 'Gahveaton.-A ) majority of the cornntlteei of tthe council of state 1148 advtetl Ike/government to accept the Inevitable and ani4trat the c.xettng dUll. cultice with ( lie other1 South .Amiienican couim. tries , Th mnbnenityto the committee i.'i of the opinion that it yiII b wise to refuse to rccognizo any tribunal , end that the better iollcy will be to devhie to arbitrate , SiSNtI't'tt'sI Fl IiI.ciicvs ii iIsilNMe'd. , ( Copyright , it'6 , by l'resL kibILtui ; , , g Company. ) KINGSTON , Jamaica , 43Y ,2.-New ( York World Cablegratn-Speial ' 'eiegnamn.-Sev. ) enal iiersons were arrested. Itero on Euspiciosi Of itaving a hand in a lilptnent of arms to Cuba , but they were Qleaeed because the detectives failed to obtain any evidence to convict thiemmi with. lei'viMlicsc Aisumii lice Aggrt'ssie. CAIRO , May 2.-A body qt 11,000 derylch ilieineuu and a lerge' bo4y of mounted lervishies have been seen near Akasbehi , rhtey appmr to be concentrating for an attack ipon that place. lttiiiiits Iii , liIicsi ) li.s IIrigiier-ui-Liiay , NELSON , 0. , May 2.-.4'ro4 Iouglass gave imaseif U ! ) to the pohico fpr kihlimig 1)0w 'tIhurn , his brothemn.iaw. Mr. amid Mrs. 'liium had eelarate'4. i.aet aight'illuin , gaists ( ( bce varnIng of IJoyglass , tried to reak Into hale wle's : home , whereupon ) ougiaee ehrt him , ItIsIs FOR GERIAN Trouble Brewing n the Pathorland Ove Military Reforms. RESIGNATION OF HOHENLOUE EXPECTEI Apart from This Matter ills health is Pa from Being Good. DR. LANGIIELD'S CURE FOR COSUMPTIO1 History of Ills Discovery and Treatment t Be Published soon , EDWIN F. UIILTO I3EGRANTEDANAUDIENC ! Nei" Un Itesi Stitteit Aiiilmissiicier t o II Iiitr.dueesi tic thifl lCui icier 'In- iiiorruv 4t fernoon-Nei ( dliii GoSHil , ( miii lierli a. ( C'cpynigltt , 1(06 , by te : Associated I'resg. ) IIEIILIN , May 2.-Rumors of another cab loot crisia have been current throughout lb week anti somno of the newspapers hiavo evol gone to tue extent of predicting tito reuiguia ( iou of ( Ito impc.rlal chancellor , Pniiico Ilohien bite , aitd the minister of 'or , General liron sart von ( 'behIcndorf , immediately upon ( hi return o ho emperor to this city. Thi cause of tlw conflict is said to be the pro iiosed reform of tl miillitary tribunals , Accarthing to information obtained Iron inner circles , the followIng is the position Tiio military court procedure is amitiqutateti dating fromu 1848 , aru(1 is futil of abtmo Under it iiublicity is rigorously refused an' ' triala are only coiidtmctetl in iutblic iii tI caco of the Bavarian army. General Spitz vhuo is looked upon as likely to ho appointet president of the iiuiponial court-martial drafted a bill to remedy these defects , out the measure outlined was approved by tb cabinet amul the liundesrathi. The bill is iuo before the emperor , who , so far , has tie couite to a decision regarding It. The kini of Saxony , whioaa counsel is greatly valttt' by the emperor , opposed the bill , anti a : does General von Ilahnke , chief of tue miii tar ) ' cabinet , and Lieutenant General you l'iosreii , who is the emperor's favorite aid do-camp. In splto of this opposition it is lteliovet to be itkohy that the emperor will appravi ( ho bill. Ho is , however , greatly annoyet at the press caunpcilgn on ( lit. aubject , which is looked upon as iiutentled to putt him a varlanco with thio cabinet , and the more si because lie halt believeti that ( lie projecte reform. vihl vicaken ( Ito disciphino of thi , army. army.PRINCE'S hEALTH SITATTEIUID. It is an undoubted fact that Prince liohen loho'a ltealthi is shattered. lie cannot at tend to lila duties in the Reiclistag ant Uuqdcsrath and his realgoation of 'iho of . flee of chancciIor cannot be far distant. flu the etheroiT Thrab1eyet' ttrdecldo 'tupon lii : succeStiar. Count Phillip 'von Eulenberg. Con erni von Waldersee and cioneral en Alvea aleben anti mnentlamied as Prince llohenlohie't posothilo ucceesor. 'rho two last named arc pominitt tl to military reforms. The emperor and , emnpreSs , after attemidin the Frankfort and Bethin peace jmmbiieos , pro pose to visit Duke Ernest Gunther of Schmles. wig-holstein , brother of ( hue eunpness , at liii estate , the chateau of I'runlcenau , in Sllesia. Title eent will publicly mnauk the cornploc : reconciliation of their majesties s'itlu ( icc duke , who has been in disgrace for over a year past. His flUtjosty vill afterward mmiakc another trip to nothuern seas. In consequence of persistent reports of time discovery of valuable gold , copper and coal fields lii the northern pars of Africa an expeditlomi has been fitted eut to proceed to that hart of the world and tliorouighhy ecp1cro the region where tlto discoveries are sad to have beemi made. The expedition will be sib. scat eighteen months. Prince Ferdintimid of Bulgaria will reside at the schloss during his stay in this city. Ho Is being shown more than uuai attctm- tions. The 48th birthday of the maci king , Otto of Bavaria , was officially celeblated by tte : court at Munich Out Moptiay. The king Is thinner and has become quiet amid tractable , but Is quito impassive to his euni'ounclimigs. The physicians in attendance on the king think he way live to an old age , unless a blood vessel oil tile brain should suddenly butst. The idea ( C. formally declare Kiuig Otto's reign closed and crown irInca Ltmi- : POld , the regent , as Icing of Bavaria bias again beeti abandoned on the advice of the cmimimcrr amid tlto kings of Saxoumy and Wurtetnhurg. CAI'RIVI Il/us A BEARD. CoumL 'iou ) Caprivi , the cx.chiamucchlor , came to Berlin ( lila week , bronzed 111cc a coltatry squire. ! i had growmi a full beard , wCro a black slouch lint , and carried a heavy cane. lie niadc' no visits and none vero paid to hiimmi. kThe oh ! report that M. - ! Ierbetto , the P1ench ambassador to Germany , Is to be recalled Is again revived. Dr. Langht'ld , the ilit'coyerer of the mnhcrcba of coumsuumiptlon , is eooum to pulihielt a history or hiu discovery , and details of hits treat- mflent , ' - Ir. Langhteld's preparation retains ozone unchanged after a long exposure to air , auth 'iii ozone is iuitroduceti into ( Ito blood , amut , exercises a strong anti.nmicrohitc influence. lIe lice treated succesifuIiy soy- oral advanced cases of consumption , artl ( bile ( retutmuelit i now employed in the charity hospitoi. Dr. Langhield is the eon of tIn chief naval chaplain at Kiel. lie is not qutite 30 years oitm , and bias traveled in East Africa , iirazii and Venezuela fur several years , gtuthy. .ng mary interesting features , of Iti profes- slon. Mamiy GcrinanB physicians are skeptical as Lo ( lie cihiciency of antl.mnicrobcon , antI othuers warmly praise Dr. Langheld , anti are trying to intereft ( lie government in the discovery. The audience of Mr. Iltiwimi F , DId , ( lie Llmilteti States ambassador to Germany , with F'mtiperor'iIiiam , which was potponed , ow. lug to the arrival here of Pnimice Ferdimiand af Bulgaria , is now fIxed fpr a o'clock to- : norrow afternoon at ( lie schmlosts. Mn , Ulil viil be accompanied by. ( list United ijtntes : Itarge d'tstflalres , Mr. John ii , Jackson , bear- ng ( lie new ambassador's credentials , and by aptain IL , K , Evans , ( ho military attache of tie embassy , and by Mr. herbert 0. Squires , econd secretary of ( lie emnbasy. The rehearing of the case of lice Amneniczn neurance companies wilt occupy sevezal nonthie , and furtiiem- time must ciapso before decision can be arlved at. Miss Katheryn Bruce of Chicago lies made or debut hero before a barge audience , which achuded the most prominent of ( lie Anionican olony of tbii city and many representativee C Cenimman society , Site was accorded an en- ue'astic ' reception. Count I'osdowaski , secretary of the liii. E DEE DULLE rIN. We , _ r'a5t far Nbrti1in.- ( lencrally Pair ; niightly W'anmner iag _ _ _ _ 1 , _ _ _ _ _ _ ii Artiqtsc lisliunreli In lmigiiiisl : cult's 'tlity IIi Arrettt'si , ( New hIit it CrIsI , S ilit Tired of the SYar , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ % 2. I ii 'r l en ( 'liul in ( 'eu t rid , Qi .AltlIiiiiit II er l'vtcpls' . Aiiotlst'r Cry for A iii I o Arisicicla , iIaiis1siini lik ; tcIir ( lit' Agesit 8. Maxt.y CnIh's Shscrimigr ( lron' larger. t'hii ( ( 'nub's Citpc'rs ( 'ut Short , Affairs lit. South tiiiiihst : , 4. I.it % 'epk Iii omaha Serial Cirelric. tiiioiig t lie : uI iiit'iii it ii I t hi c CI I ( I , 'i'I iii i for Set t I t'r t ci A , iuyt' r I t t' mutest I iii ii 14 ri.pt i's. I Cl I I I ' ' , C lie I linus e. M'tliiliiet I.ciyiuiemi (1 row Aggrc'ciue. Seutt. .Inclcsomc 'l'rltti Ir.tg , , On , ( I. ( 'ocisiclt IlluulTs , , * ' , litt ti'rs , 7 , 1 nsnruumm et % i t'ii 1.1st cii I ci li ii a are , , it rsi ty ( Iuub 't'eii iii S t ill ii ' . ' . 'I a a or , fllt.yi.li , Itic'iiig Sc'ctumi Opc'a. 8. Actlt iCy iii ( lie Itetil 1.cttitc VsirhcI , Atiiti'ut'iuieiit. Nutet 1usd ( itnurili , m 0 , Voiumitiit 11cr % 'iiyu isuicI 11cr 1'onltl , I I . ' ' Rui a ry S I o sic. ' ' I 2 , lti I I criiiI nail Coisi iii cii I. 1 8 , i.iiu'k ii t I'iI it teal Ccii vc'hl t louis. I I ci tuutt ii i locly ii a a Ilsigi a ShutS , for the Organ Loft , 1 'I. Couiiiuiert'iiil muimsi Fluiitsic'Iil : News. I Is. iChit' C rout I hi , , A a t c , IC au ins. I SI , On t lit' I'iuluis : in thin Sixties , I 7. Itrii.f Citreers of Snuuicu Croshcs , Ic'uit'It'k ( Iii , IIglsty , sit AI.yssluiIit , 'ieq of I lisu l'roFesioiiicI 'i'll liuror. I sO. Vcekly ( ; nist of Spnrtiuig Gossip. Outlook for tutu ItIg .nmmo Trot. 1 9. I ii I ii tuV Ii cell tug VorltI. 20. Story of a ' 'ouimc Fihilnstcr. ierial treasury , atinounceti in ( lie licicltetni today ( lint the government cliii not intend tu oppose a conversion of the clermami Imiipenma 1001)5 during thus session , as the conversici woultl bid to a good tied of German tnoiue rolisg abroad to be replace. ! by doubtful for cign pajior , EunperorVilhlamn Saturtlay ateuidctl ( tii ( festival of ( hue Berlin Academy of rte it counmneuneration of ( lie 200th anniversary o : it , , foundation. After expressing liheasmiro nI beiumg able to receive the loyal congratula tiono of the academy ium person , his unajest ) saM : "This day toy he'rt is moved by feeling of deep thiaumkftilncss to lCiiig Freder' ick I of I'russia , ( lie foun.lor : of the academy and toward his successord , who fully recog irized the entuobhlng influence of art over tli people and s'itlu keen eight and protectiui baud prepared and smoothed the ray , ever in tiunes of sorrow and tribulation , for ( In prosperotue development and cultivation ci na(1nal ( art. " Contimiutmig , lila nmajcsty expressed confi dence that ( lie artists of ( ice present tic ) would uphold the ideals of the last and as sured them that they coult tiutis depend tmpou : his protection. and good will. The emperol couicluded vIthm hoping that the line arti vouiti uuicrcasingiy flourish as one of ( hr richest biesiuugo of ( lie Fatherland. ILUNGASt ) ' llIFO1E ALL 'l'itldS'OIt LI ) amuigrtr Art , Iuitiistr utuisi CI'CIizuu' ties. tin I'uirzucie nt ltuuilji-t't'n ( Ii. ( Copyright , 2lG. by rrcea l'ubllsliing Commany. IJUDA.ItESPIl 1Iubgary ' May ' 2'-'tNev Yomk Vonld' Cablegraun-Spcelal Telegram.- ) "I hiopC , " said Icing Francis JoSeph today , iii opzui imig ( hi e Id Il lennial expool I ion , ' ' I ha I thti cxjibifIon will prove e ' ( lie whole world that ( lie liungaraim natiosm , which coulti mn'ai ntalt : this kingdom a tlioueabd years in spitq of ad. vers' ' circuuliit'tauiccs , is worthy of fuiwt ! ad niratiomi of all ohiar neoriles. 1Iumnganiami dtncnstrate birC that they have gaimied an hiomuorublo iilac in ( lie field of culture , that they atand on an equal footing with oIlier c'viitzed nations. " Time enthtuessm whcicui followed is inleocrib. : able. Iiuingariami enthitirlesin is far tihireremit frcrum that of oIlier natioiiahitiea. flvery eye fiash0 , everybody icc ready to cut' for hits imo- loved king nr.d country. The difference be as great in cTstuimes. The picturcuqume gorgoauia gola dress , ( lie dazzlirug martial uniforms an 1 'he bright toilets of the ladles gave a veritable lcalelcioscopo effect. 'flie queen boolccd very . 'ad. She wore black silk , ' , 'ltlm redingote velvet collar , set off with lace , a bunch of Parina violets amnia hat triinunedrith black feathero. 51cc kept hicr face consliuiitly htfi- demm behihcid a black ( an. This was bier first aIpe.lraiiC ? iii public aimice the death of Crown Prince Itumdoiphi. Tue Irince's widow , I'rincess Stephisicie , loalceti beautiltil. The opening ceremony lasted half an hour. Imnmnecliately oiler it time ttueemt heft , but ( ho king rcmmuaiuuel : two hours , itispectimig the exposition amid talking whim the exhibitors. Meanwhiilo cannon thundered nail tIle peonk' shouted : "Long live ( lie king. Long live the queen. " Tue exposition Is very attractive , anti maccit after the style of the Chicago fair , though , of course , not so extemisive , Iitauiy old acqwilmit- aucce fromn Chicago are ltere. In Oesbutla- var ( old Iliido under the Ttirkishm yoke reproduced - produced ) arc Zora. Zuicibia amid ltimn , ilsuiecusee ilti vontro froimm the MIdway l'ai. sance , anti ether Onlemital wonders , lriciudng fakirs anti tierrishes. Tue morning vas c'louily , htmL the rain u'aite(1 ( until the ceremmomdes were over , It is pouring now. Nevertheless , ( Ito streets are c'owtied : to ( lie utmmoftt as this tllepatch to filed , with People vatting for the kttmg'mc re- ttmnmi ( rein ( lie opera , svliere "Ilmig Stephen , " am ) historical opera. was iihayetl tonight. The big house was tilled with atone royalty anti nobility titan perhaps nmmy theater ever con- tamed before. Among tile mamiy Americana hero are : Mlmutster Trlpp , Mrs. Tnlpp , Miss \Varhburn titiul Mr. Siencar. 'romorrow mmiomulng there will be a religiout's service , In tIme alternoomi lmoro races , tuiti in the evemi- tag an ihiuinilnintion , BUI/u. P115Th , May 2.-Emperor Francis tesepti today opened ( lie mnillcimnuiai eximtbittotm ere. Ibid majesty u'ore tlw uniform of a lutugarisni general anti was ruccommmpaniied by he emnpree'a. 'rite umilnister of coinmnerce , lrneet Danilel , met ( lie royal party at this ; ate cati macia a patriotic siteechi on the intl. euimiiuni of Ilumigary , expreasitig ( Ito great lay felt by all present as well as by hungary in general that their Icing auni Iueeit had enimanceti ( Ito glory of ( lie exhiibh. ion by their preince. 'rice emperor no- died , tlvehling upon thto ideasmmre ho ( cit at ) eiiig tibia to open ( lie exhibition which nariceci ( ho oxiatemice for 1,000 years of time lunganian st'ito , etiloglzed ti ilcmnigarian' iatbOn antI expresised icia comimpleto confidence ma the loyalty of ( lie Hungarians. iIii't'iui'uidw of ( ? vt'si mc 'cJtNe'1M , 3lii y At New York-ArrIvecl-IieBperia , from aples ; La Bourgogne , from llavre. Sailed- _ .a liretagne , for ilavre ; Moastlam , for Rot. erdam ; Massachusetts anti ihsnbnia , for LIV- trjmool ; Enmis , ( or Gemmea : iluIata , for Jianm. , urg ; Ethiopia , for Glasgow ; Neustria , for Isreciltes At Phiiadelplmia-SaIled-Pcnniand , for Liv- rpool. At Southiampton-Sslied-Paris , for Noty rork , At Hayre-Salied-La Touraine , for New c"ork. 'fIRED OF TilE WA1t Spain Deterniitie to Offer Cubans Some StlbStOfltiaI atisfnction. WEYLER PROVOKES STRONG OPPOSITION Ills Remarks Agaiiist Granting Autonomy Causing Embarrassment , CAMPOS CONSULTED BY CANOVAS Deposed General Advises Compromise as a. Menus of Pacification , MEASURE WILL BE ANNOUNCED MAY ii l'reiu , Icr i. Nuv isi'uiiu , In S Iuir mu Sin Ic- ini.ii I of l'olit-y % 'iulchi 'ih I lit' Iiiihicuci icil I a ii iIo'mtl S ii i' i't' Ii. ( Copyright , iSSO , by I'rcss I'tit.i Ipti tag ( 'omitpnmiy. ) MAD1IuI ) , May 2.New'ork ( \'orltl Ca- blcgramiu-tlpecttil Tclt'gram.-G ) auierai'ey - her's decharatioums iii ilmivamuti are very cmii- barrasuiulmmg for tiio ittailniti govei'timiieiit , amid have cau'etl an unfavorable immmpresston in Spain , as they ittcreae the hterptexity of time govcriiiutg clauses and of ( Ito caliimuet itself , General \\'oylor Plnimily stated ( lint lie vai opposetl to Cubaui amitommomy , amid wotmiti not mimmdsrtako to carry out extensive reforiums duirimig ( lie ineumt'recticn , but that if ( lie gov- ernimmomut cotiriticreti it expetiietmt to introduce soimue refornrn Purely ttdinttiistrattve or ccouiountcnh lie would obey , though his ophtiion \vns that time rebels are eniconrageti by such iiroiiiiseeu , amid he thought tilt' ) ' oumghit to be' iiOsttlonctt tutitii the rebehlioii is crushed. Tiuiti eptutnut of General \Veyler is backed by itouiiero ltobledo and a fet' conservatives allied to Cuba , aunt ( lie Porto Rico semiaora' anti deputies , all of 'hiorn belong to the re- actioirnry part ) ' in the West lutihies. CAMPOS'AS CONSULTED. I'rommmier Camiovas bins conusuciteci dunimig tuG past wecic with Marshal Cauuipcc , General Cnlieja amid several ether gemicrals , anti high civil ofliciatti tuitd politicians recently arrived froni Cuba , amid nil of them. without exception , reconimucuitietl ( lie early inatmguriuioii ( of 'ery liberal reformimsi as the best amixiliaries of military action In Cuba , COiiuildering ( hat. civilians anti military mtmen in the colony are coucvlmiced ( hat otherwise ( lie etrugghe will bo greatly prolonged and 'cry costly. General Weyler recently slated ( hint lie required ts'o years , at least , to pacify Cuba. Premier Canovas bcmuows ( hat many of tIn , comiservatives , anti all of thte oppoaitlnn its ( lie recent Paniiautieumt , will ailvocato a re- formui policy , especially in 'iest' of the mad- equate results of General , Weyler'a military cperatlomis so far , and bcauee ittbhic opinion lii Spain is visibly favoralIo to any hemmorable pnti direct understanding withi tIme colonIes whiich viII put a stop t ( Ito sacrifices of ( lie . . . . 'mother cotmntry'- - - ' " - - - - ' , ' Premier Canovas is formulating a state- iient of policy which vill lie etiibothietl in a ioynh tipeilchm , for the mumeeting of Parliammient on May Ii. It will irotoc to allow General \Veyler to rcmtinin in comnirmaiiil , anti will offer somimo stibstatmial utisfnction to ( ho amsplra- ( tony of ( lie niajority of Cubaims. ARThUR H. IIOUGIITON. tiU'i'clmmdmty ( ti' ONCJMmi.t'I'AN'i'S. 'I eli ii uid ' . ' . ' , . Jtc'iiig' isi rulerctl Inil- III hit' msmisiJ , ( Cop'rlgttt , 1596 , 1) ) i'rcs i'uihulsliing Cotapany , ) hAVANA , Cuba ( 'ia ice ) ' West. Fia. ) , May 2.-Neuv ( York World CahlegramnSpcclh Telegraiii-Tiie ) butchery of ibincombatants ccntintues in all parts of ( lie Islaumd , while Spaiti ii , beng encouraged to resist attemnpt to secimre peace through meiliatioum by reports Cf ehmatum victories. Somtue of time Stores train reitioto districts which reach mae are appahlimtg , but personal investigation Ic , irnpcshblo at present. I do riot feel jttstttled In giving the details. Yesterday I made a vet'aomiiih appeal to ( lie captain general to invcctiaato the massacres , lie clmahlcngetl inc to name a place where peaceful inhabitauttmc were bctig shot without trial , and I nanmierl Caunpo FJriiio , General Weyler declared that bin cliii tiot believe ( bin charges. I itmeisted tluat I had talked with respectable eye Witmmesses tvlio had seen their homiest , inoffensive mucighiboro dragged fronts their bionics clay by uiay and ktlieti ut itliout. trial. The bodies are still lying withm bound hinmids , not more tbmari imie ! mtiiles Scorn lie- vamia. Thie captain gemmoral said ( hid if r cOniiimtietj to telegraph tIme resmilts of mmiy in t'coigaioiimi ( ( lie su oculd expel tue frorti ( lie isianii. I replied that so bug as I rciiiiiicd : rulive iii Cuba I w'outhti let ( liii vorld know the trimtii ahKiitt ( Ito ivar. I again pressed him for an investigation , : umtl time captain. general ouuco mnore repeated his threat. Ilu bias the coltirwt gray eye , I have ever : ecn iii a kumimami hit'ail. I nho made an appeal - peal to ( hit , hisitoil of I lavautut , Santamitier V. Frimtee , hoping tiia liii iim'ghi ( hrn Induced to mice bii voice In hirctes against ( li s un- ili.sguiseii War of exteruuuination tuaged against utmiarmuieti anti hteipless Cubans. 'fno stout old bieltop rustled hin : silk robe , rattled the gold ctiami around his miocle anti said in a very comiiforablo ( way that. lie did mmot believe ( lie Spamiirh armimy could be guilty of smmchc criuiuee , lie receIves $18,000 a. veal' froni Spain , Nothing but time intervemution of some rowerfiml nation can stop these accmiea of blootjimoni amid destruction. Thi Spanish govormmmmiciit is no homiger Ins oomitrol of ( lie isiamtml , It bit > ttis ( lie cites antI towite , but thie Insurgeitta are supreme In ibmo country , save for the tavago forays of Lice royal troops , Tite patriots ciiforco tbietr vhI within sevens attica of havana. Night heloro last Macco's riioi ) attacked amid burned ( hue outskirts of Arterntsa , not more thiami ttvo miles ftosn ] eneralVcyler's celebrateil troehitt , Spaizi dots hot OVen imretemid to protect ( innonicami life or property. 11cr own troops ire more feared than ( ice insurgents , JAMES CIIHELMAN , -a-- - 'l'roumhies Iii use lisisi miess Vorlti , LYNN , Moss , , Mci ) ' 2.-Tita Moulton : cntier ) company , hmavimig fumn'toniea here , iris nscstgncd to A. W. Polio & Co. of floe- on ( or * i3,000. Most of thin clatimmis against ho corporation ore lucid Its Neuv Yorbc imat ) 'Imliadolphilo , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ItntIiN ( If mu busy , F4tLII RIVEIi. Muss. , May 2.-Pliiitp D. iorticn , time oldest active manufacturer ins his city anti wideiy known in textile cm- lee' , dIed today.aged , 80 years , I'roluilcitiouilsls Nuuusis' a Cissuslltlute , IIA'i'AYIA , N , Y , , Moy 2-'Proitibitionlata ml the 'ricurtictis comtgret'sional district liav iotniInalLli ( 'bin rhetu YrcutiOnt 'iVjllitume cp lidtlheIInt ( .1 coniirQe. - ' -