- - - - - - - : . ? I : 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TilE OM.AIIADAILY _ BEi : SATUUIAY , MAY 2 , 189G. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - POPS 'fluNK IT T1IEIIt YEAR Counting on a Clean Swoop in south Dnkota. CONDITIONS THEY REGARD AS FAVORABLE ) ( 'P tVCt % ) I Ifl % Iii 1 * ( ' Hr tIit Olil VnrIIeNSilIIe uf ( I. CtiuI ItIzitis fur ornce. S1C F\LLS. S. 1) . , 1ay 1.-Specal.- ( lflth'rto thc , attention of po1It1cIan n thIi , tate has ) Jeofl largely * 11rectoi towar1 th rejuiblluin candlIate3 ( rr pslLIona on the I&ato ; t1'ket. At rescnt hiterest Is tUtnthg to the 3)lahlS ) of the populz. The be&'t th rorvers belIeve that nutw1thtandItig the fact that tn a presidential year the r&'pulltcans have a natural aIvantge ( , the race this fall for etate omco vlll be nuyb3dys tliht. The varlotu candah In state affairs , the reopan- f'i ; ot the l3roo1lngs scrap , the dlrlron } of the tepuhllcans on thu Iver. railroad anti Pcttl- grew questlona , wIlI It Is believed , reduce thu rcpuhlkan vote and liicrare that of tbo populiMts. wliIlo It. IM considered certain that ovcral tlioueatid detnocrat will 'oto wIth the VOPUlISt on the Itver que9tlon. Thus the coining p3ptlhlSt state convention commands close interest and. the probable outccrne of that convention lii nroudng con. Bhlerablo cpeculatlon , One of the prominent leadera of the party who as In this city a day or two no sald : ' \Vo hope to win thia year , and we have the figures to back our expectattos. A change of 1,200 voted two years ago would have given 118 the legisiaturo if pro.trly dig- tributesl , and in the close countlea wo are uniloulitedly stronger stow than then. But % o also exiect to elect the tate ticket. The reisubilcuns are counting on the prestJontiii c'sistc't to drag them through , but in my Jurigment it iIl do thc OllO3ite. ) Tiso na- tiosii r'puhllcan convention Is going to on- dorac the gold standard and the free ehivor republicans tO the number 'f overal thou- , nsl viIl veto for principle tiisteasi of party and vihl go a ithi us. Thou we ehall make our casnp4ign Iargc' . if tiot wholly , On Mate issues. and there they canuat successfully moot tis. "I have hscn pretty well over the state and have becis in communicaticli vth popu- htstsiii _ all tarts and In my ju'gment it is ea'y to outline the platform wh oh v1il be L asloptesl at Huron. It. vili ba ihort auth compact. It xvIii demand tree coinage ot r sliver , the government ownership of rail- reads , and until that can be accomp1shted the adoption of the Iowa railroad law. and honor and decency In state affairs. I tl not b2llcva that any other issue will be ra sad , and thoeo three vtit win. "On tii islattorin It. Is intended to uiomi- nate as strong a ticket as posiblC. It is certanly ! a case of the oiflco seeking the man and the leaders and rank and file of the party are riniphy seekIng to find the ablest lien in the party , regardless of personal anibit ons. \v1lo CANDIDATES MAY l3F. "There is little quotioa that the uiomlnco for governor will ho Andrew 1. Lee of Var- niilluon. Mr. Lee has been mayor of that city for four years , ho was one of the earliest sat- tir in the state. is one of the most suiccc- fui morchsantus in ScuLls Dakota , left the re- pubhican party not because lie waa a busiutes's ' failure , but bccauiio ho wanted to see reforms instituted , and mnaile up hits mind that. lie could not. get them In the od ! party. lie is a Scandinavian and Is exceedingly popular throughout the state and particuiarly in the . southern iart. where lie is veht krmovn. "For tim oillca ot lieutenant governor only ole haute is proinhneiitly mentioned. that of Senator J. F' . Kelley of Iay county. Sena- tar Keiley % as 0110 0 ! the moSt pronitneuit members of the last legislature and repeatedly - edly carried the senate wIth Isbn on hotly disputer ! quosttons , uotvthuetautulhuig the throa-foiurthim3 rehituhiiCaui ) mnaorttY. ) Tie Pm one of the ablest cliii most conservative of the young papUihstti , a first class speaker , a sound budnoss man and a skillful loeder of 11101) ) . "For treasurer It is conceded that Harry Wynn of Yankton will be named. Mr.Vun was on the ticket two years ago and It seems tq be the univoreal ish that he snake the race again. lie is a succescftui banker in Cenmont City , a uuman of first rate flnanc'al ' ability and is highly popuiar. lBs capacity for this ilace is conceded by time republicans , and lie wouid add greatly to the strength of the ticket in time southern part ct the state. "Tue olhlce of attorney general is a uuiot important one amid one which vhII have a great deal ef business. iartlcuiarly that which groirs out of the Tayior business. We believe that we hiouid nut up as able a lawyer as we iuoasora and I think we ba1l do it. Two mcmi have been mentioned in tiuI connection , S. 11. Cranmner of Alter- dccii anil Senator McGee of Rapid City. TIme former viii hardiy be able to win. His startle lit liractlcaliY syimonynmous with pro- hibitlon and ve arc nt going to take sides in that light this year. On the other hand , Mr. Mefice is as abie as any omen time re- pubihcans can lind. lie umiaule a most coil- sliCtiOUS rccarih in the legisiattiro. is regarded - garded in the ilhia as cite of time leatlora of time bar there , Is conservative in his' ' Iows , Two years ago lie carried his county , thirughi for time other officea the repmmbiicaims \oul , nuil hue is no e'c-deuncrat , which is ahsa an advantage. Mcfiao would go far teward carryng time thus and so far as his jiersimmahity becammmo known on this sde ! of timi ) liver hue would add greatly to time etrcimgtim of the t cimet. FOit coNailESSiONAI I1ACE. "There are eeveral muon who swould take tIme iutininatiOtl for congrct.s. Among them are : [ ; ' Al. Goomlykooumtz of Mitchell , It. F. lkmwehi of Sjimbnm'um , Femntaul KmiuviemJ and Jimmlge Plowummait of 1)eatlvooJ. It mmcmiv mmeiiia hikoiy that ( lie lumen imanmed sviht be the first auth last. Mr. Kimawles lma&i twice ruuui on time liohmulist ticket umimul been twice defeated. Wiulie im is us Popular mimnong tIme lmopulitO 58 OVCl , mmit 'lmtie imimu ability is unclhr.spmlted , it soon's gcod policy at tltiu time to try a mmmv timaim. Mr. iowdehi Ia one of time youmger 111011 , aimd wiulia his record in time last iogicla- turo 'rca an afitnirahmie one , it is more likely that hoihl be mmommminmmtcul for auditor thin fur cotmgrcuia. Mr. Goodykoonta has until recently - cently been a repuihlcan , and lmamt a erong fohialvilIg atumouig tIme republican rank aimmi tile lie iii cime of the ablest uimen lit time itate , mmd probaitly 1mb isaiume is connected mith tIme sliver question in immero nmiumdo titan Limat of city other incus 1mm the state. Months ago tie deciaremh that if the t epublicami party r tmmsatl to cndor'o tIme free coils- ag' of i'hiver hue would heave itis party. Ho has at his own cxpammo huecim stumping time ust'uto during time 11aM year for euver amid imas caertoU a very large Ililiuber of thmo people to that 'iow. Mr. Gootlykoonts Ia umot a candidate ( cc tue place , bitt it is beiho'el that lte can Iii ? lnductiil to accept , amid timero will be a strng presemuro brought to bear on hun. Jtoigs Plowinati viii probably lie time other catuluthato. lie baa ninmib a more conspicuous record for ability. fairness aumul popttiarlty titan any other jumige on thu bench. lie ran away nhioaml of huis ticiwt and is iiniminsely liopmliar lii time ihiiis. Maui of all parties rca- cgimima hula litimesm. ' of the riaca and all comm. cemlo that lam vouhml umalco aim admirable caut- dilate. "For atniltor the popuitets have not se. lcctotl lit thuer uwn litmus a caumdidato. hut I think that Mr. Jowdohi Is macre spoken at timan any otimer mall' . "Aimotimer oillcv wimicli is counmuanihing con- stilerabio Intarest 1.s that of ( limited States senator. An effort vJll ho made to force zm umoamhimatiori at time state couiventioui , but I tIe imot expect to see it stmeceej. tenator Kyle is of course , a camidimlato for ro-eieetoil' , until timero is no doubt that lie staimfis vary 0 liihm w ltlm POPUIIStS aP(1 demmiocrats , It geumcraily eencemled that he hma9 made an able anir pure rer-orti. II. I. . I.oucks will also make an effort for tIme Ithaca , smith he bums a strong followluug throughoUt the Mate , biie lila abIlity Is muulvorsally comicetied , J , 1" . Ioliel' , edltOt of the Flaumdreau herald , who ran for congress on tIme ticket two years ago sO.I who Is omit ) of time most foreetul and pilshied speakers th the state , is a can. ilimiate , and so mire Melvin Grlgshy amid oflme es. " _ _ _ _ _ iriilstrlets for MtilClilh ( ' ) . DWI'ItOIT. May 1.-Republican conventions to oiec dehegate to time St. l.ouiz convention wore held La tIme Secand , Third , Fifth , NIuith and Twelfth comigrCL'eiotUil distrii't of thiB itate ; In every lnstaliee time delegatm ) eeie.h were iuetructed ( or McKinley. Thu Iifth dIstrict rn'nninateilVtn. . Aldea Smith for cauigros. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ltflI1) .t l ) MOIt'I'OS 'Pit IItl To S'l'.t V 'i'Imelr 5tuIlulrii.ri the Not Auluuuil liuit % k'lIsli.y's Nouuiluiumtlnui Ii Sure. NIV YORK , 1a3' 1.-In a communication to the Coumimerelal Advertiser today on the outiook far the republican presIdent oh nOmi nation , lion. Josephi It. Manley of Augusta. Me. . says : "Any speculation to tlmo of- teat that friends of Speaker fleol mean to " ltimdraw him front time contest or timat they are discourageil Is herders. There has never been a single Instant during the cani- pagn ! when we ever dreameil of such a titiuig. We do not now. We will not. Mc- iCinley will never be nomninateil. It wIll be the ! sstic t.mat wll $ win at St. Lauls. That is'siue will be sound money. " 1x-Senattur 'F. C. i'latt says : 'I ant of time ( mpnion that 1cKimiley has riot captured cimough votes to ho nominated , hut I ant not prepared to disprove time figures of Mclln- Icy's managers jolt now I expect to have omathiing to ray later rn. \t fIrst glance the flgure. lo not sieemn to me to have much subistarthmil basia. Ihmut I w ill say , imitil ItmoM cnmphatically. too , that Mortout Is still iii time taco , anti to May. lie is not going to be wltlmirawn. And we are not gviumg um' auiytii'ng. ' " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .hmmrlc Ito shut iii \'elI l'IesiHeul. CLlVEIANl ) , May 1.-Mark Iiannmm , when asked today for an expression in regard to the result of the IllInois state conventiomm , said : "I really wish to avoid mucking city statement concerning yesterday's conventlomm , \\.o have from the fIrst iuiado no lre'diction5 anti have cuudeavoreil to conduct Major Mc- Klnioy's camuipaign on clean , honest and up- rghit irlnclples. We have sincerely believed frumum tiio outset that Ito was the logical canmlimlate for time presidency and simhiseqilent events have smmbqtantlatoml thus oiinlon. " OltIHIIS FUIt mllIllLl.tb ] ) .tY. Cl reillni'M from ( enu&I Aruui Geuieruil uuul Suite hleulliuirtel'M. Memorial day orders by Cmumuatmder-in- CimietVahker of tIme Grand Army of the flepmmblic amid by Icpartuiiemit Contuitattder .1. if. Culver haVe Itceut iam.'ued as follows : 1. Tli tiiflo iii again mmt imand when Inclination - clination foil iuty call tIme ( .rnmiul Army . ( , f time Hepubl'e ' to prepare for time soietmiti rervices of Meuuiorin ( lay. In aecomdautce Witim our rubs aumd re ulatiouim' , thiC Otit ( IRY of ? mlruy lt4 et aptit for its rtvorent eb- servmlilce. 'rltie titmy is coni'ecriteil to the uutemnorv of our dead. I t iii time natioum S fcstlvaf of rontc'mnbrammce , whmeum a liberty- loving mmii imahipy PeoP. crmoyilmg time hils'- Ingit of Peace &it't prcspermty , comic from ther ! labormi tutu witii grateful hearts PY loving tribute to tlmt' memory of bravo then , % ho , Ima'Iulg Ilnislied timoit' courre with hoitor mmntl crossed the star-lit lute , no lest PcaeefUlY under the hatIe of the trees on eterumal cmiuit.1img grouliYs , Sveet be timelr sleep , unfadiuig their glory , ilmllwrlshi- able th ir fame. ( 'over the motmmiils. above them with sprhngtimtie's richeot afferlngrr. ltaii'e above tlmem the thug they loved. Let cilvered age standing by their tombs ( cci that , vith the tlmuSt of such men sleeping in oum' soil , time reptuhmlic will stauid with its gory uittlimntcml and its power unbrokc'um. Let trimMing childhood weave gariariiis for them , anti at their mrave,4 receive Inspiration - tion that will kOe ) them earumeat in loyalty , pure In citizenship anti faltiifmil to duty. It line been our custom for ycaus to gmtther in the churches of the land on the Sunday preceding Memorial day for such reverent worship and instruction as be- comc9 the occasion. We Mmcli honor ourselves - selves by a continuance of this custom as a. iitting vrevaration for the solemn duties of tIme ilay and invitations Silotud be given t. all sohiliers , Sons of Veterans , Wonton's Itelief coups amid citizeims gonemahly to attend - tend thetis servicer omit ! unite with the Gratid Army of the Republic in aying triiiiite to those who fei iii defense of atm- tional unity. 2. Time holding of patriotic services in the 'public schools on Friday preeedimmg Me- moria1 day homuId be generally ohserv ii mmd poet comnnmandera will cl-operate with the teachers and school oilicials in the performance - formance of this duty. By conunmanfi of 1. \VALKER , In accordamico with this' order tIme follow- lag imas been issued by the Iepartmont of ehraska : Comrades : General ormiers No. S from our comnmauiilei-in-chiot , ' and enclosed here- vtttm , reminds us that another year has been added to time roil of annuals since the wimite ilag hmov rcd o'er Appomattox and lime last comnramle was hahd to rest on the Acid of battle , Nemir.y mm third of a cdi- tury has passed (111(1 ( the beautiful etistoun of memorializing our ( lead with fragrant tiowcrr , on a day met aside by our order , sanctioned by legal enactment nail nntpli- lied by grateful flearts , Is renewed with limereasing Interest eacim smucceelimtg year. S let mis , iii htumrmnony with the part , on time Oth of May. clomP our depicted ranks mini ! comntemoratcs mi'itlm time appropriate cx reiscs the valor of our comrades timid time iirilmciies that ncturtemh them in sacri- ilchlug busines'a interests , thmo comforts of Imomno and association for the bivouac , tIme mnrrh and the lielil of carnage. All lost commanders wil at once center by committee or otherwise with tIme teemc'h era of iuitic schools , time pastors of churches. civic authmrities of cltiea and towns , auxiiimmry associatiomma of' the Grand Arm ) ' Cf the Republic , amid all patriotic and Iinevoent nssoc'bation of their coutminunity 'ltit a view to arraumging suitable progranis for religious exercises on mmndmmy and preparatory - paratory _ instruQtions its time public scimoolmi , n Friday preciiug the 3)tlm , to t lie end that the leasons of Meniomial iIay shah be COuuilete a liii iastimmg. Post chaplmihmis should make ruth : and couim- prehmonslve reports of all proveeilimmgs reIn- tii'o to Memorial ( immy tO Depariniemit Chump- built 'r. ii. IigImnm' , Long l'lne. as early In June as IOSitIiiie. A ( e' years ago the national omtrampment rlianged time imamo front Deroratiim to Mo. mnorial ( Ia ) ' , mt'ltim a view of imnprssing a' t'itht tIme sacrailnese of the day mmliii n'mumov- hag nny Imprersiorm that many lmavo beemm at- tamed ( roust its imanie of gayety or joyous ceebrathon. ! i : therefore trust that all past oliicem't , as well mis unenmhmmmrs vill ciiseemur- age mind dlm'cotmntemmance nui nail nil amuse- mneumts on that dmm' , under tm'iimmtover guie r pretext , wltim tlmo murpose of tilling the fu I uemeasure of our ( luty vltImomit miii cc- eurrenco to trier its mummmit'titv. liv order of J. H. CIJL\Flt. Departnmant Coamnicumfier , Ohlhaici : JAMES D. ( i'iGE , A , A. G. ItHIJNION . 'l' F'ildS CI'l'Y. Soul i i'rs cit gouitlieuusl'rui Nu'Ji'iJuu : mi ee t 'I'll I' I' ( ' I ul .1 ii I y. FALLS cz'rY , Nub. , May 1.-Special.- ( ) Circuhars announcing time Grand Army of time Republic reunion fat' southeastern Nebraska to be held Itero July 20 to 25 , inclusive , have bean issued. Thin reunIon vihi lie in ilinton's pirk , emma mihe front time city , The htark has .m laint provided witim boats amt the Nomnahia river formn a boundary on two Miles. Time conmnmitteo om program Is in corre- poumuicnce % m'lthm John J. Ingalls , Henry \'at- torson , Governor Stone of Missouri , Governor biolconib of Nebraslra , Governor Merrill ct iCans.v , Governor llmushiumell of Ohio and Gon. erai Calfiweil of Icaumsas , and their presence and participation is ainmost asamureui. It Is expected Omat a one fare round trip rate mihl be secured , 'i'bme conmumuittea on nrrautcnments appolimleul by Ialis City Conmmereiai club comprIses P , II. J.'aum , liresident ; A. F' . IloilehamugimV ; , A. ( iroommwahml. A. Fl Soudors , treasurer ; Whi. Ilant ibcece , secretary , 'l'Tv4 , 1Iic's'Iers Collide , Itobcrt LJmmger , superlatcuident of the green itottsemi at Jfauiscomtm Park. started down towim about 11 o'clock TImurdmy ; evening op his Iuleycle.Vimen 01)011 near Thirty- ilrmmt antI b'nciiic streets , hue met with cite of tImeo Imrevermio lnui1'imlmmzuls vlio insimit5 cipoim iiiliimg tlmuim' wheels out time vrotmg side of thi' lottil. A collision occurred , mmimd Mr. Ungem' was thmros'um vIolently to the imave. , ' ' . uuucomisehous. 'l'lie lmmtuilt nmiI i'eimtlem'e.l coum- doctor Of U uasing street car t'eflt to ills ciii mmmi at Iemmuth succeeded In re- musitutliig Imimm. , 1dm. tJnger's wheel wits b3miiy imummuslied. lIe received a large gash oIl thio ( oit'lieail , amid hme is nos' out with a chili looking for the imimui who causcil IsIs ill isform tumue. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ luhl time lorsh-IIIgli.Jveu''tluimg , I'E1ttY , OkI. , May 1.-At McFCuimney , a entail tovn muhxteeit ummiles tmomtli of Imere , George It , MalCinney , who owned utmost of time to"fl , and was cm cowboy mind preachier Sromu Taxes. also postmaster and justice of the caoo. was beuteum to ticath last lmijImt by Sidney itoberts WIlliam iloole and V II. hum Jones. A tIspmuto over land is be. lieveil to have actuated time uleed , amid it Is SUsiioctCut cite Ihut smioumey woms tukesu ( rein the eorpso. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HiSenmutocVailuicti Iylmiw. NE" OflK , May 1.-1x-United States Senator WillIam A'ailao of Ciearflehmi. h'n. , Is unoonelous and iq a dyIng conmil. tion at his rtmsidenc'o In lighity-elghmtIi street , tilts city , lie ivies stricken with paralysis cmi February 27 last and grets' steadily worse. VIiiinmmm \\'emlaeo was a mneniber of the Unitel btates semiato front 1STh to Jsi. iimt'ini ; becim olmosell ts a democrat. TALKS ON T\V1N \ hOBBIES Mnx Praclit DisoDurles Entortidugly on Protection and Oregon. OMAHA'S GROWTh A SURPRISE TO hIM : i isMitil hiSs Oluisuri miii I ty kit iutke ii l'ortiiuit''let lie F's , lied to 1uiett Iivi'c , tiN. liii W'nN AtIiMeSl (0 Ih ) . Mr. Max Praclut , traveling secretary of time tmierican I'rotectis'o Tariff league , with headquarters - quarters at Th5'est Twemttythird street , New York , is in Onmahia on official buisimioss. Mr. I'raclmt is a resident of Oregon and mann- ages to get imorno about once a year to Vote 811(1 to attend repmmbhicamm cnvcntiomms. lie expects to see his fanmlly twice this year , for after having helped secure an instructed amid sound uimoney delegatioum to St. Louis , Imo vIli return , I ) . V. to vote in Novenibor. ' 'Nebraska will have to hiuumimp herself , ' ' Imo s1liil , ' 'if she tlmiimks she can simow up snore republican emitimuslasism or give a heavier to- pubhican majority this last year of denmocratie disgtaco titan Oregon. " ltegardiimg his state ho Is mmmi enthusiast and says : "WIth a variety of chiniato to suit every taste , soil to raise ummiytliing time temperate zoiio wilt lmroduce , amimmes of gold , sliver , copper , chumumabar , mmlckel , cassltorito. coal and Iron , tIme mnouumtain slohmes and great valleys densely tlnmherecl , never- falling crops of fruits and grain , with thmo second largest river In time United States filled with time finest saltutouu tluat over wagged a fin , in fact uverythmiiig that tIme heart ot nina couhul wish for 1mm thIs life in vro- fusIon , yet we Oregonians are not Imahmpy nor can we 1)0 ) until we have turned out the free trailo theorists and re-enacted the Mc- ifinley tariff , for not till thicmm can we again keep our labor cmlmloyed at profitable wages , crud not till then can our farummers and orchmardlsts expect a profit on their iiroultmce. "I run a Imeach orchard myself anti that In time best peacim section of time Pacific coast , iii fact time district Is generally known as l'eacimhhow Paradise , ' timommgh on time nmap It shows as time Itogime river valley , and ret I have imot itmado ammythmimmg over and above oxldltscs since 1892 , time last year of repub- llcami prosperity , for witim time emitting down of the Saturday mmigimt pay roil for which too litany of us voted that year , we also cut ott our best customer , time imnercau ! vor1cngimmaum. Vimen our workimmg lieotuie are coummpehied to ccoumoumtizo and semmd their chhidremm to bed imuimgry , those of us who till time soil are th first to feel tIme ill effects of a restricted ma ? bet aimfi falling prices. ' ' SURPRISE AT OMAHA. Mr. Pracht expressed astonlsliinemmt at the giant growth of Omaha. "I have not stopped off hero sluice 1878. tiio year i moved to the coasO. Previous to that time Ommmaiia was on may regular run. I was then in the Cordage busiumess Iii New York. Whmen I first visiteml Omaha tIme Metropolitan vaa your leading imotel. Now , anmong so smisny flrst-clamtt hotels , It is difficult to jmick omit the best , I was urged by businosa friends to Invent here Instead of going to time coaet , and had I done so I would have niamle a fortune. but the condltioum of may Imealthm prevented that- time mild climate of southern Oregon was needfu [ to bring me aroutmd. I don't look sick ? Well , I guess not ; amy bronchial troubles are gone , I imave gained forty pounds In weight and hold it , though I ummust credit Alaska with a portion of tIme gain. "I spcmmt the better part of seven years there , first as a ealnmon packer , and up to the ides of March , 1803 , collector of custonme and special agemmt of the Treasury departnment , with imeafiquarters at Sitka. "What are the Principal industries of Alaska ? Wail , calnmon packing has the lead ; goJd mining comes next , and there are pee- sibiiitles In timber when time proilfic forests of Oregon and Washiimgtomm show signo of cximamtmiton-say ! in fifty years hence , Ag- rlcuhtimro fit an immtposelblilty ; too much mum. Its all rigimt for root crops. That Is , when you can ibid a bit of lanmi that Is hot all rock or quartz , but grain-well , It just grows ammd grows , and when the frost catches It in October or November , it stop growing , that's all. It ( lees not form grain. It's a gloat natural stare house of wealth , however - ever , but no hmiace for a poor nman to go to. It requmires capital to open imp a mine , and time labor ntarket is vehl supplIed with Siwasit help , which is reliable and cheap. " Mr. I'raclmt heads the list of alternate dole- gatee-at-large ( rein Oregon , ammd expects a coat in the convention , as It is quite likely that at least oume of the delegates from the far interior of time state wIll fall to connect. "limit I domm't look for much fmin , " said he. "McKinley wIll be nommuinated by acclama- tiomm , All we wIll have to do is to adopt a piatformum , and that will be an easy task , What vhih it be ? Well , that is easily an- ewored , 'Protection to imaerlcan indmmstrios and an all oreummcl sound dollar , with which to pay our svorkors. ' ' \Vlth protection there wIll ho peace , auth wIth both prosperity. There is no national policy like unto jmrotection , and McKinley is Its prohmet. " Mr. l'racimt goes front lucre to St. Louis to arrange for quarters for the Oregon delegation - tion , AMUSEMENTS. The constantly ircroasing popularity of time cmmcerta of the Swedish mmmucah societies was again 1mm evidence at tue May festival which was glverm at Croighton haIl last night , Time large amiditorlumn was conmpleteiy tIlled with an audience which gave cmmthiueiastic approbation to every number and demmmammtlecl encores wimicli couimi not be mienied. it was a ditiimctivehy Swedish audience , amid time euutertaiiuimtent naturally savored at their national clmaractcr. But , together witim time Swedish soimgs vcro rendered seine of the mutore faimmiliar melodies ( rein modern operas , which gave a coertiopohitaum tlumiMi to time vet- Lorinance. Time address of time evenimmg was deilyoreil by lIon , Charles F. Manderson , who was Lntroduceul by C , A. Jacobsen , cmiii receIved a liatteriiig reception , After expromisimug his pleaumuro at being imftorded time opportunIty to share in time occaeion , Senator Mammmlersomm evoke of a visit timat lie had palm ! to Ilammipton Roads during Isis recent trip \Vashiumgtomi. . Home lie was roitiiimdoti of timat great Swedicim Inventor , John Ericsson , without whoimi we wealth still have been lmlougiiiimg the seas 1mm tIme faublon of half a century ago. Tue speaker contlmmiieti to dwell aim time mmauimea whIch Sweden had ftirmmiahed iii time limit of tanmomms mmmcii and women , by nmeimtioning those of Jenimy Lind aumd Chirhusthmie Niiisomm , whose voices had made Sweden ruinous the world over , ReferrIng to the fact that time present cc- casloma was one of musIc and tong , avmd not apecchiuumakliig , General Manderspn bromugist omit tue iumiportammt part which thu national snugs had hihaycti Jim the hIstory of nations , There was ummuch of trutbu in the theory o the hiIuuloopitcr , wIns bums said that ho did not care who unado the laws of ii nation , as loimg as Ito could write timelr son5s. Tle lit. tlueimco of emir own somigs hmal been marvelous mind the notes of time "Star Spangled I3annor" and "Fenting on limo Old Camp Ground" had nerved time souls of the soldiers of time to- Public ( ifl lmiflfly a stubborn field , Time remainder of the entertainment was entirely immusicuml. It began with an overture very acceptably rendered by the orciucatra , tinder time direction of Mr. Ernest Nordin , anti ended wIth slngimtg "herr Oss , Svea , " tIme national air of Sms'emlen by time full cimorus , mm Limo imiterval the Singing society. Norden aimd time Ladies' CImoru rendered selections which were warniiy encored. Miss Exams Moellem' amid C. A , Jacobsen contributed salami , Olaf Peterson a Ihuto solo , Mr. Jacob. sell amid Mr. Edgremm a duet , arid Misses Moimller and Ethel Seaver , and MQsr , Jacob. son aiid Edgren two quartet mmumrmbera , An origuial feature was Introduced in this last part in the shape of a syimmposiuin of Swedisim "Folk" songs , arranged as solos , quartets cud choruses , iii wlmlabi the almugors appeared in costutne , This morning at 9 o'clock seats will be put on eats at time box office of Boyd's time- miter for one o time most artistic mnuscal events that has takemi place In Omnaha in recent years , viz , : The concert of Xaver Bcharwenka , the' renowned POlish pian'at amid conipoaer. A large 'juber of people front Lhimcoin , Nebraska ) . F'remmmont anti --'S I'lattsmnouth.lhmxmi-e cignified timeir intention of attending. Schorcuika ha.s a umunmber of lmulmiis in this itlon of time cotintm7 , whom Ito tatiIut In Europe , anti thmey will be ares- ant on Monia iight. A reception will be tendered thmt4 dftuimguilsiucd artist emi Mcmi- day afternoon by time women of the \\'onman' citmb , "The F'oui1thtlpnotFaith" will be the smmhject of oionel Robert ( I. Ingersoll's lea- tiure at bloyd''tueatcr on Tuesday evening tuext , Timi 1mm' 'otto of tIme great agnosttc's latest efforts , ammil ( remit all accouumts lii liiost brilliant. Time coloimel imas done Semite. thing this aaaon that in cli tue years of Isis great poptmiarlty Ito has never been called Ott to .10 before , vix. : Make two tours over time sanmo In one year. On Monday morning the sale of seats for time colonel's iectture wIll begin. Mahara's Mamunotim Colored minstrels will olteil a two-night omtgagcinehit at tIme Creigh- ton with a PoPular priced unatitmee tomorro % % ' , presentiumg a revival of oltI tUne tumimistrehay by a company comuipc.scd of thirty colored coummetiiaits , buck amid wing dancers niud ye- calistr , headed by thmo ever popular Bill ) ' Yomimig and Illiard Brewer. ( 'lay Cietmmeimt will play a retmirum eitgage- umment at time ( ii igtiton of two imlgimtS , coma- atonclimg 'l'iiesday , May 5. wlmemi ito viIl again lirosont at tbmmit timeater the brautiful PIOdIIC- tion , "Time New hjonmlmilon , " which so tlmor- ougimly lileaSed on its forint.r appearance huere. Time Eamume tacnted company which tlmeii appeared with Mr. Clemmmeutt vill mMipport Iiitmm during time coiaiumg emmgagemmtent. A ummatlmteo vihi be givemi Wednesday , Cralghmton music hall wilt lt opened Satiur- day , May ii , under the nmaimagement of Pax. ton & I3urge& . A reiined VahmleViliO per- formnanco will be presented , tint bill bt'Iumg changed weekly , 4unong those viio will aim- pear durltig the opening veok are the Brothers fliaimtes , mnuslcal clowns ; Leroy amid Clayton , sketch team ; Gertrude ilmtl'Iies , Truly Shattuck and Leola Mltcheii. AItl ( 110'l NG I N l'O 1' U it It IPY. Liirge uiiitl .timpreelmitl ' A imdieitet' itt 'l'riuilty itl Iit.i ist ( 'huuirel. Cont'i'rt. Time third of a serIes of cmmtcrtalimmnemtt was glveim at Trinity Methodist chitmrclm , Kommntz0 vlace , last nighmt , under time auspices of tue ElVOrtit. league. 'l'ite series of con- cons given by time league durimmg the wlmmter have liroved a great success. Last miight time aumfiltorlumni was fIlled to overflowing , a fitting tomutinitnial to the excellent lmrograilis already prcaemited. The first mmimmnher was a Plaiio solo by Don C. Long , whicim earned a well deserved encore. Time Elks' quartet rca- tiered "In Silent Mead , ' ' enul tmtamio time hit of the evening with a lOtiiOUrri of Imegmo utmeiothics no an ctmcortt. Mr. hails Albeit played "Ave MarIa" and "Commcert in D Muter : , ' ' both of which elicited their share of tim applause , and tIme oumtertalimmncnt was agreeabiy roummded out by a nuimibor of readings and recitaticito by Miss Zuiemima Fuller. It'uitis of IL Imi' . BOSTON , May 1.-Warren Fishier , who canto lutto pronilnenco iii 1876 through his connection with the investigation of the charges directed . at Jammmos 0. Blame , Is dead. ----a- - - - - - LOCAi IlZLfl'l'I'IHS. The council hma passed an appropriation front the road ( maid sufilcient to take pp all time tiimme ehmehks now out on account of labor in time street dopartmnent. The aggregate amount. Is so tetitlng over 2,1OO. Dr. George Ficgemmbaummm. at one timmie a resident of thUs tt ) ' , but later of Oklahoma City , died rditrnLl' at St. Joseph , Mo. , ac time result d it malignant growth in the esophagus , whilcit a surgical operation failed to remove. ' , The Oummahiu , ZItio conmpany has been incorporated - corporated b E. , 13. Meredith and L. J. Dyke , with a capital stock of $10,000. The purpose of bme corporation i to mine and sntelt zinc , letI atd other ores , and the place of bushmmess i to pa Omaha. Articles oi'.Inqorpoaticn of the Willow Springs Distililng company have been filed with the county , clerk. The immcorperators are : P. ' a ir a'nd Henry Suesenbach. The capital stock Is fixed at $2OOOO , and time lifo of the corporation is fixed at fifty years. J. It. Wilihamo , a wealthy farnier and stock raiser of Valley , Nob. , and MIss Eva Lenteth of Arnimurst , Mass. , were married in tIme parlors of the , Arcaulo hotel Thursday after- imoomi , The bride and groom departed last night on au extended wedding tour through the easL William West a United Statea prlumanor who recently escaped front the jail of Shawmtee County , Kaimsas. at Topeka , appears to be wanted badly. Time governmncmmt omciais have offered a reward of 2OO for his capture , anti tlio Mmcrift of tbo county has added $100 to this amount. DurIng April there were twenty-one fires in the city. Or this number fourteen were in fraummo buildings , six In brick and ono in a conmbinatiomm frame and brick. Time total lose was $2,675 , of which $1,865 was on contents and time rest on buildings. The value of property In jeopardy wac S5O,4S5. Johmmt Jay , a one-armed vagrant who ekes out a nmlscrabie existence by the sale of matches , and usually takes imp his lodgings at time city jail , was arrested Thursday mtigimt for being drunk and creating a disturbance by musing profane language. Ito was given twenty days In the county jail yesterday by Judge Gordon. SherIff McIonaid took John Ilasko to TAn- cohut yesterday immornlng to serve a seven-year sentence for stealing the weduhimmg outfit of his roomnmate about three years ago , hiasice took his reanimate's clothes , watch and ovory'timing imo had , anul was ecen in tile act of carr'ing the articles out or the room during hiis mate's absence. Frank hlliechc , of sutmumban Bomison , while driving luonie Tlmursmlay night at about 9 o'clock met In collision with a passing teammi auid lest time second finger of tlmmi right hanmi , that macamber being as acati' severed as could Imavo been done by a phi'slcialu. lie pluckily stmiclc the cevereml finger in place amid hunted up a doctor. 'a.i'1'iiiii. i'OitIC.S'1' , 'huul Vihi Go 1tmueLu liii' Susmitli usual t lit' luty ' , 'Ii I lit' P'um ir u.s.us'uuser. . \VASI1INGTON , May 1.-Time following Is the forecast for Saturday : For Nebraeisa-Fmiir fluid wanner ; winds shifting to southierly. For Colorado , Vyonmhmug , South and North Dtmicota-F'air and w'armner ; wlummis shthfttmig to southerly , For Montauia-Generimlly fair and wanner in time southmern portion ; miouthmweterly winds. For Oklahoma and Iimdinn Territory- Fair ; northery wliuls , becoming varIable. Fox' Miuisouri-Geummmrstiiy fmmir ; cooler in the southeastern ' portionx imortlimvestenly winds , For - pnecemlc4 iii time extremite castorn lmortiqti . ar showet's iii the early morning ; warmer' in the western vortion ; westerly wlrmd. " For Kammsasa.eE'alr ; warmer in the eastern portion ; norihienly wintth , becoming variable. actmL ltt'eor.i. OFFICIt OF ThUd WEATHER UIIREAU , OMAHA , May 1-Omnaha record of tern- peraturo and rnimfail compared with the corresponding day of time past ( our years : 1896 , 1593. 189i. 183. MaxImum tnn'pdraturo , . . , 'T7 63 50 Mimiimnum tem rature , , , 5 62 sa 36 Average tomuipem-isturo . , , , 56 70 Ci ) 43 I'reclpitatton . . . . . . . . . .21 .03 .02 T Conditiotm oremerature miiud precipitation ntOmuiahia ( ova time' day and siimco March 1 , Noimmai tempimmturo , . , . , . , . , . . , . , . . . , , . . 57 Delhcleumey ( omiajiiu day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Accumulated tleiiciemmcy SInce Marchi 1. , , , S Normal ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inch Excess ( or time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Immch Exce since' 'Jtr'eii . 1..i.O lncimes 'Petal mrecimltgtlon1 simmce Marc'Ii 1. ,5.S0 inches Icticiency formxur. : perloml , 1S9 . . . . . . .09 Inch DeilcIency ( or cor. period , 13i . , . , . . .tU imicim itcisorts front Station. . . sut S ma. in , (4 ( s.e h4 . SITATIONS AND STATB OF WIAT1XgR. ; i : ' n . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Onmalma , part cloudy , . . , , , , , . , , , . , . . , O 50 .19 Norlii Patte , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 , huron , part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 , O ) Ciuieae , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 P St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' S , Oi St. I'aui , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cc , oe Iaveitpart , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 .04 Kansas City. part cloudy . , , , , , , . , , GS . 64 P Illeumu , part cloudy . . . . , , , , . . , . , , , , , za ; ss .o Ilayto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 .04 Hail Lake ( ity , cloudy , . . . , , . , , , t . 66 00 ltibuimarck , clrar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ft 65 .0) ( 'heyenrm ' , clear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 56 .5) WiIiitin , clear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 64 .5) ltapi'i City , clear . . , . 60 CI .0' ) ( lalittliOmi. cloudy 76 10 .04 P indicates trae of trecipitation. 14 , A. W1I.h1 , Observer , NATiONAl4 CIRCUIT OPENS First Racing of' the Season Under Contro I of the L , A , W , hUGh WIND ShUTS OFF FAST TIME O.mkinumal'u . llou'se 'i'rat'i ( lii' Se'euie s.f mi Ltyely S'Naiaus IlL 'liieIa Ian'mml Mets Cavurc If' lietut H v e it ( N , SAN FRANCISCO , May 1.-The NaIeial bicycle racing circuit for the seas.ni of ' 96 , was opened at Oaklaui today 1mm cmiuiection vitit time floral carnIval. Time racas were m'oli contested throughout. Thmo attoui'ia'ico vas inmmnense , over 12,000 coPlc l't.CSllttT tue races. Time track , which Is a mm'ilo iit.re track , was very rough , and a troumg vtumd ilet' , lit thmo faces of tim riders oum lisa hiomimo stretch , Time protessiommal races . ' -cigh : cut about a dozen niemm , itnilimmg ( ron' all i.euts of the coumntry , but time professimmial boners fell to Limo California boys. Iho tvi-.uiIe handicap was worm by John Edwards of this city atmul thio ioilo open was won byVillcr J. Edwards of San Jose , 'lmo easily defeatoil Chiumtomt It. Cotmlter , A sextupIe rode aim exhibitIon in 1 :58 : , wimiclm , comisidering the coimditiomi of the track and time heavy wind , Is rornaikable tinie amid limo feat caused much aimplause. Results : One mile , novice , final : A , N. 1itclmen 'on , C. Godwin secottul , , V. Agne % ' tlmird. Timume : 2SS. : Two nub handicap , professIonal , flminlr 3. R. Jdwnnmls (60) ( ) womm , It. L. L.omig (15) ( ) see- ommil , Allan Jones (10' ( ) ) tlmird. Timume : 4:57. : Two mile' hanmlicap , nunatcur , ilmmall C. II. Crafts (9) ( ) avon 11.V , 13ltmliCS ( TO ) see- oiul : , c. i ) Bates (0) ( ) third. Tune : 4:53. : One nub ltmmiiuhicap , anmateur , hod : C. It. Crafts (45) ( ) won , G. I ) . Goochm ( iO ) second , 3. 3. Boree (140) ( ) thIrd. 'i'immme : 2:23. : Omue umtie , crateht , vrofesslommal. ilnalV. : . J , Rilwancls , Smut JSe , woui , C. N. Commiter , 'rohodo , 0. . secommtl , C. N. Davis , San Framt- ciCco , tlmird. 'l'Iino : 2:39. : Five utile , scratch , tandeumi : C. D. lIsten amid I' . Ieacon von , P. A. Scimioutter timid J. henna ecommd , A. 11. Agmtet' and 3. 11. Otoy tlmird. Time : 14:36k : , ' ' ' ' 'l'ltAClS. ItldSUl'l'S ON 'l'lmld iUXING l.itst Jmi' imsit Ouia'mtti1emuuuIusg l'roves ml Iisniioiumtiil.nt. WAShINGTON , May 1.-It vas decidedl ) ' aim cit day at. llemmuihmmgs , Time weather wits cimiliy amimi disagreeable , and the atteumdalmce ight. 'rite Easteimi Branch stakes for 2- 3'ear.oIdmi , for a. $1,000 Imurse , slioumhul have tunen time feature , but brought omit ommly thrbe imorseti , nil ( remit \ V'ndlmasn'alden's rtabes. lie started Isis owit hilly , Simccets- fill , amid Messrs. Morris L.ithtos amid l'roimtpt. 'rime race resulted lit a great deal of un- hilcasant commiment , it being the gemueral imopressiomi that Litimomi rhmould hmavo 'on. Thm immeetlumg ends toniorrow. Results : First race , pursex $30) , maiden 2-year-ods four and omte-htmmlf furlongs : F'iortan (1 ( to 4) ) won , Cammnomiade (7 to 2) ) sccommd , Second Chmimmco (25 ( to 1) ) thIrd. Tiumie : 0:53. : Second race , pumo $300 , for 3-year-olds ammil upward , seiiing , six furlomigs : Pay or Plo ) ' (1 ( to 3) ) won , Time Sage (5 ( to 1) ) see- omid , Iluckeye Q& to 1) ) tiiird. Time : 1:17 : 3-5. Third taco , Eastern Ilrammcht stakes , jmurso 1,000 , for 2-yemmn-olds , four and a hmtmif furlongs - longs : Successful (2 to 5) ) west , Prommmpt (10 ( to 1) ) second , Lithos (3 ( to 1) ) third , Time : 0:57 : 2-5. Fourth race , handicap , purse $400 , for 3- year-oids and upw'nrd oime nub : Shakespeare - peare II (1 ( to 5) ) won , 'Tolle3 (8 ( to 1) ) secommd , Mirage (5 ( to 1) third. 'rIme : 1:14 : 2-5. Fifth race. purse $300 , for maiden 3-year- oltls amid upward , seiiimmg , iive furlongs : Nmmvahoe ( I to 1) ) won , F.tzabelho (6 ( to 5) ) second , Mormon (2 ( to 1) ) third. Tlnme : 1:02 : 3-5. SAN FRANCISCO , May 1-Orestos , the son of the mighty Ormommdc , was given au- othem' triul In time lust race at Ingioside today - day , but rami 'ery dlsappohnthmmgl3' , fimmishming a poor slxtiu. Tii winner of time race was W. S. hobart's colt , San Mmiteo. W. 0. 13. McDonoughm , owuicr of Orestes , has muatelmed time colt against San Mateo for $1,000 a miide , time assocIation to add a $1 000 ptirso. 'l'he mace will be run at lmmgieside next Wednes- day. Results : FIrst race , one-italf unile , for mmiaiden 2- year-aIds : Sami Mateo won , The Rommian secoimd , 'romtolse third. Timute : 0:49 : , Secomid race , nmie amid one-quarter , imandi- cap : G. 13. Morrimi womm , Scimitar second , I3eiho Iloydi third. TIme : 2:10m4. : Third race , one mile : Joan 'on , Perseus seconml , Instigator timis'd _ Time : 1:12 : % , Fourth race , five furlongs : Ia. : Sante. floila won , William Pimiicertoa second , Mob- almisca third. rinto : 1:0W : , . Fiftim race , six furlongs : Tiberlun von , Inip. Fullerton Lass secommd , Crawford third. 'l'imae : 1:16. : Sixth race , lx furlomigs : Yankee Doode won , Major Cook smcommd , Gallant third , Time : 1l51 : , . NASIlVIL1..F2 , May 1.-Results : First race , seven.cigimths of a simile : Lisaig (3 ( to 1) ) woui , Mmittie Lee miecommd , Guard third. Time : 1:31)1 : , Second race , tommr and a half fimulongs : Izoyi woit. Leias Cuckoo secomici , Oraimny tiilrd Tirime : 0:5l4. : Third race , one mile , Green TInier stakes , $1,000 , for 3-ycar-cids : Lien Idder (7 ( to 10) ) von , Rondo secommd , Lad ) ' Inca timird. 'rime : 1:16. : Fourth race , one mnie , selling : Overehla (2t4 ( to 1) ) won , lilasco ecouid , Joe o'Sat thiird. 'Iliac : 1:47 : , Fifth race , one-half mile , selling : Chap- pie (7 ( to 10) ) sven , liani'y 13 secomud , ltohtaire third. Time : 0:51 : % , Sixth race , thirce-quarters of a mile : RIcan (2 ( to 5) ) won , Ommarcto secoimd , Stratierthia third. 'rime : i :1S : , CHICAGO , Mmty 1.-Today w'ns the last daat For.tytime. Track fast , Results : 1' iist race , live fmmniongs : Lamira Cotta (9 to 5) ) won , Jim lhiriy (2 ( to 1) ) second , Lillian Sohbeh , timinil. Time : I :01 : % , Second race , four furlongs : Semmator Quay (3 ( to 1) ) vomm , Devohr (2 to 1) ) second , Rthei F'arrei , third. Time : 0t'J. : Timirtt race. live furlongs : Comimiomara (6 ( to I ) von , EthIc P ( I to 1) ) secomid , Leretta , third. Time : 1:02 : % . Foumthm mace , mix furlongs : Uncle Abb (5 to 1) ) won , Dan IJeiman ( out ) second , Black- lug Ilrmmsli , third. 'I'imc' : 1:15 : % . Fifth race , live furlongs : May Fern ( S to 1) ) % s'oum , tint Roolc (12 ( to I ) second , \Var- ren Leland , third , 'rime : 1:01m : , . Sixth rice , six furhoimgs : 'fime Duce (5 ( to 1) ) von , 'J'ramp (1 ( to 1) secommd , Rlsie Femgtmsomm , thIrd. 'l'imne : I :15 : % , LEX1NCV1'ON , May 1.-'l'hie Phoemtlx Ibid stulco was time event of time day , thougim only threc started. it was a pretty light betweemi ilyrcem . ' 1c'Lehnnd , I'rlmice Jief nail htlnggolil's Inmmtucicy Derby can- dldate , Semper Ego. TIme hatter led until 'ehl imito time stretcim , s'iteut Prince Limit Celtic Oil amid vtmi by Perkiim's gooml riding hi a length , Seinper Ego javo time other two tWo pomimmds , tmnd today s performance indicates lie will be drtumgerous in tiue derby. 'macit dusty , Results : First race , Ix furlongs : Cuticlenc (8 ( to I 1) ) won , l'imcio I Icuiry (10 to I ) seeium,1 , Ciieuimb (3 to 1) ) tlmird. 'I'iiiie , 1 :1 : i' . Second race one immik : hianuuic Dundee (6 to 1) ) womi , lteiun ) ' Ill to 5) ) ccntiu1 , hard- emmhumrg (10 ( iii 1) third. Timne' : I :12 : % . 'l'Iilrd race , l'iioetiix I ioteh take , one iuilio amid nit eighth : i'rinae Liar (3 ( to 10) ) won , Semper ige (15 ( to 1) ) second , The W'immuier (3 ( 10 1) third. 'rinme : 1 : &i' . Fourth rite , mix furlongs : Zamiomie (4 ( to 5) womu , lhmmmminmm (34 ( to 1) ) second , Shigo (2 ( to I ) tlilrl ( , Time' : 1h44. : F'iftlm race , live ftmrlongs : Grace Tuttle (3 ( to 1) ) von , Nina 1ouke ( evemi ) seconu 'I'Ime liiossoiii ( S to 1) thmum'd , 'I'iiiie : I :01 : , lANlON , May l.--Tluis 'ns tIme tuilrul amid lnt tImi' of tIme Ne'ninrket first shmrimuf uticetimig. Itmmiutnimo , tue Aumieriana Ii rse , s'ns mtmimoag the ten starters in time race for tutu hirethy Iilate , but 'ns mmmmplacel. ThIs race won a haumdic'ali of 204 sos'ereiguis , ills. taboo , % tnih , and It won womm lY 3. i I"rs. comulie , Recorder , smicosud nmmd Sweet Amuburum timird. Fomurtoemi horses , iumcitftling L'ierre I.orillanlts Tanwroek , ran in time Mmiy lilate of 30(3 ( so'ereIgmms tom' 2.'Cmtr.tldii (115. taumac , lIve furlomign. I , . tie htothseliliil'S ( ioiottn. "oa , Ste'wntomt seceutul mmmmd I Itiglu ( 'hnuicelior , tluiril. For tIme 10. ) gimituens stake , there were miiflm'tc'emt smmirtcrt * , tlistnumee aim , ' uitil. ' ) 'utrmls. Timnis , owited by tlmo iiritmce of'mtie , womi , itomugias Baird's Sammtmi Mmtura , secomuil , Lord 'Zetlaumd's Jolly htoat , tlmiril , itramigt. took time lt'at fromti titC Mart until the bimimes wore ucaclued , w'ieml ) Tunis drew mmii and 'as never lueuideil , m'imi. umimig by mi huemad. Socoiid mtitil tliiri horses % 'ere selmarated ii ) ' three-fotmrtlms of mm leioctii 't'iio bettilig Mood 5 to I mm 'l'imtmimi. 'lime vIctory for tIme lmrimmco of'miles' ii tmio vmis time nigimal for alt otmtburst of l ) ° l'mmlar ( 'ii thiusiitsimt. l'lerro l.rilimmril'mm I ) mi'otnhm , II wail one of thm nix starters iii thm umioc' for the llrinkley plmmte , limIt sinS ilmiplau'el Jestitiimg'tu Glov s'on , Sit' FiirtttmhiutC'm , 'i'iue Quack , secuimd , Captain ? .ttciieii'tt 1ditm'e third. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SCOltilS OF 'l'iIli W'lS'I'llht ' ( lliAti I : 12 , ihetrolt ItC'lM ShIStISI' itutitlal l'uiee meumal ( oIiitItiiN I'is1Iomvn 0mm , DIT1lO1T , May 1.-Score : Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 2-11 lmmtlinilttlxthlmi . . . . . . . 0 0 1 1 3 0 1 ii G 6 hits : Detuwit 12 ; Imudimmnnpolis , 10. Er- ron : letroit , ; lmmilimtmmntiohis , 3. flatteries : Fiflelil mmmiii Trost ; l'iilliips , Cross and Wood. 1m1INNTdA1'OIAS , May 1-Score : MimimmeapoIls . . . . . . . . . 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 I-li Milivaukee , . . . . . . . . . . . I I 0 0 1 1 0 4 -S Ilits : Minneapolis. 11 : 1\Iilwnumkee , 11. Errors - rors : Ailnmmemmpolis , 1 ; ? ililwammicee , 0. lInt- te'riei : Immryea and Schiniver ; ltettger nuid Sveer. GRAND ltAl'IDS , May 1.-Score : Grand Itapids. . . . . . . I 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 8- Coitmimibtimi . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 2 0 2 0 0 2 -12 I I its : Grammul Itmiplils , I I : Coiuuiimbii' , 13. Briars : ( irammul ltaimlds , 5 Coltmimtimu , 3. lhattem ieS hirownlloyd amid Smnimmlc ; JoneS aiid W'iisomt. ST. pAuri , May 1.-St. l'amui wan gl'cim tOla"S giuno by Unlhmlre MeDernmot because 1'nmisas City refmmsi'd to contiimmmo tIme gauime. At tIme time in time first imaIf of time nitmthi imiiiluig time micomo wmmn 12 to I I iii favor of St. I'aimi. 'l'iie lCammsms City team revolted against b'tht rmimi ; amid darkness , btmt iii the earl ) ' stages of the game tile ) ' Imati flelayemi licmig for mimi. 'l'hme gnmumo commnurned imearly three hours and a half. Three ilghmts between - tween fha'ers ) weme smarrowly averted. STANDING OF' TItfl TF2AMS. Played.Vna. . Lost. P.C. Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 7 2 77.8 St. l'atml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4 3 57.1 Kamismms CIty . . . . . . . . . . . S 4 . 50.0 Mikvaulcee . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4 4 50.0 3timmacnpolis . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4 5 4i.i Cotmnmbtms . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) 1 44.1 Immdianapoii't . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 4 47.9 Grand httilids 7 2 5 2S.6 Games today : Indinmimupolis at Detroit ; Milwaukee nt St. Paul ; Immmmmias City mit Mimi- neapohis ; Columuibus at Gramud Rapids. 'ES'5'llltN ASSOCIA'I'ION IIF2SUITS. iimhUmue , Celmmr itiuiialu4 0 tual Qimtuma'y S IiiVl mm iia'r'a for ( Ii a. lmiy. BITRIJNGTON. May 1.-Scome : Burlington . . . . . . . . . . I 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0-1 Ceular ilalmilPi . . . . . . . 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 1-S Hits : hiurilnaton , 3 ; Cedar Rapids. 7. Errors : Buriia'tOnf 2 ; Cedar Itimpids , 2. llattemies : MnhmiiTy amid Grimnuim ; Carisim amid Suliivami. QUINCY , lii. , May 1.-Score : Qimlncy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lo2000lor.-9 htockford . . . . . . . . . . . . 005010000-6 hIlts : Qmmimmcy , 12 ; Hockford , 6. Errors : Qmiincy , 3 ; flockford. 3. flatteries : Latlirop , ltOi(13' amid Qninmm ; Ummdomwood ammd Snyder. ST. JOSE1'II , May 1.-Score : St. Joseplm . . . . . . . . . . . 0 (1 ( 0 0 3 0 2 0 2-7 Dimbuquu . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 2 2 1 0 1 2 0 -9 TIlts : fit , Joseph , 12 ; Dubuqime. S. Errors : St. .Josepiu. 5 ; Dmmbuqtme , 3. Batteries : Johmm- son mmmiii Mitchel ; ICoycs mind Znhner. DES MOINES , Ma ) ' i.-'No ganme ; mimi. STANDING OF' TIlE 'I'EAMS. l'la'Cil.Von. . Lost. P.C. Peoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 0 104.0 ltmhuqtmct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6 1 85.7 1)es Moines . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5 1 51.3 htockford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 4 42.9 St. Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 4 .12.9 Cedar Itapids . . . . . . . . 7 2 5 28.6 Quincy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2 5 28.6 liurlimtgton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 7 " ' . Ganmes today : Ceilam' Rmpldmi : at Burhing- ton , Ilockford at Qimimmey , Peoria at Des Moines , Dubuque at St. Joseph. 'v1tltMi'ltA : T 'i'lC EllIS Alill A'I' 110)111. 'i'cmiuiu 11 i.l onus lol'm'l muct'loit svl I Ii 1.mtim rels ' % Vomi mu t At Ia i'iis , N1\V YOTt1' , May 1.-Foum' of time prize winmmers In tlte Ol'mmmplalm gaines at Atjmemis : ast umiontlm , A. C. Tyler , F. A. Lamme , TI. TI. Jamniesoit and Robert Gmmrrot , all of Piiuice. ton , armhved here today on time Simree , front lInemen. All vore imi time best imemtith ammI spirit' arid were dc'Ilgimted with their tell ) , At the steamslmi pier time ) ? ' wei'e welcmeui by ttiemlterm of the lmmeiliato fmmnilics mmaui timon they tool : tint train for Princeton. The littho rocessiomi ( iowmm time gang pttnk wut' led by Garret , who uc'ceei1ed iii capttmriitg three of thcu olive amid ntmrei wreathS pro- semited to time prize winners in tIme stadimurn ii ) ' the kimmg of Greece. Tyler carried iui vaulting itChes nail will preserve timeimi mm an immterestimmg memaemmto of a uai'mnom'ablc trip. All time boys twore mnednls cf gold and blue emmnumiol ucceived as prizes. \'imt vere cherishued mnost , hmovever , weme the st'reaths. 'I'lmeso were camefmuiy packeul iii strotig leather boxes , which \vill uiot be opened until Prlncetomm Is u''aChc'd. 1'flINCETON N. . . . . May 1-Time Princeton - ton athletes svhmo won laurels for their eel- lcge aimd comtmmtr ) ' at Athens arrived iii I'rlncetomt thus afternoomm. A mlemmmonstratiomt in being prepared iii wimtobi time whole c 'I- legu joiui , incelebratlumgtiteir victories. Cla'uu i'tvuatem' ml iid IiOm'o .YI I I 'Fiy A irma I ma Pi'PTSIII'ItG , May 1.-Time Clearwater-1)c Ore pool atatcit tom' thue chimmphommship of thmC world hmns iteemi set ( or May 7 , 8 cud 9 at thto Gramiil opera house , this Cii ) ' time aloaot' ( if tiio eimainiiommmiuli [ ) troihm ) ' hinving decided that Cleausvatem' i still clmnmumpioa. 'rue cauaimmg unmmtc'h will be on tim manic terumi.9 mimmd conditions as that wimiclu was stupjiei by tiuc police last i'eelc. ( 'olouma-Is Aster .1oismuu' " . 'nrii , LOUISViLLE , Ky. , Mmuy 1.-John M. W'artl , time base ball player , lien been of- feted $5,000 to unmmnago the Louisville club , botim off and on the field. husk' . % 'iiI .Jolui tim , ' Gimlmlt,4. , MUNCIE , Intl. , Ma ) ' 1.-New York's big pitcher. Aunos hituumle , left tot Nem' York Cnr ) ' this mimorning to joimt thu Giumits , has'- " " It's acommon practice - "ORINTAL..S" tice to sell Japanese Rugs for Oriental , . Rugs-and they are not so iI much to be blamed-cs- ci UJ 1Li , , - ' t ' ' peclally if they could get 'I' " hold of such Japanese 71' ' ' Rugs as we've been selling ' , 47 , this week-the most per- i /I / fect imitations ot Orientals , ' t you ever saw-tomorrow's ' I the last day of this great p - : Orienial--Japanese R u g , / ' , " - WeekSale. _ _ . - , t - : : : ; : : ; ' . OriontiI full 1 % : by Ja i saimeso foot. . . hugs . . . . . . . . . 87c ! : ' ' OrieistolJnpanose fuii3byefuet. . . . . . Rugs . . . . . 1.35 Ei:23 : I _ de'i \ , _ _ , _ . ; i Orientrmljapanoso lulltlby0feot. . . . . . Rugs . . . . . . 3 . _ _ ! : . . - ( . . _ _ _ . ; , ; - - : : : OrIental full 1 by Japanese 1 ,6 ' feet. Thugs . . . . . 55 . - - . : . - s--- OrlontalJapanoso full U Ly 12 loot. . , , . 8ug , , . . . . 7.20 . . . Oriental full 12 by Japanese 1 ( cot. . . . Ihugs . . . . . 12 .00 ' : ' - I Any tf them worth two to four times as much- Orchard Wilhelm Carpet Co. , 1/no / Iougltis Streut , lag ecunc' to tarmac svitiu Mnmiagc'r ' Freitltimnui , IL' luan lie c mm hare with his gramil'mreumti for a fats' days. it Is imnderstooii ilumit a coitipromuilso yq miirmtle in wlmichi omie'isalg C f the ilmme were remitted , U , 01' N , At.tI. ' ' ' 'I2'V .thIS , a .t . - ott mum ; far on lImo Onixihma htee'rflCul , COhttiitCitCC5 tiiitt aft , mite stll trn betw'eemm tcauus rapt. . . _ . 'uliieiit M , A Iimtll anti V iou l'm'L liii F'lammcis , rcspetis'e1) ' . Time f&lowiumg ni-a thin stdus nit viveu' : l'reslfieat . A hall , cttlititiii , C II. Vtltimeimnii , 11 Lowrio , 3. Ttmllleld hi. Craig , F' . II. ? ihutriimimll , Ii. Ionaltl , lr Lmumyoii : , 5. llt'tii , 11. 11. Sprmigtmi' , It Ii. Nt'mmle , 1) . ltrooiehmie , C. W' . Aitdertii , 0. Gilbert , J. 3. , Ilyrtuemi , A. S. ( heave , 11. Ncs' . ' icc' i'rcuiitlumt-joiin Pritiieis , ctiptaiui ; C. II. Coolcsnmt 'sV , It. VatmgImmimi , It. Vi' , TM'- Icr , P' . liiliiltr.hi j lougsnn. lies' . .1. 1' . 1) . Iiwyil , It. It. \ ommmmg , J . Caimiuiomt , .1. Muir , 1)r. U. It. \mmlmig , F' . F'rmtiicimi , C. S Cit- hingimitin , C. I \'ciung , 3 , lmucktmtgiinumu , SY. 3. Calvimu , Ciiitrlea 11111. Stumimps svihl be vltchted at 2:30. : No loummi I 1a'ngsua' ( miuumeM 1'ifiaiiie.I , LOU'lS\'I Ihi1 , Ma ) ' 1.-Lomuimms'tie-l'ittn. burg mue gamma' ; rain , CL11\'E bAND , Mit ) ' 1.-Clevelamud-C'immcimi. mmmiii , rue gaumto raIn. ( .Inumies tOuIa3 : St. Tf'imis ' at ( "huicago : Pittmm. hiurg itt Lotmtsvillo ; Cimirimmnntl mit Clevelmutmi , lmaltimimore at liostomi ; Nets' "m'erlc at Pimila- delphi \\'nu'hmitmgton ; to llrooklymi. SIao mu I 'r mmii al iimiu'rm' ) iaati'lm'al. NE\V 'IOltR , Mn ) ' 1.-.Shcwahter vi1 bacet flair ) ' 1mm ii. ciies ummatcit of sevemi gnomes up for 2,00) nmul tim cimnmiipioumshmlp of the Umiited Stntbt out Mu ) ' 9. 'l'hmo mnrmteim will lie iilayed mit llostomi. (4 m'ea'mi ( it't , , I iie heel .alnui , SAN FhtATiCTSCO , Mu ) ' 1.-George Greemi. better kmmown its ' 'Voumig Corbett , " got' thia decisiomi over Owen 7eigIem' tommtglmt in a temm-roummd comitost iii thin city. C- ! iilClclOti'M Am'nmc'mi. mth'i'e , The best salvo let the world for uta. bruises , sores , ulcers , tlt rhteunu , fever sores , totter , chapped hands , chmilbiahmms , corns huml all skin eruptions , aumul positively cures iiies or no pay required. It Is gmmaraimteed to give imerfect satisfaction or uttory refuqded. I'rico 25 cents per box , For sale by Kuhn & Co. York 'l'lu ie'i'w Cmtumgla t mu t ( jumi lme- : % 'OItIC , Neb. , May 1.-Slmeclah ( Telegram. ) -A telegram was received imero today front tiio duet of pollee of Qimincy , Ill. , stating that George Klngemm amid WilIIamn Whmimmegar had been captumred at that place , amid Jailer \'alsii left for there this mnormbimtg , A reward of $100 hiss bean offered for timeim' capture. A second telegram s'eriilcs the first. That' Extreme tired fceling afflIcts mtcarly everybody - body at thisseason. The hust1orsccasot push , the tireless grow weary , the ether- .gctic becomno enervated , You kpos'jg8t what we mean. Some macmm immud wonton endeavor tcmmmporarhly to overcome that 1red Feeling by great force of will. But tht Is unsafe , as It pulls powerfully upon the nervous system , which wIll umotlomigatand such straIn. Too iimany l1C01)10 " work on their nerves , " and the result is seen In unfortunate - fortunate wrecks marked "nervous pros- tratlon , " in every direction. That tired Fee = fag Is a positive proof of thuuu , weak , impure - pure blood ; for , It the blood its neb , red , vitalized nsmd vigorous , it lmnparts ilfeasud energy to every nerve , organ amid tiesuo of the body , Time necessity of taking hood's Sarsaparilia for that tired feeling Is , therefore , apparent to every one , and the good It w'IIl do yotu Is equally beyond question. Remember that Hood's I Sarsaparilla Is time 0mw 'I'imio Blood i'mirifler. Au druggists. SI. l'reparcii oqiy by ( ' . I. hood &Co. , Iomvcil , hiss , . , iii'O easy to take , easy Hood s Pills to operate. accmmts. BE QUICK _ ( 'rimis week only. ) $5e00 \Vill pay for a ( till COUVHO in Dress Male. Boston Dress Cutting ACADEMY , 303 Karbach L3Iock , 3d Floor. lifia'i'im t ii mmmiii lousglmas , TIle l.itest sytcmfl taught by Invemmt'r G1.OVm'l , 5' PL'r'l'INI DIIBSSES iitAi"TEI ) IN' Tilitilil M1UTE.4. iarlIeiiS aol .eamles walsia- trcncit tiias-cimliilremm'is dresses-tea goivims-itte. iiO-1lilMtH. mmuw ii , time time to give sour dauglm. icr timiii valuable flude , Afmer this tyrek timi course svihi be $15.09. W'e ivant ladies anti , : entlouneii to sell anti teach this system In every tuwfl onI County timroUgiioUt time ms'est. Bend for circuiuar. % ny omue using within 35 mmmlics of Ommmuthui ivimo cannot leave home to attemmi ) this Acmmdmmy can have this systemmi with ( mmii insiriictioiis at timeim' home. free of chmartie by gettinic four ethe : m'uiiiis ' mit $10.5) p'r puhili , fly ii little cammyshi. big tour .cisolara can easily be had I.xperl. emiceti dresS mahttrs mice satiate antis s3stsmn wiul use no other. Teachers wantvd. MISSJ , PENLEY. "I . tiUI2)lH'J' . _ _ _ _ t-vI1T'Ci6NiAY I1VIININtJ , L ; _ I IJ a.J MtY 4. Time worlI.rcflOWfled Pianisi , Composer and coa. dtmtor , , LIVER SCIIAR\VENIUI \ l1i only appearammee in a ltcltmml of Jtoman- lie i'isnc.forte liusic. Time isis' of seats will open at 9 o'clock atur. layimttrmtlflrlluy2.at , _ 9unlJrlc'its B'YD' TUIISHAY fiVIlNINtI , 'J MAY 5. LECTUREL l3y tiso renowned Orator , Logician mind /mgmmoatio , ROBERT J. IN6EESOLL -SUBJIICT- "l'itFh FOUNIA'FhtNS OF VAITIV , " Sale of seats will open Lit C o'clock Mody ritorning , hlay 1 , at Usual prices , _ _ _ Tel. 1531 , I 1I14 U11I41t1J1 I U1' I'nxtomjfflusrcoss. Two Nights , Coimuaencing , StJiAY ftl.t'L'INIdld , MAY 8 , MAHARA'S MAMMOTH COLORED MINSTRELS. 30-ow 'ti11 IUIST-3O pm f"es-25e , Ste. fOc Mit ) ' 81 , ( : luy Clement in Time New DQWlnlOUs