Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1896, Image 1

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ESTA3LISIIED - - JuNE - _ _ 19 , _ 1871 _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAIIA _ _ _ , IfUIDAY MORNING - , MAY _ _ 1 , _ 189L _ ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SINGLE _ _ uO1Y _ _ PtVI _ _ _ OiiNTS. _ _ _ _
panith Army Turning the Beautiful Is1a
Into a Slaughter Pen.
bun rined ft it.I IflIIVCIINI yc , J.n Shut I
th SiIiII t rH itud 'Fuel . I * t r.Ier
1tIrtCII flN Ieft ; s for
the luntirgefliN.
( ( ojI3r1gtt. ) by 1'rn I'ubflilng ) Cnmpfl
4 . , hAVANA. iprII O.-New ( York Wor
Cablegram-Special Telegram.- ! have mat
an hone.t amid mpartIa1 Investigation. I c
no longer keep rilent about the nppalllr
crimes which cry out to the civiflzed war
for Intervention. I have refused to bdllc
that SpannIm tmoltllern were t1cIIbcratm1y c
terminating time male poptititlcn of the cotmi
try lltmtrlrti' , litit I niiimt ylelil to the cvWcni
of unimpeachable eye wItnesses.
The * , IttmmtIon Is Imorrifying , unspeakable it
7not. It cannot be possible that Goner
Woyler Icoowim the facts. Ito cein to bm
brave amid Intelligent olficer , nntl ho Ita w
lila high place by brnIn and energy. Wit
time licavy retpomm'b1ity of the war restir
on him , ite cotilil have no intCIIlEdttC rn
for crlaliilng Iarbarltles which svcIi Li
ranki ; of ( Ito Insurgetit by thoiisandn iii
drive Ittintiredi , of old men , women and chi
lrefl into the larger tovfls anti cities to 1
- . . I to h
- - - a burden to the government. prtor
hove that the captain general ha9 licen d
celved by oflicerim in the flelti , vlto are killit
1tO1COIfll)3tah1tH int1iEcrImlnteiy anti repor
with InL'urge :
thE ; victorious engagemcnt9
Fvcryw1iero the bread-winners of Cuba a
fleeing In terror before the Spanish t
1111105 , antI the rmiks ( f life are hithig turn
Into the ranks of ( lOath , far the Ctmbau w
has rcn hoie5t neighbor tied tip al
Fhnt 1efor his cyen. in ortior that name
ficer may get cremlit for a battle.
Clt1FS TO ChflVFLANI ) .
It Mr. Cleveland could have lmeartl the Ic
riflem Cuban women trooping with their cit
( hen Into Guitabacoa yesterday. nttlcn ! r
whether the ilimitemi States would allow Spate
to slay time vlioie imoinilation , their appc
niiImt nt have been In vain.
\VitneseR of Spanish ljtticher1s front
country hrlnk anti grow silent when tim
are questioned. They are tumb with fri.1
I have only succeetied In getting tlient
talk by convincing them limat their haul
vilL not he revealed at present. In ova
eas ? I have been careful to ascortm1n t
raputatlon of time witnesses for trfltlitttine !
\Vltlitn an hour I have tailcemi with 0
conorvat1ve plantation cwnc
of time mont
on the Isianmi , niul he toiti 1110 that labor
altar laborer has been aL1merer til ) on I
emtate within the last three weeks tntl sli
on time ruadsliie , without trial of any so
In every case time micvspalers roparteti ii ;
- " 01101109 with time Insurgents , anti this in
' closing ( mvs of time nineteenth century.
I have been 1.n time nugimborimood of Cam
few miles east of Ii
Florimlo , a village a
vans. This ima been the scene of aimr
lncrcmllble crimes , committed by time Spani
troels flfll ( recorded as military victorli
The highway ieamilng from this tilstrlct
Gunnabacoa Is crowded with fugitives
ox carts anti on font. prinalpaily vomen a
ciIidett. They report aimomt daily murmic
by the Spanish soldiers. Night before i
fourteen iitoffenivo iliCti Svcre tiemi up a
shot just outside of Guanabacoa. About I
tjtilet and imioftejisive men have been sh
without trial in the neighborhood of Cam
Fiorhin. Their neighbors were helpless
save them ,
Those who had fled for protection to t
Cuban ranks were led by time rebel dm1
Valencia to Saiuuiron , In time province
. Matauzas , anti will join the forces tmnd
- . . - Gomez. Several timiarmned ueasmints wee sii
without trial at Gimanabo , near Campo lI
Ido , six or seven lays ago , and time boiiic
lid no take time trouble oven to bury thei
I have tailmeil with a farmer who saw tic
and vultures eating the bodiCs.
/ The above Is an extract from a long cabi
, gramim from time correspondent of time Nt
York World , Time origlmmai contains a II
of thirty-four noil-doumbatants tied tip am
eliot by Spanish soldiers without trial.
each case it gives time circimmmmstances of t
munlor. Time correspondent gives many i
terviews anti dies Instances of barharle
witoesmoml by Imlimmelf , which vroros that I
United States has an Armenia just outsi
of her own doors.
( I.mmmm.mmiitistl.mti ofibe Ieittlm Semmer
hits Iluil I ) i.t ( m..iI Effeet.
( Clp'rglmt , , jas ; , ) .y i'mems i'ulllslmlmmg Conmpan :
CAPETO\VN. April 30. - ( New Yo
World Cablegram-Special Teiogramn.-Sin )
tiit. death centencemm on time four leaders
time reform movement have been conmmuntc
tlmo health of John llay3 Ilainond , t
American minhmmg engineer , t'ho was otto
time four , imas simown consmierabie lmnprov
intuit ,
No aitnouncenment has yet been immado
time sentences to be Imposed upon the
inca , A timajority of time executive counc
imOmYcYOl' . is iii favor of banishment after
few years' Imprisonrne'nt.
Barney flarnato , time South African Crc
Elms , lit sciilmmg omit mtbsoiumteiy. It is mititic
Etood that ito Jimtenmls to mlisposo of itli I
valuable mlulmmg itroporty as 500mt as pc
siblo ,
But little limforumatlon has ilitereti timraui
from flmiImmvnyo tctiay. News has comm
imowover , that nioro Imomnesteatls anti tor
have been miestrayetl In time nogimborimood
the village by the hostile imathes.
) lIlU VA Vt ) XOfl' OiI' ti' ) . (
' 1mmrI ( ri' .trt'Ie,4itt ( lam' Ut'sieg.
' 1'mpvit I t It liel ml fi.iimt'tm ts.
flu 1U\'AYO , tIril 30.Earl ( I ray , co'ai
niimmistraior with Mr. Cecil ilimoties of ti
liritisim Chartered South itfrlcan comnpan
has arrived here with a strong escort.
Time recent actiommmm of time imiBurgent M
tabeles imOve rcs.mlted in itmilictimig udim s
vero loss miimotm them that limtluwa'o
looicd upon as being practically relieve
and It Is Ho longer likely that time nati'i
viII attack time tovtm In force , although tin
hill number over 15,001) ) itrmnatl mmmcmi in tim
A IIataleio ih'serter , wimo reacimemi iw
yesterlimi ) ' , tatcd that dissemislomi prevai
amimong the iatabelet' and that limo rest
\ time tribe Iimreatens to tIpo out time Sakul
mmmbozmt antI Ingobo rcginments. lit admlitim
time lmuiczumt are tlmreatcning their ° go
tr not haimtg ftmlflhleti Imis proittimmo to tUm
till hulls of time wimites into time Water ,
ClllIIIY Ii.t'V1iIlN INI..tNl
Ifimiilrti i'erndimslLplieyeml do iIim
I'ri..html frommm it it lI imlufism ,
LONION , Aimrli iO-A colliery tmxplosb
has oecurrcti at MIckielleti , Yomksimire.
Twenty injured imem'sonn imavo been recu
front time aimaft , It Is believed that near
still bc.ow , amid iuyu probably pa
: :0 :
emm tar Cm , , , tt'rumi Jim U
CIT' * OI' : iixtco. April 30-Semmac (
( 'imineron an1 party imavo returned from Vt
ebla. 'rita senator msiyz be is not a calmil
date for limo uresidency and ( bat nowspapei
have mflntifs ttmrcti time story , lb is inuc
vIeatt witim hum cordial treatment bore.
I- ( ammmsitl ' . 'IIlimtimms Jmtte'rem.tcd.
1iAvAI , April 30.-UnIted 'States Coti
i ( Williams cailtil upon Guieral W'cyier toth
1mm reference to time capture of the Anmeric
a'hooner ( 'omnitetitor ammml the lmprisonmei
of the ailccd fllbustes ? found on board
Li er ,
flOMiZ i.OOllN ( iOlL A IAl'l'lI
Mn rd. i 1mg Etn nrmliIst so mitt ft I lii
IIt'nii 'of l'en 'l'Iit.iintiimtl 31ct1 ,
' i'up i'ublffiimlng Comlafl3
( ( 'opyright , 1ttO , by
hAVANA ( via Key West. Fla. ) , % prIi 2
-Now ( York World Cablegram-Special Tel
gram.-Generai ) Gonmez Is reported to be
Matanzas proJnce , ProvlIetl with 10.000 mm
and headed toward Ilavanmi. lie baa arti
iery anJ Is said to be prepared for a pitchu
iCItUGIlL IS UltGIl ) 'it ) t'tltlO
UI t Izetmn ( if I're't itrimi A re A It. rimmed m
tim , ' 'I'iii'ti Affmtirs Arm' 'l'itlltg ,
( Copyright , lG. by the .sscciatei l'remq.l
I'RETOUIA , Soutim African Republic , Apr
30.-The reneatlon caLsemi by time sentencir
to death of Mcssri' . liammnont ] , Rhodes , l'liI
lips and F'arrar anti the subsequent coim
initiation of timoir sefltences has mmot by or
100305 worn itteif omit. litmrgheru of inflmieim
arc flockimig into timis city train all sidi
anti are begging time government to totail
abolish the scmmtences impoited upon time s
called refornierm'Vhst influence tImis WI
have upon l'rcsldent Kruger and imi am
visors romaine to be seerm , though it is cmm
rently reported that the executive con :
hmui decided to Inmpo'o sontenecoi o live yral
Pemtfti servituile and mit time expiration
tim2t time baimisimmnent , fo imfo ! or time tot
mcmi named ,
In order to justify sucim severe treatmem
at time prIsoners. It Is said the exccuti
coummdii refers to time rocortis of time trial of ti
reformers. Telegranims verc put in clmlen
which , froimi a cipher key discovered in I )
Jammicon's baggage imen ho wati made pri
emmer by time Doers after the flgimt at. Dorm
kop , prove beyond a doubt , it is ciaimmme
thu complicity of time liritimib Choriert
South African commipammy vItli time Joimanime
burg reform leaders anti wltim Dr. Jameson
raid. Time eumupammy , It Is alleged , opened
credit of 2OOOOO In time name of Colomi
Francis Rhmotics , at Jalmannesbtirg , the immommc
to be tmm.etl to organize tima raid , anti mw
a immO.oagO asserting timat the Times of Lei
don imati a cable diitpatclm ft out Captain To
sayIng timut to delay the Jchannerburg otto
wommiti ho inmprudent.
( Note-Timis latter statement time Lontic
Times clemmies In Its Itisue of today.-T
Associated Press. )
It is abe alleged timat the Transvaai go
ornnmemtt Is In Iosscssion of additional tb
umnents , not prodmiettd at trial , which con
Prommlf'o notable persoimnges ant ! officcrm I
Sotttii Africa ailb elsewimcre.
It has been proveti that telegrams In gre
nummtbers vero exchanged between time foi
raforimi committee loaders already rmientfommm
at Jolmammmmesburg anti Cecil Rimcdes , timi
preimmier Cf Cape Colormy , ammd Rtmtherformi lb
ne , secretary of time Brit im Chartered Soul
African cotnpan3 at Cape Towmm. anti 1)
Jamnesomm , Wimen time batter was at I'itani , lj
tween December 7 armd December 31 , whi
timO raiders rere baing organized aimtl actual
lii mmmovemmmemmt. Timese meeagem' aiiudetl to t
Imitemudeti invasion of the territory of ti
Trarmsvaai under smicit expressions as "simar
lmoiibers mneoting , ' ' "liotatomm commmpany , " et
Mr. ibammumond , It zeemns to be clearly e
tabilhed. tack an active part in the prepar
tions for the Trammsvaai force , and lie wm
the confidential CmilImio'e anti friend of Cec
Itimodes. tim one case , tar lurtanco , it
shOwn that hammond was Instructemi by TI
Janueson to "inform weak Partners" tim :
"any delay woultl be injurour. "
Other telegrams ttimO % ed that Dr. Jarnesm
was immstrtictod to start time raid at mltin'gli
Saturday , Iecemnber 2S , anti was enjaimmed
"keeii time telegraph silent" as t was sam
imeCtemb that time Trammsvaai ' 'vas getting vim
OC time affair. "
Other tebecram. nromTuced Iii court she
that time flrItsim Chartered Sotitit fric
comuamiy 'oils the actual autimority for ti
iaid. They refcr to getting arms and an
immummit on from time Do fleers mines , who :
thiS had been previously stored. At time in
mnammiemmt. however. a hitch seems to ima'
cceiirreti , amid disptcimes vere ment to TI
Jamneson telling imimmi to pOstpone the "flat
t 0mm' ' owIng to time tblflleuities experienced
getting time a.stmrancc of Cccii flimodee tb
time nmmtiiority of the imperial government
cross time border was not neembcmT.
} Ianimnommd evmlentiy was among those vi
vero oppoesil to any breach of time law , f
a telegram from lmimn wa. produmeod. datm
December 27. Iniiidhm lie condemnimed am
furtimer prosecmitiomi of time cotitemuplati
mnovomneimt. Subsequent tlipatches exchiangm
between the various people interested mai
it iok very much as If Dr. Jameon cut ti
telegraph wires , so as to receive no tnrtii
niesuagea ativerbe to the scheme ; that l'res
mbcnt Kruger hail really 'got winti' ' of U
affair and itticceetleti In intercepttug time time
sages ; or timat ' 'Dr. Jim" willfully dhsregard (
time Instructions setmt Imlin to mo4tpono ti
ramd amid crossed time border on hs own r
spoaaibilty. !
Previous to ercsmmng time border time rait
era had been driiletb u1tim the Lte-Metol
rifle. tile veapon adopted lmy time Cimarteu
conmpauy. and vrcparations had been made
support the raitberm w.tlm oiimor force. tro :
Cape Colony , but the hasty action of D
Jair.eson UiZet time Imiaris ,
Adtlitional testimony showed timat on D
ccnmbcr 28 tIme uitianmiers of Jolmannesbur
rore arming and mnakmig ether preparatior
to receive ir. Jammieson , au steps being take
imnder time tiirectlon of time reform commimitte
Colonel lihodes , at time Goid Fields cormmpnily
offices , on December 28 , curtly toitl a repe
sentative of the iloera vhio caileti upon iii :
for an explanation atm to wimat was going 01
that time mm.tiammiermi had brought the countr
into a Ilourislmng c'ummtiition lmy manna of the
capital ant ! enterprIse , and that It was 'liar
to bo governed by a lot of stumIti iboers.
Time colonel Is also ea'tI to 1ma'e amimilttc
that time rcformii coinmimittLe hail iiiked I )
Jamnason to commmo to Johmimmrmesburg to prt
tect them.'lmen the colonel vas okc
tvhmomn time imitlaimmiers iviimrtl to be Pmotectt
against , lmo mlepled : "The lower ciasocs. "
It was timemi pointeti tAUt to imilti that tb
reforimi commimttttmmm was armimimig time var
ela'ses of limo uttiuntltrs time ) t itimeil to 1
lmrotecteti agaimmat. To timis lie timibe ( Imo repi
Charles Lconartb , mm ias yet omimb nlctimlJ
of time reform comnmittt'e , Vhmi ) scapctl I
Englaimd , It waB mimown imu court. itmbtbresmce
a crowd of uitlnntlcra , smyimmg : ' 'mVe ' ate , tic
allowed equal iigimts witlm the Doers. W
sent them petitions mmmi the 'v Cia throw
c.tmt wRit conteimipt. W't' now Ocmnamil t't
I iglmts with arlmmfl in out' imonds.Ve
mm government on a repumblican boss aimml mit
time atmtocratlc governnment at Iretoala. VI
are Irepareml to defend out rights. MI vhi
wili to stand tip for their rigImIs and fc
freetbomn etin receive arias at Trimubie's vull
oliiee , "
'rime repuiiIiear flair. It Wfl aibo lirovod , wi
imoistod over time Gold Yields conipan"s emiflc
vimera tIme reform committee made itm imca
quarters , mmnd preparcttiorms to co.operimto uvit
time Jamnesorm ruitlers were imuade. Iluiw tim
Pifins of lime reform committee failed wi
time defeat of Jaimmesomi anti hts coinpauloima I
a hustLer of Imietory.
A prc2 representative was allowed o vlsi
time refornm coniimitteo nmemm last ovm'mmimig. ii
totmmmd time three Emiglisia imrisnnera vali , iui
Ilammmntonmi'b imeimltit i8 causing eomlapiorabl
anxiety to bitt friends. ills sentemmco cause
a reaction after time great nelvaus tra :
he imad bicim mmmmdcr for so bug. flat toda
lie lit Faid to be as voii as jmnsslhie imnd
time circumiistanccs and i > elimg btmbCettd
time iriomm fare Today imu vlii bit cuba mm
to procure better food situ ether euimtarb ; ,
'rime fou ieadcm's are comigmieci Iii a smfli
roomn tmiid at a treated with coflsitieritlcmn ,
In view of time bami state of I lampmocrimi'
imealtim every poeriiilo imtflumenco in belt1
trougimt to bear on i'rcsidtnt Kmujc'r lit lii
behalf ,
Mrs. Kruger , ulto of the president , hm
sent ameuages of sympathy to the tataillc
uf tile commdemnetl men.
LONION , AimrIi SO-The secretory
state for the colonies , Mr. Joseph Clm'mmbcm
laimi , mmnimouriced In the house of Cpmmmmuoim
timat he had received the foiioImig dlspalc
train Sir 1. A , 1)ewett , flrltisim agent a
i'tctoria : "Time Doers themselves condemn
thu aeverity , amid arc iotIticiing for a mitt
gatton or tree pardon. "
Pope , Through His Nnncio at Madrh
Advises Acceptance of Mediation ,
Seimor 1nlirm A rrn igmn he Amlmaiiamh
( rut Inn 1mm l'Immimm 'l'm'rmmmn ztimml
i'iiiimln Omit * 1mm' 'ai , ' to
J'emme in ( ; tilmmi.
( Cipym'gimt , iCG. by l'iepn l'tmbmlsimlng Company
MATit1l ) , Spain , Aiwli 30.-New ( 'cr
Worki Cablegram-Special Teiegrammm.-ij )
spite denials from ofllcial circles that tim
lcme , through time ntmncio lucre , has urge
Paimm to accept Amerlcam niadiatton in Cuba
rffalrs , there Is an lrmmpresslon , especiail
among rmuiiitary immon antI Cimban reprtomtm :
tbes , that time report is trite , It Is con
sidered certain here that time explosion In tim
gevernor-gommeral's palace In Iia'ana wi
caused by separatktmi. Fhos in Cuba an
also tbmoee in Paris have mimado rio s'crc
lately of their intention to try to put Car
oral Wcmyler out of time way ,
Tbo Spanish press Ia eiateti over the ea
ttre of the filibuster s'cssel Conipatito :
It Is reported timmit oni ) ' 1 part nf ttmt mime
and cargo lied been lantlal vimo'i a Spimmh
coast guard steammi iatimmcim st.mnImrt.t'd tue co
pemlttom killing m'everal iblibimmimimi , v1u
Jumped overboarti to sa un nmimaro. Genmri
\\'eyler , acting tinder lnstrmmctlons froni liii
government , lately ortlered time 'ar vcss'-l
t'J show mmioro activity and to be mimoro tever
with filibusters.
Time MadrId press exprescm time hop ? tbm
time American govermmmnemmt 'viii riot ( 'xteIm
ln'otectlomm to Amneric mr tIems caugimt 1
much a ilagramit viobatiomi of mmternatbnai in
The icatlcr of time ammtezmomtmt pu ty iii I it
nc.r Ccrtes , Senor LaImna , ninator-t'iect
havana ummt'erity , inamie a apeecli mit. a r
ptmi.l'can banquet In eviiie viiidi imas caumse
i'immi it commumment berm ! . , Iter ativocaUng
coalition of republlcaims in order to hasten th
odvont of the republic In Spain , anti otto
condemuning time monarchy anti Itmm govern
melit for a policy of isolation which imas tic
Prm'm"l SpmLmt of European aiiiamicospartlcu
ianiy vttiu France--that mnI'ut he tmmeftli I
a conflict with the Ummitimi State ; Sew
rmitra said :
"Time omiiy way to restore ieace in Cub
Is to entablica borne rule. If tiuis is not domi
prammipily Spain vlll ho ruined , She is sea
bog time eed. of future struggles. All th
Cuban risings have been caused iy a lad
of foresight lit granting reforms. 'lime pre
eat Ineurrection mnlgiit imavc boon stopped b
time carrying omit of the hoimme rtmia law
1895. TIme conservative cabinet iacks time prc
text that it cannot mcublnlt to American tilt
tatlcn. ' '
Semmior Arcilia , preidemit or the Planter'
clmmb of llmtvana1 on iamitiimig at Corenia yet
terday , made thui statement : ' 'It Is a grea
imlistaico to suppoae timat the early establisl :
mnent of autonomy WOuIib ( be playing Into tim
imands of the rebels. Time Cuban pianters bc
have Spain cotmid have spared herself man
sacrifices of men and money If the home rul
law haul been put In force twelye months ag
l'ubilo opinion In Cuba is almost unanimou
lii favor of time relormo If sincerely carric
out. Only the union comistitutionni party I
Havana and these who live by politics aim
rrauu at time expense of Cuba and Spalmu o
1)050 imOmmie rule. All the planters an
agriculturalists wouhmi welcome time reform
wimicim would recommciie insular and peninsula
interests , anti convlmmce the colonies tbat tim
imomo government at iaot really Intends
gl\'o time West Indies decentralIzatIon. Spal
imniioubtcdiy will triunipim , but If tlm war I
prcionged , Cuba is sure to ho ruined.Vhe
It cjn no longer meet its financial emmgag
nients , the Spanish treasury must then un
dertaic to nmoct them. "
tL'ENI ? ( OF 'l'11I Iil flNCII Cli t'iIJil'II
l'reiimier 3LeIlime t jmjmeit Is Simimi.or
lit Suitr.'nslaim or Soc'Ialismmm.
PARIS , April 30.-At time opening of tim
Clmaimiber of Icputles tomlay M. Melimmo , tim
mmew premier , reati a. statement , in which tim
government recognizes time preponderance a
time Chamber of Depmities , but atflrms tima
It is ImflPSSible to govern without tue Senntc
M. Meilmie said time govcrmiment desrem
to ptmrstm a pacific policy and appeal to tim
tcoeJ will of the repuljlieami majority for I
settlement of urgcrmt questiomms as time bc
means at preventing the spread of revolmu
tionary tboctrines. Time govem'nmnent wotmit
riot. fill In Its duty to enforce' respect to
the laws and maintain ilublic ardor. M
Meline concluded witim adjuring I'.mrlittnicn
not to raise irritating qtiei.ttlOmms , in the intcres
of Frazmce , which , imo am.'sertcd , timirstctb to :
peace and tranquillity.
Time statement of time prmne nmlnlster va
lmeartliy applaudeti. The Senate timemu by I
vote of 214 to 42 refuoetl to consider a nnI
vato mnemmiber's proposal for a rctvlsion a
time canntltutlorm. In anticlpaton ! of tim
ammmiouncoment. of time ministerial progran
time galleries of time Cimamimber of leputle
mvere crowded anti timero % iis a ftmii attend
amice of members. Premimier Meiiiie's etate
mnent was greeted with applause by the cent
trists , partcuiarly Iii Its denunciation o
the sociaPsts ,
M , Goblet maintained that time calmine
hati been chosen train omnt.imie the reptmb'micam
ircgrcsrst majority. In time fcmrmnatlon
a caiminet , lie adtleml , tim Cimanmber of lelm )
atlas ammd not the Senmate e'moulti ' have beet
consulted. Tie expressed time imope time dep
tmtiemm would vote ngalnmo't the government.
M. i'aul Iosdlmemmnet spoke , umrgetmtly ad
vocoting revision of time oonsttmition ,
M. MeiIne replieti that it mvati hmimpossibli
( or time ministry In tiIscmusi the qmmastiomi o
revielen at this ( line , lmmmt that time matte
woultb comae before Limo deputle.'m in tbtm rca
mont. Time liremnier then asked time Cimanthe
for a vote of conmflubemmce. lie tieciaremi tlma
tmarniommT' imetmvc'emm time Chnrmmber of Iepumfei
aiim ] the Senate is ncc&'aary to time prope
eifltiuict of time gavernnment. 11mm added tlma
limo government itt realy to acknowledge tim
might at univereai suffrage. M. Melimuci salt
rime guvermmmnemmt's progrann % as bated upon
time known wicimeb of time country ,
M. flourgecis. rmremnler of the Immte cabinet
askemi it ! . Meiirme If time tlbrectlon of tim' '
cmlntry's Imolicy belormgeml to the Cimanmmbe
of Deputies or to time Senate , Time recen
attitude of the last narmmeml body , M. flour
geomo sImI , iu's th time nature of an attemmim
it ) seize time direction of time pailce , Tim
( 'imaniber of leputies , M. lbourgeobs assortemi
Imoultl uphmohmi its vote et Aril ; 23. aIlrnmmimmj
time predonmlnormce ci the reprceentatives a
universal stuiTrage' anti time Chamnber's deter
mninatiomi to liursue a policy of tlenmmocratl ,
rofarlim. Loud apiIUUSO fromu nbembers o
time left foiioweil this mleeiimration ,
M. JIourgeois cenclutieml by saying : "Vm't
stanti rcatly for a tllsomaiutiomm of I'arilammmenm
cmiii for a revision of time constitutiomm , i
Is the iluty of the national assembly to mie
fume time powers of the Cimamnber of Deputie :
anti of time Senate. "
M. Meiimme aslmeml ) my it "as that M. flour
goals denmandoti that time present governnnen
mmnmbetako time revlion of time constitution
wimen iii imttmb avoltleml timat t'csk luimeif. TImm
go't'rtuimuemmt , lie smtiml , tcould reputliate thu
policy. cc tcriiIng to datigeroums aiiiatlcn.
M. luirani inmtvdmmceml his imiotiomi of Apri
, tn which 111 , Bourgeois had just aliuuied
ammul mlemmmamulcd urgency for it , uImch , on dc
mnaril of M. Moiirmo , was rejected , 279 to 251
l'remier Melitme then accepted a nimotion af
iirmnimng the primmclple of unlverssi sutfragm
anti approving the govormmment's stateinetmt
lime ( inst hmart of time tootleR was adopted b
a unmaninmous vote , Time second part wam
adopted by a vote of 231 ayes to 196 naps
l'imo imiotiomi as a whole vas then at1ptam1
time vote standirmg 299 ayes to 256 nays. Timm
Cimamuimer tiitt adjourned until May 2G.
Time radical and socialist ImuInorlty met
alter time bitting of time Chamuber today anc
decided upon an active catnmaigu aalrmei
limo Senate , aimil in favor of utmivereal suff
rage in cue'y COmmnmtmime in the country , i
cemmtrai committee ya. oppoluted.
1,1)511 A 1lIliOS . 'ID A li.tLl
l'lgisre on tIaellmi1 % t ,1c lit Iii
l'neIetn tmt ( rIpiiie ( 'reck Cltizenn ,
Cltil'PLE CiIEEK , Aj'nil 20.-Tkust Satin
day's horrors were repented thre
toitl In time destruction by a aecom
fire yesterday afternoon. To aim Ii
crease in time amount 6 ! property tlestroyt
on Saturday time fire of yemmterdty atim
time io of life anti leavea ftom 3,000 to 1 , (
ieoPbo homoiens 1mm a eit of desolation wi
no food to supply time 'tially wants. No
itimlom1 , is Cripple Creek tim ashes , Time bus
tlet'.l Porticti of the city left slantIng
imight itt less titan would cower a city bioc
The rositietmco section is eonfltmcml to vim
mIas fortmieriy time sabmtrbs on the imlacerms
east anti west old town to time mmorthrmwt am
a vortlemm of Capitol ilili on the uth.
'rimouands of hotneiesms people shlvcrc
about carmipflrei or wandered etmimong
rmiimms of timis once prosperous city tlmroughom
time night , Time ccitt was severe amid towat
mitorning stmow began to fall. Dumrimig ti
night , tot' a tilatmituce of a anile to time rltI
amiti time left , time burmming embers promseate
a sight almost lmncomnparable. Standummg
time hut beyotmd time bummed district atmil I
time vest , tIme imictmire 't'mms one of a mu
bOWl , with time tcamml rIsing above. Ever :
wimere along thu timorougimfarci , cmiii be eec
time work of the dynamite , a great tmmass
lcimmmiilmmg voomI ,
A company of the Coioratto National guam
is oil duty In time tnmmbmmrneti district. Nunme
00mm arret'ts have beth mantle 1mm the outsit
tlistrlct , resort to wimicb has been matTe 1.
time vmmgrnmit eiemmment sylmich lately has ii
fei'tcti Cripple Creek ,
All mmlgimt fires were startimug tip oecaslom
ally on time placer. Wimere ioelble , ti
residents lmtllietb time houses down , amid if thu
faileti , blew them ttp. They lmad mmu wat
in that Irnrtlon of the city.
A rmmmmmor Is Iii circulatiomi that a mimami vt
010cm In time act of setting lire to a dwellln
all Capitol iuiii anil Was eliot .by no residem
just as a firebug was shot anti killed t
' aftorno'n ,
Floyd 'rlmcmmipsott yesterday
Mayor lioyio of Victor han cimmpioyeci tst
[ Ire wardens fOr event bmmsiness biock I
timat city , as it imas bemm rumored timat firm
bugs are after timat tbwn as kveil acm Cripp
Creek , A moan was cauflmt late In time uftei
tmoon lit time very act or prying time roar dot
of time Newell hardWare Company's oltor
Tie 1mm in jail ,
Time total tore by yefterday's fire Is eat
mnatecl at 1,5OOOOO. Time Insurance wi
probably foot UI ) bctcveetm 4OO,0OO anti 5OO
000. The imeaviest ioserum arc as follows :
Limit , Weinberg , clothing , $4OOO ; Paiiu
hotel , $4OOOO Portlamiti hotel , $20,000 ; turn
ture , $7,000 ; insurance on furniture , m3OO (
\v. T. ibooth Furniture commmpaoy , 5O,00i
\Vrigimt Iitmrtiwara comapiny , $20,000 ; El Pam
Ltmmmiber conmpany , 20QOO ; lleibcr'a drug stor
Many otimer Intilvlciual Ios'cms run as big
is $20,000. All tbm0 local ncmvsMpers , bamili
anti express offices , time telegraph anti teli
Phone olllcce and neariy all stOrC , restaurant
trtti lodging houses arc mvbpecb out.
Two nmmen Were caught buiitllng a fire untie
a saloon iii Poverty gulch. Time 'oiflcer fire
live rimote at thorn and they wove capturot
lii their poewesionm was a bummcim of of skei
ton keys.
Iii a general way tIme ground covered witb
1mm time fire ilnilto doe9 not present to vie
oven a tioicnt ruin. Time lire swept ever :
timing before It , just as if a flaming broom lmzm
swept over time district. Ascan be seen trot
time botmmidary lines , time firc mowed In a gem
oral mmortimorn direction , spreading out bat
castward and wen'tward under the immmpuise
a terrific wind. In time business jmortion
the camp limo Masonic temple , the postoiflc
ruitmi a few other scattering bimeinces structur
remain. , .
As time day advanced thouiutntt't of eopi
wimo imad sought sonic sort t elicitor' 1rI'tt
neighboring tbistrict came flocking back I
tlio scene at their lOsaci Women anti chi
mlremm came witim husbammil aitd fathers , bt
lit mnost Immatamices were turned back. Smolde :
Ing heap at debris wc.reconrmintly burstin
inta flame , fanned by the rising wlmiti. Twent
acrea of ashes are not vary casy to hanti
when the wind gets into them. Ever
available inch of lmose Id the town was in
imito ume again by 8 o'clock this immrnin
to flood time ht'aps of ruins.
Ga all time foothiilt , rcachln tbawn to U
very fire lines stantl homeless people 'mtvai
lag newt' . Time nmost of Chain mi'iii lea
town if timey comm. Time people arc hot tmnrul
at all ,
During the night tImO offlcers anti lee :
niliitory patrolled time streets anti arrcstc
all who could net give a strict and promni
accotmnt of timcnmeelvea , thus ridding time tow
of tlmo lawless element , Time jail was fu
by nmmimlnigiit , anti after that the box cars I
tiio Midland depot were iniproviaed lot
prisons. A train brouiut Sergeant Dunnini
ton and a squatl of mi men from Denve
who at once took charge of police affairs.
Mayor Steele said to the % smiacIated preu
representative today titat. cripple Crcebc 'vi
in rare need anti any help proffered by ou :
simlo toWnS vIil be accoptoti witim ceiorlt :
'rime mmmost timing needed at present Is dcci
lug quarters. Last night time into stayc
awake anti the women and chiimiren wee
hudtiled into what mmimelter was left.
A mass meeting of buslps men thl
naming issued the following ntklreea to Ui
) mmimilc tO show that Cripple Creek Is mmc
liscommragcd by its mnimifortunes :
"Cripple Creek hag grown witim time tic
, eiopmnent of time greatest gold nmminlng dim
net on earth , in wimleim it l.a situateti , mmii
ts ientnanemmct' anti bimsimmess value is tiepend
mitt on Its location Many of our bummer
mxmml residence buildings have been mlestroye
) y tOO terrible fires within time past wee
rime town 1mm time center of time richest know
listrlct in timo' world reimiaitm $ and its citi
: enms , 'imo have built it UI ) from a stoc
aimem ) tour years ago io mm ciiy of 20,000 itt
maimltammts at imresenmt , believe timat its lociio
miul many ativammt2jea after greater apirr
unitiomi fat' their energies than ever Time
lesire to aimnoummee through tim great pram
It limo country that time > ' have last thai
monies and their iiusiumss lmipekmm , but tin
imcir Itimmek , anti are already etarting a mmma
mlilccnt city on time ruins of time eld ,
, 'So mm a a uI In t imtt rebu titling v I I I lue rc
iuheml frommm tmiore tortuflnI residcmmts of atini
'ities , but only such its can ho fully etcure
mm time lenmlermm anti emily Emntdim C is usual I
mmmmtimmoss transactions between busimmess timer
rime fearful rapidity anti witlespreati tbemetruc
ion of'tlic tires whicit tlmreatenod the tic
trmmctianm of almost tine tmitite town was tiu
0 tine lllnmsy cormstrucUoji of. time huihlirmg
tecteml during time rapid mowttm of a umlemin
ownm , With more men enmimlayiti Imtmtl ( mior
mmires : tinily producing gold tbamm any otho
nimmlnmg camimp inn time Uzilted States , adtlimm
12,000,000 per year to ttmG goid stoclc c
lie world ; with moore capttull and greate
apuiation than ever beorm amid tue socurit
mttormltml by u'ImIeIy extended tire limits , tv
ire bmmilmilmmg a permanent town anti feel the
ta weaitim anti time nature of its resource
tfor to capital more productive amid Imayin
nvcstmmment titan amy otimar feJm7 , eam ) we con
iiaiiy lnmvito time investing puilc to lrmveatl
ate what vo have to offer , "
uiti : r i'I'ON lISSTON ' lIJXI ) Ifl.tli
Itelirt'ml lii itsittal IIili m' mamimi t.S'gt
0 vi' renmima' im ) I It'me Ft 'ii I I mm r , ' ,
l'iIiLATELPIIIA , April _ :
) iaston , the well knowmi saw manufacturen
tas femmmmd dead In bomb at 'ida home In timi
dii' shortly before nmidnigiit. last tmigli , II
mttentleml a ameeting of tlm dIrectors of lb
attonai Saw conmpany 1mm Nesark , N. J.
restermlay , an4 returned to this city early it
tie evening apparemmtiy in bI uual health
lie ( orally uvent to time timemier and whet
hey returned borne time awful discovery a
dr , Disaton's death was made , Mr. Dhastom
maci been tmnde treatment for heart troubi
or somtmo tinmie past anti this malady ua
Iotmbteuiiy catmsed hl death ,
Ito was 'aeii kmmowu all over the cauntr :
Is a leader of the republican party. lie wa
eccntiy elected a delegate ta the St. Leul :
onvemition from thg Second Congreziona
iistrlct of this city' ,
eel imm'm'NtI'rm luuzi 'I't'tmelmi'ra. Me'el
CIlEItOiC1ii- , , April aO.-Sveciai.- )
rime Norttmwemmtern Iowa Tmmacimers' ussocimi
ion opened Its annual mimeeting here tiil
'Ym'tiinig : , Several immuimmired iettchc'rs ore veen
! zmt. mute $ fluprInttititunt Habin and noun :
'ounty imuperlmitrnmden comae yesterday umni
t mneetiug at time aupc lntendemmts vami Imeli
his morning ,
Baron Hirsch Bequeaths Millions to ti
Prince of Wale ! ,
lCmnttni t ian I I.i sn rmi JZnrromTc
iiemi vii ' frommi time Namliteimiii am imiami
lteoimi iemmned ii I mat b'martt y
Sameitmi Ite.2apgmmi t limit ,
( Copyr.ght , itC , l' Prems i'tmtiishmlmmg Comnpnny
LONDON , April 30.-New ( York 'ord ) Cu
blegrammi-Speclal Telegrammm-ljaron ) I ilrsc
left to the prince ofVales by will l,000,0 (
( $5,000,000) ) .
The Vm'orlti correspondent is abbe to am
niounco this Import time authority of a leamlini
ofliclal In one of time royal estabtahmmienmts ,
lnigimt commmmmmatitler of tlie liatlm , who , t
reason of imis oillcial , as well as his persomil
tiuti social , relations vltim time prince of Waie
Is iii it position to know time facts , Comunme
rummier maim Imaul it for a long chime timnit U
prince was imeavliy itt the baron's ebb
\\'iietbmer time bequest is exciumive or inclust
of timis alleged Inmilobteinmess canimot ho kmmoai
perimaps , umitil time iIi is read , The bare
certaimmiy , arid freqmmtmmitly , % ae of great fact
cml assistance to hlmi royal iulgimrmem'm. itt rt
ttmrn time ; mrinmce gave imint conmatamit socit
commntcnmatmce , event going to tli baron's vat
shooting domains u1 Austria a few years ag
on a 'lm1t , Ttmc yotlIg kaIser was nIce Ii
viteil timere , bunt , t'ttlm commtemnlmt , ' refuietl
go. Report line ever slmmce had It that tim
prince prersed ini nephew to go , amut liii
the kaiser's refusal ms'as the first cause
time \veil kmmown lii feeling between time twi
A persn , wimo professed to have knowmm tim
baron inmtiimmately , writes of imimim : ' 'To his cm
comics Matmm'ico ilirs2h was a self-reeking 1)01
5I ) , WhO scmuglmt to excimango itOlmO of imi Ii
gotten gains for time nmmllc of pretty latilc
cnmi time patronage of royalty. Time real mmmn
tmntlermmcmtth time nmamk timat com'ereb exprem'sio
and enmmotlomi of all kimmtia estimated Londo
anti l'arls ' 3cIety anmmi time pniimce'mt met it
timeir trmmc volume. Almost anm nacelle hlmsol :
1113 regnrmled with contetnpt the btablt.e of tim
commulortablo classas. lie refrained fror
smimobelng , mmd was accustonmieti to drink miotli
tag etronger timiam a little mcmi wine arm
water. Umon ; time immmmlgencee of the idle vie
lm0 Was bitterly satirical , aitiiotngh to so
imimmi at time head of. imlmi own tabip , Iii tim
Rue do Lymmee , or at either of hIm' castles , a
Richimormi or St. Joimann , no one would hay
gatlieretl that ime was essentially tlifferonm
from timose wimomim lie entertained. "
This same amnthorlty says : "lie was
pronounced socialist In tmis personal commvlc
tions. lie ommee remmmarketi to time writer
after ilmtenhmmg to time harangue ci samre mtum
orator 1mm Hyde park : 'I agree with ever :
word that has been said. I wIll talk I
imlnn , ' arid so im climb anti an excellent thimmi
it tsas to see time 'not have' and time 'have
coiioquyirmg over time wrongs of tIme people
Uam'omm iltrech never enmtoetl a syimagogim
after lila marriage and ime imad mm more feel
log for Jutlalsni as sucim than for any otime
form of faith , btmt he was radically proum
of being a Jew. He felt for time sorrows a
the persecuted milllotis In time czar's do
mmmlimlons witlm a passionate sincerity of sorrow
row , which was showum by his acts. For i
t'ealtimy Jc'w ho had a positIve timilIice. II
credited timemo wIth iittlp imiore therm the low
Of mnmey.jt sscjircejy too rnucimto say time
Inc mt'as an anti.scmlre In the dense 'of tie
spiring tIme chmarumctersttcs of time ccusnmnopoll
tan fimmanck'rs , who lmiay so great a part on
time irldescOnt surface of socIety. "
It is generally beilevetb that time baron' :
tlommtlm may umake comnimhleationis in timore timat
one Emmropeamm court if his executors ore ob
durate 1mm calming In time nmioney lie lent.
litH tCml'l'li'IJn. l.'tS ! Out iiPi : .
'l'u'm , I I it am ii veil mm nmtli'I 11 ' I ) ' t'il i
( JoI iimminmt iii Cii I , mc'ne St.'timimers.
ShANGhAI , Aprl 20.-It inns been ascer
tamed that five foreigners anti 250 Cubes
lost their lives bin the collisIon at Woo Stmnj
titis mmmornhrmg between time steamtmels Nov
Chang and On-We , resulting itt tine s'nnlcini
of time latter.
Time Unitemi States cruisers Detroit , York
town and ilosten mvent to time assistance o
lime On.Wo , anti succeeded In rescuing moan :
,1.iC1CSON IN illS DSVN lnildxsm
'tills imf Ills. ltt'ismlpmis tittm time Cbr
I'eiiri IIt'ntm ,
NEVPORT , Ky , , April 30.-Only one wit
Hess 'toe examnmiinemI to time mmmurder triuti todni
and lie was Scott Jackson , the accused , Al
the forenoon , witim very little qmiestionming , lii
told iiott' lie mliii not murder Pearl Brynmm anm
tint' , VI'aliltmg mmmust have done tine wimole thitmi
iminmself. His statenmment adimiitted imis itart
nersimip in time semantic which brotmgimt l'ear
llryan to Chmmclnmmatl for ant mmnhawfmmi imurposm
nmb also atm active conmmpliclty witimVailinmi
hi droimping time nnmurmlercd gin's clothing itmt
time Oimbo river. Tile attemmmpt to. explain tvim3
lie tan active In iiitiinig time girl's clothin
Is looked upon imy many attornmeys as lmmino ,
According to Kentucky law , winiclm re
Iluires that If a defendant is to he
put on time stanmi tmt all hue shall
be called firat , Scott Jackson was put
upon time stand this nnorrming , lie gave
brief sketch of imis life in Jory City merit
New York and of his aequmaintanice in Green
castle , Tuti , , whncro imis flmotimer liven , omit
toiti brleiby of imimi acquaintance witim i'ean
l3ryan. Ito was iii Gteencastle , Intl. , front
Limo spring of iSO5 umitii time nnbmltlbo of Octo
her of that year , and n'aw Pearl flryamm oftemm
ito aiinmmittetl iilbcit relations wiihm bier mbtnrimmi
time last Clmristnmiami lioupmaym , lie tas abou ;
tim tail of mmtatemnentB nmmatbo to him byVmi
\S'ootl coimcormning Vccti'ms relations witim lear
Bryan when the cotirt tlecldcd timat uuc
testimony woo not amlmniseiblo. Jaclmmorm sal
ho received niatmy letters fronim'oomi , him
that they svcre i'o 'lbo that Imo detroyed ci
except two , wlmiclm are now In time pOisot'tmioi
of time proiccutioni ,
Time announcetmment of time lmrorecnmtion , at
time close of Scott Jackson's' testimony. final
'tiuc connmmmotmweaitin viii ctosmn.exnunm-mirm :
him witimess' ' was nmado at I :45 : , Court tbmen
immbjounrnoj ,
Time nmnalnm purpose at time mletenae to bov (
itm alibi by Scott Jackson viii lie emipportti
If possible , by time teetimnoni' of other wit
Jackson stated timat ant Satiurmicy night at
Lime t1ty time' hotly was foutmmi Ito anti \'alIin
iropped sortie clothing into tue river , whuicl
Waibitmg without furtimer expianmation told imitr
mmcc mmnmeafo to keep In their room. S'hen lum
matlo lnmqmmlry about time tmmattorVailIng bitt
tutu to ask no qcmtbonmi. Ills cxpbarmatiomi
) f 1mm ummniftlng the 'olbso mirommnd wan von
iwkwarij.'iien caiietl upon to explain wli
me participated itt hiding Peari Bryan's
lotiuing tie saiti ho tas actuated by fear that
limo hart imo hail taken to bring her lieU
to save Will Wood nulght inmpiicato blat.
Moveimmm'imEs of Ot'ezm ma 'e'smmeis , 'i laril 80
At New York-Arnived-Virgttmia , front
Stettin ; Iiliitrmia , ( remit Glasgow , Sailed-
iiyaia , for Mediterranean ; Ailer , for liremnen
At Piyimnotstii-Anmlved-Auguetcm Victnia
train New York.
At l3reimmen-Arnived-Crefeid , trout Baiti
mono ,
At Queecostowii-Saiied-Germmmania , train
New Tonic ,
At OenmoaSaiiedIcalaer'iilieinn Ii , foi
ew Tonic ,
At , Ionidon-Arrived-Moimawk , frorml Nest
York. '
At Liverpooi-Arriveml-lnmliana , front ) Phmii.
idelimimia , Saiioml-Cataioniia , frr Boston ,
At Rottertlamn-Arnlved-Atmmalerdatn , fnotmi
Nmtv York ,
AL Ammieterdann-.Arrlved-Schedaimm , train
New York ,
At Glasgow-Saiied-Furncamla , for Netu
York ,
At Copenbmagemi-Salied-Tslaoml , for Nea
York ,
At flaltinnore-Jtrnlved-iloimeastaufr. tronmi
( tilt i rc'mtnilnmi Confe'remmc'e lIne limL't
tnt I img Siilijectn for ii'.e'minniimii ,
CLflVEL NI ) , Airil 30-Tonrmorrow moon
bag tinO tuetity.seeontt qtiadrentiiai confe :
once of time Mctinotibt Episcopal clmttrcii vi
comivermo in timie city , Five hunmeired an
thirty-scvenu delegates , conming train time tot
quarters of time eartim , will enact legimlatbo
for time denomination wimicim they represent ,
Several iitmtmtbreti delegates are nlrcnmmiy C
time groumnti. Timt qmiectlomme to be' mettleti mitt
ing the iiext timlnty days are of vast imntpo
tamico to tmiemnmbc'rs of time dencnmminmatioii. It
years the wonimcn immive ebaitmmeii time nigint I
assist Iii nmmaicing time laws of time chmtrel
butt tine naomi iinve tiennietl thmenmi time nigh
fly a large immnmjonity the eimtmrcim at lar
imas expressed itnelf in favor of admmmittir
wommiemi to time generni coimferenee. iot
wommmenn hero been eicteti anti w Ii lmremet
timenmeciveim for recognmltiomn , Aim effort vi
be made to seat themim by a tiirect vote , a
timoumgh otimers clniinn timat a sate itt favor
admit ting timenmu mviii Hot be a law until rat
fled by time general conference ,
Another Proponbtlott before time conufenenic
vill ho time renmmovmil of tine tunic litnibt rcgntia
1mg time length of a imrcaclmer's eta ) ' 1mm clmmtni
of unit , cimurcim , Mommy city Pastors who ha
opposed tlm ilresemmt live-year Ummmbt t iii see
to ttn\'i' t cxtemmded.
Still anmotiier Interestimig question Is lii
bmroimoscd revision of the rules against imopt
tar amtnsemmietmts.
Leatlers in the Motimotiiit fatin in nil qtmai
tore are miecImly lnieresteml In a , mrobmostio :
for tIme election of ntltlitiommai bishops to pat
ticular geognaimimical etation. Timere are no
eiglmteen blslmoim , two of wimommi are cable
tim ssionmnry bisimeims , it Is likely that a mno %
ti'in Ito macbe to timalce tine so'cuuiied'on
ary bishmops regtmiar.
The cenmtral arnmory Ic bcautiftnlly decorate
for time cenferenmce.
A fight vbli be tmmade unpon time roqumironmmer
wimich comnimeis batlm cmi c'tiueationiai aim
tboctninmnub exammminmatlon imy ommntmal conmfcrcnmc
of au mnmirmisters cmmterinmg timeni. Time efTet
wilt he umatlo to nmmake a mliimloimma frommi aim
onmpetcnit Metlictilet irmetitutioni of iearnminm
mtmfbbciciit gtmarantec of edtmcatiamm.
Bishop Fcwier is initerested lii it stromi
1mm Vennlcmi t to eoimubl isi nmernmanemm t elmitcopt
residences 1mm forelgmm coimnmtnles. A fmm
fledged blaluop is dcmriretl for time City
iexlco , to imare cinargo of the SmanmImmh ; m'bmeumlC
big iietimotlist of Central anmi Somntlm Annmerie
umntl it is held tlmat others shoulmi be cstai
I isimti a t Sima mm ghai , C iii mma , a mid i ti Swb I acm
iammtb. Bishop ioa'ler wommld rmilew time vrei
cat inmimuntionmary Imimimopu' of Africa and 1mB
to servo until timey die or retire , anti the
appolnit In their places bishops with ftm
cpiuecopai atmtimorlty.
Tommigimt mm. meeting of laymnmen to eilscmnm
time question of admnmittinmg Wonmmcii as cci
rosonmtattves mi time conference was imeimb I
Limo First Methodist EpIscopal cliurcim ,
fl'iCiN1.iI' 1)i1.EGt1'ES i,1i1"I' .tl,0XI
tmI it I mm lime 'i rtzimnimc'mmmvt'pmt ig
i'i'ti't't it. . . mm mmml I"ret' Si I vr.
PhOENIX , Ariz. , April 30.-Time opiit the
mad been expected iii time republican tern
lorlal comivenmtiomn canoe at 11 o'clcelc lam
ilgbmt when abtut 50 of the 112 tielegitos bet
ho hail , ieainmg time remainder in their seat
:0 : pursue time vonic of tint conventiot :
flmose alma vero left 'ere those kimown as tim
ilcKliiley factionn , am aplOScd to tile Stoti
lard.Chmristy wing ,
A motionm to adjourn imad been incorrectl :
, ut by the chaIr anti ram carnbeil by mistaicc
Fime Stoddard faction refused to abIde b ;
h result and left the hail. The MdiCinle :
Telegates commtimuueti their vork and eiectc
: ime foilpxintg named doiegatea to St. Lotmls
. P. Stoddard , Prescott : .1. F. Iuiaimommoy
Vincioa ; Itntljmim Canmierorn , Flagstaff ; \Viilbani
Jhrle'ty , Phoenix ; 3. A.Zalmnislcie , Ttncsoni
md 'T.ler Dunlap , Am'Ivaca. All expres
: inenmmmlves for McKinley. Tine imiattonum I
or free sliver mimi imigim protectioii nimmi tie
lounmecum time Utah ammnmexation scimenme.
The opmosimng faction cialnmms to comistitut
ho territorial conventIon aoi tmlhi mmmcc
igain. They will t'ommtlnue time aession atmi
elect a conmtestlmmg delegation.
Time Staddard.Cimnirty wiimg of time terrt
onial conventIon prolonged its semsiomm Iii
he early imour tin s niom'n'ng , being nmmaitii
mnigrosscd in time consIderation of a ilat
0mm. Time platform conmiplinnents mieKinloy
mnt time delegates vere hot inistrmicte1. Tb
ilatformmm favnrmi higlm jmrotectiomi and tie
iounccs time wool ammml cattle chedmmies cit tim
Vibmomi turff hub ; favors mitateimoomi , ibhera
, cnslont , amid comnnmemmtls time efforts lit con
ress of Delegate N. C , Murpimy tumid do
iounces time effort of Utah to wreat front
'orizonnt a part of imer doman. Time' noone :
lank Is a follows :
That It lit time belief of timis convenmtiom
imat time bwoPie of Arizona , witinout legari
0 pimrt ) ' , are imi fmmvor of time tree mtnmai ito
imined coinage of sIlver at time ratio a
lot less titan 16 to 1 , nmrmti the tieleguntes o
, lmii4 conventianm to St. Louis time imtdtl iii
mtrtmctctl to tire nil imormonabie nnonnni to me
mitre time ntboptoim ! Cf a sliver plank itt tim
itttlannl reimubbirtmmi lmuatfornn.
Time McKinley wing , wliicim clmultns that am
idjournnmmemmt vas taken untti today , conitin
med Its seesbon. damning to be tiio regula :
mrgantzation. New oflbcene vero rolected anm
L nmaw met of tbebegates to St. Lottimi WaI
mimocen tii afternoon. They were etronigl
nstnumcteti for McKimiley.
ILt I II I : l'A itt IicS , litJ'I' NO Sill I iCidI
Itetmmmrtn Gie Li tlIi'liilI'Zm I immim itt 311th
11mm imum' 'I'imtmIic's ,
AN IRANCISCO , April 20.-Timo labor or
anizatlone of Samm Fm'anclmccit vtll parade to
norros' In honor of labor day , but timenc wit
me no strike. Several of the trades harm
; rIeranees , but timey will prcbahly be set
led wltimout resort to extrenmo inieastmrea
rime qtmcetton of raisIng money to fontmi i
tnlke tmmnd Is belmmg' agitated. Time lmaimmtcnm
tm time suhicim was inn mrogremss a few a cola
go has been lmractlcaiiY settled as nmost a
hue boss palnitors have given lii to tine do
inanids of their emnpioyes. Fifteen painitonu
t muonlc aim tine battiemmimip Oregon a emit or
triLc& ycustertlay , ciaimmiimig that timey wc'ni
timimolleti to work nmtmme Imounm' , thus violattnt
law wimicim provides timumt eigimt imoitrmm oimai
Ic consLlcrcul a tiimy's conlc omm govemimnmeol
SEATTlE , Wasim. , April Z0.-Timcre mviii in
0 strike In this city tonimorrow. Time secre
amy of the Central i.alior tmnmionm said todal
hat there Is no cause for etteim i imiuvenmion
nd If timeraVaI1 time conditions are mmnfavor
bio for lmmatmgunmatimmg It.
TACOMA , \Vaslm. , Ainnii 30.-Immqnmlry sninowu
hat there in tie Imro'licct of a strike anmyw harm
n this meectioti on May alay.
I'oR'r1ANi ) , Aimril :10.-There : Is no Inmdica
10mm of it strike In this city tommmore.m' .
IENVIiIR , April 30.-So tar am calm hi
earned only one trade mclii innaugUrato u
truce in Iemiver tomnonmow mind that xvii
If Inmbcu'ii any actumaiii
ff'cL hut tow titan ,
tub ) work. 'limo brick masons have do
micimmied an increase of pay front 3 to $4 pet
Lay from May 1. Mnat at time contractorm
'awn ' agreci to it , atmmi it is thought all oth
i.e viIl tie so tomorrow.
INDIANAPOLIS , AprIl i0-Timo Atmmcniear
'edertitiomi Cf Labor ss'iii tommiorrow niemnmanc
0 ciglmt.iuour day. 'rime carpenters rhii ieglt
lie tmioVemnmctmt. PresIdent Gommipel'tm matd to
ay timat arbitration trill be miami , but 1 :
at mmmceesiJtmi other means vili be remortec
0 , Time wimole touberatlon may lie mirawmm Intn
lie eigimt-iiOur struggle. said Mr. ( ionmponmi
cforo tue quteatiomm is ettlcd. mir. ( lotmnimeri
nas asked it the d'tnlenican ltaiiwtiy uniot
ouimi renmtli'r the federation Its asslmttatmc
nil 1eiilitcci that lie doubted that order'g
hiiity to glyo any aid irm 11mm promemit cotitib
10mm. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
; ov Ill1.'t)1t i'A'l"i'iON IS J'JlI.tSiI )
) ec'imrcs , Ilimui'm''ei , limit I lie in mmt ui
.tvitvt'I L'ttiiilliiiilt' ,
IJENVEIL , Apnil 20.-Ex.lImvu'rnor Robert
, I'attisott of l'eminylvtmmmla , Who Is ? lvitinmhl
m tiiiil city , tom aeked in view of time action
f the ( ie'tiioeratio mttatu convention in Petmit.
yivarmia yesterday whether he was an avowed
andidate for time imcaideotial nonmlrmutioui ,
"No , I simm not , ' ' ho replied , "I do Inot
now timat I will ho Imlaceti before the eotm
ontionm , Of course time resolution in nit
tote coniveiitic.n WitS very comrmiltmmenmtaty to
me , aimmi I imeartliy uppneclato it becauue I
ave been actito in democratic politics lit
ennmaylvaimia for twenty years or over isirmec
my voting age , and IC Is a pleasure to have
Lie rood will of nay fellow democrats. "
Unanimous Declamtioii of the pningfioh1
RepUblican Convention.
Mmi * boat to Pit iile lie Ilm".ui ii ( lou. , Iont
ii' 3ltmre 'titian 'I'imrt'e It , 'lit , ,
mm imiL 'l'Iii'mt Ciml iamimm Immrees
m , Siieiiiiiii ,
S1'ltlNGll ELI ) , Ill. , lmnIl 3&--W'lilimim Mi' .
RinIr ) ' , Jr. , of Ohio lit time cinnice of time reimmtb.
ileumnim of lilitmois for lmremilent of time t'nlteit
States. lie was so tieclarci at time reptmhhlcan
itnte ccmvumtion , imere totimty. lie was mmot
01mb ) ' declared Limo cimoice , limnt tIme overwiut'lnmm.
itig choice ( if time lmeobcle of the elate \Viio he.
iboi' , ) In the primncipies of tine relmublicami
imart' . Even ) ' effort ammti mnimemmmo knean to
Veteran politieintmmmi tins bromngbmt to bear ui'ont
tii mleleguutcs to Immebuco timemnm to mmanmmo another -
other imumnm , bitt nfl time mcincuie. faiio.l. Tinat.
time licoimlo of titimi mitate iver0 lmica'ed tibtht
tue elmolee isam , mmmatio oi'itbcmmt by time applannso
of time 12,000 Spectaters nail vimitors wlmo
gmutimereti front alt parts of time' state to at-
tenth time coni'enmtin. Time ctuttest ivas ho-
tweomm tue repunbllcamme mime believed Simclby
M. Cmiilommi iioUitl be inonmortmJ as blue stahmtlanml
bearer in time 1mesidentiai commtest by time
imeoplO or this tnte eu time onme imammti , annul time
repnmimlicans itlmo favored Meift tile ) ' . A rraye1
on ) tint' ado : of Senator Cuilonni was that or-
gatmizittion Immonim nte tlmt Coemk eotmnmty mnna-
cimino anti a large lmtitnuber of leadimmg Imoli.
ticians auth atuitcetimeim of IilInoi. Timt'y hind
to immeet one of time nnmost perfect imolitical
orgammizations that lma over been fonmmmeml in
timis state ,
limit it imlbo Senator Ctnhioimt amid lila back-
era immet timfettt they nmtet it grimcttnmhiy , At
tlia cuncltmmiomi of time commveimticii timere was
hot time mliglmtem't ill feeibntg 0mm their Imart
towmirmi time victors , nmmml timt'y immmlmourmctl ( lieU'
tieternmmimmationm to letmtl their sincerest aiim !
iieartlcst co.nperation for time election of
Major \ieRinmiey.
The battle today tram' emlmort , lasting scarcely
inn imour , but i.'t timat timmmt , tine , ctrmmggio was
( hO of time imartiest ever nmmadmm iii a state
coiivcmmtiomm. Tim0 carmebimbatem , for state ofilces
were all rmoimmlnmictl with thict exceptlonm of
time trustees for time State innilversit ) ' , botoro
limo nesolutiommm inmmstntmcting time
large to the mmntbonmal convention were brought
Imp , tip to tiiis ( mile tiicnm3 mad beenn mmm ; tmm-
timusiartic tbenmommititrations , of my sort. limit
once time cL'airmmman atmnmotmnced that tine liotn
for time battle imami connie every one in the
great mionioti btmilmiimg ! became alert anti tunite4
with bated brcatlm for time first gunm of timO
battle. Time first simot vmts tired by Cunlionni's
inca In time abmalmo of a nesoltmtion immstntmctlnmg
Limo naticmai delegates at-lmmrgo to amlimpont ,
mliii at time St. Louis commventicsi. At soomn am
lemtator Cmmllonmm's mmanme ivas mmionmtionmeli there
ivero tuild and cnitimutantic cheers train Imla
friends. This gave his followers eommrago.
rime immonster elnmmmmma 'iimrateu1 ivith the volmnmno
) f sotnnd , But alien tim0 anmmenmtlmmmentt miubsti-
tubing time rmanme of Major McTiniey for tinat
at Cmnl'ommm was offeremi time outburst of ap-
ilntmmo ivan , sitmmpiy trenmemndoumm. Time cimair-
local waited patiemmtly several minmutes to
illow the autlicuce anti delegates timime
ooi off amid then lie attemmmpteti to rester
artier. lie rapped limo speaker's dealt vigo-
rowdy with hits gavel , bitt it only seemned to
Increase time tCnmpestuou outburst. . Seeing
It itiis an Immmpossible took ho allowed time
term to m'pcmi itself.
Front tubs tune Senator Cuilom'me frbentisn
gavt' imp imope. Tiney maim' nmotinlng contiti itmiop
Lime detennninatiamm of tue abelegates to rmanm6
lbajor McTCrnley ! an their choice for proud-
lent. hi all the speecimes that trove mmmadcm
fl behalf of Major Mcilmnley there was stat
C ivord maid that mm tine milglmtest way re-
lectemi Oti lb0 ability of Semmator Culiotni as
t statesman anml loader. Every one of time
cpeumkeru , referred to Senator Culionm un tIme
migimer't terms anti praised lmlnm for time faith-
tnt services lie imami renmbered to the state ,
3tnt they itelil that time Olmi main woe tie
ogical cholco , that time people mvammteml imlni
Inti that to refmmmia to mmammme him would ito to
efmnse to obey the wimihos of tine poopie timeZ
Ex-Stato Senator Cimaries m1. l'uller of Boon
county prcremmtcd time resolution Instructing
ho nattommal to supper
Tenater Ctmiionmm , Title immove mm the part o
tiliom's fnieimde aims sommuething of a cur-
mnlso to Mr. MciCtmmloy's sumlmporte.nm , and ilur-
ng the applaume wlmicin foiboivemi time immemmtion
if Senator Cullom's nnmmme , timere was a hasty
onsuitation of time ieiimierm , wime ti'emo sonmmc-
vimot aiannmmeti beet time Coclc caumnty inacbine
eaders eimotnld rmnsim time recalutionts timrougln ,
Vlmiie they were itu coimsultation , a delegate
mmmi Lo county jumped to time floor anti
imoved an amendnment , scinbstttuntinmg time imamo
ticiCimnicy for that of Cmmlionn. VI' . .1. Caiimotnmi
if Danrblle , tiio MeKiniey member , mere irmado
I sieeeim , supportinmg time mmmnmenmlrneimt'imemi
to hati finished , itt. B. Madmien of Cinlcago
iffered an immnenclinment to time amontiment , in.
mtrtmcting time delegates to time tmationntl con-
entioim to declare their confidence iim time
tbiiity of Thomas ii. Reed of Maine , anti 'A' ,
ii. Allison of Iowa , to lead blue reptiblicail
ight In time presidential euntest. 'rule linen-
) mltlomi wait tlefsate4 , antI time convention then
I miopm cmi tiio a tim entlmmm en L i'ubst I tnt t I it g I Ime
iamb of Viiibamn McKinley for timat or Seem-
etor Cuiiotmi. 'l'iiis nctiomm was , upon time
mmotion of Senator Culionnm'e frlemmmis , mnade
inanfnmou , and lime eielegatos-at-iarge to
ito national conmventboim were inetructeti to
upport Wiblianmi MclCimmley of Ohio for premmi-
heat at time national convtttmtirmtm at St. Louis.
Tinoitgim time comivemmtont amijommrmmeni until
i'ciock timis tmmornimng , it sins nmear 10 wlmcn %
1mmnirmmnmn Bern ) ' called time aercmmmimiage to
irmber. bLew. F. M. 'rroxe'ib at time Grace
umtineran ciimirclm , SmrhrgiIelm1 , Invoiced time
jie.ssimmg of Gomi.
ltemoinmtbamis of rcapet aimmi mymnmbmntimy anmi
arrow unporm time tleatim \Viiiann J. Carmmp
veil of Cook timid Conrail Secimrtst of Irt quui
ommimty ivere adoliteti.
Notiminatlotmim tom' macretany of state were
lien tlcclmureml tIm mrder , George C. Itanktn of
mVarremm county , Julia A. Reeve of Macott
'aunty , J , A. ltoo of lope county , I. N.
earsOmi of Mclunoimgim county , aimmi It , J.
lice of Meummtnml coutnty inane iilaccd Ira
momnbnationi ,
it wan evident before half time' countice
mail been caiietl timat. there would be no
: boice upon time first ballot. Nearly every
otmmmty anti ward , save theme itutring eanduibatc.'s
n the field , divided Its votes nnmnolmg the
: uverai carmtlidatt's. At time conclusion of
lie roll coil ( ho cimainmarm sicc'barcd ( lint
lmere lied imecnm Ito noinminmation. 'Fbo veto
esimitemi as follows : Rammlriim , 273 ; Reeve , 221 ;
loii , 306 ; I'earson , all ; Thee , 184.
Time secretary ii'au fluent mhbrectcti to again
all ( Ito roil for ii rota tipoim the rmontmlna-
iomm of a secretary of state ,
Timere was no cimaica on time seconml ballet.
t restilleth how , 5S4 Itankium , 226 , Reeves ,
09 ; i'earson , 351 ; Tyce , Ofi , There imeirmg
to cimoice time secretory was again tlirecteti
0 call time roll , When time vote of ( mo secant !
ahiot was announced Ume names of Ilonner
, . 'Vice , George C. itmmimkin anti John Jo ,
teem'a tiara wIimdrawim ( , 'rime eacretary then
roceedeti to call time roll ant tie timirti ballot ,
On limo third ballot Cook county cast its
ales almost unanimously for Itose , On time
timer imarmti , tiio timrco eandidats who imam
ithmibrawim ttmntmw their strength to i'boraon ,
took county's choice , imoweu'er , was success-
Lii and Jetties A , Rose of l'opc county wal
eciartal the emonminee for iecreary ( of state.
'lie vote on ( lie third ballot was : Rose , 760 ;
'ecrooo , 566 ,
Aim soon us the result was announced ther
as loud ciistenlng. Wimea time applause
cased tine vote was niatlo unanimous toi
fuse Time chairman then directed time scare-
cry to call the roli for a ballot on auditoz
f public accourmts.
'fun following cannitlatcs ) for auditor iver.
laced In nomination C , J , Kinimey of WIn-
mu'bago county , J It McCulicugh of diem-
sign county1 Thomas II , Needles of Wulm. " ,