Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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TT1 ] ) , _
JUST \Vll1T \ ThEY DII ) SA1
\ - .
Baluor find Morcr Correct th Hone Record
on the McOarty Matter ,
Exili , nntInn flint 5hov 1I.v the
IhHIMC IflhI 1i'cn .I Ifi Ilegitril
tip tIi iirU1rlIttIfl fur the
t&r1ecI 1ngIIMI&laua $ .
\VASLINGTON ! , prI1 2LSpeclal ( Tele-
gram.--Tho now noted cao ot the McCarty
boyi , who asauIted the ! Jaon family In
3arpy county , played a part In the Iioue pro
cecdflgR Monday , Mr. 1alner ! correctIng the
recorl Ingctar g hI taternent was concerned -
corned that the Nebraska autIiorItIci had
roconmiendoit the appropriation , which he
aald should have been credited to the state
( Ieparttnent. Mr. Mercer also figured In the
matt'r to the extent of showing that aov-
eVflIr Iolvomb ( % vai ot the opinion that Via
Mccarty cinild have Icon prosecuted If the
IMwAor1s Iia1 o elected , and made part of
1ii. reiirks : a letter wrtten to the socrctary
or tatt by the governor tinder date of April
23 , iI tIii was to set ariglit the houe ,
which had been misled in accepting the item
In the ettciency bill , appropriating 1,800 as
balm for 1)awson'fi injured tceiIng. .
ILV. . flcC1eflIk1g ( ' . Ito i Iii ttio city ,
1IrcseI1td to Jutico 1Iretr the tran'cript
In tlio s'acliict : case receiitly ( ILClded by the
suprnme court o Nebraa compelling the
rahitonds to repair the 11eventhi street viaduct -
duct In Omaha , and on the sonic nketi for
e writ of error to the supreme court of '
Ultited Stittc , alleging constittitionni ques-
tions. Justice lirower has taken the iiiatter
under advisement.
. ' The &ecretary of the Interior has reversed
the keeion ! o the commissioner of the general -
oral land ultico in the case 01' the Sk'uc City
. & Pocific Railroad company against Carsion
.v. Rich from the Ncflgh land datrict ! , No-
-w. . . braka. Ho holds defendant's hiomesteati entry -
try tar cancellation. on the grQund that the
rahircati company hiati a prior right to the
land. i similar decision was rendered In the
case of the same COIUIJCUY against 5tUU5
W'Iese froiti the O'Neill district.
Miss Lute I. Gibron , assistant mfrroscop-
1st In the bureau of animal industry , s itti
tntinn at South Omaha. ha resigned.
John 1) . Ityann of Itockiand , S. D. , has
been appnIntd a railway tiiail clerk.
John T. 1alialieu of Kearney Is In the
city on his way to visit his parents In Mary-
land.The following postmasters were appointed
Neljraslca-1toCk Bluff , Cass county , Joseph
Sham , 'ico Fred Patterson Ilizabcth , Liii-
colii rounty , Edwin L. ( larrison , vice Martin
Vanl3rocklin halo , Madton county , Simeon
J. I1iiiisgan , vice Joseph C. Osh3rne. Iowa-
Garryowen , Jackeon county , Iavid ranovan ;
Itippoy , Greene county , Leintiel C.Vhite. .
Leave for three months is granted First
Lieutenant Oscar I. Straub , Fifth artillery.
Leave on account of sicliliess is granted 5cc-
enl ( Lieutenant Clarence I. Lang , Second
artillery. CaptaIn Aaron It. Appal , aoitstant
surgeon , is relieved from duty as attending
pliyecian in Chicago.
GOit I AN Ol1'OSlS NIS" W'A It. Sli II'S.
IOn t erM a DIM1114510h1 wi fli .Shieriiiiin
( Iti Iii''i'IilI ( ziiiI ICDIlOII.
VASIiNGTON , April 28.-The seato resumed -
sumed consideration of tiio naval appropria-
tlons hilt after amo routine business had
been disposed of today.
Mr. I3accrI , democrat of Georgia , reported
an important ncs' amendment from the coin-
mittee cli naval affairs. It rirovides as a
conditloit to the building of four battleships.
as lroviIed ( by the bill , that in case the see-
retary of the navy makes cparate contracts
for armor plato ho shall not accept bide cx.
ceectlng ; 330 per ton for SUCh armor , and in
caee the secretary cannot make contracts
rvltli' , ucIt liiiilts lie shall delay action and
report the facts to the next sos.iion of coil-
greS.Thoro was some diecuaslon among republicans -
licans about considering the free alcohol bill
reported last weele from the Ilnance committee -
tee by Senator Sherman , in charge of the
mealiure , but It decided not to interfere
wltit the consideration of tile naval appropriation -
priation bill.
. . . aincridnient agreed to
- * % _ Tii0 Chandler was
43 to 11. As adopted the prohibition against
retired naval officers serving naval contract.
ors goes into effect Juiio 10 , 1897. ThIs
brought the senate to the most important
feature of the bitt appropriatciig ( or four
battlcthilps to cost $1,750,000 each , three
thirty-knot torpedo hosts at $800,000 and ten
torpedo boats at $500,000. Mr. Gornian
IIIOVOII an amendment to fix time number of
battiechips at two Instead of four arid Mr.
Quay an amofllmflont ( fixing the nunmber of
battleships at six.
Mr. German then addresaod the senate In
support of his amendment. The whole cacti-
try , lie said. had been stirred Up by time
niesiagO of tb executive , and responsive to
ttmi9 the public amid thin prelvi had been In a
tnto of excitenient as to our relations to
other nations. When congress assembled It
wa , informed by the executIve that the
finances of Limo country were of time first mo
niemmt ; that time treasury demanded economy ,
or elSe the country would be confronted with
miercitrei taxation or ie of bonds. Ilut
Wheil time war e'caro took possssioa of us
morn vcsels were demanded , appropriations
greater than in war times were demaudeil ,
and tima sec'retary revised his recommimuenda-
tioms of tvo battleships by iiropossig froili
fOur to "ix battleships.
Mr. Gormuame spoke wIth amuck earnestness
and It was evident that a debate of morn
timnim passing imitereet hail opened. Time gal.
Jones mluickiy tilled. anti time rear and side
areas were crowded with representatives
wlmo c.imuo over frommi time liommse.
During Mr. Gornian's last statement Mr.
23tmermnan rose hautily for an Interruption.
. 'r aiim very glad the senator has confessed
time sin-thin great simm of the democratic
party , " saimi Mr. Shermncmn. "Time republican
lmoti $ of representatives has framed a bill
immereaslmig time reremmuos of time govoramnemit
5OOOOOOO , antI that bill was sent to time
seimatt. here It % vas defeateil by time votes
of time other silo of time cimamnber , so that time
emily measure offered to tlmis congress to raise
snore revenue was defeated by democratic
Votes. "
This procipitateil a question of who con-
. ( rolled time ento , Mr. Cormnan declaring re-
pmmtlicaml commtrol of time commmmittees settled
, Im Ilif. " \e wsrned you , " ho "I hat
ymm hd not th lti't tO rcllevu tIii 'Ofl
try , an1 asked yuI to join ti Ia a
tiL1mi Immeasurc of tmIlf. limit ' : ir etfcir was
rejecto'h Yum Immrw there culd be no ac
Lion , nod , in may judMmmlnt , thlt ; , Iopol
to rclIee the tream1ry ns Immtnded is a
fa llure. "
"I mimost tmnphmatlcslly deny that. " again
immterpoed Mr. tUmcrman , wimo further main-
tatneil that the revenue bill was imonpaltisan
In character and a roust measure , pure and
Mr. Gormimami reasserted that the republicans
vnre In control of the finance Commmnlttee , amid
responsIble for legislation.
" 110w do you mhe that OtIt ? " asbed senators -
ators Sherman amid Ilalo In chorus.
"Let u read tie list , " amisa ored Mr. Gor-
maim , and pick img UI ; fl congressioiial direct.
cry ho rQad : "MorrIll , Sherman , Jones of
? ovada
Several republican senators ivere on their
foot , but Mr. Gotmmmami yielded to Mr. Slier-
miman. who said : "It his 'eIt knowmm that that
senator has taken his petition with the third
"Yes. " said Mr. German , "but lie was put
oil the comimmmmlttet' as a republican. lie has
not a democratic hair In hIs head on tlnitnct' .
Ivery ? enmttor mmamimeml vns elected as a repub-
I can amid was placed on time emumIttee a a
republIcan , "
Aftet further parityimig Mr. Gnrman , cc-
sumiimg his speech , charged that the michemfto
was to provIde greater appropriations than
time revenues couiil mmieet mmii thus Prepare
the way for a higher tariff. The semiator
then argimeil tlmat our revenue mhlillCUitI'we're '
dime to time McKInley law anti extravagamit me-
lubiicamm , oxpemmilitmmres. The appropriations
In the river amid immirbor bIll , tIm mill Its do
fecti4 , lie regar4leII as munch niore Importamit
to the people than time approprtatiOmLM mm' time
navy. Ito emiilumsed S'cretary Carlisle a ac-
tiomm in umitmig time tiroceemle sold to mmii'et this
deficiency amid 'leciareil thmat It would hma'e
been crimmilmial "not to have done en.
1mm closIng his speech , the senator , with
great earcamimmi , referred to tIme secretary of
time navy and his ambthomi to build imp , mmian
mmii equip 'a miumicflmhimi navy. ' ' ito enmied with
all nImliemli to the semmate to limit expendItures
if tim revenues could not be increased.
Mr. Stewart followed wIth a financial
speech amid then , at 5:35 : p. iii. , time senate
atUourned , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IeIkIJoh mm's , t mmis'miil mmi.'imt tdoptril.
WAShINGTON , April 28.-Time Arkansas
conipromniso bill to settle time claims between
the gemierai goverminient and the state of
Arkamisac was finished today by the hmouse
commIttee oil imbhic lande. hiichi hued beemi
working emi it. The anmeimdmncnt tiroposeil by
Mr. Mollclejoimn of Nebraska to conuhrmn time
titles of settlers In tlio disputed swamp
landm was adopted.
html I.t.'dfmr IiimIt'zsII'iiI4'i * I.
28.-Robert Robinson , cashIer of the People's
and lrovcrs' bammk of this city prior to time re-
colvorimiiip last October , and Michael 11cr-
bert , toiler , have been indicted on ten commnts
for embezzlenielit , 'i'lme indictments cover
only $25000 , but the bank lost live or six
times that much. Other Iiidictmentu are cx-
vectOti. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nm'Tm Nfl t lommim I liii mm1 it t St. LotmiM.
. \S'ASIIINGTON. AprIl 28.-TIme comptroller
of time currency has authorized the orgamiIza-
Lion of tIme CommercIal National bank of St.
Louis ; capital , $1.500,000.
The perfume of vIolets , the purity of the
lily. the glow of time rose , and time flush of
hobo combIne Imi Pozzoni's wondrous Ijowder.
IIemmry hioliui'III lie i'rommilmtl3Pmmt
on 'VvInI Agmmiii.
The result of the bun trial was time general -
oral talk wherever people as'enibied yesterday -
day , and on every hmand there was general
surprkia expressed that an Intelligent and
conscIentIous juryman could listen to the tea.
tiniony and then vote for acquittal. Time sur-
price was greatest amcrig those who were
the most familiar wIth the detaIls of time
city treasury shortage and wIth the progress
of the trIal.
In talkIng over the ca3 one of time jurymen -
men was particularly severe in his criticism
of time action of Jmmrymna.i Gump , who voted
for acquittal frommi the atart , amid refused to
take any part In time deliberatIons on time
cace , except to state his mind was made up.
In talking about time case City Treastmrer
Edwards stated lie knew nothing about time
condItion of the boolts duriig floiiii's terimi ,
for they had not been turned over to lmimn.
"I did not hear the evidence , but I know
time mriicy is gone. "
Coumicilman ICennard prsiounced time ver-
diet aim outrage on the publid.
Comptroller \Veetberg preferred not to dIs-
elms ) the quostlorm. Was presoimt at the trIal
only a short timmmo , but ( rota what he hoard
could not account. for the failure to reach
a vertlict.
City Attorney Connell stated timat under
time evidence and the Instructions of time
court lie could tint see how time jury could
avoid a verdict of guilty. He was of time
opmion lbo failure to convict would not
operate to defeat time suit of time city against
Iloilmm amid hIs bondsmemi. lie is daily adding
to time evidence anl Ia now confldent time
city wIll present a case in whIch there Is
no loophole for chimer hahn or the bondim-
men to escape liability.
Coenty Attorney Jhaldrlge said ycztery
morning that lie would try time flol'n case
again durIng time next. torni of court , which
commences next Monday , but lie said that lie
bait not decided just when lie wotmid take
ill ) tlmo case. lie had felt , ho said , that time
jury could not do otherwise than convict
ammd had not amiticipated a second trial of
time case , therefore lie could not say just
when Ime would take it up for another trial.
but lie would certalmily do so duriig time next
IImlii'r mmmiii Clii Iii hurt.
GOTIIENIIIJIG { , Neb. , April 28.-Speciai ( , )
-Mrs. Iloao hathaway and her 7-year-old
girl were struck by a train yesterday while
crossing the Canal raIlroad brIdge and sarI-
ously injured. They will recover.
FitIL"IONT , Nob. , April 28.-Speciai.- ( )
An InqImeet was held today on time body of
Robert l'roteis of Ivan.stumi , Iii. , wimo was
killed while ridlmig mimi time trucks of a train
yesterday. A verdict of accIdental death was
rendered ,
.Tust mm Gum , . . ' for Clgnrs.
Time case agalmimmt It. L. Morris mend B , F.
Travis , colored men who were arrested a
fortmmlgimt ago ( or running a gamnbing hmoemse
mmear Tenth and Capitol avenue , was dis.
: mmlmesc'i In time Ilice court yesterday , as thd
evtdemmce Produced tended cc , show that time
card gamem playemI were of an lmmnooe'nt nature -
ture , amid that nothing moore actIons than
time exchange of cigars hiatt transpired.
1ToiLO Adopts the Measure Prepared by
Pickier's Committee ,
Iteittilmi ion flM mind l'oumIl Iuts Ummnmm-
Inmomi for Its I'mIsMnge mittil Mu
1)emmmmn'rntM Also ( it'e
I'iut'Ir Support.
\VASII1NGTON , April 2S.-TImo house to-
( lay passed the Pickier general imenslomi bill
by a vote of 187 to 51. Time republicans amid
popimhists voted sollhly ( in favor of time fleas-
tire , and the democrats , with six exceptions ,
solihiy against it. The miection to wimichi time
bimik of time opposition was directed rovldes
that veterans otherwise CfltItlCl tO pensions
shall not be mhisqtmaiifiotl on account of prior
service in time confederate armmmy , vrovidod
they joIned the minion forces ninety ( lays
bforo Lee's surrender , Time bankrtmptcy bill
was taken up tinder a special ermler , providIng -
Ing for a vote Saturday at 4 p. in.
t'mmler ( time special order adopted yester.
day time vote on the imassago of time PickIer
lull s as takomi in time imommmm today , liii-
mediately after the reamhimig of time journal.
TIm bill wits passed-187 to 54.
'l'ime rapublica mis antI popuhists voted solidly
for time tmieasmmre , and time ( lemnocrats. witim
mmix exceptIons , voted against It. TIme six
domnocrats were : F'Itzgcralml of Mama-
ciitmsctte. Sorg of Ohio , Cimimimimigs of New
Ynrk'alshm of New York , Downing of
IllInois amiml Layton of Ohio.
There was great Pressure for imnanimnomma
conscmmt legislation after time announcement
of time vote , amid quIte a nummler of mimmor
bills were I)3Ueil before time regular order
was ulemimamimleil , ammiong' them time bill to cc-
stcro time lands embraced In the Fort hewie
umilitary reservation , Colorado , to time ltlblic
(1001am. At I :30 : p. mu , M. Maimany , repub-
hlcamu of New York , created mi thirty by ask-
Imig for the immediate consideration of time
following resolution :
Reoivcd , fly tIme house of represemita-
tlveim , that. whereas , time cnblo report aim-
flounces that .Tolmmi Ilnys Ilamnmonu , oilier-
wise ( ICR'rllmeI ( as Fugemic Xliumntnoimml , an
Amnerlean citizen , has heemi condemned to
demutim for tre'itsomi , 1mm time Transvnnl , time
'ecretiury of stat' take lmmnediutn action to
ifegmmard time Inmerests of said llamnnmomul ,
mtmmml exert time frieimdiv ofilces Of the depart-
imiCilt III hum ; ieimmulf , if thm secretary of state
Iii imi Julglnemmt deems stiii interposition
Mr. Bartlett asked It the resolution imad
bcemm consIdered by tIme foreign affairs corn-
Mr. Maliany explained the urgency of the
case. It was a matter of life amid death ,
Hammond miglmt be executed tinder time semi-
tcm'ce at ammy tulle , and any delay might be
"Is not time secretary of state competent
to ( leal vIthm the questiomi ? " asked Mr. Dart-
"Certainly , " replied Mr. Mahmany , "bumt the
case mIght escape lmls attention. WIth tIme
Imouso of repretentatives behind ImIm lie can
1mmcccod vigorously. I desire to say in this
cormectIon , " lie adlod. ' 'that time whole power
of English dIplomacy is being employed to
rafeguard the interests cit time subjects of
the queen , whmo are beimig tried at I'retorla.
Scnme one will ho mnailo time scapegoat of this
affair. I do iio lmroPose to attempt to shield
any Americami from time just commsequences
of his act , hmimt I am determined that an
Amnerican shall not be made thm scapegoat. "
'Aro you a member of limo foreigmm affairs
canumnittee ? " asked Mr. Bartlett.
"I aiim not , but I am a mmmember of this
house aiitl hiavo a rIght to seek time protec-
lion of an Armiemican citizen anywhere on
the globe. " ( Applause. )
" 1 desIre to say , " interrupted Mr. 11111 at
this point , "that some time ago at time request -
quest of smne of my comistituent I wrote
tile secretary of state regarding tlml case
anti received time u.ouai American reply o
time effect that tIme interests of American ciii-
zens in the Transvaal were beIng guarded
by tim0 EnglIsh governnmoit. I timinic It high
time , " lie continued emphatically , "that time
American goverimmncnt protect time interests
of Its own citizens. " ( Prolonged applause. )
Mr. McCreary , ex-cimalrimman of time foreign
affairs conimittoc , thought time State depart.
meat woulmi take suclm steps as were uleces-
sary for time protection of American inter-
eats withoimt immetructions from time hiotmse ,
If congressional action were necessary tue
foreign affairs commIttee , he thought , could
be relied mmpomi to promrmptiy report time fiat-
ter to time house. He thereforeobjected ,
Mr. Malmany ( hlsciainmed any purpose of re-
fleeting on time State departmemmt and imp-
pealed to Mr. hut , chairnman of the foreign
affahre committee , who had just entereil the
lmahl , to give liii , op.iion on time subject ; but
time objection of Mr. McCreary provemmtefi fur.
thor discussion ,
Time resolution was then at Mr. Mahany's
request referred to time foreign affairs corn-
Time bill to authorize the president to retire -
tire .Toimn rut. Quackenbush no a commander
of time navy was passed by a vote of 161 to
Mr. Henderson , republican of Iowa , then ,
from time comnrnittee on rules , reported a
spec'al order , whIch was adopted , regarding
consideration of time bankruptcy bill , debate
to m-iiim until 1 o'clock Satmmrday , when a finni
vote shall be takeim. Time imous accordIngly
ivent into commIttee of time wimohe and entered -
tered upon time consideration ot time bill , It
was arramigemi timiut Mr. ilemmderson should
coetrol time time iii favor of time bill , Mr.
Bailey , democrat of Texas , who favors a
volmmmmtary bankruptcy bill , one-fourth , and
Mr. Broderick , republIcan of Kansas , whmo
opposes time enactment of any law on time
eubject , the remaining one-fourth ,
Mr. Ifonilersoim took the floor and aubmlttemi
an extenmied argummiommt In favor of time biil
as reported by time judiciary commIttee. Time
1)111 before the lmouse , Imo said , imami for its
basis time Torrey bill , which hail been urgemi
upon cotmgrcss cnsuccesefully for a number
of years. It had been stripped of tIme harsh
featmmres criticised In former bills amid could
not ho objected to by an homiest debtor ,
At 5:10 : p. m. , upon the conclusIon of Mr.
1Ienm1eron's speech , the imouso adjourned.
Oppose t litm _ Clgnret to 11111.
WASHINGTON , April 28.-Time house corn-
mittoc on judIciary today decided to report
adversely the Terry cgaretto ! bill , which
would imavo subjected cIgarettes transported
lmmto a state to the laws In force theren , and
waived the oxemmiption applying to origimmai
, 'I'I '
% lEli ' ( ) $ ( ' , ) , iI'M.
Snits AgmtIflt ( tsiuutIfhlelnlq 'iii ,
11mm t m' Ut 'itmemie-si ( ) er Fees ,
At an ailjotmrnetl vemekftmg of thmt' Hoard of
County Comrnls.iiommnrs to be imeld this
mornIng a contract % vh bp choseti whim A. N.
Fcrgtin , aim ex-jtmde the district court
of timi c'imrmty : , to at pnctuecnimcnee lmroceed.
Imigs against tlms boplsmon ; of e'tmcim county
oUlclal as have fathhd , ifeglocted or rafuiml
to Prorirly tmcccmtmnt lii thm"eotmnty for time fc'ea
collected by autch otJlonis ! dmmrimmg time tiumic
they imehd oflice. ThI ivli Include es-Sheriffs
Coinmrmi. Der.tmett . lloyd anl irexel , ex-Coimnty
Judge Ehler atimi ox-teOhier of Deeda Me.
geatim. I' I
The suits will be 4Joumg the simo hue as
tIme suIt brought against cs-County Treapumrer
Adam Snyder's bc'dsmmmen , Iii whIch the
count- recovered a jmmdgmmment anmoummtlumg to
over $8,000. This latter stilt was tried he-
fore Judge Fergmmson , who is , therefore , well
posteml on the general run of tIme cases.
Menmbers of time' hoard of County Commmiis.
tmioflers simy time cases ivill b inmshmed vigor-
otmly iii ] the ( imieStiOmi of what fees belong
to the county vihi be settled for ommco amid all.
'l'lmere was gemeral rejoIcIng among the
coimmimiise.lomm nmen mind shippers at time stock
yards yesterday ever time fact that the railroads -
roads imai ( taken oft time obmmoxious termimimmal
charge. DurIng the foumr mouths that time
roatlit mnamie this charge thoumsands of dollars'
worth of stock was diverted from this nmar-
ket , but the result Is the iniportamit feature
amid this camummot tail of bcimmg bemmefleicl to
every one Intererted.
ThIs mnovemmmmmnt also mmiearws rnumcim iii time
policy of time stock yarmis mind that of the
lItmus emitmbilshcd here. For four immnumtims ,
imandlcappcd by this charge , ami aggressive
Imolicy in CoimmlmCtltI'e terrItory was alumost a
practical lummposslbihity , muot becaumso of the
ulimmount so mmmcli as because shippers generally
considered It unjust. Now with this cc-
mmmoved it places thIs mmmarket on an equmsl foot-
lug with nil surrounmilng polmmts. flumsimiosme
men have taken heart again and will push
their traveling solicItors limb comimpetltivo
coummtry and have hopes of doing much for
South Ommiaha ,
( .o'ut of time Street Signs.
Cotmnclhnmami Schultz has been niaking InquirIes -
quirIes regarding the coat at the street signs
It is proposed to have vlaced at intorsectiomma.
Thusro are In time cIty' seven imundred inter-
scctlcn ! , btmt it Is belIeved that It wIll only be
necessary to place five hundred sIgns at this
time. The signs are to be four inches wide
mmmiii eighteen Inches long and will be painted
ivhlte with time annie of the street In black.
Eacim sign will cost twelve cents. Where
there i no buildIng at time Intersection upon
which to imlace the sign a post will be
erected and this will bring time cost of such
signs UI ) to 30 cents.
Ordi ummimiec Covers the Cnne.
Mayor Ermsor has suggested. that the omco
of city bill poster be created. By doIng this
ito thought that the city might derive a roy-
emmud of perimaps a. couple of hundred dollars
a year from time postiumg of bills. A. city
ordInance was passed in October 1894 , which
covers the ground suggested by the mayor.
It in-andes timati all porsoas not residents of
South Omaha wimo deslro to post bills on
loards and tlead walls inside of time city
limits must pay $15 tom' rlicense wlmioh will
be gooui for a year. For failIng to procure
such lIcense a fln . of pot. less than $15
anti not more luau $50 nlay be lmmmposed by
tlmo police judge. This .ordlnanco will be
onrced from. thIs time oil.
Cii I ttctitIeii.S1i LeidH.
Yesterday afternoom Chiuries T. Ohlttenden
and Miss Orietta 'B. Shlcld were marrIed at
the imonme ot the bridp's parents , 2811 South
Nineteomith street , Omaha , by Rev. J. M.
Wilson , pastor of the Castellar Street I'res-
bytorlan churcim. None but near relatives
of the contractIng parties were prpsent ,
Mr. Chittemidep I icqad Ipspemtor at the
Ummiorm stock yards , a. positton wimIth , lie mas
filled for a number of years , Ho is the
eldest somm of Fred Chittemmden , a lironmimment
commission mmmcmi at time Exchange. The
bride Is the youngest ( laughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. ShIelds. Mr. Shields is one of
tIme best knoim mm amid highly esteemed btmsi-
nema men at time stock yards.
Mr. and Mrs. Cimittendemu left last evening
for Denver ammdm other Coiorado points where
the honeymoon will be spent.
ilimglc City ( osii.
S. W. Boyd of Modaic , Ia. , is In the cIty
on business.
I. , . M. Groves was yesterday fined $15 for
asaultimig John Duluslcy.
An ciectrlc street IIglmt was placed at the
vest end of time L street vIaduct yesterday.
Jaumies Orimmaby of Ileatrico is vieting hIs
brother E , C. Orimmsby , Thirty-second and Q
A. 0. U. W. hail at Twenty-sixth and N
streets is undergoIng a general repairing and
The Ideal climb wIll give its met dance of
thmo season at Mameonio ball , Pwemmty.flfth and
N streets , this evening.
This afternoon the KIng's Daugimters will
give a tea at thh home of Mrs.V. . S. ICing ,
Tuventy-fourtim and 0 streets.
Stepimen. Capon , the young man who was
killed by an englno In the yards Monday , was
buried yesterday aftermmoom at Laurel 11111
cemmmeter3' .
There Is conic talk of arrangIng for a
Fourth of July celebration and time bushimess
men Interested have heen asked to meet
Timuraday evening at time oihlce of L. C. Gib-
soim Oii N street to talk time matter over.
A colored faintly living on Twenty-fourtim
street imear K are time owners of a large
yellow dog. Yesterday aftermmoon time ani-
mmiai rushed out of time yard at J , Q. Jacobson ,
who was passimmg , amid tore hIs umbrehia to
pieces , Time 1)011cc ) were mmotiflcd and the
anlimmal will be eliot ,
It was annoumnceJ by time two Ice companies
doimmg bmmslness iii limo city that limo lwico to
PrIvate consummmers would not be raised above
50 cents per hundred and It. lies not so far ,
While time comimpaniemi arc keeping theIr word
in timis roWed limo consumers complaIn of
tlmo quality of Ice. Omme firm Is delivering
Ice whIch iii three' ' years old.
Time resIdence portion of time city is full of
trammmps ogatmi axmd frequemithy imnJf a dozen will
cuIl at one house in time course of a day and
bog for aonmethmlumg to eat. Many of these
trammmps are never seen by a pohicenman because -
cause they walk UI ) front time raIlroad yards
direct to the resimlemico portIon anti avoid time
down town streets. Wheum they are locked
up for vagrancy time polIce judge generally
prescribes a dose of bread amid water in order
to warn the fraternity steer clear of South
Onmahma. . . ' ' , ' . .
Judge Jcnkin3 Affixes His Name , but Holds
a Large String ,
( 'otmrt VItiiImnhuhs thin htigiit to Imikp
l.'iirt huet' tluull ilcmtt luimis In t lm
'I''rumis ituiul ( uumiuhitloiis-
SIt , iit' 'l'lnme' ,
Mili\VAtJiCEi , AprIl 28.-Time decree
ordering time sale. of the Nottimerrt l'aeifle
railway and all of time properties of time comim-
pany , includIng stocks , bonds and lands , was
signed by Jmmdgo Jommkins in time United
States court timie mornIng. Time decree ,
however , Is by mio mmleammu , final and has a very
large string attachemi , wlmicim gIves. time court
thmo rIght to immake any niothlfleatiens lie mimay
set ? fit , both as to tIme terimms itnul condhtons of
the sale arid as to lImo dlstrhbmutioum. Time
reservation of time court gives time creditors
of time Nortimermm Pacific commmammy omitmilmhe of
time bondlmoldcrs , both In amid otmt of time cc-
orgammization agreemmlemmt , Limo righmt to comno
Into court at ammy timimo ammul apply for relict ,
which tIme court reserves tIme right to grmtmmt ,
especially reserving jimrisdictIon for timls Pmmr.
Judge JenkIns also shgmmed a sUpiihemmmentai
decree , whIch orders tlmo sale of lammds west
of time Mismeauri river and which are lucid to
ho smmhject to it lien of time Preferred stock-
Imolders. Time lammui is to ho old iii parcels
Iii Nortim Dakota , Montamma , Idimimo amid Wash-
Altimotmgh limo imroposeul decree was stub-
multteii br thmo ecommd tlmmme to a rigid cx-
cmmmlmmation by time court yesterday , ammml mmmcmi ) '
chammges made , macre chmmmmmges were immade by
time court In chambers thml nmornlmmg. TIme
greatest change , imowover , was timat mimetic
late yesterday afternoon , by whmicim time
court mmmmikes so mmmany remuemvatiomme timat It
Is whohiy whtimlmi its power to Immiposa now
conthitloims ammd termims timreimgimout.
Time total immmhebtemlness frommm the ismsumande
of hands alone by tIme commmimany is foummd by
time decree to ho $152,33C,155.13. Timis , however -
ever , dnes mint Inclumde time Issuance of re-
celvers' certificates , time collateral trust 1mm.
demmture bands anmoummtlng to more than
$15,000,000 , nhmil limo back immterest on bonds
amimountlng to $14,501,500 , which inclmmmies the
general first mortgage bommtls anl timtmso
Isammed ummder time mmmortgages on tIme MIasaula
cmiii the I'ommii du Orehhio divisions. In addl-
tion to this there is a large anmoumut to
whmlcim referemmce is made , but no specific fig-
urea are presemmtcd ,
Time sale is to take place from time pas-
snger depot of thmo Northern Pacific rail-
Wa ) . inVest Superior , \VIe. . wIthIn sixty
days , unless Judge Jenklon sees fit to Inter-
fern In time meammtlnme.
Special Master Cary Is to sell limo road in
three parcels , covered by the gemmoral eec-
with , Limo general third and time coimsoIIdaem.l
mortgages. Time gercrai second mmmortgago
is adjudged to be a lien on the entire railroad -
road hroperty of the Mimmnesota lIne , mind subject -
ject to time general first nmortgage aimml time
Mlssoumla amid Pond du Oreihlo division
mortgage. Time general timird mortgage
covers time property- not covered by time general -
eral second , and time commsohiclatotl nmortgage
Is secured mainly by stocks and bonds.
For thmo first parcel , the bid nmust not be
less than $10,000,000 , for time second not
less than $2,000,000 , amid tom' the third parcel
riot less timaim $300,000. Time inflator must
exact a deposit from all bidders , and he I. ,
to deposit all mmmoneys and securities ro-
calved ly hmtmmm 1mm tIme First Natlommai bank
of this city.
Time expenses of the sale and of time tore-
clomiure proceedings arc first to be paid from
time proceeds of the sale of the first parcel.
The balance Is to tie applied to tIme gemmeral
eacond mortgage after time satistactioum of the
prior liens , amid if there Is anything left it
will apply to the gcimerai thIrd nmortgoge
The court reserves time right to set tue
sale aside , and it it Is so ordered any nmoneys
received from time successful bidder Is to be
returmmeml. A sPecIal provIsion is inserted
giving time Farmers' Loaum and Trmmst coimmpammy
time right to hid If It desIres. This leads to
the belief that the trust company will be
the purchaser ,
Ex.Senator Spooner moved for aim order
dischargIng this old receivers , Messrs. Payne ,
Cakes and ROUSO , from flablllty on the bommd
and askuig that their accommimte lie approved
and their compensation fixed. He called at-
termtion to the fact that they had collected
nmore tlumn $61,000,000. Timey bad drawn
nioney on account each mnonthm and that was
all they immuil received. Mr. Turner of time
Farmmmcrmi' Loan & Trust company said he
had no objection. Colonel Pettlt also had no
objectIon , only he wanted a specIal order of
limo court to confirm time sale of lands made
by time receivers and located In Mm-
neaota. The receivers were afraid they
might be imeld hello , as there was sesmme
doubt as to whether they had time authority
to sell the land , They were , therefore , in
protection to themselves , wIthholdIng $300,000
and time Nortimormm Pacific conmpany dId not
want to turn over thm deeds until It had
received tIme money. Judge Jenkimms signed
thme special order and took the matter of
commipensatiomi under commsldoratiomm ,
Timere wa-s a general rejoIcing when the
court eigned the decree , mind lust as soon as
copies can be made time lawyers will leave
for time ivcst to 010 cOiies vltim all the courts
aon time line.
Curnisit hiIen Ills it'iorf ,
Maater.ln-Cimancery Corrmlsh of the Ummlomm
Pacific systemmu returned yesterday nmormmhumg.
lie lies filed imh report in time question of die-
Iluted jmaymnent for forty locomnot1vc purchased -
chased irm 1891 from the Itlmoio Island LocomotIve -
motIve works , l'rovldenco , it. I. Thirty-
sevemi of time engInes wemmt to time IJmmlon I'a-
chic ammd three to coo of the lines that lies
CiiiC gone out of time systeni. Time report
orders time Union I'aclfic receIvers to pay the
bill , arnourmtiimg to sonmetiiing over $200,000.
Judge Corolehi saId that ito imad just ilo.lrd
that imis daughter , virn was recently Injured
wimlie Imorsobacle rIding Iii Honolulu , was
mmmuchm Improved.
Itecuril liremuker Tunleey ,
Emmglnaer Wihilam Tunkey of the Lake
Shmcro & MIchigan Southern road , who made
time fast run last October , has been preaemmtemi
with a gold watch by time Brooks Locommmo-
lIve works. The outside of time case has
upon It a flume hmanml emmgravlng of time "floe-
= - .
- - - - . - -
I 7) ) I
_ _ _ _
% ,
, \ n : ; : : I
, ,
' '
( 3' '
/ k
jr4 I ,
fr' ;
I _ _ I ( \ : '
, \tl'I I
I mm , "Big as a Barn Door"
For 5 cents you get aost as
much " Battle Ax " as you do of
I other high grade goods for i 0 cents.
Before the days of " Battle AxtS I
consumers paid 10 cents for same
quality. Nowfr "Battle Ax"-
I Highest Grade , 5 cents. That's
true economy.
Lt I
- - - - - - - 0 - - - - -
_ .p _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _
LADIES , . E , TS , , ,
,1iofrein.mieiuiuuutumprurnt'o Ito
, , , .
with ear mo't inuiii'od. , , , tnit they . don't doicrk- . , , , , ,
Do not trifle . ttoped 15t1 Lot , Chnhom , CMuuie1 .irowarr.ntei . . . ud cii
WI mnentru'ution. ( box Tuiklim but ruuuY ouid am aim ; so money . rturiueI . foreveryeus..mLioeu , , , . . .otcUmmsIii .
Sr , , '
or iOMC iIruin '
TI ' ' . , 1'wt'r. i.o't . man.
iil m'cnnYroram oniy I'ilisurot my mu tmI' tiiu luoo4 . ' .iaiut , EnuLionu , , , , , mm.'mjrmlue- .
Il ( ti .0 ( ) rmran . ' 'aieeI . , by ymmhfuI erroti. ( livEs t
iSt. 11 , _ Omaiu _ _ ' 'tel . ' fly ndiI _ yumcw muomj t8rl.l _ , ( i.t _ $ irionmy _ by ILimiN's _ l'imAnsAcv ,
ord Breaker No. 564 , " amid on tIme insIde is
ommgrav&l limo following : "Presented by Limo
lircoks Loc'nniotive Works to W'llhiamim Ttmn-
key , who broke all pmevlomms speed records
October 24 , 1893 , with Brooks temi-whicel en-
glue No. 564. betweemm Erie amid Ihumifalo.
Average speed. 72.92 immiles an hour. MaxI-
nmmimn speed , 92.3 immihos an hour. "
lhnllrozud tllIi'imuis ( 1st' . % Msumrnmm'M.
Time ordimianco by whichm time Burhimmgton amli
time Ummion Pacific railroad coimmpammlos were
ordered to replace the wooden bridge on
which their tracks cross Soumtim Fourteenth
street , 'Itim an Iron structmmre , lies ieemm team-
porarlly Placed on hue by time Board of Public
Works. ThIs action was takemm on time
strength of aim assmirance from oiflcial sources
that botiu companies expected to construct
the Iron bridge ss requIred as soomm as time
Union I'aciflc could make time necessary or-
rangenlent with the United States court for
the expoufilture of the money ,
Neyt' Ito ti Comleimmphzute,1.
It Is reported from St. Louis that wIthIn
a few days work will be commenced on anew
now railroad from St. Louis to De Moines ,
Ia. It will be a bolt line , amid will conmmect
wltim time Atchison , Topeka & Sammta Fe at
flock Island , III. Time new' road will carry
fmeight to St. Louis which is now shipped
east. The ( oliowimmg oiiicers have beemi
elected : Presldemmt , Colonel J , F , I'lImer of
St. Louis : vice prealdemmt , M. fi , Atchison
of St. Lotus , aimd secretary , Dr. hail of
i'erry. It Is said that $1,000,000 immms iii-
ready beemi subscribed to time mmew Imroiect.
Ihittil itmtdM 'uvill % 'muil ,
At time conference of railway mcmi at. time
1ikluorn imeadquarmers Itlommday aftermmocun
it was decIded that the UnIon Pacific mind
tIme Eilciiormm roads would qmmietly acqmmleecc
to time ermier reccimtly isammel by time State
Board ot Tranmmimortation , orderhmmg a rehearing -
ing of the Lincoln freight raiD controversy
on May 8. NeIther road will attemmmpt to put
its new m-cimemlumle Into effect before timat
date , but both will await the result of thmo
miest hmearlmmg , coimtiuleumt that they cammnot be
legally restrained froimi putting time new tar-
Uris into effect.
.Tzuluumit'se htzsilrmmiul 0111'Iii Is.
General Tralfle Manager Tare Amlacimi , Su-
hierlntendeimt T. ihiracea mmmiii Chief Emmglneer
S. Mimura of limo Nippon Tetsucho lCwmmiaha ,
time lmnporIah Japan RaIlway comumpany , ar-
rlveul in Seattle a week ago from thmeir native -
tivo laud , on a tour round time worhmi to
see wimat they can leant that will be of use
to timenm 1mm advancIng limo science of rail-
readIng in Japan , They are a hiart of a commm-
I - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PICTURES _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 1 .rl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 $
U'iIIl S'l'.tM ) WI1
lit thmult It lIltYS to imumilt prices so
I his t t'OIiI i > ( 't I I 1(111 Is I hl1ltmSl ) iiht'-mi miul I'or
just oie ( iii ) ' w' ' will s'hl t'o gomuul 1te )
1-ulhor ) ) t'mihhli4 ) fol' fiC-Om' n goomi Ihie nh- )
her t'oitl ( On 1Oc-tlm 25u' idinul tot' 15i- ,
otimutuiti' fliul 'hmlku ut'hluloiul ( tuItlm4-tltO )
delimit' COI'ttoe io ) eflt'lI-thht'lI W'te PUt
Ill ) ) ' ( ' ' ) immuis ri glut --lIt ) 41 I ITei't'mit'ti
, " , s'himi t t lot' tot' s'i tt Os t lIt'hil'c'i I Ii II t hhI'Imh
. -UIld mit tile lo't'itt lmh'lC'S In tovmi , S'c tile best soultu s'uiter ill Oituahimt ,
Kuhn's Drug Store ,
: ' Doizglns
. ;
M.tlCiS : , Uml(1l'M ( OF 'I'hIllsl. . _
'i'limtt's viimtt OlIn rutnIgu'miutoi- s'itll
t ho ' 'I'o ihut'll'-t ii t'y Ca It i'oiulji utu-tl Is.
ti'htt thitihhsm'l''s-mctLhI uhlOulL'y-IuI.mtl'nuICt ! )
t'OUIOlIS-I'fllMlL ) lti'h't' $ mill tilt' ) ' ( hIre-
. ( J've got tluc nt'trlgeratoi' that gets the
bt'st 01' thH'Ill-tthI3' w'miy they ( 'mlii lix It-
tIu4'8 It tmli'tl ] h'i45 ite tlhmin lilly e't't'
' ' Is cohd-"Slberln"
iIhtttlti'-ht'm4 Vel'y 11111110 -
-amid 'o ilmuVi' tilt'III foi' IiOt ) 111111
lmlgltt'r , 1'mtldtu LI t'mti' tuiid smtvo mu uloiiur
01' two.
John Hussie Hdwr Co
Consider our prices-
flow lIttle they are.
I ,
' ,
. Si :
'l'hoy llst'ml nit axe to extract tt'etll-Lt
little litter they % umft'd gmmS-vn use ilt'ltllt'i'
0110-1)111 l' n imii'thiotl fit' our OVIi ' ( )
t'xti'mtc't t't'thi W'IthIOllt t ItO slightest PaIlu
to tlhtu Pmttieut-ve tie 51) ) t'I'mmth' vortii ot'
\ ' ( ) fI't'e tot' any ommut vlmo himimu 11(11 liiiui
aiiy s'onid tloiiu 'ItiI tIm4-lm'lhii4O ) ( : V'tt'i'0
t'OmIilulellt at your fIhtIIh'O ) mutroilmugoVm'O
tin ( 'Iovll miiid bridge voIld niiul 1111
kihiuls at ( lm'Iltfll vnrld in thIn 1110sf l-
ii'OVC'tl imroteselouual uummuullhon-nelmht'hhllt'l' ) .
Dr. Dean , Dentist ,
N. V. ( 'amer 400
' iltim amid Dodge 410McCague Bldg
I I ) ) 1'Lu
. . .
. ( 4
; ' ,
m )
, _ i _ _ , , .1
. \ _
' ,1'l'
Ihtftl' US A
Or tt'k'plmouiu tms-It'mu Imi the hmook-s'e'hl
seimul a hUilIl-mt gmoml omit'--ouht to 3'otII'
Iloilse to IIlt'ilillU S'OIII' viiiiltVi4 ( Ci'
tiiatlc'ut 01' I'IIl'tuiilhm4-OI' ytmIhi' 11001'S ( or
I lilt I 1 I ii g' . 4'mu'ifl't i4-Oll ( :101 : hi 0 r 1 I floluui ill-
011th sli'iuhding 01' llJiuICUilI-lhiS't : yomi $ t'Uhh
titta4e leimultIt'ull ) iIm'S' lmntt'rlm-ve Jllm4t
got lIt-six to twelve ( pet wldo-t'ovt'rs
mm 101)111 svI t 11011 t ii. m4'mt iIl-t I It' liii II list ) illt'u4t
timliii. lii ii lditL'htehm 3'Oih t'VtiL' 5it'
ultu'a's , cht'auidee 1111(1 ( LunilIt.
Omaha Carpet Co.
Oumly xeiusive 1515
Carpet ilousc- here , Dodge
. . ; t' : 'uu
. :
' , ) ) ) )
"A iIFLi hl'I'I FhlI I' . % lit"-
'I'ilIIt'H s'iimitVfl saitl-3'Ohh ought to
limlm'ii imemut'il vliuit the JA 1)1 J'S mimilul-
II bun t t ImmI t hiO % ' tlt'i'lm-iIml rId -nI ci u
I I I I a l'OOhI-OX l'onil-t hut's ' ' 'I'nh ii uy 'J'lt'ul. ' '
I I I is t himu hhIOit t IPret'tiY ) imit ii uloi ii mi $1100
I ( 'mii'I'll t loll t'vt'i' I u rotughi t. oU t-jut t lull
I I I'll I I 11)1' 1 ml ii 1111111 II hi it ttt ( 'X I u'mt IIhhy (
I mOhi i it'd-mt hI ii ( or I Ii I ii semi so IIit t ii'iu 14 t
T 'tt hElm thitm solo ) $ ' $ $ 01' tltls lmumIu :
, --yilI'hi ( thimlh'e'ImittL ) thiu'mn vh1ehl yell $ eu
tlteImI ,
Drexel Shoe Co.
Hond for our Illus1419 Fnriiain
I ( rated catalogue.
t ,
I 4/f
, &
IS I'I' Clii' OF' ' 1'ItNI1
'J'iii'ii 'tt ( 'mill tunIc It-V4) tlon't euid
on I' tu iI'i'it suit Iu ii ii t I ng tul hI iiig-l > t't'mt ilMC
I lht'y hias'mu mt 1)011 ) 1 nil t lie t II hi I mug t I I t'3' ( : t Ii
iii , ' ' It ' 'm'muI1l ' '
, ) - ) ) 'Oll 3'OIlh'
I ) mt Ii tm lii lieu -yoiu'l I I see nun of on i t II ll'l'H
' ' ' time ' thhllo -tO--thhl'Y
I'igh I mtw'm3'-muhltI ) - ( ) - -
lCIU\ ) ' Iht ) % ' tO tllllt'-W'O glhitl'itihtl'lt Cult'
t Ii Itt'h'S to t II hilt mIght a iid to ut ( ' ( or lt'ss
llI1'L' ) $ tinun ymIl ( mhII gu't tihllhilg duiiu 1)3' )
I I'll I Ii l t II II i'l'i3. 'i'hi it IC I i 111)11 II I s t he % Vett I-
( 'mit tUll'd PlmlhiO lhlmUl ,
A. Jr.
. Hospe. .
.UIIMIC tutu Art. 1513 Douglas
pammy of eighteen experts of variouma kinds
ivhiu started together frommm Japan aim immm cx-
hmericnce tm lp to time cIvilIzed couimtries of time
earth , _ _ _ _ _ _
% ( ) 'l'm'uulhi I , , tim. ' htumi.i' .
Freight Traihic Manager Mummroe of time
Ummomm Pacific , sulmo has been active Iii preimar-
big the now freight scimemhmmio of time recemmtly
orgaumized Tranecoumtiimentah Freight nsocla-
tiomi , said yesterday mmiormmimig that there was mme
trutim in time rmumnori , timat thm association was
in danger of dieruption. lie said that time
work of gettIng out time mmciv rate , ' , itas so
great timat It was fommmiul immipossible to imavo
thiorim effective before Jumme 1 , amid him coum-
sideremi ovrm timat aim early date to imiuko time
change. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( , uvl'rm.s (2uIrmiulo Itmi I out ,
Time Colorado-Utah Passoiger association
was rcceuithy orga.mized at 1)emiver , Time ar-
tides were elgimed by time Thu C.randoVest -
orim , Union i'aclfic , Colorado Midland and
Denver & RIo Graimmie. Time new aissoclatiomm
will govern mmli paseamuger rates betweeim
Colorado aiml Utah holntmu ) , amid i designed to
cimmailzo all huasacriger tarIffs amid stop aumy
ctmttiimg of rates. It becoimmes effective 0mm
May 1. _ _ _ _ _ _
11mm ii mymmy Nutu's it tuti I''rs.umuuu Is.
Time Nortimirestern otilco Is belmmg timurommghmly
renovated anti lmmmproveii.
Ilurtomm it. ilrancim , travelIng passemmger
agent for limo firma lines , Is tim time city.
General Solhm'ltcr Kelly of time Uimion Pa-
ciflc returmmed frommi St. i'amml yesterday mmmdcii-
I mm g.
A. B. Bridges , divieloim freight ammml Imas-
mueiiger agemmt of limo Milwaukee road at Mar-
shmahltowxm , Ia. , Is in time city ,
J. 0. Clliformi , freight umuimhltnr of time North-
vemttermm syet'mm1 , acccmimmpmmnietl by Mrs. Clifford -
ford , Is In time city frommm Chicago.
Traveling Pasamumger Agemmt Cummmley of thm
Denver & Itlo Grnndtu Is in towmu agaimm after
a fort ii lgimt's I 11mm e's i t im immmemmnmom : ha.
Time rate clerks of time trmmmmsnmlsoumrl ter.
rltory wihi mmmec't in St. Lotus on Mommulay , May
1 amid coumtlnmmo Iii sessIon three days , West-
baumid trammsmmmlssommrI rates amid time Nehmraska
rate sheet wIll engage their attention.
Cimlef Clerk C. F' , Itt'mldhimgton of time general -
eral mumaommger's office , filkhormu imeadquiarters ,
bias rotmmrumei frommi a brief recess shmemmt iii
limo Black 1111Pm. Ills health Is mmuumclm hot.
Icr than whom lie left here a few weeks ago.
it I torzmi'y , lzu limes iii ihi'r 5)1 slum rreuh.
Au ormier of time commit luau been tiled whmlab
( hiabars Attormuny Jamimems M , Mihlor , who was
triemi on evidence miubnuitted to Juilgo Fats' .
cett imy attorimeymi appoiimteul imy time liar ease-
elation of this coummty for that iumrlmso. Time
ovldemmco msubmmmltted umimowetl that Miller imaul ,
wiiilo acting as attorney for varjouimu parties
auth firma , retimined money collected by imiimm
on accommmmts turimeul over to imiumi iy hits cli-
emits , There was also teatimmiemmy to show that
lie hmmmml forgot an alflmhavt lit a cmmso Irlemi hum
Cherry county. The oIlier cioveim counts , emu
wim I cit eviuhomi it lied imeemi mrepa red , woto
rimieii out by Juidge Fawcett omm time groummul
timat it ssas i.mmmumecessary tim take up ammy mmmoru
time , the evitieimco imireamiy suiimnltteul hmehmmg
mlc'cixmed amumple to svarrunt a uliahiarrmment ,
1l rut , Situ hmorougii Flies her A mmsmv-r.
Mrs. threes Sudhoromigim flied imer aimswer
yesterday iii the injunction case brought
mugalmist time Iloard of Education by
Fred B. Lowe , a immember of limo
board , to compel limo closmmg ! of
limo teachers' tratimirmg tchmool , which case
Wa. reopened a few miayut ago imy Judge Key-
ser In artier to allow Mr3. Sudhorougim to iii-
torveno. In Imer answer Mrs. Sumlhorougiu recites -
cites all of time imim'tory of thin tralrmiimg school
sInce Its first Inception and closes by argum.
ing timmit time training school is a Ureut heimoilt
to tii school mmmiii cost muotiming to olmerattm
ulurimmg time tlimmo it was 1mm exIstence , being
virtually self-suimpertlng ,
'I'uu'm't'imtt Gi'is II is 1)1 'trvr ,
Lemnumol A. 'i'orrommms was granted cm divorce
imy Judge I'ow'eii yestormiay ftomn 111mm w fe ,
harriet A. Torromma , on limo groummd of chaser-
lion. Time case was not contested , time evi-
miencu ) boiumg that Mr. , 'i'orrenm , hail left time
plalumlili lii July of 1803 ammO immuu4 rufusumul to
return , Sue requesteml time court , thirouglm her
attorumoys , that imer mmmalulen nammue immight ime
restoremi to lice. aummi tint decrea graimtimmg thus
'hivorcu was nmauio to include tiii.
lIvery nman miumoilid reaml time ativertltmmmen1
Cr Thea , SIster on page 7 of this Paver.