Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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I S TIlE OMAhA D.A1LV BEEt MONIA.Y , AIIt1r 7 , 189G.
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _
AnnGunccment of the Course of Instructio
to Po Pursued ,
'FII ( ( . trtP retI''r 4ti IiJ'M 'I'tiii H
lifnre itiiil : Iltlf' he I tiit riicl tHU
tor 'I'lturoiigls - I.eture
Caurse rrg.igiiI.
The purpoe , COC afl ( coiirzo of lniitrui
lion of the untversIty 9tlmmer choo1 at U
Ncbratka State unRcrstty , June 8 to Ju
: , ro t forth In a circular Itiod by U
linIverBtty. The ichoo t contUcteI for U
toncier ) , prtnclpnls and tipcrIntondents
the iitate. Concerning lt SCope , the ctrcti
P.ay : ' 13y referrng to the tIM of ul
ject , tt. Will Ii seen that fewer eubiec
are oiTcred than heretotore. It has becori
evklent that rntich more will ho nceomttlhc
by offering a faw ubjccts each year cc
roqtilrlng thorough work Iii tliesc' , than 1
ottenipting to mcct all posIbo ) demand
iint1o by tcacIier. doreover , the uhJecI
nnnounccd thIs year are oIIeroI witliot
condltlon9 a& , to the number who may regli
ter for theni. Accordingly , teachers wi
crtnIii1y foil Intructlon In botany , IngtI
literature , Etiropenii bttory , LitIn , mattu
cnatIc , , pedagogy and 13hy8Ic.
'tt 15 tIO } Intention of ti ) untvoreity
OTcr next year umc of the Bubjects no
oniltted , and i'o far no practtcahlo to aitci
hate related ubJccts to dirfercut yCar :
Thui It P3 probnbl0 that zoology cml elien
Ictry will ho ofTer'tt Iiitca of botany an
phytc. , ii 1897 , and postbIy Iiig1Ish con
po,1tIon , , American 1iItory and psycholog
InEtead of flnglteh literature , European hh
tory and pcagogy ( ! , "
The cour3 of Instructon ! tncludei botan
drawing , EngIth literature , European hb
tory. Latin , 2natheIIate9 ! , petlagogy an
Arrang2mnth have been tiialo for a couro
of evening lectures to be given In the in
verIty ChflleI ) , by the following gentic
men :
CIancellor MacLean-The Mo1ern Meaflin
of LRernture.
Prof. Fling-The Man cud thc Oppoi
l'rot. Luckey-liuightng and Crying.
Prof. Barbour-Nebrac1ca , Its Geology , 1o
s flfl(1 ( Ita,1 LfldS.
Superintendent Corbett-Topic not o
gn ed.
UsIs OI' ( ( ) III ( i : 'VItA IN IX (
Nut jo MiLi' ) tptrs , lnt II ) VIt ite 141 rg4 I ii let I Igen I \'urI. .
IL IH entirely iafo to claim that ever
ldntl of success , CVCfl of legitimate sitccci
\viil ho promoted by a college training ,
writes Ites' . Charles II. Parichurst , D. D. , I
May Ladies' lionie Journal. ' 'If I lied a ho
for whom it va my supreme ambition tI
ho should become rich I iouiiI not en
hini to colicgc' . So far from helping hi
prOSIOCtR in that direction it WOUil i)101
ably damage them. Money making Ic
trick. 'The easy acquictlon of it. Ia a knaci
) t Involves tbo condensation of interest an
fnculty along a particular line , aiil that
: narrow Iltic. There Is nothing to hinder
yer bmall man from being a very \vc.iIth
one. Siirewdnes doc not imply hig.inlnd
11cs. I might ay with a good deal of n
suranco that It Implies th contrary. Jn
shrevdnesc ba moro than anything ei
to do with ho acquisition of gain. '
Tncro are a grcit many things that can ii
be8t done by the man who doc not 1cno
to3 much. or , at least. by the man whos
lntel1Ignco 19 concentrated at a single PoIxi
or aong-a single line. The mechanic vii
has come to b kntwn among uc ac th
, 'wIzarl' would , vvrhap' . : ftvo been inor
of a nian if lie had gone to Harvard , br
it would probably have cpoIed ! him as
'wizard. ' aenins is rroctlmnbly always
species of mania , and liable. therefore ,
become something very ordinary If succes
fully subjected Ic , the proce' of ( lie at'yluir
They had better he kept away from colieg
if the deIgn is to make them expcfts. College
loge viiI be able to give theni a chararter
'aIl.roundness , ' but a knife cannot be rouli
and shall ) at th came time ; neither pan
, boy. a jf we are going to (10 largi
) intelligent work. the lirime condition is lb
lOs'4C551011 of an intellect trained and tocke
In the same geneaI and coinprelicusivo wa
College training Is cimiily the procc.a of In
teliectually getting reatly. not getting read
for this , that or the other specific nicnt
acrvco , but sImply geti log ready-plantlii
( IOWII a broad foundation of preliiiiinary hi
enough to support any breadth or height c
su erstrueturo that there may h need o
opportunity to put upon It. The coliegr' eour
and the repiislte preparatory training cost
IlbOUt EOVCO years of the be't and ino.t IioPi
blo period of a man's life. Ililt If a youn
mall liope to do Iargc. , 5011(1 work In lb
world , a work in'lIich Intdllgcnco of
bratI kind Is to play any considerable part
and there Is no antecedent obstacle in tli
wily , ho makes an Irrever.Ible mistake it ii
coniilc'rs ; seven sears too much to IIaY for
liberal education. "
II.t ltlIlItS' CtIIlF ,
A I ii.t i ut lull I ii Ojieril lou ii
1' ii I I ii ii ' I ii Ii In.
"The 19th century has been Qac of fiiiio
vatlons did surprises. " So reads the tegeni
at the head of the circular IBsitod by tiu
I'hiiadeiphla Barbers' college. This is tli
latest vrinklo in trade cliooli' , a novelt :
generoteti in the brain of an onterprislnj
knight of the shears and razor , says tli
I'hiladeipliia Times. In consideration of $2
cash , or $26 , lYahie in veekly installment :
of the ProPrietor of thu establishmen
guarantees to transform the greenest novici
into an atlept chin-scraper vttiiii tIm spaci
of eight oelw.
ia a rule , a mcii who enteri a barber 5)101 )
tlDs not care to cxposo lijs jugular vein ti
the ( outlet mercies of a raw apprentice ; tlii
chances being that ho will betray the trus
Imposcd and leave souvenirs of the occasloi
In ( lie sliai' of sundry razor shshea. liii
tlio genius at tue head of this estabiI.hiiien
has overcatiie tiit dliflculty by offering Ic
shave , cut the hair aiil , shaiiipoo nil coineii
frea of ciargti. ) All ( he "hoboes" in towt
have caught on to ( ho iiotloti , anti If th
stock of froasy heads of hair and bristl
bratds liolils out the ' 'students" at work l
lila srliooi rIll stiffer no lack o subjecti
upon hem to lraettco.
Ono of the echolars was Interrogated It
rogaril to his 0iiflIOfl of the system ,
' 'l think It is all right , " salt ) lie , ' 'I vai
lenrnirg tlit' trails in a tloivi town 81101) , bu
I never got it chance to show hat I could
do. Tlio boss' trade said they didn't vanI
any kids fooling around thei WIUl a razor
I had lots of shoe-shIning , Indow cicanini
ittil coat brushing to do , though , Ilideed ,
hail so IIIIICII of It that I grew disgusted
Vieri ) I heard of the now wrinkle UI ) lierc I
raised the tiiotiey aiiil entered , tlut tiiero't
one drawback. 'flio l3rolrlctor , of slioin Ii :
jOWli have a prejudice against th lutilIl
turnel out of ( ho school , A frIend of mInt
jolt ) nte that lie was turned dowit in ever
lilare lie apliliell for ork as soon as the )
uiearil ( lint ho was a college barber. ' Ioi
my part , I intend to set up a shop of ni
own. so you see ( ho notIons of tue bossei
don't bother me much. "
Si'Iiuul , "iii Ii's ,
AL ( lie close of the vresent school year
there will be an exhibition of ( lie work In
drawing of the children in ( tic ltlbiiC sclioo ! .
'flie work will be shown In the assembly
100111 of ( he city hail and will ho perhaps the
lilost attractive shoatog yet vlaccd before ( lie
iiiblio eye.
Superintendent Pcarso olflcialiy calls tlio
attention of the Principals and teachers to
the following resolution , adopted by ( lie
bard of Education at a recent meeting :
Iteolveil , , 9'lialt the superlntcxideiit of
Instruction be requcted to notify all Pupils
to 5(01) ( ) bre'akixJK 4i1C branches of trees ,
siruts ) , and llovers on the ru ) ' to pod from
uclioot ,
Tlio 111gb school contest which is to be
given aexi F'rlday evening Is in a war a now
departure In ( lie history of the Omaha
school , There we. coo last year between
the junior arm. ) senior classes which catne
about at the mitIgation of Secretary GlIlan ,
vtao , together with Principal Lewis , offered
the prizes , flut the contest this year reste
ulion a different bails , It is betven the
Iziolitbera of the eulizu echoul and baa nQ
class limIts. Ifosever , each class decides
to which of Ito members should participat
The money raised by admirsion fecs
defray the expense of prizes , anil If there I
a surplus it ill b Judiciously expen4eil I
pIctures or some like luxury ,
The medals , tea In number , which arc
be asarded as flrst and second prizes for Ii
best essays written by pupils of ( ho four
fifth , sixth , seventh and eighth rade , by ti
Society frr l'reventlon of Cruelty to Animal
arc on exhibition at the superintendeni
omee. They are highly ornamental in ther
selves and the gold ones bear ( ho lette
, , . 1' . C. A. , IS9ti , first prize. " The sIlv
oneiI are Identical in design' on lnscrlptii
save for the words "second prize. " The
macdais a ill be given out before the last def
of school.
At a recent meeting of the Principal
club the following resoluUon relative to tI
ileparttlro of Mr. Lewis wore adopted :
Vieron9 ) , The city of Worcester , roce
ulalug the nttperloi mcholar9liil , , tenehil
talent mid executive ability of l'rot. 11Dm
1' . 1.ewls , has elected liiii to the prlncllu
shlti ii ! Its High School.
ltesohvCd , That ( hi' Omaha l'rlnclpa
club 'xtend to hull its hearty good vI
hoiing that lii work 'llI ever receive I
inpriteil tilhrCiatlOii. )
1teOVed ! , That as tliiio nssorintlon vnlui
his cOtincl , ( lie incentive of Ii
m.ehoiary nttnlntncnts , his exflhiiliie of UI
form eoirtey , hI. Unsvi'rvlI1g loyalty
the i'cho hi , ' 0 hIs iht partlire Is ilvtilv ; r
grelteti ii ) ' ( lie Omaha I'rinclpals' club.
One of the niost unique celebrations
Arbor day , which has so far escaped prin
was the prograni of the Vinten achioc
Fvery chIld in oachi department brought se
for and ilIantetl a potato lull. Thus agricti
( tiral venture Is tinder the direction of a cot :
potent committee of hoyt , belonging to tI
school. They have agreed to see that tl
vegetables have ilropcr cultivation durli
the remainder of the schoi year , and also
tlte 'acatIoio. In the fall the tubers vlll 1
garnered and given as a thanksgiving otTo
lug to some worthy institution. Ilesliles tli
novel planting the children gave a hiterni
program , to which the Parents and frlein
caitie Iii g000rotis nunibers. Miss Arlet
1)4111011 gave niuchi pleasure by her zlthi
EOiCi.I. After viewing the exhibits of chin
work everybody s'ent Into the yard , wliei
a eturdy lint thorn tree was idaiit1 at :
duly christened "Mortoti l1at thorne. "
NIiIiItASIA Ci.t1It IS citovIx ( ; PAS' ilCiIMtCfl Ciiuii t Iil I aig ( i Ut
VtrI I ii lzi ritest.
The Commercial club of Ltnccln held
special meeting thto weak to arrange ft
the organization of no auxiliary to the N
braska club In Lancaster county. Secretal
\Villfanisou was invited to attend and pr
cnt the matter. A tiumber of Lincoln
leadIng busIness itien were present , anion
them bcliig John P. 1tlaule , C. H. Morril
1. 1t1. Raymond , George 11. Clarke , V. ' .
Cooper , l'rofs. Ii. 11. Nicholsen anft ' 1' . 1
Lyon , C. 11. Rudgo , A. 11 , Duel
staff , 1. H. Siosoti and M. Ga
laghor. In addition to the adilreaa
the secretary , addresses were made
Mesers. J. P. Maule , president of the Lii
cohn Commercial club ; George II. Clarke , I
11. MerrIll , W. J. Cooper and l'rof. Niche
Sen of the State university , the was al
POliltC4 by Governor Holcomb a delegal
from 1'obraska representing the Nohras
club at the Idaho lininigratioti congress , a
favorable to the club.
It was determined that the Commerci :
climb should immediately take steps to 0
ganize , the county and cIty to be dietrlcto
anti I'resident Maule was directed to appoit
committeemen for each district to sohic
members to alUm efTecting an early organ
T. li. lUngwnlt. secretary of the Dougb
county Nebra'ka club , reports continuc
good results from the committee canvassin
for subscriptions. One committee has sec
in over 100 sub..criptlons from one 011k
building in tlto city. Another committee ri
ports a subscription Iromn every dealer I
Omaha in the trade represented by the con
rnlttee. One of the subscription blanks sen
inva , tilled out for thirty-five shares.
The executive board holds daily meetin
at 1:20 : p. m. at the club headquarters an
the regular weekly ineotitig Is held at
o'clock Thursday evenings at tile came lilac
' ( 'he cnim1tteos may report at any of them
meetings and are Invited to attend at an
'rime late additions to the membership ax
ac follows : Dr. \ \ ' . 0. Bridges , Dr. F.
Despecher , 1) , S. l3nrringer , C. V. lItil
Henry W' . II. Clapper , Gate Cit
Hat company , 11. iCountze , Vi' . II. Thomat
a L. Johnson , E 11. Wood , WIlliam ltiggt
.1. C. Klotz , It. C. Ilomphihi , J. A. Caveri
D. Gray , T. A. Luttroll , C. F' . Gibson , a i
Tucker. J. C. Fitzpatrick , J. O'Ilallorar
Dr. W. 11. Schrlver , Dr. J.'rcd 11. Llacor
C. .1. Lane , J. : . Cook , W. M. Thomas , C. I
IJtrrieoon : , Fiemmtng Tires. , P. II. Iavl :
Charles 11'a1ters. . It. Trumbull , E. I :
Sanbrn , F' . It. I'inneli. C. Drown , .1. 1
Gbsoii. J. H , flechtel , 11. 11. iloiTnian , I
T , tYConoohl. J. 11 Kryder , J. It. 11111 , G. Ii
Crisp , Pratt & SValkup , B. .1. Scannell ,
M. Woolworth , Charles F. ltogera , 0. C
I'OlO , .1. A. Creighton , I. IL Congdon. Vi' . 1
Allen , 13. h. Baldwin , J. It. Lehmer , Ilarri
& Co. . II. A. Wagner , James 13. Meilclc
Lowly lierka , Arthur Eixgliili , F. A. I3rogar
J. A. flaiiilier , Dr. C.V. . Downa , Dr. M.
Rebart. Ir. A. B. Seniors , Dr. A , F. Jona
Dr. I. N. Conner , Dr. Frank Ilinchey , Di
\w. N. forward , Hugh MeCaffery , Dr. A. V.
. dniiston , C. 11. 1)Vall , II. 0. Itoot. J. II
Epgres , 1)r. V. H. Coffmnn , L1. A. MerrialT
Carpenter Paper company , Brennan , i.or
& Co. , V. ' . S. Curtis , V. ' . J. Wyman , W. Par
nato Siiilth . & Co. , S. A. Mc.W'hcrter , Fair
banks , Morse & Co. , F. F. Grlnninger , ( I
\v. Johinstoti 0. B. Michel , D. J , O'llr ci :
U. S , Ilallwln , Louis Schroeder , E. It. Wake
field. W. I , Co1vli , A. J. l'oppleton , Osca
F. Piiiik , V. ' . 13. Meikle. J. \ ' . l'arlsh , 11. l
Morgan , I ) . F. Ilurci. Howard iCennedy , A
Walton , S. C hlanard , Frank frvlne , 11. Id
Webster , J. P. flreenV. . J. ) 'coutt , 1 ! . 11
\'atsOfl. lr. Ira Von Caiiip , Otto Soifert
Dr. 1. J. W'ormershey , 1)r. B. V. Cruminer
Dr. ; . \V. Ciii.e , Dr. 11. C. Suinney , Dr
It. lit. Stone , J. E. Stiinnwrs , Jr. . Id. 1) . ; Dr
F. S. Owen , F' , It. l'lckard. J. N. Coltman
Dr. C , Fl Ifoffman , Dr. V. ' . 1. Bnmultmury
Dr. A. A. I'arker. Waiter G. Clark , B. 1
i1ovellVhecler & 'WheelerVebster , i1o
and & Co. Lloyd Jones. Baum Iron company
Crane.CliUrChIll company , C. Li.Lnce , 11
It , lianes , Eli T. ilcydenV. . L. Dickey ,
1:102 : PAItNAM ST. is the UNION PACIFIC
City Ticket Ollico ,
- ( 'Int soN.t 1 I'.t It , iGitt I'IIS.
Jim Tucker , Grand Islami , is a Borhce
Dr. D , K. Dickinson of Lead , S. D. , is ii
tltp cit2.t.
Mark M. Coad of Fremont was in tIme elI :
) 'e.mterlay.
0. J , Vandyke , J. II. Erford and B. r'erduti
of Seward are in the city ,
Edgar I1oce , a railrcad man from Clmey
comic , was in O iaiia yesterday.
V.p , Id , Iatiio cind F ) , M. Ituger , Freniont
Neb. , are stolipilig at ( ho Barker.
J. N. II. Patrick heft for Iloston , Mass. , 0' '
a short business trip last evening.
John A. McShmane lies returned from Den
ver , where he lisa been for a yoek past.
Ed Iickiuson. general manager of thi
Union Pacific , returned froni Chicago has
night ,
S.V. . Icches , attorney for the Union Pa
dde at Salt Lake , caine in on yesterday' :
P. I. Gillllanci anti wife and J. FL Curtim
and nIfe of Papiiiion were Omaha ylsttorm
V. ' , 'IV , CoI . Lansing theater , and B. V. '
Ciarters are regictered at ( lie Barker Iron
Lincoln , Neb ,
A. J. Crowo has gone to Billings , Mont.
for a fortnight and will visit Butte City be
fore lila return.
Ooorge A. Monroe , general freight traffic
inalager of the Union Pacific , accompanied
by B. L. Lomnax , returned from Chicago yes.
terday ,
Time VI' , 1 : , Spence Tronsoceanic company
of eighteen members im ninking the Barke :
Its headquarters while playing the week In
George 11. Smith cml family , who for many
yeare have been residents of Omaha. left last
evening for an Francisco , Cal. , where they
will hereafter reside.
Miss Jenny Livehey , telegraph operator at
the UnIon depot , who has been away for
a three weeks' Yacation at Utah hot
pringB , returned home last evening.
At the Murray-fl , V. icloffett , Oeorge
l , Behirn. Chicago ; I , A , Brittain , New
'orlc ; J. P. Murpbiy. St. I4 uo ; 0.V , Lltcb.
loW. Iicston ; lii. Ounzerer ) , , New York ;
w , i.e. 8yIf1 , Chicuo ,
Thonsant1 Visit tlio Parks and Got
Breath of' Fresh Mr.
Ci. U H t ry II nfl its 'rai , It ucigli ( H
\'lIiEelItig tititI its U 1teiii ( ( lie
I'ns'et St reets I'resent sin
.1 % iiiimni toil Scene.
It tia an Ideal rpring clay , with ins
enough of a cool breeze blowing in from tim
northwest to stir the young heaves tIpOII tIm
trees and temper the rays of the hot sun o
vnnItmg Aunt. It was a ilay when cli till
ture jotned with mankind In rejoicing.
lariy yenterday inortiing dark doimit
flitted across the alcy .itnd at 2:30 : o'hock I
commenced to rout a gentie in a that soot
devchopccl into a deluge. continuing for soint
thrty ! inInimte , DurIng that brief spare o
time the Itrecipltitiomi aggregated .16 of at
inch , The rain stopped as smmdderiiy as I
commenced anti long before 'the first gleati
of dawn was visible itt ( he cast the stern
had Passed by. When Old Sol hookcil ii
fromii the caM , hIs fIrM glance reeled upor
thmo green fields and trees Dint bach but
short tlnio before emerged frnmn their earI
nmoriiing bathi. Turning on the caloric , lii
soon dried the bright verIurc and then cciii
memiced his acctistonictl round. At 9 o'clocl
ho throve tIme ziiercury up to CO In tli tiadi
nhicl at noon hme had fotctd it tweimty degreec
higher , thcre lie hold it during time greatel
Part of the afternoon.
The people of Oiiiahma made the mont o :
tIme brIght ( lay and time warm munslmImie , Soy
eral out-of-town bicycle runs that had beet
scheduled had to be ( Icclared oft on accminl
of thmo muddy condition of tbo country roads
but notwithstanding this , a glance along thu
aephalt paved streets gave thm , lniprcusor
that all of Omaha was nwhieeh. There wer
ridera singly anti in 1)mtirs ; tliei'C cvore rideri
1mm ciuba and those Who vcro unattached
doilging hero and there like so many busy
liee. I'eoiiio who vero not Ioruimate ( enough
to lie time imOssessors of wheels enjoyed them
selves by seeking the cool shade of the parkt
nod lounging along tIm hmorca of tIme lakes
niiil tititler time shade of time trees. Uot
llamisconi and Itiverviow parks were crtnvciec
from early morning until night by as gay
anti happy a crowd as ever turned out of
great city. The members of this great gath
ering chased time geese and ducks that floated
tipon the hnkes , threw pebbles at the fish
iiotwithstandiig the Protests of the parlt
keepers , and frisiced about upon time greet :
mcvard much after the fashion of a lot 01
yc.iing colts just released. from time confinem
of the bondage of a long and cold winter.
TIme Omaha Street Railway company madc
a great lilt yesterday and as a result the
aniount of cach that went into the treasury
last night was unusually large , Early In
the mornng all of time simnimner cars wore
prez.ei Into servIce amid all day long they
were patroimized , sometimes being crowded
to suffocation. It was not time kind of a day
that made It enjoyable to ridewithn , one of
tIme stUlfy closed cars , and as a reriiit opoid
cars held ( lie aidge.
Vimhie the tileasant weather brought good
cheer to the majority of people , the cliurchlem
suffered to rome extent. The attendance
was not so large as usual and Phoce who
were in the imews let their thmoiigimt.s drIft to
tbitnga outside. No matter bow hard tIme
preachers tried , every now and then they
would dh.cover even the muost devout nmem.
bers of the flocks gazing mit of the win-
clews and listlessly contemplating tue green
grass phata beyond the confines of tIme
I'erscns who owned horses and carrlagea
put them to ( lie best IOsShlJle ute , anti not-
vtlmetanding : the .sl gbtly umuddy condltiosm.
they wimirleti along the boulevards anti far
out into the country. Timoy riIted th parks ,
journeyed out on West Dodge street and
took In the Iinprovenients at tlmb state fair
groundie. trying the freshly rolled track and
doIng a little spurting. Au In all , It was
a clay of good cheer and more a holiday
than a Sunday.
Time bicycle runs , with the exception of time
, Turners , which were schotiuloj yesterday.
were dcclarcd oft as sc n an the eaptainz of
thio clubs aroxe mniI discovered timat tIme
t.reeti were thick with mud. Many a wheel.
man haIti 'iowii tim his little bed Saturday
night. iii fetid anticipation of the next day'c
ride , and was corresporitlingly disippotntecl
iieri ide arose early. only to find that rain
had fallen during tIme night. W'hieehmncn. as
well as oIlier citizCns of this greac statc ,
are rejoiced to see heaven so bountiful vthi
Its gift , but they would Just as e'oon hmav
it c0010 in the mijitldie of time weeie incea(1 of
Just in time to molt the roade for country
runs. Ye gods of rain , who are submcrlberc
to this great daily , pleise ( aloe iiOtlc of thil
geritici hiliit.
Time majority of bicycle riders crawled
Lack Into bed when t'ley learned time conch.
lIon of ( lie toads. Tlm niimmority , which wan'
a big one , nevertheless , wouiI- not be bilked
by mud. and jUiiilPd on their wheels to have
a lIttle spin on time jiavemnents. 'Phioy were
amply rewarded , for time day wats a beautiful
0110 for hcycle riding. The only regrcu
was that time roocis we tiot passable , for tie
weather was ideal for cthiritry trips.
Aimuotmg thmoxe whmo turnpd cut were dde-
gutlons from the Omaha Wheel climb and thc
Thiurioii Rules , They met at. a
rendezvous , some ilozeti In number , anti
L'.iorly before ii o'clock set out for ( lie fort.
At ( Imat ( lame of the morning the air svas still
cool enough to nomike ( hm eplil alomg : time
iimnoQtii pavement of Shiernoan aveflut de-
hightf ill.
'Flie crowd arrived jitat in ( ( tue to wItness
time amounting of the guard of ( hue day , and to
enjoy a little band concert that tt'as gveri
by time Second imifaritry baud in the band
stand. Santo little. titmie was spent iii loll-
log about on time grass , e'imioking iiiies and
listening to the music. Idrlng time Interval
wlieehiiien arid wimeclwotnemi were arrIving
every mnlnuto , anti , iii cont'ojuemice , when
( tie return to the heart of time city was
iiiamle , time omuniber iad been irucreasemi to
On the trip dowim town a. brilliant idea
entered ( lie brain of Capia'd Foye of the
1(111cc. who is also a mctnber of the Onahma :
Vhmeol climb. 'rids was nothing simore or less
timun to organize tIme bIkers into a coitipany
anml ( lie lieolhe Of ( tte city an exhibition , The Idea met with favor and was
carried out mit once. In coimsequence ( lie
good people going to church were enter-
taitied all along the line of time ride with
witeehisigs by turn and fommr.s anmi Into single
tIle und with otliet' convolutions which aiig-
gested theineolves to time man of vur. TIme
exhibition was a pretty one arid was creditably -
ably tierformetl imen it Is considered that
it was the first trial. One or ( ito of tide
boys go tangled up in time mazes and loll
otT , but ( hat wa. overhooheil.
4 run was macla out Leavenworth street
to ( ho park cmiii down Into it. hero a ills-
inodilit was made and time crowd rested for
some little time upon ( lie banks of ( ho lake.
On time return ( lie maneuvers vere gone
through again until a refreshing fount uuas
reached and time party cllsperm'ed ,
Although the afternoon was a bIt warm ,
( here were bIcyclists galore upon tue strees ( ,
both moon arid wonien. There was a larger
nummiber of tantlems noticeable than have
been seen in the city before. The park wac
an eapecialiy favored spot anti time whIrrIng
forms of time rders flitted everywimere along
time iiimady drives.
Tue Turner whieelnien were not to be tie.
privet ) of ( heir anticipated pleasure and to
tile iiuinber of twelve or fifteen made time
trip to Millard in spite of bad roads ,
% 'lmi'r * 'irayelirig ,
Whether on pieaurc bent , or business , , take
on every ( rip a bottle of Syrup'of FIgs , as it
acts most pleasantly and 'effectually on ( lie
kidneyi , liver and bowels , preventIng fevers ,
headaches , and other forms of sickness ,
For male In &O-cent and $1 bottles by all
loading druggists , Manufactured by the Cal.
mforoia Fig Syrup Cornpaor only ,
Conifort , Eeonumuy und Speed
Combine (0 make the weekly exeursioni via
( tie' UNION PACIFIC the most popular of
any now running. They are personaliy conducted -
ducted and offer every convenience to the
traveling public. Oct your tickets at 1302
Farnam street , A. C , Dunn , City I'ass ,
& Ticket Agent. . .
Ccumnbiuatloa horse aaie April 29 and 30
and May 1. South Omaha , Waiworth Proct-
9r fQ ,
lit. hthl. , It ( 'oh VhiUI ) i. Ciil.l. . % I
Olhicer , . Pall to l"it .ktit hiItii hut
Siuiniii lng ,
A hurry call waswtirncd into the Polk
station last liight from. the residence of I
U. Wynian , 2it63 l'at1tlt street. The hiatt
who telephoned statt ( hint a burglar ho
been coralicti in thietbiuscitient of time bout
anti ( hat he % % as uniher guard at that pa
ticiihimr moment by sit mfietachment of neigi
bors with revolvers. After taking a Seen
survey of the prenises Officer Mcurslmnli , wit
drawn revolver , atlwinceil upon the decerat
ruffian , while a young nian who chanced I
be making a Sunday , cahl kept guard ovc
the rear entrance. A' tiemantl to stirrentit
i.iis received huy the housebreaker with
surly riisregnrci for ( ho ortler. An entrant
was then forced aiiti a stitch yellow do
canoe forth gently wagging hits tall as a
apolegy for tue great excitement lie ho
created. The young iirnn at the rear dot
still thinks that the tiesperado in sonic nini
net escapeti tide omcers.
Per the first tIme in months ( lie fret
doors of au the saloons in ( lie city wet
doted and loclod cli day. Every ; iohicetuua
hint ) ortlera to see that time new rules wet
obeyetl by all tIde saloon keepers on hi
beat. Sonic of ( ho down towli sahoonlsl
% ho have iiti iiie entrance to their lilac
of businese' pr.otealed with the oiflcers againt
closing their front tloors , but ( lie orders
the innyor were carrcd ! out to the letei (
\Vhien Mayor Ensor reacimeil l.Is office ii
founti several saloon keepers waiting for lii
with thin request titat exceptions to the rul
be mimic in timeir cases for varIous reasont
but ever ) ' one recelvel the same answer an
( lint that ( hi order uiiust be obeyed an
that no exceptions would be made. Tb
" \'antlering Viihkx" tribe of box car tourist
seemed to suffer most on account of tim
order prohibiting caims of beer to be sold
any one. For months past it has been ( hi
cimetoin of tramps to congregate in ( lie vi
cinity of the railroad tracka and "rush th
can" nil day Sunday. As a rule time fti
broke imp in a fight anti several of time gao
had an opportunity of tehlrig their trouble
(0 time 1,011cc judge Monday niorning. Al
ths ! was stopped yestertlay. Not a hiltche
of beer was ailoweil to ho sold to any one
Good order was niahimtarietl in all the saloon
mill thay' anti ( Ito police tere not called iipo
to mnalco a sIngle arrest for driiiikennexmt
Time mayor wae' about time city consitlerabl
anmi appearcd to be vehl pleased with ( Ii
inannem' in whicim his order was being en
forced. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S I I U'l"I'I ( 1) 1) % % ' N ( I S IX I' EN S
Nii tIre Stri'et 1.isclitM or Ilyilrsmiit
,1i II 'I here Is Muire ) toiiey.
At time mectint of ( lie city council tonigli
the mayor will appoint a garbagemaster t
take time place \'iliiamn Itawley , anti wil
also in all probability appoint Joe Idol :
icuntimnaster and dog catchier. Possibly on
or two other alPointiiietits vihl be made
Mayor Emisor states lie has docitiecl mint ( i
make any change in the present 1)311cc force
anti the officers will be.told to go ahead ant
irocure their suinnior .tmifornms. ] ( egulatiomi :
to govern tile police fOrce and time fire tie
pattinent are Ijeimig prepared and will bi
istiet1 a orders sooii , perimfll)5 today.
Time : mewiy elected councilmen vllI not liuvi
an opportunity forrsonne time at. least to di
mmmcli of anythiingfortheir constituents ii
hie way of placing electric hight or fin
iiyclrzints , as the mayor tins stated lie ill
veto all such resolutions until ( lie next hev
lx , ' available.
Fire plugs ordered hy th old council a
Twenty-fourth and ii ) anti Twenty-fourth ant
Id anti Twenty-sevsntli4aidti C Btrees are be
irig put in , anti ( ho light company Is ; iiacln
four street arc ltghta ordered by time Ok
council. When tlmeeo are In positIon tIme clil
vIll be paying for thirty-four street lightm
at time rate of $12 eaeh per month , while )
iiiouiiits to 4,896 a year. , . ,
'sr1 hlit'ii ? 11(1(11 .Ui , I her situb floii.
Johin Dawsky has- caused ( lie arrest of
Groves oa a charge of assault and battery'
Groves itt a foreinanat tIm Martin Luimibe :
onipany's yard , anti yesterday caught Daw.
sky's son , iie alleges , stealing a boam'ci ant
kicked hmini. Tite father was iiear by ant
'taw the whole thing , anti he ittarteti In at
once to 'get oven with Groves. There was
lIvely' fight for a moment , and 1)awaky funt
when he took an inventory of himself tidal
tic hail a black eye and any numbar of bruiset
anti scratches.
Y , It. C. A. Vtitt's ,
Time Glee club will med this evening with
Mr. I'ennelh , ( lie instructor.
There 18 801110 talk of addIng a tennis court
ilidi a basket ball panIc to tim association It :
( lie near future.
Secretary Ober addressed thu xnemnber ci
tue Young Men's Chillatian association at
the men's meeting yesterday afternoon. liii
subject was "Personal'ork. . "
Time Reds and the Blues , tinder ( lie leader.
thip of Roy Divis anti Ralph Gray , are work.
rig Imard for meiiuhjors. The contest closea
on ( lie evening oi May 31. The hosing side
'S ' to pay' for a siippa for tIme winners , antI ,
Iltitoughi being allowed to attend tide feast
Lime losets will have to be content with corn-
) reati arid water.
3fitIi' CIt (4b'shh , ,
George Dare telegraphed to friends hero
tom Cripple Creole yesterday that South
Dniaiia pcoplo who hmad investments there
yore all riimt.
Tidero will ho a combination horse sale at
he stock yards Wcdncsilay Thursday anti
'ritlay of thin week. Over 300 horces vhil
it ) offered for sale.
Yesterday afternon there was a meeting of
iio Germiian I'oiitical chub at I'Ivosmka's hall
or tIme purpone of aetthlog up time debts of
lie club Incurred during the last cain.
aign , anti Inaking arrangements for placing
lie club on a permanent footing ,
A gang of boyc' ' piayiig : ball in thio rear of
imo F'iret I'resbyteniaii church yesterday
: reatly annoyed ( lie worshipers anti a police-
naii vcumi sent for wimo scattered ( he crowd
mmmd broke up tIme ganme. Tide police will
10 hnstructeml to clOt ) Sunday ball p1aying
iii vacant tiowi town lote from now on ,
The electrical storm Sundlay night did con-
hilorahilo daniage to telephone , telegraph and
'lectric light riree 0mw of tue fire alarm
IrcuIis became crosmd with a j'latteincmutii
elepiiono wire , wimichi catiseel the gomgms iii
lie eimgiiio hmouses to riimg anti the fircisneti
urimecl out. Thu damage to time different
lrmn's was au repalredI by noon.
No excuse for sieepmeas nights vhmcii you
nil procure One Minute Coimghi Cure , Thmims
viii relieve all annoyances , cure I'mio most ec-
cre cough and giyty you teat and health.
. : you afford to ( lotwitidOUt It ?
StciV. : M.
ljniatoa ,
Ciiftago ,
Limited ,
'via. ' ( Ito
, , Mlluvzwkee. "
p. A. Nash , general agent ; George ifaynes ,
ity paengor agcmzm ( city ticket office , 1501
raroam street.
p -
An Iumpo
The flying Nortltwetrn Lin train to Cbi.
ago ,
"No. 2 , " "The Ovethmoti , ' Omaiia 4:45 : p. m.
imicago 7:45 : a. m.
:30 : p. iii , , Chicago 9:30 : a , in ,
The last fast train in the evening , Omaha to
Ihicago , Nnsoe better airo built ,
City ticket ofilce,1401 Farnarn at.
- _ -
lxtuiirsi , , elN. to Niiie Stiitt' ,
licoic , Seekers' Excuraioo ticketa to ( lie
outit , via Pennaylvania Short Lines from
hmIcago , May 5th , good to pointa in Ala-
ama , Florida. GeorgIa , Kentucky , LouisIana
ilsehitsippi , Notti Carolina , South Carolina
nil Teiirmeaseo. For rates antI details , apply
0 H. It. Bering , A. U. I' Agt. , 248 South
lark at. , Chicago ,
Jul51 Itighil. . . .
ho llurhIngton'e "Vestibuietl Flyer , "
Leaves Omaha at 5:00 : p. no. Neither too
any , nor too late-just. rIght ,
Arrives in Chicago at 8:20 : a. m.-neither
ao late , nor too early-just riglmt.
Tickets at 1502 Farnain street.
"Viie Ovraiid LhjmiItetit
I the fastest train out of Omaha , anti Car.
lea ( he finest equpment ! of any line In the
'eat. Tickets via the UNION PACIFIC can
0 secured at 1302 Far'nam street.
Opening esaion of the Grand Lodge of Nebraska
braska 0 , 8 , P , S.
Nat inruril IuiiIhetmi of 'l'liu'ir ( II1 I
Lnimul limsi I licti , it Ii 'i'hui"t' ut
( lie Coimuiri utf 'iheir
Aiuiptinim ,
South Thirteenth street was radiant yem
terday vitii gay attire , doiuried in honor c
( he' nimntmtml gathering of Nebraska liohiemmuian
cbosmi as delegates to tiio grantl lodge c
their beneficIary organIzation. In fromit
time stores , hdOtChs , offices antI hiouces
Thirteenth Street , and from time windows
nmaiiy buIldings of the Frst and Secon
antls linniedlatcly atijacent to that bus
street were Iloateil ( lie reti and white , iii
lhohtiiiinn colors ; the red , blue andl tVhitl
time Siavonian cclcrs , anti the red , white an
blue , in honor of the hand of timer adol :
tion. Ilitse colors were displayed in tii
form of streanuers , liags , festoons aiiii ewe
in ashies atm ! knots vonii by thm wonmen an
time cimiltlreri. Alt this tileplay of brIght cola
Iii the brIghter sunsimlime gave to ( hint Sec
( ion of the ciy inimabltetl by ( lie little colon
of hioliemians a gala apprarmutee ( lint tet'ti
fled to theIr loyalty to time fraternal Soc et :
as vehi as to their fontiness of tiecorat on.
Aimmitist nearly all tue uhcccmations opilearo
tue letters , "C. S. I' , S. " These stand fcu
( lie natime of the beneficIary society of witicl
time grand lodge of ( lie state of Nebraska I
rloiv in ecsslon here. The delegates are fron
all qunrter ci the state anti have iieariy ah
arrveil , though tonic will mict be in unti
today , It Is expected that a full attend
alice of all time ineiimliars of time state's raiui
lotige will be present , a. there are nmuxm
questions to couiie up in tim muiestings ( ha
Interest all iotlges titrodighiout the state. I
a full attriiiauiCe athdrs thire will ho 12 :
delegates present.
A imiajority of these tero present at timi
opening seraion yesterday afternoon. Tb
mneetimig war imthd at 2 o'clock in Ntttioria
hall , and vas called to ortler by Vt Sestal
ofVUber , Neb. , presidemut of ( lie grain
lodge of time state of Nebraska. Work at
temudaiut upon tIde organization of the conven
( Ion tas iiiiinetitately begun. Coiniiilttec :
on credentials , resohtmtloims and other routim
nuatters wore ahipoitited. TIme audltng coin
inlttee reported that ( lie flumances of thit
order were in exeellemit coiutiltlon.
It is expected ( lint the graiid lodge will bi
in sesisoim hero today antI tomorrow , bnimug
Ing time convention to a conclusion tomorrow
evemiiiigtitii an Infornuai party. Sessioni
vlli be held this morn ng at 9 o'clock and at
2 o'ciocle.
Last evening the inenibers of ( lie C. S. I' . S
ga'e an enertaiiiiiieiit cut tim conveiitioii iiall
Timirteenthm aiiti hickory vtrcets , in lieu 01
transacting time regular businec's before tin
boiiy. Tue "Jew of PragUti" Vfls gIven wit ) :
a cast coinpoectl of local talent. Those viic
an.muined the leatlitug rohe tt'ero B. Luldiwick
C. A. Staiger , IC.V. . farms , Jorephi MIic , Id
Letovaky , Mrs. Bandiiauer anti Mis. Michael
The intervals between tIme itcts were filled by
an excellent inimmical program. rentiereti by
hargo orchestra , composed of Bohemian inusi.
clans of the city.
Toil'y will be devoted to the autiltimig of rePorts -
Ports niai1 by tie special 'conimnitteer on tin
reviooit of the constitution of thme ordcr
flnaimces , coinplaiiits anti organization.
. a-
TIm comratlos of George A. Custer post
Grand Army of the Republic , anti all othem
comrades lii time city are rontuesteti to meet
at tIm hcotmao of our late comrade. it. li
Walker , 1211 North Nineteenth street , for ( tic
purpose of attending his funeral , Servicem
will be conducted by time Masoni' at 2 p. rn
JOHN JENKINS , Commander.
. . Xot 'rOD SmiiOtti
, The tracks of the UNION PACIFIC nra
so smooth and time cart. ftmrnlshied so corn-
photo that you can inmagltmo yourself in your
own luxurious apartrnommts at hionme.
Inspect the Buffet Library and Smoheing
Cars as they paso through Omaha every
City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnain street.
Amimsenoents of the variety class have
always been popular in Omaha , partIcularly
if tme work presented was bright aiil clean ,
\\'hat proiimk'oa to be a taking attraction in
thIn line-the Spence Tramiecceanic Vaudeville
commiluany-give liii initial porforinance at ( lie
Cr. 1itton yeterday afernco ' . The c mnb'n -
( ion coritaimu' oman ) ' clever artists , and corn-
pares favorably with anything in time vaude-
yule ibme prtsonted In ( lie city for somiie tiiiie.
Time sotog anti dance specialties are particularly -
larly good , tegetimer with eccentric conic-
diana , acrobats anti dialect artlse' . The
variety performance terminates with an cx-
ceedingly funny farce , arranged by Wiley
hamilton , entitled "Phone 4-11-44 , "
XavEr Schmarwenlca , the renowned pianist ,
coitiposor and conductor , will appear in con-
cnrt at Boyd's timeater on Muntily evening of
next week , presentimig a claesical mind romantic
program , herr Snhiarwenlca is one of this
best known of the living pianisto , and occu-
picci at tie IrtS time two distiiiguishieti
positions itt Europe , viz. : Itoyal I'russian
ptofessor and court lulanIst to time emperor of
Austria. The present tour I under time
direction of Mr. John Lavine , ( lie vehl itnewn
inu.Icai mimariager , vhmo rrhtes ticet ( Ito great
artist's busincra t'arOugum ( lie soutii iias been
edpeedingly large. Many people
have eitnIflet1 their intemtioii of attending herr
Scitarwenka's Omaha concert ,
Robert G. Ingersoll will deliver his lecture ,
"F'oundations of Faith , " at lloyd's emi 'i'uas-
day , May 5.
Tim Spence' Transoceanic Vaudeville coin-
pony , iiow playIng at the Crelgiitoii , will
continue at ( hOt theater for the remalntier of
time week , giving popular priced matinees
\\'cxlrmcelay anti Saturday , A nighmthy change
of program will be made.
Maiiara's Mammoth coloreti minstrels viii
coino to ( lie Creigotori for two nighmta wily ,
commencing with a matinee , Sunday , May
3. The comimpaily , which is nnrmoummcoti as
being bath large anti competent , Includes
it nulnier of lromlncnt perforniers ,
Clay Clement , who achieved a ciecitled success -
cess in hut charming play , "Time New 'ionmln-
iou , " titining ( tie recent engagement at the
Creighiton , vihi play a return t'mmgagomnent at
tlmat thieaer ( of two nIghts' duration , corn-
mencing Tuesday , May 5. Mr. Clement will
be supported by time same able company.
hliiriiei hip' ii ( misnhi iii' fliihuisIzi.
Mrs Minmiio Parnsein ( , i07 North 'i'enthm
reet. attempted to light a gasoline stove
'esutentiny rnonmmirmg upon ivhmicim iio intoinicil
oo'4iiig breal fast , when the liuiitl explotled.
turning lien severely nhoii ( them ( sicci stud
inns , 11cr cloihimig also ciiiighit lire , btmt
nan extinguished by eopin vimo chancetl
10 him In ( lie room , The physician attenti-
ing lien pronounced lien injtmries serIous ,
bough not of a fatal nature.
highest Honors-World's Fair ,
DR ;
pure Grape Cream ofTontar Powder. Frea
: mcm Ammonia , Alum or any other adu1teI4t
ts4 : t t ttt ± E $
e II 'e , April Yr , IteC.
Pocket Advertisers
tM . This wcck wc will send out some more of those pocket
- advertisers which arc making " Thc Ncbraska " more '
m _ _ famous than ever this Spring. A pockct advcrtiscr is
c _ somcthing that talks to your pocket as well as to your
cyc. The first of this week's pocket advertisers will be a
: few hundred Men's Suits at $6.00 aSuft. They will be
- - - . either round cut whichever and - -
square cut or , you please ,
.M they would talk very strong to your pocket , even if they
t were marked at the regular valuc-$1O,00 a Suit , [ f your
IM _ pocket isn't strong cnough to stand the strain of a six dot-
- : far talk , you will find some very eloquent Suits two tables '
away marked $4,25a Suit. This is the second invoice of
I these Suits , The first few hundred were taken away so , ,
I4f quick we didn't havt time to expathite on their good points
: ; but it is just as well , for they proved mighty strong talkers
L for themselves , The pocket advertisers up stairs will be - -
! : some fine Scotch Cheviot Suis ; for young men , 14 to 19
c _ years , at $4.75a Suitand another lot of those elegant knee
pant Suits at $2.00 , which mothers made so much fuss
& % f about when they wtre here before , These pocket ad- ;
t " all the . .
vertfsers" beat
newspaper Thu ltlcyclo Siilt.i lii our An.
. , . hex IS'hit.tow tire tchilimg a tnlc of
advertising t at we cou wiitc. tlicirowim , . . .
; i
4hthc -
'i'tIt : Thhill It IIACIC oV.t : I.i.Ihit
Sieismllst Isilorl'sivty Ii lIds II I iii
Frium 1 ts itmi iils.
The socialist labor PartY met in regiiar
sesl0ii \Vasiiiligtoii hall yesterday.
Charges of booJllmig wore lmreferreti agaimist
II. C.'ailer antI ho wa unanimously cx-
polled , and ( lie secretary was ordered to
notify the city presa anti time national press
nuiti tiatiotial executive committee of ( lie
above. -
The state convention of time socialist labor
party s'ihl be held at South Onunhia on
August 1 , at ti a. tii , , for time purpose of
puttimmg a sato ticket in the field.
T1i0 socialist labor party picnic was et
for May 10 , the place to be selected later on ,
Time national convention , which \ill ho
held In New York on July 4 , will place a
national ticket in tIme field. A resolution
we. , ' atioptod denouncing time Lalmor temple
comploynmont immireami , anti setting forth that
there was no scarcity of female help In ( lie
city. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
i'rosicutfs for I hiCIisliit ( iii'tO esms
itrighi t-r 'Ihiut ii tivu-r.
Secretary Laughiand of tide Assoclateci
Charities. has received woid from Senator.
Thurston. who states ( hat ho has forwartiemi
400 packages of garden seetle , cmiii , ( Imat time ) '
'ivlih arrIve ( lila week. This Iii the quota assigned -
signed to Cite senator for tihixtrlbution. It is
expc'etla ( lint Congressman Mercer will centi
a like mmurnber of packages dunimmg ( lie week.
These two consignmneiis ( , Secretary Loughianti
states , will be sufficient to supply 800
The planting of ( he charity' gardens will
begin tim earmmest this \veek , anti will con-
tlnuo tmntli all of the seetlimig is coinpletetl.
Time ground is In much better condition than
ever before , aimd the oiflcerc of tIme assoelatton
look forward to a buuzmtiful harvest. Up to
this ( line , about 200 families have been supplied -
plied with seed potatoes and a large numlmcr
with garden seeds.
- a- -
m'V.'O S'P.tNl ) OU'I' FOil ACQUIi"I'tL.
Itu-iort ,4 t ul t list t IItce I Cnssie ( mum t Iii-
ihIsi Juiy' .
The l3oiin jury gave no signs of reaching
an agreenicnt after the clear instructIoi'
given by Jutigo Baker Saturday eveumiog.
The nienihers spoilt Sunday in gazing out cif
( ho window of the jury room aiiil tahhcing
tue case over in a desultory vay. Evem'y-
thing bias been removei fmorii the Jury 'room
except tIme twelve chairs audi a ( able. TIme
nietmihers are taken to their tmmeals three
times each tIny' antI time balance of ( ho tlnie
is tt'peimt itt discussion. It has been learned
fi'odn a usually well informed source that time
jury taod ten for conviction and two for
acquittal yesterJay noornltmg.
It ) hours Saved.
Second class passengers for San Fm'onclact
via ( lie LINION PACIFIC nOn' save tan
bourn ( lame. Ttmo is money. " Buy yeur
tickets vIa " 1 te Overland ioimth. "
City Ticket ( uillee , 1302 Farnani street.
Iriver Ilsiul 'Von hht'riv' n Inmii ,
Frank Ttulbert , a man who tins w'orkcd
at intervals arounti the stables of J. 11.
Evans on Southi Eehghieenihm btreet , cole-
itrateti Sunday' by getting drunk and ( lien
hitching iii ) U line hmoro helongirmg to Mr.
1vmmils to go tufter a keg of beer. Talbert
drove Out on time bottomnit near Cut err tiihcc
aiitl in some intinner the anhitimil liocatno
( rightieneiL timnowimig hilni out nnd runnirm
aviiy. 'J'imtuhiieton vamt bully' snumii.het
anti the frighiteneti bonito ivoit recovereth
late in ( tie nfterimoon by ( ho POliet' . w'imo
found It owes' a mile f'mnnm vlmel-o tIme an-
citlent hutti taken 1iace. 'ritluer t swaic fotmnti
in hiS room at Eighteenth and St. 'mhrtry"s
itS'ClitiC amid Imiaceti under arrest ,
I3eecham's pills are for bili-
ousl'hesS , biliousheadache , dys-
pcpsia1 heartburn , torpid liver ,
dizziness , sick headache , bad
taste in the mouth , coated
tongue , loss of appetite , sallow
when caused by
skin , etc. ,
constipation ; and constipation
is the most : frequent cause of
all of them.
Go by tile book. Pills i6c
and 25C a box. Book free a
your druggist's , or write B. F.
Allen Co. , 35 Canal St. , N.Y.
I'll I it'1'hhhi. "I' Ii A NI ) JO11S S'l'ht IIH'I'S.
140 roUnds , builds , sieaiii heat and alt mctit'rn
oist'enIeddC ( ' . ittt'S. ( $1.O and * , O ) per iiuy' .
ruble unexcciled , tpeciaI low rules It. legutiur
, onrler $ l'lttNK lilI.IiITC1I , Mgr
'I'tuot IiI
I ilC't.ih' Iltll't ,
I ii Iceii
. . (
; ; : , : } ItII.
B ros'il 111k ,
tOti itihJ 1ijii ,
io tigicms. *
- I
r.1 Sometimes oeads a reliable
mocithihy regniating methIein
, r e prc.rnpt , safe. amid certain u result. 'Tue moecu'
lot , ( Pr , 1'eal'sjmvuirdiMermimrit , Sear aywhiertt
° & . Dnag Cc. , UU
hi ,
Alwaos Reliable , PUit'ly Vegetable.
Perfectly taStcIees , elegantly coated , purg
i'gulate , iurif , Ciurtiise ant . 'trengthen. 11kB.
\t'.ty't4 h'll.T $ for tide eisn of au , iisorder , of
use i4toimarh , hands , hiiiui'ys , himat'I'r , Neni'ou ,
Dlsease , Dlszinemt.'eritgo , COs'ti'ctiep , l'iies ,
1clc 1il.tDAChlE ,
F1hMALE CO5il'I.AI'1' ,
nuid All Ihlsiirihei's uif ( lie Its'cr.
Observe tue following s'ndptoimm. , restmittn
1101mm dieures ot dite tltidetiiive orgins : ( 'oat
itipation , inward piUs. ( uiin'ps of bioci in the
h'-ici , acidly cC tito at iiitie. . mmau'ea , h'srtburC ,
disgust cC toed. Cdiihimt's of n i'igitt of stoumach
Stmur 'ructmtlan. ' , siiikiimg or fluiteming of
ijeirt , cimokln or , tiffacuiirdtt peidratitins vhmen ( hi
t , tying jostidne , ciliitntss at' l'i.iori , dote or webs
hetoie time .igii , te'-r siiuti ilufl tutu iii the ieamii /
deflemu'mmcy' of i > ertpiiattoti , y''iow'mics. of thio skiA ,
ani eyes , pain in time s'i.ii' . cmiei.t , histutms and
Fuitiittim ilitsimes or heat. htmnldtn iii time flctm.
A tow ii 'ses of ltA1)1'.tYm l'lI..LS xviii tree
te ! tOsttctii ot nil the abore naniai , , .
l'rlee , t5c a , ltux. iiuhtl ( iy , , or
, ieiit Ity mumitil.
Semi to IM1. ItAt)1'AY & CO. . Lock Box 16
New York. for 1100k of Advice.
Spoetfic for Dyopapain ,
, _ -t Sici : Uoadacho , Consti.
, d- , . " pation. Regulates thG
TRADE , ' , Bowo1. and Stitnulatoca
-a the Liver.
' , I fsimtl It ito plrasatm ( to take anti so imucficinI
( bat I want to keep a supply' on iiand"-.Foi
IIon.John 07. Cat/uk.
, , For ductile liver coimiplain"t I findi it ( lie best.
most gcimtic. ciii iii every way a nuost satisfactory
remmieiy. Other pitrgati'cs gripe nail wt'ukcu ,
yoimrsactusahly Icuves mime whim a fct'hiiigofstremmiIm
and exiiiiaratioim-A'ev , 1/jox. .i ! 7/tempt , i/cit
Sp.iigs , Amk.
, , We have a big ( ratio emi Cralm Orchmarti Water ,
Time \Vntcr is a glauti stmcccs't aiuti wtmrthiy of spc.
cliii praise.-C/.as. II' Ilz1so , , , Gre.snlle , I/I ,
. , I ito imot hesitate to assert that for troubles of
the liver ( isis rertiedy lois no rqtial-Dacsoa
C , rrikafJackso , , r file , lb.
, , Vromim ( lie age of eight or uiiime y'cnrn I have
beemi ahmtiost eoiit'taiithy smiflicted with mick hucad-
tielme. , Ahtoitt ( lit-ce yearn ago 1 gave Crab Orchiartt
Water a triahamiti hilice I cuiiiiiiieiiceti using it have
not beemi tromiiicd with a rcturtm.-C , 0. , tlfarIn
Conductor L. c $ N. A' . 1. ' .
, e'-xold l.y' nil Druggists.
Crab Orchard Water Co , , Louisville.
I All Druggists.
' $ ' :
( My wammiia uecd Wool oimmm ) (1 ( siebroio bd
It Vool Hos1 , is used in the laundry , I
tha cloammitrig of winter tihmmni.cnsitanrics. sail
nil iyOo ( tabriu before atorimig tar tiitmstasoo.
is inostlrtmable , Syastmeslihkq , lacca anti all
buintmji'r iubricu wiiiidiiit iiury. Lquaiiy
vahimaiilo fOr aimtts , ltouiijoi1 arid gummerimi t
hdtuudty urpoLes. $ QitI bynU daicrs
RaWortli , Scitodde & Co. , Makers , Chicago.
iowYordOOiOOttiLC0nard1 SI , IJoston,3Cioothmaznt.
- - - - -
"Sen dron"
Tueit Eicarings
Most Rigid Frame
, -j
"A Well MadeWheel' '
Call or write for Camelotcue.
Nebrusicts Cycit' ( us. , : l.ia : S. haIti hi.
O Iuua Cycle ( 'o. , 'oummcii ijiuffs , Is.
LNDIIO ? ' ( V11III CO. ( Makers ) 'SoI Q. Qiu C'