- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - ' - - - . - - . - - - - - - I--- r TI11 OMAHA DAILY B11 : JjNIAY , AnI.r 7 , 18913. 5 Pi1se o Western Progress. L c - - . - 1tct from a turnb ( ' ! f (11(1 mIr.Itg OuiitIe of the state 5h3w t1tt with tw xctIIt1s ) ft gratr Lnn3O ha been t Ihu1J.je tO the eniofler for the flft Uireu j Ionth ; ot 18f6 than for the ccrre'prnBng ) erto4 cf IS5 , anti thet ttie gre1o I girn- 4 , ra1Iy ti'gher , ay the Dcnvr NeWs. There h niso a ntab1e Incrce In the number uf men employetl In tbe raro'i ' detrIcti of ho tL' ' ' . and an ncre.o Is reportec to 'ho ttt ) or nien working for rage' all a'ong ' ( ho hn" . I3uM r reports an LflcreLO of irj2C,295 ) OUfl IS r ore ehIppt4 to the mieIter. with It Ierg ' iuni1n'r of men at work. 1'Iftpon huulred ( men are eniplye4 in P11km ; galn& ' 1,300 last year , vhiie the ore OUtPUt of Mpon camp is 6S,000 tou , egninet O.OOO n year ago , with an Increased valno. ' $ Creek proiluceti $1,1OO.COO more goki for first quarler of thIs year then Inst. nnd giv work to 1,500 mOre mifler8 ( lien 'as the case a s'cjr ago. Inn. ' inl county conies to ( ho front with Rn Iii .u"O of $4. 7OI1 ) more in values than a ycir ag 'irt ' glve wnrc to 2O ( inure iiien. An inrraii , of nar1y $1O.POO me shown In tli : uivlint Of ot o Siitnnitt coiiiity inlties 2iao ehl'ptt to ( ho rniit'Iters over the some D rtc.1 tt Iait year , while twenty-five moro n'r fl' uipIoyed. 1ew ( ' ( 'lear Creek county , about Tiiaho prIng , iijowi an lncrase of 114.6 per cent in the ihIprnent of smelting oei , an 75.1 In iiill ! dirt. The value Is nbout double that or the s'iliinients of one year ago in each ca' . The tlIitrlct gLvei enipinyinent to nlnit ; I . tOO lucre II1CII than ft dlii last year. G'iriitn , has nearly ( loubtcl the number of nnn at work. Oursy han slitppol 15,000 tons o far tliI9 ycar. 'I ho big shililnents from the foil Mountain inInei are yet to coiiie , the heavy irotliiri'r being tleil up on account of inow. ] ' 1ie vItiei of ores setit to emeltcri from this distrli't h4 close to $750.000. The snow hound iroiierte vill sooii commence condlng their i.- product to market , Ouray vil1 round out the year with at least 6,000 carloacle to her credit. 511(1 as 1evoloiinei1t vork Is in prog- less all uver the country , it viit become one of the greatest gohi producing sections of the state. The iiilIte about Rico have shipped less , nud do not employ ns nmammy muon , owing to the advance In smelter charges Limo first of time year , which closed a number of the riiver mimics of the district. There are fewer men employed at Creede t1ins'as time case a year ago. SANTA FI EXTFNSIOI ' , . Time surveys now being made from Victor anti Oni ( irande and extending In an easterly llrectmon Imavo at last heemi traced to a rem- le imeati , says a San flernardino dispatch to tIme San 1rancIsco lxamnIiicr , and there can ao longer ho ammy ( loubL but ( lint the new nuiveys are for time Santa Fe , and there is everything to indicate that It is not a pro- ilmnitury , hut a working , survey.Vhntever elo Is mimystorious In connection with the 3natter t\vo timings are now definitely known. \VIilie Vaughn 'mts in this city lie was iii consultation with Fred l'erris , chief engineer of ( lie Soutimermi California , and he was sup. died with Santa 1o money in the shape of iay checks drawit by that corporation. ITo cashed such checks In this city in paymoult or supplies. The Santa U'o must build from the Southern California road to the Colorado river or time latter road will be cult from the miyatcmn. Time Atlantic and Pacific , extending from Albuquerque to the Noedies , will ho \ mmiii ummider execution In July. That saio will of course ho the end to that corporation , and the Southern Pacific will taka liacic time line i om the Needles to Mojave now operated by time Atlantic anti i'acIllc tinder a lease. it thrrefore becomes absolutely necessary for the Santa Fe to build from flarstow or sonic imolmit sotith of there to Needles. It. is also learned that the Santa Fo already has a number of prIimnimmary surveys through tue territory Indicated and the party which Vatigha has takemm out. Is much larger than that mm'eIeI for a prollmnimiaiy survey. so time inference i imiain that time present is aim actual - tual working survey ; that Vamtgimii anti his sumveycrs are now rumimmimmg time lines amid set- thug the grade stakes for the road which shah couimmect thio Atiuitic and Pacific at 1eetiie with time Southern Cahiformuia. Time line to be constructed wilt be over 200 miles long. 13FAT 1tOFNTGEN flAYS. Dr. A.V. . S. Itetliermnel of Ihrooklyn. N. - ' - . .y. , viio came hero with a party of Holy Terror stockholders , has methods of exam- Smuimug moines antI locating ore bodies that are , at I at. new to tItle locality , says a Key- mitono dispatch to time SiouK Falia Argue- Leader. During his vitit ho has made ac. emirate drawings of time undorgroummd workings f of a lutilie , without having been down into , It. Givemi a piece of ore , ho Imnmnodatoiy ! tohil time part of time mine it came from. The ( hector irofesaes to locate ore bodies , amid toil whether or not they will pay. it is said that timoso who have followed his advice have proved imis iwethlction true. lie always visits thmo ground alone , and determines the location et time ore body by his own iecmmhtar macthetis. lie says that thercu is nothing iii time imiethod that conflicts with mmatmmral laws or that cannot ho understood by any ono who observes amid stmtdics the forces of na- euro. euro.What is the itower that lie possesses , or time iotmreo of it , is beyond an ordinary under- ettandimmg , and that im is not a fmmkhr is cvi- lermceti by the known excellent bmmsimioss qual- Itles CS thOse wimo sent iimn hero. who judge him emily froumi his momccess Iii tIme past. lie chmiimmis to have located ore bodies wiuilo hero amid time doveiopmnomit necessary to establish I lie trutim or falsity of his PrediCtiOmiS will be wmitcimetl with great intcrt'Et. STI1UCIC RICh ORE. A sensation was caused bore by a strike ninulo by Ed Iaiiy , a yoummg imiami u'cii known abommt towmm , says a ( Iliiett Silecial to the Itocky Mountain News. Mr. Daily was shmowlmmg aroummd to lila mumany acquaintances the ilnest speciimmen of sylvammite ore over 50011 in this locality. Time ore. which had been but crtmdel7 roasted , was literally coy- cred with bubbles of time precious metal. The most remmiarkablt } circumnumutmufleos about the strike are tile u idtii of the yelp from which the ore vaim taken , the deptYof the claim uiitl time great distance front , afly other kmwwmi iromiucors. The Green Mountfthmi , ( mom which this valuable recic was takoli , is at best but a hr0SPOCL imoic , mto % down ten teat mind is owned by Mr. ihhiy and his as- eociates , Immncumi amid Jim Connors. They have only been 1mm thu district a ilttio eve two mimcmiths , during mnost of which time they ' , _ have beeim working for time Cold Hutton Mimi- log commipany and have spoilt ( heir spare t.'tmo during a layfT prospecting They fctjnmh sonmo very rich float and commenced ainking CM a vehl defined lead. The leJgo opelmed up at a depth of eight feet is ftmliy six feet while between granite wails , , misPays have as yet been obtalmied , bumt jimiging from the roasted pocimens it will nhmm imp Into the thiouaancls. The claim is situated about fommr and a unit miles east of Oil crook and fully five miles from the Lb. coin , the nearest known producer. Dsiiy refused - fused to pmmt a price on his property. One or thici imartner was left guarding the claim ahiti time others 'viii return with the reces- sary stores for continuing active work. l'ACiIIC COAST I'ULLMAN. In conmiectiofl with time plan of the South- ermi Pacific conipammy to construct a short line to hiadon. via l'otrero and Souih Son Francisco , there is another immiportammt enterprise - terprise , amys a San Yrancisco special to thie I'orthand Telegram. This is eaid ta he nothing bees ( lion time creation of a raihoati town , similar to that of Puhimiman , near Cimi- cage , on time property of thmD Soumthmorn l'n- ciflo comnpany and itt , indivimhimal eimm.reimoi- der in timia amuil Sami Matea counties , where time tWG coumities join. It hiL long been known that time rabiroad contemplated constrmmotiii a short line through tlii section. and that this wiobl hmavo breri thmo original route but for the opposition of certain lammdhmoltlers twenty-five years ago , htmL it Is only recemitly that miii- Timorous developments have imuihicateti that time Southiormi l'aciilc people hmmro something nioro in view iii makimmg heavy laimJ l mmr- chases in time l'otrcro , and mmmoro particularly in South San Franciaco , than recmmring a right of way. It is proposed to remove time company ml repair shiOi)5 amid roummdimouso to time n3W town. It is said that work on time imroJat is only delayed by the conipany's lack of ready mommey. mommey.MEXICAN PIGM1ES. Frederick A. Star , profecoor rm nr.timrc- mology in time ijmmiversity of Chicago , line just returned fiximu a thmree-nionths' trip through umnoxpiored portions of Guatemala anti Mexico , says a recent ( ilepatchi. I'rut , Star's object in nuaking time trip was to visit nil ( ho ruins in tb two coimmitries which , iii his trip last etmmmnor , lie hind heard so highly prniBod , and to find time piginy tribe which was supposed to live sonmewlmoro about ( lucre. The professor spent ten daya aniong time Mixes , time fiercest tribe kmiown , who are supposed to retain some of time cannibal Instincts of their ancestors , Time professor anti his comnpatmion , a German political rob- gee , had no trouble iii getting along with tummm spenliing of his trip l'rot. Star was very emitlimislnstiC. The results. lie said , had been so smmccessfui and time field so promisinr , that imo exieCteli to return there October 1. lIe said : "Time state of Ciminpas is attracthiig nilmeb attention at iresemit on accommiit of its coffee , and Ammmermcan capital is flowing in at a great rate. lIvery iilantatiomi or piece of ground available for coffee growing is being seized UpOn by imivestors. " l'rof. Star said the commntr ) ' offered epochal facilities for research work in his line , In Oaxaca nineteen different languages are spoken , thirtecim In Cimiapas anmi twenty-one in Guatemala. This indicates as mammy different - ferent tribes of people. and time oppotunity to study timeni is extraordimiary. Concerning the idea that pigmies zmnd other small umien of time country might be descended from time mnouumtain ldiot , time professor said : "I founml lots of idiots in time country , btmt in no case was there any connection ho- tween them and time little people. Cretins , as thmo idiots are cailed , are descendants of goitrous people. Goitre is a disease that is caused. by the water the people drink , and time descendants of thmemue goitroums people are ust'aliy deaf , dumub amid idiotic. Time small people are not diseased aol retain all their faculties. There are so niany of them that it Is impossible to call thmenm freaks. I could cot find any pigmy tribe from which they arc' descendants , but. I behi&re there is audi a tribe , " 0114 TO SUPPLANT COAL. The Somitimern Pacific conmpamiy has for sommme months past been eximoriinenting with pctroiommrmi an a substitute for coal as fuel on its locomotives , and the officials in time general - oral 0111cc of the conipammy are so lIeascd with tIme result of tim experimcmmt , rays thmc San Francisco Chronicle , that they have decided to dim away with time use of coal entirely on ahi time loconiotLve operaied by Limo coimmpammy muoutlm of Freamio. IIV. G. Curtis , engineer of tlto maintemmamico of way do- Iartment , said that the uncertainty of time permmmanency of the eli supply iii sauthern California had caused the conipany to lesi- tate before equipping all its locamnotivee with tanks and m'praying devices , but it has been dc.cided to use oil In lieu o caal oil both time San Joaqmmin ani Los Argeles divisions without. fmmrthor delay. "Should ( lie supply of oil turmm out to be unlimnited , " ito added. "uo will use it miii over the Pacific system. _ " o have imeemi experimentIng wIth tue new fuel for some time past , ani time resuits have justified the change. It. iacs been fotmnd that time use of petroleum effecte a cc'ield- : orablo saving to the compmny. : We hare been burning oil on two enginmo during the past few umonthms , and we have fimi'il That four barrels of petroleum , or 1,200 pommmmds of fluid , does time work of ono Ion o coal Coal costs mis 5.5O a ton dotun Viere. cc- ciusive of the cost of hman.ihimit It from limo seaboard to time point of thistribmmthoim mind consunmption. Oil is selling for GO ce'its anil 75 cents a barrel , so that a perceptible av- ing is to lie niatlo by using imtoleumii for fuel. TIme company has lot a ontract with a Los Amugeles lirmu for time erection of two storage tanks at tint place of a total 'a- pacity of 150,000 gaiions , Time mmmator1aL wiil be ordered in time cast and sent omit as rarly as possible , mind by the time mime s'orage tankmi are eonmpletcd we oxpact to have a large number ef engines equipped whim spraying devices and tanks so that time change of fuel mmiay ho made without delay em- annoyance - noyance , 111CR ORE NUGGETS , Ii , Bell has just returnemi from time south fork of Carmmmnn creek , where lie has boon putting lii time voter debug developimient work on time hiarnato group , In which lie imas Interested taumio of ommr busimmess omen , says time Salmon City ( Idaho ) Recorder , ho brought down about timirty pounmls of Fpeci- imien ore , which Is probably the richest ore ever imroughmt into Salmon from an undo- voioped amine. Omie of time imiecos , vlmhch weighs abommt tccm pommmmds , has two solid continuous veinhets of gold that are eight inches long and from two to three Inches Cheep rmmimnlng through It. Another iuiece shows about a 3-buncim of coarse uviro gold him a large honeycombed cavity , timat Is a coarse as baling wIre. , niong the epeimens is also a ton-pound rubyite copper ore , thst comes out of a foot-wail streak of the same vein. lie describes the vein as a cotmtact fissure , from four to forty feet thick , between quartzite amid porphyry. it would seem tlmat , with smmcim exceptionally coarse gold occurring so near the surface iii such favorable geological smmrromaidings , it could not help proving a profitable property. If not a bonanza divitkiid parer , with a little further developmnomit In depth. TO DEVELOI' TilE MOThER LODE. An hmnportmumit enterprIse for time future of thm ! iuinsig indum'try in California lma just been perfected , uttys the Portland Telegramu. It primicipal object is time development of that portion of time mnetimer lode lying betweomi time Mokelumne and tito Stanislamme rivers in Calas'eras county , which the arcity of water In that section line retarded. 0mm one side of this regini are time prodmmctive mines of Amnmulor , such as time Argonaut and the ifennedy and on the other time far-famed Utica. while still further to the south amid east mire the rtclm rawhmitie atmil other prosperous Tiiohunmne county properties. 'huie they have gone ahead amid been rumnk to a ( lepthm of frolmi bOO to 2.200 feet , time intervening country , apporesitly equally rich in gold , has only boon ecratchmetl en time simrface. Time imminos amid claims in this territory are mostly croiiiing workings , time sim'mfts in ho case extending imelow a dcptim of 200 feet , yet to time extent to which they are worked time ore ruins $5 , G , 7 amid $8 to the ton. it is a vehi known fact that on time mother lode ttmo richest ore hit's at a great dm'ptlm , amid it Is for the purpose of devehopmnomit of this arid region by time mire of chcctric power that time Cahitornia Expleration cciii- pany has been formmiel. In it are interoitemi Euroienmm , New York and San 1rarici'o caimttal to a large amoUnt. The comiip.ny hma been formed with a capitai stock of $2,000,000 , auth a rcaerve of $1,000,000. ThhT lAKOTAS. A new crenmmmery at Amidover is said to be an assured timing. lii accordance with instructions from time I Indian bureau , Imithinim Agent Troon of Crow . I Creek amid Lower hrmmlo agemmeics Is adver- Using for bids for sinking a six-inch artesian svell on the school farm at thmmi former agon cy , The Sioux IndIans contimmuc' to fmmrn'shm hmroaf that they are becoming civilized. Time illost recemmt hmmstnneo is that of an Indian at Yammk- ton agency \uiio has comnumiomiced suit agnimist United States Indian Agent Smmiithm of timat agency for $3,000 damimages for false iniprlsomm. mommt. Operations have begun for time construe- Lion of a mmmiii of 141.larrel ) capacity at Giemi Uhlen , N. D. A bmiiitliimg 30x62 , also tin dora- tar with a capacity of 2,000 bumshuols , are under u'ay. It Is CXlOcteti all vihi be remmmly Soptemuber 1 for custommi work and gemmerai mill business. Department Comnnmander S. It. Irako of time Grammd Army of the Republic ammnammmices that time thirteenth annual emmcanmpment will imo imeid at Watertowmm , S. D. , Jumme 3 , 4 nimd 5. Time Wonman's RelIef' corps aitti Sotis of Veteramms vhlh meet at the annIe ( hue mmd imlace. A rate of one fare for the remind trip line been secured , A whisky still of sixty-five gailoimo is what Special Internal Itevemmue Collector hhmirris of Chicago ammil Special Deputy DaggeR anti lmstrict Internal Revenue Collector Lieber of North Dakota founmi in Stark county last week. The officers say that this Is thio best mmioonshminors' atiii ever taken in time north- west. It was brougimt over from Hungary by three Hungarians , imow under arrest , who caine vitim a coiony four years ago t'hmicim miottleti in this county. thirty miles from time railroad. Time still is locateti in a ravine amid hiss been in operation over three years. It was by accident that the omcom's learumeth of time illicit business. A short timmi slmmco a ( lflhlCO was given in this Hungarian settlement - mont , to which a few outsiders were invited , The dancers lnmbibemh freely of time flowing bowl and somebody gave away the mledrct. A five-gallon keg of ivhmislty fresh from time stihi was taken with time nioonsimimmers. The Ofilcers took timeir prisoners to Bismmmarck. COLORADO , Artesian water was struck at Mamizanola at a depth of 1,100 feet , time flow beimig SO to 100 galiont' imer minute , It is reported timat time placer company workinm below lto'co , on Clear creek ctmeanod up S,00O after their fIrst week's work. Philadelphia capitalista have about coin- piotetl imegotiations for time purchase of forty claims in th Grassy district mmear Bull imihl for a consideration of 3QO0 cash anti $1,500 worth of time mltock in a Company to he formed. A report conies from Colorado Springs that a fine two-foot vein has been cut imo time Independence - dependence extension which is timougiut to ho time Indepentionce vein. An additional force ot twenty-tivo miners will be put to work on this property. flommhler gulch and Tower mnoummtain , in thmo Sliverton district , are said to be attracting - tracting considerable attention at present. Seine fabuhoum , assays in gold have been mnado anti consequently a rmmsm ! to that sc- thou hiss been time resuit. Ami Important sumit has been brommgimt in time district court at Idaimo SprIngs by owners - ers of the Rio Grande mine against the mvii- era of time Williams , alleging abstroctom ! of ore from time forimmer. amid denmamiding dam- agea In time smmnm of $200,000. Aimmong the mines in to ! : Ahmna district to be worked this season that were hue lust year niar b nmentloumeti time London , Mooa , hohly , Excelsior , flrownlouv , hock hfcckimm , Colorado Springs group , Golconda grop , lfamm- sail , Nova Zemmibia , Buckskin placers aimtl others. 1mm immitting through an upraise in time Sihent Fm ! cmmtl mulno at lluhimo Sprimmgs aim era hotly 100 feet long amid two feet wide has beemm recently - contly opened lip. Tests show vahmmes averaging - aging $350 a ton. A imumber of mmcmv prohmem- ties have begtmn shipping ore ( room Idaho Sprimmgs ttiiti ore imuyern speal him time highest terimis of time growth of that region , Later information from time strike on time Imla 11 proves It to have been a very mm- portamit one. Itepurts received ( room Cripple Creek were to time effect lust time thIrty inches of ore found will average seveimty-six ounces er trio aumul timat time fortunate leasers took ommt live tons ommo day rocemmhiy which ran $1,520 to time tomm , or $7,000 for time lot , Time latest freg-in-sohiml-rock story comnes fromim Boulder county , Time Ward Mimmer says that omme day mmt long ago Mr. Allen u'amm working in time flirnmlngimam mine. at. Zmiagimo- 11mm amid In biastimmg time soiitl rock , sixty feet under around , lie broke open a small cavil ) ' in u'iiich was a live frog. It Was dormmmmmnt and showeth no sign if mi"tiv. until takn to the surface and elpitatiti I sunlight for several hours , when R $ c'an to nmoue. It was also apparently lihhmid at first , a film ' beIng over the eyes , htmL a'ter a few days it was also able to see , Thm'reporter ' adds : "It hail probabiy been lii ti1e tock for cemmtmmriee , " llLAt'FC ihItt4.NoTES. Time ilonmestako Minipg pmpaimy wihi today pay its dividend No. il. : aggregating $37- 500 , a totai to date of 837,5OO. The government divition of fish culture hms notifleti W. L. ( l.zdnor of hlmmpiml City , fish artien for Pennlngton count ) ' . that 15.00) trout vihI be sent to hiim'a mtt ommee for ( listri- btmtion iii localities beet simmiteul for time pftr- pose. The hlawkoye MinIng company imas started Its fOrty-stanmp mill itt Plunma oim ore frommm the IInwko'e amine , thereby nhillng ( one more to the lIst of contribmmtipmm to time gold out- put. Iheforo starting mmp the mmmiii the coin- pany put about 200 tons of ore In its bins so as to have a little leeway , Joseph Majors of St. Louis , who has at different titmies bought mimici at Custer , has just arrlveil frommi i' , Lotus with lila fanmily anti expects to devote lmis entire ( line to time mica bumsiimew. The price lie pays , broom 15 cents to $1. per pounti , iearoa a good mmmargin to the immimmer , thus emmcouraglng vork in time mimica rmmines. Harry Robinson of Akron , 0. . principal owner of time axle grease factory at Curtis , is lookiimg over the grommn(1 with mu view to atltiimmg omm a rctlimction work to his hulant. \Vimwm imo built lila Present works lie limit 1mm mmmcii mom Power than ho mieedeJ , with a view to adding soniethmihg to it , hence his 1nterc.'t in time retlmmctiomi matter now. l'rof. It. rumimpehly of time chair of mmminor- elegy in hlarvartl college coil II. I. . Snmyth , mining export , are at ieadmmooii immaklm an oxaniinatlon of sonic immining property omm time miihiciomms bolt. Timy are aceonmimammioul by T. \v. iCingsbury and A. Forsyth stutiemmts of ilarviurtl shio are takimmg advammtage of the opportuimmity to famimiiiarize thcmmmselres witim the different formmmatlomis in time Ihiack hula. After no end of figuring anti iawimmg time F' . Fl & M , V. ltaiiroatl commupany line at last emmeceetled in gettimmg an appraisement of time property it intends ummmg for a imasaemmger ( leimot. As both the property owners anti time rallroatl commipany clahtim a victory in time re- stilt , it is not likely that aim appeal will be taken anti ( lie long proniheati Imammiisonmost passenger dohtot in the state will eornm he a timing of roalitil and a Joy forever. The F' . Fl & M. V. ltumilroad compammy haslet lot a commtract for the construction of iui tracks to the deimosits of fuller's eartim neor Fairbtmrmi. Dry houses and everytimimmg mmcc- essary to imandh , time imrotlumct to the best ntlvantago are beIng Imut in. Time i1reeimt os micra of time itropertY are also largely iii- ( erected Iii time Fioritla deposit of time samime material , which , lie over , is not as high a grade as that fommimd hear F'airburmm , E. ii. hlarrlnmamm and E. 2i ! . Parrott of Now York and E. II. llmmnl of Chicago , vho , witim timelr nsociates , recently paid $500,000 for omme-timird ef time stock of time Goitien Reward _ iIiiming conmpammy , have just rettmrmmetl east him their Imrlvate car ( room a visit to the corn- pammy's nmiiies aimd works. They expreased tiienmselvcs as highly lileaseil wIth wimat they saw amid before leaving nnimoummmced ( lint tue capacty of the conmpany works would be at once largely increased. Time prospectors of Lawrence county have organized a Prospecters' I'motectiro asimocla- tion for time immmrpce cf mrotecting its nmtnmbers mmiaInst time chronic "claim jummmpers , " and where necessary to .fmmrmmisim Its mmmemmmbers wltim nmoans to fight thmomom with. Time clainm juniper is a parasibl pemtmhiumr to nmimming cauntries-ime doEs fl i prpsperting iminiseif , but watchmen the work of Lmo pro.'pector , amid when time ( line ha rihmt clothls his tithe by Hi- lug a claim over hmiimm cxpectiimg to force time rlgimtfui owner to at. least give iiiimm art inter- Oct Iii lila ground. Iuortummately this dhtrict has hecn cornparativly free frommm timi cla of peopie and the imropectors propose by stroimg orgaimlzation to keqtm timimi omit. Lead City caim boat't ' qf having a woumid-be vlctinm of time notor1omi lI. II. Hohimmes in time person of Alecic Meilbee. MePhmee wan at time timno of time incitlemmt a ihmimmbei iim Ciii- cage , anti was employed by holmes to lay somimo'PiPe. . In time ( hue commrse of timmmo be commipletod the work and prereimtiimg his huh got a "stand-off. " lIe called mmgaiim and was gret.eH ltm tIme sanme way , About tiits timmme Me1'imeo became tirol of Holmes' financial policy , and ronmomietruited , whereupon Iohmmme took a revolver omit of a drawer and laid it on imi table. Thiey cormtinueti to argue time questicim , whmcn hloimmIoC' ottentloim was attracted - tracted In ammotlmcr dlrectloim , and McI'imee picked imp time revolver and was whining it oil his finger when hlohmmmos turned arommimd again. hhoimmica paid time bill anti McI'imee retired. . WYOMING. A discovery C ! asphalt is reported fronm Green ItIvor. Black's Fork river In Uinto cotmmmty line becim gaimgeul recently amid Its flow fommnd to ho 400 cubIc feet per second of tlnie. Quite a mining excitement has broken omit at Gienrock , In Converse couimt ) ' . everai finds of cujiper and gold have beomm immado. The \Vheatlantl farimmers are very busy witim their epriimg work anti a conservative estinmate is that 10,000 acres of land will be ummder cultivation this soasomm. Time cattlenmon in the Snake river commntry , Carbon county , are considering time feasi- imility of ergaimizing to resist time encroach- immonts of the shoejmnien on time raimgo. There is great cxctomciit over time imew placer discoveries in the d strict west of Wheatlaimd. A large nummmher of Cimeyemmne busincs' ' mmmcii arc iimtereateth imm time mmcmv Holds. Time latest hmmveatigatioms : place time value of time groumid at train $6.10 to $57D per cubic yartl. Charles Iaseh , who owns a copper cialmim on Casper immoumtain , line hmamh an offer made him by a commimany which , mmmay result in thm dcvelopmmmommt of time clainm. The coimmpaimy prepoies to develop time pmopvrty , mmmhime amid mtnmelt time 010 amid give Mr. 1)asch omme-hmalf of time net profits. It. ! s ( eared that time recemmt snow storm , mmi-.ii was quite sevcr.5 iii the temitral it r- thou of tlm state. has caused camuetiorumhhtu loss to time ahicepimlen. A mmmmmmmbsr of rlue& p iamo beemm itimeared at Caper and ioumias anti time simon amid cold mvcathmer conmhdmcil : will probably kill sonic of time simormu himeop. Cal In's been ound south cf Laramimlo , Time inforimmatioim was brought to time city imy E. Warner , one 0 ! tIme commmpany which hiss been prospecthimg for sommme ( line. Time mbmaft 1mm doWn abotit iiftoen feet , anti oihteen inches of coal have bcemm foimni. 'flmo mnaft Ic located about 150 feet south of ihmo , 'righmmmml ' shaft aumik by iirammdls anTi others. The coal frommi time mmcmv discovery is of very fhrmo qual- An important decision baa been rendered by Judge iCimighit him time case of time t'mIorm l'ac'tic Land amid Water coimmimany agaimmat htlgby & hioldemi for tre.pacs. Fho suit Irm- s'e'.ved the riulmt of t'imeepnmemm to graze their hlcckmm upon hamumlmm ieaed by others from time railroad conmpany wtiiIm time twemmty-mmmile grant himnits. Time cdut"4Id timat such gmaz- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - . - . UI LJiS ii Uii'i UIliiI&Jy vImLII nycimur , iNL'W PEN PICTURES PLEASANTLY AND , POINTEDLY PUT. York. Time New Itoimeimmiarm. Time hoimenmiaii ) l'uh- t hiShlilil ! COtiiitiV ! ( iiiehtinnt i (1. 'I . ) A Vit GAOIIT'S NO ihtit\ % ' hilt it vaIkover tim low tmlioes-eslWC- 1mmli ) ' W'iil'ii they coitie In tim 20th Ccii- tlii y ox t'oi'tl stylu-wttlt weltiuti soles- ilko nimlilti's slt ti-ilii lIT hut lhlhPt'14 ) tutu extttiuule'd u'iizui' toes--i hey give tue foot a 't't ) ' liii ittlsohiiti Ii iI'it imi lieu miiiil mu vu veh.y CtiitfOi'tmtlmiu-pi'i'u' ) , : Lot ) . 'i'liu it- ) ( ' 3't'1tl ve gR'o nwny is lit thu w'liutlov , 1)rexel Shoe Co. , * iotmd for iiltma our 14 19 Va ed Catalogu. r ha iii. 4 : Z I 1 - = i , . . \ ; \ IT ATTIL.tCTS MITSICLtNS _ _ i A stile 'iiero you cmiii buy a goot Itlililt ) tot' all thu vuy ( ruin $ Ii. to $ iIf ii ; lttihitt ) to nttrnct ( lie tmtti'iitloii of iulimiost every oitu-t lit'so lhmtimo ) hiavo ih't'ii IimWll ohieuu.of cotmrstm-soiiuu alimmoust chit iu'ely iiuw'-but tiiu'y''o coinu ( i'oimi out' i'eimiul r shiups-mumUt YOtl kiio' tiiey'ro mill vIgitt-'o mire itumuidii the easiest llill ( of teriiimf on tlueiti'-tltls w'eek otily. A. Hospe , Jr. Music atid Art. 1513 DoUglaS. \l\\t \ \ \ . , v L'4c , , 1,001CM .S ( ) hlOMITthihh ' .I'Intt's . a Coimhhhioii exlirt'SsIOui Iieni'd Iii omit. liigiaimi caurilet rooiiim-tlin hmmittermimi 1110 Hot gtlUtly-iiOi' yet $ lilHIIiell-itit ) just : ( limit half s'muy imtveemu mitylo that iilt'ilseH ovei'y tmmm4im--l hti'u probably are Hot itmilt us iiitiiuy stylemi in tow'hl nil hiel'&miiiutl there certainly Isn't itimythiluig ( I ) i'ohuipetu s'itlt olit 50e a yard lmtttel'his. \Ve witolesalo as well 814 retmuil-you kmiow , Omaha Carpet Co Onhy exclusive 1515 Carpet house bers Dodge .1 . , : . : - .p E , 7hi - \ -tj 'OMI'OIVV A 'Oi.tN P.tIChhS- Iii limtvliig it tooth fixed at our ulental itarlol's ii ; tuimimuzing-alter all time qlhill'k nostril iiis sii'm'm ' bet'ii suiimjeele'tl to , 'l'hmere'me t1)siihhtVO ) ) ' no ! ) itlii at tmll-oui' ihiotlmitui ( If oxtlac'tlhig Is 0111' OWU OXcItutliVO Itrol ) ' erty itiiti 'o urn sure to imot emutlso imzilhu , 'l'lio first lIft ) ' t'exits' svortlt 01' iIhshiIemtH 3'ui give tis 'lll bum free-so f'mui' us you au-o coiicernod , Dr. Dean , Dentist N. W. Corner Utht aimil 1)XIgI 40McCague Bldg ing would be trespos ; that the government Sections which alternate with time rair.ad sectiomma are opeim to all parties for graains ptmrpese , ammul thnt care mmmu.st ho exerJred in crossing the rilronmI lantis. This prmuc- tbcaily shuts omit time beOpmnen , and the cat- tienmen , who hare leased large aniommnta of railroad land , ore rojoicimmg at time opporttmn ty time decision gives timemmi to control time ranges ' ) ItEGON. The Lyons saw mill at Coqumillo ( 'ity 'ins shimmt down indefinItely. Time gypsum plammt mm'ar Ilmmntumigton mviii lie in operation neut month , says time Baker ( it ) ' Demimocrat , As rnamiy as 1,000 men are reported to been on time hmeadwtmters of tIme bIg Ncstumcc hires- Pectiiig for gaul. An yet hittie has been foul imtl. Mosler has a monstrosity in the shape of a calf witim ( 'mo nmotmtlms , cue 1mmmmiicthhately Un- ilerneatim time othmer. Time calf to all appear- ammee Is perfectly formmicd otherwise. Placer mining has becum commimemmeed nil over eastermi Oregimmi. This Promimlees to be a ver ) ' imroeperouho s'aeoim for ( liii , liititistty , owIng to tIme abumnulammee of tree urater. Time owners of time l'oumcock anml Ohhm'r ProPerties - erties in time Seven Dcviii , eommmmtry arc letting commtracts for the hmnmmhiimg of iC00 ( tins of coppfr ore (0 time imearest iatlroad point. A large nmmmommnt of wheat is iiehmmg rocoivetl daily at time wareimomisen Iii TIme Dobbs. It is lsrt of last year's crop timat was imciti by time farmimers whit , muere not satimiu1 w ith minces last fali. There Is a much eamr In The Dallee that has a mvoclemm leg. Omme of A. Thmommmpsen's cows mmao laid tiim witim a straimu tl leg amiti Mr. Thommmpaon had a .o'jdemm cii , imiado mni utraiqwii ( in her , amid imow the t'omi' urea time at titlciai leg as though milwmmys acrustoimmed to t. Time snumgboat Corvmhlhs has hmeemm raised by time iitgim mmater frammm its beth at the bottoimm ci thm'iiIanmette , amid immis stunted emi a jomirumey ( Iowa the river , Time boat was keeled over oim one side , limit has mmomv righmteul amid is helmmg shoved slowly down stmeammm by time strommg cumrremmt. Time Ammmhrows Luniber commmpany of Moumm- taiimil.mlc'asimingtOmm cotmimty , line sold a bill of 1,51)0,000 ) feet of street lummmber to time city of i'ortlanml. The delivery Imas aireatly commm- miiemiced. Time immihl is teum imihies frommi time Conmmeiimms statiomm , ammtl time iummmber imas to ho iiatiied that distance on muagons. 'Tiio Corvallis Thrmmes conhlrmmms time report of a mmcmv liotmrhmmg mill for Monroe. Orders for GO0 wortlm of mmcmv nmacimimmery for time huh have been hmlaced iii Portland. Time mill 1. : ' to lie located oim time farimi of IT. Maude , one amul a imalf immiles north of Monroe. It Is to ito a roller process , with steaimm power , ammml time capacity to be fifty or sixty barrels per duty. 'ork Is to bogimm in a short tiimme. A mmmaim of Sammd hsland , at the moutim of time Cohmmmmmbia river , over time ownership of wimicim there has beemm serious coimteimtloia between time flsiiermmmemm of Oregomm anti W'ashimmgtoim , Is 0mm file in time Oregon surveyor gemieral's 0111cc , miuiowimmg ( lint the isiamiul is ommtircly eu tue Oregoim sitic of tIme cimumimmiel , anti there is also en file a proclanmaiiomm of l'reciilent Ltmmcolim rescrvimmg time island fuir mIlitary umummimses. WASiIINGTON. A imat mmmammuactory is to be started up at Spokane , eummployiumg sLteemm mmmemm. Time oponiimg of time reservation has given qmmite an Inipuolse to trade at Colvllhc. Ommo observer estimmmates that time wheat crop of Kihcldtat coumuuty mmiii this year ho sonmewhmcre imear 1,000,004) bumsimels. It ho itralmosemi to immiilti a simmahi miteamimer to ill ) ' imp aumtl down time Cowlltz rIver daily to briimg tii niihk to a creammmery , to be ac- tabhisited at Castle Itock , Time Sholtoit sawmill , In Mason commmmty , is getthumg out ties for time railway c.ten- siomi , to ito immade this soasoim by ( limo Simelt'nm , Souttmwestenim & Peninsular road. The cotimmty commmmnisslommers of Skagit commmmty itave decided to appropriate s'ooo ' ; for the Dlammchard road , connecting time 1teltmmgimamn bay cities witim ( lie Saummishm coummtry. Time , ommrolhimment of \Vashimmgton agri- cuitmirni college at Pulimmian imas hiaseil time 300 mmmark. Time cmmroihmmment for the emmuiro elmool year of 1S9i-5 'mvas hut 189 , while for 1593-1 it barely imassed time 100 mark. Aim East Ciahlaumm comrecponmient of the West Coast Lummnberummami informs that jommrmmoi tiutt there is a fir log two immhhes ( room that tow mm 7 feet at time foim ammd ccalee 84,000 ( cet of 100 feet hong , mmmeac'urhmg 13 f.et at time batt , clear lumimber. h'imokone he to hmave tw Salvation : , rnmheo- omme to foihow time fmmimtler of Lime 2Oiiety , aid a mien cue to mieclare ahlegiummmco to ittm cc- coulurmg comm. hialhimmgmon Boot lm , ( a be kimowim as Aummonican Vohmmnteer , and o be crg.mnized bite ito5tii Inattimi ef corps. Lgghmmg operatio'ls sic agail imeccmltmg active along Lake \Vhma'coni. From the Gnu- her camp , miomm' nearly ready nor i time logi mviii be shot hmmto the I ke thrommgh : a chute about : ioo ( .et ma ! e mgthm. ( room rim elevation about S00 ( cot above time laie lte. Time cattlenmon betweemm Cher.i'y and Cow creek , two weeks ago , formed mu imrotectivo association amm vahted cim h'a atrimers of mmheelm uihiC 'micro iierdiimg , mn time strip mmiii reqtiestetl timetmi m a immure timoir ficoks below a certahim line. Time shmeeimmmmoim have declared timat time ) ' Will not. be d.is'en off the r.mmige , ammil they are also oam.Izhiig .mad mviii me- olet miltim arias mmy : .mttexmiut to imit ; honm off. Time Spokane Chmrammicie cays : "hmnagl"o a himmo of sqmmirrtuls rangeti It1e by silo aim choecly as timey comild be pince'i , "tt-nJlamg front the cormmi'r of hloward and hilveraldo to time old Seattle , Like i3lioro & Eastenmm tracks a mmmilo hmeyommtl time imiommth of Ha mg- oman creok-limmagttmo ttat kintl of .mn imivahIng animmy , anti you ! have a pretty orii idea of time 92.000 cquhmrehs ( or mvimi''i Spokane county's coimmmnlcsioimers imave alro.'ly paid a bummty this sprimmg. Ammti yet there are imloimty left. " MISCELLANEOUS. A movemiment is on to estabhislm a minimmg excimamigo at l'itoenix. Time But to Immibhic ilbrary immimmihers nearly 20.000 voiummmes , mme coummtlng immagazines or pan'phlotmm. Time Glasgow Gazette says that Montana rammge cattlemmmen expect time shortage of cat- tie Iii time cOtiuitry to immalce itself felt by time timmmo timeir grass hceves are ready for time mima rk mm t. There is quite a dlaptmte over time northern boumumilary of Limo Nez l'erces reservatiomi , Corgressmimaim Wilsorm has secmmromi aim order frommm time Interior departmumc'mmt to have time flume roaurveyed. Trout fishing in time Sammta Yimez river In somitliern Cahhforumia Is mmow at Its height amid ( hint stremmmmm is lined ( ruin ommo omiml to time other with imimnrods , angilng for both ideas- urn amimi buiihmmcstt. Martlum Low of Arroyo Gantio iii fifteemm days caught 4,500 of time fimmost lchiiul of ( remit. 'I'lme recent. rains and time rneltini of snow oim time immommrmtains have tloodcml time streammis anti rivers iii time vcinity of Emmreka. 'fime constructIon bridge of time Vance railroad was carried omit to rca cmi AprIl 13. Count ) brIdges over Farmer slid Salman creeks. A IT ItJS'L' hill ' . 'II.fi hNII- . Or ve didn't ( It ) It-everything iiiovttl 'lt ii I lie grt'a test of ( 'ml he-Ito imrokeii ghit ss-iuo mmmii ri't'ml ( ii vu I t ii re-u I 1 you limtve ti ) tin is to call lhi Hi511 iiiul a big \iuil buicks umim It ) ) 'Otlt' u'uib aimil ( 'mlrrl's ( tltim i.'hiOlli hiotiso avuy : hut tiii ( lomumh-aiitt t lie test ii in I 'o mm'y u C I t nh I-no cost-mi u ' ' ' us-w'c'll ss'ltIi WoI i'3'-ti'y - tilhiimrlstm you tihil ) iIcc , LhihLl Storage OmaliaVatt CJih)1)huil ) ' Our telephone , 15531415 Favnani in V'abaehm Office. - .4 . - , . . . . OrruCr or BLAcItwrI-L'a DURHAM TonAcco COMPANY. DURHAM , N. c. Dear Sir : You are ontftied to reco1v 0 FREE from your wholeantc dealer , WHITE STAR SOAP with all the Blaokwoll's Genuine Merchant Durham Smoking ' . ' Tobacco tug , One bar l of soap Prec with each pound , 'Iiethcr i6 oz , , B oz , , 4 oz , , or ho Retail 3 OZ , , packages. We have notified cvcry whole- 8m110 dealcr In tim United States that s'o will supply tlieni with soap to give you FRj Order a good supply of IUN 13 DURUAM at once , and Init on getting your soap , OncbarofSoap FREWItII each pttilhd you buy. Soap Ia offered for a limited time , ao order to-day. Yours very truly , LACCWELL'S DUkThAM I TOBACCO COMPANY. .s- . + + + . + + + + If you hayi any dilficuity In procuringyour soap , cult omit thIs iiotlce and send It with .your order to mr , wholesale dasher , "ATRAININGIN CLEANLLNESS ISA FORTUNE. " COMPLETE YOUR DUCAT1ON WITH SAPOLO while still Iii hilaco. have beomu inluremi greatly , Mammy large slices of rich bottommi iammds bortlenimmg aim time rivers , especially the Eoi , mvcro wmtsiteii awmmy. There is a imrcmimalmiiity , accordimmg to time Tocaomm Star , that time Fioreimee canal will cimammge hands 1mm time mmear futmmro ammtl that partIes viil take hold of time enterprise amid add two nmore reservoirs , whmicit 'viii serve mmmore thmamm 50,000 acres of lammml. This mviii immako Casa Grammde a 1)10cc ) of Iimmhmortaimcui. It will add immumcim to time prosperity of Tucson , as timis mmiii be time base of suimimlios , A smmrveying hmarty was fitted omit at Los Angeles which ims a immysterious destimmation. Time utmost secrecy was obsotved iii regard to its ilostimmathomi , imut It leaks out that 'ic- ( or is time Point of ( iestlliatiOmm. It is also stated that time party will run a hue for a hmroliosed mmcmv rahlroati through southmcrmi Nevada , starting frommm VIctor. General Ihonifaclo Topeto , ex-governor of homier California , who recemmtiy tiled 1mm time City of Mexico , wan one of time "OhtI Guard" of time republIc. Ito was ommo of time robust , mugged spirits that imeipetl free Mexico frommi immmporahisimm. Ills galhammtry him attacking tIme Freimcim at Orizaba iii 1862 causetl his lmro- miiotloim. For gallantry Lhmrougimout time war ito was decorated wIth time Cross of Coim- stammcy , and line held rmosltiomms of honor aimtl respcns.billty In this republic since tIme mmar. Durimmg time threatened trouble with Guate- mmmaia Gemmerai Topote miami Iii commmmmiand of time Mexican troops omm time fromitior. Time Saul Francisco Exmmnminer imrimmts time foihowimig extract ( room a Circle City , Alaska , letter : "Towanml tIme close of last suimmummor timere was. mhmat is called Iii Yukomm parlance - lance , 'a grub scare , ' ammtl over 100 mmmcii went omit who would have wlimteretl at Circle City , amid It was good that they mIld so , for those who were left wore put on ratloime , and poor ones at that. Time favorites amid timostm mvhmo damiced attendammce time beat before time 'ty- imiiees' got better aihowances , but tIme immajor- Ity imad mme coffee , butter , oatmeal , rIce , lthCk- lea , vinegar , bacon , etc. Time nmajority had plemmty of gold dust , and parted with it at ruimmomus loss , bothm to purse amid healthful susteuaimce. " + ' * E , * e44-4I4" ' ) I Ciirrertt LiteratLlrc. 4 , + ' Time frontk'pIoco ' of time AprIl issue of Time J3otonlan is a portrait of time late Govermmer Frederic Timomnas Greenumalge of Massacimu- setts , accomimpammied by aim able tribute to time governor ammtl tIme mmman. 'Thme ieadiimg article Ic time sect'tmtl imaimer 0mm "Our Coast lefonse , " by Lleutemmemmt Jaummes A. Frye. Aumotimer tiimiehy contribution is one cmmtltled "Dr. Naim- sun's Voyage to tIme Nortii Pole , " by Johmmm Murdocim , late naturalist mmd observer of time Ummited States imolar eximeditiomm to Alaska. Tima Bostonian Pubhizimlmmg commmpany , 83 New- berry street , hiostoum. M ehmaii'um Moimthmly seasoimably hmas for its Pramig colored hate a representation of ( hO beammtfui blue Rocky Mountain eolummmmbhmie. Time cohunmbhne history is as tumterostIiig us time Idate. Timomumas Meehmamm & Semis , Germnaimtomm'mi , 11.0 tladeiphia. Omitimig for May contains two cnnmplete stories , "Giucic Mit , " by Jeamm I'otter Itudd , ahiti 'Fronm Out Limo Ituins , by Mary Ii. Goothwimm. TIme editorial anti ] record depart- iiiommts are very Interesting. OutIng conmpany , 239-241 Fifth avenmue , Now' York. Time imromiidemmt of the New York Cimaunber of Conmmncrce , 110mm. F' . B. Thurber , 1mm time April nunmber of Doimaimoc's Magazine , tins a paper emu "Time Extension of Our Foreign Coummummerco. ' ' A tiyuumposiumms on "Time Preseimt Aspect of Wonmarm Suffrage , " to which Charles fl Saunders , JimiiumVard hone , Rvehymm Groemmleumf Sutimeriamiti ammd Kathmenimmo hi Cammway commtribute , olfero in a spicy way the several itIes of that eccentric niovommiomit. Of time literary productions , poemnmi amid beamm- tiful pictoriale there Is aim auummdammco , immak- hitt tliiti leamme a most dmmshrablo one , Iomm- imimomi's Mngazimme coimmpammy , 611 Vm'ammhingtomm street , hhoston. 'l'ho Apnli mmummmber of tIme North Anmerican Review' oimemms muItim a imotouvortimy article by lavlml A. VeiIa , entitled "Great Britain and thmo United States : Their rruu htclatiommm. . " Mayo \V. hiazcltiime timoughmtfumihy discussec "I'osiimlo Commmphicatiomms of ( liii Cuhami Qmmc's- tlon , " anti I'rof , Fremlorick Starr of time UumI- vemsity of Cimicago treats iii aim entortaltmhmmg imaimem. of ' 'l'ygummy Itacee of Mcmi. ' ' Time aim- imivorsary of l'residermt Liumcohim's death is sig- mmallzeml by Seaton Monroe , 'ahuo graphtlcaily ilwehis 0mm "Itecohlections of Llimcoln'a Aam'as- sination. " A political syluiimoaiuumi of immucim timmmehhnem's , eumtiiieml "Govorimer Morton as a I'resitlentiai Cammdhdatu , " is iartIchpatemi in imy ex-Seumator T. C. Pbatt , lieu. Cimammmmcey M. Iepew , ox.SL'Cator Warimor Miller , Edward - ward Laumterbacii umimd C. 'IV. hlmmckett , chair- imman of the New York elate republican commi- ummittee. North Amnericaim Review , Now York. Time contents of time Art Ammmateur for Almrii ll'hiN it liOY'S 1'htAhIh _ fil ss'oi't ii soiiiet it I iug muiti Is j tist its lii melt ttotighit htt'tti' iiy till flil Ills fmmtlmoi"s-foi' Iiustmuiiee-Cuitleuit : miomul ) , 15e it cthlcm' itiiti fuit' PitIit'OOthiIhii'V' $ $0111) ) , 1ic'- ' ' kitos' 'lmmut ' hmayui to for It 'i'tl ( , % 'Ohi pmiy t'hm's'htt't-iiittl lt'ml the best % 'lietI you get It mit 1'uihiiu's-no immittt'i' sm'hint Price , iothmt w'itter-timn best thin m'nmIml es'ci' tuuriis ( ) llt-'OhhiL' $ to icuihmu's fouiiitaltu. Kuhn's Drug Store Iteimihy the ormhy 15th &D I Cu ; Price Drug Store otig as are ahiimropriato to time SOulsomm of Easter : a beamutitmml Imeaml of thmo Chmrmst formmmhmig time frontispiece , a mmii t imo cmi iipheumieiits Comm taimm I iii : tieslgits for mum Easter Stole , utmm Ahumis llshm Mat , auth for time decoration of Iastor eggs. Time entire immuummber Is furtttermmmore imermmmc- atotl mvlthm mu'pnlmmg nootives in over ) ' depart- mmmemmt of decoration. Mommntgmmo Marks , 23 Ummiomi i'quare. New York. ' ' \'olf at Qumeimoc , ' ' by Edgar Fawcott. ammil ' 'Time Shremi , ' ' imy Violet h'imume , mire two strik- immgly II immetratoit Poemmms lutoari ng in t ho April nmmmmiber of time l'all Mali Magazimmo. Time hmmtermmatiommai News commmpaimy , New York. Time April tmuimmber of itcummamico contaimme articles upoim time mrmysteriomme new ray , anti ommo mmimomm ' 'Maim FlPzimt , " time hatter giviumg interesting mimotogramhms or hihiemmtlmnl aim lie appears mmhmiio s.zmarltmg thmrotiglm timi. , air with his mimmhmhicate sot of wimigs. Time Cmmrront Literature Pmmlmhimiimimmg coiiipamiy , New York. Time lmaiumtor , henry htmii'cimeii , Is time msuhmject of time article iii time April Overlaimfi's art series , lavishly illustrated with varIed cx- aumophes of the artist's hianthiwork. Overhammtl 2lomitiuly l'mmlmiisimlumg commmiunmmy , Sun Frammcisco. Time hook mime mm for Almrii is mu md o especially attractive by comtaimmimmg : a timmmely nrtiel omm " /lummerhcamm Fechhuig Toward Emmglaumml. " iy h'rof. H. T. I'echc , aumul aim ably written re- iew fromui the snub POii Cii 53100 recent booka of a warlike character tuition time tmoathing , "Time lrhft Toward \'ar. " Time ' 'Living Cnitio'-time sixth of our Iumterestimmg series-is Mr. Ammdiew Lammg , of wimommr a Ilmumi portraIt Is givoum , Dodd , Mead & Co. , Now York. Time Forum hiss for its leader tltis mmmontlm a mmotcwortiuy paper by Sinister Sherman cii- titled "Deiiciemmcy of itovemmmmo ( lie Cause of Our Fimmammciai Ills. " TIme miemmator contemmda that time preslilcumt ammti Secretary Carlisle mmmistalto time cause of ommr Imrecemmt lhummmcinl condition In tmttribtmtlng it to tIme demmmalmd for goid for Ummited States otos , anti ho thinks that time facts which hue smmlmmnhts in lila paimer mviii convInce every ommo ( limit time true hlmmanclai imohic is to supply time govermmmmmummit witim ammuple mmmeans to nmeet its cmmrremmt ox- imeimtiitUros ammO to hOY off eacim year a per- tion of time public flout. TIme flight hloim. Jamumem , hiryce , Id. P. , author of that mmmost lmovmmlar and uiucecssfmml work , "Time Amimericamo Coummmmmumimsenitii , ' ' iins written aim article entitled - titled ' 'Two South African CotmstitmutIomms'- aim elaborate ammahysis of time oystemmms of gov- oimmmmmemmt iii time two Sommtim Afrlcamm republics -Limo Trannvaal amid time Orammge Free State. Time F'oniummm l'mmhihisming commmpammy , Now York. Time Westermm lteL"rve was miettioti by Moses Cluaveiand amid lml associates just 0O years ago , in 1710. One of time first thmtmmgs done by tIme gooti Commmmectbcumt people hum Ohmhmm mmas to fommmmd a college at time little ( mmmi of lied- 53mm , ii. few mmmiies fromim Cievelanti , nmmml tItle Westormi itceerve coilego hmri hail mmmi mmotzmimhe a hmlstory anti immaimmtzmiimetl as lmhghi a stamutlard as any college 1mm tii oveat. A four years ago it was roimmovoci from Ihudson to Clove- lammti , and Is now Westerum Reserve ummlversity , imavhmmg au time iiepartmneumts whicim are usually fommmmd iii a fmuhh-tiedgeui university. It receives wotmmcn no msei as mmmcmi to Ito imumhit' , it itas a fine lot of buildings , auth under President 'I'Imwiimg is dolmig a larger work thmaum ever before. The ummlversity Is time subject of a careful ammml Interesthmmg article by Mr. Emner- son 0. Stoveims iii the April numummimer of time New England Magazine. Wcmrrcmm F. Kellogg , 5 I'ark Square , iioatomm , Maca. MAGAZINES RECEI\'EI ) . Pavhumg and Mmmn'c'imi : Emmgiterimmg. Mun'ch- pal Engiumeerimmg eomnpany , Immdinimaimohhs Time State's luy. W. ii , Moore , 106-103 Pine reet , St. Louh. The Mtdiaumd Monthly , Joiuuin flrgtmalmm $ , Des Moines , Ia. Ammiericaum Immvestmmments anti Fimiamicini Opln- ions. 'l'ime Niagara i'ubhishmlng commmlmammy , hut- faho. faho.Time Time I'imillstlmme. Time Plmlhistimme , hiost Aim- rora , N. Y. Time Lotus. Time Lotus , 1014 Wyaimdotto street , lammeus City , Mo. blr.ckiea Magazine. Trhimune h'ubllsblng commmimmy , hiiiomm , litomit. Tue New Nation. Time hiniomm l'uhhlsiuhng cotmmpaumy , Ommmnhma. Cimattenhiex. Estee & Lauriat , hioston , The Aummerlcan Kitchen 'tiagazimme. ilotmti : Sciemuce i'ubllshmlng coiimptmmmy , 485 'fretmmommt street , Ilostoim. loamme Owl. Ioauic Owl , Crete , Neb. 'Fima Kimmtlergarten News , : iltltoii liratiley comumpauty , ilpu'immgflohml , Mass , 'h'ime hlmmuimammltanian , hiremmtano'sVahosht aveimuuo , Chicago. ilurrelie'mi Magazine of Evemuts. Frank hiur- relic , Westenmm Uuuion building , New York. hook Naive , John Vaumammualcor , I'imiiamhei- Imiuil.Tue : Tue Potmitry Worlti. II. if. Stotltlmmrmh , Kivmr- muly , Neim. 'rime Song WrIter , Vme Song Writer , 30 \Vest Tweimty-nlumtim street , New 'morlc. T'mio ietolio ! mmii ilyghetmhe Gazette. Ga- settu I'tmlihhsimhmmg commuimalmy , 1218 hlroadway , Now York. Time Erocrc. Esoterc i'mubis'lmlng Crnp my , Altplegate , Cal. Time l'rogrts , of tIme Wmmnhml. Time h'rogresu ' Time Altruist intarchmammge. Time Altruist Interchumuge comnpaumy , 70 Fifth avciiut' , New York. Cosmomoils , This International News cciii- hour , New York , - Iressi lug hi , ' lii , hr. TIme real hueyuoto to succeasful hmaircresslng , as time tastofiml wonmmmn hiss hong ago founml , Is te follow only him tIme distance , antI wIth as mildly ramifications as a ihrooklyn street car hue , time imrevaIiitug fashion. If that Ca- itricious dame aimiiou&mccs that "hair hi worn low ( bibs iic'abohm , " It hmmorims lumpiy to the uvomumamu who knows ( list time gomueral effect of her coiffure is to ha slightly lowered. Glue mviii still duoai hmer hair , as sue uumust always , to iiult tier face. A how , vtralgimt forehead may be surimmountol by a pommipadotur arrange- nmcnt a high-pointed brow umever , Flue , tttraigh ( black imnir ought never to show Itself Iii frhzzes or floe curis ; loose , shining waves is Its 1moigimtem.ig beauty. It is a curomus feet , too , that blonde arid brown hair unay permit Itself a sweet coimfusion that In black hair ) n siruiple umimtitiineij , , Time woman with eoarso wavy hair mmmay congratulata imt'rseif , for It always lcimmlu Itself , above oil cimevu- lures , to easy arrangement , NovoIIits like to deacribo time fIne imair of theIr hmetoines , but such hair is a trial to its owner , amid Its owmier'e nmaid , It sue lisa cue , anti if , in audi' . tion , it is umtraigui ( , both owner anti ummald are justified in regardimmg it as a genuimmu hmani- cap to all successful coilhIng. Time porfummmo of violets , time purity of tIme lily , time glow of the rose , mind time flmmsim of hobo combine in Pozzoni't wondrous powder ,