- - - - - ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - . - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - _ F L , THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. _ _ _ FSTAI3LISTIEL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) JUNE _ _ _ _ 19 _ , _ 1871. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAHA _ _ _ _ , FRIDAY _ MOflNING , , AP11IL _ _ 24 _ , _ 189g. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ StNULF _ _ _ _ _ ( JOI.'Y _ _ _ _ FIVF _ _ _ OENTS. _ _ _ _ _ FRECI ( C\B1NET \ RES1CS : Announcement of the Action Made to the Ohamber of Deputies. PREMIER BOURGEOIS FORCED TO GPIE UP 3'reNIIre uf tile S4tIie Too MtroIg ( U lie Igittiivil Ii3 t lie UIItb.1r3- il kuiatl _ tNMeeIIIIl3 He Cit IItiI 'I'4lge ( PAflhi , AvrII 23-The flourgeol cabinet 11:113 tC9 The ree'Ignation wa announced by the pr.nicr linniediately upon ( ho recon- vcning of tlio Chamber o Deputies today and at tim conchiion of the announcement d. Bourgeois and hi coUcague withdrew. Accordug to the newsppere here , President - dent Fauru has declined to countervign the bill providing for the revising oE the constitution - tution , which the premier , 31. ilourgeok' , wleicd ) to submit to the Chamber of Depu- tie. when that body reaembed toiny as a result of the special summons following the action of the Senate in postponing the vote on thu Madagascar crediti. It hi added that in view of the prc3ident'S refuBal to igu this bill the ineniber of the radical left party have decided to iitroducu a motion denying the Senate tue right to be the sole Interpr'ter of the conitltutiou and denianding that a ( neting of the national n- e.einbly be called to decide the question In dli- jUte. ) jUte.M. Ilourgeob' , in announcing the resignation of the ministry , read a statement cunteting the right of the cnate to overthrow a ministry - try or to ho th oIo interpreter of the eon- itttittion. liut lie atidod , In view of the im- poibiIIty of 'ecurIng iroper military reliefs for Madagacear , the cabinet \'as coinpolici to relgn. 'rho government desired to make it clear , M. I3ourgeol continu'd. that they had not abintloiied for a minute the ( loctrine professed l.iy their Illustrious precIlrars. Gambotta cml Ferry , which laid down that the Cha1n- ber , elected by universal e'uffrago , aione iatl the power to make and tlflfllalC minis- teri4. The govoriunont believed this ( bC- trina was coni. jnant. not only with con.ti- tutional law , hut vltii the 'pirit of the po- utica ! inLtltutions In the great democracy , which recognizes no other e'avcreignty than tiniveral suffrage. It was for ailirming this doctrine , he continued , that the g(3vornmoflt ( was nccued of being an unconetitutional governant. There was only one reply to tliIt azid that was one that the right to pro- TOUflC ) UpOfl the constitution bebons to Jieittit chalnler , 1)Ut ) to tile national as- eembiy. .Tiio government retired. he iiaid , tindiscouraged. They wihod to expreso their hope in the majority for reform which i'ustaincd the government against ahmnt tinily attacks. Meil would paa away , but ' rlnriphes , when just , woultI live atid tn- umlhI. The government for tlio past. five inanuis 1(8(1 ( otniven to steer Freiichi democracy - racy in its natural course ; to inipine the republican - publican lariy ) with confidence In Itself and to Inculcate In all citizens a healthy interest in political struggles. " \Ve have ( ICflO our beat , " said M. flour- gcois , "to form and lne'pire It in the great democratic party , whose aim it is to make the republic the instrument of moral and social progress and a lasting moans of lcsen- lug of the inequalities of the classes and the lncreai'e of solidarity among mon. The Chamber ban not ceased to approve and support - port us In the great task. We await wIth ccnildenco the hour when the cotliitry swill pass lovercign judgment upon its. " The irotnier svas frequently interrupted with cries from the extreme left of "Iown twith the Senate , ' ' and whoti the inzilstcrs flied out of the house there was loud appiauso troll ) the right anti center , to which the left rephled with loud cries of "Down with the senate , " "Down with the Senate , ' A period of tumult followed. After the withdrawal of the ministry , M. Richard , In the name of the progrcsslonMs , proocnted a moticti amrmlng the iiredomi- notice of the Chamber of Deputies and that the Chambet' represents universal suffrage IItb a policy of democratic reforms. M. Goblet declared thnt the Senate's coji- duct was unconstitutional and moved that the Chamber sIde svltli the ministry , which was rewired to realize democratIc rcforms _ and compel resflect. for the superior rights of the Chamber and the virtue of iiniversrtl suffrage. M. Lembon ashoi that tue i1iscUiIon be adjourned , seeing that the m'uistry had rt'- elguod , ClUb amid cona'iderable uproar he sub- uittod a motion , which was ( beleated by a vote of 283 to 26S , that this blouse adjourn. 'Fhe ( liscnS'2'on ' was then contllucl and M , Goblet announcetl that he would support M. itickards motion , The first part of the motion - tion III ) to tii& "suffrago' clause was adopted by 0. vote of 300 to S3. 'l'Iia secolul portion by a vote of l17 to 37. Later , amid much cx- citeinent , the motion was adopted in Its tII- tirety by a vote of 25S to 0. Several proposals for a revision of t10 con. stitutioli vcru then precnteii anti sent to a committee , after which the Chamber ad- jouriled iiiitil Tuesday next. The inlriioters visited tile llyoo palace during the afternoon and hnl a bi let Inter- vrev with l'resident Faure , wiio formally cc- cepted tlioir resignaticiis , - The president 'ili consult with the pree- kcnts of the Ciiatntior of Deputies and the Senate tomorrow in regard to the formation of a new ministry. The Senate 'boring the tiny received the ro- 5.ort of tue cOllnhitteo ( favoring the adoptirn of the Mtiilaascar credits and then ad- journcd , MIGhT hAVE lllW ON. The cnisie precipitated by the resignation of the cabinet line scL the lolithcians of all itilc briskly it work to get what advantage is hlO'3hIlO ) out of tile new formation , The - 1boitrgc'Is cabinet , dlstinciiyeiy ralical as It lia been anil even eoclaiist , has held olllce ; m _ longer and at'coinplisiid tnorc than sas thioiigiit POSSiiiC vhicti It first took chico after M. Itibot's overthrow. The opinion is cx- Iresed ( iii the lobbies that Id. Bourgeois has suede a blunder in resigning , even IIOIV , riil that lie could have dcfled the 'oxiate and COntiflhleib to haiti olilcu with th approval of thto Ciianibcr. The day's votes phowed that he could easily 1iavo secured a big itiajority 110(1 ite announced the doctrine , vhIcii the Chiniber approved by its votes. that ( lie Chamber of leputius , elected by thio universai suffrage alone had hut lusver to make and unninko inhtiisttirs , Shut , thoUgh tI. Bourgeois had delictI the ccnl.ilro of the &ktl3to whiun expressed in gun- ertil terms' . lie wits not iVIljhlg to CoiltiUlIt ) tile reepoiiiibhlly ( 'when the senate withhold thio credits to nicet IIIOIICY ObligatiOns. ) \ heckles ( hero are indications that M. flour. geols hopes to obtain a deeper and nero last- lug advantage over tile senate and ( ho eon- servative political tetideitcies which it represents - resents by eai'rylng his quirrol wIth theni to the electorate. Tie municipal elections are approaching , mid fohiowing them comeii tue election of One.thilnil of the nicntbera of the senate , the senators being eIecttd for it turin or nine rears , but one-third retIrIng evcry thtrte years. The successors of lflUfl of thIOSU senutorN ' ( hio rtlro thtls year are to be ciected by the new niuniclpaihtles. It It. , Ihierefore , highly sIgnIflca ( last the rociaihst irOUP ; of the republican party lie's ' tonight is. iuet a tflfllllfehto coiling upon citizutta and workitien to ilttiio theIr rights of univeresi i'affrage Iii thte coming flhtltilcpiil ( oleetlotis so as to eslahhiphi ( Ito PoPular power in the tnuiiiciuiaIitie , and stirred ( ito socl.thlst t.pirlt in the insyoralties , 'fiil is pruhitiiiiiary tc securing ( he election of senators. BOURGEOIS iiY WIN YET. fly giving up oUlce , Id , Ibourgeols goes to - these electors With the idea titat the senate ' Cl'POi1e4 and overthrow his cabinet because ( tf flIt sociaihittc tetlihincles , and lc belies thus to rally a large iociahhst vote in the hlltlniCipai elections , Today's votes in the Chaniber are believed to Indicate ( list a tootlerato republican cabi- itot , if formed , could edit enlIst the support ut tii ( 'htamber and ccuhtl not last. There 2. no definite Ipilicatiun i& to the heAd of the next cabinet , but tiit Mehin Ie considered - sidered the moot likely cuccessor to M. flour- geois , : tt. Meiln by reason of his earnest advocacy of the tlwory of protection , has teen calleti by sonie persons the "French Mc- Kinley. ' It is feared the pres'ent cabinet crisis may have serious effects on the political fabric. It 'cems probable tonight that a presidential crisis will ensue. In fact , it hia been ar- giicel by some of the deputies that the resignation - nation of tile presidency by M. Faure is pitt of 'I. Ihoiirgeois' platis. The two chambers i'ouhil have to meet together as ons , the national assembly. to elect a new president. M. Bourgeois believes he could control the national aseeiiihiy no one body , though as two chambern the Senate hi against him. lie wtlitI , it is saul , endeavor to secure amend. ineflt to the constitution from the iational as.sembly ihi1chi svouhd hilt the cabinet beyond - yond fear of harm from the Senate alone and make it accountable to the deputies , after hliChl M. I"auro woulil be re.elected president and M. IhOurgools , reappointed premier , would ho secure lii his leaa , of power. hlAVl CU'I''hiIS ' ( ' 0 lIt'hU'tO. . Ciipdltluii iii. AIrslrs itt Itt' He- lt'tig'reit 'I'oin I it Sutile Iou hi. ( Cupyrighit , hsO. by the Associated l'aes. . ) CA I'E TO\'N , April 23.-'reiegraphilc corn- mtinication w.th Ihiiiuwayo has been cut off at Fig Tree. The latter is a small place near Mangaci , southwest of hbuluwnyo , 'rue break cuts off all nienna of cotnmunhcation by wire with fluluwave. and. In view of the serious condition of affairs there , the town being urrountied by 1&,000 hiostlie Matabeles , it causes consIderable anxiety. A repairIng and scouting squadron has been sent out from Mnngwei , In the dircctloii of Fg Tree. There was no change in the eltuatloit when Iluiusvayo was Inst heard from , and it is hoped that the break may be duo to an accident or shiuply be the svock of a marauding band of Matabahes. LONDON , April 24.-A I'retciria ( bk'patch to the lauiy Telegraph says : It is reported that the duet members of the n.atlonah reform - form committee Intend to Plead guilty to the charge of high trecson A dispatch froili fluiltiwayo , dated Tuesday , says that Mr. Spreeldley intends to take out another force to harass the rebels. A dispatch from fluhunyo , dated Wednesday - day , reports that a small tight had occurred near that town and that many natives had boon killed , "Our loss , " thio thipatchi adds , "was one killed and three wouinted , in- cinching it cotisin of Eon Grey. " The Daily News annources that Cecil Ithiodes Intends , when the rebellion In Matataleland Is quelled , to return to his hiarilanlentarY ditties at Capetown. tt'IIS't' % lVICIS ii'1t031 IIAW'.tst. MilliMier IVIIIIM Sn iih't i.e Goverli- iiii'iit iiiitl Sithls fur Iai'e. SAN FRANCISCO , April 23.-The stcanicr Auatraiia this morning brings the following : HONOLULU , April 16.-United States Miii- ister Wilil and family left here for San Francleco today. The refucal of the 4'imcni- can niinistcr to observe Ilasvuilan lndepcnd- ence day on January 17 last cauied this gpverninent to lay the matter before Secre- ( any of State Ohney , through Minister llatchi. It has been an opz.n secret here since Janu- any that the social relation between Minister - ter Willis and ( Ito hawaiian governineilt hiavo ( iot been cordial. It is stated that none of the olhicials of the government were' Invited to be present \Vashiingtono bIrthday edo- bratlon at the American legatlon. The United States ship l'etrel arrived April 13 , sixteen days from Yokohama. The Concord - cord arrived from the same port this morn- ing. hlth vessels will coal hero and then depart for Mare Island navy yard. CISAMHIdItL..t i : ' ANSVDtS ( LUIS'I'1OXS Ir.ger's iteiti , . - ; ; ; - - is V'ziCti1iIo 'Vniiiet It , Ike't'tt 1ahles. LONION , April 23.-The secretary of atate for the colonies , Mr. Joseph Chamberlain - lain , announced In time House of Commons today that the reply of President Kruger to the invitation sent him to visit England. was now on its way hither. Replying to another question , Mr. Chamberlain - lain said the \Vest Indian colonies had represented - resented to Great Britain ( ito Importance of improved telegraphic communication to Great flritain fur the purpose of imperial defense and conitneice , and time government was now considering a proposal , which it was hoped i'otmht1 lead ere long to time laying of a hub- marine cable. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hAVING ? O RUW O\131t YINI'LL'FL. % httiii I Iilit IOtT't'lt i'iiletI Sin ( vs ziitd Great IIrItiiii Still Curtiliti. LONDON , April 23.-The under secretary of state for foreign affairs , Mr. George N. Curzou , answering a question in the house of Commons today , said that the negotiations - tions with tile United States regarding Veime- zuela were proceeding , and it was not ad- vb'abho to make a statement on the subject until they were concluded. Mr. Curzon also said that ( lie government unquestionably hoped for a favcrabhe termination of the Venezuelan ncgotatlons , CONi'I.IC'I' SN 'l'hlE IiLlh Oi' CiI'i'Ih. Clirisfiliflet nnd 'l'iirIs Slave ii Flerlit itipti I"lfty i % re IC I lied or Voiiiiht'ti , AThENS , April 23.-A serious conflict he- twCon Christians and Turks has occurred at Episkopi , itt timu' iantl ! of Crete , Thiero ivcru two days lighting and fifty persons were kiiied amid wounded. The Cretans have appealed to Greece fcr aid. I.tis ( Vt'MoI 'IlIkt'M ! POrt. ( Cpynlabt , hgitl , by l'ress Publhitming CmnpnIfl3' : . ) t3pyrgIt. ( ) 1tJ hiy I'rest I'uLllshlng Cmpaany. ) COLON , Colombia , April 23.-New ( York World Cablegramii---Special Tclegnam.-Tlto ) stealnehip Avon , the Royal Mail crnpany'o cargo boat , vhtichm left here April 1 1 for l'ort Lililon and was thought to have foundered , bias remichiel its destination. TIme captain ap- hears to have mistaken Greytown , Nicaragu.i , for l'ort Linioll , Costa Rica. Time Royal Mall agents cabled to Jamaica to have time steamship - ship Spy Searcil time Caribbe.in sea for time miseitig vessel. I ii I ( . % tIiI I he ColigreNs , iblWi3SEIS , April 23-The advocates of bimmletahilsn ( of various natIons in conference here have passed a resolution favoring the discussion in time Irench and German Par- hhametmtu of slitmilar resolutions to thioso w'ltich have been introduced in tIme Belgian and English Parliaments. The conferemice closed by adopting ( Ito proposal of M. lberllaert , thmo Ileighum secretary of state , that tile coligrees elm'Uitl be declared permanent until ( lie titles- tion of biinetahiiamn sblOtlhtl ho solved , % tgi i'sliitl siitt'ilnlstui's Suit \Ve.ls. PARIS , April 23-The religious nmarrage ! of Major Patrice do .MacMahmoii , non of time late Marhai MacMallen , formerly president of France , to Princess Marguerite of Orleans - leans 'i mtt , celobrattd at Chiitilhy today. 'rime civ'l ' roarriago ivas celelirateth yesterday. TIme religIous ceremony tonic place in the chmapei Cf the chmnieati' Tlimi princess Is ( ho tlaighmter : of luc tie Ciiarprei'o and the sister ( .f Prince hT&er.ry of Orleans. tfrivnnChiIot 4ni'i'idi'rs , ZANZIIIA1ttnii 23-CImI'f Mbaritkmtziz auth hits followers , v1tn hmavc been causing s tittichi trcuble that several dotactiiunt of Gertiian trops imaye bcc n sent to Tamiga Jim aiticpatIun of further disttmnhiances , jioi front the hbritish to the Gernln ! territory atlti hmavo now surreimdercd ( mi hl.uon Von \\'iss- man , time cvernor cl Ocrman East .rea at Mu. _ _ _ hIotln It" Ut , Sligur Ihlt4trtN. BEI1I.lN. i'ril -'u ' the Reichistag the eugir bill Imassod ita seonJ itdiiig , it fixes time export bounties on raii' sugar at : r marks , en candy nrmd white Luger in louves 1st niarkmt and on otbr sorts ab've 'is imcr vi'nt hialarization at 3 ilmarkE. IjItteib , .Jhi Viii , l.ONION , April ? 3 , A BerlIn tllspatrh to ttt' ita"dard rtiys Ilaron Marechall von iIetcrste ii. the ( herman secretary of tale fcm' f'regn ( urn ri. .l'ntl yesterday wjth Mr. iflml , the United : taIes amtaaeam.ior , ThRONE OF SPAiN ShAKES Provinces Monaco the Government for Concessions in Cuba , JINGO PAPERS GROW MORE VIOLENT QIee'ti-Itegeitt Attiicie.l Ill SeieL'iii .JoiIrnnIN for hnring to litti- 11111 to Stilt t A iiierieztl& In- litietteeS'IIN l'ateillc. ( Copyright , 159t , by I'ress Publishing Company. ) MADRID , iiain , April 23.-NeW ( York World Cablegram-Special Teiegramn.-A ) do- tcrmincd agitation has been started In Madrid - rid anti the provinces with a view to inching capital out of any commcesslon the qUeeil-regent and lmer niinistcrs may make to Ainericamms on time Cuban ( iliestiOfl , This violent tone of most of the Madrid newspapers seems to have mmmade a deep liii- presslon on official circles. Time lmiibiiC prosecutor - ecutor has instituted proceedings against the l'als , a republican paper , for its article of yesterday , attacking ( lie queen-regent aiid time government for the alleged surrender of the rIghts , dignity and honor of SpaIn , and suggesting that placards he posted on all the frommtieri , of Spain announcing : This Nation is to Let at Economical Rates. - For References Apply to Cleveland. The Janitress has the Keys. All time jingo papers today express satisfaction - faction because several ministerial organa and members of the cabinet denied last nIght that time goverimnient imas entered into any ofilcial negotiation with ti'e ' United States or svitht time Cuban Insurgent leaders to imastemi tile pacification of Cuba. They stated further t'iat tue government never has contemplated - templated giving the West Indies atiythting approaching Camiadian hmom rule-notbing. imioro than administrative autonomy and seine economical reforms compatible witim ( lie in , . terests of Spanish agriculture , inanufacttmrera and trade. Premier Canovas seems to wish to make no revelation eu ( ito final drift of his colonial lOhicy until ho gives ultimate shape to time royal meesmige for the opening of time Cortes , May 11. This , doubtless , is because he hopes meanwhile to be in a position to fare- cast the results of Gemierai Weyler's last military operations before time rainy , Un- hicaltity season In Cuba , and also to make out what President Cievclammd really is driving at. Timere is a generally less favorable impres- slon throughout Spain today regarding thiO prospects o an early pacific settlement of time trouble iii Cuba. This has caused a do- Press'iotl oa time Madrid bourse anti in iltian- cial and comnmerciai circles. ARTHUR E. IIOUGIITON IEt'EDING'tViiOhiY ON 'l'itOClI.t. Vt'Ier's SohlIt'rs to hit.Nititihier of F'I ft 'I'Iionsii iid on the Lute. ( Copynlgit , iSit , by l'ress l'uLdI.hlng Company. ) HAVANA , Cuba , April h3.-Nev ( York \Vorhi Cabhegram-Speciai Telegram.-Thmo ) Spanish troops on time wet side of tlmc troclma are pressing the rebels nan ! , the mmliii fighting newer of time army being conc n- ( rated there. News Imas just been received that after a caries of. mtkirmislmes betweemi time rebels and 80(150 ( Spanlch columns acting in concert near Candelanlo , 500 left time rebels and surrcn- dered. Of tlmeso 40 score men. The sUPPQ- itition is thmat this rest ss'cre women and cimil- dren , This announcement is governmnemmiah , not otherwIse verIfied. General Macco antI his force are about tif- teen umlhes away trans the scene of the allmigcd. ourremider. Friends of time ineurrect.ion smilile and say : "Wait. " There ought to be stirring news ( mmml time other end of time Island coon. Gonlc.z and Garcia are strangely silent. Marquis' I'almcrola , ( be politlca cecretary of time captain-general , declares in most cm- piiatlc language that Spain does not dream of iiiaking tennis with the rebels , that no coinmunicatlomi , direct or indirect , has pasd between time governfliemmt ammd insurgent lead- era ; ( hut Spain will grant reforms' only wimen peace is restored and that shies never wIll yield While an armed force is in the field agaInst her. Time niarquis iiYs : . "If Spain granted any concescions now It svOtid be constrimed as a recognItion of time in- icirgenti cause. Force must be oppoa.ul by force. its idle to talk about autononmy. Tlmat would be merely thi first tcp toward complete separatIon. As soon as tue no- hellion Is crushed generai amneaty viil be declared and time rebel le3ders swill ho ex- lied , Meanwhlo all wito refuse to surrender will he dealt wlthm according to General Wey- Icr's orders. No intermediation Is posi- ble. " The marquIs believes that General Weyler bias at last mastered Macco amid that wlmeil lie Is kihiod or capture.l and lila force ills- armed time war swill soon end , In find that extraordinary importance ha attacimed to time trocha , wlmich cuts Macco oft from the rest of ( hr insurgents troops. General Weyler is still withlrawlmg trorps from all eastern poInts and driving tlmem westivard to time trocima. There must be from 40,000 to 45,000 imion operating agaInst Macon. Tue rebels In time east arc also fight- hug their way toward General Masco in small uiartics , Captain General Weyler has just lesuel ( lie following proclamation , called mit by ( lie condition of affairs in J'inar dci Rio , After ( lie usual head and preamble the prociama- ( Ion says : It having renelmeti my knowledge that m'et'el Imarties in the lirOVinco of i'inar del 1tlo are in ( listress. tllroughl tIme constant pursti I t by t Im e t OOhY3 ml nil t hme I mposeild I I t y .r brenking ( lie nillltitry hue between ( la- rich and Majana , mind 1lirtiuhi other insur. irountable iliflicuitles , aiid being fearful of sllrrendening tinder tile ( ear of the death , Peitence , time certaInty of which has been falsely dissenilnimied among ( Item , I pro- cttliii and coinninnil Cimiiiso 1. Tile rebel lenders who surrender 'within twenty ilitys ft om hue date with their tlreurms will be at once Inrdonetl , Clause 2. 'l'hose whio ate not leaders , but who surrender ulitier the same conditions , with timeir lirearms , si'ihi also lie pardoned , Clause J , 'rimosa surrenderimg , without theIr ornis 'ill be likewise imardoned , but the military authorities swill designate their idact' of rerlilence In the Island. Cinust. 4 , The surrender lutist lie made to thie military authority of the couinus opernthng in the Iit'hil. VALEItIANO WEYLEit , April 23 , 1&OC. 4 rebel camp his just been captured after ml tight by a Spanish column cointnanded by Colonel Aides anti a great mass of papers swore captured , amnong others an order issued hiy Iacret , omme of ( lie itiost himiportmmnt corn- tmmarders in time revolution , as follows : 1)ivision of Matanzas1 General Larcet Mnriott. Cirrular No , 2. The owners of JiilIitltIIofls who tire gi lnhlng cane r.gainst tile luiss of our iti niy swill lie iiangetl iiii- nicihiately , I is sImply imeresamiry that ( heir Iersoris shmmthi be Ideimihticil , A eve- cimil tbotaciuntnt swill be tletnlieih for thu-hr uirtst. JOSI ) LARC. FT MA ItLOT'i' . - hientiqumurters , ci Iemtri , General of ) ( ; w alter Grant fl gert , the Illinois boy arrested - rested at Utlimmes as a suspect charged formally with going beyond ( ho Spanish lint-c , Is to lii' lihieratoti at. lust , Time ipon- isis go rrtmiiuiit : irifarnis inc tonight ( lint lie ivhll lease tirison tohllorrow , The matter tra ilcldn.l today , A funny thiiig Is thut a rulumr tlmt Iygert ace hit reached , Ilavaija. toflhizht , The order to bring Dygert to Havana usa sent to ( luinsi today , lie twill ho expeiiesi from Cuba intinediately , Ittiw , Mr. 1)hai. lies bet-ri brdoretlto louc'o time Island , JAMES CREELIMAN. _ _ _ L'iilleil lituti' , . lItSuunIi.i Sjiuin , MADI1IIiprhi ) ° 3.- Time lieraldo main- taitis that ( lie ( Jolted States hiss semi- -iiiciaily approachied Siain on thme subject cf jeiItlcal reform in Cuba. C.tbb To IINNllt S..VEhS TitOt1III.I. htcnd PuCE ifCitptnlfl VnlChIiN Averts it ! e'rhIIM lItlIeiiltS' , ( Copyright , liO , by l'rees l'ubblshltig company. ) LONDON , AprIl 23.-Nw ( 1'ork World Cablegram-Special Telegrem.--An ) xclt1ns epIsode , which at one time was perhaps near bloodshed , occuricil on the list voyage of time steamship New York the evening ho- fore lion arrival at Southampton , Shortly after the vessel left New tok well but overdressed individual , giving hiis name to various fellow passengers a lUll ; arranged several liokor games on successive evenings. persuading some othea , two young and apparently - parently well-to-do Englishmen arni a quite well known Mmienlcan to join thi play. Ily lost Mnnday iiight ho hind 'lnaiiared to win some $1,200 from them. Then their sus- plcions appear to have been aroused as to his clmaracter and gaming niothods. On Tuesday morning the two young Rug- lishmen , Mr. N , P. Brown and Mr. h. Cay. endlahi Taylor , went to " 11111's" cabin anti denounced him vigorously. They also called tmpoui Purser lloward Ilinsley to Icanmi soimie- tltltmg further. The liurser told lllin ho had given another name than ' ' 11th" and had registered only at time last inoiruelit before saiuitig. Another passenger recognized hint as having gone over to New York on tile St. Paul of time sauna line only a fortnight before - fore , and as having won a considerable stun iluning tlmo passage. " 11111" ( bill not resent ( lie verbal attack of tIme two Enghislituemi , but Just before time thinner lmour lie oppeareti again in ( ho sinok- lug room when seine tidy male passengers were there. 49 soon as lie entoreui ( lie two Englishmen took up theIr station at ( lie simmokiug room door niiti Prof. Norman \Vyhtl of Chicago , probably by a lirecoiicertetl an- nimugemnent , arose Iii his place aumil forniahly called a meeting of those presoiit. l'olnting to " 11111" he clmarged hmini with being a professional - fessional gambler and with imaving 115db crooked nietimoda in viiining muoney. 'qiiii" at first seemed very uneasy , hut assummietl an Impudent aggressiveness , uiud oven inter- i tilited Prof. W'yhtl's denunciation witlm fro- qiment "hear , hears , " ( lie Engilsfi inctlmoil of applause.iien Prof.'yid had flmiisiied young thrown continued ( lie tTenunciatIon , applyiig nearly cs'ei y epIthie of the cata- hague to " 11111" and challenging him to go silt Oil ( lie deck and ' 'hmavo It out" there. SAVED flY TIlE DINNEIt' CALL. Meanwhile " 11111" lmad called for four or five drnlis of wimimiky and as flrowi continued lie put his right hand in 'time pocket of his sack coat amid halt witlmdrew a pistol. One if time passemigers hurried oU to Purser Ilin- icy's roomn and brought him pack. Mr. hums- hey time pltol anti hmurred to Captain Frederick Watkins. Caimtain Vatkins. on go- lag to time smokiiig roomum , tools iii limo atu- ation at a glance , but witil iii sveil knowim tact said , brusquely : "Now , gentlemen , timore's thor dInner boil. I'Ieasc clear the " room at once , Ho Imad a brief conversatIon with 'lUll , " who svent to his cabin and did tint appear at dinner. "hill" svent on ilcek 'afterward , however , obviously under the , influemico of iquor , aumd .showed a Pistol in , each pocket to Purser hhlnslcy and to a passenger. The purser iimsisted that "Hill" ebould' go to lmis room , amid lie did hot again slimy himself until after all tIme other . passengers had landed. - The next mcrnng Mr. firown and Mr. Tay- Ion waited about. ( lie dock wfth a policeman for sonic ( hue after landing , but If ' ' 11111" went ashore lie managed to elude their ob- servatlon. The passeiigers hold a meeting and drew tii a letter addroEred to thin corn- pamiy's officers in London praising Captain Watkins' tact amid saying except for it there rrobabl- would have been aorjeus dimculty aboard. The htter alto augsted that the cpmmmpany provide detective .to.travel on its teanmers anti warn passoflgcra aganst pro- feeromiai gamblers who ( rav lto and , fro , It is remembered that some years' ago cap- taliS'atkiiib , wlmon senior oflicer of the line and capta.n of the Paris , tartd a vigorous cruaado against traveling farnbera ) , warning 'passengers isimen lie recognised one of the ft-eternity , not to play with him. "HILL" IS NOT RECOGNIZED. "Hill , " if lie is one of the sort , apparently was lint recognzed by ( lie captain. lie is deecribed as obviously aim 4rnerican , about h5 years cld , with dark hair and nnmstacbe slightly rprnkled with gray. . lie dressed tveii , but iiashiiiy , with a large diamotiti stud a his shirt front and dlamohil rings on his fingers. Amnong the passengers on board sscre Mr. Alfred Coimiding amid hi brlde ; Mrs. P. A. Collins , svlfe of the , uiienian consul general at Lcndouu : her brother-in-law. John hi. hiurke of Mas'sachmisets , anct Prof. SCnon Newcomb of the UntedStates ( navy. Time occurrence caused great exctement on barti , There was one Mr. fliil on the list of passengers , but he Is not' , time individual above referred to , wlmose real name was per- liaps that given to time purs r. h3ALLaARD SMITh. V Ih it I ) I C' ! ' Iht1 Ih I ( I L'i' P 0 ( Ni ) S. , tiiit'riei n Ite'Iress % 'Imi a Sn It Ihefune Sill fliiglIMhi Cturt. LONDON , April 23.-Before. Justice Lawrence - rence today Hon. Mrs. Leilahi iCirhillamu Yarde-h3uiier , daughter of Gnoral It. W. ICirkiiamn of California , wiil h married to I-Ion , Walter Yardc.l3uiie , brother of Umirous Cliurston , obtained a verdict for 83 migaimist a unit of accountants for money hall under duress. It appears that time cc- countants obliged tile plalnttff to. pay nioney tub to thmpimi by Valentine bathesden , her agoit in Saii Francisco , hforo they would deliver lien letters. It also poems that plaintiff - tiff , having lmad differences with her iiumu- band In 1805 , returned to California to visit her mother , who is descnlbU .a being very nicii , Under cross-exanmitmnUon it Was developed - veloped thmat divorce proceetiiigs are lcnd- brig agalns Mrs. Yard -lhuher ! , in which a man naiiied Gadestien , described as a real estate agent of San Francisco , is inad co- rerondcnt. \\'hen the plaintiff vas misked if alma was hiriuigumg time action against' the aobo lord anti if time lied been extorting moiiey fronl 111111. tb1e auisweletl ; "I refer you to my coun- rich. " Previous to her niarrbage to lIon. Waiter Yaitle-lhtmlior ( lie 1)111. lltift s'a the widow of Mn , I ) . floylo Blair. IN IX'EEitihS'I' Ult'flRli'1.ihI F'AIIiIL'It , ; ; ; ; ; : ( lverneit t ite j Ito- itt riot Itii Oil Cisusielfqai Cattle , LONDON , April 23.-1i tleputdtloui of farm- era anti grazers ( rein Noifolk ' anti Suffolk svaited upon Mr. Walter Lonfr IrCsldCnt ) of ' ( lie Board of Agriculture , , to urge ( lie government to abandon the a tl disease bill , sihiiii ainis to regulate the lmhicration of cattle from Canada , .TIU deputation con- tentleil ( hat there was iji tliseasb iii Canadian cattle antI no risk in th.ttir Importation , Mr. Long's reply aamm unprpniliuig. lie said it was tiseless (0 send a commisibii to Canada , The question was not. whether disease cx- isted , but the character of it. Tile govern- mnoiit hail reason to believe Urltisit breeders were already takIng steps to iiieet oxtr4 do- inands , The government hiaa nced in ( ho interests of ( lie fanimiere generdily. ihx-l'rt'tii.r 'I'rtconiis 1tIiirii'il , AThENS , April 23.Ti funeral of ox- Premier Tricoupis , who djed at Cannes on April 11 , took idaco today. hum accordance with time statesman's ijyng wish ( ho ceremonies - monies wore of the most simple character. 'rhi body was followed by an Inmnienae goui- course of people arid ( lie king end crown vririco were iircrlt in ( lie cnuzun where the ceremonies took plmtce. huron II ir t'ht Zi , i froth A uiui. htx , IIUDA 1'EST , April 23.Aum auopy liao heemi lucid upon ( lie bdy of flaroa do Hirsch , ivhtehi vrovfd hits death was duo to apoplexy , Itumors time baron hind coniiiiltted &uicide or that his deatlI was duo to qthmer titan im4turil causee , sueb fl irene circulated in the IThied States tOdaI by a news agency , Were t'n- founded. un t ish , 'l'roojM for outIi .t relt'ii , LONION , April 23.-Det.schunents' ( lie king's royal rifles , tatined at Dover , and the Irish rifles' , quartered at Brighton , have been ordered to livid tbeiiiseiveus In readnieej to phoceed iminedlateiy (0 Boufla Africa. - STATES1EN COIE TO BLO\VS \ Disgraceful scene in a Conimittoo Room of the House. flSTS AND INK WELLS USED AS WEAPONS Coilgreasiiiumi hull of M lsaoiirl llitt ii 'Ioht'itt I'ei'NtIliil I .t ssiiil t ( iii Seiiiitor-ihlt.t' ( M.tiii'3' of Missi'.Mipii I. WASIIIN'GTON , Aprit 23.-Congressman Money , uleinocrat of Mississippi , anti senator- elect froni that state. and Congressuiian hail of 2tllsaourl hati a personal encounter iii tIme coiiimittco On naval affairs today , and it Is saId Mr. Money was hit eu time bead with a chair , Mr. Momiey anti Mr. hlahl are both nienibers' of time naval committee. The commIttee was not In seamdon at ( Ito ( line of ( lie fracas. Tom Ccakley , time muiessenger of tIme corn- liiittee , svhiu vas standliig at thmo door , heard ( he two inciiibers talk tg : rather loudly , They swore evidently both very umiuch aroused. Suddetily Mr. Coakiey heard Mr. lIali say : "I'll allow no mcii to cait inc a liar. " \\'ithi time words lie reached over and planted his fist Iii Mr. Money's' face. Mr. haIl Is a maim of large statute , sandng ( six feet , two iiiciios , club weIghing 250 rounds. Mr. Momiey Is also tall , but ratller slender In huUd , atid no nmatcll for ( mis opponent physically. rime blow staggered time Mlsiissippan. ! fleforo Mr. Money could recover himself Mr. hail grabbed a large inkwell from the table and hurled it at Mr. Money. 'l'ho batter , already dazed , could not. dodge the mnissile ruth it struck bun behind the e.tr , cutting aim ugly gasii. Mr. Money fell back against ( lie vahi , At this jimiicture Mr. Coakley , svhio had been lacking iii way toward ( Ito irate congressmen - men , crowded hctweeml them anti prevented fttithiei' onslaughts , FAINT FROM LOSS OF PLOOD. Mr. hail was with difficulty represed from contlnimlimg the asrault. Mr. Money u'tood migaltist tile svahl , fant ! froimi loss of hlooi , vimicbt was streaniing down iii neck from the svou.iitl in his head. lIe was hurriedly ( alien tumto a commimnitteo roouim on time floor below , whmilo Mr. Hail walked calmly along time car- rider to ( lie hail of the iioue. Time blood from Mr. Momioy'u woun.i dropped en ( hi' immarbbo floor as ho ss'aa imalf carried down the i4epC. A great crowd imnnietUateiy congro- gatemi and there was niuch exclteunemm ( . 'rho details of time cause of the encounter ivere hard to obtatti . Mr. Hall , svhan seen Immediately after time fight , maul he did not desire to make a statetnomit. "It was a pereonal matter , " said hi , "and I do mmot desire to say anything. I do not stipposo Mr. Money , either , swill dare to make a statenient. Mr. Wileon , a member of the mibcommitteo , was presenL" Mi' . Money was taken to ( lie room of the coinimlittee on claims , where his wounds swore dressed by a pimyslcan who Imappened to be in the bimilding. There wore two cuts , one just back of ( lie car , about cii immch long , anti the other fiilther down tno neck , both inaihe probably by the points of this ink woll. Mr. Money , like ills adversary , saId lie did not desire to stinks ammy statement , A close friend of Mr. Money , however , who wits nil eyewItness of ( lie occurrence , has the follow- uig version ot the difilculty : "Mr. Money was In ( he roorn , ' tiald this. imman , ' , looltimig over his mail , when ugh entered aimd began discussing a bill before tile committee delatlng to ( lie. rank of naval surgeons. Mr. Money took nart in the dI.s. cmussion , and , though ills voice was pitched : ms it usually is in controversial tone , lie wait in umo svise excited. Mr. Mommey macdc a state- muent that tIme surgeons svere after both anhi atmtl command. 'No , ' Ito added , stall- hmmgly , ' 1 take that back , not command , but rank. ' CALLED EACh OTHEIt A LIAR. There were present in the committee room , iii addition to the two conibatSilts. Couiimu- dore Fitimian and Representatives Meyer of Louisiana nuidVlson of New York , members of time committee. The altercation ias over Mr. Wilson's bill for time reorganization of the lersomumei of the navy. An anonymous circular against tIme huh figured in ( Ito con- troversy. Mr. Wilson says thmat lie sins road- lag lila mall , and the conversation was par- tcIpated in in a spasmodic fnslmion by all about the table. He says , according to lilt. recollection , that the row followed a state- nient of Mr. hall , to time effect that whoever mimetic such statements as svere made iii time circular , made Statcnicnts whIch vere untrue. Mr. Money thereupon , aecorriltig to Mr. WII- son , looked up anti said : "Do you iiiean to say I ciii a liar ? " , , 'Any amen svhio says tlmat , ' said Mr. Hall angrily , 'rays iviiat Is not ( rile , ' , ' 'You are a (1-tb liar , ' retorted Mr. Money , partly riafuig from his dIem. "Mr. Money roes to his feet and Mr. Hall grabbed an inkwell and hurled It at him. i'ima blow belmini the car staggered him , Mr. hail did not hit lmim with his fist. Mr. Mcnoy , though staggered , also ciutched an inkwell anti let It drive at Mr. Hail's head , but ( hue Mitesouriaii dodged and time missile flew hmarmmilessly by anti struck the wali oppo- site. Had it struck hall I hhlevo it would have bralimed him , Time two umien titan made for each otlmer. 130th of them marie motions as if to draw their veapons. Mr. W'iaon ! of Now York , a member of the naval committee - tee , swIm s-ao present with tima rnosengcr anti clerk , (11011 rushed between the men and vrovcncd further trouble. " Mr. hall replied in a low tone. Mr. W'iison says lie tiocs not know exactly what thio reply was , but ( hereupon Mr. Money op. lilicil ( lie epithet antI the row began. Time inkwell thrown by Air. Momoy : , lie tys , oar- rowly escaped ? tlr , hiall'gm head and passemi over his shoulder. W'hiomi oshied whether iveapohis Is era ( irawml lie refused to ailirm or doiiy time statement made above by a fricimmi of Mr. Mommoy. Mr. Moumo ) ' ivas conveyed to hula hotel by friends. Mr. hall roinaimmed at time capitol. lie express.etl regret fcr what hmatl occurred , hut still declined to make a. statement , .it7ltOltH C.l'iht' lIlhIhltiXi ) Vt'JIISICY , Nt-u' 'I'niti ( bra iitt'tl to .Iose Ilroivii ( or St No-t'l ltiiisoii. LA\VRENCEflURG , Ga. , April 23.-The counsel for defense in the case against Jose fin-wa for uiiuriier today condo a. motIon for a new Iieanhrmg , stating , upon sworn aflida- s'It by certain jurors , ( lint tIme sheriff thur. log the trial hail perliiitted thom jury to drink six quaits of wlmleky amimi two bottlea of beer and Judge Carohi granted a new trial , p I)1hM.t NI ) tF II. ' . LI. ' A 1l I t.LION l HN' . SIioi'tet' % V'irIiiij.c hiii ) (0 lIe ANkI'Ii l'ttr ott this , lIrst of 3iii- . h'ITTSIIUiiG , April 23-In an interyiov here today Prceibcn ( ( lonipers of time Amer. lean Federation of Labor stated that over 500,003 men would inako a demauiil for a almorter day Oil May 1 , arid ( hat most of (11cm iveuld get it wlthmout a struggle , Vlrea of ti lss y. WAIIOO , Neb , , April 23-Speclal.-Woi-d ( ) was received Imere this mom-rung ( limit ( lie l"arnie's' elevator at Prague , iii ( his coummty , was burned last night at about 2 o'clock , There was seine insurance on ( Ito builfihiug , but at timis time nothing tloflmiito Is known % t iIl regard to ( lie matter. PETItOLIA. On ( . , April 23.-The hunpei-ial sworks have been daiilaged by tire to ( ho extent of about $ lOO,0CO. NE VCASTLE-ON-TYNFh , April 23-Time hinlleht ( stesnier Willow Deeti , Captain Trip- pelt , froiii Cllimrheetoil On April 2 for lit , l'otersbu g , imas arrived in the Tytie , Sue had her cargo of cotton on fire , but ( lie lir.imies have since been juenchcd. p h(1h.1 for Alhvgeii Eiiihs'lt'iiiii t. COLUMBUS , 0. , April 23.-Cashier Julia A. Knight of the defunct Fiffli Avenue Sayings - ings bank was bold today to aaiwer for al- legud enibezzleinent , StiS'JihIlih lVS'l' "I ) % ' ) S'lOltM , iiit'hi liiiiinge hi Sonit' l'nrM ( of t : , ( itO , DUNCAN , Neb ' I 23.-Spoeial.-A ( ) terrific wind stern ' - . tI this section last nIght anti lasted ' one hour , iburiug hlchm time Outtlltti contlcrlbs , stock- sheds , iniplenicilt sh ' c. , were unroofetb and turned bottom ' ! v. ( lie Siletis aitl cribs of tile Warre ¶ . , .4 Stock ernapany % ere torn down anti : ipsiibo down and scattoretl os-cr the fe ( Is. TIle wind came from ( lie south , was ( ho worst that lmiis visieti ( hilt. in ten years. Very little rain fell swithi time siortu , but gravel nod dirt was se thick in the air It . ss.ae Itiipoesiblct to face it. Several ( do- graliht Pales anti trees vcrc blown down. OCONRFh , Net ) . , April 23-Speclal.-A ( ) hail dIrt itoriii , aecoilipammlcd by a Itigll wiiiti ani emiari lighitmiiimg , the sworat for years , struck this Ithaca Inst iihghit fromn the stiutli , doing mitch tiamuage to fences' . simile trees and small btthlduimgs , ( caring oft lioarde , over- tiirmlitmg svngoiis nimti blowimig ( lou-il sgti ! boards , Tue stotiii lasted about thirty latH- Utes amid si-as followed by a light tiasht of rain , It appeareti to be heavier coat of here. here.FI1EMON'T FI1EMON'T , April 23.-Spccial.-Tlmere ( ) was a Imeavy ehmower hero between Ii niitb 12 o'chochi laut evnitmg , accoimipanleti by sharp I 1gb ( ii big and ( ii ii titier , The I igiitim I ng st rock ( ho svlres near time Rikhtorn train diopatchier's omce , and ran iiito ( ho omce givltig W. lb. Goldeti , a ibispatcimer , quite a shock mmd setting fire to soimic ( if thte wood work. The fire Ilepartnlciit swats called out , but tIme blaze 5-as extltmgmisimetl ! without much tbanmage. lbltAIS1IA\V , Neb. , Anril 23.-Special.- ( ) Itlring time storm of last milglit ( lie Gerinami Luhernui ( church , six mmmiies narlisveet ( of ( lila vlnce , ss-us struck by lightning amid hunumctb. BRAINAIU ) , Neb. , April 23-Spccial- ( ) During a heavy tlitiiider and rain storm last nIght lIghtning struck a resimictico lie- lotmging to Mike Morris , iboing considerable daiminge. None of time fatally wore hurt. AVItOIA. { Neb. , ) 23.-Sliecial ( Teho- gmamil.--Last ) es'cnltig higlmtnng ! thu eomiitb- oablo damage in (1115 county. Time fine barn of Charles lemaraiivllle buntied , together vitli fIve horses anti a lingo quammtlty or hay and' grain. It was insured for $1,000. Alvin chapel , eight imihles ivest of ( lilt. city , iia ciitirely commsimmmie'l ; loss mihirut $1,000. Tue fine church of th Lutlirrati donomnination. cix ( nilt's e0qt , wafl bunted : boss abomt 2.0OO. JEFFIflSON , In. , Avril 23.-Special ( Tohe- graiii.-Ligiinmimg ) ritpeti tlmiiigs in Greemi cotmmity early this milonuiiuig. At Churdan two hmouse 5sero struchi aimil buntied amid a seliooi house uoimhm of here. Conedcrablo stock was killed. l,00iING ovrit hhuGihau'i' Cl'l'V. lii'.terii 'riirlptts VhI I I lit' 'l'lum'itI hg Sttuit Ii hnlotii ' 1'ovi , RIGEMON1' , S. D. , April 23.-Speclal ( Tc-legratml.-Fm'amicis ) Grable and party , coti- slsttng of ox-Governor Patls.on of Pcnmmsyl- vania and wife , Tihornas llramiley anti wife , Saniuel S. Thompson amid wife , Dr. C. S. Mtddleon of Pimiladclphmia , aiitb D. C. Am- miiitlon of Ibaltinmote , arrived this inoruiing anti were taken at once to ( Ito lhOal ( of time large renervoir of the Fhdgetmiont canal sys- temn , umov nearing campletloim. 'fimey swere tlellgiiteti siitii tIme excellent swank upon limbs mnamnmmmoit reservoir , and especially dehiglmted svith the fertile Clmoyenmmms 'aIiey teemmmlng swith busy tanners at work getting time land in conditlami for spring crops , After a care- ( ul survey of ( hie grindatoumo plant and quarry , nilneral paint factory , woolen lmiill , niaclilne Shops and other liimlustrles , they gave orders for time constructiomi of an elegant etorme build- 11mg on Plmelaii avenue 100 feet quaro and Shires stories bight , to has built of Edgcsmon ( stone. The hial'Y 'i'ill make a tour of the miarthern Black hula tonibrrow , spending Sutiday at Hot Springs. flefore departing for ( ItO east they will visit Denver anti other western volnts. -a- COLLiI ) idi ) ' % % 't'Vii A FILUS'I' 'I'lt.tIS. Chirit I'iletl I'ti iii \Vrt.elc tihial Oin : tiiii httlied. EVANSVILLE , lad. , April 23.-A L'uis vllo & Nashville fruit train and an Evans yule & 'forte Haute taraeuiger train colhideth at a cros'sbng ulcar Mount Vernon , md. , igigi night. Alex Drscoti , brahuenian on time latter - ter train. , was killed , while James Covlngton , emigineer , and F. It. Thompson , bmakemiian on the fruit ( mimi , were serbously injured. TIme tralims si-crc moving slowly at tue time. The baggage car of ( ho passenger train wait ( elecopeti and two coaches thrown from the ( rack. Time Louisville & Naalis'Ule eimglmio was ( ui-neil at rIght aumgles acrons time raIls and the track was torn up for sonio dstance. Time work of repair was begun inmmetllately amid trains are ruminluig regularly today. 'I'V ( ) ( H R5.b4Clai M I'S' StJlCl l)1h , 'l'liro'iv 'I'iit'iiiselvt's In t ii. blhhI l'oiid. lt'n ilai.t.t It-rN to 'i'mI I ii St.ir MlL't7AUlCEE , April 23.-A special from Menommiinee , Vie. , says : Edna Vartley atid Emma Cunninghmauii , aged 16 and 1i ye-al-s respect ively , t'.Oullfliittcil suicide by drownimig in the mill pond at Do-anessille , nine miles south of ( Isis city. Their bodies were fouiid today. A cloak , swatch and bottle of lautlanuni swore found emi time bank of tile mill pommil. Letters hiavo also been found whlchi throw somne light oil thmo cause of time double siul- dde , Tue miatmies of prominent parties arc nientioneti in ( Ito letters and Downesvliie people are iii a fever of excitement in cease- ( iuenco. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i'L.iN ' .i' ( ) itEItGtNl'I.i 'J'hll3 Ii.tXIC. Stot'kJoiders of . % , iierleii mi Na t I , , , , : , I or Ieiivtr 'i'nhlC of Itestitithlig , DENVER , April 23-Leading stocllmoltbers : of the Amnericatu Natiommal bank urn tliscmias- ing a plan of resumption. It is liroposeil to raise momiey to pay alt' al tiopositors anti place time bank on a somintl foundation once more. If ( hum be done , ( ito appolmtnieiit of a receiver wIll lie olivimiteti. 'Flie closing of time bank has not caused any buhines's fail- uras anti time teneral flnmmncal feeling in Danver st'as never better ( lion it is now , l1oil 'tlt'ti Cmi I lie , ' it t 'i'i'ie. , . 13/IN FR/iNCISCO , April 23-Five hundred members of ( lie llotdhimieil'ui Mutual hiemmefi ( tisecciation arrived here ( lila afternoon by special trains from SoutlIelil CalifornIa. TIme visitors svill ho entertaiuic'ii by time loe.il lintel ioptiotors auid tsbmowmt tile itiglituu of the cIty. Tounorrow evemiimmg a bariqmiet Iii their hmor.or will be given , Chit I ins lie littiuglit M I is I rug Stotmic , DENVER , Aprih 23.--Josephi Underwood Ito , , flied suit for $100,000 in the United States circuit court against thie Leavenworth Miiu- log company of Chicago for refusing to tramiu- for to him 100,000 shares of stock which hue hail bought , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'Ilt'hiieiit't or ( ) eeitii ' , 'I4st'lN , .i pi'i I 2i. At Now York-Arrived-Tm-aye , ( roam lire- n1ci ; Anchorla , fnuiuml Glasgow , Haiied-Ait- nusta Victoria , for llaiuiburg , t'mt Plyunuuthi ; Georgia. for Naples , At Queemisown-Arrived-Stearner Germanic - manic , ( ruin New York for Liverpool. Sailed -Majestic , fr un Liverpool for New York. I'assctl-Uolgeniand'from Liverpool for Phil- uuielpiuia , A ( San Francisco-Arriva4--Austrahia , from hionohulu , A ( ltotterdam-Arniyed-Spaarnminni , from New York. At Napltsw-Arriveui-Kaiser Wiliuelr.u Ill , from New York ; healla , fron Nets' Ycil : . At Jlremulen--Arnlvod-L-ahmp , lrtmumi New York , via Southmaniptoti ; Dresden , fruitu h'jusw York. At Lontlon-Sahled---Mauuttiba , fr Nos York , At Phuilutbelphula-Sailci..Ssi-iti.erhatud , tot- Antwcrp , A ( Maraejhleu-Ari-lyeii-Masthhhla , from New York. At Glasgosv-Sailetl-Circansia , ( mu , New York , At Stottin-Arnlvod-Itulaimd , froni Now York , At Llverpool-Arrived--flermanic , froni New Ynik , Sailedi'avoruia , ( or floIutil , At h3alimnoro-Arrlvud-Mlnnesota ( , from Llyornooi ; Whhlobad , freon. firemen. I QUAY BOOI IS LAUNChED Pcnnsylvanla Republicans Are Practically Unanimous In His ravor , M'KINLEY ' NOT EVEN ThEIR SECOND ChOICE i'Int Enniii .ttIttt'i I ii tii. lCt-ys ( tinu- Stut to ie , , oii is ( ' I ii g l'rt'e 'l'i'i * .l ithid I'nt.i. Sii ci. it titI thi. ( sill log 1'rotte ( titith lLe'lprtelt ) , hI.iiltlEllUhtG , l'a. , April 23.-Itepree'en- ( . mitives of ( lie republicails of l'emmimsylvaiiia. ( issethibletl here iii couls-eultion today ailti fonmuially lauticimeti ( lie boani of Un''ett States Souiator M. S. Quay for president.i uiomnlna- . thon. This feat aa.i accotuililishmed auimon sceties or ( hitch titrbtiletmce. Men ortllumanily redac lost ( heir teumipers 011(1 saul harsh. things to each othmor sumit.I at least one ills. tingulslic.tl gentlenman uuimnle tbctiioimstrmitlomimi. of s-ioleimce. Time violent scenes ivere ( ho result of tIme cifoits of ( lme mitt-Quay dde- gates to ixcmtro tIn. atloptiomi of a resohiltiomi ilnhuiiiig McKltmley as thuti it.ecoumti choice of time- coflvcimioii. . After aim exciting debate thuo miroposltioml swat. defeateti by mu vote of 178. to 135. Tue coiivcimtlon imemimlumated the siatetl camulidatea for eomlgressmimemm-at-lmtrge atmil sc- iected time delegates atmtb elcctorsat-Iargo mmatmietl by last ltigimt'o caucus , Time vlafortms diass n tip by Semiator Qmuy's fnictitis atiolmtel witimout Immaterial cnnige. In fact. It svas a Quay convenioit till thiroumgii , ci- ( hotmghi ( hose OjIpCt.3i to that gemitlemlhan ithadie things lively cmi time iior of ( lie Coil- seiiion atmd Iii cemmumnittee tOOmmI. The delegates' to time cotiveuitioti ivore slow in nrrivhmmg amid It swat. mmot. imuitil 10:25 : ( but ( lie I epresentativo of Stitto Cih-alrmmiami Quay called ( ho convention to order. l'wta eomislilcuott : tb.joiitee were Leathers , lasid Martlul utumil State SLiltior Charles A. Porter of h'hmiiatlci- ithia. Tiusse gemitiemumemi have been vroumiltienl ligures at tellublicaml gathiciitgs : in thio state fiLl timeir absemuco create.l iimutciu coithumItsIl .uimmomig ( Ito coutitry tbciegates. , whuo liase bout acetlatommiod to secitig tluemui In ( lie fromit. row for tumoro titan twenty years. C. Stuart I'at- ( orson and Silas W. l'ettit of l'lmilmulelpiiln. botii leaders ii ( hue reform lumoveunemit lii that. city , occimiticil ( lie favorite eeaum of Mesara , \laltitl ttuiii l'orter , Tlmero an uuimisumahly large atemidanc of spccatoro iii time gallerIes. TIme opera. ilcuito swat. elaborateLy dceorateti wlthm bunting. Time roll call siIOSVCd time iireseuicc of 279 dole- gates. Ex-Spcakor henry K. hboycr of Philadelphia. was cimosemi teiimpornry elmairimiami. him accept- lug time honor Mr. Liayor spoke no follows ; are niet together on tlu eve of a iresldenlmtl conflict tittit is o deeltit , 5'llo lie to atinilnister ( liii uxcmttlvo govenmimumuit ot 70,000,000 of freemen aiid uiuoui ivha ( hhnimici- plea , political antI aduiilnlmttraivc , that gay- ei'thtiieiit is to bo basoti ; amid ( lilt. convention is to give practical expression of ( Ito views. of a great comnumiomiwcmtltlm , second in ( ho galaxy of states , mmd mmiilmicrrumptedly for a hug series of years first iii its devotion to republican principles. "we are tact to renew our vows' of re- puhuicanismhi and to tieclare our contiiiueti iiusillty to demmmociacy in nil its iuiconipeteilcy and niaiadniinlatration. Per four years our mills , our factorIes , our forges , our 1uinmiaee. amid our looms have suffered from depression bern of iimcoimmimtfent and bail adlilimmlstraUon anti lack of confidence en Liii. pait of tiu PeoPle 1mm its goverutmmuent. Labor hns been unemployed or lmuadequatey coimipensated , and capital tiriven from ( lie walkH Cf trade. TI.\IE TO SET THINGS RIGHT. "Tue time has again arrived when under our constitution and our laws ( hat mightiest of all forces iii America , pmibhlc 01)10100 , is to again vroclamii itself , right our svrongs , restore - store our credit , revive otmu imnittatrios anti aulmbeve for our gos'ernniemit nuiti its oilicera that respect and comifidence at halite atiti abroad that never acre wnmitln while a re- jubiican hillot gtmltbetl the ilri ; of uitatc. 'Itm this assertion of public opinon thl greatest of republican states is to have a. pototit s'oieo and is to again anti in a more tlncrutuincd ( anti louder cmie thom ever lii hIstory to denionsrate to ( lie nation hUt time- imonorem.l imifloxbllity ! to reii.bllan vrinciplez antI its invincibility in ( hair defense. "And how. polmiing to her fidelity in time vast , promising time same tmioaeure of faith in thmo future , and ihresetmttmg to ( hue peop1o of the Unitetl States a man tried anti trusted by lien people , known aulti hmonoretl by thme uia- tion , uiisturpat.Sed In wisdom of hils statesmanship - ship , unequaled In time distinguished services ito has rendered to tue caune of republican- It.ni , h'ehlnsylvamila asks ( lie great party to asseuiible In comuvemition at St. Louis to listen to time voice of ( hula great connicmiweultll : anti. nonmiimao for time great an'.i dislngultuhmed. otilce of iirctmident of time United States , ( 'etinsylvanla's great and dbsimlgillshcd son , Matthew Stnuiley Quay. True as a man , faithful as a friend , astute as a leader , abbe as a staeutnmatm , loyal as a citizen , courageous mmci aggressive in a contest , utiassuniing anti retiring in private lfe , we pre'ent a typical Anlerican (0 the great republican part ) ' of ( lie United States as it camidlmimtto for the imighes ( anti macat huommorabic chIco In the gift of any people on earth. " State Senator Flynn of Pittsburg atitl Silas h'etio of h'luiladehplmba iiresemmtod for entborse- mont a series tit reform bills to prevent bni- hery , frattub , illegal use of tiiomiey at time polls , tlmo improper participation of oiiicebmolders lit polItics , anti pros'ld.ng ( am a eotmiplete sy'utemm of civil service reform in Pennsyivanla. 'rime hills swere referrnii ( a time eoummniice ( Oil reso- utiotus. After ( lie annotlncenlnmmt of ( lie presluboultini electors anul tile appOintutleimt of ( lie coin- rumltees on resohuttioums , clLdemitialiu antI pet'- nuaneimt organization , ( lie comuimmhitteo at l1hb took a recess immmt 1 1 :30 : tIle afterimoon , Time convention reas'emnbietl at 2:05 : , There was tautly one dhstrc ! ( contest amid ( Ito coin- rnttee ( on crtdeniahs repored ( Itu favor of aeatiutg time three delegates fron : tilt , ? ilcbCecs- hart thisrict , svhmo arts Quay mnen. M'KINLIhY GE'l' 'i'WO VOTES. Thmo meeting of limo re-i'olnttoniu .ornnulttee wait not altogether liarmimumilous , S'imeuu limo piattk esimberaing Quay fm'r ( lmti rcsIdeniai tlomuiiimation was read , C. b. Magoc , ( lie PiUs- bmttg leader , theclroti that hits ivan for MchCin- Icy , and said it swims mhuio to hula cuimmihidacy that ito sitomild OblPOO time endun'cmumen ( of Quay , On ( hue roli call tour swore agmilnit Quay , Messrs. Magec' , hall and Goltivmm of Ahleghemuy anti Ibtownlce of Lycuniiimg. 'fhiero was much debate en time proposition ( hat canulitlatea for Ummltetl States cetmuttor to succeed Caummeron be lerinittcd to stilimmilt their muamibes to ( liii voetv at ho imnimutarlos in ( lie various l.glslativo dstriets , This resultmtioms wits tieteateti. A remiolutioti immotructltmg ( Ito delegates to support hticKuumluy iii tIme c'veiit of time retire. milemit of Quay was tlcicateti , ( lmerui being only ( iwo or tltrec UveI , , The pcnlimamieumt oiami isa tier. cmnimrthttee no- ported in favor of Autlitor General Myhiui for temporary chairman. 'that gentiemnmin spoke as follows : "Sixty years ago a harge body of repro- senatlvc' ( trien from oil ever ( lie country met in convention in this good clii town of lIar- nitburg atmd gave to ( Ito vonId ( ho muamac ot a soltlier and statesnian : us a proper person to ho a candidate for ( lie presidency , anti who afterward was elected to that august position , If ( lucre Ito any trtiht iii time say- Jug Ilmat history repeats itself , ( lion wu imope ( lint tue repreiuenative't of ( hula convention , gathered from every seciioui of ( lie state , wIll give to time public mat a capmbldate for thio IiSfliO high olilce ( ito tuanlo of the ills- titigitiahmed PcmiMylyaflittfl , a matchless leader , a statcinian , the poor of any In the land , a moan who line broad viowa of publlo iloiicy , with ( ho courage to carry them out. I aliimtlo to lion , Matthew Stanley Quay , " General hiiulgilam then took ( ha piaformmi ( arid reami ( hue resolutions as toiiows "For fidelity (0 ( ( Ito lIrinchItlus of To- pubhlcaniutu , h'etinsylvania holds ( ho first rank anmomig all thmo states. Year after yeai It hits returned great utlajoritleis for limo can. dilates of thuat pary asking no recogtuilon ( or 000 of Itit own citiseniu mis mm national ctUitj- date , "The time hia comae wlmomt flue state which bait so long arid faithfully icti the reiuWicaI