- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . . ' - r- ! . : . , . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISIIED JUNE 19 , 1871 . OMAIIA , IVEDNESDAY MOWIiG , APHtL 22 , 189U. SiNGLE OOL'Y FIVI CENTS. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BULUIVAYO IN CREAT DACi . lativca Encampoi in Great Force Withii Pow Miles of the cflty. . WHITES SItU. MENACED 1W TUE IIOSTIL GTSTIHg flellef ( lint flic 11it1i il 1b ) ( erIIIi ) , % re Urg- Jng I lie ILvbeIIJuUs : lsi1a- Iii1i to tite Atiick. J - AIoCIflted Prcs. ( pyrlght , iy th ! CAI'1 TOWN , April 21.-CaptaIn Napi wIth a torte of about 200 men , left flu1uw yterda ) morning , according to a dIpa recetvoi liore from that place , on a roe iolterIng expetItlon. The Matabolo , It then believed , bad moved out1iwar1 , a ftom the poslttcsis they hail occtipkd , tehllng to Ititercept the relief corps athra I log from afcIcIng. I3ut the icouttng pa cn9 surprkcd to find the Matabelo In gr force about five m1103 northoa9t of Bu1uw Nnplcrs coulmand wan fired upon and ttirnozl the oncmy'a flro and then rotrea In good order , It being neIes for uct ina1) ) body of troopers to ongaga BOrE thouoand Matabele , apparently vofl eiup 'with frearm. The return of Napler'a party , tinder clrcumstance , cast iitIlto a gloom over flt - - wayo , as It wa believed that the exten works of defent'e , 1angor , forts , dytian mine ! , OtO. , around Iluhtiwayo , had convin the Matabele that the place was impreg ble , and In conaequeneo they hail hfl camp utliward. It now appears that wi It 19 true that several thouBand MataL have struck camp , t1ier are enough of th remaining 'i the vicinity of Uuluwayo CflUtO the utmost unoaBInese. It Is true the eighteen wagons , loaded vItIi provlt'k have succeeded In entering the towii , there are many mouths to feed there. i the rdflct corw I BtIIt a lOt2 'Vay Off I moving siowy On accoulit of the sear of vater and the ravage of the rInder among the cattle. Ic fact , It Is teared a niouth will elapse before the Mafek reflef corps can reach i3uuwayo , atd a gr deal may happen In that time. The oIIlta18 of the liritisli Chartered cc pony are doing everything possible under circunistancoz ; they arc paying large bonu to transport rklers and volunteers and hprrylng forward supp1le as fast as possU but here again the cicailly rinderpest Is terfering with tile work of relief. The situation grows darker every day spite of the very effective mcans taken defend I3uluwayo. Fully 200 per.ons h been killed by the Matabele since the rthlng began , and men of experience In So Afrcun warfare claIm to . 'ee In the tad of the natives the guiding hand of the Ic ers of the Transvanl burghers. They lot IL that the floors have mustered nbut 1 , men 011(1 ceveral gulls , according to rept at a convenient distance from Mafeklng. i it Is b2Iiowed that they are more titan w lpg to inako common cause vUh the Ma bole and strike a blow at the flrlttth premacy. Indeed , everything is In a volcanic state S iitit Africa at' preacut , and no tcron ii can correctly foretell what the result i be. A good deal depends upon Berlin. Later advices from Buluwayn say that patrol hear that place bad a brush with Matabeic , yesterday , during vhicli fifty of I latter were killed. A dispatch from Moehul. Becijuanala dated Monday. which the Times publi& this morning says that IatI Gray tnrt' there from Mafeking and continued his Jo aol to Buluwayo. Dr. Cauor who Is retu lug from Iluluwayo for hIs trial at I'rotoi tito iliapateli says , "tates that the iaager Buluwayo Is certainly afo from external tacks. anti the food supply is sufficient for I . 'g - - rncnths. lie adds that the military operati vll1 ho purely defensive until the arrLval the relict column , antI viii be confined Iccping clear a zone three miles wide aroi the town. "The firet detachment of the relief colu Is already 150 miles north of Mateking z their prOgra Ia satisfactory. Tito nati c are beginning to see the peccssity of kill lnfectcd cattle to staiflI ) out too lndorpest. " Tue Daily Telegraph publishes a ( Ilepa from PretorIa , which quotes a telegram s from Buluwayo on Monday naying that noon a great tiattlo at eloe tlunrters was I ininent anti that the enemy was vIsible the distance of four milet' , cnLrenclled beli utono mounds. The dispatcii from Prc'tc continues : 'The Joiiannesburg volunte have oltered Earl Gray a r.orps of 300 ft ( tllIlpiCtl men. l'rciiident Kruger denies rcport that aiiy demand for an Indemnity I 1)0011 made upon the Chartered South Mr compnny by the Transvaal. " The Ilerlin correspondent of the Standi dcclarei ha has authority to atato that I ruIIIori of an agreeniept between Presid Kruger of tim Tranavasl ano President St of the Orange Free State , poIntIng to cot thin of tlio Mflaers threuiiout South Afr against England , itro all canards. SKIIIMISIL % V.tl IN ' 1'IIi SOUI ) . llri * Ish i'rt'c' I It iN I ; liii It.us 1'pi t t' ( if I Iit Ivrvi.sI. 1i1epIy , ( Cipyrfgbt , 116. bY the Associated Prca.i. ) CAIRO , April 21.-Dispatches receIved hi today from the front ray that tltero lia bE fierce fighting at Omdtirmaii , itear Ihartou the headquarters of the khalifa. 3)etats tito engagement or its cause are not at bat but it. In said that &OO of the khailta'D bo guard have been killed unit that a gene fealing of unrast prevails among the khallf forcee. The orlc of seiidliig troops to the fro suppyiitg them whit food and aniniunlili building tile strategic railroad alit ! fortify Aicualteli , Is being carried On with admIral proiiiptlirss and inaclilno.lilo sinoothnos.s _ Further reports from thu front recoh 'I _ _ hero this afternoon say that beyond an easlonal volley at long range the derylat are very quiet. \\'eii p3sted military men are Inclined the belief that the dervish leadets are p1 parIng for a sudden movement of i liorta p1cc. Titoro has been even greater activity ted In the pusilng forward of troops and at JIlice to diD front , and from roiunrki iirepp hero and there it would IhCIII that ilghti is expected before bug. riio frIendly sheik , AbdiiI Azim , ha..s turiwti 10 Murat W'elis , after caving made demonstration with bus liorineui south the Nile , below ilebelu , lie found un tr of the deryishos , but here there wa ii fox of the enemy at M.tuham , 4i 1.t.tcl , Ilblt)1JS oi i..iiiIel .tsltN tli ( I tnl I&tii Ciiiiiiiiiitl for si StLItIIU Ut 11114 I.lelN. LASSOWAII , AirIl 21.-King Menelek Ii written to aenerni Baldissera , the conunan of tito Italian forces , asking iiiti to retu his letters regarding tlio veaco proposa This Is interpretetl as Indicating that thc has been a rupture of the negotatIous I voaco betweenltaW nod Abyssinia. ILBIM'IIII .tNCI'lIlSlII ) lit Coreji. YOKOhAMA , April 21-In addition to loan of 8,000,000 ( lint Jupan bias b000 11 gotutinj $ for fronu Russia , gtyng Hong Ton the northe-i province of Corea , AB securit the Japanese nvuy has been lnstructoi request that IUssIati troops be detaIled nuartb the Corrati palace and also th ltusouu appoint advisera to the Corean go eroment and mIlItary instructors for II CEilcaR army. NIne ItusBian war hIp a 110W at Nagasaki awaitIng the arrival six others , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ blritlMh Cnbinct In SellItilill , LONDON , April 21.-A irotractod and Ic fr porlant meetIng of the cabinet unluiste took place this afternoon and It is be1Iet' that the South itfrieau aqtl Egyptian sit' ' ationli were discui.eed. Tue marquIs of Sail bury Jus exPected to rcb I.cmdon foiui Li voutiuent tonight. - - , ItICOIII ) OP ' 1'lII lI . tMONI ) TlIliV t ' .a ( ) tlO sit iOflMt 'Erilcell linek II , I Sixlrtiiig I'olnt. ( Cotytight , iSG. by I'ress I'ubilshlag Cumpan LONDON , AprIl 2l.-Now ( York Wo Cablegram , Special Telegram.-The ) We correspondent's lnvestgation in London day established the fact that George Di lop , coo of the men cnargetb with the r bery of the Burden diamonds , spoke tr when , on taking service wtlh Mr. Herd ho gav as reference the names of Lord A town , Lord Londonderry , the duke of I'c laiiti and Lord Wolsoley , its persons w whom ho had been in &rvice in this cci try. try.Tho The representative aw the marquis LOfliOtIIJerry today at the lioute of Lor to answer to a Etuestion , ii saId : ' 9 may cay for me that I have no recoil Lion of any servant of that name bar been in my houae , at beast as upper serva lb may have becn there in a subrdin cipacity , in which case lie would have bi engageil by my steward , anti unless he maineti in my sorvce for a long tinit aught uueve' have known bs ; rurnanue. lic ever , I shall make inquiries and let you kn the res'ult. " In view of the fact that Lord Lontit ( lorry kecpi up a pniaco lii town and I three oilier great houses in the country a In Ireland. cunployng a vast. retinue servants , iuL Ignorance of the IdentIty any but the tipper servants is quite plicabie , but before Lord Londonderry I had time to fulfill Iii courteous promise. iCeyner , tiio steward of Lord Woisley , Co ! uafldCr-ilI.chltjf of the British army , \ Seoul at his lord-s1ip'a house in Grosvoi Oardens , anti he proved to be well qunlnted with Dunlop. "Oh , yes , ' ' said the eteard. "it is qu tuuo ; heVt5 w'itli all the noblemen % vh names he gave , but Lord Wolsoloy Co give you no more information about than Lord Loadonderry lid. I engaged t about ix years ago in Ireland as footni ; and ho came to Inc with a recommendat from Lord Aabitown , in tliose Lervico hati previously been. lie was then but tie more than a boy , and was well reco iiieiitlctl. In fact ho Wa.5 thought hlgiiy by the Aiitnwus and one of the ladies the family , eceing itiiii at Lord \\'oitiIe foul me that site was very glad that he getting on , as he was a deserving you man. Ho 'as under mc for a year or when Ito loft of his ewn accord. null I r ounhilelided Ium to Lord Londonderry's aLt ard ; but lie remained there only a mon I think , Iien he ivext Into the servleo the duke of Portland , being recommended Lord Londonderry'a steward. He did not UiIIIII long there , either , but got a place Qucen'a Gate. and after a short stay tb yent to Aunerca. " ' 9Vhat opinion did you form of hint the Correspondent asked. Mr , Icoyner smi meaningiy as he answered : " % VeIJ , I had no actual fault to dot ! w him , nor bind any of his other emplqyc except that lie wao rather abrupt in banner and assumed a sotneirbat Indcpend attitude ; but when I c.iw his ii.iiiie the newspapers in connectIon. with robbo I recognized him at orion an our former to man. lie was a shrewd , smart fellow , 1 was addicted to gambling. lie had a tr of pretending to be duller tuna ho was.wh often struck me as being curious. Tb aeemeI to be always something under I surface with lilnu , and some. mysterli things that happened while he wan with are nw clear to me. " " 'iznt % rero these mysterious thIngs ? "I would rather not go into particular ansWered the steward , "as it would invo the mention of other persons vli namcs I don't feel at liberty to use. " "Was hIs honesty impugned ? " "Oh. never hut , as I aalii this rovelat bias made clear some circ mstancca that tracted my attention from time to Lii But. I must decline to say nnytbiiiig more that point , for tile tCUOOS I have atatet "Where did Dunlop orlginniiy ball front 'IIis native place is Strabar..e , iii cout Tyrone , where his mother , I believe , a lives. lie comes of an old plantation fami I think , " "You knew iiiiii , then almost titroughit his period of' ecrvlce ? " "Yes , I knew more of him than any else he worked under. I tonic an interest him at first , as bi seenieth to be a vi promising young fellow , with more in it ihian most servants. " Strabanc , Whioiice Duniop came , is a sun town in Ulster , Ireland. In the heart of I Organe district anti a few miles froul Cas Stewart , Lord Londonderry'a Irish resi'Jen Dunlcp is a i'resbytei'ian , and all the In Iiies lie worked with hero , except L : Woiseiey's. arc also Presbyterians , so tI it is plain that his religious bahicts wi useful to him in getting engagements. creasing Interest Ic being taken in the c : here , although the facts above glvezi hu not been Published in this country , where is sloken of as an American. tt Idi Ci I S'V. % 0 coXi liI XS I ) UIL ( eriIIsil Government Coiled Jtitiit SlijipreNs the I'rfleti ( ' ( ' . BERLIN , April 21-Count von Bet storfi' , conservative , today contlnuad I debtttc , In the fleich9tog on the proporai suppro9 dueling. lIe declareJ his val was confident that the government WOP seriously deal with the question of du icr : , Br , Benniugnen , national libaral. hoped would ho a long time before dueilu wet be abolished in Gerniany , as it is in Englar Ito dr'nled that Great Britain's oplositl to duoiing WaB based on ally ( lesIro to cc demO acts of violence. Dr. lbcnningseii cc cludetbo by declariig that tue views rogCu lug .itisfyitg injured honor must citaliged and that the existing penalties I Insults were inatieqititte. Herr Richter. radical , urged that parties unite In a strong aplcai to tue go criiniciit , and declared that the statemu of Ir , von Iioetticlier. the minister of Interior , cii the subject was unsatlafactol impossible , tame aiid wcaic. flu attack dueling among the students , and in so dot remarked that tue evil cuimo from abe arid that the cuixiter of gravity lay In hiractico of extending thie imperial pardout ciTendeic. lie conciuded by romancing Ii , i lie bind lila own way lie wouid send an o dices direct to tue crowii , herr Groeber condemned students' duels being $1111111) ' preparatory to more acne dueling , hiaroxi Veil Mauiteutfel suhipont herr blhche and COfllCIlifltCI dueIin. hem Foster , socialist , urged tim appotu riient of courts of liQuor for nit classes , Item Utbol , socIalist , expressed bus d belief in ( lie sincerity of the members of right and declared a change of views milItary circles s'as first requiriri. ha foUdeti hiiii own views rcrariilng tue cot 11111110 anti recalled that l'niulce liisrnarclc 11111 tIme admitted that tue commune Ii aoiuc justification. Cpntinuing , herr Dot liroceedeil to criticise tiit course of the ca met order of 1S71 , relative to c3flnt of bioxix hut lie was called to order. Herr 'clin consrvativo , niatle a vehement attack Up ; the socIalists and was called to order I charging herr llebet with audac'ous caiunin Finally , Herr ihictie witbitirotv his moti ; in favor of Herr Adi's , whIch caibc'b upi the fedorai govenninexit to energetically c'i bat the iflegni practice cit dueling by the means iii Its power. Tue niotlon iv adopted unanimously amid much opplauxo , A.hninistrsl ti'i' hiefonilis fop' CuIpp , M/tDhtII ) , APnii 21.-I'reiuier Canovas ci aattilo and the minister tpr the colonlt ccor Custeliano , drew up today ( lie refo 3ncra to tIle political and adlnlnistrati eIonruis in Cuba and l'onto Rico , which w to announced in the coining speech ( no Ito throne , 'FIio tennis of the reforms ci lde.I upon svero not revealed. humors of the pnoposed reonin are mul liscussed by all sections of the lioliuc rorid hone. Tue supporters of the cover , nent declare the ministry baa not changi Is line or conduct , hut that it will aubni te proposals to the chambers. 'ruination for ii bai UIN City l'rle.s 1LOMB , April 21.-Roy , Dr. John J , Glet left lms been alipointed coadjutor to Li ijibiop of Kansas Cu1 , Mo , . lit. Rev , Jo ! , r liogsn D , 1) . lr. Gienden is the vicu : ct.ersl anti rector of the J anaas City ci hedrI , BOURCEOIS ' STRATECIG IO ? 11 4 nmmons the Chamber to Avoid a Thrc cued Cabnot Crisis. SENATORS REFUSE TO VOTE CREDI I'reriiier for the 'ritird Tiiiie Itefti , ti ) Atiet'It a 'ite of No Coilit- iIe2ic from * I.tt Upter Clininbor. PARIS. April 21.-In ripito of the prot of the premier , M. Bourgeois , the Senate day adopted a suiotioii to Postpone tiio V on the Madagascar credIts until a cabinet formed which enjoys the confidence of in Chambers , Subsequently the belief was pressed in duo lobbies of the palace of I Luxembourg , where tue Senate meets , ti the cabinet would resIgn tomorrow. La in the day , however , M. Bourgoais show himself to ho still. inastep , of tbio situation issuing a summonii to the Chamber of hi utica to ifleet next Thursday , and lnakinL public stateiflent that. the cabinet conohl it. ought. not. to resign in the absence of I Chamber. The galleries of the senate were pad with people who anticipated another r in the struggle between the senators r ( lie nitnistry. Few of the senators w absent and all of the ministers vero pr of deputies. ent , as well as a number M. Loubet announced that ho bind receb Irons a senator a poposal for a revision ( ho constitution. which has been referi to a committee , M. rio Mole road a resolution signed tim presIdents of tim three moderate grou declaring that the Senate had thnlco fused a vote of confidence in ( lie Cabli and that no senator wotild dreatil of b gaining with the credits fur Madagaac Violent intertiptions and an exchiigo cries between the moderates and domoer followed. Continuing. M. tie Mole said that the Si ate was ready to vote the credits. but ci ministry mindful of I whlen presented by a cor.stitution. The Senate , lie added , co' ' hot accept themu froiii a cabinet which i not conform to the oonctttutlpn. ' The premier , M Bourgeois , proUtstcd LI It did not belong to the Province of tile S ate to Judge whether the government I wrongly interpreted the constitution. T rlghj only belonged to ( ito entire Panlinmt and he asked the Senate to forget inter dissensIon in the presence of the necesa to vote the credits for the soldiers w had defended the honor. of the F'reiich I in the dIstant colonies of France. M. Trariewe rexnarlced that the mat did not affect the soldiers , as it w'as oi a qtiestlon to postpone the vote and' ' a refusal to vote tue creilts asked for. M. do Mole's motion to postpone the v on the Madagascar codit until a cabinet formed which enjoys the confidence of b ; chambers was then adopted by 'a vote 171 to 90 , and the Senate adjourned , ' ut Thursday. The financial committee of the Senate r after the sitting of that body nod agreed adopt the entire credits anti report to Senate on Thursday if a new ministry formed , A group of democrats drew up a deem tlon to be presented to the cabinet whi although expressing confidence in time g ernment , does not urge the ministry remain in power In view of ( lie hostIle ma festatlons. CABINET TURNS TIlE FIGHT. Tue omclai note isued tiils evening , I plaining ( ho attitude of the cabinet in I face of the crisis precipitated by the Senat ' vote , says : "Tue cabinet holds that in the face of I Senate's vote it ts jmposeibe ! to continue I direction of affairs , but it coneldors that ought not. to resign In the absence ot I Chamber. Therefore , the Chantbersliould convoked without delay to nabbe time m biters to impart to them time reason for tii decislont' . M. Bourgeois has acquaint President Fauna with this resolution , amid I ultia requented M. Bnisson , presIdent of I Chamber of Deputies. to convoke , tjie Cha her forthwith. M , Driaaon has accordini telegraphed to the deputies tp peet , Thursday at 2 o'clock4" Thu news of ( lid resolution of the cabir to convoke the Chamber was circulated ca , In the evening. The Chamber would meet In the regular order Pt things uc May 19. It was 10 o'cloclc when lit. Dot geoia went to time Palais Elyree , win lie conferrt.i half an hour wIth M. Fan the ministers being assembied mneanwii at tile foreign 0111cc awaitIng his return. I mediately upon hia return ( lie omclal ni \vati given out. . Time refusal of the Senate to grant Madagarcar credits to ( ho Bourgeois cablr is regarded as a well dented tactical inc against the cabInet in the conflict betwe time two brancheux of the government , whi invoivc the French conutitution itself. tvas Liolioved the cabinet would feel itsi drivomi Into a corner and would ho coinpeli to resign , and it va oxpett'd timi wet accur tomorrow. The cabInct'u reply in out inonlog the Cbmambsr seems time best tit could be made to the Senate's move , a , virtually refers the conflict to io Chambi which lmao already twice refused to cone In a vote of censure of the cabinet passed I Llio Senate. If time newly ouxumoned Clint ber persistu In this attitude , a constitution risIo will be threatened. It is believed tI nibiriet line been convinced for some tim past that it must rcilnqnlsh offlee , but ii Inton maneuvering for advantage of pOsiti ror its appearance before ( lie country , TI real conflict is between tile conrvati t'lilmiit'llt lit politics represented by the Sc tte , and ( lie radical anti social cielnen reimrcst'nteti in the Bourgeois cabtnet1 wlti ieelc constitutional cliurigco Icoking to ontnol of the Senate itself anti ( lie tioll way with Ito obstruction to the radIcal rn rain In France. The present cabinet's I omo ( ax measure is a ritnin feature of thi program uncompromisingly opposed by 3enste. The latter hotly Iiaa' adroitly evad rnaltng an Issue with the cabinet op the I comb talc measure , and line apparently co iiided that ( lie witliboitling of the crecli ror time' government's Madagascar prograt which Imn' proved unpopular in Franco , pr h1emm a nominal groutud ( or the Conflict mile likely to appeal to ( lie Itcoitle , It is b loved the government Intends to provol I "ate of confidence by ( lie Chamber agni 3iteli a vote woulti transform the Senac hostility to the cabinet into a conflict U Iween the Senate anti ( Ito Chamber , at irould oblige the Senate to find itillO mot if surniounting similar opposition In the f lure. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IIAitON ilXISCII bliS A'S' VIIINX I'oo % iuicli Clin itlnmgiie ft t IL llnniiu hIringt ( Pu S'pie.rti' . VIENNA , April 21-Burorm hirsch di this morning of heart disease at his esta acer IContorn. LONDON , iprli 21-A Vienna ditpatchi ho Chronicle says ; Baron hirsch had aa I , ucst herr Elirenfedt ! , a Iapd qwner , and large company. The baron was unusual tay anti drank .i tbtaiIiIY ! of ciiampagmi responding to all thc toata , lie retired DPI at 1 o'clock in the mornIng , Probab : hi Induced synttopo mind when hia moaninl Irene heard It was too late to render effectu itst 5 11CC , I'tRIS , April i1-Leon Say , the diati uisheil political economist , died at 2:30 : Lb nornhit ' , COl'ENHAGEN , April 21.-Herr Ingersle ito muimiietcr of public works1 Is dead , FORTILBSS MONBOH , % pnil 21-Qapta laritea Meucur , troteseor of civil and ntilltai ogineerbng lit ( lie mIlitary academy at We [ 'olnt dieti here today. 'I'elcgrnrIs Virt's to tipi' Somailnis , W/tDY IIALFA , April 21.-The telegrar mas now been completed anti is working kasheiu. flIUVlIit % 'ltbTi ( ) ? ( $ lItiCP SL'iI . I IL l'oet'ii iIIrtImuInyCelel.rfmttnn 1mm lii tim iimizIsnnietlor front tirtt'lnti.I BII1MINOIIAM , England , April 21.-I celebration o 3hakospear&a birthday \Varwickshlre , the poet'.t county , comment today. In this city there was the anni commemoration by the'Dramatie and Lit ary club , of which Mr 4oorgo F' . I'ar of New York , the United States consul , p rca ide at. United States AmbnsmtuIor Ilnyard , iv was the guest of the club , presided at dinner given tonight , responding to the pni clpai toast , "Llteraturo. " ' The following I ( er. written by l'reslden"t. Cleveiand to Cc sul i'arker , was read : "I btave recolv your letter' Informing me that ( lie Ilirinli , liaiit Draitlatic anti Literary club inten to celebrate tim birtlutlay of Shakespc on the 21st of April anti xteuding to mm on behalf of the club , an inVitation to present upon that occasion. "Everything ( lint teuds to keep alive muiemory of Shakespeare tand preserve proper appreciation of lmi Work cliallemt mimy catnest interest and approval , a though I cannot be with 1yqu upon the casioil you contenmpbate , 'I am glad to kni that our American peopiq are to be out neatly representeti at time celebation , "There is much said sitil written ( lit days concerning the relatIons- icichi shot exist , bound close by tim strongest ti between the English speaking people a cor.ccrniitg the high detihy whicli awn timeni In concerted effott. 1 hope wo in never knov the Little vbemi these ennobli sentiments wtii bo loss elton expressed vIii in the least lese tlmei potency anti I fluenee. Surely , If tIme English speech su plies a ( elton for united effort for tIme go of mankind , we do vclI to ) ionor iIttIn time naino anti memory of William Sluti speare. Yours very trulyt 'GILOVEIl IJLEVELAND. ' A letter fromn Mary Aitifierson ( Mrs. I Nararro ) was also read. Time Uiiied ( States ainbaitsamlor , Mr. Hayni In responding to the tont. "Lttcraturc said ( lint Sliak'epeare , "the 'niynhid'mintl man , " was not of a uatlonbu't ( of time won TIme Aruenicano vletbtIthi' the English , said , lit their approcintion cif ( ho one mast multi of literature , wimibit ' was ' tIme lilgli expression of civIlization. Dy it we we enabled to maintaIn tlioAin. won from be banisin. Literature made us free. Time could ho no suppression 'ot a , free anti u fctercd pneas. Birmingham had breath Siiakerpcare'a spirit , Mr , flaydrd went to say. It is in part the working of Lit spirit within them whicli made I3inxninglin a pioneer of education.Literature was a and cotiitl tb everything for ( ha nation Lix encouraged Its study , Athenica 'and Riugla : hind a language in conihi n and proumi we they that it wao the language pftSixalcespcat Mr. C. F. Parker , tIme ljqiied States co sul and president of the club spoke to toast : "The Immortal 2iiemory' of W'Iilie Shakeu'peare. " SI it CII.tILLIdS 'rLu'l'ra FOR P1LIIMIII IteMiglmnt inim ofctiiindxin Cci hut MiIilNt'rs Etrmec'ih In t litys LONDON , April 2L'-A dispatch froni tawa to the Times says ; Sir Macken : l3owtdl , the premier , iuitxnnounced that resignations of' tIme mldistcnswIIi be hand iZ in afeW ( lays. It is expected SIr Char Topper will be ( lie new 1remher , Arliietiiiisa'.tiijec 'Io'Torfure' CONSTANTINOI'LE , April 21.-Authien : informgtion received . here sh'owa that ' t TurkIsh prison-at MmlnhsIm is crowded wI Armenians , who I is added , ane oubJcci to horrible tortures. , , A 'renewal 'ef massacres is fearei. TlIc4fltlfaitiftI D'aa ] bazouks quanleremb at Zeonoare , deyasati tile lands of time Aniqeriiai3o. 4ThO polite 'he have recommenced tixq , arresting of menlans. " , . - . . , _ - - CoT'P , J.tCICSON'S 'l'ILi.tI. IS IIEGU jiir' Seoure.l In ( ttiI 'l. ' ( 'into Contu I I rig' No ica I iti 1CtiiI tiekiiimi , NEWPORT , ICy. , Apdl 21.-The trial Scott I'Jacksod , for theniurder of I'e : Bryan , hogan hero today , rhe speed ma in ecuning a jury astontshd the court a tile counsel oi both 'sities , , Judge 11e prosldeuh Counsel for 'time prosecution at Commonwealth , Attcrnb M. IL Lackhiai County Attorney , ltamso ) ' Washiingtc Colonel R. V. Nelson 'Ut Newport and il tornoy Hayes of Greencstle. 1mb. , the t last named being employed by the Dry faniiy. Atterneys for J ckon were Color George WashIngton anti' Colynel L. J. Cnn ford of Newulort and i\\ ' . a , Sheppard hamilton. 0. , vito w'illapjear ; icr w'mlhii m'hen his trii comes up , George Wasiiin ' ton and Ramsey \\'a8hhm3Uon : father and su are on opposite sides in ttmh'case. 'rhiere were throngs of , people on. tue stre curlouc to see Jackson 'bu1 tie excitomo ctlmer thaxi that of . cpniosity prevailc The court room wIts ) crowded ear by peroans admitted on tickel Thirty. six seats were roaerv for the press and every on'o 'ta tilled. Fl women were in the audIence. In just three and a bait lours after cou convened. the jury- with tsworn in from venire of 100 mon. About..thilrty were o amiflod before the noon reess. Of this nur bar seventeen had formed stmbborn opinion or opposed Limo death pdnlty , four we pereniptorily challenged , , oho by the. prosec tion and three by the detens , and nine we accepted , After the noon recess , a ft panel acceptable to both atIes was sworn i Nearly all mechanics , ten are Germans , of German descent , one is Irish arid one Engioh ) d"cent. Timers ia tot a native bat ICentuckiapt iii the jury , Ater tiio jury Wi sworn , the court ordered tbq prosecution am defense to read a list of their witnoase Colonel Crawford for the deense gave ndti of exceptions to this order. Commot wealth Attorney Lockhart read the incite merit and stated whal time line Of proseci Lion would be. In tbf im announced ti purpose to attack Jackson'acharacter , , nliot ing lie lived a double .life. - Time first witpoaa called was John Hulia the boy that found tii demtl body of Pea flryan on February 1 , TtI second witne Dr. W. S. Tingle ) ' , who as the boJy ti hours after its discovery ad who attenihi both postmortcms gave iirmpcrtsflt testimon Ire siid the girt inu'L Itmvo been kilb where the body was found- and not eanll than the midnight baforO her body was fomin that the knife that ut 'her hie4d oft was sharp Instrument and ( lie l1aild that wiehth it a skilled hand. Judge flehin aided I cross.oxaininlng the ivtnes. Tile detent and took exception objected , wis overruled , , Tnckson was calm alliia' .antl took not f tue proceedings , especIally ofthe twt loony. lie W59 tnkemibacje.to jail withmol being handcuffed. JEhi'l'hISN Iu4iCICS ON 141111 t , loiiis ICire ) ( 'u.VErIfli'mit ColIc tTitii fur , ANM1 itiluce , ST. LOUIS. Aped 'i2.A2I30 this mont rig the fine department itoteived ? a rnessa rroni Jefferoan barrcks-eaiiiUg for engine rho department lies lefti j0T a six miles ru Lu the barraclca , _ _ _ _ _ _ I ut ! it mt Ii hIL'ViiIifl5. -GCilCrOtlt I ( , 'jinfIL-SpCciill ( Tel LA NDDIL. Wyo , , raxn.-Thio council of tile 'Shoalmonca xmfl ' , , r-aDaloes ) , with Indian Inspector ItIajc MeLaugbihln , held at ) q agency. line jut : oeii. After mucit delay oxm Ilte part hxarp Nose and oilier Igadlug men of ( Ii ( cnimnalucea and Chief Wathakte and seven ) f his principal men it was decided to mali he govenilmnent an out rind out offer of lhi Ilig Horn hot * ' ) ning ! , with a terrItory live b' ' tn miles surrounding it , for V.0.00 lajor ! itpLaughihin ennui here prepared ioeo a deal with ( Ito two tribes within eel am Ilgures , but it I not known whethc lie irico made by the Indians Is ' , above c ieiow what he was utliorzed to'.pay. IIIYtulilt'IIl $ of Oetun VcMebi.Altril il At Soutlmantpt n-Arrved-Labri $ , ( nor slew York. - - M Liverpooi-Mnivetl-Caledonla , trot oston. At New York-Anniyed-WOat.arniaud , ( nor tntwenp. At loterdarn-Sslled-Edaiml ( ( , for Noi ( ork , dt 2apbea-Saiiet-Ais&tha , fe. Npw Toni t Baltimore.rniycdIthactIa , from' ' sinburg , via Boston. FOR A I1ICJI COURT OF ' ' i , , IO , r - - Now York State Bar Association 't. tt " Memorial to Olovelana TREATY WITH BRITAIN IMPRA itte ? tLtiflm1s to lie hittited t l'nrt lit tite Orgnitiinti of n l't'ritiricit t 'I'riljutinl. WASlIINGTON April 21.-lIon , Ethve j , Whittakcr of New Voile , presltlcnt , a Iloti. William I ) , Veedor of Brooklyn n lion.V. . Martin Jones of Itochmestcr , me bers of tue New 'York State liar assoc tk'n , this afteniloon Presented to Presicit Clevelanti , on behalf and by direction tIm assocIation , the miieiuonial leech edepted by that body recoimirmiending I ci ertlon of nil Internattottal court of an - Lx atlon , The memorial recites thou ! 11 ( he opln of ( ho petitioners , It is bnipracticable , not impossible , to form a oatisfactory An American tribunal for tbo adjustment grave international controvenisies , that h be composed only of representatives of I two governments of Great Britain and I United States. After reciting tile great hi eflt to ho derived to the world through I organleatiepi of a great central world's coc ( lint , by the common coumseut of nations , sit eventually have jurlaIictioim of nil diepu arising betwene inmlapeiident powers ti cannot be adjusted by grendhy dlpioixia negotiations . The ineinotai urgeo I President's early consideraticu of the si Ject , that ultimately time finaL atop in ( I direction may be taken. The niemorlal recoitimends time estabhi ruehit of a permanent internatIonal court arbitration to be composcd of nine menibe one cccli from nine Independent states nations , such representatives to be a ixie ber of the supretno or highest court of highest court of ( be natioti lie shah rep , sent , clmo3cn by a rote of his associates. I cause of bile character as a tubhicist a judge anti lila recognized ability anti proachiable integrity. Each judge thus lectti to imoldoMce during life or will of I court seireting itini. All controverted qumi lions nnisliig between army two or nloro tlepentleiit noivers. whether represented In I court of arbitration or net , at tiio option aiiI powers , may be referred to time ecu providing only that said treaty shall conti a stipulatIon to time effect that nil part thereto sltIl respect and abide by tue ru numb regtmlatlons of the court and conform whatever' ' decision IL shall make. The nieniotialsts furthier recommend (1 ( ( ito presIdent enter at once into corne..or 011CC vithi tile representatives of the govem moot of Great Britain , France , Germany , Netherlands. Mexico , Brazil anti ( lie Argt tine Jiepubhic ( Cr a union with the govem ixient of the United States for thIs p1 ; 'ose. TREATY OF ARBITRATION. 1oferning again to the propoecci treaty arbitration vIth Great Britain , the inemi 'ai rays ; "Your uetitioner ivili be pardon if it invite especial attention to that pant the 'report emphasizing the tact that I plan Ixcren auth1ne i Is intend if adopted , at once to rn the univercab demand among Engil epeaking peopha fora. permanent tribunal uottle'eeontested . International questoimmx .tl may hereafter arias between the goveu rncflts ot Great linitalem and the united Stat 'iiile it is contended that , IL Is wholly ii iwacttcablo to form euch a , tribunal witlic lime friendly interposition of other natto on tile joint invitation of the powers v unite in its organIzation , It is very evldri that a most acceptable permanent lnterrt tiotlal court may be speedily oecured by united anti harmonious 'action of said powc as already ouggested. Should obotacios Interposeti to thid acceptance by any Cf t rowers named by your petitioner , of the I mItatlon to name a representative for su a court on the plami hereIn generally ot lined , some other equably satisfactory pow : omild be osiicitctd to unite In ( lie creati af uchi a court. " Accompanying the memorial was a ropt rrt.tn tue subcornnittteo of time cornmitt n International arbitration In whichi ltIcitioIi was discussed at greater leng Intl tue details of the propo'ed plan mc ilaborately worlccd out than in time pa artIcularly afitiressed to the president. Tito liresitlent received lila callers c Daily antI listened attentively to what thi : iail to say In presenting the petition , Time tas Ito exchange of formal speeches , it lie presIdent. apparently being desirous ; nthening nil of time Information possit ibout time general subject of arhitratic untered Into half an hour's informal dl : tission of the subject with his visitors , T tocitester project , as they made clear , U me merIt not possessed by any other achor 0 far broached , and that Is fouild In wactical attempt to present a working p1 If a permalient arbitration tribunal , Item oforo , said the committee , there hind be nuch talk about arbitration in the abstra ) tlt a iboartli of any practical plans flitting time prncipio into effect. The Nt ( ork liar Association , realizing that tai mad charged Its committee with the prepar ito of ouch a. pian , and as a resuht , LU wore about to submit to the president rat full working scheme , and LUcia afford hi amethming tangible to consider , For all ills the president preferred his gratitud tild the committee went away from t vhxito house well eatisfied wIth itmi reco iOU , Arrangements are being niade for the Itoh ng of an Important conference bier bogi ming tomorrow. to urge upon the goverume be propriety of adjusting all internatlon Ilspxxtca , sava those affecting natIonal so reignty by arbitration , It is expected tli ibout 300 inca of flattonai reputation iv tsunible In one of ( ho thmeater at the c if the temporary chaIrman , ex.Secreary itate John W , Foster. TIm proecedint nIl begIn In the afternoon and last two day t is on time program for an address to 1 Ichivered by ox-Secretary Carl Schurz lie general subject of arbitration. Edn'a ttkinsort will evolve some Interesting at istics 011 tlio subject , and among time othm veakers will be I'teieitt Arigohi of Ar ti-hon. CartVnal Gibbons atm ditandoli rucker of VIrginia. p flLldliJt4tTH 'I'biX/tN INDEt'lINhIINC itt'XtCJ SCIIiIM t1er 'l'uo lnfi.ti hlithilis tO ill 1'itt ) to 'l'iikt' l'xirt , DENVER , Cob. , April 21.-A special lie Republican from El Paso , says : Toth lie people of El Peen celebrated the Iveraary of the baitlo of San Jacinto and , more closely bind Texas and Mexico togetli ii time bonds of friendship and brotimer ve , General liornamidea , commander of ti econd Military zomme of Mexico , Bent Li iovomxtlt cavairy and Nioetec.xtlt Infanti anda of Mexico over to help Ill I'am'o ce ! rate , It was cxi event without a Imarahiol I imtory-a general iii time army of a grem ation sciding , his mqlitary bands to serenat lie people of another nation , while they ap eiebrating the defeat of ( lie ( oreraimern me sarenaders. SAN ANTONIO , Tox. , April 21.-\VIml Igtmt ilattery F , Third U , S. A , artiitor 'as firitg a salute at Fort San houston Li 1. comuneinorating time day Texas achloyc en Independence from Mexico , the preiiiatup splosion of a shell in the cannon Irwtatitl Illed Private George A. I'arkiiurst an ounded three others. Parlcliurat's nigi do anti arm were blown away by ( ii harge. lb was a nephew of Dr. Pankliuni I Now York. lIhilIs I'riiicrtr Haul. flEA DWOOD , April 21.-Special ( Telt rarll.-hiobert ) Ztba3liane yesterday sold ilahl portion adjoining lila famous Yeblo' nec3 property to a Deadwood syadicato ( c L3,000. SOUTh lAICOT . ( C1T' Hi . iiCTl ( ) e _ Mitch ititereMi ittntmlfc.tetl In hiit ( lit. 'FOWIIM. SIOUX FALLS , S. B. , April 2l.-Spee Teelgnttm.-After ) a lmotiy contested elect ! Albert 11. Stiles wan ciecteti mayor over I pree'nt incumbent , hey Williams. Stiles' ii JerRy was eighty-nine in a total poll 1S39. Sile ixiathe hie campaign cii a bled to Cloo ( lie gambling houses and drive c time houses of Prostitution.Vllhiams anti I cntire adntinistratlomi were time front of big Pettigrew victor ) ' a , month ago anti entire iiincixitmo fouight ( harti for Imiitm tI time , though time ecnntor hinmaclf took hand. The garnblcrz nina spent muon freely , Ammothier matter vliiclm limia attract wide interest. bac becim tile chection of immet bers of the t'oiiool board. Time issue was retention of Prof. Itowo as smmprlntexmtlei A fight bmna been umatle on Ititmi with growl hitternens for two years , Today a umajonl of nnti.htowo directors vaa elCctcd , so Ito will intioubtetily have to go. hOT Si'itlNCIS , S. I ) . , April 21-Spec ( Telegrximn.-At ) the city election today republican ticket was entirely elected. I mayor there 'lure three eauiditiates ; Mnj A. It. Antienson , Imcathiimg tIme republic ticket , wao ebected by fifty majority a ninety-eight plurality , There was a ha contet n ninyor , LEAD CITY , S. D. , April 2t-Spec ( Teleirain-hcad ) City had tue iiottc't ci electIon today In it history. The couP ceiltered upon the mayoralty amid aeti bohititi. I ) . I' . Jenkins , ( lie present iricut bent , anti 5 , Ii. SnmIth were carulitiates I mayor , resmiitiiig iii a victory for Jemmklns 100 majority. Time hiomeatako a Illglilanti mines , the foundries and in chine shops laid oft at noon. Hatmds parati Limo streeto today , and it lookcil nmore Ii the celebration of a uiatlonmmi holiday. T closest contest was upon sewer bonds , tli only riniming by sevemmteen majority. T total ummirmiber of votes cast was 1,1Ob. T city is a blaze of glory tonIght , and beer flowing hike water. RAI'ID CITY , S. D. . April 21.-Spcci Teiegramn-Timo ) republicans carried mmmnicipai and school elections to this ci today' by arm overwhelming plurality , clectit every candidate but one member of t schmool boanml. Time mna'or-elect , V. M'Gillicuddy , Is president of the School Mines of South Dakota , and for years iv Indian agent at l'ixio Ititige. The city cou cii how' stands six republicans to two dcxii era to. DEAD\\'OOD , April 2l.-Specinl ( Tel gram.-Thls ) was inunicipab election ti throughout tIme Black Hills , elections ccci ring In all time cities. In Deatlivooti S Star nao elected for time tenth time as xnay of tile city , there being no Opposition hirmi. The councIl anti school board are political medic ) ' , consisting of repubilcar demimecrats and popullsts. lit one varml or were there two tickets. School bonds time amount of $5,000 were voted , At Spearfish John Wozrmlutim ! , repnhhice was elected mayor , and a non.partisan cou cii selected. John McMillsn was elected mayor of Stu gis by a good mimajority , and a nmajom'lty the celmool boarti axld council are of ( ito tax polItical complexion , ST. I'AUL , April 21.-Scattered town a : city clecCens u-ore imelth in time two Dako ( today. Fargo , N. D. , imami a warm contc over members of tlmo schooi board a : elected Mrs. E. 0. Delexmdrecle , a woxn ; veli known all over the northmwest , time to mcii candidates running far belmind bier vol Madlserm , S. D. , elected \'imttnioro , pr htibittontt , niayor. anti as many students the normuah 'cbool voted , there is ( alit contesting the electoii. Aberdeen elect a populist mayor by. 105 majority pv 'r I republican cammtldato. ! ' At Ptcrne' thmfi lx and vrder candidate hind twenty mminjor ever the saloon candIdate. Chamberla clccte4 a democratic mayor alid a divid ticket otherwise , bitt time Ucaul cf the Lieu wazi emidor.sed by many republicans. Vermihlion , I , . T. Sweezy. popuiist , iv elected mayor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CI'I'I'l.ENS WIY IN NI0\V O1tJ.1lA lti'gtlilr 1)etnocruls Aie Iefenteil I l'smr ( ' . tile lteflrIIl ) NEW ORLEANS , April 21.-George Flynn , chairman of tlm regular ulemocral committee , concedes the election 'of Flow cItizens' league candIdate tom' mayor , I 9,000 majority. Time league party manage tlmlnk their maJority will be nearer 15,0 ( Footer , regular democrat , will probabhy car the state by a small malonity. The polling booths throughout the ci were opened at C a. nm. . the election belt or state. city and parochial officers. TI weather was warm amid cloudy , threatenli mn. mn.There wac probably more Ixitereat taki by ( ho business men of the ci'y 'a today eiect'on than nas been taken by them in at oloclion held since ISSS. Time candidates for governor are Colon Murphy IC. Foster , time present incumber and Captain G. M. Plmarr , nominated by ti repimbhican.popimhists and sugar piammtere. Ti mont surprising timing Is the heavy vo Pliatr has ilohiod in this city. This in brought about by the citizens' league , party opposing ( lie regular demmiocracy : ; clW Onions , for city and parish officials ar members of the legislature. Up to yesterday it was expected tli , trouble would occur at time pohis , owing the intense feeling. l3otbm parties bu stored shotguns and rifles neai' the poilir boothms to be used in case e emergency. Em' ' these were subsequently removed after LI rval candidates for mnayor had a cnnforcnc rhmere were a number of fights at the poll but nothirie ci a serious tmature occurred. A dumcpatchm frommi Opeloua reports ti iectomi ! was held without interference I Lhe regulators. Late returns indicate time election of Fe : er democrat , for governor. The count is ci layeti at most irninta. OI'IILOUSAS , April 21Tiio regulator uftor remainimig In COflhl ) near this place unl mfter midnight and nnimouccirmg that tiu vould Como in and take posession of Li : ourt imouso this nmornlrxg , quietly dieperse rimere was no interference with voters so ft mu obacnveil , though it Jim thought nmar iegroeo , through tear of violence from Li egulators , had surroiidcretl Inclr rcgistratic apers or aignetI certiilcatems agreeing it .0 register or veto. VIDALIA , La. , Apri 21-There was r 401 bus trouble iii thmo upper river imoniabmi it today's state electioxm , Mertimous iiarle lves Foster and time democratic state ticki 100 maJorIty , ariml elects full itarlsli an iudlcial democratic tickete by ubout 900 mm onLy. Franklin gives the state anti log lemocratic tickgts 300 to 40& majority ; Coi ordia gves ! a donmocratic majority of 1,01 0 1,200 , while Catutmoula and Ilichland pa hmc.s are reported to have given aubstarmtii najonitlea for I'iiarr , LImo repumbiican.popm it cailtiltiate for goverrmcr , Time following tebegraimm was eexmt from-n I. 'lace in St. John Baptist panist to Goi inner Foster , Baton blougo at 4 p. mn 'Negro sheriff anti 100 negro deputIes I oaeesslort of the polls and Intimimlatiri ieniocratic votere. Can carry paritlm IC give rotectloa , Senib troops to La Place Iti tmediately. - BASIL , La Place. " No furtimer particulars have been receive Ide , Full figures will be late' from cone ry precincts. _ - GriiiSeii Ihit' IirI ii Now Trhlli. ALBANY , Airli ; 2i-Tlx court of appua ius granted a imew trial to MarIa Darbe : a the ground of exclusion of proper cv Lence and partiality of Recorder port imango to tIme jury , About a yemtr iigo is ) : : IIleti Imer lover , a bootbirick named i ) ( nenico Cmmtsmitio. in New York , who ha u&t her off. 'rIme girl coulti speak no Eii isim gnu was without friends until im emumia inns taken up by some philunthropi eope. ! It wets tinged titut she was gunile 0 rnadnese by Cataitbo aayimmg to urn , wlic iio demmotmtbeii ( hInt he marry lien , "hot nay rttmmrry ; wo tlever do. ' 11cr conVIt'thim nd sentence to death tooc place in Octobi f last year , - Dt'iitaiiiils Comititlofe Iii.lopc'a.hs'ni's' , NHW YORK , April 21.lstraclti Palmx resident of ( ho Cuban revolutionary juumim as issued another adrlrers to the imeopie c ho United States , strititig tlmat tIme irtaut cuts are firmly rerovcsl ! to iltcrn to a cmpr'niise nni to treat with Spain only o ho basla of abapluto limdepeaclence for Cimbi DEIOCRATS TO IEET TODAY Free Eliver Wing of' the Untorrifieti Rciu1- to Name Cbicigo Delegates. BRYAN AND SMYTII SURE TO BE CAItED .lttiiieis fl. llsi-.l l'nisl ( ivt'I ilceilite. ( I , Sere itp ( ii 1)iistnit't It'ii.giale , ! Ittiitjg It 'utiItI Ho ilitti hiijitstiie , LINCOLN , April 2l.-Special.-Tomor. ( ) row the free silver deimmocrats of NebraskA ill meet Pm state convention at tue Futik' opera house at 2 o'cicck P. ill , Tiiey ii 1 elect tour delegates-at-large to ( lie miatloiiai detmiocratic convcntiomm at Chicago , July 7. lIeu , W. J. Bryan nut ! C. J. Smtm'tli are alatett for two of tIme dclegates.at.hmirge. There wilt be mme risible oppooltion to themmi , In aUdI- (1mm , Umo district clehegates wihl tiresent lImo latmies of two delegates from cacbm coxgres- sioxtal disirict , so ( lint the cotivetitlon in effect w ill chuocae the entire sixteen dole- gates. Ex-Govermmor lloyd of Otxmmtlmrt was urged 'to acccitt a phace ohm tbmo state dehega- tien , but has litttitttveiy ( lechimieti to have hm nmimxme go before tue comlventioml , lIe will hmot even be in attendance. A moMs muceting vil1 be imld at time Fuiiice 1mm tit evening , at wimicit Governor \\'iillaimi S. 2tone of Mm- soimnl will speak. Ex.Got'ci-nor lloyd's letter to the convctmtioim Is as foliowe : OMAI1. , . liimnil 21.-Tn IlotI. U. E. 11cr- tratitil lcumr Sir-At the 1-etluest anti sohic- itntton of lion , C. J. Sinyth ltoim , U. V. ( iitlimtgiier , lIon , Mattlic'tv ( iermlg itimmi otiiet' fnetitia Wile kimew lull vcll rmiy 'tev5 on ttmo limxmmnchmtl tiueailon. nntl ii'thi nsturmimice ( hut timero would bo no opposition , I eonsexxtcti to accept time positioxi of distm-lct tieeguto to time national deniocratic coimventiutm. After lucre careful cousitleratloxi I ntxt Sntt9llctl ( lint --ould b doing uxyselt great Ill- justice nnul be placed In it fxtlu hOsitiOhi it I umect'pted time annie , and. 1 hereby authorIze you to ixrevent tmiy imanic fromll being pro- sehlted to the conventIon.'eiy truly 'otmrs , JAMES Ed. llOYD. Tue free silver demnocratc state central coixiimmlttee imeld a niceting tomilglmt at ( lie Lintlell hotel , anti wilt hold anotiier toxnor- row' morning at 10 o'clock. There mere pros- exit tonight : Cimniritman C. J. Sxuytli and Secretary Leo llertlnian , C. D. Cmtspar , James Osliee , M. D. Welch , Ira 'l'lmotmmns , George WY , Phillips , Lloyd Lynn , W. Ii. Crooks , J. C. Dniimtmxan , A. J. 1titttmhioutxe , J. Kelhlgimor and \V. Ii. hlurlbut. Tue txmatter of rccommm- mending a texmiporary chairman was left Un- tu : toximornow rnormiixtg. Arrnimgoniemmto were mimic for dlstrlbutioxi of tickets for seat- log titO dehcgates. Asitle froiim Iloim. W. J. flryan nnd C. J. Sxnyth , the hirominent candidates for delegaes.at.largo t'o the Chicago conventioim are : J. C. Dahtitnan of Dawcs county , flichiarul Oltlbmaimi of Buffalo and William Thomas of Hall. The ThIrd congressioxmal district conventIon vlll moot toitiorrow morning anti C. ti. Jones of Len- cohim has estabhisimed imeadquartents at time L.liidehi. lie Is the clmolce for district debt- gate of time Lancaster delegnton , anti xml- though lion.V. . J. Bryan , lit time county onvention , deprecated any poi'tical trader , Mr. Jones gives evIdence of hooking for a omnblnation ivithi' eIther Ca'ils or OtQo coun- Lies. Judge Edgar howard of Sarpy is on the grrmuntb , and is a pOssibility for tempor- any chairnian. ' . It was' de lmiod toniglmt to mnuko Cite temporary. orgitnlzation permanent , It is understood that there irlil be a number of bitter fights in the several congressional - gressional ditnlcts 'over a cimolco for iils- ( net delegates. Tli' Is plainby true of th Third. It. is expecteti timat tue monriitxg trains wIll bring in several imundreti dele- ates , although the represexitatonms ! nra to- tight xmot up to anticIpations. There is a manifest ( ietc'rnmlnatioml to make a showIng Lomonrow that miii cclpao tIme administration ommveution to be held a week froth ( omen- row In the same opera imoimse , MI evening LImo lintel cornIdor. have swarmed with ' 1stors ! and local free sliver xmicn , and time row nepubiicans who tiroppemi in appeared igreed to time proporition that it was free sliver night to imowi , Chairnman Edgerton of tbio populist state terminal committee today issueml ( ho call for he state convention to ehect delegates to 3t. Louis. Time ccnvermtlon will meet at irand Island July 15 , at 2 o'clock p. mu. , and iviiI consist of 783 deheguttes , the representa- ion based on the Vote cast for Saxnueh Max- veil for auprerime judge. Time call is for lie election of fifty-seven dehegates to St. L.ouis , nub from each congrcszionai dls- dcl and three-at-large. lit the call it Is ecotnmnended that at the primaries ballot ) OXes [ me furnished voters for time lximrposm of uxpresaing tlmclr oplniotm on the free silver I nestlon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'oIL SOUii ) i1NlY Y ! ) l'ItO'I'ECTIN ? OtiJLe'UCltt Itepulhit'tn. ' , % Vl It So lIe- citirt' it I ' 1'(1SL'i4 Ciiii'tt'ti I kin. NEV hAVEN , Conn. , April 21.-The first ; un of time Connecticut campaign was fired cmnlghmt , when the republicatma of the atato issembled In the persons of their delegates or the opening of time republIcan state con- icotion called to nominate delegates to time it , Lou's convention , lIon. herbert E. Ben- on. chnrrnan ! of time republ'can state central onimittee , called the coimvcntion to order. lis opening remarks took time form of a wel- tommie to the delegates , ixmcludhxmg an asser- inn that tile republicans of time state wore 0 favor of protection and rautmd mnomioy. lIe lion announced thmn lion. Edgar lit. Warner if Putnam had been uppoitmteil terimporary liainiitan , arid timat gentleman advanced to ito front of the platform , where lie was treeteti with cheers , Ills address was an loquetit argutnexxt in favor of the protective ariff antI sound money. lie raid ( lie pea- ia rlomanmied "A srmuntl fitiatte a ! plank In Ime plntorxn , anti that tliero would not be ho vltgimtetst. question as (0 time vIews of tlmo epubhicatis of Connecticut on this question , lii uuredicted Limat audi a piaric ) would be , doptcd at tomorrow's coxmvetxtien , Iii con- : usIon , 110 saimi : "Timror , ( lien , our ban- en to tbmu virmtla. Let u'i inscribe thereon i'rotcction to ( Ionic Industries , ' Amentcaa Vagea for American Wonlctncn , ' 'ilotmie Iarlcets for lbonue Protimmets , ' 'lIoiest Money or Ilones Labor , ' 'I'nuventioxm of Pauper rxmnmiigrat'otm. ' , ' 'ItIi these priricipiemi axmmi with the 4ndldates who abali best represent timetu , 0 simali carry every imnrthmern state and 0010 of flit' ohlti coittit , anti tiilior in time corn- mig century imimmber skies bright with prom- amid lie ( lomi Of (015 kept axmil Imupes fulfillemi ( attics anti tie , Coil of peace , the Goul whom tin fathers reverenced atmth adored anti wiiomn e love itlmahl head this cai.urutnv Into fields r accomplIshment Ion tIme elevation and Cc- cloltmnent ( if nianklrid beyond our moat rdeiit dream , " At ( lie c-lose of tbmo adubroes of Judge Warner ho eaniuntlon linoceeded to organize. Andrew' ' . Gates of Hartford was eltosen as secretary , tier whIch corxmtmiiiteeo on cretheumilals , on c.rmnsneimt ongatiizntlon anti on ixiatform ware lmomen , Time convommtion ihuerl adjouriicd till ine'nroW. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ltii.Yi.ANI ) 1t.tt .t VA'Oi1t'IH SON. , , eraor JdbvvtiIi'aAplimtrcIm I ly the F'i rs t7h.oiee at I It , ' JIvtpIil it'gtmis , UAL'L'IMOlthil , April 21-The reimublicari unlers of time state are gathering In haIti- ioro today for time purpose of arranging Limo anious commissIons whieb ! vIl be workeul Ut In Lime state coyontion , which ijcgirm9 Ia ho Lyceum timeate in this city at mmoori tomorrow - morrow , $ enator'elec George 14. VeIiIngtomt .iii call it to onrier as ctmalninarm of ( ito ro. ublican state committee and will lmavo much ) do wIth Its future action , e ummoit of thc ehegates thum , far cimosen are following but tadersimip. There is no doubt lie 'vIii Ucati te Maryland delegatiort to SI. Louis ae a. elegate.at-iante , anti. ( lint lila associates to C named tomunsQw will be James M. Oarj4 Iiliam T. .tixnster atmd Robert 1' . Graham. tmi blatforms is still under consideration. I will htrobbiy be built upon the lines laii own in that recently adopted In Maine anti tte preenat program is to send Limo t1e1vm - -