Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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, = 4 - - - - - _ _ _ _ TflEOMA1IA pAIrr BjJ : TUEIAYAPRIr .21 1890. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
-iUE OMAhA D1utY BE1
I : . 1OSTVAT1R , E1Itor.
rUIlLISI1rD ivii MOflN1NC.
Daily flee ( VUhout Rundy , One Year $ O
flafly 13e nnd Sunday , One Yeer 1' ) 00
R t ? tenth .dI$4144.o. . . * . . 4 . .e..fl..o 500
Ttitee Months . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5)
Huny Bce , One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5)
Iftturtlny fle Dne Yeer I S
Weekly Lice. One Yeir . . . . . . . . . . . .
OrI1c1s :
Omahe The flee flulMing.
liOuth Omaht , Singer luk. , Cot. N nd 24th Ste.
Council flitirre , 1i North Main StteCt.
ChIcigo omee 21 ? Chnmsr ) of Coflirnrce.
Nw Yotk. floome , 13. 14 end 15 , TrIbune lJldg.
\VasIiIngton 2407 F Street N. V.
COnnSrOrnF4C1 :
All communIcAtone reirifing to newe en4 e1L
tonal matter iihnutd he n4t1reed : To the flIor.
fltJSINIS L TTr1ntg :
Ati Injelncce ttter nnl remlttane houI4 be
e(1drCeid to Th flee t'uhflehlng COmPenY
Ometie , flrnf chctcj anil petomco ori1er to
ho made pynht. to th nril r of th comprinv.
TItt nm vuni tsiiua cotr.trr.
RTATfl3t1NT or Clflc'ULATIO'T.
( ; etrgn fl. Tzqcitick ) , e'retnry or Tti The Pub.
1tettlng cornIy IPtng duly enrn , ttiit the
ncttI3t nhImlr ot full nfl1 cmp1etn cnTtes ot thn
flaty ! Morning. 1venIng nnil Sanly lice rInte1
dtirng the month of March , 1S6. wac Re fO.
I . 1.00G .
2 . 17h7 ! J
fl 15.05 1)
4 17.92 21
r 1t.o4 ; 2h . . . . . . . . . .
# ;
22 tD.05
7. . 1t.n7 ,
S 21 . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 , 1.231 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.511
1) . . . , . , . . , 1q,2 ( ) 2 . . . , . . . . . . . . 17912
,1 27 . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 I )
32 15.O2 2q . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1LO9
33 hq.n7 21 19O
14 . 1L223 co . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.0I
2 ; 19014) 31 17,515
15 , , , . , . , , 11,04 -
Tntt 551,351
Le c1e1uctto tr unsohl nn1 returne4
COPICS 5,215
Net ele
et .lthy ) n'erne 15A )
( lnOncm U. T7.SCIIITCIC.
S1nrn to before me enil uhcrlbeI In my
5rle'nee hue 3& dny of 'iprIl , 1555.
( iOn1 , ) N. 1' . 1tL , Notnry PulhIe.
\ Iint nrt' the retnilet's doing oii the
fire liist1rniict 1'flI ( ijtientl ° n ? Are they
golig , to let tillil h11tttoi : ( Irop tiiid CohIeM5
hint : tliti lhit gh'ehIt ) ) tnck1oI by
their organizatloti 11U14 proved too Illilcit
for ! t ?
FVCIS tite fool nonutlrne , ' nays On1e
'lse things. " , VII'II Stiiitor : 1'lhitnnii
snItI the filly overlrhIIctkpIl ( III thil
cohliltry Is that of 1814CI1S Iii ( ) IllCe aitd
fools ylio 1)lIt tllflht ( U'te ' , lie hit otic'
litill 8tt1fl1'e1y on the h1L'flI.
Only SIX nvowetl carn1Idites for places
011 the VOlhl1)hIt.1t1 ) state tfelcet In Doug.
Jits COtlilty. ThlCt ( Is iiothuiig Iii the
law or the COllStttlhtIoli to lIrevehit tIIL'
coiiveiitloii froiii iflakhiig all Its IlolIhilla.
tloiis fet SthItL' olihees froiii the same
COUtlty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Police .Tiulge Gortlon says that tIme
city Jail Itlid 1)011CC ) COUVt Is iiol the
kinti of au iithttit1oii to be 1)IahIte(1 ( 110Xt
to a Public library frequented dnhly by
hIhhhldretltl of % 'Ol1heh1 iiiitl chiiidt'oii.
Ttmtlge Gordon Is In a posltfOti to give
expert tCSthlIlOlIy OIl this 1)OhhIt.
" .Vhmhle the convemitlons are snaking
rcconmnmezitlatiomig ( or presltleiithul dee-
tors on the ticket ilext fail , It mimay not
lie out of order to repeat once again
that no olileer of the federal government
it ; eligible to be mimi elQctor , 1111(1 that for
this Purpose directors of iiathomial baiiks ,
fire federal olhicers.
Every relulbhlcami 'tti't1 climb ought to
( lC'OtC lWO or thhL'ee..nleetings to time
dlsctmssiomi of time Crawford county sys-
tern of direct 1)OIthiar 8eieCtioml of camitli.
dates amid comiveistlomi delegates. Let us
know exactly what the seimtinments of
time Party are with resisect to Introducing -
ducing time systemis in this county.
Readers of Iiio Bee are Imivlted to
verify time accuracy of Tile Bee's re-
1)Ot'ts ) of time city treasury defalcation
by tIme testhimmoiiy tlmt Is being given in
thu Boils enmlmezziemnemil. , case. From
the very lh'st Tue Bee's accounts of time
condition of time ti'cnstiry were mis comm.
servitth'c ' mm time actual facts would per-
There is but one othicial In tue city gov-
crnmmment who can stamni ) out nejotismu )
jI iio ' .Viii. I'imat iismumm Is tue mayor. It
ito ss'Inks at it : It wIiI grow amid cventti-
flU ) ' scaimilmihize the city. If on time
other haimd imo sliihl : stain ! ) it out tue
IUbIIC service w'iil be hlmliros'ed. ) Tii
( ltmt'StIOll is Cmiii
, Mayor B1011tC11 do so
In vie' of his guberiittorial : boomnict ?
' .1iio ( lentil of Aiisliii Abbott rdmsOves
fronl time Amimemicami bar one of time most
vitholy kiiowmi mtutiioritles on legal liter-
attire auth a legal text w'riter hlilhiseir
of no Immemili 1tlIIIty. Austin Albott lied
COImtriIUtel ) mmmure to lime legal ctltiemtti ti
of time Amneriemmmm yoimui ( thimizi aimnost any
other one iimtiim , mtmmd vhtim his demise
.sshh1 be mmiIsst1 a llgimro of mmatlommal nmmd
IltttiVllathlmlll cimmimmemice In Aimmes'icaim uttv
The lJmmltetl Stmite is comnitilttctl to time
Irhmdllie ) Ut' arbitration. It svoimld siot
refuse Its ser'1ces for time adjustmmscnt
of interimmi ( bun ! dlfl'emences betss'eeu tvo
couiitvies except immmde' ehi'cmmsstances
timat minnie its imiethIit1oii hmimpossibie or
Inhimohitic.Viieimevcr Spain evimices ii
( hIsliositiolt It. ) lmL'gatlate ( or tem'mims with
the Cumin revohtitiosmists tlics IJuited
States cmiii ho coimlmtetl CU for nil its.
slstaiiee in Its vos'er.
Time county iimyiehmmim ) roimits time
COtmlltf hmospltmml to lm him Immi samiititi'y
commihitloit ammu tmrgei tue coimimimisslommem's
to adopt seine imiemmmis of vcmmthiatlomm.
'l'hiis the iOit1'd seems disposed to do ,
it. lucre lflmltrtmmnt ) immatter is not ilkeIy
to clmgmmge the attemitlon of time bOti'i ,
Vei'fect sammltzti-y contiitiomms mire a jt'iitme
requisite In mmimy inS1)Itfli1 ) 1111(1 vlmiIu
lilalmy 1)fltIdlltH tit tile commnty hospItal
uI'o iltctml'mIbIe , yet. time cotinty owi's timemu
LI. clean , oi'tleriy timid hsealtiitmmi jIlhico 113
which to ilye.
Thu simootlimg totmrimammment timis week
ju-oumises to be tile greatest loeal sport.
limg evcimt of time year. Mummy notable
trill ) shots trout vnrions parts of time
cOtmlttry 'vIIi PartidiPitto iiiitl eyei'y
vreiuvatiomt , ( or a smmccessftml seitsomi of
sitootimmg hmtts Lmeemm mmmlIIe. ( 'l'ilo ieovlo
of this city 3ttlt Commlic'ii IhitilYs simouhil
not only jmatt'nmilzo I Imu tolIrIlltmflelit , mit
time taImmotis ltILtt'kSIlIOht atteimdhimg shiommith
be royally t'ntertaiitett during their so-
jourit withIn tIu smmtmnlelpat gates. 'SVo
II8YP mIt ) ilouhit C)1IL social umiti btisizicst
organizations ( oily npjmt'eelato tile immi.
Imortuhtco of tile liesto'mueimt of ilosIi. )
tahlty on occasions or this kiud , ,
Time comptroller of the currency , Mr.
Eckels , ima recetitiy Ilihille sevm-a1 nd
t1l''iteiS on tile dtirt-ehicy before orgamm'
izmtioii of hmnmikers end husitiess mnetm ,
the pnrIose 01''ilICim Is to atmvnimce time
enimso of llOlIPSt limoimey. 'i'ime commti'Ibtt
tiOm14 ! of time ctimmipti'ohler to this object
ni'e mnerltoi'iotis. lIe Is miii ititellii'lmt
stat earliest iIIvcate of time tiialim.
tdlmahmee of tile gold tamuiard , limit s'imen
Mr. Eckeis thiscmsses ; tii stmhject of cur-
l'ellc' m'eforimm liii 1)051(10mm ( Is lint 80 coum
l1I'mIItmbie ( , fOV tli reason timmt : lie Insists
111)1)11 ) OtmI' t ititig ItS iilmsohiitely t'ssi'mitlmtl.
That oime timing Is the wIIInlravnl anti
de.strimetlomt of time legal temltler 1mote or
grceitisteks. Timis Is a cmmrdiimnl feature
or tlt durretmey ) t'Ogrillim of tile pi'eseimt
ittllmlIltIStt'lltinhi , imut It hits foiiimtl vut' . '
iittio IIlmint' ) istlihmoi't. )
Ill imis latest deilveinmice the cottiptroi
her of time ctlt'reiIey iimtiile tile ofti'e-
imeated assertiomi that time legal temider
Issmmes of tii ga'erlilmielmt ( , iiitiiougii mmliii-
ilmterest beamitmg obilgat bus , iinve iii cc-
ttmnl eXimt'llhlIlml'e ( of lnlle leemm ) till'
mmmtmst eximemislve tlt'bt w'ltim svimicim time
goi't'rlmmlmeilt 111114 imimd to do , lIe W'Olliti
Ilmiti great dilliculty in simosvimmg tiii
stat'lmmemit. ( I ) hI ? t rime for the iet'Itmtl nn
t'l lot' tO tile PresdIlt ntllmhlnlstratiomm. ins-
der timt dehiclt-mmmmmkimmg txiIc' of vhiIeim it
11115 lmeemm foummd miecessary to hmom'ros' Ill
tmitlet to mmiaimmlaln tile gold I'edtlmiptlohm
' , F't'tmmi time timne '
lSl'ld of i'cstmmnitiolm )
( howls li ) tild fllVelit ( of thm secommtl Cieve-
mmmd ahmmhlltktrlliohl ( : tilU gt'et'lmhimci8 ) thu
not cost. hId goverimimlent to t xceL'h I
tier ccitt tier mtIlhilIlml , 5(5 tiiitt to say tilult
time gtue1mlnick4 inive beemi time mmmost e-
lelmsiVo ) lleIt ) of tile goverlmlmmemmt Is iimtmml :
festiy alnttmi'd. Almotiler fault timat ? I11.
releis Illals s'itit time legal leather mmotea
is that they have shlvui'ted hut' trensury
tleisitt macmit from its legit lame Ic fmumc-
tiotis of cohlectliig rcvclmtles ammtl dis.
btmrslug tiltS sammme amid lilade it a great
liiiik : of' isnie , clothed witim imowdis iii-
iltIcqiite : mmmlii llllV(1i3' shmIIldIdlmt at tIimm':4 :
to mmmaintllllm its oivemU'y. 'l'hie treasury
imes-ei foulmd ilhIy tlIflIeimhty ot dllIl)1111'iSS-
niemit , however , from this source ummtii
vitius the lmst tltt'ee yeni's. Viler to
that. it m-ecelvetl amid paid out greemmimacks
Iii colmimimon vitii ( mtiler fom'lmms of immunev
amid eqerIelmce(1 mio trouble 'hmmi lever
fi'omn timetim , time demmiamid for their i'e-
delmflmtiolt Iii time hl'I'IOl ) ( froma 1879 to
1sJ , averaging not nsore than 3OOOOOO
II. yeat' , eaimslimg tile treastisy hot lilu
slightest troubie or Iii time least dlvertlmmg
It frotmi its legttimmmate function. Timat
timere lies 1)tl'mi ? a VC1' iithit'ii cimange
fromis this slzmce tii iresemit adiimimiistra-
tioii clilmit' immto ioW.r 15 true. lImit this Is
disc to time gcimeraiiy distsmrhitig aliti ufl
settillig effeCts4 ( If tiemimoci'atle 1)0i1CY ) UmlIh
time s'emuetly will lIe fouimtl In aimandommimmg
that policy timid rqitorliig the fumier
condltiomis. Mr. Eckeis tlmlimks that If
time IL'gal tezmdei' were caneeld such
lnmprove.mnemit in time imote-hinimmg flume-
thou of time bmimics : cotild be mmmdc as
would lve time coumiti'y a currency
whmicim l''OUil ! be safe , elastic and ef-
flcieimt , But tue Peohmie WOUld galui smotim.
Imi by this. Time greenbacks could be
is'htimdrawu , snider vreseimt conditiouma ,
omiiy by sims issue of bomidsvhlidht Ivolmid
cost the ICOPIC miot 1,0OOOOO
ver flhlituhli iii Imiterest , and this vouid
not be nil time lrlce they w'ouil i : for
the retlreumieiit of hulled States legal
tender isotes.
It is noteworthy timat imot a siille
phatforumi adolitdti by : immy IOhltIclti coil-
ventlon this year celia for time i'etlrc-
maclit of time grecitbacks. Time isiasses of
the imeoie tb not walit time govemflhill'mmt
legal teimder notes destroyed , 'rumey are
1)erfectiY ) satisfied with tiseimi us a part
of time durretley amml tiley cahmilot le
persuuded that there is mmmiy iiecssity fol'
destroying timeni. It Is safe to say timat
110 1)55'tYs'iil this year veiitUre to ice-
Oillmflell(1 such n. POlICY.
it JuDiCIOUS posTveNtLirIN1
It yas a Judicious decision of time
tmotmso cOhllmflittee on vays :111(1 ( imleamis
not to report at time 1)reselit seslomi 8113'
miieasure hookIng to time restorttIoli of
comntmicvcliii recllroclfy. It litis been
stuggested that time ulecislummi to IOStlOtlU )
this siiatter was P1'ommmlted ) by 1moilt teal
coimsitieratlomis , but timere ( hoes lInt aim-
pear to be any good reason for thus view.
'rime entlm'eiy 1)latmslble eXlillilat ) toil Is
that time commmmtmlttee decided to immuke no
recommuimeittittioui at this session for time
reason that time rCCI1)I'OClty sciiemmme elms-
braces 31111113' comimjmiicatiomms that mii'e imi-
tei'wovell 'Itii time geimei'al tarIff 1511(1 It
was timet'etore deemned advisable to post-
1)0110 time matter until time mmext comigress ,
wimcii tue republicans mmia. be lit vosse-
sioii of cli branches of time
goves'immimemmt amid whemm attentloim
cami 1)0 glvemi to time tlil'iiT otmestlomi
without fear of aim executIve veto. It Is
umot at liii imrobnbic that a reciprocity
1)111 ) slmoumitl be PltHSCti Itv _ timis colmgress
au(1 If omme simotmiul It would nil-
doubtedly encounter tile cxectmtive veto ,
It nmiglmt Imss time imouso Imi a w'eek om'
less tIlllQ , btmt It. w'oimid be us simbjeet of
noloiigetl ( iIl4CIlssiOll him time senate ,
i'itItii ii'ouihil himtei'fem'e vitim titti imiamm
fos' an eiiriy adjoui'nmmmemmt. So l'mmt' ims
itmiy imhitienl cOmmsltierations are calm-
cem'iietl , i'eeiimi'oelty Is lCCImiimtt'iY a me-
inublican ilohicY amid IUt imimmg cami ( Iell'IYO )
tililt iflL'tY of wimatever ativnmmtage Ims a
im0ilticzli Vum3' attmmcimes to its imtlvoeacy.
'i'imete Is imo dammger ) oustpotmimig liii
commsltiematiou vhIi dimmilimlsim mojnmiar lii-
tdl''st him It.
2'khl 1'UWS _ 'IWTI-TUUST L4 JJ.
Time iweselmt New 'You'k hegisiature imums
dotmo mmotimimmg imioro coimimnemmdmmbie timaim
limit ennetimmelit of cmi'ust hew ,
wliieim reeelvu'ul time approval of ( iovt'rimos'
ulortoli heist veek , Timis imti' Is chimed at
limo coai emmmmhummntiom ? , but It is-Ill be ct-
fectlvo mtgaimtsut otiier triitho commiblima-
tiomms 1mm time state it ProPeriy emmforceul.
It mmmumkes tile act of a corporation or
olilcer tlmereof , 1mm comnblmmlug to lrOVeIit
COliIiejJtIll 1mm tima sumIiy ) or prk'o of
lilly a rtieie , mt mmmtsuiemsmeimimor almul comifes'ii
lhilfl ( tiit' lit tflm'lmC3' gemmemni iiirgu over
hi ) rmmceethiug agilfast time inomnoters of
zl ( OiiillIlmlitIOli.Vileil time hUh ivas be.
tore time iegishi tUt'ft It. was viot'otmsiy
olliloseul 1)3' ) lImo tmmists imimul tilt'sevun'u
ba'kt'uI 1)3' ) flUe ( It tit mimosmt Iimmrnrtant
eoiimnmercial bathes of Ncv York , html to
time credit of time legisimiture timese limliti-
eimeei s'em'o of uo avail , It is saId that
( Joyemuor Moz'tua wmtsi souiuvhiat reluc-
taut to npirove time muemisuire , but wn
flminiiy erstint1ed 'to tb so.
'I'iits iegisititioii is dlstiiictly 1mm time In-
tem'est of time I3eoplI , imot Ommi3' of New
'York but of time emmtlm-c couilltr3' , tot' tilflt
state Is time headquarters of trtisfs and
comabinatlomma amid If timc'y ccli be shIp-
iireuseu1 tilt'L'e IL great step be takeit
tois'nrui their tlesti'iictioim erer3'wilt're.
Besides , tue exiiimmple of time Ness' Yoi'k
iegisiattmre'hil ummmdonbtelly be value.
imit' , for lmoWilem'C cisc wotild sumeim iegls-
1(111011 meet i'itit sucim imowerftii OpjOI- )
tiomi as there , 'l'ile Ummited Stmstes isa-
Pl't'llle court hums Imoimmteui out thmmit time
states Ilulve really greater imower for time
shijprl'ssIoml 1111(1 ( lrevl'mitIOlt ) of trusts
amid cotmmblmliutiolms timimmm the iemmem'ni gov-
Ctlliile'lit , os'hmg to time iimmiitattons imliomi
time ihlttimnIlt3' of comigleiss , iimmd 11181. If
timese imiutiopoilistie orgallizattoims are
ei'em' tiriveim out , of eistemmce It lutIst. be
1)3' ) ( lie action of state ie'glsiatlmi'eis , 'ilil'im
lmutve imlImmost hlimhimlmlei ( 1)W' ) to tleai
s'Itim timemmi. It is to be imoped time cx-
ismmmple of New Yom'k will be gemmerltiiy
foiion'eul timiti timet'e oiigimt to tIC itO thoimhit
of it If time IleOlile mmmc alive to their 1mm-
terests mumit will eltet legislators miedgeth
to time elmnetlmleilt mf amitl-Iruist imtivs amid
( 'Xl'ChmliVe otliehils vimo s'iii cimforce sumcim
I'll ; sznx7'z1t r i'ii ; 7'1IlUhJULI41TZZ'S.
'l'iw ire lImmis for time imst two mouths
beemm favored i'itim s'eeidy il'tlsltlelmtiimi )
veatimei' himilet his Issued hisluhil teal mmmc-
teoi'oiogistis vimo imusve ( uStllilIiilL'll ) Oil-
ist't'viitoiiis \'nsimimmgtomm. . 'l'IICSC fom'e.
cuuits : of time immesluiemutini imol'oscuiie ) dif-
Icr , ( if course , accosihimmg to time immdlvid-
51111 pm'eferemmce of efli'ii 'ett : ilt't'c9ck nmmid
time itllhl'ril'lmii lIOOIle ltt'ti ittit. i'xiecte(1 to
ltCCClt timelt' figures as nml3'wiiem'e neal'
( lit' gospel tm'utim.
'Pime latest inuhietimis s'ccelved fm'ommm time
miumtioimuui olisetmm tdi'I i itmul We Itt be3'Ommd a
reitsotumimit' doubt 'tiist if tC1imlit'3' Is
not ilOmlmillfltCl emi lime first , si'eommui or
timirul bhiots at St. riumts Sf1110 tithiet'
mimumimiii iii' mmoiimlnateul ohm ml sumbisequmemit
luIiot. Oim tints iloltit tilt' cuiehiini linus of
tlm pi'ogmmost icmitfli'S aie gtimirimlttietl car-
m't'et nuil ccii be dePelitied on i)3' cii it
timig ascii. Coum uitmi ( hilly 'njceakiig , the
in'bhic is cauitIom1td ulgu : Imist phmielmmg Its
ti'uist iii thelcgite tlmmtt. toe off color.
OSil'eiluii3' tiios' i'imosc seiltis ai'e cuss-
tested. St Louis is a very waini imiace
timid vimiit' it w'Iil not lie as mug a timmue
lrt\i'CeIl ulm'immks 115 ItY might have beoim
mit Cimleago , timt're Is a iligim inohahiilt3' :
timat time ou'riul iltlmmosiilerc vI1l , create a
tenuiemmey to heated ( iISCllsHiOliis mimiti till-
exheetei ) clmaimgeis of' base upon shlgimt
provocation , .
\VImlle eli t1iefortcusts i1I ( uimaecoimmit-
aimly siiemmt as to tue dtimal of time
comiremitiomi , W'O imicy witiwuit 'iisk of b -
immg tliiscmethlti'd veimtum'e the il'l'IiCtiOli
that time reit1)1ithhl [ iiomninatio.n : tlJl lIe
! mlUlt1 flt luollIe tulle ihtW'eemi .lumiie Ill ammd
July -I , amid that w'e shall kuowvimo is
to ho time miext 1)t'esilerlt ( vltimin tw'o
( hlmys ' mifter time Noveumber ' ciectl im.
? feammtImmte keep yoni' ear to : tlt gi'otimld
amid your w'eatimer eye olaill.
fl'I1tT iit ; 'i''iii Dnrrrxa 4T7
Out of time mmsam' timnsanls 01' , re-
puiiilcans 1mm this city ii lmmtm'e imusmtlltll
are avo'eul I Ii to 1 free silver ascii. Cams-
cediimg to t1mcss reluliicahms time courage
of their imu)5me51 comsyletiomma , the ( hilestloll
isYiiat are they tImIvimis nit Iii comil-
mneneimmg ems agItation at titus tLmis that
Cliii temmul oimiy to create ( hIscot'd and dl-
vtsioms iii llilt'tY riiiinsVlmmit do thi'S'
OX1)ect to : lCcouulliSim , by Jringiig to
Ommmnima time cimmimuplnmi dehtmsioimist viio
imas done more , l)1'i'imhmls ) ) , thmasi elm ) ' otiR'r
imstmmi in the eotmsmtry to confuse amid mills-
iced time iOitJhltL mulmmd on time immolley
tlestioim. . .
'I'ime rCttlimiit'ahi IuuItY is committed to
time iOiiC.V of sotnmd nioney 811(1 against
every attemmipt to delmise tue etmmrency or
immmpalr lllihiC : uiiti pr1'ti ; erLlt'ilt. Olliy
inst veek tue republicans of Nebraska
In state commveimtIoii'assmbi u1 immost cmii-
hull tlcimiiy in'omloulmcetl aaimist free colmm-
age sit. time m'atio of 1O tn1 , anti the an-
tIOlmili COmlV'iitloml his summe to 1u pvc"-
wimeimnlimgiy flhl)05et1 ) ) to' time free sliver
fmilnmey. It : therefore fohiow's that free
CoimmaLle I't'itiihi'ilmlS ) iii Nehmmaska as in
cii otimtsi' states lviii eitmqr immve : to faii
III ilime vitim time lll'IY : iii lime snppom't of
cmmmuhidnles pheulgeti by a sonmid miunney
piatformu or remsoimimee theIr pam'ty nile.
giimmmce 1111(1 ( joimi nile of time ili1'tIeS ) ( lint
sittill ( hecimml'e for free silver , 'I'imi'e Is
lii- ) other ahtem'lmlm t lye ttmmit''s t lie fm'ee sil-
'ei' reimiuihICiulis cimoose for time tlmmme
beimmg to forego timelm' comivictlomma on time
11101m03' qtmestiomm amid i'ote the lelUliIClhll
tIcket with : L imiiimtii reservntlomm. In
eltisom' es'eiit , % i'e fail to eoimmpreiiemmul l1'ilflt
( lucy ilOILi to gnimm h ) _ % ' their itCSelit )
nul'tivit3' mind viiy time3' simotmiul imersist imm
immnklmig stmc'im a m'acket. . at a timmme vimen
tIme : , ' otigimt to ilLs gettiuig ready to go
immutier cover.
Cotimmciinmamm ICeiiimiird imas a. immuhlt of
m-mmsimimig iitto 1n'Immt 1mm deflmse of mmmmmnIei-
lm1 ) mumisgo'ermmmmmeimt timat is simaumeftmily
itt vurimluico with time views which ime
mmever fulls to express as a busimmess mmnmmm
nuid ' a tmtima3'er. hitit timeim uIereimimmmt
! Cemmmtamd is cmi muitogetimer tihtTei'cmmt imem-
SOIL ( tome Conmmeiimmnmii JCemmnnm'd.
mIereimtimmt ICelmmlmlrl ( la'hieves him buslmmess
immetimodis anti bumsimmess dinclpiluic. Cone.
elimmtmtmm Iceimmimimmi i'uumis i'itim tile summeimimmti
itittl eari'Iesu ( 'Ottoil 1mm his emmi's to siumt
( lilt commupiaimmts of liagmammt ahiumses.
uercimnmmt i'emmmmtirtl 'iVllil ( ( give imo Cihlli (
t imaimco to time sqtuammderimg , at' tlmne 1)3'
lila emmmployes slIm ) ' iliore tiiIilm itt' w'ouid
to time smumeimtierliug of mmuommey. Cotmmmcii-
mmmutmt iCeimliltrIl , imoivever , camm see mIothI.
iumg w'mnlmg iii time thesertlomt of time city
immuil ( lum'lmmg ltlthilleSS ) Imours i' liluihmiCil)1l1 )
dlliplO.'eH tom- time i)1111)OSC of pimigghtig imi
time imrivttto Immterests of limo mmluyor'H
CmliillitimlCY ( or governor. lIe hills lit )
iittitliC0 w'itit tummy macmm yimo expresses
time oplimloim that these isiezi ai'e slot oil
time city it3' roil As 'political body sei'i'-
mimmtsu of Cmi ) ' oliicet' , aimd ime caim not coim-
cels'e imow such conduct tlemmmormmiizes time
liu1)hiC ) isL'l"VIce.1hime : lvemutge tsmxiayer )
who Is mmtltiier mmmi olilco Imoidem' stomP aim
ohilce seeker looks at. timis mmlsttem : lii a
dllTememmt hlgimi.
'I'imo Schlitz 11m-ei'Immg conhiulLily viii
huiiul ii. Iumtleutml lmiei at Six-
teemitim antI IIitmilt3' . 'rime gm'eat
tt iiss'aukec commevtmi imims imeitid
timttt Ommmaima is to imn'e a traims-
mmlisisissliii ) exposition mumul that botch
aecotaumodatious ivihl bu Lu active do-
miunitul fmomntedny work heglmmis ImpOli
that coiosssl s'mttq'pm'tsC. it iS not too
mmulli'im to sn31'tiIut time ( IllY time expoisition
receives ' lit time imntiids of
comugi-ess imivmiLqis ( ( of PrOiCl'tY owmmers
% , hii iwgimm imiakimig inmpmovemiments mtimtl it
'flst : mimmoulmmrh ofiutsIti ( ' 8imitfll Will seek
jtmvestmmmeiit. 1IEJ 'iiiIs wiii PilL our iihk'
115011 to si'otk and itmultmce immnimy iCoiie )
to commit' w-ul'm t'q.li11)loymmmdnt ) , will n'aIt
timeimi , 'l'ime 'pi1ts'hlich ; i'Ill fohlos'
ium.e O1)viOtiS
Attom'ime , qepa1 ( himtircillii says timat
m'eglstcred sliuk' i'ai'rsmrmts mmmc mInt sImile
st'ciimit les 1mm itIIim t ime permmmnmmen t sciiooi
fummal cimt ime l'Olmist ittmti(511fli13' iimvi'sted
because If timat is'eme tue lmuteimtlomm of
( lie frmmmmme'm's of time comistltutiomi timey
W'Ouiil imave used tile worth "svnrm'aitts"
1111(1 mInt "st'smrItIcs4" Accordilmg to time
silimme logic , Imeltiler ii-c state 1111(1 ( eohmmll3'
imomitiis witimimi time scoua' of time eommstlttm-
tIOiliii il'flVistfllI ) beenimse if timt'y w'ei e
time commstitutklm tuckers voimid have
tDll ( time ii'ord " [ iommds" immstemd of "sue-
cutm itIt's. " Almd time nttom'mmey gemmerml
un ticis it I lmmmui I aim im I ss ioglc ,
'I'imerp is iittle tloumbt Ilmat Cimnlm'mmmnmm
0. .1. 511i3't ii viii in' I51'hl'Cteli mis tiC1t1
gi : I c-U tii : m'go to time ulemmmo'rm : t l ( mutt i iitii
commvcmmtIomm imm ( 'imicago. 'l'ime stii Ic C)1i
s'cmil 10mm of siis-t'r ( iemimocm'lm Is , It is ime.
iieveti whii t'ieil ui ' ,
, i' Smmmytim by imeciamnim-
tlomm , I I ( ' iims : bet'ii ii cmtrm'Ici' ( if 'tVil tt'r
amid L imes'er dl'voo(1 ( him lime rammks of
time liL't3' for Pitl'is , iitt ) iiluit smes'ei'
sougimt ofilco. ' ills selectlomi as tide-
gimte-mmt'iargt 'ill lIe '
, a silgitt mecog-
mmiliums lit time vmiume of imis uatt3' service.
It looks as If time free sllvei'ites mmmlglmt
imii-i' t milIljom'lt _ , ' 1mm time tlemmmocmlmt Ic mmmi-
tiommitI t'omtt'i'mmtitmmi at ( ilmIt'umgo , Inmi lucy
eamumiot ImOl ) ( ' It ( 'oimmmimnmHi time tW'-tiihi'ls ( (
vote 'imleim , uiiih1'I' ( doimmoet'a t it' usage , Is
meressam'y to mmlhke a mioiimlmmumtiuni. Hilt
time tw'o-timiu'ds .m'umi is hot sact'cul : 'l'ilc'
free siis'c1 demmmoct'n Is i'ouid hesitate imo
ioumger lll'1)ltl'ntiiy ) to cimmmmge : time i'umies
of lime' cotivention Iimiimm tiii'y ' W'oimitl to
chmnmmge time lunacy stnimdnrd frommi gold
to silver.
Feirs : fll' ( ' expresseul timuit tue mm'i'
IO51'lt coiintem'ai iimimui'ltnmmmce tImX w'iii be
avoIded by IdOild li'avimmg iegacit's 10
limmtyill tiset'mit1ints : iatimer tiuimt to imulille
it'stltiit iomiis. lint tlead amen imm'ovem'bimmiiy
tell imo tales aumd lm3' : no tnxcsu. 'lime mmmcml
Is 1)3' ) lit ) mimemims 'tOIlilliOi iYilViil (
cituimge time des ! Immimtiomm Of imis ln'ole't3- ) ;
after ( lentil beemustr muommie nile cisc immlgimt
inive to imammd't ' ss\mnfl percemmtsuge of It
ovet. to time sttn im time forum of taxes.
flx-Cotmgressmmmtns W'iuhin in , Tennlngs
Bm'yiimt 1i85 ' 51. tItbie slmovitig
tilt' ii'OIilliC ) , l'iUU : of free sliver t1ele-
gates to } iii ha' Ciiietmgo
( 'Oui'VeiItjOlr. Vitimotigii tr. .ii'ynim'tu
hile1 5113'S lbtmtLt. lmis iieeii . comuiLiod.
ihJ'Oml excei1t'mtf , _ : tiitliorlty , imbumt1'y 'w'til
hI ? } nms'prised ' ! ; : taijitu .iu c'.imniukr-
111113' tilted nnd - 1ILMI1I11)S COhimIlettjiy
ovcttuis'mmeu1 . ' ; ; ImmmU 'time CliIso ; n.
! mmmeets. .
' ' Orderi' f11'J ) . ( ; - ' . .
1fl 5ifl , j Post ,
upp r hambtr O the hJn'tem , States
ccilgresu is the llcnt orderly and Irnpreslve
ph3nber in the wQr1d--li'l52Ii It e qmpty.
. -
5ht' ilsiiiii
It 80)ear3 that 'ery ow women partlcl-
patcul 1mm' tiss rccdflt Denver election , Tbey
t''t to the 101L'3 large nuniber wi'eum
, vetlng sva , a novelty , but now thoydo not
seeni to have amiy Interest In It , This has
' be tue wherever sat-
pm'vel to case Iwoman -
( rage has been tried , and such a result s
ccrtatnl' not calcUlated to clicourage further
experiments of that kind. Tlue truth prob-
aHy Is that a large muajcnlty of the women of
tli country do not really care tor tile ballot.
but are quite vtliusg to lot It remain entlmey
In mr.isculIno lIanl3.
A Siiii , for
ChIcnur ChronIcle ( dein. ) ,
The Colorado temocrate threaten to "bolt"
It th democratic national convcistlon doom
not adopt a frea sliver platform. Lot Cob-
ratio "bolt ! " LIlt ' 1Csas aumd Idaho "bolt. "
Neither state aver choz'e a democratic pre.l-
dentlal elector , nor wouid either state go
ulemocratlc thbe y a.r on any platform or tinder -
der any clrcumstalmeee , 'rime democratic nsa-
tlonai conveiltion } iiOUld devote Itself to eouuuo
i8fl that vbII sccure the electoral vote of
dornocratbo etates even at the riek of losing
ropubilcnm silver thates which could not be
carried In any event.
.VJpr ( lie 'm'roibl < - LIOM.
Ioulsvime : Courler-Journl.
The flaring crsi whIch etarted the wave
Of hard times rol'isg around time world occurred -
curred In Novemnbar. 1890. Great 13r1aln ( has
fully rscovered , aid her commercial reports
utouv that the nation l enjoying a period of
drelded prouerity. Uai It not iloon for our
deZetIvo currency syntcm , the Unltel States
would at ICtit liavo boeim convalercclt by tubs
( line , but the aamno causes whIch Invltoi the
dlsaocr ex ! . , timcu8h 'is. a modified form ,
wq have repealed the Sherman sliver par.
cimaso act , but have done nothing moro to i'o-
store oui credit wIth the smaLltime ,
Aelmiand Gazette ( rep , ) : Congrcsmmmaum
llalner was renominated by acciama.
( Ion at time York 'convcntlomm , and mviii
be returned tube fail by aim lncreassd nsa-
jority. Time 1)001)10 ) ) lviii accord to him a
fitting recognition of lml muerltorious
Tiiiy ilepubilcan ( rep , ) : Mr. Ifalner by his
abilIty and Integrity iau won an enviable
reputation anmozig the statesmen at Wauhimig-
ton , and to Imavontum'ned him down would
l'avo booms a pubiieijmlty. ills usefuineos
In the next ongr.s"-wIii ho greater ( lien in
tile present amid lie will reflect credit UOfl
the judgment of timis district 1mm returning
him \VasuulmigtOXL
York Tinmea ( rejiY : In rononminating Mr.
ilabner in sucim a Imoarty mnaumner the ro-
pumbilcan convention showed Its appreciation
or a gold mnsbuic Itnnt. After two tenissu
in oimgreei , to imteimominated by acciama-
tboul 1mm a coflIpiii1flt\ that few Nebraska
congressman haf.nRr receIved , Mr.
lininer will not omtljso imimeolt elected , but
will ztrexmgthmen tlUcket , , from top to bet-
toni. / 1
Toblasi Gazette /tt the congree.
stonai ccmsvoimttoil' " % ' York last Timureday
lion. V1. J. uIainr nominated by accis.
nmaticn for congrnjl from this , distrlct.
lie iumms been a raitflIu10rduous aimd perbiot-
tnt worker for hI&co'tituents and It Is
but right anti prcih tidmt iie should be re-
turned. His experience as a legislator wlil
matorialiy asest ! him lii imle next torus in
congress. and the ebpie of time Fourth die-
trict will have no caul's for regrets by ye-
tenting bums fcr andtimer' term.
Seward Reporter ( rep ) : Nothing better
could imave boon done t keep time Fourth
congresoonai district of Nebraska to the
treat timami was done by the republican con-
vcntion last Thursday In time renomimmation
or Congrensman ileleer. This state wiil increase -
crease In prestige proportionateiy as elmo
ktops good mon in congress , and mjo never
hind a better ason to represent her timami I ,
, f. homer , lie is a nsazm of high ability and
great force of cimaracter , and has nii'eady won
a piece tim congress of wimich huts constituents
msmay be proud. With the experience gained
In imis tIrn4 and occsn4s terms imo will without -
out doubt becoxno of even greater value to
his district anti state In the third tenumm to
wisicim he will be eiacteI Ia November.
'nih FtJitN ( lULl , ,
l'ronnuneel it ( HInntit , l'inn for
Sivimidi hii the ( u'crmmient ,
New York ournni ,
It Is reported from Washington ( bitt ( hero
is no ( iotmbt the Pacific railroads' funding
biii xviii be acted upon before Limo cioso of
this eession , If ( ho announcement be founded
in fact it will ho just as vehi for people
who (10 not wish to see ( ho government
swindied , and for any congressman who
u1Oo not wish to be isarticepa criminis In ( ho
fraud , to watch congressional procedure very
catetuiiy ,
Time two early Pacific roads-time Union
and Central Paciflo-owe the United States
government abomit 6O,0OOOOO They have
never paid a dollar of interest or a doilar of
Isrincipsi of the debt. They are owned or
controlled by Collie P. huntington and thus
imeirs of Stanford , Crocker and iIOikln ! , tii
of wiusma have become imnmcnsely ricim by
building and operating those railroads mit
th expense of time taxpayers of time United
Sta tee ,
Time funding 1)111 ) upon which congress will
act is professedly the mimeasure of a subcomn-
nmltteo chosen fronm ( lie cenato and house
conmnmlttecs on Pacific roads. 1mm fact , it is
jun't .qumcim a bill as Mr. huntington himself
would have prepared. It asks that liuntimig-
tols amid lila pais ho ailowed the continumed
lIen at 2 Per vomit of time more than i2OOOO-
000 for wimIcim time government is now paying
3 ½ per cent iim timeir beimaif. A cievriy tsr-
ramigod device for graded annual payments of
several imumsdremi timeusamsd ( ioiiars each ,
to be iumade by time ' 'owmmers" of time
roads and appiied on time principal title
ummtii time debt Is extingimielmed , Is In-
ccrporated in time bill for the purpose of
concealing its trtme nsenmming A mary iittlo
flurbng , however , nimoivs timat vayummolsts
would not etuai time entire mrinclcal instil
1110(10 ( for nimmety years , and that at time end
of ( lint Ilerod all time conisoratlons hind Paid
time govcrnmsmcnt svouiil be less than time Interest -
terest alone umrols ( ho debt at i14 per cent.
Tue. taxpayers cf the coummtry would hose tue
nmimouimt of time loan absolutely ,
It is doimbtful wluetimer so gigantic a plan
for rcbhery was ever ornsetstctm tt ) congress.
liaciced b a powerful lobby , s'eii supplied
sVith time iiie' of 1mm , anti directed by a
nina ot bong cxlmerii'nco in time arts of mielt-
etsuicimnient at public expenn'e , It can only ho
defeated b3' tlt most persIstent and tie.
termimsed effert on time part of honest men 1mm
congress ,
The Iseoplot' in hold to a strict accounta-
ility ! the represcntattyes i'hmo make theims-
selves oarlez to this achonme for robbing
every taxpayer for the benefit of iiuntimigtoli
and imis mnllhionaire associates.
- -
'l'lltllI , ) 01. I'LIIILIC
.FnriiI'r 5IOI'lOhi lt.'d.hIn lietirt , at
(1oNt' ( if 51 IN 'i'eriii.
Clilengo TrIbune.
\\'lmen time public tires of time dull routlmue
In Wasiilmmgton omcial life anti longs for
sonic novelty , aetna refrshmssemst for a jaded
spirIt , tiil Setretary dt' agriculture can be
co.mtstcti on always to fill tue bill. It is
gensrahiy seeds In seine of timeir various
manifestations , but thin' tinse it Is a disoertn-
ticn on the ivcs of ofilceitolders , and begino
With tIle unbq i'ocal otatemcr.t :
I litiva nil I waIst of Public life.
ThIt will b'o somnetisluig of a shack , per-
imaps , to tue people who would mleiigist in
honoring Mr. Morton , but there is a touch
of maulnoes vimero lme asym again :
After I hnvo finished my term as secretary
of agriculture I viIl be content to droll out
amid let somebody else take my sace.
Imut will the people crmsiit this ? Wlil
timey stiffer this mnn to drop back into prl-
vate life from which ime was so utsesremoni-
ousiy hauled ? Cars anybody else take the
place nd Cli time ilace Ibid by Mr. Morton ?
It lu one timing , to have a secretary of agriculture -
culture and quite another to Imave a Mr.
Morton as miecretary of agriculture. Amsd svlmy
this sudden ourfelt of public life and tills
gl,9pp , "content to drop out ? " , What has
cmne oyer the ppirit. of the agricultural
'cretsry that he should thums flout time ofllco
of wl1lch he s'ays himself : "There was a
faelnation about it I oulul not resist and
511' I' aflio to Washington Its my preont
capacity , ' And wumy In 1ml reckless epistle
mt rcntmnclation nsust he Include cli other
officeholders In 'this owoepimsg confession :
Any ambitions they may have fostered mviii
nimply tile 'of Inanitiers. and they will be-
eomC mere automatons like isiany other
Iersons In the departments here.
Surely tIme secretary "proterts too much. "
He far o'crlcaps the truths in his zeal at self-
doisreciaticms. It were Idle to deny there
have been critics of Mr. Morton. Men Imave
called him little , garrulous , pitiably inefficient ,
anti oven latterly have chargo'd hi's depart-
cheat with ccrruptbon , but never Imas any
finn in time pubiI kncwledge called lmim an
automaton. and timere are no ogne : that lie
mviii eVer justify simcim an epithet. Vhen Mr.
Mortots anti time other officeholders mmmoo the
ntotvo power will aCt be within themisseivos.
No , never autoissalons.
But 74r. Morton filially :
In my career its tIle Agricultural department -
mont I have seen enough to satisfy roe tisat
tue govermmmnt pays a great ( Seal more tlstsmi
it should for list' service performsusd by the
This , tbmen. Is the real grievance , This is
tue burden that ha embittered time secro-
tary's formerly lmopefuml spIrIt. Here was tIme
weak SIOt 1mm Mr. Mortons nrmssor and the
government reached it , Ills pride is hurt ,
that I clear. His cons&ence smiths Silos to
the point of open coufessloms. The sense of
being overpaid , of icnewlng that one Is msot
earning Imis salary. that lie is in a way a
gevernm nt ward for the unearised surplus ,
that he is tli victIm of an extravagant eye.
tern wiiclm ! single-handed im caismsot overthrow -
throw , must be a koets torture to a senst1ve
man , and tIme secretary has ahown lie is a
eens'tivo man. And , worse mitiii , ( lie argu-
ns 'nt is tmnanswrabbe. And worst 'of all are
the direful comsscq cmmees that nmay follow time
secretary's exanslle. Other overpaid and
sensitive tiemocrati , may be oncournged to a
similar course , and imitators may nsultiply
to such an extent that time buIlt of time dense-
erotic officeimoiders wli ! ho rumsiming into print
nnnoUncmig their Intention of retIring into
private life when their present terms are
ensued.It i fortunate for time country that
just at tlto present time ( Isis general exodus
coulti le bormme witim comparative fortitude.
If ttme parting must comise , it cimances by a
happy coincidence that tue names of enough
omen are knowis to fii all time places that
woulmi thus be made vacant. and although in
come imsstaflCc& the newcomers mniglmt not be
( Iclancrots , mitili it Is believed tlmey could be
Imitrusted safely with time reins of govern-
msseimt ,
Loulaiamia hoids a state election today. A
fair count by the coroners Ia assured ,
Cecii ithotles' Income as managing director
of time Consoildated aoid Fields compammy
last year was mnoro than $1,650,000.
Genemal Wcyler's unbroken record of
prceiamatioiimt appears to be no mare effective
as a line of 'defense timan ( lie trochia. Iloth
are imarmless ,
Time i3ulflncim frosmt of time Massachusetts
state imotit'o Is not to be profaned by mnodorn
Imirovations. It iii to Iso Iresorvcd as a fit
couvpanioa for time sacred codflsim ,
i\n appreciative critic of Colonel Ingersoll
declares that owing to his success as mm icc-
toter "lie will imave dollars to burn , " 110w
Ito expects to take theumi with iiimn Is msot
A nommpoiltIcai comsvontion Is to ho lmelti us
Detroit , May 28 "to take the tariff uueetiomm
out of Politics. " ily time Way of diversion ,
i'Iiile time audience Is gatumering , it might
aliu solve time problem of aerial navigation ,
Time emmaplcion Is spreading In Colorado
timid Senator Teller's falUm in the white
nmetal itt mmot up to time mmtmmmsdard , his Imocket
wa Picked for $100 in Washmlmugton recently ,
and there wasn ( a cartwheel dollar Its the
bundle ,
The family of time late Deneral Ureslmatn
have decIded Co renmsove imle reimsains to time
famous national cemnt'tery at Arlington , The
change accords with time wishes of the gee.
oral expressed to friends several years before -
fore his death.
Dr. Charles Wardwell StIles , a professor in
time bureau of aninmai Industry of time Depart.
mnent of Agriculture , Washington , hmai been
elected a memnber of time Fromieii Academy of
Medicine , 110 is only 28 years old , and the
hmommor has never bcfore been conferred upon
so young a mats.
, T , ih.andolphm Coolidge , a great grandson of
Tlmomsmas Jeffereon , writes to "time iioct in
Transcript" to say tlmat Jefferson Levy is
not a cios'cendan ( of Jefferson , as recent
prcsa diepatcimes declared hmimu to be , "Monti-
cello , " lie says , "pavsed Immto the hands of
tIme Levys by purchase , after Mr. Jefferson's
death , lIe heft but two daughters , Mrv
iammdolpb anti Mrs. Ilpps , amid all tba do-
acoumdants of Thoummas Jefferson trace their
himseago timrovgb one of those , "
AMiINDS Thl1 SLSNImLY CLVII , 1111,1 , .
Sennte Inereneethe , ( ' ( ) tt of 1Ilnmm'
WASltlNQ'rO4 , April 20-The ocoato
consmitteo on smppropriatlons today reported
time stmndry civil approprIation bill. Time
more important increases are as foiiows
i'ubhlc buliding at false City , Idaiso ; $50-
000 Increase for the linmit of cost from $150-
000 to $200,000 ; ptmbilo building at Cimeycnmme ,
Wyc. , $50,000 , and Increasing the limit of
cost from $160,000 to $250,000 ; Assay ofilco
at Ieadweotl , 13. I ) . , $15,000 ; public building
at helena. Cuiont. , $50.000 , mmiii increasimig
ilnstt of cost 'tromu $150,000 to $300,000 audi-
( lout to I.os Angeles public builthimsg $12-
000 ; publIc btmiitllng at Onmauia , Neb , , $25 , .
000 : tsi-o light tations. Santimisky bay , 01mb ,
$30,000 : Swnmm Isiand light , Carnibbean , Va. ,
$150,000 , provided a siisht shall be granted
the United States free of charge. San Francisco -
cisco harbor light vessel $ S0,000 ; revenue
steanser office first class great iaices , $20,000 ;
fish hatchery In Ilieck hills , 5 , 1) , , $10,000 :
transportation of sliver coins. $15,000 ; stIr-
voyimt.g ptmbiie landa , $150,000 ; topographic
stmrvoys , $25,000 ; to enable tue United States
governmssent to take part In lisa oxpositiomm at
hirumseels In ISS ? , 35,000 : salary of consimi at
Alexandria , 'I'umrkey , $1 .500. hock isinmid
brIdge , $10,000 ; for construction of htmli&llmsgs
at mmmiibtary posts , $100,000 ; beginning con-
strimctlon of nsiibtary lost , at Spokaume , W'nslm , ,
$50,000 : continuing svork on nsbiitmiry Post at
lichens , Mont. , $6,000 ; Improvements at Fort
tSneil , Wash , , $50,000 ; imsmprovemsments Mobile
harbor , Ala , , $160,000 ; htnproi'eunemsts liar-
bar and bay at llimnsbolt , Cab , , $66,000 : cx-
isonses Cabbtormsla debris comusmuissiun , $15,000 ;
salaries anti fees Uniteti States msmnrshals ,
$6S3,000 ; salaries and fees Untted States
ilistnict attorneys , $105,000 ; salaries of
thmlted States dIstricts attormmoys , $ S5,000 ;
fees of clerks , $35,000 ; fees Umiited States
comminslsebomsers , $30,090 ; fees of Jurors Uatted
States courts , $400,000 : fees of ivItmses'es
United States courts , $650,000 ; support of
Umsited States prisomsors , $2S0.000 ; misisecilano-
otis expenses authierizoti by' time attorney gems-
cmi , $75,000 : to ptmrcimnse fromn General
Jamises I ) . Mcl3i'ido 2,500 sotis of isis lmistorl-
cal immbilcatiomss , $12,000.
The Carey arid land act is ammienthed seas
as to iicrnsit liemis ems tile land for work
done. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lIOMi'3 Itibbid VOiL
Smzmiii Iikel' to IUsmke liimimortmmtmt Cimi-
t.ssIiuims im t Omice.
WASHINGTON , April 20.-Tile Spamsisim
go'ernmiient within the isext few weeks viii
pta into execution a conipreimensive systemn of
home rule or autonomny for time island of
Cmmba. There is good reason to belIeve that
time State department has received froums
Madrid iisfornsatbon to tlmls effect. In any
event , It is beyond uestion that timi imsi-
Imortamst usmovo is assured , It pronsiscum to
brimig to a sudden terussination time Irritation
and friction wimicim has existed for imsany
niontims iCtWCCfl time United States anti Spaims
amm(1 to replace limbs ( c-cling with one of a
friendly amid amnicablo nature.
Time law which will be put Into effect was
signal by the queen regent of Spain , March
15 , 1895 , amsd vuli be followed imp by rimlcs
and rogimiations developing time Isrosemit
scimemms of reforms. By time tinse time queen
regent of SpaIn snakes her at1drcs to the
Spanish Cortes , which assenmbies in omso
momstlm , the law mviii be pronuulgated through.
out Cuba , and time long expected law of bonus
rul for Cuba vlhl be realized.
The law Is very elaborate In its provIsions.
Time elenscnt of home rule is secured by time
establishment of two local bodies. drawn
largely , it not entirely , fromn residents of
Cuba , One of these is to be knowmm as the
provincial Chamber of Deputies , and the
otimer as the council of adminIstration. Time
latter has appellate jurisdiction over the
formiser. Larger Imowers ore granted to time
council of administratIon in time internal
management of public affaIrs , but time governor -
ernor will continue as tIme supreme repro-
sentatiro of Spain on time stand , amsd wlii
have entire charge of military , naval amid
International qimestbomso , Time details of time
reform project were publIshed at the timise of
their adoption by time Spanish Cortee in 1895.
womun's FAIn , MEDALS AT LAST.
Long Jeln'cil IiNrillution oflIuimiirm
F'liimi Ply Coummmmemuee,1.
WASHINGTON , April 20.-Tile long cx-
pocted distribution of Coluunnian Worid's fair
diplomas and medalo imas begun at last aisd
today amid about 3,000 diplomas and macdais ,
covering all of the successful German oxhlb-
itors at the fair , s'ero tureen over to Baron
Thmielismammn , time Gornman ambassador , wim will
chip them immnedIately to hIs government fem
dit'trjbutloum , Those awarded to AmerIcan cx-
utlbitors will be ready for delivery within the
next ten dave 'cur two sveks at the farthest ,
and mibipnments to Emsgland , France , Russia ,
Spaimi , Italy amid other foreign countries will
be ready for delivery to their respective dip-
lonsatic representatives here within the next
month ,
Mr. Claude M , Johnson , time simporintendent
of time bureau of engraving and printing , and
Mr. it. T , Preston , the dlrectot at time mint ,
wlni lmvo rect ci'iargo of the work of pro-
parlmsg limo diplomas and medals. Imave gIven
mnucim earnest attention to timomr special prep-
uratiomm , ammd tile mnedals and diplomas are said
to be equal In workmnani4mip bmmd artistic merit
to those issued byany govormmment for a
similar purpose.
ltt'poris of Ihe (1'huidCimi Smirvey.
WAShINGTON , April 20.-Many Important
papers of an economical ilaturo are ensbodled
in part II , of the sixteenth annual report
of the geological simm'voy , which has just
been issued lucre. Timesa relate mnaintiy to
geology and water supply problemna , and
arm all written by autlsormm of natIonal realm-
tntlon. Tile report comssprises time following -
ing : "Geology and Minlmmg Industries of
the Cripple Creek iImmtrict of Colorado ; " "A
Geological Reconnaisanco Across Idaho ; "
"Time Geology of time Itond IJimilding Stomies
of Massachmtmsetts , wltim Souse Coissitio'ation
of Simsmilar Materials from Other Parts of
time United States ; " "Ilconomsmic Geology of
tim Mercur Mlmiing District of Utal m : " " Time
I'ubibc Lands and Their Water Smmpply ; "
"Water Resources of a l'ottlon of tue Great
Plaimse. "
Time built of the report will be delivered
to congress , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ltenrniig.y 1(1 U ll'ree 'l'rummle Jlnsls.
WASHINGTON , April 20.-New' South
\Vnles iii now returning to a free trade basis
as the resuit of at least two emphmatic and
unmistakable demands by time people In time
past timirteen mnonths , Ummited States Vice
Consmnerciai Agent Iceighmtley at Newcastle
makes reference to the subject Its tue course
of a report to ( ho State departmnent upon time
conditions of the province. lie says time
new government headed by Mr. 0. ii , Reid ,
wimich svent Into office on timat issue , is me-
deeming time election pledges mmd Jo vigor-
ousty carrying out a free trade imoltcy , Time
protective dtmties lmave been already partially
amid wIll sooa ho entirely abolished.
l'rt-sitheiitlzui Numniiimtlomme.
WASHINGTON , Aprih 20-l'lmo president
mat time following umonmiumatbonmm to coumgress
today : Tiiormmas If. Tulley , Sllverton , Cole , ;
L , S. lConnimmg , Newtomm , Ia. ; It , La. Mortland ,
Montezmmmna , Ia , ; John VI. Irwin , New Slmaron ,
Iii. ; Louis Martin. i'eiia , Ia. ; Duncan 0.
Cammmpbell. Rocktormi , Ia. ; Samuel J. I'iynn ,
Staples , Mum , ; John T. Baldwin , Ilemmumessy ,
Old , ; James A , Crow , Piano , 'Fox , ; Johmm L.
Anable , Mount Vormsomm , Wash. , vostnmastors.
interlor-i3dwin 11. Sluder. register of time
laud otilca at Las Crucee , . N , M. ; Caleb P.
Organ , receiver of public immoney at Chmey.
vmlnoq Wyc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( su ye lJj , 'i'Jie'ir Porrel t Ciit'iuis.
WAShINGTON , April 20.-Tho Treaau-y
department will readvertiso for bjtis for the
purchase and m-emnovai of the mnateriai in time
old postoflice at Chicago , Frank Jobin who
bids $47,000 , and llzokiol mnitIm , who bids
$36,000 , wltlmdrow their offers and Ilmoir checks
for $500 ivill be forfeited ,
l'uilTlhAIa NOTICS.
The tacit of imarmimonizing the oetlmn&tes
of PresidentiAl boomsu traIners is a hopeless
(110 ,
Ahtisougis the political temperature is
steadily rising , the wise politician should
keep iii Wiliter flannels on. I )
Time Waterloo Tribune , published at limo
imonse of ex-Uovermmor Doles , mieciaros tlmat tise
iseoplo of iossa mire for sounti nsommey , , motivith-
slammding ( ho financial vagaries of Horace.
lemnocratic state conventions iii Alabamssmi ,
Colorado , $ Iiss3uri anti Oregon have declared
for free coinage of silver anti bCket ) up time
declaration witim sevomity.two delegates to
Chicago ,
Ex-Governor itoswehl 1' . Plower of Now
York bum co'latlumsitting to htimnselt zmnmi a
few chummms that lie woumlth not refumse time
democratic nomination for the presidency ,
elmoumld it be offereti tue hsimmm ,
Gemsersi Coxey mmysi : "I have decided that
limo election of it imoPimhist pi-c'idetmt nitmet be
irnetisOmmed for four years. " This favor mviii
be tltmly appreciated by other luohitical Pat-
tics , Now bring otm yoimr msotnimmntions
Ono of time eccnmtriclttes of Commgresanmtsm
hilamid , the free 'Ihver apostle of Mleeuri ,
is a disHko for traveling at night. "i'et
iticimard is wililmmg to tread time tiark amid
doi'iotms pathms of a demsmocratic presIdential
candidate k-i this year of republican grace ,
Senator harris of Tennossea declares witis
all time commfldcmst air of a cmii simo knoms-e
mm'hat ime is tailing : ahoimt , that ' 'time free cii-
% 'er imeoplu will tutor time natbctmai dens.
ocratic convention with a prousotmmmced mmmii.
jority , anti will dietato termmms frommi the
A climb of 300 aiplmnhet politicians itmis been
orgammized at Cairo , Ill. , for lime pimeisose of
boommmlng Colmgresemnami lAntou of Micimlgamm
for the msommmimiatiomm mit t. Leslie , Mr. Lintomi
being a iunmber dealer of somiso Conscqtlemice ,
is StIlillOsed to conceal on Imis ersoms sense
excelleimt presidential tbussber ,
Rx-Comsgreasmnmin hued of Missouri s'otmIti
be a formusidablo cammdlulate for presiticimt at thue
cross roads , lie commld tap , mint one , but
msuaumy bar'ls of aImPICS witimout straiumilmg time
product of imis orchard , According to time
\Vasimington 1'ot extraordinary isrecaumtiomms
are being takum by his imunagers to guard
Mr. MeKimmbey froims commmimmg 1mm ccsstact with
tIme "plain people , " A rccomst political mmmis-
sionary to Cantoum vaa obliged to go to
Cleveland and subusmit to a cross-oxanmlna-
tim In order to secure a permnit to pass limo
sentinalmi on guard at MclCimiloy's oflhco.
A recemst mmtmmmsber of time litmenco Ayrei
Standard comitaimms time interesting informmsa-
tioum timat Mr.Vhmiteiamv Itcifi , editor of time
Now York Tributmo , wimo was a camsdhuiate
for vice presIdent of thu United States at
time last election , is now speaker of time
imoumme of representatives , nimd will bus time re-
pubhican candidate for liresitlent at the next
ehcctioum. Timis in almost as Interesting as
time amsn.ounccmmmomst timat apimeareti In a Bra-
ziiiarm paper last mm'intor , that Mr. Tansmsmany
Hail haul defeated Mr. I'iatt at time nmunicilmal
elections of New York , and would be mmsayr
of timat cit' for fotmr years.
Editor Singerly of time Pimilatlolislmia Record ,
whmo rmfn a few htmndred thousand votes simort
iii time race for governor of Pemmnsyivammua
last fail , appears to have extracted mnons.s enjoyment -
joyment thams votes out ot tmmo contest. In a
sPeech in Ilnitimnoro recently ito said , "This
is time second timmso I have had time lmonar to
appear before a MarylammtI autitemmco. The
last tIme was simen I weust to liikton to
prevcmst your govermsor fromms carryImsg Cecil
county. As a result 'of the latter visit , Ce.
cii county , with a good mmormal demssocratic
majority , went republican. ( Laughter. ) But
I mnade a better record wistn I ran fOs'i
governor of l'cnnsyivatila , Tue ommiy maim
who came withmiml ii mnile of catcittusg miso was
Governor 11111 , Time reason I only reaciietl
241.000 republican majority on that occasion
was because I didn't SpSItIc oftomior , ( Laughter -
ter , ) At ever ) ' place I spoke , the demnoCratic
vote mm-as ovorwimelniingly reducqd. Places at
wimich I didn't speak retained timeir nornsa.i
majority. " ( Laughter. )
TitI'l'R T1tlF'IiS.
Chicago Trlbumse"IliumthO bieuit5
myself. Ilililger , " said Mrs. Mct3svat. with
very nice , Loimelia. " replied
Mr. McSwnt. picking one-Of theism and nsak-
leg miii effort to timhit. it. "Apti they tire
still hot. How iomsg ago did you-mis--cast
them ? "
Harlem Life : youngilusband-Dimln't I
telegraph you not to bt'lmmg your imsother
with 'on9
Young \\r1fo-Tiiat's mm'hat site , watstmi to
see you about. She u-cad tIme dirpateis ,
Indianapolis Journal : ' 1'1tw ; , time ss'orlui
is not getting a bit sinartem' , " alu1 tue aged
gemstbenman. "My gratmdson neics exact-y
time samsie ridiculouS qtmestiOnls thmat his father
did at his age. "
Detroit Free Press : "Does Jorklns nlwmiys
carry a life preserver ? " "Aiss'ayS , " "jul
tile shape of an air cusiiion ? " "ho , In tIme
shape of a flask , "
Wasisington Star'Big : words an' fine
clothes , " said Uncle Risen. "is berry
frequeumtly alike In not lciiborims' machi
ro'ly 'moumsts ter anytiling. "
] lrooklyn Life : Victim-You say you sup.
ply balloons to guests on tlmo top floor mum
case of fire , Are time ) ' already ti.iad7"
Chicagcu Hotel Clerk-Oh , no , Just wait
until thmo mire has matl rojress enough aumtl
you can fill your bailoorm wIth imot air.
Ptmck : ttrs. Dogood-It seems strange to
emcotlm1ter a beggar in a strong , healtimy
man like you.
Dusty Ithodes-I trIed being blind , ammtl
sick , nnti one-legged , but it was more
trouble timaml it Caine to.
.A tchison Globe : Those perfunctory ques-
( ices : Comsvorsuatbon overimcmmrd on thmo
Street today : "Whose funeral ? " "Joimn
lilank's. " "W'lmy , Is Sm mlead 7' ' In soussa
surprlse "No , iso is just ridiusg In time
hearse to be putting on style. "
Mimsneapohis TimesAn : Ohio mvoman Is
tue mouser of five boys at one birth. It
is 1)05511)10 that time cotmilmig Ohio man 1:1 :
coming emi tlse Indiana systemsi-imi "blocks
of live. "
Ilnrvmirmi bamnpooms : Weary Wnllcer-Say ,
Ivere yotl ever tarred and feathered ?
Joismsny Itestfui-Ycs : nmsco. "
\reary Walker-how dId you feel ?
Johummmy Itesutful-Lilco a bird.
311111 IDOLI7RD F'ACR.
cleveland Plain lemtler ,
"I lsave Imor Portl'ait lie-re , " lie said.
Asimi touched isis pckst lightly.
" 1 1VIsii I Imad a timoumMatmul , moro , "
lie added , oh , so briglity.
"For , tlmommglt time fair original
Is safely in ray lecimin1 : ,
I never see her lovely phmmz
Witimout mumy Pulses icuiping.
"Come , now , you catcim my little jests
It wouitlus't talce a scholar
'ro gUOSS I've wed the precious girl
Wimoso face Is on time ulohiari"
ION"l' l.R'l' 'l'liIOt % % 'OhtLl ) ICNI\V.
Detroit 1'i-ee i'ress ,
Time world is , wide , remncummlmer timis
Nor mslmrink fromsi fatea dot-i ? turrowecl
frcmwmi :
Woo fortune with your brightest suniles ,
Don't lt tIme wom-iti know wimeum yomm'ro
down ,
It pois your chance for tmmturo deeds
'I'o ( raune your ( mice witim dull cares
crown ;
Brace up , anti higher hmold your head ,
Don't let the 'world know wimcmm you're
Time world mviii bow in servie ! zest
To cisc who sways it whim mu frown ;
Toss up your imeati , amid miarim your eye ,
Doui't lot IlIum world know wimeum you ro
down ,
It scammthal's lii ) would seek to siaius
'i'tme name you hail us imoumor s cm'svn ,
1iy your own ife , refute time lie ,
Don't lot time work ! kmmow wimea you ye
down ,
It bare your purse. your heart most ? smtl ,
Your life umemur crusimed by sorrow's crown ,
'rimen unmilik timem mveli witim jest aummi msaumg ,
Don't let the iworld knew whexm you're
down ,
- -
Highest of all in Leavening Powcr.-Latest ( J S. Gov'l Report
DetVAI Baking'
iw Powder