- . - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - 3 - TIlE OMAhA DAILY JI : 'l'UESIAY , Al'IIIL 2 1 189L ( 100 tlelegtei , no ( IIPlOflt ( levOlopell , flu the peakor3 faVored organzatIoti ot the tato. Orent unanimity t1)pearecI ) to exist , dt. P. A. IS MICIL11' ( ( ) NV1NTIS. frIIIPIll J'lnrcIfu He IIiistIIe o MrICInLr. CINCINNATI , 0. , AprIl 20-Since last Thursday there has beei hero a secret na tlonal meeting of the supreme omcer an national oxecutto board ot the A. P. A. Mem- bavo noV rtgletere4 at notels. Many of them tOIICd at boarding houses. Among these present are Supreme President . II. Traynor of Toledo , iupretno Secretary C. T. Tleatty of Chicago , Surcmc Treasurer M. Ia. 1t'an o Ch'cago ; National Executive Commit. teemnn J. T. Thompson of Omtia and many others. omcern from Ohio nfld other state will arrive tomorrow anilVe0no.lay. . The irposo is confessedly political and hostile to fl McKinley for preeiilnt. Secrtcy wilt be re- nosel ( In a ( lay or two , Judge J. 11. 1) . StoveM of St. Louis , chair. man of the natiDnal advisory eommiltoe and chairman of trio prop&amla and cfltniaigfl committee. Issued a circular tolay to correct omo "mis.atatemento in the presi , ' the suhtanco of which Is : 1. The hotIiity of the oriler to McKinley i ; not ngnlnst him Ztf4 fl man , but against him for lis ; antipathy to the order shown in his appointments while ; ov'rnnr. 2. The order does not oppose McKinley In the ) orqonaI Interest of any ouicr candi. iloU's : it flghts no man because of his ro- liglon. t 3. The order made every effort conptstent vitIi manhood to reach McKIn.ey , without succe. 4. Congressman Grosv'nor's denial that ho reftisel to see the A. I' . A. committee nnd that he virtually insulted it Is untriu' . 5. All stntem'nts of Congre'man Liii- ton'a wltiilrawnl ) from the ennilidacy at St. L0uI3 are utinuthorized and they s'ere 'ont out by enemies of the A. P. A. to defeat Its aim , 6. Mr. LifltOfl is neither directing any movement for his nomination at St. Louis 3or mnklnr a personal effort in that ( lirec- tion. On the contrary the A. I' . A. recog- iiizlng him as their bailer and knowfng him to be to good "an American" to reftumie to do what the patriotic citizens of this country - try request of him , have taken him Up flO thc4r candidate before the St. I.ouis con- vention. Alt statements on this mntter not uuigned by members of the committee are Un trustworthy. 7. Ev'ry Atatement made by thm ! bourd and committee about the records of various candidnte , will be in the form of aiildavltuu. $ IIa'11l. ItAS A GItIL' ON A1..UhAMA. It'uiioeruit Ii' Coiuveuitiiuuii1uimuit Cer- lull , ( ) IIvrlnre for \'lIlt ( ' MONTOOMEItY , Ala , , April 20.-Time silver mon of Alabanma are in the saululio lucre tonight - night , 'rimey will control the democratic state convention lucre tomorrow , and It Is apparent they vil1 tulaco the democracy of thjmt state on a 16 to 1 free , coinage Ilatformn. Jocopim F. Johnson of JefTeran county will be nominated for governor by a vote of 356 to 1411 , although this does not repreocut or aimproximato the vote that will be cast on the free silver proposition. Iany 01 tIme Johnson delegates are sound m men , who supported Captain Johnson because of his presumed availability , good I capacity and valiant party service. There is undoubtedly a cifo majority for the 16 to 1 ratio , and uuileam 3mething unhooked for happens the plank yIh1 b inserted. lIon. John 11. Bankhead , coogresman from time Fourth district , will ireslde over time convention , and Iloui.FL _ W. l'ettus of Dallas 'will ho chairman of time committee on rcolu- tion. All of the mtnur state mcers will be renominated excepting the auditor ; treasurer - uror and comninlssiondr of agriculture. whubse tqfms expire in Iocember , and whose sue- ceor wlil b.namcd tomorrow. . . 'rIXAs IlIX1lITJS oi ocn MIND. iIIut-2miIii ! I'huutforiim Amlopteul zuimd Ielt'u.ruutis Co Uuilnstrimeeul. hOUSTON , Tox. , April 20.-'Tlio reform re- repubhicana ( iilywhites ) held their tate con- vontlon hero today with McDaniel of houston , chairman , , andW G. . . Ijortop , see- - ' ' . ' " ; rotary. . . , AU : notjons were adopted uniinlmou ly. ' o ' preldntiai instru&tiers 'wcr givn , the dtlegat s being prepared to treat with whuichevOr factIon 'will give .thueip recogni- tion. II. Al. McGregor of houston was elected elate chairman , and J. P. Noi'cOm of San Antonio , mecretary of state , executive committee. Time psrty Is to be reorganized , mind after the St. Louts .cohvention a atato ticket may be put up. The following dole- gatos-at-large to St. Louis were chocen : II. F. McGregor of Houston , L. P. Goodefl efFort Fort Worth , V , . N. , Norton of Dallas , and J. B. , SChmltz of Denton ; alternateo , Ii' . ' L. MundyV. . C. Averhli , C. N. Love ( colored ) , and Janes Dixon ( colored ) ; presidential elector - tor , W. B. Slooon of houston , and F. B. Scott of Paris. All are McKinley men. . The imiatform fivorm , bimOtallism and the . immediate cailiuig of an international moo- atary and reciprocity conference. PIaitN 'I'iIt'l' SUI'I'S liO'i'II I'AIlPIJS. IlIIioi , flt'luioertLt Ic Convemioui % % 'jiI im.et Si t I'eorla mum .111114' : i. ClIICAGO , April 20.-Tho democratic state central committee of Illinois today decided to hold time democratic state convention at Peoria , Tueeday , June 3 , by a vote of 21 to 9 , 'limo meeting wae coumiparativoly tame , as the contending gold and silver factions had their tilt before the conference began. tim- rIclmson , acrotu1ry of state , time ofilcial head of the democratic machine , vams there , amid had at. his back many of Coy- ernor Altgeid's fricndmi. Springfield made a plucky fight for the convention , but was shy seventy-five votes of a majorIty. The only crumb of comfort the gold muon got - out.of . time meeting wae the apportionment of delegate representation on the Cleveland vote of 1892 , which gives Cook county 362 dolegatce out of a total of 1,069. Title is what time hnti-silver .mnemm earmiestly ( lesirod , amid the 16 to I men acceded tO their request. stating that time ummoro delegates in time con- ventioum , the better It would ho for Altgeld amid silver , Ih'imiot'ruul Ic S'immu ors CLumvuiN. WASHINGTON , April 20.-The eemmato ad- journcmt early today in order to permit time dommmocratic venators to hold a caucus , which was hmehd in the democratic conference room. Time caucus was called upon the supposition - tion on time hiart of time signers of thmo ciih that it woulmi be competent for thmo caucus to decide upomm an order of business before time foal adjournment of coumgress. Time meeting - ing did hot , imowcvcr , res'ult In such ( letor- mination. It was even discovered that time recognized leaders eu time democratic side were of time opinion that both propriety and expediency demanded that time miomnocrata should decide upon umo course , until time repub. licamis should emmnounco thi'eir programmm , An. other commfcrence will be held after the ro- publicaims 4mnke their announcement. Vill lm,1nra' 'VhiItuim' ' or htu'ise'hl , PROVIiItNCE , It. I , , April 20.-TIme ileme- cratlc delegates of ltimodo islammd , wimo met in state coimvention last March to nominate caimdidatos for governor and other state offices , will rocommvemme tommiorrow , and with time e'inio organization appoint time delegates to reprCuumt limb. convention In Chicago. A imarnionloUs seasloit iii onticipsted , Time piatforumi vihi be brief. It will endorse the Cleveland umdmmmiumlstratioum and advocate the gold atnuudard , Time' mlehegation will be for Vhultncy of New York for llr8sldomit , with sxGovermmor'iihiamn l' , ltus3chl of Massa- : hmusttu as second chmoico. Sweet Moments cigarettes are time best. Try a package , Sold by all dealers. Constipation . Ontises fully hail time sickimess in the worN. It a rctain Umu digested food too bug in time bowels Mitt vromlmmces bihtouimmess , torpid liver , Intll. 'Hood's gumtloum , bad taso , coated touigue , sick headache , Iim omnimhmi , etc. hood's I'Iils cure constllmatlOn niitl au it.i resmmlt , eashlynimmi timorouglml ) ' . 2rac. All mirmiggists. J'rehiareul by C , I. ilooti & Co. , I.owelh , 1(1555. ( TUe only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. LINE UP IN SOUl ! ! DAKOTA GIanc3 at the Lilt from Which the Republicans - licans Will Ohcoso a TLoket. RAILROAD CONTROL TO BE TIlE TEST ( tiii ii hum lc.u (4) lie l'Iel i'ul hleenusse of 'Vim ' I r h'reul I I vet I nil fur oem Ammimist tlu' Crent 'I'rnuuspor- tuition laltm. SIOUX FALLS , S. I ) . . April 20.-Speclal. ( ) -Thmo reubhican state convention is two moontims away , but time politicians are actively engaged In making up time slate , Forces are being lined up in all the counties. and the "knowing ones" ace beginning to make pre. dlctiops. One of time moet promlmment leaders of the party in the state , who passed Smmnulay In this city , gave the following outline3 of time probable outcome of the convention : "Timero is every reason to behlove that thmo Pettigew flghmt will develop again at Aber uleon , mind wIll be there a war' to time finish. Time senator himself Is not. expected to be present , Imut imis hieutenammts frouum Mlmmneimaha county will be , and timey Imave deternmined upon a cou rae which wIll meet with strenuous oppoltion , They have made and are making - ing a strong campaign for raIlroad legislation , ammd their organ , tlme l'ress , reiterates that time railroad loiulmy is trying to dIctate thmo course of tlmo party In time state. The Minneimaima. program calls for the adoption of a plank pledgimmg time party to time passage of time Wimeeicr bill of two years ago , whmlch Is alma- P1Y time Iowa railroad law strongtiiommed in some reepects mmmd time nonminattoim of time full L't of state cIflcers , Including railroad corn- nmissioner3 wimo are imledgeul to help enact amid to carry out the law. Time city of Siotmx Falls and several otlmer towns vhmicii are engaged in a small jobbing busIness feel that time railroads discrimInate against them. anti they are strongly for this law. wtmich they mimmdc-rstammd would prcvemmt such discrirnina. tions and wnuld reduce iccal rates to the level of those applying to their competitors. On tlmo othbr imaimil neaI'ly every county in the middle and western dIvisIons , ammd particu- larhy in time Ulnek Hills , is looking anxiously for time hulidimig of more roads , ammd these \vill insist that thc' adoption of drastic legls. l'itlon at this tlmo vhhi postpomme lndotlnttely Limo reaching out of now hilmea. I bollevo that there Is no pssibility of adopting a platform - form enlorsing this drastic law at this time , though I think there is no doubt that a plunk vili be iimserted calling for railroad reXormn in generam. CANDI1)ATFS FOlt GOVFltNOit. JmThero are npv in the field fire candidates for govericr-hlcrrled of McPhertm , Rings- rod of Elk Point , Jeilcy of Clay , Greeiey of Deuci , halo of Don ilommo , and Ciltard of Ltuicolmm. All' 01 these muon are strong in thqlr respepIve.loVahltICm3 , hut It locke as if time real fight wiilconmo between Ilerroid and fllrmgsrud. Eacl of thm.e.otlmers Is imammmllcapped in some i'ay. though each is powerful in cimai'acter etid popularity. Rimigsrud jiimd hlerreld are Scandinavians. Time popuilata. are practically certain to mmomnlmiate Andrew Leo of Vcrnmiliton , . ( Umit it Is considered goad rmoiitlcs to oppose him with a Scanduumavian. 130th men are popular timrotmgh time state. and botim imave nmado excellent records in of- flee. Ringsrud is tittipoken ln oppociltion to Sndor .l'ettlgrew , while iltirreid is gen- erily counted as one of the Pottigrew fbi- lowers. He Is known to have time larger part ofthe Minnehaima'ulologatton. It. hooks as if tile imomnination would be a square conteat between the two fimctlons , and unless there is a violent cimange sihco the Huron county couivotlon , timlo would appear to give time pole to time man from Elk Point. "For iteutchant goverimor there are two declared candidates-Senator Foote of Brule coummty and Attorney Kean of Woonsocrcet. The latter , imowever , will probably mint make the race , for at the recent..aucuses time county wemmtstronglyuler II. I Ma3mev for auditor , amid one county cannot hmope for two offl.cer' . Mr. Fp9te hns behind imhmn Brule county. nd has mami friends timrougiout time state. Ho was chairnrnn of the iait senate appropriations committee , 'which cut ' 130 many of time state institutIons , and that has aroused a conolderablo oiipoltInn fromit time' counties affected. It seems likely that a dark horse wIll comne up , and there is some talk of Senator Wileon of. Fall httver , who was the repubflcdn ie.mder ui the last eanate. Foote Is classed ae a Pettigrew man , while Wilson Is on the' other sde. ! . "For secretary ot state there Is uiofloubt that W. II. Itedulle or l3rooklngs will hi' mmair.ed. lIe will get iraetIcaliy time unltoi stmength of both factions and I look to see Imini nominated by acclamation. Atilitor Thompson of hand is a candidate , but'hittle Is heard of him. icirtic PIIILLAPS HAS A CINCIr. "TJmre wIll be iractlcahly no oppotioo to time renomination of Treasurer Kirk I'imilhlps amid Lamid Conimnissoner ! Lockhart. No one has appeared against them and as it is the unvritten law that state omcers shall servo wo termus , they will Ito dduhit be rcnom- bated by acclamation. Superintemidont of Schools Crane would , umo doubt. receive the 531mb treatment , but lie was badly beatemi In his own county a few weeks ago by Wilbur S. Glass. who Is running for congress , amid It is hot often that a maim Is mmominated against time protest of his home county. Mr. Crane has made a most popular officer and has been urcnlrnously endprued by Limo State Institute and by a large proportion of time teachers of the various counties. So far there in no op- posimig candIdate and it Is quito likely that he will be renomnlnateti , thus breaking the unwritten law lii oim respect and keepIng IL In amiothmer. "At present S. V. Jones of Parker is time only declared cantildato for attorney general , though time friends of Senator Wilson are umighumg him for the pIece. Aa this 0111cc will imavo a great amnoummt of litigation aimmi time salary Is only $1,000 it does not look as If there wOuld bu a. rush for time place. "There are two pr9mnhlment candIdates for time place of state auditor. Ii. l. Mahow of Limo Letcimer Iliamlo is time anti-Pettigrew candidate amid John Longstait of time huron- Ito the I'ettlgrew man , Maimew has during Limo past two years boruo time weIght of Limo fight against I'ottigrow and free silver ; he is popular eyorywiiero and appears to imave tue beat of time light. Longstaff is also i ° p- ular , hut as he is a bidder ( or time state priimting and receIved it two years ago lie is regarded as somewhat hmandicapimed. AS RAILROAD COMMISSIONIIRS , "Another big fight will come over the rail. road conmmnissloners , Messrs. Bremmuan amid Commkhin having served two terms , will step down , Johnston of Davison is opposed by Minneimaha county , but iii hmopular with time ammtl-Pottigrow crowd , and seems likely to got the nomination for a second term , For the other two places the ammtm-Pottlgrow men have in thu field 16 , 1 ] . IComns of Splnk and J. J , Davenport of Sturgis , Timero are also C. I. MIltimuoro of hIanon county , who voted last winter fop time Wheeler bill ; A. F , 11cr- rick , wimo voted agaimmst it ; Jaumes Douglas of Miuier , who voted no ; L. T , hiouvimer of Ed- mnund3 , Colonel W , J , Timornby of Ilermnoea amid W , It , ilonedlot of the earno town , Time Itlinmielmaima men imavo hot macto known their cmdldates , but they will be nieui in thorough cympatlmy .witim time drastlo railroad ieglia- tlon proposed , "For congresa Lucre are four candidates , Congressman ( ] anmblo wIll be rononminatetl by aeclanmatlon , TIme other timrc , are Attorney General Crawford , Judgm Gardmmer of Dead. wood and \V. S. Glass of Wotertowum. Thmo iast named is not seriously ummsldered , and tiio fight vlli therefore conmo down to Crawford - ford amid Gardner , Crawford is a i'ettigrew , muman amid It Is believed that his nomination would arouse in all of Its virulence the controversy - troversy over the alleged Taylor compromise in whuicim mnammy pronminent republican liapers , aim well as Limo ummited oppozitiomm , s oreml him sevortly. Judge Omirdumer was in tme anti- I'etttgrow wing at Ituromi , is young , PoPular and lives imi time Black hills , As the latter section vihi domnanil recognition , amid as time popuilsta will have a hiilt.s cammdidato , proba. Wy Judge I'lowman , Gardner's chances ap. var to ho good , "Four Prcsldcntial electors vlll be mmarned , and as tiuina look aow two mra likely to be Colonel R. J. Woods of Mimmnohaha , chairman - man of time State league , arni air , Varnunm of Caimmpheil , Qmmq vlil oertaniy go to the huts. ' ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ itilt'l 'l'uulks ( it Clet'iumnd'i S'is1mes , ChICAGO , April 20.-Jamcs II. Eckels , eonmptroller of time currency , arrived hero room CIimciumimati today nd is registered at the ? &Imer house. ho.snlul ! his visit to ChIcago M for rest. Iii talking of politics , Mr. Eckels saiult "I do not know anything positive about. Presimlont , Cleveluind's mnten- lIons or wishen relative to the presidency , but my inmprem'olon ie that lie frele that there is no reason why ho should lie unwihi. lag to enter any prestmicntial campaign , " iCiialltI ) hl A I'IN J'iLICIC. Stcr' of a luuim.'hmost' humingimmntloim Cntimt'ul Ills intii. "In my opinion , " renmarked the college professor , who ahOso from the ranki uluirlng the last war to time losition of colonel , to- lates time Wasimlngton Star , "the Imagination of men dues more Injury to thia cause of courage than all the appliances of war yet dLrcoyereul. " "Iii otimer words , " caromed time Star reporter - porter , "it a maim didn't think ho wouldn't be afraid of anything ? " "Timat's about It , " adimmitteil the professor. "I had a temnarkable case imappeu , to immo muir- irg the battles aroummul Itlchnmond. 'I'imat is to any , it happened to another moan , but I Was part of it. It was on a skirnmlsim line anti I was lying behind a log witim two othom' lumen-I WAR only a ln'lvato tlmemi-ono of uiLoni was nmm inveterate joker , amid the ntlmcr Was one of time imaginative kind of soldiers , In fact , ho Was 50 ImagInative that ho was almost scared out of his wits , and when the bullets and shells began flying througim the woods , emitting off saplings , cllppiimg liimmbs all around mis and barking time top of the leg belmhmmd wimicim we lay ; I thought time follow woulil burst a blood vessel or go crazy , or do collie other fool thing tmnbecoming to a sd- dler. Tonm , time joker , noticed time maim's terror amut called my attention to It. "Themi ho reached omit and dragged in a stick cut from the tree above mis by a huh- let , and , fixing a pn Iii it , proceeded to lmavo his fuim , Time nmamm isas at time far end of our log , ten fco from 'rein , and I was Just heyonml Toni on tito ctlier side , ammd , I am free to confos , was nervous enough to von- mier at Toni's mmiamutmer at ucim a tiiuie , flow- over , I couldn't im&p watching his mnovemeumtS , and actually laughed tb'eo imini sihliimg Limo 1mm-poInted stick along toward the unr'us- peeLing vIctini I1a9ifg got it at the right distance , lie waIted 'for a sniaalmhimg vellcy of bullets , anti Just a it caine he prodded tii soldier in time ' back' wItim tbeiInmVohl , It vas really funmiy to see tIme chap jtmmnp and yell and roll over , amid t' both fairly hmowleml. But it wasn't so tummy when the man didn't nmove after Imis first startled action - tion , and Tom' looked around at moo in a scared kiimd of way. Ills surprise found cx- pression in an oath , aiiul Ito called to time nman. There was no answer , amiui he called again , vlth this same result , 'l'hd lie crept over to iilm.amid gave him a shake , That hrouglmt no response , eltimer , anti Toni dragged him arounil 'so lie could see his face. It was an ammimy blue , with thim , eyes atarlmmg wIde open , and 'the man was as dead as Julius Caesar , with never a iiiarlc on him , cave , perhaps , that one pIn ceratch In imL5 back. " , , , . , , . , . , , , , , . , . . ' . "I slwuid think your Joking friend could never have f9rgvemm 1imiiselt for that cruel Joke , " suggested the writer. "I'ni sure lie miever wbiikl lmat , " thmciudd tue profcssercaio 'roimi was a good tel. low and a brave ld1i'1i t lie mmover hind mooch of a chance to , for when time next volley came lie was on his knees boshdo uI5 dead comrade , trylngto do aomno- tiiIu for him , and his lmead was just hIgh enough abov& 'tub lo'g f6r a ulietl t& clip the whole top of it off. " - - - 1101)16 OX A STUIWEON. Au ExlrnmiafI'mui'.y1'Is1m' Stir Itciumfeil 1.Y Si Cltrg'muumtui. . , Among the many incidents of time olden' time timat interest uc now. ' Dr. " ' .1. Russell' hawkIns tells , of,000that happened. tp Janm's river at time fails of Richmond 'In the year 1779 , says time Richmond ReiLgidus Herald. Ito assurea us that many or time leading eta- ! zene of Richmond at. that time were eyewitnesses - witnesses to Ube fadt , 'ad' that io had it atraight from them. ' . It isas concerning MartIn -1-iaVk4ds , mm uncle of the doctor , This uncle wasa great hummtcr and fiomermnn. In those days Janice river was .wclh stbcked witit shad. In 'May thmiy came up from the sea , and hundroth of people fond of sport would assenibIi oil time rocks in mid stream , along the falls , and with dip nets would supply tnemnselvee with all they wanted. Our hero wao at imls post watchIng. for a catch when along camimo an imnrnomio atut- geon and stopped to rub his aIdes against the rock , according to the habit of. st.urgoons , vhemi h4r. hawkins conciuaecl .thmat it he could only got.hIaimands.-into.tha gills of the monster ho might succeed in landing him. Accordingly , he crept up to the side of time rock , stooped over , and began rubbing the sides of the fliii near the tail , and pro- ecedod quietly uii toward the imcd , until at last the gulls were reached. With a sudden thru.t time hand wait sent home to the very inner jaws of the fish , when IL gave a lurcim that Jerked time fisherman 'from the rock. Ho fell astride the fisim's back , hot his hands were held as in a vise. For a moment all was euprlse and interest , thep jotl fish and rIder sank In the deep , roaring waters of the flood. The spectators were nglmast with fright. They thought their friend was' lost. But , after a few mornemits time fish and fisherman came to the surface about 100 yards down the river. and remnalumed at time surface long enctzglm to breathe , then sank agaimi , A moment later they arosa again , and then again and again , as the waters bore timorn away. They ' passed under Mayo's bridge , half a mile from time tarLing volnt. I'eoplo along" th "sli r& 15cmtlimb excited and gave chase as best they could. In the meantime timofisli was beimig exhausted. and the rider had discovered it and bagan to trite to ateor for a sandbar , tlmon a little way below thmeumi , 'ThIs lie 'reached successfully. Amid imere , after a struggle , lie dragged imis tropimy ashore on time Chesterfield side of the river , opposite from the point of start- iimg Iticimmnond was then a small town , and in a little timD , this stango adventure was kumcwn to every inhabitant. An ovation fol- howeLl , The fish , which measured ten feet and weighed 300 pounds , was served up in a manner to suit ovoy taste , and the night that folloivcd this eplsomle was spemit 1mm hugh glee , and the distlumguisimed' adventurer was over afterward kmiown as Martin flaw- kins , time aturgean rider. This man died In lila 73tl year , at the resIdence of a friend , Ianlel Burton , about tomi miles west of Richniomid. - 'I'JtId GItItMAN L'OI'IJJaATION , Itesumlt of Ihie CemmHiis hteeentiy Tstkeum Ip time Idmumiulre , After a delay of three months time German Imperial Census department line given us time exact results of time census taken on .Decem- her 2 last. The London Cimronlcio's Berlin correspondent says the total opuiation of the entire empire , including Aimuaco and Lorraine , reacimea 52,244,503 , against 49,428,470 iii 1890 amid 41,058,792 in 1871. Timat Is to niy , the populatiomi has increased 27 per cent since tim estahhiehimient of the empire twenty-five years ago. 'flio , kingdom of Saxony iii Lute period imas increased 49 ½ per cent , Prussia 29 per cent , hlesse 21 , Saxe.Cohurg and Gotima 24 Per cent , Remarkable Increases are to be noted 1mm time population of the two free towns anti thmeir depommdommchea. hamburg , whmicim 1mm 1871 hiatt a populatIon of 33,9T4 , lies now 681,632 , and hiremnon anus risen from 122,402 to 196,278. A rommmarkablo Increase is also noticeable ium dune of the smaller states , wimero iroii and coal industries have recently been developed-for Instance , in time two Iteuss principalities , frn 134,126 to 198- 923. The increase in Bavaria is 19 per cent in time twenty-IWo years , in Wurtemnberg only 14 and in time iteicimeland ( Aisace and Lor- mine ) only 6. In time Prussian Provinces time utmost marked increase of population Is to ho found in Westphhhia , which now hiss' 2,760,250 , against 1,776,175 In 1871. TIme Rhino provinces show an increase of 42 per cent-train 3,679,347 lim 187k to 6,105,962 in 18m5. Time extraordinary increase In time population of Berlin and Its suburbs is worth noting , In 1811 the Stadtkreis Berlin nuni- bered 820,341 immhabitante ; in 1891 it had risen to 1,677,351 , \ VitI'iist the Ceumtuir Mnri , PAUJaS1IOlLO , N , Aprl [ 2Q.-Mrs. han- naim Chard , or "Aunt hlannrmlm , " as elmo is familiarly known , ceiebratcdhema 108th birthday - day at bra home at 1rcell , Gloucester coummty , today , There were present three eons , the youngest of whom is 60 ycare thirty-two grandchmlldrcn , eIghty-two grea grandchildren antI twelve groat-great grandchildren - children , "Aunt Hannah" makes her home with her semi , llundredmm of people imald their respects to the oldest woman in New Jersey , SCORESqO hARD ShOOTERS Annual Tozpent of the Nebraska Asso- dation Many Exports Together , PRACTICE Qjfl ( PROMISES GREAT SPORT h4eore's tiiti _ at 'Vm'uuriiulng Up Yeit'r- uiui' IIII ) leuule 1,1 % ( ' , . ScrnnmiI I i.iz for t1I' , , ( ' ) . in ( hue " " .kt.i11.5 'I'iminy , AL 9:30 : tlmia mnorning the twentieth annual tourmmanient of the State Sprtsmncn's umeso- elation openo imp at. I'arrnehee's now shooting park , across the river , That the iuiaumgural of the veek's uYpCrt % viii be auspicious is a foregone concitmelomi , as time nttemitlmumco train abroad Is atreidy larger titan ever known imero before , anti will be largely augrnentcml today nmmtl tomorrow , Ammiong time celebrities lucre thus far might be mnontiomictl Paul ft. Iaitzke , wimo reprecents tIme great eportemmman's journal , Forest and Stream , of New York. Mr. Lltzko , Wimo line had almnost unlimited experience in timis line , iii esaluting time local nmanmigenient imi conmluctimmg the totmrnaumment , lie nmakes time , national circuit every year anmi rends in complete scores of all time shmoots to Forest aimmi Streani , Mr. Miit F" . Ltntlshey and wife of thmo King'v ' Smokeless I'owtier coompany , Cinclum. neLl , imave a tepee iiltclmett en time grounds amid are rccipiemts of uimtmcim attcmmtiomm , Mrs. Liuiduey , who i moro familiarly known front ommo end of time lani to the other by time miorn do flucrrq of "Wantla , " is a capital L'hot imersehf , mmliii will rtrticihiate iii several of the races this week , She is a better imigcomi cimot , however , timan at targets , and many be ceen in a , ilve bird cantest emi time final ( lay. "Waumtiatm' im a smiember of the New Jerooy Trap Shooters' league , amid on one occasIon , at tlm state simoot , led time ocore. She toqk hart 1mm time last Grand Ammmcrican hmamidicaim at Long hirarmcim , and wiIle the was not Limo winner , slme bad the satlmyfactiomm of. uutshoating anti outstaylng tue famous' Aminio Oakley , another womuami celebrity wIqi time hmanmmncrleam' . Time inlnmitabhi Tout Kellar of Limo Ummited States Cartridge conipammy , No York , I Olso a veteran in thu trap ulmootitig buciness , and is aiding anti abetting Limo mammagonient hero. Toni imj arm old sportIng editor , a lirighit , gemmial versatile , gontemami , equally s'cil kumowmi In all parto of time world , from Gowamiums to time antipodes. Ito iii a flue ahmot with tmhmogtmmm , rIfle or mouth , and one of time moot popular Sportsmmmcn in AmerIca , Then there is , 11db 0. lieikcs , the chmdmii- 1)100 target sb4t of tlmo worid , layton , 0. ; Champion Clmim'ilo Grhmummi of Clear Lake , ha. ; Frcmi Gilbert , holder of time Liupont cimailengo cup , frommi SpirIt Lake ; Ciiam'uie Dodd , cx- chaniplon of America ; time blg-wafsted A. G. Courtnc.y of Lefovre fame ; B. A. Tucker , time Parker Dma. 'mntmi ; .1 , M , Ihmggluis amid fl. I ) . Trotter of Iinpley , Ia. : C. A. Youn of Springfield , 0. ; , Gus Decker , , t. P. BIgeipw anti Ned BrownIng bf Ogden , Utah ; Ihoim. Thonmas Marsim.hih' t Icol1lmzburg , Iii.V. ; . C. Sergeant andi.tTr. Kinmouith of Jophimi , Mo. P. Ii. SnowItDrbdliyn ; It. A. LeaCh , Tripp , S. D. ; W. . Du8r HastIngs ; Colonel Sat- imow , Lincei ; flchard Merrill , MilwauImuo ; "Ammnlc" Hogr. ! linccium ; It. 'mV. Hammailton of tJanvasback Io'dj Nob. ; Samum Ilofrnian , At- milLIe , In. ; JIM w DOn of 'Wild Ilorso Can- yen , Nab. ; Chiarie.i Harimlims of Moncith , 'Ia. . and scores ' PLEAS1i 3VITIt THE tOUNpS. Tue vimItlngspqrtsinemi put In time .yiiole mlay practiciml-tt iie imark yestertliyamim1. tea a maim they flrPqomnce the greum1a time best appointed aombet , equippcdiu' tIme mountry. l'aul LItzko qntl , Toni K lIar , time New Yorkers , werpr.iattlcuiariy profuse In , theIr lratses , and lrpthu pedipt some great averages hpforo t1m ivel , , o , mi. , , , , 1'Tho practI shooting yesterhty , was of a high chase , ( l pite the stIff w'ind..tiiat blew 'across th fle ] . aihibiy , and , wlmlie herwas ( P9k a t'lnglo jjtZatphtt in all Qf time , , Stveeps" shot , Parmehee stmuek , a 90 per cent gait and Deer was but a. notch bghmind him. i\e it was the , hiastipgii mitan ivi.a tlmo money winner , pulling omit four "flrsts" without a tie. Par- mueheo mIeod limit thIrteen birds out of 140 ahot at , nail Doer tblrteen out of 120. Last. night time entries were taken In totlay's oventa at. the Paxton cafe. 'Imere was a mob of dhcotera on hand , as can well be imagined , when ! t Is stated that t1mer. are from forty to sixty entrIes in every , , race to ho emot ? this morning and afternoon , Tonight the annual meeting of time associa- Lion , in conjmmnetion , with a meeting of the Canto and Fisim. Protective ansociatlon , wUi be held in tue cafe of time J'axtomm , OF 'L'IIINN1'itS.tL ( t3LRS LIAGUid. Boston Defciut4 Ilumitlmmiore In a "Ft iume Coim I es t. BOSTON , April 20.-The largest crowd that ever assepmbeul on the Boston base bail grountis witnessed a poor game between - tween Boston qnd the Baitlmores. The crowd In the omtflcd was so great that a rule was made that , a hit into the crowd was go'd onhy , for one base. Title un- cloubtedhy added to the tame omature of tue game , and also to the large number of runs the Bostona made , 'rue gomo was caileti at time end of the eightim inning to allow both teams to catch the train , Attendance - tondance , 18,033. Score : Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 8 1 7 0 0 1-21 I3altimnore . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 16 Hits : Boston , 28'tBaltimn'ore ; , 8. Errors : Boston , 7 ; Datimnore , 6. Earned runs : Beaten - ton , 14. mwo-baso hilt : Collins. Stolen bases : Hamilton , Long , Lowe , Collins , flannon 2 , Doyle. First ba.e on balls : By Nicimois , 4 ; by MaIns , 4 : by , MeMahon , 4 : by hemming , 1. lilt by pitcheui ball : fly NichOls , Keeler. Struck 'out : fly' NIchols , Eeeer ; by 11cm- ming , Long , ' l'asseti balls : Bergen 2 , Itob- inson 2. BatterIes : Boston , Nichols , Mains and Bergen ; Baltimore , IticMahcmn , 11cm- mning anti Robinson. Umpire : Lynch , INDIANAPOL.IS. April 20.-Indlammapahis , 12 ; Clevelmmnmi , 7. BatterIes : Wailace , Cuppy ant ] Zimnmnem' ; r'Imihiips and Wood. STANDING , OF THE TRAMS. Played , \\Tomi Lost. P.C. Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 66,7 cevoland : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 66,7 Pittsiurg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Plmilamleiplmia . . . . . . . . . . . 3 66.7 Waelmington . . . . . . . . . ; a 66,7 Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 &oo Clmicinmmati . . . . . . . . . . . 4 60,0 Cimleage . . . . . . . . . . . ; , n , 4 60,0 St. Louis , . , , . , , . . . , . , I 50,0 New York , . . , , , , ' , . , , , , , 3 1 33.3 Baltimore , , , , . , . , . , , , , 4 1 25.0 LouIsville . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 i 25,0 Gamncm today : , ( levolnnd at CincInnati ; Boten at Baltimore : I'iiiladeiphia at New York ; LouisvIlle .at l'ittsimurg ; hirooimiyn at Washington ; Chicago at St. Louis , ANNUAL IO'VA F11ttD DAY. 'p. Stuuto ImuteruujitJciuuul Athieleiie Asso- cisu tIikmtt1'i.iit. mtrrn , mgci , CEDAR JtAV4I3I Ia , , AprIl 20.-Special ( , ) -Timo annual flhil meet of the Iowa litter- national AIimle.ie jssocIntion will 1)0 held at Mmirsiialitowfl , May 29. This event was scheduled to bmbrougiit oft at Amnes. hut time Iowa college botAadecidcd it would be to the advantaga othe associmitlon to take time nmeet to"tlin'mshmahltown , hence time change , : I 'i'i This associafqn is composed of seven of time leadink toh1egos 1mm time 'state , viz : Iowa coIIegei Grianell ; State ummiversity. Iowa , City : Jotvm.gricurtural college , Ames ; Drake uni'erSltI' , Pee Moines ; Cornell eel- hege , Mount dS'i'ndti State Normal school , Cetlar Fails ; 1JIjiar'Iosya untvt'raity , Fayette. Rigitteema eVtmmlttmizare Schieduhet ? for the field day , iimciudimmg si'mntiiig contests at 100 , 2')0 audi 4iQ.yuj-.t1abhieus one-huif and one mile runs , oneptntkiSwallc , 120 and 220 3'aidms hurdles , one-half amm l two-mile bicycle races for imitereeulegoe , championship , broad Jump , imlgh jump , hOp , step and Jump , pole vault , slxteen.poufld umbot put , muixteen.pounmi imanumfler thmrOiv mm bal $ game between two of time coliego k4ms and a gymumusiuni emm- tertuinmnent in 1im opera. house in time even- , railroads imave granted reduced rates for the event amid a jargo crowd is antlci- pated , _ _ _ _ _ _ Ilt'sui te at Irorsytime , hid. FOItSTIIYI3 , Intl. , April 20.-First race , six furlongs : Winslow (20 ( to 1) , won ; Man- tell ( even ) , second ; Bustup , third , Time ; ° ' race , four furlongs : Belle of Nibs (7 to 2) ) won' Ethel F'arrei ( out ) , secoimd ; aim Itenitn , ( imird. 'I'inie : 0:53 : , 'rhmird race , six furlongs : Gomor (6 to 1 , wcn ; Amuimlanti (3 ( to 1) ) , second ; Ettio ' 1' , tlmira. Tinmo : 1:20 : , Fourtim race sIx amid one-unit furbommgs : Blacking Brum4i (10 ( to 1) ) , von ; Otime (4 ( to 5) ) , second ; Alrtimohmt , third. 'rIme : 1:26 ½ , Fiftlm race seven furlongs : LIllian E (3 to 1) ) , woui' 1rankIe 13 (3 to 2) second ; Teeta May , thlrt'i , 'limo : 1:8m,4. : Sixth rmmco , six and one-halt furlongs : helen It. Gardener (1 to fl , won : Onmmlttskrt 1:6 Roconl ( ; Camifleid , third. TInio ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ittC1fl 'Z'ilhlLi ) 'i)1tit'I'Ii IN 'l'itN fl.tY' $ Iiit'icy .7i' I'osthuiei1 ' : ( I ) ( lie NeTu'- lion 'rruiek's Y let hiss , ( 'INCINNATt , 'O. , Airli 20.-Time first tntal accident on time new Queemi CIty Jockey climb's eoimrm.e ocotmi-reti lii the third race at Newport today. Time u-ace was at ft mile , ivltim eleven starters , , lockey Joe Foster of lime Irelanti tires , stable was on Tinhorn , who had time rail. In mmmnklng the turn at the flrstitmarter Tinimormi % 'nM jmumimuiieti into time femmee mimul foil vith the 1)0 % ' tmiiticr lmlnm , Foster was carried to omit' o ? timi' tnblc tint ? afterward to tIme imopital , whmere he dIed later , his face was Imoi'ribiy crtilmed anti he received Iiiteruia injurIes. lIe wn niouit 0 years of age anui ll''ti at Nmt"im- yule , Tt'imn , In time fouirtlm race Ikizetta , lrrankfort Girl nut ! Mriel , M timrew their riders at the 1)051 , hilt imomie of time Jockeys vero homIly hurt. Gartluier catrletl oft the ( 'lilimig honors , wbnnhuig live of the six races. Five fat' . rites and one i'conmi choice womm. Time 'weather was fine muiml the track fast. Attenmianco , 3i)0. ) liemitmlm4l ( First race , ; nirs $3.0 , six ftmriommgs.n : - mmotio ( I in 6) ) won , Ciuticlitir ( I to 1) ) ecoiitl , Cashier (15 to 1) ) thirtI. 'Iliac : 1t5. : Secomiti race , jiurse $ .00 , four furlongs : Teumipeat ( eveum ) t'oui , Snug (15 ( to I ) ccoiitl , Tmaveier (3 to ' 1) ) thlr'l , Time : O:49 : , Third race , Purse $350 , one mumble : Sidkei (9 to 20) ) , won , Muakoinne (3 ( to i ) i'cond , lInrienhurg ) ( C to i ) timird. Time : 1:42. : I"'iirthu mace , imtire J ® , four anti a ha.t ftut'iomtgs : Kan Essa (2 ( to 1) ) 'wonVoeml - litwum (15 ( to 1) ) st'conti , Ellen Leo (3 ( to 2) third. Time : 0:56. : Fifth race , seven furlongs : \Vhyota (6 ( to 1) ) won , J6iisabert (6 to 1) ) second , ilulimert (1 ( to 2) thiirtl. "h'imne : 1:2S,4. Sixth race , ceiling , lumrse $300 , seven fur- iongs : Cyclone (3 to 5) ) won , Ammo (9 ( to 1) ) second , Uno (3 ( to 1) ) timim'd , Tinme : 1:2'4 : , 'l'iml'iit 1)ors ' , S'ehl at liu'imijhi Is. MFThIPII1S , Temmmm. , April 20.-It 'sas aim- otimer day for favorites at Momitgoniery patiO , live or six of the races being caltturei by strong tlrst choIces , Jim Henry in the fiftim race v.'no tlm exception. 'rhe track was fast , Results : ' First race , pumse , $200 , for 2.year-oitls four furhimmgs : Suismmn won easily , hiiltzen's ister aot'ontl , * Lord Veeni timii-tl , Time : 0:51. : Second nice , purse 100 , for 3-ycar-oltls and till 55'Cfl ftmr'omigs : I' orget womi easily , Tttly Dieftml second , Hiberniru. Queen thmirti. Timno : 1:30 : % , rhulrd race , Leuhcrmnnnn hotel stakes , for ,8-year-oids , one mile , so'j : ; gunrantod : Itondo i'on 1)3' 001' ht'imgtii , Frontier eeomitl , St. llel nn. timird. Time : 1:41. : Fourth nice , selling , Purse 300 , for 2-year- ( 'itl , foUr furlongs : ScrIbe won driving' liv a neck , Mencrditlm secommml , Albert Vao thIrd , 'rime : 0:61 : % . Fiftim race soiling , iiurse $100 , 4-yonr-oids and tip , niie nnd a quarter : Jim Henry won.by a icnwtii , Little Tomn secommti , 'loin ICeily timIrd. Time : 2:1214. : SIotii race , setibmig , nurse $250 , 3-ycar-olmis mmml up , one mile : O'erella WOmi handily , Albert. S secomid , itosemnore timird , 'l'inie : 1:4114 : , _ _ _ _ _ F'buit' Il'iuciui'jj out' iIt'mmmuiiign , W'ASIIINGTON , .Aprll 2m-Itatimer a still crowd eiiJoycd some firat class racing at ' IJennings today. Weather clear , cool ; track fast. flesuitm : FirM race 'Purab $35 , for 3-year-ohmic antI up , five fu fomugs : The Swaimi (9 ( to 5) ) % 'oIm. i"tI tot'um (2'tm' ( 1) ectmd , Play or Pay (10 ( to 1) ) tlmlrtt. TIme : 1:02 : 2-5. ' Seeon'l r.lt'e , purse " $100 , for 3-yeor-oids nnd tm. soiling' , one mlie : Cimugntmt (5 ( to 1) von , Tamnoko (6 to i ) second , Live Oak (7 ( to 10) third. Titan : 1:445 : , Third race , ' Arlington stakes , fat' 2-year- okis , nurse $1,000 , halt mIle : Stmcceasftui ( even ) 'won , 4KIttie' 31 " (4 to I ) second , HI- tinmimly (10 to 1) ) thIrd. Time : 0:50. : ' , Fourth race , iO0. for 2-ypr-old" , selling , bait mile : Joe linynimmn ( even ) won , Russer (7 ( to 5) ) itcepild. Yankee 1ImIrers (10 ( to 1) tiilrd. Time : 0:50 : 2-5. Fifth race , $100 , for 3-ycar-olils amid imp , mile and lifty yards : Iloundsman (11 to 5) won , Volley (2 to 1) ) second ( Sue Kittimi (7 ( to 5) ) , timlrtl. Time : 1:47 : 2-fl. , Viimimers at' lmmgli'slde. , ' SAN 'FRANCWCQ , 'April 20.-Today's .rc- suits : ' ' ' , First race , sI .uumrongs : Governor Dtmdd web , Arne second , lmIiss Ruth thIrd. 'nine ; 116. Second race , . five .Jurhongs : Mount Roy won , Easel secmd , Crawford timirmi. TInie 1011A. Third race , five forione's : Adam Andrew wOn , Dolore second , ' Scdrbrough thIrd. Three : 1:02. : Fourth race , one mile : SIr Play won , , St LCe Second , Miss l3runimel third. , Time : 1:4011. Fifth race , five furiongs : La Mascota won , Tim Murphy second , Mtdho third. Time : 1:01 : % . Sixth race , six furlongs : Belie Boyd won , Elmer F second , Daylight third. Time 1:15. I. ( s Wins PSV ( ) C.nimtes. SALE1 , Mass. , April 20.-Two huntird people wItnessed the billiard contest in thIs city tonight batween Sclmaeftcr anti Jves , and Garumlor. In the first gable , that of bahlc line billiards , Ivea defca'ed Sciiaffr as foiow : Ive-5. 11 , 1 , 9 ; ; , ISS , 2 , 27.-'l'otal , 300. Srhacfter-1 , 0 , 83 , 19 , 51 , 91 , 2-Total , 250. Ives' imigiteat run , 153 : average , 42 6-7. iichaeffer's hlgimest run , Ot ; average , 35 5-7 , The second game was of cushIon caronis. Lyon wpq : Ives-0 , 4 , 1 , 33 , 6 , 0 , 15 , 5 , 12 , 2 , 6 , 0 , 1 16- . Total , 100. GarnIer-O 2 , 1 , 7 , 16 , 6 , 5 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 0 , 0 0- . Total , 40. , . ' l'iuml lsiumoi.tim Atliittbe Ciui , PLATTSMOUTII , Neb. , April 20.-Speclal. ( ) -The , Plattsmoutlm Atimletlc club Is tile miame of an organization which proposes to foster legitimate sport In thus city in the future. It was orgomized Saturday nigimt , with Sana Patterson aim presIdent. John Murray as vice president anti 1)ick Wmtugim as secretary. A two-otory buiilmling on l'enrh street Imas been rented for use as a club house. atiuierbciuim 1IeIs time Afrienii , LONDON , April 20-There was a large attendance at the National Sporting climb tonIght , the CVcnt of interest being time contest - test between Steve O'Donnel of Amnerica and Owen Suilivami of Soutim Africa , O'Don. mid boat Sullivan In ten rounds. p Cramutcel it SEnT of Eeciioii. ( ICANA'S cITY'APrIl ; 20.-A pecIoi to time Star from Jerfernon City , Mo. , says : Frammk Harris and Foster Pollard , the Kansas City murderers , were granted a further stay of execution ly time governor this morning untIl Friday , May 16 , 1896. Tinie Is extemmded to give thmo governor timim to cxammmino time ap- plicatlomm for cumimmutation , p - Muurried mit itoimolimlu , SAN FRANCISCO , April 20.-The steamer GaelIc brings news of time marriage - riago at honolulu on Limo 10th inst. of Lloyd Osborne , stepson of time hate Robert Louis Stevenson to Miss Katherine Durham of Springfield , Mo. MIss Durham imas been a student at Stanford university for time last two years , Arrefed for mm Old Criuume , MEMPhIS , April 20.-George B. Rogers , a lawyer , who ha.s been in Mempimis six montims , was today arrested and taken to l'omiscot county , Missouri , cimaigeti with murdering a constable there in 1890. Itogers ia saId to be well connected , WeMakeUj1- - , - = -i- ees E1I redge BeIidere. They are the LightestRunning Wheels on Earth and Strictly High Grade , Wa AIwnys Made Good Sowing ? vlaciilnes I Why Shouldn't We , Make Coed \Vheelu' ? QUALITY GUAflANTCCD THDCO1 B RECTOR & W1LHELY 00 , , Agdllts , OMAhA , NIBS. HhTONA1 SEWING MACHIIIE 00 , , IIELVIDIIRH , uLLS , NEBRASKA CYCLE 00 Omaha Local Sales Agents TIIUIISTON ON CllhIlSl'htN 1'tli'Ii , Niitnhit' Aldrespsntn eotifereiuee ( lii Ilu'ilgiqmjs iliii'i I iOu , "i'ASIIINUTON , April 20.-Time first eassion of time flrst natIonal congreems of reiigioims etl- ucatiomm vita imelml tonigiut iii the Now York Avetnumo l'reshytrtrian church. tieneral John Eaton presided , The theme of time eveming : was "flehigioume EducatIon smith National Pros. perlty , " the m'peaicers beIng 10ev. W. 11. Mu. burn , the hihuitl chaplain of time United States senate ; 11ev. C , R. ( Irammiumiem' of ilaltimoro anti Senator J , M. Timuirstorm of Neimraska. The latter delivered an eloquent atltlress , Ire. qumently puncttinteti witim niplaumm'o , by time cii- timtmslastbc amid appreciative audience. hl siutti that the botly of Anmerican law- yore , almost without exception , wore sIheere believers iii the truths of the ChrIst- Iamm religion , They mmiigiit hot he reguinr iii attemulanco upon cimurcim , nor freqtmeimtly 9ieatl time e'tuse of Christianity , hut none Limo less , lie said , time ) ' imonestly believeti iii these prtmmciples , imccammr'e time knew that nil law was franioml impnmi time Mosaic code. lii' be- lictvemi ium time overruling providence of God in time affairs of nations , and lmopeui that It imm'gimt iO tauughmt the cimlitiren of time Unitemi States , There cmuiul be , in the s'anator's opinion , no tmatioummii prosperity separate from the intitmenco of time Cimrst'an relIgion iii time ilfo of the nation , Time only enenmies of gooti 'governmmmemmt , lie said , were Immorality anti crime , lt'ntiing to aumarcimy. There was no ached for either of these agencies of tie- strtmctiomi in thu. imonie of time family profe.s. 5iumg the religIon of Jesums ChurUut , The sess'omms of time congress will continue over Timtmrsmuuy. p ANNUAl. CONCIaAV11 OF' 'I'll llOSOi'iI V. I'riut'i null llveimitnlle lime Selt'ctluiu of it etr I'reslult'uut , Nlt\ ' YORK April 20-TIme Theosoplmlcai SocIety in America wIll imold Its mmmmmiunl con- dave in timis city AprIl 26. Tlm imrbumcipai event at time coimiiumg convemmtbon will be time election of a mmew luresitlent hum iiiace of Mr. Judge , reeeumtiy decead , Many timimik Dr. J. I ) . Buck of Ciimciumnati iviih be chosen presIdent , but there is said to be omie obm'tache 1mm Limo way , Time hrathqumnrters are iii Now York while all of lr. 1luk' hmmtercstmi are ceumtered in time place of his resIdence amid hue says un could imot move. Arrangcmnemmts mmmighit be niemie , however , imercby hue commit ! be represented at imeatiqumarters by Clautie Falls Wrigimt , ivimo was amerotary to botim Muiie. llhavateky anti It't. Jutige. Dr. lltmchc iii a pimyslclaim of mmoto anti for many years ivas dean of Pumlte Medical cohlegs , Clmmcin- mi'itl , lIe has bca a member of time exc'cumtive conarnittes of time eaclety 1mm AmerIca for many ynirs and last year ' was elected vice iresldemmt. Since Mr. Judge's death hue hutS been acting presIdent. Next In importance wIll lie the e1etion of a i'Ice imreikiemmt. Dr. Jerome' Amuhersan of San Francisco nmmiy be miammmed' for thiI office. lie also is a himyslc'an , anti corn- pletemi imiE' ttiticstlomi In time metilcal depart- macnt of time University of CalifornIa. Ft. August Ncrociieimncr of New Ycrk is treasmmrer of tue socIety and . will dotmbtless lie elected. The hirIuicinal mnetIng will be. imeiui in , time concert hall at Madummomi Squmaro garden. After that a receptIon wIll be gI'ei at i'll Modlromi avenue. where tlmii society has Its imeati- quarters. IdIW'Ahii ) SW1iRNY OtIT OF 8IiIT. iat'm1't't' Ills 1iitt'l for ii 'uiik niuji N'vu'r Ciuues iiiut'1 , POMONA , Cmii. , AprIl 20.-Edward Sweeny imms been missing from Pommiona for live days and his friends anti time pollee believe that lie immis been killed. Search imas been made for the rnislng mami sInce last Tuesday without result. ' Ssveeny 'very tail ahd spare. about 45 years of age He came to I'omnona last January for his imeaitim , Ito smid he hind been a nowe'paper' nman in New Yoi'lc miimml Cli- ! cmgo and showed several letters of introduction - duction frouum imrOmninent eastern journalists. 'rwo stramige nmemm called at the European hotel out Monmhiy evening who seemeti to be Oii frIends of his. Tngether timq three wemmt out for a walk amnorg the erange groves. Sweeny never came back. For a day or two ' it woe , thought ime had gamma to Semi hbege , but vhmen Friday cani mimmul no ' wqrd was heard from him , Laumfilorti Coyle amiml Sweeny's friends put time matter in tiio bands of time police. Telegrams and letters have been sent out descrIbIng Swceny and askIng Informimation am , to imls whereabouts , but if the earth hat ! swallowed himim up his disappearance - ance could not have been more complate. p itbot Iii a. ICiusismi' , Tovmm. TOPEKA. ICan. , April 20.-Governor Mor- nIl received a tlimpatcii tonight masking that troops be sent to St. John , Stafford cbUnt , to quell a ? iot. Time dfrp'atcli as signed by the shieriff anti county attorney. The cause of time ulisturimanre ivams not stated. The governor ordered AtiJmmtant Ganem'ni Fox to tiroceed to St , John at once , takimig with him the comiipamiy of militIa at Newton , General Fox left on the mIdnIght train. - p Itt'IenseI froni ti , e hIriulesa'ehl , ChICAGO , April 20.-S. 11. Ijibbemm of California president of time Arizona Sandstone - stone company , was released from the Dridea'eii last. S.'uttmrdmty afternoon by order - der of Mayor Swift , hlibben was tmtken iii charge 1w Mrs. Ilotheinier , a nebco re. .Imiing 1mm Cimiemugo. She deumbeml that Mrs. Flibben had be t her Imu baid when i-lie found I hi' . , was iim time llridewell , . FEARFUL FORCE OF' A FLOOD / Great 2ociy of' Water Rushes Down Pitir -q Oreok O.inyou. DISASTROUS WAShOuT ON TIlE B. & M - unit mu ) iIlO ut 'i'rnm'ic Cmmrri'th .tlvn- I , , ii 'l'orrent 'iuieiu ileummis Steel Jimu I is ii r 'I'iuuuugit 'l'huey ere i'uiui l'iiue , MOOltPi ItLI ) , Ncb , , April 20.-Speciai ( Telegraumm.-Timo ) lice corm'espomitlent 'ieited time cemme of time wasimout emu the ii , & M , road femur miille' , west of Farumaimi aimmi fetmmith timat time thmunago to thuo railroad irolmcrty far exceeds mummy ( tic.i entertained befuro time full extimt of time effects of time storm were realized yesterday. At time lmoit wlmero tue greatest daumingi occurred Limo track follows a ( heel ) emit , startinq at time cuiti of l'lummn Creek canyomm , Time terretmi of water mute through Limo canyon with fright. fuul velocity. Wimeut it rc'acimed the imoini 'hmero the canyon lntersectms with time railroad time current vas tilvertetl timrotmgim time deoi cult , Time railro.iui track , ties amid roadbed is cro sisept ( lown time strcmiin iiho 90 liiUCb tin ft wood , At time west omiml of time cut the topograpimt of Lime couumtry ehmaimgcs nurtultiy , almd imistoad of a deep cut there is a fill imcvumity-fivo feet imigim Smith 200 feet bug. Time emiibammknient was i'nsimed conmpietely away. The steel rails were bent niud twIsted by time violence of Limo flood as if they were so umiany pieces of head , anti big tiratuingo tiles weIghIng 1,000 iiomiuida 'erc torn otit of time groummtl , iii wimicim they were originally buried seventy- five feet decit , amid vaslietl tlot'im Limo canyon for 'a distiinco of 400 yarmis. All trmullic Is , of cotirso , iliSpelluled.'rcck - 11mg crows are at voihe 0mm both emimis of the washout , About imalf ml , umihl of the roatibeti lies beemm washieti away , buit Limo 'reckimmg crews viii commstruct a tenmperary track for iuuimmmetliato use. ' All ivestboiimiti traiumm , are stopped at Curtis , anti those eastbound stop at Ftuistin , Another smaller washout occurreti betwean AtvOoh and Ihoruimion , limit this has nireathy hmoi'tu temnpormurily rrp'uired. IYONS , Nob. , AprIl 20.-Speciai-Time ( ) heaviest rain of time season foil lucre inst niglmt. Time graiuuiti is wetter miow tiunim it hmmms Iti'eim for three years. Time sitie tiitcimes are nil full of stammtihmmg water. Smmumhi grain in all sos'n and many of tue wheat flelmis ionic green , It is Limo boat outlook for crpuu iii mmmany years. 1hltit'l'lt.ND , Neb. , April 20.-Speclal.- ( ) IL has rained 5.16 lumchmes hcre'since April 11. Suuuahl grain Is grot'iiig fine. EUSTIS , Neli. , Airii 20.-Sptciai.-Tiie ( ) l'ardest raiui for years fell at thIs iiolnt last ' oveniimg. TIme railroad bridges mire list safe and trmiimma could uiet got further than this point today amid thmemm rettmried to hloltirogo. Thuer are sevtrah rasImm1uts betwecmm thIs point and Moorcfleitl. A hard wintl last imlghit bmw doitii a large nummiber of wbmitiumiiihs anti small buildings for farmers soutim of thi , place. GIL/tNT , Nob. , April 20.-Shtecial.-It ( ) be- gami sheeting hero abommt 10 o'elnck Tlmiiretiay muigiit an.i tlmrnemi to mimi toward Friday mn&rmmimig , continuimig nmoet. of time tiny. lo than one Inch of water Imaim fallen thma ra tt'emmty hours. SClUI3Nhtlt , Neb. , April 20.-Spe'chni.-A ( ) imiavy st mruii act iii last nIght , one of tiu imurtlest of tIme season. Mucim rain fell omit ! most of it wihi go intq tim ground , ' as 'time weathme ; is very cobl today. GraSs and small grain are coniiumg ommi. umicely. Stmuriui 1mm , , JEFFERSON , ha. , Apri 20.-(5pechmii ( Teiegrarn.-Thmero ) sas a cloud immmrut item about 2 o'clock this morning. 'An imichi 'miumd omio-haif'of % vater foil 1mm about imait an hour " it Lolurvblle. hall broke every umiimrotectemt vlnm1ow facmig Sotithm , and at Ohiurtlmin soy- eral imumimired , , pneswera br,0en. , "uasim0Ut2 i am'e reported west. , ' LIJNA'I'IQ CII6tJS OUT A OIIU1LCIS , AlLnouilleeut tluuit time Serviet. is All n It'aurce ii iu.l % ' , mves a Gui , , OAKLAND , April 20.-A. luinmitic with a suit cleaned omit nearly all tiio wormilmippera in thio' First 'Unitarian clnmrcii last night. Time mmiadmnan , wimo gave time iuaiie of LOwlaua , Porter , went imite time chmurcii as soqmi as service cornmncncCd , and toolo a seat alongsIde - sIde the aIsle , about half way toward the altar , Ills5 nervous 'nianumor and peculIar mictions engaged the attention of several mmi mmibers of tao congregation from thme'first. At the conclusion of time hiymim time stranger rose ( toni imls seat aumd wmilkctl dowzi thmo aibo , umitil ime reached the altar. A lie walked down lie said in a loud voice : "Timb Limbumg he all a ttmrcc It Is a imdnbug. Now I want to imave my say , and It womi't ' be t'ei1 tor anybody to attempt to stop me. " As Porter finlsimoml lie fiourlsimed a revolvOr , nit was qulckhy disarmed , Time lunatic was Lurmied over to a hiollcommian mulmmi tite service was contInued , "THE ACADEMIE DE MEDECINE OP FRANOR HAS PLAciED Apollina i-is ( "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS" ) AT THE HEAD OF ALL 'rHE WATERS EXAMINED FOR PURITY AND FREEDOM E'ROM DISEASE GERMS. " _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ . . . . . - - - ' - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - --------4 bite Washing 0a 0 0 ' U I Done /7 , ' , , ' , . ' : : - 0 ' ' ' : ' ' . ! I Everywhere P' - 0 with jJ e 4 : i ( SAN TA "so : " ' 't . . , 'r. * ' t . ' Si1 ; 0 0 CLAVS v 0 4) 0 ) 8 OA P ' i" " ' , f' ' . ' . ' d 0 _ _ e L5t ; . : ' ' All washing I not white washiiumg , ' ' : m all sean is not Sauita Claus. 4) That bath-frIck tint when seen iii ' ' 4) cIoth , iilway nroves that they ' ' ' ' ' 4 : are strangers to anta Claus $ oap. : Tay It. Sold everywhere. Made by " ' _ S THE N , K , FAIRBANK COMPANY , - CHICAGO. - - _ _ . I REESTONI hG OTt Wb.i Is deubi isu to eus Cs , iivvou , DthIs , I.c , , of 5.uusI l'qiuv it. imhj. 14 ; ) , . Ipisncv . , , Mpby.Vsricoc.i. , . . . au , tbc , u.sanea..j , fju isy ui. , , , 54It. Puus. iiu1 i.cI.d .4 Lvii vmgui qisimki7 : smmscd. i ( , , , , , . . , . . , . . , , . . iiegiud suds , . . u.dt tbmsa . . . , , , f.usuiy , , MuiieJ iuy.k. . . iud . 1.u f .u d Lou. Cu S so. Wi 4 weeka . II.UV.1t In sudsi 1i ugh gu.ussi.o I. csI' i gusuito ; s. sausor , RUG CO. . 1513 D eat i.e I.