- - - - - - - - - - - - - - I : Mo1rAPR1r I i IoRR1SON ON TIlE CURRENCY ror Bimetallism , but Believes that an International - tornational Agreement i Necezsary. THINKS TIlE PEOPLE ShOULD DECIDE TItclt CnItiMp1 ! titllliI t. qpre r NIIurzilkiIi Tisriti I lint of IItaii- cII'rM unit I Iii ProfesMIoIIsIL . 3T. LOUIS. 4\pril 19.- % . apcIaI from Washington to the flopublic iys : William : it. Morrison of IIlinol , who , in the OlfllOT1 of mafl ) , may becomu a prominent canlfhte ( ( for the prOldeticy , ws asked tolay what wtro prospct of democratic harmony on tlio Round money qestlon at the ChIcago cc , wenti u I. lindouhtedly there will ho a tlivIlon of opinion , " replied Co'onel ' Morrhon , 'hit the convention should find harmony In tue will of the majority. " . A to his OWfl views of thc qtiction upon whtcli the convention Is likely to be at variance , he saul : "It appearn ( hot half the convention-may b more-will alvccate free silver coinage- : to 1-which , as thIngs now are. vill speed- 4 liT result In sliver beIng our only money of redemptIon. It woulil retire gold as money and love U9 On the sliver haste. Ve would . have , temporarily , fewer dollar ani thcx3.3 very much bag valuable an money. * "I'art , maybe a majority. of the conven tioti , will press the admlnttratIon Plan of nlherlng to the single gold standard and re l tiring treasury notes , lho dIver dollar to ho .1 kept at par with gold , as now , and for use lii inialler transactIons. Gold alone i' now a toc norrow and lniiIllclent money laela. , , Wo have borrowed by sale of lenIs 58OOO , 000 eeli year of thl alniititstration to keep on as we are going. Undar the iulmlntstra- tlmi plan , the national httflks , to keDp their money good , would need to upply golti when demanded , as the treasury (10CR nOW , at the public expnse. Au oftcn as hard tlina overta1e : it ! , hueInc'3 wreckiiig would set In , time for settling would ha upon us and the property of the financially weak would pass to the strong. "If I hail my way about it , I would , as I saul in the act repealing tile Shermati law , continue the use of both gold and silver as standard money , whieh has becti so often declared to ho Urn democratic pallcy. If how this is to be 3'ott are going to ask me titne , I say frankly , I (10 not ace the way . under existing circuinatances without the cooperation - operation of other countries. and this en. operation I see no Immediate prospect of ILavo you read Secretary Carlisle's Chi. - _ .ago-apotdi ? ' was askctL , Yes ; It Is a discussion as to the effect . of depreciated currency on the wages of labor. I do not believe. and doubt It any- bo'Jy does , that a depreciated currency Is a , geOl thing for labor or any other Interest. Mr. Carlisle has SUCh Intellectual strengift and balance that it Is sometimes difficult to tell on which side he Is of the line be- j tween 'hat is and what Is not. " ° iIr. Carlisle ( Ilscuses the evil effects of .1 16 to 1 silver coinage rather than the good we may cpect from the administration mor.ey plan. It Is difficult to keep up with the administration ; It so often moves on In the direction of the demand of the thrifty In finance. I would ho willIng to make as the democratic policy or platform the ( ICC- igratlon made In the law repealing the Slier. man act. "This wa , voted for by many so-called silver and anti-silver senators amid members and was approved and slgncl by the preal- dent during thIs administration. Such a declaration of purpose beat inflicates the way to the prosperity and progress of our people. But any policy under our government must respond to time popular vlli , which slouid ( , not be irhitrariIy overthrown. "To insure such a policy counsel should rather betaken of the ,7eOples ropresonta- ttvbs than of a bunch of financiers , who maybe be- learn d In their craft , hut whose counsel utay haVe the bias of selt-il2remts. ' SA1S COl.flsSAflO IS P015 SiL.Vlft. d Ex-Olinirsimitmi rIIilli SZIyM Ills Sgst1i vliI NIL1 Vote for Gold Stitinlitril. CHICAGO , April 19.-Among the arrivals at the Auditorium annex Is Grifflth the late chairman of time republicart state central- committee of Colorado. IIu Is now manager of two daily Papers pullIshed at Leadvllle , Cob. , and is en route home frqm a trip to Waahlngfon. The followIng interview was llal with 1(1(11 ( ( regarding tlc vlitical situs- tion in Colorado. "how do 30 ( ( tlminlc Colorado swill vote tide fail ? ' FOI sIlver. No candidate for president on a gold piatformn can carry th itato. Tile party that declares for frau coinage will carry tile state by a large alajority. "Do yomi think Senators Wolcott and Tel- icr vili ho delegates to the republican notional - tional ° 1So far as Senator Teller Is concerned , I can state positively that ho will not be a delegate. Tills , however. s of his own choice , lucaiieo if ho wlehetl to be ho would have the united and unalilmnous Support of - ( lit' party. I make tills statement ubut 1111(1 ( hot beloga ( inlegate after a , vorsonal jilter- view with Senator TlIcr.ts to senator Wolcatt , I can state notlilnj , from lmoronal knowledge. but I am informed by reliable authority that lie desires to be a delegsto providing hIs mlutks on thu Pacific railroads committee will vormit of his absence from ! Vnshington for that length of tine. " 'Io YOU thInk Senator Toiler vlll support tile nominee of the republican party -for Pros- idemitV' - " \balutely , no-if that caldilato is running - ning 111)00 0 gold standard Platform. " ' , \vuil not a succcsor to Senator Teller to dm0500 by the legislature elected this fall ? " "Yes , tdr. " I it tIle candlilato of what party will be seek re-election If ho does ut support the republican ticket ? " : 't lie desins re-election he svill be the candidate of tue leOlliO 01 Sf10 state and there will ho no lluetioll of his election. 'The people of Colorado repect aiil honor liiit both for his nobleness of character and iltCiJfllstIleCa ( to the interests of tile state , aimil there is iio honor within theIr power tlloy would notgiudiy bestow upon him , " 'I'lLt ) UliII ( JtLtltll ) 'l'O l'Oid'lICS. It , , . CIt't'Iitiaal % 'i I tops im Let br Comi- i'eiiiiiit : HIM 1)iNliiiNMllI. NEV YORK , April 19.-The . ' .Vorld this morning urluts a ( lispatch from Rev. tiioveland. brother of l'resldent Cleveland , giving a detailed account of the clergyman's troubles viih his parishioners. The dL- patch savi : Cli1'MONT , N. Y , . iirii 18-There is no roomli ( Or dOUit that underlying nil thu trouble in the Chiumont Presbyterian crIurell , wideli r&'smlltcd In moy dimimissal as pastor , ii ; PoliticUt ligotmy , Sliotilit you cLitvainl tile viliatu you woud learn ( rem us cltit'mis flInt tllflt iS tilt ) true state of , iUnIr , Tile gelmerai , I il-ilght say the unt. VCl'fli olilnioll. Is that linilties iiiitl very . xnhlol tO (10 with tIt' , trouble , I f the % VOiml ( * ild cofl'lllct ' , flf a ( ( ICtiOll 01 my eungrt'gaton vL Icli Is OI1IO5e(1 ( to 1110 111001) nimytling , that 114 certzitniy the case , In ( net. SilaS WILl ; tlte formal COnhitllflt mnatle tO Ill ) ' face hy a c'oniiiitieO of 1111(1 ( oploMing fnclion. VlliCll forlmlnP ) ' waited tilloil hue ut the parsonagu a little nioru than a year ago. 'l'hey caine to eoiipliiiii Of B Granil Aroly sermon I had penvlled. whirh was lInt ICI'Ordillg to their in s. 'I'll' , ) ' bRld that I did not mnale sutiicielmt nl'misiun to the lob scar , amil ox- iiresse&l sYflIPathil' ( t)1 mu hecaise of iiiy hieing conn't'te'l with a comnmnhinity svlth whose IioiItical VitW 13 I vas so imiuch out of joint. Tile elokeslliaIl ( or tile COnhlltittCe 'n , an ehieiiy guntlenlan , vlln i the Iiei ( If a iIailing family of thu oilliQitioli , Con- atst'nt with iiICII ( ml ( oriilal cOnmplnint to me with regard to my lIlttlcs hOVe been a variety of camiuai utterances ( role these SOnIC prtIe5 , I have boon on the rord's daY and inside my church dslgilnted as na CIII coiperlleal ) by the leading man in the opposing party , That same ( hail at an allnU.t ! ilurcl ( meet- IJII' reduced his Pew males. ailtglng tariff relorm (13 ( lit reason. and that was shortly Ileforts the visit of tile eoninhltm'e referred th abot'o. Ills complaint of too mimuch tariff rAform 'was made In wrlting , I had sup. posed that all was kmlot about me , and e'peclaliy my ; ioiitie , beftire I came hero. Itut 0110 day in mmiv own tioulie. soon utter I took charge of 1110 church , the renlaik ras made that it it had bUd kiloWn tliut I coa a dmnocrat I % VOmlld never hse beemi appointed to the parish. It vas ohio said by the sanv person that it was sumpri.ing to know that any man could be a .14'mo'rat and a clirist'rtn ' at th amo tinle. nnd that it has been stipposed such a timing was Impoihie. Tht remark may have been made lmtirtialy in ji'st. , however. Some onP. I d nnt know who , recently ox- pr'ssel ( 'atisn'tion tilat "tIlbi ne.t of .1cm- corals vnn nimout to I.e broken tip , " In the light at these facts does it not appear that politics hail touch to do with the trouble ? 1 atn 'orry to be nsked or indileell to ny these thingi * . It seems imecessary hint I ehollhl , however , RInce tue political phax of the matter ha boon do- fllel ( by those 50010 opposing partleq , tile denial puilislmed broadcast , As for myself , not even my worse enemy will ny that I ever iii tIle least ileirr'e di'cused any pt iitical subject in thu Pulpit , I tie not reniembar eIther of having iiseiis"tl Poll- ties in thIs village outi'iie of the pulpit , My church and congregation are nlmost mnan- lniousiy republican atid a majority of them amlhore to Inc In sPIte of politics. It iloci not follow , however , that the opposition imac not a lOllticrii basis. I t ) ma , but the dliii. Ctlity 19 hOt drawn on poiiticul ilne , It cnnes fromn a few of time most radical relmmlblicaima. I might add that another grotmnil of complaint against me , made In 'a f rmnl way , is my general conervntlvclmess particularly in respect Ic , the matter temperance. Time family leading the opposi. tion to Inc Is COti'llCtiOlS ( ( for its ruilical views on this sllijject. I have been corn- plalneil of by these Bitimie Pron. for inak. log alleged drives in the Pulpit. I CUII emily cay that my vrctcliiiig : iimi been general in tohie (1(1(1 ( ( In tUlle , general gospei preaching , anti it Hcens somewhat remarkable that the gsiel truth should provo offensive to any ( nhmmily. I illtVe 1eefl conmekus of emily omme tIming while in this parish. That is a desire to vrcaclm time gOiel truth. I have been very pnwliilng to believe in Christian men audi nmotiVes as have eriiieimtiy actuated thloac participating in tills opposition , ztntl Imotim- ing hut what seemed to ba a providential occarion today wCul.l have Induced me to make thl statenieimt. It immmnt also be an. 1cnowietltoml that in a secondary way other causes have operated to provolco the opposi- ( lou especially certain old socIal enmities in time congregatIon vitii vlileli I have not ayimipmtumlze.l . 8iitlicientiy en one side or the . other. ThIs OIlOsitIO,1 ) , hn lieen carrl.'d on by private sollcitationo for mm ierlod of two scars. Th aainc' kllmdM of iniiiiemmco have liceit Used effottmali ) ' against illllllentlal mm- lHters of neighboring cimmirelmes , I iimvc Iitttl 'evernl orer to leave imere lthmiim t le liast aix months , btlt I have reflll'Ci thorn beCause - Cause I comisidereil it my mIlIty to remain until the Ufliloaiatlt mmmatier is settled In iint I regar'l the proper s'ny. I have 110 p10(15 for tile future. \v1 iL1AM CtR\'EIAD. lLtVI 1.lt ItNll ) .t Vt LLt 1ib1 I.lSSON L'Oi'it . r Sliinati.iii.ud listres Not .v I C Ii Oil t I 1 ( ' 0(1 ill l ( ' ii M ( ' . NflSYORK. . April 19.-Tile Montauic club of llrooklyn last night gave a dinner in licimor of Chauncey M. Ijepew's birthday. Around the board were .gathercfi many of the most diatingulahed citizens of Brooklyn. Dr. lepew , who w'as the gle't ( of honor , was called upon for a speech at tue cluae of tile fea.'t. The tintquo feature of his ad. dress was hI reference to Grover Cleveland , Speaking of the president. he said "While I differ widely from I'rosldcnt Cleveland orm almost every' part of lml public policy ; while I think hmts theories , so far as tlmey have beeim practically carried out , imavo barn dia. eatrouo (1(1(1 ( ( if wl'tliy carried out , \auld hmave been fattI ' . - our lndurtries , n , , theiea , iii l.e fronknes aelhe fairemesm at this platform - form , It Ia due to himmi todmy to say that the rout of tmo : free o'nagu of sUver i o"cy aimd the cncrgiilg of Jie natlo.ti codi : by time triumpim of ) U'l ( m'ouuy ( lIe rnm'rc largely ( lue to lmi throwing fin thmat sIde , witim magnificent co'lra.e ' amml ability , the whole strength and power of , mls great oikb and of hi ailminintration , tlun to anything else. 'W'hulb we have had a period of tlistrcs which hma brought so much suffering to millions - lions of imonmes , and while the cost lisa been more than that of a disastrous var. yet the suffering has not been in vain , and the coot has not been lost it It shaH have gained for us in education by diocussion and by the experiences of our people. the death of the absurditiea of poulisimi and the triumph of that saund immonoy currency wmmlchm hali keep this the grerit trading , businee and cornmner- cial nation of the world. " AiOIJ'L' 'l'itiii VICE ' ! l'ltflSl lINCY. Aeeldent Pr.yt'M i lie Nei'l of Fl thug It YitiL liiiItiglit lnui. Men chosen as vice presIdents have held thio chief office no less than thirteen years. ten months andthirteen days , 'or appraxi. rnateiy ono-eighthi of tIle entire presidential term. There have been tmenty-timree presidents - dents , one-sixth of whom have been accidental - dental presIdents , says the Cincinnati Comn- morcial Gazette. The great prize is the presidency , and political as well as geograpaicai conoddera- tions prevent tile careful uunolderation of tIme second place till tile first one is dls- ilosetl of. There is the hurrah and hulla- hobo Incident to the success of time fortunate - nate candidate , anti loss attenlon iS Paid to tIme second name than Imiatory or forethought - thought would StIggeet slmOuft ( be paid. Sciontista hold to the law of averages. It was time bold ( hictumu or flucklo 11(51 ( , a tinmo might conic when history could be written in advance by iiinm who had niactered time details of life. Facts are too f. yet , the preldentlal line Is too short , to warrant - rant the deduction of any geimerai law. And yet time lumpressive. lesson or imltory is that too muclm care cannst be used in mhoctiomi of the second oman on tIme ticket. The administration - ministration of three out of four accidental Ireldents has been followed by time victory of the OhlOSitiCim. 'I'O SINI ) IIrlC..t'I'lS ' 1' (1 1 ? ! ' . lOUIS. Vhi I t tII cii ii 1.1 I cmi 1114 ii S 'I't-xns I to Sit I IL Full I'iogitIoii , HOUSTON , Tax , , April 1t-The wimito ye- publicans of Texas meet heru tomorrow lii state convention to elect four delegates-at- large to thuo national coilventloll at St. Lumii and to arrammge plans ( or time future to yes- cime time party from negro ( lolmllnailoim. There 'ill be about 100 delegates in attcmmcianre , among them half a dozcim negroes m'lmo arc ilontiiled ( With the reform immovement. Time delegates-at-large wili ho four of time most Promniliclit ropubhicamms in thou state end a lmarit contest vili he' macIc for ecata at St. L.oiils for a full linlegatiOfl of thirty votes fromm'm Texas. Two of the delegates will be Congrcslmoan : Noonati of San Antonio and Ii. Ii' . Magregor of houston , Tl ! executive Calnmnittee htold a meeting this aftermioun and agreed on Ioelc McDaniel for temporary cllairnmau 1(11(1 ( A. B , Norton and \V. S. Nevins as temmiporary vecr tarios. This is tlio first convention of iilywhtte9 tci tvlllehm ( ielog.1tC14 have bteii regularly elected. Tue 'oto hIss iimcreasel immaterially since the first nominu- tion and the leaders are lsaimguilmo of masking a good siioyIng. No instructioims wilt be given deiegates amid they will ho loft free to acLas they see fit if seated , JlIiIIi'14 SI mirgis 1li. lie . 'i hiimol utcil , NE\V YORK , April 19.-Regarding time res- Igmiation of II , Ij. ( Jodkimi as a comnmlsaiemicr of- tile New York civil service supervisory ioarml , the aimimouncement of sne appointment to time vacancy of James Sturgis , rcpremu'mitn- ttvo ir this city of the Cimirago stock yards , and one of the' fotmimdem's of Cheyenne , Wyo. , II , ircnmature. It is stated in otileisi circles that Mr , Godkin has recojninendocl to Mayor Strohig time aplIOifltllltIilt of MT , Sturgis , Mayor Strong mmow hmas the matter tInder consideratinlm aimtl friemids of Mr. Godkin and Mr. Sturgls assert tllat till' npmintnmont will soon iti otlicialIyantiiinccd by time mayor. Ri I islili rg 1)e1en I 1III fur l'si I tipinil. PITTSI1URG , I'a , , April 1P.-The democratic - cratic imrilmmar.1e3 ( or oleetloim of delegates to the state convention were iieid yraterday. ThIe flghlt Wilich decided time whole dclegatiolt was iii the Iittlm lcisiativo district between the Ilarrity atlI anti-Ifarrity omen. It was a varmn contest aol resubed in a victory for Ilarrity. TIme result of moo lirinmaries is U big Imonmu for ex.Govcrlmor Pattison for ires ideut. Tue entire delegatIon. thirty-one in nunmber. selected this evening , will go to time state convcmmtion instructed fur bmimn , jts.im1citmiptts liIt'gait's hit' iLiisMeh I. flROCiCTOVN , Mat's , , April 19.-The 'l'u'olftlt congressional district democratic con. yultlon was ileid hero yesterday. lion. W' . 14. lommgls of thle city alid Joseph L. Sweet were elected delegates to tile Cillc3go COO. S'entiolm , rile convention ilmstructod tile del. . gates to vrosont tile nahIlO of ex-Governur Russell , and to cast their votes for him eo 10115 as 110 basaciianco forhho llOninatiOIm , Oht'it , : mluetliiw of iliiiiotnliio iijiiii , At l'atterion ball Saturday was held thin first opemi llmt'etitlg of tile Ormmalma lii. mllctaiiin union , a brnnrll of the notionai titlinim , Mr. Gibson , time clmairrmian , said that one of the emlmjeeta of time general orgamiiza. tlon was to ( ethize btmtaiic ! sentinment on a candidate to be imominated ftr the presl. t .iency , WllO the acceptable candidate was was not stated. A dim'ctis."lon of time money question followed , J. J. l'otmts optimitig with a long address. i'roii I iii I ifliL h'iegntcs hl'et.I. 1JOSTO , Almrii 19.-Time prohibition state convention last night eiecte(1 delegates to tile national convention anti hmetrtmcted thom to support thio nornln'aticn of , jeehmua Lc'er- ing of lialtlrnorO for praildellt. The dele- gatec at.large are ilowarit A. Giii)5 of floxbimry , Rdward iemmdahl of Camimbrillge , Alfred W. lticimardromm of Springfield atmd lion , Jethro C. lrcck of New Iiedford. A list of district delegates was aiso prepared by tile commIttee. hiros'iiIliV : 'i111ii ; tin tt'h for ( iligi'l'N' . NAllVll4LE , Teun. , April 10.-A special from Inoxvlhie to time American says : Ito- ttlrnu frommi 111 out of 181 elctitl precincts insure time mianmination of Walter I' . firown- low for ccimgrem by reptmbiicamm vriimmarles held yesterday in time First district. Tmi'ii ? efl' ' , , rLers Vt. 1,1st rmmeteii. MIDDbRTOWN , N. ! u , Aprii 19.-At the congreesicimal convention yesterday , Congress- maim Ii , II. Omlcli'of Newburgim , amid 'Vllomias v. Ilradioy ofValmleim , were elected dde- gates to St. Lotlis. 'rlmcy were hot instructed au to presidential candidates. Iiri'iil4i tiiiuii rs to Li'miml. KNOXVILLR , Tonn. , April 19.-SpecialS to thlo Tribune from nil precimmets of tile First congressional district indicate time mmomrtinatiomi of 110mm.ValtOr I' , flro'nlow , re- publicaim , for congress. There were th'rce candidates for time noimmimmation , " - -v.tlL hI'STihtY. Qmmniiit It'ttOI ut a Sildtcr Classed an mm tes'm'tor. Tilirty-tlmree years ago Caleb L. Jackson disappeared as nbL.aluteiy as if time earth hlad swailoweil hIm , writes \Vasltington correepondent of the Iiobo-Demmmocrat. lie was a irivato in a Now York regiment. The troops were rnakimg ! a ilard mmmarch frommm Manassas to Gettyabul'g to head oft Lec'v army. Jaclcsom wa In time ranKs when his commlmalmd started ono mmmorntng. That night tilero was (10 response to his name at roil call. The nmisslng luau was mnariced "absent without leave. " Themm in a few days , a e did not reapon1 , ii was uir'i.eI "deserter. " From that ! a7 t. ' Cr.ts . Jackscn has never hoem f.eard frcrn. lIla miercendamits conic forward - ward with a prayer to congre to renmove the charge of desertion against himmi and they offer as evidence that the record does lminm gross immjurtlce this quaint and querly spelled letter , time last immesage ever received from imini by imis faimmily , written only a tew days before ho disappeared , leaving no trace : CAMP NEAIt FALMOUTIL , April 11 , 1S63. -My Dear Companion and Chticircn : I set down tlmia evumng to write a flea linea to you to let you know how I am. I am well at preasant and I hope thoes finn lines wlil find you all time same. Henry is as well as um'oual. I wouid imave writtemm to you before thmi but as our regiment was omIt on picket for time last four days that. I have not had emmy oper- tunity to write to you time idys Norman amid Checter aru a gaining very fast so that they are a going to nmovo nil of our sik once ( roam our Dlvielum \\'aeh'ngton or I'lullidelfla I do not lumor , ' which so that Chester and Nor- nman are a going ai'ay ironi Us to Morrow anti aoi im'e are under immarching orders to start to nmorrow nmorlmimmg at B o'clock for the Battlefield sonic whare but I know not whereas ivould write a flea lines as yet , so I thought I to you this evemmimmg por1lai' . it immay be for the last time but whether it is or not is may lot to fail a victim cii th field of Hattie I nmean It Imahh ho paycd that I fell at my post In defendllmg my Countryes wright. I know not when I shall have a oper- tunity of writing to you again aso ur Mail has stcpd a comimmg or going frommm us I had a chance to end this by elms ef our , amen that hui got. lila dlcchmarge and is a going honme to mmiorrow immorrming and I simali write you agalli if God Spalrs my life at toe flrst-chance I can get again you may write to lime just when you have a mmmlnd thlare may be , , sonme clmaimce i mall conmimmg to us hut I cant tell but I dent vatmt you should fret or worey yourself about me for I stand just as good cimanco of may life na cay other- man and amy pralr is to God that my unprofitable life that I may again ace you all agal but if I never nmore meat with you hero op Earth amy prair is that we may prove faithful te God Limit We may all meat again In heaven. Tell tIme chmiidren all to , strive tobe good and to give timare harts to Gcd whIle in timare youtlmfuhl days that if they never nmore see tharo father here 0mm earth that they meat him in heaven tell Genttey far me thlat I want mdme should try to love the Lord with all her hart so wimen I hmo3r from you all agaIn that I may here that you are all enjoying time love of God in your imarts. Chester promniLed me today that wheim ho go to tIme general hospital lie would write to you and let you know whiare ime was so that you can write to imiimm so that you will know 110W they are gettlimg aiommg I h'md a letter fron OrlaIm to day he write that they are all ivell. I expect if we dent nmartcim to morrow that the Paymaster will ho here to morrow mornIng aild if imo does I will acrid you immy 'Money llommmo as quick as I can do so. So I mnUet cloec by bidding you all 000(1 Nghm Pray for mime this is frcnm your Husband C. b. JACKSON. To Lavina Jackson and Cimiidren. Dim'cct time same 0 usual. Tile commgrcsstonai c9(6'.C0 conchtmdes th'ot t ! ( gl.a (7jj t'rote such a letter 1151 ] "a chatacter whch was gmmaraimty against any idea but tllat of ( lentil in service. " Tlmis Is 0110 of time cases strammger tilan fiction with whichm the recordu of time war abound. Tile laws regarding union soldiers are broad and hlberai ; yet timey offer no provision by wimlchm Jackson's memory nmay be relieved of tile etiguma. Time nman who marched beside imini renmembers that Jackson - son was taken sick one day and tried to get excused from duty. Faiing In that , lIe kept cit tmntil lie fell down by time roadside. Time regiment , pqse1pp. Tile theory of Jackoomm'o conmrades is that ho died and was hurled as , unknown. , But it i all theory. Never after that day ime disappeared ilave any of thmemmi imeardeo much as a rumor of what becaimme of itium , A scarchm of the volummmimmous recordo of the War department falls to disclose any evidence of doatim or burial or any' clew as to ills whereabouts after the ( lay of disappearance , Time nmys- tory of Caleb L. Jackson has remained un- solved. $ sa'e.i ; by a Cat. - This is time story of a cat that saved his sister. The cat's mmarmme is 'I'omn. Ho belcngs to Janmes McDonald , and lives at 24O Fell atreet , just at the 1moin , , where th panhandle - handle etrip of 'park lammil broadens into tile- main reserve , says tile Scim I"rancisco Ex- otmmm ill e r. 'I'ormm is saul to be of timi3 Maltere"ariety , but cue wouid never suspect it. lie is a very ordinary lookimmg creature for a high-bred' cat , Time bimcic and white latCimes of fur on imium are ( latributed ! i'ithotmt tile slightest regard for artistic design , lie is larger thmcii mmmoet of hlle kind , but chunmsily put together. Then , also. he has sometiming of a reputatioim ( or general ( iiSl'eiimtalllemmcso out of all pro- Portioll to the large immeasure of heroi.ern just found In 11mm. I' Time Iife-eavimmg iimcidopt occurred a few ( lays ago , 'Fime kiteimen was tile place , and the time was about dawn , A fire was etarted imm the .tove very curly , and time door of the oven , ilmich had been slightly ajar , was cioed , 'l'tm rl time fire was left to take care of itrelf for awhile , 1mm a few ilminute. , a plaintive hiowi sounded froum tile room. 'Foam was in the kitcbeim at the time 011(1 ( manifested alartmm at once , ilo begaim investigaticims amid found that his sister was locked iii the oven , 'rilera WaS a wnrnm blaze in tile stove at tills time , and it ivas moammifestly a momlment for acticn , Torn knew tide aimd irent about it. The people of the house were not present. hut McD.Jlmald happened in just as time big Maiteso lifted the handle of time even door withi Its hams' and nmaimaged to swing it ' open a eV inches , Iii anothqr lfltdulI timQ im. hlrisonell cat , whim aimmged fur aqti feet blistered from the heat , sprummg frpni the mven and taeaod about on time floor witlm yells that startled tile wimois household , 'roam assisted Imis fehino relative to the yard and stowed her away somowilero until OhIo could recover from tue frIght amid Paul of time ovemm experience. No ume has yet been able to i'nmh her , and Toni is keeping time matter a secret , - - - 'i'rOIlIM Iii I lift ii imsi imI'N $ Yorld. MIT\S'AL'ICEI' , April 19-Time Commway Cabilmet company Imiado an misslgmmnmont to Charles \V , iurrls yesterday- Time assignee's bond was flxeil at $150,000. Time commmpany mumammufactured lmmumltiems , cabinets , etc. JOSLTINI'1Uit ' RIIIT ; OF' ' WAY Banktnpcy'Bh11tLiko1yto Bo Pttsbod Asitlo 1byOther Buines3 , HOUSE PRORI IS AN INDEFINITE ONE A himImt'i , "if'lii. ' 1'i,1 ( if ( i.e Si'pipiluz * is 3imtIti ? 1It'miier Am'ti'e On Ileiiiilt'f 'l'leir I'its'i.rite Ii Ol ti II res , WASll1NGTO , April 19.-The program for the coining week in time Imause is very Un- acttled , Mr. llemmdersc.1 . , cllalrnman of time Judiciary commmimitttee , imas gIven notice timat ho 'iil catl UI ) lime bammkruptcy bill for cotr simleration \Vedmmesday aimtl Thursday , but thio apprcaclm of time cud of time session has made all menibm-s Interested 1mm prtictiiar legislation very active 00(1 ( from mmow on there wIll ho much jastlimmg and crowding for time righ't of way. IL seemmms probable that Mm' , ilomderson vili ho crowded out this week , at 'east ' , First of all , Mr. Cammnomm. chairnman of the aproprlatiomms voiimmnlttee , Is determined to push thlrommgh the gellerlil deficiency bill , the last of tue smmppiy bills. ' , at time earliest me- imment , cud ne apprnimriatioim bili are prlvilegeml 110 can be kept OmIt only by a vote of the lmouee. As time imowers in coimtrol are do' slrous of fmmrtherimmg everytlmimmg iookilmg to an early adjuurmmmnuit , they are iii full synm- patlmy with hii , lnmrhio'c. lie does not expect the deficiency bill to consunme nmore tlmamm a day , or two days at nmost. Mr , Pickier , chmairmmman of the comnmmmitteo on lmmvalid pen- sidlE' , is very mucim imm earnest imm his imurpoe to bring ill time general imeimsion bill reprte1 from Ills committee and lie liltemmds to urea-i it at every opportunity. With this legislatiomm alt'o the mammagors of thle lmommso are in symu- 1)0th ) ' . Timere are in amldition several contested - tested election cases to ho disposad of. There La a Particular desire to dispose of time case fromn time--Fifth Alabammma , time report - port on which unscats Judge Cobb. TIme cimammces are , therefore , agaimmst time bank- rmmptcy bill this iveek , Tommmorrow is smmspemmsion day. hills of time hank'umg ammd curremmcy comnmittoo , public lands and Ilotuibly time Imonsiomme comnmittees isili be brought up , SENATOR l'EFFEIt MAY YIELD. Time proceedings iii time senate tomorrow probably will open with a cotmtest for rlglmt of way hietwean time appropriations comnimmit- tee nmmml time frlemmds of the aPProPriations committee for an Investigation of the recent bend sale anl ( tpon the re.ult of thus will depoimml largely time line of procedure for the remmmaimmder of tlme week. Senator I'ettigrew , who is in cimargo of the Indian appropriation bill , whicim hmmms only baoim partially considered - sidored , will muOke' aim effort to get time bill corsidered imnmnediately after tile diapoal of thle rommtimmo hlmslness of tile mnoruming imour , and if objection l immallo will ask that tile senate decide 'imy vote whether to proceed withm time Immdirin bill. He says tIle bIll aI- ready han boon Iteiti hack a week for time ac- eomnmolatioml ( ef-etiler mmmoastmres and timat be will not ccuseni to further Posthommenmelmt ekcept upon tIme : order of the scimate itself. Otilor menmljsrm of the comnmmmlttee are disposed - posed to take tiiQi sanmo positiomm amid to urge timat nothminm-slmall atand iii time way of tile appropriatIon bilim for the present. Semmrmtor I'effcr is auxlpmmso to antagonize time uhprc- Imratlon biil tlmlt lie tllinks the debate on tIme bond iryyestigation rcsoltmtlon could be concluded im ammojimer day or two. lie Imair umot yet deciI-cd whmetlmer he will yield to time entreaties of the appropriations colnnmlttee or allow theqti stlamm to o to a vote. lie is confident9 , tlmat hl resolution will pass when a votoia , rojiclmed amid is of the OpImiOlm that after seutt9 11111 coqt'ludes lila speccim timcro wIll i1e imo great prolongation of tile debate. lie says tile friends of time reshii. tion are not , , dlopqsod to spemd army tirner in making tliOebhd'dn it. It is 1t bable , there- f rp. thtt il "Wft-Umnake a imlea for a day om 'twmS 'tO allosi1' Sknidtor llIit'tor contluda , ' and that. faillmmg tllis , he will yield upon time c ndition timit 'thai resolution - shall rctaimm its place as Unfinished business and upoq receIving sbmnOassuranCo of further constcl- oration. - There will be at least two or three days' more - work upon the Indian ap- propriatloim bill. Toe question of sectarian Indian scnools will call cut ccnsidel'abie further debate. Senator - tor Platt wIll offer as an ammmendmommt to the bill time plan agreed UPOn by time commmmlt- tee on Indian affairs for a general settle. mont of affairs tn Immdlan'territory , and timis svill develop discussion , as will also the provisions - visions for the scttlemnent of time Cherokee old settlers and in regard to the freedom of th territtmry ' The Indian bill will be followed by time naval npproimrlatiomm bill and that by tIle suimiry clvii appropriation bill , thougim noithier rejay be rescued this week. Thu latter Imas imot yet' been reported to the senate. hut will lie during the week. There is apparently a growimmg disposItion impon the part of mome of time democratic leaders to prolong he session to a more distant day tllaL has been counted on for final adjournimment , amid it is expected theft tactics dtmring time week will develop to sonme extemmt ivimethmer this is true. , tl'OIil t's of Arbi trimS to fleet. WASHINGTON , April 19-TIme imational arbitration conrerenco will hold a two days seaslon In thia city time conming week. Lie- twean 200 ammd 400 aeeeptammces of time invlta- tions to attemmd the conference lmavo been received from governors of states , judges. pubilclst , lawyers , leading busimmess men , ministers of religion , plmllnntimrcpists , educators - caters and etlmer eminent citizens. They represent in all timlrty-eigimt states. It is oxpOcted tilat ox-Senator Edomunds of Ver- imiont will be the permanemmt president of the conference. Among the L'peakera ' of tile first ( lay wIll be Lion , JolIn tV , Foster of Waslm- of state ox-Senator Ed- ington , ox-secretary ; - - nmundt' . President Jimimmes B. Angeil of tile Universiiy of Mkdllgaom ; Mr , Edward Atbin- son of MassachUSetts and ilomi. Carl Scimurz. Ct ; , ! ' ltt'I'ES A. 'rIlING or 'i'iii i'is'i' . liii ii rund lIzm1ce' . Ne'v lelml 'I I Ii S I. . , : , , , irt'i' Coin .iilss i 011. ChICAGO , April 19.-A now deal is reported - ported to have beeim entered Into tmetweemm tile ' varJous railroad organiza. ttomma of the coumtry ammd the Ilmter.t1ate Commerce Colllfl13iOn , It is likely to brlumg about a revolution In tile methods of coxi- dmmcting the trfinsilbrtation busmes.s of time U&mited State3 'S'Uuder.it-cut ' rates are to become - come a timing of tile past , and millions of dollars are to be added ammumually to tlio in- caine of tIme roade. , According to time terms of timis alleged deal , time conmnmiseon is to drop all lmro- ceedings ogaimmat the roads for breaches of time law conmnmittoi prior to time rimdering of the supreme court'qjmqislon In the Brown case , aumd unllem th'4oupposltiomm that the con. stitutlon protected the reads and that tile officials could ni.e made to furnish evidence to cozmvict tiieuAjelves , Iiygommes are to be bygones. Old oores are to be wiped out anti botim cOllilliiSImlOfl and roads are to start out ( II a new carver of combined uimsefuiness and cmmforcomnent aimd observance of the iasv' . On tlmeir i1rt the roads undertake to slop their discrlnlilmation.s 1mm favor of big ship. pers. to . imersaims and places alike amid to becoamb lmommts of time cornnmlssioim in emmforcing limo law. VASlIlNql'QNL April 19.-A nuummber of railroad men , inciudirmg President Sticknoy of time Chicago & Great Vestern , have called on time Interstate Comniorce cOImmrnIeSiOml the past week atmd .aJkeii witim tIme conmlmmtssion- ers regardiimg liii effect of tile recent decision - cision of tIme suiprems court in tIme Brown case. The- said it way tiw intention of the railroads to obey tue laws. and that the de. cisica ss'a beneliClal to tlmemmm in many re- spects. lit a general way , they said , they would eimdeavpr t assist the commission in securing conmphilimce sm'ithm the lsw , but It Is demmiod at the cimmmnmission headquarters that any deal woe made with thcnm , and it is pointed out that the coumnmissiozm could not so act if it desired. Chairman Mqrrisoii , Wileib told tile purport of the publication , ' denied thlat any negotiations - tions , or a deal , had beau emmtered lmmto with the railroads iookiimg to time dropping of pros. ecution of caCs begun prior to time Brown decision. lie sold : "Time conilmission has mmotimlmig tq do with that. and it has nmade as agreenment oflme kind. on paper , or verbally , with any one. We intezmd t se- euro obedience to tile law , and will take every nmeasUrc ueceary to secure that end , " ll1lt'Tii OF 1)11. At'STIS AIIIIOTT. lien mm ( if 'esi % 'urk thu v.'rsit 1.11W St'imiui t'iispies Ams a' nt ills hiumile , NEV 'i'OltIC , April 19.-Aimstin Abbott , IL.i ) . , dean of the ' 'or1c universitY law school , died at lila residence. 15 East FIfty-tlmird street , timis nmornimmg after aim iii- 11055 of abamit ten weeks. Jtmmstimm Abbott svns born 1mm liostoim , Mass. , December 18 , lS3i. lie was the son of JacOb Abbott anmi a brother of time late lionjanmin Vmmtglmn : Abbott , the well known writer On law , hr. Lyhiman Abbott of IltOcmkl'lm , amid lr. Edss'nm'd Aimbott of Cambridge , Mass. ho was graduated frommi time New York untversity in lS5t nmmtl soon after that was admnltted to the bar , forming a partnership with his biotliers , 'aughmm amid Lylmismm. In COimJtlmmC- tion with tilt' formimer tie begamm tile liublic.m- tion of " 'thmhmott' Now York ligcst" amid "Abbott's Formmms. " lie carried these on along for a nummmmier of years. lie was an- tiler of a series of books on mmmothmods of legal prtcedttre which have been adopted as standard - ard text books amid books for time desk amid benclm all over time country. lii 1SSO time New York university conferred upon imimmi time degree of Ll1.i ) . and lim 1891 he is'aa called ilOli to assmmmrme time iosltiomm of mieamm of tIme imniversity law school , with 1110 chair of plealIng , equity amid evidence' . CLEVRLANI ) , 0. , April 19.-IteY. Dr. Cyrus S. Bates , rector of St. l'amii's flpisco- pal cimtmrchm ilm tile city , died tlmis morlmig of pnoumimonia. Dr. Hates sm'as 1mar11 In tlmis state in 1810. At aim early ago lie enlisted In tIme ummiomm armmmy as lirivate amid won time rank of first lietmtemmammt by bravery. Wommmmds received at Cimickanmatmga caumsel his ilis- inissal froimm time service. At the close of time war un practiced laim' for six years iii Cm- clnnati , Afterward ho entered the itimisco- pal immtiiistry. lie was for a tlnme professor of timeology at Camnblcr senmimmary amid pro- fesser of phmiiooaphmy at Keimyomm college. 1mm 18S5 lie came to Cievclimrmd as rector of St. I'atli'S , Dr. Hates was badly crippled as time result of his wounds and for years had been a great sufferer. PAILKEI1S'i3UltG , W. Va , , April 19.-Ex- Governor Ilorcimman , the last of the war gov- erimors ofVcst Virgimmia , tiled at his hoimis Imero at 9 o'clock timis nmormming. He was ommce Ummlteti States senator mmd imas been ldemmtified with state interests for thirty-five years. At the time of hi5 tieatlm lie was circuit cotmrt judge for this district , SAUNA , Ran , . April ] 9.-D , W. White- ! meaml , a imrommilment business immamm of this city , Is dead after a limlgerlmmg illness. lIe was a past commllmmammlor of Ascahorm colnhmmandery , Kmmlghmts Teimmplar , and ilad held other high iiositlons ilm Masonic circles. COZAD , Ncb. , April 19.-Special ( Tele- grammm.-Tlle ) wife of Dr. J. II. Fochitmnan died e'uddcmmiy yesterday. The doctor is'as absemmt durimig tlmo imlgllt amid the se-rv- omit , wiietm elie entered tllo dmnhmmg roonm tills immornitmg , fouimml tllo body of her mistress dead upomm tile floor. Simo 115(1 evldcmmti ) ' nrieemm during time mmlgimt , almil , mlmmablo to call for help , ilad expired. Time cauco of her t1atim ss'as supposed to ilave beemm ileart tall- ure. The remaimme smihl be taken to Pommmm- syivaimia ! rr burial. I'LATTSMOUTII , Neb. , April 19.-Spc- ( clai.-Jammmos ) Id. McCtliloimgim , a reslilent of Itocic Bluffs , four mlmiles r'outlm of tIlls 1)15cc ) , thou of paralysis of tile heart , at 1 o'clock yesterday mnorning at tile atlVamiced age of 81 yearLl. Time drceaesd imad hmeca a resident of thmi commmmty chico a very eariy ( lay , and was well known amId higimly respected. NOItTII IIENI ) , Neb , April 19 -(3pcciai.- ( ) Lemmmuei 11. Dodge , one of the olmlest and wealthiest pioneer rettlers of Saunmlet.s county , living just across time Platte river fronm Nortlm l3emmd , died suddenly yesterday , He woke imp and told his info eomneth.mg . was wrong and dropped baclc ( lead. CENTRAL CITY , Nob. , April I9.-pecai ( , ) -Judge Albert Ewing a lrommm'.ient ctizen aim-i -a leading attormmey , died yesterday n'ornlng after an ihlness of two weeks. Judge Ewing movcil ( roam Monrmmoimtim , Ill. , to Merrlck coimmmty 1mm October , 1871. lIe served three terms as county judge , two terimma as county attorney sail was the candidate of time populist party iii 1295 for district judge. lie was iiromn- : inently mmmemmtioneil In ISPI as candidate for aupreimme judge , mit refused to allow time us of IliS mlammie. lie was 57 years of age , and lcarcs 'as'lfe and five children. WILMINGTON , Del. , April 19-General Ci'ark Iiooles of. , the regular arnmy , retired : died 1mm this city today , aged 87 years. He served mmnder Generals Taylor and Scott in the Mexican war and nisa with distinction through time civil war. Ho was wounded at Antietamn and Getty.hurg. CI1ESTON , Ta. . April 19.-Speclal ( Tele- gramim.-Saui ) Iticilarls ( , a'ed 73 , a resident of Uzmion county since 1869 , is ulead. lIe was a Virginian and a prominent repub- lican. NE\\ ' YORK , April 19.-Jnmes Rich Steers , a well icmiown simiimbulidem- . died here last night from an attack of ncute lmmdirestion. Janme Rich Steers in 1850 forme& witim hits brotlmer. the shmipbuiiding fIrm of George & James H. Steers. Jim time annie year this llrmn , lesigned and built time famous yachmt , America , and pem'son&thiy i'ailed it in the ( 'lice around the Isie of Wight. which re- sulteti in the winning of the America's cup. INDEPENDENCE. Mo. , April ilL-A teie- grain fromn Lnmonl , In. , received imero today - day by Elder Jose1im Luff , nnooumicemm time smmd1cn donthm of W.S. . Blair , second jmresi- ( lemmt of the Itoorganlzod Latter Day Saints' chitirch , who stooul next to President Joseph Smnith in church nutimority. lie died at Cliariton. Imi. , wimile en remote ionic from the Kirtlammd comiferemice. lie was GS years of age. ILOOMINGTON. Ill. , April 19.-James Timontomm Snehl , a leading bammker of Clinton - ton , Iii. , ( lied smmldeniy In llioorningtomm last night , aged 55 , from heart dipease. He leaves It wile. one san and emma ( laumgimter , Mrs. will Dinarnere of San Francisco. NEW YOItK , April 19.-Jolmn A , Tucker. fouimder of the Nntiommnl Cordage company. died last nigimt. lie WItS 57 years old and leaves a family. DAYTON. 0. , April 19.-Ervilie 13. flhiimop , a roimminent rahiroai rmiamm nmui past corn- manher of time Knights 'reirplar of Indian- njmolI. ( lied of apoplexy at imla home tim timia city today , lIe bias occupied railroad peal- tons ; in Iimdiannpolis , Coiurnbus , Cieve.nnd , Chmlcamro umiud Muncie , Iru ? . MAItSllAL1'I'OWN , Imi. , April 19.-TIer- man Gmubemnimn. general auditor of the Iowa Central railroad. died here today of cancer. WATEIITOWN , N. Y. . April 19.-lIon Wil- lard Ives d'ed at Imis home imero tills morum- ing in his P0th year. Mr. Ivea served 1mm coumgress from 1S2 to 18G. lOnltIi.mor , ' cs : : ( ) Iui.i Ilt'orgummizmutioi. BALTIMORE , April 19-Time Baltimore committee eu the roorgaimlzatien of tile Haiti- more & Ohio railway Imas decIded to cmnpioy an expert to make a thlorought exa"ninatiomm of the accounts of tIme compammy frommt 1888 to time present timmie. lim a vtatenmezmt issued by timeni it Is aeserted that during that period there was an ummwarranicd increase in time tloatimmg dciii , to tile amntant of more tilan 12,000,000 , and timat mnammy valuable securities belonging to the comimpammy were said withlout these tramieactionti finding a place Iii tuG published reports of the operations of time company. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tur reiml'iIs 1)1 re 1)t.st rut't l.izm. SAItAT000 , N. Y. , April 19.-Time lmot wave is reducimmg tIme Adirommdacks smmow do. posit to , a freshlet. Lakes , riyers amid strcommms are unusually imiglm ahiti still rislmmg. At Glens Fails , Cilestertowrm , Fort Edss'ardVar. . rcnsburg aimd otilel' imoiimts tilO water ill burst- log its iiaumks 110(1 tlmrcatemms gl'eat dm'struc- tiomi. Sciioon lake is iiighmer tllahm at any time dutilmg time last twenty-scvemm years. ccrnvE AWAY- KNIVES and RAZORS in oxohango for Coupones with rnail Pth "Chowing and Smokina. " TTho oniy AHTIMLIIuVOIIS. ANTi-DYSPEPTIC 1 and U1COTINE NEUTRALIZED TCF.ACCON JAC ( UNIVES and PN ( NIVCS of flu-ct quality , American manufacture , flazor 3tce1 ; hand forged , finely tempered J3ladcs ; Stag Hitniflo. Fine UIZORS % , Highest Grade Steel , Itollow Gromuul. Coupoims eiiulaI ; iiow * 4) $ CCIITO tim Meve. One CUU1Ol4 $0 cah S cent ( ' 4 01)1CC ) J'ar-aqe. TILe Coups'ma im each 10 cemt ( I 01511CC ) J'Ucafje. Mall Pouch Tobacco Is sold b all dealers. 1'mclltgeS ( 'low en said ) coiuitIimii iig ill ) vammpomia trill be riucepted as ( 'limmiHIlis , " 2 Q"fllj1ty 134/ ( IS OilS COtJPOSl 04 : . 't L'iuj4y hag mS tso Coupons. LLLISTRAT ED Cataiouo othcr V1uab1 4 rttcisi suit ! , C-rz10041tk01 Iow to QeC thea , Mailed on request. iIio eloch eros , Tobacco Co. , Wheeling , W , V To CUUIPOII * excimminged utter July 1 , IbJi cE\y \ BIShOP 01 ? SIOUX FALLS Rt , 11ev. Thomas O'aonnaim ' Oonsccrnt&1 by Cardinal ato11i , ADDHES BY ARChBIShOP IRELAND ) , , , imils S liii t t ISO t'itii mu Ii' Chiurehi lit' ( iis'i'mu Fmtih II , eig.iI t Iiii Iii 11cr 0mm a SillierIII Vtitit silii ahormmis. Vs'ASiIINGTON , April 19.-With imimposing rites lit. Rev. Thiommias O'Gorman was today colluocrateil as bishmop of Sioux Fails , S. I ) , , tile ceremimommy taking place at St. l'atriclc's churcim , smimich was cross'ded throughout time four imours whmichm tile exercises consunmed , Cardimmiul Satolli olilciated as commsccrator ammd ito ; bishops amid priests occupied tIme charmed arid clmnpei amid joimmeil in the reslmommses , wimile hundreds of other persoums 1)rotnimmentiY calm- ilocted with tito Itommmnim Catholic immstittmtloms : were also Preselmt , 1mm tlio soft light of couimt. iea candies time snow-white altar stood omit as tile superb backlmmg rotmmmd time crimmmeumi timronc' , anil the low chlmmmmtimmg of the priests commtilmtlimmg for iuiiimest an iiotlr Witilout CIiSS.1 tion , amid otimer imnlrcs.ive fcattmres of time conu-3cration made tIme scemme aWo-ilmspirimmg. A large chorus furnished time nmusic for tile occasion. After the rites of consecration had beemm porforumled time bishop-elect was immvosted with time pectoral cress ammd chain ammd ring of office. Time cross was time gift of Archmbisumop Itelammd anil tIle ring of ammmetlmyst was lire. emmteti by lilsilop Kaimi of time Catholic ummi- varsity , After the eommmmmmtmmmiomm tile ilmmhmres- L'iVo ' ceremmmommy of thai kiso of peace took idace.'v'imuii lie ms'ns llnahly in'esented im'itii iis : fimil cammonicmls liimilmop O'Gorimmmmmm ms'as escorted doa'mm tile mmmaiim aisle , accommihiammied by llielmop.s Marty anti lCaln amid their rev- oral Clmaplailm,9. Tile tiClY blsilop blessed tile kneeling people , pasmioul to time outer door amid blessed tilono lfl tile streets. lie tliemm ro- ttmrneil to time imfain altar. Arclmbisiiop Ireland of St. l'atml , who will be tIme metropolitan of the new bishop , uleliv- ered an aihiltess , tim tile course of which lie sai(1 ( : "The liberties , time denmocracy , time spirit of progress which are tile glories of Ammmerica , are time outcome of time ( leepest principles of time teachmImmg of time Catimoiie churcim. Liberty mind progress caine into time ivorld witim imer auth urom'rereml' always tinder her breathminge' . 'Fime immost poeltive precepts of the Catholic chlimrcim go to thme building of Ammmerlca. She Itreserilmes loyalty to time state , imurity of ieromial life , charity to fellow mmmcmi. Time cimurcil recognizes as iler own spimero faIth aflil muorals ; sime tiossesses au I cinlmmms ito nmissiorm in clvii antI political mimat- tort ) . If tue chmurclm encroaches 11pm tIme uPimcre of the state sue eliotmici bid her beware. If tile tate cmmters Into tIme sammctuary of coui- sdiemmce , tile proper enmpire of the chmmrclm , the appeal is to God and tile etate is ordered to hold off Its imands. With the sepat'atlomm of church aimd state , as we Imave it lii America. churcim almd state nmtmst revolve freely in thleir sepirate and distinct spileres. Catholics fall behmlmmd none of thmeir fellow citize.me imm admmmir- log time commstitution ( mni demmianfihmig ito con- tinuance. Time Catholic cimurcit wishes no 10 CUBE NEBVOIIS IIYSPEPSIA 'l'o Gztiml Flesh , to Shot-I , S'ell , to ICii.iw' -iIut , tIietift' mind Goo.1 Iigcn- tliit amemumi , iImuIe a 'l't'pit of St ism.cmisiit 'I'lliiletN. himtet'stimg Hxleriem.ee of men Imimlia. . a- mitoIIs ( eustleiuistii. No trouble is mmmoro commmmnon or more mis. ummderstocd than umervous dyspepsia. I'eopie having it timimmlc thlat their nerves are to blaimme and arc rurprscd timat they are imot cured by imorve mmiedicines amid spring renme- dies ; time real seat of the mmiisciiiet is lost sight of ; time stommmach is the organ to be looked after , Nervous dyspeptlcs often do not. have any pain whatever in time stomach , nor perhaps any of tim imsual synmptormms of stomach weak- mmess. Nervous dyspepsia simows itself riot in time stomach so mnucim as in neariy every other organ ; in seine cases the heart palpi- totes ammd Is irregmhar ; in others time kidneys are affected ; in otimers the homuels are con- stipated. wltim headaches ; stIll otimers are troubled witim loss of fieslm amid appetite , with accumulation of gas , sour rielmigs and heartburn - burn , Mr. A , W. Slmarper of No. 61 Prospect St. , Indlammapoils , Ind , , writes as follows : "A mmiotive of pure gratitude pronmpts me to write timeso few lines regarding time imcw and vain- able mmmedlclne , Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I have been a sufferer fronm nervous dyspepsia - sia for tile last four years ; have imsod various imatent mneilic'inos and otimer remmiedles witimommt any favorable result. They sonmetimnea gave tenmparary relief until tile effects of thin rime-li- clime is'ore off. I attributed timis to mmmy sedentary - dentary habits , beIng a bookkeeper witim lit- the physical exercise , but I am giad to tnte thmat tlmo Tablets hmave overcome all these obstacies , for I have gaIned 1mm uiesim , sleep better amId nun better in every way. Time above is written riot fur mmotoriety , but is based On actual facts. " Rcspectflmiy ! yours , A.V. . SilAItl'Iiit , ( ii Prospect St. , Iimdimmmmapolis , Inml. It is safe to say that Stuart's Iyspepsla Tablets will cure any stonmach weakmmess or dsease ! except cancer of mitommmacil. 'fhley cure sour stomachs , gar , loss of flesh and op. 1)etite , sleeplessness. paipitatiomm , lleartbtmrn , constipatiomi and headaciles , Send for valuable little book cmi stomach diseases by addressing Stuart Co. , Marlsimali , M'cim , - - All druggists sell fuii eizcd packages at , 10 cents , aid from time state in time lircoelmiog of the gospel , limit hilmerty frommi time state tiime whihica / smith clanmors for as a sacred ammd ilmalienaimlo right , liberty in its fullest gifts haIler time commmmnomm la of the hmnil. I ama a C'atimolic , I ( mmmi a priest 50(1 iishtop , hut I aims aim Armor- icarm citisemi , amid I must be debarred frommm no rights anti privileges accorded to other citi eons because I arm a Catholic. " "My words betray no fear for the future. Amnericarms are a lieoide at simn'ere reltgious coumvictioims anti of protommnil conmmmion r'enae , arid the ) ' well kmmoss' ilos' to keel , church anti state separate nail yet give liberty its full lnwO ) ' antI gummmrtl religion amid nmoral. " After the commcltmsiomm of tIme ' -sr'iceit at time ehutmrelt ilisimop O'Gormmmnn emmtertaineml thin hierarchy nrmml clergy at dinner. Ito smihl leave in a few days for his new field of ollity. Many of time priests in attemmlnnce svero frommi other cities , ammll immot of timemim left for 1101110 himtcr in tile ( ia ) . Amimong those iii the audirmmco isero Amabansatlor l'atemmotre of Frnmmca mmii Mimme. l'atcnotre , Senator amid Mrs. ias'ln cf Minmmt'oota , Senators linmms- bromighm , Itoacim. Mumrphmy , Vimito nmmd Itepro. sentatis'o Pickier , Mr. Jolt11'intomi lkmhmi- gt'en and Johmm Commstablo of New York. Prcshleiit Isaac 14ev'is of Smubimma , Ohio , It ; highly mispectctl , alt through Ilnut get'iiuii. 1 Ic lina lh'ctl in ( 'Ilittoim Cu , 7 years , amid hISS bccii pi'cs'mtlcimt ot time Smth'ina l1uimk : 20 yeah's. I Ic gladly testIfies to time limel'it. of Ilooti's nhmt- 1mat'illa , mimi 'Iirut. lie says i voii1ty itttchlt'hOlmII ln'a'tmi workci's flint I Ittoti's Sarsapir'iIla : PCc'tIl'hitl'IY ittinjiteti to tilcir osceds. It hlmakes puc , a'k'Ii , i'cd blood , aimul froth this Cihmi'S ( iICi'Vt , hlieiltiil , 1)0(111 ) % ' aiitl u1igi'st'i'o strciigtlm. II aiim glad to say that IIood'ui Sarenpa- rUin is a very good smmcdleimme , especIally as mm blood vrmriiler. It has (10mm mc good msmahiy thrice. For several years I r..rt rcatiy s'ltIs 111111111 of Neurag In one eye and about say tommmpies , ca- peciaily at usfght iwiletu I hind beemm having a hard day of ihysleah arid mncmmtnl labor. II took smmaiiyrcmmiedies , hut. found help only iii hood's Sarsaptsriila vhichm cured mmmc of rimeunmatlsni , micurnigia aimd imeadacilo. hood's Sarsnlmariiia iiasirovcd 1t.sefatruo friend. I also take Hood's Pills to keep lily bowels regumlar , iumtl lilo tue P1ll very much. " ISAAC LL'wis , Sabimma , Ohio. Hoods Sarsaparllfla Xstlme Omme True illood Ptmrifler. All druggists. l. I'repareli olmlyby C. i. llootl & Co. , i.oweil , ? tiass. , are irommlpt ) , efilciemit amid Hood s Pills CIISY Itmeffect. 2Occmmts. talUsuahm1rc'z'5. Pup rl)1'lI'1ITIIM Tel. 1531 , , , ' 11II , U1U1t1IUiY,1'mtxtomm ! i1mmr:33 , lliismmagcrs , TONIGHT A'I' 8:15. KA TIE P UTNA1'I And ami cilicierit colmipamm ) ' , l1ICsmmting THE OLD LHLE KILN mm5 , c. T. Daze ) ' . 511111Cr "lii 0km Kemmtucmy Ejeams 110W ( lii m'aie , 2' , , SOc. lie , 75o anti $1.00 , alt'i'rxiiio w'HuNisu.tY. Matinee 1'rlces-2c un,1 lie. irL1.5llOlmmMtT a1ANTlLL. BOYD'STONICUT. /tnd Tomorrow ( Tuesda ) ' I'lgiIt ) : : Jolly Nellie Mdllenry : : In tile Musical , Umi-te-Date. Cycilmmg Comnely , "THE I3ICYCLE GIRL.- 1'1tlCLS-Plrst Floor , lOc , 75c and $1.00 ; Hal. dolly , lo ( zirmi 7&c. - ' \ ct : T I UJIM'1 ! ( - - . ji ( Mj maruma urcd Wool soap ) ( Iwisim mnhmmo usd3 WOOLENS WILL NOT SIIflINK ifVoo1tluap is used in the latmumdry. Xis ttio cloansingof wittier I'ianiets.iltmrine1s awl all wool ( atirtes before storing for tbu searoo. 'L'Oio valuoof WOOL SOAP is inestimablo. % Vauiiessilks. iaccs anti nih bmirnin'n iatirlcs ivittioist Injury. Imuaily vaiubla tar batim , hiousoimoid amid emmcral iaummdry urposes. Sold by all dealers. Raworth , Scbodmto 8 Ca , , Malters , Chicago. - . 'lCWYOrkQfllce(5leQnari ( St. ilOston,3 CilatbamBi , OF INTEREST To , CouhtryPublishers1 - _ . . .PORSALE. . . ' About 2,000 , pounds minion Iyc. ' 700 tOll/illS aga/e type , Ooo pounds brevier type. 150 pai" lzvo-thfrd lyfta cases. /o ( Z'OltblC lJ"OJl slands for iwothi'dcascs , , ,1 7his vJrteriaI was used on The Oin.zu'a . Bee and is in fairly good condition , [ -Viii & sold cheap in tuTh or in quaiIiIt'cs 10 SUII zirchesars. - .4p1y iLprsa . : : ' I or by via/I , to The Bee Pttblisliitig Co. , luIiaNebraska. 'turk.i . , ' ' . , . - CurlOsCm3nou.buttbydsn'do5 no 1101 titmIe with topp.4 IS1 Lost ilsalioud . . . , nntruaUofl , bu teusa 11W C.puI , wsrrant.d . .tal l'ciu'yruysl be ; 1urI l'llls.sun.mO Taohi anS ( ho ' " I- (110fl15 01 fItUfiS4fOfCVPr7C5eIt.Q5$5Qyc5M Slsmoryi.os lmrala i'owe , , i.usi sian. : : : : : ; . . ' , , - . UWOr5nIcuu4IyyoutllIulerrur..Uiyu YOUdw iOtl ) , &pni i.IFS. , , bt-mmaha.N.b. hot lu'mm ity ii&us'sCusmu.acy lt.OOboi U , , , iil. , ,