- - ' -I . ' _ . . . , p : p THE OMAHA. , DAILY BEE. _ _ r i , i871 OMAIIA , MONDAY MORNflG- , APRIL 20 , 18)U. SINWI UOL'Y FIVii OENTS. TTAC1 ( STILL PEARl .1 People of Bnlnwayo Consider the ituat ft8 Extroinoly Alarming. NATIVES MAKE A SUSPICIOUS MC Itieni ) IIfl. Iqf 1ie CIy , titit flu SIIM of lIsliIt lip ( nuc- AIiu tajtig St.rIc , tre . Ietled. I ) , f I3UIAJVAYOiprll 19.-SO far as the I liatlon Is Irnprove1 here over ( lint o ycst ( Thy It Is ( ftle to the departure of Lho enc : chIcIi haN ) ) ccn &nasei to the north o town for cvcr ) days nn from whuch attack 1102 been almost hourly cpect This movement , however. brings Itttle cc fort to those In fluhiWayO. The excited m zier In which the natives quitted their pc tlon Indicated a confident purpoo of n chief. Theto l no ovudence that they w alarmed FrIlay at the Ilemon8tratlon of patrol of forty-two men from flhl1I1vI ngalnst their vangunrd. Mttiough thfs v guard was driven back npoh the main bo thIl patrol tB1 not dare to place Itself witi reach of the overwhelnilnh numbers of I innln b&Iy. The direction taken by grcnt , OIJy of hostile natives after ( luitti the poaltion to the north has not bc learned. lint It ts feared the purpose of 2'- ' increment Is to try to effect a jnnctl . with the rebeI In the Matoppo lulls and U sever coinmunicatton to the southward. ' 1 roi runs through the Matoppo hills to I 1(0(1(11 ( of Buluwayo and ui a lIMctilt a dangerous one for flty ! inlics from here hci ) ) llstanco the ronI reaches the Mani This angular and precipItous doflie , Is felt , must bo IicIh. It Is of suchi a Chi acter ( hat It can vdfl be ina1e Impregn2 agUnst the attacks of native wa'rlors. I for the same reason , If allowed to got Ii thIn hands of the natIves , t would 1)0 ) treniely ( IIuhlClItt anil perhaps hinpoasthic dhLtodgo them 'ItIi any force at pres available. To leave this pass to the enci ivonith efhectuahly Cut oft the Intercourse lhtiluwayo vIthi the outside world. To Iii the vass nnI to patrol the ronil between and hluluwayo , measures which ore felt be Irnperattvely necessary for the safety thiI Place. reIuIres a large prortlon of available force , less than 1.OO ) men In flu vayo. The threatened movement of the oiny upon the line of communications p plexes the authoritIes with the PrObiem of hi fa1 they can further ( ICHU&1O hiuluwaye of lightIng forcc to guard the road. The ha of certainty as to the whereabouts and lrnrnelIate destruction of the great mass natIves moving so near the town cat much ( tread and anxiety. I'ItOTECTfiD BY DYNAMITE MINES. CAPETOWN , April 19.-Julvlcea reedy here from fluluwayo are that ( lie numbers b\ the Matabele around fluluwayo anil threat A4 Ing that place continue to Increase , so ( Ii now form a formIdable force. As a ineau of defense agalnet the expected attack up the town dynamite mines have been laId tile outsklrte of the town and In the grou : over which an attacking party would neec sartly approath. Thoco mines have ho tvfred and coflnected with hiistrunients In t central hanger , which vlhl be the point retreat In ease of attack. From the centi longer ( tic ground in which ( ho mines ha been laid lii in full vIew antI the mines c lie exploded by electricity at the moment ( luired. An explosion at the moment an a vancing horde of nativen Is over the 'vomild do treinciidous execution among thai LONION. April 19.-TIme officer of ti Chartered South Africa company hero a persistently representing that the Utuatli at fluluwayo Ii , not aa serious as repr enteci In non-officIal dispatches and thi thu town Is not Iii any real danger. Ti . ' - . Chartered company today announcoi that ; ' learned that the ofllctais of llmiluwayo a contident they can hold the town and th the town of Sailehury to also safe and organizing Its defensIve force. SUPPLY O [ ' I'ROVISIONS IS SHORT. Thu tone of onomcIal dispatches Ire / SoutJ Africa reflects a contrary tone iii coiltinuoo to represent tito sttuation at I3tiI wayu as hlarjning , nilil the condition throug out. itiatabclelanil as growing more and ama threatening. Elaborate preparations for (1 fente , indicating a momentary tear of eve whohining attack , arc reported from ml vayo , ahid grave apprehensions exist ( lie that communIcations with the settlements the south intl be cut aft. The suiply proyiklonm , Is iltiiiintsiitng In fluluwayo , In ccnotantiy incroacing ratio , owing to ( I large number of refugees , and , what Is ma serloiw , doubtful natives that arc coming I The dread is abroad among the white inhat ( ants that thieao natives are hostile Mntabe corning under the dIsguise of friondlics , hi meditatIng a treacherous outbreak In coa eration wIth an attack from without. TI dimInishing supphica make time kcepiiig op of communicatIon to ( ho nouth doubly In portant , no It Ii from there that supplIes f flUlUiVoyc must be looked for. Fea : are entertained for the safety the reinforcements now on the va and even should these get through to huh .wayo they are only sufilcient to tempararli relIeve ( ha neceealty of keeping these roar open to ( lie paago of the frIeiid of ti. people In flumluivayc. Tue DaIly Noei inys that military autlio ities consider time appohuitmeuut of Goner. . Carriuigton , flritimhi commander at Gibralta who hue been ordered to the cape or Goc II ° ii ° to take command of inc flritish fore In Mataboletand , air a measure of precautlc : nail that It will probably be followed by ( I dipaIchu of more troops. "The'imr ofhlce Is c'xceedtngly busy mal 11mg arrangements. ' ' ( lie baily Non's coc tlnuei' , "nun is placng storcs In radlne : for being transported. Telcgrauni have bec heat auuuimoniuug every ofilcer on fuuloii In Great lhuitcciuu frouui the Cape to thuo ru a. , . ( turn to duty vttIicnut delay , The unitltau m'oction of ( lie torIes are In active rove aMainst the polIcy iui Africa of Colonial Scu rotary Cluaniberlaii , and Governor Sir hioi cubs floblason of Cape Colony , arid they tul of adjourning ( lie house ou ma subject. " The Cluroumicle ( lIberal ) , commentIng tupa thA muituuatioui In South IrIca , ihoes not at , uuno that it is Mr. Ciuaunberiain's po1hc hut It says : "If the goverilurmont ilellberictel intnuids tlo subjugation of the Dutch rac In South Africa In revenge for ( lie dcfem of Dr. Janieson it ii , tune that Englisimune were lip nail doln : . " 'l'ime Chronicle ucui gc'its the foriuuatlon of a % vaichtuu ceininitte of leading iiuen. A dispatch from Mafekln , Cape Colony , the Thames , says : There Is a natIve dlscoui t tent through ileclutuuialand anti the acijoiniti : i distrIcts. ulore pollc and milItary ar 4 needed. Earl Gray has arranged for a thilI coach service front tiara to lJuiuwayo. Tue D4iiy TeherapIu has a ulipatchu , date fluluwayo , FrIday , vIa PretorIa , wJulet sayu ' "Flue ecteuuly are unancuvautuIg azmcl coni ruct lag lasgers to provide for retrefl and organ Ied attack lei than sx initas out. A coun cli of war lisa been held , and It huas been ut cided that th local forces are too ve3Ic make fuurther attacks upon the ? uatabcle. Tb gre.tiet anxiety Is felt for Iue quulclc arri 3I of reiuitorccuuients front the south , wluicl vIii ho flue onlr link wIth tlue outsirlo won't ' as the natives now hold all the country , ex Capt fluluwayo , Qveio anti iilIutgwo. "The returns of casualties to the whiti ltoitihation thus far ahiov that ciix have bee : nuuurdercd auth 100 are unlsIog. " 1.1 II usiug Chuniic hllnrI.L of ii 'Front , COLOON1i , APril 9-A dispatch iD thu Volks.Zoltung , dated from ShanghaI , de chines it Ix true , as hung been before reportcu , ( bat. LI hung Chiauug , who Is on his t.sy Ic . Moscow to be present at tue coronation oh the czar , bears wIth him a secret fttctuao. Ciclumeso treaty. P , Short of I'nuui * 111,1 'nuer. MASSOWAJI , AprIl 19.-The drouth ant the dltficuily af victualing compel ( Iso ital 15114 III ; ; Lena to lusttvm , 7s Lit (1 Hi1'I'S ' ] " .V I Cfl I ) I l lt 'FI llelnrfM front Ciibnuf ViliirihpIe VI turk's ( lie Sugiiuip.hi Tro.uips. , hAVANA , April 19.-TIme Spanish tree have had an engagement with thin numenc force3 of ( lie Insurgents , which have been vancing westward to attompt. the relief Mceo , and the offlcii reports s'tiow a savu reverse ( or ( hue Cubans. Lieutenant Colonel fliota , wIth the battall of Luzon , engaged the insurgents near CIt fuegos In Santa Clara provInce. The ini't gent band was a large one , ant hot. fighti epsshliy cnuuet1. The reports show that Spaniards took ( lie Insurgent posItIon by brIllIant layonat charge. The enemy I' ' on tIme fkhuI eighty kIlled and carried more ( Iran 200 wounded , The amount of I Simanisli loss I not stated in detaIl , but is reported that Captain Laso , a uloctor , o lIeutenant anti eight guerrillas ware woundu The next newni tromim I'tnar del Itlo awaIted with eager interest , both by the Spa Ishi authorities and by the synipathuizere wI the Inrurgants. In spite of the nutnere instances in whIch ( lucy have been dlsmi pohuuted , the government extre3cs ) its cot piete confldencr that now theIr oparatio against Maeo are to b crowned with tu cero. The columns within or withiotit milItary line Foutli of Marcel have be lirgely reinforced , and the military autlic Itles aneiounce their intention to force Mac to fight or to come toward the hue. T lIne tiey consIder lenpregimable , anul they I hic.vo that they will titus entrap Macco. Cclonel Aldea anl the battalion of Valenc have fought ( lie insurgentu' under Lacret ni Cohlazo at ( lie great Zaptu swamp , the I stirgeuts having twelve kIlled and carryli away numerous wounded. Tim insurge leader. Juan Snares , and an aide-do-camp Lacret , vere among time kIlled. In ho of the engagements above reported , revom nrlsonort' tere oapturcd , no well as anmno a amnmunltlon and Important documents. The insurgents have concentrated lar forces Iti the distrIct of Sancti Splnitue. LONDON , April 20.-The Standard's c rccp mndent at MadrId says : 'Despite ierslstent officIal denInl , botm from \Vno Ington and Madrid , it is now an open sacr that both goveraniente have freely discuss ( haIr attitude towanul each other In time Cub : affair. Sjalcu is aware that l'rarbiezit C1e land wishcs to be conciliatory , but that canutot auiswer for thmo control of Amneric : OlIiilan if the struggle In Cuba is imrolong to time Injury of AmerIcan commerce. SpaIn , on ( ha other hand , has Inform PresIdent Cleveland that iie Is willing conciliate time synipathules of nsibIe Amem cans , but that she cannot entertain a propos for the independencc , of Cuba , or even for E'uapensiOn at hostilities to negotiate with ( I rebais , as public opinion could never tolera such a hmunill lattoum. "Spain hn been silently prepning to cx cute a Cuban imonue rule bill directly ti colonial authorltica regard it advisable to so. No date has , yet been fixed for tht however , " MAN AILE EXHCU'VHI ) IN I'ItIVATI L'ulIie lit lIu-zmuiuu lCcit in lgmuuurmumu ( IC the OetruIrruiiees. CINCINNA'N. 0. . April 10.-TIme Comma clal Gazotto' special from its correspondemi Mr. . Josephulnec Woodward , dated Ilavan April 18 , says : Ten men were hmot at Mo : castle on 1ait Saturday mornIng. and tm morning ten more vere shot. Of all th : occurs bctuin&i tlic.aa wills true greatest pa must be a matter of conjecture. Only a fe Sjaniards knov , anti they do not tell. It saId that a subterranean passage leads mmdi tIme watera or the bay from Moro to ti strong fortification , just across in IIavmn and that th ! Is mnad usa of in the dirpos Clan of prisoners. All political prisoner however , 'hio are accorded trial anti cot dommimmed to die , are publicly executed. Thmet affairs mire mnmade gre t occasions , and bmfot sunrin'a ( lie bay Is fairly swarmIng with ltt craft carrying visitors to the hioody scan Women take tmeIr children and go , anti a other bus1nes ic for time time suspmimded. niti.ttiti : : is 'riii 'i'it.txsvtu llllltmiry AeeohitreIImentM 1.flhlIlCul Xl I-Iiim.roa Ituty froimi % % 'ilI Slillis. LONDON , April 20.-The Times this mont Ing publishea Information going to rho that time arming of time inhabitants of U Treimavani , which Is going forward xvIi such rapidity , is being assisted from Ge many. A Capetown dIspatch to the That rays : A Ilarberton telegram reports tin the German steamer Ilunderratim arclvod Doiagoa flay on April 14 , and St. Icoma oct April 15. TIme paeaengcrs were not di : posed to allow their luggage to be oxaminet Search , however , ummeartlied numerous mu tary accountements. A German officer ant eeqticntiy produced a passport anti the part proceeded to Pretoria , the capital of ( Ii Trc.nst'aal , " Time Daily News asrerts that Prcaider Kruger's original demcutl for an luulemnlt from the Chartered South Africa conipan for the Jameron raid was 13,000.000 , but tbc negotiatloti has reduced it to 1,100,000. NO1IIIX yic'i' ii H.ttiflOF XNSJOt .tuitlorltaivu' Itoport ' % ViiIeIi IINI.re.l his IIi. Itepuirt of Ills SiIeca'MN , ST. I'ETERSBURG , April 19.-The pohic have a report from Ust-Yanri'k , miorthmer Siberia , that nothing Is known of Dr. Nan scn. tJst-Yanmmk is time point east of tim Lena delta , from which was dated the firs report by' ICuahmuareff. contractor for Nami sen , that time explorer had reached the pa1 md caa returning. Time report which tim police have now received also says that ( It : iatiyes wto titayed from May to Novetabe ) n time Linokliof and ICotelny islauitia. ' .vlmor Liaron Ttill' provision stores Inteittleci (0 atmsemt's use are piaceti , aavt no wrcelcag ar sign ot Nazmmen. ' . % 't.uluIiui ViII lie \'elI . 'itemsIt'i. NICE , April 19.-Dowager Emnprss Frcl : ilclc of Gernmany has orriveti liens for a yi a Queen Victoria , her immothier. 'I'iio dowager czarina cit Russia , Limo dnlc It Saxe.Coburg anti Gotius and tua ompamo : ttiul eummprcaa of Oermnany arrived thuh even mig to be present at time weddIng of ( lii mereclitary Prince Erncot of hlolmemmiohe-Lan ; cnburg , and l'ninccas Alxnndmtm. ( ha timir ( Ittugitter of ( lie tlukc' of Saxe.Cobtirg ant otlma ( time iluko cit Etlhmburgiu ) , aumfi grand Irtttglitcr of Quteaut VIcknia , 'rite arrivmt 0 lie royal ereoimagev was greeted with .artIl cry saluuts , tue ningiumg of belle , nun hieeiing of time people. hCuiIstr''iIi 1It ( .uteN. I.ONIJON , Avnii 20-Tlme flerin corrctpanii itt of time Times reports IliaC a'ienuua de tatcht to thu Neume Nacitmi.imtele eys : ftem ( rentmomus ciforts to secure liii ; hreseutee at Ito Cowes regatta , Queen Vietonin , has re ? iVel a letter fraumi Eunperor W'liiiamn an cocuncing that lie trill vlt4t Coivet. Thu esuit It ? largely clue to Jmnimeiom Pranc. . esephu'a Influence. lhuuuumb 0mm t niger I ii IIshusi. , I.ONDON , April 20.Ltsbouu diepaicli IC ito Times aas that a m eallimy mumanufctcttmrcu amumed flomlngor , tihmilo returning In lilt lurniago fuoni huI factory t time t\ihtammmbra tatloim , vas kIlled , togeihcr with hula cachu. liOn , by a bomb matle of ulymmanilto fuLl nails. iuo liohico mtre inquiring into thug altctlr , Ir , J.mlgti' liii I It.uI nsa I'NheIii. LON1)ON , April 20.-A Vienna ulbethm to lie Timumos denibes , the tremeuidomt. eruthmu. litani ihmowit over ( hue electIon of Dr. J.uger , iso mmnt.Semhto ( , as burgomzmaste of'lmmimtt. . 0)5 time 'rimnru dispatch : 'Cnics of i.ouig hive our Mciiaiaim , " v'ro repeatedly card. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jt.sh ( In ( Iii , Congo 1"teqa Stub. 1.OlON , Aimnul 20.-TIme Titmice' Ihrueseitu isimutch a revolt hitus occurred among IC nn1ves Ut Aruwimi , at the utouthu of o . 'uruwimi river , in ho Congo lance State , id seventh Ccngr Frcu thtate agenls hmavcm aen khhied , Smii I is's IuiuI icr 'Ecu ni i" . M.\DlII ( ) , April 1J.-1t itt anaoummccti here at lImb royni IL'ChI to be delivered here at to opt-r.huug of the mmciv C'ertcz 'viiI imnonuise litical atiti fluhmuuiuiituathve reforms for Cuba iii JvnLo RIca REFORLS FOR TIlE COLONII Spain About ReaIy to Give Ith W Indian Dopendcncio3 1e1iof. WAITS ON WLYLER'S RECOMMENDATI unto for I'iiitliij 11111) IliTcet iie II tuuulini temu , umrcN IciIdImlM ( In Puture Coumferemiecs mitii time G ( , yeriio r-G ciuernl. ( copynmamt : , Isot ; . Iy l're's I'tmliishing ( ' . 'mpflhl MADRID , Spain , April 19.-New ( Yc Woritl Cablegram-SpecIal Teiograumi.-'T ) government of Spain has completed Its pru orations for ptmttlng Into simapo ( Ito conte plated colonial refornir * , Colonial Minis Casteilanoo oss'orts , on the limits traced the bill framed by his predeceme-or , Scor Ab : zuza , and irase2d March 12 , 1S95. limit deflnito date is yet fixed for carrying out reforms , The government viii cnly uloci upon ciiitcs after again consulting Gone : Weyicr. Time colonial minister cays that I frequent interviews lately with Premier Cc ovas were chiefly regarding statemento to nado let time royal sprechm on the meeting time Cortea In May , with a view to cxhibiti to time country time real state of affairs Cuba , time cost of Limo campaign , the late tiotia of tlmc cabInet respecting colonial r Lonelily and the rchations existing between Madrid government and time W'ashmington gc eminent. Mtmch stress wilt be laid tupon necenaity of continuing the efforts to imupro ( lie coast defeneeua of both tue mother coti try amid ( lie colonies , nun of placing army and navy on a better footing. Thmeso declarations of time mninin'ter of colonies are much comm nted upon. T iadnid press , time liberals and time republcam frcely oxpresmi ( lie opiiuion that time Cubaum i farina are euat likely to he satisfactorily or ned out by time conservatIve party , wlmlcii im always fought timeimi anti contributed to faIlure , of time first anti mnoro comprehenal home rub bhiI of 1893. Li Epoca anti the 0th ministerIal orgamma have been instructed cray that tiui evolution of tIme colonial poii is not duo to American interference , but purely epontancons. Anyhow , the reform cotuiui hardly ( to prit into force dnriumg t rainy aeaeaii , which nmcati a significant d sire to gain time by postponement for so aral months. It is lntorceiing to obcrve how the Id Is gaining aimiong all ciases that the preec Cuban war will be brought to a dora I tommie concessiomma that may lead to hmonorat mrrnngemnents for tue submnin'.lon of time I mtmrgents without too apparcnt mnodiatlomm pressure on time part of the United State [ t is significant Indeed that La Epoca nc idenits time feasibilIty of making extenri : oncesslons to pacify , and that El lmnparci E'iys today : "It. is evldemmt that we must i eyond tue reformus already memmtiommod. " I Spoca obmiervos : "Time Spanish nation alot night bargain or not upon time basis of capi miation to pitt an end to time painful war , b ) n ( lie condItIon ( hint this would be in yltie duo to an Incuraion of foreigners in Ot mftalrua. " All timin confirms what General 'Caiicj ately time governor general of Cuba'aem in returning to Spain when superseded I ] eimerai Campoa-thmat force alone will fl iut an cnn to the present rising. ' 'I'O SI'AULIIX UOUNI ) fly A l't.EDGE I1iii , haiti Gayu'rtujieiit Sli mimiof Act : ( lie Ci.iIe ( Lii'stiimi fOr ii leuir. HONOLULU , April 12.-Via San Francisc 'tpril 19 , per steamer Gumeilc.-Colon patmlding's friends here are not pleat .vhtlt . the report of the eenatc committee oreign relations ott the cable bill. TIm alec it for granted that lme present congre 5 not din'posed to aid the company of whic : pauldlng Is ( ito imead. The hawaiian go rnment allowed Spaulding cightean mnontl mm which to launch his scheme. The optic sill not expire for nearly otto year , and he meantime time imnmid of this governmem Ire practically tied. No proposition can 1 ntertalzmed from any other conmpaumy. If cm crer's should refuse to grant a subsidy to ti : ow Jerrey company this government attired that Spaulding will aseign his cot met and option to any company that migi it ! able to secure time desired aid. Cable iui orters here would be glad to have tiup Ne ersey anti Now York Cable companies con inc. if such a combInation would insum he buildIng of the cable. It has been state itat congresmi will not act on the cable quet ion unless ( ho hawaiIan government open lie field to any American company havln pprovai of ( ho United States congress. I egard to time foregoing , a cabinet minlstc taterl this morning that much as they woui Ike to see the cable built , no offers fret fly other company wouid be considered unt. . i was known definitely whether Or not con ress 'votmimi aid Spaulding. Ii the alit wa efumoed then they would consider time latter' pthoci as ended and other companies would b cait with. A dispatch wait received by Mlniste Ooper AprIl 10 , per time Alameda , front Ii , . Irwin at Toki , Japan , to time effect ( ha Chinese pasnemmger ( mom hong ICong by tIm aeilc , had left tue steamer secretly at Yoke ama , Marcim 20 , amid died of ( lie black plagu 1 tIme Chlnt'so huompital there on April 1 its affair was not discovered until April ho etame day ( ito 'essel aurivctl at this porto to port jiliyocJaii visited time ship and re arted titat sue had 000 steerage imassonger rid 700 tans of frelgitt for ( lila port , Sit ft Yolcohammia ott March 3i , and emi /tpnl a criso of smumailpox iliuccayererl , 'rIm actor of tue Gaelic reported that timero va Ckmi.tas between lions Kong anti Yokohama itt that upon exaimmimuittion of time stceragt sciengers time day after leavIng Yolcoimaun : :10 : Chminamnan was foumud mnieing , lie go IvIty iii oino eciUt nmanrmor. Thie vas liii Inn vimo tiled of ( lie black plague mit timi aspltni in Yokoituumma. 'Ihte hoard of health reitleti Ii ) allow the Gaelic to canto in along 'he ' tue Pacific Mail wimart , limit under thmr nbctest uilmnmaumtine , 'rime passengers viil hi tided at Quar4ntino islanti. uuiluiiiig Ituullivutys Ejuto thur Soumulutmi LONION , .klrii 211-Time Timimea imas a die sIck ( ronm Cairo wiuictm says that a Lommtiot tom hmas camitracted with the Egyptian guy rmmumment to Culpl3 rails anti materials fo light railway 112 miles vutim from Aba mcii , Aicasluehi let the soutluermi outpost ti : r imoiti at Itreecuut by the gyptIamm troops 1i less thamu a 1itmnclrrl mumliem , south c 'atly haifa , anti a lIght railroad betweet 'tidy Haifa and Absaltulm is Itehog put it tmtulltlon fur flue proposed ctmitialgn. 'i'Iti temmL'on ! of time railroad 112 itmilas fumnthiet uth will ( alec it to Itimu Fatinohu , which above time thud cataract. 'rime Egyptiam Idlers vlil construct time raIlroad. SL'ri ii ml p. ici uboul I , I ii (1 ii i'iii'ir , SILERflROOICE , Quo. , . % imrii 19-Time din : trcus flood in ( lie St. Francis rIver voIle ) lmIeh immtc caimseil Immmiemiee damage itt ( lilt l ) atmd Iticiumattoti htaa recotiotl , and ( tic uceta of flat Siterbroolco . .re in it terrIble miulhtlomm. Itumntircde of drift logs. all lcimmdm lumber , elebnie and tload animals abtrucl C thtoroughummros , Men have been at vonl I tia. olcaring time roadway' ' . The ( imrniturc the itomeru of tito poorer classee is niixetl tulscrlimiinateiy with cmii kinds of debniB , is hard to cuttmmmutc' ( liii iltimnmige , Sul ft's Cuuuiet is Cumiul iug Xeui ru'r. r.O\\1 : O3s1hI\'A'rolty , Cal. , April 10.- . tift's comet itt getting brlghtem maid liarseti the n1gii hahn side at tim Piciadcs to. iiiI. It can ho scout vitim small telescopes iii field glasses. It wait vitiblu whim mu Etlon of Clue I'leiaclciu , In ( he lic'iti of limo uttler tonight , 'i'hie mnotiumu iu almost cx- ti ) ' north. It lIsi'ui ier lircuicli of l'rommmisu , Suit , : 'iIhCAtO , Avrii hIt.lzeklei Smith. the aithmy coemtractor umo watt recemmlhy stied Mrs. ) l'ut Doneiton ( or brcm.clm of prom. m. has cOmproemmii'ed time suit I ) ) ' marrying a hmiaimitift iuutti has tartetI ( or California a weddIni trip. CLOih flit' A CtVlIUY'9 CAIt1I W'iimdn Up ft Wild lmru II , Cot iumitt imig Sitltaisle , flOCK SPIUNGS , Wyo. , AprlF20.-SpecIs ( -After beIng In sce'.mlon a number of tim uiurlng the past week tIme coroner's Jun called to inveetlgato lime death of Tn Tluompoan , Inst evening foun4 a verdict butt effect that blue decased caine to his uiea from the effects of an overdose of opium , a ministered by imimnelt. The circunmstanc surrounding Thonmpson'e dethi mire very my tcriommml. Thompeon WBS aim old-time co boy , cimo has been south for ebout eig years. hIr returned to flock Springt nba two veehcs ago with a big roil of nioney , at tip to the ( line of hi dcath , was hmavhmig lively time renewing old aiqualntances , whmi worn chiefly aenoimg the "sportimmg" eieme of the town. On Sunday last Tlmompsan w ( mind insensible iii his room at time Comme ciai hotel arid diei tonday emmorning. 11 honey hind disappeared , anti mlmt money be mmmitmaliy worn by huien uuider his clothing , w foummmd omit in two placre amid emimi.mty. Fe silver dollars , two eiimpt ) ' pocketbooks , am a email itieco of paper , tipon which was wr ten , "if mmnythmhmg Imappens to ins bury z : after tiark , ' were all of time effects foot 111)011 time deati mnan'E' ierson. A large attn her of witnesses vere axamnined by t coroner amid County Attormicy Enterilne , b nothing was elicited to rimow how ito can to imis death , ot wimat beimamna of his atone The evhlenccu of thu physIcians viw th death was enticed by opIum , and tIme Jury , time obsencct of other evidence , rendered verdIct of rmmichtie. ItAWLI NS , Wyo. , April 19.---peciaI. ( ) Two bands of sheep , the property of Cog grIt ! Bros. , which were being nangeti ntm of this place , have heett quarantitmeil by ( I sued ) inspector emi account of time prevalen Cf scab. The provisions of the shmoap I : t'ptction law svill be rigidly enforced in end to prevent time spread of scab among Carbt comumity flocks. Time stockmen of routimern Carbon cotmn huavcm crgaimizd to lmrevemIt tim ranging thetp south of a line connectlng Spring crc on ( hue west anti tJetiar creak on he cart. Ti range south of ( his him is th only Imortic of time cottilty into wimIci sheep imave n found theIr way , anti t3ie rancimmnen a mietermincti to hold them Qut at' it it post bie. No trouble is antlcipatedb as time 1meei titan concede them justice of ( lie cattlemen action. : i NEWCASTLE , \Vo. , Apeil 19.-Special. ( ) James S. Brown , a mIner , employed at ti Cambrla mInes , was cruehed. to dastim Tue. . day , by a fail of coal anh reek Ihrotvn vc working at a point where tte foremnati of tl mine ' .mad warned imini not to go. A slhgl fall of coal pinned hIm down , ut diti at seriously injure hint. lIe called for hell but before lie could be extricatetl , anothir fall occtmrred , cruciIng hmfnm to death , . coroner's jury exonerated the conipammy , an Brown's fclhow emnploye from blame. \ VHEATLAND.VYo. . . April. , i,9.-Spciai ( -Prospecting anti thevelopnment work con tinues actIve iii time iliucu Grass mining dht trict , near tim'o place. Mr. Fox of Sprin creEk , htaa a force of miners workIng sever : claims in time Grant district. Mr. A. I Wlmitmnan of Iron Mountain , Is. making exter dye preparations to work the baramie mire piacers. James Alien , who hiss been prom pecting on time Sybihie , iman found a ve'n ' gold ore , wlmicit assays $19.25to.thme tout , an Is prepariimg to fully tieveiop limp mine. Tic shaft on time Carroll Drc property , net Laramnie peak , is now down a depthof flIt feet. A rich lead of era i9 being followe wit'ct good prospects of the nmino becoming raiuabio Property. a ' " ' PtVO VflFil ( ! ODY FOL'L ) AIi"l'ElL H ii ( JM % ' LnwreuieemturiortuuI 11 1,451 ii 'I'lZi'mt ( Out to llme , tiln hCIJIt'd. hOLLAND , IIIch. , April . --\VImat wp evidently a brutal murder - ? hen timtn , afternoon. , A fielmermtin Iscovered tim body of , a man afloating Ia flha'i1c river , Tb feet were securely bound and a cache ha been pulled over tIme head anl arms and tie around the waist. A strap was buckle Lightly around the head through tim mouth and a heavy iron weigh had been placed in time sad rime . akuil was fractured and othe marks of violence were Vicibie. The bed , was Identified as that ot .mttos 'mV. Law rence , 41 years old , wito wam last seen tw iveeks ago and was reported to have gen . aorth. The body founti vIthiln two blocks a chore Lawrence formerly Ilvel yith iii rife. Thme river runs timrotmgh a immarshu hal L mile rlde wimere , at any point , it womuic mare been an easy matter to iump the bed : vlthout tear of detection. Lawremmc&s wife it time time of time dlsppetiraTmCo , said Eno : mad gone nortim. She sold qverytimiitg aim icetessed and left time city , te1iiitg no omit icr piatis or destination. Me6.-Lawrence an , imavo been lcfcated at how tee brotimer , Roy , rd CIty and the sherIff has gone there ti ri est timemu anti hold titermi till they prow' ' html they hind nothing to do vlth time enur ICr , _ _ _ - * _ _ . _ ; , I'ltIIClXG 'I'AlLOitS AlhIO S'l'AItV1fl ; tzitcmuieu t ) Iui,1 ( ha t i1i Per Cent Ar Iii Ix I reiI Cht'umuMiI mitteN. ChICAGO , April 10.-Chicagt , labor organ. rations were taken to task title afternoon al he meeting of the Trade npcibLabor asaenm. hy by Mray Kenmty O'Sullivan of Boston an their lack of interent Ip the stnilce at ho garniont workers. Mrs. OSuliivan ! made lie sensational statement L1Is of the 20,000 miiora vito struck for an Increare of 25 per ent in wages 10,000 are on ( hue verge of tarvation. Mrs. O'Stuhiivan said site knew Ills , lmaviutg sjent four : days anions time iliors Itivestigating their comditiomm. . . fel J'umoh. Pighutimuir Clii' Nev $ PITTSrIURG , April 29.-Tbe Post says : Negotiations were closed yesterday by huIIt time interests of the Dunbar Fimr. ace cOmnpcmimy anti ( ito tuew oweteret at the ohitinbha Steel miii at Unlontowim have eon vlrtutihiy commnohitbmted gmnd a ttromW otubintitlon termed to ( mlierilte th l'mmlon. twa p'utnt inderendont Cf time big billet 1100 ! I they immmdertnkn to girt' ( ite ijihlot pool tight , the oumbimmntion wIth time furnace tmunpaemy still euialic them jo mucmintzmin a Drmmilthablo positIon 1mm the steel emmarleet. L itu time expectimtIon at .th present time ) have time mlii In cpomation.by July 1 , II ' between the I llgtmretl time nurnuugenlent' trntmco company flhmd ste .rnhil will per. mit tIme manufacture o htiletuu at a cost tat twill citable the Colunuhtit hteoPie to toil cents trer tout below JlieiOy.et itrice time ilict pool emma mtihe iii thm eartern nmarket. " Itouur Millers lCiliiii l4tii. Ciuve In. OLIPIIAN'r. la. , April lt.Jtoamr men en- aged 1mm drivIng a hicadimig Cm m time shaft ) time thope of time Eddy CreIcaiIery , naar us itlace , vcre iflStaemtIykI1lQci yestertlay. 'he ' dead are : James MClaie of Oliphmant. . 'iiliamn lIarvey of VnIcbturm Jttmemu anti of.'fhroep. 'I'imo : ulph Abbott , brotiterme ) in w're workIng ac q. PaInt about 000 feet from the shaft numd had jusi red mm blnqt. V'imeum the smoke hind hhtteil rey retimneietl and commenced to cear away me debris. 'rimey lund iwea'a.t ' work only few mninutes em rectiqa cit time roof , etgimimmg neur'y' thirty tolls. gave way. tushiing ( Ito tnen to heath. 'l'he bodies of to unfortunate macmm svtre itpt recovereti rmtil late iii time day. They were crusimed Inuost beyond recognitions - - Ahiot b ing 1.11 11.1 $ ti iujliii 11 $ , ROSEIIUD , S. P. , AprIl 19-Spocitml- ) eclnh Agent Dr. Wy'ndemand Surveyor cite of Valetmtine no pi-iparing to make lotments of land to uhm Indians alomig limo obraslea line at time head of time Mlnne huaduza creek. 'l'iiO CititOulS of Pluto titnbr mvlll not be batted , hut imeiti as eommon Prppert ) ' . Tue rival of the new % vnmons qnd hurmmemts ( or loss % ito meceived their nilotmnents lust : ar will mimuke thmua Ipcliuns eager to tithe Iaiiui , dr _ . 'I'iju 1mm Itmiimur Geb 'Von Years , ICINOICISIIEI1 , OkI. , Apnii ltt.-flhil Rtuid. I' , convicteil of attempting to roil mm Reck ititti mull trulmi on Aprlh II , 1S95 , ras pen- imeed in tile ITtiltoti States court today ten years' lnmimnluuonmen ( in the Itemmiten- mmy at Columbus , (1. A miloy at sixiy day'z : l graumletl to penimmit of out ahtimoal to the hirenme cc.urt. . - V sittru ; ( ( net ( ipemi at I hii St ruulgim Is , i/mi'L'I' 5TH , MAIIIII , ) dichm , , April III.- avlgatiomi opened here totlay' , The itigs erilek cuntl TIuomnson actreesded In getlIumg rough St. MarIe s nivr Little ice mas lake craft can je easIly ILACUE VISITS lION Seven Weeks of RILIU Mctkos th I oidedly Unhealthy , ; . MUCH SICRNESS AMONG TUE EU Ocr Tun Ilimmnlred niid 1ift htt'lortutit Him time I.uinitul Iii 'I'n elt % 'et.kn-Sieuuiumcr (1110- lie 1mm Qmmnrnntiite , SAN FRANCISCO , April 19.-The steami Oaehic arrived today from hong Komtg n Yokoimatuta , via honolulu , Owing to I Prevalence of time black plagtme at hong ICc the steamer was sent to Quarantine isia Time cabin passemigers , fifty In nutnber , wi rmiiovetj to iaeiti , but ( ho 200 steerage lass gers Were kept on board. A enee of smut pok developeti during time voyage fromu Yo imatmma to ilommoltmiu , anti timero was a case black piimguo just before ( lie' atcaimmer I Yokohamima , There was no sickness on be : alien time steamer arrived today , anti , at Limo steerage passengers nd their baggi [ mare beemi fumIgated , they will probably allowed to lamud. The plague itewia from China Is not alar ing. There Is a great deal of sickneas immmmt Lime European colony at hong Kong , 1 tothming very nerloums. It has nalimed timu tonirtantly for seven weehes amid time city mu aim uimlueaithmy state. A fatal cattle d taco has broken out which baa ahumiost ruin Iho dairy business. Up to March 20 thu math beeim 2t11 cares of plague in Hong Ice nce January 1. Most of time soutim Clii titti island parts imave declared a tiuaumanti igaummet hong iCong. A case of plague is reported front Sini oro. Tim German officers engaged in organizi utmtl drilling time mmew Chinese army' at Na cing Were attumelceti and badly beaten by hmimmese mob. News ( rout Corca states that the Core drug Is still domnichieti at time Itursian le ion , but that tInt Russians are entleavori 0 persuade iuhrtm to rettmrn to lila palace. Ou mreaks among time Coreans against time Japa tee are still frequent and a number of Japa tao have been kIlled. Time Gaelic brings news thmat Adtniral I. ear , in Command of the Aaatic : squaciromu , ontemmupIating a naval tlemmionstratiomi hminese watero' . Time fleet , consotimmg ! of ) ctrolt , Olyumupia , Charleston nntl Boston , m endeavour at Simangimai duritmg time summmi intl vIli then sail north along time coast Jhmitma anti to Japan. Tue United States steamnohip Datroit receni naule .i last trip between Nagasaki a ' .mamugiuai. Site niade time dIstance itt ( went tix hours , rhuiclu in thirty nilniutco faat han time tIme tmmatle by the Enipresa of I ha , tue previous record imoitler. Time Detri veraged about nIneteen kumots an imour. T Jnited Statct versels Petrel anti Commco mare salieti for home , via hloutoiuiu. T 'etrel left Yokoimaitma , Mcmrciu 28. and oncorti , rrarcim 20. 'lm Petrel iua be mu Chulttese walers for many years , and ii tihi probably be imer last eta voyage. ) CSTIL 01'S 'pIt io DAU'1'LlcSS l'LAX IxtmIohomi of a. Ilmirrel of finsolli % 'liiuls U n Itit3010 1ciietur , . TOLEDO , , prIi 19-fly time explosion barrel of gam.elino in the Datmntiers bicyc actory tiis morning tim entire Vpiant 1 % crecked. At 12:45 : a. am. the dlarm w urned in and in fifteen minutes time Ian : eliding was wrapped itt llammtes. Time hi tarted near tIme elevator and quick cached ( lie aam'onmbhitm ; roomn on the fif oor , witere about 2,000 blcycueo were store 'ho fine was communIcated to time Tohec machine antI tool works , wimero nmany val blo patterns were ruined. Many of the annot bq replaced. Their uoe'a will amen it 40,000 , wIth insurance at 30,000. Ito Iauntlesa factory there were 2,000 fi uited wheels anti many fittings. A recond explosIon , supposed to be C : mehing fluid , occurred at ( :30 : a. m. , whk attscd the rear and sIde walis to fall. ngitmo lund a mmarrov escape from belt rusimeti. Time loss ott the' bicycle factory 110,000. The ins'uranco cuiminot ho aeco mined tonight , but it Is probably from $75OI Time mttmrrountllng property Is damaged ito extent of $2,000. Time fire is now unuli antrol. No further damage Is anticipated. , Ili.tVIII ' 1,0 ALi I ) ISfiASII fi IltUll. . loemmtgeim itucy Sniuhtut lIe the lix4ei iuiiiutt'it of 'l'lueiui All. CHICAGO. April 19.-ConsumptIon is deat iphtimenla was killed outright. Typimotti wt rmnihilated. Cholera has beeim stunned ft tttrtcan days. Pneumonia was barely ab I rez'ummte it work. Antiinix and giantlem ; capcd witit serious injury , hrtfhtmenza mnlcom aughter by Its poltiotm under the tube. Tit the bulletin fronu the laboratory of I'rof : ratt anti Wlgimtnman , who announced to tic oriti tuat the Roemmtgemm ray is tint cure ( C teso dlseae a. Time last and fimmal efforts I : wiva time expoed coloniai of gernus hay ft four stone uleati. They assert that over sit5io acientlilo lmreeaution was taken thin Cr0 itmlglit be no possible reason for ( bet Va tieception , Titcy are comuvitmced of thu uccess of tIme first experiment vltim tim dlii 1mm test tubas. Tiuey started ) eaterda orning iii the laboratory' ott a new oeres mis , which time ) ' insist , will imrove or dli ova time POi'SIile usa of tIme dlacovery I tual . practice. -V _ _ S _ _ _ Ilml'INI : I'Pt.tu L.'i mVN I uivnII,1. DIN\'FI ( , Almril 19.-Time mttmpreme ( ml inmil of the ICnighmts or l'ythlan clot'ed roe days' sesson lmero yeterthty. 'l'htl 'tcrnoon they reimiloroti a ( iecltiotm wimic feels hnntlretmu of niembers throtughotut tim umutm'y , It was in thte case ot JoseI ) ciy'in , w'imo vuis expeileul ( rota tIme Lead I'o loige under time law of 1811 exciudhn : mnmbiertt mtnd drunlearils fran-u the ordti ivin itppealeti on time grottntl that lie y'tm memnber before the law was passetl. 'rim banal sustained Gavin's idea anti ordere m roinstateil , Fifty cases In Denver aion 0 affected by the decimclomm. S Ii evil alec n U feict ii i'i'rN Commhi cmi' . ( NiEflSON , Intl. , April ilL-At a recen oeting in Boslon two veeles ago , hue ( or itlon of a trust tithing in time fourteec ovel factories In time Imnitemi States va gtmn , anti yesterday it m'uis comimleteti here us Anderetout pinmit , ownitmg title to tim ration in tIme natural gas district , seem uuiuve forced tIme otlmers to mnimlee a trust time shovels made hero veme numtmle so chiea at ( Ito Prices became ticunormtiIzed , 1'im tput determlumed upomu will mmot now b or 400 (5.01 dozen 11cr aemnumum anti iii ! time Itrod t wIll he itanmlietl ( noun ommo place , cithe mderson em. I'ittaburg. I'o llst'ju'n lb luIe of Uhtizemmnlul II. hIlCAQO , Alirli 19.-A conguess of edo ( ion in cIvic ceoumomics anti edition wIll b itt in thtimu city' , ttntieF tIme oumqmlces of tim , lnnmblen college or CitIzcmshuilm , hieginnlei mrii 20 numul cioslog Muuy 3 , In which everh cauuizatioti , 0Ciety' on intilvhtlual represent : seine itlea or principle of humanity ii plied to hiartlctlmnte. Otto of the humlncllma iects Is to evoivo a plan of counmom tool extemtmulon for limo Imurpose of cnrlnn . eduicatloitol % maifit. ' .Y , Ii. i.ynchi , optit Ituto blocic. Sn time secretary of tue commit t on lVti ( It .ilftmIt' ' Xroatr hhhiem to 1 LOUCESTEII , N. J , , April ll.-Decpommd boaum'o of ( Ito accidental thestruction oh . Justice of limo Pcace Henry E , han. ft commnltteti suIcide today by cuttixui t throat 'lth a razor. flancroft huti ldemm his mnoumey let a cigar box amid liii I tiuxew it Jim the tIre us rubtitalt , i-iii' * f Six Il imuim'I ( lhuusuu Bloymu.rs IAIITFO1U ) CITY , irud. , Aprii 10.-The as blowers of the Hartford City Window its coampany refused to go ( cm work thu truing becauao a blower lund been tIle. irged in vIolatIon of tIme agreement with In union. lx hundred maca ore thrown OL work , 1'It lt.tIhING Fl' . lttXI.tI.I. TIM Ill Si1y-Oiie Iimu1Ir1unemut Against Imp , , lmi miiiul Siumi I hi Iii habit Set hers CIIAMIII3h1LAIN , S. D. , April lO.S ( cini.-Concitlerable ) speculation imas beeut uluiged in regarding ( ho returning of en than eeventy indictments by the fetic granti jury at Sioux Falls in one day cently , It Is ascertaIned that sIxty-otto the intiictmnents are against time settlers v in Janumary of this year raided the ab tiomueti Fort flantiall immihulary reservation , tinted on time line between Smith iakottm a Nebraska. Of those indicted for this fensc' , three are resIdents of Soimtli Dak anti the remnaltmIng fifty-eight are reside of Nebraska. Ioputy mnartnaimm wIll at 0 : boin to niako ( ito wholesale arrests. l Randall was abandotteti smite ycarni ago , C has for time Past few years been in chum : of an olti veteran named J , 11 , MeLatmgiml Ott time reservation was a strip of ( Intl a mile amid timree.qumnrtenm , bug by one-thu of a tmmilo witie. Title was fonummenly a pa Time settlers , vimo wcro for the tumost Ii imectiy anti deterring people , vcro accent tin ) privilege of carrying away smmclm "dow thither as they nmigimt tinui there , but af a tinmo tithe failed to satisty ( lucia. fia iii the present year , the overnimmemut sorts , settlers acconupanieti by Immlly teatmus Otmtercd the necenvation , anti in sir of the lirotests of time cutetoelian went it time timber , and 1mm ten days imati emit do mmli time tree's amid renmoveci tlma greater it tion of timeun to their Imomnesteads lit time vie ity. 1mm addition to this ( lucy are ahie to imavo conitmtltteti emimutterous other deprer ( ions. Twenty-five years ago Fort flantlall v the immost brilliant social army pest out I upper Missouri river , and as long as a V tige of it reummaiuma will be fanmous tts the pin of canflumemnemut of Sitting hull after imI turn front Canada , where lu fled witim I followers after tue Cuoter nmasacre. With the next thirty days three ciUzenti of dma berlain who were recently appoltuted by I secretary of time Interior for ( ito ltunimo will visit anti appraise ( lie builthimmgs a immmprovemmentm. at Fort htamtulalh preparatory their tiislrnaal anti ( hue transfer of time rest vation to South Dakota. - _ V. VOflIClNG liII : lIA'/'S Ii flrhI.tS Snub liens liumt IMIM'l'iulc ( ' l' ' ilO I I , , iitima 's Csuu' . ATLANTA , /tprll 19.-The hlotno Missi society for ( he Soutlmern Baptist comuvemutic commuposed of mnen of ( lie imlgiucst standiui at a full mmteetimtg today adopted ( lie folio ing : fleaoiycd , Timuit ( hue board lmns hmenmrd vl tleep pain of ( lie imimhui ittmuttaetit of Ihrotit A. J. Dinz by ( liii Sinmnlaim authorities Cmtimm : titat we nrc mrofommntiiy impress vith time ditty' of doIng nih in our h1o'er Irreservo the life nttd secure the liberty 01ii beioVed brother ; ( lint far this iuurPo we Itiwhto nil UttlitiSts everywhere amid i Cutristitium brothrcmm air imuty' vi Ut , , to unite itt it commnomm effort to intl cited them authorities of the land to everythIng commcimtent % mitii time homier of 0 ccnntrw to accomplish otmr vishe" . Resoveti , 'rimat imubie meetingm be lie by them amid titus show conic meytnpatl with us. and timitt tm due eximressiout of ( lit desires be forwardeti to semitmtors , represer tutive and other public oiiiciaitr , aivIm'it timenm ( lint time entire conatitmuency of ti Southern Baptist convemitiomu , aided by tym pathizing triencis from every part of ( I country , are united in one sacred effort f the delivernneo of time mtmtmum of God who. I his unseiih ! devotion anti tmnilhmtchit ccurnge , imut mnmienred himself to nil f titular ivitit hIs history ; that for this pit 1)050 WO nsk that linmhtists throughout ( I mcotmthm will , thirotigim their respective churcim and other organizatiomin , make cotttnlbutlu to a fund providing for expemmacs attendim any efforts for. lutz rclhul' , but itmore cap cluihly n a tammgiblc cxprensiomm of synupati for hIm amud for hIs clP.it'erctnce from ti dapgers environIng hUm. OXLi oIi' L'NCt.iI S.tWS UXI'AlO 1)11,1 l'roji.etihe Ci,1Iiimi' Cctiiiu ot colic , alOilC ) tlUl is I'irceit I , , Sumniuculul. PITTSI3IJRG. April 19.-Time Sterlimug Ste ompatiy of MclCeesport , manufacturers he Wimeeler-Stenhing arnmor-piercing projc tiles , Is in peculiar financial difficultIes. Ft rutveral mmtonthms past they have been worklmi in a large order of projectiles for time Uuuiu Itates goveinnient , which has cost the : mur.ulrctls of tlmousanuis of dollars , for while hey imavo receIved ito mumommey in return. Tlit mare consequently been conmpelled to pam bohr regular pay day amid suspend opert Ions , Time credit of time conmpany is firm : lass , however , anti it Is expected time plum will resume in a few days. Aim oflicisi lie company says : "Tito government appri triation limtemmded to itay us has beemi use or another purpose.Vo expected to g tne-half of time appropriatiomu , the otimer Jun 0 go to time Carpetmter Projectile comnpaum ut a bill for one of the big steel cotnpanie van put titrough wimicit practbcaily vipeil mutt , the tiew approprIation bill tuot hem n'aliahlo until congress adjourns. "We have delivered to time gavimrnmem ver $200,000 worth itt projectiles , ( or while we have approved bhiis , but cummld not dim rlbute theta so its to realize any immoncy o item. " FIre'N of me lzi' . FICEMONT , April lO.-Speciah.--Abotmt ( ) 'clock this mnonmuing fire was discovered I talon Baumnan's lIvery harm. ott Fifth stree ty his son , Arthur hlauman , who was sleejm ng on a cot in ( ho office , lie at once gay he tmiarmn , and m'lmon the fire deparntemit am iveul the Inside of the barn was burnin lerceiy. Time imoraeea , carriages and a par if time harnesses were savetl. 'rho buhidin 5 siuateml lit thmo business part of town an ito fire was a hard one to get control oh 'imo origin of the fire Is unknown , bitt I imouglmt by seine to have caught from soni ault in time electric lIght wIres. liamumna : ad 1,000 insurance on ( hue contents and bu 250 on the building , ho cotinmatca hula los .1 abo't $1,000. I1I1INCETON , ICy. , April 19-Powell .1 lohhlngeuwortiu's tobacco factory burumctl lien htiti morning , Time house was time largest It mis section amid contained 000,000 tuoummds n mimacco , time greater part of which vaa it trlpj for market. Loss on tobacco , $10,000 tsuracmce , $20,300 ; on buIlding , lO,010 ; incur flee , $7,000. A dozeum entail residences hr e proximity were burned. : , ) IIH ( If liii' IteoIuuIlnii mut SiuminuugmIi SAVANNA ! ! , Ott. , April lo.-'ruuc anntma onventIomu of time gemmercul socIety of Ibm ens of tluo Itevolutiomi meet hero tomorrow tepresemmtnmtives rti'riti today from a imumn er of stlIes mmliii tonigimt uttenthetl servIce t time HI , Joimn'u Episcopal cimumrchm In i ody , lilsitop Iit'nry 1Vhmippla ! of ! tiimt ergtn , acme of lime memreeentttiy'es of tb acicty In tlmm&t ttnmter imreslded. fix-Coy mar John Le Carrel ) or MumryIatul , prest ent of time general socIety , preu'Itlcs at thc teeting hegluuning tomorrow morning. 'i'o tormow iuighmt ( intro will 1)0 it banquet wenty ninte t'OCieiieH mmiii ho representet t thur nmeetittg by distinguisimetl mneinbern , Suuleidu' of ui mm Imuslututtei mm , W'ASIIINGTON , April 19-Henry A. An Orson , run insane Swede wimo arrived hen roun Chicago Friday everming to tefl I'resl ent Ciervelantl how to save tIme coucmtry mr.niIttemi tulcitlt , by strangu'umtion limit 'oenlng Itt a POlica cell. lIe lund been ar acted Frhlay itiguit whIle at them whit , outte , 'flue pohico oihiclul ( ciegrumuhuetl te Irs , Antlersoum at 2..5. . Eleventh ttreeh CImI : tgo , asking what dluqmoeitiotm to make a : is iotly' amid received a reply to have I inhitmiened , lou'u.u'mi I of flo'nu mu Ste'mu mumer , , tiri I J I At New York-Arrived-La Gascogne , I rain larre. At Iiahltax-Arrivetl-Iaurentian , ( noun Liv. 1)001 , for Portlamuti , At I'hliiadclpitla-A nrlved-Assynlan , front iasgow , At Heady I slanti-l'aseeti up-Itiulneland , em Liverpool for Pimilaelehphla. At Iover-Paejed-Soutimwark , from Ant. erp , for New York. At Ilmivre-Arniyed-La hiourgogmte , from cmv York , At Moviiio-Arnlved-Lobrador , from l'ort. ad , At Soutumaenpton--Saiied-Ahiem' , tar New ark , A t Queenstowmt-f5aileii-Umbnia , for New arlc. At Lonulon-Saihed ( April 18)-Amumerlca ) , for ew York. At AucklaamlSauItmlmhmril ( 18)-Monowal , r Samt Francisco , At Liverpool-Arnlved-Iioyic , from New ark , STRUCIC BY A SUDDEN SUALL Tonibo Experience of Massachnstts l'ish- ormon OfF Long Isitnd , TROPICAL STORM IN NORTIItRN SEAS lit One' 31 tiiuht- tinSeiu.ioiiu'r in Suiuui mmliii ? , iuie Out icc Sih'eum Are Jrommmme.lS , , 'uurimIj. , fllc'uu , NEV YOI1IC , April 19.-A special to ttu Press front New licciforti , 'tiaq , , says : Nine ( ltoumccm'ter flrhermtteim were lost oft Long Is- laud emi Friday mulglut , witen ( ho ilaimimig ecimoommer J. Cacmmpbeli of thloumeester icms stuimb in a squall , Time seven sturvivors an- niveti here toniglmt to tell time story. They vero brommgimt hitto lmort by tIme Gladiator froma time slmootmer Nornuami , wlmicim imicked titent up after they' haul spcuit mmci uttire ttight atmti day in an opeim boat without fooc The imantes of timose inst are : CAPTAIN lli3IlT S\T1I. FI1ANK 5'm'L\'lA. ThOMAS ItOGEItS. GEOiChhI EIA. JOhN M'GUultE , \VILLIAM M'CALLISTEIi. A. li. M'COItMI' , GEOilGi OltAliAM. ChlAltLES DOhiflitTY , Time aimmklmmg of ( lie Camnimboll was remmiark- able in several renipeCts. Tito fatal squall was one of time nmost suititleim anti terrIfic Itt the tuetnoryof time sturviving seanmcut , It was nil over Iii aiummort a uumlutute. It hmapteuiei oo eiUciciy ! ammti timere war so little 'yarning tiittt there was no timmme to avert time caianmlty or provide ( or eecutpe , Ama Itvns It seemne rommmnnlcablo ( hunt there vas a sIngle suurtiyon. Time escape scented luumt ny trick of late. \'hten time squall struck bier , time vessel caroned tuition tim tenilbie blow anti all re'aiizeti that theIr lives veto in datmger , Seven of time sixteen sailors quIckly clammt- bereti up the nmasts. No stemmer had timey' domi so titami a S000tni ammti far Immore Io\ver- fiul gimet of wieitl t'eizeti time craft ammul soc.tmmctl to lift it btmiiiiy out of ( hue sea. Then , as if lit a niigitty' grati , time Vcusel vas wrencimeti mmmi given a smutluleti twist vItim sticli violence ( lint time nuasis immiuippeci oft Otitt with. tii declc , like tt'otimpicks , atiti \tero lmimnlcei far away fronm time , reach of the Vortex nmaulo by ( Ito ship aa it ( cii back lute the water anti sammk lute a piece of lenti , This is time uaary as ( old by ( Ito survivors. Timoy left Now York at S o'clock Fi-lulay imigimt auth time m.'ipmahi otrtucic titeimi soon after- ward. Tlmc.ro as not time uiglmtest wanmtlmmg _ Time wind van blowimm emily 5(1001 ( two knots and everything seemmued favorable for a. etummootit trip. After time squall hail subslmletl the mmtoon caine otut amid by' Its light ( ho I'oven nuumvlvors , t'hmo attli citing to time nmaata in spite of time awfmul a'hocle of belimg thrown through the aIr amid matrikimug the. vater as they did , sere able to find a iiary , In which timey elituubed after baliimug It out. Ahi mtigimt lomm aumni nil tIme next day they drifted helplessly - lessly about time soimmmth witluoumt boil or vator. Themi they' were pltumr4 up by the schooner Normal and later were transferred to time tug Giatilator , which brought timemmi (0 ( thIs Itort. They lost everything except ( Ito clothes ( hey had otm their backs , Timey will be sent to their hmotneis totnornow , l'ltIZlJS FOIL ' "it'lii0 I'ICTIJltlIS. .timdm'i' CztrmiegieI'uit , 111 , tOO or . ( lit' host Amuucrieti ii Arl mIs. PITTSIIURG , Vim. , April 19.-Antlrew Car- megie imas autitonized the trusteen of Car- egie Art gallery to offer $8,000 for time best : wo oil paimmlmtgs by Amner'eamj artists. Act- hg under this ammtlmorizatouu , ( lie board at rustees of the Carnegie Fine Arts amid Mit- iCUtfl Coliection officially atmimoutmees : I. A. prize of $0,000 my II Ice given for time rest palrmtltmg in oil praduced in the year 896 by an Ammuuanican arst ! , wherever real- lent , attn first siuovn Jim ( ho Carnegie art ahienies of Pittsburg , l'a. , at mitt exhibition 0 ho held for live reeka , begimunlng Tmues. lay , Novemniter 3 , 1896 , time successful wonic 0 become tIme property of the board of ( ntis- eamu of ( lie Carnegie F ne Arts amttl Museum olIecticn fund nitti to be hutmtmg pornmanently in the walls of ( lie Carnegie nit galleries of 'ittsburg. 'lime above otter is conditioned ott Ito exhblticun ! of a work to be adjudged of : tuuhiclermt artistic tiontim to properly represent he best American art of the year. 2. A prize of $3,000 wiil be ) given for the iaintng Ia oil adjudged to Ito next in art- sIte value , subject to the cormditiomms cnuumier- ted. ted.Further Further Inforemuntion can be obtahimed by ad- lressng ! Joliem W. fleattl thireetor of filmo rts , Carnegie Library hmuuiditmg , Pittcburg , a. V. N. F'ItEW' , President. tt'i'tLS AutO A1.b Itt'X Vlh)1I Ol'FiS _ html cuts Li' hlus I hue fihTeitt of Crt'u I- I uig Snilicucius Vinier A u.ii Ii or Nit lime. BUFFALO , N. Y. , AprIl 20.-TIme saloons intro clscd today In obethiortce to ( hue flalrmea 11W , but all time old ilne hotels and time newly made hmoteir , of time tetu-bctl.noanm capacity Id a rushIng businmces , i nickel bought umandwichm with a beer on time side. Titero ere no arrests anti no featmmres to be no- uarhceti unleam ( Ito iurommouuuueemument of a war lion time Imateis ho exceptitu , The Itomnami aIimolIo Total Abstinetuco union reorganized otlay auth pamatml a imrcauimble declarIng : That reckle.smu intcnlircatlen ( wiucreby emmy ian living at him iiommmo n Buffalo mmmlgimt. I limo same tlnte be mm gtmom' ( in amuy or all mo imotels of fltmffalo aunt btiy tumuhlmnlteut uammitiei : of mmlcohmolic drimrts out Sunday by rat ontlering ( lie nterest pittance of footi rouhti nuuibf' 'lie Sumitlay chcslntg itortiomu of tic' homes liw : or ( unit It imuto mutoelcery , " nti resolving ilmat a comnutmittee of timnee ur lttt auttiuoritiemc to itrimtg time irmatter to courL t rr'nnui mis tu Comimu ( ' . 'f'l Icr , WORCESTEI ( , 1tTni' . , A prii 19.-'Fhmomas ' , Oafl'rmey' , ci. himothter of Joint hr. Gntttmtey , tie vcl lenowmm 1)150 ball umnimlre , 'trims an- tstoml In thin cIty tnhghmt for counterfeit- ig and huld in $5,0' ' ) for oxamiuttution htefor railed V Staten L'ommmmumlsslotmer Aldrich. 110 'an murrircutctip fur dnmmmmicenmmemu Sat unlay lghmt antI In hIs pocke ( vere tountl tsvo aitpcn molds , otto ( or umttmlcimmg ititthici , , anml 'to other for sliver hull mb lam. 'fhe rnoiuin no of excellent mvoniemmtarmmthlp , Otuffney ttmtmniu ho imamu never' patsed any money mtmtI in the maids. _ - Sit it , , , % I * 0 l I s VI liii i'uI. NfiS' YOltIC , April VJ.-Mtte Frances fi. 9linrd , lrcsitlcmit of tIme IVoultI's ttuuui Nut. ontui Women's Chmmimutian 'i'empenance nlotm , nail Amtcretary Miss Anita ( london era tenderet a ( armaveil itt Clm'ohenlmmg ' huh might. They will tall ( or fiumglttemd oni Petlrmerdtiy next. ' 1Ito time hulk's tmrcu gotmne do'egnteti ( roam ihue Natltummal'omneIm's imrIstianm 'i'emimenautee utnmiomm of America to Itenul the thuirteentim mmmmmmuai meeting ot me 1fnitliu Vontent's i'enuulIeraflcu , union to I , Imeiti in Londoim InS -S - 5mm I on 0 II , 'i' m' u I' S Ii 0 I I ' II mm rglni re , INDIANA1'ObiH , April 1k-A hiruttul cnlmi as comnmitlcui in tiuhim city tmbattt 1:30 : o'clock uiui imiornitmg at 1020 Vest \Vimaluingtosu meet. Leo Ihlrtiu. smIte omm'niutth it grocery' ore anml saloon nit timmut number , was shot rettghu the imemmrt by iiurtimrs , who iuat oleemi into time house from thu near , ho cii almost lutniamutly amid time iiuuglars sue- omleil in euucuuuiing. 'rite men iuiso tried to Il liirtim's wife , 'rite iumundemctl mnan leavems ur children p - mu I. . : uli.mi Chunemu for I hue flri'n t IeIgi be. NflV hi4tVfiN , Coan , , April 19.-Tui eakers who will roprceentt Yule lit the hate with the Ilarynurd mnemu have beers cideti onu. They mire 3. II. Clark , hlnoole- a ; C , 14 , Arllngion , Xetmin , 0. ; J. C. Nobler 'iniuita , Kutn. alternate , W , t' . Unavena uunicimcatcr , N. II , 'lire of Snlnomus , lhlAImiihEltljAIN , H. 1) , , April 10.-Rpe- ( ui.Time ) cuunoii of Spningllelil. liars omnnne county , hug decIded timu ( time tosvnt n get itiong witimout muaioomms. anti accord- gIy the saloons imavu been given ummtU lute 30 to go out of business ,