- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - ; - . - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - TILE OMAhA IAIrY 1H4E : : SUND/1Y , A1.'fltL 19 , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - COUNCiL BLUFFS DEPARTMEN7 = : : , - . _ _ : IoIL MU ( ) Cfne nhI hIi cnmmlsIon ) nuil. fleM tenI % iH rcmovc In a few days to OrI. 1vI'l. ) % . The Urett htcI , Council fl1utt. 111gb ht In ery rcpt. 1nte , $2.tfl er day Hid 'ipwzid. 1& P. Clarke , proprietor. j M ) tie 1ot1 , o. 12 , Igre of honor , vlll meet In rcguhr &cssion , tGm1ay evening , at S ocIc1c 1iarp. at Grtiiu Army of tite Ite- ptiliUc hall , Mv ! . .lalrn Mclcrrnntt nt 212 1rarrl.on atuet w1ic has btn serou1y III for ev cml days , was reported to be much bitter last oven ! . Mrs. ( arrk , F' . Weatherford will 1ecturo on HplrItun1lat at 7:30 : p. m. \Veothnen hail , Upper Ilroalway. ths ( Snrulay ) even. Ing. Admltn tree. The poilco ( lepartlncnt waa wllflcl yester. day by A. li. 1"aiilkntr of J1fl3 Scott sheet , 3)e Melee , that tlilet hail toteii his bicycle , a 't5 lnolel ( hlnrnbher , No. 12a22. Itey. Henry 1)el.ong yier1ay received the flrt number of hJiihhlngton thooth'si new paper , The VohtInteir'H Giz.otte , the organ of Corn- in.iftder IJO3tI'3 flew army , the Volunteers of d Iii ei'hca , The St. Ilernard's 11o'phIa1 Seving society wlfl IflC't every Thiuri1ay atternoon at the hosiItaI , to for the poor of our city. It is 21oeclnrInn , All frlnd dt the ho&pltal are Invltcd. SIsters Gf Mer'y. trc.I McCaffrey ntiil George A. Owyor , tvo rug salesmen woricing for an Omaha In- stahluient 1jouc , vere fined $16.10 each yes- tortiny in the police court uprni conviction of the charge of intoxication and fast tlrlvlng. flew. T. W. Williams received u telegram last night announcing the ( bath of V. ' . W. Blair , iweshlent of the Reorgunlzeti Church or Jcst Christ of Iidtcr flay Saints. l'resi. ( lent Lhl.ilr liveil nt Larnont and (110(1 ( 00 hIs Way hionie fro2r , the conference. which was hiehi at ( leve1aiiil Inct week. Mr. J , E , Munger. college i'crtary for Iowa Young Men's Christian assocIation , will give the nddres' at the men's rally at 4 o'clock , Mr. Monger Is an Intorostln.g i'poaker. lie reprcsenti4 tim international committee at its first secretary in the Mex- Icon republIc , being located in the City of Mexico. - I'aul C. Aylosworth , manager of the F'eld club , is getting a bail team together. PerSons - Sons desiring to try for poshtlor.o on tha toani will report on Tuesday at 4 :30 : o'clock at the Field club park for practice : All ap- phicants will be given a fair trial , as t'.e club lcsirr' to put a hot team In the field with the opening of the season , An examination tinder the civil service , for clerks and carriers of the postat service vill ho held In this city June 6 , 1896. Partlea desIring blanka can hirocure them from Fred Johnson at the postoffice , and all parties desIring to take the examination mucit have their applicatIon In on or bcfore May 18. I'artlea ( lcsirlng to be clerks must b over 18 years of age , and carriers between ages 21 and 40 , Fho lecture of Rev. II. W. Kuhn , D. D. , at St. John's Engllh Lutneran ciurcli on his late trIp to the Holy Land was an cx- ceediiigly interesting an'I instructive one. lie took the audIence In mind with him to the varIous palnta of Intercet that he visited and described things a plainly that he held their undivIded attention for two hours. lIe dwelt particularly upon scenea in Egypt and the Holy Land and stirred up a new inter- ct In tii rnliido of all to know more about tho'e historIc places. Fred Wilson , one of a gang of tough cli- ( sans v1to created a disturbance at the Turf Rxchango saloon on Broadway several nights ago and spent a few days In the city uil , was liberated Thursday. lie left behind IIIII ! a bIg Colt's revolver and a promise to get out of town as quickly as osible. Last night he was' arrested for Intoxication and oreatlng a disturbance on Middle Broadway. When arrested the fIrst time he had a quan- tlty of lrcperty ) In his possessloij V1IICII thiC pollee hclleved to be stolep ; and when : searched inst night a pair of diamond earrings - rings were found in We pocket tied up In a liabrikereblef. The police have some doubt about the stones being genuine diamonds , but 0000 whatever that. they were stolen , \v. l. Dawson , a rather plainly dressed stranger , was before Judge McGee yester. day an a charge of vagrancy. He had soy- ; cr.l dollars in his pockets and thc appearance of an honest man In his face , and the charge of vagrancy (11(1 ( not hold , lie was found the evening before well up tovarI the top of a tree on Park avenue , and a bIg ( log at the foot watching him and waking the . echoes with a stentorlan voice. Dawon was walking along the street just at dark , flhll encountered tile dog. There was something - thing about the expreselon of the animal's cnntenance and his manner that led Dawson - son to believe that. the safest place was In tim top of a tree , and lie shinned up the nearest 000. ThIs extraordinary proceedings set the dog crazy and drew a small crowd. The man refused to come down until a po- hicernan sus called to take chiargo of tue dog. Dawson's account of himself. owing to his fright , was rather vague , and the officer let the 'log go and teak charge of the man , J'FltSONA I. I'tlLiiI.tl'IJS. Dr. J , W. Ilomsted , mayor of Carson , Is at tIm Noumayer , M , P. Kohl of Earllng is among the guesti" at the Neumayer. II. C , IteyflOl(15 is vtsiting Postiuaster Hunter - ter at De Moines , 1) . F. Perry and his son and daughter of Quicic era at the ICiel. , J , v. Cassell and Jams Ilolton of Car- can are at the Neumayer. Firs. George Henry Ilarnpson and Meeter Glenn. after spending a most delightful winter - ter In Council Bluffs. wIll leave in a few days for theIr liorno in Cincinnati , 0. heath & Miiligan's iiou and cottagc. paints , the best in the marlcet , at Ie- Haven's. 'v1il Arior Iit' , Prof. Paulson , county superintendent of schools , has boon furnishing the teachers of the country e.chioals . with copies of the anni- vcrsary Ie2flet dedicated to the school chil- dreti of Ioa , Preparc(1 ( by State Superin- tenlient Sabin for use In celebrating Arbor anti Memorial days. Arbor day in Iowa falls on Friday , April 24 , thIs year , and Superintendeiit Paulson lien recommended the teachers in favor of a general observance of the day. In some choots allecisI programs will be prepared and given in tile evening , to which the parents vIli be Invited. At schools where there are no trees in tile yarda' the teachers have been urged to have the eiiildrci plant trees. For several years the efforts at tree Jlantlllg ilavo not met ' with nlucll silo- 0080 , owing to thu drouth , but tile superb. tendont has urged tue teachers to try again tiile year , Cliii to keep en trying until their efforts are successful , Wanted-To rent 4 or hSrooin house , convenient - vonient to tlio court house , Wifl buy if price and terms are right , Ii. II , , lice , For RCllt-liebt located 001cc in city. W , . Cooper. 10 MaIn Street , Coisit'll Ill lIlt's Uiit t lii' Iiiii's Shari' . Council Bluffa men were givoti fib lion's share of the before at the grand council of the Itoyal Arersulin held at Waterloo , La , , a few ( lays ago. It they ilad deairad it or aucel for it tIle ) ' could also have ecured tlio meeting of the next grand council , They were cciitont With _ eceIvltig the largest number of bailQts for the chief offices voted - for at the iiieeting. Thosa elected vere all lnelllbQrs of FidelIty council of this city ; Rep. resentativo to suprOine council , I. M , Treynor ; grand regent of Iowa , 0 , IL , Jackson ; grand chaplain , J. 11 , Arthur ; grand trustee , Fred - Warner ; financial commandant , Charles a lienue , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ have yu seen tlio new gas beating stoves at the coeiInny's omce ? We have Jubt received a large invoice of children's blouse waists. Metcalf Bros. LiL'IllsCI ( ) ' 'i'i1. s Marriage liCelics s ore issued yesterday ' to the following liersons : Name 011(1 Itesitlene , Age. lioziry iCing , Lincoln. Neb , , , . , . , , , , , , , , , . 35 Maude Burke , Lincoln , Neb . . . . , . . , . , . , . . . , 19 Henry \'ade , 'rekaniai ) Ntb. , , , , , . , . . , , . , 32 Nellie Dunton , Council hiurt , . . , , , , , . , , , , . . . - . llqffiiiayr's 15alc ! ) ' Patent Flour inakca tlio beat and most bread.Aek your grocer for it , Dr , Cleaver's office moved to 600 llroadway , . _ - - - - DF1AI4 ARRANCEI ) cluaraiity Lila Ftnid Transferred to the Omaha Life. NEW ST OF OFFICERS IN CIIRGE I'jri'MtOl l'oiil II Iiii Of lllP4llleN 1t0 tiiisl tile for t lie Change IIIIL 'i ( , L'atrun % 'Ili lie A deal was consummated yesterday by V.111011 the bllelnc'ss of the Guaranty Life Fuiiii association of Council Bbiits ! passed into tile 11(10(13 ( of a flew et of olilcers and directly tinder the managemelit of the Omaha Lifo association of Minneapolis. The Guaranty Fund Life dasociation wee organized a llIlnlbCr of years ago by the officers of the United States Masonic Denevo- lent nasaciatlon of Council Bluffs.Vhtle a separate and distinct organization It was managed by the sanie board of directors and tue same officers as the United States Mu- sonic Benevolent association , Both corn- panics did LI. good btiilness until a short time ago , wlic.n the depressloil that prevalle1 throughout. the country affectea tile business of both concerns. The United States Masonic Benevolent ci'- sociatioli , being tile larger concern , naturally - rally demanded tile attention of the officers. and all efforts iiavc been Put forth to keep that association on Its feet , Recent devel- oprnents hiavo given the officcrs the asi'Ur- ance that the parent organization Is again in line for a proc'peroils business and with tIle return of good business die officers have felt that tlley were unable ; o ( lo justice to both concerns. The Guaranty Fund LIfo as- socIatlon usc a busineo.i and patronage that should bo encouraged and nuilt up and the officers have been unable to give It the nc- essary attention without negiectiii In a measure tile business of the larger concern. That was the situation of affairs a fc.w days ago when the omcors .t tile Omaha Life assocIatIon made a proposition to take charge of the allaire of the Guaranty Fund LIfe association. The oiler was considered and yesterday a favorable decision was reached , The cfllcers of the Omaha Life as- soclation wore in tue city and terms were agreed upon for the transfer of the management - mont of the business. There was no money consideration and the transaction cannot properly be termed a sale. The business Cf the Guaranty Fund LIfe association has elm- ply been formally and legally turned over to the Omaha Life. Tile directors of the Guaranty Fund Life asoaclatlon met yesterda1 afternoon and made the way easy for the transfer. One director resigned , aild a Minneapolie man was elected in his place. This was repeated until the Council Bluffs directors had all resigned 1111(1 their places had been filled by the officers of the Omaha Life aseaclatlon. Trearurer Mitchell turned over the cash of tile company to tile new treasurer , the new cmceru of the assaclation took cilargo , and the trancfor was complete. The new officers of the assocIatIon are : 1\ ? , j , ' , Bechtel , president : Fred J. Sackett of Omaha. first vice President ; George Es- mend of Minneapolis , secretary , and W , H. Jobnoon of Logan , Ia. , treasurer. The pans ! of the new managers have not been fully decided tliOfl , but they will probably con- salidate the business of the Guaranty Life Fund aez'oclation with that of the Omaha Life. _ _ _ _ _ _ Genuine I3olthara divans and new pieces of oriental furniture at thw Durfee Furniture company's , _ _ _ _ _ For flent-Modcrn dwelling , No. 222 South Sixth street. Odell , No. 7 i'earl street. lIit Not Gi'I the SlIllort DeserviiL The last performance of "flosedalo" was given In a matInee at the New Dohany yesterday - terday afternoon before an audience that little more than half filled the iioue. It les needless to say that every one present was highly delighted , for tile work of the amateurs - ateurs lacked none of tile nerve and vim that characterized them on the preceding evenlngu. It was noticeable that 2nany , almost - most a majority of those present , were there on the other evenings , which goca a long vay toward convincing tile young men and women who worked so long and faithfully for the succes of tile enterprise , that tholr work 'as appreciated and worthy of It. The members of the Guild and the others who did the work are bitterly disappointed at tile financial returns. In speakIng of the smallness - ness of tile matinee attendance one of the members of the guild said : "The prices of admis'slon were 25 cents all Over the ljouse and 10 cents for children , but oven these low rates failed to attract but a very small eprinkling of tile membera of thc church , wllo were eupposed to be more intereoted in tile financial results than any others' . Considering tile fact that all of the members of tile cast , with one or two exceptions , belonged to other denominations and freely and cheerfully gave their time and talents toward tue support of what they deemed a worthy object , It is to bo regretted - gretted tll3t the members of the church gen. crally failed to 8110W theIr appreciation by attending at least one of tile performances. " Thlo managers have not yet figured up their cxpepeu and receipts , but enough is known to convince them that there vbll ho coloderablo loss , Nod k's' to i'rojrt' Oviii'rs , All porsans Owning property abutting on Indian creek , between Eighth and Oak etrects , are hereby requested to appear at the Union Land and Improvement company's office , over Officer & Pusey's bank , on Saturday - day next , April 25 , between the hours of D a , in , and 5 J ) . m , , to determine the amount of damages accruing by reason of the cosi- struction and maintenance of a sewer and railway over ani along said Indian creek. IOWA CONSTRUCTIO COMPANY , By Johq 'V. Paul , President and General' Manager. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Davis , drugs , paints and glass ; tel , 289 , Poisisl IL Strs's'f' 'i'sso 'liis' , Wben tilt' corps of surveyors in the cxii- ploy of tile lose Construction company wad engaged in running the lines along In- than creek tile measurements between North Second and First streets showed a discrep. ancy of thirteen feet and eight inches , The work was being doris by L P. Judson , a veteran and competent burvoyor , and nearly two days wore spent in trying to ioeato the apparexit error. The division line of two additions to tiio clt lisa midway between the two streets , and , measuring from either end , etarting at tile' street lines , there would ho an overlap of tim n1imber of feet men. tioned , After a great deal of sesrching and trouble , one of the cornerstones of the older addition % ae found , and measurements made both ways from that point developed an error that has escaped attention and may prove of interest to at least ono property owner , Measuring eastvard froni the cor- nerston to the west lliio of North First street , there 'as exactly the required number - ber of feet , but measuring wcetward the re- iiuirod number of feet carried thlo street line of North Second street far into the street , On tixo original piat the width of North Secoxd street , from Vine street to the bridge over Indian creek , was shown to be forty feet , but upon measurement tle street was found to ho ever tlfty-ono feet in width , or nearly exugli to take up the overiap , To s'hom tl4e extra eleyen foot of street belongs the engineers did hot stop o determine but it Is llkelr that tile matter will be in. quirod into by those interested , especially before the etrcet Is paved , ilist ileil Sash , We llao , lOO hot bed sash which we are goIng to close out. They won't last long , irow many .lo yq wintVe will make you rrIce that can't be duplicated , C. 13 , Paint. Oll nd Glass company , Masonic Torn- pie , Council IliuffL ' Apri' ' 21 and May S are date.s for next I1oineseeer' ) eapqrsjon , via the Burlington Route , Ozie . fare ( plus $3) ) for round trill , 0 lit , thROWN. Ticket agent , Council lhlus. Wail papej' cleaned , new process , with patent xibt at Miller' . , 108 Main street. ilU' lEts' l COUIL'l' . Cnse _ % gn lust Slu'rlIT ihrgi ( ) eeus' htsli 'l'Iiiat' , A large share of Judge Smith's time yea- torday wac taken up in hearing a demurrer in the casa of tue Iowa Mortgage and Trust company against Sheriff Morgan. Tile case ixa been hanging fire for several years , anI each term of court adds a new complication. SeverAl years ago R , C. Baldy brought suit In foreclosure against W. 'IV. Owens , on a note for $300. lie secured a deerCe , isid the court ordered the payment of a bunch of mechanico' liens in the order in which they wet o named in the tetitlon , An execution was issued , bitt instead of naming the holders of the mecheslics' liens , Baidy alone was aiamcd , and the property was sld , Then the Western Lumber company caine as an lntervonor , and asked that tue deed ho cot nsldo , Cliii a new sale ordered. To this the tea Mortgage and Trust company replies that the holders of the iien have no right imw to redeem tile property and that their remedy was to have bId on it at the 'sale. The question was argued and submitted to the court. An injunction , temprarily granted some tiin ago , was made permanent in Judge Smiths's court yesterday afternoon , prevent- lag Ir , Carter of this city from collecting a Juidgnient secured in a justice shop at Atchison , ICan , , against W , C. Westinke. The judgment was obtained in the Atchison teniple of justice , although both Dr. Carter and his patient cre residents of tub city , The claim 'ns for 34 for medIcal attendance - ance , nfld garnishment proceedings were coninienced against the Rock Island road , by wli IchVsstlake was employed , \Vestlako secured a temporary injunction , wIlich was made permanent yesterday. Th motion of Attorney Sweet to suppress - press the deposition of II , II. Pomeroy in the case of l'omeroy against Sweet , was ar- sued and submitted to Judge Smith yesterday - day afternoon. In the case of Abe Hirsch & Bro. , against ilexlry Riseman , Judge Smith yesterday made an order setting asd the former record of satisfaction of judgment and entcred judg- uncut aiiow for the plaintiffs. In the superior court yesterday judgment was rendered in favor of the Crow Lvick company against th Sharpless company for $34. Tue coSts were divided by the defense and the plaintiff. _ _ _ Clnreii SCr'iiL''M 'I'uiia ) ' . At St. Paul's today Rev. L. 1' , McDonald , rector , will conduct the services. holy coin- munion , 8 a , in. ; morning prayer and sermon , 10:30 : a. in. ; Sundhy school , 12 in. ; evening prayer and scrmon , 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school it All Saints' chapel at 3:30 : p. in. Pews free , First Presbyterian-Corner of Willow aye- flue and Seventh street , Itey. Stephen I'llelp , pastor. Preaching by tile pactor , at 10:30 : a , in. and 7:45 : p. ni , ; pews free ; everybody welcome , At the CongregatIonal ciurch the partor , Rev. John Aoin , will preach on the subject : "Seang tile Invisible. " Evening : "The Secret of a Succcsful Life. " At the Trinity Methodist church , Fourth street and Ninth avenue , the usual Sunday . servicea wli be held ; class meeting , 9:15 : a. in. ; preaching , 10:30 : a. m. ; Sunday school , 12 in. ; Epworth league , 7 p. m. ; Pierson ladles' irayer meeting , memorial c'arvlca , at 8 ii. m. : goad songs ; good speakers ; all wel- Caine , Conrad hooker , paotor. At the Second PresbyterIan ciurch there vihl be a congrcgational meeting. All meni- hers of the congregation are reqliesed to b present , as matters -of Importance to tile cilurch vihl be considered at 10:45 : a. m. ; Sunday school at 12 , noon. Recrganlzd Church of Jesus Christ of Latter ] ) ay Saints , on Pierce ereet , three doors west of Glenn avenue ; prayer servIce at 10:30 : a. iii , Elder T. W. Williams has returned to tilO city and will preach In this evening at 7:30. : Rev. 0. W. Snyder vlh1 preach at St. Joba's English Lutheran church , James ball , 17 Pearl street , at 1O30 a. m. and 7:30 : p. in , Sunday ECIlOOl , at 12 m , Young pdoples meeting at ff:30 : p. m. At tim Fifth Avenue Methodist church tiltro will be preaching by tao pastor , Itov. \v. H. Cable , at 10:30 : a. in. and S p. rn Class meeting at 9:45 : a. m. Sunday schoOl at 12 in. Junior league at 3 p. m. En- dcnvor league at 7 p. In. l'rayer and praise sei'vlce Wednesday at S p. m. All arc cor- dinhhy invited. Strangers especially vc.- come. At the Broadway Metbodlat church the pastor , Rev. J. H. Sensony , will conduct the Sabbath services. Quarterly trove feast at 9:30 : a. in. Preaching at 10:30 : a. m. by Rev. WY. S. Hooker. presiding elder. Tills sery- ice will be accompanied by' the sacrament of the Lord's supper. Sunday echool at 12 m. Junior league at 4 1) . m. Epsvorth league at 7 p. m. Preacillnx service at 8 p. in. by Rev. W. S. hooker. Clurist'an Tabernacle , corner Scott and Mynster streets-Preaching by It. W. Ab- berlcy , pastor , at 10:30 : a. m. and S p. rn Sunday scllool at noon. Endeavor meeting at 6:15 p. m. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Do flue li'rapiitjigli Why ? Because our goods are tim beat. Our prices are right , and we guarantee satisfaction - faction , See our new pictures. II , L. SMITH & CO. , \\o would like to have every mother In Council Bluffs examine our assortment of chlidren'2 blouse waists. Metcalf Bros. 'V I sI ( ) r Gist ii , SIs oaver liii t Ii. On Friday evening a number of friends arranged to surprise Frank. Pinney , and when they reached the front door of his home , were iccCivo in a manner that not only surpried thurm , but cooled their ardor to euch a degree - greo that they retired without making tiein- selves known. For several nights tile young man and his mother's fomiiy have been annoyed - noyed by some practical jokers , who hung- mesh that it. was iota of fun to ring 1110 door bell and run , ThIs was kept up at all llour3 of the' night , until it became a serious nuisance. When the members of the surproe party arrived on Friday nIgit all of tIle members of the household were ready to resort to cx- treme meesures. ThU leather of the surprise party gave the door bell a prolonged ring. Young Pinney looked out from an upper window - dow and the saw the forms of the party in the dim lIght , anti believing that it was the crowd of practical jokers , quickly procured a bucket of cold water , vrovided for such an emergency , and pourEd It tlovn upon their heads , Tue surprise party was very mutM cjurprlsed , end withdrew without cornplettng the very pleasant program arranged , We offer you only clean. crisp , snow white faundry work and nest delivery service at Iagio laundry , 724 Broadway , Telephone 157 Furniustied and unfurnished rooms for rcnt. 710 FIrst avenue. \'oric of * lie ( ioti Suiinrflstas , The Independent relief s'ork performed by Mr. and Mrs , henry DaLong during the last six months makes a most credItable show- ing. These two Christian people are devot- bug their whole time to tue rork of givitig as mulch relief as posiblo to the unemployed of the city , 'Flie report was made yesterday by DeLong , end in it , iie says : "Oxie thouenritl , clx hundred and seyslity lieraQuis have been furnished withu clothing ; twenty-five faniilics have received stoves ; 963 incubi have bexn gIven away ; 128 lodgIngs furnished ; employment has been found for 124 girls and vouiien , and 120 men ; 1,641 homes have been visIted , and eighty-four cottage - tago prayer rnetlngs lucid , Last , but not least , by any means , counc3 tiso Gino' Industrial - trial school , This branch of the work ilas been colistantly cared ( orVo consIder It the grandest labor we have over undsrtalceli anti ( hue one that. vlli brIng the iargoit returns - turns for the time and money expended , by the great amount of good that must be derived - rived by these girls in preparing theinselvas ( or moral and useful lives. " Iituuserouus , If a child optos a valve on a gasoline stove the chances are you are burned out , With tue Blue Flame Coal Oil "tovc It merely turns up a wick , Finest toast you ever ate made in flame of Coal cii stove. Cole & Cole , sole agents , tliil luilitI Chiiil tilluliulsi Orgis a lxiii , DEli MOINES , April 18.-Speeial ( Tele- grani.-Tho ) arrangexnents for the removal of the Chautauqua association from Coifax to this cIty' was completed today , and the flow araaciution here , to be called the Mid. 1usd Chautauqua assembly , will complete its orgsniatioxi Monday. It will assume all cIracts ol this Colfax as8ociatlou , ) ULL 1VE11,1'A ( ' SCIALVAY \ Only Ono Event oIrnportanco to Oontumo the Time. ST. PAUL'S ' ciiiio ENTERTAINMtNI _ llMt Aiuussuitit "C i'i'4l'hL itequitreil to l'uit "Itissesin be" nec tlii' Stusgi' , Thosigis. I t % 'iis \'ohl flijise , There were few social events in the city during the week worthrnontiening , A large number of the leaders at society found nil they fc.ht inclined to do In the great task of preparing anti carrying through St. l'aul's guild enterpHso at the opera house. Few people are familiar vItiu the vast amouuit of genuine hard vork there is involvei In puttiruj on tie stngc' nit ordinary amateur theatrical play , hut when an enterprise is tintlertakoli of the magnitude of staging and presenting without curtailment iii any palL such a heavy play as LeerVailack's : "Itosedale , " the pc.opio who took part in It auit ! In its inanagenient may 'ell llead fatigue - tiguo as an excuse for sacial delInquencies. if the Piay had only been as great a finan- cliii succcsas as It was artlsticahiy perfcct tliero woulti be no cause for complaint in any ( hirection. Several well dressed tileatcr parties lent a little added uuiterc't to tito iirat and second nights' performance of tlt play , and Saturday afternoon's matinee celled out a large number of ladles and cliii- drexi , Council Bluffs Ic particularly a socIal town , anti while there were no urcat features in society tluring the week t.ere : were num- berhess ( lehlghtful little social gatherings of the kinti that go to make lip tile largest part of socIety's real happiness. A pleasant event of the weeu was the even- lug of auiutleement allti Instruction pravitled by tile members of the Oaklansi Avenue Reading club. This club met on FrIday aft- ernooui and evening at the residence of Mrs. F' . A. Orcutt. It vas one of the special meetings of tue organization \vilen mc.nibera are permitted to invIte their friends and hiusbalids. There is perilaps no distinctively woman's club In the cIty hat Is more popular - ular antI whose invitations are more eagerly saught than tills literary ann social orgauul- zatlon conceived by Miss Clara Evans a fes months ago. Ito niemberaiuip Is confined to residents on the avenue , eiee it. would very likely son outgrow its pnnent exclusIve dIameter and become too large for entertainment - mont oven in tue roomy homes of the Oakland - land avenue ladies. The program prepareil for this last meeting was an unusually at- tracttvo olie. Social .lfe of Queen Vtctorin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5' . . . . . . . . . . . . MrP. l3lanchard Improvement injfravel nntl Comniunica- tion in Queen Victoria's iteign. . . . . . . . . I''bV' . . . . . . . . . . .F. C. TougOe Paper on " . . . . . . . . . . . ' Casaday Selection frosa Tennyson. . . . . . . . Mrs. Street The Irish Question .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .II. A. Coke Sketch of Rublnstein..Mrr. F. . A. Blxby Vocal i'elcctlofl tfroni. Rubinsteln . . . . . . . . I . . . . . 3lise Clara Even : Crade song , instrumental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .v..Mrs. F. C. Lougee Quotations fron Tcnnveol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t'.Menibcrs of the club Piano solo . . . . .U. . . . . . . . . . . . . Laiiis Id. 0rciit ltefreshiinents. . After refreshmcits were served another feature was added under tile same heading. Dainty li.tle bonbn were served to cccii guest , and whbn they broke them they found pr. tim inside Vlncloed in a small rub. ber band a sera , o. aer. wlthi'ineompleted verses written : up , lt. Each guest was tlieq required t.Q asiSt in the ,1productlon of a conipoalto poem , . "The worlct wasVvery uniuslxig anti tile result sonlhwhiat arnazlng Among tiioe present were : ' Mr. and Mrs. Ihlanchard , Mr. and Mrs. Lougee , Mr. and Mrs. Dorland , Mr. and Mrs. Croclewdllf Mr. and 'MrS Orcutt. Mr. ' and Mrs. Arthur , Mr. and Mrs. Leveret ; Mr. Itazelton. Mr. Cole , Mr. Homer , Mr. Louis Orcutt ; Mesdames lhixby , I3ollinger , Street , Sanford , Richmond ; MIsses Casatly , Fester , Penn , Evans , Bixby and Schriver. One of the pleasant socIal gatherings of the week was at tile home of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Sanford Thursday evening. Miss Margaret McBrIde , accompanied by Mrs. Mc- Bi'ltle , pleasingly executed a viohiti solo. Mrs. W. J. Leverett , accompanied by Miss l largaret svith violin , sang with her ac- custoineJ sweetness. W. J. Leverett sang a coiiilo song , followed by F. 11. Orcutt witi , an orIgInal solo-an itnltation of band in- struinents. During tile evening dainty refreshments - froshments were serveth. Those hiresont were : Mr. and Mrs. James McCabe , Dr. apd Mrs. J. H. Cleaver , Mr. W. S. Maynd , Mr , and Mrs.V. . J. L2verett , Mrs. George Gould , Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Lougee , Mr. anti Mrs. James Patton , Mr. and Ml's , C. M. Hafi , Her and Mrs. J. H , Senseney , Mr. nod Mrs. F. II. Orcutt , Mr. and Mrs. J , D. Croclcwehi , Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Artiuur , Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Senis , Mrs. M. Sanforti , Mr. anti Mrs. Itob- ert Mcllritho and Miss Margaret. Tile "peanut spree" for the Young Men's CllristIan asaaciatloa juniors last night was a most succetiful affair , Tue resins were alive with young America , Tile Misses Bertha Wooley and Ethel Stewart of Prof. Swarta's class rendered two piano duets in a pleasing manner , \V. H. lined had charge of the "spree" as master of ceremonies and judge. The first event was a guessing con- teat , a ( iou containing 237 peanuts. Guesses rangeti from 180 to 1,000. The prize was taken by George Muzgo , who guessed 250. A. peanut race was the next. Tiils was elm. liar to a potato race. Jolln Platner won the prize-a purse. A shellIng contest was the tiuird event , The one rhelling five pcanutxs In the eiuortest time won tile prize-a base ball. Cheater Lodge carried oft the prize. Tile fourth contest was the great event , The one pitching the greatest number of peanuts into the mouth of another was the success- fUl' one. harry Duqulctt Well , with a score of 5. ThIs closed the evening's pieu'uro. Tue Y. L. S. C , met with Mica Nellie Edgar , 739 Avenue E , Saturday , afternoon , This is a club consisting of the following young ladies : Misses Nellie hioihie , Gene /intlerson , iiezel Ifeenan , Ester Peterson , Vena Blusher , Agties l'hueeuiy and Nellie Edgar , Mias Pay Ilohlenbock was a visitor tia meeting , at : _ _ _ _ _ lisirsi Viiiui ii l'i'oti't'gs Her hails i' , JEFFEItSON , Ia , , Aprli 18-Specizil- ( ) Them Is a to wllom belllg- eront rights sluflld1 be accorded , It ap- pearL' that tue iltieballtl of tiuI woman is ad- tliced to counniulilag' vitii the flowing bowl to an irnmoderai&letree. Iii. vIfe Is fully ass'aro of tile fa 15ti1it. ho has 115511 iiartici- patllig in ntg'itl' tarousals , and finally con- chuutleti that tbleDP .5s no more virtue in patieuico and overlsstlng forbearance and set about bringing hiat cart of business to a chose , She wct Jo the rear door of a jewelry store , wl'e she auppoced her lulls- bantl vas induiglijg liIta fancies , and demanded admission , MesJillg vitiu a refusal , chic promptly hiroceediti to kick the door In with signal success , qat1 the assembled crowd In short order , ( i'e down a railing and inarchucti bier 1lllEband htino , Not only that , but clue histitue jeweler arrested for selillig litiuors , J i Chssinhs'rhiul xi'.jqsugii ltesisi'dy the llei gin ii r : % it i'oj , is lie r , "Vo sell Iliore pC Chamberlain's Cough Remedy than of albothuers combined , " writes Messrs. Kerr & Sons , druggists of Mars , I'a , They also say ; "The sale of it is seine- tIlIng pll0000ienal. We have sold two groes title winter , selling as high au six bottles in one morning to as many different customers. This remedy 1158 proven particularly successful - ful In croupy affections. Our custolalers InvarIably - varIably pronounce it tile best they can dull , and wo know of no cake viiero it has failed to give catisfactloii. " For uaile at 25 antI 50 cents. per bottle by druggists. ICISI sisuped Ills O'n Child , MALVE1IN , ha. , April 18-Special ( Tale- gram.-A ) centutioti was enticed in town tilid afternoon by thi kidnaping of his young- eeL ciuiitl , a bright little girl , from iuer mother by the father , Sainuti J , Coffinan , formerly of Omaha , lIe wilntej tile oilier two iiil- dccc to go with iuini , but they would not go. Coffman xad a livery team and droyti away , no one knows where , The mother and reha- tives are almost distracted , SOUTH OMAHA N13J ocooooocoG cccccobec tlpon complaint of William O'Nell , tile pollee have arrested Williaun P. Lyolis , alias Jimmy Harris. O'Neii says that Lyclis is vanteti In Now York , O'Neill , who is about IS y'ears oW , tells a strange story about the lirleonel' . \'luiIe roaming around tue country abiut two years ego he says that he met Lyons in Now Yolk City. According to O'Nell's story , Lyons owned a junk shop , lie notified hue police antI tue junk shop was raided atuti a inrgo quantity of stolen property was recovered. I.yons , however , escaped , After knocking abotut the country for solliG time O'Nell started west , anti at Savannah , Ill. , met Lyons. They traveled together for a iliac , O'Neil all thus while acting as a servant for Lyons. lie avers that Lyons threatened ililfl if lie deserted lliln , but about two inontlus ago tiio young luau says that 110 found a good opportunity anti struck out. for this city , where iuis father lives , Last Monday Lyons arrIved in tluo city auitl soOii tOilfld his young partner. lie treli to get O'Ncil to leave hIs lione auth travel wIth hiiiii again , but the boy said lie did not waiit to go. Then Lyons threatened hum , and Friday night \vent to tim O'Nell house and abused hilni becatuso lie woulti not jon him on tile road again , Tue boy became fright- cacti and notIfied the polIce. 4 description was gIven cxiii tiue volice . instructed to keep a siinrp lookont for Lyons. estertlay Officer Corcoran founti him lsafluig near O'Neii's house , and prolnptly locketi him ( Ii ) . Chief Brennan vlll correspond with the New York police officials and find out if what the boy says is true. O'Noih says that there Is a rewarth for Lyons' arrest. Lyons tlelliee that iue is wanted In New xork , or any place else , alutl says that ho dull O'Neli iu8d a falling out anti O'Nelh is now trying to get even with 1dm , H t'it'kiu ii lisl see H a I i's't a I a Friday evening Alpha Rebekah lodge , No , 41 , Independent Order of Odd Fellows , gays an enjoyable entertainment and dance at Macepic hall , . Thin entertainment ei'enefi with a piano duet by Miss Anna lasgoW and Miss Jessie Carpenter. Mrs. Amy hop- kimis sang "A Nut Brown Maitl" and "Love One Another , " Miss Olga Stratiunian playIng tile accompaniments. A quartet composed of Messrs. Blancliard , Williams , Suntierland and Condron , sang : " 0 , Restless Sea. " Charles Wells recited "Laska , " and was followed by John ICing In a recitation. Frank Gosney canto next in an linpersona- tlon , . W. hteed lnnroy read original poems entitled : "By and By , " "Resignation" "It's Rainlimg , " etc. Tile balance of the evening was spent in dancing. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mstgle Cit5 GitiSISill. The young son of Ilarry Keith is very sIck. sIck.Born , to Mr. and Mrs. 3 , P. Murpby a daughter. Ii. B. Wetherel of Ashland is vIsitIng his 13n , Burt Wetherel. Ex-Mayor Johnston is able to be about agaIn , after a short illness. John M , W'ood of Crawford is visitIng his sister. Mrs. A. hit , Buskerg , Twenty-seventh arii F streets. Yesterday afternoon A PaPez caused tile arrest of Jim J'ivonka for using loud and rnfane language. Sam Shriglcy has sold his barber alien , and will go into business s Ith the Clifton Corn- iilssion company. Tom Iloctor and Charles Ilrdhicka will open a real estate and inourance office on N street in a few tinys' . Tile P. 0. B. society met yesterday 'after- noon at the home of Mrs. Max Foote , 'riven- ty-second and K otreets. James and Ed Davidson of Denver , Cole. , are visiting their sister , Mrs. Henry Saw- ore , Thirty-third and Brown streets. The Board of Education hIas selccted Rev. Dr. Wheeler , Rev. C. C. Smith and Prof. i'ayior to conduct tile June examinatIon of cbooi teachers. Julius Batler , formerly night cleric of tile \Visconsln ilOUi'C ' , has been arrested for steal- : ng $17 from Mrs. George Schnltz. Bailer was arrested in Omalla and brought here for trIal. Thursday evening at ICoutaky's imahl Praiia : othge No. 328 , Ancient Order of UnIted Workmen , will be Instituted. Jacob Jaskahek vill be the Instahhitug officer. The lodge starts with fifty members. The funeral of Mrs. Kate Iverson will be held at the First Methodist Episcopal church ' uiidei' tiue auspices 'it 2 o'clock this afternoon of the Degree of Honor and the Danish She- terhood. Dr. Whueeler wIll officiate. Wednesday evening , April 29 , tue married women of St. Agnes' church vihl give a supper - per and entertainment at Young Men's Instl- tute hall. A fine literary' and musical program - gram has been prepared for the occa'lon. TIle 600 feet of new rubber hose ordered somno time ago for time fire department is exrected Tuesday. Chief Smith will divide tIle hose between the two companies and place seine tilat Is now In service in reserve. Friday evening a dinner party was given by Mr. and Mrs. L. C. GIbean at theIr home , Twenty-second and N streets , in honor of ' birthday. Those Mr. Gibson's tilirty-fourthi present iere : Mr. and Mrs. Robert B , Mont- golnery , Mr. antI Mrs. I ) . L. . Holmes , Mr. and Mrs. M. Carl SmIth , 'Mr. ' and Mrs. J. M , Tanner , Mrs. Hiatt and J. B.SVatkIns. The railroads have issued a new tariff sheet , wiiicii wihl go into effect May 1 , changing the charges on lIve stock back to the cystem In force before January 1 of this year. hiefore that date the rate on live stock was computed by dollars and cars , By tue cilange , rates were computed by cents per huindm'cd lOUlid ! . Tue change effects all piintu except stations in Nebraska. Yesterday protesta. iere filed with the city clerk by J. H. Ghlck against the granting of liquor licenses to twenty-eight applicants. The Drotestant alleges that the applicants phuhlisiletl their notices in tIme newspapers known as the Evening Worid-Iheraid and time Is it Worth Trying TO , 6BT 11 PIANO FOR NOTHING ? To bring the pubUc generally In closer cotitact wIth us we propose a contest on the words , Royal Hardii-ian Piano And give time winner one of these $350 intmtruiiicntus , in sny fancy wood , FREE OF' CiiititE. For particulars address the Mueller Ioo & Orao Co I FlI5'lItiSi , Olussilmn'b. , or ioi : S. tIiiii St. , Council ilhiuns , lii. New Dohany Theater ONEI WQJK COMMENCING Monday april 20. Chase Lister Theater Company , Opening Mrntlay livening in tile Beautiful Coindy-Irain.i , "A FAIR PARISIAN" F'opular i'rlces- lQo seats on sale saturday morniog at o'clock. Morning Worid-hletalti , wQil knowing that neither of thISSO neipspers hail the largest cIrculation In Dotiglzus cotunty , sue rI'tluircd by I ai' , . .v. N. Babcock , Bruce MoCuilloclu and W. 13. ( 'heck heft bust nIght ( or Mibe City , Mont , , ftir tiuc ptmrpose of attending the an- I numal . eelui'efltinn of Montana cattlemen , s.iIieil iviil be haiti on Teuestiny , I Tie first hiatt of this week each saloon . _ . . ; ------j _ . _ V keeper In the city will ho served with a liotice by Chief hirennen to ketp the front tisom' of lii * saloomi ciosemi en Suntlay , and iuot to sell liquor to minors tmntlt'r auy dr. - . Cillnstnmice. Mayor Ensor ys that lie Is going to bleak imp time practice of sentilng children to saiooiis for can and pitchers of beer. lie tlos mist think a saloon a fit place for any child to go , nuid says that it liaronts svant beer hue ) ' ii iii have to go after It timenmst'ives , 'THhT 'WINTEI ' R" GOLD Flow to Preveiit Its Rcsi1ts froiiiBecoiiiiiig Painful- V 13 : Disastrous aiid Freqitetitly Fatal. V Tuisti'licth'e Sliggcttoiis 'I'lu it Al" . Especially 'I'tincly hi .thu'Il nnd 1)tir lug the Spi'Ing of the VeltI' , V \\o have hi"fore li3int'd out the dauigers of % i'Inti' , b'oin of these lure : O\'Ilt1iIATEl ) ROOMS , IMPthiLl AlIt , REhtOitS IN CLOTIIING , V 1)itAF'TS , RXI'OSUItE , NflGLECTED G'OLlf'4 AND EATiNG TOO MUCh ANI ) TOO hEAVY FOOD. In winter , Whiemi we lint our hiamisle first in. to hot nlitl then into cold vater , thley nattmrnliy become chapped. Tiue mucous melnbrtine of time throat amid Itumigs is sub- Jecteth to a very siinliiur experience , for we are constantly going from the witrlr. house into a biting , cold air. 'rhils intense effect on tue seuisitive lining of time air liassagos , together with time causes above enuuneratesl , cr0 what prodtmce maCat of tile catnrrimnl affections that huang on so stuibbormily all tiirougil tile sunumner nlmd gro' deeper and become more serious the following winter. b 'l'liis i. , the Very 'i'Iumue , Right now ill April , to put nn effectual 5101) to any catarrhmal nltectian , It is "a bad cold , " you think , and ivill mines avny. Not so. On time contrary , it viil hamig on to yOtI , causimig you to b prepettmnliy siuutiiing , sneezing , blowing , imenimnimig , hmttwking , coughing , suffering imeaslacimes , etc. It will be a daily blight upon you , filling your system with its thlreased solutions , irnisomi- ing your breath anti mnakiflg you cmi object of repulsIveness to your friends. It Is LJslfortuhiilte that you have contrncted cntnrrh , limit hay- imig acquired it , now is ( lie tune to get ritl of It. Begin a cOimrse of treatment now anti Iii two or three mnoiltims time catarrimitl poison \iill Intro been i'nshied out of the nose naIl throat , the constitutional remedies will hiave taken it from time blood , amid the attack mnathth by dieae in Its most insidIous form will be repelled. Begin Treatment lioii'l It's i ; . ( ) ( ) Oitiy , TILE LAW OF' THE COPELAND & SHEPAI1D SYSTEM IS TO ASSIST TIlE SICIC BY EXPERT TREATMENT AT LIGII'l' EXPENSE-LARGE FEES AItE REFUSED-NO I'ATIENT IS PERMITTED - TED TO I'AY ABOVE A RA'J'E OF' $5 A MONTH , INCLUDING CAItEFUI4 DIAGNOSIS - NOSIS , ALL ilEDICINES AND DAILY ATTENTION UNTIL TilE FINAL CURE. F'IVH YICA1SS AGo , irH. Nti'itOll 'I'eitofhi cc Tiist lug a ssd 'I'horouigli ( 'arc' , Mrs. Mary Newton , 3921 N. 2Sthm Avenue , Clt , was one of tIme carhi' patients of Drs. Copelanti & Shepnrd , when they located in Omaha. In IS9I. Her husband Is a klhietl employc of Paxton & Vieritng , where he has been for many years. Mrs. Newton says : IHS. MARY NEWTON , 3924 , N , 28th Aye , "Five years ago I thlacoyercd that I must take treatment for several chronic ailments , or gradually become a confirmned invaiitl It had got to that plnt with mo that I must find relict or give up work and tlio cern of m' family , Neurlmlgiu iii the head , caused by catttrrh and thin blood , niade me stuffer beyond any power to relate. Theo terrble paIns hardly ever left lime , but were liurder at tinmes than others. Time ) ' were mainly Iii my forehmeati , over and between tile eyes , but isotnetimea Iti the back of the head anti also time toil ; in fact , the whole heath , by splls , was sore ltimd painful , Time distress seemed ta gain force toivarti night. making it nltnost impossible for inc to rend 01' ltC % % ' , unless for a few moments , To cover time point fully , heathacime wIth me meant great prostration and gretit agony , "Another feature of amy cairn 'as tin ulcerated sere throat , which kept on month after months , In Spite of remetlies without number. Constant soreness and tenderness , ivitii burning ; i.iiute iere nreesnt , I hiatt also a 115111 catariji , btmt ummy mioso tilti not stop ( Ill tie umsulal : ) ' hiapimemis , amid the cat- nrrliai inlianiummation m etuiuuV'ti graihuuahly to Center iii tiuc' throat. "I thlti not kuuow what to tic. I bath uset as good mnethical flu 85 I eouitl 111111 , but with no results , lrs. Copellmnti & Simelilurd s ere nei' In ( ) inaimrt at that tilmie , anti a great ninny hmeopIt' tim V tIght they wel S not 115 time , ' representetl timc'mm't'es to lie ; mit sifter rcmasiing of Ilitsir retiiarhcxttmho Ctli'CCIi iii so mimany etisem' , I tieisles1 to try them , In six ceks after beilig with tibia 1 vti5 ln'leotly free from till amy trolubhi' , tunsi tufter a little fuirthmc'r trt'tttmuielmt 1 mill rigiut. I have imen so evet' since , mmmiii thmimmk thitit a imeriod of five 3'clmrs is it nrctty gooti test of tile tlmorotuglmness of any mneshican trentimlelit. " - 1'mlI1 ( ( , ' 1'hlI. 31 i's , Yt'siloii , ii lglii' rt'sis't'ti'l 111111 , . t'll , , % , nash C. .1 sills's , thl.srolgli- l. rc'ihiibit' , tussil liiiiii , sts'nlIl' i rt'sp.slsiIIe uIDit 11111 , Itoh , ei' i' thit'it' t'sc'ris'mmee l.ihii . It.t y. I hti'y rs'hii ( s- , though sI mug I Il , iimltiiiis't' tuast siirh , slut's 1115 * ( iii iii ! ( iii' truth , tii ts'id iiis imlu t IL-Il ts ihio , i'Niriflirt her fist'ts. CIII ! g' ( * 110111 ii ( ' 1iilIlij 11115515 or sin I I stg I is au's , NctsII isr aIr. , lommeus. irs. Cosis'htiuil . % Slit'smrsl favor full ' - - ' . iilIillll'y hIts ) tilt' tuiII4silltt' truths oC e''s'y ( but' sif t iit'i r 1,1111 , ei istlI t'iIui'iltU. 'l'hIP4i' ft SI listitiee , NO CIIARCIE IS EVEIt MADE FOIl CONSIILTATION , IA : M INA'rioN ANt ) FULL Ol'INION IN ANY CASI1 Ei'I'hiEit IN TIlE Oh'FIOE OiL BY MAIi. II" YOU CANNOT COME 'I'O 'ritE OFFiCIO V1tI'ri FOlt A Sl'ECIALLt' i'itEh'AltEl ) SYMP- 'P031 hiLtNlC AND GEl' DIW. COL'li A" . I ) & b'hlidI'AttI'S OPiNION OF'OUtt. TROUBLE. V. % . ItAIIItOtl ) MAN. Sllfl'eretl Slitee ( 'hilldiioo.i I'roiim the lee , issfcc't iiimis of Ca til rrli , Mr. W. If. Joilt's of 1012 l'aclila street is aim employo of time B. & M. railrolcnL the- ing flu old elmiplo'e this ettitetuielit ivlll bs read with interest by iiummiiireds of lallroati inch s hio know him veih , Mr , Jone says : V . p \v. H. JONES , 1012 PACIFIC STREET. "You see. I had been troubled with cc , . tnrrhm as rong as I ccii rrieutibcr-for lit. V tCn yours at least. Ei'crybody know usometimitig of time miastillestS antI natsery o the disease and Vof its deeply injurious effect - fect upon' ' tile system. In my case th complete stoppage of tile 11050 ctitiietl IL steltdy drip of time viho inisttet' into tIns throat , thus eceasfonlmlg that Incessant V nervous hawking and splttimlg that mfllt'eS tiit' lmtmrden of synuptomne bid hmy vicunts anti vhiolm almost wore thi life out of me. "ruiemi somehoSv Or otiler time iIOon5 CocIneti to vork tlmer vay into the stomach and tubes In the iivt'u' , isriiging Oh itilious ipohs. At titee timnos I woulti have horn- , ble nausea anti headachmci' , wium vomltirp . ' . of a sour and bitter direllarge. Fm' ysar I hind these regular old-fashioned sick head. aehe , with sufrer.ng and agony aitogethiet Vj. to horrible to bo put In words. "My opinIon is that when I first went to Drs. Copelant1 and Shepard my whole aye- tern vas giving way untiel' time poieona of catarrh. l3tmt untler timtir treatment I b4s. \ ati to pick up right away , ttncl I kept on improving tuntil I got miti of time mvhuole troube. It's almost a year now since quilt treatment. I can't relmicmnbexi'Itelm I llimvo had so good hellitil aS I naw enjoy , V nod for these radical timid genuine resuits V I give imhi the credit to Usa , Coleiand anti Siepard , " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DIIS , COPELANI ) & SIIEPAIW ROOMS 312 AND 3i3 NEV YORK LIF1O BUILDING. OMAhA , NEIL Office lloiirs-9 to II a. in ; 2 to 5 p. m. Eve nings-Wedaesdays anti Saturdiys only. V 6 to 8. Sunday-lOtolIm. _ When You Buy 'VP a B icycle 1. , I. ' " It pays to buy the best ; 14 _ _ It pays to buy wheels of honest value ! You want something for your money , Do not be mislecl----you can't aTord it ! You will make no mistake when you choose a wheel covered by our guaranty It pays us to offer the best fr themoney , and riders now appreciate the fact , ; . I _ Stuuiid 1ulfuiti tIu ' iibiiie Bicycies ) 118 l'Ci- high Gm'eude Wheel of the - - dlIy--$100.OO Deere . .liode1sztclchlowlctIgeJ lendex' of iiieditiiii pi'i6s.J luiglu gu'eides . $90.00 giitti'tuntced 11:101 buIlt Sylvan t oi'Idca . $75.00 S. . I ( ' S ' ' , . ' ' ' Moiiiie 'I'liti Iu.'st IO1' pm'Ieed W'lheCl tOll peciai tIe muxiriet , ' 1'lil Wheel is i1 50 ( ) pigeon , ' ' bitt a bouti Ilda blcyiie xiiiil vIlI Htuiitl : up Ii6O.OO We carry the largest and moSt complete line of Sundries and Supplies in the mid-west. ' We are general western distributors for the famous Ikrcu.'es 1V1ZOd Rim , the wonderful 'Reform" Saddle , and the U S. Cyclomeler. V Liberal discounts to Deatcrs and Agents. . \\TrIte for catalogue. OEERE , WELLS & CO , COUNCiL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. J , T. FINDLEY , Local Agent ( or Council Bluffs , WILL BARNUM & BRO. , Local Agents for Omaha ' - - S