Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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a- - - . TIlE OMAIEAD.AILY 11Ej StTNDAY , AenTr 19 189(1. ( _
Work of' the Nebraska Delegation ctt WMh-
fngtou Begins to Oount. .
l'rcMtden ut EIIP A , icIn t Ion l're-
p11 rr I a ( oti\I ii t Ii , C in , , 3 t $
. ( ) I tli , . lIIllIuttI IICI ? ( If I tie
( reit % ) I liiii.
WA.9tIINGTON , April 18.-SpecIil ( Tole.
grain.-Notwlthstandtng ) the fact that It
was eulogy day In the ) iotio of reprosenta-
tlves stid many beautiful thIngi were tk1
of recontly-tlead statesmen , President \Vnt-
ties ot the TransmIsvtppI and International
} xpoitIon association antI members ot the
Nebraska delegation web busily engaged on
the very live topic ot the c3tlling Tra'ni
neIppI exposition. When Chairman Dingley
inihlcated yesterday that ho would hear President -
ident Vattleq on Monilay morning , it * a
a i4gnnl for every Nebraska member to go
to work with. a vlcw of helping the bill out
of the cotuniittee , and If Congressman Mer-
cer's opinion Is go1 , their efforts linvo been
highly euccofuI. It is his Intention to
force a vote Monc2y if irnssible and vocure
a report within a ihay or' two that the liouii
may be iii posae&ion of nil the facts In ro-
latjou to tim great enterprbo. Spoker
Itocti has UotlsenteI ( to give time to the bill ,
and the corniiiitteo on rules vIii be mi-
1)ortuned ) for an early day. Mercer , hlalner ,
Meiklojohn , In fact , all of the delegitlon
bore feel atlefled that the bill will be pa'sed
Wheti It is reached ,
I're'lileiit W'attles iiao been bury on hits
presentation . epeech to the committee , vhIcIi
% .llI ti exhaustive , a business loan talking
to busiiiesp mon. Senator Allen stated that
the sanction of Senator AlitLon to an Increase -
crease In the amount was unexpecteI , but
thornuglily gratifying , and ho will' devote
himself to vcuring concurrence in the uri-
ate to the amended bill.
Secretary Sintth or the Interior depart-
nient has given authority to the register end
receiver of the land office at ditcliell , S. D. ,
tn sell at public outcry on July 21 the
frame biiIldlng , on the abandoned Fort Sully
reservati n. There are seventr buIldings
on the reservatIon , whIch iavo beoii appraised -
praised at $1,870 ,
Secretary Smith has dlreoted Land Cciii-
mlssIorr Lainoreaux to return to the state
of Vyainlng for amendment desert land lists
Not' . 2 and 4 , embracIng about 700 acres
selected by tl'at state under the Carey dort
land iw. Thso lIsts were filed some time
ago , and upon Investigation it developed that
field Iiotei showed 60 acres to be located
along the bottoms of the Shioshoiio and Big
Horn rIvers , and covered With a growth of
cottonwood trees , Under the departmental
conntruction or the Carey act such lanil Is
not desert , and is not subject to selection
under thits act. Secretary Smith therefore
orders that these tracts be eliminated from
the selections , and that lists be returned to
him for approval. . The Lecretary has also
returned lIst No. 7 , i itli instruettons that
the state be alloived 'txty days in which
to amnejimi It by oltmnlnattng land tncludod
in the list which i within the abandoned
Fort Ilrldgor mitltary resorvaton.
Ioum th class poatniasters appotntcth
Iowa-4Iouit Ihaniliton , Lee county , Clark C.
finders , vice hlanna McCracken Winslow ,
Blackhawk county , Cornelius L. Decker. vtce
W. 1. Rule ; Stlllwell. Poweaheik caunty. D.
M. Adams , vice a. L. hhildebrand ; TIIton ,
I'Owohcik county. Fred Ytesmnaster , vice
Cora Fl ICruso ; Vinconnes , Lee county.
George S. Scott , vtco Hattie M. Itider. South
Dakota-Worthing , Lincoln county. Samuel
M. Baker , vice Mrs. Margaret Lo.vls.
Ilts FOLI.OV1ni ) EtJilO1'lAN CUSTOM.
1iieJi CuverninentI'sivoi- , Own
. SIi'liiilni 19 tuIl Izi 101M.
\VASIhINGON , Aprhi 18.--The recent
actIon of tlm t'ostomce department in die-
tinguishing between letter and newspaper
mails In tIle tr.insatlantic service. by forwarding -
warding the latter only by tha once-a-week
service of th American line , unless otherwise -
wise designated , already has created much
diacuselon abroad. and the matter has been
brought up In Parliament. The scheme was
an tunovitIQil in tii& UnIted Stnte service ,
and was actuated by the contract relations
between the American line and the depart-
inent. Time delays in forwarding publlca-
tions , which , however , can be avoided by
especially marking "prints , " are still bringIng -
Ing out objections , whilchm are being tiled at
time departmmment.
Time followIng omctal statement was made
at th department today : "Each govern-
imient. as hinted by the secretary of the
Englioht treasury departiiiont in answer to
quctiomis asked ly members of I'arliamnent
a9 to tlmt. American p1ami of sending newspapers -
papers to England. lies the right and does
nialco its own niall contracts. It hmaa been
tlmo imractice or all foreign governments for
yars-imi fact , over since the niall service
was establte.hmea-to patronize their own yes-
eels to time extent of sending the entire mail ,
excepting specially addressed letters , by their
own steamers , In no case has this move
been deviated from , except the mail from
the United States. The United States , not
having before any special contract with any-
body. Patronized everybody until It corn-
menceil getting vesselo of its own and con-
tractirig with Its own neople. whion it
naturally adopted time course pursued by
other goverunments so long , anti Is sendIng
as mmmcii mail as is consistent by its own
lines. Tins , of course , affects tire revenue of
tire Euglich lines , who have formerly had
a large share of this business , and these
qiicstluiu simply mean that time EnglIsh
sthamnatmiips want nit the Amreican jun11
Arm near mis can ho found out , the depart-
imiolit is trying to adjust time matter with
us little detention to mnalimatter of all kinds
ar poslblo , neil can be critlclmeml only for
pursuing the course that time other govern-
imieflts have pursued for years. The depart-
meet intenls to give foreign maths thin best
liosriblo attention and dispatch , and is Work-
leg out tine 'recessary Plans. Time English
government has been more marked in its
lmrmndllng of its own mails by Its own ships
than any other ,
1tYJNG 'l'IIIitU'VI 'l'O 'I'III ! iEtl ) .
JIos'.e Mimi-mitts diieIsi' ListeiiIi& to
'l'ri hintes to Coggsweil.
WAShINGTON , Aumnt 18-The house to.
day iaid trlhuto to the memory of the late
Iteprosentativo Coggswohi of Masrachnurette.
General Coggeweli was one of the most popular -
ular nmmeiuber.'s of lImo house , lie was gen
eroua , big imearteLl cnd lovable , and all who
carrie In CCsltaCt ivithi imimim ivero chmarmoil
with Iris personaiity. Time tributes to his
muenmory today reflected the high esteoni in
which ho was hold , and departed from the
stock eulogIes cuetomnarily tlehivoronl on such
occasions , Ills career as a soldier and tates.
niami and tine nobility of his character were
eloquently and warmly protrayoJ ,
Before the eulogies began Mr. Cannon re-
vortetl tIne gelierni deficIency of tue last aim.
propriatlon bill nerd Mr. ililbomn ecurel
tlma massage of a bill to establish a naval
training school on Gpat tsiamid , San 1rai- ,
cisco harbor ,
Catchninga , Grosvenor , Henderson and
floekery were among those who laid their
trbutea on Coggsweii'e bier ,
. Then , at 2:50 : , an. a further nimark or to-
epet. tre house adjourned.
C imni'ti low giii nist Sb ijiiiii'ti ot A rule ,
WAShINGTON , April 18-TIne Department
of Siste Is officially advised that invoices of
znercluindiso 'shipped to Nicaragua niust ho
certified to by the Nicaragua'i eonsuiaT oiflcor
at the lilacs from which the goods come , and
be nccoinpanled by the sworn declaration of
the shipper or his agent that the mnerchiani-
illee is of the exact clas2ifleation anti weight
StAted iu the invoice In accordance wtthi a
form which will be furnished by the cce-
uar ! oiflcer , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Miinsiger * for Soldiers IilIll' ,
WAShINGTON , AprIl 18-The senate corn-
mlttee on military affairs today acted favorably -
ably upon the hot of nimanagors for tIne iol-
den'a ! honies , a agreed to by the mouse.
Su retut'urhislu Ileturus.
v.SitiNarortprlh J8.-Secretary Carlisle -
lisle has rturtiod to the city Irons ChIcago.
ibere he recently dellyereU an addreu on
1ie money ( mUimtjdq
Itt ' % 'A I. Ilt It itO ItS ON 'ru t COAST.
Tiyi , A tilbl I ( 'in imnits for a hg
A ImnL'nprin I I on ,
YSItINGTON. April lS-The ; hearing before -
fore the aenate corernutee on tine respective
merIts of San PeltO and Sslma Monica as
sites for the propo3ed soutimern Csnllfornint
cheep water h , rhor was contini1ed today , .7.
v. Mitchell of Los Angeles was time first
speaker ann ho was fohiowed by Mossr.
.lamos Lankrsheitn and A. J , . Slawson , also
of L.o. Angeles. All Lmcko In favor of Santa
Mr. Lankerahneimn aad th present inner
huirbor at San I'edro vns an excellent one ,
tmt time entrance was too rhaliow for deep
( Iraft vessels and that It would ho almoat
Inipossilo to deepen it. The water on the
bar was only eighteen TCet deep amid time
ciman'miei was also narrnv neil crooked , tuak-
lug it difficult for long vessels to get in at
nil , whatever the draft , lie also said that
on account of wind and wave.s it was inn-
pcssibla to properly load veseels or to un-
1011(1 theni without loss of part of the cargo.
lie contended also that time growth of time
ely cf Los Angeles was toaard Santa Moe-
tea and that they vere vract cil.y one c ty ,
viiereas San I'edros was twenty-three miles
distant , hit , also said that the commerce of
tlmo ity L'atl grown so rapidly as to render
tIme deep aea harbor a necessity , Mr. Lou.
korshelumi saul that he 1usd orginaily favored
the iaii Pedro project , but that hme had
changed hits mind and hart become convInced
of the superiority of Santa Monica ,
Senator lierry of the cnnm ttea asked if
this hint ! not occurred because lie Imad
concluded that tIne influences operating at
\Vashlngton vere such as to render it inn-
posStho to secure the necee.mary Improve-
mntnt at San Pedro , Ito admitted that this
'van in a measure true , but also said timat his
oxanmiumation of the reports of the engIneers
had convinced h1m ttnt lie bath ieen wrong
or geally'S'Itli a propcriy built breakwater -
water at Santa Monica It would be a perfect
harbor. lie thought time government should
expend $2S0O,009 on the Santa Monica harbor
and $ .9G,0OO on the Inner harbor at San
l'cdro and caIn lme believed nine-tentlms of tine
people of Los Angeles would support this
Mr. Siawson agreed with Mr. Lamilcersheini
as to the desirability of securing both ap-
vroiirlations. Ito admitted , however , that
time PeoPle were munch dvided in opInIon , and
it was Impossible to nay with exactness how
they stood and timat the Chamber of Cons-
merce resolutions sent to Washington had
ben adopted to avoid any apparent dtvIson ,
His delegations was , hmowcver , eotdly in favor -
vor of the nronositloms to obtains the two rip-
iroprlatiomsa u'hmch would complete the inner
harbor at San Pedro and also give an cx-
celhent deep water harbor at Santa Monica.
Judge hatch of Los Ang&es followed Mr.
Siawson ins a brief argument for Santa Moe-
lea , and with his atatemnent the hearing
on tints question closed.
Izny C I'eit Up to flmiltngiee ( Ut tine 1,1mb
IteImrI'Mlumtstt I ( Cogeis cli.
VASIIINGTON , April 18.-At time opening
of the hioun'o today Mr. Cannon , republican
of Illinois , chairman of time appropriations
connmmiittee , reported time general deficiency
appropriation bill , time last of the appropri-
atlon bills , and gave notice that be would
call It up at time earliest posmbblo moment.
Pills were passed as follows
To estabilehi a training station for naval
apprentices on Goat Island , San Francisco
harbor ; to settle the claims of time legal
representatives of S. W. Marsden , late Indian -
dian agent at Union , I. T.
Mr. Talbert , democrat of South Carolina ,
who had previously blocked private bills , objected -
jected to a pension bill presented by Mr.
Cannon , republican of Illinois.
Mr. Cannon made a pers'onal appeal to time
gentleman irons South Carolina. He said It
was the first tinmo In twenty yearns that ho
had asked for unanimous consent. lie reviewed -
viewed the pathetIc history of time soldier
wire was a conetituent of his , eliot to pieces
and almost totally blind.
Mr. Talbert was plainly touched by the
recital and wtthdrew his objection ,
Several bills to donate condemned cannon
to Grand Arummy of time flepublic poets were
naseed before 1 o'clock , when , until special
rrder , the eulogies of the late Reprcsentails'e
Qgmvo1l of Masachusetj began.
lJmmer I,00iC for higher Prlel.M iii ( lie-
Ne-air F'inture
WAShINGTON , April 18.-DanIel Marrata ,
United States consul general at Melbourne ,
in a report to time State e pnrtnsent , says
that it has been understood for aeveral
months past that the present clip of Aus.
trallan wool would shosi' a rubstantinl decrease -
crease , compared to the previous one , owing
to the drouth and t. time fact of tIme e'trike
last year , involving thirteen ascnths' clip , left
anly eleven niontims' clip in many places. In
Now South \Vales alone time &me'op imavo decreased -
creased 9,500,000 , a lo beyomd all precedent.
A good deal of incredulity sclil exists amnommg
Emmropoan and American consunnera arm to the
lilcollhood of the dc.crcaso in time wool product
involving higher prices , but the buyers.who
have 'llted Australia regard it ri an absolute -
lute certainty. Mr. Marrata gives oxhmaua-
tive estimates to ehiow teat time decrease
in the present Australian cup may amount
to 160,000 or 180,000 bales. This decrease
has not yet been felt by consummiere , because
up to now there has been ilo fallIng off , but
really an actual increase , In time supplies
coming on the mrarkot , but time connumnera
who hmave postponed their purchases and do.
pond upon making them at time May , July
or September London sales , will imavo to taco
a deficiency , _ _ _ _ _ _
dolls 'i'IIE SIICRII'l'AILY oF' POViit.
AIIOSVM 5leinuhprof t Inc Ie'Ielnutinre
to b inc 1'reslilImij. lii.
\VASIiINGTO , April 13.-In the house today -
day Delegate Catron of New Mexico , from
the terrItorIes' committee , reported a bill
providing that 11pm the convening of the
territorial legislature of New Mexico , anmy
one member of either house may admInister
tine oath of ofilce to the presiding 0111cc-elect ,
and lie ahail administer time same to the
other niombers and offIcers.
"Tho object of the bill , " says the accoun-
panying report , "is to nno'iify time exitIng
laws so that time secretary ( of the territory ) ,
an appormteo or time president , shall not imavo
arbitrary power to organize time legislature
by Ignoring the legal certificates of election ,
as wee done at time orgeumizatlon of the last
legislature , at. which time certtficatea of
election givev to menibors-oloct by time
cunty board of canvamsers , as required by
laW , were ignoremi , and persons wore sworn
in on trumped up certificates , or on pretences -
tences in rio manner provIded by law , so
that tlmo political comuplxton of the legislature
was chonged iii both lmonmr'ea. "
iiuriib' TIitii1s ; ; - ; iei1Iatc
IIi'ti'i'i'Ii Sinl 1k ii niul Cubit.
WAShiNGTON , April 18.-CardInal Satolit
attaches little insportance to tIne cable to-
Port that the pope Imas tnmtructecl the nuncio
at Madrid tO urge a settlement of time Cuban
conflIct and possibly to accept the nnediaticn i
of President Cleveland ,
At time same time time cardinal mviii not
discuss thIs subject , us time representative Ia I
tints commimtry of tIme pope , any expression
mlglmt bo construed as a discourtesy similar I
to an expression on the part of a dipiomnatic I
represeniativo pending a controversy.
ICilled iii Ills ( Imsu i4tovc.
CIlIC'AGO , April lS-Johmn I' , Sniltlm was I
murdered tlminm ufternoon at hIs place of I
businemsi , 1St Market street , by live teen , I
ss'ho mmmdc theIr escape. Ills lives , Patek , I
Smith & Ce , , j'ainter and nlecorators , lied i
trouble s'iIlr their Ialnter.i last winter mmmd
IL strike ii'niuItenl. Time ts'iing % VLIm very
bitter unud tue mnesamilt Is eupimoset to be tine
result , TlmI afiermmoon flvp risen svent into
time cstnblieinienmt neil , rifler us few miso-
meets' talk , Invited nmsItIt to stop to time I
street , As Imo reached tine doorstep tnt' was
etrurk wills U Imleco of gns Ipo on the head
arid killit instantly. ills ileud hnody relied
dosi'nm time lIteidI. John htyan. a steanmifitter ,
was arrested hum connection with tlmo meur-
tier ,
Lne-hmeil lIT the .IouumsiiI ire-re , t
IOUIS'ILLE. .tiriI 1S.A special from
Chattnnooiinr , Tenimm. , says : Early ibis
mormlng Sterling Savage was hikers from lmle I
bed at Irving College , sevems miles from Mc.
Mlnnvllle. In Warren count ) ' , by a mob of I
masked inca and hmamngiimt jo a tree , Time I
doonmied misaim % 3s suspected of being a
"elmotler" for the 1. . nlled States oflicers.
3avagu was a worthlemi4 oharmmer mmliii
resident of'hmlte , cii cnljoinmnnut county ,
but hmi rnmoonsiiinio cnimnIoi hm1 tolkweu
I.4 _
ProsIdont1il Situation as Viewed from
Wttnhington bights.
( OuII1 Nii t nu red Cr1 t Id PIIII (5 s'er t he
i'roiosi I lout for n liinsi I.uot'ran I Ic
TICILI't ( ( I A old ni Sitrimilitic nun
tint5 tiiiunt'y Quest him ,
WAShINGTON , April 17.-Speclnl.- ( )
I'olI&Icaliy time situation has not clnanged
nmmateriaiiy iii tIne past week. All
the pronounced presidential candidates
mayo received accessionu to the list
of delegates already announced. l'o11ttcal divisions -
visions have occurred to como extent in time
McKinley forces and the prciiounce.I stand
taken by the A. I' . A. against Ohio's favorite
semi lna caimL'ed ' comnlmierable talk in iegisla-
tlva circles as to ivlmat the outcommie will be.
It Is hot believed that time American i'ro-
tective aemociation will ho a great factor in
the St. Louis convention , Sonic of tine delegates -
gates pledged to McKinley may obey time be-
liom'ts ' of time executive coniirmlttea of ihimit om'
ganlzation anmd vote agaInms tine mmmcmi vlmo
looks not mislike Napoleon , but it Ia thought
that MclIumley may have a can Uli lin ! s'eove ,
which , when paycd ! , nsay materially change
the situation. Reed continues iii. time evemt
tenor of 1mb vay , sbhiie Qua' lmows the
stm'ommg haItI ho hn mmpon i'ennmeyivanla.
It Is time ibid against MeKiniley , and as
two mnmontlis imitorvemlo betweum ncmv mmd time
convonticus cons'itlernmble nmmay ho acconmplished
in nmalg.nnmmatilmg the forces opposing McKinley -
Kinley ammd nimay o far toward ermcommmpamlng
hits defeat. 'I'iiore 'is no d nmyInu the fact
ilmat the Ohio statesman Imas a otrong bail
anid iii graduahiy immcreasimg it , but hardly to
time extent preIctod by hIs imsost Isronouncefi
bugiemnen ,
Politically the scasation of time week has
been over Interviews had with itopresenta-
tive J , , I. Richardson of Tennenao and
Chammnccy M. Iliack of PennmsylvanIa , preal-
dent of the Nathonal League of Democratic
CluLo , who have adm'aisccd two mmesv ideas ac
to the settlement of the differences existing
in the nienmocratic party , Icmmsocrats of Lotim
silver and round mimemicy wings of the party
are dtscusm'lng tIme prcspecta of two tickets
being paced in the field mit ChIcago repre-
seating the divergent views of time party on
time mmsonoy qulstion , Quiet Confcranccs imave
been held here lately svltls only cme object
in viess' , the tmnmificatlomi of time 1mar11 It pcsl-
liii' along somno conservative Cisc , fatling In
whIch sound nmoney democrats will trove a
prceidental ! candidate In the sound money
n3tate.o , willie free sliver democratsi ivill brave
a like candIdate iii the free silver states ,
This Ic Itichiaidmn'a plnnm. jioth aides deprecate -
cate and pronounce against a straddle as being -
ing immflniteiy worse thami a dlvislcn along time
lines of difference on tire , silver question , but
even tIme mmsoet rnmpaht democrat , Who swallows -
lows time ticket wills geoi grace wimether it is
a ticket representing his viewe or nmot , ad-
mite that chances of party success are few
anmd far between. flcpmnblicamms , homravcr , nmmuet
not sit idly by. contest wills tine rlivLi'iou ox-
ivt'msg in the democratic party. ltopree'enta-
tive ltlcinardson's idea to hmave tine party
split along financial lines and unite tim time
electoral college has brought out a lot of
good-natured badinage at hmis expeniso. It Is
pretty hard to see how an elector mledged to
support a certaIn Unancial plank Ir , tIme platform -
form upon which he was elected could turn
about and support a candidate lii time electoral
college imledged to an entirely different idea.
However , this seems to be a fight ins the
democratic party of winch the republican
party imeed only take cognizance arid go about
patching up their own weak spots.
Tallcng with old-time membars of congress ,
it is the comisonisus of opinion that no sucl
peculiar state of affairs has ever oxjsted iii
national.pobitics as now corfronth Jctir time
old parties , mnd it will require any anmmount of
hegerdenmain , iot to say anything of polltIal
sagacity. to quite the nmulticolored ideas existing -
isting in time lartles cpus any general issue
upon which they can go to the country.
To thinkinig men who are hot carried away
by their prejudices it looks as it the free
oliver incur would control the democratic
conventIon at Chicago. Should that turn
out to be true there would undoubtedly be a
bolt on time part of the sound money advocates -
cates , m'ho would put up a ticket of their
oivn , Representative Iticlmardson , svhmo Is
advocating two tickets. one to catch the
free silver vote and the other the sound
money vote , says that considerable good
nnight connie of such a course amid that it
would preserve time organization. Tinat if
suds a plan were carried out the denmocrats
might control the next house of representa-
tlves , which vould be' impossible If a conm-
promise cannmot be effected at Chicago.
Whibo tine republicans hmavo troubles of
their own timelr .1l1terences on the financial
question are decIdedly 1cm liable to rosmnit
dimmastrously therm those of tIme demnccrats.
Should time actions of time flvo United StateS
senators in refnising'tb vet upon thc revenue
bill as Introduced in the senate be endorsed I
by their states a 'walkout might result. limit
their action iii not endorsed by some of time
loading men of time states represented by
Senators Carter , Mantle , Dubols , I'ettigrew
and Teller , A immost notable Instance of title
kind is found in tire persons of Governor W.
3 , McConnell of Idmmhmo. He does not hesitate
to say that the five senators who recently
voted against the consideratIons of house Roll
No. 2.749 , known as the revenue bill , made a
mistake. McConnell rays if does nmot neat-
ten' ii'Inat action is taken on limo silver ques-
lion time government must have sufllcient
revenue to pay its runmming eximenmees without
continually resorting to time ealo of bonds ,
He says that tire tree and unlinmnlted coinage
of sliver m'ould niot furnish timId revenue , because -
cause tire silver so coined does riot belong to
the general gov nmen , but to tine mdl-
viduals wino take time bullion to the nilets ,
In a letter to a well known public omcial McConnell -
Connell says that the first duty of every
citizen , whether ins congreas or out of It , Is C
to contribute iris Imart to the nuaintonanmce of
tints nation. Outside of the absolute nmeed of
limo rovenrme w'imlch the bill was Intended to C
provide , time protection it contained was lar- C
ticularly inisportant to sonic or tire western
inidustries. notably tine wool industry , as
ivoil as time lead inidustry. W'imlio time pro.
tcctionn the nrmoaanmre carried was not enomngh
ho argues that a protection of 6 6-jOhns
centri a pound upon wool would materially
mid our wool grower at the preaenmt theme ,
It Is very gravely doubted here ivinotimer
3enmator Dubols roprescnt time sentlnsent of
Limo people of Idaho upon tlrI question of
milver , ft is a fact beyond dispute that tire
wool industry of Idaho is very much nearer
to the hearts of time people of tinat state
timan is silver , and the profit on wool Is a
Iroat marry timnes more than time output of
silver In that state , MI of wbnlcir goes to
ibrow that wimen this matter beconnea timer-
singimly understood by tire people of tine I
itatea represented by time sonatQrs above
mientloned tine fear of a walkout In the re-
ubilcan national convention on the vart of
ireso states may prove to be grounrdiess ,
The dispatch sent out from Ciricago , rns- r
ently to limo effect that Senator Cullom brad C
lecided to withdraw from time race turns out t
:0 : be a , canard , for Senator Culloni no later
ban yesterday 101(1 The lice representative
list lie was in a position winlciL would vre-
cnt mis getting out If ho would ; tirat ire
mare consiatenmtiy made the race In iris in. '
enest : tbnat a great manmy delegates have
aeon inetructed to cast their votes for mini 1 ]
a limo state convention , and that It would
Jo tin act of cowardice on his part to with-
iraw jioms' In time face of tinose Instructiomis ,
What nimoy transpire upon time eve of the 9
donvenmtion In IllinoIs is another matter ,
ulloni nmmay decide to send ii. letter of tI
becbinationn , here In Wasbminrgton it Is not ti
eltoved that ho Ire contemplating anytiring t
it tire kind. c
Time effectual work done by time I'acifle
eiiroads lobby , which imas been almost enn
Irely In tIme imay of Collie P. HuntIngton , b
reginrs to sinew in time bill recently reported s
mY Chairnmrmn Powers of tine mouse corn.
nsittee on Pacitlo raliroadu. Deternmined op.
nositioni to a funding bill has availed nothing
ad a vote mviii be taken in time house upon
ire bill introduced by Judge Powers witirin
lie acmxt ( 'iw weeks , Speaker Reed Imas ins.
heated to tire clmairunimmn that he will giv3
5 mnucim tinne as it is inought necesaary for
I ttiicusaIon upon time macrite of tire' bill , ann P
bat ire wilt uro stand In the way of a vote n
ieIn had ucon the question , IlUCb moro
- . .
- .
. -
niecInieni OpposItIon will ire c'ncoinntered it is
imellovenl from time senmzuo sih of the 'laimitol ,
ailhoingh the sL"ments cit time funding bill
feel perfectly ataso over limo CftIIVIISR they
bravo thado fly&tho ommteonso of the nneas-
into. Shomuhil Zongress , however , decide to get
away by Jnino I ( toni tine sultry conditions
Prevailing in Wasblngton at tInts tintS cons.
tervative people bellvo tinat a vote will Trot
be taken in t1rsetrate , abtlmoingh tire bill
as ne-ported rtt tireconnunmlttee may imass
time lower hrata , ,
Thmo biii , fte.rportm1. hail the sanction of
seven of timi1h1Ii mncmbcrn , present when it
'yea taken imcflj1mmal action , the two nega-
live votes bethrcordcr1 hmy llubhartl of MIs-
seen anti Boil ofolorada , tee absent mom-
bern cli beInfavor of the fundIng moss-
lire. Mr. 174it Is 1.3 present a nmlnorIty
report impon h1'fll , which vrovirles for tine
nppoinmtnnment by hire president of tIme Ummited
Stato3 of timro trusteee , wire shall each re-
colve an annual , compeneatkn for work ( lone
of $25,000 a year , The whole l'aclfic system ,
cornptislnrg time Union antI Central Pacific
railways. shall ie divided into twenty-five
equal parts , aqd each of these' twenty-five
varts shall be operhteii by three nmmanagers ,
who shall be timkenm from time employo' of the
systons , making a beard of sevonity-fivo bt'o
isle , wire shah mdlii yoarij aosmion' for tine
hretternmmenst of the roads metier tbmeir cimarge.
In event of a deilcit occurring by falluro
of operating expenses to pay for the running
of tire road , then the secretary of time troadi.
ury shall issue a &meck i'aclm year to over
said deficit. So tar as can be ascertained , tine
only merit this schmunimo bma his in time fact
that tine Union ninth Centre' Pacific eystenmis
are to lmo operated as one granrnl line. as con-
tonimirlated by the fathete wIno innado the building -
ing of time Union , awl , Central l'aclilc pomsi-
ble , which extend fronmm the Miesomiri river
to the PacIfic ocean ,
Attorniey Coonmsbs , ii'Ims represents tine
Credits Commutation company of Slormx City ,
was Joined time irnet i'eek by a large nmmnmbcr
of banmkers immtere3red in turn Sioux City rn-
terprie'e , to tine amid thnat sonmie legislation
immlght ret'mnlt beneficial to m.hensm ins tire build-
leg of a line of ralirpad from Siamnx City td
Nortir Platte or Jiniesbtrrg , in the state of
Nobracka. They had confidonmtly iroped that
if a fmmnrling bill was decideni Inpon by tIre
I'rtcIi1 railroads connnmmitteo tlmat their scinenno
wouhil rccelve fayQrable conmsidcratiorr , but the
bill , no reported by Mr. l'owors , bea'ea them
onstirely umiprovided for , and it Is tlneir inmtemm-
lions to irave an ammnondnsont added' to tine bill
when it conmses ill ) for commulfioralion in tire
conmmltteo of the winoie. faiuinmg in srinlcim
tirey will unIte , wills tire California nmom-
bore , arid all those favorinmg govcrumnermt
cwnersimip and opposition to a funding bill , to
defeat time nneastnre ,
Attorney W. & Pierce , who repremnontu , the
reorganizatlomm conmnmmlttoe of tire Union Pacific ,
amid wire braS spent a great deal of time
tire past winter lii showing vungressnsenm irow
tire reorg.mnmtzatiomm acheimso would be bone-
fetal for all blarties interesed , myatenl timat
If there was no legislation at thins scamions of
congress tIne reorganization L'cnreme would he
a "dean duck , " because eundltions were
vitally chansgnmg every tlrrco nmonthm.m , lie said
that defaults 1mm Irrtore3t were constantly oc-
currimig , and that foreclosure , , uits segregat-
big the road were being conmtnnmtly flIci
against branch lines ' and feeders. lie be-
hteved that the Union i'aclfic could live umndc.r
time termmma of tho1iill , ann that If legIslation
could ho acconoimlished at this sessIons it
would make Union Pacific stuck one of tire
strongest ems 'c3ntcgs ; timat. mow Unions l'aciflc
first nmmortgagum , certificates s'cre anmsomrg thc
best inivestniontm ountime mnarlCet.
Apropos of thie financal muddle In winich
baths parties turn thL'mseivos , Dave Mercer Is
telling a good'ster' winicir lie says mnsa'y fur-
utah a solution ot the sIlver quoztionm. It
was told to hm1nb'bya North Caroina attache
of tine house. oTlthmEis the ss'ay Dave telh it :
Down In North Carolina tire secretary of
tIre board of agrkmilturo was about tire only
official c thmo llCilid vlrn was ever arcmnnd.
Ommo day drmring a severe droutli a country-
nnan came in nnrd dsked for the presdent of
the board. mm . i
"lIe Is out'irut tierhaps I can sarve your
purpose. I anne tile secroLar , , " was tire
greeting mo r&eeWthl. " ' .
" \Vell , yourm rude , I have discovered a
ilmin to zisake raimn"
mThme seoretnmt'y sIzU.hIs man up , Imnd tiren
aald : . " ' r - ' 'a" ' r "i' '
"You mad better have It patented. 'You
can nnako money out' of it. "
"No ! I do noV care' for a patpmmt. I want
to tell yciu about It. You knov 'tine air Is
composed of hydrogen , nitrogen and oxigen. " I
"Yes , " replied tine clerk.
' ' ' , 'eli , ' ' replied th cid man , "If yosm would
witlrdraw one of those three conmponent imarta
the other two 'would precipitate and furnish
rain , "
"Is that abl , " asked the clerk.
"Yes , that is all. " said time old man.
"But how are you going to withdraw one
of the parts ? " 'gasped tine cleric.
"Aim , " replied tIne old man , "tirat is mere I
detail ; that is for you people to decIde ; that C
Is what you are here for. " C
Representative Eugene J. Halnner , rather 0
than Indulge the Ilsasdre of reacting his
political friends in Nebraska , at the ro-
PU1)IICami EInste , c&pventionm breld in Onsahia cmi
Wednesday , in view of the innperative mature
at the fortIficatlon bil , wlmlch iris subcomn-
nittee through him reported to the irouse ,
leternnlnred to stay by time hint , The nunmiber
if nice timings .zsId about the mnmanmmer in
ns'lrich he inandied the bill and time merits of
lie bill itself could not be of sufficient conu-
ensation fcr tire self-denial which ire shnowed
mm remaining by his guns. From tire tinnme
the bill was taken up for consideration in
ire committee oZ the whole to Its passage
yas just three Incurs , amid maybe less. In
hat ttmo an appropriation of $11,000,000
nassed anebranch of congress , anm appropria-
ion many times larger tlnan any fortificanm
ilons bl has ever carrIed in time last twenty
cars. Tinner was comnmencod what is beloved -
loved wIll tie a continuous system nroviding II
or the conztruction of fortifications and
east defenses , and under the plan lnaugur-
sted t Is thouglnt tinat dmmrinmg the next Qight
rears time United States will have to con-
ribute ffonm l0,00O,000 to $11,000,000 a year ,
r to pay tbnat sumim , ins the contnuatlon ! of the e
aork of coast defenses rind fortifications.
L'rom titot'o in a position to know it Is
.lmought to ho the simplest 1)111 ever per-
ected for tine punoso Cf providing coast de- t
Isnacs , It is largely shorn of a technical r
mhnaracter , wirlcir only tine trained enmglneer
mmmd artisan could well understand , amid for
iris alone if nor nmothng else it is to be in
: omsmmended. It mao other and stronger
: iamma for recognition , however , as bbazinng tIre C
s'ay for a class of iegle'nmtlon which must
secessarlly be enacted to take tine Ummited
Rates out of tine rating as a tbrird class
rower , wimicin other governnmments now rittacim
.0 bier. to place the states wirere they a
ieservo to be , at 'thr ' head of tire military
mrocession of the world , Time bill makes and
rmmplaces as many gulls , and ( hoes as nnucir
york for fortificatlons , according to Mr.
lamer , as all ' .inrr , bills wimicir have been
nassed from 18qmhptotimopresent time.
[ 'OUIL ' ) ? " h1t1)iY JIUIINHI ) , b
ixipiosIOmm of''iICcroNCmre ' Cans Le'rmtlM
to tine iiiinnni Ilcisnulte ,
CINCINNATI14Pil 18.-At :30 : this morn-
ng an expboslo oj oai eli In tine saloon of
imli Scinaffer an I'iortim I3aymiller street set
lie house cmi fired fFbo upper story was occu-
nied as a dsv lhinI' , The fiancee epread C
aptdly , cutting 'ft ' ( ho escape of sleepimng in- ' ti
mates , Tire fQpng ) persons were badly 'II
urned : , it
Mra , Mary Scmaffqr , , fatally ,
Mra , Freda Waf9n3Gr , dangerously wounded , s
Johnnmy I'lper' years old , seriously , o. .
. ' of Freda 0
Mary , the'onttlis-Obd baby
Vagoner , alJghtl' surned , L
All the brnrnlet wore taken to tine city rr
ospital , 'tq''t Ii
- -
hilimt'iC Crooic ( 'nimijnnmi , ' 1)isbnhlil $ .
fIT , LOuIS , Atmrll 18-After tire iiertorm-
nco at hinivlin'8 theater tonigimt tine IhlacIc
rook consinany disbanded end it is stated 1 ]
he nmemnbers are witlnout funds wilts wimicm t
a leave time cIty TirO troubles of the corn-
any ann of John H. Springer , time proprie. us'
ar carrie to a imeatl last Tuesday , wurenm time ii ;
roat W'esterfl Printing comnprmny attached 5
II time mmronmerties , through time attaches pen's (
iitted Iheir rico hi time perfornnnmnco with p
me close of time enigagemenit. The attachon
sent Wane for $12 nuiegeil to ho dire for si
ill posters. Mr. Simn'inssjer also oivca T0 to r
ties helen DoUgla , time leading lady for III
money advanced arid back salary ,
. C
I'err' S. hientin ltetiri's ,
CINCINNtTI , April 18. - Tomorrow's i
orumerclal Gazette will animounmco timid
In' , Perry 0 , heath , wino for two years
as beers tmretdcnt and gcnoral nmmanaqer of ! fl
so Conunnerclrrl Gazette , fuse sold imnmu km. ci
steel ins time connianly and line resIgned and Ii
etirt'd from tIme dnrector > ' ann ) managev
mont. Mr. and Mrs. heath contemplate a c
lu abroad. ( C
New ' Process Gasoline Stoves
LT' : Es
Dissolution and Removal Sale
Aittiough our sues the past weck wci'c larger thaii ever , we still 1avc a supply of tlic
leading pattcrflS and 5izc of tIio celebrated New Proccss 1396 Dcsgn Stoves , which we
xviII continue to oiler at the lhcvcr-beforc-IIcat'c-of [ priccs. Retncnibcr these prices arc lcs9
than w1ioIcsae cost ,
Process" '
Desflu , ' - L------ : . . . ' . .
tni : 1.EAST GASOLINE. .
THE NEW PRO CE SS IS ' - ; - : : : = c
. \VARRANTED , 3-llurnme-riftns'o nmnnil iLniiex wIth Ovum. ttet . . . ) . . . . . . . . I
' Boinovnl Smile
. . Fon'nici' Pn'fco Cut. l'rico
. . a-Burner' Stove , with Step arid flollex Oven . . . . . . . . . , . , . 2.OO 812.75
, . , . . , . , , . . . . . .
4-But'urom' Stove , i'Ithi St01) mmd iluflex Ovun .25.O3 $14.00
Our sale on 'Rat'igcs , Cook Stove : ; , Ice Chests , House and Kitciicn Furnishing Goods ,
is the greatest opportunity ever offercd the people of Omaha to SCCUC bargains. First cIass
high grade goods at cost and less. . .
- = Tc :
Fourteenth and Faritarn Streets.
Last of the General Appropriation Bum
Reported to the House.
tbnimni. , S'Igmmres Slnosvlmmnr tire 'l'olnnl Ap.
jnroprlnmiimmr of 111 ii ioni'i Imiie-
tire Meimihjer'c ( if time I'rescnt
S i.s I nit.
WASHINGTON , April 18.-Time house com-
nltteo on appropriations tcday reported to
he irousci the genmeral deficiency bill , tine
ant of the regular appropriation bills for this
sessIon. Time total armioumit carried by time
mill is $4,791,340. Tire principal deficienmctes
'or winch it provides are : Treasury de-
) artment , $1,074,000 ; DIstrict of Cohunnhia ,
116,000 ; War departnsenmt , $ G07,000 ; Navy
iepartmnent , $199,000 ; Interior department ,
304,000 ; Department of Justice , $251,000 ;
; overnmnmient printimmg cmce , $190,000 ; house
If representatives , $104,000 ; judgnnonts Ins
ourt of clnminmss , $143,000 ; Indian depre'Ja-
ion claims , $40,00Ii ; audited damns , $11i9-
00 ; out of postal revenues' , $1,421,000.
In addition to tins bill time urgernt do.
Iciency act passed early in tine sesslonm car-
icd $6,305,436 , mmsalcinmg a total ( or deficiencies
lnt sea3ion of $ i1OPG,170.
Tire fohiow'ng is a list of time regular rip-
roprlatlors 1)1115 as they parsed time mouse ,
elth timeir ansoluntre :
Agriculture , $3,215,342 ; army , $23,276,002 ;
Iplonnatie arid consular , $1,630,058 ; District
f Colunmmbla , $5,418,060 ; fortifications , $5S12-
37 ; IndIan , $8,120,445 ; legislative , etc. $21-
80,765 ; military academy , $448,117 ; nnavy , $31-
47,239 ; imensicmms , $141,325,820 ; postofficea , $91-
19,557 ; river ansd harbor , $10,351,860 ; sundry
lvii , $29,936,092. Total $374,613,411 , In ad-
ition to timose bills tine two deficiency hills ,
lscehinneous acts' , carrying $315,021 , and rog-
Jar anmnuai appropriations amounting to
119,054,160 , have been passed by the house ,
achIng time total appropriations by the hmouoo
Unrig tins session $505,027,405.
In tine deficiency bill reported today tinere
a a clause authorizing tire secretary of time
rearunry to transfer to the city of Atlanta
lie brmilniings erected for tire govormmmmment
xhiblt at the Cotton States exposition. Tinero
B ann ltenms of $10,000 to be paid to tine Italian
overnment for lndenssnity to the heirs of
lnreo of its erubjects who were killed and
we others injured , by mob violence ins Cob-
ado. In making tine appropriations for Indians
: opredation clainms the cornnnnlttere provides
hat ironic of time jmndgments are to he Paid
ntii time attorney general nas certified to tine
ecrotary tirat ire bras caused to be exanstimed
virienco inorotoforo presented to the court
f damns , amid such other evidence as Inc shah
o abbe to procure , as to wimetinor fraud inns
'can ' done to the United States or exorbltanrt
unna allqwed , and finds no grounni to support
. new trial ,
' 1ItSL , 'I'itLili OF 'I'lIII L.t3iiiOItNS ,
Imici iVhImicse Iimks a inumiinmgi mug Cnee
' rz'un I niet Innngin Icr Aimiilt' ,
LEAVENWORTH , SCan. , April 18-Tire
rohinnmlnary' trial of Charles anmd Ammmmio Lam-
am and Thomas Davenport , cinnirgod with
me nnmurder of .7 , T , Lnmnmborn , was resummied
mis morning , Irmtc'rest in the case conttlnues
5 pacbc tire 'ourt room. Sixteens witnesses
r tire state had beers examined at I o'clock
day , Lafayette Taber of Fall Leaf was
Ire only witness wire save tlamnaginmg bali-
many. lie a'ore. thmis morning tinat me inearil
Imrarbey Lamborn and Thonmias Davenport
mreaton to "lay out" old man Lammborn , ,
10 swore also timid Annie Lanmmborns , about
rrco years ago , wbnlie me was courting her ,
bd bliss If sine had ioiuon sire believed she
'oubnl try It on her fatiner , as sine was tired
r beinrg a slave ann fearra lie would not
to naturally for several years , Alfred C.
amnborn , on of time murdered man and at-
ninistristor f time estate , testified , bu told
ttio of iniportansCe.
11.-Id inN 1iiibnsti'r'tl ,
PIIILAIldljPIIA , April 18.-'Joimn 113.
levI , ownier of time steanmser Bermnuda ; Cup-
un O'Brien , mm'mter , aria Mate Murphy ,
'ho are charged with setting on foot a
diltary oxithitiOn against Spain , wore to- ,
alt hiehil in $1,000 bond each by time United
tates district court. Second Mate Simon-
in was r&eased , AmiDst a score of wit-
Teals testified that time hiermtmda had tnbeenn
Ii board ninoUt eighty nsen fronmi tine
earner Atlantic City , vmnichm sailed ( torn
ucicainoc , N. J. : tied there were arms and
mnmuniition on tine steamer mini tirat they
ro discharged from the vessel on time
uban coaet , _ _ _ _ _ _
' of I' , ITmmi mmmi liummihc IIuit'umunipuiien I ,
CLE'EI4AND , 'April 18.-It has Ihnrnmbly
men decided to hold tine mrnstional encamp-
set of tire Unitornred Itank of tire Knights
! Pytirias in tints city August 21 to 31.
eadquarterrs for tine gemmeral committee
ill ho openmed on Monday nmext and all
unmmnltteea will begin active preparations
Ir tirti encampment.
iitIilh , 1)5' ) A. SiCnLVi'1' MA IlutiAGil.
Suit for' iioreei'him'il nit St. .Iinsejnli
he' ii. Cirhil'If , ' .
ST. JOSEPh , Mo. , April IS.-Speeial-- ( ) .
Tine ebopemeumb and nmsarrlage of E. l'arks
hail amid Silas Leonmora Ilosea in Chicago
last Soptenmber because imtrbllc yesterday
afternoon wInce the girl , tlnromigir inst guar.
dianm , filed a suit for divorce from her hun-
baninl In tIn5 clrcmnlt , court. Miss Ilcsea Is
a dniuginter of time late Wllians ! E , Ilo'ea ,
. aunt in nes" 1-1 years old , Parks hail is time
sons of' a mhynlcianr eurO Is 13 years of age.
It is alleged ln : tine petition flied yesterday -
day that timey were nsarried in Chicago September -
tember 30 , 1895 , when Miss Ilosea was on
her way to a boarniinsg sc1mool ins Wasining-
ton , She went to Clilcags vlthm bier brOther.
but becanse separated trons lninns risers arid
was mmmcl by young hall , wIre mail been her
Playmate and sweetineart In tins city tinree
they were chIldren. Rnnnmsors of bite elope-
moist and nmnmrriag reachred tins city at tine
time , hnut tlney were denied by troth young
Hail ann the relatives of time girl. Miss
Ilosea was takemn to Europe Iii a few days ,
winore she was placed in a school , and buss
renmnalneni tinere ever nince. Yotmng halt re-
sunned the position of oflice by 1mm irIs Lsthor'a
cifico , anti time epIsode was forgotten.
It is alleged tinat time girl was ( lecetved by
Hall , wire told her , sire says , that the marriage -
riage ceremony would be ncthring nmsore thman
a betrotimal , and that at time end of tlnrrio
years they could be married agaimm if she
mad not cnansged her ruled ins tire nneammtinmme.
He represented to irer , sine alleges , that the
marriage 1mm Chicago would ammiount to maUi-
leg , ann timid if sine did not desire to marry
mm when sine rctmmrnsed from FJrmrope , notir-
leg should be said abnrmt it. Sluice tlrenm the
girt inns beenms'ithm met' ' sIster iii Paris rind
Ilmrlin , attensdlnmg school. She alleges tinat
after tire nmmarrlage timey svemmt to tine \Vell-
lngtonr bmotel in Cirtcago and ate dlnnmer in
tira public dIrtng rconm. In loss than an
hour slme was on her way to Washmlnrgton , and
has never seen brer youtimful hrmnsbanmd since.
Sine asserts 1mm tIre petition tlnat site has iso
desire to see brim , and asics the court to restore -
store met nnmatden nanse.
IImti3iIN' CIIUSIIEI ) TI ) lsiIA'l'ni.
Iromnr OthntrM S'i'lnmmsl y IimJ imseil l , ' rt
l'auiiinic 'mniI ,
PIULADELPIJIA , April 18.-Two firemen
were crinslred to ( Ieatbr ant several others
seriously injnnred as tine reault of a fire svinicin
destroyed tbr old depot of time I'ennssylvanla
road at Titirty-secend ammO Marbiet streets
thIs afternmoon arid enstaibeti a loss of about
$200,000. Time nanrses of time killed are
hugh Mcareanagnmni of conslmany D ; William
H. Stalgert , district engineer. Time seriously
injured are : George \V. Preston , assistant
forenmman of truck A , will tIle ; George Jens-
nings , John iileo and Sannmmmtil Smmeitl , all of
winonmi suetalnieni bruises nnl have fractured
ribs. tine time tIme fire hmroke out tirere were
twenty Pullman cars atorenl In a sImon ! 1mm
tire rear of tine depot , Eight of tlmmn were
destroyed. Tine unfortunate nnens were work-
lung ons tine enlaunting bied rocf in tire rear
of time front vall of tine depot , whenm time wall
crashed down upon tironn witbmout warnnimg. ,
All of the mmmen were brmrletl beneatlr tine
wail , McGreanmagon , Staigert and I'restonm
dying before titimy reached tire hospItal , Tine
rlepot Imropcr was used as tine mmcmi telegraph
0111cc of tine Pennsylvania hiaIlroarl cnmm-
pany , mmd trains ens tine Baltimore amnni Wasim-
Inmgtoni branrcln of thrat lime sm'ere consequently
rleinmyed. Many old and valuable records of
tire conmimany were also iii tIme bmniitilnmg anrd
' ' time I'uiinmsan
ivero destroyed. 'l'ito on
cars is about $120,000 , turd on Limo depot about
$100,000. _ _ _ - _ . _ _ _ -
i'i.tNXl ( . 1"thI .t 111th 1 , ii'J'Jtn ICI.
Cntrjm'urti'r $ nmnmd lIorIi'tihtOm'rN Arrtmntg'-
lini ( lii H Nnmtlimtmnni % 'nnIlnmmt ,
ST. LOUIS , AprIl 18.-A general etrllmo for
an eigint-lroUr tIny by tIme unions carpenters
and inorsashoers of the United States Ia expected -
pected by tIne labor organnizattons of St. Louis
to occur May 1.
It is imositlvely nitated timat ovary unleim
huorsosiroer inn tire Unnited Statas and every
mnnion carlnfltCr , save thonia in St. Louis , will
walk out on thumb day , and will remains out
umtli they have secured the unhsorter IrourA.
14'ul te-mni'ed ( or Hnntimt-ziicurneint ,
IJNCAS'FIIIt , Pa. , April l8.-1 , K , Smith ,
time ox-Insnnmlcer of Columbia , wars today aonm- I
tenCel to Imprlsonnmemmt for tsvo years and I
five montha on two consvicttorsni of enmbez- I
zherncnil. 'i'imcn offensacs consistenl in rsccc'Imt- m
ing (151)05115 VintInL Ire bcnc'w ini'i mmdc vani
lneobvent. t3mnitir'rn attorney Is ins l'lttsburg
enmdeavoring to secure a nrpoclmml crilocatur
to tiilew hUn to I
( torn tire superior coturt
give ball until thro cases mire heard by time
supreme court. 'finere are over tinirty sills-
liar o'imargeim against Smith , who is about
70 years old , - _ _ _ _ a--
Cuitnimi Is Not to Ihloulle ,
SAN FItANCII3CO , April Is.-'rlme court of
inquiry winch' brie been investigatinmw timeless
loss of time ) Dialrmmsoro , ivirleit capsiznl I
inn lbs be ) ' fltfltlO a reDOrI totlaY , exotmerat.
leg captniinr Caw. Time dcurt ilmmdrr , tirat
Ire Wins riot to inianme ( or cmitiln&t the six L
meni who were drowned limbo thu hold and
timmit time accident ewes camnatid by the simip
fettling its cabo , wimlcim , m'ith tire s'iusnl anti
the tide. tmurmretl the vessel over. 'fime Blair. '
more still lies t time bottonr of time buy
and rio attempt iras been made to raise IL. I
1 , '
fFA ! ° I ? I
LI'w-J 1 I
1w- ; ' I I
qr II
, , /J' / 'VI ) Ii
Quoted Prices
Mean Low Prices
_ n2n.a
' .Pliese low in'bcea are riot ommly coimtinmotl
to cure or' two gar'mnseumts IIIJ'I' HVEIIY
A Reduction cf
33 : E-3 Per Cent
inor 'rriE REG ur4it rurcv.
X'osm cr511 bII , ' a very imice tsihot' rmrilo :
Onmite' , vitls vL'1'et collar' , vtr'i'msitteU ; fmst S
bbmti'lc , nit $1.55.
Sllic liumed Slllc Sic'lblnmm Cnpcs nit $3.OS.
ICorsoy Cnnjmes , tnlremmt nlik , ilineti whir
silk rumslr all nrotuusd , nit 5.OO ; brinier
lfl'k'C $10.00.
A Few Words About
Ladies Suits ,
Am ntll s'ool Storuss Si'm'go Smut , lIned ,
. ' ' tlu'eo'foul'tlIb
Hklrt : extra. 'ide , s'iIlu '
lined jeelcet , C ! Itlmer' lsox ci' blnzer ) : style.
At $10.
'rsyo slc'cllrl lnl'ices iii W'm'nlimlet'H. )
Dark nmumd mmmetllumnt colored inrltlt Vinsp-
$1.19 7 t
P01811511 l'oi'caleVrmrltom ) , all cobra
sirimb sl.esi ,
Cloaks and Suits ,
Y. M. C. A. Bldg.
% 'I1,1 , l'i'iIlt 'I'IiB i'OIt'V4 lit' mruItCiI.
I'iieiiltm tiiiil 54t'zrmnner ' .S'Iii ihi'lmng out
Ii ( risiN tnt Cemmtrnlmniicrlinsn ,
S/IN FRANCISCO , Ainril 18-It is more
Linac bikely that a shot or two wibi ire tired
across time bow of tIre h'aciihc Mali steamer
: nty of I'ara before sIne agaIn retuyn , to thus
Port , The vessel will sail for the turbulent
ontral Anserlcamm irons today and Captabm
Russell will ho Instructed to make ann effort
:0 : enmter tina ports meld by tine Nicaraguan
nnsurgemnts for time purpose a ! landing freight ,
As tire result ot tIme revolutions winch irma
'eon In progeemi inn Nicaragua for several
nwstims , the I'aciflo Mail steamers , as well as
ntirer steamers , have been denied anlmisnnions
It Sanm Juan del Sur amid saveral lesi lie-
nortamnt harbors. '
Ieehnm rcml I me Irmnyor f ( iii , ' , S'ninneum ,
OIdDTOWN , Me. , April 18.-TIme East
Iutne Methodist conference today my a
rote of 55 to 10 declared In favor of usti.
nitting either male or female lay dote. 's. . tt
; ates to tire general conferemmcjc ,
Ynnmnunmgnntni Salle ( tim' itnrupc ,
NEYOIIIC , .Aprli Ill-Field Mmsrsbnai
unmugata nailed ( or Europe onr time uttultnnr
, .a ToUrLslime today.