Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1896, Image 1

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Largo Numbers of Natives Gathering in t
Hills Near ] Juluwayo.
SuIIlu't Irtit I ) taeM % % 'I ( Iii
a jut , : it , llMIru4ted..1nIIInloUM
'I'Ie ) IIt ) A141 'tVIieii ( lie
' llflnIICN ttnck. p
j' ) ( t'nrtglit , 1SC , ) , lh ApQcIntct rroF. )
/1 TJULUWAYO , April 17.-A feeling of a
rehenslon flR to what the next step of ti
revolting latablo will be iermeate
drcle8 hero. Information coming from t ]
country arourni rnaks ( t ccrtan ( that ti
nattvos are prep3rlng an offonalvo movenie
ngalnst thk place. The number ci Matabi
reportci ( gatiorng at points near by Is sul
dent to npplI tim hearts of oven oxpei
once(1 ( fighters. There Is a dread In ti
2ntHLrp at many that the place l In danger
being over.lielrnd by a ru'1i of hordes
1IataLeh ? and the Inhabitants put to a whol
palt ! naaere. The fear of techory
ndded tO th npprehenslon of orerlielrnli
- umhors. Many lntBcatlons point to a cc
nvanco with the war parties of suppo
frenIIy natfvcs There are many of ti
latter In the town Itselt and no white m
1e0113 intro how far lie can trust his dusky a
roclates or ervantg.
On Weinesday cvcnlpg three flutch scou
I- wcro aert out from here to srcuro on
dflnIto and nectirato Information of the l3
tlon and movements of the natives. Wli
they hare found has serveil little to relic'
the anxiety and suspenac. They report th
'the ' Matahele are athercl like ants in a ii
on the Umgusa rIvers only six miles n3r
lof here. That some treacherous plot Is lidi
concocted Is Indicated by tlio fact that cati
woiflen are secreting European clothes. TI
natlvo men on the veldt wear the nati
costume , shIlo most of these In fluluwa
weir clotliel3 approaching the Europei
fashion. By attiring the native warriors
European garments the Matabele licpo th
mill ho able to enter the town unquestlonc
A Matabelo hey has also been caught steaIl
the badges and the puggarie belonging to U
flhodesla horse and It . Is bollcved that
was Intended to tise these for the purpose
dIsguIse to further seine treacherous proje
Xor taking I3uluwayo at a dlsadvantago at
killing the Inhabitants.
It. Is plainly noticeable that the natIves
the town ar becoming as thick as bees. I
ordinary times the natives come and go
town without attracting attention. The m
tive population is at all times a slilftlr
cub and a largo number of the men tlu
not known Individually to ti
make It up are
white people of the town or to the author
ties. The fact that the natIves in the to
live apart from the whites adds to the dit
culty of Identifying those who belong In U
town. Hut there is little moro conflden
e1t in the natives who belong In the tow
a titan in ( he hostile men , who , It ii b
lioved , are surreptitlousl ) ' being Introduci
to aid trout within when an attack shall I
2nado from without. It looks now as thou
that might occur at any time. The rant
by which communication Is had with U
south , both the one to the Tult atut the ot
to Mafeking , are felt to be in peril. Thet
undoubtedly large numbers of hostile n
are lives between fluiuwayo and the settli
of them in opt
3ncnts to the south. some
revolt. The , situation Is felt to be mo
erlou and threatening.
.Mltiiil4)ii In Iii ( nbelelsiliil itHlOIilLlP4 t
.itIIiiiM ( It
( CopyriglitetI , 1IG , by the /assoclated Press. )
CAPE TOWN , April 17.-The difficulty I
obtaining neva of the Matabele uprising ir
owing to restrictions c
creases day by day ,
. . . the authorities. but it is positively know
that the situation at duluwayo ha9 grow
darker and that the rebellion is so whit
sipread that a largo force of troops will Ii
liccessary to restore order.
Urgent rcquesti for troopti have been msd
by people not directly intcrcsted in Ui
' . British Chartered South Africa company , an
/ 'tlio ' liolilo government Is blamed for posi
poning tlio dispatch of strong reinforcc
inenti ; to South Africa.
The inaction of the war office is untioubi
etily duo to the desire of Mr. Joseph Chani
'berlain , the secretary of state for the colc
ilics , to avoid anything which might be con
ntruetl into an attempt to coerce the Sout
African republic , but it Is pointed out. wIiil
Mr. ChamberlaIn Is holding hands the hoer
aru openly being drilled by their Jinporte
German itnitructorn and are acctiinulatIii
arms and atiuntinition , constructing fortifica
tions nitil bringing heavy guns fioto Oct
Tim policy of President Kruger Is one e
delay , to avoid doing or ay1mig anytimin
deflitito until the Tranivaal is in a peition I
defy Great Jiritnin , and then thu mdc
pentlenco of time South AfrIcan republic wil
b declareil , tIme Or.inge Free State ma
bo actually incorporated into the rcpublh
the natIvei wIll everywhere be inelteil I
nyc againut flritlsh rule and an attempt wil
be imiatlo to drive the flrItlsli out of Sout
This plan Its openly talked of and clilmelUe
over among tIme Boors , but the home iutlirri
ties tcemii to be utterly blind to the
ahead amid time Chartered company In ti
iriteresta of Ita stockholders. Is doing every
tIming losilile ) to supproni the tiutli.
' Tue belief b growing that nothing slier
or a terrible diestor , such au the caltur
of Ilulnwayo rIli bring Ilto Briin'i govern
nient to its uonses. It is stated that full :
rooo Mutobeles have been mnasjetl for tli
attack on Ilulnwuyo. which , although Illace
in a fair itato of tlctcnse , coull ( not ijolil on
ogainit tIme lientliong , rushing clinru of II.
miative regiments rhich , If they emily iiuin
her halt of 15,000 , might river tim
tovn , uvn if tImommsaimd ycre ialtI hi tii
Oiiitilit ,
Time olilelais of the Chartered comnpsn :
oay they loire no fear iIiit iiimluwayo mII
bo captured , hut It is tIme uvor-comifldenco o
tIme Iiriilsli , tue habit of mrouly uiiderratin
the stmcngtlt of an enemy , wlmlcii ha9 ied I
imiany historical tlim'nstcrs to ilie Dritlal
mrmna , There is no t1ciiyin that tlmo Mata
belo have beomi steadily gtImcrlng. togethc
for weolc past , with Iho intention , uppr
entI ) ' , of attackIng liuluwayo. imo recap
tore of iiiig Loliemigmilo's dm1 capital frau
tlmti lIritish would be a fearful blow to tim
"paramount power In South Africa. "
This it' ftaiilly admitted , yet tIme avail
able force of volunteers at lIiuiimvayo is lit.
Jieved to be not much over 600 inca. Ma
cluiumo umn have , it Is true , been lmuuriei
: to the ( rent front the Ileitish flagship , St
\ Grorgo ; the uularket place has len can
verteU into a strong laagcr , time old Imolic
Camp ouimdde the tomyn and other Points hsv
beeui fortitied , but It ouid hike mommy mci
amid many obtrncttons to witilstani OVC
oooo ( carless iatabele , end rapecinily i
it is true they are being "aided and abetted'
by 110cr command niud luiI by old Kini
Lebonguila or hum sen.
Although tIme modern fluluwayp i. eom
alight distance away ( rain time old ebici kraa
or collection at lmuit , vIilcIm CoflipOMeti Ilu
) uoathluarlera about two years ago at ( hi
ruler of Matabelelanti , to time Matatmelo I
is a sort of mecca , a place that to tlmeii
umiumils ( lucy and nobody also sluouli lm0saei
amid which , If recaptiirod , Iulufl eertninI
bring tlmeuim back their old hIstoric glorjcs
Thiti fceiing has been steadily cncourage
ii ) ' tiiq agonta of the Ilocra , who have every
iivro been preAching coverti ) ' but cf
fectively , a crusade sgaint the Urltisli. II
ma tbis crumnde which Is at the bottoni 01
all (1w ( trouble , and it dates froiui time tiimm
.1 Dr. Jaineson's fluilmuslerlng raid , and tIn
bad whippln admImmIateid by the .13a'rs IC
lila freebooters. To bring about the lnvaiom
of time Tranivaal , the territory of time l3rItial
South African company was ilepletod a :
mounted police , anus and anunuuitlomm. Tlies
were all either eapturd by ( lie ibm ant
pblpcd out of the country , or .mre now ir
- - - ' - - - - - -
the hands of the burghers. here was U
opportunity of the hoer lenders , and thE
grasped it quickly and firmly.
Buluwayo is really a prize worth fightin
for. It has been changed in two years froi
a collection of native huts to a modern tow
of brick , wood and corrugated iron buih
logs. It has an opra houo and seven
climbs , a nespaper , the 1)uluu'ayo Citizen ,
law court and a squatl of lawyers , a atoc
oxehango and several hotels , a chamber
commerce. a polo ground anti golf link
strceta and avennesand churches.
Tue enemy In large force Is within twel
miles of iiuluwayo , all the outlying p051
which It is lcible , to relieve have been ci
lieveil , antI men , women and clilldten lma
flocked into the place ( noun the nurroundir
country until It is.belloved that about 3,01
soulc are already mustered within the tow
defended by about 700 or 800 lirltlsh Soul
Africans , police anti volunteers. hut tl
enemy Is said to number 1t,000 warrloi
and some time mtmst elapse before the ri
inforcements reach Ilulumwnyo.
It Is believed that tIme arrival here of S
Richard Martin , the newly appointed con
niandant general of the Chartered company
forces in South AfrIca , ( tally expected , Wi
lie time Ignal for an energetic pushing c
tlmo campaign against the Matabelee. Ov
ioo ; additional volunteers Imavo already bee
enrolled and several detachments are now a
their way to hiuluwnyo. It Is reported tlmt
tim volunteers amid police at lluiuwayo ni
contemplating making a sortie to try to tali
the Matabeles by simrprse4 It is predicte
lucre If this is done tue British force wi
alnmast certaInly be annihilateil anti tlmz
Ilmiltmwayo will fall into the hands of U
enemy. Time town's only chance of safety
believed , to be in , remaining strictly on tI :
defensive 'until the strong relnforcemneimts
is nossiblo to send there hare reached Huh
svayo. Otherwise disaster stares Iluluwayn I
the face. it Is reported that the rebeilic
has been checked In time Simlloh district , wIld
2,000 Mataboles are said to have a3ked ft
white protection. Old settlers familiar vlI
South African warfare say this is only
ruro do guerre.
Time apprehension in the mind of tl
Britieth government that time dispatch
relnforcement to South Africa may em
danger the strained relatirts with time Tran :
veal Is indicated by a itatcmcnt made h
Oovenmior Sir , Iiercmuio9 Robinson to Prcu'ldez
Kruger. Governor Itobinson , on behmoif p
Colonial Secretary Chamnborlain , explaiied ! I
i'rosidcnt iCruger that the British relu
forccments which are being dispatched I
Capetown anti Natal do not imply any chan
in the friendly policy of the British go
crnment towards the Tranavnal.
Mr. Chamberlain wimlshes the Transvaal I
be informed of the decision to a'ond troop
tlio statement continues , because he Is nwau
that efforts aught be made to miarepreser
tIme intention _ pf the imperial government , I
order to prevent a satietaetory undce4i
log between Great Britain and tIme Tran
vaah.Au interview has been published with Gem
cml .Joubert , commander-In-chief of Iii
Trasis'vaal military forces , in whIch ho di
iuies any danger of an upnIlng in the Tran !
vanl , as has been reported.
An official dispatch received lucre from
fluluwayo report that the roads are ati
open. It is felt that the grctoet danger I
flultiwayo , uniess time natives should mnuCtc
itt crurhing forces , Ia that of a porelbie cur
lung short of supplies of food and animun
tion. The food eupply is reported sufilcIer
to last for a month , but there have bee
appeals for additional supplies of ammurml
tion , rhich must come from the south rn
must be two or three weeks cn the wa
even if thet convoy met with no vloiencp
Time keeping open of communication i , there
fore , of first importance. The road fo
twenty miles south of Liuluwayo runs throng
a dttilcuit end dangerous country , and If tim
tluiuwayo forces are shut up in the town an
unable to patrol the road from Iiuluwayo t
Mcngwo , fifty miles south , it will , it , is be
Ileved , be imposelbie to keep tile road ope
and get through provirlons. The official di
patch received from hiulusvayo reports tha
tIme Matabehe are mnarslng , not only north
but on the eaet of IIuluwnyo , and are send
log out looting parties. which appear wIth
In a half hour's march of the tOwn.
LONDON , April 17.-TIme Capetown corre
sponIont of the Times saya that It is rc
garded as certain there that St. Loge
Orenfell , who left Gweleo for I3uluwaye o
tlmo day before tIme first of the murders va
reported , mmxst be dead , as lie has not beet
heard of since. He was accompanied b :
"flab" White , the American manager o
Gourlay'a mines , and a Cape boy , all wel
armed , but they probably rushed Into tim
mulct of time impi , cii the Sliangani , whlc
killed Ilammand , a farmer , anti others.
TIme Times has a letter front JohanneUiurl
( his nuornimug , bearing date of March 31
which confirms time intelligumce Imithert
hmrougbt by cable that Colonial Secretar :
Chamberlain had demanded Premmidemu
ICrugcr'.i reply to the InvitatIon to vial
England , with'n a certain mmumber of imourm
hut that Mr. Ciiambrolaliu Imad granted 0 !
etcnrion of time time at President Kruger'
"If peace Is patched tip now , however , '
says this letter. "It seems hardly possibli
to avoid trouble in the future. A mcli
war would be a popular cry anti all thu
liners In South Africa s'ouhd joium in thu
dofemmue or the Traiisvaah. It may be fairil
comptiteti that thu Traumsvaai wotmid ( timnisi
15,000 men , tluo Orange Free State 20,001
muon anti Cape Colony amid Natal 15,000 , limIt
ing aitogctlme 0,000 mnei. rime iniiiar3 (
preparations here are quIte inconslatcmrmt u'iti
mummy other alIanation than that war Is con
! dcmed Imminent. Large qumantities of can
non , Maxim guns , rifles anti anipmunition or
pouring Into time coun4my and orilera , espo
daIly to ( lenirman firms. are being given foi
all time rc-uircments of war. The poopie or
bping roused by Immilammatory speeches do
iivered 1cm different parts of the country.
"Quuita recently thu VoiIcstpnm urgeil thn
flcrs not to forget how the 1ngiishi hod
treated the Doers , amid during tIme trial ci
LIme rcforum , commission prisoners , lime beau'
was brought from Pretoria which limo Eng.
islm tmsed fifty yearf ago , during tii rclmeliioum
to hang five floerim. it was tlmiu IncIdent
vimichm lou to Mr. ChamberJain' ' reunonetmunec
: liultllng the 'frzmnsvoai responsible tom ( lie
tafoty of time rcforuuu pm1uoruers ) aumil l'residenl
Ii tiger thou expressed ( lie opinion hero that
ho beam was Intended ( or a nuuuscmumu. Th
ercrtmi opinion , however , ( a tiumit It wa
Or a ummore sinister imuurimose. "
'tim 0 'limOs ii as' a ( ed i tonal thu Is iimoimi I mm g
otmelmeti in cerlimus tennis , on the situation in
h'utii Ati'ica. It SttybP ! "ft is ( ituite time
lint 11mG natioum and the gnreruunlemu ( iiouid
cahizo that we 1mavl rerioutmu work , both In
lie Soudan and South Ittnica , Time to'oru-
nvo otight to tall , ) dolls to nacc'rtaln ( lie
'xcmmt ( amid charade ? of tlmo lhucr armmuiiuermts ,
iiiclu even the Transvaal agent uiceq not
buy , but which he etimlalmia 'is out of rc.
rpCCt tot' ito old , mnd long : : eglectcd low' .
'lint Imelng time cao , l'rosltlezit ICmuuge cOnuirt ,
complain If we folluw stilt , 'rime gc2vcrm.
nent omighit not to delay to piae pit ex- -
turlenced utlulccr at limo huiad of iollu thu rttI-
an amid irrpgular forces ilcaigneti for MaIn.
Coiommel Secretary Cimaummberlmtln has received
diapatmhm fronm Governor Sr Ilereiile.o 1101 , .
105011 , dated at Capetown , at 1 o'clock on
L'mldmy nfeuumooui ( , 'Iitis dispatch commtains
lr.eimtioum cit a disasttr at tluluwayo , which
a conclusive evIdence' timmit no news of ucm
lisaster had imetu received in Capetown up
! O flint lmoumr.
Time C'iuroniehc , ( liberal ) conuimmenta upon
he vagueness ( Pt Mr. Cluambenamm'a ! ! state.
iment , and emIts a hiethuct limo tnoop.s to lie
emit are lumtetmtlcd for i'latabeielmtymtl or tie
Time Standard ( coutsorotiue ) , iii aim umditorial
ouiuuuientiumg tipon the sttmteumment intuit' to
'resident ICnuuger by Sir hercules ltoblnaou
0 beJiult : of Mr. Cimauuuberiain , $ IIYSi "It is
tat- ' clear whether Mr. Chalimbenlaimu's cx.
'Ia ' ii alien to I n tciit1J t 0 iii in fimmize lb e eI.
ltl1flcC of aeniumg reinforcein it to South
fiie 0 'to jrepao time way for time dis-
iosuiri of ummore lmmmportant mueastui as : "
It tIIspmtch ! ( cciii I' ctoria to the Daily
elegrapii says : 'rime trial of time immemiiers
f .the nattouial i'cfimrmn committee usili open
m1 Timesday anti the tatu attorney lisa auimm
IIOHLYdI heady all of the 1mmglish zmattmraiized
caldeumts of Pretoria fur service on the Jury ,
( Continued oa Timiid Page. )
Spanish Govcmmonl Extra-OffloaUy Su
gcst8 a Basis for Eottlomont With Cuba ,
Ni ) Formuni liNeilmilige huM YCt 1)
cimrreii , limit ( lie iliiilrlil tiihiiiri'
410,4 , llslimee on Ingrriie'4' tliitt
limiliemutes 'their 1)eslreM.
( Cemyrlght , ISPI , by rices l'ubhlebtng Compdtfl3
LONION , priI 17-New YorhcVor
Cablegram-Special Telegram- ) ! have r
ceivoti the following iumiportamit cablogra
rot transmission to the World , tlatctl
\iadrItl yestertlay , but aeumt across ti
Frenclm frontier to escape iuporvision am
poiblo alteration by tIme anisli cense
chip. Time high poeltion of Mr. ilotugimto
lila long residence in Madrid , amid the c
ceptional sourcet , or. hits information , mal
Imla statement very authmorliatlve.
MADflID , Spain , AInil 1C-vlmt ( Ilnyonc
France , April 17.-New ( York WorIti Cab
gram-Special Telegrnmmm.-L ) am in a flOi
lion to say that , nlthmugli no definite c
flcial exchange of viewai line yet taken pIn
between the MniirliI government anti Preu
dent Cleveland , nevertheless Mr. Clevelai
ha8 beemi extra-otilcinlly immfom'metl of t
disposition of the Mntlritl goverimmuent n !
tIme extent to s'hiehm it coulil go in macti !
time advances Mr. Cevelnntl might immtrb
an Intention of making as a mnediat
between Sialn antI the Cuban insurgent
110th governnmen ta evIdently are feehli
their way catmtiotmsly amid warily to find
path to amicable solution. Ihoth seem dl
posed to talco all the time necesnry to pr
pare pulmllo nplnien 1mm both cotmntrleR f
an arrangement compatible with the pati
otic surceptibihity of the Spanish people , am
with their material Interests. Those tntc
ests are gravely afCected by indefinite pr
longation of the struggo , which. is ruinol
not only for Spain , limit for Cuba , and f
all the foreign countries interested in U
commerce antI agriculture of time Spani !
\\est Indies.
The knot of tIme 'wht19 question seems
be how tar public opinion in Spain w
allow the government to go in concessloi
of political and adminitrntlve autonon
and in tariff reforms for Cuba. and Per
Rico , and how for President Cleveland.
mediator , couid go in guaranteeing tim :
the Cuban insurgents would accept so
concesm'ions , anti hew far lie coultl uara :
tee that limo American citizens and II
Cuban refugees vould cease to assist II
rebellion. When once that Is clearly undo
stood , SpaIn , to ensure the prompt pacific
tion at Cuba. wilt go to any length in U
way of concem'slon' , short of Independene
That Spain will never assent to withoi
an appeal to war , in which she would rim
hot last oier : , anti last dollar.
This is exactly tIme state of tIme malt
at present. It is difficult to imagine wit
what anxiety tIme whole nation , its pci
ticians and statermen , its military me
anti , above all , its government anti cour
are vatch1ng the attitude anti conduct i
President Cleveland anti the slightest sym
toms of development of his policy In regam
to Cuba. The Spaniards are all the mom
anxious , because they nre awakening I
the fact that the rainy and unheathy scm
son in Cuba will begin next month , withom
any serious alteration of improvement I
their favor of the military situation , whic
costs them , $0000,000 a month , and whic
' ' anti tebact
has 'wrecked Cuba's sugar
Puree More Culinii IimNiirgeimt $ l'iit
flemitit itt lliismii.
hAVANA , April 17.-Three presloners u
war , Gregorlo Iiorges , Estaban IlcrLmandc
and Joro hiacaliao , were executed at
'elock thin morning at the Cabana fortrcs
rimey belonged to the insurgent band con
inandeti by Dr. Bruno Zayas , amid wer
aptured by the soldiers of the Aarapiiem
attaiIon during tito attache made b tim
momy on Managmma , thb province , and lii
iurning of property in that vIcinity.
I3orges , whIle In limo death chapel of tim
ortresa , was very nervous and would oul
Irink a little lemonade. Ilermiammdez dim
iayed admirable coolness. lie lmrernmtcd D !
] omez , who had been appointed to care fc
he prisommers , wRit a yellow belt , anti aslce
mini to write to himi mnotlmer amid beg he
o pardon him for his mnlsmleojs , while assum
mmg her that lie died In the bosom
llacnliao , iii lila "ticatlm bed , " an lie terme
I , seemed ( mmli of life , amid erom lmnugiit )
lie tried to run away from the chapel , as I
mY u-a doing lie could shorten lila pcriol c
oniure , by being eliot aimfi killed by th
oldiers en guard. lint ho was watched s
ml sely by time officer on duty that it wa
niposriblo for him to carry out lila Iii
At 4:30 a. in. Bacallao and ifernamide
mad a breMcfast of beefsteak mitt eggs. an
usd1 dranlc a cup of wine. They confes
0 several prlcsto , having been emitreate
0 conform to all reilgious customs , Phi
ausoll flacahiao to remark : "Wlmat Ia tim
use of conforming in my casa , father , ccii
idening that witiming a short time I have I
lie ? "
At 7 o'clock the square vas ready and tIm
roops were drawim up , under Major Cario
rustizo. Time Imrisaners were conducted timer
n tue usual solenmn ummanner. lIacallao ciii
fernandez were courageous anti cool ; bum
lorges , who had been so nervous In Ui
liapel , anti who hail refused any atiunulan
itIi his breakfast , turned out to be lb
ravest of all , aumd met his fate' with the moam
anmnlcabia courage ,
hiacallao smoked a cigar dtmring imi las
noment& and calmly timreuv it away as hi
nell down , wIth him , face to the wali spit
is back to time lining squad. ilemmding dowm
Utim his hands In hmi.'i pockets lie cooIl
urmied Iuium head toward the soldier , ' , s'iu
tro to eheot liii , , . liernandea attcntiyel1
atclictl time aimailours of thu aoidiors on tIn
aiI lii ! mcimt of him. \\'Jmen all was read3
he cuber In command of time squad liftc
le siver1 time rifles were aimed ; there vam
ilother movement of time sword , end the re
cit of thu volley echoed from tli foctroam
a1Is. lIorgee' was killed outright ; but
Ieriimuiclez and tiaeailao writimeti on time
round after ( lie shooting , nuid it woe fount
ectiiary t finish Iioinandez wIth one inert
riot. Two immercy idiot 'ero neccesary to a'enc
acaliac to lila account.
When tIme execution was over and ( lit
otUes had been carted away , time crowds or
lie fortremms helgimlo silently wended theii
ny to morn eouigcumiul scenes. Und emily thret
oois of blood , halt ImIdthtp by aand strowe
Yen timemim by tIme soldi r , remammetl ! to mnsU
me place whore tbnia more of the Insur.
ant amnmy hail fallen for Cuba. t Is true that
lucre \vere a 'e\V mere bullet marks ( ii ( lit
rtress walls ; but a few such tokwu , more
r le are of but little account in thesi
aya , and arouse little or tie Interest anmon
me passero-by , a
sii three of time macit executed today hma
ccii charged with incentiiamlsumm , aumml had
semi convicted of that cninme. They toolu
art In the attack eu Managua , as airead )
mid. no menmbera of a aa.callod tilsurgoni
nu'l , anti naturally property vmus destroyed
y firi. .
A limuill ilimw ( lie Ciiiniii ilOUOii $ ,
lmiADltID , Aprit 17.-A 'number of the
wsiiapera of this city demand that time
lection In Cuba be annuilod anal ox
cornier Sagasta iutcnmi to ubk tIme Chamber
r Deputies to annul tIme Cuban olectiomis or
me ground that time electors , owing to the
late of rebellion prevailing , were not tree
I yote L5 they pltaed.
MACE ( ) llINAClII ) OX , tI.T , $11111
4ilnnis1i Tliiimk itJt'cIpic' ilatt
Cnmuiit lnimger lie Ieferrepl ,
( Copyright , 1100 , by l'res'I I'imlIielming Compnnn
hAVANA , April 17.-l4e'v ( 'York Won
Cablegram-Special Telegrnmn.-The ) one s
promo questIon now is whether Macco al
hits host can force a passage across time ne
Spanish trocha of eatthworks , trenches at
barbeti wire barriers. This trocha strotclmi
across the ishonti from Maniel , on time non
shore to Mojango , on th south coast , am
is guarded by perhaps 20,000 troops. It b
gums about twenty-five nLlei west of lii
vs no.
At least 30,000 Spaniards are on the othi
side of the trocima totla' attempting to foci
the rebel leather to mmiak4 a stand with hi
exinumateul macli. Spanish troops are st
pouring out iii pursuit atid the force gro
Today Macco wn in ' the mountains
Lecliuza , north of Cande'anla. Ito Is ante
to b hard pressed for food amid ammumnitlo
The Spanish forces have come into ski
mush toucii with time rebels 'at several poin
yestortlay and tcday. A 4nlsi is near. We ,
lee is protoummdly nbr'orbe in thIs critic
mnOvenient. ! -
I saw three rebels taken in time field am
conilemnned as imiccndaries , aimot in the Ca
anas fortress this mimomning. A miiltituit
witnessed time soletuin spectacle. The lfl (
tiled w'Ithmotmt it word or groan.
The surgeon gemmeral reports that ti
health of time anmily is good. There has hot
a 'nmahier pcrceimtage of deaths iii time II
vamma hiopitnis since January 1 titan in tI
Span'sh ' hospitals.
Time brother of heY. Mr. DIaz , arresti
yesterday , was aLso arrested. 110th 0 :
American citizens. It. is supposed that tIn
are suspected of complIcity In attempts
uprisings on tIme ommtsklnts of havana.
Consul General \'lUiamns saw both
prison today and has asked the governmnc !
to expedto their case.
FItIONC1L"t'IiltiO 'I'IiZi 1SI..t1
Guiiuliimnts Iui,1ellnriiies siiii Sui
pri'tii Cliii % nttveM.
SAN FRANCISCO , April 17.-The hr
C1t3i' of Papete , Tahiti , brings news tIm
Queen Maimmea of time island of Italatea ,
the sotmtii s'eaa , has surrendered to her o
eneniies , time Frenclm. The queen , accordir
to tIme reports , is now thoroughly iub'ium
and beyomutl giving further trouble. Que
Monica has reigneti oval' ilalatca nearly
score of years. 11cr subjects numbered abi
1.000 people , fierce and uncivillzeth. Mar
effeCts were mnamle to conquer her wltliot
avail. A few mouths age a French gumnboi
appeared at the islanti and in the nigi
landed a strong force. In time morning ti
(1110011 fountl herself surrounded and wm
conmpciieJ to surrender. She gave the Fron <
complcte sway over time island with the com
ditlon that she be recognized as quee :
Framice is to control the shipping , which
said to be very valuable , and Is to be pe
mitted to establish a coaling station at U
principal harbor. When the Papeto.he
Tahiti the French gunboat.was anchored e
Raiatoa. The English ur said to oppem
French possession of tmo' island and wi
asIc that it be restored to Queen Mamnea.
Msitlim NeeeNszir'ly tie ; Uprising I
llii tmimeie'Jnsud.
LONDON , April 17.-A dispatch to tI
Times from Johiannosburd points out tI :
threatening condition of afairmo in the Soul
African republic. It sa that whIle Pree
dent Kruger's policy Lsa dissuade Engian
from displaying fprce in Stutli 'Africa on ti
plea that It ought excite klmo burghers , U
Transvnal is arming to 4te , tecth.
Tue Standard alto tw'ehiUpon time anxiet
concerning affairs In mtat4ieie anti says tim
mnarqulo of Lansdowne , iecrtary ofatato fc
war ; Field Marshal 'iVoiselcy , the con
niander.In-clilef of the army , and Mr. Clinic
benlain. secretary of tate for time colonin
conferred last evening with eterence to sent'
ing relimforcenment.s to South Africa. It I
understooti soindi of time troop whicim am
comnimug Imomo frommm India will be ordered
land at Capetown.
' , . ' t.
Siiltztii'tointcIP liii .ItgL'eeflbelm
CONSTANTINOPLE , April 17.-Time fem
olga ambassadors have protested against lb
appointment of a MusuIman as governor o
Zeltoun , this being contrary to the agree
nient between the Porte and time powers , a
a result of widcli the surrender of time iii
surgemits of Zeitoun was brought about. Tim
Purlcish government has promnsed to Iristruc
the valis of h3itls ! and Khurput to permit Ui
distribution of relief to the Armenians it
accordance with tIme arrangements proviousi ,
concluded betwecmi tiio Porte and time Unitet
States charge d'ruffalrem' , Mr. John \V. Riddlt
amid the British ambassador , Sir Curnic
i'oi , ' Offars t , , : uleiliiule ,
LONDON , April 17.-A dispatch o thu
Pall Mall Gazette taye that the papal mmunch
mt Madrid has been instructed to propo thu
actuation of the pope In order to bring aloim
1 aettlement of time troobls lii Cuba or It
irge upon Spain the aeceptanco of Prcsido
1evplantl's reported offo of mediaflomi. Timi
3lobe diecussing time effect of tIme olectiou
iohicy of time Spanloli premier , Senor Canevam
id Castiiio , says that either Cuba immust in
ihlowed to follow tlm gcnnmpIe or liii' Sommtl
t'tmenicami republics or time motherland mus
Irammt a generous niearuro of uutntminy.
111 .Jitin Iltielts till time 1uter.
KEMPTVIILE , Oat , , April 17.-An icu
lanu in tlma Jiideau river hma& backed up itt
uvaters to such an extent that. for milem
rounti forum lands are deeply submerged , ant
: t is fearcil much live stock will be lo4. Tin
Premucott & Ottawa branch ot the Canadiam
Pacific railway is for some three or fou
riiiics covered with water. To protect Liii
train going through , gang'm of macn are a
rank keeping time railway tratlc free fran
irftwood ! , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lfztytizlim IiiaIli'Mtnilsr llimi. .
KINGSTON. Jamnaica , April 17.-New ( You
Vorld Cablegram-Special Tclegroanm.-Geum )
tral Simon lietimur , thio , new liresidont ot
leyti , has orJored a government 'etsol lmem'
0 carry time Ilaytlan exiles who have beer
Ring here. All , including General Maui
at , have availed themselves of time le5l
lent's offer of unrestrictetauunoety and have
enderetl allegiance to the mmcmv atinministra.
ion , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
illii lViii Nu mIiiuMtJmuiieIl ( ,
LONDON , April 17.-r. Walter Long
mesident of time floar4 of Agriculture , aim
werhng a question In the 'House of Comnnmonu
eday , again refused topoltpouo time diseasem
f aniunumla' bill or to lla' time inmportatloum
f Canadian cattle under ammy reguiationm
u'imichm the hoard of Agrilimilturo may timinhi
roper. i
) ' , ted * lie Icrvishitn.
LONDON , April 7.-A i1ispatcim to time
Nines troni Suakin Lesys : Yet'terday
W'ednosday ) a force ( rota Tekar , with it
iurumhor of friendly Arabp , encountered Os.
nan Iigina's force of 4rvialmes and kiihd
binty.Ilvo of tIme ei2emny' cavalry amid flft
pf lila Infantry , Time Egyptians lost seven
illed. _ _ _ _ _ _
It , Consilllkitt lye llis , is
LONDON , ApI h7.The Standard has a
ispatcim from Nice wimichm says the czare.
itcIm , Grand Duke George of fluwa ! , whit
, a9 consuuiiittlofl , has had a relapas and that
0 epit blood constantly , Royal personages
rem all over Europe , are commutantly tale.
: raplmsmg here for news of time PatIent's COn
itlomi , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
liarle $ lrzi litlepi iusid mlimriicd ,
OTTWA , Omit. , AprIl 7.-The MarIna tie.
artmmmemit has been adyised that the bark
lsie , stranded mioar Salt Lake , Anticosti ,
mmd was burumed to time water's edge. W ,
arbray , government telegraph limos repairer ,
'Imo was aboard , was bunmiel to death.
Ier'Islt'M 'I'tiI ( t lie 4ggrcisivtt.
TRII'O14 , April 17.-/dvices received imers
room Tebu say tbst 3,000 to 4,000 dervIhea
mined with lllartinl.llemmry riflem arc ad.
ancing against Itabalm , sultan of liomnu , vito
as been opposing the itiobamniedana.
London Police hi Posscssioa ofNoarly A' '
the Stolen Jewelry.
ltenrtmig ilefpprt Li , tlnglkrne iIeinl
lit 'I'iielr Iicimir ibId far Trimt ,
niiii tIle I'ropery to An'nit
iilciitiilt'ntiiii ,
( Copnlg1it , iSOa , by l'ress Putiii'ming ) Cmitpnnny
LO4DON , April 17.-New York Won
Cablegranm-Specimul Teiegram.-Stnict ) Emmi
Itch regulations make it next to imposibl
to conmnmuimicato witim tlio prisoners , \Vlllimui
Itobeits Itmnlop amid V'iliiammm Turner. Tlmc
are remailtled without hail. Time \Vorld rei
resontative learns , however , practically mu
Limo muatenial details of tile evidence cal
miecting tIme two mcmi who were arrested hem
yesterday witim the Townactim.hitmrtIen jeweli
robbery Sn New York last Deceniber. Z
London miewspaper thL mmiorning or tIm
afternoon refers to time men' conmiectic
wIth time flurtlea robbery , the mmewspapcm
reports iirjrring ) that time JCwcls toumuti opt
them were stolemi in Iflo of the several ecu
tutional robberIes In London. I ama ii
formed today that the discovery anti acre !
were not all duo to the American police , Ti
otispicions of tIme London detectives ivem
aroused by time report that tile 0100 wom
going about trying to sell prociouc stone
It was at first suppor'e.l that thin muon wem
connected with time rocciut Hommil strei
burglary , then vItim time timeft of Mrs. L.r.ii
try's jewels train Ummion bank. The polk
kept their eyes on them anti fimally capture
the two in hiond Lreet , outside of Streeter
great shop.
Dunlop wac butler anti Turner was U
footman at I. Towneammtl.hiurilcn's house. Dot
stayed there about ohio nucntlms , ncconmliim
to their own .rtatcmmment. ] ) tmniop it from
Caumibnidge , England , and Punier is an Irish
mmman , Iumnlop returned to London only
few days before ho was arrested , Turin
ha been Iii Ireland idnce lie left Iiturdni
emiloy 1mm Febrmmry. Baum hiavo acuowltdgc
being In Burden's employ at time tlmmmo II :
robbery war , comummuitted. Landlord W.
Lauder , of time 1Clmmgs Armus , Shepard's Mat
ket , is a of Turner. lie ai
parently woui l riot beilevo the story of tim
detectives when they fIrst called. lie stem
aghast at time finmiing of the jewels , anti calle
up hIs wife , Turner's eider , to sea ( hems
Time prisoners are in holloway jail. A
eye-witness at tIme police court roccedinm
says to the World representative that onion
jeivels promlimccti , a great variety of ningm
brace1 jr'necklaces , watcimer' , etc. , Ito r
mnarkuJ1t , ' gold horse set with diamonds an
a E'aptJmiro , a gold bracelet , a blue enaincle
fob mitch box , a gald watch studded wit'
dianmontis , a gold \'atUm with large singl
diammmommds , a gold and turquoise breastpin ,
golti watch with monogram , a gold bracele
with three diamonds , a gold bracelet , thre
chaniie anti a turquoise and diamond hairpim !
What partlcuianly umtriclc his attention va
a gold broocho , with an enormous blade ieaz
hail an inclm lxi diameter , surrounded vlt
hum diamonds. Many of time ornaments won
spoiled , the atones being taken out and other
wise damaged.
A cablegram received from New York say
that Mr. harden is leavieg for England ot
time fIrst steamer. The police say that no
quito all the atolen property as coniimmummi
cated by' the list from Now York baa bcm
recovered , but they declare timat it Is tim
largest haul made In England during tb
past twenty years.
At the hearIng at time Marlborouglm pohici
court Detective-Inspector Freest of Nov
Scotlanti yards , deposed that at 11:45 o'chocl
Thuroday morning lie was uvitim Detecive
Imiepector hare and Detective-Sergeants Shati
dock anti Alien in flonti street and saw ( lii
two prisoners thmere. Inspector hare nih
to Dunlop and Turner : 'p\'e have reaoom
to bclievo timat you are in pousessIon of conmi
dtammmonds timmmt'have been stolen ; we arc pohici
ofilcers. " lb ( Freest ) thenthirust his hant
into Dunlop'o breast coatpcmcket amid withm
drew from it an envelope containing tw
packets of tliamnonds. hI produced thmoti
jewels in court. Freest said lie oUted Dmimu
lop where lie got the diamnontla. Duumioj
answered : "A oman gave thcm to me Ii
Ilatton Garden. "
When asked where ho lived , Dunlop cc
plied : "No. 1. White horse street , I'Ic
cadhily' . in a clmimma shop. "
The smien rere taken to time Vine Streal
police statIon , where Dunlcp said : "I live ir
public liojso near White Horse street. '
Vimon seartul Dunlop was found to Imave
15 hank of England note , 9 10 shIllings In
money anti a gold watch and chain. lIe wam
wcaning a pearl and diamond pin.
Detcctivo Inspector hare stated that ht
anti with time other ePicene and saw Limo twc
prIsoners near' Long's hotel.
lie catmght hold of Turner and told him
Lhmat they were police officers and that they
mad reason to believe lie was iii possession 01
tome valuable diammionmis timat had been
utoleum. Ito asked 'rtirmm.or to show what ar
ides lie imatl about him anti Turner replied :
' 1 hera floUting except what bloimgs to mne. '
to took Turner to time police station ani or
lie way there asked hiluti where lie lived
'In London" nuid at ilrot refused to give
is address , exclaiming , "Why shoulti I
ive It ? " lie gave imis nauiio as W'iiilammm
l'urner amid said he was a footman anti wat
oat employed by a geatlemmian in New York
earing his altuatiomi last February.
lie wan aslceti it lie wIshed to communicate
, vitii his friends with a view to clearing him.
elf anti replied. "Ycts , I visIt to see my
jrotlmer-ium-law , SV. G. Lander of , time KIng's
rmns inn , Shmcparml's Market. We hmavo batlm
ocmm living there about Ilvo days. "
Inquiries were Inmunediately made mit time
malice in question , svlthm limo result that In
L roormu occumpied by thu accused a large ( luau , .
ity of jewelry , supposed to be stolen , was
letectIv Sergeant Simadmiuclc stated that
me vciit to time hioliso Iii Shieparti's Market
tntl in LImo room is imichm time prisoneme occupici
In tIme timirti floor lie founti time jewelry ,
viuiehi ho produced. It was in a black bag
under a dressimig table. Time jewelry was of
rcat value anti on exantiniumg it lie foummti
lint some cftlmo liraclous stones wore smiles.
ng. Inepectol' hare informed the rimagletrato
hat other Jewelry immid been found anti would
to iiroduced.
The mnmigistrate refused hail no.1 reimmanded
lie vnisoncrs for eight days.
ix.liiig.t : umi iii ii Colil I iiir to , % p.iericu , ,
LONDON , April 17.-The Stantlartl mmmi.
ounces this inornuiig that ex.iciuig Milan of
crvla viii start in May for a tour of the
killed States , which may cxteumd to San
'maneisco and aroumid the worl4 ,
I'g.rii 'l'nl.oIis . liii 't , U Sit ii'miilshi ,
SUAKIM , Apri' ' 17-Jim a second encounter ,
hmichi has takemu place between a force of
) ervlaimes anti a detachment of EgymtIaim
avalry , thirty Dervishmes and elgimteemm Egypt.
aims were killed.
Corii it.t'iiilg it Idami.
z'OKOi1AMA , April 15.-A Careen envoy
as been dispatchmetl to St. Petersburg to
egotiato a loan of SO00,000 , giving liamg.
opg , time northern province of Cores , as
ecurlty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
JIaIlliil N fui' ( hut illighishi i nh ) ' ,
LONDON , April 17-Two balloon sections
aye been ordereh at Aldershot , emma for
uakim mmd time other for th expedition cim
ho Nile , _ _ _ _ - _ _ _
Ita'lIll'iib& ( irp'piinni's iteliihuillpm ,
ClIieAOO , April 17.-It has been deoide
0 chiango limo imace of burial of Secretary
ireaham from Oakwood in timie city to
rEngtotm at the national capital , and lime
ecebsary application vlhl made a ( ommee to
lie secretary Pf syar.
' , 'enthr I"orcenat for Net'rnslta-
Showers ; Coltierl Variable Wind :
1. iiimthi Afriemihl 8ettlcr l'miilo Stricken.
Si'tilii ( hit'v Ulerehmunil a Tip.
lliiiiiitnpI Thieves Held for Trini.
State UniversIty % 'mmnt , its Mulicy.
11. Mchlinleyites lit Iowa .tro Actio ,
IIo Halt ( imines ( it liii , Imuy.
Ali,1's Crookctl Career Clocs ,
; .loIIerpp Alleged to Ho W'orthilcq ,
- Nciripskiu 1'iriii Agntii tcltiged ,
I ) . hi , & N. Seeks ii Settlement ,
- Iplitorliml minI Coinument ,
. .xinqIt loti mliii ( ( . Ilmuip , a Shiomv.
- . tiieiu ( lives ( hear time ,
' : ' ' _ , , st Of ( lie Niemuriugutmit Cniumul ,
V , pmiicii IllulT , , I.nni Mitt I erq ,
l.t"uti of time llmmwicvyo ( it'misiq * ,
, ti. umuereitil ntmtl Fiflmimiitth New ,
"mtmicsa lIeu ivi' tiC i.mist , Vct.k.
8. Future of iIeetnia l.iglitlng' .
'tlliloiis ( limit , \'ere Iltiiio in OIl.
0 , i'rogrrq , , f ( lie henry Ituhhti Trial.
S riou , l'iiiiCU ii C I ii u Ii .t mi , I.mi ii .1 Spil t
P11 iirst au , , mt t Ii pm . ' ii en I init in a 1111
tIorgmuht iiiuii I toovmr'pi luin i4iipjieiiilct
to , Stronger Scnilmuii.l niiil it , l'eipl. ' ,
Ut ; lit iii ii do mttitilo ii miii I liii I ) rein I ,
I 1. Miuiiy l.urut by liytiii'mtl tliimepi.
Settler ' . % 'muS ihnimpiy vithi ma tutu ,
I Ot A hut net iiiii n C Primi en I I I lit in 1 1 ( 'tiny ,
Itit'iicmtt iipilf .tcro iii ( ho % 'nrltI ,
IiV.tmth ) l'AitlIthiUli m'.t SSIiS AW'A
mocatit .iI Cli lemi gp , ' 'i'll hliion'
liiip cml p , C 'i'i'ii ( l ( ' C ) nerit t us' .
ChICAGO , April 17.-Edward I'artlnidg
one of Limo mmior't proinhument ammd wealthiest
operators cmi time hoard of Trade , dieti
Iirigimt's di'easo today after several tlays il
a era.
era.Mr. . Partridge's specialty was wheat. I
was no umnconmnmon thing for him to tical I
3,000,000 to 5,000,000 bushels in ono tiny. 0
one mimenmorablo occasmomi Partridge's namn
was lirtoim every hip. Was lie to meet
Waterloo , or was lie to bag time biggest gaul
of his career ? Up the mmmarket. scoreul , 5 , 1
muitl even 10 cents ; still the little Nnpoieo
of tii bears stood omit oti a great part c
time 15,000,000 bushels. lie instinctively aim
ticipatod a rapId declimmo 1mm tIme , holatere
nmarket , It cammie , and so sharply timat ii
cover was left to tIme bulls , l'nrdmmidgo nmad
ummore money thereby Luau any muami had eve
before taken out. of tIme market under simul
tar circumstances in Chicago. Time plunger'
gains in one year were estimated by con
umarrative operators to have reached the tote
of $1,500,000. Almost equally large ier
imI. tosses , approaching the G00O00 or S00
000 mark in certain meimmorable squeezom
lliQ income from selling privileges range
fronm $2,000 to 3,000 a day. At one tim
lie soith calls on ,000,000 bushels of is'heal
for which Ime received $5,000. Much of Pard
nidgo's stmrimlus in fartunat periods wa
s'afely invested in choice real estate. i
simort time ago lie sold hI State street riroit
erty. near Madison street , for over 600,00C
TECUMSEII , Nob. , April 17-Spccial ( Teic
gramn.-After ) a prolommge'I amlmmtion , Mn
Elizabeth Chamberlaimu died at heir iiommio I :
this city this afternoon of consumption. Sh
wan a native of New Yorre , 70 years old
She had been a rec'ident of Nebraska to
about ommo year. Uesid a husband aim
leaves three sons in this city. Time funera
trill be held at Grace Episcopal church Sun
ay attenmmoon at 4 o'clock , ltev. It. C. Talbot
bet and Bishop Worthington in clmargo.
BOSTON' , Aliril 18.-Jotmi Stetson , time wel
leimown theatrical manager , tiled at. 1:30 thl
naming. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lucir MOlUd MOXIO1' IS NIEDhiJ )
Five ) Iimiiilreil 'l'llohmMnuulI flolinrs ite
: uired iii Arnituuin ,
NEW YOItK , April 17.-Clara Barton a
he Reel Cross cables to time National Amen
tan ihelief comnniission as follows :
"CONSTANTINOPLE , April 17.-Trash
, c\v York-Hubbel , In charge of time 11e
ross Relief expeditIon at Marashm. reportu
prIl 13 : Three thmousaiid sick of typhus
utchudumig time English consul.
"On time 15th lie reports : Slckmiess al
eitoun increasing , wIth forty or fifty ( lcathm
oily. Great umeed for funds. Gener.m
onmliiion for relief favorable. I3AJ1TON. "
TIme Natlommal Armenian Relief cnnumuiasion
a giving out tills appeal from Miss Harlan
ails attention to them fact that not oiie-flftlm
r time $00,000 needed by time lowest ceilcu'
otion to carry on tIme work of time lied Cross
ociety in Asiatic Turkey , iua yet been
iven. Uniesms tIme destitute people arc
ided until time next crop is secured , all
he mnemmey thus far spent through time var
Dus agencies , will be practically thrown
way and thmouszmnds will perish by pesti.
ence amid starvation.
LlixtS ( ; E'i'S IN'i'O'l'iiidliANJ ) Wi G0
IitlveMtoJI Cliii umuher of Cuiimmmert'e
liiouiiiiih4 d hiti xllMi ( imii ,
GALVESTON , Tex. , April 17.-Special (
Celegram-At ) a meeting of time board 01
llrectore of the Chamber of Commerce to.
iiglmt time secretary was instructed to write
Ito Texas representatives in congress , urg.
ng theni to favor time joint resolution for
governmnemit building amid governuneumt cx.
ihlt at time Trammemnlselswippl exposition iii
) niahma in 1898 ,
! .S'ImcemuNlu St reiuimH Oym'rlimnv.
AShLAND , \Vis , , April 17-The vater in
orthmcrmi 1Visconsn treamns is tima hmigimest
or years. Tue eimmployemm of time White River
'nip mill were out all last mmighit loosening
og jania to save tue dam anti miii. Logs
ave been floated back into time woods from
tinily stredummis tind will have to be reimauleml
( tar time water subsides. Tue vater is over
ho threshold of ninny dwellings.
) p.f ( lye limipi I ) istumuiefl ( ' ,
LEAVLJNWOItT1I , Kttim. , April 17-rime
earing of Clinches and Anmiic Lnimilom'n ,
nil 'rimomna Davenport , nimeuseth of the
rumtnl mnmirder of .loimui P. Lmmunhormm , mit I"nhl
, en ( , Febmuary 17 , wali hegmiui hero at
'clock this nfteriicomi. let'ciive Climunles
clmaefer of Ifansitim City , vJmo worlocil lip
ho evidence ugainuit time three rmccuisatl
nil cmtuiseih theIr atTest , failed to mmppenr.
'ho cqiiumty nttorumey' lrmi relied on Schmmmefer
a imroaiutce time ovidenee to convict , 'l'wim
aye will Jie reutmireml to conciule lime trial ,
'lie iirimicrs mind theIr attom'iuc'ys are coim-
dent of acquittemi.
ill I tin iiitiu Snfimggle.i 0vp'r ( lieIlorplems' ,
DENVE1I , April 17-fe special to thcm News
rein Spokane , \\'tmsli. , says ; An organized
ring of sumiuggiers line been operating cx.
nmumively on tima Colviil reservation , run.
lug ccmntruiiminti Cimitmaunen across tii ( Cauma.
Ian border into the United l3tntemi , A
tiny of governmnent 'ulliccumi left for ( lie
lace , which is in an umitmuost Inuimenetralic
ilmlonesm' , tcday. The fmugglere mule prommul.
eat people , auth iiitvo declared ( intl no
overimment ufilciul can arrest Ihicumu ,
loi'e'juieiul $ Ut Ot'ci ii VI'HS'IH , A un I I 7 ,
itt Now York-Arrivcd-l'erehn , frommi I loom.
urg. -
At Lommdon-rrivaml-Lord Errie , from hal.
At Uremen-/arnlu'eti-Spi'co , ( loom New
ork , via Soutlmaumipteru.
At Moviile-SaIioi-Ethioimia , from Gias-
w , for Now York.
At bola'varo llroaltwatcr-A rrivoi-Swit.
irland , from Ammtwctrp , for I'imlladeiphin.
At New York-Salied-iiailo , for ilrcmmmeum
At New York-ArrIved-Augusta Victoria ,
' 01mm llainburg ; Caummpaimta , train Livorimool.
At lianiimurg-Arrls'eth-Fuerst liiepmarek ,
'ole New York ,
At Ilremcrlmaveim--Sallcui--bI. II , Meler , for
'ew ' York ,
At Napics-Sallctl-Thns , ( ( rein Genoa ) for
'ow ' York ,
At Copeumliagen-Smullotl-Norge , for Newark
ark ,
At Qlaimgow-Salied-iiibenmmlmun , ( or New
ark ,
At. New York-Saiied-Aiesia , for Mar-
lile's ,
At New York-Arrived--Paris , ( coin b'outli.
from lbs.
At Liverpooi-Arnlved--Corlnthia.
in : Lucatmta , ( rein New York. SaIled-No-
madic , ( coin New York ,
University 1ogent Suggest that tim Cash
Bo Invested iii couritios ,
lliiowlsg Mn,1 ( , ih3 ( lii' Ohiletni Plgmrcs
itesuhls iii ( lie Api.liluhu ( if ( limo
llCMOhuitliiI'lhiOtit a lIs.
entiiig' 'uls' ,
LINCOLN , April l7.-Spcciah.-Time ( ) hioanii
at Jtegeuiia of the State University at its
nicetimig today tc'vlc mu. ( iccItleel stand on timc ,
quiertion of uninvesteti lmCrnlaiment school
fimnds. The uumtter ll'tiB brought up by Ito-
gant Victor ltoeeoater , time newly appointed
nme'ummbcr. Mr. llosevnter called attention to
thic fact that thmo university , Iii counnion
wIth time public school systenu of the state ,
wag suftcnImmg severe loss by reason of the
neglect of time Hoard of i'dueatlomial Lantis
arid Ftmntl to Invest time lthie school nmoimeys
in the hands of tue state treasurer. lIe
shiovul by time oflicial figures that tiiero lie
1mm th pcrnmnument university fuunti 5l03.52 ,
at whilcim emily 32t00 is invested In interest-
beanimmg securities , anti In limo Agricultural
( timid $99'J17.11 , of which only $40.000 is 1mm'
vested. Of ( ho total muniversity endowment
fumntls $72,100 is invested amid $79,010.67 is
unimivested. Mr. ltce'awatcr contomided thumb
whereas tIme muumlrersity was receiving imi
iumterest 339,22 annually it alaotmlml by nlglmttu
receive mmmore tiiaii twice timat anumi smith mmmovetl
thm adoption of thin fohiowiutg rcuolutloio ,
which was agreeti to witimoimt tilseemit ,
V'iiercam' . There lit in tIme University nntl
1gricumtumral college funds tiit' ruin of Sill-
510.67 , of wimicim only' $72,500 Ic immvcstctl iii
iumterest.benuiumg ecuiritiemt as contemnplateil
by time cottietiltition numb time statutes ; nnii
\Vhicreamt , The uuiiim'eraity is thereby losing
time interest on $79,0l0.17 , or more thmnmi omme-
hint of its Perimiaumemit eimdcmwmnent funds ,
which , at I per ccmmt1 woumhtl yiuhtl mu revenue
01' nearly 51.000 nmutiuimuliy' ;
itcitolveth 'i'himmt tIme regemits umrgo upon thic
iloarti ot Eelucmttioumal lmntime mmii Fuititis tue
miesirabi'ity of lmnnst'tiiatels' investiimg the
idle niommeys ium thin tmmmiverslty's eimtlowunt'mit
in interest-henning registered etmuto ivan-
rants or United Stntie botuls , so that the
revenue at' time ummiiversity mmmay no longer
suffer fromn tutu cause ; iutidt be it further
iti'm'.olvel , , Thmmmt mm copy of tlieso reeoluuliomma
he Illed 1y this m't'cretnry with thia Stab
Board 01' EducmiLtiommal Lnumis amid Pimple.
An unruccetwful effort was mamle to secure
permisrion for tue stutlente to have the oc-
masional use of time actuary for social
ruincticus , under prolter regulations and no-
etrictions. Thuo question was introduced by
LIme presentation of a mmutnimer of petitions
mu favor of time rescimuhiimg of tIme rule pr
luibitimig such tire amid the muppoaraimee of a
oniimitttco of the either class , asking to be
ullowed to hell the semmior prommienade within
lie canmpuus. After comulderable dir'cumssion ,
n which it was shown thmtlt the privilege no-
iuested wits cormimmionly granted in other
mtato universities without evil results , the
raycre of time petitioners 'were uncer-
nonioushy denied.
Time rema'smtieir of the brinIness traasacted
rae largely si the natumro of routine prepara-
ions for the work of tIme miext mmat1emic
rear. The full membership of limo beard of
megents of the , State university was present ,
. A. Hadley of Scotia , having been absent
'esteray. ! PresIdent C. H. Monnill presided
mvor tIme eleliberationa of tIme body , and
3toward Dales otflciatcd ac secretary , l'rot.
I , . L. Lyon was appointed director of tlmo
mrganlzed sclmool of agriculture. A school of
ne2hanicai arts , previously ordered , was
uleo autimonizeti , Prof. C. H. RIchards beIng
ippointeti director , mmcmii courses at study ap-
moved to macct all practical requiremcumts of
ttmdento of thesa schools. l'rorislon was
nado for tIme organization of a graduate
choel , and regulations for the goverummnent
if time same were adopted. As dean of this
mew school , Prof. A. H , Edgron was elected.
In connection with this departmucsmt a mmcmv
ystem of fehlow8lmip auth ecimolarelmip was
netltuted , im'hmereby time stmms hitherto pemmt
or student work are to be awarded to gradate -
ate students , cantlidatee for higher degrees ,
rho are to be mmmdc fellows and ecimolarme
nd required to assist in tue work of in-
truction. Time stipend for fellows Ia to
any with the work performed , approximate ,
rut not to exceed $300 anmmiuaily , and ( or
cholars , $ W0 annually.
Prof. Sherman of time acatlemnic college ,
'rot. Beritey of the industrial college and
) eamm Iteeso of tIme law' school , were re-
ppointed for the ensuing year. Time title
f associate professor of mnmummual tra'imiumg ' ,
ithierto borne by Prof. Iliclmardr' , was
hanged to that of professor of practical
meelmanice. As lrnigntlmn engineers at the
xpenimcmmt t'tation. Prof. 0. V. I' . Stout was
ppoimited , t.ntl Mi53 Mary Jones , who lmamm
: CCui assietrLiit librarian , will in thmo ( mmtimro
' 0 tiesigmmatod acting librarian. l'rof. F. W.
'aylor mvmms appoimmted secretary of time ox-
eriment station anti university extension ,
mcludlng farmers' institutes , 0. I ) . Sweezy
'aR appointed isrofc.wor of meteorology , lii-
iudumg : instruction in astronomy. Mr. Ellmt-
orthu was made assietant umupeu'iuitcntlemit of
uildimmgs and groumnihmi. htesgnatiomme irene
eceived iliul nccopteml ( ronu J'rat. A. lit.
iiinon , Latium , Prof. H. N. Al'en , pimysice , Prof.
lerbert hate. " , ldnghimh , and Miss litany
tohbimms , cataloguer. Prof. Wiis'an has ac-
opted a chair in Limo Lewis Institute ,
The boanil' decided to invite proposals
ar supiilying time university witim coal by
ontract for the coming' year , instead of
ontinulng to purchase on time open ummanleets.
a heretofore. TIme budgets for salaries and
tmrromt expentiltures for lS9G7 were improved -
roved , President Merrill announced thimut ho
'ould again contribute 5200 to time oxp'riso
f fitting out time class in cologicmil field
monk. Time newly revlrod schedule Cf COni
mittees is : Executive , Merrill , Icaley ,
Veeton ; financial , Ilalcy , Weston , 000lmi ,
morse of study , Weston , Iiadey ! , ilosowater ;
Inivermeity tnd library , Roscimaten , ( boW ,
hadloy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
% iIC'l'iil ) NtNII'l"m'-'i'il itimlib l'iiflSN $ .
'ederul 1 ; rim mi.l .Jury ci I Sioim 1rimll
ii r'mI it ii * lie it t'ciuril.
SIOUX FALlS. S. H , , April 17.-Special. ( )
-Time United States prmntl jury , wiuicii was
Isumsiaetl thmlu , unorziiuig , broke tim record for
me nummiber of the iuitlictunents fauumd. 'rotlay
betided dpwn umpventy.tmrti tnime bIllie ,
'imIcli , with time twenty-three previously
umid , muskes ninety-aix to show for one
ec'k's work , Until time arrests are made , it
I , of commas , iuiilOSSlhJlS to tall against whioumi
me indictments tire found , but It is umider-
Load thuat they mire mostly againot white
men , mind that the offense clmargeml is violation
f tIme timber culture act. 'lint gorerniniint
Filcials humuve hmccn trying for souno time to
lit a i'ttp ; to roe wholesale viohaticims of this
t , antI times iumdictummemmte ore eviileumcemm that
iCy himiv goime to muouk iii earmmest , Tlmoan
merged will hot bet arresteit or tiled at limits
' ' nmmurmiber of indictimmenta
truim of court. 'i'lmis
I umumre luau twice that ever fouuud by a
raumd jury in this state , 'flit. JtmrY was ella-
liargetl , 'flue ( cmi of Court will probably
ijourii early nct week , Judge Iliner imas
Iso imeateim tIme record iiy time celerity wIth
'hileli lie has tran4CtCtl iitisbtmess ,
In ( lie case ofValtemmm amid Jhm'suImmfl against
ie Yanletomi & Norfolk railroad for time hal.
lice dim' ' , aim a griutliumg contract , m'aa piu'r'ided
mr the plaintiffs , antI mm verdict renmhc'm'eul feC
ill. 'rIm railroad anti the imontiemnen for
irree gave notIce of alililal and bondo were
xed in S,000.
In time CituhaS against time indians , Siuootliig ,
oslar flay , ( barge Fat IIoy , Comumee 'rm'acklng
mu quarrels Over , iumtilctemi for asseimit on time
muon of Ails liienard , tIme acetumuetl 1ilatled
uihty , anti after a etreimg imlea for clnIency
I tim grouihmd ( hut time ciulimnitme mere In bad
auth. the court sentenced ( item to a year
ad a day in t'.ie penitentimiry ,
J.v , Turgian of Fort h'iercm was final
l5 for selliumg liquor to cmi iuuiiamm , Unti him r-
man Lau was temt to Jell for nlpcty days
r o3lliumg whielcy without a licuue.
Judge Fdge'rtom's health ii' rutichi lumiprovea )
lace lmi return , but ii Is stIll vemy ill.