Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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    I - - - - riirir OMAILA DAILY .BEi WI1)N Esp4y : , APItL 1 , 1890. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1
- -
_ _ _ _
k flOS1WAT1R , r.41t ;
r1flMS O } stiIcnhi'TtON :
lDatly ) % eo ( Without Runt1y. One Yenr $ O
Iitfly 1 arni Sundays On TQt
141z lamth , . . S 2 °
1 ire. , i'Ionths 2 u )
IUfl(1ay Th'e One Y4nr
RMurIftr ! flees Dno YeAr . I
Wck1y fleer Year
Omaha , ' 2ii fl.'e 1uIl4Ing.
Routh OmIui. $ Ingr 111k. . Cot. N nnd 2lth Ste.
Cot2fleJI IG North Mnn Stret
ChIcgc OflIe 217 ChmIr f Commerce.
New Yotk Uvm. . 13 , 14 nfl1 i ; . Tribune l3ldg.
VnhIngton , 1407 P Street. 24. W.
COfthttPOlyEN C3
All commutratJnn retntlng to rnw flh1' '
I iorhl * tntttter , ihuttJ 1e nd1r.d : To the r.lRor.
13UTNs ; ;
4 AT ! uinc , lttr nntl tpmtInnci' houk b
fld4tg ( d t ThA 13'G 1'ubIIiIti CflPAflY.
Omthi , nrnrt ! , C11ck fln4 pOtOffle oriIri to
ho mum TrlyatI to th' nr1r of th cmpnv.
i 1tt : iiti 1'UflL11tU'O COMPAT
STATflt1' OF
flot It , Tzhtwt . trtnry of Th 1tP
i 3htiIn b'tng ttiIy worn K1Y thflt tt !
Itctti I flumt'r of full an1 c ntiptete cntte of
3)nIty. ? .Inrnltig. nnil Sunilny flap printeil
ZOwi durIn ; th month of Mnrch 1. fl8 O3 f01
, I . . . . . . 9.M . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.97
: . . . lt.0s1 ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 I6
. 4 , . . . . . 17.II2 2i ) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
r IR.O4
C . . . . 22 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 . . , . . 1t of ; ? 2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 R 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.fl
1 D 1S.2i 2 ; . . . . . . . . . . , . 17.917
I 1) , , lq.2M 2. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,42
1t . . . . . . . . . . . 27
12 . ' 2t . . . . . . . . , . . . .
1 : ' . . . . . 1Rfl7t 2' ) . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .flCl )
14 1' . . . . . . . . . . . .
15 . . . . . . . 1.n4 ! : 21 . . . . . . . .
It . . . . . . . . . , . -
Ttt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .
Let.4 tTe1ueUo1 ! t t Unr.1.I nnt rturni1
copIes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,216
Net n1
Net llIy nv'ri . 4 Ic.OO
. GFOflGfl P. T'/.SC11UCI ,
Ivorn to b.tor * Pie ftnl icu1erlbo.1 In my
prP'nco t1113 7(1 tlflV nt . ) ,
N. p. V'ltt , Noinry
I 'l1I hpgtin 1t really halt ( lonE' ,
proslcctH ) ( or Nobraskn e1'oLs ) 111118t 1)1 ?
1 Il eXC(1) ) t loital.
VnIIt' eyp nit titit Nt1i : iskn 1eet
8tlgar Iiitlitstry. It ought to innke rllPI(1 (
Stti(1OS ( to 11it front tJiI
The quesilon of titit liotir-If the prflIlo
inittister of I'1riitee ' : niil the cliuticellor
of Oerintiiiy met lii Pitils , 1h1 they order
beer or wine ?
One more 1)1111 flhld the 1)111 givIng the
Trnr1s1I1hglisi1)J)1 0X1)OSltlOIl coiigres-
filonal recognition 811(1 providing for a
goveriiineiit exidilit 'hI1 be hauled be-
I youth Urn safety Poitit
\Vlien Utah ' : is titlinitteti as a state
we sYcre asiiret1 that nil political coti-
tetitlon 1)etWeeIl ) church and gentile fac-
floes lied been forever ns4tiage(1. Now ,
however , the old light threatens to break
out again.
I flah a century is a hong time in thi
1iistoi'y of railroads , It' the llext fifty
years wltnets as niarked changes In
methods of traiisportatlon as the last
I there will be just as much reason to
celebrate the event as at iresellt.
If the receipt of an Infernal inacliliit ,
can make a luau great the number of
people who will be sending themselves
some stichi diabolical device atid dlscov-
ering its deadly character 1)efore opeU
Ing the Iackilge will soon be legion.
Ex-Speaker Crisp has been compelled
under stress of advle from his ) hlySi-
clan to cml his silver ( lebate with Secretary -
tary Smith. ? Ii. Crisp aught IerhIaIs
have w'eatliered out his Ill-health , but
lu-health jOiflC(1 to the ( iIlliCllltIt'S 01' upholding -
holding the cause of unlimited free coinage -
age ivould be too iiuiehi for any iiiaii.
By carrying the i'Tat'quls Ynmngata
on palatial cars at lightning speed the
raIlroads of the east have Iedn ) trying
to counteract thin h1l1ir4sIo1l of Amen-
calI railway facilities which the great
Jaianese ) warrior gathiereti from his
v1ev of the Omaha sky parlor iiiiloii
statio nut ! covshed waiting rooms.
Whether they have succeeded Is as yet
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
One of the titsks whik'hi the Bohhit attorneys -
tornoys lnwe 1)101)OSCI ) for
Is to vrovc Unit the checking 111) of the
books In the treasurer's otilce by thee exports is absolutely worthless -
less and that tue iiioiy spent by the
cily for this work has becit hractlcahlY
vnstetI. This Is a rather startling
PrOlOsItIoll auth tile attorxieys appear to
have a good-sized job 011 theIr 111111(15.
The IIi1iiicipal Ieiigue of South Omaha
siil take lii ) the lhl1t4tiOlt of excessive
fire itistiiiittce rates , Let time league get
' , rates front itroperty os'neis in otlici-
cities of 1OO ( ( PeOIle itilti mnmike a juib-
lie COi1tIflrlsoii ) of mit's. Such a shios'-
lug would open time ( 'S'CS of South Omimulmii
policy holders 1111(1 give thmeizi a delluite
IICa hmo' the "board" autocrats In ChiI
cage Itre niuleting tIleill SiitIidy
they call.
SVhy should the Nebraslut ( hemnocrats
I hiohti tW' ( ) state COliVeiItIOhlN ? Is not each
ttato committee mis to aI)1)oiiit ) tvo
contesting deh'gatiomis to ChIIellg ( ) aS the
Douglas Cotlilt ) ' coiiiiiiittee 'iis to lii-
Polilt t\ro etiltem4ting delegmttloiis to Liii-
coin1tli four comitestimig l1hi'g11tioml (
representing btmtht 1111111)5 01' tIme lai'ty )
; Nebraska dt'miiocraey would surely be
fully amid ( III ily rejmmPsentd ha time ilmi-
tiOflUl gathering oveit If split In four.
Iromiry Ilohhti Is being tried On the
charge Of elulczzhiIig ) a large $11111 train
tilt ) city , flvery ( milichill of the city Is
moral ! ) ' boimud to ieilller any service
1)OSSIblO lii alit of the iVOSt'CUttOtl. ) Time
president of thin city 'ouneil Imits ctittiIii
luthticitco ovel' city huh eiilllOyCS ) 111111
'liemi his it' : firm mlecejts ) retaliiers to
help tleteiiil flit offender such mis hahn he
Ilot only 1)11tH ) lihmnst'lt Iii mt 111111 lIght before -
fore the comunutuity , but lie obstrimets
the city in efforts to vindiente the lav.
The C1t1Z0fl13 of 1Jiicohii lire get1iig
oxcitetl tigniit over thio 1)r0141)CCtiVe ) loss
of the thise'InhiIatiIlg differential freight
C1.IIIIgO tilUt lies for ytii ; lIWII iiiiposiM1
to t11V01 LilleOhil jobbers. ' .I'ltL'Ft mievel ,
'vns amiy Justification for this ( liscnhmuhmIa.
tioii against Omunhia , But it 'iis uivnys
thus. No ( ) flC oyer scclirt'I a favor (10111
i1thh10LU1 mit tilt. ) CX1)CIlSO ) of 11114 neighi-
t w'lthioiit 50011 coinIng to regard it fl
yesteti right w'hiehi 1w Lts entitled to
retain 511(1 fighitlmig w'lmoneye It was
proposed to withdraw It.
iu , : : ' .tXI ) UI1.
W'hu'n , four yers ; Ogo. thin repiibhIt.tns
of thin gnvernl ilite. ( elected dty1egaIe to
t lie nntonni COitvt'u ( lull , they niro able
to IoInt vIth patd tle pihdt to a condi-
tloii 'of tmuhirec'ib'n tCI1 1ProI1enitY
I IIttthIOflt ) tile hiimiil , lit whiheim every ill-
terst of tiLe iienvle hiari'i1 , Tlt're briti
beeim (1eve1oped uiiilor time opcrntton of
l'eplllhlCflml policy , I lie gr'atest tlomneitic
nimd foitgn ¼ itimnler'ee In our history.
'i9tm e had lmi'en a n ext niordlunry hmIdils-
trijl growth and every bran'lm of uteri-
can huititistnies v8s iii a flourishing coii-
( lit inmi. ' [ 'lie capital lnvcste1 imi enter-
It'lslS ) W i1g rnhIsing a fair return. The
lnlor of thit' ( 'ouuitI'y vua sstIl ( 'unploy'd
auth ltt emtt'lliuigS w'el'o heLter titan ever
hefome. 'I'hmO govenutimleuit vas rt'cets'hiig
revenue In excess of Its expomidltures
mtutI time natlonch trnsiuiy lunth experi.
( 'fleCti III ) ( lamiger to itS gol(1 ( i'C'SI'VVC ,
vhilchu lmmiI beau imiahuitnined Immtnct shtice
tim ( ' resitiitptiomm of SimPric' iaYitlOmlts. ttilr-
teen 3''flt's befoi'e' . Iluimimiehal mtiiil bush-
heSs couIfllh'mIce lm1 e n lied and I Ime out.
look for ; t. mia1amiget1 ein of irosperltY
ulou ei. a ImhL'fll'l ) hiIghiter. Time condi.
tiouis t4phl'mIlhidhS' vimtdlcalc'ml thit' i'eoiliIuic )
I II ii I o I' t he l'epll I il I cii ii Pit 113' .
\VhmlI t a eon tm'ast to all this Is liii' situ-
atloit liO'iV , vhu'ii hit' iiii'the ) mtt'i' ng1tiil
chooslimg (1'hI'gntps ( to time natiomini coil.
vetitions , 'l'hit' elt'etion of ii tk'lllocratIc
lteit1t'iit ) : und congress vtl8 a dgulnl of
milmitmU to thii' hilIhttStlIeS of limit conultry
\'h I hi'h i 110 I 01113' 1 II it a sit ilti CII . 'hiet'k u immt
thit'hi' lhtVelltt1eii ( t. but ciuied : t imenu to
mtililt ( 8. IOhit'Y of ( oimtrletiiln iii their
oIerntlo1m4. LmilorV11S ) throwmi alit. of
WilplO3'tieut nuuti W'itimlml a fev iioiitlis
after the mulvcmmt of time ( Icuilnermutle hllrtY )
to iiow'er then' itegati a llIsIn'sS ) tie-
Il'eSMlIi ) ( frotmi vll1ch1 the country hits not
yet fully recovered. At the saille 111111'
there \s'11s de'eloPed finamiclul : distrust
that milemImIcetI the 501v0i1c3' of the trees-
1113' fluil the credit of I lie govermimneilt.
It Illatterell not thmiit the i'elluihhlcnhi 1)01-
Icy ' : us still II ) force Vhie1l hit' 1)11113' iii
h)0\S'Ct , ss'as lllgt'l ( to dPshi O3' tlmiit 1)01' )
icy.Vithm tue tllrt'nt of the democracy
tO oventlmnow a s3-utemti w'liihl 1111(1 ( vie-
\'mihletl ItOt' ( ' thiaii thilt'ty 'e1IrS 1111(1 liii-
dor v1uiehm the nation 110(1 ltmde ) ituarvel-
0115 mnatemlel progress , the liulustrial in-
ten'sts of the eouunti'y htmuti but one safe
course 811(1 ( that wits to get ready for
thie blow that thii'y s'ere assutred ivotild
be 1llulitliSteie(1 ( ) ( to tIleill.
Every Imttelhigeut cltlzemi Is ( muinihimum'
w'ith the comisetIueIlce of denmocratie
rtmle _ hheides fhtlittt'iah : ( liSti'USt 1111(1 iii-
duustrial deiI'esslomi ) It lets nlde(1 ( tt time
debt ltlrIPLI of time heople $2thoooou. ( ; (
or if thI ( lntei'est lp counted , y1mIchm It
IUgitililit'h3' shioumhl be , on flit' muhihitlon
to time iuuhlIc debt , OVCL' $ ( ) lOOOOOO.
Put This alongsjdo of' the ftct thmat din'-
iimg the last reimumbhican ndnuinistration
time imuterest-beai'ing debt of' tile govern.
nielit waa i'edticed $310,000,000. Time
Itllh1C credit , timat waS iiever so high as
itV1tI four ' ' iiis 1)een Imtu-
\V1tI 3'eUl'S ago , : ) -
pait'etl ahiti a source of eitmblrrassimlemmt :
to time ti'easury , iii the Iet'lothIefll ( le1)le-
tiout of tile gold reserve , has leen crc-
ated. that 'mus uevei timouighit of wllt'n
, rcpuibllcnii PattY in control of
hie goVeri1)fleflt. Uiiler m''ltulhiLiIii miii-
lfliUiStl'atloli of iiitloimal : atlairs then'
ss'as never a treasury defIcit since file
close of time 'ai- , whereas ilmder thit'
1)resent : idmllimIstm'atIOml time ( ieliclemwy of
reveumime hiils llmmtotmllt'tl ta miliotit SOO- ( ) ( )
000. 'I'O(1113' time situation is far fmotim
sntlsfmuctoi'y. F'Imlamn1a1 cOuliidcnce Is
still w-nntlmug. ImllllortIflt Iiuiisti'Ies ; mute
sulTeniutg beemuutsi' the hionti' miumurket lumis
beezi lhOO(1C(1 ( with foi'eIi.n goods. Tla'rc
is a gremlt ilemmi of bile ot' ltlt 1)ai'thtuhi3'
euuitIoyet1 Imliton No bi'atlchi of tratie Is
irosl'rots , 110 iiiteiest is doing as vehb
mug It was four years ago. ' 1'lme ihIgllt
of a ( lestructive IOiICY to Amnericami in-
t1utti'lt's mumid Aulemlcmmil labor Is still
Ui)0li time couimtry ,
'l'ho i'epuimliciiii 1)u1'tY lmn a super-
aii)1ll1iIICL' ) of platform 011(1 camuipalgmi
material lit tile record of time past three
yea ts.
riir ; flIPt1'lNG I'ROIILEiI.
One of the immost dlfilcmmlt vrabieins
with Wilicil timis city will hi comnmehIct1
to wiestle at no distant day Is time i'e-
jillct3IUClt of wormmout lfl'emflCmitN. ) Time
c11'aI ) ) ' ( ' ) ) craze whiioli H\\'eit this
CitY in coilltlOil vithi all w'esti'i ii cities
dnu'ing the 1)00111 ) lerlo(1 ( lumu left. us it
legacy of tli'cayel ( w'ootiemt hiock amid
hulilasslulhe ) str'c'ts that are worse 1111)1)
mud roudwmuys. : ' 1'hteme itavemnomits were
to be laftl for ouu tue temi-yt'ae Iitstmihh-
nietit imliumu mm mId time city hmmus plastered
itself W'Itll district bomni nortgages
wlmiclt alit failing due aimd immimst be re-
Iit'Wl ( ieeiUiSe ii'oieit' ) ) o'mlers hItive
defmiuited on their SiuCCImil taxes.
I f it is ditileuuit it not Impossible to
collect time back taxes on Iroie1'ty
ainittiimg vormioiit JaVeilIOlts , ito' 11111dm
mliOI'O tiilllcuult Will it 1)0 to iUlulCe ( timese
vroverty owm1ct to itetitioli tom' ime'
lmVt'umimultl4 $ or Vlimfltmli'i13' to assutimle flit
mitlihitiumitul simelal paving ( ielt ? Amul
3't ! the city dlltimlmt muilow' itRI)3 Of ItS
imuost Iitiporttitit tlloromiglifares to m'vinniim
In a state of hlocktude. In vIos' of the
hOW' imhmuuost assimrt1 iuitci'stit te ( 'xImo3i-
tlouu , It \uuii ( im Jtotli iilsgract'ful alul
uinmuinghuig to lmuCseimt s'isltoi's iipd tiossl
1)11) iiivt'storm4 with a view of 1411d1i (1113-
ilgui'eml strt'ets.
\Vlilit IS to be tione ? 'I'ltt'so W'OOleil (
ihl'k ) 1)mmv'muduts mi i ( leyOhl(1 ( repmuir.
'Phtcy ituuist lmo L'piflced ( vItli m'sv immive-
ituemuts of durable mnmttenlai.n.h10 qimes-
unit Is , Who Is to imy 11w cost of' re-
ItuVhmiKVotmhti it be Just to conipeh
li'OlWi'IY ) os'uuers 'imo petitioned for 1111(1 (
itmihti for stolid , misphimult at' bricic ia" ) ° -
uiueittti to jmI ) ) ' again fat' l'emilidh11g flit'
ehit'lui ) inus't'tmlt'iuts ' thmiutVCrO Imut (1\'mi (
OIl PetitlOlt of veopic WhO kmuev in itmi-
'ant I3 thiitt timO j)1t'CmieutH ) thi3' W'CVe
fmisteuiiuig Imi ( i'omii of tiit'ii' ir1flci'ty ) ) cohml .1
hot. lOsshIIhy ) lust longer titan tt'oiuu live
to eIght 3't'lms ? The nssessmmiemits for
nil oui lmit\'t'iiu'mits btmuve heemu on time
imiiuehitle ( It uiummkimmg tuliittiimg , u'opt'rty
vay for time tieimc'fits accm'tihumg ( rlul time
Inuproveunemit. If llCOiie ) 'iio lmnilsted ouu
( 'Imetil ) lmtveulielltH : to a'oiti svoehiml tmmxes
111'O to 1)0 ) fomevei' i'eileved l'rouu fummtlm'm'
pimvhitg taxt'S , tiiuoVii ( ) 't\'eit ) ilulbhle-
spiniteil utimi 'lhhing to submult to lit'avy
titXt's ( or tiunubie Ifl\'Ciimeults ) uvhii lie
li'1iC'tIluhI3' tmixt'ii tvicti mtitl iflhluisimed
fom' hieltmg 1)thlIIe-5lii'itel ) ) ) ( ,
Looking backwmu'd , It Is easy to see
that the u.tistu1 in '
, lay ) en1ULttIUg p113'-
momut for C1111i1) pavements on tnt huu
tnhhimtcnt ititin thmtt ltit Off thin last lIIY-
hulents iiyontI thu ormilutary hifo of tite
30tC1)lt'flI. ) Paving taxes ouu time Install-
ullolut plot , should has-c been i'esti'hcted
(0 ( PaVeifleilts of tlum-mubhe nuatenhal. All
verishmmilde pnvenments simouhl hmavG been
1)111(1 for hum 1111111) StiUl flS Coi1)iiCtCi. ( It
Thli be bormme Ill umdtiml flint 'limO lice mot
01113 ? oIlt'tsed ) tIme wootlemu block folly
at till stmiges , but itiso advocated at tim
OiltSm't it llie-yetut' limit to district pay-
htmg assessmutemmts.
Time Cilmllter makers next winter flutist
hict' a w'iiy nut of time dhlciutnun. The
rcipmiviuig of streets will have to be provided -
vided for omt sommmo vimuhu equilabie ( to time
dit3' 1111(1 iroPet'ty ow'iters. It 1t1ii3 be
ilimsolittely necessary to vince tile aim.
thmnmhty to order streets rela'ctl ) iii time
councIl 1111(1 ( hhonid of Public " , Vorka
without wnithimg fat' petItIou. 'l'hie
p1OlL'Vt3' ) O\S'tlCi'M might i'etnlti their right.
to choose ietweehm stmnmtimirtl m1uvlilg lint-
feriiiltt , but subject to i'eto by the city
miitthmonlttes. Frotim mlot % ' oil time mummitter
i % IIi becomite a live Issue mtimtl i'lie lice
1l1 gladly oiler its coltmlululs fat' it full
( liSdtittSIOlt of every hlilsc ) of tIme qumes.
Ihhme i'emlOmlliflmltIOtu of liomi .Tsse 11 ,
Stt'omlo by the tepuililIcmuims 01' tli First
ilistrict i'ilH a foregone comuciusion.
.Tudge Stroth' hills tilled time Positioti lie
t1W ( iiohis Ct'etiltmlL)13' mutiti to the general
smttisfnctlomu of his CilStlttIemIt $ . lie hmns
11111(11' Il liii itistnitiimg , itaimhivonldtmg mtieull-
ber of * congress , 'lto 'Ithmottt 11113'
lioum'Isii of tt'ummupets has sought. to serve
his constituents to the bst of his aimlity.
it : takes at least (1110 terimI lii the 1111.-
tlofluul legishmituire fo lull ) ' lila ! ) to eqtthii
himself tlmom'ougiiiy fot- the ditties and
fumnhlliui'ize himself with time mmmetiuoils of
traiusmictlilg the inmbhle huishmiess.Vltlm
tlt eotmsclouisumess that his efl'orts are
apitreciated amid with the experlemlce
i'hiich coimes froni active hmrtICiPfltloml
iii tile w'ork of law'-nlaking , , Tudge
Strode ilhl be mible to make htlmnself
still inure useful to tue people of time
First ( llsti'iet 1111(1 ( time w'lmole state iii' time
Fifty-fifth congress , to whichi lie Is sure
to be elected in Noyeimmber mmext.
BA Nhfl117'C1' flLLL
Time business Interests of titt country
vlil tlouilmtless , w'i'leoiime the fact that
rogi'ess Is belmig miluhle in congress to-
i'ttt t1 the enactmmuemit of a umllforni ittumIk-
' ' imuiv mit rate that III-
t'iultC3' ) , or amty itil -
tm'est Is beimmg nuanit'ested him tIme niattdr
which gives hroimuIse of a Irnctlcmui ) ye-
suit. A short time ago the house
JtitildItuI'3' conutmthttee ngreei on ti IUC1)S-
ture , mtfter nuiich deliberation , 811(1 1)\ '
the Judiciai'y coummilittee of the senate
iliiS i'Clot'eU ( a bill that has been under
C)115i(1CL'iitiOil siiice early In tli SeSSIOmI.
TIlls et'liellces at least a. disposition
on the 1)art of congress to give tile sub.
ject tile itttelttholi It ; ucrits. Titei'4 is a
ver3' mitaterimul and imnportiimit ditfereitce ,
however , between the hmotise aimd semiate
mmiettsures. Time hitter It'OYIiCS for
vohtmntmiry bammkrtuptcy only , W'imhie time
house bill provides for 1)0(11 ) ( o1Ummtiry )
1111(1 ' ' . It Is
( ihmVOIUimttti'y bnmmkm'uprcy. a
serious qulestlon , therefore , tvimethuer thi'
tvo houses citim be bt'otmghmt to concui
OmI tilly measure , at least at tile Pm'eSeImt
50551011. It ihlhOtll'S ) to be utitiei'stootl
tlmtit it bill for i'ohimmitury baimkruptcy
cammmmot iiss thin 1101150 , but there is
( lOttitlCSs it Sli fe mtunjority favorable to
siteim mmmcasiire as agreed imitomi by the
house juthlcImii'y coillmtittee. 0mm tIme
otiiei' hmtnd ' ' of the
1)1Obtlli3' a ltmiJoi'hty
sommmmte I'ayom's a lav for voluuutary bank-
t'tiItC'Y , but it Is lmOSsilie thilit eliouigll
of timose'llO supitort thIs view' buy he
induced , t'atimer thaim allow legislation
Oh time SuhijeCt to full , to accept a incas-
utI e ineluidhmmg botlm vrliiclvies. It Is
likely timiut flothillg further ii'ihi be doite
iuu the semmate m'egai'dimtg the (
iegisiatlotm until after action imy time
ltotise atid iii tue eveiit at the hUh iml
time hitter being passed by a large imla-
jority It is thought flint such action
' iii'e immflmteuuce fiivoi'mlile
W'OluIl nIl jo
It UpoIm time schImIte. 'lime m4outhi'ril ( ieiilO-
ct'Ltl $ , ilOWeVeL' , iii'e Sti0flgi3 ( ) IlmOSei
to involuntary iamiktithtey ) hlmli tllL'3' w'ii !
hIIflke so tiotem'imilnetl ii light against It
tlutt thiei'e is little chalice of afly netloil
1)3' ti'e semmate at time presemmt SessloiL
4 il tThA GiNO ISSLW.
'l'hi (1imttitOiiL scimool issime still timrermt-
oils tt lecOifl ( a source of st'iiouus (115-
tuit'beuiice to time ji'ice of tue Doinhuiloti ,
'fime failure of tue relrCSehltmmtl\'eS ) Of time
goYcmmmuilemit mmmiii tim tImuiiitoita amitimor-
htiei4 to reach mmmi migt'eeutltilt ? hi tue t'ecen I
miegotiations dlii not iulupi'oye t.ii sitimu-
thoU , CS'CIi if time effect is'as mmot to In-
teuisify the Issime. It is'as dehmOhstl'ateT (
timitt time ? [ amlltoIums : tune very firimi anti
dt'termmilned in their position auth not
disimoseti to muiike man terimil comicesslomis.
A. ( iIShllteii from Ottins'a out ? Jomldmty
stated tlmtt ; time Clthimlet ) ititil tiecimied
to go ott wIth time l'emmiedlaI bill , w'imicli
Is hmmteiitled tO COCICCl111lit0ia ) Into
gmamltliig Itoimlail C'mmthmoilcs the ste Ic-
imideti sepnmite schools mtboilshmcd by that
im'Oi'hmlc ( ' . I't i'ote nit hit' measure i'ms : to
immive hN'Il ) taken 3't'stel'liay , bitt It Is
It ) Ito l'ttmtimt't' ( leilmiteli , fmomii w'iiicim It
unity be Immfei'i'cd timtt : tite govel'mlfllemlt
Lii not stiu'e of its ; tblilty to puss tilC
huh , tite Ol)1)OI4ItIoml to w'lilcim iIl.tliC lo-
miuimulou Piirihu : imuemut Is very Rtm'oitg , TImi'
life of l'ai'ilainont cilds on Apill 21 mind
It is qitite vrobabln that. tilt ) olmimositloul
to the m'emneihhnl hihi w'iii in able to me-
vent Its itIssago ) by occupying the timiuc
until thimit ditto iii debate. Iii flint event
liii' goVerllflelit i'outid ix fom'ced to tiikc'
flit muimiteal to time country , with the
? liuutitohmt school questioim its time lead.
iiig Issuic , numil II ctuinmigii of ( 'xtr8oriIil-
iui.y huuttrtst ivoumld result. It 114 U mitliter
grave ItiiiitItiui tlimit eotmfm'oiits time leoPIe
of time Donllumiomm aimd It mummy evemmtummite
hi time ovem'timu'ov of time coumservatlve
goveiiuuneutt , vliIcim has becim Iii imow'er
elghmteemm yeats.
Secm'etiury Mot'tnim hits at liust np-
vm'tuclmed , limo zemmitim of ( nine. hI iumis a
hiIel ) stilt omm his lottids aild Is timm'ea temied
i'Ithi sttveniui umiotc , I r. .Iomtoii mlCd
ilot , bto'ever , hose muuucim 141eCh ) o'cr the
tt'oslect ) of helmig ritimmed by time vartles
ivhtit miiieged ( imthmlmmgel ( m'eimutntlommmt , Iumr-
ihIg iieium'iy at iutut'tt'r tiC mm cemlttim3' sliucu
Its nlyemlt ( hmito jotunmimiilstmt 'flit ) lice imps
Leca ued for libel steen times vithi
lwesuhiuied uimjj'5 ngregatIttg soumle-
hiere hum tIme ? um1gImiom'imoo(1 of a ttiihiloiu
dollars , hut irt'ihl tht'se years It hind
01113' tlii't't' ( ; ) , rt'muiei'eti against It.
Omme of ( ' ) ' it stilt of $2OOX ( )
i'iiet'e time JI'v nfl'8t'lt11 ( time hlmh11t11T )
cemits , ivhmicli ' 3Yu-e PrOumllIthY ailli dicer'
ttihly ltniti , aw
- - -
Metubem's otdtimr' State Bomirti of 1titi-
calhoun ! Lnimdemnmil Ftmimtis lrofesS to be
t'eliictniit to 'Wtlf for ( lorenmuor lIoi-
cohil'S i'esoiifM dhi-eet iiti. tIt lulveSt-
meat of the tj1lecmooi ! Imuoneys bccauus& '
it WaS lntroiut-ellIy ) time govermlor. W'iiy
dtdtm't Soifle ottheimt , iuutroimlec ( such a
resohut lout tiIeimlselves , I lieuVimy tlot
1)tit tIme gorei'itot It ) the test mituti see It
lie votmiml vote against such a resttitmtiomi 7
fly nil ituenmus miumike tile governor toe
time imumirk and let hint nssutuue time re.
sIo1111i)11i13' for keeping over SflO.O'X ( )
of school llIih1O % ' umllroiitctlve ) W'imdii it
cmiii t'nrum .QOOO a ycmmr for time public
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
ClplOuts and wltlt'sprcatl have put
the fiurmllem' mimi stock grower oil eiiSy
street. 'I'IlC soIl lies receIved so tuuucim
ttiolsttit'o titmit It ; call stamid a cotillimuied
mhm'y seasotu iai- ( olm. sitouhi there Ito
ml m13' . As sprlutg miivmuilces cm'op im'oslecS ) (
gi'ov in't t em' mu it (1 1 tn gim I er. 'l'im is bt'I hlg
tttui' . the Suite linmtt'd of Agthcttitun'e
Ihuiths It ilCC'SSiti'3 to etmimui'ge ( ito cmt-
limucity of time m4lato fair grouhtils utah
li'0'Il0 ) for a grouter iliimllbL'm' of exitili-
itti. lit ( icing this thai board wiii inc
hUi' ) ( to 1)t'eSemlt ) a great object hessomm to
liOS1)l'etiVU ) settlet's , itmoi'e elTective muid
commvlmtelimg tItan itity otlmet' nicaims.
1)Isgiilse of (1t-ns.
Chicigo Chtonlcie.
A ( hIsg.llse Is atlcptcI only by cheats and
Impostors. Tue elvcr1tO who calls lmlmnieif a
"IImetahilst" s afratid. ' Irco ilvcr coinage
mncans it sngle tilver standard , not bi-
, % . .iIFigtm,1 - S t't'f'tM ( .O4)t1.
CtIIcag Inter Ocean.
Another boa comes from England about
the hinpm'ovcincnt of trade in time first quarter
of 1896. Time exports for the quarter vero
about $306,000,000 , agatmist $26'lOOOOOO for
the first quarter oti895. The Wilson law Is
doing inure for England than for tim United
A Dt'iti ( ' of $11041.1) ' .
The imports of shoddy itito tue United
Statol inercaei from 1i70OIL pouiids In
1591 to 20,713,108 pounds In 1S95. Just wiiere
thio sham amid often filthy stuff imas gone Is
not dciotcd , but the American people are
uting It Ia sonic shape , Roll paying for It a
gcat deal more titan it Is voi'tli.
1'ili ittoiii ChiiisiiIg.
CiiIeco .iuurnai.
SomehoW that , s , ? tno to coitect pay from
the governmelltC 40 slaves emancipated
thirty or forty yaami ago reminds its of
another scheni etteimstveiy advertised ,
namely , that. of 'seuing for tuTh benefit of
a few thoucatid descqndants the fortuOe In
lands and gold alteed to be left by tile hate
-very remnoteiy late-Anneke Jans ,
'Vile LItertttIli of t1iintfiigt0fl.
cimeagl , News.
Nothing could xcetd the liberality of Mr.
HuntIngton in p1rtTflTar and the Pacific railroad -
road people In g nefat in their willingness to
give the governuient wurt1mIes mortgages.
It Is believed bylthcse who know him that
If Mr , HunttngtthiOWned a million miies of
ratircad. mortgaged' fuir twice what It cost ,
lie wouid cheerfully iy a second lien on the
whole at thoIeetif 1m13 tountry.
, ,
Titi111li'Ie Sstrm.
' - n - 1Thm1thIrllt1a l'telcS. .8
. A nuijarity drEh rfrribers of te hbuio'ttr
representatives r.8tEtrt to ho lmnpress.8d by the
arguments In favor of the , netrIo ystem , but
V.hfl It apoeareil that they bre strong
enough to pass the metric bill titey became
amnimu anO began to vote the otlitir Way.
hound.8 which vary 1mm veight and bushels
and quarts wtmlch vary in size arc admitted
evi , but the people have been getting along
wth theni fem o mnatly centuries and tue
metric system Is ca foreIgn and so French
to them that they prefer to bear the ills of
divers mea.mmros and unequai weIghts rather
than adopt an exact and cIentIIlc system
¶ vhlchi Is unfamiliar to them. This at least
I the congresonaI ! view , and no doubt it is
prQtty nearly correct.
'rise illoilst i1i' . Allen.
New York Sun ,
lion. Ventus Alien , a popuiist senator
in congress from Nebraska , has written a
letter to tile populist goverrsar of that
state. deciinlng to. ha a candidate for tile
pcpullst nomInaticn for President. Ito says
that there are others In'thto party who tie-
serve the honor. 1'hIs is superlative niod-
ezty and ought not to f1gbten away a cingie
enthuslast ( rein M' Allep's 91(10. ( It L trimo
that timere are other populists , but there are
no other Mr. Aliens of Nebraska , no other
cocvoiutloni ccnvolutlng with so much rapidIty -
Ity , frietioti and loiidmies of report , no other
thoughts pilc1 Into the hopper in such hbaps ,
no other voices so ienetrating and Iridustri-
otl , . No matter how niucim lion ,
Ventus Mien 11)5) ' sariiik from the greatness -
ness which ho has aclileveti , he shmouid not
be periiiittod to scape. 'rime IoPullsta
should hang on to iiliii , affeetiotiatehy but
flrmnly. aril make iitn accept the nomination
whether ito watmts It or not ,
, v1ii L.tI'Fi COiONflI. cocrcmum t
Kanoas City Jout'mal : . Ia was a iatt-mado
man. Ills repmitatioii vao the product of iiio
own gciilus aud toil. There are few brighter
lights In the newopapor field today than the
one wblcim has just goiie out In far away
Chicago Nowe : Colonel Cockerlit waa a
man of ldeaa , of resourcee , peravering in hia
lIfo'e work and siicccstui Iii whatever lie
undertook. lIe made his owmi miamno and
fame , carving out lila career with but the aid
of his own brain and hiloown oiergy.
flostomi Traveler : Ac a boy his drum beat
tnoplration imito the nuhs of lila soldier comn
ratios 's tile army of the union ; as a man
imimi putrao aimd pelt were ever at the vom'vlco
of the poor nazi don-tr ) ddon. To toll the
story of iili journalistic achiieycmwts would
be to recomint th iml tot'y of time . \marlcan
nowapapor. lie vas aiwnys at the forefront
in hits profeasion , aptiJiodied like a imoro at
hL poet of duty , 'i '
Chicago Peat , lqpl Cockorhlt was mm
gentlenian , a man-of-pirit , yet of Infinite
ocurtoi'y , Intrepid , ( till of the erprit do carps
of his profeemicit and keenly i'esentfui to any
attack upon Its dijltypr Ito privileges , lie
ui'aD getmerouo to a fault-It was , perhlsls , ills
only weakness , flut there are tlmoco vbio
remember bmium none tue less affoctlonateiy aim
that account. hoc ar1 a rare good fellow.
I'eaco ho to hils
hlrooklyn EagiauN : mi'un was acumnuhat-
ing a fimier cqulpntJ 'umituro and itnowl.
edge. both by ehttUn mind reliecttoii for
tIme biigber ilaces dtJIfIrOfC5siOim , than was
tte , bib sudden d iiiJL4eoms hike the arrct
of a career On tboxthesmuld } of Its best
dOvelopi1100t , but llqlm tiiD workers tile ,
the work goec omclt4 to. those wito emily
cease to labor they cease to
lIve oucceed oj/ who enter Imito
their labor under tji/t1ifitritanco of dpartod
toilers , Of the fatmtIj ( steto this imian was
tu valuable -member and what was best and
truest in the record which lie made In It
has beconto a hasting. a humninous and a helpful -
ful posoosahomi of that estate ,
New York Ooniinor ial Advertiser : In private -
vato life Cloneh Coekerlil was one of time
float wlnsomno men Imatlmumbio , kind as a
woman , whim a dlt'poaitb9n as eunny as a
cimiltls , a imeart overflowtnm with forgiveness
antI charity and a mnagnetIm that drew mcml
and womtn cioser and ctoaer to him , ills
death Comes as a great chock to tlmoimsands of
frIends all over the world , He could ill be
sparoci at this (111)0. ( To time younger iitemm
engaged In journalisul the story of lila life
and auccc'sa vIli be an tucvntlvc to hiigimer
and nObler bicalu 1mm time common profession.
What ho wee walt ( tue to hIs owmu energy ,
hIs luidotnltablo vluck maul lila easeiess en-
ticavor to reacit the higest re.8ults for ( lie
newspaper with which ho ws connected.
\'alu , old ftletmd ,
t.lT Thtl I' Itt.1I.
Al41ltflttiOfl , 'te'Ut4ltllfl nn.1 Il4lelP.n %
lo ot Ttnd I o Ito rmmoml ) ' .
Drsnl islan.t Iteput4icnti ( tiep. ) ,
At the forthcoming convention It should
be vmrlastIngiy declared that no man. not
any ombinatlou , of men , can safely assttfllo
and exercise the rght ! to forestall tIme action
of a convention , name the delegates to be
eIeted ( hero antI at the sama time formim-
late and tieclare the resolutions to he adopted
at stats anti congressional ( listrict con'eil-
ticita , to which they who attempt to thus usurp
the fmmnctlons of the convention are not OVOR
yet elected delegates thmoreto. Stmch assuilIp-
tion , It tolerated for any considerable length
ef time , would break up and completely
destrrsy the Rtr itget , o1ltical party Oil
earth , , The gall exhibited In the "agree-
mnent , " wimich practicaity renders ( ho hold-
lag of a convention at xiii , utterly utselose ,
i sintohy amazing for its imntnttlonce.
In a political ionvcntlon of 900 delegates.
each deheate should have tim same rlghiti'
of over-i other tieIeate anti no more. If
two or three or a dozen of men. In a
loom lIt mu tronf room , are to declare weeks
in ath'atlce uvlnt the action of the convun-
then mntmst he , it is timne to stop imoldhiig eon-
ventloM. save expenses and declare that
thn state has been aiven over to one-ama ! )
tinwor ,
Conventions are held in order to got an
expression ( rain tue people , a consensus of
opinion , free and tuitrammucleti , wIthout mully
borslem , lettIng the w184301n of the vitoi ,
as expressed by a majorIty , rule. in other
wonle , to quote frumu ommr noted , reapecteil
mmliii able junior aenator , "All the people know
muoro than doeS ally onO of tile people , " and
a ccmiu'entlon when It mtleOts should be able
for ltel ! to dociaro what It wants anti what
It vIii do , and tills rigilt IlllOliid not be Iii-
fringed umpoii by any agreemeimt by any c -
lectlomt of men or by army sort of compromise ,
hlarmmiony can never be u'ecurcd by deprIving
tIme micopie of their rigbl to express their
views by theIr own votes It this is to re-
mmmii ) a government of tue pooliie , by time
people amid for the people , the rigimts of tue
people inmmt ( tot be ustirpoul , by any little
combination of muen either lii Grammd Island ,
LIncoln , Omaha , \Vashimigton or Aurora.
Conventions arc called for a purpose , amid
tile business the comivention Is to do should
hot be done and ( leclarod weeks in advaimco
by a mnero handful of men , no matter who
they may be. TIm Unties of a convention
ithoumld neither bq delegated or arrogated
In ad'atlco of the meeting , and fur one , we
deciro to enter a most emnpliimttc protest here
atid now against permItting tmmty comnpromioe
tb deprive ( ho imtdlviduat delegate of the
right to eipret..3 for imimseif his own views
by iils voice and vote ,
S -
'iqin : CUItiIIS % ' t\V.
'ilt l'IitIIt ! Senllmt'iit liroole Inler-
ft'l'ellCe with iOhIleMtiC AiT.mlr , ,
\'usiington I'ost.
A number of isestern cities , of wiiiclt
Omaha is time largest , have enacted 'what
tlmey call time ctmrfow ordinance. It Is a svell
meant effort to revive an ancient customn
tinder conditlomis radically different from
timoso of tue olden t hue , wimea ' 'the curfeis'
tohied the knelt of parting day. " These mu-
nlclpal enactments provIde that children of.
either sex under a certain age-varyIng in
different citles-simaii not appear Iii the
'streets after 9 1) . flI. , unaccompanied by parents -
rents or other adult caretakers imniess titey
bavo a written permit to do as signed by
Ilarent or guardian. Violation of this law is
punishabie by lmpricontllellt. Time object Is ,
of course , to putt an effectual restraint upomi
the evil propensities of boys and girls who
show a tendency in the wrong dIrection ,
There are , unfortunately , too many auclu
in all cities , amid the rural regions furnish
their foil quota of youthful depravity. In
fact , city-bred children are quite as ilkely
to grov up to be good men and women as the
children of time farming sections. The city
furimludies far batter educational advantages
titan time country , aild is richer in all that
lands to elevation and refinement. And
V. hue It. is true that there are various temp-
tationsto evil that are peculiar to tha cIty ,
It is also true that strong characters caimnot
be built tip ' 1 % ithout resistance of temptation.
Tile mnayor of Omaha vetoed th. curfew
ord'uance , but the city council passed it over
his veto , and The lice. the leading newa
paper of timat city , thinks that tLe ccuncli
made a mistake. Tha' lice imoids that eveiy
iav On the ytatute book that Is not enforcibie
tnd.8 to weaken public regard for ltv and
ppbiic respect for iawmalcers , It is conftdomit
that ( lila ordlnammee will ho a dcii lctt..r
from the outset , ani t ys that 3h peop. '
of Nebraica already have too many iaw
and ortilnancea that no executive enforces , er
Is expected to enforce. Onu of thesa is tlm&
antl-treat'ng law , ti'iiich has bcml imomnlnally
In force for fifteen years , limit , tImouimI ! ! violated
millions of timne. , no one 11118 aVer been ccc.-
victemi tInder It. Then there Is thu law ti'ut
imuakea the soliciting of alms a penal off .se
atid another law tiiit rovide' a penalty f.'r
rcfozlng t work. These r.ii.i reorea of other
lawa and ord'ilancea Inoraly I'mctmnthor miic
rtatuto booka , and , The Ilee aeena , encourage -
courage Ian' defIance.
Limb many of the propositions timat show
up in tue natiotmai capitam at every sesrion of
ccigreaa , , tlmee curfew Ordinances attempt
tIme lmpractiahle. Neither men , women , nor
children can be macto good by legislation ,
I'.trental authority cannot he so supplemented
by act of congress or any other legislative
body that no child will go astray. Amid there
Ia tiot a city , town or vIllage lii time United
States in trhlchm a curfew ordllance can
be fairly emmfor.ed. Fhe police omelals will
not arrest and imuprinaim the cittidren of
respectable varcnts If they happen to be
oumt a little too hate. Public sentiment touId
mlot tolerate etuclu eterfercnce in domestic
aiTaira. And a law that can only be enforced
against tlrn fricidiess will imot be enforced
at oil.
1'O1'U'Af. 1100.11 $ ,
Chicago Trlbmhne ( rep.t Perhaps Mr. Quay
will ho satisfied if the St. Louis convention
mileroly recognizes lila belligerency ,
Chicago Record ( md , ) : Seitator Quay Ic
perhaps timti only man in American history
wlmo ever experienced any tiuilIcuity In tnalmimig
the public believe that lie trould like to ho
president ,
Wasllington Star ( rep. ) : There are numner-
Qua democratic statesmen who think that
Mr.Viiitimey is time muon ( or time imomntnatioml.
Tie only diffIculty Ic tIme old omme of getting
Mr. Whitney to thilnlc so.
Minnoapohis Journal ( rep. ) : Although Gm-
oral harrison svill spend two months witim imis
bride in thto Adirondacks end in the depth
at ( ho forest , It. cannot bo expected that
ho will shut out all Information ( tonI St.
Louis duriimg lmimi retreat to tbmo leafy month
of Juno ,
New York Mail amid Express ( rep. ) : The
Robert 11 , I'attlajti boom for prosidemit Is
still fluttering around among ( lie doniocratic
comlventiomlmi Ia I'etmnsyivania , but Its antics
are not alarming , It looks big at a dIstance ,
but on closer exanmination it bears a strong
roaenibiance to tlmo peuIiar nator turkey-
a Florida fowl whlichl conslst mostly of
neck and : eathers ,
New York World ( dciii. ) : Mr. Whitney
would' be singularly exempt from ordinary
Imultialt emotions if be failed to derive a
vrofound eatifactloa fmoin time numerous
cud wIdespread expressions of opiniomm In
favor of hits candidacy for time pres'dency.
Time most gratlfylmmg feature of these opln-
Ions to hmiiii should be their manifest i'm-
cerity end sllclmt0000usiiosu , Very rarely indeed -
deed has It happened iii tIme history of
Amnem'lcun politics flint Any mtian has re-
celved such aupporL unolcItetl. !
Chicago ChronIcle ( detit , ) : "tirwle" IIoaco
hales , Iii ilis ICantuis City speech , said : "I
aIim for ono 1mm favor of biometailisnm , " "Uocle"
Horace is Iii favor of free silver. which is
hot ' 'b'.inctaiiisimi. ' " The Iowa statesman
timer does not know what Ito is In favor
of or lie prevaricates. 'flmero is no such
thtng as bimetaliism , wbmetlmor lie kito'ws
it or not , . Tue goidite voiiticiaim who , to
get silver votes , says that lie is a btnetal-
hat , dodges-attontlmts to mnitiead time mInd.
TIme siivonlte politicIan wimo says be is a
bimetallist also iii a dodger , It ho is in
favor of sliver lie is In favor of excluding
gold. This vhrase or word 'tilmeiaihisrn"
is a mere makeshift of shifty politIcians ,
iCansas City Journal ( rep. ) ; There 'viii not
ha mmmcli cmmtiiusiasia 1mm thu Cimleago con-
veittion , but there wili lie an abundance
of auimatohm. ! Time delegates from Missouri
aim4 inatly other vestern and southern states
wIll go witim a fixed deterunlnatlomi to adopt
a tree silver platform. The delegations from
tIme eastormi states will comae with as firma a
resolve to adopt a 501(1 ( platform. The latter
will Imavo time backing of the aiulinistratlon
amId time aeistaimce of some of time ablest
leaders In tbo party. Whemi these. opposing
hosts meet there will bo a clash , and a
battle will ensue that will eclipse in fierceness
ness and bitterness aimytlmIng of thu kiiid
alien in national cont'untions ha zitany Lu day.
ltllL't mu.lctN II01iY 1'lat1S ,
CnrrenoyInetioit'on.is1erp4 1 , ' tli
Stoic Cnmt't'ntt.ins tt 15041 ,
01110-We eoimtend for honest money : for
a currency of geld , shivtii' fluId ppcr with
which to measure our exchng , tiut shall
be as sound as time govcrnntent aitul as untarnished -
tarnished as Its honor ; and to that end we
favor bimotaliisn ) snd demminil the imso of
botit gout anti silver as a atnitmiard motmey ,
either in accordance with a ratio to be
fixed by an InternatIonal agreenment , If that
can be obtained , or ittidr shell restrictions
and such provlaions , to ho determined by
legislation , as will secure the mnalmutonanco
of time vanities of the values of time two
metals , i'd that the pmmrcltaaing and debt-pay-
Ing power of th dollar , whether ot sliver ,
gold or paper , lm1tll be t till tiiimcs equal.
NE\V YOltiC-Tllo agitation for ( ho free
coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to I son-
ously tliatimnbs all Industrial lnteiests iiitd
calls for it clear stateillemit of timO u'mpubiicatt
attitude tmpon this question , to the emitl flint
limo trade of this Country at lion ) ! ) attil
abroad tilay agalit be placed tmpon a soimitti
anti stable fountiatloim. We recogmmiza 1mm
the inovonuent for tlio free coinage of sliver -
ver an attempt to dgraulc the iong-estnli.
ilaii } standard of oimr tnonetmmry systeni ,
cud hence a blow to public anti vnivato
credit a 011cc costly to tli national goy.
erninemit and harmful to otmr domestic amid
forelgit commerce. UntIl timere Is a liros.
poet of lntermimttiemiai agreement as to all-
vet coinage , and whik , gold renimuilts the
stamiularil of time United States and of time
civilized world , fhn republican party of
New York declares itself in f5vor of the
uinmn and honorable maintenance of flint
stamldard ,
ItIASSACIIUSIITTS-Tiio time bus gone by
wliemi the republican party can afford to make
a dubious declaration omm ( ho sliver question.
It lies boon shown by ( lie senators from
Montamia and Idaho and Colorado , not once ,
but many tlntes , that they ar.m reptmbiicans in
lieiilt , merely for time purpose of provemiting
republicans legislating in favor of sound
tnomuey. They Immive i'hiown , by joining the
democracy in opposing thm 1)ingley bill. that
they cannot b depemided upon to 'support
evemi a revenimo measure that time party deenis
of imiitnetiiate and imperative necessity. Not
even motives of policy justify further tenipor-
izlng _ with men lute these.
'o ( in hot believe in the free coinage of
silver at time ratio of Id to 1. We do not
behievo that the United States alone and unaided -
aided shmoumld bear the silver burden of the
world , We do not lmelles'o that debts contracted -
tracted in gold should bo paId 1mm silver.
As long as the other great nations of time
world refuse to enter into a bimetallic agreement -
mont , there can be , from any Point' of view ,
but one basis for the currency of the United
States , and that baSIs is gold.
IOWA-lie ( Allison ) has been favorable tea
a true hiinmetalilsin , and ito has at nil times
labored to nmnintain on abundant currency of
gold , sliver and paper , matte interconvertibie
and equal to the bcst currency of thmo Coin-
mercial world. He has demanded for time
bumsiness ot time nation a currency equitable
and stable , free from time oscillations so daim-
geromla to business interests and unjust to
the vago carners of time natIon , s'hioao thousands -
sands of niliiomis of annual vages and many
thousand mtlliomis of credit in savings banks
and other formus constitute the great creditor
class of the nation ,
SOUTH DAKOTA-Whereas , There is a
diversity of opinIon among the republicans of
tIle state upon tile financial question ; atlul ,
whereas , we have perfect confidence iii the
wisdom and patriotism of time rcptmbiican
party timac shall assemble in St. Louis next
June flint it will consider amid adopt a piat-
form , broad and strong enough for every re-
pubiIcan to stand upon : therefore , we reaffirm -
firm our devotion and loyalty to time platform
adopted at Minneapolis in 1892 and adopt it
as our piatform until the national convention
shiall give us another.
ARKANSAS-Wa favor true bimotalliam
with such restrictiona and under such provisions -
sions , to be determined by legislation , as will
secure time maintenance of time parity of values
of the two metals , so that time purchasIng
and debt-paying power of the dollar , whether
of silver , gold or paper , shall be at all times
equal. '
TEXAS-We reaffirm the historic adherence -
once of tile republican party to sound flumanco.
We demand an honest dollar of greatest purchasing -
chasing iouver for every clan's alike ; the mang-
eat issue of gold , silver and paper pos.iblo
with security and tIme requirements of trade ,
mmli of equal value , interchangeable one for
time otimer , every dollar resting on goli as
money of final redemption. The repmmbticans
of Texas declare thmla to be , in theIr tklib-
crate judgment , time only basis for a large
and iiberal circuiatien of money amid for the
inaintenanco of univereal confIdence.
WISCONSTN-Tho republicans ot Wlrcon-
Sin are unyielding in timeir demand for honest
nioney , Wo are unalterably opposed to any
scheme that will give to this cauntry a depredated -
predated or debased currency. We favor
the use of silver as currency , but to time cx-
tent only and under rnmch restrictions that
its parity with goldmaybe maintained.
NEW IIAMPSHIJtE-Wo demand the enactment -
actment of currency laws that will provide
a cIrculatIng medium in gold , siivr and
paper which will always be interchangeable
mit Its face valumo because each and every dol-
br of it is of the ranme purchasing power
its a gold dollar.
UTAH-We ask our delegates to St. Louis
to do their utmost to secure in the national
repubhicami platform a full acknowledgment
of the imperative need of a return to real
himetalliem , and a pronitnn of its swift odop-
tiou without regard to other nations by opum.
big our nmints to time free coinage of gold and
sliver at a ratio of 15 to 1 ,
OREGON-Thmo Anmenican people from tra-
m1itln and interest favor bintetahlismn and time
republican party demands the use of both
gold amid silver as tandar.i money. with suclm
restrictions end under stmchi provialcos , to be
determined by legiaation , as will secure time
nmaimitemmanco of the parity of values of tIme
vo metals , so that time purclmat'ing and debt-
paying power of time dollar , whether of ru-
var , geld or paper , shall ho at all times
equal , The interest of time producers of ( lie.
country-its farnmers anti Its workingmen-
demand that every dollar , paper or coin ,
Isoued by tIme govoroment shall be as good
as c-ny other dollar ,
i'ImtS0SAb AN1) O'1'J1ld1t'VlS1.
Spain's flying squadron has not ventured
to sea yet , Western gales are dangerous ,
Time wife of President Kruger is not. a
leader of socIety , but. she is one Cf the best
bread makers In time Transvaal.
Nature may be accounted slow and fickle ,
but when she turns a now leaf at this sea-
Eon it is good for six mflOiltlms.
Two subscribers of a South Dakota paper
niake a practice of paying a year in advance
every timimo they get full of miroimibition. One
of timeni is credited to l1l , Time publisher
- -
- -
ita 1101 uttoremi a worth of complaint , htmL
"ottld give Li liberal smmiii to learn tlmo brand
C , timc'ir uoZe
The legislatttre of ( Thin is seninmaly con-
slth'ting nit anti-treating bill , Such measures
are imaefui chiefly In suiehilmig the bill of the
iiubik irinter
A now Ohio law gives r&ntlvca of a lynched -
jierson time privilege of siting the county
% 'hcro the rope-stretching teak tilaco for
$1,000 damages.
hI the flnltisim ummumseunt Is a book In Arabia
by the late "ClIlOtSo" Gordon , It was printed
at Khartoum , and coutalmis his views regard.
lug the Souttlan ,
If time ( 'imlian troOps utteul explosive bullets
at time hattie of Salt Hia , as alleged , it I , a
little remarkable that the SpanIsh losses ,
ofllciaily reported , worn only fifteen Inca
wounded and 00110 kIlled.
The newest soeiet fail Is to have tlio
feattires of a man's wife or aweotheart carved
oil the bovl of hIs tneerachntmm. Time ladies ,
it Is understood , are altvays Ilietused with time
COifliiIflleflt , altll.lii5il tIme emtuokcra tm000SMriiy
make it hot for tltent.
flotii ImotiseS ot ( ho Nets' York legislature
have Passed the 1)111 requiring railroads to
carry bicycles unboxeti as baggage , Sltutilti
the iovormior aimproto the net , century rulers
cai lnmmltipiy their records imtdeflmtitoiy Witll
out expending much perspiratiomm.
Sinuin's first arbor day was celebrated to-
ceiltiy. The young king liantei ( a samiimig \
near Madrid , alter which coreimlony Of5)
scllooi children followed hits exammtple , hlnch
one C : them received a iimctlal beaniug the
inacrlptiotm : "First Arbor 1)ay , instItuted Iii
the iteigu of , tlfonro XIII 159G. "
No than over becomes vroiimhicnt In any
part of the world vho ( bCe not tlicever that.
he hia rel.mtives in time Utiited States. Among
noteil moon of the munmemlt s'hio are claimed
as relations by Aniericemis imu val'lotms parts
of tlmo country are I'resident ICrttger of tlmo
Transvaal , General \\'eyler , 51g. Crispi , ( hen-
eral liaratierri and others ,
Tiiontas hiarmir. tIme Imovehiat , is titus described -
scribed by mu writer iu'lmo has recently itmet
liiiim : ' 'his clmeelc are sbgimtl' sutnitetm cutid
his skhmi is sallow , siieoklilg of sedentary
labors , Limo muldmmlght latmtp , anti of a cotmetitum-
tion that could not support thte sustaIned
atraimi of an arduous task , Yet his eyes
toil ammothmer tale , and lloa.ess that lhlO
pltorescent lIght timat iadicate energy. Time
solution of these coimtradictory remarks hntmst
be that he is mucimtally as robust as be is
physically delicate. "
Texas SIfter : There is no tick In time
siietit w'atclles of tIme nIght.
' "I'\'e d'antago
Chicago 'rnlbuimot \ got one
ot'er you still , " smiki the carriage horse ,
lolcitmg at ( lie bicycle itt tIle iiext stall
"W'lmen 1'Iit wOm'n out I 0mm be worked imp
into glue and canflelbeef , anti youm can't.
flicitmoimul Gazette : As thIC hmtmrricatmo
8i't'Pt tiio deck amId utpet mm. few ymmclttsiuomm
it breezily remmmrked : "I guess I can turn
an occasional stifltlilL'r-'Sait' nm'elf , "
Harper's Ilazar : Mrs. , Tones-Thimt Mrs.
Tucker next door must be aim awful gon4ip.
Mr. Jones-Why , s'Imat's thin mv now ?
Mrs. Jones-Oh , notlmimmg in particular , bitt
I hover CUll tell 11cr mullytlmllig but what sIlo'S
heard it before ,
New York I'resa : "What is mull thmat row
in tile dining-room ? " asked the dinia
museum malinger , 'wItli amino liritation ,
"It tb hO time glass eater , son' . ' ' aitl tile
zutu : chlleftaio. "lie says ( Ii' cook give
him a cracked tooinbler , aim' lie cut his
toong on It. "
Yonkers Journal : Weary WIggins-Un-
easy Wahker is do luckiest feller on do
Tired Traddle-Hows dat ?
Weary Wiggins-Ito's a sommmnanthutlist , an' '
does mdi his walkitm' in his sleep. Dat gives
him all day to loaf In.
Detroit rree Press : Cumso-Tho queue a
Chinainan wears in mndicativo of tile back-
vardnCsS of Ohms.
Cawlcer-How tb you make thlat out ?
Cumso-Isn't it aiways hanging behind ?
Chicago Tribune : flambo-I have bougllt
a bicycle. and now I suppose i've got to
have a lantern if I do any ridIng after
Baldwin-A lantern ? Great Scott ! Wlmmtt '
does a man with such a nose as yours
need of any other headlight ?
Chicago Post : "Look nut him ! " crieti the
delighted Colorado aiverite , watchiing illS
first born ,
"What's lie doing ? " asked tIle neighbor.
"Doing ! Just see 110w lie is reaclllng for
flint spoon p. "
" \S'hat of It ? "
" ' silver. "
"Why , it's
GOOD FOlt EvTr4.
u,1ge ,
It yomm pompose , oh. leap-year lassie fair ,
'Tis safe on man's behalf to pronilse you
He'll not assume a manner light as air ,
As you so often do.
And wllen your eyes in languishment seek
his ,
liegging a glance , it not mu word that's
kind ,
Ho will not n'nv : "l'ee-hee ! Your necktie Li )
' \\ray UI ) behind. "
A % 'lOSrliitN czmu.
New York Sun ,
11cr eyes . 2
win ; nimtchm time western skies
When svesterml skies are bluest ;
Her heart ' .
Wilt always take its part
Wilero wcstermm lmeaits are truert ,
11cr cheelts
\Vliemm aiirniration speaks ,
Are ( aim' as woterim roses ; I. '
Brigllt pearls , .
Tim gems of western girls ,
11cr winning smile discloses ,
Her hair
Is sft nit cloudletnm fair
That fleck thu skies of morning- '
A crown. '
A ut'oaithm of golden brown. 'j
This eearl of girls adornimmg ,
Her volco
By nature anti 1) ) ' choice ,
F'emm tiloSo wino iclmow her slightest
wii : find
Soft mis the western wind .
W'tmemm zeplmyrs whisper lightest.
Tier latigh I'
114 lItilt its tvine , or chaff ,
On' footfalls soft of fairies ,
Or ljroSlcs
That bubble through the nooks
Of all those western prairicm.
She'll be.
whmilo rivers reach tile sea ,
Or blue lclos bend muliovo her , '
Tim pearl
Time swecEest , dearest girl
That ever won a lover.
Her youth ,
Wit , , ( t1 Its 'winsonme truth , '
Ahmi , how' wall I know it ;
Will claim
A song of love nmmd fame
From some youpg western Voot ,
But she ,
In other ilays , maybe ,
My secret will disaver ,
Ami then
She'll know time best ot men
Was ltei' O'Vii truest iovor.
- - -
. + , , eSG--t- , , , . + . . . . .45tI54 + 4' + + 44 + + - $ + + 44 + + ' 4 + me
orricc or
-'ISUnHAMr4.C ,
T ALL DcitrSlr You : nra entitled to recelvo
FREE from your wttolesie deeler , '
Blackwell' Genuine
M ehant Durham Smoking
Tobacco buy. One bar
vItti each pound ,
of soap Ireo
' ' ' 1 whether i6 oz. , B oz. , 4 oz. , or
'h Rotal 2 OZ , , packages.
We have notified every WIlOlO.
itIo dealer In the United States
that we will supply thorn with soap
to give you Order a good
uppIy of U Nf3 DURHAM at
once , and limBlet on getting your
soap , OnebarofSoap FRiEvltiI
each pound you buy. 'soap is
offered Ioi' a limited time , ao order
to-day. Yours very truly ,
. . , , , , $ , If you hayl any difficulty in procuring your
soip , cut out this notice and send it ltb
your order to your wliolcuio dealer ,