I- 18,180a. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'I ' - - - - - - - - - - - - iE:1E : ! OMMIA DAI1xi1 I. 1tOSYAT1t ! , FdUor. _ _ L- - - - - - - - - - - - - runi.irniin vinY MonN1ro. . - - - ; ; ; OI HUflscnhlrrIo : . ; : gaIly Ilee ( Vtthcut Sunc1 , Oru Tr $ O ) iIty Ue ftntl flund , One eftr . . . . , , . . , , . . 1 nO 1 ; x 1.cnth . , . . Thre , ) .Tontht , , . . . . , , . * Rufldgiy On Y.ar . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 2 00 RftttIrJay Ilee , Tear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 lVeelI7 lice , Ono Ye&r , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Omftb. Th fle lluttllng. South Ornflhri. IUn r fllk , Cnr. ? t .n4 211h StL Council niiitr , , i ? 4orth Mln Street. Chicago Otflee 17 Chainter of Commrc. New York , floomi. 12. 14 nn1 15. TrIbune l3Idg. Wnithtngton , 147 F Streets N W. COflflESroNnNc1g All cntnmunkntIon rInttng to news CI'1 I tor11 matter ? IInuld 1)0 n4lrresul : Ta the 4ltor. flt'SINES $ LE1rEnS : Alt bunq'ii , ! ptterR nnd remttntce ) houl4 be etlJrefteed to Tu ! Tlee ThibUehln Comian. Omntij. flrnfls , heck nn4 xtnmee ordere to be mj T'flYahtC to the nrer of the ompinv. TItl nri 1'UflT11ING COMI'ANY. . - . 8TATiMtNr 0V C1ItCULATO. Oeorge 13. T.eehuk. secretory ot The flee rut , . ttetitng company. ts'tng duly wot-n , ears that the RttInt flUrnIer of tutt nn4 cmp1ete cotei t tti DOlly. MornIng. } venIn nn1 Siin1sty flee Vrtntel during the monti of Mnrch ISO WflS fl fot. IoWt I . I&n ! 1R.n. , 2 . 17.D7 it a . 4 . . . 1.92 19 , . . . . . . . . . . . ri 1R.04 * 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17ft 0 IR.013 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1t.05 . . . . . I&Od7 ; 21 . . . . .o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.O 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V . . . . 2. ; ' . . 17j1t7 20 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17t192 " . . 12 , ; 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.02 ; 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . . . . . 1.07 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.22 O 5 . ' i. D.orM 31 . . . . . . . . . . . 17 03 iG . . . . . . . . is.or - Totit Le ( kftUtIO1 for uneGhi cml eturnel copte ! Net enI Net , Fit3p overage 1R.OO ( HOfl(1T TI. T7.ICtIIICK. Itvnru to before me nn1 etlCrJbej to toy preenco flite 2.1 drty nt AtrIl , ( Seal. ) N. 1' FCIL , Notary Pubtic. , Nebrnsltt's ( lOtIble.JIefller ( to Clilcogo IS pretty well stnretl ( ttlrcatly. ' , \7Iiy 8Io11tI ) Coin llnrvey Irn roStir- recte(1 ( itt this stuge of the game ? Is hot ec-Coligressiinii , Itryin : eqittil to the tisk of .SIIPIIhIilg ) ( the frct silver ( bc- trine aitiotig ( lie : inolntetl of Nebrnska ? "All Is not lovely hi the rpiibhlcnn Cami ) , " exclaims our hysterical free shl. var t1eino.pouihIst contemporary. But this hinilelujurn must tiot be taken to fl'a1 ! flint nil Is lovely hti the (10(110. ( crutic camp. Thiurston COtiflty ii ; coming down to the state coiiveiitlon with two contest- tug ( he1lItOflS ! just. to gvo Nebraska rehubhlcuis ) : a flavor of the contest bust- floss' that h lQl1n(1 ) t be one of the inato features of time great gathering at St. Louis. An agitating ( IlleStioll in Lancaster County [ flhItICS-1t4 time cimnirmnaim of time ieptibiicnn county coiiiiiiltlt'e elected or fiPPolliteti ? Aml if lie Is renhly ill- polutel , though nonihitahly elected , In wiioimi has the n1)IoIntluet1 been veste(1 and by what right ? UI ) to ( late there nrc seventy contested - tested seats In t1m rc1)l1bhrcan iiattoiiai COUVeUtIOR. If time double-headers continue - tinue to be flhiimoiiimced with time same freqqeucy tiuring .t1ie repm1fflng Perlo(1 befr t1me CO11C1tIQj ! jre(1Ictel 100 Contests will materIalize s'Ithout difil- duity. Vit11 . 8. . new 1)rlgitdler general at Its head , tite Nebraska Na- tiotmiti Gl1(11I ( Is as ever ready to respond to time cotuilry's first call to arms. But along with all other good Nebraska. citizemis , time militia will notobject to a proioimgatiomi of tile state of IeicC. Murderers vhio cliopse New York or Ohio as the sitts for lime coninilssIon of their crimes will do so hmezicefortim with time ktiovle1ge that they svii ! shufile ofr this mortal coil 1)3' time electrIct1 route. If thii'y tirefer time old 1101111) hue they will keep carefully away from those two states. * 10.d wftilic t1e council Is considering the subject of discarding gasoline lamps niul siubstitutimig ziie lights thmerefor It would be well for Umut hotly to Inquire whether oi hot time eieetrlc lights south of llamiscoin Ilark miiIhmt not be sup- Ilflflted i' gasolhmmo 1aumujm. It is a uoor rule that will not waik 1)0th W'nys. Cohhis Ilummitlttgtomi dlii riot have everythIng his owiu way In his recent ro-ehection to the preshleuicy of time Southern Pacific. 'l'lmere vus : sonme op. POsitloim , JIovevtur trivial. lluntitmgtomm ought to rutmi for some elective oflico vithiin time gift of time Imatrons of hmis various rozuis ammd lenrim by experience Iio' poulnr lie Is with time PeoPle. Time receivers of time Ummiomi Pacille railway 11(1(1 ( tUb Bonn ! of I'tiblleVoiks have limmaii3' got together on time matter of extetuhimug time Chicago street sewer through time lower yards to a conmiec. tea with time river outiot. There wIll floy be no oceaslomm for further dL hmmy 1mm time vork whiic'h mmimouil l' all means be uhtiishmed before time imot stmnmmmmui veathmer seta iii. 141111(1 ( Commimmmissiouei ItumselI 1)eVSIStS in asserting that Secretary Akers Is time best imydraumile engImmet in Nebrlwka. It time secretary of time tttttt Board of Irrigation v1mo tirtet1 ( out as a chmOoi teacher , thmiu vmts coluyet-te1 limb a ittvyer mm tm(1 ( Iltmmuhly uxierlmnentetb at f1murmumiiig , I time best hmydrnuhic eimglmmeer Ill Nebimimika , what kimmd of emmglueerH (1005 thIs state lOmtt3t ? It Ed 1Iovehi miimtl It1ward FJ. IIovtll are otmo mind time muammue imerson then we IlitYc mit least ommtm imlmimm In the ( belIloeratle party In Nebraska witim his political lpgm1 long etmoumgim to m4t rmuldio hot Ii time free sliver anti limo gold stmummdard. I1 1Iovei1 Is tL mmmemmmier of time free silver delegation amid Etiwaril J. lEoweil Is (1. IflUtlulet' of time multmilmmistrntloii utnU- ftetm silver delegation. 'Vimore Is AIr. howell at ? Rev. Jolmim % 9iiIiiiims Immus just llscoy- _ _ _ _ creti timat tImit : exclusive garbage con. tract is mu mmmost ( hisgraeefub outrage impomm _ _ _ _ time people ( If Otmmmmima. Thmo Bee ino cltiitmmetl this fact vimilo the sctumulttiotts guqbage ordimmamico wzw meiuJiimg 1mm thm coumucll , but time tuxpmuyermm did not imeeti the imote of warnimmg. Time question mmow resqives Itself hiuto time tline-wovui Interrogatory - rogatory attributed to Boss Tweed1 " \hut nroyougolngto do about IL ? " I riiiri'iar'a DIl Z'S'111I1 ( ItfI.fl ) ) Over fl(1H ( ) ( ) ( ) of thI ( ltmotiey belotig 11mg to time hrImmnment , , tu'hnoi ( timiti o ci ftm1 Mitt remit mu I ii s U II I ivest ed I ma t iii' imnimmi of time Stn tO tr'nurm'r.'hilio ( t I m is ( 'tI 011m10115 Sit Iii 1 t ri ii gt ml 0 1 ii t ert'st to time simile , immor ( lmnmi this mtmmmonnt of registeted state vnrrnnis fltP otmlstntmtl- Immg nmml drmivimmg 5 her veimt for their hollers. 'time itmeonue frotmi time JpmmliIutmeIit schioot fimmud is , under time cotistitu- tillI. ibemlicatett to time support of time lltihiC ) sehmois nmitl tiiStLihtmtOl , ( jn'riomhi- caihy to time various coummiles amid titroulgim timeni to time scimool districts in time ratio of time ehmiltireim of school age. Six Imunitiremi tlmoimmmummd hmhimuvs itivesteti at 6 iu't ( t'mmt votiitt 101l (1. ( II'VCIIIIC of OOt)0 ) a year. 1mm keeping timis emmor- Immous sumil utmprodumctive time 1)111)110 ) ) SCIIOiS ( of Nehrnskmt are beimig literally t01)hC(1 of 0O0O enehi' year. At 5n ( ) ( ) yemui. 1oi ( NtI teacher , witirim is a. veiy liberal estimmmnte , sixty tenelmers cotihi hmne lmeemm Imired for thus lmmomIe3' nmmml mit. least 1,500 1)111)115 ) coumhl haive cmujoyed time be1melit4 of immstmtmctiomi in time PtmlhlC ) schools. 'l'imo ulTect of yitimimoitlImig 'i0,0 { ) ( ) a year framu I lie school m1piOrtitmIfllOIlt ) imas eitlmer mieprivetl time State of time services of sixty teachers or limis forceti time tax- iilYOlS ) to early an mmdmlitiomunl bumrdtmi of : ioooo a year , of vhmidh they could amid simouiitl himtve heemi reiim'vetl. \Ylty , thlemI , S1OUh(1 ( time Ste to Board of Etlucat iomimm I Lmimmd timid Fumnbs refimse to order time inveatmumemit of time Idle 5011001 imtommey lii interest-lmt'arlmmg se eurlt losVo can rtaiily ? ( uuImberstIumul ( lmy time state treasurer voum1tl prefer to hmuvo flO0,0)0 ) in cash at his disimosul OtItt4idO of timt buds which lie Is re. ( llti(0l ( to 1)111cc at. tmmterest 1mm ttmo ( IPsig- hutch state deimouttories. But it Is in- exilicabie ) vhmy ammy otimer state olileer emu ' time 1)0111(1 ) 8110111(1 ( be so indifferent to time mummmifest intereut of time slate mtmlI ( time rigimts of public seimooi ( imil(1remi Their relation to timis IulOuley is ( lint of trustees charged wIth time almuimuim4tra- tion of atm eimdowmneiit fuumd ielicmtttl , , to th ilconlotion of polImilmr emlucatiomi. Of nil time state fumids , this is time most sacred , a nul time constitution contains an express 1)rOViHtOuI ) tlmat Iti simuii umes-er be tliumiimuisimed. There Is mme lmiterest so dear to time peolile of Nebraska. its their puihic school system , amId mm net or omission of their olilcers that liii- pairs its usefulness or 1)revemlts its fullest - est deVelopment vIi1 be comidomied , aimd uumuichi less sauctioneti. FOR EARLY AD.TOTIRNMEIVT. It Is presummneti timat ? [ r. Dlmmgiey , lime reituimhIcutIl lender In the house , Is In ( tilt accom d witim Slealcer Heed in regard to time pohiey of the majority , so that his ( icciaratton Iii time callous Saturday even- lug in favor of an early adjournment of congress , lierlmaps as soomi ( IS time mitt- tile of May , may be accepted , as reflect- hag time desire of time speaker. Time dhtuirniaii of time ways : uml umienmis colim- flllttee said there wa { coiisidei-abio gemi- oral legislation before Congress , but munch of It . : s ouitL lutvu to be left tin. ( louie and he thought tite reIumbllcana should make every nn1eavor to adjourn its roomi as the approjmriatlomm bills are iflSSed. ) Ijmmdoubtediy time ptmbiie nhm(1 iai rticuiariy time financial amul business interests of time country will be 1)iellSei ( with this iWoiosai ) nmmd wIll earimestly itohte thlflt It will be carried imito effect. There does not appear to be amiy vaihi rtMlsOll why congress simouid remnmtiti In t4osSiouI a tiny after time flPProPrimttIoli bills are passed , because it is emitirely certain Utat there can be no legislation emi matters of time mnost urgent Imii- Iortmtmuce. Time emmmergemtcy reYenuI 1)111 1)flssed by the house wIll llQt ie ) noted 111)011 by time senale , nor would It be pOSSii)1O for time two houses to agree 111)011 UflY duireuicy mneasuire. Time deimi- ocrats and free sliver muiemu of time semi- ate are ( letermmlltmel to prevent amiy reve- mmuo or cul-remley ieglsintlomm. Timere are olimer subjects of a. general imature which It Is desirable to immive legisimutiomi on at titis session , iut tlmey cmiiivttit vitim- out serious hmmjury to any interest. \Vlmat time feeihmmg in time semtte Is ye- gardiug mmmi ( a1'i3' itdJournmmmoumt is not kuowii , ittit It iS immoimuuitie time reinmi- ) icaiis ! ol timitt hotly w'hii acquiesce \vitii those of the imouse. Ammotlier inontim ought to be flmimiO [ timne lii vimieim to dispose of time flimprOlrifltlOfl 1)1115 amid immtvitmg (10:10 that comigress cmiii ad- jottrii with the hiemiity tIplrObatiOll of the country. ( JAN INForwtJ TIffflUUIQJITS. Ommmhma retail mnercimants are In post- tiomi to tb imiore toward brlngiimg about tile comustructiomm of time 1)10iSel1 ummiomi (1PlOt ) at time foot of lammmamn street timami mummy other ngemmcy. Retail merchants arc much milore IImlPpOmmlemmt of railroad iii- Ittiemico miutti mmiuclm iess suiJect ) to the caimi'ice of traltic mnimimmgers timIlil are the joimimers amid nuummumfnetumrors 'Tue re- tmuiiers mtio uumtrt Over time ieSt ) mayIiig initrotis of time railiomids uummti their ad- jiummetim , tlm eXlflS5 ! comupiuimies. 'Pita bulk of slmipmnemmts recolved by retailers or mantle for timemmi Is taxed at tl'ie Imigimest tai'iff rates. A commmimarat ively mimmiit ) er- cemutmge : of timeitctmmmsigmmmueimts commies In carload lots , 'Fite bumsimmems of time retailers - tailors , tot ) , cammnot ie nft'ectetl by tue tiisfavor of mmmmy 1)8 rticuhar railroad , vimiit , on time Otimt'r imammil , no raiiromul cmumm afford to tilsimemise vithm tlmelr piitm on. age. It goes witimout ummyimmg timat time SoD immercimunts iii tito Omminlma Retailers' associattoim Cliii make thiemuseives a Ilotemttlmul ( actor Iii enforcing m-ecirocity ! itJtVeemm OImlmuimIt aunt limo raiiroatis timat cotmipete ( or luIsiImtss ? 1mm Omnmtima , 1mm Imiuslmmess as iii politics those vlio are mmot with us are tmgaiimst its. Tile imumsimmess mmiemi of Ommmmutimt Immuvo buemm cr11)- Ideti by the lack of pnssemmger depot facilities ammd wretched aceommiimmodntloun fet tramisieimt travel. 'l'imis condition imas existed for mummy Y'LUS amid hits been PltliOmmtiY 1)0(110 ) ( uiitich longer timmtmm vould have beemi toiertuteti In amiy other city or village ( or timat umlatter , In tiemuimimiding timmit nil time railroads entering Ommiahtt shah join iii time oc- cumpmnmcy of IL conmtnodiotms , centrally i)08t0l ( ttmiion delOt ) the citizens of Ominuima zisk mtotimiimg unreasonable , Titt'y do not tusk It as a coiiecssion or special favor , lint us mt rigltt to wimicim they are entitled , Time necessity of union dejotiias been officially declared by time Statti hlnmmt tl of 'PrnnsIortnhlon ) , before 'iitdh limo imu'm'lltm of time case s'lm e fully diseuisseti. ' 'liethmer thin order of ( in' IHa rd cmiii be ( 'IifoVCl ( lii time eotmrs ( or mmot time coiimnniitty is in 1)0510011 ) o enforce its rigimts oh time limit' of veciproeity1 Time nwrclmnimls mutmil lamsimmess inca of Omnimima vtmht1 be cer tnlmmiy jtmstiileml imm exnctimmg from every rahironl that seeks their patronage mu liberal policy in retuirhi. In otimer vords , tiit' ' ni e privileged to require nit cx- elmamige of favors. Ammy rmuiiromul thoU iPrsists ) in crlpllimmg ) Ommimilma nmiml imnmnper- hug its trade by a. tlog-Itt-thme-mimmtmiger halleY solicits inmtrommng& ' frommi Ommmnhmn with very poor grace. On lIme otlmer imanti , time railroads timuit s1mov a (1151)051. ) tiomt to accord to Otmmahmn time depot facilities for whicim it imas been so long waiting siIouil i)3 i'tghmts be givemm time lireferemmee lit time tlistrilititioii of , cotmi- Petitive tralile. If time imiemliers of time Retailers' as- 5o1'lmititfl will net Iii coilcert they vii1 80011 lie zulmie to inmuke mmii imupressiomi. If they viii take time iemmtl nil otimer 1mm- terests iuiulst ( mmii 1mm nimd sulpimort timemim in nmmy course that they muiay dcciii lwoiier atmd effective. _ ; ; ; ; ; : zo IM.IiTIoN TIOX. It was devPiopNi in time enuiculs of time Imoimse rt'imutlmik'mmmms Satummilay timmi t timero : iit prolabiY ) iP 110 iegisimution reimutimmg to immmmnigratiomu mit time ireselmt sessioui. 'I'lme meiImliicmmi ) ) lcmmdt'rIm. . Dimigley , exlresscd time ( ) iilmiomm titmit. tile Inimfligrfl- tiomu qumestlomi voumid be muummolig tims1 ( wlmicii coumbi muot 1)0 taketi ump at thin M'St4iOmt nmmti ? Ir. l'umyne of Nesc , ork urgeti tittit immuttY policy ( hitmltPtl ! timal the qumestlomi iie iflSScl ) by lie tUsp saiti tiimtt the lmirt imhmutfoimim. did umot jumstify smicli u-uuhleni hegisiat ott this simi- ject mis 1)t01)OsPtl iii tIme lulls imefor' comigress. One of these menstmres iro- vitles for aim educational test for limmuimi- im amit.t ; amid anotimer iiOise comisuimir exmm mumiuma tiolL f1'hmeso vere tiisctusseMh miutti tuitimotighm time callous took ito aetlimim reguuiiimlg tlmi mu , oviumg to tlm suumail mtttviidmuiuce , It vuus evitlemitly time irett geuieral semmtimmmeimt timmit It w'ould be vise hot to lress tlmetum at tlmis si'sstoum. if s.eim It ; time tbeisiomi of time lmouise lPlui- ) hicaums It Is unquestbommaiily judicioums. 'J'iiULfl are very strong amid soummiti oh. jP'tiOmmS to tue iiilS vimlchm loive beemi ie- 1)0t'tei frommi time Imnmmiigt-nt iomi commummit tee amid tlmere can 1)0 lIt ) doubt Ihimut time enactmueumt of tlmese mmmeumsures would bi humrtful to time relubhicnmm larty. lint apart from timut eomisideratiomm , there 13 lit ) necessity for time proimosc'd legislatiomi. 'Phie t'xtmt1umg invs fumruiishm mmmimple it0- tectioum migaimmst umtmdt'slraimie inunmigramits , if itOi)0m13 enforced. Time demminmiti for mulore restriction Is not slllIortel 1)V aity Sound reasoim amid It Is oI)1)OsOd to time Public interests. rim 'uiw Fen niwzwssro There are several rensoims whm t.be business of time country lags and proimmi- nemmt tummiong thmemn is time ummirest respect. lug time cumrreflt'y. Time iweshlemmt of one of time great raIlroads of time country saiti imi ii. recemmt Imiterviev timat time grent imectl of time bumsimmess world JC1f nevis is a soumid clirremmey system. Tim free sliver cry simatters conhitlemuee and credit at imommie amm(1 ( niron(1 ( ammtl iaral3-zes nil l)105lPCtS ) 01' a revival of trade. Asked his tpiumiouu as to vimemm bumsimmess 'Iil immmprove. lme said : "It Iii immuprove time mutmunte tIme St. Louis convemitioti iuts a iimmImi , but iOSitIYe , ilLmImk 1mm its iimtt- ) form for sotutmd umlomicy , so timat loplc CVei'y\Vllere can tmndot'stnmiml it. tmmd- timen , If time Cimieago commvemmtion does iikewise , we simail immive a slitumdid he- ginmutng for a revival of business. Suelm a declaration of lrimmcillc vouid 1)e ) lime ieSl kimul of a. tommic to tralo. BuisImmes wouii begimi to ioonT iigimt away. A straight soumid nmommoy pimimmk vommld he a. notice to Europe of vimat we imutemmd to do. Comllideumce wonid is restore(1 ( , credit uvommid Imimprove amid colunmerce YOmult1 be 1)elmefltPd ) in nil CiI9mmIiels. " herein is reflected time weii miigh ummi- versai opinlomi amnong . Immteiiigemmt mmiemi In all ( IL'iartuuemmts of biisimie. 'I'Itey Vegau(1 ( It as 8hSOilmtel3' sseuuIial In time full restoration of commfldeimce anti tit returmu of inisimmess activity amid pros- iOVItY ) that time cuImremiey qmmestioim simnul him settled 1mm fmmvor of tue existing mnone- taiy stmutmdumud mmmlii timey look to time re- lI'.iii'mmI ) iiam't to do this. 'I'imat. unItY 1155 lIi\8 , ' $ stood for mimi homiest , noumm(1 arti stmmlie ) CuImi'Jicy amid it. is eXJeCtCtl ) to tb so now'Viieim , there is mm umiost urgent lemnnmmd for sum explicit mntt mimi- uiuistmmkmmblo eximressloui on this subject. II' time St. Louis comiventiomi simiuil mmmmike su'.clt ami entmmmeiatiomm regardimig time cmmr- motley 1114 tIme soumiti mnomm'y semitimiment of time eoummtry imopes it will , tlmere can bti mit ) doumimt timrmt time effect umjmomm uluiamm- cimmi amid liumsimiess aiTmiirm4 wIll h Imnme- thimitoby bemieficial , whuile time sumecess of tim inmrt itt Novemnber vouii 1)0 foi. lOW'tl at oumee ly ) a decided revival of immvestmnemtts and of tratbe. . 1mm order timmut the muationni commventiom immay tuke a 1)OSit01m ! In ( muvor of imommeat il0it ( ' flint cmmmmuot : lie mnisummmmierntood It Is ummanifestly imnuortnmmt timat time re- pumiIicaum stmite commvemmtiomms FtlmmIii it right emu this qumestlomu. Most of those timums ( mur Imeiti Immuve imeemm so , butt imm mu few eases their emmumimeimutions immmve iuemi ovumsiv anti amniigmmous. 'rime exigenev calls ( ot liliIIi ) speecim , time immeammimig of vlmic1m cammnot he mmminuuiiimmeimemmded or mmmis- Immtoipretetl , ammil If time stitte comm'emmtioims yet to lie imeld slmnul himonoummee for hmomm- est mnomiey Imi no doubtful imumigunge there sIiI ho no diluietmity 1mm muectirimig frommm time umntioumrmi convommtiomi aim expressioml cmi time euirreimey that w'ill be satisfn.c- tory to time sound mmmouey sentInmemit of time cotmiitry. Commvemmtiomms nme yet to ho hmoki In states time mmmjority of vlmoso reptmliiicamt voters are OiuOsthi ) to time free nud ummlitmmited coimmltgtl of silver at 10 to I nuni desire time mmmmmitmtemmtmmmce of time gold stammdmtrd , ' .i1lmese commvemmtions simotmld expiteitly declare this , mnaklmug ito comnprommiim4o with or comiccssiomm to those who favor free silver. 'flmero mmmst 1)0 ) 110 ummiddie groummu in this matter for time repumbhican lUtVtY. iow'ui 1)101)OS0s to tax CX1)V0SS corn. uaumies 2 imer cent uiiioii miet enrimltmgs In time state. 'l1imemo is no doubt timat timese great corporat iomms escape tmixatlotm that ouglmt Imi fairness to lie paid by thorn. It it : itt rigimt to eommmpei time PfliUco car cowpauies to pay local and state taxes - - - - - - - - IL is ( , ii mlm'Imml Mmmcli tt ) mnemmt of tin' t'xrbss totmipimmites nmmd of hit' fast fmig1mtcommimuttmlcs doimig bust hess itt hit' state vimere' timey nvmm lit ) 1)rupcrty immU'u4'At. Accordlmmg tue netitig cimfliVmminii of timt' repuiiiii'nim ) state conitimittee time vice- tlomm of three If he cmuiitlidtites fat' t1Ci0 gatc-ntinrgt' vbraskmt to St. Louis is getit'raiiy , 1omm edcti , and tIme ommly light will hi' oTer time cimoice of time fourth muami t tllfmptt'te time detegatiomm , If time l)0Sse ) % mtve relieved time repumim- hicamis of time from time tnsk of so- icetimig three of time foimr delegates-nt- large to v1mieim timn partY is emmtitied , it ouid imave lmeeiu nut act of citnilty auth Ccommommiy for thmemu to have fimmislied time job 1111(1 th ispemmsed is-i Ut I lie formnmui Ity of IL state comivemitiomi. liven if timey mime hot thisposeti to thu timis , time cOlt for time state convemitioti ought to be recalled tumid m'evlsed so timat. it provimlos mint for it ( 'ommvelmtiomm to select four ilelegates-at- imtrge , but for it eommventiomm to miammie one delegate-at-immrge amid to ratify the mip- ioimitmnemits Of tite other thmupe , Comitested comigresslomini eiection are ( 'xiCmlHi'.e ) ' luxuries. 'I'iiey itever cost time tmixpumyemM ies timnmt .0O ( ) for ucii lemStn ) ctimmtt'steti miumd contest- big amid imiuve beeim Jumowtu to colmie mis imigim as $4,5tO. ) Comitestammts have ovemm lmeemi accused of ummukimig their comitests soiei' for time iiiommey tlmey were sumre to get out of time treasury iii time shape of imubemumuilleation for CX1)CumsPt4. ) At time stumue : tlmiie it voumhl be not ommly a imiuni- 51111) hut ami immjmmstice tt ) keel ) a luau ( itui3t'iected to ( 'ohugress out of his sc at because umumable to pii time cost ( if mu comm. test. In nil these eases coimgrcss sitIui(1 ( act out time resumits of careful investigmu- tiomi. if It m3lnmumhl ommee refuse oxpemisen to imersotus who coimtest vitimotmt time cohor of cause amid appnrcmmtiy vitim fraudulent littemits , It vouhl sonul mit 8. stoi to umeediess eXIemISe out timis score. Some of thu Immultattomi stmttesmfleli vlmo al.e puusiming thu Inuitatiomi eiiet'se 1)113 in comigress have been urgimug titmut time 1)111 W11S not iimtemitletu to discouit nge time mmiamitufactuuru rs mind ( leniers amiti a staumip to couimpel its sale undem' its true utnmne. Of course , putting mu iicemmse tax ott mnautufumcttmre of filled cimeese , but mmieici duty ui time protiuet (1005 ( hot discoumuige time smuie. Not at nih. Like time olcomminv gumimme iegisiatiomi , It w'iil on time coim- tlarV , sttiflhmiflte its use. 'l'he umimunufac- tumors of fliie imeesti evitiemitiy do not know wimat in goom1 for thmemiu , Accord- tag to this itcglc , they ouglmt to 1)0 time miuost etmtimuiSiqMtiC advocates of time. bill to tax tlmenmselves. I Senator Bu1er , of South Carolina timluks that umitimI time cotmstitumtloii time itt'eitbemit imnH too himuchi iiower nmmti fzu- .oi.s ( ' 1111(1 ( iilmi.timt ItOWOL' 1)3' nuutimor1- . tag couigress ti. pass measures overihit iresibemitimmi ) volti by a simul)1e ; umjority : vote 1mm eiclm iitSe It is perfectly iiatu ) that Selmator Bt1er hmmis uio expectttiomm of ever being ilevatet1 to timepresideuc3- or lie ) VQuit1 whit : iime execumtfe to wkh1 , ' t. i ( ' . ! . ! , : nfl the 1)0WC11 ) , nt mq , g0VL'rmil1ctmt , even at time cost of muboiislmlmmg couiLess. ' ( ] IClIIIL somicituac. New York TrIbuI . Great Iirlta'.n's fcar that there will be serlouv troubie If this gcvernrnent attemiiptm to bully Spain" 1 really touching , but quite unnoceseary. A Strong I'nlr. Gobe-Deniorat. ! The returns of the recent local cloctiomis In Illinois and Missouri tocl to confirm t1u impression that these two great states wlil etrsd together this year In the matter of helping to elect a republican preedeat. ! ' 1'fllM Woter , Neertht-leMs. Davcrqiort iDernocrat. Nebraska. next door to both Iowa an Kansas , imas seen enough of the practical workigs of prolmthltlon In these two states not to want any of It in hers. In Tuertlaye electiomis her towns declared themselves for ilcenee , almost to a i-itIt. - - - - The Iiiiir zit the FCZINI. MInneapolis Journam. Senator Gaiifnger wants the unspeakable Turk wiped cut as an "intolerable ovii' by a high joint cemmiusiun of Christendom. As a matter cf fact , there wimi not b much loft of Turkey span. 8) long as flusa Is quIeUy gnawing away on time cld bird's bones. GOVOrIIOV IeI,4Ion. SlouK City Tribune. Congress hao rassctl a. biii granting a pen- aba of StOO a month to ox-Gvermmor John M. Thayer of Nbraeka. Time btii wiii un- doubtedy b signed by the president. In tue tempo3tuous career of John M. Thayer mu Nebraska there has been touch to criticise , but hI imonora only brougimt 1dm hard work amid trouble ar.d lis ! hands are clean. Time olti gcvernor Is imow tying sick at time home of an old armny comrade , a poor mnami who OiYC3 his appointmnont a capitol mail carrier I to Imis distinguished guost. l'rtbIeiii of ( lie ArJit ltegloii , Denver flepubiican. The problem of the arid rcgon is not to be solved solely by standards recognized iii iiumnld regions. There mnny be IO5ib'lIte3 ! of agriculture in tills rart of the uuon ! not yet generally rocgnized. it ii probabie that much could be done to improve the grazing iand of the far west by introduong varieties of grasses better adepted to arid conditions than these cuit2vated in the east , anti widclm would be more pi-oductive than those of native growth. Agriculture under arid conditions - ditions lies not been very carefuliy studied , for even in the tIt'Id region itself time effort has been to adopt'taFming to artificial cmm'll- tions as noarIy'-lik&1 the natural ones of humnid regons mW"jacticabie. Ilut In time course cf tune r lnaf be found that tlmero are crop , moore u.tiie to an amtI seii end clInmato than timcd , tIat are comnimmonly cult- vated now. Alit-u , % ( r11 iii 1i'gt. Chicago Tintea-Herabi , 'F'io Iowa semlatQ- las jusi passed a bili prohibiting nourcinL aliens from acquiring title to real estafvtn. Iowa , apd providimmg Ilmat nonresidemitbfif who iimhert real estate - tate must seil ltwjLhtm twenty years or the saume wiii be fond/ed / to the state. In the course dt debate on this bill in the Iowa senate &rl lmicrosting questiomi was raIesd by one of ttmtJ'eponsnts of the incas- ure wimicim is cert.Amuiyi entitled to some comm. sidoration. it Is ; mi ( whether sucim a levi is miii in vioiatin Qt , the treaty obigatiomis of time United State In respect to aliens of particular comimmtries , M a rule , all uur tt atfes of amity and comniorco' wIth foreign nations contain a vrovision to the effect that time citizens of each country holding or owning property in that of time other may dispose of the * ame by testamemmt , donatiomm or otherwise , and that their heirs ebail receive the same with. out contest on time part of any province , cIty or private rorson. Such stipulation in a trcary wouiti mmot of coure prevent the ieg- ! iaturo from passing a law that aliens should not acquire lammd4 , but It would seem as if it limited time legislature's right to compe ) those who have aiready acquired lands or who in. hunt theimu to sell wutiiimf a specified ttmo. There are good reasons why nonresident elicits should be reatricted in their ownership - ship of land in this country , but as treaties are a part of the suprcimme law of the land no legislature can pass laws 1mm vIolation of their tertuz , l , ( 'I'iifl (41 ( littilN.t't'OhI t1tta tltIfl. viiiy Tlcpub1icmunrp ( ) Why not move I flimiko the nomination of lion , Iiiljsh i"ihiey for govetnor tmnsnlmoum ? hitmhmtioitit Stantinril ( rcp ) The irrt'pressi iiie am Itcing turned down thimi year. itoh lion. T , J. ZtieJors simommhl bear this in mum I mm 1 . iltitiinfl ( ( lazetto ( rep. ) : While time ( lozetto lice smotiming to ay against Jack MacCoil personally , it is still for Captain Athiurns for governor , anti believes lie wilt ho nomninated. liai'tlngs Independent ( rcp.u Jack MacCoil i forging to the front as a western carnii- dtuto for governor and time reptmbiIcani will ho atIflcti. if ime I , made their standard bearer. Valley interpriso ( rep , ) The republican rapers all over tins state are booming Jack MacCoil of Lexington far governor. ito is a god clean muman amuil wotild be a credit to time state. Atchison ( Irapimlir ( rep , ) : Time Crawford Trlbuno says that i3roatch of Onmima will be nominated for g3vernr , What abommt Churchill of Omaha for a eecoimd term as attorney general ? Grand Island Republican ( rep. ) : It cami safely be said that the republicans of this nrek of the woods ivili not again favor the nOmination of Timomas .1 , Majors for gov- ornor.-not in tim mmcxi imutitlred ycara. Wimmaitie Tribumie ( rep. ) : Jack MacColt's triomids arc jtusiming lila' to time front with great ommergy. Jack is all right. but ito In a little into. 'Gene Moore hues the start of iuimmm amid will head itimmu all through time race. iialrlleid News ( rep. ) : Captain Adamns of Superor was circulating amulong his friends at Mitimiei , anti it looks very much as timotmgh the entire Sciutim Platte country , at least. the big Fifth distrIct , irotmid be unanimous for luau for govcrmmor. RLM1 Cloud Golden iloit ( rep. ) : It Jack Mac- Coil gets to be governor of tiii state tlmis t.ihl his ourcesmi ivill a curious exammiplo of time effect of Persistence. however. we i'avo ' n3thng ! against MacCoil , anti wouiti be glad to so imlmmm miomnimmated. F'uilerton ewe ( rep. ) : The Nomnaima cotmaty mepublicamis held ti.eir convention hart Saturday - urday anti formahiy aminotmnced .tite camididacy of lion. TOmmi Majoro tcr governor. Toimi is all right .and wcuid'iminke a gocd governor - ernor , hut timts is Nanco coumity's ) t'ar to furnish the governor. ifasttmig.i rnmlependent ( rep. ) : The cammdl- dacy of Cartalut C. E. Adammis of Superior Is growing more mmonuiar witIm time peDpio the macro they know of hilimi , That lie is a strong mnami is beyond dirpute , aol timat lie iviil mimako Nebraska a sate and able governor if oiocted is generally commcedcd. Asimiand News ( rep. ) : Hon. Jack MacCoil of Dawsomi county is a caimdldate for governor of Nebraska , and the republicans of his cunty ivilh advamice his hutet eats. Mr. Mac- Coil 'will ho a trong c.izmdidate should Imu be nomninated. The time Is a lontr way oil yet b"fore time st.itt' ncmmuinatiomm iviil be mnade. Arlington News ( rep. ) : Jack MacCoil of Lexington will be otmt for governor again , En it is rumored. Our old Dawon county friend itt a royai good fellow and the ommiy otjcctien we have to Jack Is that ime 'won't get mnarricd , Gut married , old fellow , am1 0 0 wIll star.d byyomu through thick a : U title. Red Cloud Chief ( rep. ) : Ilomi. Jack Mac- CoIl makcs the annotmncemnomut to the Chief that. hm will be a candiiate for governor , subject to the 'lll of time republican state cor.vention. Jack MacColt is one of those substantial men whom weshould be pleased to see get there. If ito gets tue nomninatlomi ho will be e.hectej , flaacroft Blade ( rep. ) : Undoubtedly northeast - east Nebraska is entliol to two places on time repubiican tmtate ticket tiii felt , Tlmo are we are happy to say , two candijatos who are preemiulnomitly qualified for the po- sitlons to whiclm tlmeir friends desire tp ehevito tlmcmmm-Hon. it. Ii. Moore for gov- crnor and lion. C. C McNish for state trensurer. Emerson Enterprise ( rep. ) : lion. Jack MacCoil of Davison county iat receiving strommg endoremnemmt for governor. It cami be raki of him that ho has been a resident of the state for over twemity-five years and a constant worker for republican success. Ho has a warm personal following oyer the entire state. amid if nonuimiated undoubtedly wuit'beeltidted by a..largo majority. Stanton Picket ( rep. ) : This paper is cmi- thusastic ! for Eugene Moore for governor , anti started in to comy all time good thimmgs our exchanges saId of imini. but such cx- pmezslons ate coming so thick that .to give theni SI1SCO would require atm extra issue , nd as his boom soemmis to be able to take care of itself we are lettlmmg time quotations Pass. Honcra are largely runmiing his way. Genoa Leader ( rep. ) : Time flght for time nomimiatlon icr governor on the rcpubllcan tiolwt thIs fail is to ho nr.otimcr scrap be- tWeSit time people and the boszes. The people are for Melilejolmn : by a tremuendoums mime- jority , and the bosses are trottim.g out favorIte - Ito eras In neatly every county in erer to defeat him. But time pcopio are runmming things this year and "bosses" must tantl front under. Wlammer Chronicle ( rep. ) : Hon. Jack Mac- Coll'n fmiends , In Davison county have au- thoritativciy anmiounced iils eauididacy for governor. Mr , MacCoil 'ma long been a prominomit figure its Nebraska politics And counts among tim people of the t.ato a host of warm personal admnircrs. lie is a popular moan and it noimimnated will stremigthemm tiia ticket and load It to a signal victory. Falrniont Signal ( rep. ) : Time Superior Journal - nal of March 21 announces Captalim C. E. Adanw as a candidate for governor. Captain Adamus is in tue vigor of inanimood , a soldier of the hate war and a neat commander of time Grand Army ot the Republic , lapartimient of Ncbraala. lie has i'een a resident of timia state for twcnty-flve years. a iveil trained buelmio.is mnami ant a reliabo ! repub. lican. Shelton Clipper ( rep ) : Jack MacCoIl's chances for securiiig tIi republican miomii. nation for governor are getting better and bitter every day. Jack has long had imis eye au time gubernatorial chair , and it's only a question of thou when lie will occupy it. Comigresamami Meiklejohmmi , ivimo for a long time seemed to have time inside track , lids fair to be lost in tue almuflie by time tuna the nominating convention its held , Grand Island Independent ( rep. ) : Ilomu , Claire Adamns has been endorsed by the Nuckolls caunty conventiotm and lion , Judge Hayward by the Can county convontiomi us time "soidier" candidate for governor , 130th amo gentionien of high standing in time re- mtublican parties , anti both have liotmorablo war records timat certainty c.ntttie theta to thmo consIderation of the veterans of the ubite. Eitimer would be loyally supported if mmorninated , Stanton Picket ( rap. ) : Jack MacCoil , Limo Lexington statesman , has bean intervlowimig mromiimeimt republicamis oil over timhs county , by mmdl , as to huts cimances for imeconmimig Nebraska's mtxt governor. MacColt is a popular gemitieliman amid stands very close to this People , but imis candidacy at the lres- omit. time is inopportune , so far at least an this section of the state Is concerned , Time feeling for 'Gene Moore Is too warm to adimilt of any other possibility just now , Ilayard Transcript ( rep. ) : Republicans of iawson county have formerly launched tlmo gubermiatotial boom for Jack MacCoil of Lexington. Time Transcript ammd time repub. licaims of Choyemmne county have been ad- s'octiiig Imis cammdidacy for some weeks , IL is time desire of western counties that Jack MacColt receive thu nomination , _ Ho tins been a resident of the state for over tiiemmty-fIve years mind a constant worker for republican SUCCOS8. lie baa a warm llr. sonal following thmroughout time state aimd it ncmimmatod sviii be elected , McKinley and MacCoil should head the mmationai amid state I I tickets , W'altcfloid flopublicamm ( rep. ) : Time repumb. lican press of northeast Nebraska is prac- ticaliy a unit for Iloim. Eugene Moore for govortior , Nor does Ito lack cordial support in other parts of the state. This is no mean tribute to time worth of our present state additor as both aim honorable and Capable - pablo man. No man wimo knows him doubts imle sincerity. lie is a mien of strict iimtog. rlty. Under any and all circumstances Ime can be depended upon to faithfully guard time interests of tbo state committed to his care No risk wiii ho incurred 1mm mmmi miatlng Moore tom- the chiet executive , ofllce in time state. F'alrbury Enterprise ( rep. ) : Somne r1iti- cal aspirants do not seem to know when they have Imad ommougim , This appears to be tue else with time Nernaima county fellows vlmo are now endeavoring to shove Tom MaJors to the position occupied by hlmn on the ye. pubilcan ticket two years ago , It is a corn- pliment to any mmiami to have a good imamno at but wlmen that good mmanme lies been rebuked by the people of time state , and republicans of Nebraska this year pro. PoRch to iimtv' it lithe omettiing t m pity t1mem eivee , as baa becim tlotntmmsiraIeI ta tttn sorrow of tim tosns , iii the 'fiuvorite on' biisirmt'a inte1r , it's dnilnr to dotmgimnuts that they will not for a nmomsnt emitertntiu any Imitmno timtmt iirts beets reimmikemi by aunt ft decided vote as that of two eara ago. Crete Vhlctto ( rep. ) Tito republicans of Nemnahmmt county have reammerecteti time Majors gubernatorial boom and viii imavo it on cx. hmiblticn at time atato cnmmvemitlon.S'hmnn an article of that minseriptiorm Is foumid , contain. log neitimer hlfo mmor spirit , it uitoimid be propnriy iahwieii amuil Placeht upon time almeives of an muntimropologieal museum.Vlmlio it tummy not add to thmo dignlt ) of time other curios of Limo muatiimn , it will almow coma- lug generations % SimRt unnatural burdens tlmnir fathers of time nutmeteemmth century imad to carry anti unpropitiotis obstacis they hail to contenti witim and overcommie. No. itreska heeds tioittmor "Majors bOoiii" nor "dry water. " Enough is a plenty. Clay Center Sun ( rep. ) : Jack MacCoil is agaimi a candidate for governor , Jack imas liotits of friends thmroumghoumt time state that iiiii teko off their coats anti ivork for himmm. it Is umot imimprobabie that imo would have ieen time canthidato two years ago if tlmo oppositiomi of ilosowator to Tom Majors iiaml mmot drawn votes to him.Vo trust time contest tot' time nonmimmation timia year will catise 'uo bitterness in the repumblicarm ranks , but that each may do his level best with time mmtmoat good feeling ammd that time best man mmmay win. Let mis have' a good , cleami mmian timat can go into the fight with nothing to apologize for , amid as far as we kttnuv , every loan ttmnt lmas been timum far muentlommed cotmies iii ) to time requircmommt. _ - - OlNaitItSStitN M tlitCl1t'S 'OltK , Blair Pilot : Comigret'nian P. ii , Mercer has beemi mmamnetl as the Nebraska mmmcmimbor of time commeresional campaign eommmmittee , and ' 'Iavo" will be among tlmo best mmd umiost active immemmmbers of that commmnmittee durimmg the commilng Presidential carnpaiism. Wimirido Tribumne ( rep , ) : lion. have Mcr- , cer of Omnaima has beau immakimig a record for lmimnself in time hmotmi.'o 'of ropreentatlves by standing up for Nebraska as haul as ho can Ltant1 , Hard work iii the positinu given jjy time coolulo i always appreciateti by timomu. Grotima Remorter : Congresuumiarm i1ereer Is ivorkiuig awn ) ' in the itmtorests of tile con- etitunits \\'ashington. . lis action ummay not be lauded highly by time politicians of the etate , btmt the lCOitiC wilt coo' to it that a workiig mmiemnber is retained in coimgross froiii tile Seeonui district whmcmm time timmme conmen. Wallace Ttmg : fiu time absence of Speaker flood , Comtgrenniami Mercer of Nebraska Is co'widorctl thm beet ore tern in the hious , antI li htm been calitti to this cimair twice. There In considerable IiommCr iii thmk' ' , ivimen yomi gii'o it a little thougimt , anti Nebraskans of every poiltical faith ahoumid lie imiemed to know that anotimer feather has been stuck fiuto thmo headgear - gear of tlmelr state. F'ulicrtomm Nowe : Comigroramnan Mercer of Oniahia iiaiits to niake time Fourtim of Juiy a natIonal imeliday. People wIll be surprised to learn that Thanksgiving is time ommiy na- thommal holiday we have , aumti that by tito proclamation of time president. The F2urth of Jtmly , Christmas , New Year , etc , , are gemi- eraily holidays by vlrtuo of state lawn , but they are miot national Imolidays. We timinic Congrcssnmatm Dave's bill is all rig'hit anti ought to become a Iaw Blair Pilot : Heprosentative Dave Mercer I reacitog omit after a $200,000 appropriation for the Trausmissiasippi and InternatIonal CXpoDttiOlm to be imoid 1mm Ommialia in 1898 , and Ito has imitroduced a bill to that effect. Dave iii one of those rcprereimtativee who Is always Iookiig after the limttrosts of imis district uit t'ho frleimds who rcolde there , antI now that ho Jo interesting himself ! mi the securing of timl appropriation , there is mme doubt but that the mooney will be forthcomnummg in duo time. I'OImTIC.tIl I'OTES. TIio Iowa supporters of Senator Allison have pre-empted 200 roomuls in St. Louis. The republican state ccmmventoii of IllinoIs , to be imeid next Friday. will consist of 1,335 delegates. Governor Morriii cf ICansas annoumicos his roadmncr to accept a imoniinatlon for a see- end term. . . . I . .l I Icmnocratic caucuses In Massachusetts 4n- dicate a decded preference for Wiliiami Fl. Russell as a favorite san. Oregomm democrats and Utalm repubhi cans have proimoumiccd for free coinage of sliver at 16 to 1. IllInois erohlbitiomilsts take "time sonic. " Ex-Governcr lIoies of Iowa intniatcs flat should tlme denocrats fall to nomuminate a bl- metalii.st in Cimtcugo a second commventiou will iii all probabIlIty be held.- Itepubilcamu state conventions will b held iii Nebraska , North Dakota , Kentucky , liii- no : , . Maine and New Jersey this week. Ten- nosece , Maryland , Virgtnla and Penmmsylvania follow next week. The suggeetton that the Allison forces In ! Oiva move on St. Lculs by a fleet of heats is approved by several state papers. ' 'he state committee is urged to engage an Allison - son fleet Cf MississIppI river steamers. Mr. I'erry I3aimommt , ex-congressimman of New York. lies given ails views on time currency question wititotmt provocation. Mr , Beimmiont vo.sesses a well-stocked bar'l and is talked of for the democratic ncmnttlation for governor - ernor , Several donmocratic newspapers see a ray of hope in the results of various town choctioas cast and weit. "A sotmnti platform and the right nomination at Chicago , " says time New York World , "will give mis a very pretty presidential - idential fight. " Spaker Fish of the New York nsremnbly has beet , formally laced ! Iii the field for the republican mmomnation for aovcrnor. Thu formality consisted of dIstributing in Aibammy a barrel of buttomts bcarlng pictures of tue speaker and time imiscription , "I amn for Fish- Are you ? " l'rixmaries , anti county conventions of the democrats of Missouri foremhmatiow an over- wIelnthng : mmiajertty for Governor Stone amid free silver , "Nothing is left for the ether oide , " says the St. LouIs Itepimblic , 'oxccp' to take tietcat iii good Imitator and do wbnt they can for the maintemmamica of strength In time party , " The state cotmveuitIon meets Ill Sodalia next Wednesday. \MEN MJ ) mN'i'oXmC1NTI3. Sunr GOfltCil Coekinilis lilsimetiseil In CiijutI' Sli'is. ChIcago Titncs.Ileraki. It hmas been recently observed timat drunk- eamicos has universally declined In time United States among men Jim the imrofessions , tIme higher ciamiess of artisanship and trades , ana in commerce. Is it not true , on the other hmand , that time use of intoxicamitti hiss increased - creased anmcng American women ? A few years ago time siglmt of a respectable womian drinking an intoxicant at time public table of an American botch was ummknowmi Today It is so cdiiinion as aimmiost to have ceased caurhig eurprico. At almost ammy flrst-eiavs restaurammt women , amiparently rational anti rof.ned , take time cocktail , wimicim a few years ago they knew imotiming about , with as little embarramumi'nt as their mien COXmipanitJliS nor in it US rare as it shmoulti be that women will order and dring cock- taila even whemu inaccoimipanied iiy ( mien , 'Fits iate.t pimase of time increase of iii- toxicants aniong womumeum is foummcl in time faeittanaL.s cand)1 establisimmnemmt , where , utider various narmies. email quantities of intoxicating - toxicating liquors are mIxed for time acconi- mnodation of a constaimtiy emmiarging demnr.nd , One of time strommQ8t argmmnments commiiiomily used in promotiomi of oxtensioum of suffrage to women is that thnlr influence wcuid be east in favor of comm'ervative social iegisia. tion , especially imi relation to Intoxicstmts , All ivomen inheriting European ideas about wine anti beer ccc no cvii in their mnoJerato Us ) . If Americami wemem to time nuatumior born , lieconme themselves a1tlpplimmg sex what will remain , after antilo , of time force of this argument ? Aimmoricaim physicians are largely rosponsi- Me for the igmcre-.iseil use f all kinds of liquor among AmerIcan women , They vro- teribo stimulants In a large number of ca.s Dt invalidism aniong ivomnen , wltbm time mcvi- Labie result timat , wimetimer salutary or not rot' time elek , time habit gross emommg time meaitItIui , It is not a icng step from hops to corn , frmnmi time brow to the stilt , It woulti surely be a melancholy pimenOune' non of time closing decade cf thmo century If lntomimeraimce , declining amnong izmteliiguxit nieriean moo , should imave miiadO subbtanttal nut general advance amnommg intelligent Anmer- can women , It mtmlgimt be worthm wiile for time fetioral and lty authorIties to inquire into time legal lie- lilty of liquor-decocting candy shops to pay ho proper iicouo toe , hiilN.Jt3ItN A1I ittM lIi1lil. tnns'er ) ltopmittlkntm llytiiently tht , wien grntison of his grstmtifatimnr takes little iteek in this observation of the phIlosopher who acid that a second marriage La "a trltmmphm of faith over experience , " i'hliadeiptmimt itneortli To General lienjimin i1arrIon of indiana time ieoplo of time tlnitoii States , of nil colors ni1 coimmiltiomia anti of nil m'olitical nail religIous tmeiiefs , extend limo hmamiti of congratuietlon'eli tion , ilemijarnimm liarrisani Anti mnmuy nothing occur to mminr yommr happimmess cur to mmimtko you afraimli ilrooklyn Flagio : If Mr. iiturrlaon hiatt plnaeti his marriage for limo pumrpoe of In- creazimmg his popularity , lie cotmld not hmmuve i'iam-.meti more wisely. Wimotlmor his name is irnsented in time St. Louts convention or not , ho will occupy a warm place in the imetmrts of the People , beenuso ho imas found a place in time lmeart of a wortlmy woman , Cimicago Tribunet Mr. harrison is to ho commgratuiateii on choosing limo aerenity of doimiesttc life in llttCO of time ttmrmuoll that provatis imi the tamikit of time poiiticlana , big amid hittie , ivimo are striving for favor , Time rivalry of favorite sans anti of sons who seek to be faVorites ito can view witlm complacency , seculro In time knowledge that wimate'er betide ho is the favorite eon of time niatrimnommial atate. Plmiiatioipliia I1odger : i3enjamimln I larrlson mind his bride are tim people mmmiii relmreent time ieole. ' 'timo PInimi Imeocie , ' ' as Mr. Ltmucoin cahlemi them. They are comispicmmoums above timeir fellows merely by macoh of limo exaltoi omco which time brldgrooun has filled and of imis tmmmiqmme rositiomi as time oniy living ox-president. antI because they arc of the people arid amnong the peopio. TIme neolmio love them amid extenti heartfelt eon- gr.ituilations to thonm from all carts of the bid. May they live iong anti be as happy atm they expect to be. New York Commmierclal Advertiser : The isn't is'ialmes of the Ammierican people , Irrespective of lmarty , got out to ex-Prosldtit , ilnrrisomm amid hii untie today. As citizen , soldier , legislator and pritiemut , Ito imas deserved welt of Limo republic. ills private and pimbhic record are alike honorable and mmmisowortimy , ills adtninlstratiotm will stmunil out imm history cmi ono of time mnort prosperous , dignIfied atmd succesatiml the cotmimtry hue overt kmmowvm. \\'ltht such a career to lila credit , it imi not strange that Limo wimoio umatkii congratulates time cx-presltiemit on imia wedding tiny , iloston Herald : Aitimoughm the bridegroom itt mmOiv a private citiatmi , and as sucim prefers to have lila wedding considered a pureiy private affair , time urominent place wimicit ito lmas occupied and continues to occupy in thmo natIon , iivests time ceremony with a publia imiterost wimlclm eami scarcely be repressed. Ac love laughs at locksmulthis , so ItubIlo ctmrtalty asserts ltaeif omm occasicils like this. It was not long' sInce that the imatiomu joined iii congratulations to a presidemit on time event of imis taking a wife , and it now claims the privilege of extending its teliitatIomms to au ox-prosidwt omm a like occasion. 'rimirbias iuGIi'1' AN ! ) ( itY. Trtmth : Arizona iiii : : hoar that Cayuse Pete amid Jiessle the biscuit sm9otcr , are to be married. foiv did It immippen ? Blizzard Bill-Leap year niud lariat. Clmicngo flecord"Diti : you give Louise anytlmlimg for a. bridal present ? " "I gave her a tea store vase just 111cc the one Silo gave ale. " Pimliadelpimln. Northm AmerIcni : Mhlson- haven't you gone to hotmsekeeping yet ? Newly Marriott Man-No ; we're uniting to save UI ) emiough to live iii kcepimmg with. the style of the wedding presents. Chicago Record : Wandering ' , Valdo-Do yer b'ltevo In sound money , Win ? WhimperIng Wtmnte-I say I do. Ever since I tried ( or iass a plugged quarter wet or bolte gt'me tim' other day my ( alt' In It has becamno firmly 'atabilshed , \Vashington Star : "Wimat do you .tlmiiul is the strongest plmase of my boom ? " asked the candidate. And imis candid friend unhesitatingly rc- : died : "Its advertIsIng department. " Atlanta Constitution : It alw-ays rains witch YOU leave your umbrella at imommue , and you always lose it wimemi you tnkn It ( Iowa towmm ; so what's the usp In growling about time lvoather Chicago TribuneAlarmeti : Citizen ( in St. Louis next Junc-What is it ? Is anybody - body hurt ? Eqimaiiy Alarmneti Stranger-I'm nfraid no , A imorste got frightened anti ivont tearimig tlowii irourtlm street. 'rite report is timat iiIty-seven men from Ohio have been run 0 Vet' ! Brooklyn Life : JustIce-What's your name ? Victini-S-tc-s-h- I JustIce--What ? VIetim-S-s.s-li- Jmmstice-Oiflcer what is that man charged with ? ' S. : . Oiitcer-I guess , your honor , It's soda water. FEARED A PflOPOSAL. CincInnati lcnquirer , "Er-will you , " naked he of the maid "Have a ghns of soda , or letnonatlo ? " .Ammd timen the maiden , blushing red : \ "I Ihmnic I'li take a rep , " abe saiti. ' Time youth turned rcd , the youth turned white , And then he tied , far through the night. 1omIIitN LOCJIINYitlt , TownTopics. Oh , young Lochinvar has come out of tue west. Of a1 Imatent bicycles imis was the beet ; Anti m'avo imh4 revolver , arms had lie none , .EXPCIt hmis two arms of akin , mntmscl and hone. lila envious rivals woimiti have to look far To timid a bike rider lko young Locimbmvar. liii ; steed had aa brake , so lie jumped every stone ; lie swumn the Sharle river , where ford there wall none , But ore lie nilgitted at Pore Siodt1y' gate 'rho bridu luaU conremited , time gallant caine late ; For Count Sauer Kraut with a siniator bar , \Vas to ived the ( air licmm of brave Loci- Invar , But bodiy lie glared at the tall porter 3' sivehl , .3 . All hiucicrum atmtl starch , as ime answered the bell ; 'I "Tc'legramn'I Almswor ? " said flunky , "Itt- deed ! For whom ? " "For time daughter , you oaf ; camm't you read ? Jtero'tm mm tennor to quicken your Ctels , tra Ia , lai Sa trill tfl ) tlmo dancers , " said young Loch- luvar. Time lackey flew up mmd thu rnnidon tripped dQwrm , Arrayed for Imer flight in time last style of goivn , So 11gb , ? , to time cycle time fair one hue swung , So light o'er his own bike his long legs ho tIming , Timomi down the Deal road , througlm time ( lust soemi afar ; "Let tlmemn catch as catch can , " said limo yotmimg Lociminvar , Wimon time liigimt wan made known , how her father did swenri Count Snuor lCraut clutched at Imis straw- colored hair. "I can't have your daughter , tue itritlat bmo'5 lictI , But rive toe at bust luer large fortune instead - stead ; 'Fliem'e are mniUlonaires' dmiugimtcrs , nmore lovely Imy far , Wito have never gone off witiL a young Lochimivttr , " There was mounting in haste by time wimole Shoddy clan- 'rimonimma , Iticimard and Ilemmry al swore us time $ ' ran ; On wlmleim road timoy should follow , no two cotmiti migree , 5 , the lost. bride of ] ibomorm mie'er did they. see. "They follow , of course , but timey'll ( oiiow mm far , For ] 've pimimoturoti their tires , " saiti young Loobinvar , Beecham's Pills arc for bill- ousness , biliousheadachedys- PP'1 ' heartburn1 torpid liVer , dizziness , sick headache , bad taste ill the mouth , coated tongue , loss of appetite , sallow skill , CtC , , when caused by constipation ; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Go by the book , Pills i6c and 25C a box. Book free a your druggist's , or write B , F. Allen Co,356 Canal St , , N Y.