L , . , : THE OMAHA : DA.YIY BEE. ESTAILISIIEI - ) JUNE 19 , ] 871 . OMAhA , SA''UDAY { MOHNEN- , APRIL 11 , 1s9TVEII\rE i'A3-E . sruri UOL'Y irrvt OEN'I'S. : CIIAT1TUDE FItOI A COVERNOR McConnell of Idaho Congrntuktes and . Thanks Hokomb of Nobraka. DELEGATION TO BOISE CITY TIlE CAUSE - % ' ( Irk nf (1u N. : , , ) , lIeprvMetl tI- 11 % N Ut tII ( I.IIIII ) , , : finn CiIItluIItc4I On f liOt : LINCoLN , tprII 1o.-s ( ocIa1)-uovernor ) lIolcomb Is In rocepL of the Lollowing letter 4 frcin ciovcrnorW , J. McConnell o Idaho , dated at Ilcdso City : lion. I3Un I1otctnb , Oovcrnor ot No- brnka : dy bear Sir-Our Imnlgratlofl convention haM adjourned , iind 1 tlcatre to exIreKI4 ) to yeti , anti through you to the ilelegrtte. who repretntct your tnte ( lurIng - Ing the ineetIn , rily grateful appreciation or the hearty co-opernttofl in the work which wa ierfornled , 1'r f , NicIioloti ( IeliverI a highly inter- e.qtIiig anti instructive a4IdrcH , as 411(1 zLIo Judge Cesnat.tr. . Obert&Ier ( contribtiled largely to the interest of tue convention and , altogether , I am deeply inpreeI with a etwe of grattttido to the titte or Nebraska anti yourttelr ror the ery kind 1nteret nod generous nsistflnce YOU have given up , VIth nssllrnncei of c.steem I am , respect- Luhly your8 , 'bY. .1. M'CONNEIL , Governor at 1hthO. ' The suptemo court adjourned today at noon to meet agahi en the flrst Tuesday in May. The following opinions were handed dowit before atljotirriincnt : Johit : F' . Coad against Guy It , S. heed , petition In error , Douglati county , afflrrnsd Adolph Goldsmith et at : against Charles L , Ford , error , Doiigla county , reversed and remanded ; Tlloma9 Churchill atthiiiL C , Ii. Butter , Johnjti county , IetItIOfl ) in errol' , affirmed : Peter Jacoh'aii aglnst John Van 13oe.ning , error , affirmed ; Farincru Loan and Trust company against 'F , , F' . Mcinminger et at , error , Mad- Iton county , ahhlrtned ; VIhiiain I. Gilmore againt Vhhiiain I , Armstrong , error , at- flrmci ; Samuel M. Crosby against J. T. IHchiie , error , reversed and remanded ; Omaha Brewing Association agailuit Joiin 'sVeulthrick , error , Iouglas county , alflrincd ; Chicago , nurihiigtott & Quinc Railroad cant- patty against L.V. . hague , error , reversed anti rentanded ; bthahia Street IaIIway coin- patty against Walter I , Martin , error , Daughaii county , aflirmed ; J. 'iI , Smith ngainot Welcome Smith , error , amrmed ; Eninia Ij. Vn Ftteii against IehI It. Edwards - wards , error , reversed and remanded ; .1. G. Sioan again9t Ihrlnson ham , error , revereed ; Johiti hague against Capital National Banker or Lincoln , error , reversed ; Gottifeb Stroz at al againit Lena Fhiiklestcin et al , error , ' reversed and remanded ; John Cannon aitti EPa Cannon against Margaret Smith , error , Greeley county , reversed ; G. It , Sheashey L against F. G. ICeetis , appeal front Buffalo county , affirmed ; .Iohn ii. Croci : against Jesepli Barker , error from Dougaa ! county , : reversed flhid remanded ; I ) . It , Ihiii.'hi againrit ' Johnson county , error , aflirmeti ; W'illlani C. Le Ilano against State of Nebraeka , error Iront Gage county , reversed and thisinirteti ; City of Kearney against Caroline Thoemason - et al , error from Buffalo county , attlrnted , 4LLTGED RUSTLERS GO FREE. In re application of LouIs Vogland , Salem T , Ciarl and Charles II. Jackson for a wrt o : haheas ccrpus the writ was granted and the prisoners ordered tllscbargetl , ThIs case . CXitetl conlderablo Interest at the time the application for the writ was made and the faote brought to" fight. 'fhie men hiav bryn In the penitentiary for several months In the , charge of Warden Leidlglt , hiavng peaded guilty of cattle stealing before Judge M. D. $ tnkald , In Keya Paha county , January 26 , 189& , Thby claimed that they had been arrested - rested in 'South Dakota without a warrant by a Nebraska ofilcer anti brought down to the county judge of ICeya Palia county and by ' , ; him vommItted to await a hearing at the -d ' succee'fling term of the district cour.t of that county , to be hold at Spritgvlew , Nob. Sub. . . seqtiently they were brought 'bfora Jutlgo ' Kinkald , sItting in chambers , anti advised by santo one to plead guilty to cattle .teaI- log. This , they claimed in their application , ' was tinder duress. 'Fhtey , hiocver , did so ard Judge Kitikahti sentenced tlieiti to five and sx yrara In the penitentiary. 'rho an- prenie court , in the syllabus , holds thia ' "uiider the provisions of chapter cviii , of the laws of Nebraska , ptnsetl lt85 ; , the requirement - mont that 'all informatfona shaH be flied during the tertit of the court having jurisdc- ' tion of the offenses specified therein' Is ' tiiattdatory and an informat'on upon vhichi the accusee is to ho triad ior felony Is void If filed invacation. " TIto prUaners' rero released - ' leased , but Immediately taken into ctistoly ' again , They arc likely to be tnkoji back for a new trial. Tile wile and baby child of Ilenton Maret , ' private secretary to Governor Iloiconib , had a narrow escape this morning. Mr. Marot had hitched tip his family horse to a new ' cart and ltls wife and lialty left the house for a morning drive. Ot Seventeenth atreet the horse , a apiritcil colt , became frIhiteited and duslied off doii the street at terrific epeed , Vitli her little daughter clasped in her arms Mrs. Maret clung to the vehicle. At the corner of Seventeenth aitti Washing- ' toii atreets the cart collapsed and the Occit- IJanta were hiurleti to the ground. The baby vas thrown ftiily twenty feet , but sustained , t no serious injury. Mrt. Miiret was rather ' bathiy bruised and vilI be contitlCd to the hioii se for a eek or ton clays , ANOTIIRIt CONTEMI'T CASE ENDED. In the supreme court today Attorney \Vil- ' 111110 C , Le hlane gained a victory over Judge Ihcisli. It was t contempt of court case. Jutlo Ihutsht at Beatrice in the ii'- trict court at tinge county fitted Le hiane $1O ' and sent Iticci to ja'i ' for ten days. 'I'lce attor- ' nay's offense coiiIsted in attaching to an aflidavit for a chicago of venue froici Judge Ihiihi' court a campaign newspaper article ' reileetlng on the Judge's honor auth integrity ' lie appended the ariicIe to lila atthilavit for " t lie ptlrpose of sltowliig the judge's icreiutilce ' b % against the Partiea interested In hue a'ult , 0' but claimed that ho did not do o with any ' intention of reflecting on the Judge's ehinrac- ' tcr or casthitis any abierslOhla ) , 'File siiprc'me court reversed and ihisinisseil the case , ThIs afternoon the 8-year-old son of Mar- ' thii ulcManaiiian , a farmer relihing near Stockweii's brirkyarth , as killed by the cars oi Lice , Ihurllngton road. James mu'l ' Leo McMnainan , , two brothers , Iced started horpo at : tho"cotnntanti cf their father , anti ' 'wore following aion the railroad track , ' Train No , 5 was acproachiing the boys , hut they failed to eo it. although it was in plain sight of tile father , Ito inc1loned to them to look out , as the train , being be. ' ' ttiitii fhiiie was approaching at a high rate ( if SPUd , Janueti did not are the train , or ' else ice tiiotight be could avoid it , but ho syas struck and Instantly killed , The hotly au mangled in a iiorrbio manner. Grace Corsey was arrested this morning ' oil the charge of having stoleii $10 frotci ( I , ' 'iv , Smith last night , The hitter is a clerk in a carpet Itouso anti Is said to have been lit an alcoholic trance at the time or the robbery , lie met the wonian at a houae of il-rcpute anti when lie revived this morn. ' lug lie tuits shy the above amount , The ( 'orsey wonlan deities any knowledge of the : lost ccli , mind the case as continued to ph. ' tam more evl.hctiuce , Ci1NGES Thhi CIIAII1MAN , r slight poiltical eruption occurred this icorning : In time County icpuhthiean central committee , .Vc'stortia ) ' it' convened Iii executive - utivo aessioti , anti proceeded to elect a chairman to l'uccced ' I'aui CisrIr , who is a cjncitlato ] tar lice legislature , 'I'hie comniluittect chno'eb Eaton. This unortuing thte "well t huitown power In Ncb'raska pohitica" macia a roam' anti the conequenco was that their action was rcscin4ed amid Eluitor tephuenson notuett in lice' place or Eaton , 'ait Dawson 7 ittaclo secretary , -1 , hiutolligence 'was received at the governor's olUco lat evening to the erect that Samuel ; i Itarnes , said to ho convict out on parole I , O $ terrorlzinjc the residents of the north. \ eastern part of the itato , lie had been in the habit of stealing hogs , and then taking rottigo on "No Man's jamud , " on flue big ' Muddy , where no one dared arreat him , Thu afternoon an Investigation of the rear - r orda disclosed that luatead of being out on pirole Barnes haul been pardoned by Governor Crotinse and had served but one day in the pen. lie received at the pen October 23 , 1S93 , and remanded back to hurt county for trial the next clay. lie- fare being accorded a new trial Governor Crotmne pardoned him. Omaha pcop1o in Lincoln : At the Lindehl - " , . S , ilehphroy , M. Jacobs , CI. M. Carpenter - ter , At the Capital-S. 11 , hheetem. At the Lincoln-A , J. Cooler , F' . 'tV. ' Gibson , Wil. llntui \'elshans , S. P. Itowan , A , P , Brink , P. I. Markel , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hurt 1'mti ii . ltemthlh'nn , ( 'Oil SL'ii I , , , TEICAMAI ! , Nob. , April 1O.-Speclal.- ( ) The rcptibhlcan convention for Burt county vau' lucid in this city tolay. A resoltition was unamiimnouely pasoed favQring Fremont Everett's candidacy for cangresu'man. Reso- lutlon were alee passed favoring the camhi- ( lacy of McKinley for president , and the candidacy of C. W. Conkling as delegate from this district to the t. Luis conven- tion. The following delrgates werO palecteJ to attend the tate convention at Omaha : \ , , 11. Elty , S. Thompson , (1. E , Iltinteberger , Oscar Sampson , C. W. ( 'onkilng , II. C. By- rain , E , F. Sie'son , W. I. Count , J , P. Antler- son , J. A. McLaughlin , J F' , Nesbit , Joseph hell , C. J. Swnn.on anti E. C. hltuston , lls- trict convention at Norfohk"J. : C. McRhhtn- ncy , I' . 1. . ltork , J.V. . llchniquist , WIhhinm Eby , E , F , Sisson , C. A. .Johinscn , .1. F' . Nec- bit , John Aehiiey , C. J. i'wanson , J. P. An- dcrsoa , J. E. Spire , E. E. Shackeitord , James Campbell , henry Ilyram and Fl fl. Athcin- Paut. The latter delegation was selected by C.V. . Conkhing , auud is expected to favar lila candidacy for delegate to St , Louis , . 1Il'IUh1P1i'lmi i'ri mnairies. SCIUBNER , Neb. , April 10.-Special.-At ( tlco republican primary , hold in this place last evenIng , ( ictlegats were elected to the county convention , and instructed to use all iotsible effort to secure the nomlnaUon of McKInley for Icrealdent , A McKinley club is to be organized litre , uittl ic receiving hearty stmplort of all reiIuIHraule. , besltle' that of niauiy popuhist& , anti ditnocrats , FREMONT , April 1O.-Specai.-Thie ( ) cc- lnmbiican calucurys to selet dslcgne3 to thue cotutity convention. to be held lucre tomorrow - row , vere held last evening , anti a full list of delegates chosen , Tue caticuces were well attended amid h3rmonious. All tlt delegates eeiecteti arc pronounceti.McKinley inca. 'I'riibie I mc St'eiiriiii a Iiit' ' . hlEBitON , Neb. , AprIl 1O.-Speciah ( Tele- grant-Tho ) ease of tte state against Joseph 11. Stckeh ! baa made but very little progress. Wednestlay the regular Jury panel was quachied upon challenge by ulefenee. Twenty- four other juroro were summoned , who have au been chualienged for cause. Twenty-four snore jurors were called tonight. It is not thought that a jury can be obtained. L7itkiiotvli 'tiiiit Joiiiid Ieut,1. IISTINGS , Ia , , AprI' ' 1O.-Speclal.- ( ) Coroner Wlultnaht of thtI place wac called to ilihirdale this meriting to hold an inquest over the body of an unknown man who was fotind on tue Ilurhington track vct of that placc There was nothing by which to identify the body. The skull was crushed , aitti it is supposed that hue fell from a mnov- lug train , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' . % 'nzit the hoard to Act. HOLSTEIN , Neb. , April 1O.-Speclal.- ( ) A drug store hia been running hero since December by parties who have no certificate for the itractice of pharmacy nor a semblance of authority from any source. Although nut. merous complaInts have been sent to the proper committee on violation , nothing has becut done. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hiig'li Viiid and Units. IIEBRON , Neb. , April 1O.-Speelal ( Tele- gram.-A ) high wInd commenced blowing from south to north early this morning , carrying a cloud of dust. Tise wind was followed by a heavy rain , mixed with hail , at 5 ocleck this evenitigand it. is raining now , vlL'it fair na3uranccta of continuing all uoight. 1Iuiil Over fur Stenlimig hhiceses , STOCKVILL , Neb. , April 1O.-Spccial- ( ) -Mort , Green was arrested for stealing horses , which he sold at Wiloanvillo some time ago. lie was taken before Justice Spar- hawk of Mayweed Tuesday and bound over tiii'next term , June 16 , Green failed to give bonds and was sent to jail at North Platte. G. A. It. FAIRMONT , Neb. , April lO.-Speclal.- ( ) The Grand Army of tite Republic held a campfire hf the opera house lucre last night. The evening was spent In recitatIons by the school children anti singing army songs , etc. i"i red by it. igii t a I ug Itoh t. AUItORA , Neb. . April i0.-Special.- ( ) LIghtning struck tluo po larn of Farmer Peter Jacaby yesterdl\y \ afll it was burned with fifty tons of hay. Lass , $1,000 ; insured for $800 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NeirnMksI. &sss NoteM. Elwood people 'will do without Ice this summer , as every ice house In the town Is empty. Thu Episcopal cluircht women of Piatts- mouth will hold a rose show on the night of the Iitb. Falhut City people expeCt to ride through their streets in electric cars before snow flies next winter. Senator John M. Thurston receIved cite Vote for city engineer of Central City at the recent election. B , E.Veect has established a nowepaper at Sunithuflelti , the first untbcr makig Its appearance yesterday. Alart'rl Ilrane'on of Etwood was killed in a miiic disaeter at Ward , Cole. , and his cc- mains brought home for burial. George HarrIs anti llculr ) Deilahnc are under arrest for attempting to blow up the safe at tii itOStOfllCO \\'yoming. . Jasper lll'nes , a Sarpy county scientist of semite mtote , bias clashilcd twelve kinds of fossIl sheila , mull founti In that county. As vroof of that early spring seaa3n In western Nebraska , James Burns of Oxford has new potatoes as large as marbles in huts garden. flrQVul brothers , two enterprieng farmers at northern Chuasc' coupty , will Irrigate 800 neret' of wheat anti 1,000 acres of corn this Belusolt , J. w' . Deut , the /urap.uluoe nImro1 , with three coinpanlens , l'aggel 700 wild duickuc and geese on tu recent hunting trl in th northern Icart of the plate , A little daughter of Johmu Bill , living on a farm near Nornuan , was hornet ! to death while playiuig In a fIeld where her father was burning corn stalks. The Missouri river Is ngart encroaching upon the 11. & M. rlght.of-way at lichlo'ue , anti the company has a force of usteut at work vrotcctitlg ttii banks , Otoo county has sold 85,090 worth of re. funding houuds at par , lue $ W0 , The bonds bear 5 iter cent , and the lutrehaser hears the CXIOllPO of ltrrting $ theni , l'uof , 11 , Ii. Corbett , state superIntendent of ptiiia InstructIon , lies hten engaged to .10. liver thte annual address to the graduating I class of the Papiihion vublio schools , l'itiiiii ' Unltt of Sevard shipped a train load of fat cattle to Liverpool , via St. Joints , N. Ii , There were 206 head in hue shipment a'craging 1f.O0 Pottfltl5. Title Is Mr. Unitt's sixth eltipuittilt to Liverpool , and ho has oh- .ays been successful , The hrlclc rorks at Louisville , formerly ownel by Henry hahn , Omaha' defaultIng city trasiirer , were cold to satIsfy a jud meat by Sheriff hiuhioway one day last uveek , I Tite nuncitlneiy , whuielu Cost $4,000 , sold for i $69 , and 40,000vitrlfled brick sold for 50. hIOiliei'.v ! i'auuru Illelt lIoot , ST. LOUIS , AIrIi 10.--A specIal to the I Reptibhia train Paris , Tex , , says ; Five men , one of whom was unasked , went to ( hue cosi. deuce of Dr. Cooper , at Calvin , I , T. , on Vet1nesday nghit end demamuthed iua money , i They asked for $7OQO , lie told them iie'oiuiy bad 3. They ransacked thus biouse anti found $3,000 in u small trunk. They thou i left. atuil are auppQaeul t have Eone to the i mumountains , They were evIdeniy posted as i to the aulount. f rnqey the doctor had , and t are believed to have been acquainted 'v tli him before hue weal to Calvin , Marshal 'ii. i lutes baa a posse of deputies in ursult , , OBJECT TO PEEBLES' ' PLANS Thnrston Oonny Penpo Ooming to the Convention with a Contest , PERSONAL PRIM\RIES \ NOT POPULR GclIernl'M tctlicn1 , ' of Co nuclei iti& t lie I'rc'i usc iiiumrit.q do Sm Cccsmitt Con- eiit Cause M mmcii 'l'rmiIcIc nod I ) iMsuttiNfilet inn , FENDER , Nob. , April I0.-Spe'Iah-ThleFO ( ) is i'ouite itroepect that Thurston cotinty vIll fuuiuishi a large share of the excltment st the republican state convcnttcil , which Is to aseontble at. Omaha on tile 1&th , Thus county viil cnul two delegations , each claiming legally to represent the voters. The contest rcsuitu , from the opposition to what is known in. thii county as the "l'ethles faction , " anti the preont trouble dates from the holding of the county cnivcntlon at Ponder on March 27. At this convention the eight precIncts of Thurston county were entitleti to forty delegates. Five of the precincts Pent Uncontested - contested delegations , in the remaining three precincte double headers were elected , Th three contested precincts are I'ender , Blackbird citul Floutitoy , and combined they lund twenty slx delegates , all reprecanting the I'eeiile'j facticit , and enough to control the county convention. The county convention , which met on the 27th , was a raruus one , and for a time it Icoked as if the rival delegates would pam something more than hard words before sit ndjoutuiineust was reached , Both delegations occupied seats in the convention ball , and both claimed the right to participate In the preliminary proceedings. The Peebles faction undertook to control the convention frouti the firet fail of ( lie gavel. The delegates were called to order by J. F' . Meyera , chunirmnan of the county cc.trai cons- nuittee , antI nice one of the contesting ( hole- gates from Pinder. lie recognized B. F. McDonald , another contesting delegate front Pcnder , who nominated A. C. Abbott , still another contesting delegate from I'cnder. for temporary chairman. The motion vaa put tumid declari'd by Meyers to be carrIed , The antl-Peehhes deiegateei insist that the motion was voted down anti demanded a roll call , or at least a division , Their' do- 111(11(15 , they claim , were Ignored. The uncontested , or anti-Peebles delegates then proceeded to effect an organIzation' of their own by making C. M. McKnighit ( tin- porary chairman. Thus there were two temporary organizations in the convention. and in each case the chairman claimed the right to namno the committee on credentials. COMPROMISE EFFORTS FAILED , A recess wat , taken by the two organiza- tioflL , anti the leaders got together in an attempt to harmonize the differences. Soy- oral propositions were made. A. C. Abbott , chairman of the Peebiem convention , proposed - posed to subunit the differences between ( hue oopoain ; factions to Mdl C. Jay and C. C. McNish , both non-resident republicans. Tue anti-Pec.blcui men accepted the proposition on this condition that a third non-resident re- publlcan be added , naming A. D. Beenter To title Abbott asaented. The proposition wac finally rejected by the Peebles faction. A propocition to divide the delegatton , giving - ing each of the factions equal representation - tion In the state convention , was also cc- jecteci. All hope of a compromise wee then given up. Chtatruran Abbott , repro- seating tue Peebies convention , ignored the oppordng faction , and tlte contesting dde- gates proceeded with the work of the convention - vention , selecting well known frlendu , of Peobles to the state anti congressional con- ventions. The anti-Peebles men vili go before the state convention with a contesting delegation - tion , and have prepared a large. number of amulavits to support their position. Thie unothoil of conducting the primary electiona is attacked in these amdavits , and chargee of fraud arc freely made and sworn to. It iii asserted by the anti-I'ecbles faction that the county central committee arranged that thio primaries at Ponder should be held between the hours of 4 and 6 o'clock in the afternoon , but. that in all the' country pre- clncts ( ito primaries should not be held until 8 o'clock in the evening. This arrange- inent was made. it is ase'crted. in order that ( lie Peebhes men in thio town of Ponder might have a chance to visit the country precincts after their own primaries were cloced. In fact , well known Peeblea workers did vicit Blackbird and Flournoy precincte after the regular primaries In these precincts had been held. At eachi pmace tlue visitors organized caucuses and actleetetl contesting delegates after thto regular caucuses hued been adjourned. It is asserted hero that General Peebles itt shuowiuug a letter which he claims is written by Senator Thuirston , agreeing that Ito shall have control of the federal patronage for the Third congressional die- ( net in the event that he ha elected to con- gross. Peebleuc will not , however , htow the signature to the letter. .tNCIEN'i' III iRLE MANUSCItII'TS. Iteiiinrknlcle ItNi'oVt'TICH cf Yritl iic heet'utt i ) VsiiiI lit flgjct , TIuo oldest manuscripts of the bible arc not those of the old testament , but of the new , says ( hue New Yorlc Journal. The earii- est now testament text dates front the fourth century , whereas those of thue old testament arc not oltier than the ninth century. Thus the oldest extant manuscripts of the Hebrew od testament are 500 years later than thuc earliest istttnuscrpts of the Urcek new testament , One eminent muoderit writer declares that all the existing Hebrew manuscripte of the old testament descend front a single copy made in the reign of Hadrian ( A. B , 102-117) ) , at tluc tiumse of the great persecution of the Jews by that emperor , Some umtemoriais of the greatest value , completely revolutionizing all previous knowledge of the condition under which written documents were prepared in remote ages , have been discovered within the last decade or so by tite merest accident , Of such nature wee the discovery of the Tel-el- Armana tablets , nine years ago. Tiies were fouittl by an Egyptian wotnan In 1887 amcng ( lie ruiit $ of imt ancient temple betweee Memphis anti Thebes. They arc of clay and contain tiut. ' engraved correspondence in limo Babyloitinhi tongue ( ( hue language of iii. plontacy Lit that age ) botveen King lumen. ophuta IV. of Egypt and hum vassal Itrimices in l'altstiiie , 'Vito tablets belong to ( ito ago of tile book of Joshua , amud in jcart relate to ( lie events recorded therein , It s quite proitale that the original editions of ( ho earliest books of the old testament wore written oil clay tablets similar to these. The htlstory of tlte tcx ( of the new testa. irnt lucia Its romantic incidents as well as Lliat of lice old. The story of Tiachondort's liscovery of the Codex Sinaiticus is one of dueso. Fifty-one years ago , in ( hue course r hIs travels in the east , Tischcndorf put LIP for ( Ito night in tlte iuuomiastery of St. athterimmo at Mount Sinai , 'hilo taking a took thtroughi the library hue noticed a waste paper ltalet : containing heaves of ( be most unclemut Greek writing hue had over seen , Fimey were part of the now priceless Greek ilbie , 'ntis ( tibIa is , unfortunately , not vcr- ect , because .tnany of its heaves before riscttendorf discovered it lied been useti by nooks of St. Catherine to Ilht the fire. iftcr great trouble an expeulse 'l'tscbiendorf hiscou'ered ( Ito whole of the umtconsumed ortlotus ctf this important document , which ortunately comutalits ( hue new testament in. act. As sacut as the monks fouid ; out 'that t urns yaluabie they i'alscd suclu a die. urbanco thtat t ) czar of Russia had to ntertero before the rireelous doi.'Rmnont , ouid ) O kecurccl. It is now lit the imiiah library tf St. I'et rshurg. An earlier Syriac manu cript wai discovered lii hue mnomtastery by wo wommtmi travelers a couple of years ago. ( ) ltG.t ShIll ) lIt JMti IG1L.tTION. % 'i&nt iii lit'iiig ioisr in other Stittemi us Aulert imie 'Ihicir ItMomire'N , I ) . Il. McGinnis , cecrctary bt the 4brthm- Western hmnnmigratlors association of St , I'aul , spent a few days In Omaha on his way to ( ho Idaho Immigration oflgrcss. lie was aeon at ( ito omcc of the NcJiranka club , anti gave came interesting information as to whtat ( ho northweetcrn states cure 1doing in the immigration line. heretofore 'free govt.rn. mont mail and railroad ndvertllrug have been thus drawing cards to attract new settlere. This condition has chinmiged tvlthin a very few years , ani togethier itIi . the aggres- sive'esH of the new atlth iiastlevelopeti ( ice neco'ty of unite4 action of he people , cc- siJlting iii more organization In thte north- w otern statet than ever betereknowus , Mr , McGinnis staten that crery mtate from the great lakes to the I'nclfic coaztj ccept Idaho , is now organized ( or iinnulgfation , usually tinder the mtano of thto "Starlmnniigration ( association , " and that ldahi iow organi- ing. The staten named beIov' have raisd for the puirpoeo for the curent year alone the following amounts : SCuitli 1)akota , $5- 000 : North Dakota , $10,000 ; Montana , $21,000 ; I Oregon , $35,000 , cmiii St. I'atil citizens cc- cently suhocribed $10,000 t' time associaticut of tii state in less thtan \veE's tlitte. The organization lit Vt'asltington has just been hnaumgurntttl , and ( hue plans are copied largely after The Nebreeka club-belmig by coumuty atmxlhlarles. Even California is organizing for immigration , a hteretofore unheard of thtlitg , and conuiticred unnccesaary Cilniale , suit- shulite antI fiowera no longer will alone draw littmnigration , and California nbw irooses to advertise through a state immigration association , The Syracuse Journal sets n good example to all utewepapors of ( hue state , anti muanl- festm , a spirit of "Stand Up for Nebracka" worthy of emulation. Under the head : "The Nebraska Club , " it says editorially : "Last week we were requesteti to pub- hishi an article in the Interett of , , southeast- era ifansac' , but declined becaueo , front rev- crai years' experience , we ) mow that ICan. eas is the best next year country thiat a nuan ever struck. During tile week we have received a circular front the , secretu.ury of tile Nebraska chub , soliciting subscriptions to ttoch ? whuleb wul publish , hopIng that all who can will clip it. ttt and vend It ΒΌ vith thueir eubserIlltlon to the executive committee , Omaha. Out the Inside of tttis paper will be found an article discussing fully the aims and thte objects of the club , whuich wo luope u ihI be real carefully by all the readera of Thuq Journal , S lOVA VO'1'IS AN API'ROrflI.t'l'lON. 3tOime for I'rehimni imiuiy . % h'itc $ of RxuuMililu EIcihmlt A full meeting of thte dIrectors ofthe Trans- mibsisaippi exposition wa9 heldt yesterday afternoon lit thio rooms of the Conintercial club. lIon , Wilhiamn Nevihlo , the vice prod- dent -of the exposition foi ' ( hula state , was present from North Platte. and gave good I accouuits of the growing iifterest in thue en- terprise. The following telegraun was rocutved ( rein Hon. George F. Wrlgljt , Iowa's vIce pmcsf- dent. "I3otht hiouces of the' Iowa legislature passed , unanimously. an appropriatioms of $10,000 for preliminary expenses of Trans. niischsslppi exposition , and poinise anr ad- clitional amount necessary for Iova's cx- huibit at. next session. " Secretary WakefIeld was ordered to wire Nebraska's ropreisentatives and senators at Washington of the' uction of the Iowa 1egs- hature and also to Inform thtemtn of the preference - once of ( ho directory for the Mercer bill , even though the , Dnghey prqvlso ahould be appended toit. President Wattles of the board of directorp will heave fot\Vashington today. 'He go te urge immediate action tipon the 'part of congress - gress favorabicl , to the exposition's beat' its- ( crests. ' , ' . . ' liLU.iI DISCIIARGIII ) rr9bim CUSTODY. t'Ierce Couilud ) Sheriff ti''Not Allowed to TttIe Ohm , ' The habeas corpus eas of'Joeob IlIum was taken up before .Iudgo Baker esterday afternoon - noon and IlIum was released- from custody , Tue sheriff of Pierce countyt was waitlag in ( lie corridor qf the court hbuse with a warrant for Blutn's arrest on the samtte chtarge on which hte had be3n hold by the sheriff of Doughnut county. 1'hls fact was made known to Judge l3akerl by Ilium's at- corney and the judge remarked that "the 3lueriff would probably feel betterbeforo tak- lag than Tter. " The judg contlitued ; thlat Slum htati been diachuorged from custo ly and had practically been acquittet ) of the charge Cf stealing forty-one itead of cattle , and If the siterift of Pierce or any other coumtty arrested - rested him for that crime ho tWould get into trouble. I The sueriff of Pierce county heard of this statement by tue court antI consulted pci- vately with time judge , after whulcis hue announced - nounced that ito would mnlou ! no attempt to arrest Blunt , admitting- that Isle warrant chuouged the same crime of yiuicb Ilium had been acquitted. Blunt was greatly rehlevea to learn that lie was not to ho arrested aainant walked out of the court ltouse a freentan. , , _ _ ' - ' hAD ACCIIP'l'Eh ) I'tYaIE'V 7N irtlLL. ' Inmnmigt' Smut AgnimiNt * h'e $ Itmili- Coimies to mutt The case of Johun Lnd ! agai st.te Omaha Street Railway company for1 $ ? 0,00b canto tea a sudden terminaton ! In Jidge 'Slabaughu's court yectorday , The ltl41fl.tiff , had con- eluded hui testimony and the aitorney for tlte Street railway conlpan' simply intro- dtmced in evidence a recoiptsigned , by Liqd , ackmuosu'letigimtg ( Ito receipt of $100 in full settlement of all claims agaoist thue company on account of his Injuries. and a check for $100 , entlorseti by Lind , showing , titat hue had recchvotl the tutoney. 'Fho defendant then moved to hare ( hue court Instruct the jury to return a verdict for 'tic9 ' defendant on tue ground of a former settlement and this wan done. Thu evdence ! in the , case eh wed tltat I2nd jumttpcd on a So'btls Omaha mpotor train at Twenty-fourth and N streets , anti rode a couple of blocks without 'paying ' his fare. lie ( hems jumped off while the car was going at full speed , anti was - run over by ( hue trailer , Ills leg was amputatcd and ito bought a cork leg with the money ho received - ceived from tito street ratlcay company. . Fiimg for ( lie Lincoln Hbool , Thuo Patriotic Order Saute , of Aoiuprica will present a huantisomo ( lag o time Lincoho I uicluotil at 230 this afternoon , There uvill be a procession , iteaded by a brsuss band , front Eagle itall , at FiUeerjhm amid Dodge u streets , to ( hue school , whore the following I programsu will be carried out ; Song-Amerlca. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lv. IT. Albeit Vresentation of Nattondi Fi4ig. . . . . . . . . . . . Judge Ikimund ilartiete. Acceptance of ( hue Flag em ) behuaC of LIncoln Schuooi.Master [ Eddie Tlenn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' of lncohn School Acceptance of time Irlag on hihalC of the Board of Etlucaticu i ; , . . . . . . . . , , , , , , . , . Pt'edent Ira O RhDades. ! ( Unturhing of thte Flag. . . . . . . . . . . Salute , PatrIotic Orjez Sons of AmerIca. Saittle. . . , l'upitn and Tepriuuns' of the Behool Tiuree Cheers ( or the Flag , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lcd by Marshal of the Day ' 11. J. Banker. I Song-Thte Star Spangleti 13krmneBuunt1 i . - Criudli' anti ( lits rnae' , The following brths anti deaha were reported - ported at tiue IteahtlfoIfl dung hte . .twpntyc four iuours ending at noon ydterday : I3irths-Wiihiamn Crason , 2'2t Bristol street , boy ; M , Z. Forecutt , 1020 'Win , boy ; Jacob lhuttoit , 1910 North Seyenteentb , girl ; WiI. 11am Cozelo , 3122 Joner , boy ; William ' Dutchier , 3518 Nortlu Twonty.eigiitl1 , boy : Herman Ifabre , 2020 Pjerce , boy ; Edward Caeakiy , 2101 South Elorentb , boy. Deathe-Etnelia IIane. . 1001 South e Eighth , abcess , Laurel 11111 ; Mary Gaugluan , 67 , 705 North Soventeenthi , bronchitis , holy Sepulcher ; 0V , Giurrigan , 49 , Drexel hotel , Ii heart disease , Vilhieca , 1 * . OBSERVANCE OF ARBOR 1)AY ) RoaSon8 Why the choos hon1d Take an Active Part in the Exercises. PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE AND INSPIRATION Atu luieclutiac to hligrhiu'r-Attninuiiemulmi a iiii llrnsIer Ilt'ldmi of Umiefumltii'mimi- html ruietJ' ( , StIggt'Mt lulls froums siuipt. hleece of I'uilI'i City. In reference to Arbor day , Iteservoir day anti forestry' in Nebraska , Sutperiuutomuhent William Itoece of irahls City , Neb , , says : "I thtink the proper observance of Arbor day brings PUPIlS face to face with natture , gives them mnuclu valuable kmtowletlge and inspiration - spiration they cannot get front books , in- crea8s , their love of mtatture , iovo of Goti , turuuum tltei attention front ( hue vanishing past to the unknowable future , and , whuen they itlant for future generations sehflshmtcse in crowded front tue heart antI that noblest of lttuman attributes , generosity , Iteraleatca tiue souul aitd l eds tlue Pupil On to higher attainments anti broader fleltla of usefulness. "It is cumatomnary in our schtoohu , to ntake niant life in all ttj phases a htromiulent tea- turo for about a mnontht before Arbor day. Flowers , plants , fruits , roote. bark , tvigs , leaves , sections of trees or large limbs , etc. , are brotughtr to school for study , Seethe of various kiuttis are hanted in boxes , glasu'cs , etc. Thue pupils prepare papers out tIm kirude , muitturo anti value of trees ; recite shore eclec- tions that will bring ( bent in touch vltlt ( hue beatutifuil and gboti , sing patriotic songs , talk and declaim about tite unost tteful titers attd vounon of the past , auid , the exerclss of Arbor day close with a itatioutal song anti a flag saitite by tue entire schools zto'ontbleti emi thuo chooh grounds' ' . I thuimthc the custom of dedicatIng tbuo trees to snub "princIple" as loyalty , home , hmomtesty. truutiutulrtess , cltarlty , generosity , 'iberty ' , free speech , No- brarka , American writers , etc. , witlu appro- prhate and impressive. adtlrcsses ic thuo mnost lasting and best lessauts that our children can possibly huave. Tluo two city baude have always kindly furnished mnuusc for thue tieltl exercises. It iii svell to plant trees , butt it is better to properly care for thtem after they are Planted. Whtere the echuool groumtds are not fenced , the trees shuoulti be at least t\vo ittcitem in diamrtor ttu'J be well boxed. \\'hitn trees are taken fromf the forest they should not be torn out and ( lie entaIl roots pulled off , as Is usually the care. Except in rich , loose soil , the huolee should be about three feet in diameter and at least thirty Inches deep. The hole houid be partly filled withu loose , rich coil , and thou filled with water Soune time before the tree Is planted. This all means work , but it Ia better , I tiulnk , to properly plant and care tar one tree each year titan to huatttily plant fifty treeu to linger awhile antI titen die. "Trees canmtot change their location and if the rootless cannot unaq thtelr way tlurough ( hue barth , dry clay and rocks the treed cannot grow. 'l'iuousands of fruit trees are worth- ie just because they aio atarvimig. It does coem uritecestury to dig a hole thirty inches deep and lx feet wide for a little apple tree one-half inch in dlamneter , but we must rcmembe that cii the wood and fruit that vo can over get from' that tree in the years to come must be gathered up by its tender roots , amid , if they must figiut thielr way tltrought dry , bard and' non-nutritious earth , the tree cannot grow iud bpar fruit. To keep green leaves on insummer Is about. all that many pooily'pandt ! trees can do. Trees are our host 'ubaolIors , asd ( hue leafy mould that collects in orChiamda , yards and groyes htolds water to keep our uehls anti rivers alive tofurnish , drinks and to molrten the air anti lower its temperature. Trees cannot cat solid food , They must huave water Where the ground is dry the ra'iufall does not enter the ground , and , ah'thtough there may be occasional hard rains , the roots remain dry. "Not mnore tiuen 25 per cent of the trees that hayc been set out in Nebrarka arc now alive and growing. Titore set out by shoolc usually die during thelong vacation or during thue dry fall and svtter , Timber is the mnost valuable material in the world , Althuoughu the timber used annually In the United States is wortht more in the markets than the au- anal oittput from all the m.tes of gold , silver , copper , lead , iron , zinc , salt , coal , petroleum , natumral gas , counbineti , for ( hue same time , yet our government is carefully protecting the mines , but i ahlowintg ttte timnber to be rapidly ccitsumued without making provialon ( or its reproduction. The destructIon of our forests is chuanglag our climate and rendering out cociotry unfit for agricultural lurposer. According to the report on file hit Washington - ton , one mine in Montana requires arstuahiy 250,000 cords of wood for fuel and 50,000,000 feet of lumber for props , shuafts anti otiuer purposes. Many other ittines are about as large , and there are thuousands of ntineai sonic- what smaller. It will ( alto about 150 acres of spruce timber to furnish puulp enough to make the paper used in The Omaha flee office each year. Our railroads are using billions of cubic feet eacht year , but so far aim we Icutow they are not making any effort to grow timnber on their own land. If ( tue railrouds would construct reservoirs to water thin land and raise timnber on titeir own land in western Nebraska it would be a perma- Unit blewing to the state anti would hut many ways bring thuo companies goo.h interest out their Investments , I believe , also , that money invested by private parties , in grow- log good qualities of walnut , oak , ash , etc. , will tiring large returns if the proper place be selected and tito trees lie oiected , pleated and cared for by persons well versed to all the eciencos thimmt have to do with forestry. it Is believed that more timber hues been burned west of the Mississippi river tluamt wotmid be requuired for all purposes In tiuo transumsissis- aipIti states for thuim'ty years , Official reports iuow that the forest irojucts in the Umuited States equal in value all time corn , whmeat , rye , oats , barley , buckwheat and other grains raised in ( hue United Staten r2 tite same time. 80 damaging to agricultural interests is the Ilcstrtuctioml of forestui thuat runny farms in duo eastern states are : tow practically worthless - less , and are being deserteti by the owners , ro ascertain tue effect of growing trees upon the humidity of the atmutoepitere , it lies been : arefuiiy estimated that a good.eiizetl tree viil place amtnuahly from seventy to 100 tons of water into thte air. Trees ceo grow emily uvltere ( Ito earth can furnish dissolved food ror ( hue growihu of the tree and tulsa water to replace thuo moisture taken from the heaves end branches by the dry air. To furnish tlue omount of timnimer used in the United States br the various purpos3s would require the rociuce of ( Ito amtnual growth , of 1,200,000,000 ucres of woodland , wltereas the total foest urea in thue Uuuited Stats is hess thaut half that area , "The Conuatock lode it , rapidly sweeping uway the forests of Nevada , but notbuing ractical is being dcno to keep the supply qual to the demtiantl , 'Frees grow woil n obraaka if ( lucy are properly tutkcn up , 1w. iedhately res3t , antI then well watered and : ared for , I do muot macan by title watering he countuton custom of pouring a bucketful if water to be evaporated and to cause thue : roumtd to bake buard , ' "The trouble about the trees set out by chuools Is , ( lint no competent persaut is eat- ) lOytd to be responsIble for them durIng ( tue ommg vacations attd other dry e aeons. There 8 , I ttuink , much trutit in tite saying thuat 'Knowledge is ito longer siurtply tue wings oitis whticit we fly to lleaveii , but ahs' , ( tie dews wlthi which we draw from earth its ihioicest , treasures , " Arbor day hues greatly hlnmuuhattd tree planting , flut mullliorus of rs'es have been planted only to take them vluere they wres sure to die. To mnake rbor Day of iracticah value on ( hue plains to unust have its supporter , Reservoir day , rite two go huanud iii humid amid nowiuere iii uaturo cant one be of value without the other. u ; Arbor day has given a great immtpetus to rca phantitug , so Reservoir day will give an quai impetus t $ bto storing and tusing of Yatcr , which svhll pk ; it poslble for trees 0 grow , Dtecfrer7 day , October 22 would e a very good dto for lteo'arvoir day. "QIns people seem to think that teacbes uihoumhi have notlmlng to do with forestry , comninerci'i matters , Irrigation , or amsy ap- phication of science to the ordinary vursttits of ilfe , ( tint the work of teachiers is simply to hear chilulren say over from mnemnory , ( hewer wor i they have' found In their books. "I believe that teachers should b in touch with all tite beet btislmtouss or social interests of our country. l'umpils beconto observant , active , Practical thinkers flhli workers , or , aimless tuarrot reelters of ( hue opiplomus of otiters , according to ( hue in'truuctlon anti inshuirtutlon tie ) ' receive in sciuool. I ( hunk that every ( melter ehctuultl lit sonic way , aiti in mnakltig every nero itt tIme state as PrOdtiCtiV Its it. can ho made , anti tluat ( hue etitucatlon receIved Iii our schools shotmhul be applicable its tlto future wcrk ef ptupilmc in all the dIfferent ha- dturrimg of life. If edtictutlon is worth its cor it certainly shuoulti nuako of the rising gemuem'ntiou better farmmters , better teachers , better mmsccltanics , better doctors , better lawyers , better preachers , better citizeuus , better lttmsbantis , better hiouusekeepers , better wives , "Citizens , tc'usc'bers anti iuuipil utceti eaclt ether's luehp , anti iucophe expect auth are certainly entitled to receive wise cotumiscl amid Practical Sttggeslons from thu eulueror scientific knovledge of ( hue luubhic tcuclucr. W'e do not wouuder tiitut farmers comupialut that teachers gemisraily take so hittlem interest lit cliectussimug tlte plthhosophuy of irrIgation , foremtr3' , ninutulni traiuuimtg , amuti kindred uul- jects. We arc iilmaeeth that the Nebraska Stnt umnls'erslty , tite head of thuo pumbllc rehool c'3'rtcun of ( Ito state , is rapidly popularizing tlue idea thtat uituls , hteatis , atiti htenrts sltouuhi work together miii that tile macst advaisceti scientific kuuowiedgcc sitould hoar practical fruit to bless our hunmnet' autO our state. Tue lutotto of ( Ito universIty , ' 'Cutltture anti .Agicuihtuue , " turns all yer , heed ' , itans , en I hucarts to tue wonderful thuougl undfveiopetl reroiurcei of tItle great "Tree Planters State. " I 111cc ( hue mitotto vcry mutuchi , but If by ' 'agricttlture. ' ' is tneont siunhuly field culture. I would make the motto , "Culture antI Utility , " for I tluimtk tte heuteflts of Ptihihlc school mttl university edtucation huoutht1 be noticeable ut every iiomtte , school , cluttrcli , thuop , store , ohilce , opera , barn , chicken house. pig.pen , bee-hive , garden , orchard , well , cent- ileld and Potato patdt in the state , " MISS MAOt'i'IN 3m.ticiS COMI'htIN'h' , .SiiYH i l.a t % Vli i It' t'rot t't'ti sig 11cr Itomict' Slit' 'u'nmi Asuc ml teil mimuul hieiil'mi , Vu'htilo hue u'as attempting to ilnevent a constable front throwittg her 80-year-old tuotiter into ( ho street , Mire Elizabeth Martin - tin was brtutuully asoiuhted. Such was the comnplaint tbuat Miss Martin carried to that pohic static.n at noon today , where she ap- pearcd with a terribly blackened arid cut TIte Martin family , consisting of ( hue uttoUter anti daughter , live hit a hittlo shanty at 2Sl2 Farnam street. They have resided thiero for niutuost three years , thiming thue property through a vIsionary t1ie ( 'whticht cx- tttuda an far back as time revolution. Time lropcrty is claimed in iaw by Charles Loose , who is a non-resident. Some time ago proceedings were begun in Jtttico of thte I'eaco Foster's court to clic- pssess Mrs. Martin and s.outuo thrco weeks ago a s'nIt of ejection was PlaCati in the hmautls of Constable Lyons for service. Miss Martin was absemit at the time , buit. the constable - stable put ( hue sIck and aged mother out of the huullding amid ( items thuu'ow hoer property upon ( Ito sidewalk. The two womeq moved back imutd the Itouse , and ahthuotigii , they were disturbed seVeral ( lines no fictive effort was muado to eject them again tutttih today , when Constable Lyomts appeared upon hto scene witht two amtslstammt. ML'u Martin refuced to allow the mon to approach bier mother.Vords eqeucd and then site slapped a man named Antierscn Iii the face. Anderson , she tys , struck her in the face , kmucclcittg hoc to the rounuh. One side of Miss Martin'e face ' Is uyohlen 'and hlaclc , marked with , cttto' , and 'erie 'arbor eye ie almost closed. Constable Lyoits rays that hue arrested the titan. A telephtone nuestuago was scat to ( lie police ataticu and ( lie patrol wagon cc- sponded , Just as the wagon appeared on the ceno , however , Lyons either reheated /undor- colt or Anderron broke away from him. All ( hint the patrol conductor sav of hint war. , lila fleeing form as he 'dicappoaretl rapidly down the street , The ovictiotu pnoceedittgs were stopped by a ltysician who s'as cabled. ho informed the constable that Mrs. Martin was too ill to be removed. Mi53 Martin alleges tiuat wluiic rho was ruur.iting for ( ito phiyslciuta site waC dragged two blocks back to tIme house by the constable , who wished her placed unuder ar- rest. Durog ( hue afternoon luo appeared at the police station and catuseti mu waurant to bo issued for the arrest of Andersomu , clunrglng asu'atuit antI battery. Sltortly before Antler- son applied for a warrant forMls , Martin , but lie could not be tuccommodr.teul bccatmso that city prosecutor was not at , tile pollee court. ti.t1 liii IIIIIIICSS ' 1(1 ) IANY MILLIONS. Irs. O'C ci rum ii ma II cmi vs fs'omms an Emilmi d c ( mm Austrimlimu. Mrs. Mary McMalmon O'Goninan o tluis city , formerly Mrs. Carroll , is rejoicing in. the suspicion that she huts become one of the lucite to an estate of $15,000,000 left by a brother , Michael McMahon , in Auctralla. I Information in regard to ttto onatter wati I sent to luer by her son in a clIpping front nut Australian paper. IL recites the fact of' the death , anti etudes ( lie amount of property , going on to say that Michutel MeMahon weut to Austialia front ( hue couny of Glare , Ire- hand , manj years ago , and that , dying without - out children , his property 'uould go to a muleco , uu'ho was laat beard ( coin at Syractuse , N. Y. Mrs. O'Gorman says he is that ificco , The only Iteirs , so far as she knows , are herself , her hrc'tlters anti sisters , untless , too , lien muuotiter be imtclutletl. ' 'l'hte itiot her lives in lCnneas CIty , as well as two brothers amutl two sIsters , The toothier's utamo Is Bridget McMahon , anti tIme hrothmc'u's are 'i'htoinas anti Michael. Attotluer brotiter , l'atrek , hivius itt St. Lottie , . Mrs , O'Gou'mnan will at once commuuumlcato I with luer family In regard to the matter. TIme facts btuu'c becut kumowa at Syracuse tot' I itomne tiuutc and two citulmuwnte have already I stepped in , tbtouighi tluey ouvmt that thelu' rein . ( ion to Miciuaei 'cheMultcn u'as IndIrect , One is time chief 9f nohice of North Oman , N. Y. , and ( lie other Johin J , MeMalton of Belfast , N. Y. Mrs. O'Uonmtmamt discredit's their claimmus. Mri , O'Gormuuant iive at Twenty-first and Nichiolan streets , 'flue u'aS ( lie titet site huad hearth of tier uncle simico iti left Irebanumi for I Atustrahia. - whit hit I JIlt. S. ' . VS 'i'it.t'l' II Fi IS . % . % 'lC'l'IM. u Climtrges thiut ' % ' ( ) iihil Get I ilium Out of time S'mmy , An application for a writ of htabcat corpus bias been muuado on beiuaif of Jtulittm , IIc'rmuiaru Baker , who is confined 1n ( hue coumnty iou on a nimtety.ulay sentence Imposed by l'oliee Judge Gordon for assault anti battery and I wife beating , lit ( lie application it is al. leged that I3ahor was arreeteti Dib a coat- phimut chiargimug hiimn with aesatult and bat. ( cry and vlfo beatimtg , a Mcli , it in claimed , it , not an offense icnowmu to law ; that hue was arrested without a warrant , anti was hteltl in jail several clays wititout hieing arraigned or without titere bcimtg any conuplaimtt flied. i liaker alleges that hue is ( hue victim of a t scheme on the hart of btle stepdatugliter and i htcr lover to got him out of that uay so they u can isensuiado lila wife to glue tluent liosses. 'don of a large antotucut of Property which ht posseees. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'I'rlc'.l to'uvlc flit' Umishertohur. Two strangers attempted to turn a confidence - fidenco trick upon Joseph lCrcjeiii 'Fiturs. day , btit ( lucir ss'ork svat too coarse to he successful , Tltoy entered his store with tite ostensible object of buying a eask"t , 'they Picked out. one which cost G0 , amid vromaisetl to return a sbtott ( tune aftorwrd , and pay tou it , C In ( ho afernoon ( tltey returned and said that they hued decided to tuuko the ) casket , and offered Ifrejehit two $50 bills in payment , and waIted tom' ( ho ehiamge'heuu a Krejehi looked at ( hue money he discovered tltuut it wee sorthilcums , lie lutorimied the 1 strangers of this fact , amid grabbing thu bihlo they made a hurtled exit. TIIOLJCIIT TO BF A BONANZA Wagncr'i Gold rind Near Cahomi Rc" garded as Important , EXPERTS TALK ABOUT TIlE MATT ( I mill it'ii t I hn t t iiu Smc'ei mmsrn of ( lrt A mi ui y ccl Co iii i's frim in it mu l t c'ut- HI I ? ik'uismiit-'i'imoriumghi ila- mull I mm I 1cm Isuteitmieti , The intonmitation excltusively irlntcd in Thutur&xlny'ui lIce that gold hujutl bceut dlseovcrctl near Cahimoumn vns received with unuchi stur- uunto mutt seine incrcdtmhity about tovn , There has always bcemt an impreso'lon ( hint minerai deposits cxittetl iii Nehtrasha , tutut tue nmtmuouncemneutt ( hunt gold quartz which yieltletl $10 of pure gold to the toms was t be found smmttler Nebraska soil antI withuiui twenty mutile of Outinhia was too startling to be received with outtiro cretictice. Iltit Semite later dovelopunemttn confirm the story as previotusly puthihishieti auth ( lucre seottis to hone no qttestiout ( lint mu vein of rich ore exists. The emily thing that rcmtsalns to be deter- mmtined is whtethter the deposit is exteutrivo enotmglt to ay for working , cud 'tite ' ohtiutiouta of local mninlng experle uiuo have reemi ( Ito qumanta arc generally to the effect thumut it is sucht a formation as is ottly fotuitti where the ore exheta iii coutu'ltlerahltt citmamutities , Otto \'ttgner , tite owmier of ( Ito farm where ( hue qumuirta watt tiiscoveretl , is amt old rcsi- dent of Omnmthta amud lute honesty is vehi kttovui , Anile front \Vashuimtgtout coumity farmn ito ovns the btuiitiimug where' ( hue Utuiomu l'acltic bakery is riiatul ( amid seine valtuahha property ott W'eitster strot betwerimt Six- teentlt anti Seveumteuttiu. Louis Schroetler , who huas cIRce's iii ( hue First Natiomual btunlc builtlltug auth is largely eomtmucced ( with maui. tug enterprises in ( Ito west , has hcnowttVmmg - . nor for years , and it was thuromughm htisut tiuab the value of the 'discovery was ascertalitod. Vu'aguter bnottght a ruttall basketful of thmc qtuartz to Mr. Schroeder act reomu aa it was. discovered. It h'eeittbletl iiuneo'totto , htmt thtero were 5011113 uhark streaks rtuitnliig tltrotighu it whticlt W'aguier tltotiglmt. utuigltt indicate a deposit of coal. Years ago it luau been be- . hievetl ( hunt coal existed itt ( lint locality and several shuaft were stink , butt withuotit results. Schuroetler scott discovered that ( hut quartz comttaiiicti gold iii a greater or 1093. quuantlty anti on hits advice remuie samples were sent to Assayer Carraway. As tire- viouuely stated the assay developed $16 of gold to thue ton. A idec of ( lie quartz was nIna sent to Carl Balbachm of tite Omttuihta antI Grant Sumueltiuig and Itefinhmug works , who is , also an expert chienuist. lie reduceti the qtiartz by melting - ing , and tlte result was a small quantity' of saft gold , which was suthlclont to contlniti that ro'nmlts obtaineti by Mr. Canraway , Mr. Carraway was cccii yesterday. lie said that Ite _ Iuneu' miothuing of the discovery beyond the fact ( hint hie 1usd assayed ( Ito , quartz and tlumut it indicated a ylohti of $16. to the ton. Ilouu' extemumuivo ( lie 'eimt might. prove to he Was a tiutestloui to he ascertaiuieml , but if it lit etmtlhcieutt Iluuuitlties it uvould cenlaimtly pay well .for vorkimmg. Even if it. ahtoultl roqttiro situeltimug , a hirOilt of 5 or $6. a "ton vouid result. , eiimce it was So close to a sutielter. If the gold could be separated by free milling the returns would be 1w- . monte. Mr. Schroeder huts a halt biushiel of samples , of the quartz lit bile office , Suueakiuig of tIta quartz , hue said : 'Ttuere is no question in regard to ( hue payiitg quaiities of tInt' do- posit. It is of etuch a nature as to be readily' worked up by free atililuig acid the cost of mninhtug and m'hhiumg would hot exceed $ l.50 per ton , The deposit is of cauuslulerahle cx- tent , as the rock iii muot 'float , ' but instead Is solId quartz. " The well at the liottont of vItichi ( Ito. qtmartz wits fouind is iocatemi on a ridge ems that Wagner facto. Mr. Wagner was inmucha discouraged after digging 160 feet to strike. solid rock instead of water , but now ito feels better. lie was at Mr. Sciurnetlor's ofhlco. Thursday and after htearimug ( Ito result of the assay hue said that lie womiuti muot have traded hIs hilly little ( aria for ( ito I'cntusylvaiuia , railroad , lie lies smuihlcietut cticdns to test. hIs dIscovery anti is going to work at once. Two shots will lie sumtlc ( Ito first of next week , lie proposes to bluist a buolo through ( hue entire veict of qutnmtz , after which bue. will tunnel untler the 'eiuu , In digging ( lie uvoil the flt'st rock whiicha was emicoummutered was "float" quartz , wimlels very mieanly resetableuc fei lspar or ordinary ulelti mctono. This contained a small.timmamt'tity of gold , butt not sufhiclemit to pay for work. log. After time tutu behl of "float" was petmetrated W'agner atrtmchc time soUth vein of rich quartz. The fttrthuer this was peutetratod the richer it apparently became. As tite. samples froutu which tito assay was Imiado were obtained from a ( leluth of emily six or sight incites It is believemi that ( he deposit. Is still richer furtiter down , The two shuots tvltichi wIll ho fired itoxt uveolc will sink ( Ito. luoho to a depth of tu'o or three feet. iii the rock anti tlten it wIll he possiimlo to obtain a nero accurate idea of ( hue oxtemit and 'almuo af ( lie vein , In the mneamttiimmo tluoso vlto. re fanmihiar with ( hue faeluu declare ( iuat ( hero lit every reasonable luuuiicatlouu titat Wagncr'eu limmd u'ili lOVO a boutanza , h1.tI ) USEI ) I'tOIt t'tYlNG tiA'I'hihtiiT. , % 'iImIt lime 'l'i'NtliImUiiy SIio'n's us ( ho. NI mit'teii * it St ' , CON , , , , . 'FIue Nineteenth stu'cet paviumg case is ire ruhi blast before Jtmdge l'owell and a jury In : quutty Court No. 6 , tund evidemuco is beIng In- Lro'lucctl ' eu ( lie part of ( lie ihalmttif , ( to slumv' Lhuat tin' rypress blockH laid on tlte street in. 1S$9 were mmot live , souiuud blocks. Jutigo. Wakeloy testified ( list. the paveittent pro- teutteil a fi cut , mtppearamtee uvi , i'um i t was miii , but , after it imacj beemi tbctl : about two yearn t \'uIM aluumot iuuuiiassahjle omm accotmnt. of a large nart of tlte bluxIs luavimmg rotted away , . eaviuig ( lie surface of thin btreet uiiovc'ui ouud. Iiuakrig It tunpasmoiulit far vu itichoti. I'us'uc macmt iu'lmo lund brett cmuiployc'mI to Itaub hue htlocics franc time mills of Natmgir & Co. it Thu I rt 'eui t it a mud Ni cltoin ti ii nil N in ( ii a nmli Tones strutete , testified titit : ( lie teammis vem'o ul tmtob t cuti tt a a ( ly e mu Itio'el I a hi auul iii g ha cIt. Lo the 3'arti ( lie blocks whIch haul heeui laid. , MIt anti whicim were uiftoi'uu'urd condemned. Liy ( lie inspector for the city or by Major' ittiieouitbo , , as Iiciiig tijo large or being ucu- omiutul. TIn'so witmtt'i'aes ruiii timeso blocks. yore hauled back and were tiicmt sorted over , due bad 8110(5 ( chioppeti nut anti lie ttoiind liimrtc losiloil into the tvagona again and sent omit aim ( hue suork , Flucy testilioti that ( lie iulocks were not "live" blocks , butt on crosm.uxnmlumatiomt they were nary buazy as to what comtslueil ( ( ( "live" tiumuber. 'rluey alnhltcIh ( , on cross-exaittina- . Lion , that a large part of the hlocka con- lemmineth by the luispector or Major fialcoumibe iu'ero so couttiemamieci because ( hu9y were larger ban that specifications allowed , and were hauled hack to be spilt up. Tue next witn.euo tune a ouing man narneil 3 tmmuimiger , uvhuo teetimheh that Ito was a itook- eepor Lou' Naitgie & Co. Imo 1883. h1 posed. iii mcmi expert ouu ticahier amid pavimig blocks , intl saul Ito haul uxamutlneti , lit 3890 , a large- imlioUmt ( of cypress ilavenuent mu Galveston intl Houston , Tex , , uulichi : had been laid ubout twelve or fifteen years , and was its. orfcrtiy soumid condition , lie attributed thue leterioratlon of time Itaveunents In ( liii city uoleiy to ttte mitch material used iii ( belt" : onsrucion ( ( , lie wati very onupluatto In lois minion that hicnatia conditions bunch ttoIuing' ( vliatever to do witlu ( Ito loetmmg ciuallte& ( it a wooden pavement. - - Iiciil'ii ( * lie Cluivici'mi ( ' 110115 , Chicken thieves appear to have mantle a our of Saunders & Iiimohoaugiu's addition riuursday night. F It ! , Shoemaker if 4421 Parker street and Tay ( Utoengreri of 4328 Frankhn street. esterday reported to thto pohico hat their chicken coops htad been entered tad soumue tweny-fivo ( chickens stolen , Johns Ceysor's coop , at 4425 Parker strcol , was roken into , but the thuipvs appear to bays oeon ecaroti off before they succeeded I tetIiug ( any of ( ho ( owia.