8 TIlE ONAITA flAILY BEE-SA.TUBIAY AI.R1L 11 ISflfl. - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : , , _ _ _ _ _ IN hONOR OF IR ) , IIMINEMANN .Annivorsary of ills Birth Ooubrated by Homeopathists , I3ANQUET OF THE OMAHA PHYSICIANS Their High TrIIiic Added ta 'IlluMe or t3se School tile 'orlil ( ) 'cr- TJu , bIt at 'l'JIIIN. Tlio homeopathc physlcan ot Omaha1 vRli a number ot Invited gueats from out. ot town , banuoted at fla1(1IIff' last evening In honor of the one htindretl and forty.flrst anniveranry of the birth of thu progeitor of their syatern , Dr. Samuel llahncnuinn. The room was very taatefully decorate(1 with pottC(1 plants , 8THI the menu an Inchlental arrangementa of the occasion left nothing to to tk1Ired. It waa about 8:30 : o'clock when the Omia piyalclana ) congregated erounil the batuiuct table. Dr. II. P. holmes occtiplel the heati of the tablc , with Itev. S. Wright. Butler at il left. With them were aeated Ir. P. J. Tontgoinery and Dr. A. P. llnncliett of Council I3ltifIs Dr.V. . A. lluniphrey aii4 wife of I'lattnioutii , and Dr. S. B. Campbell - bell and vIfe , Dr. 0. S. Wood and M123V0o1 , Dr. It. W , Conneli an svlfe , Dr. D. A. Foote and vIte , Dr. Teal , Dr. W. II. llnnchctt , MI Dr. lavlea , Dr. F. I , . Alexander nnd Mlii ; Dtitclier , Dr. Jellings , 1)r. S. J. Qulnby , lr. (1. 11. ParelI , Dr. J. 1. Mann and wife , Mr. and Mri. C. S. Sherman , It. It. Smith , Prof. Itoo and Mk'a TUIy Laren. The hiorneopatliic physicians of Lincoh had been Invited to be preacnt. hut were unable to attend on account of a slmflar celebration of their own. own.After the co'feo had been served , Dr. Holnica calleii the banqueters to order qpd briefly oiitliiietl the significance of the oc- caiion. I ; spoke of the manner In which the anniiersary waij heiiig observed In all the large cltiea of the United Statea , and briefly referred to some of the moit Important - tant features of the work of Ir. tlalincmann , lie declared that in hiis opinion no nian hcil aver lived whose life was worth so much to the wofid as Dr. llahnemann. No one had ilono so much for the general welfare of humanity as was accompliahed by this one duiicovery of 'simllla simihibus curan- tur. " DOCTORS MAKI S1'EECIIES. The toaiit were very brief , each speaker being limited to three minutes. This being the ease , set speeches were not attemptel , and most of the speakera limited their efforts - forts to a few lively comments on the up- permost. side of the 8ubjects. Dr. Paniiehl spoke on 'llomeopathy , the Goal of Thera- peutIc. " lb iahd that all svero striving for perfection in science , in art , In literature and In character. But as a rule , humanity was fated to fail far short of its jurpo. The startIng point of perfection in thorn- peuUcs had been when the grcat theory of Dr. llahnemann was promulgated , but the goal would never be attalnel. There was no end In thie race toward perfection , which would continua ai long as the run continued to light the earth. Dr. Montgomery discussed "The Physician's Air Coetles. " lie contended that fads and fancieu were not air castles. The air castle was something that a man built from his intellect. It might be the. goal of his am- bltion , and it was every man's right to be ambitious. Every young phyvician should build air castles , and every old physician should dwell In them. They were often more luxurious than the real habitation. Dr. Quinby was called to speak on "The Unexpected , " and by way of being true to Jiis subject ho read Oliver Wendell Holmes' poem 'l13ill and Joe" Instead of answering a toast. The other toasts were : E. L. Alex- aider , "The Bachelor Doctor ; " H. W. Connell - nell , "Politics and Medicine ; " B. J. Davies , "The Maiden Doctor ; " D. A ' Foote , "Pius and Water ; " W. H. Ianchctt''Our Medical Societies : " A. P. Hanchett , "Our Sister , Stnte ; " J. E. Mann , "Our Specialties ; " 0. S. Wccil , "The IiiysicIan's Life ; " Rev , S. VrlgiIt Butler , "The Cholagogties ; " C. S. Sherman , 'Little Pills and Big Pills ; " SV. A. 1R'mphrey , "The Missouri Valley Homeopathic - thic Medical Society , " I WORLD IVIDE CELEBRATION. The Ilahnemann banquet In Omaha vas but a small part of the tribute that was being offered to the memory of this great master of the art of healing. All over the world the celebration of the centennial of homeopathy Is made the occasion for a fitting r coguition of the services of the man to whose labors the homeopathists owe the foundation of this celebration of their school. One of the main features of this celebration In this country Is the movement which was started by the American Institute of Homa- epathly to erect a monument to his memory en one of the public squares of Washington , D. C. The model of a handsome granite morument surmounted by a bronze statue has been accepted , and tue completed strue- ture will cost about $75,000. This sum Is to he raised largely by contributions from men- bera of the profession , and a special coin- mittee of congress Is considering the boa. tion of the exact site of the statue. A brief synopsis of the life and achieve. meats of Sainuci lfahnemann shows him to have been a man of marvelous capacity. The extent and variety of the learning which he had acquired are so remarkable as to excite astonishment , lie was born ( n Meissen , Saxony - ony , April 11 , 1755 , His early education waa received at the hands of hi parents , but such was his precocity that lie was an Instructor - structor in tim rudiments of the Greek Ian- gtiago at 12 , and at 20 ho was master of Gitriiian , French , English , Italian , Latin and Greek , At this time ho was an Instructor in the unIversity at Leipsic , lie afterward added ArabIc , Syriac , CIialdean and Hebrew to his linguistIc acquirements. Iuriiig this time lie had studieil medicIne arid graduated with honors at Erbangen In 1779. At this tIme lie was a member of ye- rious scientific societies in which ho was famous for his researches In chemistry. lie held various surgical ulosItIons in the Ocr- nai ; government , and in 1812 lie ; 'as ad- znltteJ to the faculty of medicine in tue imi- versity at Loipsic , where ho lectureti for many years , Iurhiig his life Dr. linlinemanti 'wioto upwards of seventy books anti treat- taos on chemistry and medicIne and trans- bateil twenty-four inure from Eiiglisli , Freud , , Italian and LatIn authors , All this besides attending to a laro practice of which lie kept a careful record , Iii , , death occ'tirrt4 in l'aris iii 1S43 at the age of four score years , 'file gucat 'york which has made the uiame of Ilaiineuuianui famous dowui o the oresent generation 114 a ulaper iuiblihicul In I i OS entItled - tItled ' 'A Now Principle for Ascertainng the Reiuioilial Powers of Medicinal Sub- starces , " In ttii& ho indicated the relationship - i ship lietWeen drugs and disease , pointed out I tim dangerous errors which were then prac- tiCel and led the ; ; ay to a more scientific also of nietlicine than hail been previously keown , 'Fluis naper is recognized as tue beI I giiinhiig of the present iionieopatio ) , system and of a now era III medicine , It Is thuii pub. I hicatton of thuts treatise which furnishes the occasion for the centennial which wa celebrated - brated yesterday wherever homeopathy Is knovn , I Spring 'l'iiiii , TB wliei nearly everyone feels the need of some blood purifying , strength invigoratIng anti heal I ii prod uciui i inodici iie. The real merit of blood's Saraaparilla Is the reason of its vIubcspread vopuiarity , Its unequaied auicces is its best recomuiendatlon , Tue wlielo sybtein is susceptible to the most good trout ; a medicine like lbood' Sarsapariila takeii at this time , 1111(1 ( WO would lay special stress uiuion the time end remedy , for hibtory lisa It recorded that delays are dangerous. 'rue remarkable success achieved by blood's Saraapariila and the iiiany words of prai8a It bias receiveI make it worthy of your con- fidonce. We ask you to give thIs niedlcino a fair trial , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 , i'st Iiii ii uijr blood Ic Cliii rgt's , A coinnuittee of the Central Labor union be'b a i'erct meeting at L'sbor Temple last , venIng to Investiga.e the charge that Prel. dent Fishier and J. 0 , btihuii lint ! eceived boodie ii ; the last municipal canipaign. A. G. Gale , cliairnian of the committee , said flat it rt'tort would be mails at a meeting Pr Centi al Labor union miext Timlirinbay even- 'lug ' , - _ _ _ _ _ _ Nohiming so didtlesstng as a hacking cough , Nothimig a ) fooiiBh as to suffer fromlu it. Notti. ling so dangerout if allowed to continue. One ' ) llnute Cough Cure gives tmninedtate relief , IIla.tit ii ll.lM ANI ) 'I'll II IIXI'OMI'I'ION. b'cnple ut hint 4eetli lhcnrIli' b'is'ir I lie l'ini , The Ibiack hills Improvement association has adopted the following resolutions : Whereas , Appriprintiomu bilis are now he- fore the was's anti means committee of congress , intended to aid in carryIng on the Transmiesisaippi find international cx- pomltion at Omaha in igs , for the purpose of exhibiting to the world the limitless agricultural - ricultural , mineral and other resources of the great vet ; therefore , be it ItoIveil , That this asaociation ) ierby heartily expreiies iti approval of this en. terprise , nflil respectfully urges upon our Senators and representatives in comigress to ilIe all honorable means to secure the passage - sage of all needed appropriation bills In aid of same. Resolved , That the secretory of this as- uocintion ii hereby directed to trnnszi1t a copy of thin resolution to John A. Wake. flelul , secretary , Omaha , anti also to South Dakota representatives nih senators In congress. _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ Au Ihimili' iIzirt. The flying Northwestern Line trains to Chicago , "No , 2 , " "The Overland , " Omaha 4:15 : p. m. , Chciago 745 a' In , The "OMAIIA-CIHCAGO SPECIAL"- Omaha , 5:45 : p. m. , Chicago 815 a. in , Modern art hail to stop a while after. these tr.ilns ; ; 'ere built. CIty ticket office , 1401 Farnam street , - p Six 1' , M , EL.ECTILIO LIGhTED , STEAM lhlIATI.Il ) , SOLID VESTIHULED , Omaha , Chicago , Limited , via the "Milwaukee. " F. A , Nash , general agent ; George Iiayner , city passenger agent ; city ticket oflice , 1501 Farnam street. S Ca m' In I u Ju ( C ? Crgi , ; rn i'I Must go to Now York and Pennsylvania to fill dates booked months ago , but owing to numerous Inquiries for dates he bins con- chided to return about the middle of May for ten or twelve entertainments. For time and terms address manager , Captain Jack Crawford - ford , CI World Building , New York. l'HItSONAL i'.tlttGltAI'IIS. Il , floesenroth , Chicago , is a Darker guest. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. howard of Beatrice are in the city. J. 3 , hamilton and F , Wletzer of Norfolk are In the city. Herman Lintner left for Bootcn last even- log , to be gone several weeks. Forty-nine members of the MarIe Tavary Grand Opera company are domiciled at the Barker. M. ICochenthal of New York brother of Mm. L. Lehman , Is In the city on a short visit wIth his sister , Mrs. John B. Douglas , who was visithig the family of A.V , Kinsmen , returned to her home in Lincoln last cvcnlng , Mrs. L. P. Wolle , who was visiting Mrs. Swobo of tlui city , left for Akron , 0. , last evening where she goes on a visit to tel- atives , William Stephens , Signor Abrahamoff , Mme Tombns ! , 1Vllbiam Lichter , Mr. Witt and Moic. Lichter are some of the princIpals with the Marie Tavary Grand Opera company stopping at th Barker. Nebraskans at the hotels are : W. A. Humphrey , I'battsmouth ; T. J , Coffee , Wayne ; George W , Woods , A , G. I3lllmeyer , II. C. Routrce H , S. Llpplncott , A. G. Grecnlee , flay L. Stewart , Lincoln ; II. S. Manvliie , Fremont ; C. J , Anderson Neligh ; W. C. Mc- Grath , Hastings ; .7. L. flitter. North Bend ; D. M , Doty , Columbus ; F. L. Estabrook , Norfolk ; George W. Luis , Pierce ; II. Wade GIihi , Tckamah ; C. M. Rigg , Beatrice ; Frank Beemao , Kearney. At the Murray-Charles May , New York ; B. Litcbicnberg , New York ; J. II. I3atcheldor , Tapia , Ia. ; EdwIn Pierce , J. M. Smiott , I. T. Bugbec , New York ; J. W. Midgby , I3ur- bington ; A. W. Cortes , Chadron , Nob. ; Mrs. B.S. Ramsey , Mrs. 'N. Foxweli , Plattemouti , ; James D. Draper , MarIon , Ia. ; Lee W. Campbell - boll , CincinnatI , 0. ; J. W. Nevlns , C. M. Stilphen , New York ; W. S. Murdock , Pitta- burg ; George Lynch , Ne' York ; George E. Knowles , Chicago ; James Root , Hornellsvllie , N. Y , ; G L. Weaver , Chicago. p VEATHI01t EU RECAST. SliowerM With l'robnbly Siivere Local StoriuuI4 for uuitIieumstern NeJrnNILn. WASHINGTON , April 10-The forecast for Saturday Is : For Nebraska-Local rains ; probabiy severe local storms In the sautheastern portion ; cooer ; winds shifting to northerly - erly , For Oklahoma and Indian Territory-In- creasing cloudiness ; vrobably showers Saturday - urday night ; high , southerly wJnds ; cooler Saturday night. Forr M issourl-Increaslng cloudiness , fob- bowed by showers during the afternoon or night conditions tavorahie for severe local storms ; cooler Suturduy night ; southerly winds. For Iowa-Threatening weather , with rain severe local storms ; cooler ; varlnblo ; vindR. For Kansas-Local rains and probabl severe local storms ; cooler ; southery , shifting - ing to northerly winls. South Dakota-Light rains , followed by clearing weather ; northerly winds , shifting to easterly ; warmer in the western por- tton , For Colorado-Increasing cloudiness , wIti ; local rains ; northory winds ; cooler. For Montana-Lcal snow or bight rain , fo- lowed by fair ; warmer Saturday eveninu ; winds shifting to southerly. For Wyoming-Showers , followed by fair weather ; westerly winds. . Lot'nl Itecord , OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU , OMAHA , April 10.-Omaha record of tern- perature anil rainfall compared with the corresilonding day of the Past four years : 19ih. 1SM. Isill. 1593. Maximum temperature . , 89 66 f.5 62 Minimum temperature , . . 5 48 32 36 Average temperature . . . . . 74 57 44 49 l'recipttation . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 P .00 .00 Condition of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for the day and sluice March 1 , ' 1890 : Normal temperature . , . , , . , , , , , : . , . . . . . . . 49 Excess for time ( lity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acutntilated deficiency since March 1. . . .155 Normal irecipitation , , . , , . , . . . . . , . , 10 inch I Deficiency for the ( say . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .or inch Total precipitatia since March 1 2,22 inches Ioiiciency i3iflCe March . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inch ; 1 Itt'jIi't $ (51)IIi Stntiomis sit S p , iii. _ _ _ _ - 'l ' - ' _ a ' 1 1a STATIONS AND STATB OF a ' WEATHER.'b g , c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dmnaha , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i'.orti , Platte , part cloud ) ' , . , , , , , , , , , 62 P ) .00 huron q , cloudy ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' L'iiicada , CIOUOY . . , , . . , , , . . , , , . . . . , , . , t6 re , ic 41 , I4uIs , eiear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 78 81 , oo t , l'atii , diouLly..i 42 .10 lavcnport , cloudy . . , . , , , . , , . , , , , , . , , , . Cl 66 .41 Ciias City , Part choIiLly , . , , , . , , , ' , , , , , 7 ; 52 .00 helena , snowing . . . . . . . . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , fi 5 ILvre , iciudy , , , , . , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , 36 56 Ialt Lake , reinhmig . . . . , , , , , , . , , . , , . , , , , , 3,3 , 4s , os Ilismirck , ciou.ly , , . , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , 4o 46 .eo : : iieynne , claully . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s .0) WIlIlston. dlou4ly , , . , . . , . , , , . . , . , , . , , . , 55 36 .00 Itnrid City , raining . , , , , . , . , , , , , , . , , , , . as as , s4 e lnlvelOn. clear 66 'indicates trace of precupulation. 'I I . , \\1LSlE , Observer , Award'd Highest Honors-World's Fair , i3JCE3 4 CREAM IIAKI1 posohli A MOST P1RIECT MADE , - .E Grape Creani ofTaitar l'owder , Free horn Ammonia , Alum cr aimy otluer adulterant , 40 YEARS TilE STAt'OARD. IiELLEY , SlICER & CO , Announce the Arrival of Ladies' ' Now Hosiery and Underwear. NEW SPRING PARASOLS NOW ON DISPLAY Sheeinl Stile S'ntuirubny r lnillei' uiitl ChIld roii' , . Spri pig iituil Sti hummer Iiii- ier , Unlerenr-l'rIeems ld'fCIIt Jer iiiuieii for Such ( iitis. Our new stock of sprrg parasols Is now ready for your inspection , embracing alt the flew effects in Persian , Ircsin and linens ; also a large assortment of blacks. Full line of carriage iiarasols. Ladies' ribbed vests , IIgyltinn cotton , ecru and white , finished neck , at lIe each , Ladies' vests , white and ecrue , extra finish neck , with tape , short sleeves , at 17c each. Ladies' liibo thread vests , slk finish , , ecrue amid whtc ) , at 25c each. Ladies' Egyptian cotton ribbed vests , high neck , long sleeves , silk finIsh , airo pants , at 25c cacti , Ladies' fine tuaco cotton onion suits , fin- isblel seam , silk tape , 1,1gb , neck , Ictig and short ileeves , at SOc Per suit , Ciiiltlron's Egyptian cotton ribbed vests and pants- ISo lIe 20c 20c 20c 25o 25c Sizes : IS 20 22 24 26 28 30 Ciiildren's nazareth waist , every button whore it belongs , no extra sewing or buttcii ulecessary , at 25c each , Ladies' fast black hose , regular nlaIe double heel and too , forty gauge , at llc ier iair , 2 pairs for 25c. Ladies' fast black hose , extra flmio , high spliced heel and toe , double eile , the beet value ever offered at 25c ier pair , Ladies' fast black linac , dropped stitch , spliced heel anti toe , an extra special bargain - gain at 5c , 3 pairs for $1.00. Ladies' fast black hosa , mace sole , phice heel and toe , a regular SOc hose , at 35c , 3 pairs $1.00. Our line of ladiea French hioriery , in silk clieckeul , fancy foot , also dropped iititchi , nh nst colors , latest novelties , our regular 75c quality , at SOc per pair , ChIldren's ribbed fast black school hose , double heel and toe , at lSc ; er pair. \o have a complete line of children's tan hose , fast colors , dotibie knee , heel and toe , at 25c ver hair. hair.KELLEY KELLEY , STIflER & CO. , Corner Farnam and 15th sta. SOUTH OMAHA NrnJ The city council held an adjourned meeting - ing last night. . ChaIrman Mics of time coin- mittee on fire and water reported that lie had purchased 600 feet of hose for the fire department at a cost. of $600. The 15 per cent reserve due the Iowa Brick company for pavIng N street and now held by the city will , at tIme request of the brick company , be used to purchase city warrants - rants and school district warrants , the treasurer - urer to hold these warrants in place of cash. An ordinance levying a tax of $ S9.S4 against twenty-one property owners was passed. The ordinance establishing the grade of Harrison street from Twenty-fifth street to Forty-fourth street was read for the third time and passed , Inspector Howard reported that during Match lie condenned fifty-two hogs and twelve head of cattle. The police made soy- onty-seven arrests in March. Anton Larson wanted a rehearing of his claim for $40 damages to his horse , which fell In a hiobo In the street. The request was refused , as the dali ; ; has be n outlawed , The street commissioner will repair S street from Eighteenth to Nineteanth strcet at once at a cost not to exceed $20. Cros- : ngs wilt be placed at the alleys on S street between Twenty-first and Twenty-second streets and Twenty-second and Twenty-third streets. Mica introduced' a resolution authorizing the treasurer to credIt 13. Jotter with ; $837 on taxes , in consideration of his dedicating ThIrtieth street from Eggers street south to time city. Some of the councilmen favored the resolution because they said If time city were conipeiled to condemn the property it would cost twice as much as Jotter offered to settle for. Walters , Bianchard and Franek voted no ard' ' the niotion was lost. Ryan reported in regard to compelling the Union Pacific to open its fence at crossings between Q street and Albright. He said that the ground had never been dedicated for street purposes , and that in laying out the additions no provision was made for cross- ngs. To institute condemnation proceedings ; vould cost a great deal and lie was not in favor of it. The council sustained the re- port. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ilronl'ivt'll Looki , ij for liouIlr4mmieu. Treasurer-elect Broadwehl Is busy these days preparing his official bond , It Is un- iberstomyd that the bond to be offered by Mr. I3roadweil will be for $50,000 , as pro- vid&J for in the city charter. Several weeki' ago an ordinance was Introduced in time city council fixing time bond at $200,000. The ordinance wae referred to the judiciary corn- unittee and has never bccmm reported on. It is not likely that time amount of the bond ; vihi be changed now that Broadwehi will be governed by time prayisina in lime charter. Some of the city officials think that the bond is high enough as ' , t is. Treasurer Hector is tusy closing up the affairu of his office so that lie can irn over the books sad city property Tuesday. The expert accountant , who bias been w eking , m1 the books for some time , has about Onished , and will be ready to report to the oimncil Monday night. . City Clerk Maly is also closing up his affairs , but an expert will go over his records next week. Magic 'H ) ' Gosniji , Colonel J , L. Martin , local agent of the Rock Island , has returned from a southern rip. . The exhibition track at. tici"tock yards is I olng graded and relied , alid will be in first- iass shape in a day or two , Yesterday A , Gustofsnn , an employc at wift's , was badly hurt by a truck falling ill his head , cutting an ugly gash , lId. Brosnihan was sentenced to four days a the county jail for carrying concanied veapons , but Mayor Johnson pardoned hum ; ) eforo ho wa taken to Oiuiiha , Police Othicer Ibohmnan rc.nt iii his rerigna- ion to the mayor yesterday noon arid it wu Lccepted at once. Mayor Johnston wifl not ippoint any one to fill time vacancy , A. H. Lee , one of the traveling represent- Ltives of the Union. Stock Yards , has re- urned from an eastern trip , and will leave iox week for Rapid City to atend % the cat- lemon's convention. , There will be a special meeting of the I louth Onaiia Live Stock exchanko this aft- moon. Delegates to time South Dakota Live tock Growers' convention wiji be selected. rho conventioui meets at Rauiid City oii the 4th , Si,8t'M t'IU'lliCiI. iln.l lirenlis Arrl.fti'n iie CflIrIe ( if ( LImirtIiunor. In the litirry' oV suioohi soul the anxiety to ho polite one Is veryoften lialile to slips of the tongue which my ' put ftfl entirely dit- ftrent construction tupori the sentence than was intended. Forzmxmnplo , upon arriving at your entertalncr'd'house , you say : "I beg a thousand pari1onr. for coming late , " amid are met by your hrmatss wIth time words : "My dear air , no pftrdflns are needed ; you call never come too ilatem" Take another Instance. At an evening larty in Cork a woman said to her partner "tan you tell me 'who that exceedingly plain man is sitting opposite to 115 ? " "That i my brother , " "Oh , I beg your parm1on , ' she replied , much confused , "I did not notice the resemblance , " That was certainly putting one's foot in It , and yet , perhaps , was not so awkward as the following : After a certain concert a well known German cantatrico asked a man to whom sue limb beemi introduced how lie liked the duet , "You sang ciiarminly , nindain , But wily do yen select such a horrid niece of music ? " "Sir , that was written by 111) ' late husbaimihi" "Ah , yes. of course. I diii not mean-mit why ilid you select such an ass to slug withi you ? " "Ach bimuniel , that is Ill ) ' hmrcseuit husband I' ' A woman said soniethiing the other ilay at a friend's dInner that found a mark the archer little meant. There were several strangers present , and in response to a re- unark niade about a certain woman of a cer- tam age the fair guest in question exclaimed : "Why , good graciousi she is as old as time hiiisi" and could not imagine In the least what had caused the general consternation , She did a little later , however , when it was explained to her that two macidea sisters at time table , whose r.ainos she dub not catch in tlm introduction , were called lull antI were extmemmioly sensitive on the subject of age , "Here , may dear husband , " said a loving wife , "I have broimghm you a littbo silver pig fchluck. . It's a charni , you know , ibear , to hiring hmappimiess to a house. " ' 'Ahu , how kind of you , darhingi Dot ; 'liy should I need a little pig to bring me luck when I have you still 7' ' Am ; awkward cornpiimnent recently rather disturbed tIle biarmony of a wedding breakfast given by a substantial farmer blessed with five daughters , time eldest being the bride. A neighboring young farmer , who was honored with an Invitation , thInking , no doubt , he ought. to say something smart and coniphiunentary upon the event , addressing the bridegroom , saidVell : , you have got tIme pick of the batch. " Time countenances of the four unmarried ones may be in- aginemi. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Blood purifiemi , disease cured , sickness and suilering prevented-this is the record made each year by Ilood's Sarsaparihla. - . Mmurrlmige Liciimise. Permits to wed vere issued to time fob- lowing pnrtio5 yesterday : Nnmuo mind Address Age. Carl Carlson , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Itnnnmih Carison , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Josaph Sekern , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Antonio Smifranek , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Rasmus hansen , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 hannah Peterson , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Electric IiltCVN. Electric Bitters is a medIcine suited for any season , but r.crlaps more generally needed in the springwlien time languid exhausted feeling - ing prevails , whmeur the. liver Is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative - tive is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averteilT long and hierhapa fatai bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the systen ; from time malartai poison. headache , indigestion , constipation dizziness yield to Electric Bitters. Oiilyflfty cents per bottle at Kuhn & Co.'s drugstore. Flowers'Iyieui itvny. Saturday afternoon : ati the opening of the new glove store and halrdrcsalng parlors , 15l9 Farnam Street. . - LOCAL IIIHOVITIII1S. 'Today time women of tIme Plymouth CngregatiomvuI chiunch whit servedlnrmer and supper at tiic loung.Men's Chrstian aasocla- tion building. Maud hlmibanks , charged with cutting with intent to wound , pleaded guilty to assault and battery in the district court yesterday afternoon and was sentenced to the county jail for ninety days. Articles of Incorporation were flied yesterday - day by time Coboramlo Springs and Cripple Ci cole Investment company. . The incorparat- era are James Beshears , J. A. Sill , C. J. Tiffany , E. B. Tiffany and time capital stock is fixed at $5,000,030. At 7:15 : o'clock yesterday morning the fire department was called to extinguish a small blaze , originating from a gasoline stove , in time residence of Mrs. Jennie P. Smmilth , 1402 North Iligimteenth street , The damage sustained froni tIme flames amounted to but 515. I'ermnits for a number of improvements were taken out. yesterday , McCord , Brady & Co. will expend $2,000 in alterIng anti repairing their building at 719 South , Thirteenth street. The Booth Packing con- pany will add a third story to Its brick build- lag at Thlrteemitbi and Leavenworth streets , at a cost of $5,000. Councilman Duncan is an enthusiastic do- noumncer of ; 'lmat he terms the "Curfew ab- surdity. " He says that lie doesn't want to be too prominent as a new member of time coun- cii , but that if none of the older members are willing to take tiiC initiative he will introduce - troduco an ordinance next Thursday night repealing the curfew ordinance. MissJan Sent of the city'attorney's office is preparing time bond refunding ordinance for introduction. The docmmnemmt contains more than eIghty typewritten pages. it Is the Intention to call a epe- cliii meeting of thern council for Saturday I night for tbo purpcsc of reading the ordinance - nance for time fIrst time , so that it may be passed at the regular meeting Tuesday night. Prosperity proveml too much ; for Joe WhIte , an emmipboyc of the Union Pacific , yesterday , After being payed off imo visIted a miummiber of saloons and thien calieb upon some women treods ! at the Co-operative hotel at Thir- teentli and Capitol avenue , Hero the afternoon - noon was pleasantly biassed in drinking , until White discoveretl he had been robbed of $25 , 110 then sent Manmly Young , one of tIme women , out for more beer sslmiie lie attempted to recover his money from Kate Gibson , chico ; imo suspected of having robbemi him , rreimblo ensued and the police arrested all Limrco parties , White being retained as corn- iiaiuming witness. ' Special flour Sale Saturdays Oueen at the West , Silver lOml liettal ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . 100,1 Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i. . , . . . . Snow links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-pound Eark Corn IdeaL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISo ' ) enuino Iluckwlmemit Flour , sack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIe .emulflH , m'er dozen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe 3ood ( 'rnnberries , per 'Ousri . . , , , . . . , . , . . . . , . , , . 40 iounmh box Hoda Cmaekers , , , , , , , , , , , . . . . . . . . . be , arge can Tomatoes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jxtra quality l'otatoesi4 psr bushel , , . , , , . . , . , limo ban , ' , Vimhte itussianti Inp , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0bmirs good LaundrSOBeop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIe OMAHA GR3OERY CO , _ 51i.151 ( tpItoI Ave rel. 279. Ghodmi Delivered Free. Ii ORIENTAL RUGS A U C T I 0 N i. . . S1 AL E t 10:30 : a. m. and 2:30 : p. m. Each Day At 310 South 15th auct E'ar.uam Streeth. famous VARZHAB EIDIAN CoIIe tie THETA L K lice : April . of theTOWN . The Sale of Worsted Suits at "The Nebraska" 0 0 5 1 the long litie or great value giving for whioh "Tte Nebraska" has been famous , these presenL values have never boon ap- 5 0 0 proached. Several hundred wore disposed of' yesterday and wo antioipte a still greater rush today. ExLraordinary seems to be the word best , [ [ to explain this 0 0 5 - sale , It is the result of extraordinary - work on the part ol our buyer and well illustrates what we are preaohing every 0 0 day-that this is an extraordinary season 5 - for low prices at "The Nebraska. " IL is our opinion that you will never see suoh value giving again. 0 0 5 SPECZFZCI TZOtVS 7'/iesa sz Is are iii ide front a finc 522 uit quality of sfridily ! urc if/c vs/ed. They are cuE i ; the fashionable round corner four-but/on sacks. The coat lininsrs , are of besi grade 522 uit Italian cloth , the vests have notched collars , and there are tob ftockets to I/ic ftants. The colors are i/ic faslz- _ _ ionable Oxiord Greys and ° Grey Mi.rtures , and at 59 iilton / writingwe have all sizes on hand . , These Suits are worth $10 to $12 each , . , See them A. E. hey are emphatically the Greatest in our window. Bargains of the Age. Come early to secure your size. - - -u - . 1. q ® " . - . \I I4 % \4 4cX ? Q Q ? 'G . ) , r , ( Q1J > Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. , 1416 Douglas Street. 1- . RE8TOR' 1IGO _ _ _ _ . . , , . . . . , , , , , . . WI. in .ioubt .hit to .n. for lfynu Dcbflls to of S.zu.i . , , . . ( mi eitha _ _ _ _ sill 1) , . lmpotcncv . I'iImI. ii&in. Aliophy . hck.4 . Vsrkoc.i. md 1,01 . &nd igo other , qickIy weikaep , e&mp.d. , Cot U , , . sy .gl.cm.d cams. , , usa , . . . ic , , . . . . . . . iLozn1t in 4 yeOkL tUBI.I . .r ) SS.o..rdtrwa&v.sm.aI CIuIt (111117. M.Iied snywh. suu..o. .e.mo I. cuts io ; or $ rerund .oo I b the z. mon.y 1 Zs..o. , A44z.i wI VT1RMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO. . 1511 Doig. Strait , Omaha , ceth Extracted Painlessly Without Gas. DR. BAILEY , LEADING DENTIST , 16th and Farnani Sts , rd Floor Paxton Block Tel1085. . Lady. attendant. German ahOkCn , ot Teeth , , on rubber Pinto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eat Teetimon rubber hmlate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.50 leatTeetim , on aiuninunm 1)late . . , , . . . , , . $1,00 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! , reetli Without Plates- rdgo $ Teeth , par tooth , , , . . . , , , i , , . . , , . $5.00 old Qrowns , i'srranted 2k . . , . , $5,00 to $8.00 lotiming but Ifarat Gold used in our bridge and gold crowns. as given Iii painless xtractimmg when called for ' ReliaDbo dentist work at res.onatbo 'JrIoo. 13'A1JEr ( hOTEL. u18'4EN'1'u : AND JOXIdS $ 'VhIldli'I' $ , 150 rooms , baum. , stcain heat and eli modrti av5nheflce , Itajes $1.80 and $2.00 per day. ibis wisacehfed. 8.cl.I low rate. to regular ardsri. bRANIC I1ILDITCU LSgr. Lathes' Cycling Suits- We have just received another - other lot of thepiccc a cycling suits , the most popular and correct suit. All each complete Ladies' New Outing Suits- Either blazer or reefer style , at $5 , $7,5o , $10 , $13.50 and $ I498 , We tliimilc they * re theliest Stilts otrtircd this Scusoui. New and nobby SILK CAPES , just the right tiling , at $5 , $5,98 , and $7.50 , fancy silk lined U. A. ViEINI3ERG CO. , ' . 1i , C , A. bisillding , CLOA1S A'l ) $ UITL 'Read. ' . . . HAYDIN'S Buytito- _ . BuytitoSattirday PATT1Ii1N Prices , e A Marvelous , Matchless , Mngiiiuiceiit Sale of Mcii's Suits. 1,600 gentlemen's all wool black , broan and gray clay worsteti suits , in eiingle- breasted , wick , square emit sack and 3-button ctitaray frock styles , stylish ; dM1 thoroughly ; s ell made suits , the equal of which were never before sold by emiy clothing store iii America for less than 510,00 , linytien Bros. wiil seil Saturday , imril 11 , for $1.75. It secmiis imflPa4ible , but It will ho a fact Saturday , To still further tieniostrato the imicomparn- blo superiority of our boys' clothing do- Partloent : 1103'S' knee lmmits stilts , ages 5 to 15 ) ( \5 , special how prices for Saturday - day , stilt at DIe , $1.50 , 52.50 cud $3.50 , worth ; tiotibie , Speci iii Sale of Mcii's Fuviiisliiiig Goods. 100 dozen mcmi's unintindered shirts , mails front good quality of minmehin , himion bozemm ; and ; eli worth SOc. on Saturday 29c. 1 lot of inca's soft negligee shirts , 25o each , , \orthi SOc. Men's white laulidered shirts , gonts' fur- nishiing stores asic $1.00 ; our lrice 50c , 500 dozen nens fancy lammitlcred shirts , worth ; 75c and $1.00 , go at SOc emtcim , Men's flue immported sex , tans and blacks , 12'.c ' , worth , 25c. 100 dozemi regular SOc suspeomlers , on Sat- unlay omli 25 per iair. BOYS' WAISTS. Our 25c waist hiac no equal. 100 dozen Fauntleroy waists , OSe , worth 75c. Hut and Cai , Dept. IIAT ANI ) CAt' DEI'AItTMENT. Saturday we will give you the best bargains iii men's , boys' , misses' amid chiiidrcn'mi hats antI caps. 25c for boys' yacht caps , in all colors. 2c for miiiocs' and children's Tam O'Shan- tess , in all colors. 25c for boys' fancy ttmrbams , in all etyie.o. 40c for umien's crush hats , in black and brown. SOc for men's fur derbys , in black and brown. 950 for macmm's fur fadoras , In black and brown. 950 for men'a fmmr soft Imats , in black a14 brown. brown.e have received our new line of chill- dren's and boys' straw hints , all now and this latest styles , which we will put on sale Sat- urday. Alt the latest styles of men's fur dorbys and fadoras one-liaR hatters' prices. Ladies' Kid Gloves. Special mb for Saturday. 100 dozen gloves , worth $1.00 to $2.00 her pair , go at 49c. Our $1.25 gioves reduced for coo day to 750 per pair. Hosiery. Ladies' fine seamnlcss hosiery , fast black , / 12c , worth 25c. 100 dozen chiihdren'e fast black cotton hose , 25c quality , go at I2mc , 100 dozen summer corsets , OSc per pair , worth SOc. On Saturday , our Deflanco corset , SOc , worth $1.00 , 100 dozen ladies' jersey ribbed vests , Sc , Sc , lOc and 12 ½ c , wOrth double , Ladies' Night Gowns. 100 dozen gowns , worth 75c , reduced to 48c. Millinery ; Capes. The nihlinery showing Is complete. The daimitiest amid most tyhish trimmed hats are , here ty scores. Every correct style in untrimmed shapes , flowers , fruits amid foliage , and every wamite. trimming can he hail. Thin prices are one-third less luau you will have to pay outside this best millinery depart- mrnint. Every lady Is buying a cape this spring , We name a few Saturday specials. Fine black both , double capes , neatly braided , wortlm $3.50 , at $1.98. Fine double capes , best kereicy cloth , , hand- sornely ornamented with Inlaid collar , in Ian arid brown , regular price $7.50 ; Saturday , $4.00. Full sweep satin cape , tyhishmly trimnieti , silk lined ; a very handsome garmnent , fully worth $9.00 , c n sate at $4.48. All wool black clay worsted capes , extra length , trirnnetl with fine jet lace anti satin ribbon ; a Imantisome garment for elderly ambles , well worth $9.00 , at $5.00. Silk velvet capes , elaborately trimiinied with let and fine satin and silk lace ; collar lined with changeable silk ; full siveep , very sty- ! ' Ish ; worth $10.00 ; our vrice $5.98 , Dress Goods Dept. 3 GRAND IIAI1GAINS SATUI1IAY , 25 pieces 411-Inch nil wool stermu ; serge , warranted dust. anti storni proof , wili not spot , special foi Saturday , 49c. 25 pieces of black figurcml mohair , for skirts , ipccial for Saturday 250. 25 pIeces of all wool novelties , the 39c anti 48e goods , sp'ecial for Saturbay 25c. 25 pieces all wool cimahlie , time 48c goods , bpecial for Saturday , 25c. Saturday eve , 7:30 to 8:30. : Another pf those famous $1.00 dress pat- bra sales. We will sell for just this one hour the roateet bargain ever attempted in Omaha , 4 yards to time pattern , amid one to a cus- tomner , I'IIINTED PONOEII SILKS , 12IC , Satuirdall mnornimig , froni im:30 : to 10 a , m , , we shah sell 1.000 ) 'arIhi ! of nil silk printed nominees at : l2mhc a yard , regimhmir 39c silks , ror J314je a yard. One imattc'rn to a customer nly , PIUN'l'iID I'ONGEFi SILKS , 1214C. Saturday's Big Bargains Simuol cotton , black amid vbiito , Ic spool. Stammmpetl and tinted goods on sale , 9-imicli stamnleml doilies , 2c cad , . 12-inch , stamped thollics , Sc each , IS-iuich staimmpeml center pieces , Sc each , 36-inch , timited table cover , lOc. hilt thu greatest bnrgaiu , of all in a fuli ized tinted table cover , frimmged , wortim fror4 'Sc to PIe , emily 25c. ew Bordered Veils Thmo latest novelty ia veils oniy lOc. ew Neckwear Ladies' SOc reefer bows , 25c. Ladies' $1.00 stock cohiars , SOc. Elegamit colaretins at coat , Uivimmg away dolls at our notion countcr f Saturday mmtgiit , 7 : i0 to 9:30 : , 100 elegant new Jut garnitures , svortbi 1.G 0 53.00 only idle inch. 1100K lJil'AIITMIINT. Ammotiier closing snie , 2,500 now imo'els , Ic each ; worth 25c , 2,000 clcgiuit new books , lOc each , wert Oc , 125 envelopes for Sc , EEAD THIS- 0 pounds fine Granulated Sugar for. . . . $ i,00 law California l'eaches , evaporated. , . 4i4 ny brand of Soap you want , 10 bars for 250 -pound ceo. California l'eachmes , very limitm , . . , , , , . , , , , . , , , . . , . , . , , . . . , , . , . , , 8'Ao a 'Iuoulici camia Sugar Corn only. , . , . , , , , 'Jo cans choice Tomatoes , quarts , for , , , , 25o ireahfamit Oatnieal , ier Pound only. , , , , ho issorted Mixed l'ieiciemi , per quart , , . , , 7mho mported iloliamith 1)111 1'lckhes . . , , , , . , , , 10 1 I irk's Ho. . , . , , . , , . , , , t. . , , e 30 yo5 I'earbino . , , . . . , . , , . , ' , . , , , . , , . ' , . . q ami l.'e , . , . , , , . , , , , , . . . . , , , . . , , , , , , . , , , , Co hew California l'runem , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Go. HAYDEN