Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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MA1TAflAILY1UE .ArnrrA irnfl.
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t/ 7 Review of the 1obrak Inatitutlon in
ccrotary Morton's ' Ropprt. .
Spcclnl 4ttfttltItt1 I'nI.I o Culture of
t ,
Stinr IJe-SfrsIt,1N ui , Un-
\l. IerI1ovv t iIIitIIo ror IrrI-
Kg t loti I'nrpoN ,
WASII1NGTO ? . April 1O.-Speclal.-Sec ( )
retary of Agriculture Morton has just sub-
tn ttu1 ) ils annual report In the form of an
extcuUvo document a to the work done by
govrnnint experiment otaUons during the
fiscal yrir ending June O , 1805. From the
manus2rIpt ulmIttcI , Lie following of 1n
terest to Nebraskans , I obtained :
"Tue Nebraska sgricultural pxpeImcnt
station was organized December 16. 1884 , In
: onnectlon with the Industrial coUego of
the University of Nebraskn , loc3tetl at Lin-
coin , and was reorganized 1)2ccmber 14 , 18S7 ,
in accordanc ( with the act of congress of
March 2 , 1887 , ns a department of the uni-
j8wlty. The station , 09 well as the other
: departments of the university , Is uiulor the
control of a board of six regents elected by
. the people , for a term of six years , two
regeiit being elected each two years. Itegu-
lar meet-Ings of the board are held three
times a year. Th board elect station of-
ficere. fixes ularIea , appropriatee funds to
t.o different departineiits of the station ,
audibi accounts. and passes oti Ilans of work
reconitnended by the station council. 'Fhe
station council to cotnpoed of the president
qf the board of regenU , director of the eta-
tion , and liend of departments. 'rue heads
of ( lcpartrnents are ihireetty responsible to
the chancellor of the university and director
of the etntion , and subordinates to the hieatls
of departments. Membcrs of the station
ntafC are elected to serve during good be-
hiavior. "
"turing tue past year the station htaff
coiiosted of tie dhnncehior of the univer-
-c Rit3 , dircctor anti agricnhturist. chemist ,
S botanist , entomologist , horticulturist , Investigator -
gator of animal diseaa , geologist , meteorologist -
elegist , assitnnt meteqroioglst , asaistant
chemist , aIstant agriulturlst , aasistant
cntomoiogiet , foreman of the farm , and
eecuttve clerIc. At present. however , qwing
to the death of the ( lirector , the chancellor
of the utilvereity actii tie director. Mo't
of the beads of the eitation departments are
aIm instructors In the college and receive
r a part. of their salaries from college funds.
"The tatlon makeii use of the university
farm and tie several untveriity buildings na
far as lilay b necessary for its work. It
lila exclusive tire of a veterinary laboratory
anti cultivating house. The station is well
efluh1)iCl ) for tito work which it has under-
"Tile revenue of the station during the
year ending June O , 1895 , wat' as fohlovn :
Hatch ( tind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I5oOO 00
Salet of tarm vroduct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 991 17
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15,1 17
"Ixpcndlturoa are inndo on orders drawn
by tim ecretary of heads of departments.
Illils inu.'t be approved by the head of the
department making the purchase , and the
chancellor of the university or president
of the board of regents. M'counts are audited
' emt-annualIy by th finance committco of
tito board of regents. The report of the
receipts and oxpenditurea of the station for
t the fiscal 'year ondlug June 30 , 1895 , on tha
preecribed form and properly audited , has
been received and approved.
"The irInciPnl lines of work of thto station -
tion are chemistry. botany , meteorology , field
oxperlmcnt with tap1o crops , horticulture ,
and diseast's of animals.
"During the fiscal year ending June 30 ,
1895 , thin following pubhlcatione of the No-
ltraska station were received by tue office
of experiment stations :
"Annual Report for 1SOI. pp. 36.-BrIef reports -
ports of the director and heads of depart-
iteiitt. and financial statement.
"Bulletin No. 37 , PP. 6..tonthily weather
review of the Nebra&ka weather service.
Tabulated meteorological data for each
month of the year , and a brief annual bum-
Bulletin No. 3S , pp. 31.-Nebraska and the
beet sugar industry ; translation of a report
made by Dr. Max Ilollrung , ItalIc , Germany.
A eiieral tllcussiOfl of tito history , mctlmoda
and cost of vrodttction of sugar beets In
different scctloiia of time state. The article
' ) dealmj largely with the financial side of the
quentioii. many tables being given showing
the coSt Or cultivation ttitdcr different cir-
cumstancea nnil returns therefrom.
"Ilulletin No. 39 , PP. 13.-Some Obstacles
to Successful Fruit Growing ; tatemcnts re-
gardlng injuries by borer. , mice. rabbits ,
crown galls , nmnatodo gahi , and droutim ,
with t1c'criptiOns and suggc-'tions rcnrdlng
"l3uhiotin No. 40 , pp. 12.-A preliminary
list of the honey vrcduclng plants of Nebraska -
braska : a ciaseified list of I7 species.
"Ibilietin No. 11 20.-\Vater supply in
Nebraska ; a report on an nveatigatIon of
the princiPal streams of Nebraska with reference -
oronce to their availability for trlgation , to-
etlier with a discussion of ' . , _ d waters and
.Utorago anti underground C .r in relation to
irrigation lrohlommls.
"During the past year less tItan half the
expense of printing mtatlon publications was
borne by the Hatch fund. The mailing list
ot the station contains about 7,000 addresses.
The tntion carries on a large correepond-
Once , and the oiiicera of the station attend
farmers' institutes at the request of tile
local organizations.
"During a considorablc' period time No-
braslca station devoted itself especially to
investigations LIIXtI dlseaea of animals. Thin
work was , however , carrot1 on under such
conditiont3 ItS hot to eatailhishm confidence In
Its scientific accuracy or the reliability of
the results obtained. Zdc'ro recently thto stat -
t tion has given greater attention to other
lines of work , though : it is still carrying
on important invetIgatlons on animal dis-
"Careful Investigations of cultural and
chiwnical probieme relating to sugam beets
1ILXO beca comitlucted , which have shown
that large yields of beets rich in sugar may
ho obtained on large areas In the state.
"Much useful work in entoniology has also
been done.
"Careful meteorological records have bcea
Icoilt by tito station , including contInuous
rocortia of coil temperaturo. During tIme
Imast timroo years droutli Imam , lrOVCd ) a serious
itindranco to tIme efcctlveness of time agricultural -
cultural and horticultural vork. "
httt'rlI ) " % 'OItI II 'l'hIt7 ilLMII. (
lalmnic on thr IIhii'aI ( 'tisr'e 13111
'l'ti ) Ii , Agmtii ,
vsiiiNaTO , April lOS-Mr , Ilsinor , republican -
publican of Nebraska , reported tIme fortiflca-
( Ion appropriation bill ,
The senate bill to amend the act relating
to the Choctaw Coal eompny was passed ,
but a ijiii to Immcreatc tb pension of the
widow of Colonel John Irving Gregg failed ,
Representative Lomii , republican of Califor-
ida , said ho would oppose all bills to increase
pensiona of officers' widows.
A bill was passed granting about 4,000
acres of land to the city of Colorado Springs ,
Cole , , for a reservoIr cite.
Mr , Grosvenor , republican of Ohio , then
tiamantied the regular order In the interest
of the "filled cheese" bill , and the debate
on that macneure was resumed with the un-
deratanding that general debate should close
at 4:30 : today , Grosvenor , In charge of the
bill , athIressel the house in favor of its
passage. lie described In detail the mann.
facture of thilctl lmeoso from skimmed milk
anti leaf lard. Of all the perns who had
appeared before the ways and means corn-
mittee , he said , but. one , a manufacturer
of filled cheaso , lmtl opposoul the bill. The
bill haml been franmcml on the lines of the
oleomargarine bill , which had become a law
against the most intense opposition , Although
subjected to time severest tests of litiga-
tlon , it had been held to be ccnhtltutlonal In
all essentials. The committee therefore imati
hold to tlmo legal pathway blazed by that
bill. It. was , Mr. Grosvenor arguetl , the
duty of legislation to protect the producers
of food lrOdUCts from competition with cone.
terfelte. The exportation of filled chmeeo , ho
claimed , had practically ruined the foreign
market for genuine American cheese. , The
bill did not lrohlbit or discourage time nianu-
facttmro of tilled cheese ; It .imnply forced the
manufacture and sale of It under Its true
In reply to a question by Mr. Cannon , Mr.
Groovenor said that despite the taxation
and penalties in the oleonttrmarine law , time
manufacturers had gene on making vast
lrOflts. Thu testimony before tlmo ways
and macsell committee , , lie said , demonstrated -
strated that. the law was violated 1,000 tinics
a day in the city \Vashington. .
"Is not the experience with time olee-
margarine law not the best reason ? " aeked
Mr. MeMihlin , "why this effort to. destroy
an industry by taxation should not 3m made ? "
Mr. Grosvonor denied that the bill proposed -
posed to destroy the industry. Time regulations -
tions in lImo bIll , lmo said , would compel tIme
ealo of filled cheese under its true caine.
Mr. Otoy opened the debate in oppoel-
tiomi to thu bIll , and Mr. McMihlin. a mom-
her of time ways and meam's committee. made
the principal argument against It , Ho argued
that there was no reason why the manufacturers -
turors of filled cheese slmould be taxed , whIle
the mimanufacturers ot other forms of cheese
were not taxed , and that resort to time forms
of taxation for the euppresalon of Its production -
tion or palo wan an abusa of that vower.
Mr. Tawney , to show the Injury done to
thmo legitimate cItceo lnd'mstry by tim maxm-
facturo of filled elmeeso , cited thy fact that
In 1S90 there were 130 cheese factories In
lila state mrottucing 10,000,000 pounds of
cheese. Last year there wore but thirty.
four factories , time production of which was
loss than 1,000,000 pounds. LII 189 ur cx-
portatlon of cheese was 118,000,000 pounds ,
and Canada exported but. 40.000,000 pounds.
Last year. as a result of time exportation o
bogus cheese , our exportations tad fallen
to 61,000,000 pounds , while Canada's exportations -
tations had Increased to 140,000,000 pounds.
After some further remarks by Mr.cSiaw.
Mr. Clartly , Mr. Underwood , Mr.Ivans an
Mr. Linney , against tlmo bill , and Mr. Sauer-
Imerlng and Mr. Barney in favor of time bill ,
.Mr. Dolllver clot'ed time debate. Ito supporte
: it on three grounds : It 'souid tend to bring
revenue into limo treasury ; . time oleomnargarinc
act , against which time identical arguments
of today load been urged produced $2,000.00
annually : necondly. tlmo bill would furnlsi
an appropriate legal protection against tIme
adulteration of time peoplo's food. Filled
cheese was a commercial fraud , flutter bad
been protected. why ahould not ch3eae he ?
Third ho was 1mm favor of giving 'he ' . , t.w a
fair chance , and of protecting her in time
production of butter and cheese.
Pemiding time reading of time bill for amend-
macmit , time commimitteO rose.
After the tramisactiOlm of sonic minor busi-
noa. time house , at 5 p. on. , took a receua
until 8 o'clock , the evening seeslon to be for
the consideration of private pension bills.
At time mmiglmt session an attack was made
on the pemislon comunmittee for recommncnding
larger penriolls than the law allowed to time
widowo of officers. Mr. Talbert , Mr. Baker ,
Mr. hemingway and Mr. McCall all protested
againet this course. The latter declared
tlmat Ito was willing to attend Friday night
sessions , if theIr object was the relief of
time poor soldiers who fought in the trenchea ,
but if their purpose was to vote large pen-
clone to officers widows , lie would nOt be
prescmmt. Mr. Pickier , chairman of the corn-
inlttee. defended the course of the committee ,
especially , m tIme case of tha widow of General -
oral Abner Doubleday , in which time corn-
mnittee roconunended $100 a month becaus0 of
Limo excepticimal conditions surrounding that
case. Mrs. Doubleday , ho said , had been constantly -
stantly at her bubant1'n side during the re-
bohlicn , and imatl eimdured tlmo actual hardships -
ships of campaigning. At Sumter she had
stood guard. The bill was not acted upon ,
however , before the hour of adjournment
was reached.
Among tlmo other hills favorably acted upon
was one to pension Josephine Foote-Fairfax ,
time widow of time late Rear Admiral Fairfax ,
mtt the rate of $50 per month ,
It-nles mht-1iir mmn Emmghlslm Concern.
WASHINGTON. AprIl 10.-General Wager
Swayne of New York today made a state-
muent to the house committee oim commerce in
the luterost of the Spaulding Cable company ,
which is competing with tIme Serymser corn-
pany for a government subsidy for a cable
to time HawaIian islammd and Japan , General
Swaymmo resented tIme charges made
against his coumpany , that it 'as under En-
gush imifluenco and Inspired by Sir John Pen-
tier. lie stated that lila company would meet
any offer of tories made by the otimer corn-
pany. Time lowest subsidy ho was willing tea
a ccpt without consultation vith his corn-
pany was $ ICO,000 a year for twenty years.
It was unnecessary for such a company to cx-
toed its lne to China. Ito said , because there
was already suilietent cable fmtcilltlo3 between
Japan and Clmlna.
Gisisi itejiresemitetiomi ,
WASh INGTON , April 10.-TIme senate
committee omm territories today"authorzod a
favorable report of the bill imrovldlng for a
delegate iii cong essfrom Alaska ,
Couslldiamm of ( Iii. 'I'r'ssIry.
WAShINGTON , April 10.-Today's statement -
mont of time comulltion of time treasury aimows :
Available caelm balance , $270,500,904 ; gold reserve -
servo , $128,029,754.
Cannon Wants Commissions to Make
Treaties Composed of Western Mon ,
habnte on lime Lntter 3iiick lesi
Aerimnoimintis 'i'luiitt Ito ( lit. houSe- .
'i'rnuisnulssit'siiiiul ixinsi ( ion
lulL 1'nssd ,
\VASIhiNGTO , April 10.-The senate took
up tIme question of sectarian himdlan schools
today , but did not complete it. The debhto
was very temperate and no referenc vas
made to time organization which Imas boon
active in opposition to aectarian .scimQoic.
Mr. Carter propos3d to strike out the provision -
vision directing that no money should lie
spent on aectatlan schools. Tbts led to a
general argument , in which Sonat0ri Carter ,
Lodge , Gray , hoar , Hawley , Allison and
Galhinger varticivated. An important bill
3Jasot at time close of the day was that
pravlding for a Transmissis.'iippi and International -
national oxposittto at Omaha in 1898.
I'residont l'ro Tom Frye waa in tile chair
today In the absence of Vice President Stov-
eneon from the senate.
Mr. Call , democrat of Florida , stated that
inquiries had been made of him by Eugene
V. Debs amid other labor headers as to
whotimer the senate judiciary committee was
taking any action on the restriction of thto
power of federal judges. Mr. hoar , cc-
pubhican of Masaclineette , ehmairmami of the
judiciary committee , said all time members
believed some comprehensive legislation in
this line waa needed and soverai plans were
under consideration , but not fully matured.
Mr. 11111 , demmiocrat of Now York , had special
charge of time subject , and Mr. Timurston ,
republicaim of Nebraska , had presented a
measure covering time whole subject. lIe ,
Mr. hoar , expected a definite plan would be
presented to time senate later en.
Mr , Mitchell , rcpubhlcamm of Oregon. chairman -
man of the committee on prlviioges and
elections , presented a resolution providing
far time paymnent at the salaries of Senators
Mantle of Montana anti Clark of Wyommmitm ;
from March' 4 , 1893 , the date when time son-
atonal seats from these states became vacant -
cant instead of from the hater time when
the senators were elected , tlmo resolution be-
leg necesasry to validate payments already
There was something of a breeze when Mr.
Call presented a joint resolution concerimimig
tlmo lmnprisommmetmt of Mrs. Maybrick , and re-
qimestlng that the president immtervemme With
time Iiritisim autlmoritles tovard securing her
"That ought not to be introduced here , and
I move to lay time resolution oim the table , "
immterposed Mr. Sherman. "The senate of
time Ummited States line no jurisdiction over
time subject. "
Mr. Call dissented from this proposition
and said he would Insist omm a vote on it.
The reaoltmtion was responsmve , ho said , to a
wide public sentiment In this country , and
there \aa nothing in It discourteous toward
Great Britain. I1 thought time course proposed -
posed by Mr. Sherimmamm an arbitrary one ,
Mr. Simorman insisted on imis motion to
table. He said Imo imappened to ha in England
when Mrs. Maybrick was convicted , and
there was mtmch difference of opnhomi on time
que.stion whether ahe ought to be convicted.
limit certainly it was not a subject to be
brought here.
On a viva voce vote Mr. Sherman's motion
appeared to prevail , but Mr. Call asked for a
roll call and thou began a sPeeCim in opposi-
tion. Thereupon Mr. Simerrnamm said he wommld
assent to a reference of time resolution to the
judiciary cornmmmlttee. and thus was agreed to.
Time consideration of the Indamm ! approprb.
tion bill vas timen resumed ,
Mc , Cannon offered an amendment provid-
log that the members of any comniisson
treating with IndIans shall bo bana dde real-
dents of time state or territory in whicIm time
Indiana are located. This brought eu a do-
hate as to the persommnel of the Immdlan come.
Mr. Cimilton urged that local commissions
would be prcjumlcal ! ! to tIme Indians , while
IIr. Cannon lnsIoted that outside conmnmis-
slomm.s , particularly ( rain time east , were costly
and hmmelflcleut. One commission now turned
looao on furlough had spent $16,000 before
getting to work. These eastern commuisslons
made up timrougim political influence were
frittering away time public funds without
acconiplislming anytiming for the Indiammo or
time public.
Mr , Cannon , in continuing his speech , ca-
verely criticised the Interior department he
Its conduct of Indian affars. !
Mr. Palmer .satd it imad become quite tie :
habit-not restricted to the senate-to make
charges against executive officials , basimmg
the charges on gemmeralities and loose state-
ments. Thmo senator imaid a tribute to tIme
comniisrloner of Imidhami affairs and mlepre-
cated time generalized charges of Mr. Cannon
of willful irregularity of thmo Interior depart-
meet in dealing with time Indiana.
"I protest , " said Mr. Palmer , "aga'nst
tlmeso general charges , They amount to the
imputation of crlimmc. I protest against time
imputation that officials are eager to do
wrong and purposely do wrong. Time ccc-
retary of tIme Interior may miot ho a vlse
man , ammtl I am inclined to believe that ime
is not very wise , since time senator from Col-
oramlo ( Wolcott ) says Limo secretary Is down
in Georgia mnmmking speeches in favor of tIme
gold standard and that the speeches are
actually converting people to time otimer way
of thinking. "
Mr. Cannon answered that In the "Salmara
of Incompetency" at the InterIor depart-
meet there were two exceptions-time coin-
missiommers of tIme lammd oillce neil of Indian
affairs-and lme addressed lila crtcismns
agalimst time secretary of time immterior.
The Cannon mmmemmmlrnont was finally ruled
out on a point of order.
Tlts ! brought tIme senate to time sectarian
school provisions of time bill. Mr. Carter
moved to strike out tIme provisions declarlmmg
tlmat "no mooney Imerein appropriated shall
be paid for education or sectarian schools , "
Mr. Carter said that in 1880 , under time peace
policy at General Grant , time government developed -
veloped time plan of civilizing nnI educating
time Inmlians , This woric of oducatiomi anti
civilization proceeded tmntil 1894 , Mr ; Carter
went on , whmen a change ci policy was do.
tornmlued upon , by wlmiclm government ecimools
would take time Place of time contract private
ceimooLs. Time imrosemmt bill made tIme radical
proposition that no mnommoy wimatever almall ho
paid' to these schools. It also made time
cimango so precipitately that tbousammti of 1mm-
dhamm elmilmiren would be cut off frommm timoir
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I 4'lllI I'IAN ( ) ( LhJi.ISTIIN-
Will be settled Saturday night-co far as
the slightly used bargains are conceemmed.
3mm. tIme list are Piammos of unusual wortim that
. we can soil as low aa $40 and even the
' imlghmer tlmey go in price time value of the
bargain immcreasoa , W'o expect to imavo theme
all closed out by ton o'clock , Time offer of a
V I discount of $50 0mm ammy now viammo implda good
also till ten-and tIme electric piano continues -
tinues free commeerts irommm 12:30 : to 1:30 : daily ,
( A. Hospe , Jr.
t , . . : Usisi aud Art , 1513 Douglas.
\ '
l-c = = ih % : ' - -
'VI ) Jill COMI"Olt'I'AhiI4ht-
One mmoeda to shod that heavy underwear
just as soon as voasihle-anyway , now's a
good timmie to buy ligimtor wear , as we've just
gotten lii ours-which is time ernst comphotely
assorted in town-troimm balbmiggans to silk
mixed goods , We hay also been able to
buy first class goods at way down prices
this year ammd came offer you quito aim induce-
mmmont 1mm that limmo-aa for immstammce our whole
suit hi time popular balbriggaum simadea at OOc
a suit-it's mmmuclt more valuable-but POe is
our vrlce ,
Albert Cahn ,
Mali orders 1322 Fariiaiu.
filled always. .
3101'S' SIIOIdS , I1- '
That's what time boya hike to imoar about.
They conie asking for thmonm all week long ,
but tlmey domm't get thorn-except on Saturdays -
days , After this every Saturday they will
go on sale at a dollar-until tlmey are old
out-other days you vllt , have to $1.75 ,
because they are worth it. Ughmt hieri lot
us call your .atteutiou to time facb tkatur
bojc' quilted bottommi shoes will o tear' any
too vairs of ahmocs you can buy at thy caine
vrlce. - . . .
Drexel Shoe Co.
Bond for our illus- c ii
trated Catalogue. " e
schole Snili It CO3ICs 'sj not In accord-
aItco with imenrehy % ) htmnmnhty As to time
emauhmm that mkn'hmIflmutlomnl ' nmfiuenee wac cx-
ettetl toward the TrnlThims. Mr ( 'muter salts
ho knew of fin totem of Cimritiatiity which ,
lemimg injected 1nt91 qp American Inthan ,
vtitthtI do him any harem. lie urgemi ( list the
cimange from contrahj t government cimooi
be lmrommgimt about grst4umtiy ,
Mr. Lodge said yma1 abolition of contract
vchoois was a sui4st 1long before congresS
anti hit' effort wamnlWk's met hy , time eme
plea-timat Indian qlmfliireri vouhm3 be cut off
from t.melr cimools tTmere wee no doubt ,
icftl M1. LhgC , frilt { time Christian faith
might be vrofitablyi tpmi to Indians. Hut
it s'mmc not , foe.tho gomjjrnmuent to foster thmi.
ceetariali emlutation. '
Mr. Gray ep6tl' ' time omondment of
Mr. Carter. 1ie"
Mc , Galhinger time Carter amnemmd-
mont , which , hmC SAid , was intended to continue -
tinue appropriatiohfm to' sectarian school ,
most of which w-ondumctod by onq tie-
Mr. llawley aitt he was f&r tlme Carter
anmpndniont. lie imad ( loubtel as to time mcuim'
leg of "sectarian. t'chmoola.'as . it 1)00'-
sible , asked Mr. hawley , to adopt some' niid-
mIle course , ngre alle to all , by hicli the
Lord's prayer antI tIme golden rule could he
permitted in these ichmools ?
Mr Palmer said that it was conceded time
government was to edtmcate the Indians , hut , as
it was nQt ready with the facilIties for ettmca-
tion , then time t'cctarlan f cilities might. be
well taken advantage of ummtfl time govern-
meet was ready to assume its full dimty ,
Mr. Pelter offered an aniendnmemmt to over-
c omimo Mr. Carter's objection , providlmmg that
it in any cae Indian ! children were deprived
of their schools , tIme secretary of time in-
tenor is to provide teimmporary school fa-
chhit los.
Mr. llomir said General Grant had atartetl
time scctrlamm school Ilan , anti lie regarded
It mmmi one of time beat of lmis acconmpliehnmeflts.
Time only safe principle was to entirely
ceparoto state nimtl cimumrclm , abandoning see-
tarian sclmools with due precatmtions against
interrupting the partly completed school
cotmn of Indian clmiimlren , Mr. hoar ald
Ime hind mme symmmpathmy for any Intoleramit. ox-
cimislon of a citizen frormm all privileges as a
result of hmi fa1tm.
Mr , Alllun sold it was a mmmistalco to sup-
pOO'o any nurnbcr of Immtiian clmiidremo would
be mleprivemi of timeir edmmcation it . tIme hill
passeti withmommt time nimmenmimmient. lie salti lImo
idea of General Grant vas that time churches
should eommmme thmo qducatlon of time Jmmdiane' ,
btmt it was not contornimlateti timat there
shotmlml be contract schools.
Time Inmlian bill was timoreupon. laid ashmle.
Mr. Allen tmemm succeeded iii gettIng up
time bill for a Transmnississhppi expoaltion at
Omaha iii 1898. Amenmlments were agreed
to making time exposition International in
ecope anti appmopriathng $50,000 for build-
immgs. Mr , Ahiemm eiireti a fmmrtlmer amemmml-
mont limiting the total liability of tIme gov-
crnmnemmt to $200,000. . As timums amemmded , time
bill was passed ,
Mr. Mili vrovoscd an mmdjommrnment until
Monday , which was resieteti by mnernbors of
time appropriations commmmittee. On a vote ,
imovcver , time ndjournmnemmt over Saturday secured -
cured a large majority ,
A conference on the poetoffice bill was
ordered , ammd Senators Allen , I'ettlgrew and
Blackburn vere mmmcml as confereoc.
Mr. Squire gave notice of a epecchm on fortifications -
fications next Tuesday.
At 5:25 : p. mu , the senate adjourned until
Monday. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1)111 aimude Neccssitr' hr mi Itucemum
Coumrt _ JteIsiumm.
WASHINGTON , Aj1Ii 10.-Representative
Molklejhon today ttreforted from time corn-
mitten on Indian 1atM'is ' a bill to prohmibit
time sale of intoxiiati1k' liquors to Indians
lmohdlng land ly ahiotnithit. Its passage is roe-
ommonded by thmemisemotary of time interior ,
who says It is uadciiocessary by time decision -
cision of Judge j13alpger of tlme United
States district coprt fqr Oregomm , wimicim Ime
says in effect perinits'Tho sale of liquor to
Indian ahiottees wlthmitit' , ! limnitation. Time lull
also prohibits the1tahe of any article under
any brand or name ylmheI contains lntaxt-
cating spirits. Venddrs Imave been in tue
imabit of selling such tiduors him compositions
cormt.ining plckIosmfru3.tand : other articles
of diet , especially prepared for this traffic.
Time rnlnimnunm pimIt. . for eacim offense is
placed at sixty daga . inmprisonment and a
fine of $100. . '
mlommse Comummmul t te. ' Coimsiders lime izi
. ( 'hlIl htuuiiitfu,1M 11111.
\VASIIINGTON , April 10.-TIme house corn-
nIltee on Pacific railroads meet today to calm-
s'der ' time first printed Copy of tlme 1)111 lire-
pared by the imoumme amid senate subconmmmmit-
tees. Nohming was acconiplisimed , but aim in-
formmmal discussion of thmm bill led to several
amnoimdments 1mm it wording. vimhchm do miot
affect time plan , but tend to prevent evasions
of its intent. Considerable difference of
opinion was shown umpon time details of the
measure , but It is predicted that time huh wlU
b reported practically as it was introduced.
Mr. Ileatner. vhmo he. ! thmo oppositioim to the
Iieiily bill , Is mmot miosv iii congress , and It
is not. certain' that airy minority report will
be imade , altimough Mr. llubbard , a iimernbor of
time cenmrnittee who imas introduced a bill
for foreclosure on time lroperty , may make
0110 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
" .Yestemui I'nlemit Crztnt'ul.
WAShINGTON , April 10.-Speclah.- ( )
Patents imavo been issued as follows : Ne-
bra.ska-Willlanm 0. Blxier , Albion , corn
planter and cultivator ; David W. Brooks ,
Saleimm , gate ; Edward H. llowianmi , Oimmalia ,
rein holder ; Frederick . Pelster , Jolmmms-
town , combIned diaplay hook and imrlce card
lmoider ; Cyrus A. Peterson , Stratton , Insulator -
later ; Ilenry 0. Timomas. Kimmmbali , trtmck ;
WLillarn II , ammd A. II. Mom-row , Soutlm Oimmaima ,
axle hubricator.
Iowa-Milton A. rown , Clearfield , plow
doyle ; Joimn G. Coleman , Lenox , tlampor anti
ventiiator for stove pipes ; Burton S. Craig ,
Clintomi , z'now melting machirme ; J3everdy C ,
Do La Ilmmnt. Cedar Rapids , flusim tank ; hard-
son W. Ilmtrned , bela. attachnment for thresh-
lag machines ; Alien Jolmnson. Ottumnwa ,
grinding and poiislmlng niacimino ; Frederick
B. Lofgreema amid "IV. H , Wiiialcr , stove polish ;
James D. Moore , Atlantic , gravity lock ;
Jaimmea D. Morrison , Reinbeck , cimeclirein
hook ; Charles Phtachiner , jr. , Duhuque , crlhm ;
Joimn II , and T. G. Threhlceiml , Cool , horse
collar ; John ammd J , W. Anderson , Missouri
Valley , neck yoke.
Itmimmhhicimou house Cimm'umpi Culled ,
WAS1IINGTON. April 10-Mr. Grosvenor ,
clmalrni3n of tIme ropubhicaim caucus of tIme
house , Imas called a caucus of the repimb-
lican memmibers of time mouse for tomnorrov
night. 'l'lmo caucus was called at time written
request of mmieimmbers imterested , 1mm time imasso
of aim lrnnmigratiomm bill. No oilier subject
will conic uim , Mr. Grosvenor says.
Recent reports from time Irnrnhgraticsm
officials in New Yo k that the title of liii-
nmigrmmtion has greaUy increae'41 durimmg timmi
past five moutlL" , a94 Umat tue quality of time
imnmnhgatipmi is immort , mmiesirahlo , imavo arommsod
seine of the republlju Jeamlers to actiomi mm
time two hills noybforo congress. The
caucus Is called tq dermlno , whmetlmer time
repubilcanmi will tpe up time immigratloim
quecliomm , and wliaC % ps , If any , Ilmoy will
adopt. _ , ; ) r
l'uyimmrmmt of Vtmttt'Mt Ixhmmses ,
WASIIINUTON , April 10.-house t'lectiono
conimuitteo No. 3 inipmmtouanco of its policy of
reducing the elaipI jr expenses him contested -
tested cases haa reacd a decision in time
case Qf ftfteem cotAants auth pormtestee.
Time total ammiount asked in Ilmoso fifteen cases
was $31,182 and tbnt allowed $17,775. 'Fito
laW provides for 4 aowammco of $2,000 for
emhmonses in cOnteatci1mca.mes , but comigroni immw
iii several instancmoa rjmtemi larger umnoummte ,
tIme last congress gling $4,500 to each parts'
In a contested pace. , , t u understood to be
time purpose of time cqrnmnittee to iii mm coso
aimprovo cialimma f mr immure timmon time statutory
1Imb It imt hi hhmus Ome Me'nsles ,
WAI1IINGTON , Armrii 10-Thuu measles Is
running Ito course iii the president's family
aimd this nmqrmiltmg , Rutlm , time firsttbQrn , con-
trmmctoml tlmb..dieaose , Littto Esther is pro-
greaelmmg rapidly. towird rgeoyery and so far
baby Marion riot simown cigna of time mmii-
mont , : ' -e
. . Nh 'iz-ol I es for 'ti'i I a s oh ii l'ii nc ,
WASIIINGTON , April 10.-TIme bill to
gramt ; a frapcimiao or eq eloctric'.raiiway
through Yellowstormu park as considered by
time senate commmnmltteo on territories today ,
and an adverse report was ordered. The vote
stood 3 to .
Thu R0pOtt4tl to tile 1101110 (1rrei ( rive
Million Dohliir8.
Commgressiumnim lIniiir of Xolirnskuu lie-
s'leve I 1mm , ork emu hnI illumi-
tinmms for lime l'muat 'Vsyulvc
or Iitteemm Yours ,
WAShINGTON. April 10.-Time house com
mnltte on appropriations today reported time
bill for fortifications and other vorks of do-
fence , for timeir arnmament and for heavy
ordnance for trial and service for the fiscal
year which beg'ns ' next July. TIme bill ccc.
omniends specific appropriations amounting to
$5,812,000 , and in adlitirum autlmorlty Is given
to time secretary of war to nmako commtracls for
time further exlmendittmre of $ ,542,000 by time
emigineor and ordnance departementa , making a
total authorized expenditure of $11,384,000.
Time \\'ar department estimates on wimich time
bill Is based amounted to $ S,015,000 , tIme hill
mmmaklng a commsiderablo increase over thmosa
estimates. Time report accompanying tlmo
bill , made by Mr. hlalner of Nebraska , says :
"Durimmg tIme Forty-mmkmtim congrers mme nppro-
lmrlations were mmmdc on account of fortiflca-
tions , their mnaimmtenanco or nrmaimmemmt , ammtl
for time twelve fiscal years. froni 1S75 to 1880
inclusive , the appropriations on this account
averaged cnly $540,750 per anmmumn and only
$463,500 vor arimtmmmm for time fourteen years
including 1887 amid 1888 , for wlmichi two fiscal
years no specific appropriations wore made.
Time bill reported commtaimms appropriatiomms In
contirmuance of time policy atioimted by tlmo
Fiftieth congress , amid by the Fifty-first ,
Fifty-secontl anti Fifty-third congrerses. 'Fime
appropriations lmy eaitl acts for tIme eigImt fiscal
yeara. ISS9-1SOG. aggregate $22,489,224 , or an
average of $2,811,128 per nnnmmm. "
Time imrimmclpal approprintiomme in time urea-
ent bill are as follows : Gun amiti mmmortar batteries -
tories , $5,200,000 ; altos for fortifications , $250-
000 ; preservatiomm and repair of fortiiicatkmmms ,
$50,000 ; sea walls and emmibankmmments ,
$17,97 ; torimedoos for lmarlmor dcfemmscs , $100-
000 : mmrnamnent for fortiflcatiomma , $5,502,673 :
imrovimmg grounds , Samidy hook , N , .1. , $38-
000 ; Watertown , Mass. , arsenal , $13,000 ;
ordnammco amid fortificationo board , $100,000.
'eternimn of lime Lmul e 'u'nr hteuuemn-
ipm-t'i ii I Ime Ct-ni-rim I ( , uvu'u-iuzmut'uml ,
WASHINGTON , April 10.-Speclni.---Pemm- ( )
dons granted , icatme of Macelm 21 , were :
Neliraahcn : Orighmimul-IIemnimitm Gerecke ,
Norfolk , Mmulisomm , Atltlitionel-Alonzo Me-
Michmapi , Northm Platte , Ltmicolim. Itestora-
tion and reissue-Specini ( , ? .lnrclm 23) ) Sam-
mmcl P. Gordy ( deceased ) , Palmer. Merrick.
Reissue-Arnoa Aretmmtrt , Daviti City , lJut-
ler. fleiestme and increase-Elliott I' . Rider ,
F'airhielmi , Clay.
lown : Origimial--Lawrommce Comitwehi , hmim-
gemm , 1'remnont : lemnmmiomiV. . \Vmtitc , 111cc-
nIb. Mitchell ; Jolimm 11. Simnpsomm , Ammgua ,
Boone , Ad tilt bun I- ( Special , 2t1 arch 28) )
Justus Cantloid , J'Inralmftiltowii ' , Marshall ,
hmmcrense-.George Fredoomdahl , M oumit I'leas-
ant , henry. Original widovs , ete.-Ammnfe
Coover , laurhlmmgton , Des Moimmt's ; Mmigtlmtloima
Chine , Wimiterset , Madison ; Phmebe l'easloy ,
Atiel , Dallas. ReIssue-harriet L , . Animetta ,
Spemicor , Clay.
South Dakota : Original-Alfred Jolmnsomm ,
Custer , Ctmster. Renewal anti ltmcrcase-
l'eter Carter , Elk l'oimit. Ummiomi , Inercuse-
Itomtmain M. Hawley , Sioux Fails , Miimime-
Colorado : Orlginrtl-Wlhiiammi A , , Veils ,
Barr City , Arapahoe. ltestoratlomm nnd nti-
mlltionai-lllldabcrt Perry ( deceased ) , Ouray ,
Iiatio of Macelm 25 'ere :
Nebraska : Origimmal-Jamnea E. 1tlmpetoe ,
Swmtmmtoim , Saihmme : ( special , ? tlnrch ) ) Samm-
ford C. West , Crawford , Dawes : ( simeelal ,
Mnrcim 30) ) Patrick McAleer , Overton , Daw-
lion. Additicmimmi-Joimn \Vmtrmilaw. . l'hcie-
jell , Gage. Restoration rind supplemental-
George \V. Pittcm mi , Omnimima , 1)ommglas.
Restoration and reiciame-Ilemiry 1111cc ( tIe-
cened ) . lieiievtme , Sarp3' . Imicremmso-Calviim
1) . llowe , V1Taverly l.mmmmcaster ; James Ii.
Ciements lie ) ' Smrimmgm4 , Simerldmmmm. Original
witiov-M immerva Ii ike , lieilvuo Smirpy.
Iowa : Orlglminl-J.oselim S. thmoup. Siotmx
City. W'ootlhiury ; ( special , Mmmccii 30) Jolmmm
p. Thtswortlm , Cicar Lake , Cerro Gordo. 1mm-
crease-James Bailey , \'usimtmmgtomm. Wasim-
ingtomm : Saniuel ICittlo , I.ebammomm , Vnmm 13mm-
mcmiVililnmn ; I ! . Crocker , Coiummm1mu..1ummc-
tion , Lommisa ; Noah Kmmmtpp. Charles CIty ,
Floyd ; Josepim 1) . Vammdel , 1)avls City , 1)e-
catur. Origimiai vIdows , etc.-icstorntiomm
nmmd reissue-Minor of Thomas H. hart , El-
tionVnpehlo. .
1'.lontamirm : OrigInal-Leroy II. Daytomm ,
StevenFVille , Rarmili. :
Colorado : OrigInal-William hi. harden-
bmmrg , Lomigmont , hlotmimlemIncreaseStill -
man Seamuintis , Durarmgo. Ia Plmmtmii.
North 1)akota : Original wIdow-Martha
J. Russell , Cumnnihmigmt. Tmnill.
Issue of Mardi 26 were ;
Nebrmmslca : OrigInal widows , etc.-Cnroline
Bray , S'mncure. Otoe ; Magdalene Schultz ,
Smmtton , Clay.
Montnmma : Origimmni-Thmommias Lee , Billings ,
Sotmtim Dakota : Incremtse-Speeiai ( , Mcccli
21)Vindmom ) B. Clayton , Iavls Tmmrmier.
Original widows , etc.-Minor of Cnud C.
Kntmmlson , Aurora , lhroekimigs.
\Vyomnlmmg : Mexican war witIov-Ammn 1st.
Jenks , Cheyenne , Lararnie.
Colorado : Orlgimmni-itoilan Sherman , Den-
ver. Arapahmoe.
lovma : Renewal amid Increase-Clmristoph
Gossenliorger , Tilhin. .Yohimsomi. Immcremtse-
Lemntmei K. Otootl. New 1-imimptomi , Cimicka-
saw ; Elijah "IV. Attniore , Des MoInes , Polk ;
E1dvard 0.Vlmitney , lhirnmimmgimam , Vaim
ihmmren. Oridmmni svidmv-Mnm'y 13. Be Cammip ,
Letta , Lotmimma.
sti'ltIalE ; coult's' .sYi.ztiii.
Treat against l'rice. Error ( corn Douglas
cotmnty. Reversetl anti remimamled. Oimhimion
by Commissioner Irvimme.
The rimie that when a certain inmm is dmio
frommi one to another the vaymehi of a lesser
sum iii no tilceimarge as to tIle remnaincler.
notwithstamitlir.g aim agreement t tlmmit of-
feet , is founded upon time fact tlmmmt tIme
lmttor agreomemmt JH witimotit commsideration.
Such rtie does not apply wimoro tlio amount
dUO L'i disputed or mmniicitmidmmteul ,
2. 'rho word "iiqtmidatctl , " wlmcn omacil imi
this comimmection , immeana that the amount dtme
line been ascertained and : mgreed upon b
thmo parties , or ii ; lixetl by oporatiorm of law.
3 , The mimie does imit mmipiy ) sviiert there
1mm a bona title dispute between the varties
as to the stun justly due.
1. Time foot Ilmat time simm paid is In sticim
case only time amommnt that the debtor coim-
ceties to ho due , does imot Invalidate thmtt
settlement ,
5. It a consideration It' necepted and a
contlition mantle by tIme imYrmmemlt : ittiti rect'himt
in ftmil vnPsaction of time sumim svimichm tIme
mlebtOr admits to be dtie , it Is foimnil 1mm tim , '
fact timmit time credItor , by accepting such
m'.umn. thereby avoids the iolay , uxpemmao mmimtl
labor of' mum accounting , ttimtl mivoidi threat-
oitt : itlgation.
\\'lmere a e'ortahmm sum of money is tenti-
creti by a .lehtor to n creditor on thim' comi-
thitlorm tlmat. lme accept It iii fut : atistmtctiomi
of imis tiemmmamiml , time simm dime being iim dishmumto.
time debtor muommit either rcfummtl time tenmi'r or
accept it its mmmado mmtibject , to time cormdltiomm
if Ito accept. it , Ime accept time coimmiltion
also , nothwithstarmtllrmg mommy lirotest hme may
mmmitke to time contrary.
7. A being Indebted to B in an uncertain
nmmioumit , sent to time C immtmik time aniommmit
wlmiclo , A commcedo'I ' to he miuc , witim inmmtmmie-
Uonom to imay time uimt to 11 , but only iii full
mmettemnent , ammO on imis sigmmimmg a recipt to
timat effect , hi , protestitmg that more s'as
due , accepted time money anti signed tIme
receipt , but catmFetl time bmmnk to iend back
mm000mhutliyimlg the rect'iimt , mm. letter , decimr- :
lpg thmmt lie only roceiv41 tIme mnommey on ito-
cotiimt. itnil not In settieniommt. I lelmi , thmmtt
by readying the immoney ho tutu mmcceiflCil
time vomulltlomm on wimicim it hail was toimtlomwtl.
anti that hut veotesi avuled imotiming.
8. Held ftmrtlmer , timat time terms of time
receipt antI the refusal of tIme bank to pay
the money , except tmpom hum sigiming It , was
notice to him tlmmtt the baimil hail mme
nutimority to vu It , except 0mm tIme cormtllthon
that it should be received lim ftmil settle-
1.3 , An olmiter dieturmm im-t almmfiict with lmmimie
of time ( oregoimig ctatemmit'mitmm , in t'rlce
agalpet Tmeata. 29 Neb , I30 , tlisahtimrved ,
Onmahia & H , V. It. ( 'a. , againet Wmigimt.
Errcr from Saunilerut county. Iteversemi ntmtl
remmimmimietl , Opimmion hmy Cornmnlcmuoni'r ! Irvine ,
An uihegatiomm of negilemice In mm pht'aulimmg
Imu lute ommu of ( rutlil , me nmerc coimcitmmdnim , 1'hmc
facts ( room whmiclm time inference of miegigence
arises must Ito pietmdeml ,
2. It is error to suhimit to time jury aim Iuo
of negligence mmot raised by a : mleamihmmg of
cveeihlc facts.
a , It him time duty of aim engIneer in charge
of a train to oxt'rchFcm such a lookout us Is
cons'2tent with his othmt'r dmmtles ; to as-
certalmm time mresence of olatrtmctioms , on time
track mumti If simchi me precautign would have
reveaeil time prt'oonce of stoclc in time to
imave itroltleti their injury by time use of
ordmiary came time raliway conlimammy Is liable
for immjurjem' . Inhiictel upon tlmemom : aithOugim
they vorc hot avtuu'ly seen until too ute
to uvold atmikimig timemmm ummd aitimougii thme )
A Doctor
" 1 t lliSk'tmtils ) woitlil lll'iIP iim'l ly 'iio ' Vmtu'nou".a sfiro Cmiii i at'g atnotln $
( it 9tIfferiIlg , lIfe nuic2 1u01I03' womild bo iiImah'utl. '
.Io. I. l\S'OiiTif ! , M. 9 , , li'ooklyn , N , ' .
A Preacher
'In the euro of rlm'ight's tllsooc1 the offono wrought by tli(8 ( t'fihIlOly 800111 1i1
1o ittlc le time nlriuMhluiio. "
1ti0 : , A , 1Lv'i'F1) ' : . \Vmishlngton , l ) C.
An Eiiiiieer
' 'Coimstant ' ti'mlvolIlIg as ongliloor 011 the F'Ltehburg ttmttlway brought 011 dLSoasQ
( ii Limo kldnoye , but I was entirely cureti by tItling \ ; Safe Cure , "
JAS , M. 1)UsliN , Fitchburg , Mace ,
A Banker
' 'llnving ttaiimlvaI'mIot's Sale Cure with grunt , oiiofl , I uh100t'ftIlly roooiniuon4 _ _ _ _ _ _
It , to sufferers froiii kidney , ned Ilvem' coinpinlnL"
- Tilos. G. li14SEY , hanker , \VashllIgtoiI , 0. C ,
A Lawyer
"I mts entit'ol' ctiietl of orlous kitiltoy tt'OhIIlo l ) time tvio \\T8t.IIUri. .
Ctiro , nuti uiiablcd to t'comuimmo hey COUPt and ni11mo P1'ltot lee. "
JNO. M. AttfI'fltoy-t-Ll\V , Iomigins'llle , ( in.
A Wife
mWraIilcrs Safti Cmii'o savomi ony life whine 1 ras terribly rmin dowti ( II boattli ,
I sttoimgly retlonimaunti It. to lad tea sultoi'limg ft'otmi feulitla vemiknos , its I Icitow 1 $
vl1E ctiio theiu as It cured inc
IIits. C , SIihl'I'EltnY , Saratogml Springs , N. V.
An Editor .
'm1ftCt' shhiTel'iIIg fot' two years froni kidney tI'oullos and spommliig huntlu'od a
of dollars for mimedicat treatment , 1 obtahimeil sle0Y ) m'elief by tisiimgVmtrmlet"s Satv
Cute. " MIIV.ES O'UmLLY , City EtUtor Lmibor Ec1mu hot Sjwlmmge , ArIc.
A Merchant V
III cztn nh100Pflmll3' r000mmomldVarnor's Sara Otiro as an effectual romnumly for
that run-tlowti , depressed fooling so omImmon lii the sprlimg ( ml time p"
C. IL KENNEDY , \nlIhisca , Iuwm ,
No sensation was ever quite so startling as the
sale of those boys' splendid suits that we put on sale
last week-Every mother knows their value-there
are a few left to close out Saturday.
4' " ,
is : 'cM72h62" : ;
They are the best high crade cheviot Suits ob-
tamable and are the regular $5 and $6 kind-we sold
nearly 500 of them already.
were not wltimout time protection of time
statute requirimig tracks to be fenced ,
l'ost against Oimnsted. Error from
Dotmgltms county , Ahilrjmmed. Opimilon by
Comnmnhsshomier Irvine.
Evltiemmco 1mm aim action by an administrator
for immjtmries causing time demttim of his dccc-
dent , exarnimieti amid held uiiicIent to sus-
tam tIme vt'rihict.
2. A vermiict ot $2.400 1mm stmcim a. case Imeld
not so clearly excessive as to wnrrnflt me
reversal. wimere time dcceaeemh was a imoy
17 years ole ] . a Conilmetelit coimipoititor able
to earn $4 a tiny , aimtl Imia next of klim . lmi
fatimer , yemmrmm mild , mm. poor man witim fommr
younger cimil1ren ultlmommghi. timero % 'as mmcm
evIdence that the semi lmmmd its yet supplied
imis fntlmer witim army considerabie ammioumits
of mommey.
3. Otlmer questions raised mmot helmig tmmmp-
imorteil by army htmlilcient' mu3-lgnmiiclitu lii tim
rnotiomm ( or a new trial om' petition in error ,
mmot commsitlered ,
Curnmmiiims agnimmat Ciminmins. Appeal from
Iotmgins county. Alihrmned. Opimilomi by
commmimmbmsiomier Irvine.
In aim mtctiomm for divorce even where
timoro IS ha rmppenmammce hmy lIme tlefendant ,
time trinl jtmdge mmitmst ha satislied hint tIme
case is vroseemlteti iii good faith mtmmd with-
omit cclltmslon , nail that. mm. cause of Imotlon
( ncim4tp. lIe is not boummtl to accept as ccii-
citmaive iii nil cases time testhmnommy of the
plalmitiff miltimougIm corroborated in sonme
mimimmer details.
2Vhere time tratinmony in mmcli a ease ,
when taken 1mm commnectiomi whim all time dc-
cmmrnstnmices. , iii wealc mmmi ohmemm to stmsimicion
thmmougim a fmtiltmi-e to corrnhormmle it on imoints
nmlmnittiimg e.f corroboration , the actiomi or
time tihatrict jmmtlgo in tiemmyiimg a divorce viih
mint be mcmt mtImIc. nlthmommgii time evidence
malay lmnve imeemm simeim that It would imnve
tmstaimied a decree ( or jminimmtlf ( nail In
CtmStH of mi dlI'tercnt clmaractor might hiavo
reruirci It ,
Nchior against 1)oblmi , . Ermmmr from Omuge
county , Itoversed ammil iemmmammdeti. Opimmiomm
by Commissioner Irvimme.
him aim mmetloim for rnmuhichu5 hmrosectition m
irestlmvtioml ot' tIme existtmmico of probable
cause is estnbilimp'i hy , imnof .h ; ( time plain-
tin. % % 'RH t'oimvIctetl In time crhmmmiimml : tmetioim.
I hut t ii Is vremm ni imtioim inn lie mebmm t temi.
2. It is immit trUe that time evidence of
1mm'obabio cnuuo nft'cmrmleti by Ilm'onf of mm con-
vlctiomi , cmmmm ho rebtmtted only Imy showIng
timat the comivlctiomm wmts ImrcmeiirceI II ) ' ( mail
Or Del-jImmY. 'i'imemio mire Only imistuimcms. Such
eviilemmcum immny lie i'ebtmttetl by lmroof of mmmmy
factS wimicim milmow tlmmt ; tIme rnmmvietiomm e'a
immirler cimeimnhimtmmnces uli'mrl'Immg It or any
mmimtimrmmily immobative effect.
3. , A lehitioim In aim action for mnahiciomis
pmocecut lou jmletmmirtl I lmmm t t lie imimmi nt I ft ii nil
hmeemi cotmvicid 1mm tIme county court mmliii omm
impimeal iii tim dIstm'ict court ; tlmmit the con-
s'Iction immmtl lmccmt reversetl by time nmiimrenma
commit nail tile ( 'mtUse timeremiftor dlsmmiissetl ,
It was mtim'o itlemmmlu'ti timmut time ulefcntlmmimt ,
v hell lie I list I t U t 5(1 ( I ii a jmrosectl t inim ,
mewitle of certuhim facts which in imew 'octal-
hislieth time immimoecimen of time picintiff ; timat
Ime Imimmi lmimnnelf in thio county court testi-
iieml to timoo ( nets ; wimence It nppc'aredthat
time conviction Iii lime lower courts wtms not
tiion any consideration umf evliieimce vlmich
yotilt1 justIfy a comivietiorm , html vns due
solely to mm misnppiohmcnmtIOi of law. ilehmi ,
timn.t time petitIon suthiciunthy imleamleti waimt
of probable cause.
4. 'I'hmo eximmteimoe of hmmflhmtllho cation , time
( mtcts beIng ctmubiisimtal , imu mm questiOtm of
lae' , nmmmi if time lofoimilammt is nwnru qt facts
etahlisimiimg time iminocormce of time fimmlmitIff ,
mnlsmmpimrelmeimsloim of time lnw mines not crest"
jmroluaiila cmtummIo , although it lflttY effect tIme
issue of malice ,
howls egmaimmat Mills. Brror from 1ttll-
soil ecunty. 1tovermcmi rind rcrmiantled , Opin-
imy Commniesioner ltmmgan ,
W'Imere an oliicer holding an exectmtioii
frsuemi on it jumhgiimi'mmt against A. by vlrimmo
of mitmcim excUtioim seizes time property of 11 ,
uimd time lmitter recovers a jutlgmnent agaimmat
ttmchm oliheer for time vniue of time huroltrety
snizeti , then , in a cmlii by ii. ngmminmut stmcim
othlcer nrti time sureties on imim. olihcliml bormib
tO recovei' time mtmouimt of time judgmmiezmi ,
such judgmetmt is coimcluslvu evldmmmmce
against time olilc'cr mind hiS i4ur'ties us to I1'iu
ovmmersimil ) of the luropertY itt timim time it wax
m'elzeml Imy the oiiit'er , time mtimmotmlmt of time
ulaimmmmges and costs miustaineml bw 11 , by rea-
itOh tlmerm'mf , in time mm1eimee of a. mrimowhmmg
that tIme court hind no jtmrlsilletiomm to ii'i-
nouimee tIme ititignient or thmmtt It % vaiu limo-
cuimeul imy fraud or collusion , 'i'homums
mmgaimmst Mmii kmmmuui , 43 Nd , . b23 , fohiaveml.
2. Mid In time suIt against time oiiicer mmmi
his amiretiss It is imnnmsterIal that the othhm'em
wan imot mieslgnitteti iou miuchm in tIme mieailImmgii
or juilgnmemmt of time stilt brought migainet
1111mm by time owmmrr of time property.
3 , Amid time iileumiilmgs and jtmilgiimommt Jim
limo action brougimt. by time owimer agimimmet
tue olilcer arc competent amid relevant cvi-
deimco in tIme tiIt mmgnimmst time ollicor tout
lila sureties , althmougim stmclm pleathings amimi
jimtigrnent show that time owner's tmit
agrmiumst tIme otiicer vns vrosectmteti amut
judgmemmt rentlered jointly agaimmat lmlin anti
hluffmmlo Coimnty Nntionmh : hmanle ngainPt
Gllcrcst , Error ( rommi Iituffnio coumity. Af-
lirmnetl. Opiniomi by Cimief Justice Post.
'rime only question pmeseimteti imeimig tllt )
of fact as to which of time evidence 1 comm-
I hiding anW nmparommtly cvemmiy bmhmttmceul :
thin ilmmtiirmg and jumigmnemmt tt ( lie distrIct
Court milmommid miot be dIsturbed.
( Jlbsoum ngaimmst McCiay. AphmemLl fm'oiim
rauicatcr county. Alfirimmed. Opimmion by
Judge ilarmison ,
Time migreemmiemit in timls case ( qimoted him
full 1mm time opimmion ) couumitrtmed to be ammo ly
wimichm time .itmclimemt creditor boimnil imimacif
to Ihmat mdcc levy , or cmeueo it to. lie mmmdc ,
on time property of mIt tlesigmmimteui omme of thiO
juimlgmneiit debtors , wlthiimi time jtmrimuiilctiomm
of time court iii wimicim thi juitigmimunt was
rentlereti miiij to mmii or exhaust time plop-
city of timis irnrticulur mipecilletl debtor , for
thu satisfaction of a lmaiarmc' , ' of time mug-
mnent remnalnIrmg ummmimmtiul , before mesItiiug to
or eatmaing it'vy of 'xccimtiomi to be mumitle of
vrohimrty Lmeiommgimmg to eIther of the otimer
debtors ,
2. IleitI timid lnjummmctloim s'ns time uppmo-
iriatcu anti miroimr mcmnetiy for aim mmttemumptet
violation of time agreommiemmt. commsistlmmg of
it levy and Imopoeul cub of limo lmroimerty of
one of time ( leitOms favored by its temnis ,
wimcmm it mtmpemtreui at. time tIme there was
Pmolmert- tlmo debtor ' ( rommi wimamma himoperty
time judgmmiemit was Iirst to lie ittifleti witiiiim
time jum'lsdicthon of time judgment court nub-
ject to executlomi ,
; i. Certain uCt amid mutntements of oat ,
of the favored mielmtors revieweti rmimd imeitl
not to constitute a waiver of iii m'igimts
mimider ammul Imy virtue of time ngmeemlmommt , or
to cstoh ) bilimi fm-tan assemtixmg timu'mtm ,
1. 'I'Ime decree held not to be ohJectionaimio
nil restrmmining time levy antI . 'umfomcm.'rumt'mt : of
tim e execti t I nit I a tim e va it tIm em'eo f vI t Ii ret-
crnce to time costs of thme enso 1mm whmicim time
jluuigrmiemit wmms remideretl ,
5 , 'l'im * ) ml edmeum mmmmml I tmjmmmm ci ion t hereby
muccomilcml held toe lmroaui 1mm that It restr.minet
time ale of any of time Imroi'ert ' of time
ammo tieimtor tmmmtil mill time hmm'nimerjy of time
otimer vms oximitututed itati timrmt it simotmimi
imave been coimlined fo mestrimiuming a , levy
ur aitt tmimmler tue exectmtioim imc'm'eimm Involveut
niui , to this tmxttmimt it is nmotlilletl ammtl mis
nmodl lieu mm Ill mimmed.
\Vimltcomnh ngmmlimst Timoimims. Error from
Thmumrmmtomm county. Afilimmieti , Opimmion by'
Jmmdge Norvni ,
Where tlmore s'ns mutmthlcient testimony t
8ustain time vormllct it will imot b disturbed ,
'I'HS'I'I M Oi I A 1,5 ,
l'romum ( Itt izt'ims of J'eummim'l'umIui ' . " , 'h o
hiui'm , hlei'u ( umremj ,
Mr. W. W. Sphihen , drug ciork , wltim J. ST.
MoCoimneli , Parnasemus , I'a. , says ; "I wait omit
all one mmigimt last whmmtem- anti contracted a
severe cold , I was eta imoarso for a week I
cotmiti hardly speak , ICimowing ) mow well cus-
tommiers of our store spelto of Cimaummlmoriaimm's
Cough ltenmedy , I comicluded to try It , One-
half of a bottle cured mime entIrely. "
S. D. Nes imart , Sayiorsburg , l'a. , says :
"Chammmberlaimi's Caugum itommmetly is aim excellent -
lent rmiodieiree , I imavo used It for coughs
and colds 'with flume effect , I have sold it at
may ( turo for over two years , and may customu-
ore imavo mmii Imeen imit-ased withi it. "
J. A. Van Vaizaim , hlughiesvlihe , I'a. , nays ;
"Cimaimmlmerlain's Cough Iteumiedy has proven
so valuable timmmt. I tie not hesItate to recommm-
iimmmd it to ammy one. "
ir , F. Winger , hiimhrata , I'a. , says ; "Mr ,
J , 1) , Chine , a clgarnmaiter of timia imiaco , reports -
ports a comnpite cure of lila cough whim a 50-
cetmt bottle of Cimammiberlalmi's Cough ilommmetiy'
alter lie Imaml tried otimers , wiilcii Imami failed. "
For sale at 25o and SOc a bottle by druggists ,
.Jury Aeu II I ts it ileereul Fill hunters ,
NEW YORK , Apm'Ii 10.-Afler beimmg out
eigimt mninutea time jury In time ease agmeiumtt
time Cuhmans cimamge'l wIth being commcerjied
Iii time iiem'mntitimo ttllhuuutering expedition met -
t (1 ; 'muil ii verd let of ' 'mmo t gull I y. ' ' (10mm imset
tar time ulefoatbarilmu Mr. liuboums , moved ( or
time dhmicimmtrge of dma prisoners nail time ro-
timmmi of time vmolicrty. Jumigo hirowmm temiti
thmttt timis would follow In time natural
c mtmrse , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Starcim grows sticky-common iiowmlera imay ,
: t vulgar glare. I'ozzomml's is time only coma.
Imiextoim powder lit to use.