- - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - , --r ; A1'ItITA uimo ; . - - ( ? NI1I4LlX I. . ltoMSVATItt. : E4tor. - - - - I VIL.tRlltl : ) iVLILY IOtNtNi. ( FCflMS 01. ' PTIIC1t1I'T1ON flatly ( Witlit Sun1.iy. On Yenr $ DAily nn.l SunIny0 One Year . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 13l tmiiq s.eo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s. . . 500 Jhre. ntt 2 5) rundny ; He Oie Ynr. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . e. 2 00 Raturlay lien , ) ru , Yt'ar , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 VeMIy Ike , One Year . 65 Ot'FICE3 : Omnii : , Tit llufldlng. South Omhn. SIncr flk ? , C.w. nnl 2th $ Rtt. Cnufleil ir Nnrth Mnln Sttett. QltCft rfl , 317 Chnmber of Comtnre. Nnw Vnik ftrom. IL 14 nncl 15 Tribune flldg. Waijntjn , 1107 I' ilreet. N. COIIflIX'ONDTCt : All cnmmunIcattnn ri'lntlng tn flOWs tiii4 e1 ! toi Ial , nalter shoull b tuIc1rc1 : To ttffi idltor fl1S1N1 ; t i : r rnTIs : All Iniinp Ittcr9 nncl rmIttnnee ihOtiIi h stl1(1r ( Red tn The flie 1'ubthihIn Company , Omaia , Drfti. clwck nn4 rIOtomce orderR to be m1 plynhtA tO th' m tnr of th cnmpinv. Tim nii I'Ufli.wJJlN ( COMPANY. - STAT1M1NT OP CIflCULATtO. aorge TO TctiieI : , P.cretnry of The IO Pub. 1tung compAny , 1"ng iluly vnrn , ny hint IIi netIuj , flttm.r ot ( till nn1 enmpItu cpIeu tt thA flnlly , McrnIn , T : tiIng nn.1 Sun1ny fl ( ptIfltC1 during the month of thrc1i IS % . wa O fol. I i0n 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 " . " 1.nq 10 4 . . . 1.fl2 S I0.O4S 21 . 6 1q rrL 22 . . . . . , . . , . , . .7 ' 10.O7 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . R 19.1) 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2 2 ; . . . . . . . . . . 17,917 14) 102) 20 . . . . . . . . . . II . . . . . . . . . 27 . . . . . . . . . 12 16.nft 2 . . . . . 10.079 13 10.070 2 . . . . . . . . . . 14 1q 2a : ' ) . 1q 0I 1' 19.07' ) 81 . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 17.0 16 , . . . . . 1s Qc - Tntql t 0l,701 Lcs ; uleluiottnnu , for tunsold nit.1 rcttirnu1 cople . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 5,215 Nt ? I.uI Net ulally uuvergo . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . 10.003 QtOTtOfl II. TZCl11TCK. HWOfl ! to ) , ufore inn nnul uuuubucrlbcd In my pwu'ncr. this k1 day of Aprit. 1590. ( cal ) N. 1' . F115j. Notary Pubfle. A G II1AT SPEIJIAI4 FEATtJ1U. rm OMAITASUNDAY Bi ROMNCES OF T1iI' SKIES- BY SIR I1OIIERT flALli- TIlE FAMOUS ASTRONOMER. .A uorIo ot artlclo9bpudnnlng Silnay , by the flloat Oiiiltiont of living astrono- lflPr9u , treating of the wonders of tim lieavonuu , Iii a ntyio at once 1)opulnr and Ciu'iitif1e. nnI tin'rcfore eauaiiy acceptable - able to the scholar. tim lnsliiesc , man nrnl the general eatler-Enclu article will tren.t of ft separate subject , anti each will contain the 'ery atost Information UXfl that sllIJeCt that liftu been wrested fran-i the kie by tile patient scrutiny of keen , trnlnd eves , and the skiliftil reasoning of scientiflo TnIn. Tjri OMAIIASWJD&Y BEi UNItIVATJI4EDUNEXOETJrJED ! -j ; political Arhor ( lay orator w'llf this year suv wood , I'lIIR kind of 'tt itlI ) weather may be ( bath On srlI1g lonnet8 , ltlt ) It 1i grtnt for hopes of IIII nl)1111lunt ( ( 'rol ) for ( lie farmers s'lien litirvesting time coities. \Ve don't eiittrtnln a Japutiese marquis ttiid till Atnei-lcau dtikc In Omaha every tiny of ( lie year-not even in every year wlieit Febi'uary counts twenly-nliie days. A few bills to refliovo the charge of tlesettliiii utiti ieiiisttte the veterans to the active ruik : s 'lli soon denatiil ( lie . - serious consilerntioii of the officers aiutl authorities of ( lie Salvation army. 1Cciitticl' liiis 1)eOfl surviving 501110 haid rai's of late , 1)111. it Is httnlly In condition to sttiid tIi selection of cx- Congressninii Bracklioritige of breacli.of- proiiiise fuiiie to i'epresciit it Iii coHgi'ess nga I ii Collis P. Iluiitington has 1)eehl ic- elected iteSitleiit of ( lie Soutlierti Pa. clflc 'Jlie Soutliei'ii Pacific could not possilil get along nt this stage otlie ganle 'Itlioiit n. ziiaii of Iluhitliigtoii's ICCUII1Ir jC5lIllSIVe legislative nbilltles at It head , SYlieii Senator Alien In his letter to ovcrnor Ilolconhl ) referred to the older and abler iiieii III the rolnllist 1)irtY ) : more deserving ( lion 1i of the presl- dentin ! notnliiritioii , could lie liitve had lillY 9110 In 111111(1 but that great 1)opullst ) , I'aul Vitildervoort ? When COlig1'C1SIl1lt1l A1itire3 returns to Viishihtigtoii vItli his cretleiiIals- ( reiioiuiliiatioii iii his poc't ] , e Sill- POSO ( lie frIgIdity 01' the atmosphere iii the house clonk t'ooius s'IhI tithe a stid- den rise as registered by ( lie thieriiioiiie- tcr-esiieclalhy us ( lie teluheriItlll'e of "o\Tasliltigton usually gets w'aritier 'Ithi the middle of Api'ii. Tue Chicago Tilflet4-IJerllId nsls the qtieslloit Iii all seriousite.s v1ituthier treating can not be 0I)1)hiShIetl by law. It iieetl hot S1)eCtihitle on. an abstraction for nit I111S\V01. A ito-treat iiiv hitos been oil ( lie stiottite books of Ncbrasla for fifteen years , but ii hiis : inul no niore effect iiiioii the ( renting hitililt thou has the cos' ( lint jnnhletl ) over ( lie moon. Profiting l)3 recomit experiences the labor liIIitflS of Oniahia are hilling up to ntllrmn their tlctei'mmilnation to irohlhiit ) the thiseussiomi of ii0lItlc vit hilti their tiiilolis. ExterIc ) ll ( is soitietitiies miii ex- 1)eilStVC teai'hitr , , hilt It is by all odds tue best teacher , aiid lucre is gooti groiintl for time liredietlon that hahor unions of this city IhI hereafter dis- ttvo lilly iileiIlICr ) who stuois to Itivolve theta lii factloiinl 5(1liiiIhles ( Iii i11i3 jmrty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yo are soomttole treated to another MqtimlbbhO btltWCeiI ( Ito city miiitl coiility over ltliL'gel ( balances dim in costs grow- Itig out of tiolice CoUrt COSOS. Aftei' it Is aI.l o'er multi ( Ito iiioiiey himis leeii , takcii out of omic h)0ehot ) aiid mit thwii ( litto amiothier , w'hiat lomlt ) lIt vhhi thu ( mix- IaYel receive ? 'l'hio iieoilo , Iii geiu'rah al-ti miot interested in the lucre iIiflttel 01' ledger llCColIiLtt4 814 letwet'li ( 'itY iiitl cotiitt SO hang as tiic : iiiiitmnl dotheit con- ti1iuts to grov In iroIOrtiOIl ) Year by yemu' sonic inllrovenient is made in ( ito govcrii mont croio reports. rhio systeili Is constantly IPlchtiiig : a lmighiei' degree of itlhlcicilcy. I t is iiow PrOhOS0l ) ( to Ptl ( lii operation In It1y a 1)11111 'hierelY ) fuller reiorts ) froill this ectioii will lie iuiido and issiietl troili the Qiiiiihiii niitl hiucoin stnions. ( In this state PartieliltirlY ( lie 'eekly ( ) ) TOh)01t ) hits risemi to lhi st liiihIOl'tiliica in the btisincs World. Its itredle. tIoni ) arc vatehi't1 vlthm iiic&'t'itsliig in. tcrcst , Thu goveritlileilt Cliii render no greater sor'ieo to tilt ) coiiiniei elal iii. torcsts ot the state tiutit it Is dotii Iii tilt ) mutter of vcch1y crop vcport8. t It1.C'IZ'flO ( 1Tr tr4sfIn ; 'rite bill agreed upon by the RihcoIn % Iftittee ot thin iiotio COiillIiItteO 011 WA3 auth tiicail , vlilchi prohioses nil c5901i' tInll iio' system of reclin'oclty , will lrohlahIY ) ) nOt be flete(1 111)011 ) at the hireS- emit sessioii of congrcs , ltlt ) it couteri- Idates X1 IOhleY ) vhiichi thii country svihl lllllOliltUdly ( ) be conipehied to adopt SooIiUl or later If time tendeiey of Itiro- h)011I1 ) cotititries to diScrilIlIliOtO against 41m1ericahI lnodilcts contIiities' 'Fhie idati Preselileth In the lileasitre Is slinhilt , and practicable. I t Prohoses ( hint the presh- ( kilt 8111111 negotIate coiniiiercInl agree- lilelits vhthi certain countries tint condi- tIolls of vbicht shah be reciprocal auth equivalent comicessiotis. All ) ' country that is not disposed to enter into such nil agreeuiueiit vilh htivite ( lie hinIoslt ) iou Upon 1(5 ( products exported to (1w ( United States the highest duties In any tariff how since lSflO. The meaning of tIm uiieasuurc Is that ( hero lutist he either reciprocity In I mdc or retaliation. Countries tlmat choose ( lie fernier will continue to enjoy ( lie bencult of the American illtrkt't uiiitler existimig coiiditloiis. Countries that do hot w'niit the reciprocity deihtied in the bill lutIst accept the disadvantage that vouuld result trim hiavlng'uhielr I)101111ct0 8uliJected to the highie.ot iltittes this celia. ti-3 Ims ever Imposed on such products. Is ( lucre ntiythuhiig uuJuust or uuifiulr In this ? Is It IlOt the duty of our govern tiucuit to do what It can to protect tIm interests of our 1)001)10 against the tlh- crinulnating policy of other couumutries ? Germnauiy 01111 other 11uropoau nations himivo cstnldislmed restiletions uipoul ( lie hiulportation of our cattle tumid meats , \'ithl dmuuuinging effect to one of our uulost hmillOituluit ) hIiluustrles. 'i'Ito British gov- crtiuttriit l)1OIhheS legislatioui that 't'ouuht1 illakri1lhly reduce our cattle timid uneat (117(10 ( wIth Etighand , our great uuunrket. Other Phitlis of discrhiuiitiition : hiuurtful to ouur foreign tratle arc cotiteinhuhilted. It woulti iiitituifcsthy be the greatest possi. ble folly for us to comllucently suubnuit to thiese thiiiigs tititi miiake no effort to FemiWIY themit 0L to avert worse eoulhi- tiotis. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIIfl FOUU'I'IZ D1.S'TIIICT. IteluilhiCS ) ) 1111)3' l io uuigratefuth , huit re- I)1tIhiCfluiS ) seitloin fmuil to flplreCltue ( timid i'e art1 1)turty butlers who have ren domed emninciut service ztntl filled 1)OSI- tttimi to whiehi they haive been elevated with credit to thieniselves and their iuitY. This fact Is agaIn eniphialzed iii ( lie miomuimiation of Comigress'muan fl. J Ilmuiner for a thiinl consecutIve term lii ( lie ituttiomitti house of representatIves. Sixty days ago Mi . Ilniner seemed to 1)0 coumfmomitctl with a score of COmnletl- tou s' , but bctore the comuvciitlon met they vohummitmurhly retireul fromii the field , bay- lag hun an tuncontested renomnlntution. 'T'iiis ' Is thut' niore remarkable in view of the fact that Congressiiiin : Ilaimier re- miumuitteil mit his lost of ditty while the callsass ha hIs distrIct was ha progress 011(1 declined to take a. uersomml lmnmlih Iii ( lie couitest , or even to itipear ) before ( lie congressional comivemutlomi. Iii most of the older states It Is not uiucoiuuinoIi to i'enomninate members of comigress front termii to term , and to keel ) them mit ( lie mmntlonal capitol so long as theIr usefulness Is unimnlaired. ) 'I'hiis is why ( hue ohder states usually wield great hmuihimenec iii natIonal legis- latlomi. I r. Ilahmier's oxperlemice duirlng his two ( onus vhih 1)IL1Cti. ) hiiuui In 1)oSitIon to conhiiinuid attention In thie next colt- gtPsS amid to nchiive results for his couistltuency that no milan fresh at ( lie lellJWS ) ( could hioi-e , for. 1)ISCUIiIIA A TING SIIfPPINO 1) UTI1S. Tim Massachusetts repuubIicun plat- forni declares In favor of tliscrinlinnt- lug duties on all mnerchuuullse Imported Into the UnIted States in foreIgn yes- St'h14 , thus revivIng time IOIICY whlchi prevahicil for a numnber of years after the foumudatlomi of time government , tile secotiti act of tIme first congress hmavimig Imposed such ( luthes. In an address 501mb time ago cmi ( lie merchant mumirlne Seuumttor Frye of i\Immine strongly urged It rt-tuumn to ( limit polIcy , w'iiicim lie do- chimed hiatT rescued ( lie Amuerican carry- lug trade fi'ommi coinlau'atlve Insigmilfi. camice iii 17St ) flmi(1 iii a few years built It lii ) SO that 00 ie1 ) cemit of our commerce s as ciurrieti Iii Aiiierlcami vessels , w'hiercns before there hind been carried but 2. ) per edit. A bill ) uovIthimmg for discrimnhiiaIng ( tiuities oti lmulIorts Iii favor of Amnerleazi hijis has licemu introduced In comigress I ) , , Semmator Elkins , who Iii a recent SiteCh ) in ( lie i'utmite urged that we should "go back to the teachings of our fatthiers miuitl restore the old dlsei'lmnimiat- imig dutIes ; ( lint s'c shioumhl Imnpost9 a ( mix of 10 imr edit nt ! vaboreiut , iii ailditloum to wlmtever tax Is hmnposeti by hmiw , on mill goomls , vmu m'es mInd iiierehimumitlise bin- ltt'tdd ) Into time lulled States Iii vessels mint of tIme llmiitetl States. " lie said ( lint muter seveilty years of abantloumniemit of irtectlomi ( ) jo 4\invrheaul slilpphmmg , time i-esutlt Is that today A imiemk ami shmijno iim e czmi'ryimig lutut 11 l)01 ) ccitt of otir for- cigmm trade iimil W't ? arc getihmig verse off in that direction every year. "J'hils 'Is hiumniiimut imug to tmmiemIcuums : , " said Sumimutor IIlimim4. ' ' 1)1mm thtig is almost a. moytli muuid mipt knosvmi or set'im In 1101111 Iniportamut cIties of ( lie world. Notw1thittiumlI1mg out gicatness , ve are in somuto ltui'ts of the vorhtl almost mmmi uumikmiovmi leOlle ) , ' It. viil thus he seen ( lint the policy of discriiiilmimulimig ( iutheo as a miiemumis of hiuuildimig ill ) liii 4tunemhdtimm muerehimint imii'imio hits very reslmdettulld mudyoctucy tuimil It is not to be doubted that it VOuuld receive liurgo Suihiom't ) ) iii timid out of cIigEdid4. 'l'iie tiuthiject vlii irolHillY in ) sumbmiiittcd to tIme coimslderal inmu of ( lie comuimmitteti on nsoIuthomis of the vu- iuuhlicami ) muatioumul convemitiumu mumid Is not uuuihhiehy to VddL'IYt ) recoguultiomu In the pimutforuim. In milmy evemil it is a 111111 tem' of Imut'i'st , as is muny 1)11111 ) Ot' ltmhidY ) 'hiIchm rt'hntcs to time very hinpom'tmint tjtn'stioii of ( IcydbopIlIg tin mnei'hcami mmium'chimu mu t mint ml mie. 'l'luert4 comm be no fhuldstholi regtrdiiig ( ho smuhimtamy oIrt'ct umpomu ( lie shiilphIit ) liitem't'st of time eouuimti' of ( lie thiscmmii1. muiitiimg ihuities mitlojitt'tl itt time heghiiiifig of ( lie govemnmnemit iuud iumiuimmtnlmicd tot' iIiOt'ti ( loin a titimim telci' mu cclittmi' . It placed the Ummited States on nit equal footing vitii hCngituiutl In thmu citmryimmg trtult ) of ( lie world. But would a me- I turn to thai huobk' , tititler exlMtIlIg dlii ilitioums , vhilcii tufTer sidc1y froth ( hose or umioro tliimi : a celitury ago , hflOtItiCO Il like result ? Is it. rohablc thitit with our vastly uloro exteiiiled ctiuutuitncimut , relations we could now Itiupose this- criimmluiiitiiig-dtuties in favor of Aiiicrheaii vessels without invitimig r.etahintilhti that wouilti operate ummifavoralily to nir pro- duicems ? It seemmis reasoimable to nssuiino thimmt it ( hits gcrvernmiit'Iit simnould discvimmi- iimate against foreign vessels' In tim vay IYrOiOSNI ) fqrcigu govemnumieums ( wotihil luilimogo Ii. hike discrimniimntiomm ngnhtist American vessels , amid It will hIardI3 be contended that such a vnrftre ot ( huities would promote tim buildIng up of thie iiicrchmatit mnnrilie. It is hardly possible to overe.stliulikc thito ilmlpormumice of providing time Untied Stmutes vlhm ( 51111)8 etitial to time tlcmmianmls of its foroigmi colilinerce. It in ossemmtinh to both our coinumiercini exiIumisiomi auth 0th. ccIilnlerdIah immdcpcuidemmc. lint it Iscry qtuestiouimulde whmethier ve could tuttalmi this comiditloum by a. retuurmi to ( lie POlICY Imistituited miiore thnmi aim hmuimitireth years ago umber circumiistauices very differemit frommi ( lie 1)reSeil L Th1 } ; souTh tXb CIUfdST M. Tue Loullss'IhIe Couuricr-Jouurtial be- hieves ( hint ccretnry Carlisle cami get mu hiurge sulphort ) fromim tIme souithi mis mu cniidi data for tiic lICSiIIUmttimui ) umomuuimimitioui. It says " ( lie south will not refuse to suip- hOi't ) ( lie first souitimerim muon it will have haul a. chimuice to yote for In thirty-sIx , -en1 s , " and it also expresses ( lie behief thimit ( lie cost 'thl be solid for hiimu. luut is it certaimu that \lr. Cmuriishc couuld go Into ( lie mmatlouimui comivemition vIthi ( lie solid sullport ) of hits own state of ICcim. tiucky ? It ; Is safe to SOY thimut iii a coui test for delegates he would have op- Posdti tO him micarly ( lie emutire free sii- \I elenient of thm iait iii his state , tumuler time healershlil ) of Gemit'mal Ilardimi , who mittust attribute hiis defeat for the govermiorshmip lam'gely-to Carlisle , and Senator Bbackhnurmi , viio undouubtcdly ascribes his falluire to be re-elected to tue snnie source , Comicedimig that time sound muoncy ulemnocmats are in ( lie muti- Joi'hty iii ICentumcky , it Is still certain ( lint tIme free silver elemimemit would be able to elect a. imuumnler of the ( lehegatesVould slr. Carlisle care to have his name 'ure- ' semmted to thin timittoilmil coimvemmtiomi with a portion of the dehegatlomm from his os'mi state against hihmn ? The Courler-.Touur- nat vauits ir. Carlisle to be flue cmmmdl- : ( bitC of his varty fom' the preit1oiicy , buut uumtii It is sure of the suplort of Ken- tuucky It can hardly (10 iiiuichi for time prounotlomi of his camididacy. Tin ; ( 'fl11 UTOUD COUNTI S1'STlit. That there Is it great demulof room for reformmi In tIme machmhimcry of our 1)0- hltical imrtles is universally commceded. Time comn'cuithomi systemum is largely ye- spommsibbe for nomuulnatlons ( lint do not represent tile popular chioice Ten whio are notorIously dism'eputabie amid could not ruin time gauntlet of free popular selectiomi are foisted on ( lie party's tickets by trading themselves in thiroughm couiibhnations with other candidates equinlly bad , All they imeed Is to have a delegation from their owmi wart ! ( lint wIll swap their votes for tile votes of other ( lelegates , When omice time ticket is muomhmunted , the rank and file of tIme litmtS ) flutist either i'CIWCSS their resemmt- mnelit 01 exercise time frcenmami's right to m'ebel and bolt. Iii muammy cases time conscientIous voter Is commfroumted wIth Ilobson's choice. lie hmmus to decide between sumIortIm1g ) a 3'ei- low dog camidldtuto on hIs own PartY ticket amid a yellow ( log camididate on time OIpOSitloml ticket. . It frequemitl3' lisp- lemus , for examflhlC , that in nlnkluig a clmoice of mutmue cnnlldates for time coun- cli or imiuie cantlilates for the lowem house of the state legislature , oumt of thirty 0(1(1 names prcsentetl by time varIous imul ) theH not a. half dozcmm do. cent 811(1 competent then Calm 1)1 ? luicked. This Is because time packed caucumses nmid comivemmtiomms have been nmrmmmlpuuhmited by wan ) Imeelems , contractors amid boodic mcmi so as to bar out mull vhto do not tmaimi iii theIr class. 'i'lw ' iemmuedy for these 111)11505 Is he- hieVcI (0 1)0 ) direct iuopumlur seiectloim by tIme so-called Crawford coummmy ( systoun. Noss' that time Initial Sels ( have 1)0011 taken 1)3' 5. relrtmhmhlcan club of ( hits city tovard the adoption of this system , It 11153' be wehi to ( hiscumss its effects 1mm all their lUirimigs. 'L'ime Ciavford couummty systemmi niiiis to (10 away mmltogetimer 'Ihi ( citY multi couuumty commvemitlomis. All elective - ive cammthidmmtes ate voted for ( lim'Cetly itt time pu'immmnry election , amitl so are tIme delegates to state amid distrIct commvemm- tiomis tumid vmird auth precinct luuemmmIems ) of coiuiuiiitlees. Time retuu'mis of ( lie lrhmmmn t'y election are pullhicly ) canvassed ly ( lie resimctive ccmmtral comimmittues tumid the cnmmtlidntes vecelvimmg a pluiumlhit3' of t lie ImOIuilmlr vote are declared to be ( lii : , flommulimPeS of the IMmm'ty , Time ommly other fumuiction ( lie comumimmittees have In coimumeetlon vitim imarty nomiminmutions is to muimlmortloum tlelegiute mcIresemltmitioli ) to 14(0(0 ( ( amul district convwmtlons nimiong ( lie wards amitl lrechmcts ) ! numd fix time (111(05 ( for closing miommulumatioums anti hold. tug lurlmlmarlu's. By this t4ystein IL direct expres stnmm Is seeuu'I ( fmoni time w'lmoha hartY ) filth ( lie widest lmutlttmdo muffoi'ded for immtlividuuai in'efememmce. No uimaii Is frozemi out fmommi becommiluig a culnhidmute at time Primllaries esen If lie lion imumulo hiinmmieht offemisive to the bOSSeS of his owmm wmurth. 0mm tIme other Imaini , time chimummces for mmommilnatimmg ( em uummxceItiom1mth ittitI rdiresemutmutlve ticket a 10 immcl''mmmmed and ( lie Imlcemmt ive ft)1 hinht tug corresioiidimigIy decreaseil , 'J'ime chief ( Imawiack ) of tIme Craw'fovd couility 1)111mm ) Is ( limit time hionom's may not be evemily distmlinited mummiomig ( lie viumiouis eheiimeuits mumul iOcflhitidS , 'I'imo niost hPui. ) Imir caumihidates for ( ho hegistat uum'o tom' ( .XllmmmllO ) , , nmigiit all live In ammo vluu'll iuumd relmmesummi. ltit Omic elemmuemit ot ( lie iohmulmutitmmi. ) Iii comivemithoims time iulllem immg of eammuhidiutes cmiii be better mt'oided 1111(1 time recogiiitiomi of auhi tIme eleiuittimti4 timiut mummhco imp a iam'tY ) cmimi 1)0 ) butter ji'Ovidod. ) 'l'imis defect of tIme system might 1)0 OVCECiflti iy thistm'ictlmig time ( 'auutit' or city or hmy ndoptitmg a 1)111mm for imminomity rdlmresemitlttiOmi , 'I'hit'u are details , iuuv'vcr , that nmuist 1)0 ) w'oried : mit mimi teadjuisteil frommi timmue to tinle (1151mm time litmus sulggestt(1 ( by experlclmce. ¶ J'hmo mcfom'nm immost deslt'ed is to do lllVfl3 'With Veiieim I bit lu king nut ) u1el- gate 1uying anti 7rndIim ( . - . , -4.f - It hins Clllotflufl PrettY uVimdti time cimnirimmnum it tli'Vesterii l'asseliger nssoclmttlon hid : s'ni.im mends beiumumg- tug to tinut orguikuImuIoiu ( ngainst grnmit- bn free tmahl.jiYrjutioim to PmurtIduIhmur mmieimmimm'u of tLCm , ± fliOiifl1 ( EdtinttomittI oussocintlon In 1tjf' ' to Inthilence time tmmuvei jt' mitteuTjhiUtm4 ) 111)0mm its mummmtlmil imtcetlimg at lhulIT1l ( ) 'mmQxt MuIntuer. Is hOt tIme isinue of'tre trnnsiomtntion irO hmibitett by thifl iDesttul ( ' coitiiiictce 111W' ? is It not au Iumsumlt. ( 'or time cimairiminul to assimuuo ( lint tfi ? ± 1ad ar Lntemiihiimg to violate thie inwot 5. ( hue wiiemm they are profesIuig umlmllytrf ( levotloti to It ? \\'ili they heed time \varlmimmg of their ehmmuirmiuamm any sooner timnim time express proliilmttlomm of ( lie law ? Time Kansas City papers are hot likely to 1)0 thiscoliccrtcd or deceived by time 1)OmiihfliStIC ) vtumrImigio amid bmasemu lies of lime Onumihmn. Iohk'O cominissloli orgIlul , 'hiicim limis time nssuirniice hi assert timnt Oimmnima.'s tlcfnumlttumg city treasurer % 'aS chected 1)3' tIme sammie eleiiuemit timmit stul- porteI time citizeims' reformml mnovdmiumMit last yeam It Is miii very veli to stfltid ill ) for Omminima. Buit It Is always better to s'cei hmfore your OWli tloor before tuiphyimmg ) time broom to yotit' neighbor's frommt yard. It is mmot muecessnm'y to m'ulim thowmi ICaumsas City to buliti um ) Ommhmuhu. As has buemi li'edlcted ) 1)3' ) 'I'iie Bee nunl other I)1Ill'rs ) nlommg time t'i'er , time Big \I1itlhy hitis commiuimemmccd its spriimgtiiiie ravages. Time water Is gradually risimmg mimi at Phmittstmmouiim ( time riuihromid coin- 1)ililY hiss' been forced to imrotect its tracks. Time Oimmaimmu unemmhber of time ? uIi- souiri Rivet' comimimmlsslomi shmotmhd at. once SuirV'y the slrcauui above time oity ititl mmuake ml. report upomi time ( rule situmatiomi. 'i'ime govcm'mmmuent hmns provideti umiemumis for protecting otmr rlycr fmomit anti there mmcd ho tie alni'mn felt If proPer precaution - caution be exerclsed st , r4oumls mnerchiamits are dissatisfied with tIme distribution of time apiropriml- tiomis mimmmtho In time river amid harbor bill. They wimmit moore mfl0003' exlemidetl for iiilprovlmlg time mmavigation of ( lie MIs- SISSiii ) [ between St. Louis amid Vlcks- btmrg , Bumt ( lieu ( his complaint ought to be offset by the adviumitagcs of direct river comummeellomi betw'ceml St. Loui is amid Omimohia , w'imlcii Is mmssnL'el ( so soon as tIme sandbars are pulled out of time Mis- soumrl mimid ( lie water of time Big 3lumddy strahtmeil before it eiiuerges frommi time Yellowstone. . , , Ip Ilhimmois lrOhiil0.fllSt . have ( lcclllrcd for free silver mj.d womnnmm suffrage and time natiomial p19)iiijtiomi ) comuveiitiomi is likely to tb likewise , TIm Idea no douubt is to itoh out-iumdumcememmts for time women of Utnlm Colorado amid 'Vyommming mind time free mhlfreItes of time whole country to tIme cold water stammlu'lh : , Timeoj'mIuahly time itlea umumy 1)0 ) 011 right , buttim lrncticui : imohitics time thieom'y womt't Thme free silyeritcs 81'e not yet really to let tIme pro- hillitiOimlsts fl8th'f thmeir imational ticket ' ' - 1'- for them. , . i . I Time receivers of ( lie water works howe In comltomlla.tion immereased iressure for tIme large portlomi of time cIty known as Ilanscomn Place. Time elevatIon being ' ' ' Imi ( lint time \'et'3' high locality pressuire Imi time water mnains has ziever beeim strong enough amid P'oiei'ty % Ownel's there wili appreciate time propositIon of ( hue cormmpammy to Stlill3' time lomhgfelt ( le ficiency. Time l)1eSImmmu1)tiOm9 Is time smile of time 1)iamit 1rny 10 wIll emmahie tIme coma- PRIIY to Improve time service materially , Ietlcf for the Iiiullnii Voter. Chicago Tlmes-Ileratd. Placing time Indian bmmreu under civil servIce - Ice regulations rcmove another soimrce of political dlsttirbance. Hereafter there mviii ho mme scramble for the Indian 'vote , p Overstocked vl (0i 'Vrotibhe. New York Mall anul Exmr,82. Nobody outside of the ranks of tile marine9 vlIl crehit the repo t that Emmgiand huao Ilclge(1 ( her support to SpaIn for th subjuga' Lion of ( ito Cuban rehelilomi. England has 110 tlmno to lmunt for trouble nowaday3. As a mmiatter of fact simo Is somewimat overstocked with It already. JIOVV hue Ceiusnr Wori. intllannpomls .iournai , Time methods of time press censor in ha- vamia are very simple. When time Insurgents enter a certaIn province lie announces that they have been trapped , amid when , In their own time , timey leave ho annoumtceu that they iiavo boemi drIven out. Meanwhile , timoy come and go at pleasure. 'rue VIi1o-'n Izir1ti , Chicago Journal , Senator Mien has removed the last flaw in hI title to the position of the champion 10(1105' mama of the national capital. lie has introduced a bill provIding for the restoratIon to time pension rolls of time names of widows of soldiers upon the'deatim of their second husbands , 4t. Gauu1 l'reveletit to Make , New York TrIbune , There seems to be a good cimanco that cost- gross may adjourn by time 1st of June , it not before. To euuui ( ho session by the beginning of Juno would be to make a now record , for not cinco 1830 has there been so early an auijournmnent. But we do not believe ammy one will object to the casting of vrccedonts to time winds , provided time appropriation hills and other necessary legislation can be got out of the way , A mmoy precedemmt 1mm favor of short comlgrosslonal iu.ssfons would , all timings considered , umidoubteilyf ho a good thug , 1.-i J5ffcct of tIit" Sl'eei t7omali ime , 1'Iiliadeljhuia Times. iteoi brings an p eitIonal net profit at $20 a ton , It affordS a fair business return at $18 , as the cost.-of manufacture at Plttut- burg , where labor I&'boPtcr raId thaum at any otimer point , is $12.5tom3 , and to attomupt to force the mm1arkojtq , $22 and $25 per ton simnpiy means dLuttr arid closed mills. Overproduettomi Is Irivl6blo. The story of heavily stocked yard l- part of the imictory of tJme past amid shQuld 'be ' a warning In the present. . Theme has been qpouiii of loss and usm in time utteol manutAttro of the codiutry 'to Immyito caution om thto DIrt of those who steer the poole of toifay and cause them to weigh carefully theifiLevery movommment. A hoiltiuy nuarkot toda ? . alter years of depr s. aba , may be -wrecic a few months hence tnerci-for a teniporary gain. ( ) 'I'ttIit TatNiIS TItAN 401 itS , ihritlsii interests liuSouth Africa cover a great uhai of territory ; amid in ( lie event of any genctat nmovoment against those inteteOts , ft woHid tmuiro a isrgo army of llritisii troops to defeat the movement , 'm'et troops are tout lathly tmeetled In north Africa ( It ( tie canmpmIgn in the Soudan Is to ho eontIntiel ) as they can be In Soumtim Africa. The proc. " war" the fanatic lamation of a "holy by Mohrmnunlodtuis of north Africa preaugos tTommbte for th FThropeans near the territory of time Upp& Nile. Egypthllul troops are of 110 real muse In such a campaign. They have been thoroughly cowed by time past utuiCCCSSe1i of the dervish loaders ; saul if any real C100i paign Is to be imiado agInt the Mabdi's armies , It mtmt ho made by firitlsh troops In large nuunbors. In the meantIme , there is reason to believe that , In east Africa , German agents are trying to stir Imp troimblo for the Uritish of that secticti with a view to imlcreasing the eXtent of territory of German - man east Africa : amId it slmoumld not ho stir- mrIsiflg if a demonstration shmoumld be noble In the near ftmtimro by time natives in time noighmborimool of firitisim poseaions near the great AfrIcan lakes. Altogether , Lord Salisbury is likely to intro as much trouble with hi African colonies as ho has already imatl with European dlploimiats , coiiccitiiflg lirltish interests in other parts of the world , 0 * $ An OXhltlItiOn ) mviii be held in Vienna in 1898 In connectIon 'ltli the celebration of ( ho fiftieth anniversary of time accessIon of the eniporor , to illustrate ( lie progress in Austria - tria of technical , artistic and manufactuiring Industry tlurimmg time last built century. Every effort will be miiado to illustrate time various processes of manmmfactimro , beginning with time rais produmct mmnd ommdlng with the finished article. Time Lower Austrian Imulustriai society - ciety lmns expressed its wiliingmiess to finance the enterprise on a sound basis. It is pro. 1)050th to hold ( lie exhibItIon in the old ox- hmibitloti building in time Prater ammul in time spacious grounds wlmlchm suirrotmmni it. Time various soctiomis uvihi comprise exhibits auth time practical mnanutactumre of food and clotim- immg , together witim grotmls simowimig time adVance - Vance in mnetiiods of comnmnummlcmitlomm , literature - aturo , art , eulucatiomi , hiygiemio , architecture , engineering and other braumchmes of kimowhedgo , sclenco antI Industry. The exhibitors will include those mnanufactimres , tradesmnemi and mnorchants who own establisimmuents or have atitimorlzed busimmess represemmtativcs lii lower Austria , or who are members of ommo or immoro of time * ovinclal inthistrisi corporations which have had delegates appointed to tIme central commission of the exhibitiomi , aud state and public immdustrial InstitutIons , These restrIctIons apply solely to time do. mestic ( lopartmnent of time exlmibltlon , while the section ( levoted to iutermmatlonai exhibits viil have special regulations of its own. Time exhIbItion is to remnalum open from the beginning - ginning of May , 1898 , until time mniddlo of Oc- toxtr , The preliminary figures of the German c000us wimicim was taken last December show a total population for time kaiser's emmupiro of b2.244,103. In 1890 time numnberof Inhabitants was 49,428,470. Time Increase in five years was 2,816,033. TIme rate of gain was more than 5.6 ier cent. It is interesting to corn- pare this growth witim the advance of time German empire between 1885 and 1890. In that period time expansion of ( ho population was 2,72,766. The rate of gain was 5.4 per cent. The actual increase in the five years between 1SDO and 1895 was greater by 243,267 than it was In the hUm period from 1885 to ISSO. Time mate of growtim was higher by the sniali fraotion or one-fifth of 1 per cell t. It Is remarkable that there should have been as large an increase , either absolutely or In time rate per cent. Iii a coummtry as densely populated and well developed as Germany time natural tendency is toward a falling rate of growth , uniess exceptIonal commditions contribute to oxpansiomi , Nearly all of time great nations of the civilIzed world have lately been gaining moore slowly , at least in rate per cent of increase , timaum they did twenty years Ago. Klmmg Monehek informs time czar tlmat lie vlli not be able to attend time coronation of the latter , soon to take place at Moscow , being detaIned at home to watch the further movements of time Italians , who have invaded hIs country , and to whomn lie has given such a flaming eiuatorlai welcome. Time occasion will thus be shorn of omme tall and jauntily tvavlng feather of dignity which wouid otherwise be conspicuous timere. Russia Is In a certain sense lila ally and backer , and hits preesuce In time corommatlon retinue would be as striking as that of a black AfrIcan lion in time circus procession. lWlmen ho has cleaned out the incuralvo penlnsuiars and restored time violated boundaries of imis king- join. lie may , perhaps , pay time czar a vIsit , taking lila heroic queen along with bun as a sample of the new Abyssinian woman to tvliom 019 EthiopIan points with pride , and who wIll perimaps survive In its traditions as gios-hmigly , It not so emidurimmgiy , as her old ancestress , time queen of Sheba. Wlmat imavo Italians to be imroud of , from a military and naval point of view , since the aims of Mazzini antI Garibaldi were attained by time consolidation of almost time whole of thmo peninsua ! , together with the island of Sicily , under the house ofSavoy ? They imave tougimt two great battles upon land and 0mb at sea. At Lissa they showed no trace of time ekihl In maritime warfare for wiilcim timey t'ere formerly renowned , At Custozza 1mm 1SSC , amid again , the other day , at .Adowalm , altimough the Itaian ! soldiers were not wanting - ing 1mm c3urage or endurance , the Italian generals - orals evlmmced a woeful incapacity for leader- ship. Neither great Italian admirals nor great Itaiiami commanders were wanting In former tiumies. Must we conclude , timemi , that time breed is lost ? Or should we ratimer surmise - miso that , owing to some serious fault in the present system of government , the best mcmi never reach time top ? * 0 * Spain lisa instituted an arbor day , time first of wimlchm , with some tree planting imero and timero In tiio arid peninsula , was celebrated April 1 , and Is to be continued in future years. No country stands in more umeed of ami increase of its arborlcai growth , and if the new anniversary is observed in a suitable maImer it wIll be of mnoro advantage to it than all of the salnLu' days in its calendar , If Spain could once make up Its mind to Loll Cuba to time United States at a fair valu- atlon and plant a part of time moumey in home groves and forests , it would tie of much more advantage to it timan time Island has ever been , amid they would not be so lIkei3 , as its jungles , to become perlomhicaily the covert ani imidlng ground of insurrection. * 0 * Statistics pubilBimOd in tIme European Econ- omnist simOw that dumring the ten years ormdlng wltim 1595 Europe's Increase of population anioimnted to 20,000,000 , Of thIs siumuber Russia , wimere , according to an old proverb , "time cradle is never onmpty , " contributed 12- 511,000 ; Germany was next with 4,500,000 , amid so on ( lowliward to France , where In eli timiut time time gain amnounted to ommiy 67,000. hmance , however ; Is rtil one of time wealthiest of nations , wimllo Russia Is ono of time Imoor- ost. lb Is decidedly curious timat time chances of polities-or was it memt'ly time working out of natural laws7-lmavo brought into alliance a prolific but poverty-stricken peolmie with anotimer of exactly comitrary characteristics. One Good Term ieserv4'us Another , Minneapolis Tribune. Editor George I ) , Perkins of time Sioux City Journuil , wimo is deVelouimmg lute a atrommg con- gresslonai worker , is moro than likely to receive - coive a-ronomnlnatlon , Time state of Iowa Imas a fashion of giving its commgrossmneli a fair show to make a record for usofuimmeuts by keeping themn In time imarnesa term after term , and , asa result , it is aiways repre- scmmted by strong nien. - - - , Highest I- of' all in Lcaveiiing I9ower-Latest U. S , Gov't Report ppya1 Powder Baking AflSOLVTELY PUgE I ( I I'fltITlClla C lit ) IIC S 'I'l It i Il ) ill ) ( luinil " . ' 4)rhL i'ertm.ruuiut at time I'olIu' Iii % ' , ' . , , , t'tmksga 'rimes Iietslei The election In Wisjnt'hii was ( till of sue- liriutcs , and It las also frc'o.hmaumulei wIth iiarnhmugs to both of the lt'athluig Patties. In niost instance , isimc're a mmuan cmi eIther ticket who knowmm to have imeemi unfaithful to numb- lie trtmt or crooked as a cltlzt'ut or partiutahi , hue Was Very properly emit clown by time Intlo. pende'nt anti InmtuistIois scratcher. In sumimo of time cities umot qumite ommougim of tlmat kimid of uork uses done , but ommoumgim is kmiowmi to uvar- raumt time claltmm timat tt was more widespread tlmmun ever before in a spring election. IL Is a warning to luarty unauinger that thmo People , time rank and lllo of all parties , have rescued limO couucluslon that comniomu sense ammmi genuine natriotim should have led them to reach hormg ago , namely , to keep In mind time best interests of their cities , states and nation , instead of shiowtng timenu to be carried away with a desire to elect to olflciah statloums moon wimo imavo ulovoted mnommtlms of scberning to iihaco thmeniseives in line , havimmg in mind only their own selfish interests , Time scratching of umnfit mcmi and the eectimmg of fit umuelm on Tuesday give lmronulso tlmat a roformmm is in Store in the chamacter of time next .eglsiature. Theme iut crying umeed of reforms Iii ( list direolomm ( , Of into W'isconsln legislatures have beemi little macro than sum assemubinge of messengers to do the biddimug o corporitlomia smith a large bouly of utimmoothi , sleek , powerfully arnmed lobby , Timis Is mmotably true of the legIslatures' of 1891 antI 1S91 amiul 1895 , one reimubhicami amid two themocratlc sessions. Very lithe was domio at either session - sion that was mmot directly agalmmst time 1mm- torests of time general inublic and in selfish muutl corporatlomm intercate. Time people are already on guard to see that time next legislature Is not coumiposetl of elmnumghm nien wimo would convert it into a lohmby-controiled climb , Timey hcmmow timat if they uvoumith Imrevcmut such a iegislatmmro from assemublimig at ? uluuhisomi they mmiumst not allow self-sooklmmg boodiers and ambitious Iiohitt camis to mmmc tlmemmiseivcs or their friends for iegleiativo mioniinations , as hiss been time cums- tommm to ami ainmost criniimmal extent in time * , Cammdidates for time United States senate - ate cannot. with safety to time best Interests of time state nnl ( lie commimmmon people , ha al- loweml to select their mmmcmi for candidates , tIe- fray their election expenmes , amid then own timoimi for any odd jobs that they immivo for timenu to do for timemnuteives , corporations amid the lobby , p iiuuocuu.tC's : I'OitIOhtN STOVE. Chicago Ricoruh : In utimert , Mr. Carlisle doesn't want. thmo miomimmatlon umntii imo kmiows wlmetlmer or not lie can get it. Cimicago Timnes-Heraia : It is thoumglmt timat Mr. Carlisle will ime able to overtake amid smnothmor whatever desire tlmero may ho for his nomnimmation. Globe-Democrat : Morrison , Campbell amid Whitney are the macmi oftonest memitioned for time demmuocratic nomination. Undoubtedly W'iiitncy would refimse it it it were tendered to hIm. The choice urobably lies between Morrison arid Campbell. Either would do in this oft year. Minneapolis Times : Time Wasimlngton correspondent - respondent of a Chicago paper says Mr. Olnoy woimldn't walk the length of imis room in the State department to secure time demmio- cratic miomnimmation tot' tIme presidemmcy , Time odds are 000 to 1 that the I3oston lawyer would sprint time whole length of Pennsylvania - vania avenue-hub wind permuitting-for coma- rmiinlentary ballots from two states , Chicago Inter Ocean lemmmocrntlc talk about " ( lie logical candidate" commies to time country in tiio saumie breath ithi the Intl. maLlen timat the president is about to announce - nounce a vigorous Cuban policy. As all of time gentlemen put forwar1as possible democratic - cratic camidlmlates for president imave tIe- chimied , the New York World is probably car- rect in assuming timat Cleveland is time oniy logical candidate , New York Tribune : Carlisle does not want the demimocratic nomninatIon , showing that he has a tviso forecast of political proba- bihitles , and does not care at his timno of life to go utlirough the bother and anxiety of a hesing race. It. demonstrates that , not- witbstaudlmig lila wrestle with a comitlnuing deficIt and nil the other confusiomis of his department , 1mb- head 1 still level enough on some points. and timat hits heart beats warmly enough for lila native land to allow somebody else to run it. - His sms'i'ismt. somervimmo Journal. When Dolly dons hiOr Easter gown , To go to churclm with me , The veriest cimuri vIl1 own that she's A lovely slglmt to see. She is so fashionably fair , So stylish , and so sweet , That every man she meets must want To worship at her feet , 'Tis true lieu' sleeves must measure 'round Not far from halt a mile , And that they're most ridiculous , But timen-tiiat is the style. 11cr skirt , moreover , covers Uji A good square rod of ground ; But then a. skirt mmow has to be Some thirty yards am-oumiti. Her Easter hat's a stunner , too , . With waving pIumcu nnd tImings , And spreads on each lcho tar enough 'ro cover up her wings , If drooping wings Shme really had , As other angeL'j do : For sime's an amigom sure omiough- You bet alma lilo\'s It. too. Yes , Dolly is quite tip-to-date And fashionably good , And I adore her , as. of course , A hovlimg brother should. And Easter , wimemi she goes to church In all her pammoply , Just get a good sent on tue fence , And watch us passing by ! I1B. 1)1 NO 8l'lth AI 1'1tTtTil135 , Ti ii OMAIIASUNIhW 1JiI flOiNIY STONE : p A uiev oeu-ial story by A. Conan loyu , -'l'iue tnie Is ( olti by time hero imImimuteif , % ho l a metirotl umavmmI umlhleer , stiul recalls - calls time iimettlruut of his t'mti eec when mu lhit'--'l'imt.l npctmimtg i'euuies are laid at Frhmmr'uo Oik , n little u'Iilflgn between lommuluii and hmrighmtnui--Thmo story Imsiut iteoli prouiutmticeil iul' eoImiptent t'ritIc to be one vritteli 1mm Dr. Duyufut very best style. SCENElt OF TIlE MOON : 'rime first of iir Robert Ball's astronomn- lent nrtlcle , tmtmdouilmtothly one of the mmiost t'mtitmnbIe series of liolnular t'iemieo sketches e'Cm hiiluiteh Imi a miewsltiimem'- 1lltmstititu1 from iiimotograplms mumule itt time 1'arI mind hick obocrvntoric'mm , smith besides a Ptrtrmiit of time mitithor , Tin' fluxt cue In time sies will b entitled "rime Pinnet. Saturn , " DTL't'l'lt OF' AURAILAM LINCOLN : 'I'imirty years ago , on April 14 , Almrnhmmini hum-alum fell by the Itiilt't , of time ns'assimi In Ford's timemiter , W'aslmlngtomi-'Timn cc- utmrrence of this date Is commmmnenuorateut lmy mimi artlcio fu'ommu C' . C , hangs , who , timen ti lad , chmnnectl to tie the one who ts.as semit by Mrs. l.imicoin to time white hmOU.qe to aImlurls9 ltotmrt h.immcoium , this nomi of time Iurcsitlemmt , of tile tragedy. A SctTlil'TOR'S Ni\V MlTiboDS : Clevelauiut 7uloftelt fuirmmilirs an article descriptive of time nth'nncetl mind umomatmal mneimods emmipioyeul \im. i'uirti itigt' iii uiimmiIng S gigniftlc' e'itmestlinmi stntmmt' of ( leuietmii Orant , soomm to b ummmveileml iii Iuiookiymi.-Omme Ilitmuttuatiomi simowimig time setmlptor's railroad. PBOCllthSS OP 'rlw.SALVATION htM1 Origimi , shim ntiil work of timlut great religious om'uaumismuLlomm-.eimievcmmicmits of tiiiriy years at imomno nnth aluronul - Str'mmgtlm t'f time nimny in diiTcremmt ; mrts of time voId-Cimmiractcristics of Its gremut leathers. COMING METhODIST CONF17ItENCE : Time qtmtumhrenmiIrt' eton of the gemicral Metimoulist commferenco mmiects iii Cieve- hand time fIrst t''clc of next mnoumtim-'l'Imo mueniiiimg mind object of the gntimerimmg- Imniuorlmtmmt topics that nrc to liii dealt a'itii at ( lie muectimig. IN WOMAN'S lOMAIN : Iitodlshm fabrics niid fetelming mmvcltie. , approved by ( misimloum for sprimmg wear- Coromimitlomi robe of time emujuress or Rims- sitt , that cost over 2O0,0UO--A woniamu with eighmty inches of hmair hiamigimig fm-omit her imeath-Not'ou anti costly ( rules used to coimilileto ti. fmtslilommable toIlet of today -Latest. fashion mmotes-News nbotmt fa. mous womileml , I'os'r-LENTEN SO'IETY : Society enoyimig a imots' lense of Ilfo nfter tIme laster festivlties-Emitertaimi- muents of time week-Theater box Parties amid itmmiehieomis--Oimt of town visitors imu Otminhmn-MOvemnemitil simiti whereabouts of ( lie local society folk , THE cOMING GENERATION : A uieeimllar but intereMing story entitled - titled "I'Imo KnIght of the hue Armmior , " beimmg a. legemal of tue ioluuter-Pnumi Dii CImaihltm talks of hmls exilerience iitmmitlmig wild beast,9 imi the Jtmmmgies of Comitrai Africa-Prattle of time yotmmigmtters amid other bright bits for the little folks. WITh TilE WIIEEJNG HOI1DE : 1eglsiation of interest to bicyclers pendimig ot' liasseti by time recemit legtsltt- turos-liic3'citng In T.omidon one of thmo features of lImo world's mnotropoiis-Notes anti miots's of special imimportammee to thmo wheeilng nnmlti ttmtio-\VIma.t time local wheeimiiemm are doing , IN TIIF ) WORLD OF SPOIlT : Review of the sporting o'emit5 of the week , nt imomne amid nhmroad-Activity nrnomig time niemi with tIme atmims-hiase built season drawing neur-Ilorsetnen are showing sighs of lifo-Gemieram grist of live , newsy smrtimtg gossip. Ti-rn On& SUNDAY Bi BUY IT ! READ IT ! ' I' - 1 iommmt'rmu us hmzI1E , Philadelphia Record. The birds will soon be sInging , 'lime Poets emmnlmig somiucts. Time bees ivili soon 1)0 buzzIng liii juresldentia01tmmCtS. New York \Vorid. She Isn't 'ery wealtimy , Yet weal's a goidemi crowml ; Slme bought it at a dentist's For Just ten dollars dovmi. Cmmicago Record. Go to , elm , dawdulmig lilac btmsii , You are too iuortai slow , For lilacs bloomed on Mabe'a hat Full two good weeks ago. 1)troit Tribune. The sun doth look her iii the face In a way to greatly try her ; For he'll stare lmer out of countenance If ho mnakem3 hmerfaco perspire. 4 Cimleago Ttibune. "Wimy do some towmls hiavo curfew laws ? " The teacher snid to BOminy. "I guess. " said Benny , "It's because The curs have growntoo many , Phliadeiplmia Itecord. A needle loved a bali of yarn , And nearly had a fit ] Jecatmse it didn't care a. darn , And only answered "I.it , Puck , There Was a smaim sparrow perched hmlgh oil a tree , Singing nut happy' nsliuppY coud be ; But a restauramit man , with bov anti with Soo'o hilmn quail-the poor little spar- roWI - _ _ _ _ . nl ; v. : . . , 2\ : , , . . - - ( . - I . " u _ . 4 . ' * "Shoot Those Hats. " Put tlmsut W'ImlteL' tile oum time shelf mmouv aumd imuuul forth Iii tm miev smi'iuug 0110. Time grass iS grceil , amid so are you if you puss our limit Dejmturt- miiemmt ill ) this seasoui \\o loivo Just su'imnt Is rcquisi to amid remisouinlmie in time imiatter of hmeudsvemir : , Yotu coumid iievc'm look better or immomo hmtutidsoimmuiy hatted tlmtutm fm'ommm our dleopiiiy of imutest styles. Youm cmumi't equmil otur lists or our prices in this part of tIme west. Bimyem s with aim eye to style amid 000llOIiiY are nls'muys 1108(1(51 ( for our stou'e. Let 'oem commme-uve'hi imtt t 'eimm vlthm sonmotimimig that's a syiiutii ( bnrgnimm every time , SOLE RGENTS FOR YOUMAN'S ' CELEORRTED URTS. 4 % few words about fumrmmlshuumgmu , u\o hituvo time largest nssol'tiuhent thus side of Now York ammil mmii time uip-o-utmmto ( liximigs. For this ( hue w'o viiI lmlelmtO1t Ncekveur. A mmcw tie , like a limit. totmes ill ) time Whole ill- ) vcartummce 80 imiumehm , y0 imas'c a. lot of dollar ties ( lint we pulL cii spccimti sale ( odtmy at 50c See our Flfteemitit stm'eet wimmdoss'B , Browning , King & Co. , , Reliable Ciothitcu's. s. v , Cor. 1511 * and Iougirus Sts. ; ilntterJ' and Furnishers , . I .