Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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    - .
Tillill ) 1)L'EL ) ' OF TIlE SERIES
Oiy Tcn Moro on the List of Uount Von
, Kotzo.
' AfTnI r on tll ( I'Ieltl of Honor flrn Ing
t , _ Out of ft Nu CeIc1rsttiul Court
' , eIu1ll * VIiIcIi Cun 1IINCIL
S. Ilerlin SocItt .
- , ( ( oYrlgIit , by the AroItt I'ro' . )
' I3FItL1N , April 10.There was a sensatIon
ill court anil military circles here thiM morn.
tng when It wa nniiotmccd that another duel ,
growing out of the great annflymou9 court
- letter , cnnal , had taken place In the woods
near Potdaui anil that l3aron von Sebrader ,
the mnter of ceremonIo of the penSIon
court , had boon eliot and srIoin'1y wotiu1ed
by Count vcn iCotac , , The latter wu for
inerly court chamberlaIn and wa acqulttetl
on the charge of ticing the author of the
t annyn1ou communications alluded to.
r , Count von Kotzo and linron you Schrader
t ( uacd pstols ! and the latter was severely
q wottiiilj In the ablomen , lie was takcti to
the liopItaI , where his wound was pro.
natnced to be of a most serious nature. IIL'i
reiatIves were telegraphed for and promptly
gathered at liI bedside.
Count von Kotze's arrest lia.q been ordered
and his frIends say ho wIll surrender to the
authorities whenever and wherever called
upon to do so.
0 Count von Kotze yesterday practiced for
hotirs with a phto1 on tie etato of his , Count von Tcsckow at irtcd-
erlchvfelds , and finally succeeded In hitting
a target the size aflil SluipB of the outlines
of a man with ever shot. lie left. Pried-
e : Iciwfelds Inst night , uying : "Now I hove
got huin. "
At his own cinarters in Berlin , Count von
ICotze today received the congratulations of
his brothers and of other ineiiiberi of his
family. lie was also congratulated by scores
of friends. hharon von Sc&iraders & wound
' was operated upon during the ( lay , and the
3)hysIel11s in attendance came to the colt-
elusion that there is no chance of hilu re-
covery. Emperor \Vihhim has ben notified
of the duel. It is believed that Von Kotze
wfli not be arrested until iiis uIsjetty has
bcen heard troll ) .
This RI the thir3 duel of the series of
aleut a dozen for which challenges were rent
out last April by Count vcil Kotze and li
baa repeated today lila anno'ncernont of his
( leterlnuutation to keel , on fighting his one-
2nIot , one by one , until ho hiai settled ac-
Cotilits with nil 00 his list. TiLoso who know
Coulit VOfl Icotzo foci confident that ho whhi
Iceep his worth.
The scandals which gave rlre to this rerles
of ihilels began nearly five years ago , when
high cOtirt personages , male and telltale , old
and yoiiiig , began receiving antnyinous letters
or postal cards , calling their attention to thia
or that epI'ode UIOfl their own part , or upon
tim part of relatives or friond9. As a result ,
wives became separated front their husbands
and fathers and mothers discarded their
children , Nearly everyoc1y nr Importance
being smirched incre Or iea by the VulOnt of
: the OIIOUYIIIOUS writer , who s'as cvldciitiy a
person thoroughly familiar with all the do-
taik , of court life , people began to look
askance at their best friends. Every effort
poiblo was lOathe by the police to discover
the guilty party. HIlt in splte of this tile
OflOllYlflOUH tormentor was able to continue
the cruel work for about four years. The
general opinion was that the evil communt-
cation wore the work of a woman , hut
t/\ gradually this ohintcn changed and for seine
: atinexpiahlled rearon suspicion fastened Ita'eif
ilpoll Count von Kotze , one of the court
chautberlains , a popular Than , veii liked by
the emperor and trusted by all his friends.
Flnaiiy a volunteer spy denounced hint to the
court authorities on the growu } that on the
b1ottiig paper pad of a letter pad used by
tli count lie had found a clear reproduction
of one of the anonymous communications , a
poetal card , Thereupon Von Kotzo was arrested -
rested and confined In the fortresr. Upon
trial he was acquitted of the chiarg s brought
against him.
While Von Kotze was in prison , the tide
of sympathy turned decidedly in his dlrec.
tion. Ugly whisperings were heard on all
aides , his arrest was openly denounced
as an outrage , and the names of a
number of very high court personages -
ages referred to , including 1)uke Era-
est Gunther of Schlesisig-hlolteln , the
) brother-la-law of Emperor William of Gor-
canny. In tact , some petBona even bad the
audacity to cast the sidelights of suspicion
upon a higher person thmnhi Duke Gunther ,
though it would seem without Just ground
'br so doing.
When Count von Kotzo was released from
/ prlsoib , he promptly sent out challenges to
about a dozen of those wTioin Ito believed
to have beezi implicated in a plot to ruin
hiimii , In order to save the reputation ot the
hugh personage , whoever lie amy ho , whie is
looked upon as being the real author of the
anonymous comniunlcattons.
Among tue principal persons challenged
worn Iharoit you fleisehach , court marshal to
ox-Emperor Frederick of Germany ; flarom
' von Schrader , mitaster of ceromonie , . , of the
, I'rusaian court ; Prince von Fuerstenborg and
Prince Aribert of t3axe.Aitenburg.
A rumor , never substantiated , also had it.
that Von ICotso had chalienged Duke Ernest
Gunther of Scimlesti ig-hlolstoin , but this has
been ilonied , auth is not believed to be true.
The first of the proposed series of duels
was fought wIth pitohs in the Grunewald ,
early during the niormiimig of April 13 last , between -
tween Count von Kotze nild. Baron von
Roischncbi. The latter lied Insisted upon so-
yore conditions , namely , that shots would be
exchanged uiitll one of the contestants was
so badly wounded as to be unable to continue -
tinue firIng. Sevemi hots vero exchanged ,
with the result that both thu count and the
baron hind more or less severe flesh wounds.
Ilut at the eighth shot Von Kotzo foil with
a bullet in tile loin. Ito was taken to a
itospital , anti for sonic time his life was despaired -
paired of , anti even when the attending physi-
cans iironounced that lie would lire , they
coupled this statement with the remark that
Ito would be crippled for life. . This is prac-
tlcally the cas'e , although the count walks
witln greater ettee thou was expected ,
There was some talk of scathing Count von
] Cotze and his opponent to orison for fighting
the duel , but there was stichi popular sym-
patby for Von JCotze that tue emperor over-
hooked the matter on the count's reported
promnto to give up his plait of lighting the
rest of the series of duels ,
however , in Juno last , Von Kotze met
Baron von Schirader on the field of honor ,
woundel him slightly and was again
blmself. For this Von Kotze was sonteuceil.
to three months imprisonment In the fortress
of Giutz , and on July El Ito gave himself up
to tile governor of that place and served his
sentence , but ho was treated with the greatest -
est consideration , and It wa.s reported omt
htls release that ho had promised not to fight
aitothior duel ,
By this thue Von lCotzo had become quite
a tiopuier hero , and hue enemies felt very
uncomfortable ,
It is Itossiblo that thl would have beet ) the
last of thio series of sluels had It not been
for an unhooked for event. Counsel for Von
Kotzo on his trial was one of the
. .t fatuous hawyers in hlerhin , Dr. Frita Fried-
' 4. tItan , itmid to tite latter the court cbianiberiain
entrusted a bundle of iillpOrlLtilt documents
to be us't'd in drawing up the case for the
defense. liestle , in preparing thIs work , it
was necessary to employ detectives and make
secret Inquiries. Mi this data remained in
Frietliiiami'ei possession and a thunderclap -
clap echoed over Berlin , when , in iocember
last , it was anmioiliicetl that the popular lawyer -
yer had lIed frommi Berlin , eavng debts to the
amount of about 2,000,000 marks , amid taking
with hilmit a rising young actress , N iiio Von
Wildeitfols , Ito was last seei at a MaSonic
dinner with his wife , auth. hearing that a warrant -
rant for his arrest Itail been issued on tile
charge of bribing a police ofllcer to allow
a lady client whom the Volicemnan was ca-
corting to Irisomi to escape , he audiloitly ds.
appearoti amiti took With hitmit , beeldes the
actress , all the documr.emtta in the Veil ifotze
case slid othr secret papers which ad ecit
entrusted to hils care by bight leroriuges ,
leaving his lte aiitl five children in IOv.
' c'rty , although hil yearly income was esti-
Imiated to he about 500,000 imiarks. lie re-
ceved 60,000 marks for decntEng Polke , the
banker , hut year ,
) The actress he took witb him Lu lit ; flight ,
also appears , was tita 'iaiih'er I a
ffF lnai L.trIar , and ha h.a I bcn lea I. g a
dtublo Itfe vth her tr F. . iflO tuito itrelous.
Sh was only 17 ycars of rtgt'
lIr. Frkdrnan wiu arrested on February 2
iact at hhordeatix , lran e , as lie was tipoit
the poInt of allihg for 51)11th America , aflh
tiioiih stcp Are still in progress to extra-
due lilni it J h2tm.Jit likely that ho will be
bromitt % back to [ Jeilin ,
limit the scandal has been again revived ,
antI another ihtiel has resulted , front the fact
that the Oilendnrt Piil'Ilshlng house of l'eris
is reported reoly to publish a book entitled ,
"A Iterelation from Above , " written by Dr.
Friedman , and containing startling dicIos.
ores regar hing the Von lCotze case In par-
ticimlar and edurt life ( it Tierlin In general.
It Ig nilded that Emperor WlIliano' brother-
in-law , Duke Ernest-Gunther of Schileswlg-
IIoltein , Baron von Sebrader ( who fought
the ihimel today ) , I'rincc von Fuerstcnherg ,
Prince Aribert. of iaxe-Aitcnhurg
antI oihiers have subscrlbr'd the
511111 of : hioooo ninrks In an effort to
ltevent the Olicntlorf Publishing house front
pllbliehing Dr. hriehllaul'a 1)00k. )
Naturally this ha brcnmghit back all the
old sormiess and Count von Kotzo is again on
thio warpathi.
LONION , April 11-The Berlin corre-
spomident of tii , : 1)aily News says : Circum-
StapOes snake the .hmii between Conmit von
ICotzo anmi hlaron Seliratier a utlitual attempt
at niurder. it Is stated flaion Schraiher has
loft a memoir referring to tile Von Kotze
scanilal Which wilt 1)0 gIven to the eniperor
should Ii e Sttccillnb ,
I' Iherhin dit'itatchi to the Times says that
according to one account Count von Kotze
was also slIghtly wounded as well as his
There Were rcniinders of Entina Abbott
In the ierformanco lat night of "Lucia" at
the Crelghiton. It was one of the operas
which she was wont to sing here , and al-
with the applause of her following ;
last night some of the people pamg In Eli.
gush , as all her people used to do ; Charles
II. Pratt , who guided the financIal fortunes of
"honest Emma" for many years , is managing -
aging this company ; and her name was cn
the librettos which tite boys , peddled up ard
down the aisles , The Tavary company has
never been hteard iii Omaha before ; it is
the first organization to slag grami opera
hero even nartiy In English ineo the ipi-
sotle of the ill-fathd festival which Max
Maretsek caine on to conduct , three or four
ycars ago. If the performance last nlgltt
was a fair sample of Its capabilities , it deserves -
serves , as a whole , to rank very high among
all the companies which hare coiiie offering
Italian inulc combined with English speech ,
always excepting the National Opera corn-
patty f a decade since.
"Lucia , " as presented last nIght , was a
coittlituous triumph , vocally , for the tenor ,
Guillo. Ills voice is clear , pure , of great
range and under excellent control. So thor-
oughily favorable was the impressIon created
by hIm In this regard that it went far to
counteract his deficiencies of stature and
presence. lIe was eiithiisiasticaliy recalled
after time final curtain , aught have par-
ttclpated in Mine , Tavary'ei hearty call
after the ( luet in the first act , and
was geiterously applauded throughout. Mute.
Tavary took the tlUo role , singing and
acting conscientiously and with fine in-
tehilgence , 11cr roca shows sIgns of wear
dud a neceseity for straining after effects
which were doubtless once attained natualty ;
and withictTt effort. 11cr reception , however ,
was a warm cite , and her gracious manner
captured all hearts. SIgnor Abrarnoft's rich
basi was , hearth to advantage in the music
of flalrnond , and lie was compelled to lepeat
hits admirably rendered descrIptIon of the
tragedy in the brIdal chamber. Ma' Eugene
hay a baritone voice of great volume and
excellent quality , and sang Ashton effect-
"Cavalierla flusticana , " which folowcd : , was
sung On the occasion for the first tinie In
Omaha. It is a fortunate Idea to asoclato
It with a work so typical of the older rchool
of ItalIan composition as "Lucia. " The way
Is long foron Donizettl to Mascagni , and the
contrast betweut the two operas , in structure
and treatment , is suggertive anti full of
'eterost. The later school is as yet too
now to be able to show thie long record of
popularity which the earlier possesses ; and
it is at leat open to question whether
"Cavalleria flustlcana" will be as gratefully
listened to ( or as patiently tolerated ) fIfty
years hence , as "Lucia , " "Travlata" and
"Trovatore" arc now. lIe that as it may ,
Mascagni's brillicet work is a prime favorite
at present , as was abundantly attested last
night. In one oens , Its sItuatIon in the
bill unfortunate one , for the audience
was tired whers the curtain deeotded upon
the last gasp of Edgardo ; but "Cavallerla
Rurticana" is not a thIng which lets one go
to sleep. Aside front the music , which may
or may not have the qualIty of permanence -
nence , the opera In its short length tells a
fierce and haunting story of jealousy and
revenge. The opportunities for act'sig of an
eniotlonai sort are something extraordinary.
One does not recall , out of a reasonably
long end , mewhat varied list. of memories ,
a more finIshed and powerful performance ,
dramatically considered , than that Madame
Theo Dorro as Santuzza. It was so vivId ,
Co Intense , so full of warm blood that it
made the really excellent work of the others
in the cast seem tame leside it. Ono does
not sa ittuch note her singing , which is
well enough ; but her acting Is of a very
highs order. Madame Romnani aisa dirpiayed
good ahilitic. " in thIs regard , arid an much may
be said of Mr. Scituster as AIflo , and , in a
sornesvhiat lessor degree , of Mr. Stephens In
tue exacting role of Turiddu. All ii alt it
was a performance of absorbing iitterest ,
Tile orchestra , Incluihlng certain of the
Creigliton musicians , did good service
througitout , under the leadership of Signor
Moreahhi , the Imitermezzo In "Cavaileria"
being deservedly encored , The chorus of
collie thIrty volcers , is not precisely a llender-
scml burlesque chorus in point of personal
pulciiritutle , but it. sings heartily and well ,
which , after all , Is what it is for.
"Carntcn" wilt ho sung thIs afternoon ,
with Madarno Dorre In the title part. Jufig-
! itg from her flue performance as Samttuzza ,
site sltoulJ be a most excellent Carmen ,
VerdI's ancient opera "II Trovatoro , " wRh
Gtiiiio as Manrico , will close the engagemcsit
tonight ,
The Anon ball , whlcii has been the all
absorbing topic of late with local amusement -
mont seekers , , will be tile magnet wiiicii will
attract a large attendance to Crelghiton ball
tonighit of the many aihtnrers of tue pleas-
tires anti beauties of the bal masque , Every
effort s'ill be made to render the initial Anon
in tiiis city itromninent ! t general cx.
celienco. 'rho bali vlli be elaborately decorated -
rated , whiichi , together with the superior
niusic and hnllliamicy and elegance of the cos.
tumneg. should add to tue attractIveness and
enjoynbiilty of the occasion , The commodl-
ous foyer will be transformed Into a handsome -
some dining hail , whtlch will be in charge of
a caterer. Large parties will attend from
Lincoln , Beatrice , Ncbraska City and Missouri -
souri'ahioy , Every care viil be taken to
promote the comfort anti amusement of the
inamiy Ilatrons , and If success attends tile in-
Itini effort the Anon will be a ierinanent
feature In Omaha amusements in seasons to
Few p1a's written within the past decade
, have attracted such widespread attention aa
James A. hlerne's comedy of New England
life and character , "Shore Acres , " whIch
will open a three nights' engagement at
lloyd's theater tomorrow ( Sunday ) evening.
All vito have seen and studied this beautiful
work admit that Mr. Ilerno has liiuned lila
characters moore nearly to the life anti made
tlieims seem HIOFO real than in any dramatic
work which can be called to mind , lie ha-
iresoa you as making them do what lie
tas actually seemo them do , and one must
conciiitlo that it tshioleaomise realism be tile
eiiil anti alma of stage productions , Mr. home
has more nearly hilt the mark titan any contemporary -
temporary dramitattat , in that he has beyond
i1 others more clearly foilowed the injunc-
lIon , "to hold , as 'twere , the mIrror up to
nature , " Tue sale of seats for the entire
engagemeilt will open this morning at 9
o'clock , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
iIiti'iiii YiUhiiiWiI lii lIeiii'iii's OlsIt'u ( ) ,
ChICAGO , April 10-MarquIs Yamnagata ,
field marshal of Jails ! ) , with his Bulto o six
nobhi'inan and their attendants , arrived in
Chicago over the Northwestern road today ,
The panty was driven to the Auditorium ,
aillUX where ten roomisu had been set apart for
theni , Tue larty will leave for IIcw York
tomorrow ,
Decree of Foredosu a Entered Against the
Atlantic & Paciflo ,
fleireN.nfntle' ( if tue IIofldiiflhilCTM
ailit TElist Coiiipn ii 1CM Start ott a.
Tour Over t lie C.itii ) mni'm
Prommert , .
DENVER , April 10.-A special to the lie-
pubilcan from Albuquerque , N. M. , says :
Tue final decree In time foreclosure case of
the United States Trust company of New York
against tue Atlantic & l'actflc Railway corn-
pany and others , signed by Judge Collier
today. It provldea that if the company fails
to pay within ninety days the amount due
for rlncipai and interest upon the boiimis ,
the property shall ho sold to tue highest
bidder at Gallup , N. M. The master is directed -
rected to accept no amount less than
5,0O0,0O0. 0. N. Marron was aplolnted as
time mmiaster to make the sale ,
General J. II , Mcctmhlosigim ot the Erie
lines ; Francis S. F. Uangs , United States
Trust comnpany Otto F. liamnard , Conti-
nentai Trust cotnpany 3. D. Probimt , New
York , anti William llaseett , Iloston , ' repro-
seating time first tnortgage bondholders , with
the Atlantic & Pacific officials left today
on a tour of inspection of the road ,
Allil/tI ) OF 'FlilO lllI'llV TRAIN ,
IJnloii l'tu'I 1IC'M Itegulur tInlei 'I'hmue
'I'lirongli cI'irsmMkit ,
The epeclal train bearing President flcpew ,
Chairman of the Directors Cornelius Van-
derblit of the New York Central road and
a few friends atopped at Iloone , Ia. , Thursday
ebitimig. Members of the party were interested -
ested in seeing the western country and
therefore preferred to gaze upon the part of
it lying between Boone anti Chicago by day-
light. They arrIved at bone about 9 o'clock
and resumed their journey eastward bright
and early in the morning ,
No attempt at a trial of speed is being
mitade , Tiiursday , however , the light train
of three cars kept the engineer of Union Pa-
cilia train No. 2 guessIng au the way trout
Nortil Platte to thIs cIty. The special left
Ogden time ( lay before , tour hours and thirty
minutes hater titan tue Union l'aclfle No. 2.
In a aitort tiiuie tue difference between tIle
two trains hiad been shortened to thirty
minutes. It was understood that tiiis was
the apace of time that would separate the
traitis all tue way to Omaha. No. 2 Titers-
day had an exceptionally heavy load , carrying -
rying fourteen passenger and baggage
coaches. t had on board the members of the
Tavary Opera company , whose presence
called for a couple of additional cars.
No. 2 was twenty miimutes late in leaving
North Platte , wIth the special only ten main-
tea back of It. Tile Union Pacific train em-
elate knew that if they lost five minutes
mnoro they would be compelled to stop on a
siding and allow Mr. Depew's special to
pass. Thus they strenuously objected to , and
the telegraph wIres wore kept warm sending
messages front headquarters surging No. 2 to
hurry up. The desired result was obtained.
The neces'oary twenty minutes vere made up
between Nortii Platte anti this city by No.
2 , notwithstanding tue heavy load it car-
ned. It made the trainmen hump themselves -
selves to do it , though , and they were glad
to get a breathing spell whiemo they reached
this city. _ _ _ _ _ _
Culls Local Oflicimsis of time Iimmrltmigtoui
liet'ore the "Lois' Jul mits. "
There is trouble ameng the "how Joints"
again. Last week other roads made life
nmlserable for the local representative of the
Northwestern read ; now ho has his inning.
CIty Passenger Agent George West of the
Northwestern yesterJay served notice on
tile 100151 offices of the Burlington that he
would prefer charges againet thorn before the
local association of passenger and ticket
agctits. H.3 riya that hme purcliael a first-
class ticket to Chicago over the flurhingtou
route front a local broker for $11 , which In
considerably lens than the regular fare.
The Burlington officials maintain that the
ticket wan Issued at a one-half rate on account -
count of charity , the ticket being Issued at
the Instance of Secretary Laughiland of the
Associated Charities. He recommended that
a one-half rate be issued to a man whom he
took down to the BurlIngton headquarters
and Introduced. The man doubtless thought
he could make more by disposing of the
ticket to a broker and did sa forthwith ,
Secretary Moan of the "low joints" is In
Chicago , so it is impcssibio to state
when the argumenta in the cane will be
heard before that august body. A special
meeting will probably ba cahieti for the first
part of next week to investigate thO matter.
IImurd II ) Idmsforce I'emtaltle.
NEW YORK , April 10.-At the recent
meetings in St. Louis and Milwaukee , an
agreement was reached covering the entIre
territory of the Southwestern Tmafilo and
Trammecontinental associations , including the
various steamship lines. A uniform rate on
mnerchcndiso comitiag into or going front Texas ,
will be Instituted. The agreentemit provides
for a penalty clause empowering the board
of control to decide upon forfeits where rates
are cut. In the board of control , covering
the business of the Southwestern Trame at ,
sedation , the Atchison anti St. Louis & San
Francisco have one representative , the South-
em Pacific and steamship linen cee , time
Rock Island one , Missouri Pacific , for the
Gould lines , one. and the Missouri , Kanras
& Texas one. The Tramtscontlnentai assocla-
tion will ho governed by an organization
similar to that of the past with a chairman ,
Mr. Ii. 11 , Coutes hIas been elected to fill
that positirsi , The agreement became opera.
tire April 6. _ _ _ _ _ _
of the Lute Sllperisltendellt % Vnttsoss ,
The April issue of the Railway GuIde comi-
tains the following editorial notice of Super.
intendent Wattson of the West Shore , vhto
was shot and killed last months by aim in.
toxicated employe whom ho had discharged
for insulting several women travelers at one
of time stations of tile mead , Tue late aim.
perintendont s'as a brother of Rev , Lewis T.
\Vattr'on , head of the A8soclated Mlssiomo of
tile I'moteatant Episcopal church in this city.
"Mr. Wattson was a gentleman of quiet
dispositIon anti courteous manners , thoroughly -
oughly devoted to the duties of his business ,
and onoyed the entire confiuienco of lmis
superiors and associates , Ho was thoroughly
interceited in the subject of reform iii the
metitols employed in car service , and was a
well known writeron that subject. "
AglilmiNt 'sVitiicliig the Triiels ,
The report of the raIlroad commlsalceer for
the state of Rhode Inland for 1815 has been
received. The comntissiciter again roe-
ornmnonda the passage of a law making vaIk.
ing upon the tracks of steam railroads a mmiia-
demeanor and providing that any person so
treapaelng shall not ho allowed to enter any
action for damages It injured willie atand'ng
or waiking upon the tracks. While rtrenuous
to mnaintan ! the rights of the public In connection -
nection with the operation of railways , lie
acknowledges that lie linda railroad offlciala
derirourm of doing everything in their power
to promote the safety and convenience pf the
public , lie also conlinonta upon tue freedom
from strikes among the roads during the
past year , _ _ _ _ _ _
% Vusluirs In Suecceil Net tletomi ,
Although not yet officially announced , It
is generally understood that Edtyurji S.
Wasburn , vice presldomlt of the
City , Fort Scott & Mepihis , is to bs ap.
polimted presidemlt anti general mnanae of
that road at the coatIng meeting of directors
in Iloaton , to succeed the late Goenge H ,
Nettieton , Other ruimiored changes en the
MemphIs are the prontotion of General
Freight Agent J. J. Fletcher to the , position
of tmaiflo manager , and the proniotioh of s ;
sistaiit General Freight Agent Jolla 4 , ear ,
gent to tim positIon of general freigbtag nt
Time chico of the vtco president , it .hs be.
Iteved , will be aboiished ,
Itniul Ordt're'd Sold imy 12 ,
MILWAUKEE , April 10-Judge Seaman
has decreed that the Green Hay , Winona &
SI , l'aui railroad shall be void on time after ,
noon of May 12 , at Green flay , Vis , The
master is directed to reserve 105,000 , wilts
Interest from tlto prttceeiri In LttlOr to irc
trot the ii tidhoitiets reprs n'ri ' by Mr
Mowry if the court of appen flnls in his
fsvor There Is a prohaiitlty ) that time
property will pass Into the ioads of ( ho
Chlcagq & NortImwestrneorppimpy ,
flsmiehl. nhiiru' Collilill I tee' , ( i Isileil ,
NEW YOILK , April 10.-leamiore Wormeer ,
Robert McClay , George It. Sheldon and
Charles P. 11amnes , the commtee represent.
ing the hoi"er * of bonds an th' tnicier-
booker Trust company recelfts for bonds of
t'tio Northern PacifIc and Montana railway ,
'recomniend ( lie depa1t of these bonds and
receipts , atmbject to the termm oftqtrNi by the
Northern l'acifl _ reorganizatlbn mmlttee ,
A lint her hteurgitlliTmitiomi I'lttms.
NEW YORK , Aprd 10-A paqnlty of the
St. Louis , Aiton & Terre Iint4e qminon auid
Ihellevlhle & Sotlthemn Illinoin prclcrred shareholders -
holders iiare assented to 90 exchange of
$100 of stock for Unit 'd States Trust
conipany certificates of $75 and $160 re-
spccttvely , of the Illinois Central St , Louis
diVision 3 per ccitt bonds. '
1tencli'il it ililMiM ( if Settiiiiemit ,
It is stated a basis of settlement has been
reacimed by the Northern Pacific roorganiza.
tion conminitteo as to the exchange of North.
era Pacific and Momitana firsts Into the securities -
curities of the now reorganizetl company.
hlondimolders will receive 10 per cent on the
new 3 per cent bonds , and a aimnllar anuount
In preferred stock.
htnihn ll1)5CM miiiiI l'erMomlnis.
General Manager W. II. Trtmcsdaio of the
flock Island left for Chlcag6 last nIght.
Edward Keane , assistant general freight
agent of the ilaltimoro & Ohio Southwestern
road , is lit the city.
DIvIsion Freight Agent Lane of tue Union
I'aciflc imna rettmmned from a conference on
live stock rates held at Topeka.
Joseph Sykes , private secretary to General
Manager DIckinson of time Union I'aclflc , is
much better titami whcit ho left for the west
a few days ago ,
The shops of the Pennsylvania flaliroami
conipany , at Altocna , Pa. , have been placed
on a working basis of nine hours for five
days a week and eigitt hours for Saturday ,
\V. A. Titrall , formnerly with time North-
weMern , par'aci through the city yesterday ,
enrouto to tue Ihlack hula. lie traveled
in a private car , aud was accontpanled by a
party of friends.
Byron Cutting , director of the Florida Central -
tral railroad , acconipaitled by his son , was
in the city yesterday wimile enroitte to New
York City. Mr. Cutting is rotumnbig from
amo extenled California trip , where ito iii-
vested in sorno iattch property in the south-
erit part of the state.
Work hiss been resumed on the railroad
bridge across ( lie Missouri river at Yauikton ,
5 , D. Tue bridge will be conipleted this
searon. Tue cost of the strimeturo will be
$600,000 , and will bu bcsded to an English
syndicate. The bridge will be operated by
time Great Northern road.
Among other changes effectIve Sunday ,
April 12 , on the II. & M. , is the extension
Of tile morning train leaving Omaha , fromn
Grand Island to Broken Dow. Train No , 43
will heave Omaha at 8:30 : a. m. , Lincoln at
10:45 : a. at. , arrIve at flavenna at 3:10 : p. m , ,
leave fiavenima at 3:25 : p. on. , and arrive at
hIroken flew at 5:30 : p. in.
Freight Traffic Manager Monroe of the
Union l'aciflc hian returned from Milwaukee
anti Chlcago , where meetings of the newly
organized transcontinental freight associa'-
lion have been itelul , Yesterday he had a
lengthy comiferenco with General Manager
Dickinson in regard to tit now tariff sheet
which has been submitted. '
According to Ii. L. Corto1ivon1c , on the
proposed raIlroad bridge acre i. the Minds- .
sippi river near New Orleaqa will begin this
year. Tills bridge wilL be one of the largest
1mm the world , and plans for it have beeit prepared -
pared by the Phoenix 'cbmpnny ' , the
reported contractors for iL Itfs understood
that both ) the Southern Paqific iud tue Now
Orleans & Wertern railroadmfly use it when
completed. a is
2IONTANA'S L.iTES' ' ' 'ONIIdfl.
ABSAROKEE , Mont. , Air1lTo tile Ed
itor of The 13cc : Butcher amek , Carbon
county , is now the great ccpterf attraction ,
and ( lie wildest excitement prevails , Pe
trobunt ? oil itas been strublo ; and Olso nat-
oral ras A iarty of Ciiicpo and other
eastern capitalists recently enaged in slitlo-
Ing a well strimck oil at a ciqpth of 205 feet.
The oil rushed out witls such force it tore
the machinery front its foundation and
washed avay several buildings In its couro ,
The laborers barely escaped with their lives.
a great hole thirty feet in diameter was
torn out , and the oil rushed down tue moun-
fain side in a perfect torrent , tearing out
great trees and boulders and washing the
earth to the bedrock in plaCes , and doing
ccmslderahlo damage to ranches farther down
time creek. It ran a stream large enough to
run a steamboat for twenty-one hours and
auddcnly ceased , wimen natural gas took its
place and rushes out of the great hole with
a steady roar that can be heard for miles.
Friday night a terrific thunder storm cc-
curred and tile gas was In some way ignited
by tue lightnIng , so that now It appears as a
pillar of fire 300 feet high. It spreads each
way at the top , taking the form of a cross ,
wiiich can be seeii at night at Billings , seventy -
enty miles away.
Whmoro the earth was washed away soy-
oral miles below time well gold has been
four.d , and 100 prospectors are now searching
fet tue hidden treasure. One man brought
nine nuggett ! of vure gold to S. T. Sinionson's
banlc at Absarokee which weighed seventeen
pounds. The largest si-elgited four pounds
and three ounces. The region lien between
the Yellowstone river and the Ilear Claw
inot'ntalns , about sixty miles north of tile
Yellowstone park. JOHN LYRE.
Ir. ICnup's CliMe Iteeciving AttentIon.
BOSTON , April 10.-fey , Judson Smith ,
D.D. , secretary of the foreign department of
the American Board of Foreign Miss'ons ,
states that prIvate assurances have been o -
celvcd that the UnIted States government is
giving careful attention to the case of Rev ,
George P. Kmiapp of Bltlls , eastern Timrkey ,
Dr. Smith says the treaty nighit. of Amen-
'cans In Turkey make timem all pxtra fermi-
tonal subjects ; that is , the alien , though me-
siding on Turkish soil , is deemed to be stilt
a resIdent of itla own country , anti is govemneJ
solely by the laws of his country and through
It represntatlvea. Mohammed Ii , , tile con-
queron , granted special fraruciilses to Chris-
tlait clergy , inciudfng Immunity of person , of
donticilo anti of exercise of ecclesiastical
functions. These ancient. grants have ever
since detenptined the privileges of Cimriatjin
clergy of all nations In Turkey , iience it Is
lmoid that the American missionaries in Turkey -
key are fully justified in claiming the probe-
( ion of tue United States government anti
full reinstatement iii the enjoyment of their
treaty rights , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Shot sit ii liird , Ilhled ihiN h'lnynlnte.
SEDALIA , Mo , , April 10-Fred Mcalotilln ,
aged 15 years , shot ant almost Instantly
killed his piaynlate , Charles Weykel , aged 15
years , with a 22-caliber 11oi1brt rifle in the
southern part of the city.McGlothilin attempted -
tempted to shoot a wren , Weykei caught the
barrel of the rifle , asking' McOlothiln not to
kill the bird , and pulled the un toward himself -
self just as it was dIschdrd , the bali pan-
sing through ) tite heart,5 ,
JohmsiI Sit ) $ ; ' ; ' Hohbml ,
3 , W. Johnson , a farmer from Iowa , reported - .
ported to the police lastnlght that ho had
lmeen robbed of $10 by1'hitte1 Moore , an
Inmate of Grace \Vntoi1's'lieuse , 'fhie we-
maim was arrested and Jo1lnon was retained
as comliainilig witness ,
AsIc for time ttiillIMipU'lmt ' , Voiien ,
SPI1INOFIELD , Mass : ; ' Atbrll 10.-Resolu-
tiona asking tue genero&jnerence of the
Methodist Episcopal chlit' h to accept
women as delegates , weruatiopteii by time
hay electoral delegates ofiihe district conference -
ference today , .
Moyt'miiumits of Ocean Vess.'is , April 10 ,
At LIvepeOi-Arrivrd-flnitannic , front
New York ,
At Genoa-Arrived-Ems , frees New York ,
At Southarnpton-Sailed-Augusta Victoria ,
rosa hamburg.
At Naples-Salled-Sloame iielgravia , for
New YOrk.
At t.iverpooi-Sailed---Cevjc , for New York.
A I Movihle-Salled-Anchorla , from Glen-
gow , for New York ,
At New York-Arrived-Phoenicia , from
llaumburg ,
At Queenstown-Arnived-Urnbnia , from
New York , ,
At Naplea-Sailemi-Fulda , for ew York.
At Vhiladelpbla-.Ciearcd-Waesland , tom'
IL II , ilolmes Oontosse to Having Killed
Twenty-oven People ,
Vlrmiiiy C.n-Imsecsl hint lie I
euIl' nN 'eil ns Mornlh'
log the Conniorimurt of the IeiI
-I'xire.seps No hl'mIltrMe ,
PhILADELPhiA , AprIl 10.-The North )
American of thin city will tomorrow ouorniiig
print what purports to be sentences from
the confeseion alleged to have been ntade by
Murderer II. II , llo1imie. Among other
things the story nays : In prefacing tue
confession , which covers in full nearly three
newspaper pages , written in Holmes' own
handwriting , and detailing -ithi a minuteness -
ness titat is at timlies simply revolting , the
arch-imiutllator anti author of twenty-sevemt
mimrdora , as ho admits hints'elt to be , states
wIth semetiiing lIke pathos , that ite tInes so
simply that lIe may obtain enough money
to etiucate his boy. Ilohumes writes of his
blood-cuirdhing atrocitIes wIth mitt abantloms
that sinmply aPpall one. Not one grain of no-
morse scents to enter into Ibo construction
of that tiocumnent ii.jid never , for a moment ,
except in two isolated cases-cite wlmero lie
refers touchingly to the memory of Minnie
Williams , antI another when he pathetically
speaks of an outrage perpetrateth on his
boy-does tito redeeming elenieimt , pity , figure
iii ( ho case. ilegret is never for a mnoiiient
expresseti , antI ho conies out boldly anti wltit-
out comuipunctioti on Iil very opening with
tue statement :
"I vns bormi with the devil in umie. I cotihti
not help the fact timat I wan a murderer auty
moore titan the hoot can help the inspiration
to song 11cr ( lie aimibitlon of an Intellectual
mail to ho great. I was born with blue evil
ono standing as nty sponsor beside the bcti
where I was usimereil into flits world , anti hue
hoe been with mao since , Tim inclination to
murder canto to me as miaturally as ( Ito in-
apniatiomt to do right conia to tue mnajority
of persons.
"Where other hearts were touched vltli
pity , muilno filled with crimrty , anti witere
In others tue feehitug was to save life , I
revelled in the timouigiit of destroying
it , Not only ( lint , I was not sati.fled
in taking it In tue ortlinary vay , I sought
tlcvlces straimge , fantastical amid even grates-
title. It pleased tuty fancy. It gave me play
to work my murderous will , and I reveleti
in it vlth thto enthiuclasni of any alciueiutlst
vhto Is hot on the trail of ( ito philosopher's
' 'ThIs imichination , " comitlnues lIolnie ,
"Caine to me early In life. I remember when
a niero lath , my amimltion was to study mcdi-
clno tlmat I might know ( lie relative effect
ot poisonous gases ; titat I might ftliiy ho-
come acquninteti with the uses and learn to
be an expert in handling thorn.
"I am convinced that since my lmpnli'on-
mont I itavo citangetl woefully and grue-
namely front vitaL I formiterry was in taco
anti figure. If 0tl look at my picture of
whtat I was when I was first taketi Into
cuetody in liostoit two years ago , anti wimat
I am now , you may begiti to uutderstand.
"I mean , In fact , titat my features are as-
suiming notiling more or less than a pronounced -
nounced satanic cast. That I have become at-
fiicted with that disease , rare bsmt terrible ,
s-itit which physIcIans are acqtuaintetl , but
over whiiclt they seetmi to have no control
whatever , That disease , " says he , "is a
malformation or disortlon of the osseous
parts , causing defortiilty so marked that in
many cases men are made to assume likenesses -
nesses to ( hue Inferior anhiutals. The huorror
of the thing dlii not pall on tne , for it was
quite in keeping With my miature , and lile
a true medical studetit I began to study ( lie
new conditions that had arisen. From whtat
I can see , I believe fully that I am growing
to resemble the devil ; that the osseous parts
of my head and face are gradually assuun-
ing that elongated shape so pronounced in
what is coiled the degenerate head , anti timat
tile simIlItude is almost completed. In tact ,
so impressed am I with this belief , " contin-
nes Holmes , "that I am convinced that I
have no longer anything human In ate. "
Holmes' confession from this on spcakmt of
ills early experiences of boyhiood days on the
farm up in Vermont and the life ho led untIl
he entered the college to study medicine in
MichIgan. It was not until after ho was
graduated , fully equipped wIth the knowledge
of persons and the easiest way to sever the
simple thread of life , that Holmes began lila
career as a murderer and mnutilator , When
he began , , he admits himself , Ito was ruthless -
less , and nei'er once halted until ito took
twenty-seven lves.
"Anti I woulti hove committed six other
murders , " lie added , "hind not certain occurrences -
currences intervened. "
Possibly one of the worst , most brutal , no-
voiting and disgusting crImes this archt-
mutIlator ever committed was one lie spraks
of in a cimapter devoted to his boy-the son
of his fret wife. The only explanation lie
offers Is ( hint lie did It simply to gratify hiiu
love for mutilation. "it was shortly after
I was married , " lIe declares , "and our boy
was then but a youngster. I called iint
from tue road , where hie was frolicking about
like au innocent , wIth a lot of other lads
and tcok him out to a tear barn. I don't
know what It was that possessed me , butt. I
took a eurgical Italic with me. It t'as
simply the craving of tile murderer within
me , that inspIred me to make a subject of
may little one. " 'VItht the utntost abamtdon ,
anti with here and there an expressed slgb
of regret , Iloimes then tells how hte went
through tue operation of mautilatlng his own
son. ITavin finished witlm thmat , liolnies felt
satirfied , and did not murder his boy out-
_ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _
.t'sert it W'iia Secured frosit TibIa
tuler Iiiress.
LEAVENWORTH , Han. , April 10.-A fresh
sensation In the murder case of J. T. Lam-
born , the rich Falls Leaf farmer , has do-
veloped. Annie anti Charles Lamborn have
made sworn statements to their attorneys
denying the alleged confesslomus , in whtichi
they were made to admutit having plamineil time
nturder of their father , anti In svhlicil Thomas
Davenport , the girl's sweetiteart , was citarged
with committing the crime , It was alleged
by Charles Schiaffor , a Kansas city detective ,
that imo hInd received a detailed comitessiomi
trout tile two chilhlren of tiio murder , This
document hut refuses to make public. All
three hind atlinitteti the crime , It wan ai-
Ieged , anti for executing It Davenport waste
to marry tiu girl anti come in on a divIsion
of tile old man's property , valued at $50,000 ,
Now ( lie children declare that their signatures -
natures to tile "confession" were forced from
them aimd deity in tote any connectiomi with
the crime or knowledge of Its perpetrators.
There Is a heavy reward for tim conviction
of those concerned In the isiurder , and hInts
of a plot to wrongfully convict the Lambonmi
cimihdrcmm to gain it are made , Annie Lamli-
born , who made the most damaging confes-
aba of the two , in described as a weak-
mintieti girl , capable of being easily influenced -
fluenced , Both tIme Lamnbomn ciiildromt and
Davenport are stIll in jaih , Thto latter refuses -
fuses to say a word ,
SiU'i' ) . % NI ) JIJLtI ) ISV ltOIiIlllltS ,
itiurder CohIiItlt'.I by 'I'to tIiial'd
Mcii ' ) ( Jist'mupe ,
LOS ANGELES , April 10-John Hays , a
clerk in tb general store of P. T , hays ,
bin , brother , at l'uente , Cal , , was shot and
killed by two masked robbers hast evening ,
The men entered the store and compelled
Lito clerk to throw up lila htantis. They took
all thin money there wan in the cash drawer
and deimmanded that lie open tile safe , At
thiI moment customers entered the store ,
and perceiving thtat ( lucre was a hold-up they
withdrew for assistance In order to make a
capture. Tills gave the clerk sit Ollportuiiiy
to step into i back roont , where he remitaineti
a few mInUtes , Thtlishing the robbers had
gone , he returned to the store , and lmmuo-
diately received a bullet through tite breast
from a pistol in tile hands of one of the
robbers , lit , expired silcrthy afterward , Tile
robbers lied , not. stopping to force the safe
or seek further booty ,
No one saw In which direction they went ,
and the officers have but little to work on ,
Framer of th Indiana Military Bill Made Well By ralne's '
. Celery Compoua.
' - /
'p-/ '
- '
, /z u - , ,
c I
' \ $ ; / /
\ \
Major liobbluis of the 2ntI Indiana State
Guards , aide on ( ' , en. MclCce'a staff and president -
dent of Camp Gray , has b en for two years
one of ( ho mitost Infitmentlai ntcmiubcri , of ( Ito
Indiana legislatutre and the author of ( lie
famutous Indiamia military law of 1SSU.
Major flobblue was a very sick nina up to
tlto tiuno of taking Paine's celery cornpoummd.
In proof at imat ( lint remarkaimlo remedy
can do to make a sick person strong and well
Major flobbins' hotter front Indianapolis best
tells its own atraightforward story :
"I was , trotmlmied with a torpid lIver , cout-
stlpatlon amId the acompanylng sallow coin-
plexiomi , whilie may emttiro nervous system
wan entirciy derangeti , antI I was greatly re-
dtlced itt flesii'hiiio in this coiitlltioim I
vas taken down with a very severe attack
of ( lie grip , anti was for a long titne colt-
fined to tue house and nty bed.
"I resorted to various muiedicines anti tonles ,
and utmdcr their teruiporary iniluemice unatle
several attemmipts to resunte may busitiess of
traveling abotmt In the intereat of A. Steffen ,
cigar manufacturer of this city , bitt relapse
succeeded relapse , nail I not only was
obliged to abauttion my busliuess , but growing
gradually worst' , becanic apprehiensive or
( ho ultimate result.
"At ( lila juncture mmty mother-in-law , vlio
has used y'ur remedy wIth gratIfying resulte ,
prevailed upon me to commence taking
Paine's celery comupoumnil , and it gives mite
, ' ' LOVIOiL.
Also Attemaipteil I a Shoot dIme ' , % 'olumimt
'fA'Il ( ) Slieltereit 11cr ,
ST. LOUIS , April 10.-As ( lie result of ( ito.
diaselutioit of thair engagement by Blanche
Simpson , a pretty 19-year-old girl , George
Proutman , her lover , aged 22 , shot and killed
her late this afternoon. Thtree bullets were
fired titrough her heart. Mrs. Robinson ,
sith ationi tue murdered girl lived , nan-
rowly ccapcd ( lentil. Proutmuan fired one
shot at her , which miued its mark. Tite
murderer then ran , but was copturei after
a harti chiae by a pors of citizeuts anti
taken to the Four Courts. Proutntan and
Miss Simpson were engaged to be mutarried
itt Jumie , but because of her fiance's violent
temper , site broke the. engagomnent. Witemi
l'routman called today at tile house where
sIte was staying , Mrs. ltobins'on ' iiiformned
? jtliit of Miss Simpson's decision. This
angered l'routlnan , wito wemit into the room
where his sweetheart was and simot her down
while sue was pleading for niercy , After
she had ftiileii lie fired two more shots itmto
lien prostrate body ami while escaphiug eliot
at Mrs. ltobinsaui , who tried to Intercept
hIm , _ _ , . _ _ _ V
Troubles I ii the HmiNlmbeMN VorIl.
PIIILADELI'HIA , April 10.-Hall & Garri-
roil , mnanufacturems of picture frames and
mnouldings , ntade an assignment today to
Senator John C. Grady for the benefit of
creditors. The liabilities are estimated at
$250,000. while the assets are supposed to
be as mucim. The failure is attributed to the
stringency of the money uuiarket and Inability
to make collections.
NEW YORK , April 10.-Chtarles A.Var -
nor of Syracuse was today appointed no-
celver for James Wallace & Sons , brewers I
of ( lila city. Ills bontl is fixed at $250,000 ,
The appolntiiteiit was mnatle on ( lie apphico-
tien of George M. Wallace , nit executor of
the estate of James Wallace , whio died on
February 16 , 18if , viuo hiss brougitt suit
against his brother , Thomas P. Wallace , airio
an executor umitler ( ito will , attd a surviving
partner of thie firimi , George Wtthiace alleges
thtat the busimitsas of the canimcern is being
conducted itt a loss. The assets of ( lie
brewery are worth $550,000 , while ( ito llabiil-
ties exclusive of real estate amid mmiortgnges
ure $310,000.
ChICAGO , April 10.-The Owen Electric
Belt coimipany inado an assigniiicmmt today ,
N , 0. Wootlimiaii was appolmiteti assignee ,
LIabilities , $40,000 ,
Arr'sli ( ( ii lst'immlmig Commpomi' ,
SULLIVAN , had. , April 10-Time first of a
series of arrests under ( Ito United States
atatute relating to metal coiis und tokens
and coupons were mantle by Uiiitcti States
Marshal hawkins at. Limiton tothay , If they
holtl good it will affect all manufacturera ,
mine owners anti nuorchuants Yhto are using
metal checks or tokens or coupoii books as a
mitatter of cenvemlience or otlterwhae , It has
been tue policy of mine oncratoms to lseuo
to inisierms before pay day nuetal checks , whiiclr
were made ( o relmrcsent mnonoy value. Men-
chiant also usetl those checks , which itavo
been a muoney equivalent In all niimmhmig tlis-
( nets for years , Those arrested Include Nathan -
than Dixoms of tim Suninnit' Coal company
and Finney Strong. prealtient of the Limiton
Supply company , Sonio of the tokens were
conflecateti. Time two conlpanies alone have
nearly $40,000 lit tokens amid coupons in cir-
- S
Liii br lOis y Sit I mm ts I a
KIR'FI4AND , 0. , April 1O-Thto Latter Day
SaInts' general conference continues in nes-
nba iiere. At , the rate of progress made
titus far time business of the contorenco will
not. ho finIshed for antother week , The mat-
tore taken UI ) O far , aside frommi tIm selection
of a place for lioltliimg ( lie next meeting , itavo
not leen of geiteral interest. It htas been ( he-
cldeti to htoltl thin next general cotiferemica at
Lamonl , Ia , , April , 1897 , probably be-
glniiing on the sixth ( lay of ( hat mnontlm ,
Not GiilI' ( If IImushJe'ssheiIm'ibt ,
CLF1VELANI ) , April 10.-Justice hart has
decided that Iltahiop Wiliiamli Ii. Campbell of
( lie African Evangelical Mission church is
riot guilty of emnbezzlernemit , upon which
charge Ito was arrested sommie ( imilo ago at thin
instance of a nummiber of elders anti ticacons
of tint church. it wan alleged that the bishop
hail collected $500 for the etitabhishimunt of
a tralntimg school and bail failed to account
to ; the same. -
great nleasturo tim state that I at once began
to feel its beneficial efforts.
"My appetite , viiichi hind failed mite , me-
tturmteti , mmiy coiistipatioim ceased and very
50015 my liver becauiie mionuiial imt ita action.
Fohiowiitg this uiiy sieeplei'aness amiiI headache -
ache ceased atuti I lcgan to gaiti liesli. TIm
Insltiiotis itolil on etc flint tiio grip hiatl hiih- _ _ _ _
onto hind was relaxed. smith I felt Invigorated
autti mttroutghiemtctl. so I coiultt resume muty ye'
catlomi anti feel tree ftutit ( hue lauigutlil , emu-
orvated feelIng ( lint had eu hotug possessed
mmii , .
' 'My trieiid cro PieasaiitiY surprIsl with
tiuo chuango in my condition , anti I was only
tori happy to recoutiiiientl l'aino'a celery comit-
Ilotlilli to netichi of may acquaintances as vero
stuffening froimi any of ( lie complaints which
so cmiuiilicatetl lay mba Therefore , I again _ _ _
any I feel inipehietl by a drop sense of grati-
ttitle to express how much I have beeni helped ,
for I now feel nitti look like a mtew mmtan. ' '
Phtysiciaiis who rely on Palmie's celery corn-
louuntl-as ( hioumsamitla of the most wide-awake
lutemniers of tim profession are doimug , on-
luocally ! itow that nearly every outo teeis this
iieotl of a genuine spring remmieily-pitysicians
kitow very well what thtat languor atiti ( hint
tired feeing nicani . They know ( list. tie-
bihity totlay often results in nervous prostra-
( ton tommiorrow , umilesti ( lie tired symitent is
qiuichcly Invigorateti.
'Flint Is why all over tue couiiitry toulay
l'aino's celery compounti Is being taken by
( ha advice of skile.i physicians. It. is thin
ono remnetly that physicians can conscien-
tlously call a genuinDapning remedy. Try it.
iiii-i : : IllS ENTIRE FA1ILY
Winds Up the Proceeding by Taking His
Own Lifo ,
Mmrdei'er FIrMt . % ttemiipts to ASNaHMIn. _ _ _
ale ii I'rimiiimiemit liusiiieuis almums tuiid
Aftertiui'il Emimicts it 'lerrllilo
'I'riigedy at Ills Owis liomiac.
MUSKEGON , Micil. , April 1G.-Word was
received here at midnight from Pemitwater , of
a bold attempt by some unltmiown man cit this
life of Wihiiani 13. 0 , Sands , president of the
Sands & Maxwell Lumber company
Mr. Sands had been at ( ho office of the
company engaged In york , and left for hil'
hiomiie shortly after 9 o'clock. % Vhten within
a few yards of his ltonte , a man jumped from
beltlnil a cormier of a street amid comnnienced
finhmig at Itimit with a guti. Mr. Sands ran
acroslJ the street to lila huonte , time would-be
assasaimu foliowiiig onti keeping up a fire ,
Five altots vemo fired in all , three finding
restlmig places in hiI nmglt ( aria and one in
the leg ,
gtispicion poiimts to 11. B. Minchall , a local
Insurance agent. aimd attonmioy , as time perpetra-
( or of ( lie theed amml'it ( was decide to place bIns
tinder arrest. 'fhie ofilcema found lila residence -
donco locked amitl broke in the door , A.
hiorrihie sight wan Presented , M rs. Minchiail
wan lying on thin door of the sitting roommi
with a bullet in her teimmplo , Near lien was
tim dead body of lien daughter Ruby , about 16
yearn old. In a canter of the same roomn hay
Mituchahl with an empty revolver elutchtcd in
his baud. lIe , too , was dead. In an adjoining -
joining bculroomn were found tits , bodies of
George , ageil 4 antI liii , iimtant brother , They
were ill bed together anti tleatht hind ovl-
doiily ( contie upon theme while they slept.
'Vito motive for Minchiahi's crimes in still
a mystery , but it is ( bought ( ito inquest that
lit iuow in progress svihi clear ( ho matter up.
Mlmichiall came Item three years ago from
Chicago ,
Thin i1ovelopiuioria today tend to prove that
Mimicitoll't , horrible cn1inei sere deliberately
planneth , Fromui a letter written by ( ho sour-
derer , fountl on the ireimiises today , it ap-
nears that lie contenipiatcil killing his famnliy
two nionthts ago , Fear of poverty is the
excuse offered by the writer , wito asked a
Citicago frlenti to hook after thio mtiurderor's
fanumiiy in case they stmrvlvoth hum , At the
( hue lie wrote ( lie letter lie seemmis to have
bcen undecIded whether to commit ( lie
crimes , Minchiahl left amiotlier long letter.
( lie gIst of shiiciu Is that Mr. Samitis haiL
promised 1dm all lila conipaitys business ,
anti now demaiiiied one-third of ( lie coin-
imiissioii , anti Minchiahl was badly involvoti
anti extreme love for tue family promnpto1
him to kill there , rather ( lisa to sen ( liens
llO' . ' S'I'ONII 1iM I I.Y % % 'itS JCILLEI ) .
iiuiriirrer lImaiesi a Iiil I CombfeMslon d.
ma St.'miirnmiser.
AKRON , 0. , April 10-In thin presence ot
Detectives lThran anti Decehie and Stemi-
ogmapher Zuiiiwcrltomulus Cottel , alias Joita
Snilthi , ( ito ox-hired mami of ( lie Stone family ,
today matho a written confession of ( ho
cnimmmo for whIch lie is hiolti , lie is tihl
calm iintl perfectly self-jtouessed , lie retold
( lie story of ( lie brutal affair without flinch-
lag , and said hue did not care for the cease-
( itiences of lila act , The only excuse Ito would
offer for the perpetration of ( he crime was ,
"Tue devil ( old nm to do it , "
A morbid crowd lies surrounded the jail
eli day where ( ho mmiurderer is confIned.
The feeling in Tainmadge is hugh , and trouble
from thua ( source Is feared ,
Amisoni hi , Strong , the ox-convict , who hats
been in jail on suspicion of being implicated
In thin crime , was released today ,
$ frllclng Miiiers Itedairsa to Worlt.
DENVER , April 10-Thin strikimig north-
cnn Colorado coal miners returned to work
today , thin United and Marshal comnpanle.
having made the concessions demanded ,