Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1896, Image 1

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k . .ESTABLISIIED 1TUNE 19 , 1S71. SATURDAY MORNrNG , .AumL 4 : 11 , 1896-TWELVE PAGES. - ( JOl'Y FIV.1 O1N'L1S.
4f' -
President O1evoand Proposes Mediation Between -
tweon Spain and Cuba.
No Mentluti Mtti1i lit t1t. IINnEeh iir
' fi ItCCgII ) II ng ( It' I iflIrlcIiIClICc
( if ( Iii ( iIgtIM-lIII.1i lii
Frktid1 % 'g * e
s. , CHICAGO , April 10.-A i1Ipatch to the
Times-herald froni VnlilngtOfl , says : At
mat t'realdent Cleveland hne taken action
In 1)Cbaht of Cuba. ho tath inaule to Spain
a formal proposition that the good oflcca !
of the United StateB be accopttl In inchiation
( between that country and it cbchhioi
colony in the West irnifes. Thk proposal
wa mafle in a cailegram of instructions
to our minister at ladrh1 , Mr. hlaniiis Tay-
br , ' % h1ich1 was ( lh'patclleil today. No dip-
Plomatic dispatch of equal importance has
loft the capital since Sccctary Olneys note
to the British government on the Venezuelan
boundary que'tion was nent 3at summer. It
brings to a crisis the relations between the
United States and Spain , which have bcen
; unsettled Iiico the outbreak of the Cuban
\ rebellion. The itoto thoroughly explains the
attitude of the tJnited States and the reasons
which have led to this action. The principal
points of the dispatch are :
I. The president offers the good otilces
a ot ti United States government In mediation -
tion between Spain and the insurgents , with
a view to a settlement of the trouble and
. ' to bring about peace In Cuba.
2. The note recoils the correspondence
between this government and Spain at the
time of the ton years svar , when 1'rcIdent
Grant and Secretary Fish iroposed mediation -
tion and the Spanish government , though
declining to accept it , promised certain re-
fornu in Cuba. The fact that the United
Htntes Was in part Instrumental in bringing
about that ett1einent flfl(1 the cluirge that
the Spanish goveriunent has not kept its
Vromises is given us a reason vhiy the
Unhtect States now has a right to be heard
In the cne.
3. It Is pointed out that the present re-
hellion in Cuba has assumed a much more
serious aspect than any former insurrection ,
the Insurgents luiving apparently taken
: 1)OsCi011 of all the Island except havana
. ' nud a small section of country round about.
4 \ Hpahii Is assured of the fact that the United
States Is actuated only by disinterested
motives and by a desire through friendship
to bring about a more pacific and satisfactory -
factory state of affairs in the spirit In
which they arc tendered and the hope is
expressed that thd Spanish government
vilI see its way to granting retorms in
' Cairn. The iiresldent ( hoes not asic Spain
to grant the independence of Cuba , nor
iIue he suggest that home rule be accorded
the I ) OPl0 of that Island. lie leaves nil
these Questions of method to be discussed
after Spain hahi have .expressed a willing-
fleas to accept r.tediatlon.
\ ItLIiIIn ( tIItez % VrItes 10 tlit , Ciiljti it
, - . Itt.preseiitutive lit .tisterlcn.
WASIUNGTON , April 10. - President
Palma of the Cuban delegation In the United
States has made pubiic the foilovlng letter ,
recelvcd front General Gomez , the Insurgent
I header , regarding war conditions on the
I island :
SAUGUA , Cuba , March 10 , 189t.-Thomns
Estrada l'alma , 1)eiegate of the Cuban
ltepuhitc : Ieur Frlend-l'he war continues
inure active tunci hard on account o the
lierce character which General \Veyi..i has
given to It. Our S'OUIulCd ( arc followed and
nssasshiiated crueliy. lie svhuo has the mis-
1 oi tune to fall into the hands of tIme Sivul-
ishi troops perhIhuC without delay , The
Peaceful country 1)001)10 only find death and
dishonor. Cuba today , ns lit 1S68 , only iwo-
ents itools of blood ( irle(1 by conilagrutions.
Our enemies are burning the house to deprive -
prive us , according to theni , of our uuur- :
let-s ( or spriiig. We hil never use reprisals ,
for we iimulCrstziil that thin revolutIon vlli
never umeed to trIumph being cruel and
sanguinary.e will go on with thIs rnr ,
the ultimate result of which you need not
worry about-with iiticcess for the arnis
: the leltIlIiC. Vu tight when convenient
to us ngainFt till enemy tired out and without -
out maithi. My idans tuie vehi understood
ly my sumortiinaies tumid euchi one lcnows
' vhimtt to ito. ( Jive us cartridges so that
our soldiers can tight nnd you cmiii depumil
that In tile I4pting campaign the enemy's
army will be i.nently reduced and it svlhi
be necessary ( or Slauin to send another
arn and. I (10 not 1(110w whether it wealth
be rash to say that lerhaps Spain has not
time money to do It. We have a great miii-
tary advantage over time emtem1' in the niti-
jorlty of General Weyler's generals. The
( nice ohileliti reports of StiipusCmi ) victom1014 ,
'tvitli whIch they cynically ltCtCiid ) tO tie-
calve themnsei'e , their govormmniemit and the
t 'uinrld , contribute to the speedy tmiumnpli
' ofthe revolution , No human work 'vhuIcit
htmi ( or its base falsemiemus and infamy can
he oh timer Ii izii mioi Ifli4ti mig. 1'ery lb imig
t Ito t Spa iii oi'tl ( 'm's a ad entIs to t his hand ,
that she linus diemmchiuI vithi lime blood of
her own children , emily serves to ruin her
PoWer' amid iii a mamma so s'eil chosen as Gen-
cr01 Vt cyier to represent in these thtmie :111(1
in America limo hltuIU ) of Philip IT.
Much iii saId and wrItten about the rca-
ognhtion of belligerency by thto American
governhmiemit. This woiiltl be 'ery ntlvamm-
ImigenUit to mis tumid is only doing justice , but
lilt whelm we rose agaInst tyranny , we emily
eoimnteul Oii the sticngthi of our arms anti
time ( irma resolution at victory , we follow
our nmmireh unconcerned , rimitimsileti that what
Is to happen , iil happemm. 'our friend ,
Cuittil iii 4iIgiurI ioNi'H it Ii .t rims ,
LONDON. April 10.-A chlqmatch ( rein flulu.
wayo to Lord Gifford announces that tIme arm
of his brother. Cmiptaln Olfiorti , ivhmo was
recently wounded In aim engagenment with
the Matabels , hiss been anm1tmtated at thmq
shoulder. Time dipatehi amimi that. ( aptaim
Gitford is doing as veil mis can lie expected
Ii(1ef ) ( time circuimislances. I1rui Ohiftirti tins
received mnaay Inquiries ( rain Anierie.i as to
the comiditioii of his brother , vhio has manumy
friemids In the UnttetlStatoi.
' \ FiNlitrIiieII 14i % ( 'Is ( 4)11 * tim Si' . , .
. % . ST , JOhNS , N , F. , AI1rI lO.--hleavy drifts
or Arctic ice drove along thmo shore in time
neighborhood of thmla city tolny , and crowds
of flshmcnmemm started cmi ( lie floes in search of
seai8. A wild munowatorom orertcok the fishier.
men. It is ( cared timnt ninny have been
caught amid will hot be able to return. Much
anxiety previuils for their safety , \'hmeii such
storms swept time ic fields three years ago ,
twenty lives ere lost in a similar mmmanhmcr ,
S .khi'i'liilii iii. A I I tu'k Imissmihmt ,
NI\ ' YORK , April 1O-A special from
lonmo sayST Time defeat of the Itaiigmfl8 at
Tukraf , time real c'xtet of which tiii ro-
inslims conceheti , aecimmi lIlely to be time
VreIaco to the taking of Kasmais , This
Ithaca has boon 'iirorousiy attacked , Time
Vaimfulia advocates time ebanIoniuient of
iAfrica , anticipating oilier riouis tiefeats.
Time Capitalue nemerts that time argus has
cut oft the ieisof _ lOOO prloimers ,
ltimnistiuii isI i tar ( 'ails ' iii ; miii I I , . ,
ST. PiTFltSh3UltO , 4\Irhl IQ.-Vtme Onicisi
Journal do St. Petersburg. In the course of a
strong article on Sham's determinemi efforts
to suppre3s the ineurrectlon iii Cuba , says
the insurrection us immeroly organized brigsimml.
ago. Thence the iuisurents hove iio right
to be considered belligerents.
tMliUSliflI ) 'riii si'.tNIsIt 'I'hIOOl'S.
FIimnlli 1Lnhl nnuiirIe lime iiistir-
.reittM froiii Their i'nit mu.
HAVANA , AprIl 10.-General Oliver , near
Camajuana , provInce of Santa Clara , has
hail a svero engagement with 600 insur-
goats under Joeo Uonzaler' , the colored
leather , and othero , resulting in the defeat
of the lntmrgcnt8 with a loss of thirty
killed antI ninny wounded. The troops lost
fifteen killed and had twentye'ix wounmied ,
The Insurgents mlrow the troop3 into an inn-
buscade in a densely % ooded ravine. flehminmi
arthmworks completely masked with bruishm
the insurgentim nivaitcul time troopa. Scommtm ,
sent forward by the Spanish commander
sere allowed to pass , but when the troops
were well Inside the ambuscade , a dynamite -
mite bomb was sudtirnly hurled into their
make , killing several men and wotmndlmmg a
nuniber of others , besides almost causing
a itamite. At first the Spanish Infantry gave
\ay , being taken so comnpleteiy by surprico
antI seeing many soldiers failing without
being able to do more titan fire npparemmtly
into the thick huohwood , from which cammie
time flashes of flame , which told of time presence -
once of the insurgents. Later. however ,
tIme troops were rallied and made a ephem-
(11(1 dash forward aflI up time side of time
hills , over time enrthmworks , thriving time in-
smirgonts back before them at the point of
the bayonet and shooting them down mw
they lied. Timue the fire of the enemy was
quickly silenced and limo troops captured and
razed time hmmstmrgcmmts' cartitworku , on both. .
sides of thin ambuscade , wimere they remind a
miunmber of baxes or abandoned ammunition
antI several rifles , etc.
A coitmnmn of gen d'arme and voluntec'
hiss been engaged with a mietachimnent of
about 1,000 insurgents uniter the leamlershlp
of Caphtole at time farm of Fermin , province
of Matanzmms. The insurgents heft eight
killed anti time government force captured a
quantity of arms. Later the Spanish col-
imnun pmmrsmed tue Insurgents , overtook them
and killed eighteen mtiore of time enemy.
ALL 'rlII ii X'vAliiI.ES IN A1LMS.
Private , Iviees 1tore Alarmimluig 'i'hmnut
( oerii mmiemmt iteurs.
LONDON , April 11.-Advices received by
time Times regardimig time situation in
Matnbeheiand , again take a rather alarmnlet
tone , but no advice imave been received by
time government to hear out thia view of time
situation , and the presammt .torco of troops
In South Africa is considered sufficient by
the government.
A fluhuwayo dispatch says : Time whole of
time Mataheho nation has rien and 1,500 men
iii strong co-operative columns will be re-
qumired to clear time country. It is impossibho
to act except 0mm tIme defensive with small
A dispatch from Pretoria tb the Times
aiys : An Indictment line b2en issued which
charges all the members of tue National
reform committee , who have been made
iwisommors without distinction , of consplrimmg
with Ir. Jamesomi to invade time Transvaal
amid to cause an insurrection at Johannes-
burg. It also charges them with sending
armed troops to meet Dr. Jameeon , and witim
time unlawful distribution of Maxim guns
and armas vitim the object of underminIng time
republic anti with the aaaunmtion of the
powers of time police. The government ,
through Mr. Chianiberhain , hmas again wired
lucre complaining of Preshhent Kruger's
dciay in deciding as to his proposed visit to
England. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Loeni AmthmorlfleMCimnhl41emit of Smiji-
ssreHim..r I i.e UirisImi.
LONDON , April 11.-Ia reply to a ques. .
tloii in tha hloune of Commons last night ,
Mr. Chamberlain announced the jovernment
was prepared to reinforce thedsnns ii
Cape Colony amid Natal , if Governor flobnstmn
considered it necessary. Up to the present ,
however , Mr. Chamberlain added , Governor
Robinson d1scurages such a step , on the
ground timat time local forces will suffice to
put clown , time uprising 1mm Matabeleland.
In an editorial commenting upon the above ,
the Tinics thInks that Governor Roblnsn Incurs -
curs a great responsibility by this decision ,
whmiclm , it says , augurs great roifconfldence.
"Our teIegiams , " the editorial goes on to
say. " , tdicate time gravity of time uprising.
Mieters intuit remember that they will b.m
keith responsible and they ought not to run
imeedlecs risks. Time public would have boon
satisfied to hear that reinforcements had
been dispatched forthwltim. "
A diepatchm fromn Johannesburg to a London
mmcwspapor says it is probable time trial of
thmet reormn conimnittee prisoners viil. be
hostponcd until after Jameson's trial ha davor
in Esigland. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
iXL.tIttISG 'i'lIIi I ) IS1'U'i'iI ' ) STillS' .
LimgImimd Grmmdumtiiyit'orel , mmg. tile Line
oil eneziiplmmn 'I'erritur
( Cnpyrlgiit , 1iC , by I'reuu Pulflisiiing Company. )
KINGSTON , Jamaica , Aprl lO.-New York
w orid Cablegamn-Special Tehegramn.-Ad. )
vices from Georgetown , British Guiana. report -
port limo dispatching of an expedition for the
mtirpose of surveying and establishing coh-
aides within the territory in dispute withm
Venezuela , thins enlarging time "occupied"
area which Emmgiammd refuses to submit team
am bitratioim. _ _ _ _ _ _
( L1Li S'I'E.t3l flit LONG OYEiTIUfl.
CII , . of Imihms SimppuHe.l do lie Lost Off
tlii' CiuIoimmImi.iim ComiMt.
( Copyright , 1596 , by I'resum Publiuhing Company. )
COLON , Colommmbia , April IO-New York
Worid Cablegram-Special Tehtgrani.-Tiio )
New Orleans steammmshlp City of Daihas is sup.
posed to be host. It heft lloca.s del Toro Sunday -
day , April 5 , for timis piace , but has not
been imearO train since themi , Time 140 miles
tjatioemi thmce i'o'nta ' is usually made in
twelve. hours.
Cei1i'4 Oser ml. Cohil-lilooslesi 3lnrhi.r ,
W'INNIPEG , Man. , April 10.-Time village
of Holland , near Winnipeg , is excited over a
cold-blooded murders Last \Vedneadny mormi.
lug on time mmmciii road a mile from time vii-
lago vas foummti thmo body of hlanmialt Ilattomi ,
itlt the skull m cahed am and throat cut
from ear to ear. hhmmmmmmait woo time young
daughter of a iiromninent farmer of the dis-
trict. Lat evening htobert Moran , a maim
servant in time enmjmioy of the young girl's
father , was arrestmti for time deed. The de-
tectivems charge that lie was criminally inti.
nmato witii the girl.
Cu Idnet Ct imisiiit.mI uij.u iiHltml U t limit.
LONDON , Apri' 11.-Time Iaily Newui has a
dispathi from Paris which says President
Faure hits been imiduced to abandon hits do.
cuba not to visit time horse show on account
of commit. . offomiuive nmaiiifestationu , made by
time habIb at the /tutetmhi racee on Sunday ,
anti that tie privately nulds tlmat there was no
miommionttr.tIon whatever. 'rho cabinet timinksu
i'eriousl' , this correspondent goes on to say ,
or jmroposing dissohutiomi , M. Iiourgeois
wants the opiiiiomi of the country on another
cimange In time fiscal policy mind on the tamigied
foreign nifimimim.
rMl. I mm i'i ( ' ( 'mtt it : ts , NMit.r4.
LON1)ON , Ahiril 10.-A Constammtinople dispatch -
patch to time Chironii'he says : Time foreigners
aimmi native cimrMimmmm : at Mamuimia declare timat
time uresence of time United States steam-
Eimils , Merbiehend amid Mimmmmeapohls , un
doubtedly saved Mmirsimma , Tame amid idana
from amimsencre.
Tbte Clmroniche'v dispatch .ays fmmrtimer ( hat
time black plague hmit broken out iii Zeitommmi ,
j dit e' ' * c , , . . . Ce.remt'e ,
LONDON , April 11.-A ltomne iiipmtch k
time iaiiy News seyst lit view of the mimeet.
! mmg beaeemm ( ICing hlumimbert ammd Emnperor
\\'iiiianm imimportaimt doumemmts hmavn beta
taken to'eniro ffomn King htmmmnbrt'mi vrlvato
eimaiicehier and from time foictgmm oitice 1mm
reference In time ttiscmlsbiomm of the interna-
tiummai , sltuatimmn anti attitude of Italy Iii time
taco of possible commii'iicatlomms. '
( ' 111111' to $ t.o ii ih'mmtIMt.
I.ONiON , Aprii l0.--Thu i'aris e.orresjiotgl.
emi ( of the 'l'tmmmes ea limo islt if time Ger-
immami cimammcehLr , l'riUcL' 1Lnhcmminh. , imas mia
I ather effiet miman to visit the mlmititt tu whemu
' 10 imas luni m. ' ( mmmcc Cur the Lust tammty
yea 'a.
Dead Line of the Spanish Being Porced
' rorara ,
i Ihinry Operad limits ( it ( ' , reimi Immipor-
tnsiee Imitmimimmemit Aecoruhhii to Is.-
formmntioit front ( ioerii-
imteimt Sommrces ,
( Copyrtgiit , 11 % , by Prom's rtmbllslitng Company. )
hAVANA , Cuba , April 10.-New ( York
World Cablegram-Special Teicgran i-Timo )
time lii now ripe for perhaps time most tmn-
pcrtant news since time rebellion began. If
Maceo extricates hmimnsehf from the macshea of
time Spanish not anmi crosses the trocima lie
will accomplish a striking military feat , anti
time Spanish camnpaign wihi hmavo met a serious
reerse. On time otimer hand should Macco
fall In hits efforts to cross the line time re-
hellion will have received terrible injury.
The present trochma from Mend to Emisenada
is very different from tim one in Puerto Prin.
clime province. it Is strongly imitrencimed mmd
capable of affording strommg resistamice to a
5uiden advance on time army.
Rumnors wore flying about Havana last
imlgimt and today that Macco laid forced time
troeha , but no authentic news of importance
has come from l'inar dcl 1510 province.
Macco evimlenthy is feeling time strength of time
military line along its morthermm extremnity.
hut whole force is in time vicinity of Caya-
juigos and between Cabanas and Mariol , ports
on the northern coast. Maceo's advammco
guard aiijroacim lear enough to Mariel to
be shelled from tue gunboat Alerta , hying iii
time harbor. lIe was fired on also from Fomt
hteina Amelia.
It is diflicult to understand how stirring
events can be mud. Itinger deferred. Macco's
efforts to find a weak point In the Spanish
lines are now plain. Ills necessities demmmand
that ho extricate hi arnmy from Pinar dcl
RIo province.
There is more activity on the part of the
insurgents In llavana province cast of time
trocima , but notiming of comisequence has oc-
, currcd in that section. OwIng to a hack ef
leadership and co-operation only small bands
are available.
There was heavy firimig last night at Gunra.
A force of insurgents approached the fort ,
discharging rifles at it. The garrison un-
immediately blazed away in time darkness amid
time crack of a hundred rifles rang on Limo
night air. The shooting hasted for a time
and thmen died out. There was a great waste
of head without result. It is reported that
there was firing along the line of time forts
about Batabano last night.
A steamner sails for New York today deeply
laden witim sugar : Tomorrow's steamer will
have a full cargo. The movement of sugr
is duo to the fears of the holders. At the
pmesent time time total amount of sugar In
Cuba is 350,000 sacks , 250,000 being in ISa-
vane. Scarcely ammy new sugar is coming in.
Th queen regent cabled authorization to
General Veyher to spare the life of Jose
hloque. hIa'I hue been shot it wouid have been
time fifth execution In the past two months.
Gemteral Weyher lies nih along preferred to
send prisoners to the Isho of Pines rather
than kill them ,
Coloumlilumui Aumtim nettles JmmveMtigmte
lime leeu of mmim Amimertcmmum lImmt.
( Copyrim' , igma , ty I'rees Pubiluhing Company. )
COLOII , Colombia , April 10.-New ( York
\Vorld Cablegram-Special Tehegram.-.Pub-
lie attention centers on the case of the Now
York vessetm , George W.utyhitford , seized by
the Colom an gunboat Cordova a few days
ago whie ! leaving Porte folIo. Consul Pearcy
Went to Panama and laid time case before the
higher authorities. The secretaries' of stat
and of' finance held a formal court of inquiry
today and examitmed time consul's protest , to-
gather with docunientary evidence from
Pcrto Beiho , conchustv , iy showing that the
vessel "lolated no law. Time consul's do-
nicmnl Jr' time vessel's release is being con-
siderotl. Meanwhile time master , Captain
Ilemmcicims , Imas be'm ordered to appear before
Limo criminal cod , , being suspected of having
supplied arms some tinmo ago to time disaffected -
fected San Ihhaz Indians.
The George IV. Whitford Is owned by Leo-
pold Schiepp , a cocoanut importer of New
York. It left this port Jammuary 16 for Carta-
gene and San Antlreas , arriving at the formner
niece Jammuary 21. It was seized in Colomn-
bian waters April 1 by the crmmiser Cortiova ,
fornierhy time Britishm morcimantman Neptune ,
which was rebuilt at Perth Amboy for the
Colombian government , anti heft here las.
mmmonth. It was reUorted that time Whuitforti
usa seized on suspicion of carrying contraband -
band goods. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1)ecliiieil to Amisaver Qimesdiomip. . .
LONDON , April 10.-The under secretary
for foreign affairs , Mr. George N. Curzon , re.
plying to questions in time House of Corn.
mnor.s tedmy , declined , on pubiic grounds , to
give any mnformna'Ion as to time intention of
taiy 1mm regard to Kaszaia. and also refused
to make public any details concernimmg the
movements of time EgyptIan forces up time
Nile. _ _ _ _ _ _
'I'umrki'y Slimirm,1 , CrltieIed.
PARIS , April 10.-The Matlmm , in referring
to time proposal of the sultan to expel all time
Catholic and I'rotestant missionaries from
Asa ! Minor , says that time Turkish govern.
memut has deceived Europe as to the causes
and extent of time massacres and caBs upon
Europe to "end an era of misery and prevent -
vent the recurrrnco of savagery. "
Dr. itmmmmppNot a Prisiimmep ,
CONSTANTiNOPIE , April 10.-Aim official
mioto imas been b'stmed by time Turkish. . govern.
nient categorically demmyimig that flay. George
P. Knapp , time American mmmismionary , viuo is
' 'visiting' ' tIme Vail of ilitthhs is Inmprlsaned
t'ere , as has been reported , . The note also
states timat the threatened exclusion of otimem'
missIonaries from Asia Minor Ia devoid of
other ioummdatlon.
it..umiors . of it Ilgittli' Ii. Glib. . . .
HAVANA , Apii 10-Reports mave reached
imero of a serious battle between the Spanisim
troops and a strongbody of Insurgents , wimo
mmmade tin eeamult on the strategic government
psttion in iIa\'amma jmrOvlnee with 'the inten.
tlon of crushing it. It is rumored hunt time
insurgent loss was very heavy.
SlmNpieiotmM of Ui imimsi I. . mu iiorst'i ,
LIVi1lPOOL , April 10-it is stated tlmat
great dangers are rib Iii time quaranthmme for
Imported imorses , ammd it is reporte1 timat out
cC 100 Canadian htors ia omie depat , forty-
are bulferimug from the glanders.
Ex-'rt'mmtiem 'l'rle.iimiiM I I I.
ATHENS , April 10.-Aimrimmin reports miye
bemi receivlui regar.himmg time illness of M.
'rrlcommpus , formerly prinme mmmuimister of Greeae
Sums ! . . i"ortifim.m 11cr Gomist , '
MADI1ID , Airii (0.-The ( go'ernmnn ( is
pleamn'ng for them deftnso of time coast in time
event of sar , .
Agi cit Coiisi'mmd 11111 iilhe.I.
WISIIINGTON , Aimrii 10.-Timo age of conr
sent bill , wimicim hiss been suppgrtet byjnany
rehigicus boul'ea , was laid on the table today
by limo imotmie cornmmmttee on judiciary and Im
death for this congress. The purpps o ( , .timt
Lmii was to rake the age of cnsemmt far fe-
ummahes 1mm eli terrtcrles ummder time cxehmiiv .
jurischictiomm of time United Stales frpm 10 ; p
IS years amid to lix peemaities uaumgimigjrema Ofl
to llfteemm years imnprizonrmmcnt for mmmaies who
violated the act
hti i 110 3it' * t'itvor I lieu ''tm ,
At'iitTitN , Mi' . , April 10.-Al time Methodist -
ist 1mueeopai comifercaco today the rirmpoi-
iiomm iii favor c C umlrnltiing oimmemi as ihm he-
, ttIs to the gemtrai conicreim em carried , G9
I ayes to mitmys
hlN ( VEIIY LITTfJ2 1PdulTlcG.
Imirmmtlomm of thmeIt'ititt Itlemmrngnn
I.mmrg'I' Sm Qumemitio nf 3Tbuiry.
( Copyright , 1CM , by the Atiocitts.1 Fresi. )
COItINTO , Nicaragua , AphI-4via Galve-
ton , April 10.-For sevcrai Im4urs on April
C and 7 the insurgent troops tmuider time corn-
mend of General hioca , presIdent of the
revolutionary government. of Niearagma , can-
nonadeti the troops sent 1 the government
of hlonthmras , at Cbmnandegn. . rhio bombard-
macat , however , did not dislodge thorn.
At El Viejo an insurgent force from Leon
is flanking Nagaroto and threatening to attack -
tack Manimgmma , time capital qf NIcaragua. Time
government troops have bemm twice emugageth
with timis force , two nice have been killed
Ca both sides ; but Prcsidemft Zetaya and iii
force was not strtmmg enoguh to drive back
time eneimmy and returned to Mammagua an-
successful ,
A small detachment of President Zehaya's
troops lies occmmpied Sauce , a smati town
about vciity.fotmr leagues north of Leon ,
time imondihuartera of the revolutionists.
The liritish warship Conmuls. Captain Dyke ,
having on board over 200 Officers and men.
has arrivemi here , but it will heave Corimito
today for San Juan dcl Simm' . It is expected.
however. that time Comus wiil return hereon
on Friday amid remain at this port ummtfl time
revolution in Nicaragua is decided one way
or thmo other. The Comas reports all well
on board.
According to present indicatioli , the rerolum-
ticmm in Nicaragua will c9tmtlnuo as long as
either side can pay , feed and clothe its
soiuiierr , In other words , time saidlers on
both. sides are quite wihl'.mg to remain an-
tier nrm and live without labor just as
long as the people will pay Worn. to tie e.
So far as flghting is conceti d , neither side
is In a posttiomi to do very nmucim execution1
even if their troops were ihiing to under-
talto time task. Au a mnater of fact , there
ii , very little more loronal danger to time
mnajority of time officers , soldiers and poiiti *
clans engaged In time present struggle thamm
there is during times of peace.
Of course , the political leaders who participate -
ticipato In the filed afo the real generals
in commmmnand of the forces , and their dicker-
lag and dealing is being carried on wIthout
any Intermission. To an American , the
whole affair is very much like an opera
bouffe revolution , and is just about as hmarm-
hires. The only real fighting done was In the
earlier stages of the revolution , amid It seems
to have sickened both arnmles. The Leonista
have time largest quantity of aroma , mind they
are of a more modern diecrlption tlman those
of President Zelayn. The hatter baa , up to
the presemmt , suffered from lack of ammuni-
tomm , and ho Is etlil suening from time me
cause. although ho has mthorto been wehi
supplied with money from Managua and
Grenada In partIcular. But there Is already
much grumbling at the immaction of I'rosi-
dent Zeiaya's army , mmd thrfats have been
heard to cult oft his supply effunds caless
somno forward movemnemt Isi shortiy corn-
nmenced and sommmetiming tangiho Is accomn-
pushed. I
The United States cruieer-1 Alert is still
hero and reports all well oajboard
D1IMISIi OF' COLbNtU , kOC1ClfltJLI. .
Noted % ewMiitPer mixmus Sudeicitly
'I'itkeit Off Isy (55OJ55X ) .
NEW YORK , April 10-At special cablegram -
gram from Cairo , Egypt , saysI Colonel Johmn
A. Cockerill , time well knpvn'newsPaPOr car-
respondent , died tonight o apoplexy in
Shepherd's hofel.
John A. .Mockeriil wa born at Locust
Grove , Adams county. O. , .imLIS-I5. His
father was an attorney anml t ( > mamm of meanp
and intended to give hissonfa coilee ildu-
cation but the war brokOtmt and the lad ,
toliowinT his father , eiitordthe armly us
a drummer boy. His fatisr.iOmflmandod
the Seventh Ohio vohimiteOls at Shihoim.
After thewar hnd ommmiIydung Cockerll !
became a printer mnd did lila' first. work. on
the Scion of Temperance. . Afterward hr
was appointed a clerk of the senate while
lila father wa. a membef of that body. He
mmext became us partnemOf Clement L. Val-
landingimam In the jnmbhication of time Dayton -
ton ] mpire , at the time the organ of the
Montgomery coumity d.mtnocrncy. He did
nih sorts of newspaper ork on the Dayton
Hmpiro and the 'rrue 'reegraphm , at hIuimmi-
ton. As the editor of the True Teiegrapm ,
the democratic organ of , llutler county , he
made a state repututtiori n a local Paper.
While at Hamuhton-he was correspondent
from that place for the Cincinnati. Enquirer.
J. 13. MeCuhlagim. now' editor of the St.
Louis Globe-Democrat , was then editor of
the Emiquirer and was so attracted by the
work of Cockerill that lie brought him to
Cincinnati , where he woritedtfor some time
in a subordinate po8ttion. He was soon
made city editor and afterward , ' under the
mmmamiagement of Joimn It. McLean. became
time mnannging editor of th& paper.
After serving from 1870 to t17 in that
capacity ho ent to Europe and accompanied -
panied time Turkish flmfl ) during the war
with Russia , writing letters to the En-
quirer. On his return from Constantlmmople ,
ime was engaged mis editor of the Washington -
ton l'ost and Baltimore Gazette. After-
ward. in ISSO , ho secured a large , interest In
time Pcst-1)Ispntch at St. Iouis with Joseph
Pulitzer amid edited that paper with Wa-
In 1S82 time contest or congressional
honors in time Ninth Mipsourl district between -
tween John M. GlOVer tnd James Drod-
imemud was ( ought. It beamo very acrl-
mmmonioims ( us the campmmlgml proceeded. The
Post-Dispatch supported , John M. Glover
and 1mm its editorials made it hot ( or hits
opponent. Colonel A.V. . Shayback , hired.
head's partner. replied Iii person to tile
strictures of the 1 oat-Dispatch , This led
to a bitter tight between hlmn anti the editor
of that patmer. Finally , on the evening of
October 13 , 1S82 , accompanied by Vt' . H.
Ciopton , now United States district attor-
fey in St. Louis , Colonel .Sbtybacl culiet
on Colonel Cockerlil at Imis 0111cc. They
had but a. few minutes' cqnversmation , when
Cockerill drew a revolvet' from his desk
and simot Siayback through the heart killing -
ing 1dm instmtnthy. lie claimed he did so
in self-defense , as Siaybnck haul drawn
his revolver with time intention of shooting
him. Time case never canto to trial.
When Joseph Pulitzer secured the New
York W'orid Colonel Cocicerlit went with
him to New York and cliii 'ery mueim for
time mieveloimnient of timmit ireat newspaper ,
in 1591 hmo became editor Of the New York
Morning Advertiser anti tini Commercial
Advertiser. with which him continued -until
ime svent to Japan a year ago as corrcspommd-
emmt for the New York Herald. lie was
tormnerhy iresluient of thp National Press
t'itmt. , a Proumlinemit Mason4 member of the
Loyal TegIamm mmd other orders.
LONDON , April 10.-Lady' Mount-Stephemm
dieti at 2:5 : o'clock thmimm morning after a
fortnight's Illness ,
\VILKESflIIhtltE , l'n. , 4lmrl ) I0.-Philhip 0 ,
Kililan , a Veteran of the hittewar , died at imis
home in West Pittston , aied5. Mr. 1Clhiamm
went out wIth time famous F.fty-fltth regi-
mument. Pennsylvania volqmiteors , and servemi
four years and four months' . lie was secQnd
hieutenammt of thmat regimqnt , , as-l enjoyed time
distinctIon of imaving beUn' the unon ! soldier
who cut down time rebef flag : ivimichm heated
over Fort Sumter. .
SAN FItANCISCO , ApriL ) 10.-Governor
Jones of Nevada die.l athmu Palace Imotel iii
this city this evening , Governor Joues ha
been ill for several iuoutim cml came to thml
city for medical treatinent
. -
l'it rilommcit tmi' IItlIdor ,
MADISON , Wimi. , Aprlt I0-Mark II. liar.
mium , the Wausa4 editor who was convicted
of hibelmig limo deeeitsett. Ella Maily , for
time poisoning of vhmorn , at ihichianti Center ,
" iii. , Itore.eidcsko is mervlnir a life term
or iimmimrlsomumnemmt , was. today- pardoned by
Ooverncr Uihmamn. hialnun % i'a5 serving a
six mmmoqtha' mientermee in thp itiehmiammul Cemu.
ter jail , _ ,
. .
. - .
'I't i , ilu's Si'ii tem..d di , 11mm flU ,
DULUTh ! , April 1O.-Wliitam Verili and
Jdseptm Souhar vqru sentenced tbi after.
noon to beimanged tor"tbe murder of Sam.
uel tie ldsrs at hiewsbio on January 13 hiatt.
Vent ! is l years of ago taid Souiar 17. The
mtmrder wile a most 'hmtutai 'one and. was
mjeiiberately plmmnnei , The governor will
lix time date ( or time hanging ,
Cotmvht'te.t . nit Iix-flmiuksr.
2mhIL\'AUKEi , Airil 10.-A special from
O3ilkotlt says : Jitinker ' 1' . C , Shove of the
tiefunct Stat hank of Mumuitowoc was to-
ilay fount ! guIlty of recoivirg.mnoney after
hue bank was inaolvemmt , b'hovq broke down
mmmiii wept bitterly Wimen time vertlfc $ wam
I comm % 'orks itss. , smut. Opt'r.tilomm . ,
READiNG , Aprli 10.-The Brooks Iron
coampany at Iiirthsboro todsy iostel lioticess
cf resumption ct th mmmmfl ( celery Cu h4ost-
day , April 13. after live ye weeks' idleness.
1 he puddlera are io receive Z.75 a ton ,
i'lmey lund mefumied tim accept Less.
Senate Passes the Measure Rccogiilzing the
Omaha Exposition.
Oumj&'cliomis of Sumimitors ( ) % 'crcmiie ii ) '
the I'erm.lstcnt , of eIrmis1eii
2tliithiers imimit Not il 'tile
W cmmt Agmtiimit It.
WASITINOTON , April 10.-Speclal ( Tele-
gramn.-Fohlowing ) time head of Iowa in appro-
prlating $10,000 for preliminary work omm time
Transmlssbsslppl exposition , time senate of
time United States today pa.ased Semmmttor
Alien's bill with amendments , recogmmlzlng
time Omnaima exposition and pledging time gov-
ermmmnent approprIate $200.0O0-50,000 for
an exhibIt and $110,000 for a building amid 1mm-
citlental expenses.
To gress the senate hill at once was tic-
cdem ! ] upon by Semmators Allen and Timurston
after time failure of time subcommittee of time
ways and nmenmms commimmmitteo of time
hmouse to take definto ! action , cmiii
Imoiding up time report for a fort-
night. Even Dave Mercer , whmo is in charge
of time bill In time lmouse , had growmm consd-
erably uneasy over the dilatory policy s'hmowmm
by the subcomnmittee and was almimost comm.
vinccd t.hmat time only tlmimig to mb to save time-
bill at thus sesstomm was to report it in time
form as introduced by Senator Allen and
amended by time conimntttee on international
expositions. This mmmormming , however , time uumb-
committee , through Gemmeral Groavemmor , reported -
ported time bill to time full house comumnittee
0mm ways and macens , but the rehiort carried
wIth It no recommendation , icavhmig time whole
mactIer to be cimurned over before time coin-
mittee , Under these ctrcmmmstances Senators
Allen and Thiurston decided to blaze the
pathmway- and timts morning lmnmmmetiiately after
time regular order of business Imini beomm coma-
pieted Senator Allen called up imis bill. Unexpected -
expected objection was met from Senator
Thrown of Utah , who eitimer did mmot under-
stnnmi what Senator Alien desired or was
afraid that a bill in which he was greatly interested -
terested would lcse its piece on the calendar
by reason of taking up time exposition bIll.
Ills objectidn carried time bill over for time
timmmc. being. lii time meanwhIle ThmurstOmm
hooked after tIme reimtmbllcamm side of the cimamn-
her , while Alien did like service with his
democratic and popumhtsttc cohheagues. Sena-
tom' Thtmrston overcmummmo thme objection timat
Senator Sherman Imad shown to time bill yesterday -
terday , and fully explaimmed to Semmator h3rown
timat no immtentlon was mimeant to displace his
bill aim time calendar. After thmese dusturhilmmg
factors Imad beau taken care of , Senator Pet-
tigrewvas importummmed to yield a few mnimm-
utes at the chose of time day's session to put
time bill on its passago. hue l ng in charge of
time hmidian appropriation bIll. Just as time
senate was about to adjourn time bill was
caiim1 up. Senator Allison , cimalrmmman of the
committee 0mm appropriatiomme , expressed himmm-
self as beIng emitimuslasticahly In favor of time
bhl , but thought it shotmid carry no nmore
than the Atlanta exposition bill carried ,
namely , $200,000. Rather than be consdored
captious Seummutor Allen accepted time aimmenmi-
ment and time bill was jatused withmout a negative -
tive vote beIng recorded against it.
Senator Allison sat.ed toSenator.Thurston
after. the passage of , the bill that if time
stimifte bill could. , jotten through the
house within fle nextweck . _ . , . ' -
would uee to it that a email anmount of money ,
say $25,000 , might be amau1 imnmn dlately
available by a place in the uindry civil bill ,
% s'imichu he would take upon himself to ac-
While the bill , as pasred , differs very
materially from the houmse bIll , it Is eviuiemmt
that nothIng more could have been obtained
from the senate , opposition on the hmoii
&de. and time disposition of the semmate to
hmolmI down au appropriations for new hegisia' .
tion , and the eve of a presidential eiectic.m ,
all combining to make a larger appropriation -
tion Impos'sible at this time. The semiatorem
in charge of the bill reconlze timat It is
a tub to a wlmahe , but they took wimat timey
could get , with hope that a now congrers and
a new administration might give them an
imcreased anmount If stmchm proved necessary.
Congressman Grosvenor , cimairman of
the subcommittee having time Transmnisslssippi
exposition bill In charge , reported the niece-
are to the full ways and nmeamms committee
this morning without amendment. Through
the efforts of Congressman Mercer every
member of the committee was nreaent. Mr.
Grosvenor desired imnmelato action , hut.
Chairmen Dhiiglcy objected to what ho eimar-
acterizeti as snap jmmdgment. Conmeqtmentiy
the bill will have a hearing on its merits.
Cimairnman D'ngley is by no means hostile to
the bill. lie has some objections , to its present
form , however , and if timeso objections are
mat by the western states interested in the
project Mr. Dmghey's objections may prove of
qroat benefit to time promoters of the bill. He
desires some emesmiranco that the western
states are back of the project , and to time
end tbmat these assurances may be given lie
stated today that imo would consent to a
proviso that the government should make an
appropriatlnn of $500,000 , conditional umpon the
appropriation of a like amount by the states
and territories in time tranemnlsaissippi terrl-
The report is cmmrrcnt here tonIght that
Senator , Cuhhonl wbl itomorrow formally
withdraw from the presimiermtial race anti
leave the Illinois delegates and the natIonal
convention to cast thmeir votes as timey see
fit. Should this report prove true , time withdrawal -
drawal vihh dotmbtlcss imave a trememidous
effect towarml clearing up the presitlomtial
Senator Allen Introtimmced a bill today for
an ! ndiii trahn'rmg arid indtmstrial school at
Madison , Neb , , which authorIzes the secretary
of interior to purchase IdlO acres of land
at a cost not exceedimmg $6,000 , ( rim' time use
of time school.
Representative Gamble hmns a huh to permit -
mit time state of South Dakota to e'elrct Its
indemnIty hanmis ( rein time Port Ilandahi mu-
itary reservation ,
Semmator Gear of Iowa will call imp an the
first opportunity time 1,111 , to reimburse Postmaster -
master lirosn of Lemars for money which
the burglars walked away witim a year or
two ago. This bill passotl time Imommee last seek ,
Time ( ohiow'rmg changes imavo hee uimmle in
Nebraska postmasters : Ramsey , Deimel
county , Margaret J Wootiworthi , vice Alfremi
J , Ramsey ; Pickimrd , Keith county , Luimi F.
York , vice Sarah It. FamihIc ; MIen , Dixon
county , Olcy W. Farrell , vice Cimarios F.
Coffin ; l'lne Camnp , Ieya I'aima county ,
Nehs3a F. Bruce. vice James Ciear , Cqffin
was removed and the other resigned. ElItmg
J. Weld imas baui appolntemi postrnater at
hfesper , Ia. , anti Henry iirauim at Zeil , Fauik
county , S. D. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eat risditloim i'im hers for liii 4 I A ilmiimm , . ,
WAShINGTON , April l0.-l'cm'ry C. Clay ,
ummder sheriff of Arapaimoe coummty , Colorado ,
appeared at time state dup.urtniemt totlay and
was rmmpphIod with time necessary papers to
secure time delivery to Julia of Matt miamis , ,
the absconting clerk of time eouumty rotirt ,
who is now imeld under arrest 1mm Londomm
avaiting extradition.
One of tile hts'st'uiurs Oscrenisse ,
DENVFII , Aiirll 10.-A specIal to time Republican -
publican ( rem IIe'onmi , Mont. , rays : Atioiuir
victimmi has beemu added to the Hope amine
disaster , Late timimi mtftemnooem a rtcumIimg
party succeeded iii descemutling to time one
hunmireth foot level , Hail mtlr made timemn
comae tip soon , All retumrnetl but uric. Aim
attempt was mauls to go buck after hiinm , 1.111
Fan lumiui o increased ( lint it was Impo sibhe ,
I'iio maim Is tiemumi beyonmi thoumlmt , 'I'imere nro
no sigtms or lIfe yet fr pm tIme suveim amen
entonibemi ,
'i'urit'ii tilt ( ii ii Gitmi.
BOSTON , Aprii hO.-Nnthmmun 1) . Clark of
the Clark-Ilutciminson commipmtmmy , boot mind
simee dealers , comnamitted suicide by us.
phyxiation iii hit. room at lime opley
Hquare hotel tOdu' .
\Veniher Poreas NebraskA-
b'Iiowi .7oltowed by Palm' ; Cooler.
i .
1.Uieeiam.I St & % % is Note.
Ciiimim Vnr * umtcimt i a Crisis.
One Ommiiti , ' ll liii. Hill i'itrieq.
1.1Cc mU time , . . irti Soitiit'rmi' ittimime.
2. htimolp lsiamuh itmmrrmtlms riur Reed ,
( irm'it % 'Iim time 1 , aiim' IS ) 11 lItter.
CmsrIut'imtt.r 'l'lks of ttm Czar ,
3 , Conmmt ' , lt..t . . en Cnmui'iimeei Atintimer ,
iii thu Vesterim itmitirimitit % Vnrtml ,
iiiiiimt.s 't'ehk ii 'I'itht , of horror ,
t iiithmmuil lttmrml'rs ilk l'mmmmmlly ,
4 , E.i I tnrlmtl mu ii ii Cimii mm , cu.
Li , Agricmmltumrtui liierhmiicilL Stat imumme.
St'mmmito llttmltt's limihimiti Aftuiri , ,
ComigrcM.i Stmurt4 emi Coast letcmmue.
0. Cnimmmeii ItummIT4 I.tit'iii Mmttter4.
1 tuvmt Co mmiimmg tim t im ii pat itin mm ,
7. Co smm mimm'rclti ; it mmii i'i tin imm'i ii Nt'iys ,
ltmmiuiee , , , , r i.tit : ' 't'i'it lteiituweil.
cm. I I it Ito , , immti ii mt's I m I r C liii ly thtcr soil ,
t fftm I ci mm t Mtmmtii ( ) mmmi lit ,
U. Ne'lirmtikms's Telminipim mtt immmistm City ,
I'i't'ble.t' h'eraomtmtlly Cuiillmctetl Primitti-
rh's ,
Fur tutu OI'ervmttlon of . 'srhnr itmy ,
Vmm gim . 'r's 11 ulil l I mit , Et'i t cmi Co mmm iii en t
10 , 'i'liriitiiii iIiOtit'miCl' ' , it1t 'I'tirleitt't ,
I I cli mu s I it 'tiiievi ii I i I ttora' .
1 1 XVi , etc a I t I it , tYim I vm'rtl I y Elm gum t'ers.
Stiry of U t.Ittht , ( liii ( lrtty litix Car.
tn. % 'IIeim lnmmisit , tlmtr'Sciitmoh ,
l'OhiCld IlSiIiilIlI'li 'l'lIII S'l'ltY.
Messemmger hmimy idnyMlieVmms Itolmhmeil
oil himttmlis'ny.
NE\ ? YORK April 10.-Waiter Price , a
youth wimo carried a satcimel commtatmmlmmg
$2,0ht , was attacked by a itighwaymmmnn omm
hiruaulway timts aftermmoon amid robbed of lila
vaimmmible packages. Time mimoney belonged to
time Gleason Lamp Mnmmmmfactmmrlng eonmpaimy.
Time thief macdo his escape , but Price was
arrested. The imohice immthpmmito timat Price
knows wimere time mmmommey went , amid say that
lie mmdmmmitteml to timcnm timat lie haul been
greatly iii neoul of mnnmmey lately becaumse of
liii ) reiatiorma ss'itim a yonmig womnaum tim harlem.
Jammmes Scott , 17 years old , also a clerk for
time Gieasomm comimpammy , was w'itim Price whmemm
time robbery was committed , I3othm boys
sere arrested , as the stories timey told time
ixmhlce ilifteremi ,
Scott made the following stateniemit : "I
go to time bnmmk every vcek to get money to
nmako imp the pay roil , I always take solimo
000 wIth me. About six mmiontlms ago I'rice
was with me. amid lie accompanied me again
host night. Timi mmiorning Price , who worked
in time basemmient , nuketi inc to let him go to
time bank withm mae today. STe said that If I
was going lie woimid iilco to go witim me. , I
took imimmm aiommg. After I got thio money and
we started for time store , hue asked me to let
him carry the satcimeh. At time corner of
Great Jommea street thmere was a crowd hook-
ins at a man paimiting. I'rice snid'Let's :
hook at time bikes In time wtmmtiows.Ve
stopped , cml aurideniy hue fell against time
window anti cried timat time satchel wap gone.
lie said sommie one lilt hilmim and grabhied the
t'atciuei fromn hmis Imand Timen hue s.miul : 'Let's
go through Foumrthm street and see if we can
flnml time maim , ' We ramm throimght Fourth
stm'eet , bitt sa % ' flO one. "
Scott was released tonight , after promisIng -
Ing to appear as \itmmess against Price
when called upon.
CO1iI'I'iON OP w'mN'rElt ilLti.
\I'Iteat Grczmtls lmmjmmrg'd , lit Stmttes Lust
of tii ( tlisslssipmmi.
WASHINGTON , April 10.-The Untted
States Department of Agmicultre report on
condition of winter grain amid heahtim of live
stock on April 1 , i896 , based upon commeohi-
dated reports fromn townsimlp , county amid
state correspondemmta , shows a condition of
winter vlmoat in nine heading states as ' (01-
lows : Pennsylvania , 64 ; Ohio , 56 ; MIchigan ,
82 ; Indiana , 77 ; Kenttmcky. 70 ; Illinois , SI ;
Missouri , 75 ; Kansas , SI ; California , 91 ; average -
erage for time entIre country , 77.1 ; last year ,
SI.4 , and 86.7 iii 1894.
The commulitlon Of rye , average for time entire -
tire country , was 82.9.
Dry weather at seeding tlmne hargehy ro-
tartled or prevented germnination , Throughout -
out the winter groin producing region tIme
winter covering of smmow was exceptIonally
scanty , rye sufferimmg iii immost statea hcs than
wheat. Drouth 1mm the early wimmter and ci.
ternate freezing and thawing afterward
greatly injured time crop east of time Miasis-
sippi. In Nebraska , Kansas and wotward
there was less wimmter kiillmug titan umummal , owing -
ing to time mild season , and presemmt comm-
ilitions are reported favorable. Hessian fly
is , reported in a very few coumntlemm along
time Atlantic slope.
Condition of horses , 97.6 ; of cattle , 98 ;
shed ) , 98.1' ; swimme , 93.3 ; last year's figures
were 96.9 , 94.6 , 95i anti 92 , from which an
improvement is shmowim in every case.
iSzuimg'd tam' ICihhIimg Ills Itivith.
NEW OIILEANS , April 10. Arthur
Schneider , a ( ' , ernmnn about 20 years of
age , was hanged in time imarisit pmisomm today -
day In time presemmee of witnesses as time
law directs. Tlm drol ) tell at 12t5. :
Scimneitier wums iii love with mu girl work-
lag in the snub remmtntmrant , hihai i-ejected
him mind he started for thma west , but re-
turnemi , purchumsed two pistols , stole into
time place mmmi mimrderemI hiermamm Schroeder ,
his rival , and alummost killed the gin , lie
played tnm'nnc , but wims icehmireti rem'ponumiimle
Iiy a commmnmissiari of inquiry. lIe hinniemi
Deputy Shmem itt Jerry hteagtimm tom time faIl.
tile to client jmmtitieo ammi killed him in the
prison with a kmiite vhmivim he niumnngel to
secure , lie wins convicted of Scimroctier's
mmiurder and mommtcnced to tienthi ,
un t isli Comis iii % S'ihl hives I Iga to ,
SAN FRANCISCO , April iO.-Npthmlng Imne
yet been ( lone toward raising time Di-Itisim
mmimlp Jihalrmoro , which cc rslzod ycstcm'ilumy
ammd which lit now nt time bottom of thm
bay , imndem' seven f'athmomn of water. l'Imo
coumslgnecd4. Johmmm I ) . Siuechles & Co. , 'viii
immtve charge , of time tmtlc of rulatmmg time
immmimnioi god 'cssal. 'i'lmt.t C't hiemiC Will lie
great. At the hhm-itislm consulate steps have
boemm taken to provimle the resi'uemi mmmcci vlthm
menipom itry iti'im'timmmeu in time ivay of cloth-
ipg mu mmd mmmm I n ti'umtm nec , A cam isum in r I n yes II.
gation at the t1ititssim will tie imegurm miext
week. si tm'ii strlvt'mse commmlmietmt Its nximeie'Ph
for time cantaumm's umIii'geti mmegleet to emit.
ilciently ballast imis auth.
hiaiit'm'i , mit'ms I iii t im I'iiii , ' , ' 'i'rimimsmi I usi aim
ALBANY , N , Y , , AprIl 10t'owemfrom time
great dyimmimmios of the Niagara Vower corn-
lion ) ' Wii be trumnttmiited into New York
City ovum' 462 mimiIc of mro or. Alty ii. Time
wlre ( Cm' time trmtnsmmmlrsiun will be ttir-
niahmeci by tIme Wi-stt'mmi Ummkmn company on
emma of its imemmviest ( allies , 'L'htr longest ills-
timimee that electrical iover hams ever been
c'am'rieti tim ilO mmiiios , amid Ilmiat in Europe ,
'i'lmo cumremmt miil emot bim a iiet'y : our. lint
It sthi bu tieimmcimmumtmated ( bitt h' Niolmi
' 1'emtlm'mt hew symmtem it calm itt. commveyed a : .
ummost .mmy illatumnee. Ii vihl be time heat
practical k'st ol tilt ) Syatmimum anti Its pro.
jeetot $ secnm to ( ear no failumre.
- -
Iii lli'ti ii ) . F'l immg lii'lmi.
DEN\'Eit , Ala-il 10.-A speeluti to time Noiva
tronm Florence. Cob , , says : News cit a
fatal iucciulent at one of time gramhtrmg camulma
arm time Fiom once & Ciiiiimlo Crecic uaicmty
high hijmm. has jummit meacimeul thIs city , At S
( ) 'CiOCl ( lommigimt time imigimi shift ietwe'emm ,
Atleinuule mm nmi ltleCotmrt set off it l11tst , i'hmlcii
tlmies' Coclc3 micros's time i-anon upon a teimt
OccUhmlemi by a itmtge hotly of time day ( otee ,
One mmmi was killed miami mummy otimoms
w'oumnded , two itt least fatally. A sie'ial
traIn with pumyalciamis has gomme to time curium ,
lihIt'tI mu Smil iii t iou Soldier.
KANSAS CITY. April 1O.-J. A , Janee ,
an crnpiove of time W'estern hlmiion Tide-
gtupim commipami ) ' , shunt mmmi kthied George
Frarmkllmm a nmtmniier of time Sulvatlomm mirmny ,
shortly tietore imiiiinighmt Lit Jommem ? tmommme
Jeumlousy cumuseti time trmtgehy. lomies' wife
iii ii Smthvmitionist rind Franklin hmmml tie-urn-
lianlemi imer to her home , Joime is still at
large. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Si : ( 'lull I 11mm rUe's Si. iui ,
MITI'IPIlS , Aiim ii hO.-'l'imo big towboat
JOmiejmbm ii.Viiilmiins , with Its big tow ( If
comti , iitiAsed eiowmm lisle morning ( or New
OrIt'mt mis. 0mm 'her I ri p tic w ii I t rum a I o to lb t'
imummmk at iahmmnd 21i mmmiii vammk sIx imomitmi of
eomI , owrmcii I ) ) ' L' . Jmmtte & Cii. of l'lttsburg
'L'htm loss will anmount to L2O0O ,
Hospithi Stowara Moseby Describes the
Condition Prevailing There ,
Shiimmt'y 5tt _ miItie ls ) ' dlii' Ietrisimmlumro
, 'sli Simem ( mu mmii Sit'it lmmmmintes Mmmthii
to Stiffer froimt lmmek of
l ( ' r y I it I ii g.
M1LF'ORD , Nob. , April I0.-Special-The ( )
last legislature appropriated $ S,000 to fit
imp time Milformi Sammitariummu anti comimitmct it as
a State Soldiers' anti Sailors' hmotne for two
years. The entire $ S,00 ( was tmimmmmetiiaicly
expcmmmled on time brick milieu of a hmotuse , atut
a ticflciemmcy of betwcemm $ l,00U ammd $5,000 luau
simico been createtl.
J.v. . Mosbey was a muemmiber of coimipany
a , One-itummulred anti twenty-faumrthm Illinois
lmifnntr ) ' . lie has beemi an imimimato of time
Mtlford imommio t'lmmco Jammmmary i , last. tip to
about a week ago hme lice imaul , tmnmier Coma-
tmmnmmulttnt Cmmiver , chmarge of time hospital ,
wimhcim contains Umrio lmoi'elcss sick patients ,
two of vhmommi are iractIii' betiritimlemi , Time
work of carIng for timemui Mr. Mauimy thtti
ahomie imp to five vcehca since , day ammui night.
Timemi imo was given ai imight assIstant ,
Cimaries Schtuhtz , cmi lnmmmat , formerly of
L.iacoimm. Mr. Macboy was visited by Tito
hieo represemmtativo nul asked to give lila
Immipresslomi of time liresemmt mimammagenmemit of
time imonmo , Ito said that several weeks migo
ho haul mmmndo imp hIs imminul that it was Imis
duty , 1mm behmahf of time immmmmates , to mnako
public time temmo conditIon of ailairs.
"I tb this , ' ' ho said , " with umo ill-wilt
toward Commmmmmnntlammt Cmmlvor As an old.
onhulier , uiepemiuicmmt , practically , upomm time PrO-
visiomis umiado by time state for old soldiers ,
It woumid not iecotmio ) mae to make persomial
cemnplaint against time comidmmct of any eimmmiiar
immatltutioum in time coummtry. Time comnmmmand-
alit immis always treated rime cmi well mis any
oilier immmimnte , 'ithi possibly , ommo exceptton ,
ofvimichm I will say mnore at lomgtii , I will
even say that tmmmmior hmreaammt circummmmstaimces
lam is doing as well for time boys as hmossi-
bUm , but I must iay timat time circummmmstammccs
are just about what lie imam. minnie timem , amid
time immnmmites are inmiTerlmig time consequences. "
. , T ( , what do you attribute time trouble ? "
Mr. Mosbey was asked.
' 'Lack of nmeans to rmuu time instlttmtlon. ' '
"nut the aplrohmriatiomm was eximausted bug
ago. "
"Welh , I'm not imc'ro to riticiso time state ,
or time state officers. Time caine aught be
said If time macn simommid starve , or die front
lack of mmmedicah attenmlmtmmce. limit would that
excuse any omme ? I tiilrlc mmot. Somebody
is responsible ( or time care and fair treat.
macnt' of twenty-nine or thirty veteran
miahtllers at time Mllforti hionme , I contemud
that time ) ' are not receiving good treatmcmmt ,
I anm In a PositIon to nrove it. amid lmmtcmmd
to do so. There simoulti ho a timorommgh ox-
amnlrmation , pimblic anmi systenmatic. Time facts
will bear me out 1mm everythIng I say. "
"In time firat place , Mr. Mosbey , " mid Time
l3co representative , "tell me about time
quality and quantity of the food , Hmuvo the
Inca ever g3ne hummgry ? "
"Tho food question Is time smnahlest part of
the troumbie when compared witb time treat-
nmcmmt of tIme sIck. At timnes I imavo kmmown
the whole meal for twenty-mutume inmates tis
consist solely of watery potatoes , fried in
grease , bread mmmi butter. Agaimm the meal
has consisted of boIled imark , bread , butter
and oi'fee. I have got imp imuumgry qmmlto
often , amid a have others. l'iates are filled
up once , and vhmen q"iptted , that was time
end. Conmmendant t miver says timero is
room at the imommmo for S tween eighty and 109
inmnate.9. Let mao describe the sItuation ,
It lmau been clalmimed timat time building is
five stories imighm. It. is timrm'o storls anti a
basemimemit. him the basommient are the , kitchen ,
laundry , furnace amid store houmses. On thma
first floor Is time commmmanlammt's ( office , racing
two smnahh ronnie cahleul time imospltni , Six
macmm can be accommodated emu time first floor ,
fifteen on time second anti fifteen on Limo
third , by placing hlmree 1mm a roomim. Timim ,
is the extreme hinmlt of a capacIty whmichu
time conmniandmtnt says will accomnmmmodato frommi
ehgimty to 100. Now , utmtih iatehy. when a cur-
Lain vao hilaced In front of time 0111cc , au
Lute patients in time imoapitah vero obliged
to vass nut to time toilet room , oftomi in a
soul-nude condition , in hdaimm eigimt of time
office. Timis was ottt'mm occupied by time ladies
of time Imommue , anti time aituatlomm was emmibar-
rammsimmg. 'rime odors from time cookimug In
time hilteimen go all over time hmoims'e , amid pene-
tratmi every room , immciuding time two imospltal
wards. Somnctlnmc.s time mmmdi of oniomms is
intolcrabhe. Tlmero Is an old Swede in time
imospital mmammmeui Ammdrew Iloistrom. ITo is
frommi Com'esoo , and is 81 years old. One foot
iii gonc' , amid lie is cimlhmhlsh. Ho hmas to crawl
out ut time lmosumltal eu lila hands and kmmees ,
sommtetlmimen partialiy mmaiied , in plain sight of
thus i'oummcn. I think it was at Lime suggestion -
tion of Mrs , Fergumsomm , forummerhy of Norfolk ,
amid who Is a mnost estlmmmable womnan , timat
time curtain was hiiaced In front of time office.
Time care of Frank Jardamme , omme of time
imospitui patmemmts , Is most iuitiabie. lie Is an
old soldier , wlmo , aside from going timroughm
Lime war , hums served twonty-timree years in
time regular army. lie imas , hum tact , given the
great martioui of 1mb lIfe to the service of
imis country , lie fell dosvmm recently and
bruised lmts hands terribly. Yet I have been
mmimabi to get cvomm armuica to bathe Imis bmtrmd ,
arid lie imas smiffered terribly with them.
Timero Is tie nmodictmo ! whatever on immmnd iii
the imietitimtion , even ( mt time simplest dee-
crtpttomm , Timerc' are muo spirits for sudden
emnergcmmciemi. Jartlarme , mlmo is quite ioiv ,
mnlgimt be humeri sarse at tiny tune , and I
emmuld not revive imini , 'i'imero is imo regumiar
ImiiYleiatm , bmmt a local Medforil doctor cuummea
to Limo imomne , I understand lmo gete ormhera
umi the state ( or $56 a mmmormth. lie told mmie
that m'ommmc mnemllehmme imaui becmm bought at ommo
tiimie fur time itommme frommm a Cimiciumnati imommse ,
hut tlmmot it cost exactly twIce time amnoumut it
woumlml hid it been Itureimaseti for cashm ,
Jartl ne and hlolstrommm arc hiciphess , anti time
oid macmm iii chmilmilsim , dermtngeil , in fact , Timoy
hathm denmamuti conatammt attenticim , Ujm to time
timmie Jardummie cammie I isa.m ahommo In the imommpltal
with no emma to Imelp ummo , Then Cimarhey'
Scimults % 4s htmit on as a mmight assistant ,
'h'ime first mmmorumiumg ( lieu cuTter I foumutl Jartiaumo
lying in his filth tim beth. lie lmad had no
care whatever , I timeum applied to Culver for
a rubbcm bej.hmiammkot , limit was told there
wet. mme mumommey to buy it. Rimmco theim ( lila
sickemmimug Llmlmmg has imeen of frequent oc.
cmmrreimce , hmotim alUm Jartlane mmmi liobsironi ,
tmntl mme effort smi.ide to remnmnly It. I ummdomc- . that Commummmammdaumt (3mmiver , a' ' . the iogimm-
iatuio is so mmeiur mit imand , can get plain
groceries amid mimeats to run time lmoimie , but
timat miucim specialties as : miwhiciumes amid rubber
goods lie cammmiot get.
'rimere Is no fruit es'em' gIven time soldier. ,
sick or seohi , tmmmhess it ii. charged to ( liens
mind ( alien omit of theIr pensIon mncsuey , Not
evemm an appio or tin orange , Last fall Cciii.
mtmmmumlammt Cmmiver haiti for between 300 antI
400 hmmi.dmeis of watery potatoes at time rats
of t0 cents a bushel. At time saimmo ( line better -
ter potatoes were selling 1mm iowa for I
cemmim' . 'i'hmo itormie has etc water iii the imoumso ,
wimemi time wimmuh dot'sum't blow , except what Is
carried km by imammd , aitimoughm time bmo'uso ' is
ptiieti ( or it. I hear Comnmmmanuiant Ctmhver talk
about putting in an engimmo to rmmn time wimmul
umilhl , 1mm time ain'mmmce of 'ator , time sick in
the imospital cammnot be bellied , At the close
of time ice mmramsc.i . timis year , Culver coin-
ummemmced to tmumlW ummi Ice humule , There ap-
nearo to be every effort to make time tie-
flclcimCy Its large as Possible , Fires in time
furummuco are banked &t 9 o'clock , end after
that hosmltai patients stiffer tram cold anti
expovurt' I iiemm't belIeve there is a stove
itt time bmoui'e , A. it is tirzmu momumat be kept iii
a large momid expeimstvo furnare until June for
( tie benefit of time sick iii time hospital ,
"Cc'mnmade ' ( 'imummc'y of'ahmoo caine timers
shik , lie is a vaulter usual Is aufferiu hrom