- . - . - - - - - - . : -w - - _ : T----- _ . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i- _ _ o lAnA : DAUiY 33EJ : : ' 10IIt'it4iAy , AL1tIt Ij8Dfl. ) L SETTliNG ON\ \ LOCATION Move r1ooktng to thn CJonflruotlon of Bontli , ' . Omaha's ' PtOfflCO1 TREASURY SENDS OUT A SPECIAL AGENT Iejort of (1it ( ) flIIii1 , It Is llnpcd , vlII Rjticiflfr Istttcrs ni,1 Leftil ' in limo , irl Ciiii.tetiu.ieiit . , , CflNtVCttUI& Vork. WASflINGTO , April B.-Spec11 ( Teic. gram.-R ) has been dlcovored hero that the Treasury department sorno dayi Wnco pont a conMontthl agent to South Omaha * to exarntho the several 8te offered to the govorntiicnt for the now feera1 buI1dIrg. 1Vli1Ie , of courae , the ldentIt of the treasury : agent s carefully conccale1 , hh report , which Is expected in the near future , will ilo ; fl1UlI ( , It Is hoped by Congrerornan Mercer , o expellto the Ilan for the building. Mr. ' , , J1orcer In bending every energy to his eftort , to Induce the Trcasur dpartmunt to begin work on the South Omaha poatomco as soon 41z poasitile. The sending of a special agent : to South Omaha Is looked upon as an mdi- .cation that his efforts are notIng with partial ouccess. UfleXIOCtCiIY the alcohol bill , which liaa beeii hatigng fire in the ways and means cotnmlttce , came tip this morning and occn pied tim whoo time of the committee to the oxciuaion of everything ei. Nothing defi- nile was determined upon at the session , at loasi nothing that could be given to the proaa according to Chairman Dingloy. So many ftiiureti have occurred in the plans for the subcontnittoo ! roport'lg , the Transmis- oirsippl exposition bill to the full committee that a feeling was maniftvt n Limo Nebraska delegation that General Grosvenor was holdIng - Ing the bill back for some reason not app&r- & cot , end It wa decided to bring influence to bear on time chairman to hmavo time bill reported - ported tub week. Iepresentative Mercer went after General Grosvenor first , followotI by several other member of the dolegaticn , who called things by their right miames. Mr. Grosvenor when soon by a I3eo correspondent stated that he would make every effort to report the bill on Friday , that ho was anx- lotis to report It because he would be absent from the city most of next week , and for thtt reason ho wanted time bill In posseasori : of thu full committee that a hearing might 1)0 had on its merits. "The bill must take the usual course , " lie said. ° lUt I am Informed that It will have the support of a majority of the members ( if the committee , and so far as I am con' c3rnod I boiieve Omaha is entitled to the exxioslton. " hero the matter rests. In view of the length of time which the subcommittee ham had to decide upon the bill additional prsa- sure % ihl be brought on Grosvenor tomorrow to icduco him to report the bill Friday or Saturday at time latest. It Is believed here that the bill for the re1e ! of the Pacific rahlroatLs will be rn- ported to time house on Friday. While it not kr.own defInitely as to the length of time the bill Is to run , it Is thought that seventy- lvo years will extinguish the Indebtednes4. Tim Union I'aciflo will have to pay $365,000 filet ten years , $550,000 the second ten , $750.- 000 the third ten , and so on. It wijl carry 2 per cent Interest. and if passed will take theo roada out of government euperviatou ontlrehr. The Postomco department aent to time lmcuso committee on postomees and postroads today a report on the Sperry bill rclati'tg to recasslflcatlon ! of postal clerks , slightly iiodl- i tying the provisions of the bill. Senator Allen Iniroduced a bill today for the relief of homestead settlers in lloyd county. which was formerly a part of the great Sioux reservation in Dakota , relieving time settlers from payment of $1.25 per acre tmod providing for the issuance of pateat.s on payment of the usual land office fees. Jotnings lr. Wheat of l'apllllon , Neb. . has been appoInted a clerk in the railway 2nail service. William Follows has been appointed postmaster - master at Cuehing , Howard county , vice Joanhietto P. Brlsce ; Francis M. Stark ap- pointoi at Ittisseli , Frontier county , vice Louts E. Simaffor. Robert F. Bush Is ap- Dointed postmaster at I'oru. Madison county , Ia. Ia.A botrd of omcers to consist of Colonel John W. Ilarrlger , assistant commissary gen. oral of subsistence ; Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Ward , assistant adjutant general ' and Captain Benjamin 11. Glimnan , TImir- 'teenth Infan4ry , Is appointed to moot at the army buildIng. Now York City , April 15. to formulate regulations including tablee of allowances and blank forms. for carrying into oftoct that part of the act approved Marcim : 1896 , "MakIng appropriations for support p ot the army. " Tile following olilcers are ordered before the board to ito presided over by Licutoimant Colons ! Samuel 5 , Sumner , Sixth cavalry , for examination. Captain Albert G. Forac , First cavalry ; Captain Loule IL Ruckor , NInth cavairy ; Captain Augustus W. Car- lisa , 1igbtk infantry : Captain James N. Morgan , Twenty-fourth Infantry ; Captain Richard I. Eskritlgo , Twenty'-tblrd lofantry. 1'LAit ) tISTIhlC'I1ONS ON JLtCISG. liii ! dl ) Mimke Ne'wYoric flegimimittoims } ittiplit'iillc in flit , District , WAShINGTON , April 8.-Time Bartlett rae- : log bill , to Iermlt horse racIng in tlio DIe- trict of Colunbla , was today favorably acted upon by time District of Columbia committee of the house. The bill is to authorize time incorporation of racing organIzations. Ummdcr it mneetimigs may be held only between April 30 and November 1 , nmmd between sunrise and tiunact , anti there cannot be ittore timan forty days of raclmmg aim any track in a season. A racimig cozmmmnission is to be established to auIervise nmeotiiiga all races must be Imeld under the Now York Jockey club ru1ei , and atecpleclmaslmig under time rules of limo Na- tlonal Steeplechase association. Amendments have been added to the bill to prevent pool selling and betting. Not only are heavy ion- altiem provided , but bate are to be recovered by civil actIon. The bill was supported by time New York Jockey climb and prominent sporting nmen , Antimony Comustoclc anti Va- riotls reform organizations lmavo opposed It. Inntrmmetlomms to the Seitllmmg Fleet. WASI ZINOTON , April 8.-Time instructions to Unitcil States revenue ofliclals for the patrol of time seal watora during the ap. poacimimtg season hmavo beomm completed by time Treasury depatnienL anti will shortly be Issued to time captains of time vessels. 'rimey are substantially the same as those of last year , - - - - l'flfI7)lf4M tV' TIII hlVfIi. tieirin , , ii.m , 1hIii1'ziiisr nn.1 OIhit'r Iemiirr tin limo Floor. W.glIlGTO4 , April 8.-fly vote of 119 to 117 time houce tomley pmmsed the bill to adopt time metric system of weights and mess- urea In .iii diartmnent at ( ho government o July 1 , IS , and to make it the only legal system after January 1 1901. Mr. Duekery moved to reonlder and Mr. C.V. . Stone movemi to lay that motion on the table. Time vote Was taken hmy yeas and nays. The niotlon ii , lay on time table failed , lii to 130. The oppont'mmt&s ef time bill followed up their victory by prcislng the motion to re- consider. Time immoticim to recotmalder vrevalied , 141 to 99. After this defeat. Mr. Stone nttemnptrd to withdraw time bill , but Mr. Doc'kery objected and Insisted that after the time si'ent on the lull it should bo killed outright. Mr. Stone , however , thought a mejbrity would vote for time bill it it vero amner.ded in eevral par- ticuiars , anti he , timerefore , moved to recom- nmit time bill , a motion which carried , 130 to 9. 'FliO bill to reneal time compuicory pllotago law , limsofar as It relates to sailimmg vessels In time coastwise trade , was then called up , with the understanding that a vote should be taken at 2 o'clock tomorrow , Mr. l'aymmo and Mr. Simpkins favored the measure , while Mr , Miner antI Mr. Cumnmlngs opiO5el It. During hl remarks Mr. Cumn- mings said tlmat It had been tateml that the pilots had a lobby herm to defeat the passage of time bill. 'l know , " said lie , "of a titus- wunip , one Chamberlain , commissioner of imavigation , who lies been imoportuning mom- hers in the interest of this bill. I remember that Grover Ciovelamid a few ( lays ago removed - moved from time governorship of Arizona otto hughes , who was accused of trying to in- flumence mombera eu time Arizona land lease bIll , bnd I say to you , that. if ytt have any regard for time omciat lire of the corn- mimlaslonor of mia'lgation , you will allow time bill to be defeated , for if this bill passes and Grover Cleveland Is ( mime to the principle lie laid down in the Iltmghmes case , tlmo coin- missioner of navigation will very speedily navigate 'ut of Washington. " ( Laughiter and applause. ) Mr. Wadsworth , chairman of time committee on agriculture , presented the conference report - port on time agricultural bill , which was adopted , after which time house , at 5:25 : p. m , , adjourned. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PROVISION FOIl. MOltl CONSULS. Necessity S.'t Fimetli of Smacim nit om- cliii mit i'olii t's iii Asia lliii.r , WAShINGTON , April 8.--Sonator Slmer- man , chaIrman of the commltteo on foreign relations , today gave notice of an amemidnient Intended to be proposed by him to time sundry civil appropriation bill , providing for time appointment of a consul at either lIarpoot or Aloxandretta , Turkey , and In support of the amendment filed a statement front Secretory - tory Obey. Mr. Olney states that while time Turkish authorities acquiesced In the es- tnbliehment of a consulate at Erzerotmni , they deollned to grant an exeqimateur to time vice consul sent to liarpoot in accordance with the action of congress at the last session , on time ground that time United States hmas no commercial interests at the latter place. lie expresses the fear thmat a like denial vU1 b encountered title year and requests that Provision be made for a temporary appointment - mont at Alexandrotta. "While , " lie says , "it is well known that Great Britain has recently - cently obtained an oxeqbateur for a vice consul at Harpoot. it is believed that the' opening of a United States consmmlate there would be useful , nevertheless. In vew ! of the present delay encountered in doing so and after a further careful consideration of the question , I ant led to believe the inter- eats of this country and its citizens residing in Asia Miner would be greatly benefited meanwhile by time establishment of a consulate - ate at Aiexandretta on the coast of Syra. ! whore an omcer would be most favorably 10- cated for looking after time Aimiorican missions - sions andcmools ! in that section of the Ottoman - man empire. " _ _ _ _ _ op INTEREST TO L.tBORING MEiN house Comnimmittee Fzt'vors lime 11111 to Fiifreetime lligImt-lImr Lmu , WASHINGTON , April 8.-Tho hou.e commIttee - mItteo ott labor today heard Mr. Conies of Michmlgan , who advocated the passage of his bill providing that all persona employed by time UnIted States or by a contractor or subcontractor - contractor doing work for the United States for time Dietrict of Columbia must o full citizens. of the United States. Samuel Gom- pers , president of the American Federation of Labor , favored Reprcantativo PhillIps' bill to enforca time eight.imour law In connee- Lion witlm worlc of oil kInds , and also advocated the paetage of a bill to prohibit the transportation between states of the product of convict labor. He expressed the lmopo that a bill appointing a labor corn- inlttee , which has been favorably reported by the committee , would become a law tItIZONA LANfl luLl IS A LAW l'rt'sltlemmt CievelnmimlNeltlmer Slgmms Nor YCtOL'S It. WASHINGTON , April 8.-The act origimiat- log in time senate to authorize time leasing of landi for educational purposes In Arizona today - day become a law without time president's ap- lrovai. Timis partIcular measure was really framed to niect certain objections made by thmo proaldent to nit original bill passed by the Imouse January 16 met. That bill was vetoed by time ireldent and was promptly passed over time veto upon its return to tIme Imouse. I'eflhing action of a olmilar nature iii the senate another bill was drawn up there and passed to meet time presIdent's oh. jection. Tbis bill received no better reception - ception by time president , however , and it became a law without iissignnturo. ! Conipletesi llit Ilmiimkriiptc 11111. WASHINGTON , April 8.-Timo hous. corn- imiltteo on judiciary today completed its work upon time bankruptcy bill and decided to report - port the bill to time house thl week. Time xmicasuro is based upon the old Torrey bill which lies been before congress aevoral years. Under time bill as trained Involuntary bankruptcy - ruptcy can be forced only for fraudulent or wrongful nets or when the debtor , being insolvent - solvent , suspends payment for thirty days. Safeguards are provided to prevent time dis- isipatlon of estates by the expenses of bankruptcy - ruptcy , When the bill Is cohIed up in corn- mittee Friday for time formality of a vote Mr. Bailey will move to substitute time bill introduced by Imim , whIch provides for a purely volummtary system of bankruptcy and Is the bill which was passed by the Imous 1mm tue last coegresa witlm time amnaudmimente proposed - posed by Senator Hoar. Ne-TV Niitiommni Muimlc Authorized , WAShINGTON , April 8-TIme comptroller of time currency has given autlmority for time organization of time National Batik of liolton , ICan , , capital $50,000. TURPIE iN FAVOR OF ACTION Moro BoBolutlons on tim Cuban Question Do Not Satisfy liIn REVIEWS THE SITUATION IN TIlE ISLND Sntirienl llcfcrcmmees to thin l'otmitlot * Taken im ) ' Semmotors Lodge no.1 Shmermmnn-lnte Fixeti for lis- cit'isIiit the I'efter Res.itmtiotm , WAShINGTON , April 8-Mr. Lodge gave notice that ho would take up the immigra- tioti bill ott the lOUt inst. The bill was paMed , granting a pension of $60 monthly to the widow of Major tiemierni Charles II. Hamilton , Soniethlmig of a debate on banking came tip on Mv , Teller's request that a bill requiring - quiring national banks to ieOp reserves in tlmoir vaults bo referred to tIme committee On finance , Mr. Teller said there was a con- gostton of money in the large eastern cItes growing out of time fact that the law per- nuts bankers to keel ) timolr reserves in Nev York City drawing interest and tlmus taking tIme funds front local use. lie regarded this as very detrimuental , lie was infoemned that 75 per cent of thco Iundn was used in otock speculation and not In legitimate busi- ness. lIe urged tlmo finance commIttee to devi.se iome meLlmod of retormmm. Mr. Hoar agreed wIth Mr. Teller that a reform was necessary. In his opinion time 'banking laws imould be amended so as to prevent time payment of immtercst on reserve dposlts in nh cases. Mr. Merrill , chairman of time finance corn- mittee , said both senators were mistaken , as banks of standing dId not pay Interest ott reserve deposits. Mr. Hoar insisted that they did and cIted tIme Boston banks , which. Ime said , paid 3 per cent on outsIde deposits. Time bill vemit to time finance committee. Mr. Turpie was then recognized In support of the joint resolution of Mr. Call for time sending of a UnIted States fleet to Cuban waters to protect AmerIcans and prevent Spamilsh barbarities. Time resolution was time natural outgrowth of time immortki and obstruc- tiori of the chairman of time committee on foreign relations ( Shmerman ) , since lie took rcfugo in time crypt of a conference com- omittee. Mr. Turpie severely critIcised Mr. Sherman's "abnormal imroceeditigs" in hand- llng time Cuban resolution. The resolutIons offered by Mr. Sherman had proposed "In- terventlon , " bitt It was not disclored by title remarkable document wimetlier we were to lmmtervene to restore the grap of Spain in Cuba or in beimalf of Cuba to tlmrow off that grasp. "Wimen tIme time comes for intervention , " exclaimed Mr. Turpie , "I am for intervention on time side of Cuba , for the sake of freedom and Independence amid foF no other reason. " hero was war ragmng br a year , anti yet in tIme twenty or thirty speeclmes by Mr. Lbdgo amid a like number by Mr. Sherman before lie retired to the cave of Abdalia , all that could be learned was time ejaculations "There is a war in Cuba" and "Great is the Cuban questIon , " Mr. Sherman ixmt across time able , smiling at times , while Mr. Turpie proceeded with Imis vigorous arraignment of what he considered - sidered the mismanagement of the Cuban resolutions. CONDITION OF CUBA DESCRIBED. Mr. Turpie timemi proceeded to describ time condition of Cuba totlmty. Two-thirds of time island was within the. 'embrace of the revo- lutlon ; time other third was debatable ground , where skirmishes and flgiiting was going on. This , ho umid , had not even beert touched upon by Mr. Slmorman , altimouglm a vital con- ederation ! , "Timat senator has appeared as it too mucim afraid of General Weylor to look irmtq this question , to go over time terrItory. He has not avon hooked overt the femice , " Mr. Turpic took up il detail tile conditIons exIBting itt Cuba. lie conceded that exact officIal information was omeager. Yet time "nmlnutm3 mimen of time Prees" and the mnas of gemieral correspondence on the subject es- tablisbed certain general and essential vrin- ciples mjimowlmig a flagrant condition of war oxieting. Time senator saId ime had personally collected data. He imad kept tally of raids by time Spainards on country stores untIl they raim imito scores. He had noted the raldm Involving attacks on women and hiildren. Front this data , ile said , ho drew the first essential concluoton , that the country store , that typo of civilization , was widely ostab. lished timrouglmout time territory occupied by the inourgonts. Time existence of the country - try store meant that there were no bandits and pirates , ac charged by Spanish officials ; ito thieves and burglars ; that time debtor and credItor of time store was present ; In short , that time reign of justice , time first requIsite to sclai organizatIon , existed. Tue senator refered to General Woyler's amnesty offered to iriets-Oeneral Weyier pauoecl In lila campaign-paused not as 101mg as the chairman of thoforeign relations corn- inittee ( Simcrnian-but ) ho paused In this campaign , conducted wIth time ferocity of tlu Apache , the Comanche : this campaign of the MafIa and tIme timug ; thIs campaign repeating the infamy of the duke of Alva ; paused to extend - tend amnesty to the priests within the Insurgent - gent lines who would yield obedience to SpaIn. From timie circtmrnrtanco , Mr. Turplo saimi ho established another csaential principle. Whore there were vriests there' were par. lshe. Where titoru svero pariahes there wore pcople-mnen , uomen and childromm. In cimort , tlmis proclamation of amnesty front Weyicr established that a God-fearing peo. plo , with their priests and parishes , existed vItimin the insurgent lines. CUBA LOST TO SPAIN , At one point , In speaking of Weylcr' , atrociIcs , the sewitor exclaimed ; "Cuba will be lost to Spain , " and added , "I retract the 'will be. ' Cuba Is lost to Spain and will never be regained , " Mr. Turpie created great amusement by a word picture of Mr. Lodge as a warrior' about to have a duel with the Spanish mm- later. The Massachusetts senator bad come Into the cimamnber anl denied the assertions of time Spanish mInister and denounced the rniiiister'i diplomatic indiscretion , "I was about to suggest time weapons , " proceeded Mr. Turpio. "It seems only necessary to select the weapons mind name time seconds. I was deeply anxiomms that out champion slmouhil ho fuhiy armed and not be mistaken for a mere harlequin with a buckler of loather and a sword of lath. " "But , " added Mr. Turpio , "a friend near me said , 'Timaro will be no fight. ' " The t'enator'a demonstration wets not really threatening at all. It all came from Imis fondness for a certIan confectionery-puffs -not tutti frutti nor Ices , but puffs , pialo I PEN PICTUIU3S PLLASANTLY AND POINTEDLY PUT. i % ' ( ) N1)Hit W'iIA'I' l'i' IS- 'j'intt lilfikes 0111' IUHiiiCSS keel ) growing ititti gro'lmig-w'oiitler it time fueL that vo' % t ) bet'ii hero In one location ( or nltilost IL quarter of ' ' ' ' a CMtttli'y-'fi'OltitM' ( if iii miii that thiuti 'o haven't learned of iiiid got haiti ot time bemt LtltlIlofi 11111110 -IClmbnli-Jlnliet & flmmvlmi-Kranteli & J3neii-A. lot ot slIghtly used iialios ) to miell tlmis reek at SiO.-IJ3-$75--nnd tl ) . It ) 'Otl 1)11) ) ' a iiev 1)18110 ) tItle week vo'hi luiuek otr ; 5t ) rroni the twice , A. Hospe , Jr. : .MsItIIa ua Art. 1513 Dougins. E1iI' II0T VS 1NV1lST1GtTE This stcekiug busliletu-our enmit vIll- do' Is so ( till of socks that you cmtit't tee , uuytiilmig but 8ox-tiley are 50c sox- Ito % , l)0Mle ) ) don't-os a rule-buy 50c sox-tlimit ltt-uot readily-41ki ill s'iiat niost Imien want a sock nt-tiittt'mi. the reason nro closing these tOc miox out itt 15e a iuilr-or three ithI'S ) ( or it tiol- litr-bhmtcks ititti tails tire time HlifltlC- tioii't think wu'Il keel ) tiit'imt long at this lrieO ) , Albert Cahii , 1322 Farilutli. A JACIC-iN-/i-IIOX- Simeltiga Iii ) When least expecod-so tloos ml 110W slititle or color of tflui-&tmli ( We got It ' ' Iii ii1sins' slmoe-v1tlm yestei'tlity-It's a * - 8. murow square toe-and a. shoe thmat'li gIve more solid wear tItan mtiiy black simon yoil ever bought ( oi' the Hammie iwict -nilsses' MIZCs 11'4i to 2 at 2.OO-cbll- tii'eii' , 3l/j to 11 , nt $ i.Otz'y a IfllI' ) for your chiiItl-it you 'ullt to reduce youi' Hhlnu bIll , Thu bIcycle 1 lii tha 'window yet. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farinun. - - - - - - - - - ; - - - puffs Ainki th pmtpprtssel Isu iter of semistors , Mr Turpiq toll rf the , langea threatening Mr 1o.1 fm1in too : nsny puffs , Next he tmmrnetl hih''a'tttntlon to Minhier 1)tmpuy do tommie'S tlipletigttlo Imullicretloti In criticising through' e press the cntot front lledge ) , who was "A past gratlusto of IhC ( jinje school of orunis- cienco , " Mr. Timrpie1 ad the Spanish mm- icier appeared to be tmtfathillar will. . that Spanish verse. ' " 1'ygmiem , though' 'Tmrtcd anti perched on Alps , Are pygmies still. " The senator eiozet' tth a strong word picture of the ftmuitn' ' of Cuba , Me , Sherman at ore moved an executive esion , and at 2 oclo k the doors wore cloeed , t The executive session wits brief , When the open session was reNmnted the Indian ap- ptopriatlon bill was taken up , Mr. Cannon offered an amendment tbimt the membera of s commIssion treating with Indians shall be boima tide residents of the state or territory in whmleh time Indians are located , A vote on tIme amentimnent was tleferreth An amendment by Me , Jones of Arkansas was agreed to , Increasing time appropriation for surveys in the Indian territory to $300- 000 , Time bill was laid aside at 5 o'clock , Mr. Poffer asked unanumnoims conmint that the resolutlomi for a senate Inquiry into recent - cent bond Isruen be taken up at 2:15 : p. in. next Tuesday. Mr. 11111 , who lmas contested time resolution , made no objection , and the agreement. was effected , Mr. Mitchell of Oregon Introduced a joint resolution to facilitate a reorganizatIon of tIme Northern Pacific Railroad comnpany , givimmg to actual jettiere the rlgimt to vurchaso lamitis withIn railroad grants at $2.50 cmi acre , and to Irolmiblt consolidation with. . cotmipetlng lines. At 5 p. m , the senate adjourned , ( tum'p.t 11)1 * of Ummia'r.s.l 3lcmnIerMhmip , WAShiNGTON , April 8.-Time question of tmniverml mnemmiberslmip was a bone of contention - tion at today's session of the National League of Musicians. No conclusion was reached , A mnessage front Governor Ciomigli cit Mmmc- seta was rend characterizing thmo competition of army and navy bands with civilian bans atm aim otmtrage , At 1 o'clock tIme delegates collected at the wimito house in a body and wore received by time president. In the afterimoon the league reassembled and lstened ! to an address by Samuel Gonipors , president of the American Federation of Labor , who spoke at lengthen on the advantages the National League of Musiclane wotmitl obtaimi by amliatlng with the American FederatIon of Labor , lie guaranteed to them perfect autoimoimmy in the matter of admnin'atration. Nm'tht'rn I'iilc Iteorgmtmizntiomm 1)111. WASHINGTON , April 8.-Semiator Mitchell of Oregon today Introduced a joint resolution for tIme reorganization of time Northern I'aclflc Railroad company in case of Ha eale under foreciocuro proceedings. it provides that anew now company may file its papers wRit time secretary of the ! iiterlor and succeed to all time privileges and rights of the old organization - tion , It Is to be allowed to Issue bonds to the extent of $190,000,000 Co the presemmt lines and $25,000 per mule on any road hereafter comm.tructod. Time price' of agricultural lands withmin time Northern , Pacific grant itt limited by time resalution to $2.50 per acre. Time resa- lution also contains ii prohibition aga.ist consolidation with any' 'p3raliel or comitpeting line , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Four Commtestm"fl EleCti.li Cnsca , WAShINGTON , AriL 1S.-Fommr contested electiomm cases were Uecded today by house elections committee d. 2. In only one case was the report adverse to a member now holding the seat , that pr Murray against Elliott , from the Fir SoLith Carolina , which i favorable to Murray , Time others were : Johnson against Stockqn , Seventim South Carolina , in favor ot.Stqcken ; Kearby agaimmst Abbott , Fifth Texas , in favor of Abbott ; Rat- clIffe against Wiliiarns Fifth Misisslppi , in favor of Williams. lb th last case the con- testant.m did not mmke an appearance , and niinI'lty reports will bq filed in all time others. - All 1. . Qiiictzit La Lllpertzm.L \VASI1IGTON , prlt 8.--The Navy department - mont hiss received a cablegram from La LIbertad , San Salvador , announcing that all Is quiet at that place. Time dispatchm is from Captain Franklin Hanford , commanding one of time United States simips In time waters of th Central Amnerican countrIes , vhmo also says American interests are protected. Itestorl mig \S'lIs' PelisiomiM. WASHINGTON , April 8.-Senator Allen 1mm- troduced a bUl today providing for time ree- toratlon of time names of widows of soldlera to tIme pension rolls after the deatim of the secommd husbande , vhio by reason of a see- end mnarrage itave been dropped from time pension rolls. G.IIigimt's' Sueccns.r Cotmfti-iiieI. WASHINGTON , April 8.-Time senate In executive ression today confirmed the nornl- nation of Benjamin J , , FrankVem of Phoenix , Ariz. , to be governor of Arizona , vice L. C. lIughme , removed. - SOUTH OMAHA NEWS Arrangemonto Imavo been made for a grand joliification by time democrats in view of their victory at the polls Tuesday , Forming at time corner of Twenty-sixth and N streets tonight , the procession will move to Twenty- fourth and .1' , and timen countermarch to Twenty-fourth and Q. when time line will go to the Young Men's Institute imahl. here addrceces will be made by Malor Davis and otimcrL' . After time spqaking there vihi be a. free ball at the ball , 1 which everybody is invited to participate , F'ranek'a band will load time 'column , whIch will be commanded by 'i'otmi Hector as nmarshal , asoisted by J , I , . Ricimart as assistant niarsimal , and Aide- do-Camp I'reitag , Trapp , hlyland , Johmnson , Dolezal , Walters and puhla. Time Mutmicipal league Is not satisfied with the result of time election mmd intends to con- t09L the Fourtim waid , Yesterday afternoon time league engaged three attorneys , each of wlmomim expected to be city attorney it time election bad gene another way , and it is given out that the returns will be' contested with vigor. Paul McAuley will also contest Judge Cimrlstmann's right to occupy the io- lice court bench for another two years. Commencing next Tuesday there will be five republican members of time city 'council in Iiiaco of the democratic majority as at Iirosont , Time old councIl wihi meet next Monday evening to cammVaw time votes , Dr , Emmeor and time imewlytehoeted councilmen svlll then be uworn Ia by Mayor Johnston , Time law provides thmt'time rmewIcouncii must meet on the following dayimdd ; organize , As a general thimig time tmaFcouncil meets itt 10 a. m , Tuesday and atturneiectlng a lresldent adjourns until the following Monday. 'Flu % four members otltho Board of Etluea- tion wlmo were &ectod Tuesday will be sworn in at time regular mzme tIli in May , but vlll not take their seats upi , July. The mama- hers of time board yhgpq3 terms expire arc : Cheek , hIagan mind fflmtoj , lsgic l4a,1G.ss1p , Colonel J , L. MarLmn1p ! in Topeka , The city councIl wIiimmeet ( tile evening. Bert Slocumn has rtiiImod from an Iowa trip. Ii J Mrs. F. W , IConnyfp1air Is time uost of Mrs. W. S. WbILe , William Smith ofi1lIpn , , Mont. , Is Imero with a shipment of cattle. Mrs. Sam haney , Twenty-first and U streets , is visiting In Iowa. Howard Meyers went to Weston yesterday to attend to sonic business. The Choral Art club will meet Saturday ovemiing at. Coillnt ? music store , Mrs. II. Earnest , Twenty-fourth and M streets , Is with friends at Misuouri Valley , Title evemming the mimeznbers of the Episcopal church will imoid a reception at MasonIc hail. ii. Wiiilanmm' . stockman qf Bpltb Center. Ken , , Was looking over . lImo yards - yesterday aiiernoolm. Joseph Mcflavltt of Cincinnati , a brother of Roy , Father Mcflavitt , is spending a few days in the city , The Young Men's 'Christian association wIll hold a public roceptto at the aamclation rocimma thle evozmltmg , , A basket social will be gIven Friday oven- tag by the Young l'eoplo'v society of time United I'reabytcrlau church. ENCLAND hAS A lIAR ! ) TASK KllftBta Collecting rtn Army of Fifty Thousand Picked Wftrr1or , CAMPAIGN IN TIIESOiJDN NO BOY'S PLAY So emt Iluimitresi Miles of Iloril lnrehm" 11mg mmliii Still ilitriler Fightisig Jiefore liizmrtoim mit Colt lie Fiiitiii' htenel.e,1 , ( Copyrihmt , 1110 , by time As.oeiatNl i'resa. ) CAIRO , April 8.-Eacb atiditlomiah budget of news front the front increases the amixioty hero in official cIrcles as to the fate of the vanguard of the Anglo-Egyptian forces oper- atlng imp time Nib as a preilnmtnary to the advance in force upon Dongoha , for which troops are being rapidly cotmcontrated at Wady hlalfmi , Time news of the movements oouthward of tlmo troops imas spread with that wonderful rapidity wimichm has frequently been noticed as omio of tue features of campaigning In tIme Soudan. While the British inteliigetmco department experiences tIme greatest dliii- culty in obtaining informmiatiomi regarding the movements of time dervishes , the latter , atm- parentiy having spies in all quarters , have succeeded in transmitting important nec a with lightning-like rapIdity from one vart of time countrll to time other. Thmtms , in settle niysteriotms manner , tlmo news of time Anglo- Egyptiamm advance has itoon conimutmicated to the distant quarters at time iLtohmamnmnetiami world , and the departure of hilgrimims for Mecca has been aum'pemmdeti , which moans that the kmahiFa is calilmig upon his var- riors to muster to tlmo standard , amid that the holy war which lie Imas recently Pro- clainied agaimist Egypt io to be hushed with all the desperate emiergy of tito dervish leaders. K1IALIF'A COLLECTING TROOPS. The khalifa has decreed thmat tribes initne- diately collect aimd forward to Omndurniamm a heavy war tax , that the picket warriors be hurried to that camp and timat all vreparn- tlons be imiado for a long camnpaigmm. lie cx- liects to muster aim army of 50,000 imien , corn- 1)0500 of time best fighting men of the Sou- dan , at Omdurrnan , by September , whmen time Anglo-Egyptian advance vihi be met by time khallfa 1mm tmerson , Time latter lies recalled the dervish armies frcmn Fashoda and Darfur , and it is believed that the sege of Kassala will shortly be raised , if It has not already been raised , in order that the derrishmes now before that tmlace mna bo utilized around Khartoum amid Dongola , Thio kimalifa , writing to tIme siieilc of As- souan under date of Deceniber last , said that he was always ready to submimit to the au- timority of the khodlve of Egypt as time representative - sentativo of time rultan , but that ho would "resist to tIme doatlm any expedition coming from Egypt so lcng as the British occupied time country. " Time khnhifa concluded : "I am aware that tiio British desire to have me assassiimated4 but I have taken precatitemis ! thmat none of the European prisoners shall survive my murder. " Timouglm Wady HaIfa Is really the base of , the Anglo-Egyptian operatons. Akesbeb , a place of little Importance , about nInety miles south of Wady HaIfa , is the present base of cperatlolms. It is to that point that time light railroad i being pushed for the conveyance of men , supplIes , ets , , and there it is believed , time first fighting will occur , for telegrapimic communication wIth the vami- guard occupying Akeshmeh has already been twice cut off and the dervishes are believe.I to be gathering in forc8 iii Limo vIcinity of the tmlace. Hence the anxcty hero. FORTIFYING AKESIIEH. Akeahohm was occupied by a small column of tt'OOls ummder Major Cohlissomi without opposi- tioii on March 20 and from that tIme on reimiforcemer'ts and stores itavo been pusiwd foriyard by rail where possible anti by river boats when the railroad could not ho used. Aicashehi Is now being strongly fortified. The sirdar of time Anglo-Egyptian army , Sir Ilerbert Micimoner , Is at present in suprenme command of operations. Ito is young amid ambitious , thoroughly familiar with time methods of the Somidanese , a born fighter and an officer having time fmiil confidence of tlmcso under him , But it is expected that the wiseacres - acres of the British war office will replace hint In command of time troops by an older cmcer before time real advance on Dongola commences. Some man like Gronfell , Buhler or'ooti % ill then , it is believed , succeed Mlchener before September. Time British troops wimiclm will take part In the advance on Dongola , it Is expected , number about 5,000 men , amid In addition timere will be about 15,000 Egyptian troops led by trained British omcers , Colonel Hunter is in cemmatmd of Wady Haifa , General - oral Knowles and Major General Hemidoaon are in command at Alexandria and other British officers of rank are on their way to assume commnand. Two battalions of time North Staflordsimire regiment ore already at Wady HaIfa , whmere there are about 3,000 Egyptian troops and more arriving everyday. - Some prophets say that time advance on Dongola will be commenced when 10,000 men are concentrated at Akesheh , but if this is tile case , according to belief here , there will be another terrible disaster simIlar to that of 1881 , when hIcks I'asima , at the head of about 11,000 Egyptian troops , was tie- coyod late' a defile , attacked by overwhelm. 1mg numbers and massacred to a man , The work of dispatchIng troops to the front lii carrIed on in time most admirable manner , with the greatest regularity ammO without a bitcim of any kin' . Dispatches received hmere today from Wady- Haifa say that the lines of conimumilcatlon between that place anti Alcasimelt are being otrciigthiemied every day , that rmatrols of friendly Arabs may keep a rigid watch along the whole road , _ 31A'I'AIIELES AltIO ALL W'IILL AILMEI ) , ScriofiN FIghtiiis Likely to Occur lie- fort' 'I'iey Art' $ .iiitresseii , I3ULU\VAYO , April 8.-The details of the repulse of the Matabeles by Captain Gliford's forces , whIch had been engaged in burning lcraaia In time Shilolm district , show that the rebellious natives are much better armed then had beat supposed and timat if It Is sure that they are commanded by iCing Loben- guela or lila son , serious fighting must. occur before thmo uprising is suppressed , Gifford , who was woutmded during time engagement - gagement , reports that as soon as It was noticed that the enemy was advancing In force ime took up a strong poslticn sitti laagered in ahl'Imis cattle and supplies. Time Matabolos eventually attacked this position from all eldes at once and later tried to rusim the laager. But Gifford's troops beat off tIme Matabeles , whose loss is eatlnmated at 100 Icillod. The Matabeles were armed with every kind of rifle and gun Imaginable and seemed to have a good supply of anmmnunitlon , But time posltioim occupied by Gifford was adntira. bie. As a result , only two of Gifford's troop. era and several of his natIves were killed. iLenforcementa have now reacimei Gifford and lie will continue the work of destroying time fortified encoaurea ! of time natives , I'romHH4e to IC'cmm ICgssmmltm , ROME , April 8-The oufleai ! dispatches which have been received front time seat of war In Abyssinia leave It doubtful whether Gemmerai flaltitheora's order to Colonel Steven ! to retire front 1Caala wIth his column upon Agdart , halt way between Kassaia and Imiassowab , implies the complete evacuation of Kassala by time Italians. It I. surmised , however , timat iCassala may contInue to ha held by a garrisomm commanded by Major hIdalgo , which I. considered strong enough to hold time place against offuimalve move. nients , timougim hot strong emmoughi to take the offensive mtgainst the dervishes. Time Ituhi states time Italian government imas refused the offer of an English syndicate of a lean of 25,000,000. Whemm Baby % vas mOck , we gave Imer Castorla , When 'imo was a Child , ht cried for Castorla , W'hexm aimo became iixiiho clung to CastorIa , Thxa bo bad Children , the gavutbem Castorle. * 'hltliii ' 'riii (1'hiiLi Mt'IN'I' 'l'O AI"I' . 1'ligtlslm I'eiiiI' AgII..tu1 Over i'm. i.nN'.l llitn isis tiii'ttt of tissiniitries , i.ONlON , April , -Tlmero is irnichm indignation - dignation in Engianil over the lntotltioii of the sultan of Turkey to exclude Christian missionaries front Asia Minor , nn1 those itimo were nctit'o in nieaatmres in behalf of the Arnienlsna take a leadIng part also In 'oic- ing the public sentiment in tlmi * direction , The case of htov. Ci. P. Knapp , the American missionary at Ihittlis , who is detained at Dlarbekir , Is attractlmig much attention. A special meetIng of time Armenian Relief committee wail hold to.lay to gIve expression of opinions on th ! subject. The duke of Argyle presided anti he stated that the duke of Westminster hail received information that hostile measures against tIme Christian missionarieS were contemplated by the sultan , Time socrctsr of the committee reported that an iratie had apparemitly been aign.d ( lecrecing the missionaries ohoulti be ban- isimed and that 11ev. Mc , Knapp's withdrawal Was Viewed with consternation by Imis col- leagmmea and would be nmost disastrous iii over ) ' way. After hearing timese statements of the alt- uation , which were coaflrnmatOry of time flows published iii the urea. , time nicetimig adopted it resoititlon , Introduced by Canon Gore , Protestimig against time measure threat. eneit by the etmitami anti ttrgitmg tIme British govornmnemit to miD its tmtmunst to secure Limo imminmediato withdrawal of the lratie. Time case of Mr. ICnapp wet' itinde the sub. ject of a special expression. C. E Schmwann , radIcal members of Parhiarncit for Nortim Manchmcoter , vroieI a resolution to thmo effect that time committee , imavimig heartl with deep regret of the lmprisonrnemmt of Mr. Knapp at Ilmirbekir , earmvstiy request the go'ernnient to take imnmtmetllato steps to ob- tam the release of Me , Ktiapp , whose self- denyIng labors In the distribution of relict to starving Armeniane had boon the meamni of saving mnamiy hives. This motion was adopted umianlmuoushy , Time meeting timon appointed a deputation consisting of Cmmnomm Gore , Prot , Bert amid Sir J. Konnaway , conservative members of Parliament , to wait upon Mr. Arthur ilalfour , first lord of time treasury , anti to urge upon lmiimt to increase tIme mmunmber of British consuls in Asiatic Turkey , as their presence there has a salutary effect in restraining time outrages upon the Christians anti iii giving countenance to tIme work of relict by time muissionaries. CONSTANTINOPLE , April 7.-Via ( Sofia , Bulgaria , April 8.-Tiio ) publicity given to time case of Rev. George P. Knapp by time Associated press has caused considerable cxcitetnommt in official cIrcles amid explanations - tions which were not previously fortimcomuiiig are now to be hmati at first hand. Time' Tmmrk- isli mmminister for foreIgn affairs , Tewfik l'asima , lath timi evening vohtmntariiy doclareti that wlmiho it was true that Rev , Mr. lCimapp , time missiommary at liitlle , Is detained at llarbekr thmo mIssionary iii well treated amid is a "guest" at time rcsldenee of time vaIl of Diarbekir. It is not demiicd , lmowcver , that it wasintendcd to expel Mr. Knapp front Asiatic Turkey , But it is posslblo tlmat time representative of time United States charge ( I , alfaires , Mr. John Vt' . RIddle , litay sue- coed lii obtainimig front the l'orto conez- sions vImicii othmerwimo mihmt have beemi refused - fused , and timat time nmlsslonary mimay be brotmglmt here for trial In tIme presemmce of a rcprcsommtativo of the Umilted States , which is unilerstood to Ito time course advocated by Minister Torrehl. Mr. Riddle , however , is awaItIng a report frommi Diarbokir , relative to time case of 11ev. Dr. Knapp , heforo taking any further offlcal stops in the mimattcr , It is also hmoi.ed that the atentlomm which has been drawim to time expmmlsion of Christian mnisslonarics and agents of time Red Cross society frotn Asiatic Turkey may hmavo sufficient weight witim time sultaim to prevent the carrying out of timis ian , wimch. ! It is said. originated with a power very frientily at present to Turkey , and had for its ultlniate object time substitu- Lion for the expelled missionaries of time emissaries of another church. IIEFOILMERSJIELi ) FOR TitEASON. Court Ilmmg Not 1)eciIei 'LVIiethmer to .1 % io'rt' liil to' lie Giveli , LONDON , April 9.-A dispatch from Pretoria - toria to the Tinies says : in time larmttirost court today all of time members of time Reform committee were conunitted for trIal at time lmext sesson ! of time high court on a charge of imlghm treason for their participatiomi in the Johmannesburg uprIsing. Time ianddrost court reserved its decision , as to wlmetimer or mmot to allow haIl untIl it had consulted time state attorney. A Capetown dispatch to time Times confirnis time report timat Hon. Cccll flhmodes is Ill with fever. A Pretoria dispatchm to tue Daily Telegraph says : Mr. Chamberlain's message was received - coived by tIme Transvaal govermmmncn today to time effect ime did not immtemn to send further English troops to South Africa. The niessago hmas Imad a good effect. President Kruger said imo would do imia utmost to modIfy the ppints of time discussion betwcen himself and England , as Ime was most atmxious to proceed to London and ho was convinced the Volksraad would not object when it utmderstood time necessity for time visit. SAVED FROifl1.1OTflEI Father and Son Set Free at . Asheviile , N. C. Little Cimuricy Fogiemimimmi Itsoti To- hmmco SIut'c linhJiootI , ii mmml Ills Fo t her SnioIOt'ii mt tel Cim ew'etl for I ito J'imst 'I'esmty Years , AShEVILLE , N. C-Spocial-"Is ( ) that true ? " asked time News man at Peiham's i'lmarmacY , as lie laid down a letter in time Presence of a dozen interested customers. "Yes , it is , " promptly answered time proprietor - prietor , "It was written hero on one of our letterheads and signed by J. C. Fogeman , wimo liveS at No. 5 Buxton etreet , We oil kmmov Ime is a man of his word , 'rums is hit : the iettci' saltl : Ollico of i'etimtmmn Pitarniacy , 21 Patton avenue , Asheville. N , C. : Oontienmen-My little boy , mmuw a years , In'gmtn chewing tobacco when 3 yesrs old liy the advice of our ( slimily pliyacian ! , km time Pines of stronger stimimuiemmts. Four weeks migu I Iegmmmm givtmmg hinm No-To-liaC , wlmicim I bought at l'eilmamn't 1'liarmnCy , and to my great suuirise and deiigimt No-'ro.nao completely cured him. Ito daemt flat care fem tobacco un,1 is vt'm7 nmucim improved in health , eats heartIly anti imas ii much bettor color , 'llrmhing ( such results frotn tlm' use of No-To- lisa I began mimysoif , and it cured time after usng lOltCC ( ) , in Sit formic , for twenty years. "I nmimko Oils tmialim ittatetnent ( or 'time h9nellt of others , ( Hgned ) .1. C , FOOiIMAN , " "What's thmat't'P amtketi Chief of Police II. S. Hawkins , whose nmanly form , attired In time new police uniform , like Solomon in mmli his glory , came to the door. "Wily , No-To-Hoc curesi" "Cures ? Why I shmould say so , I lisoti it nmysoit. It. cureti me , 1 bought one box of No-ro-hinc ( rain l'eiham mind was cured after using tobacco-cimicily chewing-for eight (8) ( ) or ten (10) ) years. " 1'vorybody looked astonished and won- deretl what svoud next turn up. "Suppose it don't cure" seine one asketi , "rimen you get your momley back " replied thm druggist. "No-'I'o.hlmmc is matie by time Sterling itemimedy , Co. , Chicago Montreal amid New Yorlc , nnhl every .irugfat in AmerIca is utmtlmom'izcd 10 sell NoiJo-thto uimder mmmi absolute gtiarantetm to cure or money ro. funded , 'I'lmo ) ' always b tile square timing , Hero , remmml timelr famous booklet , 'Don1t Tobacco Siit anti In It.Vritten guaraim- tee and freesalnhmle nmulled for time asking , w . - - - ' - 4 - 4'I 'I ( Ily mama 45011 Wool Soap ) ( I wlh u4ne iz.d ) Wash I'Vookns wit/i WOOL SOAP soul they won'tshrlnk. IollghttUh In Limo baUm , in. ezlCayourfiualermmIvioiVtO7ou. 1Z4W0rth. . 2chode & : Co. . Xdakera. Ch1csgo DUFFY'S PURE MALTJKEY 'b . _ ! . ' . fl' , . , . . FOR MEDICINALUSE NO FU5L OIL. . Cives health and strength , builds up the system and makes fUTC5 rich blood. Ask your grocer or druggist for It anti take nothing cisc. Pamphlctscnt by , DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO. Rochester , N. Y. R acay's PiUs PiUsCure Cure Sick eadache , iIiosness4 Ornistipatiai , PilesAND ' -AND- iti Liver Disorthrs. JMI)1J'4I"4 I'lIIS rro tmiliciy vevetablo , mmmild ntmtl rehimub'.e. Catmsu miorfeet dig ostlomm voimlimleto absorptlomm mmd ime..Ithm Ctmi regularity fCi oLe a box , At. Drmmggmetsorby mmmiii , " 1103k of mitivlco" frco ly limmuil RADVAY & CO. , p. o , hex l1. Now \'orle ' . ear1es & - ; SPECIALISTS I : Chronic . ammd Private DIscas , : WEArMEN I3EXUALL ! . t All 1'Vlviato Dii.ass 4 f . tntDtaordorsoftsl5 - Vremmtmmmemtt by tush ' coimnulimitlomm tree' , , ' . tSYPHLS Cured for life &imd the polsoa tiruuglmly clansed from the system. I'll.iOS , 1'ISTULA an TUCTAL ULCERS , IlyrtitoclOmES AND VAUXCOcELII permanently unit successfully cured , Method new and unfailing. STRICTURE ANO OLEET at 'Curot 1101110 133' IiCW methot without pain or cutting , Call on or addreJs wti.im itmp. Y' 3.10 8. l4tiuSi , DL SCalles & SearLt , , ' , , MM41LYVO . . vitlm MOR1I time world 1mm harmony , 2000 . . ' comimietchy curetl inca are singlug imappy PraiseS for ) I time greatest , grantl. . , , cat and most sue- : cemaftil cure for sex- Io I irni wctmkncss ami Iostvigor known to nmedicmI scienco. An ' . ztccountof thus won. derfuf dscoverij ( , in book form , with rot- crenccs and proofs , vIh1 ho sent to set- ferlog menscaied ) free. Full manly vigor permanently restored. macro impossIble , ERIE MEDIOAL CO.9BIJFFALON.Y. OCEAN STEmMIORS , , , w'lIllle STAll LINE. New York to Liverpool , via Qucenatowne , EVERY WEDNESDAY , 10 A. nm. . Disembatklmig paseagem at Riverside railway eta. tton , Liverpool , weather , etc. , permitting , thus avoIding transfer cy tender. 'rho magnilicent twin screw steamers Majestic find Teutanic , time Oernmanic , newly memiodeled , . and time tong time favorite , BritannIc , ompriss a ilect Unsum'pasmi'ti for reguinrity of passages and excellence of service. H. TIONNIOY I'flENcIr , General Western Agent , 244 8. Clark St. , Chicago , Iii. RAILWAY TiME CARD Leaves IIIIJI1LINOTON & alt ) . lllVflIt.JArrives Omnatmalummlormlepot , 10th & Mason Ste,1 Omaha 8:30am..Denver : .Expross , , . . , . . . . , ,9:35Lij : 4MpmIilk : , huts , Mont , & l'uget find Ex , 4:0pmmm 4Ioplmm. : . . . . . . . . . . Denver flxprcsa. . . . . . . . . . 4O5pmmm : J:05mnmNcbraskmu : ) Local ( ezOept Sunday ) , , ? :4pmmi , . , itneoin Local ( except HundityIi:23ammm ) : 2:4pmn : , , .1'ast ) dimilfor J.ip9o1nLdamiy. Lcnvcs lCliICAClO , ImU1tLiNcTON& Q.iArrlves OmatmalunionlepotIOttm _ & Mason Ste. ; Omnimlia OOOpmmm. ; . . . . . . . . . ' hlcimgo stiiuuie , , , , , , , , , , s&tij ; iI:4Sani : , , , , , , , , , , , Chicago Fxpreu . , , , . . , , , , , 4i5pmmm : 7r.Ommo. , , Chiengo & in. Louis Ext'm-esa , , , BOOatm ; 11:33am : , , , , , , . , l' acUte Junction Ical. . . . . . . . 5:10pm : Fast Mall , , , . , . . , , . . . , , , 2tipnm : : i'AUi..AliVcC omnaimallinltin lepot. 10th & Mason Hts.f omnatma GOOprn..Clmicngo : Limited. . . . . . . . . . . 8Oatn iOt5amn.Cimicago : lOxpress ( Cx. Sunday.az5prn ) : Leaves tClfiCAflO & NoILTll\vEHTNM7IvT : Omaimaltlnlon Iepol , 1011 * & Mason fits , ( Ouuialia 1lOOaio..ICamiterum ; gxmmress , . , . . , . , , , . 3l0pnm : 4:4tpmn : , , , , . , . . , Vestlbuled Llmnltei , . , , , , , , . StIprn : 7Osm . , . . , , , . . , Carroll l'assenger..IO:4oem : 6:4p'n : , . . . . . , Omelet Chicno Hpecial , , . , . , , 5OOa : 4:50pm : . . . . . . . . . . . . Iioone Lord. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30am : . , . , . , ' . Miseotiri Valley Local , . . . . . , .9Iiartm : Leav.s ICiliCAGO , it. I , 4 l'ACIFtCjtrrIvei" Omatialunmon iepot , 10th & dasn 515.1 Omimiiiuii _ - iAHV. IO:405mAtlflfltiC : ' ) , , . s:35ji : 6:25pm : . , . . . . . . . . . . NIght ixpress , . . , , , . . , , , , sl3.iun : 4LOmitn : , , , , Cimieago Vesiilult'1 f.itoited. , , , I : aZprn 4Soptn..Ht. : Paul Vcstitiuieit IImnltc.4. . , l3pm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wtsr : , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OtspmOiclammorna : & T.'xiThx.ex , Hun.,15iinmn ) 1:40pm. : . . . . . , , , . Colorado Limited. . . . . . . . . . 4:00pm : ' ' - -r-- ; : , . i' . : III. & 0 , lArrives OmahaL.flePet , 15th and Webster 11tn. _ ( Omaha 8:15am : , , , . . SiMix City Accommmnmolatton. . . . . 5:15gm : lIlSpmRiotix : City i'xprezs tex. Hun.ll:5smn ) : 'I 5:33pm : . , , . . , . , , . It. I'aul IimtteI , , . , , , . , , , 9ioanm : ' a:1tpmIiuus : City Acc'rn'n ( cx , Sun. ) , , ti' l0Mti'VXtIT5Y ; , hArIvea' Omimahill , Dept. illlm antI Wei'ster ' Ht'i. ' J0tnalma ! ; llpmtm , , . , , , . Vast 31a11 ani Express , , , . , , . 2inmiie : , I'd. ) W'vo , lx , ( cx , Men , ) . . GSpm : 7t0tnmNorttil : : ispresa' ( mx. $ unday.l'i:2tni : 5Spom , . . , . . . , . . . St , l'aulExpTt' . , , . . . . . . . . . . 'JIoatn : I I.eavem I K. C" . , T. .1 , & (1. ( Ii. i'rdves - ( Jmiialail'ni.n , I ' , 'l't . , t'th ' ) & ! ta.nmSts.JOmahi * . ' , , , . , I .4n5''i ' C'ity Day l'xprrs , , , , , Glopmmm : 0:4i7ml. : C. Nhttitt lx. via U. l'.Trans.7O0mrn : r.ves I MhtiUOhlflf I'A'Ii'iC , : ; ' ; , Omsalmni 1)01' .1 1tii att.I Vebsier nts.Lomutma h:4Mv'm : . . , , , . , . , .I t. LouIs flpreas , , , . , , , , , , 6OOatn : 0:1 ° rin . , . , . . . , . ,8' , Iotmia lixpeaa . , , , . , , , , , 53iimn ; 5O'pm : . , , , , Nl'maka IorimI ( ex , tun..g:00an : faves I FtN 1lTY & 1'ACFIC1irivr Oxmalmmmi lcn .1 , 15th slid Vel.ettir tLLonmaimmm L"i ? " " ' Iesvrs I sioux ( 'iT'e i'AChi"Ic.iiFi ive' ; ( ) : ) , 'I , lttlt utmil Velmiter StLLOnmaiuiL T0ain ; . . . . . . .t4ious City l'aajNmmuer..iOTt0pi ' ; 4umn , . . , , , , , . . . St. I'.mul Ilrtmilel , , . , , , , . , . fl:30.'ni : i.iY"'ThNIONi'ACIVi ( ' . iArFiVa . ' ) rnuahahUtmionIlepet _ _ _ _ , lOtim & MaauuStzlOmnumima 9:10am : . . , . . . Kesremey Express. , . . , . . , , , , llOpra : $ : Ilimnm . . . . . . . . . .Orerinimi llmnlted . . . . . , . , . , 4:45pmum : 3.Optmm.lieat'ce ; & $ tremni.t lIx. ( ex $ Um ) , 4lOpiim ; G:1.mm.armmmmml : iiiarmd mxlmu'ss ( ox. iluim.12:05pm : , : , , . . . . . . . . . . : , . . " ! . , s4D.nm ; l.emuves ( 'A iiA8li'It'i'tVA V. lArrtve " Ozmumhmu1llnion Depot , lOlh&Mmtson Ut. , , omaha L. 43 , , , , , , , St. I.ouia Cannon L' , . , , , , , . ' 5