Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1896, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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I 4 - . _ V TI ! ( YMAITA DAILY rnJ : SUNDAY , AIMHL , 1(3. ( ) (
Periud of'e1f Dn1a1 H Come to an
( iii Ie if 1et huN J'n , .ed n nil Youth
LI tnt lIit * u t A re I'reigtrcil for
( IIttIeM.
The Lenten season I over anl society maI
) O 1tCt ! again. It devotees may cea'o to
circumtcr1bo their gayetIe by the )1m1t8 )
which tim church has fixed and they may
plunge Into the ocIaI maelstrom svltli ap
I petIte renewed arni sharpened by wcols
: of e1f-1cnIat. And who can blame tlio
J most pious of them If they welcome with
heating iulsen , and grateful hearts their ro
, ; flef from tlmimm annual period of innnolation
on the aitr of their faith. Sackcloth and
ni1ics are not the natural acompanirneflta
of youth and bcatity. Youth Is alit to ask
V Itself if time fact that the Savior fasted forty
clays hi a sumcicnt reason why it should dc
irivo 1taIt of time clearest joys of oxistencO. .
Hut fashion has added itmi dictum to ( hat
p of thm , 8acred ritual and the mandate must
ho ob.yed. So youth piously subdues the
. human longing for excitement and beauty
mnasks Itself under the somber coloring
which marks the winter of Its life.
r flow approprlato that the end of all this
' I self obnegatlon should come with budding
p trees and prlnglng grass blades , As mother
Earth renounces her mournful attire for her
V freshest colors and moet radiant dress iio
scorns a tlmouand times more beautiful than
ever. And 110 socIety arrayed once more in
V prlstlno gorgeousness knows lteelf to be in-
flnltely more admirable by vlrtuo of the
Easter rejuvenation. The svcek. of en-
brood retirement are forgotten In the sen-
satlon of being free again. 1reo to Imitate
au growing things , and luxuriate In bright
colors and brilliant gaycties to Its heart'o
So this Faster morning the notable doings
of time voclai world are largely In prospec-
tiv . Thu small affairs which are not con-
sldcrod urnclentiy brilliant to lntertero with
the proper degrco of humility during Lent
have had their day and the stage Is once
moro cleared for a new and bewildering suc-
ceseton of gaycUes. Society has put on new
hifo with its Easter bonnet and If society
be one-half as gorgeous as the bonnet , what
a life It vhll lead. But it Is to be hoped that
t. It wili eiow better taste than the bonnet
makers. Tho.o startling combinations of
color which adorn the heads of the fashionable -
. able women on this occasion would be but
sorry models , V
Have the milliners gone mad ? What
ivomami with a scintilla at the artistic soul
haD not felt her flesh creep at the sight
of these mon'trously ugly creations. Huge
stalks of field flowers In colors such as nature -
turo miever painted , roses that rival the
.k . tiger lily and b3ws anti bunches and knots
of rlbbon9 in shades so vivid that they pain
tim eyes like a bright sunehine. Bonnets
F ' In which tim laws of harmony are set aside
' and dishonored and colors which no stretch
of the imaginatIon can ever reconcile. But
; ; , It fahlon decrees that society shall be gaudy
; , _ i and gorgeous and ugly there Ia no nppti
i anti woman bravely puts aside her notions
k of the propriety of things and obedIently
complies. "It Is shocking at first , " cent -
t cedes the mIlliner , 'but you wilt grow ac-
custonied to it after awhile , "
'rho week past has brought only the usual
round of quiet diversions , but with Easter
i cornea promise of more notable tImings. A
number of more brillIant functions are already -
ready in prospect and after tli enforced
c V quietude of Lent society may ho expected
to live again wIth renewed zest.
' One afternoon not long agea beautiful and
H ccomphIu1ietl socIety girl of not. many seasons -
: , sons , an'd one of the bright and interesting
-1 young college men wore chatting pleaeantly
V together , wheim tIme youth chanced to remark
that he was thinking of ieas'ing for college
the next afternoon.
The young maiden knowing that this man
alwaye otayed In town until the latest Ims-
Vi lble moment , arriving at college at just the
I lust minute , and also that he sometimes even
: stayed over a day , wimemi there happened to V
I bo a party on hand , laughingly made a bet
that lie would not go , and that If he did , she
V wouid send him a box of violets to the train ,
if she did not go down hfrself , to see him
off ,
Much was her surprIse , when the following
day she received a telephone message from
the young collegian eaylng ho was to leave
that afternoon , She went into cupboards
and drawers and got out her old hats and
r bonnets of seasons past to see if she could
' not find some violets. However , after ruin-
miging through box after box , oho finally
found one of the daintiest bunchei , of artifi.
clal flowers imaginable. She thou drove to
one of the best liorlsts and amked for a z
p bunch o.t English violets , which she watched
th florist put up carefully in a small violet
r box with wax paper , etc. She then returned
f. home , excllangel the real violets ( which
, she sent to a sick frIend ) for the artificial I
bunch , wrote a breezy , wItty little note , and
Lent them to the station by the coachman , r
ten or fifteen minutes before the time time a
train was to leave.
The young fellow who was all expectancy a
p reached the station fully a half hour beI
fore the tIme the traiti woe to leave , and
waliceci up and down , watcimed , every vehicle I
as It approached , and as ho saw the well C
known coachman coming toward him with
, tim box In his hand , his heart gave a great
thump and his face bore one great radiant c
mnlio. lie was handed a billet doux. which
V lie read with a s3mcwlmat perplexed
I countenance. However , when lie opened the
V box , appreciating the joke , he was equal to a
V V the cmergrncy and ruidmed to the telephone j
and called up - , anI as the young woman
V answered time telephone , he thanked her
profusely , and said time fragrance of the
VV violets was overpowering. lie did not wear
them , but it you almould chance to enter lila
. room at - , you would probably recognize j
V I them hung on the vali of hits room with
other relic and trophies of the past.
: - it
Several ynara ago a small club of twenty S
! girls organizaci and met every week at time it
home of a certain of the members , there to e
V L'Ow for charity , One of the club nIezniera C
would read something from Shakespeare r
while the others tltciiotl away , However , at li
OU meeting , only eght of the twenty came , V
80 those eight , after sewIng sonic time , felt b
It was not right of the others to quit the f
club so suddenly and unceremoniously , and
notwitittandlng the fact that it was one
Friday nght ! in Lout , they all went upstairs
in tile attic , and , after runiniaglng through i
' closets and boxes , raked up four suite of
muon's clothing , which time taller gina took
and drosetI up lii , while the othor. had to
content titoxuselvos with fantastic vomnen's
apparel ,
The muastioraders then set out on a tour "
of ativenturo , vi.tlng several houses of 6
frIends. The flrt stop was made at time
home of one of the girl , who was unable
to be present that ov nlng , who since has
muarried , and who , although young , was one
of the privIleged girls In those days who had
boy callers. So time four manly girls stepped
to the front , and , as they stood in a shadow , U
one could nut recognize the misfit clothing , 0
As the young girl herself cammio to the door '
Ldmo said , "Ohm , come in , boys. " It was then
that a burst of laughter arose that cuid
I have been heard for several blocks. At seine
of time houses thcy visited they were treatei
royally to fru't , cakes , etc. 0mm theIr home.
ward trli , tWo macn , seeing theme anti recognizing -
nizing timemu 'lris from their screams ,
one of them thiugly tiald : "Let's catch b' '
IV one of timemn t Is neodlees to say time
chaperone a3 thu firmt to reach Imonw , ci-
though the muotiier of one of tue girls. M
m4 A far off city has a woman's club with
m which even the most old farhioned , carping 01
critic wouhi ho ruzzied to fled fault , It he
cahird the "Merry-Go-Rounds , " anti the good
women meet each Wednesday afternoon at
8 the imomne , of the different members In turn ,
as'd spend the hours helping the to
patch the boys' trouters , mcmi wtetcimeti d
atockings and take other needed titehme p
a , the uees of tiu household require , flu. ti
Ising ! ; up , after a picnic aupper , with a so-i oi
cial and literary rstertalnment , to which
the hmuehand.9 are invited ,
A Chismraislmigr Inni'lng J'ns't.
On of the prettIest and most enjoyable
chIldren's Parties of time winter was given
last 'S'odnt(1ay afternoon from 23O to
o'clock sit a private mlamcIng academy by
Misses Vivian Hawke , flector and 1157.01
Forth to celebrate their birllntays. They
proved themselves cimarmiming little hostesser
and tcre aassted In receivIng their guests
Imy ils flretchen Spencer of Nebraska City.
Never has tim hail 'ooked ' prettier than on
this day , wIth its artistic decorations and
lamps placed hero and there , shedding a
soft radiance over all , Clusters of ; lnks an
carnations ilaCCd on stands and tables added
not. a 111th , to the fairy-Ilko eeene. There
were so many beautifully dressed pretty
children , however none daintier than the
lIttle lmoste'ses ,
Little Clara 1'rancla and hazel Ford gave
a very pVy dance and VIvian hector re.-
cited two cic'cr seiectIon , "In the Usual
Way , " and "Air is Gottin' Cooler , " In such
a manner as to brIng her a round of up-
PrIzes for quaint blackboard drawings were
given Oeorge Itediek and Clifford. Those
who succeeded in pinning the donkey's tail
In the right 1)15CC were Master John Iletlick
end Eugenia Morand , who received
time daIntiest of Ea8tor cggs.
During the afternoon refreshments were
ervetl and at twIlight all bade adieu to the
little hostesses , wishing them ninny happy
returns of the day.
Assisting were Mr. and Mrs. Charles F' .
Ford , Mr. 'V. , Itector , Mrs. Spencer of
Nebraska City , Mrim. L' . L. Palmer , Mrs.
Stephen and itira , itlorand. There was fine
music and ceveral dropped in during the
afternoon to gaze upon the pretty sight.
Among the Invited guests wore Grace
Starks , Caroline Barkalow , Nannie l'age ,
ICatiiorlne Grable Adelaide Clark , Grace
Morse , AdelaIde Itisley , Florence
Drake , Myrtle hose , lIchen Ates ,
L.ulu Tlbke , Margaret. Craig , Mary
Melntosii , Litla Ednileton , Iluth Yoedcr ,
Ethel and Martha Rector , Gladys Sutphen ,
Etta Spells , Mlnnetta Meikie , Mabel ChrIstie -
tie , Mabel Carter , Eugenic Whltmuore , Klttie
Hobble , Clara Francis , Ada iCirkendali , flea-
sb Brady , Hazel and Viola Calmmi , Marian
Johnson , Ruth llinohardt , Jean Richardson ,
Mary Leo McSimano , Ilelexi Slioica , Frances
Riley , Martlwna harrison , Eugenlo Morand ,
Margerot Wood , Romania Taylor , Florence
Olmstead. harry Carter , Robert and
Bhily Slmiverick , Ben and Paul Gallagher -
lagher , .Joiimi Redlck , George and
Elmer fledlck , Robert Brndtord , Hugh
and Gardner McWiiorter , WIll Coryoii , lIar-
'old end Ralph I'almer , Price Rose , Arthur
llartnian , Dwight flarkalow , Cyrus Thomas ,
Fey Rogers , Turner McAllister , Arthur
Meyer , Scott .Jolmnson , Robert Drake , Arthur
Lewis , Clifford Weller , Harold Craig , harry
Browne , Mark Rector , Max Morand , Joy
Stltillt'fl. _ _ _ _ _
Ui , t ( )21Lu siemi Mtcr ,
The home of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lancaster -
caster was the scene of a very happy event
last Thursday evening , the occasion being
the marrIage of their daughter , Gertrude , to
Mr Charles A. Upton of Chicago.
At 8:30 : o'clock the bridal party entered
the parlors to the sweet strains of Lohen-
grIn's wedding march rendered by Mr. II.
itt. Bunneli. Mr. Upton and Mr. Bernard
Lancaster ied the party , followed by Miss
Gertrude on thin arm of her father , and instly
came Miss Maude Lancaster walkIng alone.
The unusually pretty amid Impressive cere-
znony was solemnized by Rev. J. F. Floyd ,
an uncle of the bride , ( rein Australia , Rev.
T. F. Cramnblet assisting.
The brIde , a handsome brunette , was becomingly -
comingly attired In white s'llk and carried
Liilc of the Valley. The mad ! of honor
wore white dotted Swiss decolette and car-
nod pink roses. The parlors were tastefully -
fully decorated with pink roses , carnations
and snillax ; dainty refreshments were served
in the dining room , where flowers and rIbbons -
bens in profuson were arranged in a most
artistic manner , the color being pink
throughout. The house was filled with guests
and time elegant and useful presents tell in
a iient way of the love and esteem of
friends for the bride.
Mr. and Mrs. Upton left Friday morning
for their home In Chicago.
Among the guests were : Rev. and itIrs.
T. F' . Cranibipt , Judge and Mrs. Siabaugim ,
Dr. and , Mrs. hamilton , Mr. and Mrs. Ben
rt'obidaux , Messrs. and Mesdames John Chapman -
man , James II. Taylor , W. A. Deflord , S. W.
Lindsay , Ed Vise , Frank Durbin , George itt.
Southmayd , Nixon , Crofford , Eli Garrett ,
Porter Garrett , Mrs. Hattie Clayton ; Misses
Clayton , Nannle Clayton , Minnie Thomas ,
Lilhie Bruner , Huiford , Chapman , Sadie
Chapman. Ida Pickering ; Messrs.V. . J. Van
Arnam , George Wee , R. itt. Bunneil , Frank
Clayton , Ed F. Pickering , E. C. Page , J. D.
Ware , \V. 0. Care , Frank Garrett. Out of
town guests were : Rev. and Mrs. Floyd and
Ia.ster John from Australia ; Mr. and Mrs.
v. Upton of Dubuque , Ia. ; Mrs. Fannie
rhompeon , Plttsburg , Pa. ; Mr. and Mrs. A.
I. Dunn , Denver , Cob. ; Mr. and Mrs. Wasit-
ington of Council Bluffs.
Imiterttt1 nmucut mm t I4tO'RUIl till ) hull , I
0mb of the enjoyable affairs of the past
seek was the leap year party given last I
ruesday evening by the young women of
he Metropolitan club.
Bowling and dancing formed the amuse-
nents of the evening , prizes for bowl'pig
eing awarded to the Mitues Elma Lobmnan ,
va itohn and the Messrs. E. Fisehel and I
: ) . itt. Rose.
The supper room was one embankment of
lowers , whiil candelabra and ribbons added
0 the beauty of the table and room , Each
naie attendant wont home carrying a humid-
Dm0 silver souvenir , rem'midful of a very :
learant evening. The ladica conducting the
flair were : Miaros Hone , Rehfeld , Elma
obmnan , Minnie Lobman , Morris , IColVn and I
) reifus. The guests were ; Miss Elias of
hIladelphla , Mesar. Franklin , Julius Meyer , °
) . C. Ilene , B. Flacliel , Itt. Tratmerznan , Max
leyor , itIes.ra. Hornet and Kaulniami , both
If New York , and F. Sellgsolin of Icanin
ity. _ _ _ _ _ _
A ' ' .
1'rety l'urty.
A charming llttlo dancing party was given
t the hionio of Mra. F. F. Ford on Wednes-
ay to celebrate the birthday of her daugh9
or , Bessie , a
Those lre.ent were : Misses Lulu Edwards ,
hIce 'rowno , Kittie Hobble , Nellie Krelder , m
race and Joan Thureton , Carrie Goldamiti , , c
tary Carroll , Laura Congdon , Corrls and
dna Damon , Lilian Robison , Fannie Spoener ,
iizbeth McConnell , May Welsh , Frances t :
they , Mabel Gray , Nnthaile and Mildred
Iorrlain , Ethel and Mamlo Morrison , Lorene
pangler , Clara Field , Marguerite I'rleimett ( ,
larguorito RIggs , helen and Mary J3yles ,
ilco hayes , Ruth Berry , Mactors James
odfiey , Earl and Raymnomid , George
rItcett , Whhlio Calbraith , Nathan Slmivem-
lc , ltobert and Lyman McConnell , harry
Veeks , Daniel Denise , Leslie ICroltler , Alert -
ert Goldsmith , Ted Field , Robert Brad-
) rd , harry Baldwin , James Wiggins ,
hurry Itolji'rts' htlrth..1n l'nrt- ,
One of the pleasant events of last week 311
55 a party given Saturday afternoon by
ttle harry Roberts , son of Mr. and Mrs. tI
I , It , Roberts , to ImIs young frIends and
hooln1ates of tue kindergarten to celebrate
Is sixth birthday , harry was attired In a
cry becoming white stilt neil received his em
uo.stm , In a very gallant manner , He was
e recIpIent of a number of pretty gifts. SC
anles of all kinds contributed to tue nniuse-
moot of the afternoon and an exhibition of v
mo of the kindergarten exercises was an
mteresting feature , after which there was a
nil and muarch to the dining room , where
0 attractive well-spread repast , Presided
var by Mrs. Stelha Shepherd of Des Moines ,
aa in waiting ,
After enjoying timemnselvea time chIdremi : "
lade their departure , happy in the ICssCSaIOfl
r bomi bozi amId fancy Easter eggs as souve-
irs of the occasion , There were about forty
uests present , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. % sm lfnster l'msrty ,
Invitations are out for a party to ho given
. the Young Men's institute at Patterson
all , on Thursday evening , The Young
En's institute parties the
are among most rt
ijoyabie given imt tim city , and It is cx-
octed that Thursday evening's gathering Ic
Ill equal In miumbers that which danced the
d year ou under the auspices of Carroll
macIl ,
. C
J'me , l'hmseii hhlarhi FI t' , al
itir , Owen Overman very pieae.intly en.
rtained a party of his young friends TimursIa
1 evening at lila home. 111gb Ilvo was U
layed and prIzes won by Miss Nettle Mar-
mo and Idi' . Owen Overman , after which the ii
foning waVe .peat with music , games and
tecItti ns. At a late heur refreshments
were served. Present were Mir3s Emma
Snow , Ella Innley , t.ena Ouiwltz , lththida
PIlgrIm , Lore Martin , Nettle Martin , Ethel
Cimeh7 , Nellie Cherry , Agnes Moran , flessie
Morten LitHe Clark , Lottie Overman ; Messrs.
hiorpian'aehter , Fred Martin , Charles
Stewart , Tom Tlpton , Calvin Plympton ,
Charles Mflrtln , George Garrett , Curtis Eu-
ton , Charles BaldwIn , George Bayer , Don
Overman , Owen Overman.
8mm riis'Ii.t'd DIr , lt'IIiI.Mt'- ,
Mr. it ! . F. Dempsey' was surprised by a
large number of his friends last Tuesday
evening. Cards and music and other games
vcro provided as a means of entertainment ,
Supper wan served on small attractively
deeorated tables , placed throughout time par-
hors ,
The first prizes wOre won by ltir. hugh
McGanrt and Mrs , A. fleen , The consolation
prizes were given Mrs. Tolbert and Mr.
V Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey -
soy , Ormaby , Shrum , Toibert , Muivihill ,
Murphy , Carey , Graham , McGann , Mitcheil ,
Miss Toibert , Mr. Deen and Mr. Callahan.
t i'Ieiisn mm t immrprIse ,
Mr. antI Mrs. Il. C. flhmyn were vori pioaa.
antiy surprised last Wednesday evening by
a part ) ' of their friends. A number of pleas.
Ing games vere played , and at a late hour
refreshments Were served , Mr. antI Mrs.
Rhyn presentei1 wIth a handsome berry
bowl and dishes , the gift of 'The North
Star club. "
Those present s'ore : Misses Ethel Plynip-
ton , Annie Johnoon , Hannah Swondby , Ililda
Swendby , Nettle Martha , Lora Martin ;
Messrs. Alfred Johnson , C.V1v. . Jones , Fred
Martin , Calvin Plympton , Jamues Nestiedeck ,
Joe ,
Reynolds _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l'Ieltr4IreM l'tti.t.
Mis Dickinson entertained tile Current
Literature club last Tuesday aftCrnoon.
Dr. and Mrs. Allison gave an informal
reception to time graduatIng claa3 of tue
Omnaha Medical college last Wednesday ,
Last Thursday evening the graduating
claa of the Omalma Medical college was
tendered a very enjoyable reception by the
junior claases.
Little Margaret Craig celebrated her tenth
birthday at the imomo of her parents on Wirt
street Friday afteixioon by entertaining
twenty of her young friends.
Mrs. Charles D. Thompson entertained at
luncheon last Tuesday in honor of Mba
Louise V. McElroy of "The StraLgo Adventures -
ventures of MIss Brown" company. Mi
McElroy was a school friend of Mrs. Thomp-
son's sister.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Deitz entertained
charmingly at dinner 011 Wednesday even-
lug. Their guests vore Mr. and Mrs.
Klrkcndahi , Mr. and Mrs. Brady , Mr. and
Mrs. Lockwood , Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf , Miss
Shari > and Mr. Gould Dietz.
Mrs. A. Jaiin gave a kensIngton Wednesday -
day to a few of her most intimate frIends.
Lunch was served. Thiose present were :
Meadalnes Chalres ICarbach , Adam Snyder ,
J. II. Green , W , G. Shriver , John A. Wtrt ,
Adam iCorner and Misses Clara Xarbach ,
Green and Snyder.
Mrs. George Woiverton gave a blue and
white luncheon last Wednesday in honor of
Mrs. Fuller of Topeka , ICon. , who has been
spending the winter with her daughter , Mrs.
Charles Collier of ClIfton 11111. The guests
were Mrs. Fuller , Mrs. Murray , Mrs. Charles
Collier , Mrs. hlesso of Iowa City and Miss
Mrs. G. B. Dako entertained at tea the
Ladies' Afternoon club last Thursday after-
non at her cozy 'home in Walnut 11111.
Everybody was l > resented with a very handsome - p
some Easter souvenir. Those presunt were :
Mesdanies Droste , flurster , Mittauer , Stratli-
man , Kuonne , Roaezweig , Piel and Mica
Josephiiio Kruae.
The final meeting of the Tuesday Nlglmt
Card club was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Covohi last week. PrIzeu were wonV
by Mrs. Daniels , who received a handsomne V
plate , Mrs. Bartlett , who received a dainty
centerpiece. Mr. Ford received an exqul-
sitely enibriodered picture frame and Mr.
Brown received the second prize.
Last Tuesday afternoon Willard McEaclm-
eron Invited eIght of his young friends I
in to assSt ! iiim Vifl celebrating his twelfth V
bIrthday. The celebration continued Into tue
ovenlng , the lads whiling away the time with
games , conundrums and other amusementc.
In the guessing match the prize was won by
Claude Perclva . During the evening sup-
PC ; . was served.
An enjoyable event of tile week was a surprise -
priso on MISs hlundcrtmarck at her home
last Wednesday evening. Timose present I
tvcro Mr. and Mrs florneman , MIss
Liddlard of Rusliville , Misc Stolten-
berg of Blair , Misses Hall , Winslow , Kramer ,
Lehman , Clara Lehman , iiundertmnarck , Mae
Collins ; Messrs. hiali , Larson , Dr. Munson ,
Valdron of Loubsviile , Osborne , Blue and I
Creilio Blue.
Last Thursday evening the "Magnolia
[ Chub" entertained at tue homne of Wihi
Vagnselier Cml Sherman avenue , In hmonor
] f Mbi Mabel Carver of Marion , Ia , , who
s in the city vlcitkg relatives and fr1end.
[ 'resent were : Misses Nennle Carleton , Ethel
: jhosa , Nellie Fisher , Julia and Elizabeth
3hortliff ; Messrs. Earl Tate , Harry Close , I
Eflmcr Ballard , Ernest h3etebener , George
Wagensehler and Harry Fieher.
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Drake of 1819
iorby street gave them a very pleasant rur-
rise last saturday evening , it beIng Mrs.
Dralce's bIrth anniversary. A most enjoys-
tbe ! evening waa upnt. Among thee pros-
mitt wera : Mr. and Mrs. Neal , Miss Neal , I
Ir , and Mrs. floclcfehiow , Miscos I'earl amId
lva Rcckfeilow , Mr. and Mrs. Meyers , Mrs.V
ttner , Mr. and Mrs. Pratt , Mr. and Mrs.
dallory , Mr , and Miss Knapp , Mr's. Met-
alt , Mrv. Shepard , Mru. Flanders , Mrs.
'erclval , , Miss hleidran , Mr. ' : d Mrs. Bithop ,
Ir. WrIght of Council Bluffs , Messrs. George
Imid Bert Cone and Mr , Jiruner ,
I'Iem.siires isa h'rsie ( , C
Mr. and Mrs. D , V. Shoics will entertain
ho Ban Amni Card club tomorrow evening.
Tuesday evening the alumni of time Omaha
fodlcal college will give a banquet to the
Miss Dickinson will give a box party n
'huraday evening at the Mondamin Choral il
oclety concert. c
Mr. Lawrence Weir hiss issued cards an-
ouncing the marriage of his daughter , LuI
iie Maud , to Mr , Joseph Glenn April 22.
Comn'mencemnent exercises of tue Omaha
bodical college are to be held at lloyd's j
heater next Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 : 1
Ir , and Mrs. J. E. Summers , Jr. , whI give
reception tomorrow evening from S till j
in honor of thet graduating class of the L
malta MedIcal college , alumni cud faculty.
F'viimmli Gtssl1i ,
Miss Curtis is expected borne Zom the
mist this week. 4
Mrs , Tlmonuis Ore returned last Timuraday '
'cIn Chicago. A
Jtlllge Dundy and family alilVapend this
onth in Japan ,
General and Mrs. Manderson het on Tues'-
ay : or the east ,
Miss Darlene Coo has gone to Fromnont to
> end several days , .
Mr. amId Mrs. C. S Jtayjnond ar at prosp
2t In l'asatiena , Cal ,
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Potter left for a
uthorn trip ye tcrdayV
The infant daugthmer of DIckinson is
lry ill with pneumonia ,
Mrs. Iii.V. . Nasii and Miss Nash are so-
urning in Oakland , Cal. itt
Mrs. Ludingiomi and Mrs. Charles Hull cc
lent lact wek in Cimcago. E
Mr. and Mrs. harry Lockwood mayo timis
cok for a triphrough the west.
Mrs. A. S Carter and Miss hihinebaugil ti
mturned froni Chicago last Thursday. 11
Misses Alice and Kate McCormick spent
Iveral days lawt week in St. Paul , Neb.
Mr. L. Mendelssohn sailed from Geneva
r Now York and Wifl arrive there on Tues. Ui
sy ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A , l'axton , who have T
: en spendIng several weeks Ia 'Fexas , have it
turned , 11
Judge and Mrs. Keiloy and MIss Ura Nd-
I ) ' returned fronm ChIcago last Thursday b :
ornimm , a
Mrs. hi. I' . Whmitmore ief last Tuesday for
hicago , wiiere she will visit friend , for
LOUt a w.cntb ,
Mrs. George A. Hoagiand antI Miss Iloag-
nd are expected home from Itonolulu in
10 flOSC future.
Miss F'rancos Riordan , who has been visit- '
ig hmer uncle and aunt. Captain and Mrs.
liarie , H. Towuseud , since last aumnnoer ,
returned to her horne in Colorado , Tex , , during -
ing tile week.
Miss IsVCkl ) Adler will leave tot Ciricbn-
nati to be thiRuest of het sister , Mrs. Mcmx
H. Aiexanfierjjohartly.
Mr. E. i4 , thdreesen , accompanied by MIss
Andrees'cnj s4ile(1 fdr New York from Germany -
many on ' 1'ueday last.
Miss Stone has returned from Atchison ,
ifati. , where sue has been visiting school
friends tr several weeks ,
Miss Alice McCormick Is rpcncllng a few
( lays with her famiir In town befere , re-
turnhmg to Calorado Springs.
Mr. Fredk4ash , who attends the Michigan
MilItary academy , returned home for the
Easter vacation on Thursday ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ilallantino and Mr.
and V Mrs. ; VI. V C. McDanIel have taken up
their resid l'cde ' at time Albany ,
Misses lloyd , MIllard , liache and hihop ,
whc tDent 4'eek at Chicago during the
grand opera season , rotured Tuesday morn-
Mr , Joseph Barker , jr. , vhio Is attending
Scilool at St. l'aul's , Concord , will return
on Fritlay to spend his Easter holiday with
lila parents.
Mr. John A. Sargent of Kansas CIty came
up to spend Easter with his family , thio
members of which are time guests of Mrs E.
C , McShmane.
Mrs. II. ( I. Burt , accomlanied by Mrs.
l3acho and Miss Lindsay , who vent to Clii-
cage to attend the mnatlnee , returned last
Sunday morning.
Mrs. If. S. Jaynes and daughter , Miss tIer-
berta , who have been spending a week or
ten' days In Chicago attending time opera ,
vIil return today.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Otit-uC-Tovim Vi iturM ,
MVsS horwood 5pcnt last week time guest
of Miss Grace Allen ,
Mrs. itt. A. ICtmrth Is the expected guett
of Mrs. Charles W. Lyman.
Mrs.ViilIam Lester of Now York i tlm
guest of MIss Jeesie Dickinson.
Mr. Charles Sturdevant of Cleveland , 0. ,
was tim guest of Miss Dickinson last week.
Mrs. J.V. . Howell of Des Moines will be
tIme guest of Mr. and Mrs , l. B , Treat for a
few ( lays.
Miss Laura Barbcr \Vatortovn 'i\'i. ,
was the guest of hmer sister , Mrs. John It.
flimelianan , last veic ,
Miss Laura Fishier of Florence , \\'Is. , arrived -
rived Oil Thursday and Is time guest of lmor
sister , Mrs. A. it ! . Pinto.
Mrs. Isaac Powers , son Carroll and daughter -
ter Ada of Norfolk spent the vast week
with Mrs. II. L. Whitney.
Mrs. John Sargent amid little son , Edward ,
of Kansas City came up on Friday to spend
Easter week with Mrs. E. C. McSbane.
Miss Lyda I'attee , who has been time guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nott the past week ,
returned to her home In Milwaukee Friday.
Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Floyd and son , hate
from Australia and New Zealand , . are the
guests of their brother , George W. Lan-
Ca at Icr.
Miss Jenness of Ypsilanti , Mich. , wlic >
spent several menthe the guest of her sister ,
Mrs. C. E. Yost , returned to her home oii
Mrs. John It. Brooke and her sister , Miss
Stcarn , of St. Paul , arrived last Monday ,
and arc the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William
A. Redick.
Mrs. Frank T. Spencer and lIttle claugli-
ter , Gretchen , of Nebraska City arrived on
Wednesday amid are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. William S. Rector.
Under the 'Kuiccs of the 1ohlotg : board
at patronsjhe Mondambn Choral society
will make Its debut at lloyd's theater on
riiursday evqmlng of this week : Blhop and
trs. WortitbngtcnV General and Mrs. Man-
lerson , Mr. andMrs. : Henry W. Yates , Mr.
and Mrs. H. PatrIck , Mr. and Mrs.
George E. Iltciiett , Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Bu-
lianan , Mr. kancl , Mrs. Edward P. Peck , Mr.
slId Mrs. Gifler At. Hitchcock , Mr and Mrs.
c. N. Lyman , iIr , and Mrs. Guy Barton ,
Tr. and MrpT Caaper E. Yos't.
The box sVutrac aiready taken and every-
Ihing ( a full hiouso. Time society
La under tiiedirection of Mr. Thomas J.
Kelly , and tile program is exceedingly pop-
lar. I V
The following program will be given on
illS occasion :
Dverture-"William Tell" . . . . . . . . . . . .flossini
Tile Mondamimi orchestra.
Illustration ef mass-"Glorla in Excel-
sIp , " from the Twelfth Mozart. . . . . . . .
rue Monmiamin Choral socety and orchestra.
Lioncerto for clarinet In C..Von Weber
Mr. GuidO Hucimer mind orchestra.
Illustration ( choral bahlad-"Song ) of the
Silent Sand" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .West
rho Mondamlu Choral society ( with string
accompaniment ) .
Illustration-"Foll ( ( Song" and "Ladies' . .
Chorus"-"Old ) Folks at Home. . . . . . .
harmonized by T. J. Kelly
rue Mondamnin Ladies' chorus ( unaccompanied -
panied ) .
: uustrauon ( oratoriO-"The heavens . . Are
Telling" from the "Creation..Hadyn
ihlss Myrtle Coon , Captain John Kinzle ,
Mr. C. E. Jacobsen , full chorus amid orchestra -
chestra V
Illustration ( hymn-"Lead , Kindly
Light" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dr. Iyices
rue Mondnmin Choral society ( unaccompanied -
panied ) .
oncerto for vlohln-"Adngio and FInalo"
: hiustration ( Madrigal ) - "Under the
Green Wood Tree" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shaw
rhe Mondamimi Choral society ( unaccompanied -
panied ) ,
: iiustration ( h1gh opera , male chorims-
Hunting Song , " from "Robin 1100(1" .
dr. Carl Hoffman. Mr. W , S. McCune , the
Momulnmin male chorus and orchestra.
lob ( soprano ) . , . , , , . . . . . . Miss Myrtle Coon
hiustratton ( grand opera ) - "Bridal
Chorus " train "Lucia " , , . . , , . . , . Donizetti
aptaIn i'inzie , full chorus and orchestra.
* 5.
Arrangements for the musical and dra- i
ustic entertainment to be given In Creighton
all emi the evening of Tuesday , April 7 , by
lie choir of St. Patrick's church , have been
omnpieted. The comely that wIll be pro-
enteil is entitled "Raspberry Shrub , " and
I the one that was so sehi received at the u
reighton theater not long ago. Time caste
Dr the play Is as follows :
hannah Devroy , a Prosiyterian spinster
of iifty winters , . , , . , . , Mrs. E. Mathbeson g
Lnrah Jane Iovrey , the elder sister. . . . . .
" , , . . . , , . ' . , . ' , , , . Mrs , Jamnes II.S'lmeeerV S
onny. a niece..itliss Edith Squires Ii
luci Taylom' , Edith's best . . . . . . . . . .
' . , . ' , ' . , . ' . 'e- ' ' ' , . . , Frodericlc Somers lm
The musical programn is u follows
[ appy Days , , ; , . , . , . . . . . . . . , friend..a .
II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lumbard
tarp Solo-A Dream of fly-Gone Days. , Im
Miss Wllhelmina Lowe . a
Feel Thy Angel Spirit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
. , . , . ' , , Miss O'flourke and Jules Lumbard
An inch Folk Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HeaUse I Love Thee..Miss Anna lhithop
'lie ' Angelus . . . , , . . . .i. . Mrd , Franlc Moriarty' ' P
is I Alone Can Te l : , . , . , , . . Jutes Lumbard
Va Maria. accompanied by. hlarj ) . . . . . . . . . .
Mrs. Moriarty an' ] Misses O'Rourlcp
541' and Itush , '
Mr. 3 , lii. 131111cr , accompanist.
p.f _
IIcmsmiiN.mtes stahl l'ersommnlms ,
Miss of Logan , Ia. , formerly
r Omaha , ssllj'tme guest of Miss A , tiger
art' of lastV,3'mck , V
Tue infantTfion1 Qf Mrs. Rush was quite
Lck ltsst wecjlc.
The olilcial bqurd of the Methodist Eplsco- ,
al church held , a meeting at the church
1st Wednesdaytmight ,
Mr. I. E. &Vmifl'npaugh and family of B
maima spent hatBujmday with their brother , tI
Ir. F. itt. k
Tile Easter s'rvceis of the MethodIst Epha.
pal ehurchL'ii be hold in the evening of ,
aster Sunthry. taking the piece of tue
gular dcvotibtIal meeting of the Epworth
agmie , t ( Ic
'l'lie cabinet 0ZJ4110 ElWOrtll league met at b
2 ( home of , iI1l Safford last Friday afterv
Don for thepurjoee , of electing tile leaders
r time devoticl1AI1mncet1mlgs for the month of
pril. 4
J'he chorua'tdass met at tile home of Mrs.
alley last Friday evening , and will meet
gain at the same place in two weeks. r
Time second temperance meeting was 1101(1
L the Methodist Episcopai church last
uesday evening , March 31 , Mr. B. W. lIor-
, n was re-elected as ciiairmnan , amId Miss
afford as aecrOtary , Rev , .1 , P. I'rbost of
aUth Tenth church gave a strong lecture
11 . tIme anti-license organization. followed
V. speeches given by Messrs. ltoe and Mc-
mule. A committee was then appointed ,
111011 WUS to meet Saturday evenIng , to
make further plans for the cause. Four
dle were apPointed 58 a eommitteo on
otitionlug. . _ _ _ a- _ _ _ I
IIldl ) , I I
FICiUTitTAYEI1-Mrs.Anna , aged 40 years ,
l'uneral Sunday , April 5. at 2 p. on. , from
family residence , Eighth and Castellar
streets , to Laurel 11111 cemetery ,
ON TilE PLAINS iN TilE 60'S '
how a Bravo Youllg officer Wts ( Jrazotl
Fighting Indiitns ,
Siimgtshzim' leiuictt I un t 'I'tu > k I'Imssel ( .
, sin of hIeta tc'tmt ii t .I iirie-'Llme
lemsic'iito.l Uti mm's Sohi ci tout'
, for Ills VtiliitgIfe. .
( Copyright , hS , by 5 , S. ittcClimra , l.imiiitl , )
hard ulotvn time Plain thiO red man rode
4galmlst the red luhjill l'awnee sev
lilt iinted enemy , tile Slotix ,
Anti IfltllCl hilli ill his lmtLhers blood.
For they were wily , wild and stromig ,
Itevemigeful , fearless , liarce nncl hoot.
The ) ' hmumrmnureti : Oh , revemige is sweet
Wiieml retl mcmi ride to right a wrong.
W'hiie tue Union PacIfic was being constructed -
structed across tile Plains tue gavermimnent
scouts , lilostly I'awflee Imidlans , were kept
busy piardImmg tIe laborers agaInst the boa-
tile hair-lifters of ( ho western 'llds ,
It wits here that \V. F. Cody won time title
of Buffalo Bill , for upon his ulmerring rifle
tile workers ( lepondeti for ( heir daily meat.
Omnaha was' the lmendquarters for tIle west-
em department of thio United States army ,
and nmong the yottng alld promilment ofllcers
there statlcned was Lieutem'tamlt Murbo ,
' 'Ittnd to me , Jimn , " said Mrs. Murlo One
ovenilig , as the young officer ligilted his
after-dihinir cIgar.
"I cami't read long , my love , " eail time gallant -
lant scout. "I have jimst. learned ( hint there
Is trouble out ves't and I mnuct be off to tile
front , That beardless tolegrapimer , DIck , has
bzemm hero witim an order from Major Nortll1
milid they will run us out special at 11:30 :
toniiimt. ' '
The lieutenant ilickod imp a collection of
p00108 and read 'hcre lIe opened time book :
Tell me Hot , aveet , I am tmnkbud ,
'FlInt from tile nunnery
Of thy chnte breast mind quiet mind
'Pu war amId arms I hlee.
"Oh , Jim , " she broke in , " 'hiy don't they
try to civilize these poor , ilunted Indiamis ?
Are they all so bad ? Are tlmere no good
ones among them ? "
"ios , " said tile soldier , with a lmalt smile.
"They are all good except t1ioa that. eticapo
in battle. "
"But tell me , love , how long yihl this Indian -
dian war last ? "
"As Icing as tllC Sioux hold out , " said the
At 11 o'clock that night the young lieutenant -
tenant said good bye to his girl wife and
went a'va : ' .
Time scouts were stationed near Juleahurg , V
\'illci1 was then the terminus of the Union
Pacific track. The special engine and car
( hint carried Lieutenant Murie fromn Omaha I
arrived at noon , ( lie clay after its departure
from the banks of the itlicaauri.
Mtmrie Ilad been married less than six
mnomiths. For many moons time love-letters I
that came to camp from his weotheart'a
hand had been tue sunshine of his life.
An hour after the arrival of the special .
a scout came into camp to say timat a large i
band of hostile Sioux had come down from
the foothlils , and wcre at that moment
standing , as if waiting-even inviting an
attack , amid not a thousand yards away. If
we except thin officers , the scouts were nearly
all Pawmieo Indians , who , at the sigimt or
scent of a Sioux , were as restless as caged I
tigers. They had made a treaty with this
iicstile tribe once , but tile treaty hind been
broken and mammy Pawnecs cruelly niur-
( lcrel by the Sioux. This crime was never
forgotten , and when ( lie government asked
the Pawnees to Join the scouts they did sa . I
Time scouts ( lid not keep tIle warriors waitI
lng long. In less than an hour , Lieutenant
Murio was riding in the direction of ( lie
Sioux , with N. C. Creede , now famous as
tha founder of Creede camp , second in command -
mand , followed by 200 Pawnees , vhmo wore I
spoiling for trouble. The Sioux , as imsuni ,
outnumbered tile government forces , hut , as
suai , the dash of the darimig scouts was
too mmmcli for the liostiles , and they were r
forced from the field ,
Early in the exercises , Murie and Creede I
were surrounded by a party of Sioux and F
completely cut oft from time rest of time corn-
mand. From those embarrassing environments - C
ments they escaped almost miraculously. All
through the fight , wllicli hasted twenty miii-
utes or more , Creede noticed that Murie C
acted very strangely. He would yell and I
rave like a mad man-dashing here and
there , in the face of th greatest danger. At F
times he would battle singlo-lmmtnded with a r
halt-dozen of the flerceci of the. foe , and his
very frenzy scorned to fill them with fear.
When the fight was over Lieutenant Mono
called Creedo to him and said ho had been
shot 'in the leg. Hastily dismounting , time
anxious acout. pulled oft the officer's hoot , c
but could ace no wound nor sign of blood.
Others came up and told the lieutenant that
his leg was as good as new ; but he insIsted
that ho was wounded and silently and ccii- s
lenly pulled hic boot on. Tlmen he remounted Im
and time little band of invincibles started for
camp. The Pawnees began to sing their
wilti weird songs of victory as they vent
along ; but they had proceeded only a short
distance when Murle began to complain
again , and again lmi boot was removed to
show him ( list Ime was not hurt. Somno of
tIme party chatted him for getting rattled
vor a little brush like that , and again In ti
lilenco lie pulled on his boot and they COntinued - ,
tinued en to camp. im
Diamnounting , Murie limped to tIle cur-
eon's tent and some of hits companions fol-
owed hlimn , thlnkbnF to have a good laugh
vhiemi tile doctor should say it was all the re-
mult of imagination , and that there was no
vound at nil ,
When the surgeon had examined tile himnb W '
iD hooked up at. the race of the soldier ,
chick was a picture of paimi , and tile byp
tandera could mmot account for time hook of
ender sympathy and pity in tile doctor's
yes ,
Can it be , tlmoughmt Creedo , that lie Is really
urt , amId timat I hmavo failed to find tue ti
I'OUfld ? 'F'orgive me , Jim , " he said , hold-
rIg out his hand to ( lid sufferer , but time sur-
eon waved him away.
"Why , why-you couldn't help it , Nick , "
aid Murie. "You couldn't kill all of them , , , ,
Ut WO made it warmu for tlmem till I wao
hot. You won't let. her know , will you ? " L
.0 pleaded , turning his eyes toward the
iedicai man , "It would break her heart ,
'cor dear , how she cr2011 and clung to mno tc
Oat night amid begged mo to stay with her j
mid let the country die for itself awhile. C
lout wish I had 110W , Is it very bad , doc. ii'
ad Ic the bone broken ? " di
" 011 , no , " said ( lie surgeon , "It's only
aimlful ; you'll be bettor soon , " 0
"Good ! Don't let imer know , will you ? "
They iatd imim on a cot , amid lie closed imls "
yes , whliepering as Ito did so : "Iomi'L lot
er. know , "
"Where is the hurt , doctor ? " Creeds' whmis-
'eyed ' ,
"llere , " said ( lie surgeon , touciming his LI
wn forehead with his finger , 11e Is crazy
-lmoppIea'ly immeane. "
All night they watched by Murie's bed ,
tu every few minutes lie would rise sud- u
enly , look anxiously about ( lie tent , and say b
I P. aaO Whisper : "Don't let her knew. " w ,
When ho awohm the next morning lie was
ideed hopelessly insane. All lie know was
mat lie was wounded and that imo must not
not' , , V er
A few Iays later they took him away ,
Je was never to lead his bravo scouts
gain. His reason tailed to return , I never Ill
new what btcame of lmis Wife , but I have I
eon told that alma is still hoping for the Ui
flndow of his brain to OPOIR up , whien his Cl
oul atial ) again look out and ceo her wait- i
mg with the oidtinle love for bun ,
One of lmIs old. comrades called to see him
t the asylum , a few years ago , and was to
e ognized by the demented man. To him bc
his wolimi was as paInful its ever , and us
ho liflltiel tip to hits friend , his face voro at
leek of intense agony , while he repented ,
just as imli comrades had imt'nrcl him repent
a hundred ( lines , tIlls from Swlneburne :
"Oh , bitterness of things too sweet ,
Oh. broken singing of time clove ,
Love's wIngs are over-fleet ,
4'tfll ( iiice the panther's feet
Tile feet of Love. "
"Choodby Jim , " said time visitor , with tears
in his voice.
tGccolby ( , " said .Jimn , Tilen glancing about ,
he CaIne closer and whispered : "Don't let
iir know. "
It is a quarter of a cemitury since Mtire !
lost his reason and w locketi up in a mail-
house , flnit these years lmavo wrought won-
dm111 changes. The partly htmilt railroad
line across the plains has becol ( e One of
the great tramisportation systems of the earth ,
"ilck , " the beardless operator who gave
Mcmrie lila orders at Omaha , is now General
Manager lIelclnsomi , 'rIme delicate and spare
youth , who were \'incliester and red light
at ( lie rear end of the specIal , Is now General -
oral Superintemldemlt Ietlci , and Creedo , poor
fellow , lie would give halt of his weitli ta
be mil > lo to brush thmo mysteries from Mitrie's
muind , CV.'AItMAN ,
coo : cccooccocoeccc'c
Time foliowiii is ( ho program arranged for
Easter Sunday ict St. Martin's Episcopal
church or South Omnaha :
l'roccssbomlai iiymuii-Ciirst ! is Ttison. . . . . .
Easter Anthem-Christ Our l'assover , . .
To . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gloria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Stainer
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . amul Armus
Intercessionul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ICyrlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ours
Gloria Tibi
hiymflfl-JCsuS Christ Is itisen Today. . . . . .
Sermon-Christ Our l'assovcr. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rector Irving 1' , Johbson
Ilymnn-'riio Day of Resurrection. , . . . . . . . .
Offertrv Aimhcni-Since by Man Camue
leatb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
sooist : , Mr. Fred Mullen ,
Doxology . . . . . . , . . . . . : . . . . . , . . . . Congregation
Sursum Cords. nnd Sanctu'.Tours
Commnuniomi llymnmi-Ilere , 0 itt ) ' Lord , I
See . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gloria in Excelsis , . . . , . . . . , . . , . . , . . . , . . Go'er
None . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Recessional Ilymmm-Tiie Strife is O'er. .
" . . " . . ' . ' . " , . . . . . . , , ' , . . , . . ' - " . , , . Victory
Mrs. Grace Johlnson , directress ; Miss
Ethel honey , organist ; C. A. Chandler , pro-
center ; Antono Lott , erticifer ,
The program for Easter services at the
First I'resbyteriiin church Is as follows :
' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Lover of My Soul
ScrIpture Iesson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reception' of tithe offerings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ( lie Day
Prayer of Consecration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Distribution of bread. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Easter Morn
Iistrlbution 'of wimie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ilynimi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Midnight
Pastor's address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Easter Anthem
Doxology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Elenediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of Ages
Doxology and Lord's Prayer. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the Day
icrlpture lesson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Every Pious Heart
.nvocatIoa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Duet..I Cing to Thee
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P'3wor
Easter services by tile First Baptist Sun-
lay school will be held tIlls evening at time
: hurch. The program :
dusic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . School
cripture reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'rayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
dclress of Welcome..Annie Lane
Veieomo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
: tealing-Easter CustomsEstelle Campbell
tecltation-The Lanil.Hhlda Alcofer
tocitn tIon-Easter Morn..Ethel Loucks
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . elas
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akofor
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wiers
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akofc'r
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LoUclcs
aiter Ci's and Recitation..Six cirls
110510 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Class
olaction for stnte work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Itusic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .School
lenediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This afternoon the dedication services of
lie South Omaha Young Men's ChrIstian
issoctation W1VII bp held at iie association
oems , 2416 N street. Time 'program :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gnu
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in the Soul
cripture reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'ra3'ei- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hail the Pos'er
reetIngs-Omahn Young Men's Chris-
( Inn association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c. A. Starr
fltlflg Mcmi ti ) the Frcnt..Rcv. C. C. Smith
) cmr Asociation..r , c. Marli
tomarks..E. a henderson
) edicatory Sermon. .11ev. Dr. TI. L. Wheeler
) edicatory Prayer------Rev , D. C. Winsiiip
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Precious Seed
Ienediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
At the BaptIst. church this morning ( lie
aster , Rev. C. C. Smith , s'ihl preach on
'The Physical Resurrection of Christ and
Vhat It Meanti to Us. "
11ev. Joceph A. Flowers will preach In
race Methodist Episcopal church ( hm ! after-
eon at 3:30 : o'clock. Everybody Invited.
No preachIng services will ho held this
iorning at. the Unitea Presbyterian church.
abbath school will bo held at time usual
our. Hamilfon Lackey , who has been
lected superintendent for tile coming year ,
iihl enter upon his duties today. Time an-
ual thank offering service of the Woman's ti .
Ilacionary society will ho held at the time C ]
t the regular evening service.
At time First Motimodist Episcopal church
here will be Easter miosionary services both
iorning and evening. Sermon by tile pas-
ar , 11ev , Wimiship , at 10:30 : a , in , and a
rograni by the Sunday school in ( ho even-
ig. _ _ _ _ _ _ t (
.1st of 'I'Iiose tolle Voted For Next
'I'iit'iiit ,
Following J5 ci copy of time official ballots
'iiich will be used at the election Tuesday :
For mayor , Tiloman 11. Ensor , DanIel S.
arkimurat , John B. Smtloy ,
For city treasurer , Frank A. Broadwehl ,
harhes Id. Ricim , Burton ii , Wilcox ,
For city clerIc , Richard A. Carpenter. Chris-
an Cimristiansen , Charles hIrdlcka ! ,
For police judge , Frank Ciiristmann : James C
: , Fowier , Paul McAuley , SI
Councilmnemi-at-harge , four to be chosen , ( I
llliam A. Bennett , Patrick C. Cahdwehi , w
mines A , Carroll , William .1. Chadwiclc , i
hiomas itt. Conway , Frank Dohezol , Josepim
woraic , George Elliott , Dana Merrill , Timemas
. Pililhlpa , John F. Schultz , Erwin B , 'fowl ,
TIlilamu 13 , Vansant , John L. Zerbe , ill
For mnemboru of Board of Education , lommg iii
Inn , ( hires to be chosen , Axel L. llergqulst ,
sephm J. Breen , Ora Id. l3ruco , Wilhbamn J.
aroan , William B. Cieehc , , John C. Curttice ,
rederick J , Freitag , William hughes , Anew -
ew II. Miller , Nets I'eterseml , Henry Slmupp.
Ta fill vacancy , one to be chosen , Anna A. 'j'i
oary , Josephm CKmiig'lit ' , _
- el
cotisig ( if I lie idNeimapigeitsnhier to Al
tIscumns tIme iuluJect , rim
At a specIal meeting of ( he Soutim Omaha St
lye Stock exchange held yesterday afterfe
on ( ho matter of changing rule 21 iii re-
ird to watering stock was indeflnitely post-
Iflell , Some of the commission moon have
loll in favor of doing away with the rmmlo ,
iticim provides that all stock must he
stored before being sold. The represonta-
yes of time packing houses objected , hewer -
or , and after considerable debate ( lie pack-
5 carried their point ,
\v. N. Babcock , J. 13. fllanciiard , W , It.
'ood , Bruce iticCulioch , Low i3pelts , George
urke , J , It. flyers amid Harry Tagg Were
pomited delegates to the Wyomimig Stock
rowera' meeting , which will be held at
oyenue Tuesday ,
smemrstgl mig Nigims lii ( Iumster Coiiit ,
Colonel It. I' . Savage of Sargent spent yes.
rday in time city , lie said that there had
en lots of rain ammd snow up Iii Custer
- Highest of all in Leavening ? ower-Latest I U , S. Gov't Report
jya1 Baking
2 Powder
- - -
- = -
county during March ttnl that the grounti V
'vas never in better confilti n to give gratin
a geOl start thumi n w , The colonel pro-
diet , prosperus times for Nebraska rmnt
says that iiiamiy PeOplO are locating in the
% estorn part of the etate and that there will
be a larger acreage farmed thus year tiin \ '
over before.
I iiulimq ( vial Svliool ( ioseul.
TIme Indcmstrlgtj school closed yesterday for
time slmmner. During the winter time school
has been in elmarge of ittrs , Hyatt , who met
time c.i.ildren every Saturday afternoon at a
room in the block at Twemlty-sixth and htt
streets and taught the little ommes to sow , etc.
As yesterday was the last day , the women
imiltrested In tile school treated tue children
to an Easter feast , which was greatly en-
tlimgie ci4 GumsIti ,
Tiio registration yesterday was ligilt all V
Over time city except in the Second precinct
of tIme Second ward ,
The reptibhicanic of South Onmha will hohi
the closIng rally of thin campaign Itioliday
evening at ICoutaky's hail.
Monday evening tlmo democrats vIhl rally
at Sanger hall , Sevc'ral out of town speak-
era have been engaged for the occasion ,
Samnuel leminls' W'omuan's Ilehief corps will
give a nitisical amid literary entertainment ,
at Woofiumian hall Monday evening. Easter
reirealimmiemlts wtll be s'er'el ,
Last night's republican rally was a sue-
cess. Several iltimmdretl mcmi nrnclecl the V
streets with torclles 'iiiio ( ho candidates
folio in carriages , Sanger Ilahl vaa crowdett
after ( lie parade and a ntmniber of good
epeakers entertaimmeil tIle atidienco for a tilile.
TIio Young Melt's Cllristian associatiomi of
South Omaha will llold a ltmhhIc recelltiomi at
tim opening of its roomna cmi N s'trrct , ilcar
Twenty-fifth street , Thlmrsfiay evening , Aprli
P. from 7 until 10 P. in , Light reiresliluents
will ho served , A cordial invitation is Ox-
temided to all iiitercsted in tile success of
tue newly organized association , V
Choice : :
SpeciaL Low Pricc.
Sale all week
of . L *
Beautiful Patterii Hats
Bonnets and Toques. (
oYeral hiumulred clmolco saniimhe lists
just r000ivol from Now York will go with
this sale.
c ) J
J512 Douglas Street.
( ( , *
[ ntheLead
That's ' Whore 0 , K. Scofield Is. 3
Not emily witll a full hue of time cor- .
oct styles iii Bicycle Suits , but with an
legant tlssortmmc'llt of all the new PnU.
ic.ct styles of
adios' ' Slits . V
Both outing stilts nnd costumnes ( torn
.me SiiflilOS Street Stiits at 5OO , to nu
egant Reception Dress.
ov ! All Hecoicd
W'e advise those s'lio are expectin
) purchase to C'OlflC in and tithe a Ipo
irougli at au early ( Into , as of mnhmiy
'C oiily have a single StIlt , eSIeCiiihly
I tIme mACre dressy L'OStlmiliCH1 s'Mch w
'iii not duplicate In Oiiialin ,
ut-of-1oA Patr os
ivimlg iii tIlls nnd adjoliming states s'ill
a W'eiCOIlit as lhslhitl , ItmIti sliowio the
) hfllietC ) 11110 with nsstmrumlco that any
lit tci'lectetl w'Ill not ho duplicated hI
ida' city ; W'llIle 'S'O s'lll 1111 ninil orcloru '
'ithi ' tim greatest cute , it is mnoro smtt-
factory tO 111(1 h)1h1L'iihlCr tO visit our
.Oi'O itmiti 111111CC $ tileCtiOflH.
Vo carry time illost choice nssom'tmnemitn ( i
I Oilimli)1L ) of Capes , Slur Vaiss , Sop- \
.iLtO Skirts , eta. V
hut NaisIs on ApproaI
I ) Any 0110 semmdlng tic $1.00 to cover
st of exlressmlge ) , We w'ihl 8011(1 ( C.
, D. (1 ( Shirt \'nists of choicest ox-
imsh'o patterlis , with prls'ilego to ox-
iilimo and make SoleCtiollS. Prices
Vilge hit 1)OC , 'Trc , $1.00 , $1.25 and $ * )
ltte bust measure anti colorac 57b.
Ixtoil Blocic , Cur. 16th & Pai'nani. . /
Gratid i
Hundreds of Huts , .
to select from , Order work &
The largest and moat complete hair
Department in time city , flair Dress.
bIg , Shampooing , Mamlicurhilg and 1cahp
Treatment , ,
: L : . M. Seliadefi Co. ;
1522 Douglas ,