, : . . - .A9Bdiill9ttl : ( ' tRA t'1G hR473' ± De1sIrN.gMS + arnFlwwa : mc.nss : ' : , , . f . w.elua..crRar.waM.aacw',4. , u , : , ra.7.arwa. , I . . ITnE OMAHA -z. DAILY . BEE. 5 . _ _ _ _ _ . it lTABLIS1i'D ( , JUNE 19 , 1871 e Ol [ AIIA , SAr11IJRDAI. MORNING , APRJCL . 1 , ; - I 1ti T ELvE AGES - - SIN w ( 1t1 . ( ) ) r . .l tVrl 1 rCS , Iti Gviog ill Away : , Souvenirs , Elegant Imported I-Ind Painted , Real China Latter Eggs. GIVEN AWAY TOMORROW U NPA RALELLED EASTERCFFERIGS : _ _ Visit Our Millinery Dept It's ' like a trip through a Temple of Fashioii , We do 1118 largest business ill Omniha1 Wii ? Bcavse our assorBment t Iarost , o styles a up to dale , o prices lowest SICTEEllfT $ AND DOtJCsLA5 STEfiEEIa' , OMAHA. . IILAUTIFUL CHILD'S AND MISSES' ' MD } I Hi tt Ts ' 1'110 grcatost variety and aasortiuont In the ; a Beautiful Violets , Roses , ForD - I AU the very lit teNtan lllltstyles ' .v get-me-flats , Fruits , Trollsga and rt -1 1 ' pmt ' setting ol up to $ all the latest holy- Jl t un'o / ' \ ' from Pi.OU to .O0 n1co. . . , from 75C t , very spring - r s s / ers o at just _ _ half price. Fes' ' L ' . - - ' ' . ADIE6' IMPO iTED + ' , 'lt , , ' y s ' , Imported forget-me-nots - . . SUy11sh TR , IIlltl lED fiats - P' ' 1 'TE61 IIATa - - _ and violets' per bunch , 3C ' Z . at nd 1.50 1EIf greatest and uses ( Dlab , / 98e a . t ' 75O t u only nrltie tnasnrthentover Nhhwfi Silk and velvet roses and 4 + d" t l actually worth - 13.03. 1 t in tort this u ) city to 1u0 before oats , costto ' on Sale Iw 4 - s- buds , worth 39c , bunch 1 C I. d l t ' l' ' ' In tattoru ronm'ut 17GOi : - - ) t i , LADIES LACE I - L ( 'lr- ' = x ( . I bargain table con- \ MADE EA ' . (13 . r UNT YMM . D H 1 ! 1 ) Ilnwo s , all rubber importc(1 stems French - sold V " r On silk wire frame. a great earl. / / 2 In this city up to 11.50 each , ' o ' In o a ety of uosv , stylish 'ta 1 ) ce trimmed , . every itnagiuablo now shape + Milan for out Layton Sulu-n bunch , " " 0 o with silk lluwu rs , p uro silk ribbons , s a 4 tv , J b : ilia , lIICO braids and nelClty i1 olds , j0 at _ _ _ L ° go ol quality lace and ornuinents Q ando Ludlos' and Misses' Tarn 0'S hantaraand a wA to 17 60 , oat sue r iu lOc 25c , ' l / e a svtnth untrimmed hats / o o , \ actually uln . . C k' Suhor go at p a ' for our Easter opening ut 3.08. U to ' ' 1 not ' 5C : , , IOC l5C D + 0 ; o I u - . . , ; . TEIJ STYLISH ) ABOVE PRETTY TO UE $ 3 9 SMALL 'QQ ' CLOS'E"FITTING T _ trimmed O with Dresdou ribbon , THE FANCY ABOVE STRAW BAT ) -tom t 2 Trimmed with velvet , laces and flowers ' , earl ornaments nstrlch tips and Trimmed with largo'ostrioh ti Ps s 7 ' Trimmed in Persian ribbon , linwers , ormntontst'orsian or .i + ornaments-as shown in the embroidered silk chlln. ( It's the oxnctest Dresden ribbons-made in Our own ostrich tl I )5 and ornaments. above ctlt , . i of . hat-0n sale at 14.93 svorkroums-but n copy et n 1Jo.00 ; Paris lint-it's on snit at 10.95 r MATCHLESS EASTER OFFERIN'.GS IN LADWJACKETS , CAPES , WRAPS AND WAISTS 1 t , U4 Handsome Jackets , Ltko cut , sp.endtdly made and finished. In i the new tan and gray ehndes of fine all weal , hair slue Englleh covert 'i cloth , wide box front , ry wllh 4 large buttons , very swell , but very cheap , , really an $ s 9a Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I F 0f r .i Velvet Capes . Made from fine lustrous velutina 11ned throughout with pure r China s1k , Drcdcn pattern - tern , extra full sweep , , st llsli : ength , trimmed all around with satin , , , r . + edge Dresden ruching , a $23.00 Cape for tS.GO. . . . . . . . . , r5 . . EASTEH NOVELTIES OF EVEHY DESORIPTION ICIUNLIMI'I hD VARIETY EzrerL One a BAHGAIN t 1 IL , . . . ' e W 7 o gel /l 'v , , i N10 0 ( ) ( oortlla ' 11 . i s c kle lit ry50j a. I. jr 4 , ( ' o b a9a o \ yh P ? ' lirp t Q. * ' + ( fj 15 : a , t r . , . . . . . pq"t pl U + 1 nwlb far ) ( ' 1 i ! 'Yd9 I ( : I IxQd ' 201 .a 'or i W ' o O o f 1 y ) I tat" 5\ \ 1 ) (9 t ra rY . ; i 1e e ixQd hW t ; os i\ 5 Y . . ; . = . 5 a d j ' y C h ill r 1 r t Stret ( Suit $6.75 $ I Unto Suits 49c I Dress Waists $3.93 I Boys' $7.50 $ Suit for $2'50 $ I Silk Skirts $3.95 I A$5 Sirt ! ( for $ 3 50 I A $5 $ Reeler for $2,75 I Pr.ttY . Yohs ( 39c Tany , Urn rolas y ; 125 I Stylish Bolts 95o p .i BOYS' EASTER SlITS 1 $ I r VrDk "I C Extra Special r- ' ) c filet , re 8o y s , Reefer . I . . ' Sulu Cmnb lHallon Stilt ' + OL. , Boy's All Wool \ 1 'i tj Strictly all Wool Suit / Cass lnoro-fleet- Wtth TWO pairs of clues Workntun- 1'AN'PSlhorougltly . / ebip-and perfect Nell rondo , perfect fitting ; nice , ucat fitting , in sizes 4 to patterns in . all 1.1 yrs , sizes , 9 to 1.1 yt'a , $1.59 , Iorl 4 $3.00 $ $2.50 Worth all to $ 76 ! XTAA SPEOIAL-For Today Only o 9 Ilse an u ° s 98c I Idutltouo suit to a Custatuor , 0 S Long Pant Suits and YOUNG 's SUITS ANn ( 'roe the Stock et one of Boston's Largo3t Retail 4 , houses , fn slzoa from 19 to 10 years , In an elegant $496 $ Vaeloty of Cassitne'oa and Worsteds , . , , , , , . , , , , _ _ _ _ : . BOYS' .s BOYS'C ibl yre r er ' _ + i ti L zy Derby Capes Like cut , a very jaunty Double Cape , made In all woo : clothe , black , navy and brown ; these are stylish , pretty anti remarkably cheap , Inlaid collar , fine tailor work. . , Bevs' Strictly an Wool Imported KNEE 49c PANTS. , . . , Worth $1,25 , ' HIrh { , Grade MEN' Aosv Q i Style ulhi µ lrlfrr , , . . SHQE1 Dollars , ry' q On sale today at l ' t $300 $ 50 ' Fern Stitt s ; ' /r 44.0) Shea. ,711SSES , , CRILD1IEh S and INPART SHOES , WORTH UP 10 $3.00 $ , ludo by dux k Cu. , Plllladolphia. SUe iSo SI SI2 , , , 1 Ladles' Ono black or tun A DILS , . . W01'th 1175 and 12'.2.5 , $1.25 $1,50 ' .1 Ladles' Low Shoes , S9c " ' Oxford Tles. ' ; $1(10 $1,60 1'rlnro Alberts , lfi L 60 DuttonOxtorde „ y $2on Cloth Top Ox. $ ords $ 2Ox. . . t Y I. { StYlash Ca.t es Made of all wool karsey , ' p black , navy sad tun , medium length , xery full sweep , velvet Inlaid collar , , decorated. . , gth ! smal : but'onsw uld sell easily for $ LOO. our tEaster sale price' only , .3.9s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L U S' V'ICI- ' 1IU ( S1ID 'i , , , i Worth $1,00 , t $2 $ ° r ' TAILOR MADE SllOE , 1'Otlt Century last , needle toQ , /worth 15 00 , today , 4 e , LADIES' ' VICI 1ID ( noodle square t3o LACE S OE , worth 15,00 , T$3 4 S , + J Ladies' = Capes Like cut made of fine cloy diagonal , cut t 30 Inches long , pptely trimmed In jet and tafto- to silk , made expressly for those who want a good , long ; serviceable , Cape , easily worth $18.75. I EASTER F0VELTES J19WILRY. ; GLItUINE DIAMOND RING , iHcuvy Sc + tUnR Gold , 54 atauG rth 112 50 , , , p' 'gy DII1RQUlS ; RING , P arl sots sv thfnncy , ' ' wrtr,1e 98 I $ 1 Ipnnooau line ( ; lr S fnnoy ; T RINGb solid gull , , . , . j , 0 0 . . . v . o . . t 1 FANTSv RINGS _ t ' „ I. timid Gold , ' 5c hunasomely clmsod a . ' MINIATUIE { BROOCH Set In earls and Irotl clIaIuouds h $5UU ; . . . , . , 1 ° 4 9 NEIV TWIN REMIT , I LADIES' GGLD In gold , and IYATCII. . . 390 , wh $1,00 , , , , wortb7'cttfuller. , Ludlos boat Gold and Silver OPERA WATCH CHAINS 75c 98c $1.49 Ladies' Silver Shirt Waist Set in Dresden patterns , 2 c worth 75C , Tor your uholco of 1,000 25 ITALIAN SHELL 1'ANCY ' BACK C'SUlC4 ' an ontlro suutplo lute worth up to $1.60 , For your choice of an lIumunsu 15c and 25 flue FdNCI SIDE COMBS , ttQ th 60o add r0 , h Silk Waists Made : Ike cut , from pure , bright , lustrous China slk ; , exquisite tie- s'gns , large Bishop - sleeves finlshed at throat and wrists with mail penrl buttons , lined u n d finished throughout In dressmaker - maker style , the silk alone would cost you $5 , our Easter sale price , . . . Souvenirs GivenAway. Away. Elegant ImIortcd limes Printed Real China . Easter Eggs. Given Away _ l1t ® Ot . "E - , f I 14 aundrea Waists , Headquarters for ladles Shirt 1Vaista , made of Imported chambray , ma- , . Gras cloth , : awns , grass linen cloth ; there patterns - terns at $200 , h td , I123 , 9Sc , 49e and 39c , SZ,00t 1 50 , 115 ; 960 , IEN AND BOYS' . Ii ] d 4 + ( rH , SALE TODAY. , . worth of the finest quality and , and latest styles in Men's and Boys' ' Fiats and Caps , bought from a hard-up jobber at less than one-third their wholesale value , Remember these ! hats and caps are the finest qualityand all new desirable goods , Worth 75c S1175 Worth Worth Worth Worth f' ' $1'60 $2.25 $4.00 a Dollar C lOGIC El R . . English Toilet Set $1.98 , worth 8 3,5o , Gallon Crystal Pitcher 150 , worth 3oc , Crystal Berry Dish IOc , worth .3oc r _ , TUMBLERS , ONE CENT , WORTH FIVE , " t Quart Coffee Pot 8 , worth 25C , . 't