. 'rilE MAIA ! DAILYJ3EE : AT'RIAY , APRIt 4 , iSI ) ( - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENLP. - - lIN)1L ( tIN'1'ION. The city pollee bavo Cit made an arret SInce March 28 , MIE Amy and MIsS fltown of Mtsi'onrl ' Valley are the gac'ft of Ma AI(1IO ( Guittar. 1 Mr8. il. S. Obrne ot C1iIcao will sisit her rnauy Council BIurf frcnds at an early date. l'lJgrIm SIster& aenlerny No. 1 wIll meet In regular rcsltt at 7:30 : P. Tfl. In their room In the Brown liltck. John Traiiln of Chlrnro has arrhrc0 In the city ttii I malcing iiIs home with hI brother , Fiat ] Taiil&en. Tlo , ar6tId hotel , CoitcIl fluffs. 111gb class In every rcpect. flnte8 , 2J0 per day and ulwad , l. F. Clarke , proprietor. Tha funeral of F'irneneo Carvett will be haul tliIi afterncct at 2:30 : oclock at. Grace EiIsenpal church , 11ev. Mr. Slfnpon of- flclatlng. The Iloaid of County tliiervtors will meet In re8ular sesIcn on Monday. County Auditor - ditor Mattliov , Intimatea that It will be lung cud busy 5nlon. , Ivaiilioe Comriuudcry of iCniglita Templar together vIth a niunher of visiting kiilghtt' a train Omaha , vllI attend service. , iii a body 1 l at St. I'atil' , church on Eater niornIg. I Alexander. tli 7-nuntlt old son ol Mr. and S. Jolinon of fJarer ; township. illed Tliuri'hty afternoon. The fcnoral vIll take - PInc from the reeldcnce this afternoon at 2 30 o'elock. Marriage Hccnc8 wcre granted yesterd.ty toV. . J. Darrfngton , aged 31. ) , and Ada fl . . Sctt. ageil 22 , and \'IiIIam fi. flushby. aged 2S ; Ilolirn I , . Nash , ageI 17 , all of Pot- tavattatno ! county. MIs5C ! Clark & \Vatl' flaster display of : art needle work dioW nil lnnIeli9 crowd to ' the 1)urfeo Furniture c&imrtny'9 front win- The dirplay is pronounced by critIcs to be the flnet of the kliid erury made ui the city. It xvIIi continue today. j Mr1. John Murphy , the % flIflOfl who \va . . . ran down and trampled upon by Nunas runS , ; , away team , L , lying at St. flenjards hospitals s-- still tinconrciou. The nttondlng physicians have but little hcpe at h'r ( recovery. She l 1 I over fiO year of age , anti has been always rather frail Iii health , . The funeral of John .Toliu'on vili take place Sunday afternoon from hii late residence , 1117 Niiieteenth avonno. The deceased was 19 years of age , and was the pvucipal sup. lort or the family , as hL'i father has becii ill and out of employment for more than ? ' a ycar. 'rhie family Is 'u itraitenod cir- cuIn9aflcCR and very deserving , SherltT Morgan and his deputies , assisted by a force of mechanics , are tili at work cleaning and renovating the county Jail. Their efforts to put the jail into ulrst-ciaS condition are ably seconded by tii prisoner3 , who are now enjoying hotter quarters than many of them have over been isel to. Every inch ot the interior surface line been cleaned and painted in restful tintg , All of the old iuattress % have been taken out and destroyed and have been rcplacc with now ones. From thio top to the bottom the Jail Is abaulutely clean and as Inodorous as a uinmee cottage. The Woodward Thicater company , now playing at Boyd's to such immense bulness. vihi come to the Dohany Monday night and A remain one week. This company needs no recommendation to our people , as it has D ' played this city five weeks tb's season anti every night to standing room. Tue company has added two new people since It was hero , and now has fifteen people. The roctraints of Icnt wili ho removed on Easter Sunday. ' Tue Boston Store ol this cIty has purchased 1.000 tickets and vihl give them away to h ther ! customers today and Monday. Seats should be secured early to got good ones. i I The company will open Monday night with I the four-act sensational comedy , "Little Wild Cat. " _ _ _ _ _ _ JUIGI SMITh ACTS AS IJM1'IItfl. . Iceeiis the flelnite 1Jt'tiyi'I1 Altnritts i : Court OsI1.MIanIl I llu$3. 4' Jiulga Smith spent the day in the dtstrict court yesterday In hearing a couple ot casci' M , and Incidentally acting as peacemaker between - ; . tween two attorneys. x The friction among the attorneys was developed - . . veloped when 1. N. Fhickingor Interposed I an objection to the court permitting FL. J. Chambers taking a default In a case of foreclosure - Y closure of a mortgage on real estatet InvolvIng - Ing nearly $15,000. The plaintiff was Wil- but \V. Holcoinb of Wisconsin and the do- fentlthit Daniel Dull of New York. Tue mortgage - gage was on farm property located near Weston. Chambers , for the plaintiff , hiat served notice on the defendant by publics- . - . tion , and when the time came for hearlni the defendant had not engaged an attorney. . : Fhickinger tires. had boon looking otter his L legal business in thus cqunty , and chaimed , the right to represent him. Chambers filed an aindavit denying this and stating that in nunsorouu conversations with tito oppo- situ attorney he hind stated that he war ( lahhy expecting to receive written instriic- tions from the Now York man. When the hour for taking the default arrived Flick- ingor appeared with a bond and motion to remove thto east to the UnIted States cir4 cult court. Then there yas a very earnest coioquy between the two attorneys. Citasu- : bors Insisted upon Fhiclcinger showing the 4 court some evidence of his right to appear Lf In thio case. This request Fhickingor nc- ceded to by producing a telegram from Dull with a date showing that it was received abaut twenty minutes after the time Chain . hers had made known to the court his in- . tentionti to take a default. The attorneys argued the case to the court ' ? and also to each other for several minutes. t Judge Smith took the csso tinder adviser - r mont and will render his d&cision this mornIng - ' \ Ing , All the afternoon was consumed In hearing 4 , " tIm colic of Eugene Mottaz against Charles I Huber , The controversy involves about thirco feet at frontage on Broadway and thie east wall of the dm0 building erected by : ' ? } luber Uros , last season and now used as , their butcher shop , The matter has been . M lfl dispute for several years and the Ilubers .t built on the ground before It was satistac- I toriiy settled , The hlubers own two lots , 7 . : and 8 , and Mottaz owns tIm adjoinIng one , - All of the lots fronting on Broadway in the ' , block are recorded in thio pint with a spedI I ; , fled number of feet , rith one exception , , . Ttio exception is the cast hot. owned by Al iluber , It Is marked on the lhat and pro- pcrhy nunthered , but the deed does not call for any certain number of ( eel , Its size I , line been determined by the added measurer - r snentt. of the other lots , and it wa to corn- t itriso what wais heft , At least thia Is the contention of Mottaz , The Ilubers claim that both their hots kayo twenty-fits feet frontage. Thus case is being warmly ccii- 0 tested , Many of the old citizens and all of the surveyors in the city are subpoenaed as witnesses. Tue grand jury ii , still grinding away , but will not ho ready to report before tim fint of next week , The lirospects are good that it will return a number of indictments , ; hot Ileil StiNli. WG haso 1,000 hot bed Easli which we are going to lese 'ut. They won't last long , ] Iow many Jo you want ? We will make you a price that cant be duplicated. 0. B. itaint , Oil ciitl Glass company , Masonic Tom. pie , Council Uuffs. ! A grand reception will ho given the ladies e of Council Bluffs and Omaha at the art paru hors of Misses Clark & Wetzei , 336 and lltoathway , , Friday and Saturday , Ajril 3 a and 4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C i'ir Stile. A umall hiouso and about 15 acres of land in Brown'i sub. Apply to J , W , Laud , corner - g ner 35th street and 16th avenue , Council Dhuffi. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cut niisi Siitsiieil , ' Chapman know. how to get businesa , and Ii . orders arc coining froni all directions. lie P will coiitiiiIio to cut and siaWi art goods for b another week , 17 Main street. O W , offer you only' clean , crisp. snow white laundry 'ork and best delIvery service at ; Eagio laundry , 724 Broadway , Tehephono 1T b 1 . t Wanted-A flnipi'tent girl for general hiouework. Small family and good wages. ir 1r , W , 8. Diwinock , 217 South Seventh. Stephan Bros. for plumbing and heating ; also tine line of gas fixtureti , Dr. Cloavor' onico moved to 600 Broadway. p&vtu , only drug store with relatered clerk. _ _ , _ _ SCIIOll1 PURPOSES What the Great System Hair AccompUshed for the Youth. IOWA EDUCATORS DISCUSS TIlE SLJWECT S7tit .siiiis Sint I ii 01 Tier Di root ioti % 'tiieIi 'I'eiiuIit-is 'liii iilc il Igli C Iii. Iivertei Ii , hotter Chin ii ticis , Tue aecond day's session of the South- estern Iowa Teachers' association was fihlerl with good things from an educational standpoint , and all of tim papers anti dts- cuLi.sion were listened to by an audience that filled the Presbyterian church to its utmost capacity , With the optning of thie morning session promptly at 9 o'clock I'resideut Warner tieiiyerctl hii annual address. lie said 'in oubstance : 'Ro idea more beneficent than that. of the public school over entered the heart -of man. To place the blessing of an cducn- tion within the reach of every child , to place In its hands the key of lcnowhedgo and of power , to banii'h superathtictn and misery and sin by lifting the entire puoplu to a purer air and a broader view-this is the mission of the Public school. In cur own country the movement has pit'atl slowly , educational effoetti have bcei feeble and the resuita imve been meager. But it is a big taak to educate an entire people , to percoptibhy increase the avcragc of Intel- higenco in a great siation. During ( lie year ThM the total cost of etlucation In the United State'j was $ IEG,004,693. In the eamu year thi goveenmeut's expenditure for pensions , army and navy and interest on thie war debt aggregated 2i5,2S7'J1i. We spent more for gunboats last ycar than thifl total Income of all our colleges anti tinlversitico. We imported more than 53OOOO0O worth of ailkti in the same pCI'iUl. ( Expenditure for alcoliohic thrinics in this sober country is pstlnated : at $ J,200,000,000 per annum , It to six times the coist of education. Not' thiat we love intciigcco : : hes , but oiii stomachie more. halt of , the voters of some of the states can ntitijer read a alga board nor draw their iiainc. Even Iowa lcghehators have been affected with falee pride in our grade as given by the census of 1890 , antI have boon opposing progresisive legisiatlon ever since on the score that we are smart enough already. ONE hAD FEATURE. Thousands of children , in the public schools are spending thtcir tinso In idleness and it large Proportion of the funds cx- pended for education is practically warted by the employment of unqualified teachers aiitl thic failure to provide proper equipnientu for the School work , The policy Pursued by our neighbors acroso thio Big Muddy is iii a general way typical of flinch etluca- tional effort. Over there , in order to support - port a school In its 'ork of enlightenment anti Intellectual healing , they establish a saloon and a brothel to blight manhood and curse womanhood , Such are a few of the facta arid conditions that confront us. The Pubiic school has much to accomplish before - fore it can otop for thmo congratuintionmi of its friends. We should face the facto' , umi- derstand our limitations and ( lien turn reso- hutehy to the tacks before us , "The conditions shiown by these and ttlmer facts to which nttcntion might be called tIemiantI action along many lhne. Expenditures - pendituros for education must be very largely increae'etl. Much more money should b expended for buildings , libraries , apparatus and teachers In all our public schools , and particularly is this need apparent - parent in ( lie rural schools. The educatlor of all time children of 'an3l Community is time greatest work bndertaken by the public anti ought to cost more than aimy other or all Other local enterprises. Increased expenditure - ture must come , and it neodi not , must. not , involve the placing of any real burden upon industry or commerce or the humble homo of th people. Corporations muet share the burdens of social organization. The time has been too long that the assessor asks no unpheaoant questIons and the taxgathcrer is unknown. " LINE UP FOR THE FIGHT. President Warner closed his address with an appeal to the teachiermi to line up for time fight in favor of the school against the saloon - loon anti urged the holding of mass meetings - ings in every school district for the purpose - pose of creating renewed Interest in the echtool neemis. 'Time Teacher's Preparation for Nature Study" was the subject of a vcll written and interesting paper by A.V. . Merrill of Stuart , A. A. Taylor of Greenfleld was not pros- out , anti "Time Teaching of Sciences in the Grades" was time topic next on the program , It wag handled by G. I Miller of Hoone , who was followed by W. C , Van Noes of Denison , vIio had for a subject the teaching at science in thmo high school , Thieso papers were followed by a general liscimsion of the subject , led by F. E. oopcr of Des Moines. Time closing number for the mornInj sea. ! on was an Illustration of methods utl I1 primary number work in the Scarrett cebmoel , Kansas City , by J , C Ilisey , who Ilustrated his talho by means of a phone- ; raphm , which. reproduced class exerclas In umnber work , thins to an extent taking the ) laca of an actual class exorcise in the pres- nce of the aasociation. The demonstration vas exceedingly Interesting and was highly ipprecia ted. The afternoon session was opened by an xliibition , given by time pupIls of Mis's 'Jottio Morris' class of time first and second rades in nature study , showing the methods ) f Instruction used In the Council Bluffs ; cimooh&i with : children under 11 years , Miss derris teak an ordiasry bean of commerce intl by an Interesting talk and series of luestlons developed a fund of information romms time young children on plant life , the recess of groath of plants from seeds and ililui , A number of other interesting , but imupie , exercises \vero gIven and time pupIls aked to cxplair them in their own language. ) ifferent kinds of wood were ohown and time tuimlis told in their own way of tIme tils- imiguishing marks of the various klntla of roes. J , It. Kirk , state superintendent of Mis- ouri , occupied two hours in time discmi&ion f time topic , ' 'how to Enrich the instrtmc- ion in Countr ) Schools. " The public school ystem that has been time iiition'a prIdc Is wfuhiy out of kilter , acoording to Mr. cirk's Ilgimt. lie went all over it from the tillding of time ediiooi hmouse , the selection m f time teachers and time metimotis of instruc- hon and pronounced it all bad and gettirsg rorse , lie kindly toitl how it could be 'emodied , however , amid thus did not leave ho educator wltlmout imope. IN TIlE RURAL SCIIOOL,8 , e "ft is imutlerutooti , " said Mr. Kirk , "that t hero Is an agreed course of immstrtmction in ho rural schools. This consists of seven 'ears ' of reading , spellimig and penmnanship. 'list ought to be long eoough for tito 2 lonmentary studies. Along in the seventh r eighth sear time child is given a little aste of gramnnar : , of geography , and finally . hewed a llttlu reading lii mythology , Time Imild on entering hl scimool imas an average ocabutary of 1,000 words and imas unit as much Izsfcrmnation as lie will hmavo when he : ratluate from a unIversity , lie Is carrIed ormvarci by challenging tmimn Imto activity mmd talking to iimn In the IMoguage in which ho world has been talking to Mr. lirk took up the coummtry sebool build. rigs and Polnioti Out time defects in time lane. lie drew a pi'turo of the ideal school umlding anti made mtugestions for a numuber f citange that can ho effected with the emwrah revision of time plan of school build. ig which viIi onii commme after years of eric on time hart of the teacher , who must a missIonaries in this general plan of re- rnm , heating , hightimg , ventilation and smmltation must be a part of time study and Ci mformuation on time part of time tcaciier in A me rural schools. These topIcs should be a mkon up and discussed at the teachers' inatifi mtes anti the great need of teachers' ine'ti. bites itos Is the demand for better inetructors , U ho Institute needs fewer swehlheatled eel. I1 go graduates and even college professors. im be need Ia for ractlcal pen , awe who ol I tmnderstant the imeetis or' the rural schools anti familiar with the rural school problem , bimporintomident Cooper of Des Moines matle an arimlouncememit concerning the meeting of the National Etiucational association at But- tale time oniimmg stmnimemer , I , J , La'lander ) of Cedar Falls contributed one of the brIgimtt features of the day's program Ira Ha "Snap Shots , " Under timat caption Mr. 1aylnntier Indulged iii a lot of editorial conimnent on sense of the fads anti fallacies of the modern up-to.date etiucators. lie took a almot. at the State Teachers' asso- ciatln anti ( lie educational council that tickled the audience imnmneneely , Some as- poets of child study nero gvon that would have sent shivers down time plnos of some of time entlum'iastic followers of that fad. In dlscussin the Iconeclnt time speaker took Occasion ti make it quite lively for some of time former speakers who had been iiic turing time public e'clmooi system as going to time denimiition bow'wows rlgimt fast , and then discussed "lie \ VlmoVaits , " and painted a brighmt Iticture of hmat a good time there would ho when time fad cloumis roiled by and the teachemi fountI the . 'chmools and the scholars all right anti not affecteti by time fad craze that Is catchIng some of the best of them non' . After this lot of good timings In a ligimter velmi , Mr. Laylantier closeti with ami earnest appeal for better scholarship imm time schools , for more collegiate work anti less normal and abnornmal ached nonsense , ° Tiio Study of Civics In time high School , " at ; time eubject of a thoughtful paper by W , ii , . ChevalIer of Red Oak , The public school , he saiti , as time creature of the state anti the state had a right to expect that time schools should.turn out good citizens , intel- ligcnt anti callable of managing the affairs of state. lie tiw.lt upon time importnn.ce of the study of civil government amid gav& a number of valuable suggestions for the aiti cf teachers in mnaicing the ettld interesting to stutients , ills paper closed the afternoon session. IN TIlE EVENING SESSION. It almost any otlmer muan time. . : Chairman ' , \'armmer hajl presitled at time evening sesolon of the teachers' a.s3ociation last evening it would have been nccesrnry to abandon part or thmo program or keep time people there until nearly midnight. The first part of the evening was devoteti to time musical programn , irepare&1 by time flight School Violin Orchestra rilil Oimormms club , end the music took so well that encores thireatened to be without limit. TIme Isresiding ofilcor unfortunately drew time limme on encores after the doubie quartet of girl.'i and boys had given a particularly catchy nummiber , Time audience wanted amm otiter sang , but tile chairman refused to permit it , amId ton mnimutes ! of valuable time wmts wasted n a stubborn contert between the audience and Cimnirman Warner , Vt'armmer was able to stanti and block the way longer and earlem' than the men ammd s'onmcsm could clap their hands and was consequently the vie tor. Time addres.e of the even'ng was by State Superintendent Sabin. Like all of the super- Imitundent's addresses , it covered all phases of the educational problem , amid was a homily anti a sermon , lie made an eloquent plea for snore normal chiools under state aupervirirn , and urged all time teachers to uca their influence to secure a growth of public opinion timat wouid make more such schools a necessity and a certainty. PLEADED FOR PENSIONS. Ho also pleaded for better compensation for teachers , a conmpenation that wommid raise the .tandard of all employed in such work. lb criticIsed time methods of instruction In some respecte , and declared that the school systemu was suffering from an overdose of theory. lie wanted Instructors whose in- structlons were luminous with comnmon timings , lie urged th adoption of mechanical apparatus - paratus Iii all schools and time training of teachers to use such macaims for the purpose of llluetration. Tills Introduced the subject of tncompentent teachers , and lie wanted the ptmbllo end time boardo of education. to say to the incompetent instructors , whose prea. enco in the school rooms was a blight , "we don't want you ; you are fossils ; you are musty , dead dtist , mummified , useheaw , worth- ' 055. " He wanted to acknowledge hiand- amely the power of the press and to urge notructors to use its power more fully. The most educators were doing It , and the best1 , apors were the most whiling to accord ed- ucaters eyery reasonable courtesy. The eonchudng paper of the evening was read by Prof. H. V. ' . Sawyer of Council Bluffs cmi "The Bright Side. " Any aide is bright that ho espouses , and for halt an hour lie filled the room and the hearts of the teachers with pleasant words and mnem- oriea , and showed that the tasks of the instructors were not all thankless and haborlous. SATURDAY'S PROGRAM. The program for today , the last day of the meeting , will include several meetings at the same time. An exhibition drill by the High school cadets wIll be given at 8:40 : a. on. , amid Immediately after meetings wIll convene - veno as follo'ivs. Presbyterian Church , Auditorium , School Officers nnii City Superintendents-C. W. Neal , Stuart , chnIrman. The obligations of the school bonrd to the pupil , the teacher anti the publIc , S. 1 It , Christy , iilalvern. Discussion led by 0. El. French , Creston. Tue training of teachers already emI I played In time schools , J. At. Hussey , Shen- antloalm , Wise expenditure of school ( unils-build- lags , teachers , school supplies. C. W. Neal , Stunrt , Discussion led by Id. H. Fonda , C Council i3uffe. CiaHs Intervals in graded schools , H. G , I Lnmson. Atlantic , Discussion led by C. M. Timompson , Corning , Rural Scimools , First Baptist Church-I. P. Clark. Corning. chairman. The way otmt of the text book question , H. A , Simons , Sitiney. Ilscuasion led by f Viva Giiiiiiantl , Gienwood. a Township VS. Iistrict Systems , Charles Emerson , Creston. Discussion led by 13 , P. a hoist , Boone. What have time teachers a right to do- manci from tIme county institute ? Alice E. l Hopper , Atlnntie. Discussion led by C. E. 0 Moore , Missouri Valley. . What can be ( lone with geography in the rural scitools ? Mary E. Cody , Duimlap. b Discussion iei by V. ' . B. T3ucliey , Oakland. Graded and high Schools , Prembyterian tthurchi Lecture Room-WIlliam Bell , chair- maim. State association High school course of o study , W , E. Cramer , Iowa City. Dis- eusslon led by 1. 8. Condit , ited Oak. 110w to cultivate a taSte ( or literature , gtito Mitchell , Hamburg , Discussion led by b Mary Id , Chandler , Missouri Valley , d Time treatment of nlaebra in te 111gb echcol , 0.V. . Price , Counctl Ilhuftmm. Disa ctieqlon led lmy W. C. Davis. Avoca. 0 Wiiy shoilItI John stUdy Latin ? W , II , fl rurnbull. Sioux City , ti Time afternoon will be devoted to a meetc log of time general association in time First Presbyterian church at 1:30 : o'choclc.'Thmo - program is : ( i3uainess-fleporta of committees , election at olilcers , etc. Address-State Superintendent Henry aimln. Des MoInes , llistory-Fxecmmtivo value and metimo(1s , C , : . Cartena , Crestomm , Discussion lcd by elllo'b'OOl ( , Atlantic , Time elector. the director and the instruc. or , P. E. Clark , Ciarintlu. Echoim from time Four Corners-Ten-asia- Ste speeches by time president and time timreo halrmen , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ limmlertain t he 'h'cmielicrs , Ethmcators from all parts of southwestern owa began pouring into time city. last evemm- mig to attend the meeting of the Southwest- rn Iowa Teaclmem-s' association , The free- omom of the city has been tendered them , anti ieceiver hughes has made special arrangements - ments to entertain timem at his great size ale of imoes now gging on at 28 Main and 7 Pearl streets. lb is offering any lady's izo 'Jor gentlemui's size 6 In his stock for 1.50. Remember these comprise all of time ery boat makes , and are being solti for less iman one-half of time cost to imsanufacture , ale will positively be closeti Saturday even- ng. Don't mules title opportunity to got hoes cheap , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ For Sale-Easter lilies and all otimer how- re , wholesale and retail , at J. fl. McPhej- on's , Tel. 224. VIsitors welcome , Pay water bIll now and save per coot , ) pen Saturday evening. leutii of i. siP. flay , Ottawa ( ICas , ) Republican : Time death of herwood V. ' , Day occurred In tbia city yesfo Irday , March 29 , 189O at 1 o'clock p. m , do The deceased was born In Atwater , I'ortage 10 Dunty , 0. , and received his education at the twator academy.'ben about 18 years of go hum followed a trade In Cincinnati , 0. A an w years later ho engaged In the furniture no usinees In Indianapolis , lad , in 1858 lie set- ed In West Union , Ia , ; in 1860 married Miss Wi lary A , Merry. who survives him , In 1868 W U canmo to Kansas and has been a resdent I this city about eleven years , lie was a --.I - ml 'I kind imearted , generous man , always a good son anti brother , a jpvotI husband , an boa- est , upright citizen , much respected anti beloved by all who1jnw imimu , Those present - ent at his ( icath wrc his wife , hoe aged mother , hits sster'Mrs. J. M. l'almer of Council Bluffs , Ia.t'6usin ' , Mr. Tlmomas Ii. Gootiwin , and severni otimer kind frientis anti nolgimbora. lie wasmimearly 65 years of age. "Just tell them LImatttyouve seen me" at the Iimrtce Ftmrnittmi'mcompafly'8 , 336 , 338 Broadway. . _ - - -I- have yin seen themiew gas imeating stoves at the cor.spany's cfi1ce Vail paper chen1 , now proccss with patent right at Miht I , 108 MaIn street , .4 , , S'I'OIIIIIS OF' S'I'.t'FtS3l1iN. Cungressmnmima II ; ; ii ; ; "i'i1 , nimmi I iN Ite e ( , . C Probably no chase of men mire so easily victimized as congressmen. On this text a number of popular imouse members could tell a series of interesting experiences , says time Waeltlngton I'ost , The other day a stranger sent his card iii to Representative huh of Iowa.Vlmen thio niemmiber made his appearance time stranger explained that he was one of lila constituents and was In Washington in a state of temporary financial ensbarrnssment , Aitimommghm Mr. Hull did not know the nmamm , he imnndeii hIm a $5 bill , and turned to go back into time house. TIme conversation iiad been overheard by one of the capitol detectives - tectives , amid huh had no sooner turned his bacic tunis time . e'trang ' found himmsschf in custody of tIme omcer. "I want you , " saiti time detective. "Why , Wimat lmavo I tlono ? " asked the man in rurprlse. "Yesterday you represented yourself to be a constituent of Representative l'erklmis , " repiicd the omcer , "and succeeded in getthmmg bins to give you somno money , anti toiay you worked hull on time same racket. I think I'll Just lock you up in the guard room. " Some ono called Hull's attention to time arrest of the man just as ho was being rocorted to the hock up. "I believe that nsan has been playing me for a ( armor , " ime remarked , Then a authien impulse seized imins , and running after the fellow ito siti : "Look here , you are a dead-beat. I'm firmly convimicet of it. Give mne back that five , qmmlck , " The mnan made hate to restore imis ill- gotten gain , anti marched along with time olficer , who soon after released him wIth a reprlmnarmd. "I amy ho a farmner , " thoughtfully re. marked time Iowami , as he slipped lila bill back into his vest pocket , "but I don't like to have people act as thotmgii they saw hayseed - seed in ma curls. " I'iie Colonel's 5ongitn. A senator's wife , who is an accomplished mnusician , gave a dinner party recently , re- 'hates the New York Tribune. Among the guests was a certain member of time Kentucky - tucky delegation In eongres. WhIle await- lag ann.auncement of dinner , at the urgent request of sense of tIme guests , the hostess played anti sang. She lmad just finished a polonaise by Chopin , which was greeted with a burst of applause , anti as sue rose from the piano , in the ahlemmee which followed the sweet straimme , iterahusband tmmrned to time gentleman fromn thq.blmp grass stata with. "Would you iik7a sonata before dInner , colonel ? " ' .it t "Well , I don't mii , " promptly replied the Kentucky statesman , bracing up quickly. "I imad two on my 'n'ay hero , but I reckoim I can stand anotimerjj Sa'mver's Ill 11 e istimil Dciii. The Wisconsin republIcan state convention last week chose told CexSenator Philetmms Sawyer as one or'thid"deIegatea-atiai'go ' to thmo St. Louis convsintlon. Though nearly 80 years old , ho isikeenly alive to business yet and loves to drLq asharp bargain whenever - ever Ito can. HJs nor.poUs fortune has all boon made in lumixr. } j is a very close buyer when he eta. ! no the market to pur. qimaso phmle hands. Dsumly the man who sells to Imins doenq ibfot who the btmyer is. Last summer the ojjpman was in the north- era part of Wisconia Inepocting some pine. When iso sounded theowner as to ajaie that indlvidualan old man with grizzly hair and whiskers , hauled out a newspaper containing a wood cut of Sawyer , . looked at it closely and timen at the stranger , and said : "You b old Sawyer ! Blamed if I haven't been looking for you these three years , This land ain't for sale. Pine that Sawyer wants is pine , and I'll just keep this imero patch to hand down as a heirloom to my hiidren. " No trade was made and the price of pine and in that region rose immodlately there- ifter-zomething that does not take place very often in Wisconsin until after Sawyer C las made Imia purchase. ilummmasm Iheart Hejits , A remarkable calculation has been rondo ) Dr. RIchardson for the Medical Record , : t gives the work of th0 heart in mileage , he amount of blood thrown through the reins and wInds up wIth giving the exact r mumbor of times a human heart will heat in lifetime of eighty-four years ! A verbatizms opy of time most interesting portion of d his remarkable calculation is glvemi be- ow : , r ' C S Presuming that the biood Ic brown out of the heart at each pulsation r 0 tIme proportion of sixty-nine strokes per fi minute , and at tIme assumed force of nine cet , then we must comno to thm following tarthlng conclusion : That the mileage of tie blood througim time body must be takcn t 207 yards per minute , seven miles per our , 168 ashes per day , or 61,320 nmllcs g or year. At time above rate in a lifetinme f eIghty-four years time blood mileage of lie body is not less than 5,150,880 , anti in " he samne long life time grand total of heart eats will approxImate 2,8t3t,776OOO. " h - Exeliitimge of Cl huh Ohitcei. The conmmittee on buildings and property t the city council is irying to induce time bard of I'ark CommIssioners to exchange al lie omce it now occupies for the one used y Superintendent MatthIesen , If thIs is Y one It. proposees to move the chief of police iii ad time Board of Health from time dark fc ilices they now occupy , giving omme the roommm ow occupied by time park consnsistion anti lie other the one formerly used by the hiof of the fire department. gi ; ARGENT and EASTER. . - IF YOU WANT NEWSHOES . , i. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; . / ! : _ : _ / EET . . , . , i _ j r Easter SAItGENT'S CLERKS are paid I the customers' bIddIng , You cannot ook our window WiTHOUT SEElNJ a ShOE tli ) U LIKE. GO IN ti try it on whether you want to buy or LON'T hESITATE because you timlxmk it LC ii COST 'roo MUCH for ShOES never : re so Pretty or so ChEAP. J OOKFORTHEBEAR V - cors OVER TO TilE hOUSE Fight for the igliL to Mtko Ltquor lii Iiwmt Transferred , BILL A SPECI\L ORDER FOR NEXT TUESDAY l'rohmIiihionishs Siirtrl't'mI by time .i1- a'ment'm of I ite iInmItifimetmmrcM 11111 hut ! CIC'vcrI 5. lIeu tt'ii nit ( lie Cull Cii tue ittii , DES MOINES , April 3.-Specitil ( Tole- gram.-Tlme ) lmcusc wad , treated to a decideti sensation this afternoon , which resulted In time scoring of an important point by the friends of time MeNuity mnamimifactures bill , and wimlch may heati to the passage of that nsoasmmre. After time defeat of tIme Ellis bIll authorizing the manufacture of intoxicatIng liquors for legal purposes in the senate yes- tertlay , the opponents of time mmseasuro were in imigim glee , and freely predicted that the house bill on time eanso sutmject wotmiti never be heard of , but tonight tlmey see tmelr ! mimis- tako. After a little quiet canvmmsslmmg ammsong iio nsemnbers this afternoon , Mr. Lauder of Uniomi county arose anti moved that time Mc- Nulty biil ho made a special order for imcxt Tuesday , "I object , " came fromn time pro- hibittonlsts all over the house. A roll call was demnantled and resulteti , ayes 40 , nays 32. Funk , Vami Ilouten and Martin neme on their feet in aa instant , Insisting timat the motion required a two'thlrds vote. The point was overruled by the speaker , after an exciting colloquy between these mneimmbers and the chaIr , In which Martin accused the Bleaker of violating all the rules of the imouso amid reversing his own rulings omm a previous occasion. Time motion was coupled with a prommmlse Clint there simoulti he no (10- bate , whichm time apenken afterward etaid would not hold , and promised a final ruiing on the motion , Thm house thml morniimg had under consideration - sideration time Early bill , lmroimlhitimsg time Is. sUammco of imsauramico by comsmpanles that have not complied wIth time laws of this state , ammtl deciariimg all such polIcies null and 'oid , Mr. Early imiado a lengthy speech Ia defense of time bill , claiming timat it as ahmmmed at a large msmmmber of so-callemi wildcat coimspanes ! anti also at tIme Now York Lloyds. Ho cx- plumed that the bill iliti miot affect any mutual company doing businesm exclusively in Iowa , lIe then proceeded to score a lobbyist who , lie alleged , was hero in time Interest - terest of outside coflihanieS. An amendment exempting all mutual cam- panics of every deacriptlon frons its provisions - ions was flre't adopted , then recomisidered anti defeated , It was developed during the debate - bate that the Lumberman's immutual , time Mu- bra' nmutual and the Mutual Creanicry cons- panics , all covering several states , would ho exciuded Irons Iowa should the i'iih become - come a law , provitled time business is done through agents. The bill was amended seas as to merely require time ImaYmmierit by nut- side companies of time 2,4 per cent a'tate tax before tin action cami be hrotmglmt 1mm the courts of this state , put on Its passage and lost : Ayes , 37 ; nays , 39. Time Spaulding bill , making all threats or intlmultiatlon designed to prevemmt laboring mcii froims taking the place of strikers , tel- lomsies , was called up and defeated ; a3'ee , 15 ; nays , 54. Spaulding's bill providing for time taxatiomi of mortgages as a part of : eal estate was defeated. The Imoimse agreed to the senate resolution for flusal adjournment ems April 11 , but Funk filed a motion to reconsider. SENATE DECIDES ON ADJOURNMENT. Alril 11 , at neon , is the hour for final ad- jourunsent of time legislature that was fixed by the senate today , The Waterman resolu- tlon providing for a recess on April 9 and ai adjourned session beginning the second Tuesday in January , 1897 , was cahlei up anti a substitute by Chchire fixing the date nansed for adjournment sine die was substituted - stituted and passed by a vote .of 36 to 12. Tlmls will necessitate the formal abandon- imment of all work on the code , one single eec- tion of which , thmat relating to the military , imaviag passed both houses. With this ox- ceptlon , the code will conic up as new business - ness , it an extra session is held , though , an effort will bo made to preserve the work that has been done in the committees. TIme senate took up bills on calendar and passed time following : Dy hobart-To. authorize commissioners of itate institutions to lay out or vacate highways - ways througim state lands. By Mitchell-To reimburse time members and imeirs of members of the Second and rhird Iowa infantry for money expended in mrcimasing "gray" uniforms at the begInning it time war of time rebellion. By Trewin-To pay the widow of Judgh L. ) . Hatch of Claytomi county 1O8O , balance ) f salary for ummexplred term , IThy Alexander-Autiiorhzlng cities organized mnder special charters to provide by ordi- manco for the imnprovement of streets or illeys bi grading. paving , graveilng or nacatiamizing , including the intersections , nd aseoss the cost as a special tax against butting or frontIng property. Time Dyers resolution providing for the ap- ointment of a sifting committee of seven , nd that no bills be considered except such .5 may be reported by timis comrmmittee , was created ; ayes , 3 ; nays , 34. A long debate was occasiomieti by a bill equiring all applicants for admission to the oldiers' home at Marsbailtown to cur- ender thir pensiono to the state. It was nahly ( Iccithed to allow time soldier to retain C of the pension. , time rest to go to time tate. As timus ammsemsded time bIll passed , nurglmlrsiiol ) 'I'Iii'ce houses. JEFFERSON , Ia. , April 3.-Spcia1 ( Tele- rans.-Burglars ) entered timree imousea , at 10 same hour last night , getting away with atchies amiti jewelry. At one place time tvner locked time burglar in the house , but 0 escaped through a window. Severni oases started out In pursuit. Iowa Horse 'I'hIef Scntt'uccil , ORESTON , Ia. , April 3-Spocial ( Tele- ram.-Adeibert. ) Luke was sentenced thus ] fternoon by Judge 'redford to servo fomir ears in time Fort Madison penitentiary for erse stealIng , lie was convicted once be- ire of manslaughter. , Iudgmu-iit for Omit' Cent , CRESTON , In , , April 3.-Special ( Tole- amn.-Thmo ) emnailest judnscnt ever awarded 9 In the l'mmlon enuaty tlItriet court was given totimmy tti A S. iCiam' m , who aimed John Smmslttm for siammtler. 1Umstr , alleged himsitli Caled imlmmi a timic'f at it Pmibllc gottm'rHm and timoughmt 3Ot ( ) wommlh satisfy lmltmm. 'i'hme jury gave bins a verdict of 1 cent. - Iii's's OP ' ' ' Ct'ituti'i' IllI , \\'aslmiimgton Start "I suppose you are gratiiieti that your son hums jcmlmmed an athletic climb. There's nothIng like atlmletcs for young amen , " " 1 mml'poac ' so. " "Is lie in lraimslngi" ' 'I gtmceei so , " "has It s-tm'engthemicii him , usy ? " " % 'ehi , I beiie'o lie can carry a 'blilarti cue longer I immimi lie could bcttre , and I timimik ho brings homno a. bigger load at mmlght. " i'ittsbmmrg Chronicle. "limml friends , ' ' salti the miiminmmtis'e h.trnstormsmimmg tragedian , after an unlmsuahi3' aceimrate nina cib Limo imart of one of time atmdlenco lmnd lmsmmdeti an egg cmi his ha.sommi ' 'I tlmamsk for ' ' , you ycul' nhiimreeiati'e comitributlen. Now , It summsn one would only favor Inc with a utile imamsm , I- " ' ' 'hi.it's time nmuttci' with yourself ? ' ' sang omit a large youth lii the gallery ; wlt'ietmpomm the actom' retired behind time scenes to ee.tpo the tumntllttmotmh nlIsla000. Imm1lanalolms Journal : "A report lisa reacimoti mc , " sold the supei'itmtentient , "that 3'oti are carryIng ma hiocket boil Imimlicil. Is ii lsosslilo that you nrc doing collectimig on oimr can account ? " "Only statIstics , " said time contitmc'tor , wills timat ease and 11011511 of nianner acduircd emil ) ' Imy those wimoso business throws tlmemmi largely in commtact 'ithm time great lsubiic. "I just been keeping count of the lmrighmt young mmmon who tell me that thm mmew owl car is a bird , " Texas Sifter : Mrs. ' erger was in front of a hooking glass , preparimmg to go to aim o'eaing entertaimimnent. Colommel Verger , lmo was 1mm time room , simmileml sartlommicmmhly. "What are you laugimimmg at ? " asked Mrs. Yerger , sharply. "It aismimses mmmc to see you using cosnietics. " ' 'Let mmmc tell you soimmethiimsg : \'lmmm yemi atop paimmtimig your nose I'll stol ) lmaiimtimmg may face. " Orgimmilsimig 'ihii mm'i' mit CI evelnmmi , CLEVELAND , 0. , April 3.-Captain Mili of tialilimgtoma lioothm'sTnhummteer armmiy has been ordered here to fornm a corps. The work ili be deco here aim Summtiay. Booth is expected to visit time Clcvelnmmd troops In a few days. Poummd dead I 'l'lmcrc is somucthimmg so slmockimmg about smmdtlemi death that time immere mmmemmtioim of it wremaclmes time mmcrves of semmsmti'c people. Miihiomms of people hra' for ( ieliverammcc fmomma it , Every Summday in e'cr' Episcopal church in . , time world , these words arc said : l1romti battle , amid nstmrdcr and utidcn death , Good 1.orl , deliver us. " Just why samtldcmi death should be shock- lug , amid deaths after himmgerimmg disease easy to hear , would puzzle army one to tell. It would seem that it would be immure terrible to see sommie loved ammo wmtimi away , daily becomiming % 'eaker-daiiy slipping towarl a death tie less certaimi because it vas slow iii commiimmg. Comisunmption causes snore deaths than heart discase-nmorc timami chmolara- more than yellow fcver-mmmore thaim ammy other disease the world has ever kmaowmm , Amid yet people are careless about it. A immami ima dammger of sudden deatim froni heart ( lie. case coma avoid time ( lalmgcr simmmply by kccpimmg cuict amid avoidiimg excitemmient. Commsummmp. tmoii goes right eu vitha its deadly work , no imiattcr wlmat time umami does or how he coil- ducts liimuschf , If lie doesn't ' take time right nmedicitme to cure it. Commsumnptiomm affects time whole body. It is a blood disease. It pernmcatcs time wimole system. Itshmows in time humigs because the blood goes to time mugs for purification. It carries immmpumities there to be made pure. If there is too much impurity , the lungs arc over.woiked-over- loaded-time impurity stops thier . lime germs of disease stop there. "rimey develop and multiply ani then comlaunaption takes definite form. Dr. Pierce's ' Colden Mcd- ical Discovery cures gS per cent , of all cases of commstmnmptmomm1 himigerimig coughs , throat and bronchial diseases if it is taken accord- ng to directions , Get it at drug stores' learn all about it iii Dr. Pierce's great moo page work , " Common Sense Medical Ad. visor , " Sent FREE on receipt of 21 one.cent stamps to cover cost of mnaiiing only. It contains mooS lmoges , profuselyiliustrated. It is a veritable medical library , complete in one volume. Every family should possess a copy for ready reference in case of sudden sic'kimess or accidemmts. World's Dispcnsarj Md1cai Association , Buffalo , N. ' . C lOc I TIlE IIEIY DAIIANY I lOc _ _ I ELLIOTT ALTON , Mgr , _ _ _ TI4E ALTO1J STOCK COMPAHY , 'roxIGhl'r-"TIhzc OC'l'oflooN. " IKE NEDUANY / TEATEfl LLIOTT ALTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manager. ( - - Return of time Favorites , The Woodard Theater Co , UI Next Week , Consisioncing- MONDAY , APRIL 6. 'Playing at Popular Prices- To a)1 ) parts of dO C the house , -OPENING BIhI- c ' [ itfie Wildcat" 'Seate lOc. On sale Saturday morning at Ii o'clock. 0 I JUST 'r 'riirs TIMI3. A Pe 'lhliiiiI ( ' II Imit , , to 'Plinie " .Vimo re ( tmiit'k It , 'l'siltc .tiivammltsgr oh Sup goat hsmi , , , Can you Afford to risk yasir life during \ this spring ? This is is questIon whIch a great ninny Imeoplo will tb elI to consithc'r just at this timmme. how many peoimio there are , jimat now , who complaims of tired , % vorn.otmt feelings. Time ) ' f't'l ilytics , ) ammgmmlsi , Imavo imc'atacimeme ] , whmeneer any ill health almlmroaehem. 'Flint achm trommblc's , Timeli' aynsplommms plainly show that their lIver anti kidneys arc omit of order. others are immiferers ( remit thizzimmess , laiimita- tirni mmmi hziiimmi ) near .timim heart. 'rheir blood 4 ( lie , mtot circulate liroperly amid it needs ittmrlf Immg. timmiemma these flmimmgs arc' attended - tended to 11w iii cC coiti or chill time ) ' catch is vem'y aimt to turn limit , immmi'mmmnonia , coma- simnhimliemm or sonic other tiamigeromma malady. Cams ammy Ctmme cmitnrti to slims time'e risks ? Timee dangr , nit' mmt exnggi'r.mtc'ti. They actmmmmiiy exist , they imlimat be faeo.i , and it Is a i'ceintms mimattcr for people' who have others thept'niilng ems tin-ui , Stmctm Peoislo cannot amTorti to ho haiti imp with a eeverr Ilimsesmm , lee work amid lma' imea-y mioctoi-s' bills. it Is wiser to jtmamti ngmmliist the imsammy thaimgera ( I' tcmmlmmg till time 5)-stool amid rnmttlng ever' ' orgzmmm of limo imody iii perfect eommditlon , Timis ' is easily mICCuimil'hisimetl ' by thmo imiti \\'orncr'mm Safe Cure , % -lIlcim fur years imas imeemm recug- imized a time greatest anti best. remnetly for remmowimmg time etmcmmgthi and huuidimmg up thin imealtim. fl'er } ' doctor kimewa limit. truth. 'I'lmoim- sands of isromnimmeat Peolmie imave itroveti its vmahmmo 1mm theIr own eximeriemice. Ask timemmi amid they vIll toil you timey always make it ft PractIce to take \'mummer's Safe Cure b.itmthmos anti eommttmimm.aily stifler fromms stommm- isvimy they calm face time mmiost dangerous oxposmmrea iilmmiit ri"lo nmmmi alva's keep in perfect health. Thmvre are few people hmo can . affortl to igmmnro tImert' ammggestiomms , few \io ) ehommlti fail to i'.vaii thiemmmselves of the valuable imltmts timer commtmmimm , SI , IJERi\TiIRIYS \ hOSPITAL kIN ! ) RETREAT FOR ' [ lIE INSANE. ' ' In charge of time 1 SISTERS OFMERCY ' Timis witlel ) ' hcnowu immetitimtion line been doubled In size ( luring time past summsimier ammd rondo one of time mmiost modern and niodel institutinmms of its character in time west. TIme , new additiomma will be ready - for occu- pammcy by time ilrst ot time year. Wimen fully completed , accommsmssndatlons 'hll be afforded for 300 patients. It is beautifully situated , overlooking time city of Cotmmmcil Bluffs. A full staff of eminent physicians and trained nurses minIster to time comfort of time pa- Cleats. SPECUL CARE S OVN TO LLIDY 1ATETS. TERMS MODERATE For fuller particulars , apply to SISTER SUPERiOR , Council Bimmifa. Ia. I TWIN CITY DYE WWIKS - DYEING ANDCLIANING . llothillg , Drcsss and liousho1d Gos OMAhA OiTJcJc-12j Farnamim , Tel. 1521. OIJNCIL BLUFFS-Works and Otflce , Cor , Avs. _ nue A and 26it ( St. Tel. 310. " - ' Sent ! for Price LISt , ' ' ' H' i THEBES'r us SET OF TEETH 3IADIi AiD WORK GUARANTEED , DR. MUDG1 , 1' 16 8RODY - COUNL BLUFFS. IOWA ' ! RST NATIONAL BANK Coiiiicil Bli-iffs , Iowa. - - - : : APLTAL , - gal SOLICIT YOUR IIUSZXES $ , vu DItISIJCE YOIJIC COLLIOCTIONS. iNid 0F 'j'ihic OLhldS'I' IIAN1C $ IN IOVA. 1.1cR CflN'I' PAIl ) ON TICIlO Jlil'OSI'I'S. ALL AND SlID US Oil WRITE. 7 Et to ! Pays Investigate 1 Ilefore purchasing a mount for - to semmon. Our hiieycles will , - 5 anti lnvesttgatiomi. We make assertions we cannot subsiam. , altWe imave letters or i-cc- . - immemmdatton and pm-also from I 4 perienced cyciIt timrouglmotit 3 mr territory. Our conmpetitors ) SYl'-VO can't help it , becnue mr wiieels are preferred , , to , - hers , Our agents are not cons. lied to cut prices to seii. Our . . N marantee I. vorth sotnetising. I - - ' ' " mean. aometimtng , _ _ _ _ - gf IIIIIiINKS-"tie.t In time - vori.i" , , , . , . , . , . , . , . , , . , . , , . , . 1100 , IIE1I1 MODELS-The cc- mowiedged lender of , time . .Z , . . ' odium prlct-d httgim grtmtles , , $10 $ , c , , - , , - . . - , - - . ' -1 : : : ' I ' - ' -sw' ' - . " - , i , . . - rc - - - ' A' 2' - ' , , ; ' Largest line of Sundries and Supplies in the mid-west. General western distr butors for e f.Tercule's Wood Rim , Wheeler , Refarm rddlc and U S , Cyc/omeler. / Write for catalogue. Write DEERE , WELLS & co. , Cotincil Bluffs , In. CAL MIIINTS- ' T. FINDLEY , Council Bluffs , Ia , VILL BARNUM & BRO. , Omaha , Neb. ' - ' m/ -