_ _ - - - - - . - - - - - . - - - - - - : : : : _ . _ 1 4 - - - - - THE OMAUA D4ILY fln SATURDAY , A1'UTL 4 , 189g. , . . . \ II Tim OMAHA D1aY Bii 1' . ftow.WATIn. tjtor. Pt11.T$1I1'.l ! ) 1V1ItY : MOItNIU , TItt4 01' rUI3SCIt11'T1ON Iilly 1e ( % Sithatit SIIfl&l ) . , ( ma Yenr $ DlLb IJe tnd Iurn1ay ! One Year . . . . . . ) O tntlu 8 O J1it . tDI1Ih . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 C ) 8fl4st One Teur , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ftflMny II. , ) n Ynr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 & 4 ' % 'c1Iy 1Jep. Ono Year , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Osh flie fl tIuIl.lIr. Iou'Is . Ontnhn , iIng.r fllk.O Cr ? T antI fth ItL ( .iindI 11lurr , 16 Nnitli ulfl I4trt. ( tujng , Oltiec , 1 ? ( IifliIr : t1 C'9flm ° FC' Nnw lLotm.4 , , 1 J. I I nIII ir. . 'lrlliuno flWg WiiliIngton , 1417 1 trcet. .th , tlatIni to flrV ITh1 % tovL1 ? flftfrr ( slvii)4 ) I ) n11r , se1 : To the L'dltor. fltm1NF : ; :4 : 11TTfl3 : fl Itt4'r , tnd rernItInntet pictiI4 ) be t. 'rue fl. o PnbtIliIng ( mpnny. OmIn. , vntt , . CIiCk $ nii potrme OrdcN to ijo Iiiu1o , It ) til. . or1n nt th com1an ; 1II 1iti : i'unr.witio COM1'NY. _ - - - - s'rAT1 NT OP CI flCtl.A'tION , aeorge 1. l7.'cIU ( k , ? crtnty flt flo Pu ) , . 1IhIng flIflflhI. b ( lIIg tltiy ) , iwonl , * .a5s that , e netual ii tttnlqr , or Itill nut ) t omt ) t' c.titct o the Dahly Mrirhg. , , , 1s nIn ni , . ! tuntIty , 1)e ) prlnti'ii ) urlng the month of 1eItiiry , 1'6 ' , wzti UM ft lows : I . . . . . . . . Jp.O , ) I ; . . lq.rn 2 17.97 Is . . . . . . . . , 3 . " . ) tISi ) 1 . . . . . . . . . 4 4 . . , 17,9fl ? , . . . . . . . . . . . . r , jsi , 2) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 .OI3 22 . . . . . . 7 . . . . " .Ot1 ; 2 . . . . . . . . . , " 19)0) ) ! t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1,23i ; . . . , . . . . fl II7 - 1) . . . . . . . . . J 2' ' ) 2I . . . . . . . . . . . 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . It..3 : 2 . . . . . . . . . 17.51) ) 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ltI)2h ? 'I ' s' ii : . . , . . . . . . . . . . ltnTs 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1S,22 343 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lo .t . . . * 1 : ; . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 15.A ) 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 18,0CC Totni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Li'iu , iledtjetlon , , fr unpuhi nfl , ! returneil ( O1)tI ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,21 I. , Net , nt'q : Net thilty averege . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . G1O1LUt it. T.8ClttJK ) )4worn ) ho Ietore tue itnul u1crh1iet , In my ) irimt'nce tim ) , , : i t18V flt ) IrIh , 1SG Went. ) N. I' . )1th , Nntar ThibhIe. . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SPEJIA ! E4 STE It N UM flElt. Ti-rn OMAI-IASUNDAY Bi& EASTEIL SEItMONS- FAST1R STOIUES- EASTEIt P1\SflIONS- 1ASTFIt I'OEMS- IASTE1t PICTURES- SPECIAT EASTER 1FATURES : , , The Sunciny Ilte svhht ho reilete , with flttrnetlye 81eeIUi , Eater ( eatures-Ench or itM regular .ieIaItnents ) wilt hiltvo [ It ) Etster hlavor-The sjeciul Easter lhlIms. trzttIuimi % iH hu excelled by flOIC in LIfl other lumper tmrhlIte ( III this vicinity- Everything appropriate to the Enster etUOt ) viii hind lepresentatluim In this number. TFrn OMAHASUND&Y BEE : sImEoru4 i.s'rnt i'uinii. . A NEW SEItIATi STORY. j Tni On SUTJDAY BEi I RODNEY STONE. .l A flEMNISCENCE ) OF TIlE RING. I _ BY A. CONAN DOYLE. . 1 A new iterini story byt. . Conan Doyle. entitled Rodney Stone. begins in Thu Sunilay Boo , anti will continue ( or seventeen - teen svCuh-Tlme tale Is told by the hero himself. who is a rettrcd naval otlicer , and recalls the incimIent of his cnr2er S when a boy-The opening scones are lak , at Friar's Oak. a iittle village between London znd Drhttton-Tho ) story hn been pronouncud by competent crttis to 4 be one written in Dr. Doyle's very beit style. Tiii OMAHA S IDJDAY Bi S ; READ TIlE FIRST CIJAPTEIt S Beer o limi leer-tllat is llu ( IUCStIOU out at Fort ItolihIsoII. Tue i'tiihdr ot ml iies' m1ec trust 1 cioug1i to give : t itinji w'tli an Itoit con. stitutluit tite cull slttver. t . Tue slate siiiislers : In Ltiicastcr , 420111113' lUt\'C t1t1(1) UI ) time ely : " 1oII- ticlitus 8)1(1 ) ( JJOSSPt to time t'enr ! 'I'1it ItOlh ) to the front ! " , - Bud T4II1dsy 11)11k1S 110 IlCteI1tt ) to the S S oratorical Ipowt'rS of It' . Iticketis , butS S 1i lIaH 0 1)'cthIIItr ( eloquence of his ovn iyhicli Colitis for itiore v1icti it cOll1Q4 to tile itt1ccIloii of dulegatcH to it lIlt- tiotiiit ColIVentioll. GenettilVcylet' iios' aflItotilices Uutt : Ito llole ) to liti'e CoIlthhIerel Cuba by S . the exIIratloll ) of tw'o yearm. C.ciieral ' , Vm3'lr nplltrentiy ) 1It14 ilk line out for a life tuiitire jol ) lii suhJugatng the CUI > lthl lIlStIrgeIIt $ . : It Sciititnr 01111 of Florida h so zittxioii to light , IPrlIOlS ) ) lie might Ii duct ) sOIflt ? 01)0 ) of Jils hlSSOClflt'S iii tlit st'ititte to arrange a jmnir Itii liitii 1111(1 ( S give liiiii leave of absotice to go to Cuba ttiitl otter liit services to the In , shlt'entH. - \VIIiit ) 'ri hn $ ItO ( lISpOSItIOlh to ' tUl ) Into the loctil ilolitical cttiildioit of . : ' Liticolti , It tiikm IpIwIstIle Iii coligratti. liitlifg the leItI1)liCllhlS ) of LnIIclhiter ; COIlhlt' 111)011 tIle Meleetloll Of a legisla- : the ticket that Is excetIoIuIfly ) clean Ii tiliti titiolig. Is _ 1)1811 ) hIts le1'il ) IIVIPted In t. I4ih , 1 eluirgeti w'Itit ( leillitig lit lOgtlH ) tjrilple ) . Cteelc liuitiltig stovkt. \\113' 111)3' ) 1)100 ) 1 : itnts to ( Jttl lit IhoghiN 0111)1)10 ) ) CJi'etk , I 'S stoekH liISSCS ) COhilihl'Clit'lISjOil. Au If S titOrtVttlO lint ( ' 11011gb ss'ltullIiig going I 011 In getiultie OrippIt Creek stoekti ! GCIIOEItI [ nin1eioti hits ngniii lweii Iii glily cot ) ) 1)1 ) I hiieii t eti by a ii i in' I to t ion t n tleli't'i' tIitbleiiioiInI : tiny oration ut tin' tolill ) of Getieral Grant. 'I'liIs lt liult'etl I It great distinction. I'tv IIIeII itrtt 1111)10 Clhlutbit ) or tislug II ) hit' ( till tilgulty of such an occatiloti tliitii IH C1ciitral Iuii S tloroii. 'Vito local A , P. A. orgtn : that Is imrntl. i lug "Our Choice : Fin' lrt'It1eiit , 'V. S. II1lttil ) ( Itl leltlgttii , ( or 'rico preshlent , joliti r4. \'lNttl ) ? of NeIrltSRfl ) , ' ought to ilitiplay a little Iltore of tittit lntrlot- ) lsiit Of sliIclt It HI ) loreti to talk ittiti 4 VoVOttiO Itt4 ticket. ' , 'Imy suioihl Wtel ) . S' stet' play Ht(01111 ? to IIiIy 11)811 ) ? r4iuicnster county rel)111111c8n8 ) ltao their ( till ltgImllitIvo ticicotH lii the llt'lil 1 1111(1 lillY' ) also initticil their delegations to ; botit tunic iiiltl congressional coitven. l I tiouN. 'l'lity ilI hot lie t 11)ttIlt'41 ) vltli I another ) ) ' or loeni conveut Ion thIs . 'I'Itts Is 'liitt votilt . . . yont. . oito ! call lilt. tlng.nbout ( otit imolitical 1)IrIlt4 ) wIth ono I : ' A1. stolie. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IL Is tio' flhIfloUhtCe(1 ( tlitit the 0itiit : inotttitiieiit s'iIl be coinploti'tl nut ! reuly : i for iletilcatlon Imeforo the cIoo of thu I lItSelit ) Iflohltit. 'I'liflt 11 S18)tIlt1 ) have i takeit ( ho great city of Now Yorl tvelvo I tltlH to reIt'Iu ( ! Itti IlOhlIH&t ) % to erect. i t11114 fliOittIliiCIlt at thu tomb of thu gren t coniiiuitider vIIl ho oiio of the tlIi4gtuces I or tiw nineteenth century. ' , , Tin , D.M ( ) ( fl.ITJC SITLA2'IOX. It Is gtWl'fl113' COHCi'tICI ( thAt President ( Ie'elaiit1 will lrnvo ti grent deal to sty In connection 'ltI the tinining of the t1tiiiocrntIc cniidldiite ( or president , If lie detilres to exerlte hIS Intitience. This gives peuhlnr Interest to every report ossoclating ( lie president's notne with sonic IOSSlllC CflfldItlfltC. lti'ceiitly it linti het ii titflthl more or less confidently tlii-tt Mr. ( hcveIaiit1'm lrcfcteico ! Is Sec. rotary CirlIs1e , tied cCrtflhI ) circuiti. stances have beeti cited os indicating this to be tue case. 'l'here is iio doubt that Mr. Carlisle stands very high in Mr. Cleveland's esteem , for the secro. taty is it most faithful adhiereiit , and si'iillt' It Is not iniprobable that lie is Irefl'rIl'l ( by the preiiIent , there is really iiotiiiiig that gives absolute ztstulr- nhlec. of such being the fact. So far as thin circulIBtahIcet ) of ohhicial aliti per- tioitI rulattons itro concerited. there are ( lhiitt ) fl4 lUflhlY in evltleticc of Mr. Cieve- Initil's ' pnrtlaIit3 for Secretary Olney as for ? mfr. CailiIe. 'nut II'Ctiuhlelit till- tloiibtedh ilflCCS ) a very higli estimate 111)011 ) thifl nhiiilty of tile fortner and It is coiiittioiily uiidctstood that lie has itindo IrttiC toietiiioliS ) tO thO JhIdghflctlt of the secretor ) ' of stale , as to matters withiitt time filnetloils of the latter , thou ho Ims to oily oilier niettibor of the cabitiet. ¶ fhieuo nrc the ouh3' inetuliers of the 1htCSi(1eflt' othielni household wliont It is ut all likuly lie tins : iiiy Interest In as iiosIIo ! ) llCSihlCIlthili ) eanditintes , vliile thiro Is reistili to thiittk that he iiiiiy 1)0 ) moitikl to ft'or itoflie 1)110 Hot iii oihl cliii life , or not nssoeInttd ? with his ad- iitiliistI.ittlon. I'liis nsstiiiie , of course , that Ito tlots not intend to be himself a CttlilIdittC ( for a fourth tiotnitintioti , an titisettleti loiIlt ) Iii the sitiittiOli which is causiiig lilaily (1t'ihiOCVlttS no little iitixi- uty atiti ihelPICXIIY. It liis leCfl ) iroiiilsed releatedly that Mi' . Cleveland otiltl VthIl'Ve tue deiiioetii tic IIIIIItl till this score , but nobody Is thtly vb4er todny on the subject , ttitles it ho 51)1110 of his Inost coil- tldiitial ftleiids , than vhion the qucs- thou of the vresIdelt ( ' iitteiitioii first hiecanlo 0111 , Of coIlCIthi to the unity. heaiivlihIe no oiie iiiis nttai iit'tl any real ll'o11hiIiOilCO Os li lOSShlle ) ) ( lIiitIIhlttC ( or is behlig seriotiSl3' disciissetl by time vart' lit large , ittiti the national comiventlon is only three itiontlis tlimtiiit. 1Vmis the democratic party e'er before in such a slttittltiii ? hits It evet. hinppciietl before In the history of thin luirtY that wIthin ninety days 01' its nnthouiI : cotivttntlon there \\-as lint ( tile } ) rominent cttulltlate : for the iresilt'ntlai ) nomination ? Accnttliiig to reports , e.Govcruor Pat- thsoit of 1'ei1ns3'I'a1ila is rceLsliig ussur- linces of .sui)1)ort ) outsitlo oi' his state ittII tliet iiiiearS to be iIttl4 reatioli to tlOUlt ) [ IntL lie will lie able to get the tiiiatihiiioiis 5111)1)t)1t ) of the l'ennsyivalria dt.legntlon to Chicago. His ( rlend are saiti to lie coutit lug on the favor of ? mtr. Olevelaiid , 'l'lie latest informntion In re garti to "Vliitiiey Is that under no chtetltiISt1lhCeSVIlil4l lie accept the nomi- mntlion , anti licimee New \ork will prob- fllly ) have no 0110 to present. There con. tiiitils to be occasional mention of the liatnes of Morrisoti , Mattlie's , Ctuiip leIl and Unies , llit ) they awnken no In- tt'l'St ( , for the oIY101114 ) teasohl that irnile of tlieni 'Is strong In availability even In his own state. A serloult question s'itii time ticinocracy \VliethtP ( th iiitionn : convention vill contain a unijority for or ngilnst : the free coinngi of silver. It appears that the admInistratIon tins been investi- giiting 'lthi tefeicilce to this anti from lImo Iiiformilat ion obtained It Is said to 1)1 ? time 01)181011 In atlnihliIStratiolh circles that tile holiest 1110)103' ) element of the latt3' ) will cotitrol tile convention. There % .hIi hO (1OU1)t ) conccrnhtlg this , liow'ever , until the couvemitlomi Ineots , alid In any ovCnt a bitter ll'4it Is certain , with the IossIhIiItY ) flint the niimiorhty vihi secede iiiitl tlieie will be two democratic caudl- ( llttCS , 115 iii iSit ; ) . ' 1'li situation iiiales the outlook for the itrty : altogether hopeless iiiitl V.1) can coiicelvo of 110 iroballe ) ciiaiige that 'ould iinpi'ovc It. GOLD S1IIi'.ifNTS. Tim Present comidition of exchange hmithicates en thy gold sIt ts , lam t one at' the iiiost trustwoi'tliy 01' the New Yoik finamiclal jourlmals siys : there is iio good rensoti fet coii(1'II ( over the pros- itCt. It i'i'miiarks that ut this rerlod aim dfliux ( if gold Is iiiituril , heshiles yliicli the comitlit govet'iihiig out trade hii1. : ttice lil o III stioiig auth favorable coim- trast vitii last year.Vo ere tlieii t'uiimiiiig into a l)1'tIO(1 ) ( of large 11101- eiiamitli lluhorts ) anti small exhrtH ) ( , il10l'C8S 110W' the tehlleliCy ( is the IC- vcn0. ; I t is true tiiiiI exports have IPCenl ly Improved niitl imlii)0ttS ) have do- lIIn'd 8)4 ) colitilared s'lthi a year ago , Hit It is nitogethier uncertain as to hiow lo iig thti S CO itil i t Ion v i I I coil I i line. i' ii- ) tller itiieeit ii I ii ty 114 I ii 10.111 ttI I t ) t I IC hmiillt'Il Ia t o fit t 11 1.0 (1 f A iii cr1 en ii teChl i' I les , I tist mmfl' there liiit'ar $ to Iii' hio ie8soii I o tippini I ( 'ii ( I a ny cuitsi il eral do l'e t hi lii if theni , mit 0)1 ) tIlt' othiet' liunti thit're Is 110 iirumi iso a f ii a I tn'reti t'm1 (1 eiii Ii 1) ) t1 ft ) I. Limein , although 1110 iltttliotli ) of capital thttlil ) ) ( is StOiiIihY ( gros'iiig. Of cotmrst' Ilie situation s voi'y iiiimcii ) t't tee tliiiii y,8 ago. 'l'hie iationil ; ti ( itStiiY holds 8OOOO)4) ( ) ( ) miloro gold ihiaii it diii thou iiiitl lhiiaiieliil 0liilliIt'e ) ( ? Is st rOIt.Y. ! ; tilI , tile fiict reiiiains that thit' Ihihalice , ill things liiu'ii : into account , is iargCly igniiist this eoiiiitry iiiitl tiiiit ( net Ia Ihely to mituiko ittittif utmanifest at timiy thiiio lii it grilhtIy ltievi'asetl out 1lov of ) ld. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tllfl STbt1 , CO.3ZItINtJ. Alt nilvamico In price of evet'ythihiig iiiultt of steel is what will follow tIm oiiilihiiuit 11)11 ) of steel unamiufaetiirers mitiw' [ ) elng eil'ectetl ot utli'eiitly coiistiiIiiiititt'tl , 'l'hils is the tt'ow'etI IhitPos. ) 'liieli is 4oIlglIt to ho jiistiiietl by tliti atit4CrtiOii lint for so'ttiil y'lii'14 lflSt. wIth the ox- iti0ti of a Inlet lft't'lHi ( , t ho AmIiel'1081i itnnimfaetiirei's of steel hinvo bet'ii cloiiig :1 loshiig Iamsiiioss , a result mittvihuteil to lhitt miiiththlemiiea iather tliiiii to coinpeti. limit bet veeti t lie iii a mi tao t ii reis t lieni. elvt's. It Is possible that there is stihi. tututIaI ground for this stateincuit , hait It Is cent rat' ) ' to the coiiiinoti Inipressioii tiitt vihl not 1)1) guiieraliy aecojitoth us Lrue. 'rltis , iiovever. Is a matter that amiiiot hiti readily ilotermuliteiL It thu 4teel inttn liislst tiiitt tilt' ) ' have been Icing a lotihiig hitmshtietti It would be use. 'ess to duiiy the ttateiuent , but the ques. - - - - - - - - - - - tion as to the amenability to law of titi combination , one of the most powerful In the amount of capital represented ever orgntiIel , is 0110 to be considered. Is It of a uiattire that violates the ntI- triit law of 1800 or the hater legisla- tiomi against trusts niid combinations Incorporated In the present tnrhi ! law ? Tue precise terms of the agreemeuit among ( lie Parties to tIme coiiibJnatlon huivo not beeui inathe public. It Is noteworthy - worthy ( hint the utmost secrecy Is oh' served regarding them. There call lie flu thotihit , however , that time puroso is to restrict ( no comuipetltion niid to arbi- tvarhly regulate prlccs , which Is deelat'ed by ( lie anti-trtisti law to be illegal auth against public PolicY. It doot not iiiuike any thihTcreiice whether the combination "littdihi3" flIfl11CC8 tIm price of steel or not. It It viointes tue hits' nil effort slioulti be mantle to suppi'ess It amid the duty ofdoiimg this is w'ltii the mtumthiorlties \Vashiittgtoii. . here Is whiitt iilhCilrH ) ) to be a vast organizoti schi'iiio to exact tribtito froimi ( ho 1)001)10 ) nuid the peohle ) hook to their inllilio servatits to protect tlmeni. Perhinhis the liis' is not iideqtmuto , but this cannot be knowli tutitil a PI'olet ) aunt honest effort hits 1)008 ) iiiade to cii- force it. 'rite Departhient of liistice should see ( lint ( lie steel combinittlomi is investigated and if fouiid to be Iii viola- thou of ( ho law should preceeti ngahiist it. DEiOUALIZING 2'1I2 .S''IWTS. ( 'l'hie hitiblic schools should be abso- hutely divorced , hot oiihy fromit iOlitIcs ) , but froni mill comitentiomi itiul eotitestM thuiit Imiterfere with the work of teachers or 1)111)115 ) OC total to create discord aniong the Patlolis of the schools. Gift- takliig and gift-soliciting have vei'y prollerly becii Prolihlited ) by tli Board of Etlucatioui. Time sanie itile should also nlily ) to all gift oliterpriscs and gift contests In s'liieli It is sought to enlist ( he teachers niid 1)111)115 ) of the PUIhiC ) sehiooh for ( lie PflmiiotiOli of private ltiSilieSS ) Ulidel' lnetext of stltiitiiatitig Ii ml'alry lnttveeii dilleretit schools.Yiiat is the differemmee frolul the moral stuuid- lOlttt ) between betting on the fastest liou'se III a trotting race or tue best inulser In a vrlio fight amid emigagluig lii Ii. votilig COlitest 115 to the most ioinilar ) teacher at so iiiiicii a vote for a pric lit- stead of a Pimrse ? If gift enterprise schemes can lint be carrIed on thirougli the use of ( lie mails , shah they be aided and a1)Itttetl ) tlitougii ( lie public schools f Alroaly ( rOJO1tt4 ) reach us that teachers have bocit solIcit- lug this kind nt' pOjillat'lt3' , although . attclilhts to eiitiiigle Omaha letter cat.- i'iers In similar schemes litve : hiceli proIuiltiy umuiti suiuiinttriiy stoppeti by ( lie I'ostolhice depart limeult. I f such coittests ai.o hot tolerated ltlUOIi letter ctii'rlct , s'hiy should ( lucy he among teachers and 1)111)115 ) of the public schools ? DUII iVINJ TIIiJ CULOU LZZs'I. \Vhuttevcr iuiiiy lie thought of Congress. 11111.11 ilalner's 'fight against federal ap- lroirlations ) to sectarIan Institutions , It s'ill commimnend lihiti at least fet cotmr- ageouis consistency. If ( lie POlICY of congress is to be to withilmohti pulmhic illolley front charitable uiiitl educational iIiStltIIIOIIS ( cotiduicted or CoIltt'OllCd by i'eligious organizations no fas'oritlsmn or disrltniii'uitIoii shouhd 1)0 ) suiowii , If the Catholic hiosiials ( and ehools of time District of Columuihia , vhuieli lin'e here- tofote been iartlY tle1wiitleiit 111)011 ) COIl- grossional appropriat 11)115 , iire to hi' thtrOWll 1)1)011 ) their own iesourees , all othmet' ( lenomninatlonal Itistlttitloils should lie omm the same footing. 'I'hie iiiere fact ( lint tile Howard irnl- 'eislty is nil instItution for the higher education of colored POolle ) shiotild lint entitle It to greater favor thiali it would itceIve If It were an Institution for the luigliei etlucatlomi of white heohmie. 'l'hie liegro hIts IiCS'CI asketfor special vrhvi- logos on account of race , but for equality before tue lav. 'I'ltere Is no 1110cC rthisoii is'hiy Comigress tihmotilti miiuike a. distliictlomi lmtweemi white niud Colored sectarlnii In. stitutiomis thuiui it shioimhtl betw'eeum Catholic amid I'rotestnllt sectarlaim Insti- tuitions. ' 111ie ulmItltilyimlg ? IiiilCIihe ) of time seji- ltt'ittkiI of eliutehi 811(1 ( StfltO Is that no hCi0it ) shall be compelled to colutribute hmy taxation to the SUhiiOl't ) of iimmy church. 'l'o drii' ( lie etmiot' hue oIl this lt'iIlClPhO0thlI ) bit it1lefUImSille. ( ) It vouh1 ( Milie ( lOYii to this , thiitt a hospital for colored Catholics vould teeclvo coil- grcssloimi : i a I ii i' ii I I e a I 1(151)1 ( I a I for vl i Itt' 1'iotestatlts 01' Cutthilits would he' deiiieil assit4taiiet ? . .Suieii it iOhit' ) 'oimhl oumly iiutensify lace vreiuthices auth rlce : liatreti coiirtry ( ; to the spirit of ( lie age auth thifl lICCCPts ) of Chmrltiiaii ( elvhllzu- thou. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 't'lte 1)lIdge ) cases have ngain 1)0cm ) imstiiont'th h)3 ) thin feieral StilOll10 ) court until ) ' 20. 'l'hiese are ( lie cases vhiicli lutist iht'tet'iiiine ( lie validity of the t'otitiuict hietwt'eii ( \lIhyttiiet : iutul flock 1811111(1 ( tutu the hiimiomu l'achlie roiitls for ( lie use of tIme Otimahma bridge. PStIOiieiilt'lit ( ) , it iS stutted , wius giaiiteil ( ( I hetuiiit .Tumtlge Ihhloli , couumsoh for the Uiiloii i'acltie , to be lreseIit lit ( lie lilIllilagit of his daughter. 'l'hie elh $ \uiN to have hmi'eiu hicaril April 16-the ( llitO of the Nebrashot retuIiicami ) ) state Cull vi'ittioii. 'l'lie gratifying uiiimmoiiiiccflii'ilt Is inuide that time vorldug hours uit time lJmmioim l'IicifiC sltops have again bt'ii iticreaseil. ' .I'hie order of cimrtaihtmieiit w'ns but a t.tilhOt'iui'y ) oile. 'l'lie tesiltimlitlomi of regim. hiir hlolmrt4 'hhl be tiulto as gratifyIng to the retail mlmI'rehiuInts as It mmmust 1)0 ) to thu ili'mii3' of immtchiaimIcs at time shops. It would be of iimcahcuminhlo benefit t ( Ohimallut if there ere mimore reuut In. dutstmios 1411dm us ( lie Union Pacific SliO1)l ) vlthiin time liimiits of ( his city. , 'rho olive brunch of ieaee is ngstiim in ttvitlt'nce at Labor 'l'eiimphn w'ithi every 18'OiitiMO thitit tlistumrbing eheimmeuits have been suibjmgitted. So bug its labor or. gitmiiiatiiiuis In I his city elevate thmelr hn'st limell into places of heatlershtip the 1loSSiliiity ) of trouble Is averted. Thu Ituportuutlon of uiolsy , untried leathers is itli but thisuttitrotis. Slimco the decIsion ot the sumproumia Citit't ( streligtheuihimg thu hitutids of ( lie luttorstutto Coiuuimmereo cotninissioum , ( lie taiirouuls luitvo suablenly becotnu extra' ord i iiui rly cliii t louis abou t grit ut I tmg : ( ii's tuthiIpperti. It Is the old story . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - - _ A. _ : _ S _ _ over again. Wimeim ( lie htmterstntO law was first etincteil time railroads made a wonderful st' of yioldiiig it tile strictest obcdleimce , btit it did not ( nice long for thmurm in discover ways by which they could ciutde Its provisions. It iii not lihctI tmnt it vhii ( nice 101mg for (1mm ( to weit dtf ( lie shyness traceable by ( lie imov .ffeelsions. Expert sugar nutiiorrties are quieted as saying tmt ( thie world's sugar prod' tict s-ihl in nit hlkellhiootl ( his year be a million toni ; Miort of ( lie supply for several yenrsupsst. lit other words , ( lie ( lehuntuti for ) utgnr wIll 1)0 at least conS stnuit. This iShhit to foreslmadow well for tue beet sugar industry lit tIme Uumitetl States. There is a ready mar- Icet Iii this country for all tim sugar thmitt can be hI'OtlflCel ) ( here. Beet sugar factories in Nebraska ought to be teimipt- lug to conservative cnpitaiists. It is admItted by the local rcpreseliltt tlves of tIm fire instmrahmce coimint'ihi'ti ( lint tIme chiistiticatioii Of rikq a Ounahia Is not s'hmnt It should be uttiti that tile stitluluurih accorhImIg to s'iiielt mates are adjusted Is not really the best risk in tIm city. These things coucetheil , the 10:1st : ( lint the comnhuulimies cultm the is to give us a iiev 1assIflcuttioi imuti re- utrl'itlmge the rathimg of all IWOPe1ties oil an equltuiblo bnsis Chumma hits recogimized time advnumtages of time lJimivcrsni I'ostnl utuioim to time cx- tent of ullpl3'ilig ) for iidtmilssiott to nieln- heushiip , In thiuit orgallizatiomi.Vhichi meiiiimids us that ( lie next sessioim of ( lie tielegates represemitliig the imimloim Is to fleet \Vlusumlimgttl two years lienet' , w'hieii the IJuiltod States s'Ihl he tileliseti to veicomiue Clihuit : at Its first hartichln- ) ) tion In time lroceethiligs of time hotly. The couticil comiuiiittee huts ( lOCIled ( to itsk for alt issue of refuiiitlitmg lmimtls boarllig 41,4 pr ccitt Interest. It is tloultflml vhicflicr lOtmlS ) ut it lower rate could be floated this year , but in vIew of time fact that Omaha hiatt alwumys met obligatlomma of this umum ture , imotwlthistantl. iiig peculum tlt.uis of dishonest olhichuils , tlmero shmoumhtl be no clotmbt of the ShiCCOSS of the lt'olOSel ) ) Issue. Time Nittiomimil Seitlimitcilt , a lobe-ternocrut. A wluiding Cu ) of the session in May or earlier would meet a ions-felt want. Let congress pass the appropratlon ! bills aumd go home. Ltmmmltn I bit of Uticerini ii d ) . Chicago Itecoril. Ono comfortIng reflection Is that ills Oes- perate uncertainty regarding time thlrd-terun boom cannot udtiro beyond the data \lun the ChIcago t6ij'ntioum closes. S - % 'lI 1Ie i'roii1,1 t' \'zmlmington l'ost. Time crisis qziy pass as other crIses seemingly - ingly as gravu3Jiay lassed. but nil the same It is upon thelcards that Franctt and 1tussa may have th1r thhlblnetl fleets in the upper Mediterranean within sixty day , and that a complacent bUitzn will open tlme gates of the Black seaLforljumemm to effect a JunctIon , 'flie air of Europa is thick with evil portent. ) fu' _ CImniI-e tot' a Chit ngt- . 1SiI1aLlpha. ! Record. Tvonty-fotlr kJnilcd States senators wlmoea terms whli CxpIt'e TIl tile 4th of March next will be affecteiIibythcresults of the various legislatlvo e1ecUols to be Imeid this fall. Timis fact wokltlui , pure to brtng out a full vote on the l4hs4ti O tickets , even If there simoutd have 1efl no such stimulus as a Presidential conte4t , r for the people Imavo groan wearied , of the pro'ent senate , and souith gladly welcome a cilaulgo in tho.per- sonnel of that body. Dimer of Oyeroiihllence ChicIgo Inter Ocean. At nearly all of tile republican conventions anU gatheruugs there is tIme greatest enthusl- asm and a gqaerai expression of opInIon to the effect that the republicans will wIn a great victory title ( all and an easy one. 1ossibly a little too muclm is being said about an eacy victory. It will not be a wallcover for the republicans. The democrats , it bo assumed. will Imave time full vote of the oouthern states. This will give them 1i9 eletoriai votes , and timey claim that they wIll have no great dltlicuity hn securing the sixty-four additional votes needed from the states of the north. They Imad 118 votes from the ncrtherui states In 1892. The en- thuslasni of tluo reimmubiican party Is span- taneous and adimmlrimble. but it is just as well to keep in mind that tile fight Is going to be a hard one , and that every vote will bo needed. 'I'IIE 1)UiE'S A1'iiAI. . New York Jouriinh While "seated beside rim ammtlque table , " tlu duke of Vcragua says the American people and the meuIato ails- undoretand th motives of Spain in the war with cuba , it the duke would sIt bomlde a iiicdern table lie would understand the understanding - standing of time Aimiericaui people better. Chicago Inter Ocean : Tile duke.of Veragua Is reviling the United States ( or Its action 'I ) tile Cuban matter , and prate , , glibly about time honor of Sjialn. Thu grandee wharo income - come Is derived from the raising of bulls for lighting purpores should clog low when lie vcahizes on tile smbJect of honor , and ea'pe- emily when hie animativersions are directed agsins't a people who "chalked imis back" for n'iths , not at all oum accouimt of lila fodividual uumerht , but solely on account of lila accident of pedigree. Denver Republican : Time duke of Veragua condemns the aetloim of the senate in respect to Cuba , but oxctiss time American people ( or theIr Indignation oum the ground that timey are Ignorant ot time facts In regard to tiunt islanti. Possibly' the duke himself is time one vImo should ho excused on the score of 1g. norance. Time People of time United States have as good uumuauis of ascertaining the truth 1mm regard to Cuba as tue duke of Veragua. Time island Ia much closer to timid country than it Is to Spain , and distance has a good deal to (10 with accuracy of iim- ftirinatinn concerning other hoc2lltleS. Philadelphia Ledger TIue duke of Veragua , ivoil known itm the United States by reason of lila ofliclal sJt to time Columblan exposi- Lieu , has been taThiug about tiuo situation In Cuba. 110 takd ( ho position of an ardent but teimmperate fspsniard , anti tlmough some of luls views thayseezn peculiar outside of 1 Spain , they arir quite justified as Patriotic 1 uttoraimcco , SorntrotImers. lmowevor , and espe. daily ( imoae relating to Cuba , must ) be ( alien I with rcoarve. When ile says ( list It there had been no var , Cuba would have a hoimie rub governmeflj.Iat would ho satisfactory to a majority . Cubans , " one Is tonmpteu to ask why tsclt a government was not vouchsafed bcfb6 war was begun , aimd wlieim lie tieprecatosri them possibility of a Cuban republic , "bechma i It would mean ( lie tn. unuph of time jiu race over ( Ito white , " imo forgets tlmp , Vrecedent already set In Ilayfi. nut witolu he says , in answer to a riUcatioli as to rphdont CieveIanti attitude ( hat tie tblnka 1 % presidotmt's wisest course would be to dq , lQluing , and let the excite- Inent raised b Clt ( congressiotmal rosolutioius lie otmt , hue voices tha oommtlmnent of all sober. I minded 4tmuerican. Tue duke seems to be Ii. pretty cicar thinker , as well a a patriot , OTIIIiR IAIS TItAN Otlt5. There Is so doubt that hltissia intornis to have Port Arthur and nil ? dancimtmrb't , nml the report ( list. China has tedel ( ho fonisler to thm czar is probably only premature , It Incorrect. Surveys fr & branch of the Si. bertha railroad to several points on ( ho gulf of I'e-chl-hI , were made long ago , and part of the work on the line across Man- ohunia was done before the war between Cimina amid Japan , The only question from ( lie itussian standpoint has been where the terminus and ( ho winter harbor shotmld be. anti that Port Arthur wommhtl be chosen him admitted of little doubt. This pumrpoeo was behind the hlussian p'rotest which prevented Japanese occupation of this port and prompted Russian aid to China in paying the Indemnity lion tieleat cost. Europe was not tlelVod by thcso itmissian protestation9 of friendship for China , anti ituamian pro. tests against the divinlon of Clminese tern. tory. Germany and Inance foil in line lied hind ( ho former and joined in compelling Japan to relinquish her booty , btmt it must lmavo been known both at I'anis and Ilerlin that It was hhussla's interests anti not China's which thmey were sorving. it ha impom'siblo to tell how inclusive are time Russian vians for ( ho incorporation of Clmincso territory. Port Arthur Is nominally wanted as a railroad - road terminus , anti a naval station wlmlelm Is open and accessible all the year round , wlmlch is imot thmo case at Viatlivostoclc , and not always time case at Port Lazareit Oii time north coast of Cores. flack of I'ort Arthur is Manchuiria surrounded on two sides by Siberia , wlmilo a little way off is Corea , anti in front tIme Yellow sea. Russia at Port Arthur means Russia within cimey ( histamico of I'ekln , amid near enomigim to lie a menace to the coast adjacent to Shanghai and the liritish protectorate. itusia flrrmily In- trenched at Port Arthur nmoans httisSiall suzerainty - zorainty over all time country back to the Siberian line , and no one can lretiict , time extent of Itussiumn himtluenco at l'ekin. The Indications are now atron that , in spite Ct time iimmniense sums wlmhcim Orcat liritnin lrolioses to expeumd In strengtlrnmmEng amid itmcncasini lmer navy. Germany will not. as it vuts ( imougimt alma would , attommmpt to build up a navy. All ( hunt has been obtained fromu the Reicimetag Is a grammt of 2OOOOO , 'itlm 'while ! , to begin the construction of one batthesimip , wlmlcIm is not to ho finished uimtii 1900. There was even some opposition to this aught increaca In tIme ( herunaim navy , and It was only siiemmced by assurances ott the imant of time governmnent that. it wna umot Iii- tended to build ill ) a great fleet like that of France or England. Timis opposition was probably partly caused by tIme rumor that time emperor was to do the planning of the simip. There are few tliiuigs which ho does not timink ime is capable of acconipiiaimng. lIe hitS naintoil pictures , written poetry , gtven lmiiits to artists amni composers and shown the band-masters of the army how to conduct great nmu.sicai works. Now ho proposes that the battleship in question shall be constructed - structed with its guns in tiers , one above tIme other. In a central tower-l'lco structure. l'crrns who are fond of picturesque excite- macnttIll doubtioss wish that they may see such a battleshIp in a neal fight and in a heavy sea. 0 Matabeleland , it is to be borne In mind , is a country quite tletacimed from any existing flnitislm losOsiions , though It adjoIns upon time east hiechiuanaland , whelm at presemit , tmouglm ) nominally a protectorate , is in fact little more titan a "zone of Influence. " What is more to time purpose is tlmat it lies just north of tlmo South African republic , and that by an effective British possasslon time floors would be hemmed in imy the flrit- tail on every sIde , except upon tlmo east , where thus far tbo Portuguese imoid time country - try between timemu amid Delagoa. It is time wiiderness to wlmieh they would retreat if ttmoy were crowded out of their own land once niore , and BrItish acquisition of it wommld compel the Boors to remain where they are -on time north. The progress of i3ritish settlement has been very rapid. Already 1.070 fsrme , aggregating 6,400,000 acres , lmave been registered , or , as we would say , pro-empted. The sacure possessioma of time ccunny ( wouid form a very important link in the clmaln of British dependencies. Ly- lag as it does almnost midway between Cape Colony and tlme Soudan , the acquisition of all three would go far toward painting time map of time dark continent red. Timat is the avowed ambition of Cecil Rlmoclos , and tlmere is every reason to believe timat it will have sympathizers in Dovning street. e * * According to reports from Budapest , time Hummganlmmn government has prepared a bill for immereasing the present strormgth of time heaved troops by time addItIon of artillery , In tile coursa of the debate on time hlonved army estimates Baron Fejervary , the lion- ved minister , will lay time government proposals - posals before Parliament , The formation of llomlvcd artillery Is advocateu on two dlf- ferent grounds. In the first place , it op. pears timat various far.neaclming clmaimges in the military laws are planned , in conform- lty witim whiclm neltlmer the strength of the armny on a peace or a war footing tier time annual number of macn to be enlisted wIll ho fixed beforeimand , but , as ium Germany and France , the laws relating to compulsory - sory service will be extended so as to lim- cude every man passing time necessary med. teal examination. In timis way time numer- leal strength of the Austro-hlunganian army v1Il ho ralsol from about 1,880,000 to about 2,400.OOQ men. Time seconi reason is time receselty of iumcreaslng the number of field guns at time disposal of tIme Austro-hluim. ganian military aimtlmonities. At present Russia lmas 4.200 , France 3,900 , Germany 3,700 , Austria-Hungary 1,770 and Italy 1,620 field guiuo. Thus , In proportion to its size , the dual monarclmy possasacs time smallest number of arms of this class , anti it is to remedy time deficiency ( hint time formation of lienved artillery is proposed. Tue or- ganizatlon of a hionved artillery corps has long lmeen desired by the Hungarian an- tion , amid it. is expected that ( lie proposal swill meet with no opposition in Parlianmomit * 5 * 11115315 , after forty years of wandering in tIme wilderness of inaolvcncy , In which bier people have enjoyed time tlollgtlis wlmlch inhere in time irsue if legal tender paper money , has taken tIme initiatory steps toward putting imor finances upto a gold basis. The Rustlan silver ruble , whmiclm circulates at a ear of 74 cults , La wortlm about 4 cents. It viil be retained as a rart of time metallic cIrculation. witlm a limited legal tender quality. nut time paper money will b grail. uahiy redeemed and displaced whim gold. For this purphee the government bmas accumulated a very large gold reserve , and it is expected ( lint time redemption of payments 1mm gold will hiavo time most stimulating and healthy rffcct in promoting time iimdustrlal and Coil- mercial interests of tlm empire. Specie pay. mmu.its . have been supenthod in Russia siumce 1555 , tIme vast expenditure involved In the Criimmoan war Imaviug forced tIme goverumnent to that extremity. hiecoveny has doubtless been uouch delayed by the necessity of keel ) . lag time emprie upu a war footing , the cost of maintenance being made much heavier by the failure of the public credit. .5 * In Italy ( lie grand asigneurs do not pay rh proporLion to their incomes. Moreover , the system of making deductions on the taxe3 in Italy ho very defective , and it may be eafeiy atiirmed that twtl.thmlrds of those vlmo shouiml be taxed do not pay at au , while Lhmo third which ( hoes pay comprises the poor , who cannot hide their s'endor resources from ( lie tax collector. In Italy , immoreover , there is a cuniona imimenomnenon of the poorest distrIct paying timrico as mucim as time nicimest. One example may be given , Sicily pays 12,000,000 lire for tue dada consume ( duties an articles of consumption ) , wimile PIedmont , witlm nit equal population , only hays $7,0O0 , Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report K oyal Powder Btking AUSOLUTELY PUIE ( dO. This example I simificiont to show thmst justice in not incited out in Italy , and timi is the origin ot the ever.Incm'oaing initany tund popular and uidc.'pread discontent , which finds its vent in sedition anti bnlgaumt1ape. This situation can only he cimanged by ox. ttetiie imleasures or a , a ccnseqmmenco of the bankruptcy t ( ho state , - ' 11111 iLAltlItAl ) iflCiSiONS. Cimicago Chronicle : Tlmero arver has bccn a mono important decision uintler tIme interstate - state comunerco act than that itt tIme so- called foreign rate case recently remmdcrcd by time United States suprcnme court. It is a vicIous tlccislon amid Is jtmstly dcmscribcmi by one of time jtmi.tices in a minority opinion as atmtiionizing dlserhnlnntion In favor of mi- porters no.1 against shippers of freight orIginating - Iginating at. Amnenlcalm centers of industry and trade. idianapohls .totirnat These two decisions assert in time strangest possible isanner the iirit'ciple that railtonti corporations , beimug created by time hmeolmIe , are subject to iegis- lativo ant ) constitutional conirol , antI timat. it is the uuldotmbtcmd night , it net time plain duty , of heglslatmmree to prevelmi ( lie btmlltiing up of meonopohica by the colmoildation of parallel lines of railroads. Now. if every state legia- iature in ( ho tmnlomm will enact a law liruitiblt- 11mg such coumsolidatiorms there will be an cliii of tlmoimi and a great imoimmt gamnoi 1mm favor of time maintenance of comiettng lilies anti rates , Chicago 1ntr Ocenn Time supreme court of the United States hmniidcd thowim a hatch of railway decisions Momiday , which , in point of immmiortamico (0 ( lmtisimmems , rank aeonmI emily to tIme grammger decisions. In fact , timis batch really constitutes series No. 2 of time granger decisions. Two of timemim are siniply a. no- atllrznation of time lmrlimciplo of mw laid down iii ( ho grammger decisions , mummtl the other sus- ( sins ntmd gives new life to the interstate commerce act , sustaimming to interstate coin- merco by rail about ( ito sammmo rclatiomm timat ttm&se granger decisions did to tatc coin- alIenee by rail. Intlianapolis News There vims no intinla- tion that ( tie Inland rates vere unrensonabie , aimd , In tIme absence of suchm limtiniatlon , time cotmrt declared that "tlm mere fact tlmat time tiisparlty between timrotmgit and local rates was considerable , diii not , of itself , warrant the court III Iltiding timat such disparity constituted - stituted mum undue thlscrimmiination. " Time cm- cumnatances 1mm the two cases rere dlffereumt. anti. therefore , the sammie rule could not be applied to ( hunt. Time effect of these do- elsiomma vihi lie for time good of time public. auid timey vlhl result In atremigthionhiig the imands of time Interstate conmmisshon and givlimg amithitlommal potency to time tmltcrstate comunmerce act. Chicago Tinics-Ilerald : Theto decisions are not only gratifyiimg to time eomumiissioim , whiclm lmas labored so faithfully to administer the law , btmt also to time pooiml , who may now reasomiably Imope to obtain time advantages - vantages iumtcndcd for them , These advantages - vantages can only lie enjoyed by those itmtem'- esteml Iii time trnllic of railroads. Olme still lucre iniportant step is yet to be taicemi by congress , ammd thmat is the protection of time owimers of railroads--tbe simareimolders anti bomidhoiders. They are at time mmiercy of faith- iesa directories niid ofilcers , time latest In- stamice of wimleim is time bankrimptcy of the Baltimore & 01mb road. Wimemi a depart- macnt is created ( hunt will imavo supervIsion over this subject then there will be sommia nisurance for time honest mnauiagenient of tlmeze great corlioratiomis anti slmareimoldei a atmd bondholders will be lirotected equally with time shuimpers of freight. Jtms fltd SornVN for Nebrnslcn. New York Sun. Nebraska , oscillating between anti on nO- coumit of the McKinley amid tIme Manthersomi booms , quivering bcnoath time eloquence of lion. John Milton Timuratcu , nobly conscious of Eon , Tobias Castor , swept in the last three days by tIme Hin , William Jenaings Bryan and three otlmer hurricanes , oveni'lmelnied by oceans of amid shouts of 16 to 1. remnabis undaunted and pinch ! . Only a great state can afford to Indulge in great troubles. nesides , tIme pocket gophers are coming out of their nests , which are lined wltim cople3 of Dr. ClInton Hart Merriam's epocim-breaking reports - ports eu time Geounyidoe. amid every gopher in time chorus is predictIng good weatimer and better crops. Sevem'al populiats have declared their intention of workog niore with tIme plow and lema witlm the convention , and the Boy Orator of ( lie Platte ii , going to take Imis 16 to 1 pmmzzle to Smmmph Itnn , Mo. , anti other capitals which lie has not yet nmade tremble. Joy , and conseqtmently thtmniniahing areas of populism , beginto beani over Nebraska. aLt itit III ) . Washhngtomi Star. His ( ace was pate ; his gunce was sad ; They sought to cheer in vain. 'You've youth ) " they nld. "my miolmie lad ; Wherefore should you compialn ? Porlimtps ynull make your mark iome day Where gloriotmi4 deeds are done ; Ho shook Imis head and answered , Nay. I cannot shoot a gun. " "But you may be a statesman yet. Anti in time coimncll hall 13imOlt1 Careers that rise anti set \Vimilo men awnit your call. ' lie shed a tear and answered , "Though I nmn Keptucky's son , In stateSmnanshil I stand no show ; I cannot shoot a gun. " "Couraget" timey crieti. "Why , you may be Tlic' iresldent crc bug. This is ii. land where all Is free Unto the swift arid strong. " His eroud iii' curled. They heard Imim say , . 'Itoutmtl mno time ducks migimt rurm Time live-long day imi guileless jmlay ; I cannot hioOt a gut ) . " SPECIAl. BASTEIt NUMIIEIt , Tim OM1UJASUNDAY Bi PI1ACTICAIj LESSONS OF EAIITIrnI A syniposiiim of pentlent ndveo ! and ) slmgrrstiomms cniietl to mnlnd by the advent of tnstcr , coimtnibtmteui by represt'mitntlvo cimurchimien of all demiimiimmntioum-\Vimnt Easter almommlti tcncim to tile practical everyday mami amId woman , 11151101' lOTTEIi'SE.STEit SEflMO : A sermon entitled "The Easter Fact , " eoimiributetl Imy 11ev , Henry .0 , I'otter , iiuiCOpal lmlshop of New YOrk , based up- cml ( lie story of the Inhmacuhoums draft of ilhmcs after the resurrectIon or the l.ord -An Emmstet' dircotmrse for those who are timmabho to attemid Easter set'Iceim at tlmeir own ciimirchies. AN EASTMtPICTUIiE ) I'OEM : ( ' . flntmtItiily iimmstnated Easter poem wnittomi iccialb' for the ; mresemit occasion by Ilartiet I'icscott SIiiforti-Other veil ieleetetl p00r ( ) ' , pectmliary apprepniato to 11am lmrcsemmt Eatcrtldc. EASTEIt CEI.EIIIhATIONS IN IIISTOItY : OrIgin of time Easter eetmrmttion-Oh. ! scmvance of tile tiny 1mm tIme amicient woritl -Civic amid moiRiotms ceremimommies at lmoimlc timid mtbm'ommil-j'eculhnr lastor custoumma tim&mt & iflevahl 1mm uhifl'emuit foreign hmnds- IVamter on time Caieumdar. FgSTl\'AT ' Tiii / , Ot' EASTE1t EGO : Iuegiimmmimig or time Emstnr Egg eumshroudc't ! imm the ii1lt of eentmrles-'l'lie ( egg re- gardeti in immamly places mu. a sucreti cmii- llt'mmiCutbus , iiraOtie5 anti iwetmllmtr legends tIltit clumsIer aromind time Easter egg , I. ; ASTER W1TIII'IIE WOMEN Novel zimiti nttnimetivo Easter styles ( lint ivill bo ihisplimyoti ijy tmmmslmtomimibhe women otit oum uItes iuiiiiile Aim expert woman jeweler timurotiglmly Posleil lii imer businesS -Eimster trm Lm'e tleeoratiouis-l.emulimmg novelties numiong Emtmmter flowers-New Etstom cnmla-Swedisii woman's ilmtn for rtltmc.iumg itesim. Latest fimuilmiomi gossip- Neiva ttemmis about miotctl women. EASTER BRINGS IIELTEF' TO SOCIETYS lieriew of time soInI cohn ( hint baa pervamit'tl Lemit-Enster brings pmoummisn of remmewed activity in the society renitmi -Emiteitaimimimeumis of time vcelc-Visltors ( mom omit of towmm-Pro'pectms ( of social p1cmmie to commie-Movenments and Si imt'renliotmts of mactubers of Omalma's society set. EASTER FOR TIlE bI'Il'LH FOT.IcS : "Amid Htmnbeanis Dancmi , " 'rime Story . fief of ( heortihe 'i'othtl's senrcii for Easter ammum- shiltie-Qumaimit ammtt elmaimnimug 1mmtor toys for tilt ) t'hililrtiii-Pretty iioetry itbotit the little oimes-l'rnttlO of ( lie youngsters-A. jimvCmihle t1cjait tir.ctlt tlmnt is unexcelied , HASTEIt AMONGTIIEVIIEEI.MEN : l'lamis nnd detais of mm. clmeap Etmropean trip for vomimeii a-mount time wheels- Adi'ammtngcs of the lmieyeio for those whio ivnuit to tb tue niti couumtry at small cx- hPuli'-W'hmy imecitlomit iuisimrance comes imiglm for whieeliteum-Jet'nmlenco of time bioouimem' as time coatomne for wiieelwomnemm- \\'hmnt time local bicycle licoumle are doing. EASTEE. IN TIIESI'ORTNG WORLD : / Prospects of time season with the ' im.FS , ' rammciems-plnmis nmmfi outloolc of time : Umiivcrslty emmb uthmietie tetmumis-Gossip ( rein the dhamommd-Everytliing ( lint is go. 11mg elm in time differemmi ileltis of sport m'ai t ii rim lt' i' ii motmielt'dNon's tim mi t imm- teresta every slOutsnh'in ' in thus vicimmity , EASTERTID1ThiF2ATEflS , The thmeatrical seasiu ) , of late ileati ho- cimily , cetiis about to experience mm. ghonl- omit ; icittmrrection , not immapproprlate to the tinie-Atiotimer week of cimemip mind popu. lar , hut not mmmuty , emmtertaitmment at iloymi's-Some limoughts umm Emigislm stage htmnmor , smmcgesteil by ( lie recent appear- mince of Ethllo Fey in comedy-A line lot of attractions cormilng-Gosalp of time stage. S UNEXCELLEDNEWS SERVICE : Full associated press foroigmm cathe and doniestic telegraph service-Timo New York World's special foreign corre- Hpouulemico-Unnivamleii special news service - ice from Nohrnsicu , Iowa anti time ivest- ( inn stntes-W'eii written auid accurate j local news reports. Trn OMAIJA SuNDAY Bi TIlE BEST NEWSPAPEIt. -I MTIt'VII IN ltIlYllE. " ' Detroit Trihtmne. , Oh. vomamm tell us , if yotm will , The reason of 3'oLmt rage For arts whtclm , stimulating youth , But eunphialze your age ' - S Plihladehiiiia , itecorti , -The sIgns of spring are ovcrywlmere iii sight ; Time pensive Ioat now chews time , old tin can ; And we encounter in their passing filgh& . Time poet and the hmokey-pokey man. lluttalo Exi'ress. Said the bicycle-boy , "Now then , I vihl ride bike time racing men ! " hitmt he got into trouble , For he bout himself double ' ' And couldn't beumd back agafn , - Yq ; Cincinnati Enquirer. lie 'went west by the overhinit , route , And hme wore a brand-new Enghisim aout And a shimmy silk hat , It was It the hat- Ten every one tooic a shoute. , - a Judge. To tell his love lie vainly tried ; The hour was growluig late. "I can't express myself ! " lie cried. Anti lie S now cmmrses fate Because thmo cruel girl replied : ' "P hen Why not go by frcigimt ? " S "Opportunity" ig I Our children's delartrncnt ) vi11 be the scene of this great sale. An opportunity to get , free , one of these beaiitiful fragrant caster lillies , for which we have been for years a- mous , as to their beauty , elegance arni gratuity. Saturday April ' 1 , we place our entire spring 1)roduction ) before the lllbliC ) for insICCtiOfl. ) and defy colnjetition ) , of most minute details as to quality ; cut , style and pi'ice. Children's , > 1 Boys' and Yotnig Mcii's High Class h-i1 . J 3- High Grade Suits . , Suits- I our own make - r our own maka , S from ' from ( It I i42.5O : . , $5.00 ' to . to 4' $10.00 , $18.00 c . -es Every one warrnnthd. - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - Evol'y ono warran ted' S S Anti wIth every stilt lltmrchllmso ii you receii'o ( roe A 14114y. Iltmlill'edH to vlek froiii-lltluuli'tJs ( , of HtIltti-ImlhIidt'edH of lilies-besides all the imew fads In'iilstti , Neckwenr , Iluitti and Caps , tiud other hitiu ( articles thmnt ' chiihhreui's ii'uidrobos. , go to mutlie up boys' and honest Values and satisfaction guaranteed. Browning , King & Co. , Reliable Clothiers , Furnishers aiid.llntters , l S. W. Cur. 15th antI louglaa Stet , I k