Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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T ; 2 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAIIA DAILY ni SATURDAY , APRIL 4 , 189G. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
No Indication of His Psiton ! in Regard
to a Third Term.
Seert'lnr Innioitt 1)enleN IhnI Hr lZn , .
LI I. ( I ( r friiii I lie l'rentilei * t
Ilefiasi ug in Snnd n ,
SI Cniiilldnte.
WASIIINU'rON , April . -Sccrctary 1i
? n2nt , WIII ) asked to1ay concerning a pub.
It9hetl tntotnent that ho ba1 In hl posoIo
ft letter from I'r'shiont Cks'cland decflning
to jo again a can1dnto ! for the preIdtncy
tnd urging the democratiC pzLrty to tini
for sound nioy and Iti previous pot1on on
I thA tariff queUen , ild tat ) the tatoniont
wa. abso1utoy untrue. ocretary Larnont
a added : noer ) a'oienrd ot tuch a let.
1 ter. '
Fr3m another and unquEtlonah1y rellaldo
I source It lii learned that the pub1Ihod state'
- mont l ahaiIiitely vitIiout foundation aitti
that no uc1i letter ha been written by the
! . prcIdent.
The fact that Prekent Cleveland liai
. 4
- fully decided not to be a candIdate for re.
ntmInatlon antI that secretary Cnrllse would
go before the ChIcago conyctitlon as en
' ' espirant for the democratic nomInatIon on a
. ' ioiintl money Platform va nnnotflced : ox.
cluIvely by the Assoelatei presi a few weeks
ego , but tlto matter has not yet gone beyond
the 11ne9 then Indicated.
t ltII'UflhjIAXS 1ltO31 I'II E COLbEGlS.
. Tvo liii nil rvtl Si.ltIi rl Young 1eti
I- . . .1Ie.t lii C4)IIIU I
I ! CIIICAGOAprll 3.-At the meeting of tli
American Itepublican College league today
there were 200 doegatea ! preont , rcpres'nt-
lug fifty clieget. Preaklciit Vaughan from
the University of Chicago called the Icague to
order. Alexander 11. Itevoll of Chicago made
tim address of welcome , which was roaponded
- to by J. II. Frye ot Princeton colleges An
nddrea to the icagun in general wa then
made by Senator Thuraton of Nebraska. Ho
saId that ai ho wa a delegate to the republican -
lican national co1'ntioi1 ! It would hardly ho
lOPC for him to aay vlto lie thought the
lirosIdentlal t'tundard bearer for the Party
would be. Ito was asaured , however , Ito
eahi , that the standard bearer , whoever ho
might be , would be victorlouc.
Senator Thurttton wait loudly applauded by
: the college ycils of the various institutions
reprcen ted.
: Committees on resolurons , credentials ,
z , league work and constitution wore then ap-
pointetl as follows :
Resolutions-J. M. Perkins. Harvard ; J. 0.
Murpitin , University of Mchlgan ! : It. A. Up-
unit , OberlIn ; C. M. Uarne. Univoralty of
Missouri ; A. ' .V. . Martin , Unv'ersity % of No-
, braska.
* Crcdontlals-WIIIItIm ilyrnes , Princeton ; L.
w. MoLt. Ilarvartl.S. ; A. Perkine , Washing-
tan , 'Mhin. ; ' E. J. Oimstend. University of
j , \Vleconsin ; It. W. Ilarrctt , Fapliiam college.
, Cqnstltutlon-I. 13.'ilson , Univer.ity of
Milinesota ; F. T. ' I'carson , Jr. , Syracuse un !
' vorsity ; E. If Fitch , Cornell coIlege l. C.
/ Lilidloy. UnIvcrity of Michigan ; Amos
'rnwnsencl , Knox college ; W. 0. McWilliams ,
t Kalamazoo college ; J. A. Tabor. Indiana uni-
j . ) versity.
Credential League Work-F. .1. llenntilg ,
Coliumhlan law school ; T. 'tV. Nade , Depauw
\ university ; Mr. Kilhurn , Unirers'ty of Ne-
. ' braika ; Mr. Tompkins , Columbia college ; fl
- . . p. l3ate3 , Trinity college : N. F. Marsh. Uni-
% 'ersity of Illinois ; E. II. Fonburg , Oberlin
1 , college.
E \Viitu the commIttees had all reported the
tworlt oF election of officers was taken up.
Tbo'candJUates for president of the leagw'
are James M. Perkins ci Harvard anti E. J.
henning of the Columban ! law school.
'I This evening , when the result of the dcc-
1. tlon was announced , It. was found that James
I tnrtln Perkins of Harvard law acliool had
been chosen prcIdent ; F. J. Henning of
- ColumbIa Iavi school being ltis most formlda-
/ blq competitor. A. J. Veaver of Nebraska
I : , was eiected vice resit1ent , W. S. Harris of
I Princeton. serotary , and P. A. Perkilie of
. -'c Washington unlvesity the inembcr of the
2 university committee of the fiepublical2
, league.
The question of the selectIon of the Place
- . f. holding the next convention brought out
'thio names of MinneapolIs. Indianapolis and
I i'hiladohphila. Ilefore the first ballot was fin-
, ishiel indianapolls was withttlravn in favor
of Philadelphia. Then the friends of Phila-
. deiphia , after consultatbon withdrew Its
jiamo and Minneapolis ra unanimously
clesen : as the Place fur holding the next
TIle league buntpiet , which was held at the
/tuditoriuin tonight. began late and eiided
alter midnight. About 100 delegates vere
lrreont ) end applauded the SI100CIICS made by
Senator Thurston , G. V. ' . Raymond of'at -
seka. Ill , ; Most's I' . handy , the newly elected
I preeldinit ; Mr. Perkins , nut ! others. Senator
. 7 Thurston made the lwincipal speachi. lie ic-
speeded to the toast , "The Republican
. i'crty. " hit said the republican party was
the party of rogrcss , becnuae it had never
ccmpromisod with wrong uconumic or flnnn-
cinI principles. It tiever trirnnied Its calls
to catch the lasMlng breeze of Popular favor.
' 'rite counter thought that 1896 was a yrar
- In s hlchi the people liitcndccl to chooae thclr
candidates , nifi that the dictunt of the po.
litical bassos wouhti bit ignored.
' 'V A climber of local mcii also spoke ,
% :1 : lit. 8i'I'tfItN 'Vt ) 1lLP'IiiS'I'IdIl. .
I Seiiator 'I'Iiii' LOU ( , itsiei s to , t j
flit' Sti1i ( uIt 7llloil.
Senator Julio N. Tlturaton baa retiirnod
\'n.tington , but it Is iiide14tood that
& lie w'lil return In time to attend the state
convontlon. . It Is said that the t311ator was
iwt Pirtietliarly- anxious to come baclc to
Otnahia Ut Ilto time of tli conwentioi and
itiaL just before his departure lie asked his
friends to release him from that engage-
? nteut. TIle ) ' vore all willing with the ox.
ception Cf John L.'cb.stor , tvlrn declared
: that it was iniperativ-iy necessajy tiut
1 enatur 'rhiurston shioulil ho cii liar.ti to as-
' Fist hini in lti aspiration to be natitci as
' tlelegate-at-largo to Pt. Louis. Aii.'cljter
nail : that It va a lurt of the agr.jeniont
bctwcon Mi' . 'rititraton and himself that the
x Lonator should help , to ujako liltit a delegate.
at.hnrn ; in. iettirn for thu ntsistance of the
t' , , \Vcbstr inlluoncc In itamiiig Tlnirstou as a
; : . district ( lelegatu. lie lititi ltororiiied his
. part of the agi eC'reiIt cud now Ito insisted
that the te'Iiator ehould return and help ltiiu
, . t . in tlir' light n hlch was In lropoct , Thu re-
, stilt I.t sild to b that the cetiator promised
i , to attenit the convention according to hits
original agroemopt.
_ _ _
4 1"ti ( H 'I'li it I14 I i ii f ) . ( ii it I rum ii ,
The Douglan county delegatea to the ro
publlcami. tate convention Itch a itteuting at
\Vashington hail last tilgiit and after electing
. 1. .j ) Iavis chairman amid Al , I' . Singleton
eecretsry , piocec1td to littsInet. fly a
tirtlijimnuits vote the lOS delegates Prcaemtt
agreotl to work for the electlr.n of delta I.
- ' 'Liturston for chairman of tlit state deietn.
tlon to the convemitton at St. 1.oiiis.
linfore etijotirnmnont , by a rilng vote , it
watt de&.tlo.i ttriutiitn nisly to work for debit
ii. Webster as a delegate to the national
C.U'Cfl . I ion. jit C I Ii ir in e t lug of t hi a
gatltmt will be ltePi \Vntttiigton t bali net
'ritc.say eveiiittg.
. % rlcttiiii 11:1K 'I' u ( t % I'rnot.t ,
rIIFIX , Ariz. , \lril C. liuglict
enis lic still catictiet t lilmiistjr governor of
' ' . - , - Aitoi1a , and elzalteitges fli ) cilticlal acI of
frteloi rttcli as actitti ; got'slnor tmntfl the
IIiiii ( If the conllrmation of Oclomiel 1t nnlhin
Ott iil siiccssot. liimghe .says tc Its ;
learned thot Ith rcnoysl : was titmo to tue ! n.
fernastion iitkon to the ptesi Ient by cx.
Ilegite lo Cottgres Merit Stimuli. that lie
( itugiD ! ) hint fought the jiiesIlnt ci ; ( lie
tote of tht rzoi'a loin ! lease bill. Mr.
: llogltes brand ; this a false.
' leleat II'N I tip. i riR'lI.ll (4,1 lort nit.
J3AT.'I. N , r. , Ai'rih 3.-At the rep bil.
? ' ran c1nIventiotI fur the Thtietl conires. ;
f cional distrirt , lictid iii ilatavt. . A. I ) .
flaudora of Gtiiesee county aitil IrvIng .i.
Thicnijtion of ( ) rleaits were uiiaiiitnously
i'lectt.d d'legutt to thict St Loula conventl"n. , tt'rc adcptrtl titritctltig time d"i.
ngate ; t . .upprt ? tliton for predent.
I'.tltli 'i ( ) I'll Ii ( )3l.t HA CONVIiNTIN.
Cliii I rhine Cnh.lrell iiiiiititiCdts it C
11110(91 liii es to 1)s.legistcs.
LINCOLN , , lriI l.-Specla ( Telegram.- )
John T. Mallali , . 'iting chairman of ( ho
republicsn state central committee , haa received
ceived , a Utter from hi. D. Caldwell , chairman -
man of the Western Passenger asociatti
stating that all line In Nebraska will ivo
a rate of one tarn for thto round trip ftomn
all points in the atato for the republican
otate convention at Omaha , April 15. tickets
good for comitlouou ; passage in either direc-
( ion , amid to be sold on the 11th anti l6th , '
gooJ to return until smut inclulirig April 17
Mr. Mahisheu $ and Charles fligg were lii'
Omaha toltt3 amid completed arrangements
for the convention , which yfll be helti In
the ColIt'ouni ,
JtINIATA , Nob. , Aprl 3.-Special ( Tele-
gratis.- ) repuhllean Citictis at the town
hail tonight nominated fifteen delegates to
tue county convention to ho helti at i1atings
toniorrow end then organized a McKiiiley
climb aiI1 adopted the following resolutIons :
iteolvcd. That the Mciinley club o
.ltmnlnta township favor ( lie notniiiation 0
ticKiiiIt.y br 'Went , beiiving him . to
more Iteally rellre'ont western people than
any one now Epoken of for that otilce , At
the caine titnp , we eninin loyal to the re-
litiblican party and will clteerfiiihy stipport
tile iliaC nominated Ut the St. Louis con-
DAVIT ) CITY , Nob. , pril 3.-Spociat- ( )
Time republican county convention was lieU
hero yesterday atid was vell attended , fit-
tecn out of eighteen townshfp3 beln repro-
sented. A resolution to instruct the deie-
gates. to tile Omaha convention to vote for
deIegai to the St. Louts convention thiit
would support McKinley for the nomination
for president vas unaitiinouai ) ' adopted. Thu
delegates ore : George W. Lord , A. F'tidge
\'iillam hitisennetter , M.V. . Mahoney , John
flock , Edgar Fox , Joseph Varin , J. C.
Smorch , H. S. C. Alexander , A. II. Oould ,
If. C. Thomas , J. If. 1aeL Thomas Wolfe
F.V. . halo. Congressional delegation was
instructed iii favor of lIon. I. J. llaiiier for
rencmiiinatioii and are S. 11. Steele , Ed 0.
hall , J. C. Aiidem'son , 1) . C. Northway , C.
M. hall , A. J. Evans , S. C. Iieede , A.
Roberts , W. 'P. McElvalne , James McMullen ,
Charles Davenport , Fred Judovino , L. A.
Johnson amiti FI Texol , Those delegatc
tvcI.o also instructed far McKinley.
IIIdNICELMAN , Nd , . , pr1l 3.-Spocial.- ( )
There will be a little opposition shown in
thu election of a viliago board this year anti
iL Is a t1tteatioii whether a board favorabhe
to 111gb license will be elected , All of the
old hoard , with one exception , are on one
ticket , lint it is doubtiut if all wIll be
olcted. At iwesent IJenkelman is a 'dry"
town , an.i since the death of W. If. 1101-
comb. proprietor of the only saloon , it has
bean kept closed practically , as , It is a quo-
( ion whether the businces can be contimmucti
by lii ; wife under bitt name legally , and as
a consequence the saloon is not open per-
WILDER , Neb. , April 3.-Special ( Tele-
grani.-IIon. ) J. D. Pope hiss withdrawn
from ( lie race for congreos to give a clear
held to C. 11. Anderson , who is Saline
county's unanimous choice for tielegat to
thio St. Loule convention from the Fourth
congre3slonal district.
I'resllent Trztiiorl'VeMeiitS it I'lssit ni
0 u liii t I siti.
DRTROIT , April 3.-W. If. J. Traynor , su-
ironio president of the A. P. A. , has issueil
a circular to the artier at large upon time
politIcal situation. President Traynor de-
chores that the A. P. A. has time cinch upon
tita presidential situation and presents an
exhaustive Plan for the complete political
organLzatlon of tIme order from the primaries
up. lIe urges the various state councils to
send their representatives to tlmo supreme
councIl , whIch meets iiot monthi at. W'aslm-
ington , pledged to such reforms as the subo-
dinate nicmnbers of tile order most desire ,
thus avoiding the danger of strong partisans
using Ume order for their own cud ; .
lie makes a strong protest against tIme
Marquette statue , and esiecIallY warns tIme
order to oppose tht resolutIon of Congress-
mmmii Morse at Massachusetts 'aOknowledg-
ing AlmniIlIty0od as the shurce of all power
amid authorIty In clvii government. our Lord
Jesus Christ as time ruler of nations and HIS
revealed viiI as time suprenmo authority in
civil affairs , " as a remarkable and dangerous
Proposal to place the affairs of state In ( lie
imand o tIme church.
TIme writer comibiufics with the declaration
that time Venezuelan war scare wasa misleading -
leading campaign ( iou'ge , and that time Cuban
aiiti Armenian agitations , while advocated by
tlmoso who are sincere , are mere subterfuges
to kill time untIl after time presidential dec.
tioui atiti distract time attention of time people -
plo from proposed anti much needed national
measures of moformn.
Sui's 't1it.vt A re butI'nur iti'imlmlit.iiii
i't'HIiii'ii4liIL I'
SAN FRANCISCO , April 3.-In dlscusing
the chanceu of time candidate.o for the republican -
lican nomination , Cimauncey M. Dopw , who
arrived in this city last night In company
with Cornelius Vanderbilt , raid : "There are
only four men whose chances at St. Louis are
worth speakitig about McKinioy stands
easly in time lead , witlm Iteed , Ailisarm and
Morton ranging in time order named. Mortcti
stands perhaps an oven chance with Allison ,
U ) lie starts Iti with nsvcmmty-two of the state
do iegation.
" \\o of New York , mindful of time past ,
tiuimmk Morton stands a very good show.
Presidents , as a rule , are not umiado out of
early favorites. Tlmeso are all good mmmcii and
time country can be safely truetcti to any of
thons MeKitilcy will. go to time convention
wiLls a cheer head. Time only way hme can be
defeated Ic by time fluid combinfig against
him. The fleid will combine and timtm be-
.COfliedJ the strong force. Time question then
ari.Ra AS to tile name ot.tho roan upri vhomn
it can 4c brought to unite. Now Yoric Is a
lth'otai state. Mortoim has created no strong
ttninmositiea. For thwce reasna we believe
lie will be coumsidered tIme uiiot available misaim.
"No , I don't think harrison wili fIgure , 1
do not timfislc Ito wanta It. lie iman said so so
voeitively that there can he no domtht.
"I aims for Mort n , to be sure. It it very
likely tlat I miail nominate hmiuis at St. Lotus
umumles macsusie other son of Now York nimaii
think Ito can do It bettor. "
i'i'ttt't 11114 * ILuiglit's' Iituui tuitil ,
CHICAGO , AprIl 3-The ollicer.s of the W.
C. ' 1' . U. have souL a telegrani to Senator
Frye to be puecontomi to tIme secretary of tlu
huuterlor srtestlumg agaiumat tIme rensoval of
Governor lieglues of Arizona amid urgiusg a
tiucroughm invcstigaton. ! 'flue reutsoum for this
im "Governor hughes' wril known cimanipioms-
ship of temnpcramsce cud all qmmestiotms of ro.
foumi. " 'Fhmo state presidents of time W. C.
T. (1. are bsing tmrgaml to wire oimtiiar re-
tluest.j to their ssr.aters.
Ili'it"i , 'i'5'iu h u it. for thin , ' .
IL\STON , Pa. , Apri 3-The Eighth con.
grc'samiomsai district republican comsierenco nsct i
tiara today and eiectcd Getiortti Frank Reefer
Cf Nortlianuptoum county , amid J , M , Driebach
of Carbon couusty , deiuats to tins umattonal
ct.nveustios. ; They are instruetcul for fhp.aker
Quay cr jircaident. John Fritz Cf fletheienm
was cltoaefl praideustfal aicctcr fmm the t1s-
trict. -
Nuiiuieil l''tuui't'r liii 'iutoi ,
PORTI4ANI ) , Ore. , \lmrtl . -I'lme populist
city com'emutioit lies miusmlnatiti extioveimsor
Penno'rr fcc imiayur. 'i'Jms 'ftiipsyer icague is
expecteml to eim1or ; tlm nttusihmtaileu ; , f1'erjsor
PCuiit0y'u rfums's to jtat' whtimer or : uo lit' '
will OCCL'It limP. IiOsmtiem. : :
i'iitt ' lilt' , Itmi mm t lsJma ) to.
ATIANTt. Ga. , Ailrl : i--'rlms ithut ilicii.
utton hetweoum lk'rctary Sumsith miamI ex-jelc'i
Crsli toumsorratv ; it Cu iffln. Ga. , line hi emi
POilt0umfli t)1 mtcCo'uit of time Ilircat f Limo
.t : ti iMtitii C it 11 011 ,
MlEsottuI iupora are : thjglmmg ! ( hu3t title
utotico stas rtoetutiy tomud Itsiled on thi
valIs of it ilo'rie1 humttumt'shriutl In time nuid
region of Kituteas : 'Fnur umsiles from mm
ntmIlubcmlmnmmii , alste'ui mnilt' ; Irmn a host-
0111cc , twenty-fivtt tulle ; from a ; uliromtl : ,
foturtc'eui mileit frotmi a tchmool huimbe , forty.
I'Jt 0 I ca ttouuu a , thu tCii , I SO mum I 10mm from
timber , 20t ) ashes ( remit it deutmoesat , luau a
utile traits vater , a. ihmialt er of a mmmliii ( tout
hell , untl ( lie sasise mliiaiieu froumi a ic'ptmb-
liran , ( i000 to Mbitcouml , w hmlclm is ( hod' ;
country , to get a fr'si ! - - - - - . "
- - - - -
' ' 0 i I ii t V It ti ii' Ii ( . ti , ' '
\'aslmiimgtomm Is new I lie ' ( " : nf iiiurclmes , "
Imaviuig over 2mO of iv rImmp lIhuIn its
hiimita. : Of time ubevo nmuuuhcr flft-two hs'I'ng
I J t'me MotliriIst ; , forty -five to I lie
anti twtnttim'j to the Prtt.y' :
_ _ .e- . _ . _ L _ _ _ _ _ ; _
\V11O4'ESl' \ ! ' UNITED ON iT
Transmississppi Exposition Project En-
. thuaiastlcally supported Everywhere.
'etern Iteireseumnties him Cusugreto.
Urged ti , 4'tire the I'zIMMisge of
tIme lIiIl-.tdsllIiuuiil 'iee
Ireusli1etmtti A ; mpointed.
omeers of the Transmlsssslppl ! anti InternatiOnal -
natiOnal exposItion are in receipt almost
every ( lay of counmunlcations slmowlng time
lively liutercet ( lint is being taken in tim exPosition -
Position imroiect by iflclals , munIcipal bodies
anti other immflUeuital parties in ( lie Western
States :
There is iso sentiment expressed except of
'time most enthusiastic approval. On this account -
count the utniost cousfidenco is felt that tIme
desired action on the Part of congros and
the legislatures of the states interested is
only a matter of time and that. Limo success
of tlso undertaking is already practically as-
stured. The endoraeunemst by time legislature
of Iowa it is expected will soon ho followed
by 'that of time Utah aseembly , and time cons-
nicrciai and municipal bodies In Wyonsing ,
Utaim , Colorado tintl Mi8souri , which lmutvo
mumade expressions on the subject Imavo entered -
tered thoroughly iusto the spirit of tIm Trans.
mississippi congress wtmcli launched time
A meeting of tIme bosrd of directors of the
Traissmlssisslppi exposition was lucId yesterday -
day in the robins of tIme Commercial
club. Lettera were read ( rain a number ot
Western governors appoiumting vice presidents
of Limo exposition to represent their respective
states. Governor Charles A. Cmulberoms of
'Texas nppoiumt d Oustavus floymer'sholter.
lb Is a leading importer amid a pronilnent
cItIzen of Galveston. Governqr William fl.
iteuifrosv wrote froumi Guthrie , OkI. , announcing -
nouncing the fliliOIntmeuit of 1ugeneS'allaco
of Oklahoma City as vice president. Coy-
ernor Jamsies II. Budmi of California appointed
George \V Parsons of Los Amigeles , director
of the Chamber of Comnierce of timat city.
A ( Itlegatlomi from Council illuits , consisting -
ing of Hon. George F. Wrglmt , Iowa's vice
President : City Attorusey A. S. Ilazelton , cx-
Mayor Ihohrer , Wilhians Moore and V. E.
Deader , were present. They urged the ap-
pointmnent of a separate tribunal by the
board of directors to decide the location o
the exlot'ltioml. They expressed tlicniselvet
as greatly in favor of the East Ounalsa site ,
and thought timat the chances for securing
( hint lccatlon would be strengthened were the
question taken out of the hands of the board
of directors. The argument ; of the visitor ;
were Imeard and answered by Messrs. Markel ,
Payne , Wattles and \Vakefloid. No actiomi
was taken.
'rise following resolutions endorsing tIme
Tranemnissienippi aumtl International exposition -
tion adopted by the city council of Salt Lake
City Wednetiay orenin were read :
We. your slieclal committee to which was
referred the communication of Mayor
iu'Oatc ) of Omaha , beg leave to submit tIme
following resolutions and recomumienti their
adoption :
Whereas. It is lntendcti to promote the
common interest of the states and terrItories
of the United States lyIng vest of the MIs-
sisslppi river by Iiokllng in the city of
Onsalsa , state of Nebraska , during thr. year
1F9S , cmi exposition of time products , industries -
tries , aria amid civIlizatIon of said region , to
tIme end that its wonderful and diversified
resources may become bettor known to man-
lttntl ; and
Whereas. Such exposition will usiTord to
tlsepeopo of Utah an opportumsity to bring
to the noUce of tIme world , not only vhiat'
they have accomplished by patience , persist-
er.ce and tel in transforming a barren and
desolate wilderness into a ircductivo and
Isroslorotus state. but as vchi knowledge of
the marvelous dlveri'ity' oE the mineral resources -
sources wiich ) it possesses. the magnificence
of Its cimnate and time multitude of Its attractions -
tractions aed
Whereas , It is most fitting that the people
wlsose pioneers broke time first trail over the
region be illustrated In the exposilon amid
first conveyeml to civilization an account of
it boundless undevelopoti weaith , shouid be
iiarticpants ims said exposition ; amid
Whereas , The state of Utah contains
within Its barders not only time host iilustra-
tioui of the eflicutcy of IrrigatIon Iii time re-
demptlon of our arId iammds , but isa well
mInes of almost every mineral known tb
mlneraicgy , knowledge or which. it corn-
rnimnlcnted to time word , will result in itt-
tractlng to tue state vast capital and a large
additional iopulatlomi : therefore be It
flsoIved , iCy time city council of Salt Lake
City that we are In hearty accord vit
tIme plan of holding at Omaha the said exposition -
position ; that we applaud the progressive
slirit shown by the citizens of saitt city in'
entering into this svork of liringing It about ,
austi that we will lend our aId and eneour-
agenient to nil effJrls matlo by Utah citizuns
to secure for the state a cremlitnbc : exhibIt
of tue resources of thso state at said cx-
position ; and be it further
flesolveti. That our senators , Messrs.
Drown anti Caminon. anti our other repre-
rentative , Mr. Allen , are hereby requestoti
to assist anti do all In their power to aid
the city of Omaha In procuring time approPriation -
Priation asked from congress , anti tIme recorder -
corder is hereby instructeti to send a copy
of this report to Mayor 11roathi of Omaha
and to our senators and representative.
liltilmo Smut uiiI'utlioii Ctiigress Eu-
ii 0 rsem4 I Ii I' Iii t.iL I ii S t roiig 'l'eriuts ,
BOISI CITY , Idaho , April 3.-Specal (
Telegram.-The ) second day of the Idatmo un-
mIgration congress opened with a discussion
as to the best method of inducing Immigra-
tion. It was led by D. Il. McGinnis of St.
Paul , secretary of time Northwestern Jmnmi-
gratlon assocition , who maintained the best
umseans of reaeiimig prompectlve inimigrants
was thrcughm time uuiedium of time newspaper ,
Judge Cessna of Nebraska presented a rcso-
lutlon approving time Trinsmniasissippi expoai _
tion at Onsaha and urging commeress to nsJ :
an appropriation anti the Idaho legislature
to uusake provision to the anti that tlmls state
ha represented. At the evoiilmig session Prof.
Nichnlomi of Nebraska addressed time con-
vent'on arm "Sugar fleet Culture" and Judge
Jfcyburn of Idaho on "M using Immtlustry iii
Idaho and Its Relation to the Dovelopmmscnt
of time State. ' ' Tue congress wilt adjourn
tomorrow. _
ildN'lil ( V'4tOltS 'FILE HXI'OSt'I'uN ,
CIiiimnler ( if Cotuiumim'rm'e' HulilorNIs oil'
'J'imi ulHsis iNttI tipi l'ijt'cr.
DENVflIt , April 3-The Denver Cimamber
of Commerce luau atlopteti resolutions urging
( he Colorado venatora anti representatives in
congresu to "aiti In securing such legislation
as will best prouiioto tIme success of tiio lire-
iosed Transmuisslssippl exposition at Omaha
in 1S9 and a pro .er appropriation for time
sinking of a cOifliiete exhibit by time national
goverummuent ( or that 1urpos. "
HNIORSCl ) iI .tLla OF' 'I'IhIi3f ' , I
3leri hmn his imuil hiuirmuters LiI ( ( hits No.
hmvss'ilzii Club l'iiisi , ,
Tlui lice hum ermnittod to uiuske tm ! followI I
itig extrael frcmm ; letters m'ec'lvc'l ' by tIme
Nt'braoka ltmb ( mommi rcpresentatlm'o bultsos
men and others throughout t'mo etate re
terrlng to time club and Its work , 'fhuey in
variably caunmeril tint vork and euispiiasize
Its nesti and value , C. 1. hiuruhans , cashier
( if tli Elkhuorn Valley batik of Thlden ,
ivuitea :
"I lmaumtl yomi preamble sigred by Mr. McDonald -
Donald and myself , We mmlii be able to oh-
tam more signatiurea in tinme. I vili be
glad to leisti imsy support to time macvunmetit in
ally nma'iumer ' pssible. ' '
liOn. Peter Jsnomm of Jansen , a miman wimo
has ultsno his full above towarml settling up
flue etato mtmI generally ailyamicing itm inter-
ccl , iuyg :
"Y..mmmr . conuisstmni'ation of a late date or-
Ilveti dmmrii'g ' my absence iii the east and I
ifl VCl sorry Inilasfi that I have not been
; ide iii atienti your umiceting. I ans in hearty
3)'imii.t1my with time object in view and shall
Gtth 1o t.o glad to help time good c.muro
hkmg. : YoU iimt' : be aware that I braugimt mm
i.imi.o Uerusan-1tussian : sattlenimt to tmis
stal e tim 1s I , and ama mnysef a itueslan.
Conmittatid tutu' tvlmeimever I can be of ; p cd ml
; , " .
P. 5. 'I'Imcusipaun , ca'hier cf LImo FIrst .a-
tittiaI hank cfibiomm , m'rites
" 1mm Vit'tEo ' to your letter of time ± 31 I
1 enci cc cp' of preamble amid resoI I
lutinims a'tmmli ore cignelt by ; everat of mr
.It1zYi'.L CUd reprecentativo buslumess ummen.
v c r I ii a immovo in the rigimt dlreetumi ,
; _ _ - ' , . " ---:2---- : : - - - - - - - -
' : I ,
anti should IS&l & )1itihetl ) along , aud we 'wlil give
It our heartmmomperation , ! '
lion. It. Wm ttiirnas , secretary of the State
bard of Aicmiture , writeal
"In brief an to the point , can oat ) ' eki > l
I am in litIimt ? accord with the tfort to
argan ize anti1 tcgrry forward the Nebraska
club , This is 'bitt In the line of my work
for forty years past in the territory and
st1te of Nebraska. Where , when anti in
whatever w'mi I' ' cars aid in ( iii ; camnussauttl
mime. ' ' "I t
In a substspsnt letter , th ox-governor
sayo "i'ermutt. rae to reassure you of ni"
great interet , xi the Nebraska club. "
hi. S. Jayues , amiperinten ont of tIme Chl-
cage , St. l'aul , . Minneapohi ; & Omaha railway -
way , yesterday received the foilon lag tele-
grant from t } , u'orninent real estate firm of
Coleridge :
"COLFhtiDGl , April 2.-float tate men
in title section of the state are anxiomis to do
all they can to advertise Nebraska this
year.o will tb wlmnt we can locally , litit
all feel tlmat our efforts commhti be better
exerted through an orgatsization that would
Impartially advertise all sections of tIme
state. We have been in the dark as to the
alisis of the Nebraska chub , but if it is , a ; I
now understand it , organized to ativertitte
Nebraska as a whole , time real estate amen
here would gladly organize a bm-anclm to work
in Iimirniomiy with time club , As soomi as wo
can learn Imow tIme brar.cimes are orgamilceil
and condtlctetl we will take steps to orgammizo
in thus county and wo feel sure the same will
ho done in all the it1jolning counties.
"LINKIIART 131105. "
' ' ' ' ' .
t.ClLIli 'VlL'ESE'V'I'hNC.
htoinmmrkitble Spt'eii of 'Fm'io SI. Louis
l'rI n toss.
Robert \V. Francla , a Iinotyper on the
Globe-Democrat , and Barney J. Monsing of
( ho Post-Dispatch contested for a $200 purPo
in St. Louis last Monday and Incidentally
made a new record for speed on himiotypo
In arranging for ( tie test of speed , relates
( ho Globe-Democrat , thoquostion of estnbllslm-
lag a now record was not taken into consideration -
ation , owing to time fact that. in tIme former
contest time result ; fell commeitlerably below
time "world's record. " Although It was ar-
rouged and conducted as a local contest of
speed , time fact timat nil previous records were
beaten was fully appreciated by tile printers ,
who were quito jubilant in con-
cequemice , amid liii ; fact enabled time deteateti
comitestant and lii ; champIons to accept the
defeit In gooti grace.
At the outset both contestants were , by
tIme rules , required to agree that this miss-
chines were In good order. They were
SIeCd0L1 to ninety-three revolutions per
niimitmte , requiring eleven revolutions to
bring out a line , or about eight and a halt
iinetm to time minute. Time copy cimosen was
a m.itory of time "yellow-hacked mmovei" variety ,
entitled "In the hiimme Pike , " a small volmmmmie
Printed in bold , clear type , ems small poges.
'rime leave ; were torn apart and turmied as
tmo pages were used. i'roofa s'ere read according -
cording to copy. Each Proof was corrected
an 800mm as luammded back by thmo referee , and
revised , if necessory , until all errors were
cot'rectcth , All tight amid loose lines were
reset and any line that time rnaciiinist forcetl
tlmrougii was thrown out. Thmo liroets were
rend by a represemitativo of each side.
Each conteataust was allowed an assistant
to bolt after copy , ( lump ummatter and olst
In any possible way outside of time actual
manipulation' 'of time keyboard. Each comm.
testant wasi'lalioa'ed
one machinist , ono
helper anti meIgstu frlemids. Tins typo was No.
2 mmonpareilt tlmlr ± con and
one-Imaif cmii ; pies ,
to _
mmieaeurevem1tyseyemi ems to time line.
Time tim1 , fixed for beginning
svaa 10 a.
ni. , mind smemm lmours vas specified an tIme
duration of5U1 captest. It was 10:20 : o'clock ,
however , when 1ttqth began thumping thmelr
iceyboards aC a npid rate. About twenty
men were i } , tlio comnposimig roommi , neorly
all of
tlmt1s ocmupyimsg various positions
considered ecospry iii time contest.
Time match , wa kept up Without appreciable
delay and btJaamahi , degree of excitement
for three hojs and a half , when an intermals.
elan s'as ) unch amid
An lntery4t ; 4tiout
forty nminutes ensued ,
whqn tito cipiraor ; resumed theIr
af the machiies amid
, tue rapid clicking of time
dies ' roie b1. , Jimi ; .keDt tip till 6C4 :
o'clock , WhCijraflcis' time waa announned
to be up , .h. , haying heat fIfty-nine minutes
in stoppages of tiiC.'machmlne , and time interval
alluded to for lunch. One minute later
Meneing's time vap ar.rmounced and he arena
from imi machine , aithmougim he had 1ot
sovusty mInutes since bsginniumg. Tlmis , however -
ever was not discovered for sense time afterward -
, when thm& fact wan establIshed that he
:11 : quit tea minutes too noon. This , lmon-
eyei , was not ailowed for in time rosuite , In
which seven hour ; ' time was coumikd.
, Wlmca tue '
measurements were' taken and
footed up tlmey were found to be as follows :
Mensing , 74,100 ems ; Francis , 65Soo ems.
This wa an average of 10,685 ems per hour
for Mousing mmd 9,400 ens ; per imoum' for
Francis ,
Time previous beat record
was inado ip a
contest conducted at Chicago last fail , In
which George W. Green , thtii ama ornpioyo of
the Boston Standard , set 70,700 ems in seven
hours , an average of 10,100 ems per imotmr.
Green's opponent in tlmis conteat was 13ugeno
Taylor , timeh employed on the Rocky Moun-
tabs News of Denver , who set 64,627 cmii ; in
nevum hours , an average of about 9,147 ems
per imour , It l therefore shmown that both
tIme winning and losing contestants fri the
Chicago contest wore bcatoa by the srlmmner
and beer respectively of yostorday' match ,
Time rate of speed attained by ( ho operators
ill time contest s'as a surprina to time assist-
ante , aitbought all were familIar with , the
work , Mensing's dexterity was ccnsidered
marvclou. , by Bteeo Frank A. 11111 who
Ealti ( list at times
hmo averaged 12,006 cuss
per Imour , lIe was frequently obliged to wait
for tue "finger" or carriage to carry off a
llmie , although , as stated above , the maclilac
watt epeeded at ninety-three rcvoiutlomms per
'I'luree 'I'l IIION its siusi , Vtiiteii us tIcn
ii * 'l'rlsiiim dii Ciimilmit ,
From the isolated group of little islands in
time south Atliiumtic , whence time caged eagle ,
Napoleoms , was guarded , timougim 1,300 mile ;
distant , on lonely St. Helena , comimes by far
away , roummdabout means time strange tale of
life vithmout communication witim time rest of
the world for six months , and a bIt of imistoIy
In a consmimmsity in wimicim womnen outnumber
time men by suclm a majority that they may
ompeI obtilenco by force , If violence shmomild
bo umeceasary. Thin now's ( roam time group of
Tristaum da Cunima , time three little islands
midway botwcn time Capo of Good Hope anti
the coast of South America , came through
lime captain of the ship Dartford , who says
Ihat iii about latitude 37 degrees minutes
south and longitude 12 degrees 16 mimmtmtes
mis vessel was sigmsalotl by a ssall boat ,
Flmo yards of Use Dartford were backed ammd a
hiost camno s1qmmgsido , 1mm it were several
imien ammml a t'j ammtity of potatoes , eggs , milk
mad imemugimin ltsln ; , 'fime men offered time
resim product ad the skims ; in trade , saying
limey wanted" Ta'fhmhuig , tea , rict , sugar aiud
lour fromn thiaamip's stores imu cxciuaimgo for
lime articles t'm6' brotmght from tmeir islammti
memo , They Cbld thm captain that they do.
entiod on pakftg vessels for time proylsiomi ;
they namned um.i for clotimirmg and that time
Inhabitants Of the lslammdmm were 1mm dire
Thst.rcss , bemtttmt'tPfor sic mnontims not a boat
mid aucccodl' i& hailing a simip.
'fime lmOPulf foief ? the island oft Tmistan da
Cunima , as j3Ietl to the captaIn of tIme
Iartford byJio men in tlmo boat , Iii sixty ,
time womnemi , 'itrumbering the amen In ( iso
iroimortiomm ° k ° ° to one. Therefore there
are torty4lv& jflmmen antI fIfteen men , Thm
group : , , ot three tiumy volcanic isles ,
'l'mIatams , time' 1 est , being seven miles in
diamneter ( in 1tiicm center beimmg a rnoummtain
, Goo feet , b1gi , ; Immaccessibie , about two
mules acrosa'apU Nightingale IsIanmi , a baby
Islet , Just img ! enopgim to held two hulls. Time
Islands have bmmemm under tIme British flag
since 1816. though , as the moon ium tIme boat
told the master of tIme Dartford , no 13uroican
govermmnuont imad paid any attention to them
In tht msmonsory of ammy of thmo inimabitmunts.
VImemm' Napoleon was at St , hielomma , 1,300
miles distant , a I3rtiahm garrison was aLa-
Lioned on Tristaum , but s'ltlmdrawn after time
ieathm of tl'e exile , C9rporah'iiliaun Glass ,
Iti wife ammd faumtily and two imrivato soimlicra
Wtdmo isormuitted to rpmaimm on Ibo island
mvimcn tli garrison was withmtirawn. Tue
population had Increased to sixty people ,
romsme of the acceelomms being due to ship-
ivreck and itomno to desertioms fronm whaiiug
esecls , _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ -
Cci t nit Mills Shi mit Juus'iu ,
LOWELI , I4asa. , April 3.-Ne. ft mpitl of
lImo Lswrcmce : Manufacturing company hiss
been ehmut down , throwing over 2,000 macmu out
f work , Time action is ( be result of tIme do-
imuIorm of time directors to diacontimsue ummakiag
: tton goods.
Small Orowd Witnessed the Oontest Between -
tweon chaffer anti Garner ,
lit Omil flume luimmimug ilti time Citiengi ,
tIitum hlrnee tip itimil Shmusv % 'hnt
ito CnuuhI lie It
t l'ressed. . '
N11V YORK , April 3-Timero was a Very
slim attcntlano at Limo Madison Square Oar-
dcii ball tonight to witumes ; time fifth game of
time series of immternmttiomial eighteen-inch balk
line billiards. The coumtestants wore "V1z-
ard" Jake Schaefer of Chicago anti Albert
Gamier of Ilelgltmrn , thmo recognizeti Ircnchm
cimammiphomi. liotim Inca played POOr billiards
mmd "goose eggs" were frequemmtiy recorded.
Time fcntmmro of the night's play caine imm the
fifteeumth inning , whuoms Schaefer got time balls
near time top cushion amid held timem timero
for a quarter of an hour. lie drove tIme red
and white alternately when it. sas imecessary
to sentl them outside th balk line , mind frequently -
quently mnatle gathering abets with great lire-
clsion , The result of tlmis briiiiant. work was
the addition of 132 to lii ; big lead. Suns-
mary :
Schmaeter-O , I , 21 , 21 , 13 , Ii , 0 , IG , 27 , 23 , 09 ,
ii , 53. 29 , 132 , &S , 0 , 0 , Iii , 0. 17 , 0 3-00O.
iligimest mu , 132 : average , th
Garnier-O , 4 8 , 25. 6 , 2 , 0 , 6 , , 4 , 0 , iS , 32 ,
20 , .1 , 0 , 35 , :1 : , .1 , i2 , 12 , 0-20i.
Higlmest rumm , :5 : ; average , 9 6-22.
I'UILCIIASICD 'riii liLlC'roN 'rht.tClc.
PlaLhiusiclphiiit ltmielmmg atomi 'lIl Oper-
mute Iii ttmmrylnmmd ,
BALTIMOIt13 , Md. , April 3.-A special
from Elhcton says tIme race track at thmat
place has again bccmi leased by Plmila-
delphmians and tlmat running races will be
restimned there on Saturday , April 11 , to
contiuiuo for twenty-six days , At time entl
of that time it. Is said ( hunt time annie people
will begin racimig at. Ilarkstlale st.atiemm , emi
tIme h3aitimssoro & Ohio railway , near Eikton ,
ems groummds which have recemmtiy been liur-
It is also ammnommnccd lucre that tIme Arlington -
ton track , near timis city , has been leased tea
a party of New York racing men , who will
1160 it for racimmg tracks br thirty tiny ; , beginning -
ginning April 25. The program includes six
races by ( lay amid five by nighmt , under electric
light. Purses aggregating $4,000 will be
humsg up.
Tite law iii Maryland permits racing , witim
pool sehhimmg , to be held ( or a perlomi of timirty
days on each and every track In the state
and in order to have continuotms racing it is
oum'my necessary to have enoughm tracks , a
plan wimlch it is said time old Gloucester
mnanagensent'heans to carry out.
} I'oumr Favorites uizisl Osme Secoiisi
Choice 'l'oslc time Ingl'MIle tIIime )
SAN FRANCISCO , April 3.-About 2.000
people nttemsded Ingleside track this after-
noon. Time weather was pleasant. Four a-
voritos , one a second choice , and an out-
sitler won.
First race , five furlongs , selling : Last
Chance , 100 ( II. Martin ) , 10 to 1 , won ;
Ottynmsna. 101 ( P. Sloan ) , 1 to 2 , second ;
Banjo , 100 ( Cochran ) , 20 to 1 , tlmirti. Time ,
1:024. : Hiram Arga , Wawona , Lantilorti ,
Captain Spencer , Cenette Etiwards also ran.
Second race , six furlongs , selling : PeIx-
otto , 04 ( Carmier ) , 11 to 5 , won ; hazel 3) ,
91 , ( Slaughter ) , 75 to 1 , secomitl ; Mosier , 9:1 :
( it. Ison ) , 4 to 1 , thIrd. Timime 1:16 : % . IU-
tarmio , Llnviile , l.a Fleclma , itobin Hood I ,
Clara Johnson , Meadow Lark , also ran.
Third race , one mile : Sir Play 86 ( Slaughter -
ter ) , 1 to 2 , woms ; Olive , 111 ( T. ioams ) , 2 to
second ; Mommtallmsde , 94 ( Id. Jones ) , 10 to
timiril , ¶ Firne , 1:42iA. : . Thornhlii also ruin.
' Fourth race salle and a sixteemuth : St. Lee ,
91 ( Garner ) , to 5 , won ; Tar anti Tartar ,
101 ( Mackiln ) , fi to 1 , second ; Dungarven ,
107 ( Cochran ) 7 to 2 , third. Time , 1I0. :
Fifi ontl Doyle also ran.
Fifth race , live and a half furlong ; , sell-
lag : La Tmlnseotta. 90 ( Slaughter ) , 25 to 1 ,
won ; Mohnlnsoa 96 ( T. Sloumi ) , It to 20 , nec-
end ; Pat Mmmrpmy , Ioi ( Mackiln ) , 25 to 1 ,
third , Time , 1OS : % . l'erlmps anti Sir Richard -
ard also ran.
Sixtim race , six furlongs , selling : Ponia-
cita , tfl (10. ( Jones ) , 8 to 5 , won ; Waiter J. .
Os ( Slaughter ) , 0 to 1 mmecond ; Tonino , 03
( Gammier ) , 9 to 1 , third. Time , 1l5 : % . Tim
Murphy , San Marco , Schmnitz , Modei 'and
Clacquer also rami.
Itiuchuig at New Orleumsu.
NEW OIILI3ANS , April 3.-Weather pleas-
tint ; track fast.
First race , tmurse $250 , for 3-year-olds end
upwartls , sellimsg , one mile : I'lug (8 to 1) )
won , Rosamoro (4 ( to 1) ) second , Sky Jihimo
(15 ( to 1) ) thirtl. Time , 1:4i. :
Second race , purse $200. for 2-yenr-oids ,
selling , half mile : Sanguine ( oven ) sven ,
Lillian Wilkes (3 to 1) ) second , Marinion
(4 ( to 1) ) third. Time. 0:19. :
Third race , purse $2F.0. for 4-year-ohds anti
up , selling , seven ftmrhomigs : Imp Ilimbo (3 (
to 1) ) won , B. F' . Fly Jr. , (5to ( I ) second ,
Proverb (3 ( to 1) ) third , Time , 1:2S3. :
Fourths race , handicap , for 3-yenr-olds and
up , mile and a sixtenthm : Bloomer (5 ( to 1)
won. Orintla (5 ( to 2) ) second , l'eytonia (15 (
to 1) ) tisird. Time , 1:17 : % .
Fifth race purse $200 , for 4-ynar-olds and
upwards , selhimig. six furlongs : lIen Walms-
by (2 ( to 1) ) won Davy Crockett (5 ( to 1) )
second , Borderer 4 to 1) ) third , Time , 1:15m4. :
SIxth race , purse $200 , for 4-year-olmls antI
imp , selling , six furlongs : The Sculptor (4
to 1) ) won , Fruinkie fl (6 ( to 1) second , John
P. (2 ( to 1) ) third. Time , 1:15 : % ,
Jolummsoum tutu iIIe1iiii 5111t'imeil ,
NEW YORK , April 3.-i'm. privmtto cable-
grain ( rein I'aris says : John S. Jchnssmm , the
Aunericams bicycle expert , and James Mi-
chad , the Woishmrnan , have been inatchsetl
for a series of races of one , five anti ten
miles , with pacemakers , to he ridmlen in
England for a Purse of f20. Also a reries
at three races of five , twenty nail thirty
kllnrnutrcs. with pacomakertt , ( Or thmo same
stnko amid to be riddemi in France. Johmmeon m
is isow at Wiemsbaden in traimsimse ,
Zinuuimt'r Cinii'lu.les En Sigim.
CT413VELtND , April 3."ClmieJmmnor ( ,
tIme big catchier of tIme Clevelammd haute ball
climb , svimo quit tIme club at Hot Siirings
nevcrai days ago and went on a , striice ( or
an increase of salary , today aiilxetl Isis
signature to a contract for time cornimmg
50500mm , to play imi regular posItIon. 'rime I
tiuestion of salary , it is stated , was cons-
hsromniseci. 'Zlusimiter will not join tIme chub
tIll tue season lmeglmms.
Iuijuuresi l'iigihist ltimeuys.riig ,
MFImfP11IS , Aiiril 3.-Jesse Clarke , the
rugiist who was thought to lie dying ( ions u
injuries received In a sixteen-round light
with a negro , Cimares Turner , is slowly ins-
proving and will recover ,
I'nnr Cliii umep for limit iii nut itmi ri mug ,
N11\V OI1LEANS , April 3.-A score of c
hiortemsien who had made final nrrammge-
meumtm3 to ishilt , their horses ( rota lucre to Ii
thu Iimdiana tracks changed timeir plans on II
receipt of the following telegrans to the
iaily Item ( eons Governor Mnttiiews of
Indiana , iii reply to aim inquiry : "I he-
have thuo lrolxsoti racimig s'ill he in 'iola-
thou of' tIme last'Sili mimic every ismenna at
In ) ' camimmnammd to uphohti the hnsv. ' '
- - -
tlAlll hltNNt ,
I1'smtn , Alinmut ( Its' l.if of hit' Mnmngcr
of I hiti'tCi mulo' Camapimigit ,
Mark ilanna is cite of the most pronsinrist
and Influential recidents of Cleveland , 0. ,
whore lie was born about fifty-two year ; ago.
Ibis famnihy were New iiiglantl people , isya
the Chicago flecorti , anti came omit early to
thso'esorn Ileservo. ills father was engaged -
gaged in manufacturing and in shippisg ! coal
amid iron ore , atmtl time timreo eons , "Mark , "
"Mel" anti "loc" hhanna , immimeritod time bui
msemu , whIch they have extemmileth in variomma
directions until their interests now aiiioummt
to several millions of dollars , amid include ,
amnong otlmer timings , time largest ehipyartl out
time lakes. The hiammnas imavo built a great
mnatsy of tIme fleet of steel amid Iromi venm'els
which carry coal iroums Cleveland , Iluftaho ,
Ashitabimla anti other Ports aim time lower lakes
to ltuhmitii amid other lrnrts on the upper hake ; ,
inclutliusg Chicago amsd Milwaukee , aumd imrlng
back Iron ore , imuussbr , wheat ammtl flour. They
also built tIme fine l'aamemiger steamsiers tlmmtt
nm froust l3tiftho to Dmmlutlm In conmmectiomm with
tIme Great Northern railway.
Many of timeso steamers beicrmg to the
IIamna : "boys , " becausto whmcn they have no
orders fromsi outsitlers to keep timeir eimhpyards
bony they build heats for thmcnmselves , anti
( hwy Imave iron furnaces amid iron mimimmes and
coat mnimmes to furnish their own cargo.
Marl : Ilanna was ono of time cariiest stockholders -
holders in tIme Staumdard Oil comnpany. lie
and his brothers lmad emminil refineries in tIme
rmeighborhmooci of Chevehanti , which were ammmal-
gamnatetl witim those of Itockefelier , Anmirews ,
F'iagier and others wlmen that great corpora-
tiomi 'va ; formed , but lie dIsposed of his In-
( crest sonic years ago , ammd if Ito imolds any
stock imi tIme comsipany ho at least has imo
active share In ibi mnaiingcmnemst.
lie is also a large owner in street railways -
ways 1)0th in Cleveland antI Buffalo , amid
timere are few promninemmt emmtorprises in Imis
native city which hue has not encouraged anti
in whIch lie is not Interested to somne extent.
lie atantis at thu Imeati of thm iet of lamblic-
almirited citizeusmu. lit , is always ready to re-
spomid to any call upon hits timne or abilitIes
or pocketbook , whether it is chmaritahilo , p0-
litical , religious , Indmmstrial or conmmncrciai.
lie built aim opera hmouso vlmon miobotly else
would do 'it , then solti it omit to a coumipamsy.
lie has assistetl in establlsimimig parks anti
climbs antI pleasure resorts. lii ; owmi hmommme ,
simicIm Is a magnificent villa on Lake View
avenue , lii time suburbs west of Clevelamid
overlooking Lake 1rie , is always fmmhl of
guests. lie has a winter rositlemico at
Thomnasvihie , Ca , , wlmero isis hospitality Is
equally lavlsim , amid Mrs. Ilanna has beemm
known to say thmmi ( site ' 'almaya sets time table
for as mmsany people as time dining roommi will
hold , for she msever kmsows how many guests
Imer hmusbamid has Invited to dinner. "
Mr. lianna has alpcarcd ) in POlitics once iii
four years since Senator Sherman , who is lii ;
IntImate frlemmd , became a candidate for time
presidency. flut after the iirosidommtiah comm-
vention i. over lie got-s back to lmi business
amid attends to imis owmi affairs umitli amiotimer
campaign comnos tiroumid. He is not a camsihi-
date for ammy office , anti never Immis been , ai-
though lie has frequemitiy been offered p051-
tions and solicited to becomsie a candidate for
elective honors. lIe and Major McKlmiloy
hmavo been imitlummate friends for muamsy years , 1
and when the latter decided to become a
candidate for the presidency lmo asked Mr. 1
Ilanna to take charge of time cammvass , Time
latter un ; domme so without hope or expectation -
tion of reward , and , altimoimghi Governor Mc-
Ilimiley , it elected , will undoubtedly offer hmimn I
amiy office within hIs gift , nothing would induce -
duce him to accept one.
Wherever Mark Iianaa is known lie 4s re- I
speced , and his word is good for anythumig. I
And , furthermore , hue Is unselfish and patriotic -
triotic and spends as mssuch time and ability
looking after ( lie lmiterea'ts of his friends amid
time public as lie does lii looking after imla
CoI.oXtldI : ! W'OMiIiY , AS EDITORS.
- - - ?
'i'lme Pulhislz a l'iiper for time Ilemaelli
of 'I'helr Club ,
The Woman's Omaha club , aim organization
compcxed of the Afro-American womnems , has
isSued an Easter edition of The fintertirise ,
a weekly paper published in Onialma In time
interest of time Afro-Americans.
Conspicuous on time first page appears a
group of halt-tone engravings of the otiiccrs
of the Woman's 1ub. The reading matter
is divided into departmemits and covers a
greet diversity of subjects wimidim are handled
in a very satisfactory mnammmmer. Time editorial
page is completely tilled with weighty
"leaders" on stmbjects of imsterest to time fair
sex. Organizations of colored women iii
various liarie of thmo country anti of various
kimmd ; , receive extended notice , viiIlo omme
emitire page is given tip to time dlscusion of
tIme subject of educatiomi. Time entire paper
if fIlled with original matter , there beimig a
noticesible absence of "plate matter , " amid of
Alive , 'l'hiomigii Legtull Deiil ,
A curious Eumoch Arden case , in which time
lord justices of appeal imad to intervene in
order to bring a maim to life again legally ,
has just been decided in England. Forty-
two years ago a woman married a sailor in
time liritish navy , who deserteml , went to the
United States , and was not heard of again
for timirty-six years. Six years after liii , die-
appearance ; lie married another man , with
wimoni she ilved for elgimteon years , but
fromn wimoni also at last obtained a judicial
separatirn and alimony in 1892 , Time eecommtl
imushand imleaded that his niarriage. was null ,
as her first imusbunti was alive at tIme' timmse ,
jut time Jury in tIme divorce court found that
the nman was dead. Last year husband No.
tlit'covered Imusband No. 1 , broujimt suit
ignin , anti protluced him us court , whmere hze
va ; fully identified , but time judge hmehti ( hint
is a jury imad declared ito was deatl , lie
: oulti not admit that lie was alive and die.
nissed time suit. Time appellate judges seemed
:0 : be of hmi opInion , for timey refused to
illow ( Ito appeal ammd mmr.nui time msimmrriage eu
, imo ground of time man's beimig ahivo till time
000ImIl hiusbmmmid had givemi security that lie
vould pay the wommmamm an allowance.
1mm ( he hiitsrt'e * of ( load hood , , ,
Sonic of thm county cdmnnmiaeionors intemuil -
mm a short ( line to do some personal "mats-
iomiary" woric in beimalt of goad roads in
lie various eountes ! of time state , Commimis-
totmerViliiamns amid Jemikium ; lmave botim tots-
Icremi their zerviccs to time Good htoail Ins-
Irovemmiont leagmme for the imurposo of uppcar-
ng before time dilTement boards of county
omnmni.taiommers of the elate to ask tIme co-
peratiomm of Limo dltfem'ont coummties n es-
abilshshng a simile league. It is understood 'r ;
hat time inciml hmlcycie umien at eacim of time
ntmnty seats mviii co-operate in limo work , mi
'alter C. Clark of tima Tourist Wimeel cimib
Las promIsed to assIst 1mm forming time stmmte
. -
If , I ;
WLU'rr '
l _
o aiintF ni
- - - - - _ _
. _
Dotulls of' the Affair for Which the Pvo
Onbaima Wore Garroted ,
.tltlunuiglt Their Crimuic " , ' , 'iu Arot'ious
timt' City ( if iln'uumn is horror-
Strieiemm Oer 'i'Im'ir 11mm tug-
hug 1xetuatious.
I 0
hAVANA , April 3-Thmo following is tuG
titory of time crinmo consuisitted by the five
mmegroc's whmo vero tIme victimims of time hung-
limig Cxectmtioms Oii Montlay , the detaIls of
which were cabled ems that ( hay. Thmeir minuses
t crc Zoclmaries Smmuita Cruz , Isidro Caitlerems ,
Jtmams hiatutista Guterrez , alias Lumimmisi , lttmfllno
Oretlemmez anti Marcolimso Geumzales , The scene , , ,
of time blootly criimio was a lonely imomIso on ,
time road froun Saul Jose to Tijlragtma.
Otm tIme evening of dimly 12 Jose Castliho , time
owner of limo Imouso , hmntl jmust loft it , hmis '
wife , four daughters amid three friommdts re- "
niaimmlmig there , Wimeis ( lie gallopimmg of several
horses alsproachmimmg thmo imouso on tluo lmigimway
aroused time iminmmUes , as if b3' a iireontnsont
of time wrotcimeti fate ( hey were soon to msmeet.
Sooui afterward ulvo imegroos disnsotmnted before -
fore ( lme house brandlslming their nmachetos ,
anit ordered every emme its it. imot to move ,
They tbeui denmammilemi of Cmttilio'mi wife ( lust
sIte almoulil give theism all LImo muomsey in thin
hmommne. Site gave ( humus two gold Imieces , as-
sortimig that 'as alt they had , but some of
Limo wretclmes iii rnmmsackiumg time iiouse foumid
thirty-six nmoro gold isioces , whsicim wrought
time ummen imp to a state or fury over the tie-
ception played upon ( liemim , Ommo of timeumi
struck tlmo ioor vomnnmm with time keemi edge
of lmi machete , tlecapltatlmmg her witlm a biomv
'Flio negroes , eeeitsg the blood of their first
victiums , because traneporteml with rage amid J
limit to death all hut one of time iimnmates , time ,
oxccptloum belmig one of time visitors , who was
left no badly voummtIed tiutut Ito died soomi after
givlmsg testimmmony of time affair.
Seven dmsye after tiuo cormmmmmission of time
crime time clvii guard succeeded in camttmrummg
tIme five ummeurderesra , amid they were lodged
in time dumigeoums of time Cabammes fortream fluid
ncmmtemsced to di by the garrote oum Mommduty
evetsing. Time hmorrorn of thmat execution arts
stiii felt by time liaviuna public. Santa Cruz
was thmo first of tIme five to be oxectmteti , amiml
like all of 1mb , fellows , lie vas perfectly cool.
lie mioticeti that timoro 'as dsmimpmmess ems thin )
death bomichi , anti lie denmamided thimit the oxe- J
cutiommer Imouhtl wipe it off before ito sat f'
dowmm , which vas doume. Aim tlmo exectutiommer
Was ftximsg time rIng round iii ; imeck time religious -
ligious brotimers present intoned in chorus s
time wordmi : "Ego , to absolve. " (1 ( forgive >
timed. ) As imas already beemi related it was
msot until time third turn of thmo garrote that
ho was killed.
Valentine 11mhz , time assistant executioner ,
said time trouble was duo to twine of tIme
ucrews being badly fixed. Time body of Santa
Crux hay where It had faliomi when Isidro
Caltleroms , time next to pay the pemmalty , was
brought forward amid etmhmjected to lingering
agommy timroughm the period of thmrea attemmmpts
Isy time executioner to do his 0111cc. It t'as
luau Ilautiata Gmmterroz vimo sought to nmako
sum address before lie was executed , but hmo
Was seized amid time iron ring adjusted about
Iii ; smeck , and while tIme executioner was stthl
sngaged in piniomming imis legs , time assistant
: xocutiommor turned time lever. A ummurimmur of
ndlgmmatiomi and horror arose froni time crowd
Itiulfino Orotlenez was time fourth one cxc-
: uted , and the last vams Marcehino Gomizales. ' , , '
16 theseason for purlfyingcicansiug , mind
renewing. The accumsmuiatiomis of waste
evcryss'hmero are being remmsoved. Whxmtor'g .
icy grasp Is brokots and cmi all aides arc
Indicatiomis of xsaturo'tt returning life ,
renewed _ force , and as'akcning power ,
Sprkig 4T :
Is the time for purifying the blood ,
cleansing the system and renewing time
physical powers. Owing to chose confinement -
finement , dIminished perspiration and ' (
other causes , In the winte : , inmpurlues
have not passed out of the system as they
should but have accumulated Iii the blood.
Spring 'HI '
Is timercforo time best time to take lIood'o
Sarsnpariiia , because the system is now
most in need of medicine. 'flint Ilood'gi
Sarsaparihln Is the bcBt blood purIlier amid
Spring medicine is proved by its wonder-
tel cures , A course of hood's Sarsaparihims
now may pveum great uuufcriimg Inter on ,
IstimoOmieTrumo illooti l'mmrifier , Alidruiggists. L
l'reparedommly by C. I. Ilooth & Co. , Towell , Mass ,
, cmmre J.iver iii ; ; cay to
ISbskeeamy to uiperate,2e.
A.IIJJ23IENT. ( /f
Miitlilee 'l'odiiy.
"i'IiN NiGiI'I' $ iN A HAIL ILOOM. "
Ito five act comedy-
"Iiltl'I'I I lIlt .t GAINS' ! ' lIltO'l'ihllit , "
ntim'.oo Sunday , Lust verormmsomice-Sun-
tiny nigimt. _ _ _ _ _ _
iiv i-v 'XHRNIG11T
MONDAY , April 6.
Supported by it .tupul , counpaumy.
ouuiiii' , "iIii , XI , " 'I'it'siiut ) , " 111011-
Id liii , " S'eilmi"sIiu ) . , "it lCli % it I ) I I I. '
tlIS-25o ( , ZQc , ISo ntt'i $1.00. hex ; , $1.50.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rfrats , on sale itumdmty ,
Tel. 1531l'tutoit t ilurgomiti , Mare.
In. 'rues , Wed , atmd 'l'imur ; . , , tat. Sun , mmmmd W' &
. % l'ItIli ii , 7 , 8 AND (1 , '
oimo Comndy Success. ,
f'resenleti by a conmpmuny inchudluig
t'vJert Ciiyl isorim , i.i'oiti aJiiimimeil ,
( iutm , , . A. Ilur.
'rioes-23e , 13c , tie , Ho mind $1.00.
hi NlGil'i' OthV , Mnaiiimi April (1 ,
Time Idol of London , I'arls armS Naw York ,
ANt ) A Shif.FX'T CONC'131i'r COMi'AU' .
'rio's-25r , OLe , 7&c , $100 , $ l.f.Q. Sal , , of seat.
mmimuemmces Stttuftlay , April 4 , mit a. In ,
. 'reo lift entirely rmlsumtssdc.j ,
mpril lO-hi-Thlid 'I'AYAiIY 0PLilt. C0 _ , , , , _
A11I-,1rffuw.7c ! CONCERT
'V1i1IL ' III.L. . .
Coy , 'l'vuitli nustllluritoy hti ,
Re.engagsrnrn ( of the
ilhhifi FoiIy LlliOS Ordilosiro
Frnrn the ltoyal Aqtmmiritmin , London , Juig ,
L'ancet-t every aveuming , S to 12. MatiuioQ
Ofldms3' , Thursday anti liaturday , 3 to .