' - - : ± - _ : . _ ItotVATP.1t. ni tor. - . - - - . - . . - . . - PU3I.W1111) % iviit tOIttNU. - TItMI ! : OP tU'lISCfltI'TflN : n.It ? n.f ( WItIIfllt Ufldl ) Ofl YUt $ ' ) PaIt Ic ; And Sun.Thr , One % 'et'r 1) f3 UIx .twttIIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ) ) 'ftr , Mt'nthi 2 10 i4iitvny 1c Out , Y'ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 tittr1ity IJc.o , ' ) nO Ycnt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I \ckIy D.e One Vcutr G3 ' Ornntia , 7I , Xn 1ufli1Ing. IotiIti ; tner 111k. . Cor. ? nn 2tIi Sti. Cntiirfl flhIirn4 , IC : ; ( fth Main Stret ( hUigo OUIc' 1 ? LIIM1IIer of Cmtnerct. ? w York , Itont , 1.1. 14 anJ 1 $ . TrIburi ltktg. ' Wniiilngton. 1l7 V Street , . W' . COItItISIOI)1C - All ( omflltJnlenhlnnN relnln ( to no ' ' el. ; trnlnl matter iliull be tlilrtidt To ( lie Editor. 1iUIINIS3 1.ETEflS : ¶ All bnitnti itter nnl rcnilttnncei hoil4 &c1lrei'.1 t , TIio hOe I'ubiIliin C'omPflflY , Onrnlrn lrnfti. chteki nn.i ntoffle orderi teL L , mnd , riyiI4 to ( he onl4r of the eomtaIlV. TlLl Iir.t VUItISIIING COMPAr4Y. . - - - - - - - - - - : STATllr OF ClICt1.AT1O. ! th'crge H. Tzhttck. sretnry Of The le ! Pub. liihln COflhlIAII ) . tning riII1 tu-n. Iay that tift' : netul flUmIr of full 4nl vornilctc cpl's ' of th atly. Morning , 1venhii nn1 StIn.1n } 1C printd ! . during the month of Iebiunry 1SG. % Vfti fl folk lowi : I lt.l2 10 2 . lf.1D4) ) . . :1. : lL0S Ig 4 1Lll Vt 10.177 r 2t2l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.000 .3 " ' 10.l7 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.lr.2 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.107 ! 2 . 9 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10J02 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.0Th 2. . 1qOO 21 10.11T 21 ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 0t 12 1q.i , ; ? 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,00 ? U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.9t 21 . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1L020 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,016 15 1S,601 - Total LeM l1tzc1loni t'r ttfllId od rctiirne1 copks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . l ? Net ijli Nct tlaiir a % 'rngo . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iS.10 flEOfl(1E U. TZ4(7Tf1IC1. ; Htvrn lii lttn tn ( ' nnil iicriId ) , , In my tre. enr'e thIs 2d dat f tiircIi. 1S9 , . ( Eeat. ) N. P. lIL. Notary Public. 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; , Ilavitig l1'f'att'(1 ( ( Ci1ln1brIdg Se'QII years lit succestIoii the Oxford crcv li 1 eiitltled to the rest tliut flcCitl ( with the SllbIlllICfl1 ) year. - 1\Iliosourl \ lCtnocrttM , like Ne1irnsIu deiflocrat8 , VOl1't be Iiitppy titithl they . littvo sent two eoilteMtIlIg tlelegttloiis to ; the Chicago eoitveiitloit. ; Another InNtalhillellt of thie SInythi. T1arthn free sIIset-n1l11hl1It4trIttIoh1 tietito. : CLllthC hiileichiaiige of lililtilnhly recrhiiil. 3 lItiting epistheso , Is about overdue. ; It hi to 1)0 1)01(7(1 ) ( that the iiev national fittlo COlflhllhi4SIOIlCL hind 110 hieItntoii ! to . s'aIIoy the bait offered by his appoint. , IntuIt , salary. hook , line ittitl all. ' , Vliat New YOtk oleinocrats are ha. - 111e11t111g the lilost iii COlllItCtIOhl tvhtlt the elinctinelit of the ItIiies liquor license law is the fatal blow it o1eal to free machi. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Infornuttloit v8li ted of one Colti irar- 'C3' , vhio a year ago was not only teaching - ing evei'ybody how' the Ihtiatices of the COtilltry shiotlhl be conducted , but was t also ott the ioIiit of relievIng the Pe01)he of thu dlllcult ! duty of selectliig their , ilext president. The stiperiitteiitleiit of. the LaIor ) Temple holds the keys , the treasure 1111(1 , tile lease of the rooms occullied by the labor iiiiioii iiit1 llefltS his ellenIles to - - olispossess 11111 ? . Under the cireum- stances the only thing to 1)e ) olone Is to either buy hum off orfreze him out. The greatest obstacle whileli the ativo- cates of StiltehiOO(1 ( for Arizona , Ness' 1iqxleo and Okhahioliia have to tical vltli ; Is the deeply grotintled ilild wh(1eslrea(1 ( ) ( _ 1 aversion to welcoming any more states that vhll have more Fe1)itSt2litflt ) Ives in the iuttlonnl seilate titan they will have . In tile house. . The spring season Is beginning most propitiously. There is already an excess , oh : llOrllllll F11iiIt'lli throughout tile state tiiitl faFIllers are illore hopeful tillIll they - have been for two years. Plenty of , fllOiHttlrO flow vhhI Put the soil in coil- dition to enhure ( a. 1)OSSibIe dry spell inter in tile eason. 4 ! Tlto St. Louis Globe.Detnocrat re marks that Governor Iorton w'ould j Bt1.1l(1 ( a lCtter ) cliiuice of getthiig the : reitiipiicitll ) nolninatlon foi the liresi- deitcy IC lie lI'l.Ml in n doubtful shite. The stitie : thing iiiigiit be said of fc- inley , lteetl , Ahilsoti , Quay 111111 , lii fact , , . of iilh the 1)l'eSileittIitl ) ( catulklates. Senator Brlce has given pullic cx- i pressioti to the OliiliOhl ) that President Cleveland vill accept niiolhier noinina- t fen if his lili ) ty culls for hini. 'Fun : question resolves Itself Into , Ioes his , Ifll'ty ) wni : hiiiii ? it vlll be great coil- ; . SOilItlOil to the tl&iiiocriils to kiiS' ( that. r they IIISC 3Ii. Clevelniid to ( till btck on : 5111111 IleCOille llecesstiry. . Ii. the prohiililtioii iiatlonai convelition t fphlovs the hues reeoiilineiltletl ly ) the : PiOhtIbitlOll national coiniiiittee , it will COnIC out. 01)t'iliY ) tiiitl sqiltirely for 10 to ! r free gold aiid silver eohiiitge. if the SliVer Illeil do hot flock to tito cold : Water statidard , hut lersist In lmving a f hlarty all of tiit'ir OVil iiotiiiiig will be itblo to lrcvoIlt at leiist two silver ticietto - being ireseiited to thin voters. There Is 501110 ifl'OhllbiiitY ) that work flay SOOfl 1)0 ) resumed on the 11C % ' govern. 1nent lullthliig. 'rite 7OOO ( ) item in the coiigressioiiiil appropriation bill vihl dOtIltieSs ) be avitilublu for the Inside i ; _ fiuilslting work of tue great edifice. I' Thieve IIIC iiiaiiltold ieisoiis ; vliy 01110118 : is Intersteo1 In hiavilIg the vrhc ) KtIi1lei1 niltI hliSiWtl ) t coItlilletloli. It itt IiUllOrtilitt flint every iiiechiititlc be kept in CIn1)1OYiiltllt. ) There are a lot of tohhow8 ha pohitlc3 this : ycar who shtouitl have stuck tc thio peanut iuslnoa and remained an honor to their ocx. -Cilicago Inter OcotJl. This caniiot ieftr to tue titOVs Iii : Nebraska politics thus year. I Ia'o ve I hot been bitt that the 1)OhitiChLtIltt iiavt beoii rehegatid to the rear ? Are not the leOite ) C ( > listlttltiilg their owit coil- 'oiitioiis ttiiti iiiiiiiliig thit ir O'YII dde- gatea to St. Louis ? : That there is an increased deiiiazitl for liosuile restdeiieo property Is a iitter . of tict , itt 11(0 time in tiiu POSt liftecil years hits thit'ro beezi itetter opportunity tpi the ltiICliilM tif rsitltiice lots at ye. . . . diteoti figtlres ititti the cost of illihuing ) is ntiieli less than It wits five tM1110 ago , or , will be five years hetice. In 8iiort , no,0v Is thti uceejitt'tI tiiiio to iletiuiro . hioiitett In Oiiiiiltii itiiii tue ( itc Is un. : Irussng ! Itseif (11)011 111011 who hiiive tired or nilyllig tribute to landlords. . - 7'll1I o fl 2' ( ) .Stt1 ? T IllS i1I't1\Iil1tJ ; 1. \Vlieii n nutii VIIhltR to plek a qllI rrel lie iloni I to ti a ny I ron I di ' I a Il II ti I ug a lIi i'U'x t. lii his herlt'ss effort at self- liiidtInti1 : liinth Inst 'I'ziesilay at the llciytl I hii her 4tI'I'hlIIey rally , SnlllIot : 'I'llliitttOl % OV'llt oil t ( If hits il ) to clini ge the n'vsappr ) of this city and tltt Ii ii oh itess I I ten it el I vt'ly I ii I t'ltt I o'tl iii t I ie 'Frflhlslilhssissippl exiloshi loll vitli 111111cr- tnlchtig to tratle our Nt lwiiskit ilrI(1elt ( Itoh sllilOyt ) ) for eongressioainl slippolt of the dxhtsItloii ) thu. 'l'hii.s cillirge Ovils diiljlIflSiied ) by thin senator Iii the fol. lovhiig hlIslIltilig lllngilnge : If these sclt-cortsthtiited trallicker. , iii presi- dentlat iIipport had kept entirely out of thih mttcr , the expooltioti biLl would have gone through eongreis V1L1I the greatest of case , and wIthout any opposition. I do not niake 1118 ataternont Idly ; I know whereof I speak , 1011(1 ( 1 add , kindly but firmly , that It these etrne newspapers hind devoteol one.halt of the effoit In ! ustahnlng and upholdiig their senator that they have in attempting to dli- crcdlt 111111 before tim country and congress , their exposition bill would hiava been niuch inoro certain of sliccoos than it s tinder the presEnt conditions , vhilch they have hood. lesly and iinnoceooarily created. 'i'liese tiiicilli'd : for ittiti baseless ns heVioiIS ) Ii ave hecit sil ppli'nl t'n ted w I Iii all ( Ijiell ( ( OVet tIlL' signature ot' Joliii ' , t. 'E'lniiston Illhlliud iii the \Voi'hil- hit7rllld , 111 wiiieii the senator disclaiiti 11113' rt'fereiiee to I hint htllLr. ) ) hut siiigli out The flee for his rvpriiiuid ] : iS fol- low's : The Omail flee is thio only paper which has assumed to hold out Presidential support - port In exchiango for congressional and state support for our oxpositioii. Torn Reed and Senator AllIson are both too bread and honorable to think of holding UI , our bill in congress because of any effort iiind by nb or anyone else to secure delegates - gates who would voce the centinleilt of Nebraska - braska reptibllcans III favor of McKinley. The danger is , however , that The lice and 501110 Of tite expooltion inanagera' have hold out unwarranted Inducements to the frIends of Allison and hteed and have been asserting that my pposition va all that etood In the vny et the favorite son plan , in the Success of whitchI they \cro eup- posed to have so Illuch lntcrcst. I ay again that this unwarranted attempt to cx- ebnoge predntIai ! suppoTt for expcsltlon suppcrt Is all that bao endangered the oxpo- SitiOll bill. The senator eoiies about as iiear the ti iithi iii these ossertioiis as lie did ill his dramatic dOdhahIIiltlollS tailing at liost' . lOhiticitlls : aliti railroad iig- : nltei. : If ii hiiows vliereof ho' spptki : , as lie says lie does. let 111111 itroihin'e hii i)100fs ) or letract his chiitrges. 'l'liei ( ' hits beeti no atteinlt hi1l tPv'r ( to li.r- ter away Ni'broslit's presiden tin ! \te. ( lIlliess the rumor i4 tl ut' thitt : a calinet ) itlitce Is to he hiold In l o'seivo Ihie luau who (1111V0r5 ( the Ncbriska deht'ga- tion \Vihliain ? IcI'iiilt v.Vi' ehal- leiige the seiiatoi to Point to a line in 'Pite Bee to SlllStfllltille ) : his allegation. 'File flee has lltM'er said one vori1 tie. rogatory to McKinley. On the coji- trary , it has said nore lii his favor luau iii favor of all oilier candiolates coal- llile(1 ( , Iiichtidliig ( iLliel8l ? tiiitleioii. : ' [ 'lie i'hToits of 'i'lw 11cc' niiol those of the expositloii ii1tnag : rs liulve licen cx- erted solely 'o'Ithi the 'ies' of ( uhlsting the goat ! will and nsststauice of senators 811(1 coulgrc.ssmen who are in Positloll to expelite ( or rotaid the isag of tin ) CXIOSltIOIl bill. Ilistead of lioldng ) out PrOlilises of lresItloiltlah SuipoI't ) ul0111 Nebraska , 115 the seilator alleges , 81)1)01115 ) for Sllhl)01t. ) hiave soug1it to this- siliate exhL'etatiOfl of political i'eci- procity _ In proof of this. SWl9t01 T1iili - toui'g attention Is invited to the follow'- lag resioiise froiui Senator UliIllldier tea a letter invoking his luilluence In beilaif of the expositioli with Chniriuinn Dilig- icy of tile house Conliflittee oil ways auth illealls : WAShINGTON. March 20. 1S96.-Dear Sir Your letter Is at hand. I have not yet had time to talk with-Mr. Dlngcy. but will do overythhng I can for the Tranmlxolsslppl exposition , no tuattor who to president. I behlovo a national , not International. expo- sitton in the Interior of the country will bo very helpful in all respects. Truly yours , WILLIAM E. CIJANDLEIt. To E. flosewater , Esp. if Senator Tliurstoii is to be behies'ed. the QXIOSltiOIi 1)111 ) would hitve : Passed long ago hinti it not been for the Iiiler- feieuice of 'Tile flee atid the Omaha husi- IICSS Illell. w'hio ore lahorin ! for its sm'- cr55.'hiiie this is a veiy Ihatfeuluig liii. iflltiitioil as to thin IiIfllIeilCe of The flee at SVilSltingtoli , it Is 8180 a hitiinhulathuig confession eu the pout of 1 in' seiiiitor. Linti his open letter bddll dated from his loSt of duty at 1\Tasliliigtoui iiistead ot froill ioiltical headquarters at Omaha It might have aftot'ded some sort of excuse for the 010183' Iii seclilIlIg sena- tonal action OIL the bill. 'l'li I roimitie w'itli Senator 'l'htilrstoll is t.lillt lie is try- lug to shift the reRiOflSlldiity 81111 III- ik'ull ) to be totally oblivious of the relatioiis to time 1)111)1k linposeil upon hilmit 1)3' ) his othicial position. I he set'in to hiutve foi'gotteit that the first duty of it i4OiifltOr 114 to time PeoPle Of hits StUte whose iiiteri'sts should not be sacrificed to persouial niiiliitloii or political glory. 'FilO Sllatol"tt iiiiiitien speech hmuis ht'ttll ) thuily deii'eret1 , but iiL't IltaIdnu bill Is yet to be lasttt'tl. ) Flue vort1s hut icr un iarsmi I ps. 'l'ime it'0i)10 of Oinuilmit niul Nebraska. lirefer Ki0iStililtiill ) lPSllltS to illesitleult liii rititi- to' ) dimusimIg. 'l'hey miue iisliiig timeuii- selves , livIma t Is Nebraska's only reliub- lit111l semiator doing iii Nt'hirllsiul w'iteui itleasu.ea ! of state mnt iiiit loiiutl couiceia mtie nw'iiitiiig tito fletioli of coigress lii seSsion ut 'tVilshmlngtoil ? 'I'iwy npphiliui 111111 vlmen Ito sn.vs un triit4tt4 the j)1o. Ide. But thiey eaniiot conipreliemitl w'umy Ito reftises to trmtst. tue peoie to select their own cleleguttcL4 to the IlatiOtlull t0u1- vent bit. ieItiier colt they clm11ht'eliduhl w ity ho sliouhmi loiter at Imnuitu : iter hit hills sectored all the vohitlcal iioiior that hot tiulifllideU In his receilt oiltltiiatuin , Nnlouly ltgrets itiOl'e tItan 'l'lle lice does to hit forced to use 1411dm Plitlit html- gttago or to be driven Iiito a contro- etsy which cauiiot litit 1)0 ) aiiiioyluig to all COllC'Filt'L 'J'hi Iiluiiiio 11111Sf. rest where it belomigot. There was ito occa- sioit ( or thin nrralgnnient of any itiier or itiy 1111110 for laboring Zt'alOtislV , to lrOillotO ) tim TransInIssltsiplt exposit ion ptojtCt , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ It ; is tiot only possible , but lV11lllbld. that Cliiiia ttuitl ittIssilt inive , as rtiumiored ; conciuded it _ seeret treaty for their intittutti iulvailtago anti itggraiitllse- Illoilt of other neighboring l)0VtrS. ) it Is probable , becuuse Cbiiu and itussia - S' have lntert'Mts lii t'oiflhilOll that s'otlld be sntisem'ri d tiy siidm an nlllamice. 8(1 ( flu' g oilier lintlomI9 are coiiceriii'tl , how'- eser , tito' t'XiMtellCO of tue aliegemi tremtty ohiouiml ilot make lilolcit tlIlTt'rdmice , because - cause they have nlwnyiu counted on those tsvo coillltrIt's neting together. Olt.t7i . 'I1LT IWIP ITStf.P 'J'iiso vhio 'otiltl bLi free thieillSeiVei4 lutist strike time hlosv. Omaha can never ilolbo to raise tii railrontl emiuhargit aitti fiet Itself front hit' tlotilhiiittioil of Ciii- cligil Isiols tititil It hiatt a railroad outlet to time Great Lakes that is not tiiitlcr tile coiitroi of time roads that have so lOilg llttled ) ( tip Its comunlerce t ) dis- erumnintitive Ilutes. 'oVhntever hopes may 1iit'e been built tlloil ) thit' ProsPect of a SdfllO0ll Coil- iit'et loll t ii rough I ii e 1111 I t I Imioro & Oh I I ) by time extemsIomi of the Omaha & St. 1.oiils railroad seems about to be dissipated - pated by time _ ruulilnl el ( absorittloll of timuit roOd into the hhirhitigton 53telll , It is not at all hih'1y that the ihuirlimig- toil ronti voult1 Inlilti any exlt'nsIoul thu I. Wltil ( ( ( hV'it $ 11001 of Its trallic fVhll ) its CiticiIg ( ) hut' . 'l'hic uuaiiifest object of such 11 inirehiulse Vtihti ( ) lie to hlteS'i'llt thin Halt tinofe & Ohihti from gainiuig a fOot imOlil I ii 1 1 ii i l i ml gt on t ciii I o ry. t1tnho'r exlshiimg contlit louIs there Is bit alto' thimig for Oiiinlma It ) do iiimii that is to emnitlate tile examples set by Ciii eiiiiiiitl , 1'flilStM ( Ii I , St. 11iill 8m111 011meV coiillltercC ccuitt'rs vla'ii they vnre imu thin sIttilt' boat. Iii each of thit'se citie.4 t lief ISPt4 hail 0llI by the flSSOCllttiOiI or local cflhlhilll5tM ) for timt' cOlistVtiI'titii of iltilI'oOltt ( tliI t votilt1 he operateil en- tli'eiy in their hmiterests. 'i ruillroitti to c0hIliect Oliliuila Vitlm the Atiauitle seaboard - board is not itceded. 'J'lie object Iii 'ies' can be : iceoluiiislletl ) fully : ts vehl hiy a line that ivill g1u' Onituliil tlhiet ( ! oflit'CttOit S'lt ii Lulift' Stllei'iV ) ( iiiitl iii- eltk'ntnliy u'ull be able to effect tralile ni'raulgeino'iits VitlI gtPit : hues lii' the 111111015 ( elItl'lll , IaektiW'1lti11ll 01111 OthlV.t tulult votihtl lie crossed by mu road (10111 Cnuuhia ) : to Luthntli. in enubarkhlig In sttt. hi l II eiiteipiisn they \suhl assuluit no vei.y great risk. A r4ttke Superior road \Vtillml opel ! UI ) it fei'tlit' anti iioi111l I seetioui of iowt alld ? tliminesota that votiltl at time ouitst itiTord a guaVa lily of llrofhtable iornl I ralhie , 1111(1S'hlell ( hit' road is ttllin CitmlllPtCti ( It \ihl l ) ( iii POsitloil to ) sCCllt't' tiirouigh tratile in both dhteet 10115. It vouhtl 11:4111 : coul : , iromu Ott ? 111111 iuiilih)0V aiiii hiuhidiiig lilIttel ilths ' 1'5tW'fli'd 1111(1 ( ginimi. cattle 111111 ilieltt 1)VO(1ilt5 ( ( to the iflkt14 ! for trflfls-shiilfllCIit to ) thin 11auitie SelIIiilh. ) ) lint I IU' 11111111 aeiiie't'mnent voiild be tht' estabhishlilleilt iii Omaha of a grahmi iititt'ht't auth the comiveisloii Of OnlahmlI 11110 thin piiiieiiiah distiiiiuitiiig pohit fol thit. ' great couil belt of vh1ichl It is the eo'mttt't . rimeuutet1 froni thin iiicul > tis of dISeliililliflt hug rates that make it so oliflienht for it to compete with rival Missouri river cities. 0mu ha would forge ahead vitii 1111 lilipetuls thlltt s'buit1 In. sate for it OOOOO poIlllatlOil before all- othini' decatlo ? suirill iiavt' iilSSl. ( . \iil Oinuhia capitalists unol epeeilhly : its heavy llV0hlelt3' oW'ilnis (0U11' to thin froilt 81111 put thehi' SliOllh(1erS to tile wimeel : is they lauve ( Ionic prev1ouis occasIons wimeli OilituiIa'8 future was at stake ? . TIW n iJlA-G PJ1OIThFJ.l1. q'uit' I)101)it'til ) ill reguiol : to a h1iiik eu11 iciic.V Is i'eiiortt'd to 1 , rec1s'Ing OilIest tOliStililt Cilshlt'l'fltilil ( ( 1)3' ) tue house tOuliim1itte ( ' on ll1ulhmig tiiitl ( i1l11'ii'3 , aiid It Is sit1 that thm COtiSuiltOtiOllS at' time COllIIilIttCt utte Ii-atliuig up to a POhilt vhiere some 5ilt ( of a coniproinlso 1111gb lii' poSSil)1e If C'iiairniali 'tVa1ler voui1d 1lhIllillOil tile lighit ( or tile ciutttillc'nt Of his ellthI't ) bill. .I'iiis illeasuIro einbatlies a Stci ) Ill thin olireetlomi ot banking oii grllPi'tii assets , Which , it is beiie'ol , Is iiiolal)1y ) iihi thi1t COlt lLt attniiied , ( sen 1 i ouii the house , thtiring the lireseilt coil- gless. tllOthiCV lileLHI1VO : ? befote time coin- initice conteiiijihltes liii' Imicrease of time sceuii't'tl cireuliitioii of the national ! IIIIkS ; to time umau vahut' of hut , boumds , iuiitl thin retireinelut ( i' iegah tender pole's to jtlst the a milolliii of miew' hlttmlk imotes is- stied. St ill ; tilotiinr bill comltelilpilteS : B soimmte\Villlt tdiililil' ; seliumue by it'tiiiiimig : tue ettuieil eirCliIlltiOll and isstiimtg a supilelmtelita ) ry chreula t loll , based upoil tl1)O4it ( ) $ aiid suibjo-et tO a grldiiltted : timx. 'J'iie 1)111 ireltart'd ) i\ ) S'l'tli ( rv Carlisle t'oL' thin i)11llhimig eojiimiiitlttt' oi thin last eoimgtOSS has beo'it iii I totIiicc'th , 1 tIlt Is hot exlectetl to receive st'rlous emisitler- a tloa. One of the 1)c'st Iiiformutal of'asliIuig - 11)11 COriPSloIihiit ( ( $ Oil these hIlt tttr ? $ says that it vuulii hot be silrjrIsing ) , 11 there ti.e 1lli % ' evhileiice Iii I lie ilamIkhlIg couitinittee of it tieshit' to get together , If sommie 1iIOlif1'8ti0il ( of tIme llahtiillort 1)11111 ) , icriii ) I t I iii g issuit'tt II 1)0 ) II itsS&'ts Iii ) to 50 in'i cent of' time , ci1iitnl : , with a gt'iinriui safety fund , could be agreed uilloll. lit ? slittt's IhiOt time prescilt teill- h)01 ) of thin enhiliihittee is ogahiist t colil- lhtO nhamidoniiienL of the sysltiil of si'- ( iired circulation , vhiii tever sIeis ) lhtt'y 11111) ' 1)13 ) w'hihiiig to ) t U he iii a teiitat Ivo' W'lly iii hut' direct loll of a sck'iitilic a nil 1 iliSt In bniuh iiott , ( ! lirieiiry , I n ) flllkilg ' ' ' ' thitt lull to iuhiov IL fIIYOflhhlt' ) ) l't'lot't on lIlitioliitl lOtliks to eireiihi : to unites lii ) to thin uar vihtit' ; of their hindtt ) , thin liousi' eomnlluitto'o Oil riirreiin aximi haiuikhiig 2IIIyS thmuit It iiilgiit ht'iuil to an lilerense of time cireiihittioii by 2OOOOO ( ) , iuimil uvithm- out asst'rtiimg that theme sihl in' this ill- ei't'lse limo' ( Ollililil tee 5:13's : IlilIt it Is of ti ill (11)1 ) ii I ( Ill I iim : I. I f I un hi hI I i ecoin is a lauv , thmciot will be nit Imicrease him tiit' it milolili t oh' ci ieiila t lou Issiictl vimeti t lie thi mmitiuitls of' iuisiimt'ss ieqiiirn It. 'l'iit' i'tuIWlt ftui'tlier ilt'O thiitt It set iils deny thiitt s'iit ui thin iiiiiks : finti so little vroiit lit thl'hL' ( circulatIon , us nov limited , 111111 It. seamct'ly ias to titkti it out , 111cm ot'.ghit to un iiii enlargenient of their rights to Issue notes , so as to afford itii iiitluceiiinuit to fimrmiisii us large a limos- limo of itccoiiiiilothiitloit to thi COiiiiiili- imlty as It4 comiipntlhhe vitli entire safety to hole iloidels. 'l'hils is irolsibb' thit' -ittsu' of a inuijorlty Of thin rPll1)hitl1itt ) Iii time house , mit it t lie bill ahlovIng hit- tltiiinl lnuiiks It ) Issue ilotes to the iiuir 'ithtlo of their lomids simouhi P1155 thin house , It Is lot itt itlh I)1obuible thmitt It couhi be hmltsst(1 ? ( iii I lie seiimi to' , vhiemo It otihl dllClliiitCL' 11 tiethiy : south di'iiIo- citt he opimosittoim , togt't 11cr with tlitt tree silver VehIibhICullhS ) iiiitl the loptmhists. ) II'lttt bust two em. mneiits urge timitt the country ought ti ( hiiiye hiiore etutieiiey , but thii'y utro not w'ilhhug that It should be sup- - - - - - - - - - - - t----- hilt' ) ( % by thmn'.Jhljktt , ( hltoilghl nti l' CoiiCCt- sltiii liteoimfle1uh to Ihiost' liisthtntloims , As time situntion hioov looks it seellii4 iim'etty sflft' csi hlitit thio't'e will lie iio hrnimk-hmmg orhvotip'r legislation affecting I lIt' CII lilm ( . ; lt. , ( lit' hresemlt cohigiest ; it Ii tI &erh a I ii i im e il t t Ii Is sessioti. 'i'hi e t''l ill lii Icii ii hiflsp mliii .s 1111 55 $01111' iii Cli 5 Iti. ( ' mit t lit' niht1 snPJdomi , hilt minihhuig it hilly iidopt ac'cltiuliln ) to the sil- vetS eie1imehltji'\Slici1 tlotlmimlZltett ) the seii- mute. 7'1XIXu1 Jt.si'xsznhI1rr. ; ( It Is hot tIi foult of tIme repubhhcaim iiiuijorhly iii flfn foumsp of rehiresemitat 1SO.S that no Proviioil tins hieiu iimntle for stoppIng tll ( ' tmeasumm7 oleilcit. As sooti as liillCti'flhiln itfk'i' the house v1s fully orgniiiaetl thin vnys 811(1 limetmils cohllimmit- to'e forimiumhitteti 811(1 ( ieIDitt't1 a liii ! Vili'll It S'I8 esthiiiited Vt'Otihd tttiip1 additIonal mnvliti& ' to hit' amount of ti'OliiIOOOOX ( } ( ) to $4i.000,000. Thus uneasiureI1s Proimihitly lmssc'd. I t vns 1111 elli'Igeii'y lull. lnto'iided to st1pitl. ' time govel'ililmeim I vitlm itceileti lCV'ilti ( , 111111 vhihle it iVLVI(1C41 ) ( for a. geimemal iii. ( 'idlS ( ' lit ( luitiUtt It eOill(1 ( iiot fiIily be megniiletl 11t hlrOteetlVt' , tliouighi its effect , had It become 1nv , vouihcl jirobabhy hitt' ; beeii to elmeck liilportutlomis : niiuh thereby lieu ) sonic AIIIdI'lcflhi ilIt1ti5tre8 , ltotuiihy VlOh nnd voolemm. vhmicIi iuro SI' iTerhng dl'ir1"sshon " umlider thin ) ' ( $ tnrifl. 'I'iit'rc cOil ha mme reasonahile doubt tiout liii' eliicttmicull : of thin 1)hla.ley bill \u'OtuIl ( iiiivi' doit' ) iiuieii t o\VOIol tt'storh ng hinuuimcluil uumd buishutess eonfldeiice , vhuic1m \.hul 110)1. fully revive so hong us thin lnve- ilUCS Of thin itbut hoiinl tiPIiSu1t a1e hess 1111111 hit' exiieiidhtures. 'I'huis 111e1511lt Y1tS selIt to thin seniutt' cuitlorseti hut tihuly by a large majority of time reiirt'SeiltfltlVes Of lime iQ0lhC ) , 1)111 ) Ijy t ha' mica 113' II II a ii inious seim I i men t of thit' mehulldlcahfs 01' thin country. Not ht'c.uutse It hlhtc'tl thin Utrilt ilulties viieme 111(1st ( rciiuihhicaiis believe they ought to 1)1 ) ? hililced , hail for thin reason that it \ ils hut' liest Ibat enniti lie doiuc' itt this hum for stomiping ireasimmy deficits and ui'Crth1lg fuirtho'r aduhitlons to time Ptlihie tht'bt. 'i'hui bill C'tltIhtl have 1)ell ) IlasSeti lit the seiltite vlthi time support of a fev b'ituormats frolil tite souimiti ll1OiiC states , IntL thin du'uiloci'lttIe selintors tilihtell vIthm tho' fret' silver mehlumblienus to ilt'vemmt limo' passage ( if.lhms . ! ineuisuli ( ' iou. time me- Ihef of thin tueasumry aiitl wcie successful Iiu doing .54) . A. . lumtguiii : vis : muiulo' : by ' ' ' dlIltOlS 011th theIr viiholl thi& ' Sli4't't' $ allIes 'emn Ii ) vote against tile fliiiglt'y lull , vhiihe oiiip'of the olnmimotmatie Sell- atoi s w ei e It ) Old them Iii gettitig a ( mci' coilliuge suiiitqip ( adopted and thin : ut - vtiiguiinitt. : urrled out _ Thins thit' ( lelilOcrals frflfli thin 50111111 1i101ie StOICS h'nlped ' to kiilfl'hileaSuime urgeilhhy ole iP.lulthe(1 Iii iItemest of thin govern- iitt'lit 1m11I ( tiioigniieitl vehfmmn. It Is $ ) ' to say that thin . 'of thIs u.souiShhIhIty ] hiu fitliu5e I nglshntlqii , 13poll ) jut' north- ' Who were will- ( Ill dellltCiB ) 1illb'iflilltOlS ! ( lug to jo0c.1Iftct In l'hiihf of liartisali illIcY : t1t1mo . ; li tttethy ( IISCICI1ItL'tl by teutht5 , tiit' CPMUt of time go'eritmnoilt uliti hit' i)105h't1lS' t' time cotliltry. Notli- umugttff req wiPb.o ) hutvt' 1.r41i ( ) XLCtt1 ) fiounhn free slhve.m lIen.uviiose pohic hi oiiL' of ruihe or ruin , iluitithmern can he 110 jiitiflcutiomt for tint eouie of soiiiiti lOOiley deunocint Ic sellators. The Icncr a man of int llhgence studies the xpositlOfl project the Iarg&r and more tmpOl'ttflt does It becoino In h1 view.- World-Herald. . Itiglit you 1u e for 011CC. That is whiat ' [ 'lie Bee said at tile veiy iueeptioii of this gi'eat enlnyprhsevhmen iUt ) ( ew lt'oPhe ) limid ilimy cOflCCltioui of its Iling1II- tuide 1111(1 ( Its .sthimiulatlmig itttitmenCi' upon thin iilhliStVIUi ( ie\'ehOjlliellt Of thin eiitlmn vest. it Is fuiilieriilome safe to predict that tii exjioltio1l ' , Vhil giow' 1111011 thin public inhumd iund Ittt IlllhoI tnhlce \ % hil 118 suluime greater proportlonsils its features lIme brought Iiit vIew by iicuission. Coiistant ImuprovenleIlt in thin postal SC1VICO iS itotIcib1 : in the larger cities muitti Omnmlma : keeps pilce vIthi Ihuenl nih. 'l'iu ieeiit ( ) Vde1 ietJlliiiilg carriers to iiinke. six eills : II day in tilt bulslliess l)01- tioll of time City ItO about equilvitient to havIng a 1icstohllueoih every block. tV Itlm utchm service it lhiis thin lhlIshiless lIeu iin'e grolilull for coin- of ( ) uilttillL can no hilaint oil necotiitt of tiehimy in ieeelpt 01. i1elIst'ry of until -imatter. All that Is hitckiiig Is thi t'prhy imloiiiluig last initil 1(1 thit ? s'es1 , viiIeb in tulle thin depart. iuieilt lilmlV hit' t'xpnctnd to IlIOVIIIC. 'FIm Real Estitt e Owners' assOcilLtIOil iiilgimt i'tii 501110 hliOtit tllke Ill ) thin 111111 Icr ot' brick lamlidImIg in thIs city. A. city of brick is a thilng of beauty and a joy -foievei . The better residences ot Deimver are nlOsth3' of pressed brIck 111111 they lmiiprt'ss 'IsItoms ) Vithi theIr benuity and durability. 'I'ime niaterini for brIck lnaictiIg Is alnujidulilt Iii and orotmnd Omnithiii nn(1 liii iit rtnsod , ( leflIflilti for brIck w o-.ihil give life 811(1 ( VilflhitY to liii ) ' Imulnstry vIu1ehi is struggling for existence. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 01ut y iiii1t- I hi' iii ye Go. K4.ftii ? Ienocrat. There are somio fihngs that Hitchcock won't do , but tt.i41 $ jimot that ito will refine to make an honest penny when Tom Majors 15 in tue . 1) illilOliN for flciiiocras. ffltfmct-temocrat. Potmrteea new 'driable stars have been dIscovered at t1eItIttrVard olm'orvatory , anti tl'e democrats lcIif heeall of them in No- votitber. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -ytliri- - lctuii'rlt' ChIn 0iiti. cIlM.&t ) Tribune. Wizards Edt'iH3 110(1 ( 'Foila wIli pardon thu ittiggOStiOil It they work a little umioro and tahkjolment it little hess they will et there ponrr , -U If 114-li 0opll Amiseri ' Tliiufle. If old lIen tUtq1woro alive to hear time discusvhon ovfr' gl4lii.g hiliui a vtatuo liii con- teinhtiiOUi ifldhffor.IlCo . could hardly flnd ox- irevsion. , Whatqver ills fauhtu , lie vas not a victim of inordineto vanity as to the value of his services to the country mind would hiavo been pelrctly willing to let his record speak for Itieht , h'eriiapu it Is juet a well for hits postiiuiflOUs critics that the old man Is not hero to take part lu the discussion. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gturiii CglM ( . ) ' $ 4tniljifloim. Indianapolis Nevs. \\'ouid that there intgiit be more of the tribe of Casy , tim gooI gciioral who dIed 03 Suddoili ) ' \'ashington recently , in the hOW national library , of thu construction of which be bad charge. hits ambition 'Yes to complete the great building wIthin time tinie fixed and without exceeding the es- timmuate and the appropriatiomi , Did any one over hear of any oIlier ammo charged with the contitruetion of a natIonal building 1)05. eesed of suck au ambltiou ? Uiaiahhy , no 000 eopeCt5 the original otlmato s to tlnio of completion sod cost ot construction to stiutid. In esito of nearly all natlesiol struct- tires. epecha1hy large biiiitVngs nod improve- meats , the orignrth ! stproprlatlon i hardly sumclent. No hIgher proof of the honesty anti intelligence of pubhie officers , commissions anti contractors can over be given than that pflbhic bmmiltl.igs : erected by them were built "within the appropriation. " VelI Vitto'r .Moanilslie. Central CIty Ilemocrat. According to the Worlol.ilerahd and other state pipers the water is coming up from below itt a rapid rate , end it it contintmes to rise for the next wock no it hiss for a few tlay hmast , hue psople 10 the lowlands will have to move out. or they will find themselves flaiLing around in the water two foot deep. We tlont know whether the papers pimbhlsh such hosh to induce Immigration or to ( ncotmi-nge tli natives. but tile publication of such rot Is childish if not silly. Plenty of moIsture from above iswhat we vauit , and it ivilh find its way below all right. 11I0 (1iInn llufaIu I1alrcss. Of all wofuhly mnirinanaged affairs which have appeared before congress in rc'cont years thtiti Cuban discuusmon has been time worst. By passing the reaolutlono in the first place. amid a blaze of pyrotechnic oratory - tory and apporently with the demagogic itica that they wore tickling tue popular ear , cngcis gave great and unnecessary offense to Spain. By now recommItting theni , thio friondo of Cmula untust naturally feel more otcntied anti disgusted thom this ) ' would It the limiter had never been IaICOiI tip. 1x- perlonced senators and rcprce'entativcs , who VOi , . ) old enough to know better , have acted like a crowd of ohool boys practicing hI a debating society. Crst imca "l'il iii I il ioi-liis. " Chicago I'uit. The lmroposai of Dr. Crane , of the Trinity Methodist Episcopal chiurchi , to borrow a heat out of tue book of jouuIahisnl fiLl to prc1ace liii Sunday evemmiiig ditctmrmis with brief addrcscs , a ha editorial , Oil clirrouit events , niay prove a vIsu cue-mud it amay not. not.if if the preacher treats his subject from the holnt of ' 1ew of ethics , u'eii and good ; If from that. of politick' . even though lie seeks to avoid partisaumo.hmlp , the ilanger will be that ho will ado ! little to tii Informatic.i &rady hCiOCL1Cd y his hearers and detract couu'lolcrably from the wholesome respect felt by them for Sunday as a day of WorShuil ) nimi for Trinity cllurch ac a place of wor- ship. ship.rhie rhie t'traighmtforwnrd ' editorial treatment of a subjc : is to bc eemmnided to the preacher ; but. not the ciltorial subject Itself , no a rule. The traditional field of time preacher has not becil overworked auid never will bc The nicst hmifluontial mimiistere. of religion iii thu ecumitry nrc mcii vhio have kept strIctly tea a hino of pulpit effcrt , which has not led them into the samictumui of the secular prci.s. IzCrane's imuw departure will ho studied Wlthl interest. IrI , , rv IdMK'M iii CuJn. 1nnas City Star. Tim heavy claims of Americins for damages rcsulting from the Cuban insur- retioui , ainouilttng , it is saId , to 30,000,000 , appears not to have received any consldera- tion from congress in tile discussion of the proposition to acknowiodge the belligerency of th& Cuban insurgents. Tile lJmiited States wIll not be able to press these claims if tilts country asumes th position that a. state of war exists in Cuba. On the other hand , as long as thlo United States acknowledges the nominal supremacy of Spain iii Cuba , It can insist on payment of these clainms , and caa d it. to3 , without appearing openhy en- fren1iy to Spain. Such a policy would be mnoo embarrassing to Spain titan Imcknowl- etghng ! the belligerency of the Cubans. Spain i tiraining itself to carry on tIlls war and would ho glad to bo freed from tii necessity ot paying these mnany millions of damages. On the other hand. contantly pressing them upon the attention of the Spanish govornmnent. as tlley go on accumulating. will have tim effect of piling up the costs of the war so hilgil that Spain may finally reihum- ijuieli the conflict on account if Its enormous cast. It may be that these claims will open 'thb ' 'ay for aiding ( lie Cubans in a much more effective wey titan merely Collceding to them time rights -belligerents. . - . I'EitSNAL ANt ) O'l'lElt'VISF ? . Whe1i it comes to dealing with other peo- imlo'mt affairs congress is an Cnthltlsiat-tC unit. Tue gayety of time camapaign is assured. ' ( ito lion. I-lope Poleimihl is hustling for a- vor.te .ionsiiine in Georg'n. A dariug highwayman attempted to hold III ) a member of the Ohio legislature. As the rcbber bad sound legs , lie imlanaged to escape. Having regulated to their satiefactlon the size of feminine hicadgear at theaters , mem- hers of the Ohio legislature propo'e to check time tendency of poultry men to egg on their birds at tilts seas-on. 'File rail of great names waxeth rich and lunulnous. The Hon. Samuel States holds t1o'n a public office in the hustling town of Pnnxsutawney , Jefferson county , Pa. . and his first born. chriutened United , is now full- growii and teaches school. William E. Gladstone recently remarked that he ivao proud of the fact that Ito had rower been addlcteI to tobacco , wine or any other stimulant. Ho alCiloWledged. how- over. that ho bad been , under strc.ss of work , somotiuime tempted to glvo nature an arti- ficlal ally. Sol Smith flusohl thirty years ago was a mmiombor of a barnstormniiig troupe , sleeping whicro hic cotild and eating when there was anything to Ime lied ; to1uy lie is the owner of a big buiiiness block in Minneapolis and lies imiommey enough to make any deal in time theatrical market. It. is reported froni Washington that Pres- idcnt Cleveland's tailor aullmOtiflces that ito charged time executive $ W for liii latest suit of chotimoc on account of time amnOilumt of cloth required. Thin sartorial artist vommeimsafed tile fmmrthmer tnformmmtlon that lie could afford to Imlm2ko a similar cult for a man of ordinary cizo for $50. Suntict Cox whllio alive bore with modesty hut without challenge tile title of father of tlmo hifo saving service. Thin senate of Now Jersey has re'olvcd ' that ox-Governor 'Nil- ham A. Newell was thio origiumator of time mmervico , hIs claim to priority as a imiember of congress dating hack to 1848. This mmmay be entirely warranted , but Mr Cox had all LImo barth woik of tue insisting , urging , father- lag and providing for the Infant service , wiiicii forever immimet do honor to liii iiam by tiio relation lie bore to it in life. V1'1t1.i'/l % ( 'I'lhlI Ii.'tY. SprIngfield Republican : Railroad men in New York are saId to be well satisfied with time Ummitemi Statomi smupreme court's docisiomm 10 thu Drown case , 'fimey ore as mccii op. ieod to secret rate unakiimg ami anybody , they say , and would be ghati to see tint agents of time wcaer roads , which make IfloSt of the trouble , brought to book. Pimiladeiphila flecord : Time anioimdment securIng - curIng witnesses ageinit prosectitiomi for of- fciiss againot time law nmimittcd in courL use hmee-iI declared 'ahid. Witnessea Who ahahl rtfimso to answer ipmcstlono as to viohatlons of law I ) ) ' traimoportution companies -will be punished for contempt. This tlecislon gives life to time interstate commerce act by inak. log it possible to 051)050 unfaIr diecriummimia- tions in treigtmt rates. hndianapqlia News : Time court imas miau'cfi tii interstate commerce law , given effect to the statute of 1893 , and hiss kept within constituttommal limits. As to the proposition that the law of 1893 would umot save a wit- lmes'J ( ron-i imroaecutioml in the state courts , Justice Brown replies that "the federal statutes are time supreme law of the hand , and apply in time state , as well as in the federal courts. " Citiago Chronicle : Tue decision draws a marked difference between hlrowim , who was the auditor of the railway company macrely ciiarged with keeping its accounts , and the officers of tint company responsible for grammt- hag rebatcii and drawbacku in violation of the law. It 1mm saId that tIme language relatitmg to privileged witmiesses would be strained if apimited to imhmn , aumd that. lie would not oven be diogracemi by vuchm timculpating testimony as ito nligimt furalsim , This heaves still an op. portunity for conjecture. % 'hion the officers of tIme railway corporation uvimo made the uum- lawful contracts shall be called as whtticans imow will time statute affect them ? Time do- dunn does not clothe time Interstate corn- milissioui with new powers. In tue case of Coil- tumacious witnesses they still must go to a United States coart to enforce fuie production - tion of testlinommy. IN TItil (1Vh1liltt'l'OitttI , l'll7iD. ( lenova Journiti ( rep.Tiiere : will be plenty ef (11110' ( to talon imp tIlt' selection of governor after we have harvested time imrcehlential Imy crop. Iihicy hlopubhican ( rep ) : While watching txiotns ontl looniiets of vmuriouiem kinds jmist keep your eyes mumellageil upon the bootmi of lion. Ilijslm Filicy for governor , ( Irand Isianmi Indepenilent ( roil.Vimerever ) : there is a coovention these days YOU will finmi Jack McColl and his glmhmermlatorial boom , Anti botm stein to ito welcomneti eyerywhiere. ( irand hslantl Independent ( rep. ) : Any one who iningines that immge11o Moore as a gu- bernatorhal caumdidatac vilh not lowe a liot of friends in time state convention reckons witlmoiit his hmosL The present auditor is a quiet toiL Imersistent rustier. Mint1im Gazette ( rep ) : Of all the ivuunes mentioned in connection With the guberna- torimmi nomination Captain /tdamns. is still time favorite , SonIc Ih-oatch lite-rattire lmas been received in Minden the Past week , bmmt i Is a waste of stationery and stamps. Tectmnisohi Journal ( rep. ) : lion. Jack Mc- Coil is strictly in time race fort time repub- hican nonmination for governor. The indications - tions arc that lila stremlgthl is rapidly Increasing - creasing and liii will cortnlniy be one of time strongest of time umaunes mnoimtioned in tIme stab convention. Kearney hub ( rep. ) , Tnck MacCoIl's good stnyuuug qualities are liable yet to land liOn iii thmt' gubernatorial chair lunitos he has a care. It vos fleui huller who won the gov- ernorsimip of .iaachtmetts just ioelumloe ime kept goiumg after it , anti tt w-oumldmm't be at oIl rurprlsing if flay State history simbuld im repeated this year In Nebraska , Orotna Iteporter ( rep. ) : Captmuium C. F. .oiammls of Smiperlur is time latest acquiisitlomm to time long list of republican aspirants for gubernatorial honors , ilut. it will be ample tOne to tliscuss tiiesct state amattors wimen uo lmave once adjusted ourselves firumily on tIme national issue. "One tIming at a thumme (111(1 ( that doume well , i a very good rule , as ninny cttn tell. " Grand Island Inmiependent ( rcp. ) It is stated that Judge hayward of Nebraska City will be brotmght. out as a cantlidato for governor by th0 veterans of Nebraska , atiol about his being a clean candidate with a splenmlkl record as an old soitlier mind civilian there Is no doubt. He hiatt all tile qtummhifica- tions to 1111100 fl most excellent governor , and it nominated , wlhP be elected beyond 1doubt. Fairfield News ( rep. ) : hum the hmmli of state politics , caused by the extiemo interest in time national situatioml , limo aspirants for of- flee have not bcmm entirely idio. Neither imavcu time candidate-makers 1)0011 entirely itihe. New aspirants are beimmg grooimmed. Tim gubernatorial situation has become more complex. In time umorthi imart of the state Moikhojohn and McCall will be time leading contestants. but they will find a strong competitor from thin south country in time person of C. I. Richards , Nebraska City Press ( rep. ) : lion. John C. Vatson is not a candidate for governor , but endorses lion. M. I. Ilaywarmi for 1that omce. Speaking of imim to a I'ress repro- seimtattvo recently , Mr. Watson said : 'I consider Judge hayward time imoer of fl1l wimo have been niontionemi as candidates for tlmo high imonor.Vo mmli know imis ability , both a an executive and on time judiclah bench. If the judge will OCCCit th mmomImla- tiomi I believe tiio republicans will name iliuml. At least , ime cami have may earnest support. " BlaIr I'ilot ( rep. ) : Mayor \V. .1. tlroatch of Ommuima is sending out broadcast a letter which reads as follows : " 1 am indebted to a mutual friend for your name as a republican - publican of prominence and influence in your locality , and I write to annoumnce that I am a candidate for governor , and treat that my name as a stalts'art republican is not en- known to you. Any slmpporL you may give mo will be greatly mlpprcciated" Just how many suckers this letter will catch remains to ho aeon , but probably not many. flroatcli is too well known as a Political mnanipu- later , whmos methods are not always tIme cleanest , to be or become a very formidable gibormmatorial candidate outside of Douglas coumlty. Crop I'rospocjs iii I'ebritskmt. amtcao Tmibune. A newspaper thoxoted to western interestcm , the Corn fleit , contaIns news of time umest clmeoring cimaracter in rcard to crop Prospects iii Nebraska. Snow fehi March 14 mmli over time state. the depth iii the vlaccs where it was most needed being eighteen to twenty indies , and two days hater there was antimcr visitation of tIm sanie kind. As a reelilt of this time farimlerim are rejoicIng over the as- ourance of phemmtyof moisture for the crops of the comning summer and autummmn , which is all the more welcome , as it follows closely on a period of severe droutim. 'rime tarmmmcrs say time ground nas never In better condition title time of year. and they hope to be able to make up for the abort crops of 1804 and 1895. Time oven distribution of the snow ummalces thmo nlaterial benefit to agricultural tnterest much greater than otherwise could be expected. Stocho of all kinds has comae out of winter quarters in cxceiient condition , tiio mild weather of time last thmree mommtims having permitted time aumimnais to keep fat with little mmiore feed than that afforded by time range. To the better outlook for this year is added time hope of sevcrai good crops to follow time last tvo years of droutim , as Prof. Moore , cimiet of time National Weather bureau , has decided , after hong and careful observation , timat the droimthm period comes once in every nine to fifteen years , haste one or two years wlmem it comes , and is al- cays emicceetled by several years of lormah nmolsturo and an era of bountcoutt crops. - - - - - - . --1 ? I'h'lIL 'l'hifl S'i'.t'l'ii Oi7l'iCtii , hhi.tir i'hlot ( rcpi looka. from th tavsr- j 01)10 conunents of the state papers , as It C , (1 MoNish ofS'lsumer Is sm3verl iemmgtiis ahead of all cenipetitors in time race for state - tre.ienrcr. Cahioway Cotmrier ( repf ) Cumiter coummty limum two aspirants for state omc I , . II , Jewctt , time wants to be treasurer. null J. if , Chapman , who wotmiml be aitumofleol with time tumditorsimip. lcmirney flub ( rei. ) : Ocorgcm A. ihrocdci ' of hlazile Mills is being wimoopt'd imp in , : eastern Nebiimka for tIm relnbhicsn nomhna- m tion for state treasurer , nmmd if halt of what iii Raid nbouut him Is true ho is ore of tIme beit equipped maca in limo stOte for the poet- then. I Niobrara Tribimumo ( rep. ) : Tim boom for 4 lion , George A. hirooks for state ticasuirer 1 - - still grows. Tike the 1)00111 for ? icKinley . liii strength is not confined to metes aui botmmnls. lie is the choice of time pctplo anti the people must be hearth in Nt'braska this year , wimlhe time pohitichaiis take a back aetit In the gallery. Niobrara Tribune ( rep. ) : iroumi time rid- lertOn Journal uvo gleaml the fact timat Louis hemmer \'alparaiso is to be a emitmolidato for state tremmmn-cr. fly Limo time Mr. lid- mner gets to ( ho state ComIvOntlon ho wilt find the ground pretty mmemiriy all occmmpiod - by lion , Goergo A , hlrooks of Knox. But t then , timere is miotlmimmg like giviumg the niatter a trial mt mt.m Asimlanmi Gazette ( rep. ) : Mr. Louis hemmer .m , . ) of Vahparatso 'as iii tlmti city Friday , lie in a very Pleasammt appearhumg gentlenman. lie hmmue served tIme people of Lancaster county in time capacity of treasurer. anti made. we are informmmotl , a calmable olilcial , lie is an aspirant for the Position of etitC treneuror on time republican ticket anti Is strongly - rc.communendetl by tlmoso who are aemmaintcd uuitlt imimmi. Seward Itcportor ( rep. ) : II. 13. trey of Ommimilma sttmmmls us a earth 1)emtrimmg huts nieturo antI ahmnoulmictuig that ito is a canmhitlate tom' tim rcplmbhican nommmimmatlon for state tress- tiror. Mr. Iroy appears to be a good looking . - immali , and ito has time recommendation of , imaving served whth credit as treasurer of I Domiglas county for four years. Ito will f tImId plenty of coumipetittomi for limo miamnatton ho reks , , as camitlitlates for limo Imlaco are " ' numerous. S MIIt'l'ilF'UI P1NCIES. Cimicago Ttecord : "l'almmt , wiiat Ia a 'walk tmm lifo7 ' ' "it it ; that proeession , my boy , 1mm which everybody fins to run like mmmd , or got heft. " - . - f Indianapolis Jolmrmmmil : "Tho denmocratlo Outlook . , ( em' 'OC- " began the hopeful one. ,1 fear there will be nothing but an in- look. " said time experienced one. "Got to bo , on time inside to have an outlook. " Chicago Tribune : ' 'hat has become of ' Plodder , wimo used to be one of time assistant stmhmerintenmlents of time Street department ? " , . "lie Wmls lireti for iiiconipetenee , or sonic- thing of that hint ] . They fommimd out that whemmet'o'r Imo took up a street ime m-cpiaced tIme lftlVifli7 stones exactly as time ) ' were be- ; fore. A man with a record like that couldn't , lmod : his job in thistowmm. " " k Puck : "What on earthm ore you doing ? " demnantled time indignant dining car con- . p mimictor of time mmovlce waiter ; 'servimmg soup on a straight track ? Wimy don't you watt tii : vo strike a curve ? You don't know the firSt principles of raiiroading. " _ 'II Cimicinnati Enquirer : "Fph , the coloroa r boy s-imo does the rough work in time lcitciien , . is just too hmupp' , ' said aIrs. Itmunmond. "hits won over $100 in Some way or another , yesterday. " m4 "Timey wilt Imave. imim at the Zoo next , i suppoee. ' saiml Asbuuiy l'eppors , 1- "itenul ) ' ! Why ? " tt 'Ismi't ho a buckwitim it little dougiiV' Jt AN EASTEIt SlIOCi. . t - New York Press. f/ / There was a pretty maiden , ' And Site saw ii tittlo bonmmet , VIthi rIbbons and some roses , - And nothimmg lse upon it. - Time ribboa cost a quarter . , . , And tIme roses cost a dime. ' Anti the pretty maid pronounced it A mummery rhynme. ,7 Timis pretty Easter maiden - - " Jtmt this bonnet on her. head ; . . . - . Anti limo bill for sixty dollars Knocked imer portly poppa dead. - . ONi1 ROOM 0iOitiL Tcm Mattson in Truth. ' Seme ycnrmo ago tlmem-e lived on Imighi , In solttary state. . A bacimelor ; In sooth , twas I Pmmrsmmiimg tlmu my fate. Anti. mao in sadness I gazed 'round AmmO Paccml that ioimely lioor , I longed , not for tue solid ground , hut for one TOOfl1 more , . 'Twas Omen. or not long after that , 1lrlshm came more thnn true ; I moved Immto a unomiest lint , Where I supported two- That is to say , ummtii a third Came ( hewn tlmroughi imeaven's door- Anti timon wife and I averred We'd like just one i-oem more , : Today , in deep felicity l / V.'Itimln a imouse we tiuvehl ' . With numicr one tinci two and three ' - 'i - . And four and fIve am , welil .vm. thuougllt twas ample when we came , Yet , as I think it o'er : i find our 'plaint is just the same- We need ijiut one room more. Perchance. kind stranger , as you react ' : riiis ( litv that I sing , i A tear hedims your eye-you need , With me time self-same timing. Then let mis Ioin our hands and pray 'flint some tinio , when we soar ' Up to our mansions , far away , We'll himi'o that one room more. h-- ? - , , New - - I : J New wtisksi : : - : : I . Waists , ii 'I New ' -i" - - New - - - . Ties. - - - - Caps. - , ; Children L ; - Weare going to devQte iii 1 this week to thin little ones. All our Sprllig Stilts axe here , niith w'e w ill hmohtl an hilformuil opeimhmmg thin entire , w'ek. iEoiiieis mimiti chilltimeit especIally imi'Ited to call and Inspect the great Iot of i'legmtnt chotlmhiig w'e mi ro sliow'iiig. - ' JumiIoi' Suits , 1 to 0 years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to G.OO Sailor Stilts , 3 tolO years . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f2.O to 7.cO Two-piece StIlts , 7 to Th yeni's . . . . . . . . . $350 , $4.00 $ , 5.00 to $10.00 1111Cc Stilts , 10 to II ) yciis. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4G. O an ci up ' - Loiig Pluilts Stiitt , ii ; to ID years . . . . . . . /i.OO / to 18.OO 'rhieso arc all oiw own high grade cloth , inado lii the best. znmtiinor 1)OsbibhO , and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. - J'ui7'Ianey's WorM. or Your Money Back , : - Browning , King & Co. , Reliable Clothiers , - S. W. Cur , 15th amid 1)ollglas Sts , . ' - '