Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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- 2 . - _ _ _ TIlE OMATTA DAILY L11E ? : NONDAYMAROIt _ 80 , lSDfl $
ParLy Loador8 rind Much of UncerLainty
in the Situation.
flcgtotta ( ) lleII ( e flint the 1i.Unun
, Stntviiinii Iny lIP CIIOrfl 1y
A9 OflO convention etttr another I being
ieh1 to telect delegates ! : o St. IMIIIS , InterEst
In thu political outloaic is gradurilly Inereis-
: ing and the political gossip at the storm
centerti of the preidentIn1 contct is be.
, coming more and more significant. It Ii
, evident that the plans at campaign of ( lie
different political miuiager are In ci naScent
: state 'and on the verge of transformation.
According to OiJrIen Moore , the careful
correionlent ) ( of the St. Louts Itepublic , 'Mr.
ztcoa s now ( ifli1 ( lint ie made a mistake
in sitting hack tin his dignity and permitting
Mctnley to have a monopoly of the brass-
band campaign. According to all accounts ,
Mr. Reed vlli go Into the ljraa band bu1.
. tOs from now on. Joe Manley , Iteeu1' man-
. nger , 1 ! hero \Vcoluington Pretty steadily ,
titid he has taken it upon himself to analyze
( Ito leanings of the delegates already elected.
'The figures given out by Mr. Manley from
time to time do miot accord with time claims
vf time McKinley people , nod I am Inclined
. In think that. In his effort to make time people
believe tmat time McKinley beer Is moatly
foam , Mr. Manley has strained the figures
flfll mnleapproprinted the sentiments of many
, deiegates. It Is perluips true that all of the
ldclCinley claims cannot ho sualained by
facts. There Is a good dciii of doubt of the
Indiana delegation. for instance , being as
solid or MeKituley as time McKinley man-
misers claim It fa. John C. New Is a delegate -
gate to the St. Louis convention , and I am
. Informed that it v1li be very late in the con-
volitIon , to say the least , before Mr. New
- can be Induced to cost lith vote for time Ohio
atstesman. Ne'erthelesu , there is not much
doubt t.bnt the McKInley managera are munch
nearer correct than the claIms ef Mr. Man-
: Icy. It Is equally certain that there are
. enough delegatea to nominate the republIcan
candIdate yet to ho elected , and It Is by no
neans certain that McKinley can capture
enough to secure his nomination on the first
bahlot. Here will be McKinley's danger. The
2 machinery of time party is against him , the
bosses of time party are agalnsL him , and if
lie cannot vin on time first li1iot time cmammcee
will be decidoly againut huimui. "
There is , of course , always -probability
; : of a dark horse , amid a ( lark .herse nmay yet
1- ho the winner at St. Lous. ! That Ilenja-
; mlo 1inrrlsn isposing as a dark imorso
' there is rio doubt , and muany shrewd lOhItl-
. clans are willing to bet that Harrison
, - wiii eventually ccpture time prize. A dis-
j patch bent out from Indianapohie a day or
-two ago. in whchm ! lIarri&mn was quieted assaying
saying"It Is one thing to enlst ! ; It is
-another thing to be drafted , " sounds
: etranely like Harrisoil's way of talking
harrison likes to clothe his language in a
: military metaphor. For instance , there are
a few prominent republicans who are
now antagonizing Harrison , but who were
, ve ry friendly to him In 18l2 at time time
Blame was being mommtioned in connection
with time Minneapolis nomination , wiuo ro-
memler flarrion's saying after readng ! a ,
. 'dispatch announcing time election of delegates -
gates friendly to lilaino : "I am afraid that
.wo will have to fIre on that ambuianco
wagon yet. "
Those who hear Harrison use ( lila expression -
' sion have no doubt that time language quoted
from Indlitnapuilis , in which time ex.prest-
dent differentiat ti bts'Con voiunteertng an'd
being drafd'tasiSeuily harrison's Ian-
gusgo. It.liflDvulcZ'courae. that the big
, bosies are as much , , If nut znore earnestly,1
. opposed to Harrison than they are to .Me-
Ktnley Harrison , however , will have trnng
frlenls in nearly nil time anti-MclCiniey del-
: egatlons and perhaps right in the McKinley
strongholds , too. Cimauncey Depew , for In-
z atance , v1m will ho a very Influential inan
, . in the convention , Will b& very apt to be
- watching an opportunity to servo the cx- 1
preldent whenever ho can get a clmance. m
: On the retiromept of maine from time cabI ' I
Irfot Id 1892 harrison offered Depew the ace-
; retaryahip of state , and the Now York spell- -
'bInder is cflisequmentiy under obligations to I
the frigid llooecr. ! It is sate to oay that if
, there are any Harrison cards at St. Louis
. Dopes will ho playing them.
Harrison lies many powerful friends in
: New England. to. Time New England sena-
tors. with time XceptlOn of Henry Cabot
r Lodge , are friendly to Harrison , and Lodge
does not antagonize Harrison except to the
extent that 1w is loyally supporting Reed.
; From this time on it is jractlcahly as-
: cured that the money question vhil play a
. greater part Ir thmo prehiinimiary strugglo.
Major Handy. one of MclCimuloy's warmest
' . supporters. who stands about as near time'
Ohio caumulidate as any one. expresses die-
suatisfaction with time financial planks of the
Ohio piatformn and Insists that it uloos not
roprescnt his favorite's viess. Writing on
4 thIs subject in the Sunday Times-herald , he
"The ambiguous , It imot evasive , deliver-i
, ance of the Ohio republicans eu this issue
bas led to expreslomm of opinion -which con- .
- flrm me in this opiniqn , long ago expressed. °
'The only handicap which McKinley has In
; the luesont race \uas Imposed in this dc-
livetance by Iul GCIt state cunverutlon. 'Ihat
4eliverance pleased nobody and many of
Major McKinley's most aggressive cliammi-
pion have been frank enough to condemn it. r
Time Iowa PlatforIm , m1 which Allison stands'
Yas even nmore cowarlhy , for It ' refrained '
from any oxpressior f oplnomm ! , simply point-
imug to Allison's record , hut that record , like
that of nearly all of the American statesmen
- . of the first rank In both p.irtiea , is like a
snake track.
"It Wil'e In anti wires out
And leaves time mattpr idill in doimiut ,
Wiuctimer time snake that maile the track
Wmms going west or coining back ,
"What Is needed at St. Lommis is a plate
form hue that of Wiscont'in , a state as
canest and solid for McKinley as Ohiq. c
* Jeu York , Mai'sachimsetts , and Minnesota re-
: pubhicans , too , have spoken time rigimt doe-
( nan.
u "MeiCinley is as sound as a dollar on ( ho
. .monel' question , apd In my . belief lie would ,
not stand on a platform which could be con-
: - struoul as favorhu any toxin of fimmancial
heresy , "
Still anotimer factor that is bounui to cut
k a larger muvarthi In the race ( or the repub-
. ilean presidential nomination is time regularly "
tn reau'lng ' numnbr of contested zeate. There
are now thirty-six seats In the St. Louin
: comivemitton coimtestel. Ily ( he time ( tue state
canvrntions siuaii have been held there will
- b' , it Is thought , nearly 100 seais contested ,
f The McKinley POOPIe arc already begin.
- fling to study this ithaee of lime situation , according -
. cording to ( \Vashington , correspondent of
the St. Lotus Ciob.Democrat , They foneaoo SI
that lime nomination lL very likely to timrn
on thei'n contests. If MciCInlcy delegates
¶ are seated McKinley's nomination is almost
I : S certainty. If McKinley delcgates are mo (
seated Ihirn there Is doubt.
r ? ' 'lo 'OII sUpposu , " ae4cl a MCiuleP ) man ,
"that we are' goimmg to lt still nud see a
: ICSl1eflcY stolen trotmi us"
T'mat exprem'isoim shows m'omnetlilng or timi'
intomusity of feeling that is grnwlng on this
question of commtests.'Juon tim. . , national rommi-
immittec mimet In flacommuber time MeiCliuley mmmcii 14
claimed to lma0 a nmalority of ttmu amernhuers. ,
Since then limert , list' been some uloimiut do- mi
. volped about s'vnal of the commallteeumuemi.
; TIme MrKlnfry s'trength or the' committee is
-t not so posItire. 'Flue national COmfllmittoo , will
- make UJI ( tutu roll utnil decide which contest-
, lug delegatiouis inn cutitied to fcIs , , at time
, opening of the ioivlutioIi , , The delegates
I seated rlll partlclulato In the iurcllmlonry iii
# ' organIzation. rl , llrs't test of atr.imgt In t
i'- the St. Louis a'nent1on rlll be ovtjr limo selection - r
lection of limo icuimporary 'iuslnuan , and 1mm
, this all t the deiegatt seated iIl iuy
vote , . Ill
. IN time c3rtPsI. gnow iq imumnber time IrnIla. * li
lon of thu McIcInlmmy ileoplo lncns'amt' , , Ut
cnntcsis are , mr.tmy of them , In lociulitics
which tIm's tTciCInley nmcn claim to bum natur.
. ally their tc.rltoiy. Ttme mmimargn that soni. , Ct
' of- the c3nlots huVo Imeei protnoted by g f ]
plan mf entmtpala to nmnke an apurent retiucco
- -
( Ion of McKInley's real strentth , To thin
time ReM ahd Allison then sImply reply that
the McKinley managers have ovrestimnted
their trongth , Hoth kiulos , on the strength
of private telegrame , are claiming to have
had tbo boat of it in Texsa ,
IlO1L1 OP ATL'1tiAi'.S I'iL1Mtlti1S.
1'nhoo 1tiIterl , lesicmi t , tIme Ile'gttlnr
Cahmetiti NOtmil tiet' ,
VMIOO , Nob. , darchi 2h.-Spoclal.-T1me ( )
republican prirnarlee were held yeeterday to
celect delegates to the county convention
from thIs precinct. A heavy veto was
polled , but thu was duo to a split In the
ranks. On Friday evormlng a caucus wan imeld
and twenty-nine imames were selected to be
voted on , The ticket wan not entIrely san'
iafactony to all concerned , but noth'ig , ' was
imild about it until yesterday etenlmmg'about
o'clock , when it wan diecovered that there
wote two tickets in lime field , and that the
ticket placed In the field by time oitera was
liabln to win if something was not . to
etem time tl1c. The halters Imail already
polled between forty nod fifty votes. bitt by
hard work thmo regular delegation stmcceriied
( mm overcoming this and came out victorious
by about 2 to 1 , 118 votes being polled for
the regular ticket , arid fifty-five for the bolt-
ore' ticket. Some of the boltern gave as
their reason tlmat they did not believe in
electing the same hot of dehegate , year after
year. Time foliowing is a list of the delegates -
gates : Arthur liaker , M. A. l'he1p , P. C.
Ilaidwin , S. Id. Hill , C. J. Carisomi , Albert
iCiIIian , Ij.V. . Oilchmrist , V. L. iiawthiorne
Marttmi Errickson , E. E. Good. P. 1' , CImutrch ,
henry Jolmmmnn , C. A. W'onr'trand , 1) . A. Mills ,
E. E. Lyle , Wiiiiamn Stocking , Charios l'orky ,
Charles 11111 , It. A. licaton , tlat ICrumnpas ,
% v.v. . Alt , T. J. l'ickott , Jr. , 0. F. Steen , .1.
Knapp , Peter Anleraon , W. IL Llttrell ,
0. A. hluck , M , L. Ehhnwonth , F. 'tV. Ander-
non.AUIIUI1N , Nab. , March 29.-Specinl.-Tlmo ( )
republicans of Nemahma commnty , In convention
av'embled ' , elected the following delegate3
ye'torday , to the state delegate convention at
Otimalma , Prii 16 : Thiomae J , Majors , U.V. .
Ellis , J. IV. Lash , John \V , horn , John 11.
Pohhmnnn , , J. 0. Itatnsey , IL C. Worden , Vu' .
P. Freeman , fl. H , l1oIinti , Fred Dytrt , J.
ii. LewiC , W. W. Samiers , I ) . W. ICvausV. , .
II. Lohr anti M. C. Shuirtliut.
County Attorney A. J. liuraham wan given
time privilege of naming tIme dolegaten to time
delegate and nomniimatjng convcntion at
Tecuniehm , April 13 , and named Church
howe , T. J. Majors , Jolmmi S. Stuhl , 0.V. .
Fairbrothmer , er. , F. L. Woodward , 13. II.
flalley , George Sutton , Frank itedrern , John
11. Pehhmmian , Charles F. Neal , S. W. Mc-
Grew , Jamon F. Ely , S. P. Glaegow. Johim
Strain and A. J. Burnlmam ,
liceolutions were I)3-Si'ed emidarsing Majors
for governor , Strode for congressman and
McKinley for president , and giving Majors
time privilege of naming the dclegaticn to
Lirmcol n.
GRANT , Nob. , March 29.-Special.-Thme ( )
republicans of Perkins county met yesterday
in time ulilTeront precincts to elect delegates
to attend the county canvention at Madrd
on time 31st inst. to elect delegates to tIme
state convetmtion and to time congrenaiomuai
dIstrict convemmtion duriimg time early part of
time mneetir.
IIOLIfltEGE , Nob. , March 2L-Special.- ( )
There was a meeting of the Free SlIver
league called to perfect a cCunty organiza. I
tion here for Phelps county yesterday after-
iiCO at 2:30 : o'clock.
w. A. Garrett , county judge , was elected
chairman of time meeting , when a motion
was put through appointing a sergeant-at.
am-imms to guard the door ammd not admit any
one without lie declared huinisoif in favor of
free silver , amid to expel all theae in the
room not in favor of free sliver. TIis made
time tncetirmg practically a secret seaslon amid
it has caused quite a good deal of comment.
w. H. H. Mills , editor of the Political
Forum , a staunch republican , was put out of
time rcom by the sergeant-at-arnie on account -
count of hum sound noney theory.
THEDFORD , Nob. , March 29.-Special- ( )
Thm republicans met in county convention at
2 p. in. yesterday and elected Mill Sander-
son and 1-lenry Crow delegates to time republican -
publican state convention to be held at
Omnalmth They were instructed to work fo
McKinley. Also J. IL. Evans and C. E. Cal-
lender were elected1 to the lxtli congres-
slonal convention to be held at Broken Bowen
on the 1th. S
Gpi tpON. Nob. , March 29-Special.-Tho ( )
taipayeri' party. put -in noniioatlon by poti-
1cq yecterday for the city council : John H.
Jrowder , William C. Shattuck , C. E.
3chirandt , Amos Burwell , Samuel Joice. ,
rhero vIll probably be no other ticket in
Lhe field , as one year of local prohlbiticsi
meems to have satisfied. the opponents of
Licenno. t
WILLFLEET. Neb. , Marcim 29.-Speclal. ( )
- th republican primaries yesterday the1
Ight iminged'on McKinley against time field.
rime McKinley men were veli organized and
: arrled everything.
% ' ( , tiId Cotmiltitmevit Im time flelpmmjijcatmH
II ) 1)ehmit tiat' Ieiioermis.
AUSTIN , Tex. , Marcim 29.-There is a
noverntnt on foot between the ppuhiets and
epubhtcamms jiy which ( 'hey ' hope to capture o
he state from democratic rule tithe year. c
Cho propoltlomi comes from time republicans , 0
iccordlog to a certain well known popplLiit
eader , who made time prornsed fusion known
_ o an Associated press representative toc1ay
rIme proposition is that the popuilats place
epublican presidential electors on their h
icket thIs year and 1mm return time ropubllcan3 o
viii put time popmmhint state candidatca for
tote offices cia their ticket. By thus conb
olldattng their vote the two parties cx-
r2ct to rlIeat the democratic party The im
eturns cf time bite election show that such
L move , it faithfully carried out , would out-
'ate th democrats. Time popuiist are eager c
or time combination , for the reasop they luivc ,
ID hopes outside t the state for v ory , and c
f timy eami ct control of time state govern- .
iemmt ( hint is cU tmey want. Many of time
epubilcamis are also in favor of the combine-
iomm , anti there is aome probability of Its c
elmg cousunmmatcml.
tt'urns fiumi l1.r lIr.iitilicmm ii l'rltmmi-
rl es I ti l'cim ml M1vt II Itt. 1'
rrrTnuzo { , Pa. , March 29.-Compiete ro-
itras from SaturuThy's lmrirr.arien show that
lie combine , on McKinley , supporters carill
led Pittsburg , wimilo time Quayltos swept the
ounty , securing two national delegates and O
urtecn state delegates out of twenty-seven , dl
amigresatmmamm W. A , ttommo and hUbert McPC
foe uore elected national delegates on time oi
lucy ticket In thlO Twenty-third district and
I. L. Mace and William Flynn , McKinley ci
Comm. in time rwenty-second district.
- Ut
( hiicfr'mttt'.l in I'ittsbtmrg , lii
i'iTTSBUItG , larclm 29.-Time Ailegluany
ourmty republican primaries were held yosjr
rday for time election of delegates to time
tate co emtian , The content was between
bat lit termed time commmbine and the Quaycc
es. 'rime vote was heavy and mv to a late st
otir limo actual result Is not known , but it qt
m conceded timat time combine imna carried di
Lue Tlmlrd. Foumrtlm , Fifth amid Eglmth ! legisla-
two districts in Pitt.sburg , yielding sixteen
Late delegates. The Sixth district is in donut. crime
imo Qmmayites have probafdy WO out in time n
evenlim distrct , Qunyitca imave elected four
late atuil two natiommal delegates in Alic-
hiany City. This. with three state decgate ! ei
m the Sevotmtim , wIll give time Quayltes seven of
late deiegatt , . , Should time returns show dul
at time Qusyites won In the S'.xtim district iii
me divisiorm tim time county will stand , coin-
lime 16. Qmmay 13 , fri
'IdbmtJlW Im'im'N II l'IlimilIk'uiii Climb ,
The organization of the Youmig Men's Re.
ilmilcaim' club of time Firui't ward was corn-
teied Saturday mmigimt. J. C , IConwortimy is be
esidemmt ; I. , . i. Itoblrusorm , secretary , and P.
ark , trcasuircr. Anotlmor maccLing will be
idil at Sitrotit'a hell' Tuesday night ,
t.liiig , .iu , Ojmvrii ( .rs' Coti tr'e. hull
RT , LOUIS , March 29.-The world's record is
, r time grcatem't numln r cc ems sot in ono ml
Dur Ca , It Wrgcntimakr linotype
rakcmi tomilglut by B. J. Menmuing. a coindr
sIIor of time PnIt-Difrlaic'ti , In timat time dr
, J4t up lo.r.s. ctlim4 , rs5 inane thmum di(1 Ci
ICCCI in CJmJe.gci , wluti imeld time former go
ico-ti , The event was a scvon.imur comm. imim
it l'otu'en ' liohert Francis of time Globelii
emnocrat nmmd 11. j. Mt'nslmmg for a imurso lea
$20i1 , Ai'c'umt 1.000 elmarigetl hmmumuds on W (
ID ruit. Mcmmslmig worm time contest. settic
uig 71,115) .ums to C.ICO by hits oplioqefli we
imi im.zd lou ifllflUta I'ist ( loin. cx :
/ClI Ut 01CC * , , mvr ( alt , Gime Minute Cough
ito , A iemmdy , for iir4lumpa , end tlmnt fever. No
Im codiliozm : iilc1m uCconijuanles a severe in (
hi Mi :
.vIrII Tilfl IOILtI oP ' '
Dnniol ICrilgiut StieeutiiI , it , tili' 1f.
feets oF a } 'nii ,
I100NE , Ta. , March 2D.-pecIal ( Tole-
gram.-Ianiel ) Knight , a native of Englnrmml ,
for thirty years a resident of tii ! country ,
died last evening from the effect of a con
cussion of the braIn received even.
log. Mr. Knight was 78 years old and
wealthy. lie went out Into time country on
Thursday to attend the semlding of a grand-
daugimter. After time ceremony the old gen-
tlemnsmi started to go dowim cellar , when ho
foil , strkng : imis beau ! mmmid sustaining in-
jiircs from which he died ,
SALT LAKE , Utah , March 29.-Colonel A.
.7 , CrOjiPt'Y ' , a wectern , pioneer , in dead uieto ,
Ho expired 1riu1ay. Colohmel Cropp'cy was
cite of time very first residents of Lincoln ,
Neb. , attending time lot ealea prcceImig time
actual t'attiemnent ' of time town. lie becaino
psreuz.eu1 of harge atnummts of property ,
elmiefly farming land In sotmtiieastetn Nebraska -
braska , Part of this ime obtained by jumr- ,
chmasng the scrip issued for time Illinois agricultural -
cultural college , thus getting some of time
cimotccat land in I'awnee tmid Jolmnaan cOmma-
tiea for 65 cents an acre. lie engaged 11
some unlucky local 1nvetments , corting imini
iomnetlmimig like 25,000 , This was perhaps the
beginmmlng of lila financIal mnirfortule , coal-
pleted by unlucky ventures In Colorado nIsl-
KANSAS CITY , March 29-Tue funeral
of Gerrge It. Nottieton , president fliRt gen.
oral inarmnger of the Kansas City , Fort
Scott & Memphis raitronml , which took 11111CC
here timi otternoon , was attended by thou-
m'ands including every man employed by
the \1omphls road at this point , and miii of
the higii officials of time roan , ninny of
Vhl0fli amo by sPecial troin fromu Springfield -
field , No. , and Memphis1 Tonn. The
funeral Fcrvices at tue NetLeton home ho-
gati nt 2:30 : o'clock , and hromnhtly on the
muinute all tratile on time entire iuiefllhhliS
system was suspended , Durimig time ton
minutes ( met a wheel turned. Tile servicea
of interment at Eimnwood cemetery were
attenulmi by over 1,00' ) ieople.
KANSAS CITY , March 20.-Austin J.
Doipim , ft pmussenger conductor on the Santa
Fe road , rumillIng betveen1Cansan City and
1)odgo City , Kan , , wamu found dead in his
bert at time Midland hotel this morning.
heart ilIease proves to have been tile cause
of death , Though umluier 40 years of ngo ,
Mr. Doiehin had been a euntluctor on the
Santa I 0 system lot fifteen years.
NEW ORLEANS , La , , March 29.-There
patused away this morning a gentlemnami who
for m'ro than thirty years exerclseJ comm-
alderablo influence over the German ole-
meat of this city 1111(1 elsowimere-Geom-go
Forster , wimo has been managing editor of
the German Gnzette , of this city , since
1865. lIe was born at Dresden , Germany ,
in 1829 , and ( luring the political troubles In
1818 emigrated to this country , settling first
in St. Louis nnd subFequontiy ifm this city ,
his old home. Mr. Forster took flO active
Part In piitics excepting some twenty-four
years ago , when lie became a memimber of
time state . legislature.
ITT , ? 1I I Aa , , March 9-J. With-
rs Clay , sr. time Nestpr of Alabama journal-
1pm , died tiils morning after a long Ihlneam4
from a stroke of paralysis received soon
after President Cleveland's 11r8t election ,
Willie addressing a public meeting of cole-
bration. Mr. Clay was about 76 years old ,
and a graduate of Yae , and brother of time
late Senator C , C. cay. :
NE\V TOnIC , Mardi 2.-The steamship
Mndlana arrived today from an oxcursoii
trip to the West Indies. On March 21 , Mr.
\v. 13. Smitim , a passenger , dIed of ilneum-
monia. He was 40 years old , and a veii
Inown druggist of Monmouth , Ill. The
1)0(13' ( W115 brought to port.
LONL'ON , March 29.-The Times an-
moUnces the roth of Mrs. Eh1zbetli Chares ,
author of many historical novels character-
.zel , by a deep religious fcelin , among
imeni being 'The Draytons and IavenmLnts"
md "The Chronicles cut the Schomburg-
etta Famnliy. "
The Times also announces the death of
3enor Perlrra , a Portuguese vIneyard
wner , Wile leaves a fortune of 2,000,030 , and
Fosepit Eljacth , the Austrian gyanceologist.
[ mtimei1 Its Cnrgo In Cubit 111(1 Got
A'ltY Iii Smmfi'ty.
NEW YORK , March 29.-The World this
norning sayo A rmersonal cablegram uis been
eceived from time manager of the Bermuda's -
tiiegeml filibustering expedition. Tile cable
Lddress of tlme mninnger Is. . "S. 5r Smnith"
-tim , real , klrntity .has neveyet , been .tll5.
: i ed. Captela. O'Brien , or 'Dynthlte ,
1oiiflny , " he Is better knbwfl , briefly
tated in hIa cablegram that time Bermuda
'arrived out. " These familiar words con-
eyed a imost of information to John D. H.irt ,
h reputed owner of time Bermuda , to time
liCCaldimi Bros. ' company , Captaiq O'flrIeim's
imployars , and to time Cuban revolutIonary
marty. I
'Captain O'Brien's information signifies , " .
aid a member of the Cuban junta , 'mnore
luau the mere fact that the Bermuda inca
mayo been landed on Cuban soil. IVo knew
hat before. It means that the Brrrnuda Is
molv safely on her way to Vera Cruz , the
ort for which she cleared. Allowing that C
Ime post at which time' Bermuda landed its
xpedltton was only twenty miles west of
lavaims , the dIstance to Vera Cruz is about
50 miles. The Bermuda has had plenty of
lme to make It. '
"It will probably report at Vera Crmmz Sun-
ay , March 29. Time ship is obliged to make
he port for which It cleared unless streos
f weatimer comnpels it to deviate from its
ommrae. It will not have any of time cargo
0 board vimen It reaches Vera Cruz. "
"How will Captain O'Brien account for tim
beence of cargo ? "
"That's very eaE'y one , " was time answer.
Captain Johnny will never be caught nap-
lug. We Imave had terrible northwest- storms ,
avea't we ? Ships have been delayed and
t'imers lost. Well , on account of time rough
Teatimer. time Bermuda's cargo will all imave
Sen 'thrown overboard to save thme ohip. " . . ,
After oaiing at Vera Cruz the Bermuda
t to sail for Phllmmdelplmia , according to re-
arts received. If thm weatimer proves suf-
clently tempestuous to suit lml purpore ,
'aptolu ' O'Brien may return dIrect to Plilia-
elphln It is , said that time excuse for imot
empletiuig the voyage to' Vera Cruz will be
at not only had time cargo to be. tossed into
e sea , but that the machinery had been c
isabiemi , The pumps could very easily be-
) mne chocked , esid a aihing master. . who
flows Captain O'Brien.
. .
DNCHIUMI.'r Gi'ncrnl S'1Jaon Talks on ft
l' lilit's UN II itita. . . .
MIDDLETOWN , Coon. , March 29.-Post-
aster General Wilson lectured in MeCI
anal chapel at Wesleyan college last night
"Politics as a Duty" bqforo a large anN
once. President Raymon preetdo4 The iv
) stmaster general was received wltlm an
( atlpa by time students. Ho said :
Politics in its long journey from a , Groeic ,
ty to time govem-nment of timis continental 0. .
public imams taken no many changes it Is t (
: ln000SSary to define It. Politica is intel. ti
ont citizenship. The great danger today. . ci
that time government is eamey , Iteas.n o
itl history warn that tlmis Is mistake. d
itimerto flo free republic has lived long ,
d America is the Ilret sanipie or a longed - °
ed republic , because no oUter nation hun W
1(1 such an lmtherttance. Today we cmiti
minter greater ilangern than sIa'ery or it
ate rights. The economic anti llnanciai
tedious call for nut rnuch imeroism as was
splayed by our forefatimers on the batL
illeid , Our present system or finance is tc
itclmwork. P1mb , question must be solved \v
r laws of equal justice or we shall lose fc
edit and be punietmed ( or the violation of ,
Ltiormal rightt , Two classes are called to
ko action , time edumated amid the business
on , Duties of aitiznsimlp require 09 mucim
uroisrn as is cailemP t'r In a war with forSt
grI luowers. Vu'e znhmt vork out a system EL
taxation that will e just to all. Our w
umger lii time of dcpreioim lieu in follow-
g 1uack politicians inmt'uad , of men with
ufla judgment , College men , eduenteri -
en anti busimmess nmen miu come to ue
ant , They cannot afford to stand Idly by.
Mr. Wilson closed in a briillalmt peroraT
in , appealing to Conncticut students to cc
: lmt time good fight for time greatent liberty Is
all mnankind amid time perpetuation of the cli
at country in time world , cmi
- Cu
11ro1.miimt Coti maitu. Htiieiile , t11
DETrtOl'J' March 29.-Villiam F. StreCO
gor , a commission inercimamit , whose place
at 29 Fuclid avenue , Cleveland , cornof
tIed sumicide last night. Ho was ( outit ] lm
ad In a room in ( lie Randolph hmotel tlmts 15
ternoon , Mr. Streblnger , who wam , a well in
OEl3d , good looking mati , left a note miti. of
eased to imle wife at lOis Superior street. wu
miveland , in which ime bade hmi family
0(1 ( bye. otter atating lie had spent all
I tflO1iC' in speculation. it was evident fri
at the ueceased lOisoned himseif by awmmlOS'
inu some powders , time remains of which 04
rO found uy lila bedside. Three I'OWfl WI
icetit anti 16 cents were all of Value hint flu
post mnortem
otiming so (1streasing ! a. a imacking cough. tw
tIming so foolIsh as to suffer fronm It , Noth. bri
so dangerous if allowed to continue , Olin svl
auto Cough Cure givea Immediate relief. pet
the Hudson , the Niagara
and tb Tennessee Rivers ,
llroolulytes tmtmmnhii' , 1lrId. . In II , ' Stir-
IIIIMMOI1 ' 'ITt I.emmgt li-Ssmi html ii
, ' 'Fl'rr'tit-'i'emi lit's-
lW i1lmrIlie llt'itii ( .
Three niagiilflccot bridges , nothbie for
lengtlm , archifuctural bentmty and onglrmeeriimg
&rklil , are lllliitleuI or imi irocess of conetrmmc-
( ion in New Vcrk etate amid in Tcr.uensoe ,
The firet lii bradtli , length and coet is that
which will span time ilmmdeon or Nortlm river ,
ccnnectimmg New York City and New Jersey ,
Time econd lviii spmi Niagara river near
time fails. The third will span time TemitmeeSee
river near ICnDxvllie. V'ork on ( ho lamt two
baa begun.
Tile Nortim river briiigo will surpaes time
famous Brooklyn bridge , whmlcim has long lucid
first place among itt , kind in time United
States. Final Idaime have been apprcved by
tito secretory pt syar amid work on the strmmo'
tune viil begin at an early day , The bridge
will he a massive mind Imnposing structure of
steel and masonry. Ito New York approaches
will begin at higimtit avenue , between Forty-
ninth and Fifty-flret etreets , Fiftieth etreet
paeaiig tmnder time middle of time terminal
statiOn svitiiout obstriictiomm ,
It will be a 'suspension bridge. Time towers
are to bo of steal , each 157 feet in height.
Thoeo will rOet upom foundatIons or colid
Immasonry oxteiidummg to a deptim ot 126 feet below -
low high water , Time teel framework supporting -
porting the bridge svlll be 200 foot 1mm height
at ito l&ftiest joll. ! Time bridge will be 125
feet iti wLdthi It , viil be ( Ctispcfldfll from
twelve ateel cables. TIme lowest paint of time
flooring will be 110 feet above mean high
water. Time tower8vili be l,11O foot apart ,
leaving time navigation of time Hudson river
entirely tmnobrtrmcted ,
One thousand railway trains enter cud
leave the New Jersey ternminal stntion every
day. It is expected tlmat practically all these
trains tsi.ll , ac aoomm as imoibi , ue time new
bridge as time shortest route to New York
City , tr pasrengere and freight. The western
approach to time bridge wIll be mom time
lower hart of time I'aiimiudes , a littie north of
time ptetontVest Shore railroad tur.ncl , be-
tWoemi Weehmawken and Gmmttenburg.
The approacim on time New York side will
tom-mn an elaborate elevated etructtmre In no
part of which tlmo railroad traimmi , will volume
t'itiiin m".xty feet mit time earth , . in exact fig-
urea time railroad tracks will be sixty-fommr and
one-half feat above time surface at time tar-
! ml'llCi station , corner of Eiglmth avenue ,
Forty-ninth and Fifty-first streets. Thence
the steel viadpct ihl rumm west to time block
in Fiftieth strget , between Tenth and Elov-
entim avcnues.- , There by a broad curve time
viaduct wilktieeru satmthwarI , constantly rio. .
Lag at a grade of thirty-five feet to time mile.
The strmictumre yll curve to time wertwarI I
again at Ehftytqlghmtii etreet amid at Fifty-
ninth streat , und ( Fus'eiftim avenue it will reach ,
tito- end of LIme hidge structure proper. Tile
New Yrrk ttwurpf time bridge will be far out
beyond the btmlkhead line. It. is expected that I
the bridge will be in practical operation
wI.timin six jo1rs.i
Time bridge wlU .carry six railroad tracks ,
and it hi flotttorcOst Inure than 25.000,000.
The total costrof bridge , approachOs and etaC
Licus Ii , guaralitbed to be wlthlmrGO,000,000. :
Tue bridg.'pzin , .Ni'itgtra river , met 'be-
low time falls , * 111 superuade time preceat
Duapensioa bidge3 wiuLcim has outltved its use-
rulneas. . It..ts to be an riii bridge , of toel ,
forty-nine f etftwido , and hiayo room for a m
1oub1e , rack tjiloy lIne , tyo Carriageways
1nd1yO. , ksJpr. perestJia. . . This . .aiju-
imions forthja mngllflccl1t1tructuro have ii
been completed , andia timehi'way are qultel
wondqrui. There are two lot these abut-
rnonts on .a h ido 'of time.rJver , and each ,
wLli support ommo leg cfrtbcbrlujge. Time two
ibutmeilts On tho.Amnerican side are about ,
ilxty-sevea ' , fect apart , apd those cn the
aaodlan shcreoro separated by a like din-
: ance. To prepare. for their coptruction time
iccumulatedIdirt and loose rock un heriver
anks weroi excavated by hydraulic means
until a solid roclo fomzndatia waa readied at ,
L point a tow feet up from the water's 'edge
(1' the gorge. Thizr rock was cut away in ; ,
mtep form and a concrete foundatiorf built.
TimO concrete used was made of Portland o
: oment mortar amid of broken atone that
vouhi pasa through a tsvo-incii king. The d
tone used was , fltnt'roclc from Buffalo. 'One
nea uro of emeht was mixed dry q
_ wo , and one-huglf measures of clean , sharp
aimadlan annul. apd timen water added to
orm a mnoderit1y thick paste. Then broker ,
tone wam 'spread Over the mortar in pro-
uortions ( about ! oimr and one-half measures ) a
O Insure filling all voids with mortar , Thic
I119 tlmoroughiy n'itxe4 ' and deposited in layers b
If ten to tsselva incimes and rammed suffi-
ientiy to flush the interstices with mortar.
mite time ancrote portion of each abutmemit
our three-inch wrought iron ancimor bolts or ICed
od twenty-one and one-half feet. long wore
uuilt , and each of these extended ten feet
eyond the concrete strface. lIe-
Ides time four rods 'stink in the concrete there
yore four otimer rmids of time mnie material
nd size passed through the stomis work of
lie abutments ; inakimig , in all , eight anchor
olts in each abutflient , the end of eachi one
xtondlng beyond the coping atones about
n foot to afford 'an anchorage fbr the iron
neimor plate. The total weight cit the gi
imirty-two reds in time abutment Is 9,910 C
ounds while ' the thirty-two washers
ountersunk in' thm concrete weigimetl 3,536
ouhde , thOse lattcr being of least iron free
ram flaws.
Time abutments are magnificent sam-
lea of Ashlar masonry. time stones pr
sed weighing from two to six Cl
ma each. The stone was brought vl
omn time Chaumont. Jefferson county , N. Y. ,
umarries , and In placing them It was neces-
ury to drill four-Inch boles through over
o-hmalf of them In ormler to lower ' them S C
er the anchor bolts' . Three of time tone to ,
10(1 for the.copingv of time abutments on time
ov York side weigh six tons apiece' and re
ensure seven feet , six inches wide by dr
venty.four itmohes timick.
Preparatory to the erection of time superoh
tructuro temporary anchor pits , two on ca
ech aldo of time river. imavo been built on time IIO
)1) of the bank. . 'lmo , eartim excavation for ho
1030 anchor pits Is twelve foot square aiimi c
Ighteen feet dpep to solid roclc. Timon the tij
uccavotiois. continues tilrougiL time rock for a ca
opth of twelve feet , a width of three foot At
ad a .longttcipfi5i feet , to a cilanthor which tim
-lii be u'ix fgitrIong. tvolye feet wide antI mmmi
iree ' feet i,11141n , In timeir constructiomu tam
wae tiui'd that the boundary
nes he IaicLo. out and along these
ye-inch holes jljiiled nix Incimes apart and
I the full dmmptlmAfter , the boumnthury imolon
em-n driiied5ithmotP were drilled in time core
in blasting4jjDyflotnlte was ued for taking WI
mt time corilcngfoitt care being disimlavoci in
aler to nollIuutter ) ( ho aurroun3lulg rock. tai
I timeso pits , yflJ , be placed ancimor iroti to
mpport cablp tqald , in time oreetiii of tue tim ,
mpercmtructUT. It is expected that time steel
ark on tlmojir Jl will be begun in V. , , early dpi
uring , and imat t will bo conmpleteml befaro
mo year oo4j u tot
The bridgeI teing constructed over time baj
innessee rtJorfnmmt Knoxville , Tenml , , will
at over $1OOOdtiO. ; While the bridge Itself a
not of sniuawtt length , time engineer in
argo says It sclii he time wonder of time do
iginccrlng and arcimitectural world when
imploted. Tile bridge will be built en- timc
eiy of vlnk : mmlarble , qumarriod Ia Knox
unty and within a tow mniiea of time site.
will be 1,600 feet long lroni out to ut
abutments , and will be 240 feet long in nor
0 mnmmin spans of torch , which , it is claimed , lii :
tsermty feet longer than tim longest arcim vai
time world , It will rise at time crown of
thu channel , apand 105 feet above time
uter , masking it a decidedly iinpoairmg Mc
ructure. It Is to be a solid marble bridge
) m side to aide , with a fifty-foot roadway du ,
or 100 feeL aboye watc , with the four larg-
t spans in tlmu'.world , Tile imnmenso arches
ii be eight feet deep at Lime keystone , 1
teen feet at time slctiwbacks , or sluring lines , tb ,
fi will spring from Piers thirty feet imighm
d forty ( cot wJdi. The piar * go to valid
k , the substructure iiinoztomme , an4 is
elvo feet below time water surface mit the of
migo ite , Time arches amid spandrel filling gut
ii be conatruc4cil of concrete. Thu pars- Sat
wahis will be constructed of sawed marNai
ble slabs. with ieavy biocku on piiastors
every fifleen feet , pr jecting above the wail
proper and giving what aught be called a
senil-easteliated effect.
I1AY'I'I'S llIAt ) CiiIP. of lIme Cmire'r or lime 1it , '
l'rcsimicit , , .
140t115 Moiitl slln Iriorvil hhippolytcu , llrcsi-
dent of time Black llc'pmmblic , whose death is
reported , was a conspicimous figure Imi the
affairs of time island of Ilayti , lie born
on tlm Island in lf27. lila mnotber was a
native womiian of almost ; iumre African do-
scemit lila father 0mb of Soumlouqimi's minisiors.
Time boy lmCld all thio advantages his native
cruntry afforded , and grew into a imanfisome
atiul promliising youth , . Floin the first ime was
of a prottd , aggressive nature , and tmatimrally
bCcaCil0 lmrominent In the imiovemonts whmlch
servo as Politics ill tIle imaif-tropical lamll. ,
lie first attained distimiction in time civil
war of 1865 , wmero ! ho was time leather of 1lm
samgmmltmary rovoit in which Leflitlmo was tie-
fanted , So signal a success could not but
give Jliim1iolyto a prominence , \vimich nmarked
him either napanalnatiomi or dominance ,
anti he strong enotmgh to escape the
forimmer by nclmleving the latter.
For twecmty-flvo years Ime was one of the
foretmiost macti 1mm time Ilaytlan mmatiomi , anti diii
11cm-halls itioro timan any other lii simaping Its
policy nod developing its resources. In October -
tobor , ISSO , mi was clmoson actimmg president ,
and in time following May his oltiction was
formally confirmued , Tb0 term is seven years ,
of wiiichi lie imnd served less than six at time
titnc' of hIs dcmitlm.
Time population of the little republic was
1572,000 by a census takemi in 1890. Native
statesmen have recently placed their cati-
mate at 900,000 ; and time hope of 1,000,000 was
warm in iiippoiyte'e boaomn in timeso later
years. Nine-tentits of time ponpie are negroes
of nearly pure African hilooci , ammd time tin-
eiengenlmie , policy of the people is time no-
fimsal of bUhCI tithes to whites. Time religion
Is Catholic , though owing to the president's
-wise eoumisei Protestant miti&'siomiarics are
tolerated , One of lmbi munin troubles was tile
oxiatenco of voodoo worc'hmp ( , but lie sue-
ceodeil in confining it to time very lowest
classes , where it still exists.
lilimpolyto gave every encoimrngemneat to
edimcatlomial mimatters and lived to see 400
.natietiai scimools ectablimihed , Time grade has
constantly Improved for time last ten years
amid a amnalber numuber of Helm youmig men
thaii usual now complete tlmeir education in
time United States or in Frailce.
Ono of the wisest Imleasuros to be credited
to Ilippolyte is fixing time right of suffrage
at visible occtmpatioa , No mmian who does network
work is permitted to vote. And a purruance
of time samno cystein cannot but result in bettering - I
tering time nhmole field of government.
Time naifonal debt in 1892 amounted to
about , O00,000 , of wiulcim half was held
abroad. Iii 1895 the debt imad been reduced ,
amid the proportion imeld at imomno was niucim
greater. In 1892 timero was $12,000,000 ox-
irort and 14,000,000 import. But in the
course of imi administration Hippolyte sac-
coeded iii adjusting the balance of trade
inure advamitageourly for iui country. Ito
gave every possible encouragement to the
cultivation of coffee , cocoa and cotton , and
thu mnucim to establish a financial stability (1
that had previously beemi unknown. Time
llmiytiaii dollar was , at time time of hits Inauguration -
auguration , worth 75 cents in United States
mOoney. Today it is mienrly fixed at 95 cents.
i4'I'It'1 OF .t lItilillIl ) TItE.tSUitJI.
1)1.1 LcCtrisnM Fake liHturljtlg I Ime l'cv-
Pie or lIcJillHuIl Coimuit.
SAUNA , Kan. , March 29.-The people liv-
tig 1mm amid around time little towmi of hope , a
, vcjt : of imere , lii Dicklmiron county , are con-
iderably excited over tue belief timat a great
rensure is hidden in a cave in that vi- 0
ilmIlty. Thirty years ago a settler living in
Iorris caunty , east ot Dickinson , cared for
sick stranger wimo , when near to death , :
old imlla that lie was time last of a jping of S
rutlaws who tom- several years imad infested
tie Santa Fe trail west from Council Gros'o. 'I
a return for time kindness of time family , time
nan confided to thimn that. a large treacure' '
If money , and vaimmabies , was hidden in a
ave at tue he md .01 Turkey creek , and , tlmat ,
ib aiozmo knesv of' its location , Juat befor D
in death he made an elaborate cbmart of nI
lie cave , showing just svher the treasure Ia
an imlulden. ' SI
The man to stiorn the drawing vas given
I'ent at oncei t the head of Turkey creole , 0
ear svimere thm town of hope now stands ,
flU in company with Jack Markley _ who
till. lives on time creek , made. . a careful ,
earch , but failed to find any cave' . Five
-ears inter a Michigan colony settled along SI
4e Turkey creek valley. One day a herder fe
racked a wolf to a cave at time imead of the
reek imidden iq a donna growtim of brush and ri
Inas Time Michigan people knew notiming '
F time cave , story , and Mmurkley did not hear Id
t immi diScovery of time cave. For twenty- . ill
ye years time SPOt has bon vilted but sal-
Recently time tract was bought by A. lienas
uet , svlmo proceeded to prospect in anti to
round iLie cave for gypsum. It was 'then sv
hot Jack Markicy heard o its discovery mu
miii recalled time treasure story. Mr. lien-
wit became ititereated and the two nude Iii
trip for Morris coumity to look for time man.
'ith the drawihg , He imad long since diad , ii
ut imis witlow waa living and told timem
'mat ' time chlart was in tim pbasesaion of a
married daughter , wlmo lived in California. lm
teps were at once taken to secure it , hut. it
as not yet arrived.
It is recalled that thIrty-five years ago Pr
Ce imilly country at the hmead of Turkey of
reek was time rendezvous for a gang of des- pm-
eradoes wimo terrorized and plundered time ye
ittlro and travelers. Later on tue gang
'as broken up by thm& United States t.roope. cii
lie cave imas a snuall opening , but widemi m
I large dimensions , and lies never been fat
morou.-ily explored. It is being closely o
uarded until time piat arrives , fei
Ii CJiigitttoyim 1'rticilnI.s . fy Cur
i1.atit. I
SAN FRANCISCO , March 29-Bow Ye ,
esidont of the Young Wo association , or' timi
iinese Six companleo , was buried today for
tim nil time Imonora that his countrym n
uld bestow , Bow Ye died three days ago
id Clminatown has been iii mourning ever
Ice , Today every Imack in toss-n was engaged
r the funerai and time procession to time
rnetery wan over a mile in lengthm. Tlmo
Cimnimis were carried in a gorgeatma hoaro ,
awn by six horses , while a brass band
lyed a dirge , Several Ciminose hand , , -were '
mo in the procession and three large 'trucks
rried tue baked meats Which were to
tmrishm flow Ye's soul while on ite way to
aven. Flow Ye was a big man among time
mean and played an important Part in
eir affairs here , lie was 3 years old and ' 7
me Imero from China eight niontlms ago.
, that timne a bitter warfare existed -among
0 rIval associations f the Six Companles
d to 130w Ye was Ontrmsted the delicate 1I
tk of reconciling time quarreling factions.
III ii yi ii i s'l t Ia Vt'ordp , ,
[ 'lorida Timnes-Uniomm ; Nearly everything
subject to anger. SomeLlmnes even a river B
ii foam at time moutim. pm
rhero are no corns on the toot of a mounIt
ml. Tie
o bracciet is ever found on an arm of
I sea ,
ven time canal boat hmas a aterrm way of
Ing things.
Rosen are books within svlmoso leaves is
mnd time hmoney of nature's thmought.
) oml't stalk timlough life , oven the cab. itt
e does tbmat.
Jon't brag about your beard , Even sucim
common thing as barley imas a beam-mi.
aturo aimd humanity are kin , Even some
uvor gardens imavo tulips , an
iomne farmers are smaller volatoes tlman
580 they raise ,
iiiglislm Jmstiee % % 'hii Visit Asimi'ri'a ,
' .ONDON , March 29.-Time Cimrolmicie an-
imees that Lend Justice flaromm flmmmisel of
ilowoen svlil visit Itinerica In time lormg
: atton and will talmo part ir mm conference I1
juriots at Saratoga. -
crlburotigim'amVcddit. . 'I'riji Ilimd.l ,
ONION , March 29.-Time dales and
: imes of ZularThorourii arrived in Lommtlomi
or their extemmded msechh'ng trip , Great
parations are being made for their receim.
U at Woodstock.
- -
iIi'litit iitt.'rl.tImw , .
IONTE CAI1L.O , Msrch 29.-Time Prince
Valea , attended by lien. Seympur Fortes-
C % S'US Janics ( lordou Iieminett's guest
lirday on board the latter's yacht'
StiN ( * rolt , IIIIAS'Y l.tiltliIM.
Ncw York 'Ohiitnlnst I titles l'roeccl-
I tmxs .t iii , I flst ( ' .iimrnl , , ties , .
NIW. YORK , Marcit 29.TimeWorid to.
tnorrow will pumbliurhi time following : l'apera
svili be\flled iii ( lie United States circuit
court , in wimicim the plaintiff is Kittie A.
Griggur , wife of Clark ilobinson Grigga , a
venltimy railroad contractor of this city. Mrs.
Grigga sties for 1t'0,000 damages against
Joimmi Ii' . Canipion , Maeomi II , Carpenter and
Chmnrlcs Cavender , all of Colorado , Campion
is interested insome of tIme ltiggest gold
lmim1a : in Colorado. Cavemider and Camplomi
are Denver lawyers. They are charged with
commeplring to defraud time plaintiff out of a
three.eighmthq Interest in a nmimiing property ,
said to be svorthm $400,000. According to tIme
sifiularita , 2,000 shares of valuable gold-
bearing land itt Colorado wore owned amid
Worked in 1886 by Mr. ( lrIggs , Amos Tenny ,
\'ill armi Jmmtlson , Alfred IC. IVaro and Mason
Ii , Carpenter. lii 1SS7 Carpenter said lie
ci'imlil sell time property to John Farwell , time
Chicago millionaire , for $1,000,000. Arrange ,
mentr , were made by wimicim time deeds wore
turned Over to time flow corporation knowil
as the V'ctoria ' Mining conipaoy. Carpenter.
it i aliegod , bad himself elected president
and employcs elected to the othmei omees.
Time new ooiimpatmy held nil of tlm valuable
mining property , but accordlng to Grigge
none of time $1,000,000 , as nrovlied , in thu
agroemimemit , was over receivo(1 by imbm or anyone -
one else. Carpeiiter In 1893 , as president ,
put on a $190,000 trmst deed , payable in
thirty (103'S. Timis was nmarlo omit to Clmaries
Cavender for time benefit of Campion. At
tim expiration of that time tile 4leed was
foreclosed and the property sold to Cam-
plon for $34,874. The transaction was not
recorded , it is alleged , for somne tlmoe after
time i'Ttle , and Griggs did not learn about it
until Carpenter wrote to itinl to say the
property lied been bought in by a general
lnortgago and timat lie , Carpenter nimul
tiriggs Svcnt to Denver anti fetmiid the mm-
ing Property ssns being atmccesafulIy worked
by a miew corporation known as time 'W'apiti
Mining ccnipany , of svlmic'hm Cam-miimlon is imresl
dent and in whlcim Camnpioa is said to have
a one-eigimthm Interest. Griggs imad long before -
fore transferred his interest in time mniriitig
property to huii wife , lmomice it is siw who
makes time complaint.
tiis'rIt1c1'1NG rl'tv t'OiLlC SALOONS ,
itmimt' LI , juir ; ; ; - ; - ; : ' llmmforeeit ' % ' , 'i im
li,4. , . i1'mcei , * ,
NEWT YORK , March 29.-The Italiie liquor
iaw was not enforcerl iii this city today because -
cause Cimhef of i'ohice Commilu amid time corpo-
retion counsel were in doubt as to whether
Lime law' gore' into effect before April 30 , TIle
.aloomia , as usual , were clam-ed to stringers ,
md mmiany keepers lived imp to mint emily time
ipirit bumt time letter of time lasv amid closd -
heir doors entirely , with tlmeir shades down
0 tIme interior could be r3en. llxceptiomme ,
mOsvever , Ivere few , for time mumijorlt3' of time
corpora kept timeir shades imp with a idckot
in guard wlmo released time cimalmm on time sIde I
loom- only nfter assuring mimneolf ( lint time i
ailors were "all riglmt. " At time Umiivorslty ,
Jnloii League amid other promimmont clubs
lrimiks commltl be had time samuui as usual , but
t was said ( lint iiext Smmsmday time bars will
C cltsd. Iii mro t Cf time oIlier ci ics lhmruglm. .
ut time state time liw was emiforced.
In Brooklyn time mandate hind gone from
ime police commissioners and time this-
net attorneys that time law would be strIctly
miforced and every 81110011 keeper wltimimm time e
urlsdlcton of time 1)01100 was notified to c
amply with this provision. That. they did ,
0 WaS apparemmt. Saloons-side doom-a and
Il-were coed. ! Blinds were drawn and
11 cases wimero panels obstructed a view of
ho bar from time street these were timrown
pen , Never in its history has time city ox-
eriemiced such a dry Sunday. The restau- '
i1at and clubs were just as dry as the
, t)1l by tilss Maliel JtnrIforl Ii , f
NEW YORK , mIarch 29.-The World timla
orning says : Miss Mabel C. Hartford ot
over , N. U. , one of tim urvlvora of timp
miaot nitry ' massacre at Kuchelig , China , ii
st ycar , spoke In the hail of the Bedford 3)i
Lroet Methodist Episcopal chum-aim last night '
r her work and experience. She is a pale ,
ightly built womnan of about 35 years.
ight years of teaching the Chinese Imavo
von Miss Hartford a siumipie manner of
reech that rendered her story very effective.
lie was much affected as she iecahled the
arful cene of assanalnation. IIer atory of
mat affair did not differ materially from the
: counta already published. She said the
am-ic of time 11ev. M. Stewart , who was
tiled by tue vegetarians , will ho taken
, by imimi eldest son. In comiclusirn , she stil , :
t present there are no Engiislm or Amer-
an miadonarles hi the ICucimong dietrict , .
I tile consuls advised that they wait awhile
ir time feeling to die down , but time religious
ork is being actively carried cii by ( ho
Ltive Christians.
islaia , Potter limvieii to l'teiiclt at
NEW YOI1IC , March 29.-Bishop Potter
15 beed invited by tue authorities of Cam-
'Jdge university In Engiammd to be .eolect
'eacher at time university during time months
May , 1S97. Time afipolntmemit an select
eacher 1.0 one of tile great Engltom ) uni-
ralties never Imas befl conferred before
ion a bishop or priest of time American
ur'cht so far as time records show , The
arnimig sermons at Oxford during time term
Ii to thm& dean , the canons , time heads of
limigee , tile divinity professors and time pro-
msors of Hebrew. None but tmo meat coil-
mit clergymen holding imigim degrees from
S three universities ill Great Britain is
er appointed to time degree of select
eachmer. Bishmop Potter imolds time degree of fee
ator of laws Irons Cambridge and is one Inc
time three Macrican clergymemi who imoid '
3 degree of doctor of divinity from Oxe ° '
d . lInt
- . . _ per
2It-t IL 5jun11 Itoily III' Iprislm's ,
AlitO , March 29.-Sir 11 , II. Kitchener , tim-m
I Cader of the Nile ocpedition , has arrived
time front and time second column has ar- ' ii
ed at Skaaimeh , A small Cbody of IerS
hen approacimed time troops , but tied before
I artillery fire. Abu Bammimid has been ro-
orced from Berber.
'on want of a mnodi ino Is that ft shall do
DU good-purify end enrich your blood ,
irow oft that tired feeilng , and give you
raith , strength , courage and ambition ,
ursaparilia in the only true blood pnriflel
ominont1y In the public eye today , and
meets these requirements perfectly. ,
is Ia proved by the testimony of thou-
nds of people. Hood'n
Sarsaparifla \ (
ilids up the nerves by feeding them on
ire blood , creates an appetite by toning
0 dlgcstlvo organs , overcomesThat Tired
cling by giving vitality to the blood , ,
id gives sweet refreshing sleep , You
sy realize that Ilood'a Sareaparilla
is by giving it a fair trial , Insist upon
od'n and only flood's. 1 ; six for5.
tf1La ilcmi act iisrmorilouily WILb
iJLi3 JlI , Ut.ed'sbr.iparllLs. 35 * . Mar
Promises to Assist the Omaha Exposition
13111 Throucrh Committee ,
l'resilemit of Trsi miibssbsi 1,1,1 , oust itt. . 'Il
termi nttirinl ltiisit Aiocii
I ttii i'iii,1s ) , , mI M Ii t C"rr'siiImil. . 51/
.ii14' t 0 , ( ) ( .tfter ,
PrenimientS'nttlc , of the TranemmilssIssfpp
Exposition mu'socbatbon lmmm. been busy emiieo
hula roturmi front hmis trip , in conjmmnction with
tIme delegation of Onmaima bitrilness imion to
Vu'yomntmig , Utah anti Colorado , in the inter-
cat of time 0XbOuiltioli project , lie imas been
svorkulg Immirml to catch up . wIth time corro
sponduico amid other inmtttern that lied no-
cumulated uhmring his absence ,
in conipany with a number of othmer mcmi , , . , .
intoremtei ) irs the onterprlse , lie called upon
Senator Tiiurston yesterday to urge idni to
exert luimnm'aif for ( lie prompt pasnge of the j $ ' $
exposition bill lii both imouso anI aenato. &
'rime situatlci Was carefumily cnnvned , zmtltl , ' '
timri now ihas created by time simbimmiamion of
time lioime .biil to a subcommiteo of the .
ways cmiii tmieans comuimtiittee , ( liscumacd.
Somiator 'I'hutston assmmred thio delegation .
timat Gemmeral Grosvenor of Oimio , ss'io is at
tire imead of time subcounmmitttee in question Is
a warnm , personal friend , and expresses coil'
fldemmce in Imis support of the expositbeti nieas ,
urn , lii order to expedite ncticii by time sub-
comimmnittee , I t possIble , Eonaor ( Thmsmrston
wireml General Grosvenor , asking ida earnest
aimui lronupt ahuproval of time exposition incas- f t
mire , amid before niglmt received the follow- ' '
lag reply :
'WAShINGTON , 1) , C. , Mrmrcil 29.-lIon ,
Johuim Id. Ttmmirston , Oniaimmm , Neb. : Your bill
immet cuiio to thy siiimcounmnittee. It slimihl '
have my earmmeet mmmitl Persistent support ; 4' I
will consitiem' it tornnrmow.
ClliflL.ES ii , GHOSVENP11.
Senator 'Timsmreton assures tue directors of '
the exposltinmi that timelr hill svlll undoubtedly -
edly pass iii time mIriam- future ,
SLAUGllTlIlLi1) 'VIlE ' , % 'llOiIi 1tM1LY. "t '
- fIiI'
Ar1cmtmazms ICihis W'ife umumsi Clil.l
liiii Ctmimmiilts Sitiehile. .
I3ENTONV1IL1 , Arlc. , March 29.-A triple
tragedy occurred three nlilos fromii hero to-
ilny. Pulasici luckwortii , a lmromnimmont and '
highly respected farmer , killed hmia wife by
etrikimig Imer on time head with nil ax , the un-
rortumnato womamm dying instantly. Ito then
tttacketl lila 4-year-old churl with time ax and :
nilicted fatal injtmries. The umian then timrew
minmnelf across time bed , drew 1mm pocket
< tilts and slasiucti hula tlmroat , dying almost
nstsntiy. A 7-year-old daughter escaped
laughter by being at Sabbath school. Duck-
-vorth - was undoubtedly Imisamie. ' '
in1 , liert ' _ % rret4tell Ag : , ii , .
Ilemlry Fhalmerty wan 'given thmirty 'days
n time county jail for emmtering a lodging
louse belomughmmg to John Garvey , 702 Sotmth
rhmirteemium street , nijomit a month ngo and , '
tooling mt quantity of lead lIPC. After
ervimig lila sentence at tIme county Jail it '
S said , thiat he imnmemiiately started nher 'S
iie rest of time Pihie , but. was detected in .4'
ho act by thin vrovrletor lust night and I ' ) '
laced under arrest.
I1udoiila Is Iii . , TmIj , A '
H. Rudolph , ci. former porter. at Fritz t
% lrtim's garden , is acctmsed of iiavliig en-
em-ed the room of a guest in tue hotel ad- '
aining aCid sto'le a vair of shoes amid some
lotiiing. The shoes were found up-on him
hell taken to time station. Itudoipii says
hat they were given to imiqi by the guest
ir services rendered. . .
1)mili'y , Iii , , flutter , "
Frank Daiey atteniptd to cll a mtlxty- '
ound tub of butter to the residents in time '
loinity elf Ninth and Dodgp ieejmist u '
ight. He offered it for 75 cents. Ho was
laced under arrest. Time butcr janupposed .
, have beemu stolen. '
F 'I
- , u ' 4
a1e's . ,
SkinFood H
moves ' % S'rinicics and all traces of age. It . ,
da through tIme pores and buimds up time fatty . .4/
mbranes and waated tissues , noimriamcs the
-ivalcil and , tiirunhcn skbn , tones arid Invigor-
a time nerves and manacles , enrltiie time ii-
-eriammei - blood vesema , anti tmppltes youth
I emazticity to the action of the akin. it's
( set. I. . ,
oware ot BUtJlltitUiCS and , 'aunterreltn , Ynle'a
glimul memo Food , mirico $ IhO and 13.00. At all
, u : stores.
mu. r , YALE , ifesitim mind Coinpiexiomi Spec.
Lust , Ymmie Tenmplo of Beauty , 146 State St. ,
lirago. , I
IT' PiPIPTIrI1T Tel , i531 ,
ii ! , .jJ1Jdb1IIUII'mmxton t lImirzosg
- Mnngars , '
TONIGHT 1T 8:15. : ' ' ) ,
- - - = = = - - -
ddie The Strange . :
S. S
Adventures ot Ia
oy C : .
i'rosentlmmg , lIiss Browii.
} 'rlmios-2c , aue , Sacs , 7 $ $1.00 ,
rttine i'riros-iiCtitlomy , 2Sc. Lower ihoor ooe.
'ii7H Littlti itlIss iutiggut ,
mi 6. La Loio iulIor ,
In the Thrilling Play , & 4
Iii Five Acts.
lflclomilmypart of the izoiIso ,
ursdmmy oomiiiig , "East i4ysmuc. "
, ' , c ! COXCEIt'i' S--
TIRiI-I z : IlitLL , . .
Cit. 'Vii lii mcmiii Jiimrumcy Ste.
lic-engigement ot ( ha
11111 ] Fll1IY LIIiOS OrcIiesIro
runm the Itoyal .Aquarlunm , Lammdoum , lmg , ,
mmmcem every urventlig , S to 12 , Matloe mr ,
mdmmy , Thursday and Saturday , 3 to 6.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - .
L D I E 8 uurseSt.rulssera eut us.raaiici to
5CcshlSCO , , JmyumsuCl. in&1t.
, _ _ . - .
- - - - -