THE OMAHA DAILY BTflEt RIDAY , MAttCIl 13 , 1800. NOTICES. AilvrrdNCtnrntft for Ilirno cnlnmtiH trill lie tnlcen until VJi3O p , in. fur tlio ctcnltiR ntul until 8 p. tit. for the inornliiK nnil Similar cdlllonii. Advertiser * l y reiue ( liiK n nntit- tiercil chock , can Iinvo n unworn nil- ilrcNMcil to a iiumlicrcil letter In cnrc of Tlic lice. Aiinivcrn HO nitilrcxnctl Mill lie ilclltcrcil tip on prcncntnllon o ( tliu check only , llntcn , 1 l-2o n woril flrnt Jimcrtlort ) Jo a. rronl thereafter. IVotliltifr. tnkcn for loin thnu 2oo fnr Jlmt Insertion. These nilvcrtlsciiicnts nuixt lie run coiisccu- tli el y. WANTttll MAI < U HUM * . WANTED. A GOOD PHYSICIAN IN A GOOD live town nn the He-publican river. For par ticulars address Box C28 , Lincoln , Neb. I > M230-M15 * A raw nNnnoBTic HUSTMNO MHN CAN find utendy , proninble work with C1. r. Ailinn CO. . 624 8 . 18th ft. tt-St.JSl-M 21 BALtiSMnttiCAUJNO ON lIAnmVAIlC. peni-ral stores or tnnnufncturlng trade , to cirry flrst-closs ildo line ; no experience required , Tlio Umpire Oil Co. , ISO TO JIM PAID SAI.nSMHN roll , experience unnecesxnrys extra Imluccmcnts to cuilomem. lllehop & Kline. St. Ixiulu , Mo. * GOOD , LIVi : MI2N WANTED ! ON SALARY In nice dean Imtlneisa. Call nt 1516 Douglas. \VANTRD-HAMSMnK TO BELT. C1O.AHS TO the trade , fWOO to JJ0009 PT month nnd ex- PMIB . All ntnnJiml mndo good * . The Un pcro ClBnr Co. . Iditttro Mich. ll-M-li * I rOJlTHH rnATCHNAL UNION' tlia best order In exlalcnce. W. M. Qiilwltz , Dep. Supt , llcsldent , Uoom 311 Karlineh block. WANTED. SALESMAN VISITING HAUnWAUn trade , tinners nnd mclal workers In Nebraska , to mill nteol roonnir , e-ive Hough , etc. , n a side line. Address L , bl , Omaha Dec. 11 M818 15 WANTCD-A COMI'CTHNT YOUNO MAN TO do liookUccplne , Beneral ofllce , nnd Btenograpnlo wmlt Adilrens In wrlllns and ztnte naliry expected , li C2 Hce. II StT-lt * WANTUD. A COMI'lJTRNT CI.OTII1NO SALESman - man ; appllcanbi must fumlah references. Ad- areas 1 * . O. IJox 106 , Lincoln , Neb.11M23S 11-M23S 13 WANTED , Al STENOGIlAl'Iinn AND TVl'D-j nTltcr ; mnlej must own miihlnc : state ex- pfrlcnce and salary cxpccteil. Adilrcss M , lloo. ll-a 53 H WANTCD. ALL MEN , WOMRN , BOYS AND Blrls , Wllllntr to work for J1S 00 n week , n na ndJiess to Howard Mfs. Co. , Providence , H. I. D M23I IS" WANTHD. A MAN WKM , ACQUAINTED IN the city ; who has had experience In the ad- \crtlalnpr buslncos , to sell mHcrtlslns novelties ; a jcood opening for the right mm. Cnll at Ut North Itlth bt. 11 SOS 1C HELP AVANTIOD FEMALE. \VANTKD , AN UXI'UniCNCED COOIC ; MUST bo neat , steady nnd Industrious nnd have good references ; no others iifed apply. Room 200 , Omaha National Hanl > Uldg- C M 509 WANTHDatrtn ron nousn- vork. 1821 Chicago Street. C M3-12 * WANTED , COOK AND LAUNDRHSS TOH small family. 1037 Dodge st. O 112i7 14 FOR niP.T IIOUSRS. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS Of THG CITV. THE O > r. Davis Company. 1503 Farnnm. D t3t HOUSES. UENKWA & CO. , 10S N. 15TH ST. D-C3J MODCItH HOUSES. C.A.STAnil. OS3 N.Y. LIFE D-533 rou HENT. Nicn SOUTH TRONT , s-nooai brick liousc , with nil modern lmpro\cmenta nnd In drat clnta condition. Inquire on prem- l ea , 10 Half-Howard street D-219 HOUSES. WALLACE , DHOWN DLK. 10 & DOUE D SM roit itcNT. HOUSES IN ALL I > AUTS or the city. 13rennan-Lo\e Co. , 430 Paxton block P M3U-M37 FOR RENT , T-nOOil IIORERN J'LAT. LANOI bloclc , C08 So. 13th st , D-C7S A3 DnsEHAnLn s YtboM HOUSE , CENTUM location. Apply 2010 , Capitol Aenue.D D 722-12- * 3IOUSE8 FOR RENT. LARGE LIST. FROi $ S.OO up HcCague Investment Co. , 1506 Dodce D S1729 FOR RENT. MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE , WITI pas , furnnce , balli , hot nnd cold water. In goa repair , situated In best residence nclgmiorhaoi In city. 2M South 38lh nvenuc. ' ,4 block nortl of Farnnm. Eniulro Home In\cstmcnt Co. 507 Paxton block. D M2ID15 FOR rtENT-iotr'csEQnaiA AVINUE 3-nooj house. J. M. Slnwrnl , receiver , S30 Bee bide D 203 t'QH KENT. 11-ROQM HOUSE , WITH AL1 niDJcrn conveniences. Inqulie 1919 DmlKo st. D MJ6J 19 FOR HUNT FURNISHED 11OOMS. PLEASANT SUITE OF ROOMS , 1919 DODGE. B-71Z FURNISHED ROOMS. CHEAP , MODERN IM protomentB. 209 So. JOth. E 725-12- * FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLEMAN AN1 hoiiuclcccplnff. COO North 17th. E S0-12 KUIIMS1I12I ) HOtniS AND JIDAIII ) FQIlNIBItKD FRONT ROOMS WITH Ol without board ; ttcum h t ; electrlo belli baths : rntea renionablc. Midland hotel. 1C1 and ClilcngJ els. F M53S _ rURNIBHI'.D STEAM HEATED IIOOM3. WOE em corn cnlcnccs ; board. C03 Ho , nth. F 535 " ' KICK JIOOM "ANETBD'ARD , u. ex a. inn. r 5Z2.3I2C' _ ELEOANT 11OOM8 ; WITH FlllST-CLAS ; hoard ; Oncst location In city. Pcnbodjr rei denee , 1903 Cnnltol avenue. F M240 13 * IJOATID , PRIVATI5 FAMILY. 1911 TARNA1 11.00. F M2CI 15 * FOR HEM' TJ.VFUHNI61II2U ROOMS. E UNFURNISHED CHAiniERS TOR HOUKI keeping , man and \\lfe ; vater In kitchen ; tf link : waste pipe. 319 N. 17th. O MtlZ RENT STORES ASI > OFFICE ! TOR RENT. THE H-STORY I1R1CIC HUILDIN ut 910 Knnmin el. TJila bulldlns has n lln piaof cfnirnt liasemcnt. complete steam lieu ha nxtures. Muter on nil llnors , can , etc. Al l > ly nt the onicn of The llee. _ I 010 jriRST-CLASS IIH1CK 8TORE 11UILDINO ; 10 ) rninani ; thire Rtorlea nnd bOMinent ; will nlli to null tenant ; low rent , 314 Flriit Nation Hank ImllJIng. I-MC35 \VAIVT1SD TO HUNT. OMAHA ALL RiailT-STRANOEUS COMIN In. Lli > t liDUiaa for rent llh J. II. 1'n lOttc , ICth nnd UodKC. K M730 3) ) _ WANTED ! s UNrunNisiinu nooMs. MOI irn , central locatkn. AUilirss L 67. Uof. K Zir-12 * STURACK. STORAGE , r ANK liWKUS , Jill IIARNE' J 1'AClFtC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE 1 fOS 919 JulitJ. Cleneral itornge anil ( ornnrdln M-K3 rnivATE iroMi : rou LADIES HEFORE AN iluilne c-cJillncinciil : babies ndrplcd or cur for ; terms rcancumtile , WH N. Uth o\ . . ci Tort t. . Omaha. M-T3S-U' ' WAN'J'JJU TO IIUY. JIOTTSU OK T HOOUS. FULL LOT. MOOKR liniirotciiicnti * . well built , lli'st-i.lnsi conJHIo uud ultbln ! 'i mllev noriU nr n < > rlh-west postolllcc. J3tt ) rnrli. US tnonthly , li per cent li jUcorg * W rnls ratten nik. _ N-S2 ( " nnsr CLASS "ui'iiiruiT PIANO AT ! double cuirlaco ; ircond liaiiJ , AdJrts.i 41 Com ttrt-cl. _ N MJjO JO1 ' A GOOD IIARN : CALL AT SlOnU. 707 S lOlli ft , Wulkcra Steam D > \Vcrks. . OOOD I'UOl'EUTV AND CASH FOR WOK tram , harness and ttaevn. Cull A. 1'erU. J ( lind Vlnton tl . N Stl-151 IND-UANU 1-UUN1TIJJU3. IIIIOWN'U. WI B. . _ N SJ1 VOR S.U.U MISClILLAMJOUb. 6r.ED SWKET I'OTATOES. VI.VEL1MB. Kill Tbeo. Williams. Urnien. Nib. lIAUDWooD HOd ANOOHICKI fcnc . Also "all wire. " C. II. Lee. Ml Uougli FOR BALE. AN KNTIRKLY NEW BKT J bar llxturrs , very rhrip , Ad4itM P. O. ] ] _ T5i. > IU'niU"llNjb. " _ Q-J1IH 1 1TOU 8AM5. HALL 8AVK , IlOLLEtl TO1' DE3 IIuiHiuond lypewrlttr and de k. l tttr I c l > ln l. t-nro rrliving chair * ; l | ar t da if Mr. J-ttrU. liJ ] ( atajg LlMk , Q-KSL li OIiAIRVOYANTS. MI18. DR. H. WARHEN , CLAIUVOTANT. 111 % liable butlnou metllumi Sth year at Hi N. ICth. 8 541 MASSAOJ2 , RATIIS , KTO. 1IAHAMK BMITII. 153 DOUOLA8 STREET. 2d floor , room H : maoace , itram , nlcnhol nnd ultitrlne lolhs. T-M756 M MMK AMES , FORMERLY OF ST. LOUIS , MAR. age nnd bath . 607 S. 13th Bt. , 2J floor , room 10. T M787 Ai MADAltD LEON. MASSAGE PARIXJHB , HE8T- fut and rcfreshlntr. 417 8. llth elr. . upHtnlrn. T-MfiOO PKHSONAL. DATHS. MASSAGE. MME. POST. 319J4 S. 15TH. U 541 FINE LIVERY RIGS CHEAP. ED 11AUMLEY , 17th and St. Mary's n\enue. Telephone , 4(0. ( U 543 MIS3 VAN VALKENnURGH , DESTROYS I-nit. manently by ! ectrlctjr Bupernuous hair , molca , wnrta , etc. Room 416 , N. Y , Life bldg. COtlBiT3 MADE TO ORDER ; WRITE TOR measure directions. 1909 Fnrnnm. Hello ' -P * pcrly Cornet Co. UMt'MtS MISS MASON'S DRESSMAKING SCHOOL. R. 421. Ueo bulldlnff. U-M702A4 * VIAVI-AIIOMK TREATMENT FOR UTKRINE troubles. I'hxalclnn In attemlnncc. Consulta tlou or health b ok free. 246 Dee Dldjr.ij ij r,4s THE PALACE BEAUTIFUL HAIRDRESSINO nml mnnlcurlnR nhd complexion parlors. IC1 DousUa St. . Omaha. U-MS03A9 _ PERSONAL YOUNO MAN WISHES YOUNO lady corrtupondcnt : brunette , liking ocllni ? , boating , etc , , preferred. Address A. Hanls , Uox 3 , Fort Sherman , Idaho. U M23S15 * SIDNEY TO LOAN REAL IJSTATU. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 3 N. Y. Life. Loans at low rnles for choice security In Nebraska & Iowa farms or Omaha clt } property. W 546 MONBY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Dnvls Co , 1505 rarnain St. W 517 6 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. W. D Mclkle , Omaha W 548 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urcnnnn , Love & Co. , 1'aston b.U , . W 549 CITY LOANS. C. A. faTAUR. S25 N. Y. LirE. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith A. Co. , 1320 rnrnam. W 551 FARM LOANS. DOUGLAS AND SAIU'Y. 1 TO 10 years ; low rates. Garvln IJros. , 210 N. Y. L W 532 O.EO. I' . 11EM1S , LOANS , PAXTON 1H.OCK. w oo FROM MOO 00 UP. F. D. WEAD , IGth & DouElas W 293-M16 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property nt 5 , 6't. 0 nnd C\4 per cent. Putcy & Thomas , room 207 , FJrst National Dank bid * . MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY 1O LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horse" , wagons , etc , nt lowest rates In city ; no removal ot Roods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan oft at uny time or In nny amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 300 S. ICth st. X 553 MONEY TO LOAN. 30. CO. 90 DAYS : FURNI- turc , pianos , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , Uaikerblk. X 534 BUSINKSS CHANCES. CRIPPLE CREEK COLD STOCKS , SAFE AND sure ; $5 and upwards lincstcd often brings fabulous nnd quick returns by placing your orders with the Van Buren Investment Co. ( Incorporated ) , binders and brokers. EOS 16th t. , .Denver , Colo. Y 555 ONE OF THE I1EST SALOON'S IN THE CITY ; must cell on account ot o'.ckness. Address P. O. Box 813. West Point. Neb. Y M184 COAI * AND FEUD BUSINESS ; GOOD TnADB hn\e other business ; lnstlsate. . Address I , 4 , Boo. Y-MS3G M27 FOR SALE , ABOUT 2.000 LBS. MINION TYPE 700 Ibs. agate , COO Ibs. bievler tjpe. 150 pall , tuo-thlrd typo cnsei. 40 double Iron stand * for two-thirds cases. This material wna used or The Omnha Bee. nnd Is In fairly good condl. tlon. Will be sold chelT ) In bulk or In quantities to suit purchasers. Apply In person or by mall tc thB Hfe Publishing Co. . Onnha. Neb. Y 713 FOR SALE OR TRADE. A STOCK OF CROCK- cry , glassware and tlnwaie In this city , nt n bargain. Will ln\olce about Jl.OOO. Address PU.North _ _ ICth street. Y 5H-13 J5WOO CASH BUYS A THREE-CHAIR BARBEIi shop , bath room and building In the bi ? t Irrl gated country In Nebraska : good business lo cation nnd town : population 1.8OT ; coma nnc loolc nt It or address Lock Boxt 80 Lexington Neb. Y M260 16 ARE YOU OUT OP BUSINESS ? IF SO , COMr nnd see the "Automatic Clerk , " olllce. 111 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. , ICth and Farnam Y M2C3 17' FOR EXCHANGE. .TO OWNERS HAVE YOU A SEVEN-ROOR modern house In West DCS Molnca to ex change for Omahn. vacant lots and cash ? Writ C. E. Taylor , care of W. S. Ex. Co , De Molnea , In. M260 18 FOR SALTS-REAL ESTATE. BARGAINS. SALE OR TRADE. IN CITY PROP erties and farms. Jno. N. Frenzer , opp. 1' . O RE 530 GEO. P. BEMIS. HOUSES. LOTS , IRRIGATEI farm lands , loans. SOS and 306 Paxton block RE S37 ABSTRACTS. THE BYRON -REED COMPANC HE 538 FOR SALE-HANN'S PARK. ORAND ISLAND Nrb , the largest and most beautiful park li central Nebraska , containing 20 acres , larg hall , with stage and all modern Improvements term * \try liberal. For particulars Inquire o Henry Hann , Grand Island , Neb.REM253M15 RE-M253-M15 * s LIST KEAL ESTATE AND RENTAL PROP erty with Jones , Crounse block , Omaha. RE M515-M27 to ACRE FARM , ONE MILE FROM VAL paralso , Saundcrs County , Neb. Fine Impnm mtnts ; Will rent cheap. Fidelity Tiu t Co , 1702 rnrnam St. RE 230-i ; FOlT"T3A.LE OR LEASE. LAItOU FRAM waichouse ; nt Douclns street and B. & M. tracJ For particulars , address or call on R. B. Buscl 1014 Douglas street. RE M2I1 IS BICYCLES. OMAHA BICYCLE CO , BEST PLACE TO 11II1 IG IGe bicycles ; blcjcles repaired , 323 N. IClli st. SCC it- WEST BICYCLB & GUN CO. , 2I1S CUMIN at. We cell JltH ) DO 'DO mudels for JS5.00. 585 H ier 1IUILT > ING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ! ierml SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & 11. AS 'N PA' C , 7 , t per cent when 1 , t. 3 jcaro old ; ulwn > redeemable. 1701 Farnnm St. , Nattlngcr , bee , 559 a HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOO1 Interest on tavlngrs. Apply to Omaha L. & I ir- 1704 Farnam. O. M. Nettlnscr , eec , EM SHOHTIIAM ) AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , E13 N.Y. . LIF1 M ! Y. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. Y.L THE ALWAYS RELIABLE HARNESS 8HO ot JoBfph Landhoefner. managed by the olds : L practical saddler and harneksraaker of Omahi ' is now located at C23 Bo. 13lh St. , coiner Jacl s'ed con. All kinds of hoiiK-maila aid factoi . ITjodji on bond , to suit cuislninsrj. Repalrlr or. proniptly attended to. August Holme , Manage 101 So. 13th si. , corner Jackton 431 M2I S1UMC , ART AND LANGUAGE. tN OEORGB I' . OlSLLENBECK , liANJO AN 311.Of guitar teacher , 1815 Chicago t. 109 Of nl.i . NEW SCAn KUlIl/fLL PIANO , 175 ; N13' : i pianos rented. Wllllora H , Sclnnolltr , lif floor , McCuBUO bulldlnif. 11792 ! ( DRIJSSMAKINO , " 3O. nnnasuAKiNQ IN I-AMIUUD : CUT. KIT AN t > le uuarantccd. Inquire ITU Chlcaeo. ' IK till _ LOST. U. LOST-IllJCCU'T UQ01C OV OMAHA 11UII. Ins uml Ixwm Acrn , L'eloufrlui : la John I'u bet , ICth an ! 1-cuv , . am ) ICth aril JIIcUoi lUturn J76I Kumara , or lleo pnico.IOBt IOBt2621 ! ' I.OSV. JUNK 1IOA , MAUCH H. IN UVRN1N' ' on Wetuter and UtU to Ja\rnilt and 1st UN rtv.'arj tor return to I3 e 0mco. l-Mt-Mw ; u < OK lOJk ri > iioisTim\a ,9 PACKED. MATTRESSES , MAE II * Bad rtuctatcJ , ulr.Jow cushion * made ; pile * . M. S. WalkKtt. Illl Cumins. Tel , IS 1 i.vrvci.\ j. MOIIAND'S SCHOOL , LA8T TKHM , this week. Private lessons. Call. Alwnyn open , PAWMUIOICUUS. II. MATtOWITZ LOANS MONEY. N. M ST. 655 HOTEL. TIIIHTUUM'II AM ) JOMCS STltHHTS. 1W room * , tntlis , steam heat and all modern conveniences. IUtn tl 60 and 100 per day. Table unexcelled. Special law rate * to reRUlnr bonrders. FIIANK 1HI.P1TCH Mgr. ( My mams used Wool Soapi ( I wl l > nilno had ) Wash Woolens with WOOL ana they won't shrink. DolluMfnl In the bath. In- nl'ica your dealer ( jlvlni : It lojoa. „ Ka\vorth. Schodie fe Co. . Hakert , Are you troubled with men- lai weakness , norvousuesi , loaaot eexnnl power , night cmlsatoha , un- natur.ildlarTT''Xr chnrgpB , luok of dn- slro to per -"A-LJO.T fonn mental labor , eniiaed by youthful Indiscretions. It so , aoiiilforfullBlxbox "XT A lllii trrntment ot Turklali Lout ai t\.UJU Manhood Capaulea for $500 G uarantccd to euro or money rottirned. Slnsrlo ftrPTO7Jfi- boxes $1. Thls-lBiiof.ilto " J--LVV/-L - cure , nor fteo prescription as medicine coals money. Don't bo fooled Ilnliu's IMinrmacy , 201'J Fnrnam Street , Omnha. Jor faillrs 1/niAls/i / Tii > ifU < itul 1'en- iij/ro/ii7 l'IJnever / fall to brine men- ( i'ituI it siiro to tltcilay , 81 bov , Oforo Ly m nil. Hahn's I'linrniaoy , Uinalm. CONI11TION OF WINTIHl WHEAT. Cruu i > a AVIiole IN In Fnlrly Gaud Hlmnc. CHICAGO , March 12. The Dally Trade Bulletin has the following regarding the con dition of the winter wheat plant : Informa tion at this Bcasan of the year Is of little real value , owing to the changeable weather. However , the reports In the aggregate Indi cate that the crop as a whole Is In fairly good condition. There is some complaint of damage - ago In southern Pennsylvania , Maryland , Vir ginia , West Virginia , southern Ohio , stuthern Indiana , eastern Ill'nols and In same sections of Kentucky , Tennessee and Wisconsin mainly the result of the drouth In the fall compelling rather late sew Inc. and extreme changes of the -weather during the winter. ; In these factions there are also many good reports. In New York , northern Ohio , north ern Indiana , central and southwestern Illi , nois. Missouri , Kansis , Oklahoma , Texas and California the great majority of the returns indicate a very good crop In the southwet-l a largo Increase over that of last year. Re turns from Canada favor so far an average yield. _ 1VEATIICH FOHECAST. Vnlr ii a Warmer wltH WlnilM IIIKT to Southerly in Xflirnnltn. WASHINGTON , March 12. The forccasi for Friday Is ; For Nebraska , South Dakota and Kansas Fair and warmer ; winds becoming south crly. crly.For For Oklahoma and Indian Territory Fair easterly winds. For Iowa and Missouri Fair ; warmjr it the northern portion ; northerly wl-uU , be coming variable. For Colorado Fair ; varlab'e ivlnJi For Wyoming nnd Montana Fair : warniei Inline eastern portion ; variable \lnds Local Hccoril. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU OMAHA , March 12. Onuilia record of tern peraturo nnd rainfall compared with tin corresponding day of the past four years : 18 % . 1S93 1&94. 1SD3 Maximum temperature . . . 21 33 70 C Minimum temperature . . . 10 23 37 3 Average temperature . 17 31 51 4 Precipitation . 00 T .00 .0 Condition ot temperature and preclplta lion at Omaha for the day and since Marcl 1. 1890 : Normal temperature . . . . . . . . 3 Deficiency for the day . 1 Accumulated deficiency since March 1. . 7 Normal precipitation . , . 0 Deficiency for the day . . . 0 Deficiency since March 1 . . .23 Incl Total precipitation since March 1. . .18 Inc ) Ilt'portn front Station * nt 8 l > . in. ? 3-K STATIONS AND STATE OP \VEATIIUH. \ 33 Omaha , clear 21 North Plattc , clear , Huron , clear Chicago , clcnr , Bt. I.ouln , clear tit. Paul , clear , Davenport , clear , KniisuH City , clear Helena , part cloudy Havre , cloud/ . . Bait Lake City , cloudy lllBirmrck , clenr I'lieyonne , part cloudy \Vllllston , cloudy Itniild City , part cloudy ( InU cglon , clear ' Indicates trace ot iircclpltatlon ; bHotv zerc L. A. WELSH. ObKervcr. THIS HKAI.TY MAIIKHT. INSTRUMENTS placed on file Thursday March 12 : WARRANTY DEEDS. South Omaha Land company to How- aril Kennedy , jr. , lot 12 , block 138 , South Omaha . . . , $ K A J Zlanscom and wife to V C Hans- corn , lot 4 , block 115 , Omaha 1E.CH C. HuniApnel to Peter Peterson , lot ZO , Oak Hill No. 2 2DEEDS. DEEDS. Sheriff to A J Hanacom , lot 4 , bloclc 115 , Omaha , . , . . , ,18,0 Total amount of transfers w rtti DOCTOR YOURSELS A Separate Cure for Ench Dis ease. At All Druggists. Mostly 25 Cents a * Bottle. Mur.jotx'a Ira proved Homoeopathic Rem Jloa act almost Instantly , speedily curing tl most obslluoto cases. nitoumatUm curi from 1 to 3 days. Dyspepsia and all stor to. ucli troubles quickly relieved. Catarrh po ; Hi ; tlvulx cuied. Hcadaclie cured In & minute Nervous diseases promptly cured , Kldni troubles. Piles , Neuralgia , Atbm and Female ComplaluU ( julckly cured Munyou Vltailzw Impartu new life and vigor to wet and debilitated men. cei Per oc l Itittorc to Prof. Munyon , IB 31. Arch street , Philadelphia , Pa. , answered tree medical advice lor any disoue. NATIONAL GJ4Sto ( ELECTION OommisjionodOfiicMtS'Oallod on to Oliooso Brigade and Regiraontnl Oomnmuclon , * GENERAL COLBY JIAS AN OPPONENT Colonel Illllii Scjlt l lo lie 1'roiuotcil to tinI'lolil Oniiniinnil ot the atnnillii Vrmy , ot Nubrnnkn. i n LINCOLN , March 12. ( Special. ) The fol- lov\lng general order , No. 4 , was Issued from the adjutant genefal'a ofllco today : In nccortlnnce with tlio pro\lslon3 of sec tion 14 , chanter Ivll , Compiled Statutes , nn election IB hereby ordered to Illl the va- cnnclcn cnue.e l by the expiration oC the tcrmi of ollldJ of the present Incumbents , viz ! Hrlrjailler BCIIPMI , colonels First and Second leBlments" , llcutonnnt colonelrirst nnd Second reRlnienti , nml major , rirat reRlment , Nebraska Nntlonnl Guard , The adjutant ceneral will have proper bal lots prepared , will be forwarded to the commissioned ollicers for their ttso In the election. Thcso ballots , Indicating the otllcer's choice of persons for appointment to the otllces named , must be returned to the adjutant general on or before I o'clock p. m. , April 8 , 1SSG. A bonrd of ofllecra , to consist of Hrlrr- adlcr Oencrnl r. II < Barry , adjutant Ben- oral ; Major W. Ii. Stark , judga ndvocnto general , nnd First Lieutenant M. Herpol- shclmer , I'"lrst Infantry , will convene at 4 p m. , Apill 8 , 18 % , In the otllco of the adjutant general , In Lincoln , for the l > . 'r- porc of oDvnisIni ; and recording the vote < ? of the < > -'iasloncd olflccrs of the National Qunrd. 1otcs will bo received or re corded utter the hour named for the meet ing of the board. Dilgadlor General L. W. Colby Is n. can didate fcr re-election. Tlio only opponent BO far mentioned to General Colby IB Colonel nel C. J. Bills of the Second regiment. Colonel John P. Brail of the First Is a can didate for re-election , with apparently no opposition. Captain G. R. Colton of company E , First regiment. IS a candidate for the llertenant colonelcy of the First , nnd Lieutenant - , tenant Colonel Wolcott cf Central City IP n candidate for re-election to the same office. Major Thpmas Williams iOf the First , Geneva , and Lieutenant Colonel DIs- cholf of the Second arc candidates for re election. Major Olson of the Second Is a candidate for colonel ot that regiment. Governor Ilolcomb returned this after neon from the Grand Island Soldiers' and Sailors' Home Investigation. Ho has taken the matter under advisement nnd will re port his findings In the case later. The governor today ofllclally appointed Judge William Neville of North Platte vice pres ident of the Transunlsslsslppl and Interna tional Exposition association. The Board of Public Lands nnd Build ings has returned ftom a trip to the Girls' Industrial home , Geneva. The members say that they made arrangements for an exten sion of the Bowerago work ot that Institu tion , and work will bo commenced at once. Today the condition of ex-Governor Thajer Is reported to bo moro favorable. Ho slept better last night than for same time past , nnd this morning was able to retain nourishment on his stomach. Tomorrow the "Crawford system" of pri mary nominations .ferocity officers will be trie ! for the first -time In the cipltal city. It has been modln > d Sn a few minor par ticulars , nnd Is now -termed here the Lin coln system. The city officers to bo nomi nated are a pollc'e Judge , water commis sioner. city englneer.jiclty attorney and an alderman from each of the seven wards. For nearly two Wedft * the hotel lobbies have been crowded Wllh all kinds , colors , and conditions of politicians. There Is a certain state of uncertainty connected with coming municipal political events thai haa hitherto been unknown in this clly. II is generally admitted 'thSt a nomination by the republican primaries Is equivalent lo an election , but ] In S&me quarters this is disputed , and antei jlectton knives arc hinted If ring maftlpultttbrp succeed In de feating the antlclpalcdl.tjftnsflls of the Craw ford-Lincoln syBtomi , J | [ ' .is eald that cer tain strong candidates ! for the nomination have Induced several'"straw" candidates tt place their names on the ticket , nnd have even gone so far as " lo pay Ihe necossarj assessment In order" to weaken the chances of other candidates Who are posing as rep rcsentatlves of Ihe "reform elemenl , " foi whose benefit the new system is said tc have been forced on the people. Pollllca mailers are , apparently , tonight In Lln. coin as warm as will usually bo found or the PVC of n hot presidential contest. The Elche & Lambertson Manufactures company of Lincoln filed articles of Incor poratlon today with the secretary of state The business of the concern will bo buylnf and selling patent rights and handling rea eslate. The capital Block Is $24,000 and thi Incorporators are Herman Elche , Orrln T Lambertson , Fred and Augusl Elche. The claim of Iho Helm Irrlgallon plan for water from Red Willow creek was al lowed today by the Slate Doard of Irriga tion. tion.Omaha Omaha people in Lincoln ; At the Lln dell L. KlrBChbaum , Ed Lysle , George M Weaver and wife , August Meyer , R. E Hughes and wife At the Lincoln W Molso , Jennlo Anderson , E. J. Griffith , San Bowman. Dlnjnite Over Fnrm I.nnil. BLAIR , Neb. , March 12. ( Special. ) Semi time since Hans Grimm of this place bough of Harrison counly , Iowa , nt public sal 1C1 acres of swamp land granted to thi county by the stslo , and proceeded lo hav buildings erected Ihereon. Laal Salurday J while his carpenter , Frank GrlOlth of thi place , and Hans Grimm , Jr. , were busll ; engaged at work , there appeared on th scene six or seven armed men In the cm ; ploy ofV. . A. Smith of California Junctioi and two loams. The workmen were orderei lo deslsl or risk life and limb. The In Iruders dro\o with their teams over th malerlal , elc. , and damaged them badlj Grimm and Grlfllth , being unarmed , wer compelled to stand submissively by durln | the work of destruction. Shortly nftcrwar an officer appeared with warrants for Grll f3 lllh and Grimm , charging them with tree w pass. They wore taken bofoia a Justice a Columbus Junction and admitted to ball 1 $100 lo appear Monday , which was furnlshet ( The defendants appeared and on a chang ot venue went to Modale , nnd were dlt charged. _ _ _ _ AlUKrci1 1'hynlclnii In 1'ronblr , OSCEOLA , Neb. , March 12. Polk county' ' district court Is grinding away. The cat that seemed to create the most Interest we that ot P. S. George , who was arrested t Stromshurg same tlmo ago for practlcln , medicine without having registered. 13 claimed to come from Lincoln and treate his patients by the Is'ylng on ot hand , an giving them roots and herbs. The case wt hotly contested , It tattjftg up two days tlir of the court , and Atr tliq jury retired only took a few rrjlnytos to flnd the folio guilty. A motion llasjoeen * made for n nn trial , and It will prondbly have to bo final ] 100 decided by the aupnulro court , 151 IliiHtliiKH lU-jnu'illtriuiN Confer. HASTINGS , Mart h , . ( Special Telegram The delegations /rom the Second , Thlr and Fourth wards to the republican clt ccnventlon , lo be "hejd tomorrow ovcnini held meetings this1' evening , The Secor ward delegation agreed "by a unanimous vol to present the nairfts'lafc. F. Morey to tri convention for the 'iiBmlnatlon for mayi and J. IV. 61ms waS'choscn for aldermai Tbo Third ward doUgatcs eelocted A , A Kerr for aldcrmaivt nd the Fourth wet delegation agreed unan Robert Drown fi Us candidate , Oily Hocln I Event. NEBRASKA C1TV , March 12. ( Special. ) S. The members of the Cinderella club gave "heart party" last ovcnlng which provi to ba one of the most enjoyable ted evenlB of the year , After playing a serl of games ot that popular card game , "hearts the floor was cleared an ] dancing waa 1 flulged In. Refreshments were served , Prlz he were won by Mtej Christie and Mr. J , i ' cd Thompson. _ > > Do u in ! pv v tor Ail ill ) ory. si' WGKPINQ WATUR , Neb. , March 12.- ee8' ( Special Telegram. ) The trial of Hezekli * Elliott on the charge of adultery prefern I'e by J , I. Looker , with whose wife ho w ali too Intimate , as concluded this crenli iiefcro Judge Harriett and Elliott wai boui 105 over to the district court. The sheriff to < th him to the county Jail. The trial wa rai and the court room wai crowded. AT TMU IIUMK IS OVKlt. nt oMIttutlon nf Mnrt llo r'- < Airnltixt AVIInnn ( Mourn , CinANI ) ISLAND , March 12 , ( Special. ) Last night's session closed the Investigation of the charges brought by Mart Howe against Commandant Wilson ot the Soldiers' and Sailors' homo at this place. It Is probable hat never In Nebraska was the good name of a state official or the reputation ot n woman brought In question on n flimsier showing than was made In this cnso. In his charges Howe spec'flcolly attacked Mr , Wil son's character as an officer and n gentle man , anil In his prosecution ho attempted to support this charge by connecting Mrs. Dates , president ot the Visiting board , and the commandant In untcemly conduct , It was shown that Ihey had made together Irtps to Kearney , Hasting * , Lincoln and Norfolk en official business , nnd had re mained over night at the came hotel , While nt Lincoln they attended n lecture together. H wa-9 also shown that Miss Peart Baker , a young woman employed nt the homo , was on terms of Intimacy with the family of Commandant Wilson nnd had vlsltcl the horn * ot the latter at the Invitation ot M sa U'-sa Wilson. It was. further brought out In evidence that the trouble with the hentlng apparatus , complained ot by Howe and cltol In sup port of his charge of employing Incompetent engineers nnd cooks , was due to the faulty Construction of the plant. It was shown that the brutality1 Id Uie Inmatoa complained of by Howe was committed under Ifs own orders nt a tlmo when Coinmandart | Wilson was absent at Chattanooga. None ot the six charges In the complaint were based on hot ter foundation than these. So far as the In- vesl'gallon ' Is concerned , were It not for the gravity of the allegations agalnsl the com mandant and the women , It Is a howling farce. The Investigation closed with last night's session. This was begun at half past 7 o'clock and continued until midnight. General Bates , the husband of Mrs. Bates , was put on the stand -and lesllfled thai lie had read Iho various loiters received by Mrs. Bates , thai ho had full knowledge of her \lsll to Kearney and to Hastings ; that he know of her going to Lincoln and attending Inger- aoH'a lecture In the company of Command- anl WlUon ; that his wife had Informed him ot this fact Immediately upon her return from Lincoln. He nleo reproduced a letter from Mart Howp , which , In reply to In quiry by him , stated thai all Ihu talk about Mrs. Bates had emanated from Colonel Wil son's side for the purpose of creating an enmity against him ( Howe ) . Miss Pearl Baker testified that she had nt times felt It nol exaclly proper to bo re porting to Commandant Wilson what other members of the homo said nnd did. She ated that now she was sorry eho had not iformcd Colonel Wilson of moro facts thai ama Into her possession nnd of moro of ho lalk thai was being made against him y Adjutant Howe nnd Mrs. Howe. Fred Thomas , an cmploje of the Palmer ouse of this city , testified thai Colonel Vllson never dined the telegraph girls at lot hotel ; that on one occasion the com- mandruit was seated at thoisamo table at ch those women were seated , but that ley paid for their dinner as usual In meal ckots , and thai Mr. Wilson paid for his Inner in cash. When asked how H Irans- Ired thai the hotel register of n certain ale was missing , Mr. Thomas stated lhal I was customary lo deslroy the registers vhen thev wcro full. Mrs. Zlmmer was also recalled and It waa town thai Howe had slarlcJ the rumoro gainst Commandant Wilson. Member Casper of the Visiting and Exam- nlng board was put on the stand , nnd , asked \hy ho did not give Ho e a chance to lie card before voting to confirm the discharge , tatod thai In his opinion Howe had been nly an employe , lhal ho knew Howe waa jol faithful lo his employer and had used anguago which was ungenllemanly and hat was all ho wanled to know , adding thai f any employe called him a liar , or worked n opposition to his Instrucllons , he woufd ol wait long before discharging him. Mrs. Howe was also pul on the stand. She enled that Howe had scolded the cook ; de nied that she had ever said Howe opened Vilson's letters and did all Iho business , or hat she had'ever tald lhal they were hotter han the old soldiers and ought to have bot- cr food. This closed Iho much talked of Investiga- lon. Messrs. Abbott , Smith and Stark , the attorneys for Mr. Wilson , stated that had It becn a c'.vH case they never wou'd ' have submltled any testimony for Ihcmselves , hero being nolhlng In the evidence brought ut by the complainant. Governor Holcomb stated this morning lhal hewould give a dec'slon In Ihe malter In the very near uture. n s\ow : IN KUHIIASKA. Hon - Pull IlopnHeil 1 Blniiy Conn- tlcM. MINDEN , Neb. , March 12. ( Special. ) A heavy snow fell yesterday Ihroughoul this county. WILSONVILLE , Neb. , March 12. ( Spe cial. ) A light snow fell heie all day yes- crday and last night. YORK. Neb. , March 12. ( Special. ) A Hghl sncw foil al this place last night. HOLDREGE , Neb , March 12. ( Speclal.- ) II commenced to snow hero about 8 o'elocli yesterday morning and Is still snowing , wltli > roEpects of continuing all night. Aboul , wo Inches of snow has fallen. GRAND ISLAND , March 12. ( Spcclal.- ) Thls county was visited by a snow fall ol over two Inches last night. There was nt wind , nnd the snow did not drift. A warrr day will thus give the soil a nice quantit ) of additional moisture. , DUNCAN , Neb. , March 12. ( Special. Isy About half an Inch of snow fell hero earl ; y Ihla morning , but owing to warmth In Ihi ° ground It was all gene at noon , BERTRAND , Neb. . March 12. ( Special.- ) d The recent snowfalls have placed the sol In a fair condition for farming. It Is carl ; to predict for the coming season , but I „ seem ? to b < 5 the gennral opinion that Phelp t county will raise a splendid crop this year. R of it IXiy In t ! .FREMONT. March 12. ( Special. ) Fcrdln f- 3- and Nowklrk , nn old resident of this county 3It died today , aged 75 years. Mr , Nowklrl Itn n lived on a farm northeast of town. He wa (1 very ccccntrlo In lila habits and well knowi throughout the county. Ho leaves n family Ho waa n native t.t Germany , PLATTSHOUTH , Neb. , March 12. ( Spe clal. ) The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Vivian who died In Lincoln Tuesday , occurred her thU morning. A largo number of friend from Lincoln and Omaha were present. Mrs Vivian has been a resident of this count : for twenty-seven years and was visiting li g Lincoln at the tlmo of lier death fror , dropsy. She was CO years old and leave six children. fiiiKf County Farmurn' IiiHtltutr. BEATRICE , Neb. , March 12. ( Special Tel egram. ) This was the second end closln ' day of the central Gage county farmer ! Institute. The opening paper today , "But Boiling , " was read by Elijah Fillcy. A. J Spatford read a paper on the "Value of Cor FodJer. " In the afternoon L. F. Power read a paper on "Fruit and Farm Garden Ing. " The atendanco was largo and all th papers wcro thoroughly discussed , br'ngln out many points. C. II. Elmcndcrf ot tli Turlington rtock farm talked on "Beef Cal tie , " presenting many new Ideas. The Inst ! tuto adjourned to meet at the call of tli executive committee. I'nHi. City Illicit Truck. PALLS CITY , Neb. , March 12. ( Special L , Knickerbocker and a company ot Fall City business men have leased Illnton's parl ono mile cast of thlu city , and are repalrin and flxlng it up In flno shape. The par contains sixty acres and la a beautiful placi It has a large wjlflclal Jake and a half-mil regulation race track Is being built , whlc will be ono of the finest tracks in tbo utati The company hag purchased the building on the Richardson county fair grounds an will remove them to the park. About flft races have already bfou booked for the can Ing season. DUtrict Km-iiininueiit Iuciic < 1. FALLS CITY , Neb. , March 12. ( Special The delegates of the Grand Army of tl Republic and Woman's Relief corps met 1 convention at the court 'house last night I the matter of the district encampment to I held next July. The Commercial club of th ! c'ty made them a proposition , guaranteeln fCOO to defray expenses and as a result tl encampment will bs held here. Fifty deli gatea from abroad were present. Tl : Woman's Relief corps of this city gave banquet last night to the visiting delegate NEW USE FOR SUCAR BEETS Excellent Quality of Spirits Obtained from the Juice , COST IS MUCH LESS THAN USUAL Smiiulcr * Count } * MmiS lnctitluit for Limiting n NolirniKit Product Proven * liivoHcn Ititle KTL- IUMIMC itnil Work. FREMONT. March 12. ( Special ) W. C. 1'oteiMii , who has been experimenting In dcvIMng a process for the manufacture of crude ) sugar from beets Imtj succeeded In making crude spirits from tlio Juice. This afternoon nt his residence In Saunders county In the presence ot Deputy Collector of Ucvo nuo Mathews of Omahi and n number of Fremont business men ho Operated his Mill for the first time , cud succeeded lu obtain- ig a rplrlt which was toMed byV. . II. runcr and reached the high point ot 140 , The juice Is first treated by n chemical rocew , upon which Peterson lins n patent , lilcli removed trim It all the albuminoids ud salts and Is then allotted to ferment , ftcr which It goes through the Btlll. The till used today was a cry small one , there olng only forty feet of pipe In tlio coll. 'ho liquor obtained with only one distillation na of a light milky color Riid was said iy Malhows to bo more like rum than any thor spirits , it had the general smell and ppearanco of raw spirits and had no vcgo- able taste. Both Mr. Mathews and Mr. 'etcrson are ot the opinion that by um- Ing It through a larger still and by redlotll- atlon the highest gradu ot alcohol can bo ibtalned. Tl.e bests used In today's test cro of 8 per csnt uugar content. The iiurlly oetllclont was not determined. Mr. Peter- on ciyo that bcotn ot as low a grade as 1 per : ent sugar can bo used , but of course the arger the sugar content the better the re mils obtained. COST OF TUB PRODUCTION. The cost of the pplrlts , ho claims , Ig much OST than that made from other substances and ho does not think that for the inanu- 'acturo ot the law spirits an exl&nilvo plant 3 necessary. THOM posted cit the inanu- 'acturo of spliltu arc of the opinion that a high grade of alcohol cin bo made from be Juice and that a large additional demand 'or ' beets will thus bo made. The juice used today was extracted from ho beets by pressure and the- salts and al buminoids removed yesterday. It only fer mented nbut twelve hours. Tomorrow I'e erson will experiment with some syrup lie has obtained from the Utah beet sugar 'actory ' and from which sugar cannot be iblnlned. The- experiments nero conducted with a , 'lew to obtaining alcohol , and all present are of the opinion that they were a suc cess. Mr. PeterMn Is still experimenting n the manufacture of crude sugar and plans are being matured for the erection of a fac- oryHo showed some syrup which ho had made from beets. It Is much better than that which ho had at the elate sugar con vention clear In color and with very little vegetable taste. It closely resembles the best grades of sorghum. Parties wh have tried it for cooking purposes are much pleased with It. IRRIGATION AS AS ART FnrniLTH Meet nt Itiislivlllr nml 1)1- CIIXH Moilerii ! ! < _ ' . hull N. RUSHVILLB , Neb. , March 12 ( Special. ) A meeting to discuss the Irrlgatlcn question was held at the court house yesterday. I. A. Port , state lecturer for the State Irriga tion' association , addressed the meeting at considerable length , duelling especially on the subject of Irrigation by means of wells , that being , In the opinion of the speaker , the source of water supply which must , In a , great measure , ncceszarlly be depended upn In this part ot the state. The ordinary farm windmill should net be used , being too frail and too slow in its pumping ca pacity. Strong mills specially manufactured for the purpose , with from five to fourteen Inch pumps , were the only successful ma chinery. In constructing storage reservoirs , tws , a small one and a large one to receive the overflow , should bo made. They should bo 'about two feet deep and to make them hold water. In the ordinary soil , they should ba surrounded by a fence and used as a feeding place for cattle until the bottom was thoroughly packed by the tramping. In sandy soils It was necessary to cover the bsttom with a layer of straw or hay and en top of that c'.ay from alkali flats or buffalo wallows before the puddling process was begun. Rev. L. 1' . Luddcii also gave an interesting talk , demoting hlmalf to the poultry In dustry and urging the organization ot far mers' Institutes , and before adjourning a farmers' Institute way organized , with the following officers : President , H. V. Was- mund ; oecretary. 13. L. Hcith ; assistant committee. W. M. Alexander , C. Pereton , W. P. Strothelde. A. M. Musselman. S. D , Higglns , J. P. Cummina and ilunry Clevlns. AxHnulfuil nit Oninlia AVoinnn. EMERSON , Neb. , March 12. ( Special Telegram. ) In Emerson this morning an Omaha barber , JInrry P. Miller , assaulted a woman named Clara Llpp , also from Omaha. Miller diew a razor and threat ened to kill her , A citizen Interfered and Miller fled , but was captured by a pobso oJ men under Constable Parmaleo In a corn field west of town. Ho was tried before Jus- tlco Warncck this afternoon and bound over to the district court. In the trial Mllloi testified that ho had lived with the woman for eight months. I < 'lnf < l for SlvnlliiK Cniil. FAIKMONTl Nuby , "March (12. ( < Speda Telegram. ) Joseph Layton , James Liytoi and AnneUa had their preliminary hcarlni on the cl'i-gu of stealing n. load ot coa from , a Kansas City and Omaha car las Saturday night. Aun tta. WUB dinchargec for want of evidence- . Joseph and Jame ; pleaded guilty to petit larceny and wen each fined 725 and costs , to stand commltlct until paid. _ u. Cleiver. NEHRASKA CITY , March 12. ( Speclal.- ) 01 Leonard and William Elaer engaged li an altercation and Elscr , taking up a hug1 moat cleaver , ( .truck Leonard nnd Inlllcte a torrlble wound. The loft ear w almoB severed from the head and a deep gash ex tends along the left side of the head am under the jaw. His condition Iscry crLU 'S ? cal , and a complaint will not be filed agalus Elnar until It ii seen whether or not Loon ard'o Injury will provo fatal. Not UN. Purnas county teachers wHl meet at Wll ftonvlllo Saturday , On en Lytlo and MltM Nora Baas of Oral ton were married \VolnesJay. Miss Anna Gappcn and Frank Dean o Casa county were married Wedneiday , Ell Johnson of Plattsmoutn hns been hoi t } the district court for clubbing Lulu Ram ago , The Hampton house of Holdrego , built i 1S90 at a cost of J3,100. has been cold t H , W. Scott. A Wllrrnvlllo dramatic company , comporc wholly of home talent , lias put on "Uncl Tom'a Cabin" In that loctlon. Frank Hclden and Anna Graves , x > cll kn young people of Duncan , were married i their residence- near Gardiner Wednesday. The case of the state against S. C. Stubt of Rradshaw , York county , charged wit buying god under false pretente , ws Wednesday dismissed by the county attoi ney. ney.Mrs. Mrs.V , D , Hadgor of Arlington > eslerda fell head-first to the bottom of too cells of her residence , receiving In the ( all se\ oral severe cuts and brubcs and cpralnln her right arm badly , The amount ot confidence that exists amor the farmers throughout Caca county in II matter ot a crop for 1S96 was never greau than now , Considerable spring planting ha been done. Everybody I * ready to comrncm tlio scattering of seed at the first advei ol tiprlug. Without doubt tbo mwt wonderful remcd for pain Is Salvation Oil , It Belli for 5c. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS | * J ! An adjourned mtctlns ot the city council was held last evening , all members being present except llulls. Mayor Johnston called the- council to order as a Hoard of Equalization to bear com plaints from property owners regarding the charge for removing garbige , which had Loan charged up against the property. An the garbage master Is out ot the city , the board took n recess Until next Monday night. The council was then callel to order. Walters , as chairman of the Judlclarr committee , reported fa\orably on the "cur- tew" ordinance. Under the provisions ot this ordinance children uiWlor the ago of 15 years will bo compelled to be oft the streets t 8 p. in. from October until March , and nt S 15 p. in , from March until Octobor. A fine cf $10 will bo Imposed Upon the of fending child If arrested and the pirrnti will be compelled to piy a line of $20 for each offcndo. An ordinance requiring the city treas urer to gl\o a bond of $200,000 wan read nnd referred to the Judiciary committee. The ordlnincD apportioning the tax levied for the I * nnd Q street \laducts was reid. Repairs on the Ij street bridge cost $2,7S2.G * and the tax was apportioned between the Union Pacific Hallway company and the Union Stock Yards company , each bolnrj assessed one-half of the cost. The Q street viaduct icpalrs cost $1.832.30 and the as- BCtvimcnt was dUldeil In the snmo way. This tax becomes delinquent In fifty dan after the passage of the ordinance , and the nmount dtaws 1 per cent Interest after the expiration of fifty days. . An ordinance providing for an arc light nt Twcnty-fouith and U streets was road for the third time and passed , Walters and Ulanchard voting against It. The Schlltz Brewing company requested permission to transfer a liquor llcervn ) from , 412 N street to Twenty-seventh and Q sticcti. Referred to the license committee. L. Lund pent In a communication stating that bo would bo willing to pay $20 tor a Junk shop license- providing no one else was allowed to open a shop of that kind. iTKio Judlclar oammltteelll attcixl to Mr. Lund's communication. Chailes Ortut notified the council that the California Petroleum and Asphalt com pany would commence repairs on the Twenty-fourth street paving na soon as the w cither permitted. Clerk Mnly roportul twenty-three deaths In February and twelve lilrths. Police court flneo In February amounted to $55. Walters ) called the attention cf the coun cil to the fact that the Brlggs building nt Twenty-fifth and N I'trccts was to bo con structed in violation of the flro limit ordi nance. To bring the matter , before the council In n proper manner Walters Intro duced n resolution Instructing the chief of pollco to prevent the erection of the build ing. The council voted down the resolution and then Walters read another resolution , i which Instructed the city attorney to draft on ordinance icpenllng the present Ore limit ordinance. This was" seconded by Ulanchard. Walters called the attention of the council i\ \ to the fact that U had refused to allow Mr. Abrams to erect a corrugated Iron building. Just across the street from the Urlggs location , and he did not think It right to allow ono man to violate the ordi nance and compel another ono to abldo by the lawi. Ryan wanted the ecctlon of the ordinance referring to corrugated Iron buildIngs - Ings repealed and not the whole ordinance. Blanchard thought that It the ordinance was not to be lived up to It might ag well bo ttrlcken from the statutes. The motion was lost. li ' 1'ri'Mciioc Wlmt Muri > > Mr. Joseph Murphy , cattle buyer for Ar mour & Co. , arrived In the city yesterday and spent tlio day In renewing old acquaint ance ! ! and forming ne\V ones. Ho will here after bo permanently lopated hero as buyer of both export and dressed beet cattle. The arrival of Mr. Murphy hero means that P. D. Armour will bo a .permanent . competitor on this cattle market for all kinds of catllo suitable for cither the dressed beet or ex port trade and that In the future the old excuse of "no market for heavy cattle" can not bo offered by either tihlppors of cattle or by these who are Inteiested In Boeli'K the I live stock In this territory shipped to some other point. The stock yards management is moro than pleased at the action ol Mr. Armour nnd will In the fututo allow shippers to bill catllo "via South Omaha" and If the market here la not tatlsfactory. Ute shipper may fond his cattle on to Chicago without any ex pense , the yard company making no charge for unloading nnd loiillng. Hurt In n llii > ia n > . Sam Wllltilr.i wan driving across the B. & M. tracko nt Thirty-seventh and L streets last night when his team becimo frightened at a train nnd ran away. Wlllulm Tvna thrown out nnd hio left leg badly cut. Ho was taken to his home , ouls'.do the city limits , and a doctor called. John Hamilton of liattletl , la. , Is In the city. city.T. D. Porrlno , Twenty-third and H strcels , Is Elck. Adolph Nomcc of Lexington , la. , Is visit ing City Clerk Maly. The First Ward Republican club will meat at Plvonka's hall this evening. J. W. Sanders of Sidney , la. , waa a vlPltor In the city yesterday afternoon. The Gr-nnana will hold a mass meeting at Plvonlu'o hall Sunday afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Prioitly of Blair are Usitlug Donna Allbory and wife. Dan Haniian is being talkc'l of as the democratic nominee for city ticaeurcr. John Looschcr , eashlcr ol the Snydcr State bank , wao \lsltor In the city yesterday. Mrs. IX T. Kenen , Twcnly-alxfh nnd O streets , has gene to Cripple Creek to Join her husband. The P. C. Calilv.ell club of the Fourth ward will meet thlu uvonlnj at Twenty-third and L nUcc-ts. A building ppnnlt ) ias been loaned to Clarion llradloy , who will erect a $1,000 jeuldenco on K street , near Twenty'second street. Thlu evening the Presbyterian King's Daughters will iivo ; a metal at Ihe rcsldcnto cf MM. Alvcrnon Tburlow , Eighteenth street and Missouri avenue. John Lcneck , Nineteenth and Q etrcctn , WEu'tukcn to St. Joseph liospltal > esterday , where an operation on u tumor In tbo utomach was performed , The boyo of St. Agnes' school will slvo an cntritalnment under the direction of the Sisters of Providence , Thursday evening at You HI ; MCH'H Institute liall. Councilman Ulanchard haa returned from Kansas City and says that ho will withdraw from the ma > orally rare , au he Intends to leave the city in a short time , The race now Is between Smiley , Hyland and Lane , Ill-Mi ot All To cleanse the syttciu In a Rcntlo and truly beneficial manner , when the vprlnKtlmo comes , uao the true nnd perfect imncdy , Byrup cf Flga , One brittle will answer for all the family and costs only CO cents ; the largo size $1. liny the genuluc. Manufac ture ! by the California I'lg Byrup Company only , and for cale by all druggUU ) . Will Kntrr ! > Petition. The county republican central committee held u meeting yesterday ufteinoon and In a few moments * the members In attcndanro set uMde tome of the work Hint the com mittee performed ut thu meeting held lait Hatuiduy , At that meeting It wu decided to hold caucuses for the imipjsa of vntlnjr for delegates to the county convention that la to 1m held March 28. Yesterday ufteinoon Itvan decided not to hold CUULUBCH In cither thu city or the county , but instead to irt tha nould'bo deleentes no In and tnake the flsltt bcforo the primaries liy petition. Headache U the direct result ot Indigestion nnd stomach disorders. Remedy those by using Do WlU'a Little Early Rlswrv , and /our headache dUsppeare. The favorite 111 * tie pills everywhere. UlKlT. PLANK Tifracl , flBcd CS , father of Dr , nnd Mr * . CarrlUcr. C. O. Plank , nt 181S& at. Mnry'H avenue. March II , 1KHI. l'"iiiierpl train Kountza Memorial Lutheran church , blxteentli nnd llarnty atreit * , Friday , 230 i ) . in. C'aillnitPH. . , Logunrpart. lud. , an-1 leUml , Ind. , pupeitf pluaso copy.