Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Hoivy Liqn'datlon in "Wheat Forced Prices
At the Opcnlntr There Were Imll-
cnllnnn Hint Oncrntorii I'cnrctl
DIIIIIIIKC to the Crop from
Colil Weather. ,
CHICAGO. March 12.-lleavy liquidation
In wheat todny finally hnd Us effect , nnd
Mny closed % o lower thnn yesterday nnni
figures , nfter selling HO nbove that price.
Corn nnd oats' each suffered ft loss of about
Uc , nnd pork nnd lard and ribs made ir-
rcgulnr recessions.
Wheat was nervous nnd somewhat irrcg-
ulnr , covering over le range. The opening ,
Indicated that some operators feared darn
ngo to tlio plant might result from the
cold weather , nnd for nn hour or more the
prevalence of thnt Idea was seen In a grad
ual , though not very material , ndvance In
Besides there seemed to be a
the price , ,
disposition to revise previous opinions on
the government report nnd give It n bullIsh -
bearish construction. The
Ish rather thnn n
market hnd apparently been oversold yes
terday , nnd the change In sentiment caused
shorts some alarm , nnd there wns nctlve
covering for a time , which soon put 'tho '
market up about. V5c over the close yester .
day. ' At .the advance the speculative offer.
Ings Increased , one broker being reported
ns having colii 400,000 bu. , supposed to be
for a llrm Interested largely In the pacK-
tng business * , and others follo\vcd nnd sold
too. Under tha Increased offerings , n weak
feeling set In , nnd the prices were carried
flown to the lowest point. Then cnrno Becr-
bohm'a estimate of stocks In Hussln , showIng -
Ing them to be about fi.BOO.009 bu. larger
than u ycnr ngo , nnd the weakness wan
Increased. The marlcet Btentllcd up n trine
on reports of liberal quantities being ; tnken
for export , but operators felt n little sus
picious of the reliability of them , nnd the
effect wns trifling. Mny opened a shade
lower , nt from Gpjic to 61 % . advanced to
from CGc to CBtfc. pit to ftiy.c. and back
to Cl'Ac. The market during the last hour
wan but poorly supported , ami gradually
weakened , the demoralized condition of the
Hour- market having some effect , 'and May
closed weak nt C4Uc > , . .
Corn was neglected , and the business done
wan extremely light. May opened un
changed nt SOVin. and held steady under
the Influence ot light local receipts , but
later eased oft a ttllle with wheat , closing
steady ut 30'fcc. ,
Oats were slow nnd fluctuations very nar
row. An easier leeling Wns manifested In
sympathy with wheat and corn , nnd linn ]
figures show n slight ret-esslon. May opened
fractionally hlghet nt 20c. gradually cased
olT , nnd closed nt 2uic sellers.
Provisions nt the opening showed the
usual result of o plethora of hogs , and
a heavy feeling prevailed throughout the
day. General liquidation caused still fur
ther reductions , and May pork closed 15c
lower , at $9.70 ; Mny lard , 2Vic lower , at
S5.45. and May ribs , 7'/2C lower , at o.20.
Kstlmatcd receipts for Friday : Wheat , 45
cars ; corn , 280 cars ; oats , 180 cars.
The lending futures ranged as follows ;
Articles. I ODjll. ill f u. | LJiV. I floii. !
March , . . . . U3H
Way 04ti 04 04W
June. CGVi
July CO
Corn , No 2. .
May 30 SOW
July ; am 31K
Sept. , 32
Oats. No. 2. .
" '
Mny "a'dji
July ! 0 } ( ,
Sept 21H 21JS
March P 55 u fin
May 0 8'2 0 70 D 70
July 10 oo 0 00 0 00
March 6 30 B 27M 630
May G 45 5 42 W 5 4D
July 6B7H 5 SS 5 55
March C 10 5 06 5 03
I ; May B-25 S 20 6 20
July S37M 5 32K 532H
I Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR Steady : -winter patents , < 3.DOiI3.SOj
winter straights. $3.003.60 : sprlne patents , J3.10JJ
3.W ; spring- straights , J2.WS2.90 ; bolters , $ i.l S
WHEAT No. 2 sprlnp , G2&663UC ; NO. 3 Bprlnt- ,
CS'/li 3fl : No. 3 red , CC > AGG5ie ,
CORN No. 2 , ZS'/ic ; N4o. 2 yellow , 29o.
OATS No. 2. 195ic : No. 2 white , f. o. b. , MHO
21'4c : No1. 3 white , f. o. b. , 19V5H20Hc.
RYE No. 2 , 38c.
UARLBY No. 3 , nominal : No. 3 , f. o , b. ,
23V4O24o : No. 4 , f. o. b. , 2j2c.
FLAX SEEID No. 1 , 89VjC.
PROVISIONS Mess polk , per bbl. , } 9.GO$9.C3 ;
lard , per 100 Ibs. , 5.30@3.32V4 ; short ribs , sides ,
lee e , { S.lOSj.l.l ; dry salted shoulders , uox d ,
4 % H c : short.clear sides , boxed. GQ5'te. '
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
POULTRY Market firm ; chickens , 73c ; ducks ,
lOiWe. ,
Tn following were the receipts ana shipments
todny :
On the Produce exchange today Ilio butter mnr-
kot wm Bte.uly ; crramury , 14Q lc ; dairy , 03
IKc. KITCH. btuady ; Iioali , 10 101c. Chucso , quiet ;
Quotation * of the Day oil Varloni
NEW YORK. March 12. FLOUR Receipts
28,100 bbls. ; Mports , 10,000 bbls. Market weak
with more disposition on the part of the holdcn
to force sales , but buyers limit purchase * ti
actual needs ; winter patents , (3.IU04.10 ; Mln
nesota patents , J3.C04f3.CO ; spring low grades
J2.pOff3.C5 ; winter straights , J3.C5O3.75. Ryi
flour , dull. Duckwheat flour , dull at 11.25.
CORN MUAL Steady ; yellow western , coarse
77 c.
c.HYK Quiet ; state , 40Q4lc.
1IA11L13Y HtMdy ; feeding barley. SSSlOe.
1IARL15Y MALT Steady ; western , 47 55c.
WHKAT Kxports , 20,300 bu. ; spot weak ; No
1 hard , 7GV&e , f. o. b. , afloat. Options openc <
weak , under lower cables and favorable croi
news , rallied on covering , but turned weal
and declined all day under ll'iutdatlsn , weal
cable nexva end bearish crop advices ; cl'lilni
nt % ( nV4c lower In the face of a good expor
buslnms at wntxiard points ; March closed a
7c ; May , 11'AWlVAc , closed at 71c.
CORN Rpcvliti | , (1,400 bu. : exports , 100 bu ,
rpot Irregular ; No. 2 , nominal In vluvntor. On
tbnu opened steady und advanced on fair buylni
orders , but subsequently gave way with wheat
closing WMik und V c lower : Muich closed a
! Sc ; Mny , UftifJCVic , cluicil at 55Hc.
OATH Ilccilil | , 108,000 bu , ; spot quiet ; No. 2
r > Viti % c. Options quiet and easier , with th
other markets ; closing He lower ; March closei
at 25Uc ; May , 2j < / U2S C-lte , closed at 25 Vic ,
HAY Steady ; vhipplne , bOc ; good to choice , ! >
IIOPB Weak : stale , common to choice , H9
crop , 2'if4c ; 1S95 crop , 3 8c ; I'aclfla uoait , IS'J
crop , 2'lUfc ' ; U05 cix.p , 3Sc.
IlinnB quiet ; Qalvoton , lie ; Duenos Ayrea
drj' . 10e : Trim , dry. So : California , He ,
LBATHKR-Steady : hemloclsole. . Bucno ;
Ayrc-w. light to heavy weights , 20c : ncld , 2H(23c (
WOOL Pull ; domtstla llcece , lG4J22c ; pulled
1'HOVISIONR-nctf , steady ; family , J10.001
II.OO ; betf hams , J15.00Q1G.OO ; packet hams , J9.00 (
10. W. Cut nicatu , sttady ; pickled hams , JS.5 :
9.M , Lard , linn ; we tvni sleam clos l at J5.I
tllb ) itlUied , linn , I'ork , dull ; mess , JlO.Wi
lIUTTKR-Rccclptii. 2.SCS iiVgs. ; firm ; wenter
crranier > ' . KfjISo ; RlKlns. 42c.
naau Receipts , 8.U44 pkKs , | * nsy ; state an
Pennsylvania , llUCUHo ; western , lie ; soutl
trn. IQOlOUe.
PKTltOLUUM-VIrm : United c ! ( < ed ot M.40.
ROBIN Steady at I1.70 L75.
ClIl3iHI-Receli.t , S.G73 pkBS , ; market steadj
large , CSJlOUo : Bimill. GClO&o ; part skims , 3'4 (
( a : full Fklmi. 2 3c.
TtlRPKNTlND-Qulct at UG23tc. }
lllCIC .Steady ; dumestlc , fair to vxtra , : ViQG <
Japan , ! % tT4c ,
MOLAKHiB Steady ; New Orleans , open kettli
peed to choice , . 7W33e.
rUANUTflBtfiulfancy ; hind picked , ) <
other domrstlc , : HO5c ,
MI3TALS Pig Iron , weak ; southern , $11,25 $
11.23 ; northern , IU.DOffl3.50. Copper , cosy ; brol
era * price ; J1D.62H ; exrtiango price , til , Lcai
steady ; brukrra' price , 13 ; exchange price , tJ.l
Tin. t-auy ; straits. 113.30013.35. 1'lutes ; weal
Bpt'lter , firmer ; domrstlc , J.10i7 . 'JJ.
COTTON BKBn OlI rQulet ; off grade * , 194 !
MCI butter grades , 2So ; prime summer ycllov
15025HO. _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _
City MurkctH.
KANSAS ClTi' . March 12. WIIBAT-Demai
light and nominally lower ; No. 2 hard , nominal
do ; No. 3. 45ff50 ; rvjectctl. nominally SlfjUOc.
CORN Very nrm ar.d nllghtly higher ; No.
nilxr < l , So : No , 2 while , &HC.
OATtJ-Flun ; No. 2 mixed , Ifri017cj ! No.
whit * . 19c.
RYK-No Z. JCc.
HAY-Hnn ; timothy , (9.50011.00 ; prairie , (5.00
1IUTTKR Steady ; creamery , 17C13o ; dalr
UQQS Unchanged at Sc ,
LONDON. March IS. At the wool auction sal
today a good catalogue \\ua cn * > rtti and m
with uplrltcj coniptttltlon , In which the co
tluentol buyei * llgurvd chiefly , AU medlu
merino * were in strong demand , anil we
taken chiefly by the coatlnmtal tujcra at ti
OKurrs. The American bu > ir bought llttl
Th number of UUc offered vrnre i : , WO , ot v hit
Soil were withdrawn , l-'jilowlnit r th 1r In
< 1dfl.ll : . .
New Ponlh Wnlcii , 411 bnlea ; neourwl , JldO
Is 7 < l ; eroany. S'vfflld. ( Jnetmalnnit , l.Mt Imlesi
iT-iiitrd. In iUiUiU M ; prensy. 0i 10d. Vic-
lorln , 1,7(0 bales , scoured , tMtfl * S'/t'l , Rrer/iy , ? l . Knulh AUctrftila. 1,311 bale * ; fcouriit ,
1ft 2'4.1 < 71 4Uj < li Rren > ' . tU SUJ , Bwnn rlrer ,
3M bnles ; Rrrniiy , 8d. New Eenlnnil , Z.JCI bnlesi
st-ourH , filBln 2.1i Rrcncy , 7H T11'4 < 1. rnio | n {
( . Hope nnd Nnlfll , 2,3'jO bales ; scoured , 7'.id '
Win I'W ; Rreiviy , 3'4 sd.
Condition of Trade ? nnil Quotations
on .Slnplc nnil Pnncr I'rotlncc.
EOO8 Fresh stock , 88\4c. ? \
nUTTER Common nnd old Rrndeii , 6JJ7a ; fair
to Rood Mock , SffSo ; chole * to fnncy counliy , 12c ,
VEAI Cholc fat. 70 in 100 Ibs. , nr quoted
at 7ltc ; Inrs : nnd conrsc , 405c.
CIIEKSE Domestic brick. llMc ; EJArn , per
doz. , $9.60 | Club houie , Mb. Jnrr. per doz. , $ J.M |
I.lmberifer , fancy , tier lb. . HHc ; noquefrl , "
Jar . per dot. , $ J.CO ; Touns Amerlcm ,
Twins , fancy , He.
roULTllY-Dre. se.l-Chlckcn * , choice , .
canrso nnd Inrge , 6 f7c ; ducl < , choice , lOOllc ;
lurkcyn , choice , I213ci ceesc , 8c.
HAV-Upinnd , $ SOO ; midland. $ t.M ; lowland.
$ l.09j rye straw , $3.60 ; color makes the price on
hay ; light bales sell the. best. Only top grades
brlnff top prices.
BIIOOM COItN Exlremely slow sale I new
crop , delivered en track In counlry ; choice ; reen
self-worklnir carpel , per lb. , SWc : choice green ,
riumlnt ; to hurl , 2Ucl commiin , IHc.
OAMl > - > 1nck snipe. $1 ; golden plo\cr , $1.23 ;
"mall rnbblts , $1 ; mnllnrd ducks. $3.M ; redheads -
heads , $3.50 ; canvnsback ducks , $5.00 fS.OO ; leiil ,
blue wins , $1.7502.09 ; tfnl , Rreen lnK , $1.W ®
1.75 ; mixed duckfl , SI.mR1.7ti : Cnnndn Kce c , $0.09
67.0) ) ; small Reea ? , $4.WW5.00 ; brants , $3.W.
I'lQICONS Live , $1W81.2. > ! < leaa plseons not
Nn\V TURNIPS-lper dozen" bunches , 75c.
CUCUMIIIJRS Per dozen , J2.25B2.50.
NIIW HiKTS-Per doten bunches. 7.'c.
TOP ONIONS Per dozen bunches , 20 2 ; .
1II5AD LKTTUCl'Per box. SI I per bbl. . $3.50.
SPINACH Per box , $1.25 ; per bbl. , $3.50.
TOMATOKS Florida , per six-basket crate , $4 00
CAnUAOK California eUh , per lb. , 2o.
POTATOES Fancy native stock , 30o : from
ntnr ? In small lots , 30T35c ; Colorado stock , 45c.
ONIONH-I'er bu. , 35 50c.
HHANS Hand picked navy , per bu. , $1.50.
HWIJET POTATOnS Choice stock , $2.75 per
CIJLnnr California , per dnz. , No. 1 , E5c ; No.
2 , 70f75e.
LIMA IinANR-Per lb. , 4HW5C.
WATER CR1CS9 Per 16-qt. case , $1.75.
Pin PLANT Hot house stock , per doi.
lunches , SOP5c.
STRAwnntlRIES-Texns , per qt. , Z'c.
APPIis Choice to fancy Hen r > a\ls , $3.50 i ; choice wine saps nnd willow twigs , $ I.OOW
4.J. ) . ,
ORANDnRRIES Jersey , $3.0006.00 ; boxes , $2.50
MAI > AOA ORAPnS-Per M-1b. bbl. , J5.003.50 ;
per C5 to 70-lb. cross , JSMfffi.OO.
ORANans California biiddud stedlinRB. fancy ,
$2.50 ; choice. J2.23C2.5o ; fanry navels , S3.2JW3.DO ;
choice. $2.753.0a.
LKMONS Me slnns , fancy , J.1.504J3.73 ; cho'cc ' ,
$3.00iJ'360 ' ! Cnllfornlns , $3.0iff3.2r. . "
HANANAS-Cl ) lcc large stock , per bunch. $2.00
O2.25 ; medium sized bunclun. , $1.5002.00.
OYBTERS-Mcdlumi. IBc : standards , 20c ; extra
telecls. 25c : Ilrnnch & Co.'s selects. 27c ; New
\ork count r , SOc ; standard bulk , per gat. . $1.10.
MM'LE SYRUP-Flve gal. cnns , each. $2.7S ;
sal. cans , per doz. , $12 ; j gal. cans. $0.2E : quart
HONEY Fancy white , per lb. . He ; choice ,
13c : California nmbcr color , 12c.
CIDER Clarified Juice , per half bbl. , ? 3 ; per
bbl. , $5.
HAUER KRAUT Per bbl. , $3.50 ; half bbl. .
FIOS Imported fancy , G crown , 30-lb. boxes ,
14c ; choice 10-1 ] . loses , 3 crown , lOfflllc.
DATES New Persian , 6Mb ( boxes , per lb. ,
6Hc ; fatds , 10-lb , boxes. ' per lb. , Me.
MAPLE SUOAR Choice , per lb. , 910e.
PRESERVES Assorted , 20-lb. palls , each ,
CO'COANUTS Per 100. $4.60 ; each , 5c
NUTS Almonds , Callfoinla , per lb. . medium
size. lOo ; Tarragona almonds , per lb. , large ,
12'/4c ; Drnr.lls , per lb. , Sc ; English wplnuts pnr
lb. , fancy soft shell , 12c ; medium size , lOc : fil
berts , per lb. , lOe ; pcnenns , polished medium ,
So ; large , 10c ; peanuts , raw , C',4G7c ; roasted , 7140.
BEEF Good steers , 400 to COO Ibs
WSGo ; good cows nnd heifers , SWOuVic ; medium
cows and heifers. 4 @ 5c ; good forequarters
cows and heifers. 3V40Jc ; good hindquarters cows
and heifers. V407e ; good hindquarters , steers ,
7'/4c ; cow rounds. 6c ; cow plates. 353'/lc : bone-
ICEB chucks , 4c ; cow chucks , 3Hc ; steer chucks
4c ; beef tenderlolnB , 20c ; beef rolls , Iwnelcss , 9c ;
sirloin butts , boneless , tic ; loin backs boneless
He ; loin backs , 7c ; cow ribs. No. 3 , 74c ! ; cow loins ,
No. 3 , 8',4c ; beef trimmings , 3c ; rump butts
MUTTON Dressed mutton , Co ; racks , 10a-
legs , 8c ; saddles , So ; stews , 3c ,
PORK DrcEsed hogs , 5c ; pork loins. G c ; spare
ribs. 60 ; pork shouldera , 4Sc ; pork shoulders ,
skinned , 5e ; pork trimmings , 5c ; tenderloins , 13c ;
plga feet , cleaned , pep doz. , 35c.
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , " each 250600-
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early .kins ) ' .
each 15c ; dry sliearllnga ( short wooled early
kklns ) , No. 1 , each , lOc ; dry sncarllngs ( short
woolcd early skins ) , No. 1 each. 60 ; dry flint
Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts ncr lb
actual w lEht. 5B6o ; dry Hint Kansas 'and Ne'
braska Murrain wool pclta , per lb actual
weight , 4O5c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per lb. . actual weight. 4 < 36ic ; dry Hint
Colorado Murialn wool pelts , pe ? Ib. , actual
welghtj 4O5c , dry pieces nnd bucks , actual
weight , 4 ? 5c ; feet cut oft. as It Is useless to
pay freight on them.
HONES In car lots weighed nnd delivered In
Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton , J12.00n.oodry
country , bleached , per ton , $10.008)12.00 ) ; dry
country , damn and meaty , per ton , SC.OOH8 00
WOOI Unwashed , fine heavy , 607c ; fine light
839c ; quarter blood , 10312c ; seedy , burry and
chaffy , 8O9c ; cotted nnd broken , coarse , 70Sc :
called and broken , fine. 6 jsc. : Fleece washed-
Medlum. 16O18c : nne , HSJlOc ; tub washed 16 { ]
ISc : black , So ; bucks. 6c ; toe locks , 2a > 3C ! dead
pulled. B8CC.
both properties whose money has bten for
long time past dlttilpated In the conduct i
expensive patents lum ) other legal cults. Aftc
thi rxcltlng manipulation ot the Industrial slum
of thu pait few days , a relief was today l
forded by n more general disposition to trail
In railway sharei. Louisville & Naihville an
the grangerv were In demand , and exhibits
drclded Htrength , u did most of the entire Us
Thu government crop etatlstics and the ci
puctatlon uf lira Increased dividend on St. I'm
worn the contributory Intluences on the l i
mentioned group. Violent changes occurred I
the Industrial ) ! , Tobacco retaining It * promlneni
with General KUctrlo ranking eecand.
Ix > ndon waa not a factor In the specult
tlon , althouKli the arbitrage tioutes bougl
some HI. 1'aul. The market opened with
nrm tone , and a more general distribution
trading. The dealing * In Tobacco wrre heavj
one transaction of 4,000 nburta belns noted t
79. The stoclf rote 1 % per cent , but at t !
lop natch liberal sale * occuned , and the In
provement wua not guitajned.
Tha ( losing , after an erratic course showed
imlu of l\i per cent on the day. Actlvlt
developed In utneral Ulwtrlo and an udvani
wa * made of 1 per cent. Late In the day. o
a rumor ot a hitch lu th. negotiation ! the Moc
wan fr ely offctfil , nnd .
H rlo f < l pr ciHi \infhnnitfil. . In thf grnernl ]
lift Iho rxtrftnc nalns wereIn IltirllnRlAn , IU
ptr cent , Rock Inland , IU per cnl | nd Rt. <
1'nul , Huunr. DjullllnK , RrndlnR tmd ( Vittnn
till prvfemO. 1 per rent , I > rnllnrii | In th e-
eurltlfn of the rcorKnn'ied Ilrlf rnllroad wrre
l-r-Kiin todny. The cvimmon utock nptntil nl KH ,
sold down In 14H , nnd clo fd nt I1H. The first
lireTrrrcrt mivxl Iwtwcfn 4DU nnil J9(40 ( , and the
M-cond prefrired chanRed bunds nt 24. The
general lira 11 bonds > old at GItG5. The raid
on Clonernl iipctrlo : nround I p. m. temporarily
weak ned Ihc tone of the Keneinl market , but
ti firmer lone dciploped on thp declaration of
thn St. Pnul ilhldfnds. The closing wns slronif
nt Rencral net gnlnn , extending to 1 per cent
In many sbnr n. Ilnllrnnd liondi were quiet ,
but generally nrm. The Irani4icllons ngprc-
cateil l ! > 25,000. Oovcrnment bvids were without
lmKirlnnt | chnnge. The dealings footed tip
I4.1HM. Renewed activity devclip'il In dllvrr
certificates , 150,000 being traded In nt G9'l ®
The nvenlng Post'n I/ondon cnhk'Krnm says :
Thr > stock markets today were quiet but iron-
trally lictter , mainly on reports that the
Venezuelan matter Is practically sclllcd. This
report In not confirmed , but It Is pretty B I-
omllr credited. Americans were consequently
Rood , nnd If th news Is true , Imnds of the
liMt American railways nrc likely t ndvnnco
noon , Therp wns n. smart recovery In mlnej ,
A Chinese loan of 18.000,000 will probably bo
Issued here nnd In Hcrlln , nml In about n fort-
nlRht. Thr- Hank of KnRland'n weekly rclutn
Id fenturelpi" . The public depo'ltn have fur
ther InrrpHBed 1624,000 , The coin nnd bullion
nrc tSfi.o-w lox , nlthoiiKh tlS.Od ) in gold net wmi
Impoitrd , detnlln belUB 79.000 Imported from
Holland nnd 101,000 exported to Montevideo.
The bank has declared n dividend of 4U per
cent for the half year , the snmn ns last time.
The > Paris bmnsc wns firm , clo lnR under the
liost. At Hcrlln , tlv > m rkt > t was nrm , on n
belief Hint the bourse reform BChcmo would bo
The follonlnc were the closing quotations nn
the lending stocks of the New York exchange
today !
The total rales of stocks today were 200,732
shares , including : American Tobacco , C0,40ij ) Chicago
cage Gas , 3,000 : DlFtllllng nnd Cattle Feeding ,
12.SOO ; Erie , 4,000 ; Louisville & Nnshville , 4,000 ;
11. & . " \V. 1 * . cts. , third assessment paid , 4,300 ;
Rock Island , 13,900.
New York Honey 3IiiPk t.
Easy at SW314 per cent ; last loan , 3'i psr cent ;
closed , 334 per cent.
STERLINa EXCHANGE Basle * ' , with actual
buslncs.H In bankers * bills nt N.ST iSH.fcS for de
mand , and J4. C7iffJ.87 for sixty days ; pojteil
rates , J4.87V4ff4.88 | , and J4.8S54 for demand ; com
mercial bill ? , J4.8J. ( !
GOVERNMENT BONDS Firm ; state bonds ,
dull ; railway bonds , firm.
Closing quotations on bondi were ns follows :
U.S. 4s , re ? . , now. 11 OX c. P. istBor'03. . . . 100
U. S. 4Bcoupnew. HUM D. A II. 0.78 lii :
U. S. GB.retr 112)4
U.S. us , coup 112 ? <
U.S. 4s , re ? 108 O. II. & .S.A. Os , . . . 105
U.S.-Iscoup Ill O. II. &S.A. 7s. . . . 10. }
U. S. HB.reff 05 II.&T.C. OS 110
PaclIlcllBOf'03. . . 102 doOs 100
Aln. , cUas A. . . . . . . 108 M. . K. & T. 1stIn. . . SO
Ala. . class Ii 208 doiM-ls COM
Ala..cliHBC 100 Mutual Union OKI. 115
Ala. Currency 101 N.J.C. Gen. OB. . . . 117 M
La. Now Con. 4s. . 07K No. Paoltio latB. . . 117
MlsHourtGs. . . . . . . . 100 do2da 112H
N. C. ( Is 122l < N. W. Consols I.'ISJI
N. C. 48 103 do S. F. Deb. 5a. . 111
S. C. noiifuud ) < n. a. west. ists. . . 7ou
Tcnn. new Bet ns. 83 St. P. ConHOln 7s. . 128
Tcnti. noWBet 08. . Ill doC. & .P. W. Bs. 113
Tcnn. old Oo 60 St. Tj. & I. M.Gen. 5 70H
Vn. Centuries 01 St.L.&S. F.Gen.'G. lOUh
do deferred U TCX.IB P.ic. iBtB. . . HO
Atbison 4s do 2dB 237 |
Atchlnon2dA U. P. iBtsof 'OU. . . . 10 !
C.inndaSo.2da..i. West Shore 4s 1051i
L. & N. unified 4s. 70 N.Pae. 3ils 82
O.R. AN. iRts. . . . 100 Southern 6s 00\
Uonton Stock Quotations.
BOSTON. March 12. Call loans. OS3 per cent :
time loans. 537 par cent. Closlnj prlcai for
stocks , bonds and mlninr shares :
Sim Frnnclico Mlitliie : < l otntloutt.
SAN FRANCISCO. March I'-Tho omclal closln
quotatloiiH for mluhic stocks toJ.iy were as fol
lows : ,
Alia 14 Julia 4
Aloha Con 12 Kentucky Con 4
Andes 27 Mexican 52
llelchcr 20 Mono 0
Host A nolcher. . . , U7 Mount-Diablo 15
IlodleCon 20 Occidental Con. , . , 07
million 10 Ouhlr 120
lUilwcrCon 24 Overman 12
ChalleneoCon 3D Potosl 42
Chollar 40 S.ivat'o 31
Confldcnco 80 Scorpion 3
Coti , Cat. A Va , . , . 100 Sierra Nevada 01
Crown Point 32 Union Con. . , D7
Exchequer 3 Utfth Con 7
Gould A Curry , . . . . 30 Yellow Jacket . . . 31
HaloANorcroBB. . 110
Silver bars , 03J < c : Mnxlcnn dollars , 55 3530
ulclit drafts , par ; tolesraplilc.pj'r.
New York MInlnir ( luotntloim.
NEW YORKMarch 12. Tlio followlnj are thi
closing mlnliiK quotations :
llulwer 18 Ontario 1UOO
Chollar. 40 Ophlr. , . , . IfiU
Crown Point. , , , , , 40 Plymouth 20
Con. Cal. A Va. . , . 150 tulckstlver 250
Di'iulwood 80 tulcktillver prd.,1450
Could A Curry , . . . . 25 Jlo.T.iNovada. , . . , Ul
HnlaANorcrasB. . 100 Standard Con 175
HumcHtako V'JOO Union Con G5
IronHllvcr , 21 Yellow Jacket. . . . 30
Mexican BO
London Stock Qtiutntloni.
LONDON , March 12. 1 p. in , closliiffi
CoimolH , ni'.y 10011 Mexican ordinary , 20) )
ConBOlHacc't.lU9 10-1U St. Paul coin 70 !
Ci n. Pacific G7 N , Y. Central 100
Krlo 1UU Pennsylvania. . , , , . 65i
Krlo'JiU 76 Ucadlni ; . , , ! 0
II ) . Central OU)4 ) Me * . Ceil , new 4s. . 72 !
UAH SILVHH 317-Kd per ounce.
MONUV UOK Pcr cent.
The rate of discount In the open market fc
ehoit and three months' bills Is 11-10 per cent.
Korclflrii Iliuik Stiilenifiit.
IjONDON , March 1Z. The weekly statement e
the Hank of Knt'Iand , letucd ttxlay , shows tli
following clmnKfs , as compared with the pruvlou
account ; Total nseru * . Increase , W3U)0 ; ell
culatlon , Increase , 1333,000 ; bullion , decreure , i > 5
797 ; other pecurltles , decrease , fW3.0i i other di
noHltH , ilecri'ane , fkM.OOO ; public deposits , lncrea i
J6,324,00i ) ; notes rtnenr , Increase. i71,000 ; goverr
ment tmirllles , unchangud , The prupuitlon c
the Hank of ICnKland'o reserve to liability , wblc
lust week was C1.83 fer cent , la now t > 2.46 in
* 1'AHIB. March 12. The weekly statement <
the llanlc of l'"rance , lusuetl today , eliows the fo
lowlnt' cliaiiKi's , ns compared with nho prevlot
account ; Notes In circulation , decrease , 16,000uooi
treasury accounts , current. Increase , 8,315,000 ;
Bold In hand , decrease , 4,025,000f ; bills dlecountei
decreaie , Z7,87i,000f ; ellver In hand , decreas. .
Cotton Jlurltct.
NEW ORLBANB , March 12.-COTTON-Stcadl
middling1 , 713-Kc ; low middling' , 7 7-lCc ; KCK
ordinary , Vloi rvcoliitu , 2,874 bales ; groin rvcelpt
3.ZS8 bales ; sales. 2.000 baits ; stock. 2bC,7C7 bales.
BT. IX1UIB. March 12. COTTON Steady ; inl >
dllne , 7 0-lvo ; alm. S6G bales ; rrcelpts , 71 ! balei
shipments , l.SM l > alca ; stock , C3.16S bales.
NHXV YOUK , March 12. COTTON Quiet ; mli
dlini ; , 7Vc ; rccelnta , none ; forwarded ; none ; ta'e
155 bales , all tplnners ; stock , 170.391 bales.
Suitur Hurket.
NEW YORK. Marcli 12.-SlJCIAH-Haw. easlei
ealea , 4 $ lilnlu. and 2.8J1 bags Muscovado. I
teat , at 3c , ex-wharf and ex-store ; rtflnet
1X5NDON , March It-SUQAH Cane , uulel ar
unchanged. Ueet , dull ; March and April , t
Dry OootlM Mnrkct ,
NEW YORK , March IB. Dullness reflected coi
ddcrable Impro.ement in the way of mull an
. , . order * from the Inlerlnr find moic din-
Innt market * of nenrnmht * ( roods , and UK col-
lit the fairs \verc Infite .In th * Jobbing hou e < i
there wns tnnre biixmeM * dolnn , with Iho otil-
liioK mure tnronrrnlnjrHKaiio monlh pitinr .
KALI , II1VKII. MHM. Mnrch iz.-1'rlnt dollm
vtry dull ; quoted nl ft H-JBo.
11 M- -
l.lvoriioMlS' - "
. March \VHBAT-t > cmancl
pour ; No. 2 red wMHerr f > " * W'l ' N" . * red
sprlntf , stock * exhausted , Nd. 1 hard , Manitoba.
r. M ; No , 1 Cflllforricn..In 7d. Futures opened
stonily , with n nr nnd distant positions Vid lower ,
clc.scrt slendy with Jtim-iit > < l July Uil lower nml
nlher months nnchnnRed from ytsterdny'n clos-
Inx ; Imslnts * nloiit t > mlly dldtrllmled ; March ,
Cs 6Kd ; April , M Hid ; Mny , Da 6dJ June nnd
July , ( s ( . > , ( ! ; AuRUsbAti ) M.
COIIN Spot steady1 ' Alnerlcnn mixed new , J
I'4d ' , Kuiures opened slendy nt uncbnnRCd
prices ; closed ilendy , with July Ud higher nnd
olher monthjR iwichanEfd from yesterday's clo e ;
binlne nbout equniry".IIslrlbutcd ; March , 2s
Did ; May , 3s Id ; Juno,13s fid ! July , ti 1W
AiiRiiit. 3 2d , / . .
KIXJuH Slendy ; dcfilnrla paor ; St. Louis fancy
winter , 7 6d. unit !
rilOVISIONR Dacon , iileady ! demand pcor ;
Cumberland cut , M to-JO Ibs. , 2S Cd ; short rlba ,
2S Ibs. , 27s Cd ; loni ; clenr , light , 38 lo 45. lb . ,
2m ; Ions clear , heavy , 65 Ibf. , stocks exhausted ;
Bhort clear backs , llshl , 18 Ibs. . 27s : fhort clear
middles , heavy , Cfi ll , , 27s ; clear bellies , 14 to
16 11 . , I7 . .Shoulders , tquatc , 12 to 18 Hi * . , 2la
M. Ilnms , short cut , 14 to 16. llrt. , 37s. TnlUiw ,
nne North Amcrlcnn , 20 } M. lle f , extra India
mtfo , rim 6d ; prime mes . Mi M I'ork , prime
mtst. nne western , Ms ; prime mc-w , medium ,
4o Cd. Ijird. slendy ; prime western , 27s ; re-
fln .l. In pnll.i , 28s.
CHBnsn Quiet ; demand poor ; finest American
white nnd colored , < 2s.
lU'TTCK -nevt | I'nlled Slnle * , 00 > ; pood. COs.
OILS Turpentine tplrlln , WsGd ; rosin , common ,
4s 9d ! colton e 'l oil , Liverpool refined , 16s M ;
Ilnrecil oil. 10s lid.
° " ' "
' rCCl ' ' '
hlndquarler ! 4T4d.
THIACHINO I'ownnn-iinrdwood. f. o. b. ,
Liverpool , n.
HOI'S At LomlAn d'nclflc ccnst ) , 2.
St. TjOtiln Ciciiernl Market.
ST. 1XJUIS , March 12FLOUIl Easy , but not
uotnbly lower.
AV1IKAT Lower ; No. 2 red , C9c , Plevnlor ; 72Ji
3 > tc. irack ; May. l'ic ' ; July , Clc.
COIIN Ou > h , better , 26'ic. Options , lower ;
lay , S6HO26T4c : July , 2SJTMHc.
OATS Oa h , slendy ; lso bid ; May , lower ; 20c ;
uly. 19',4c. '
UVll-Nonilnal ; 8 < IT53c.
COIIN M13AL 1.3uf1.40.
I1IIAK Dull : 4c ( bid , past track.
FLAX1 SIlliD-Qulet ; S3 > ic.
TIMOTHY SHKU $3.0 n3.Bn.
HAY Firm ; prairie , $3.5067.50 ; timothy , $8.000
1.5" ,
IIUTTRII Quiet ; creamery , ISffZIc ; dairy , 12jf
; SSc.
WHISKY Stendv : J1.22 ,
LHAll-Dull : J2.SO bid ! J2.S214 nskeil.
SI'ELTKR Nominal ; } 3.9i ) .
POULTRY Tuikejs , 12c ; chicken ; , 6V47c ;
uckn. Oc ; Kee.ce. r > Uo.
PROVISIONS Pork , lower ; new , J9.S7U : old ,
' .3714. I ird , lower ; pilme. $5.05 ; choice , $3.15.
Incon , aulct : boxed shouldeis , S3.M ; longs nnd
llu , > r.C2'i ; cleared. J.1.75. Dry salt meats ,
boulders" , 14.73 ; longs , J3 ; ribs , 5V4c ; clear , BHc ,
RicniPTS-rinur , 3.000 bbls. ; wheat. 12,000
u. : corn , 58.000 mi , ; oats , I3 , < HIO bu.
SlllPMENTS-Flour , 3.000 Will. ; wheat , 4,000
u. ; corn , 0,000 bu. ; oats , 7,000 bu.
Co ( Tor Market.
NEW YORK. Mnioh 12.-COFTOE Options
pened steady at 55J15 points advance ; ruled
itilet , but ecnemlly firm , im favoinble foreign
dvlcea nnd European buyliiB ; advance arrested
iy local selling ; eloped Mcadv nt 5fT15 points net
dvnnce ; sales , 11.000 bags. Spot coffee , Illo , firm ;
Vo. 7 , 13ic. Mild , nrm ; Cbrdovn. ICHWISc : sales ,
,000 bags Mnracalbo , p. t. , nnd 1,500 bags llucarn-
naga , p. t. AVaichouse deliveilea from New York
esterday , 4.BS3 bags ; New Ytuk Block tcday , 191 , .
jS5 bags ; United States stock , 227,493 bass ; alloat
or the Unllcd Slntea , 243,000 baga ; total visible
upply for the Untied States , 475,493 bags , against
23.427 bug * last ynr , " *
SANTOS. March 12. Quiet ; good average Rnn-
08 , ) I3.00T2).00 ; receipts , 2,000 bags ; slock , 212-
MO bags.
HAMI1URG , 12.-Qultt ; unchanged ; rale ,
1,000 bags.
HAVRD , March 12. Closed Vif advance ; half
RIO , Mnrch 12.-null ; No. 7 , $14,50 ; ex
change , 813-lCd ; receipts. 1,000 bags ; cleared for
be United States , 10WO' bags ; stock , 115,000 bugs.
Toledo < 1 nil 11.
OATS Quiet ; No. 'llmlxSd , 20' , c ; No. 2 while ,
! 2c ; May.
SHIPMENTS \Vheatt-J E0 bu. : corn , BOO bu ;
oats , 1,000 bu. ; cloverfseed , 1.559 bugs.
Poorlnt JlnrUefs.
PEORIA , March Izr-rJCORN Steady ; new No.
2 , 27Kc ; new No. 3. 27'Jc.
OATS Inactive but"teaily ; No. 2 white , 20'J ®
? tc : No. 3 white. lOWOlOHic. ,
RYC Dull nnd non > lriolfs'o. ! ; 2 ,
SHIPMENTS Corn. 10.900 bu. ; oats , 81,500 bu , ;
rye , none ; whisky , 523 gnl. ; wheat , 11,400 bu.
MIniicniioIla AVhcat.
MINNEAI'OLIS , March 12. WHEAT Weak ;
March , B9Hc ; May , B9V4@50c ; July , C04001c. !
On track. No. 1 hard. G > U601c ; No. 1 northern ,
69'4o : No. 2 noithcin , 5S'ic : receipts. 272 cars.
FLOUR First patents , J3.15O3.00 ; second pat
ents , * J.CHff3.13 ) ; Hrst clears , $2.00 ; second clean ? ,
$2.10 2.20. _
Financial Notcn.
BOSTON. March 12. Clearings , $13,032,813 ; bal
ances , $1,808,038.
NEW YORK. March 12. Clearings , $ S4,144OS5 ;
balances , $4.792,423.
DALTIMORU March 12. Clearings , $2,765,040 ;
balances , $442,490.
PHILADELPHIA , March 12. Clearings , $9,184-
S41 ; balances , $1,531,782.
ST. LOUIS , March 12. Clearings. J4.012.1C4 ;
balances , $58,3S1 ; money , quiet , GjfS per cent ;
exchange on New York , 23c bid ,
WASHINGTON. March 12. The treasury today
lost $131,300 In gold coin and $30,800 In. bare ,
which leaves the true amount of the reserve
CHICAGO , March 12.-ClearlnRs , $14.493.788 ;
money , steady at C7 per cent for call loans
nnd for commercial paper ; New York exchange ,
BOc discount ; foreign exchange , steady ; bankcis *
London sterling , $4.8704.88.
Foreign Fliiniiclal Affairs.
BERLIN , March 12. Exchange on London ,
eight dnjs' eight , 20 marks 44 pfg ,
PARJS , Mnrch 12. 4 p. m. Three per cenl
rentfn , 102f SOc for the account ; exchange or
London 25f 20'ic for checks.
LONDON , March 12. The Bank of England'i
rnto of discount remalnu unchanged at 2 pel
cent. Gold Is quoted nt Buenos Ayres todaj
t 210.BO ; nt Madrid , 19.25 : at Llslon , 2C14 ; ai
St. Petersburg , 50 : at Athens , 77 ; at Home
110.30 ; at Vienna , 103.
DON I on CniiltiillNt * Kit Ont
terloiiN K.viieilltlon.
SAN FRANCISCO , March 12. A myste
rlous expedition left today for Alaska. The
schooner Kxcelslpr was chartered and EC
quietly was the matter carried out that the
owners of the vessel , C. A , Hooper & Co.
know hardly anything of the plans of tin
Last year some wealthy citizens of Bostor
heard rumors of Immense gold-bearing de >
poults at Cook Inlet , and A. Fennock , an ex
perlcnced miner , was sent up to view tin
country. Pennock made a thorough searcl
for the shining metal and In his opinion hi
was successful beyond all question.
Pennock , with a few friends , at onci
measured off ten acres of land which showec
gold from tha grass roots on to bedrock
Water rights were secured and the proa
pcctora washed out a few ounces and starte <
for Boston. The gold Is both flue am
coarse , and the mint hero values It at ? 1 <
per ounce. , ,
The Boston Investor Incorporated as tl
Alaska & Boston company ana $100,000 wai
paid In , Henry B. Spaiildlne and O. T. W
Braman , the latter belftR at tha head of the
West Side electrical KfaOs , cameto this clt ;
and at once began rftenaratlons for the ex
pedltlon. _
Tlio destination ,9 ? , jtho expedition ha
been most carefully guarded , but It Is knowi
that the objective -polht Is about twent ]
miles from IlesurrectloA creek at the heac
of Cook's Inlet. o <
Govcrnnirnt oniis\ti\H \ Iteaily to Sto ]
.1.nrore Scale.
NEW YOHK , March r , 12. After , consider
able work In and around New York by gov
cmment officers tho'i first public move ii
what will tend to break up an alleged bl |
scheme to smuggle Chinese Into this coiuitr ;
waa made 'when Thomas Burns was arrestei
and locked up In the' Essex county Jail on i
charge of perjury. Ho In accused of swear
Ing falsely to a pissport which enabled i
Chinaman , whose name IB for the prcen
withheld -by the authorities , to cross th
Canadian border In Vermont on the ground
that the Chinaman was engaged In bualnes
ut Newark. Burns was arraigned befor
United States Commissioner Whltohcad ani
after pleading not guilty was Bent to Jail Ii
default of $500 ball , pending a hearing.
According to statements madb last night , I
is the belief of tt , government officials tha
a gang of Chinese with nhrewd allies Is doln
mi extensive business In bogus passports
Their headquarters are In Newark.
Hot Enough Fat Oattlo Offered to Make n
Showing ,
SntlNfnciory to Seller * on All
Ornilcw HOUTH 0ion | Slow Init
Up nnil Clone
, THUnSDAY , March 12.
Receipts for the days Indicated arc :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horscn.
March 12. . . . , 1,338 401 D23 19
March 11 , . , . . . . , . , . 1,391 B.CS5 OT Z\
March 10 2,237 6ins 1,318
March 9 1,798 1,12.1 914
March 7 1,002 4ZSS 251 23
March 0 , , . 1,783 3.K37 1,101 28
March D 1,053 3,570 293 . . . .
CATTLE The receipts of cattle were
about the same as yesterday , so far ns
numbers were concerned , there being 1,338
hero todayus ngnlnst 1.391 for the previous
day nnd 1,698 on Thursday of last week.
As expected , Armour & Co.'s buyer ar
rived from Chicago nnd was on the market.
The market was In A very satisfactory con
dition nnd all grades and kinds of cattle
eold well , and the pens were cleared early.
With only fifty-eight loads of cattle of
nil kinds on sale , nnd a part of them con
sisting of butchers' Block nnd feeders , there
_ were not enough fat cattle In the yards to
"make very much of n showing. With the
demand active nnd buyers enrlv In the
saddle the offerings did not last very long ,
everything changing hnnna In good season.
It was , summed up In n few words , a
good , strong nnd active market. Among
the offerings were some right good cattle ,
and one bunch of 1,286-lb , steers brought
JUO. -
In the way of butchers' stock there was
not much In the yards to test the market.
Only eight loads of cows nnd heifers were
offered , nrfd they met with prompt sale nt
steady tg strong prices.
Stockcrs nnd feeders were also In light
supply nnd good demand , selling readily
nt fully steady prices. Representative
lales :
Mo. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
7..1057 $3 10 4..1 < H2 $3 55 40..11T8 $3 75
I. . . . 7SO 323 10. . . . S20 3 W 21..1409 3 SO
3. . . . 903 325 20..11W 3 G2ifc M..1492 3 SO
I..1310 3 : r > S2 , . . , M4 3 CJ 14..1193 38' ' )
1. . . , 82i > 325 9..1101 3 G3 38.13i52 380
1..1110 3 23 2..1020 3 05 16..1162 3 SI
3..1570 333 1S..12M 370 2..I1SO 3 S3
37. . . . 097 343 19..UM 370 7..12S5 3 S3
3..1100 3 DO 3..1M6 370 TO..1493 39)
1. . . . 700 350 I2..12.VI 370 40..13S3 3 ! > 0
0. . . . SC9 350 21..1237 3 75 14..1173 3 90
1..1200 350 IS..1243 375 H..1410 393
11..14M 360 19..1143 3 T5 11..1411 4 O )
0. . . . 9SC 365 13..1359 3 7u 15..iSi ( 410
1. . . . 720 100 3..1050 240 1..11CO 275
1. . . . SM 150 1..10CO 240 3. . . . 813 275
1. . . . 'CO 1 85 1..1020 240 3. . . . WO S 75
1. . . . 770 183 2..lO'iO 243 2..1330 2 TO
1. . . . 9SO 190 3..1020 2 f.O 10..1012 280
B. . . . 850 190 10. . . . 9S3 250 1..12.10 280
1. . . . 7SO 200 1..1J90 250 1..1170 S SO
1. . . . 020 200 1..1040 260 4..1190 280
1. . . . 950 200 2..130 250 1..12.V ) 280
1. . . . 800 200 3..10SO S 55 11..1022 285
1..10W 200 1. . . . 910 265 1..1210 283
3..1110 210 1..1100 255 3..1JM 290
1. . . . 750 215 3..1190 255 1..I1SO 290
1..1030 2 15 1..1MW 2 63 2. . . . S03 2 90
5. . . . 974 215 2..1100 2 CO G..t83 300
1. . . . 810 215 4..1075 2 CO 15..1251 300
1. . . . 930 22 < J 1..1I30 200 1..13'0 300
2..1023 223 1..1030 2 CO IS..1013 300
. .873 2K H..12SO 2 C5 1..1140 300
. . . . .1075 225 1..1370 203 8..93C 3 O )
3..10SO 223 B..120S 270 1..1140 310
1..1140 223 2..130D 275 13..9-14 310
3. . . . MH1 330 7..1145 275 9..S61 310
1. . . . 9M 230 4..1100 275 1..K.2. ) 323
1..1100 235 3..1100 275 10..13M 323
1..1140 233
3. . . . 430 22S 2. . . . 725 275 4..1370 323'
7. . . . 7C3 210 1. . . . C40 275 1..1MO 323
4. . . . 515 2.10 10. . . . GOD Z 90 1..410 323
1. . . . 030 250 1. . . . 791) 300 4..1037 335
1. . . . 4W 203 1. . . . 900 300 4. . . , S37 335
1. . . . 830 265 13. . . . 917 SCO 4. . . . 445 303
3. . . . 596 2 70 6. . . . 60S 3 15
1..11SO 215 1..I130 203 2..1510 285
1..1500 215 1..1S10 270 2..1S10 290
2..1350 230 1..1540 270 1..1790 290
1..13JO 2 3'5 2..1300 275 1..1330 300
1..1300 250 1..1200 275 1..K40 300
1..1750 250 1..17CO 280 1..HW 323
1..1010 250 10..1107 380 1..1C30 325
2..1530 2 CO
1.-.11SO ' 2M 1..1C90"3 DO 10..1270 350
1..1C20 32i
1. . , . SCO 225 3. . . . 290 3 BO 1. . . . 240 600
1. . . . 310 240 1. . . . 303 355 1. . . . J30 600
7. . . . 394 260 1. . . . 90 4 BO 1. . . . 140 500
1. . . . 290 300 1. . . . 100 475 2. . . . HO 523
1. . . . SO 300 1. . . . 240 43 12. . . . lilt 523
2. . . . 323 325 1. . . . 100 BOO 1. . . . 200 625
1. . . . 80 3 60
1. . . . 040 290 B. . . . 400 345 3. . . . 995 350
2. . . . CM 3 00 20. . . . C97 3 45 22. . . . 097 3 53
1. . , . 870 3 00 9. . . . 750 3 DO 12. . . . 6S5 3 63
2. . . . 925 3 25 9. . . . 038 3 BO 12. . . . CSO 3 CO
1. . . . BSO 3 25 11. . . . 3S1 3 SO 1. . . . 490 3 CO
1. . . . 830 335 17. . . . 724 350 1. . . . 480 3 CS
1. . . . 990 3 40
1 springer 24 00
1 cow ami calf 2500
1 springer 26 00
I springer ; , , , 28 00
1 cow and cnlf 28 00
1 cow and calf 3000
1 cow and calf , 3360
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
1 sir , tlB. . . , 010 $3 00 1 feeder 1030 $3 00
1 Btr , tig. . . . CCO 2 10 27 feeders. . . . 001 3 25
1 cow 8CO 2 25 10 feeders. . . . 9CO 3 35
1 bull 1190 260 23 feeders. . . . 917 3 BO
1 steer 940 2 50 10 feeders..1028 3 50
1 steer 1200 2 85 22 steers 1229 3 05
( } . Sliantr.
1 bull . . .1010 200 20 sirs , Tex..1002 300
II bulls 1318 240 13 feeders.1070 340
HOGS The mnrltct opened rather slow , the
lecelpts being liberal here , and nil other market
points reporting large runs and lower markets.
The opening prices were n shade to 5c lower
and quite a number of loads changed hands at
J3.7i4f3.771i. Armour waa on liund wltli a large
order , nnd frei buying on Ills part stimulated
local packcis to Increased activity , with the
result that the market took on more life and
closed about steady with yesterday. The range
of prices was about the same as yesterday , but
there \vcro more sales at f3.75j3,77 < / , und not
so many nt $3.85. The papular price for both
days was } 3.80.
The market ns a whole was active and the
pens -were soon cleared.
The hog market has been very steady nil tlila
week , valutti showing very little fluctuation.
Most everything since the middle of last wtck
linn sold Inside the range , (3.75Q3.E5. Represen
tative Bales :
C , , 219
40 330
43 371
45 341
13 3S6
31 ,207
CO 315
50 277
CG 200
12t . ,278
01 264
67 279
08 2S3
72 239
71 244
10 20C
, , , , . , , .
05. , 240
, . . , . , , ,
80 211
26 265
65 , .273
. , , . , . , .
, , , . . . . .
69 279
71 248
48 11292
8 161
3 29S 2S3
2 , .200 240
, , , . . . , , , , , . .208
a 275
Our Free Letter
Reviewing the trln and stock aiarkcti. will tx
tnt you dally on rcqueit. In tht hope of de rv <
Ing part of your buslnex. Orders solicited fai
ranh or on three to five point margin * .
lleuber * Chicago Itoird of 'iiaa > . N < w York
Produce exchange. New York Com. Utock. I x
change. 17 Uoard Trvl , Chicago. 41 Uroidway ,
Kew York.
Telephone 1031) . Omaha , Neb.
111U Doard of Trade.
Direct w . to Chicago and New York.
Curcij. adcnti John A , Warren ft Co.
] Mi . . . 3M . . .SM . . . 11
4. . . . 2i . . . JM 7. . . . 01 . . . K >
RIH5W The ) mnrket VMI olMdy , ntul
mutton hcep In demnnd. Reprrieiitnllvp Mlr
No , AV , Pr.
IJlMesltrn welhcn 1M ? 3 5J
HI wcslrrn welhem , . , , . , , .1,15 323
CnHlcI'rlrcx Ciintliiiir to Ail
tfnilor it OciicrnI ncninnd.
CIIICAOO. Mnrch IS.-Cnltle prices co-itlnuc to
ndvnncc tinder nn nctlve general demand nnd
small suppllc * , nnd buyers lodny roon absorbed
the offetlnRA nt n furthei nilvnnca of tc. Com
mon to rholco nnllvo beeves eoltl nt from MM
to H.70 , with only n comparatively small pro-
porllon of the tales txlow H , or over JI.SJ.
Choice mrcllum welghla nnd heavy cnlllc nre
Belling together , and droves of steers nvernglnc
1.2J7 to 1,343 Ibs. sell nt 11.25. DtitchcrlnK entile
nre slronRer , ml cows nnd helfera of medium
choice quality nro tellliiR btlsKly nt Horn 2.M
to J3.S , with nn occntlonnl mle nl fiom 3.SO
to J4 , but common in B X | canning Blurt U no
better. Cnlvcs ntc lets nctlve , nml nrr23c to
35o lower thnn Inst week. The feeder Irnde Is
very llRhl , nnd Mle rc mostly nt from b.tfl
lo JJ.7& for KO < xl loin. The demand Is good , nt
advancing prices.
HOR receipts c tenlny considerably overran es-
tunntei" , nnd prices were weak nt yesterday's do-
cllno to Bo lower for common drove * . POT to
p.lnio heavy sold nt from JJ.7S to $1,05 , nnd
mlxetl bulchers' weights broiiRht from J3.M lo
JJ.J7W. whllo fnney nsxorlcd llghl fold nt from
H.10 to J4.12H. As the day ndvanced tindlng be
came more nctlve , nnd prices were stronger limn
nt the nienlng.
In sheep there was n livelier nml stronger de
mand lodny. Inferior lo choice nhccp ucro salc-
khlo at from J3.2J to J3.63. the otferlnRs consldt-
ng largely of westerns. Price * were largely lOo
ilfiher , nnd lambs Md letter nt from J3.50 to
4.W , chlelly nt J3.90 nnd upward.
RccelptB : Cntlle , 9,000 head ; hogs , 31,000 bend ;
sheep , 12.000 head.
City I.lvo Rtock.
KANSAS CITV , Mnrch 12.CATTLIRecclpt .
,200 btnd ; shipments , 2,100 head ; market steady ;
o strong ; Texas steers , J2.75Jf3.75 ; Texiui cows ,
2.00n2.M ; beef steers , J3.3084.2J : native cows ,
1.SOQ3.0 ; utockcrs nnd feedcm , J2.50f3.90 ; bulls ,
HOGS Receipts. 8,000 head ! shipments , 1,100
{ f3.85 ; plea , J3.Mfi3.76.
SIiniM' Receipts. 1,200 head ; sblpmentii. SOO
lead : market steady ; lambs , J2 00f4.40 ; muttons ,
St. Lntiln Live Sioelc.
ST. LOUIS , March 12.-CATTLn-Recelpts , 2:0)
icnd ; market active nnd strong ; native beeves ,
3.40IT4.C3 ; Texas steel ? , 12.00 3. 0 ; stockcrs and
eedera , J2.23Jf3.70 : cows nnd belters , $2.0083.00 ;
bulls , mo'tly J2.10ff2.6o.
1IOOS Iterelpts , 8,000 head ! market 5c lower ;
ioivy : , $3.SO@4.05 ; mixed , $3.7031.03 ; light , JlSOjf
'lIUnP Market strong ; natives. $3.15(13.83 ;
southern , $2.80f < 3.40 ; westerns , $3.0063.50 ; lambs ,
3.75H.CO ; iccelpls , l.COO bend.
Stoclv lu Sift-lit.
Record of receipts nt the four principal mar-
< cts for March 12 , 1S9C :
Cattle. lings. Shefp.
ilh Omaha l.JSS 4.SOI 82D
Clilcrtgo 9r < M 31.000 12.0W
fnnsas City 3.MO 8,000 1.2M
St. Louis 2,300 8,000 l.r.CIJ
Totals 10,333 , 51,501 15,029
Xcv York Live S ocU.
YORK , Maicli 12. URUVHS Receipts ,
447 head ; firm : cables , Mow nnd unchanged.
SIIEUP AND LAMHS Receipt * . B.0',4 litad ;
steady ; fair to choice sheep , $3.0004.30 ; fair to
choice lambs , J4.75fi5.SO ; few clipped , J4.23.
HOGS Receipts , l.COO head : nominal ; Jl.40 4 SO.
Tivo of Hie Crc'vr Were Drowned.
NEW YORK , March 12. The schooner
Kate Scranton , owned and captained by
Charles Hates of Salt Harbor , which went
ashore about a mile east ot the Laton nock
life-saving station , Long Island yesterday
afternoon , went to pieces during the night.
Two of the crew were drowned , Mate Oliver
Christerman , a Norwegian , and George Up-
therfl aged GO , a colored man.
DiifNtrow Seiiiciiecd to Iliinpr.
UNION , Mo. , March 12. Dr. Arthur W.
Duestrow , the soncalled millionaire murderer
of St. Louis , who was convicted In the cir
cuit court hero a short time ago of hill
ing his wife and baby In St. Louis , was
biought before Judge Hlrzcll today and sen
tenced to be hanged April 22. Duestrow will
bo sent back to Iho St. Louis jail for sate
Now IlccogrnUcil nn n Cause of Serious
Acid dyspepsia , commonly called heart
burn or sour stomach , Is a form of Indiges
tion resulting from fermentation of the
food. The stomach being too weak to
promptly digest It , the food remains until
fermentation begins , filling the stomach with
gas , and a bitter , sour , burning taste In
the mouth Is often present. This condition
soon becomes chronic , and being an every
day occurrence , Is Riven hut little atten
tion. Because dyspepsia U not Immmcdlatcly
fatal , many people do nothing for the trouble.
It Is now well known among able phy
sicians that the whole constitution Is
gradually undermined and weakened , that
the nerves und vital organs are seriously af
fected by any form ot djspepsla. This Is
plain , as every organ , every nerve In the
body is nourished by the blood and the blood
la replenished from the food digested. If
the food Is properly digested , the blood Is
pure , the nerves steady , but If supplied from
a sour , fermenting , decaying n\na3. \ the blood
Is vitiated , poisoned , and the result Is shown
In sleeplessness , lack of energy , poor appe
tite , nervousness. Every trifle Is magnified
and the dyspeptic sees nothing but the dark
side of everything.
Wlthlm a recent period a remedy has been
discovered prepared solely to cure dyspepsia
and stomach troubles. It Is known as Stu
art's Dyspepsia Tablets nnd It Is now be
coming rapidly used and prescribed as a
radical euro for every form of dyspepsia.
H U not claimed to euro anything except
dyspepsia and stomach weakness In Its va
rious forms , but for this it has been shown
to be unequalled. The eminent specialists ,
need and O'Leary , have recently stated that
they considered Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
an unfailing specific for disorders of the di
gestive organs , and the remarkable cures
made in caocs of long standing dyspepsia
proves that this remedy has extraordinary
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been
placed before the public and arc sold by
druggists everywhere at 50 cents per pack
age. It IB prepared by the Stuart Chemical
Co , , Marshall , Mich. , and whllo It promptly
nnd effectually restores a vigorous digestion ,
at the same time Is perfectly harmless and
will not Injure the most delicate stomach ,
but on the contrary by giving perfect diges
tion strengthens the stomach , Improves the
appetite and makes llfo worth living.
Coined by tNlna 8,421 lMM i of Tobacco-
A. T , HndJ , DriiKRNt , of Arnprlor ) Out. .
Report * ThU Wonderful Cine ,
Man docs n lot of foolish things , and when
you como to look them all over the con
tinued IIRO of tobftco IP , without iloubt , tht
most unncountnblc of tlicm all.
Tobaccp kills more people than nil tht
contagious diseases together.
Wo don't know It , or don't want to admit
U , but It'aso. . Not one man In ten would
get sick so easily and die from catarrh ,
consumption , pneumonia , heart disease , ctCi ,
If lila otherwise strong constitution wora
not undermined by tobacco poison.
U'o so cosy to get started , and TO Impos
sible to stop tobacco use , unlCM No-To-Baa
comes to the rescue. Millions are now
reeking relief , anil they nro coming from all
parts of the world , Head this loiter :
Heow On n Milt ,
Arnprlor , Out. , Sept. 20 , 1895.
A. T. Iludd , Ksq. , Druggist , Arnprlor ,
Onf. Dear Sir : I hnvo usad No-To-nao
and found It a complete euro. I had
smoked nnd chewed for 20 years. I had
used n 10-cent plug of chewing tobacco
every day , as well as three plugs ot smok
ing a week. My doctor told ino that to
bacco was killing me , and I tried to quit ot
my own accord , but could not cxlot without
It , After using three boxes % of No-To-Ua'a
I nm completely cured. My nerves wore a
complct wreck , but now my nerves never
trouble mo. Kor many years I could not
cat any breakfast , my stomach vns In such
a bad condition , Now I can cat as well
as any one and hnvo gained considerable In
weight , and am better physically arid men
tally than ever before , nnd I can highly
recommend No-To-Bac as a complete cure.
Olny Hank P. O. , Ont.
Now , No-Tc-Dao Is a nerve maker , aids
digestion and will help any ono from weak'
ness to health. It Is the grandest medicine
ever made over 300,000 cures. You run no
risk , for you can buy No-To-13no under ab
solute guarantee from your own druggist ,
Do It today ! Now Is the time , and In a
week or two be free nnd well. Get our
booklet , "Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoka
Your Life Away. " Written guarantee nnd
free sample mailed tor the asking. Ad
dress The Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago ot
Now York.
Searles &
Nervous , Chronic
Private Oiscisia
AU 1'rlvutc UUoaiol
nndUlsordcrt of Ate.a
Trout m unt by moll
conaultulloii f rou-
Cured for life utd the poison tlioioughly
cleansed from the system. tJU.iS. FISTULA
VAniCOCnLB permanently and iucc sfulty
cured. Method new and unfailing.
By new method without pain or cutting ; .
Call on or address with stump ,
llr Mrlpspirl " ! no * iths ,
Ult OUUluj Ot *
uulllOi Umittaa XO ,
OmahaUnion ] Depot , 10th & Mason Sla. I Omaha
"n0am. . . " . . . " Denver Express 9:35am :
4:3rpm.Elk. : Hills , Mont , & Puget Snd Ex. 4:05pm
4:35pm : Denver lixprers 4:05pm :
7OJpm..Nebraska Local ( except Sunday ) . . 7:45pm :
. . .Lincoln I cal fcxoept Sunday.ll:25ara :
2 : < 5pm..Vast2Iall _ ( fprLincolndallyl. ) .
OmahaUnIon | Depot , 10th & Mason Sis , I Omaha
S:00pm : n..Chlcaco Vestibule..7 8:00am : *
! ) :4Sam : Chicago Express 4lGpm :
7:50pm..ClilcnKO : & St. Loulp Kxprces. . . 8:00nm :
ll:35am : Pacific Junction Local GiOOnrn
Fast Mail ZMOpm
Leaves [ CHICAGO , MIL. & ST. PAUL-jArrlves
OmabalTJnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Bts. I Omaha
6:00pm : Chicago Limited 8:05nm :
10:4Sam..Chlcaio : Hxprets ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 3:2.'pm :
OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Maton Bla. I Omaha
ll:00am. Kasfern Exliress 3:10pm :
4:43pm : Ve.stllmleil Limited S:4Spm :
7OSam Carroll Passenger 10:40pm :
& :45pm : Omaha Chicago Special 8:00am :
4:30pm : Hoone Ixicn * . o:30nm :
Missouri Valley Local 0:3nam :
Leaves CHICAGO , R. I. & PACIPIC.IArrlvts
OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sis. I Omaha
10:40am..Atlantic : Rxprcss ( ex. Sunday ) . . 5:3Epm :
6Z5pm : NlKMi Express. 8:15am :
4:50pm..Chlcairo Vestl' u : < u Limited , , . . l : pm
_ 4t50pin..Bt. Paul Vtstlbuled Limited. . . . l3Spin ;
C:45pm.Oklahoma & Texas Ex. ( ex. Sun,10:35am :
IMOpm Colorado _ LlmlcJ | , . , . . 4:00pm :
Leaves \ C. . BT. P. , M. & O. Arrives
Omalial Depot. ISth and Webster Bis. Omaha
s:15am..sloux : City Accommodation. . , . 8lCpm :
12:15pm..Slou : % City Kxcre s < cx. Sun..llMam ) :
r.:3Jpm . : . St. Paul Limited . B:10am :
CilCpm. . Sioux City Acc'm'n ( ex. Sun. ) . . _
Leaves { F. . E. & MO. VALLIJY. ; Arrlves
Omalial Pepot , lith ! and \Vcb ter an. | Omaha.
2lCpm : Fast Mall and Express. . , . , , . G:35pm : : ( Bat. ) Wyo. Ex. ( ex. Men. ) , . 6:38pm :
7Wam..Norfolk : Express ( ex. Sunday.10:2Sam :
Gpm : St. Paul Express ; >
Leaves K. C. . BT. .T. A C. n ( Arrives
OmahaUnlon | Depot , ] 0lh & Mopon SUu
90ain ; . Kansas Clly Day Eiprcs
D:4pm.lC.C. : _ Night Ex. via V P. Trans.700am _
Omalial Depot , 16th and Webster Sts. [ Omaha
lOMOam St.'Louis lxpreu fi:00am :
9:30im : St. Louis Exprcax % : S3pm
6:00pm..Nebraska Local ( c . Sun. ) . . . . 9:00am :
Leaves SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. lAnlves
_ Omahtt D pot , lith end Webster Bis. [ Omaha
Sr,5pm. : , St. Paul Limited. , oTlOam
Leaves I HIOIIX CITT & PACIFIC. | Arrlvf9
OmaliolUnlon Pi'pot , lOlh & Mason Sls. [ Omaha
7i : : > am Sioux Clly PnssenKcr ,7lO:40pm :
tMtpm St. Paul Limited 9:30am :
Leaves I UNION PACIFIC. ( Arrives
OmahajUnlojnDepot , 101 h & Mason Hla. | Oinaba
' "
930am ; , , , , . ICeorney nxpi'csi 4"l6prn :
8:20nm : , Ovciland Limited. . 4:4ipm : !
3:30pniHcat'ce : .1 Rlromsb'e Kx. ( ex. Sun.4:10pm
titSpm.Grand Island Express ( ex , :
JOprnil.J/il..i.Fast : Mall. . . . . " . . . . . . . . . 8:40ain :
leaves I WAI1ASII RAILWAv" ' | Arrlve '
OiiialialUnlon Dtpot.JOlli & _ Ma on nil.I Omaha
4:30pm : St. Louls Cannon ; . . . , . . . : Sara
Country Publishers ,
. . . . jPOJR SAL& . . . .
About 2tooo pounds minion type. , ' . *
700 pounds agate type.
600 pounds brevier type , f
j50 pair tiuo-lhird type cases ,
40 double iron stands for two-third casgs.
This material was used on The Omaha Dee and is
in fairly good condition. Will bi sold cheap in bulk
or in quantities to suit purchasers , Apply in person
or by mail , to
The Bee Publishing Co. ,
Omaha , Nebraska