Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1896, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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Enthusiastic Meeting in Interests of No-
Iraska'a Candidate.
Borne Ilntn n * to tlie Vlutform nml
that I'oliit tn a AVfMterii
Mnn-ltlx Cntiitlitncr With
out Subterfuge.
The Mnmlerson presidential boom was
/aunched at Doyd's opera house last ntglit
under very favorable auspices. There was
a good attendance , nearly every ojat In the
lower part of the. honso being occupied , and
the balcony being partly filled. In the au
dience were a number of women. At the
back ot the stage was a section of the Second
Infantry band , the front and middle portions
of the stflgei being filled with chairs , whlch
wore occupied by prominent citizens , among
them being a. W. Llntnger , C. H. Yo t , C.
W. Lyman , Frank Murphy , T. S. Clarkson ,
W. V. Morse , L. M. Bennett , Guy C. Barton ,
C. K. Coutant , W. Randall , Louis Berka , A
II. Comptock , II. E. Palmer , P. A. Crape , J.
Wi Furnas , W. N. Nason and Luther Drake.
C. J. Green called tlie meeting to order
and announced that the meeting was called
for the purpose ) of showing the rcopect and
esteem In , which the people of Omaha held
their friend and fellow citizen. Owing to
the fact tliat General Manderson would remain
In Omaha but a short time , It was necessary
to call the meeting on very short notice.
Within tha past few days , Mr. Green said , a
few men had circulated' ' a paper for the or
ganization of a Mnntlerson club and over
1,500 signatures were secured. It was 0ug-
ccatcd , lie : mid , that W. H. Alexander bs
Bchcted for president of the meeting and
"the following men be named ns vice presi
dents : Guy C. Barton , L. D. Fowler , W. H.
Hanchett , C. K. Coutant , C. E. Yost , B. S.
Baker , L. Drake , F. P. Reese , P. Colpetzcr ,
S. K. SpaldlngV. . A. Smith , L. J. Drake ,
W. V. Morse , C. N. Dletz. H. E. Palmer , T. S.
Clarkson , A. P. Tukey , C. C. Stanley and C.
P. Weller. An executive committee , to shape
the character ) and give force and direction to
the movement In General Manderson's behalf ,
Mr. Green announced , would be selected and
announced later on. A motion was made and
carried that the report be ratified.
W. H. Alexander was then Introduced , and
was heartily greeted by the large audience.
Ho said : "I cannot help feeling grateful ,
ladles ard gentlemen , for the distinguished
honor you have conferred upon me. It's a
privilege 'or us to lift 'our voices In behalf
of our distinguished fellow citizen , soldier
and friend. The greatest political honor that
can befall any man In any country on this
earth la an election to the presidency of this
United States. It Is a laudable ambition to
desire tl'ls office. Ever since the birth of the
nation this honorable aspiration has actuated
great men. The various states , from the be
ginning ot our national history , have taken
pride In bringing forward their favorite sons.
Nebraska has never taken more than an 1
Incidental part In such work. Today we have '
a grand commonwealth here ; wo have a num
ber of distinguished citizens ; we have the
opportunity to bring honor to our state by
conferring the highest of honors upon one
of our own citizens.
"Tho times demand conservatism In govern-
jnent ; the demand Is for a conservative man ,
The people want something besides a mar
with a hobby. We have vibrated between
the extremes In the commercial and Indus
trial world. Now there Is a general senti
ment In favor of pursuing a middle course ,
It Is especially fortunate that our distinguished
fellow citizen Is a man of a character ex
actly suited to these demands. Thlrtcer
years ago ho went Into the United State :
senate , and In that body ho achieved th <
highest honors' . He served us admirably , am
his career there has been such as to nttrac
the attention of the nation and call forth ap
probation from ocean to ocean. Tcday hli
reputation Is national , and It Is with grea
prldo that Nebraska should prcsen' . his nami
to the national convention at St. Louts. I
affords me unbounded pleasure to now Intro
duce to you the man I know you arc al
anxious to hear , our fellow townsman , Gen
eral Charles F. Manderson. "
The appearance ) of General Manderson wa
the signal for an outburst of applause whlcl
lasted for some time. When quiet was re
stored the general commenced his address
speaking In a low and distinct tone at first
but Increasing Its volume as ho proceeded
Ho was frequently Interrupted by applaus
as he made a point which pleased his hear
ers. Ho eald :
"Mr. President and My Fellow Citizens :
would bo callous Indeed and wanting In th
tyjual sensibilities of man , did I not feel t
the very core of my heart this most compll
mcntary gathering. I have been throng
varied experiences In my life ; I have see :
occasions when It required all my fortltud
and all the determination that I possesse-
to perfom an act , but I doubt If at an
tlmo tn my career I have felt more dlflldcnc :
than I do In coming before you tonlghl
This la an occasion that would seem at firs
glance so personal to myself that prope
modesty would require my retirement rathe
than my presence. But do not believe , m
neighbors and friends , that I take this a
n compliment solely to myself. , I believe the
at the bottom of this demonstration , at th
foundation of that which now Is , and of tha
which may bo coming , there Is In "you
hearts and In your thoughts more of a dc
Biro for the advancement ot this great con
monwealth than of myself.
"It Is an unusual thing to open a campalg
In the month ot March. But this Is a mot
exceptional and a moat unusual year In tli
history of American politics. There Is grer
activity In uomo quarters , and a most K ! [
nlflcant repose In others. Very soon thei
will bo held a national convention of 01
tlireo organizations of prominence , which wl
demand for the candidates whom they wl
place In the field the suffrages of the Amei
lean people. I notice no headlong preclplt :
lion or speed on tlio part ot the candldaU
to attend the convention that Is to .be he !
at Chicago by our democratic brethren ; IK
does there seem to bo a very great dcsli
to lead that third party that was lately boi
out of the mire and slough ot despond. Tl
one organization would seem to be uncoi
eclous , and the other coirmtoso ; the 01
would seem to be suffering with a sort
paralysis ; the other with what might 1
termed locomotor ataxla. ( Laughter. ) Bi
the third organization , to which most of tlio
In this audlcnco belong , Is certainly all'
and In good spirits. Those who seek tl
nomination at Its hands or those for who
U Is sought , uro many ; they cannot bo nun
bored on the fingers of ono hand , and a
ready there U activity In the camp ot the
who detlre the leadership of the great r
publican organization In this year of gra
and victory , 1896. ( Applause. ) And the. re
eon for this activity on the one hand , ai
this lack of It on the other , is because It
In the air. and written on the stars , that tli
country shall pass under republican domln
tlon and rule on the 4th day of March , 185
( Applause. ) It makes no difference who mi
bo selected as the standard bearer , he w
Eland on A platform that will so commci
Itself to the reason and judgment ot t !
American people that he will be carried t
umphantly to victory , ( Applause. )
"Now , upon what will ho ptanJ ? Th
platform will < bo built honestly , candidly , a
I do not believe that there will bo In
aught ot subterfuge or of double dealing ,
has been nald that platforms are made
get In upon , but are ot no account when
party U In po er. It will not do In tl
year , 1890 , to construct such a platform ;
must bo emphatic and decided as to wh
U proposes to do. And what will it propo
to do , In the exercise ot feood judgment a
political honesty ? The man nominated
St. Louts will utand upon a platform tli
In the first place will , with no uncerta
oound , repeat the doctrine ot protection , CA ,
plause ) , And It will be a protection th
means protection ; not a tariff for revem
with Incidental protection , but a tariff I [
protection , let the revenue be what It wl
( Applause ) , Per I submit to you tint t
experience of the last few years has taug
us that U Is better tn have it protection th
will lead to a surplus than to have a tar
that will lead to shortage and tbo limian
ot bondi. ( Applaura ) .
"There nlll be In thli platform upon wh !
r cndl < UU will tUnd , Knottier
that hai gone glimmering under tlio tulo of
Drover Cleveland , nnd that Is the principle -
net new , for It win nJvocatod by some of the
wlro forefather * of the republic , but It wax
remirrcctcd tu that It * like A tlilog
with llfo freshly given to It by that great
republican , James ( i. DlMne ot Maine. ( Ap
plause ) . That Is the doctrine of recipro
city , iind our platform will announce It In
no uncertain and no unmeaning terms. Wo
will again propose to mbark upon that
equality of trade that means to much to the
prosperity of this nation. Why , ono might
almoHttop hero * nd * ay that there was a plat
form broad enough nnd t'trong enough for
success. But the republican party at St.
Louis will meet every other Issue that will
present Itself for the deliberation of the
American voters thl * fall. And what next In
the natural order will comc7 As a part of and
naturally flowing out of protection and reci
procity will come the extension of the com-
menrco of this country by the upbuilding
of the merchant marine , apart from mere
coast-wlfo trade. Wo will take for Ameri
can ship the ue of every sea , and our vetv
cols shall ply to cvrey port where trade
can be found under the doctrine of recipro
city , and with this , because of the fact that
trade follows the flag , shall coma the build
ing up of a navy such as shall command the
reject ot the whole world , ( Applause ) .
"And that Is a necessary condition a con
dition of preparation for defense and offense
If wo are to pursue the third doctrine of
Importance that will bo placed In that plat
form , and that Is that while we will have
no entangling alliances with the notions of
Europe , there shall bo no entanglements of
the nations of Eucope on this continent , and
with on emivlinsls that will mean something ,
wo will proclaim the Monroe doctrine ,
adapted to the times. ( Applause. ) And as a
further Incident of that aggressive policy
upon which this country must enter to main
tain Us great supremacy will come the de
mand for the building by American capital ,
nnd I hope by the American government , of
the Nicaragua canal , ( Applaure , )
"Anil what ek > ? I am not one of these
who believe , and I do not think the republican
party believes , In the unnecessary accession
of new territory. Our country Is a large one ,
with diverse Interest1 , depending upon llic
various sections ot the country ; It ts not
well to enlarge It unnecessarily. But certain
things are needed for our own protection anil
for our own national existence1. I do not
think that any , true American can look upon
the map of tlilo continent without feeling In
dignation , at least , that those outposts , the
Islands of the Caribbean tea and the Ber
mudas belong1 to foreign powers. ( Applause. )
They stand there with the flags of foreign
nations flying over them , a constant threat
to our peace an.l to our existence. I hope- tlmo will corns when pome , nt least , of
the Iclands of the Caribbean sea ye , Cuba
herself , may bo In n position to bo a part of
this great country of ours. ( Applause. ) And
looking- the west , I think that we can ( el
assured that under republican domination and
control the disgraceful story of Hawaii will
not be repeated , but that a republican presi
dent , , looking : upon the effort of that Island
for annexation to this republic , will not hold
her off and seek to place o quofn again upon
the throne , but will eay , 'Welcome' to that fair
Island of the Pacific ocean. ( Applause. )
"What else will there probably bo In this
platform of ours ? The demand and this Is
a demand In which ue of this state are par
ticularly Interested we will repeat the de
mand that we made four years ago , that , the
government lands In the ar'd and semi-arid
regions shall be granted to the states for purposes -
poses of Irrigation and Improvement and
forestry , , I think It unfortunate that this
was not done In this state years ago. We
demanded It In the platform of 1892 , und we
will repeat the demand , and I hope we shall
work up to Its full accomplishment during
the next republican admlnlstrat'on. '
"What else la there ? The platforms cf
both parties usually Indulge In fcomo glitter
ing generalities about the proper recognition
of the services of the veterans of the war
nnd care for the old soldiers. We will re
peat that and In the platform of the repub
lican party made at St. Louis It will not be
meaningless phrases , to be Ignored by the
officials of the government when they -come
D to deal with the old soldier.
"And what else ? The candidate' of tile
republican party will stand upon a platform
that will Insist upon greater and fairer re
strictions of criminal and pauper Immigra
tion. , ( ApplauseJt ) will Insist upon a
careful nnd worthy bestowal of that greatest
boon that man can be given the boon of
American citizenship , and that proper safe
guards shall bo thrown about the laws of
naturalization , and that by every means that
the law can accomplish the Immigrants who
are to take advantage of American citizen
ship shall have the proper preparation , and
wo shall say that worthiness ot American cit
izenship shall be demanded of every man
who proposes to cast a ballot , and with nc
uncertain sound that platform will again de
mand and Insist that nil over this broad land
we L'hall have an horst ballot and a fai !
count of the votes. ( Applause ) .
"And what elss ? Will It be silent upon thfs
great question of finance ? No. I bellevo II
will declare moro emphatically and In more
definite terms terms that will not be liable
to double construction In favor of theuas ol
both gold and diver as money metals. II
will declare In favor of blmetall'om that car
b& accomplished , not for the free coinage ol
silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 , without reference
once .to any other nation of the earth. Bui
bimetallism can be accompllsheJ If we wll
simply do what It ts our duty to do , am
Iiat Is to UE3 every effort in the world t <
secure an International conference and Icavi
England out of the conference. ( Applause ,
xt The advance that the bimetallic Idea has madi
upon a safe basis In Germany and France * 1
it moat marked. I believe It would make tali
headway tn England If It were permitted t <
do so , but I do not believe that England
standing In the pcoltlon which she otcup'.ei
as a Kreat money power , will enter Into an ;
scheme for bimetallism until she Is forced ti
It by the action of the other nation ? . I be
llovo that this platform will contend for tli
securing of bimetallism by that method , am
for the 1199 of both metals on such a basl
and under such legislative conditions tha
every dollar , whether gold , silver or paper
of this country shall be equal to every othe
dollar. ( Applause. )
"What else will there * be In this platform
.It will repeat again that while--In this coun
try there t'liall be the fullest religious lib
crty , tliere thall be no union of church an
state In this republic. ( Applause , )
"And what eUe ? It will declare agalns
lie the support of Eoctarlan echoolo In 1890 as I
did In 1892. U will Insist that the publl
money shall be used for public fchools. ( Ar
of plause. ) And It will Insist that these school
be chall be mads BO excellent that privatepchool
tit will cloze In companion with them. ( Ar
so plause- . )
ve "Now , then , my friends , tlicso. In gcnon
hem terms , will bo the planks of that platform c
m which the candidate of 1S9G will stand , nn
upon that platform , ns I verily believe , tbui
will como peace and plenty , protection an
prosperity and power.
COa "I dread beyond exprcstlon to say nnythln
and personal to myself , and yet I realize that
Is IB my duty to do w. I think a man nevi
its appears to moro disadvantage than when 1
attempt ? , before a public audience , to tal
ot himself ; yet I think It Is due to you tin
ay I should speak fcomewhat of myself. I lm\
111 received In years past at your hands nothli
nd but kindness. I think I huvo been appn
he elated by this community and by this sta
rt- at far beyond my worth. I never , I thin !
have been charged with anything llko doub
dealing or dishonesty of purpose. Monti
tat go Indeed , the tlmo runs almost Into
nd year frlendo ot mine , too appreciative ,
ItU think , of my powers and placing too high
U valuu upon my abilities , suggested to mo tl
tea advisability ot putting myself In training , i
a they expressed It , for 1890. I said no , I d
lila not want to do that. I have had twelve yea
It ot public life , at bomo personal sacrifice , ar
ml I long ago announced my Intention of r
ISO tiring- from public life. Four years ago
nd announced this determination to these wl
at were near me and who had a right to kno
ut something of my future , I announced th
Un from every stump last fall and was actlvu
plat - the canvass for the purpose of electing i
lat my euccessor a staunch , a tried tnd a tri
ue , republican , and I believe that w'Uen John 3
or Thuraton was elected we got that mau , ( A
111.ho plause. ) No ono will question his came
ho republlcanlim. Thin Insistence became mo
iht active and more vigorous as time rolled o
lat and for months past , by letter * ) coming fro
Iff all eectlong of the country from my o
ICO comrades ot ( he war ; from the aetochtes
my early manhood In Ohio ; from my frlen <
ch ot earlier years In Pennsylvania , and fro
pie citizens ol ( hi * sUto LotU la the way
letters and personal appeals , there came this
urging. I protested against It , repeating what
I hRVo already staled. But the Insistence
seemed to grow with my opposition , until nt
last It seemed unfair It was unseemly that
I should longer stand out. This was In Jan
uary. I said , 'All right ; I will neither neck
nor decline this great o/Sce ; 1 will simply
remain pnwlve , and you can go on with this
movement It you think It Is well advised , '
"Now , my action has received a most un
kind , severe and cruel criticism. U has been
charged that my action and the action ot
those who arc with mo on this behalf was
simply for the purpose of destroying the polit
ical fortunes ot n great American leader. To
speak plainly , I have been charged with
being a mcro delivery wagon , so tbnt the
political fortunes ot ono man , or ot ouo ot
a ret of men , might be upbuilt and the down
fall ot another might bo accomplished. I
have never frit anything BO cruel as I
have felt * hat charge , and I dc-
Biro with nil the force that la
In me to repudiate It and to say
that the man who makes It IB false tot him
self and basely unjust to me. Why , thcso
great men who arc named prominently for
the.candidacy In 1S9C arc , every man of
them , those with whom I have been asso
ciated for many years. Take that splendid
champion of protection , Major McKlnlcy
( applause ) we lived together In the town ot
Canton , O. , In that close relationship that
exists between two struggling young law
yers. I know him but to respect nnd nd-
mlro him , and can any man bellevo that I
would take occasion to do an Injury to him
In his political prospects ? It It was within
my power to give him the nomination , I
would glvo It to him. ( Applause. ) Toke
Mr Morton of New York a most excellent
man. When ho was vice president ot the
United States , Itas my fortune to be the
president of the United States senate , and
during the years that I acted In that ca
pacity wo were both In that close associa
tion natural to the two positions. I have
for htm the very heartiest respect. Is It to
bo supposed that that man would seek mo
out for such a purpose , or that I would do
aught that was mean to cither hurb or help
him ? With Senator Allison of Iowa I have
had twelve years of the closest personal and
official relationship , and with Speaker Reed ,
that well-equipped parliamentarian , that
great man from Maine , I have been on terms
of closest Intimacy for years. Not ono of
these men would for a single moment think
that I would bo guilty of action so base as
that. Yet some of their miserable followers
are mean enough and base enough to make
that charge.
"This St. Louis convention Is destined to
be one of the most Interesting over held In
this country. What Its outcome may bo
no man ran tell. I have just returned ; from
what might be- called tha political center
of the United States. Being in Washing
ton on professional business , I came In con
tact with men from all over the United
States. I met thooo shrewd , sharp observers ,
the representatives ot the press of the United
States , who hold their fingers on the pulse
of political movement , and who know It ttt-
ter than any others , and the belief obtained
that If Nebraska could cast her vote many
fold for either Reed or McKlnloy , neither
could bo nominated. I glvo that simply as
their statement ; but I say to you that In
the east , evidenced by the press , evidenced
by letters that are written and by pcroanal
Interviews , there Is a growing conviction
that the candidate of the St. Louis conven
tion will be a western man. ( Applause. )
"Now , I want It understood that I have
no claim upon this state ; no man has. ( Ap
plause. ) This Is not my state. This state
belongs to Itself. If this etate , by the ac
tion of Its republican conventions to select
delegates to the St. Louis convention , should
see fit to honor mo' with the support of that
delegation , I want It understood that there
would not be from mo , at any time , nn ef
fort at direction of any part of that delega
tion , and whenever at any time that dele
gation , by Its solid vote or a partial vote ,
can secure the election of any ono of those
great leaders of the party , I will say , 'GoJ
speed you In the work. ' ( Applauos. )
"Whether the vote shall be for McKlnley ,
Allison , Ree3 or Morton , It Is immaterial
to mo ; I can follow the banner of any of
thess great leaders as a private In the
ranks , and do It Joyfully.
"But , my friends , I have talked longer than
I anticipated , I simply desired to take this
occasion that your kindness has accorded
mo , to nay what I have already said In print
the first time an opportunity was given mete
to make the statement ; I have said that
victory would como this year ; I think no
man questions It , no matter what may be his
political belief , and that with the victory
to bo achieved In the fall ot 1S9C there shall
come a new era In 1897. The signs of the
times are propitious , not only for those ol
us who live hero In the struggling state ol
Nebraska , so sorely tried for the last two
or three years , but for the nation at largo ,
That armored cruiser , which contains as hei
precious cargo our national hopes sheen
on whoso sides Is the armor ol
protection , with her deck covered
with the plate ofequal rights t (
all , with * her guns In turret , and with the
American flag flying upon the masthead , with
American peamcn on board , will sail Into the
pert of peace and prosperity In 1897. " ( Ap
plause ) .
I. R. Andrews was then Introduced , nnc :
briefly spoke as follows :
"I am here tonight , Ir.dles nnd gentlemen
republicans , democrats and populists , " sali
he , "to urge upon you the nomination ani
conssquent election of General Mandersor
to the presidency of this broad country
Bcforo I cameto this meeting I was In
formed that there would bo moro emptj
scats than those that would be occupied
I am glad to find that this statement tsno
botne , out by the facts. I am glad to knov
that you do not bellevo that a prophet I ;
not without honor save In his own country. '
am glad to know that a soldier who tough
to preserve this union Is not without re
spsct and fraternal attachment among hi
own comrades.
"Tho trouble with us today Is that wo nri
afraid to stand up and assert our polltlca
beliefs. I have no doubt If every republlcai
In this great state felt free to express hi
own preference for the nomination nt th
St. Louis convention he would unhesitating )
declare himself lor General Manderson. W
meet people today who tell us that Genera
Manderson has no earthly show for th
nomination. May I not nsk what were th
chances for the nomination of Hayes o
Gai field before the convention assembled
And the man who would have dared prophcs
the election of Senator Allen would hav
11 been deemed worthy of confinement In a ;
Insane asylum , The other candidates fo
the republican nomination all have the !
qualifications , but General ManOerson unite >
ill the good characteristics of Reed , Me
Klnley and Allison. He has excellent Judg
ment , ho Is sound on the tariff and flnancls
( mentions , bo Is cool , ho Is loyal , ho Is trui
Therefore , I say when the nameof Nebrask
Is called In the St. Loulu convention , let he
respond : 'Sixteen votes for General Mar
derson , soldier , statesman and Ncbraskon. '
Chalrm " Alexander stated that there ha
been numerous , requests for a busmcsu man
speech and that It was thought that no or
could present this matter better than Gu
0 , Barton , Mr. Burton was received wll
prolonged and hearty applause. Ho eali
"If tha chairman had also nnounced what
would say he would have conferred an eve
greater favor upon me. I am heartily I
favor of a man of the mind and bearing <
General Manderson for our next presldsn
The present Incumbent of the president ! ,
chair has been tried and found wanting. A\
need a change and I am of the opinion th ;
no wiser election could bo made tbau tin
of our distinguished fellow townsman.
"I have recently returned from n fr ;
through the east , I found that It was gei
be erally admitted there that the prominent cai
ar dldates whoso names are now bcforo U
id public could hardly expect the , nomnatlo |
Being a Nebraskan , the name of Mandr c
was quite often brought forward In conve
rsation with numerous easterner ! ) . On a
itdeo I heard him spsken of only In terms <
tie highest praise. It wan generally cor.cedi
that the nomination would go to a westei
at man.
In "Strange as It may appear , Govo-no.-
a.s Klnley Is not the choice cf the man'it a
uoM. turcrs. New England U solid for Rcd , Ne
M.P . York ts for Morton and Pennsylvania A <
PBt announce Itself for Quay or rume otb r ma
Bt Tiin ) > o states constitute the great munufactu
TOm Ing belt. They have always been for a hit
m , protective tariff , but they are- not In favi
of McKlnley. The business worlJ hau bee
so upwt during the past few yea thai mui
of ufactutcrs want peace am ) rent In the mai
dtm ufacturlng world , They do not tttlre u :
dtof further disturbance because of the Mrllf.
of "I am a protectionist. I believe that u
dustrtes choutd bo protectiM , but they are
not the only things no must protect. Again
let mo My that I m hc.lrtllf In favor of
the nomination and election ! ol'lTcncrnl Man-
derson. I believe that nolfilhg bat micccsa
and peace and harmony woMld 'result from
such a selection. " >
W. A. Sounders , president of MID city
council , made n short addrcM , Ho sold that
It was a pleasure for him , to. advocate the
nomination of General Manderson. The con
tention was that General laiidcrson could
not bo nominated. The hiMory ot pol.tlcs
amply disproved this statement. Marnier-
ron would go Into the St. Lquls convention
not only with the undivided support ot Ne
braska , but with the advantage ot a na
tional reputation and a wide popularity.
As a senator ho had served Nebraska well ,
Omnha was largely Indebted to him for Us
new postofllco , and the establishment of Fort
Crook , both Institutions causing the cnpemll-
turo of large sums of money In this vicinity.
Ho did not want to see the Nebraska dele
gation go down to St. Louis with Us hands
tied to McKlnley or any other man but
Charles F. Mandtrson.
Attorney Charles J. Greene responded to
numerous calls. The first part ot his ad
dress was upon the supreme Importance ot
the principle of fair play. The republtcan
party was conceived In the proposition that
all men should have fair play , and the coun
try had been evolutcd on that tnme propo
sition. This was all that the supporters ot
General Mandcrsou asked for at this tlmo.
Ho had looked over 200 clippings from the
press of this state and many other states.
In thcso he found only pralpo for the char
acter and career of General Manderson. All
admitted that ho possessed the necessary
qualifications for the presidency. Even these
papers which did not approve of his candidacy
started out with a general culcgy ot tha
man ,
The great objection to General Mandcr-
son was that ho was too late In enteritis
the lists. On this point Mr. Greene scored
Senator Thurston severely. Ho said : "A
prominent representative of this state pro
tests against the submission ot this question
to the pcoplo ot the state , and yet ho has
raid that ho wanted to get near the people.
Ho did want to get near the people , but he
didn't want any ono else to go there. "
He , too , advocated a mean protective
tariff , asserting that there was dancer In
high protection , as well as In free trade.
No less than three times the people had
repudiated a high protective tariff , nnd the
republican party could not afford to have
these states again desert It this year , as
they did In 1892.
Mr. Smyth MnUcH Some SiifnfcntlouM to
Mr. Martin.
n. J. Smyth , claiming to be the chairman
of the democratic state central com m ttce.
yesterday transmitted to Euclid Martin
clalmlnc to be the chairman ot the demo
cratic state central committeetbo follow
ing letter :
OMAHA. March 7. Horn EucMd Martin ,
Postmaster , City of Omaha : Dear Sir The
democratic state central committee has
been Informed that a certain committee , ot
which you are chairman , .irctcnds to have
authority to represent the democracy of the
state of Nebraska and 10 have the right
to call , In the name ot that democracy , n
convention to send delegates to the national
democratic convention to bo held at Chicago
cage on the 7th of July next. Without ad
mitting either the authority or the right
claimed by your committee , but , on the
contrary , always denying the existence of
both , and at all times asserting nnd defend
ing its own right to be.recognized as the
regularly constituted representative of the
democracy of Nebraska , the democratic
state central committee , ! o which I have
the honor to bo chairman , has Instructed
mo to Invite your committee , ! through you ,
to submit to the democratic ( Voters of Ne
braska , at a primary election , this question :
"Shall the United States , without the aid
or consent of any other mitlon , restore the
free and unlimited colnajje ofc silver at the
present ratio of IS to 131' Our committee
proposes this question for the decision of
the democracy of this state because we be
lieve that the delegation to the Chicago
convention shouM truly reflect the vlewr
of the democratic voters ot the jstate nnO
because Wo bellevo the J sliver question Is
the main Issue 'which separates those who
support your orEanlzatioirrtrornitha dcmo-
'crats ' who support th'e rapular''demo
cratic organization ofVho state , " "and
we ask to have that Issue submitted to the
highest authority known 10 our form , of
government the people.
The state convention has been called to
meet at Lincoln on the 22d of April , 1S9S , and
In order that there may be a fair vote , after
a full discussion , our committee would In
sist upon all the primaries being held the
same day between April 8fnnd 15 , that they
may be conducted under the laws of the
stnto of Nebraska , nnd that no one bo per
mitted to vote thereat wno Is not qualified
under that law and the resulatlons of the
democratic county central committee of
Douglas county.
The committee also proposes that the de
cision of the voters shall be evidenced by a
majority vote and shall be binding ns an
Instruction on the delegates to the national
convention , and that the organization
against which the decision Is rendered shall
not send a contesting delegation to the
democratic national convention In Chicago.
Awaiting- early reply. I am. respect
fully , C. J. SMYTH ,
Rented ( lie ICxiionltlon lliillilliif ? fur
Convention Wet-It.
ST. LOUIS , March 7. Thomas F. Clohcsy
of Cincinnati and W. B. Galtreo of Columbus' ,
a committee representing the Ohio Repub
lican league , are , here as the representatives
of Governor McKlnley to secure headquarters
for him during the national convention In
Juno and have succeeded In securing the
Exposition building for the entire week ul
the convention. The largo music hall , with
a watlng capacity ot 3,000 people , and large
rooms for committee purposes , besides the
halls and corridors , are Included In the con
tract. The building will bo used exclusive ! )
as the headquarters of thd McKlnley forces
and meetings will be held every day. Somt
of the greatest political orators In the coun
try will deliver cposchcs there for McKlnlej
during the convention week. The Expoaltlor
building lo centrally located , and but a fov
blocks from the convention auditor um. N (
sleeping accommodations will -be provlclec
there , the leaders of the McKlnley forces hav
Ing arranged for ample ropms at the Planter ;
and Southern hotels. It Is stated that deft
nlto arrangements have been made by tin
Ohio Republican Uaguo to sweep down upoi
St. Louts with 5,000 McKtnleyltes when thi
convention opens.
for AIllHOii.
MASON CITY , la. , March 7. ( Special Tel
egram. ) The republican county conventloi
to select delegates to the state conventloi
s was held here today , The following wer
choeen : James Rule , J. H. Wheeler , Q. W
Richardson , W. C. Tompklns , James E
Blythe , M , E. Bltterman , A. H. Cummlnge
W. II. Low and William Loots , They ar
unanimous for Allison , , A jrwolutlon favor
Ing the Erwln bill for mqliUainlng four addl
ttona ! normal schools * ( wn.ft unanimous ) ;
adopted. t | |
Morton Kmloi'NCMl fort ( JiA I'rcHlilriu'j
id ROCHESTER , N. Y. , Ma'rMi' 7 , The reput
llcan convention cf the "Tnii'ty-first congres
slonal district today eleclcil ifelcgates to th
national convention . resolution
IttWt * ! and.adqjited t bMWIMfctVll
favcrlng a wund currency .and endorsing th
administration of GovornpV , Morton nnd hi
candidacy for the prst-jdpnVy ,
\VlHi-oiisIii Convention If or
MILWAUKEE , March ' 7fi-Slx countc !
held republican conventlttiE day , All del (
gates were Instructed f < fr M'dKlnloy. Nine
teen counties have hcld'bon ntions , all be
Irg for McKlnley , although llirco did not Ir
struct ,
I'ollcenicii Will illidri AVIifi-lH.
NEW YORK , March J.-wThe bicycle equa
has proved satisfactory beyond anticlpatloi
When spring comes all Nqw York's aspha
' and macadam strcjts will bo policed b
oficera ! on whce'e. This wis decl/led upo
til' at cv meeting of tha police board lat > t nigh
of Tlicro was also formally ordered the cstal
cd llohment of the Borttllon systoni of Identlfj
cdn Ins criminals as a regular adjunct of Ne
York's police Bysteni ,
cc Open for Ilonu-Htfiiil Ktttry ,
NEOAUNBB , Mich , March 7 , Over 70.0C
111 acres ot arable land , from which tlmbc
111n. hati been cut , have been surrendered by tli
n.r - owners to the supervisors of Chlppswa count
and will bo formally deeded to the state an
or la-Id for bona ( Me komeatcad entries.
iin fiiuiill Hank Knlliirt ! In 3IU nurl.
nn - BT. JOSEPH , Mo. , aiiy-ch 7Stato Han
Examiner Jones took charge of the Karn
era' bank of Klnn City tonight. Klne Clt
! s thirty miles east ot this city. The llabll
ties are about JC6.CW ; ubsets are not b'We
Several Sound Money Republicans Vote for
Carlisle foi Senator ,
Tlirutvii Into nn llpronr
Uicr the AUi'itM't of tlio 1'niMi-
HMH to I.eiul u Stninpcilo
to Illnukbtirn.
FRANKFORT , Ky. , March 7.
The senatorial contest today resulted In n
stcmpcdo on ono ballot and a panlo on the
other and bordering on riot In both. The
friends ot Senator Blackburn thought he
was elected at the end ot the first ballot
and began celebrating. Bctoro the confusion
subsided for the announcement , word was
ecnt everywhere that Blackburn was elected.
U was a mistake that was easily madn dur
ing such a stampede , but It Is the general
opinion tlfat It required great efforts to pre
vent the election of Secretary Carlisle on
the next ballot , The republican leaders In
the house became confused , If not demor
alized , early In the morning , when they
peimltted the postponement ot the Dnnlnp-
Kauffman contest till Monday , Instead ot
carrying out the decree of last night's caucus
to oust Kauffman the first thing and gel
Dur.lap In before the senate could re-
tallato previous to the Joint ballot ,
The Itoy to the contest was the
pair between Welsslnger , a hard money dem
ocrat , and Chambers , republican. When It
became evident that unless this pair were
broken Blackburn would bo elcctodt Wclsaln
ger from his sick bed In the hotel released
Chambers , If the latter would vote tor Car
lisle. This ncr defeated Blackburn , as the
stampcdo had reached Its climax. The
"sound money" democrats had gone to Black
burn , while the republicans were rushing
to Carlisle. The vote of Chambers for Car
lisle did moro than all the governors , pre
siding officers and sergcant-at-arms for
order. There was a panic when Replyons , I
republican of Newport , said ho would vote
for Blackburn If the republicans went to
Tonight both sides are holding conferences
for the contest Monday and the feeling
against the so-called bolters Is Intense on
both sides. Without Welsslnger uncondi
tionally paired BUckburn cannot bo elected.
The republicans will pair with Welsslnger
only on condition that the member pairing
with htm be allowed to vote for Carlisle.
VIolatto nnd Carroll may come to Black
burn. Speight voted for Blackburn today for
the first time , but declares tonight he will
never do soagain. . The republicans Insist
that they will seat Dunlap In Kauftman'y
place Monday bcforo there Is another joint
Senator Elllston again led oft by voting
for Carlisle. He was followed by Senators
Holloway , Nee , Salycr , Smith and Stephen-
son.Tho republicans again voted solidly for
Boyle. Balrd was the first democrat In the
house to vote for Carlisle. After him came
Carroll , Doughe'rty , Norman. N. N. Rico ,
Speight , Swlnford , Vlolett , Walker and Witt.
There were no speeches of explanation
today from any ono until the roll had nearly
been completed , when Populist Poor arose
and said that It had bsen said that there
wao no hope to elect Blackburn. He now
believed that that time had now arrived.
He cast his vote for Blackburn. ( Cheers. )
Then ono by ono , amid cheers from the
friends of Blackburn , the following demo
crats changed to Blackburn from Carlisle :
Elllston , Smith , Witt , Stephenson , Dough
erty , Nee , Salyer , Balrd , Holloway , Rice ,
Mr. Balrd , In explaining his vote , said
that ho was opposed to the democratic nom
inee's views ; on tlie currency Question , but
as theronwas not nnyr chance to .elect bis
candidate , ho would cast ho ! vote for that
candidate. ( Wild cheers. )
Senator Holloway also spoke In explanation
as did Senator Salyor. They took the grounl
that It was their duty to vote for the noml-
neo whenever there was a chance to elect
him. Representative i Chamber , who was
paired with Senator Welsslnger , said that hr
wished to vote. Senator Bronston protested
and said that the republicans must BOO that
the pair was not broken. Mr. James arose
and changed hla vote to John G. Carlisle.
At this Representative Lyons arose and
caused the wildest excitement by saying that
if any attempt was made to elect John G.
Carlisle ho would vote for Blackburn. The
statement was wildly cheered by the friends
ot Blackburn.
Speaker Blanford arose and said that when
It became certain that a sound money repub
lican could not bo elected he would follow
his people's wishes and vote for a sound
money democrat. Ho changed his vote to
Carlisle amid the wildest excitement. Men
jumped on chairs and cheered wildly. A
dozen .members clamored for recognition and
the chair rapped for order for five minutes
In vain. The assembly was In a turmoil.
The friends of Blackburn were elated and
thought they saw victory In the air.
Senator Bronston finally got the floor. He
said that Chambers ( republican ) , who had
voted In splto of his pair for Carlisle , was
not entitled to vote at all. A point wan
raised hero that ho was out of order and
a motion was made'for a recall of the roll ,
The chair ordered the galleries cleared and
this was done after some contusion.
The scena on the floor battled description ,
The sound money men held a consultation
and urged each other to change to Carlisle ,
Several republicans , who had already votei !
for Carlisle , declared that they would nol
change and this seemed to make It certalr
that Blackburn was the coming man. Aftei
the lobbies and galleries had been cleared
the chair announced the lesult of the forty- -
second ballot as follows ;
Boyle , 59 ; Blackburn , CO ; Carlisle , 5.
Howard moved to adjourn , but Bronstoi
objected , and turmoil again arose.
"I want to glvo nn opportunity to the soum
money democrats to elect Carlisle , " t > ald he
The roll was ordered called on tlio motion t
adjourn , and the motion was > lost.
Representative Lyons completely lost hi
head and swore that ho would try to dcfea
any attempt to elect Carlisle. In this he wa
encouraged by the friends of Blackburn , Ii
explaining his vote on adjournment ho sal
that If the republicans would say that the ;
Intended to try to elect a republican , h
would vote aye.
Salycr called him to order and Lyons , aftci
saying that as ho was called to order by th
friends of Carlisle , ho would vote no. II
was cheered by Blackburn's friends.
Representative Chambers hero received
note from Mr. Welsslnger , with whom h
wa paired. Mr. WelBslnger said : "I re
lease you from your pair and you are at Ilk
erty to vote as you please. "
The announcement of the refusal of th
assembly to" adjourn by the presiding office
raised Interest to fever heat again , Severn
republicans voted against adjournment. 4
recapitulation of the vote was asked fo
and had. Speaker Blanford voted that th
general assembly adjourn until Monday p
12 o'clock. Republicans filibustered In a
attempt to slave off another ballot ,
The chair ruled that when the assembl
adjourned It be until 11:59 : on Monday morn
tr.2 , Senator BronUon tried li's best <
persuade the chair that his ruling was In
correct , but without effect.
"I jay , " he cried , "away with these dlla
tory motions. Let us hero and now clec
some one , be It e'.thcr Doyle , " Blackburn o
Carlisle. "
Senator Blanford withdrew his motion t
adjourn and the roll was ordered called fc
another ballot. The confusion brcko 01
and every one was on the tiptoe of ei
. . . The gecond ballot resulted as followi
Blackburn , 49 ; Carl'alo , 15 , The speaki
decided no quorum. An effort wan then mad
to adjcurn. but this was fruitless ,
The joint assembly then adjourned unt
Senator Holloway , democrat , \oted for Ca
llHlo , as did Nee , Salyer and Smith. It
evident that the republicans are refusing
vote , with the Idea of breaking a ( juorui :
Ilopicwntallvu Balrd , democrat , voted f <
When Representative Chambers was callc
ho arose and eald that he had as much rlgl
to change his vote us others. "I have ea !
before that whenever It became Impossible
elect a sound money , republican I would vo
Kelley , Stiger & Co.
Prices Extra Low
for Monday's Sale ,
New plaid Silks Soc
Fancy China Waist Silk 6oc '
Taffeta Checks , for waists 350
Any weave Black Dress Silks $1.00
Four Leaders in Black Dress Goods.
Black Worsted Serge , 54-inch 6oc
Mohair Fancy Jacquard figures 6oc
Mohair Creponette , 50 inches wide 75c
French Serge , fine all wool - 37/4c
Four Extra. Inducements in
Colored Dress Goods.
Scotch Worsted Suitings 390
Rich Spring Suitings 500
New Summer Worsted fancy cloth 6oc
New Mohair Diagonals 500
Our High Grade Dress Stuffsv
are now ready for inspection , 850 , $1.00 , $1.15 , $1.25 ,
$1.50 to $4.25.
The Best French Organdies just received.
Choice seasonable Wash Stuffs , latest and correct effects
in fine Irish Dimities at. . . . < iSc
French Percales iSc
Madras Cloth 250
Fancy Art Denims just in ; also new plain colors.
Gloves Just Opened.
Latest spring styles. Best obtainable for wearing qual
ities. Perrin's "Cleopatra , " Perrin , "Pique , " "Mon
arch , " "Trefousse. " These are the leading fashionable
All grades Summer Corsets.
Popular makes of Corsets , white , drab and black , in
great variety , Si.oo Special and upward.
Kelley , Stiger & Co. ,
Cor. Fariiam and 15th Sts.
"Small wonder that he comes to regard the world as an
empty show who has shifted at brief intervals from one shanty
to another and .never . had a fit dwelling place all his years. "
Ian Maclarcn.
The moral is , Get a Home. A lot on Georgia
or Virginia avenues is the ideal place in
Omaha onwhich to build.
Now is the time to buy ,
Now is the time to build.
Let us give you a March cash price on ona
of these choice lots.
We furnish the money to build.
PTDFF . - ITY . . TRUST < _ CO
1702 Fariiam St.
G. II. PAYNE , President.
II. H. HARDER , Secretary.
I for a sound money democrat. " Ho voted for
Senator Bronston asked If Chambers bad
ieen released from his pair with Welsslnger.
Clolett then arose and presented the pledge
already mentioned , which released Chambers
on condition that ho vote for Carlisle. A dis
cussion arose In which the genuineness of the ,
signature , was brought Into question.
Speight protested against Chambers casting
ils vote until It had been determined
whether the signature of Wcls&Ingcr to the
note releasing him from the pair bad been
Chambers arose and withdrew his vote for
Carlisle ( for tlio present only ) lie said ,
Dougherty , Furnish , Norman , Speight ,
Stout , Walker nnd Vlolett voted for Carlisle.
The two populists , Poor and Edrlngton , again
voted for Blackburn. The ballot resulted :
Blackburn , 49 ; Carlisle , 15 ; total , 04. which
the chair decided was no quorum. Senator
Jones moved that the assembly adjourn until
Monday at noon. Bcforo the vote on the
motion to adjourn wan completed Senator
Bronston arose and said that ho understood
Senator Ogllvlo was getting very sick. Ho
therefore withdrew his objection to the mo
tion to adjourn , and the exciting times were
over until Monday.
Their TriiiiHfpr to Kentucky Umli-r
IllKtMinMlun In Court.
CINCINNATI , March 7. Sheriff Plummor
of Newport , Ky. , toJay demanded possession
ot Scott Jackson and Alonzo Walling , held In
the jail hero for the murder of Pearl Bryan ,
TliCDO men were arrestoj In this city and
have been held here pending an Investigation ,
r although they wore Indicted wcckn ago by
Itthe grand jury of Campbell county , Kentucky ,
n and Governor Dushnell of Ohio honored the
requisition of Governor Bradley for the pris-
y oncra two weeks ago. The men had charge )
against them hero also , but these were dis
missed In order to have the prisoners trann.
ferrcd to the county where I'earl Ilryan was
killed ,
The attorneys for the prisoners contested
tbe extradition and on the regularity of these
papers the argument ! ? before Judge Buckwal-
tcr began at 9 o'clock this forenoon. The
hearing proceeded with no such demonstra
tions 03 those around the court liouw and
Jail last Saturday when the came caeca were
called. The court room was crowded , but
tliore woreno largo crowds In the street and
no trouble la anticipated today on either tide
of the river.
The principal point of attack upon thft
papers was the allldavlt accompanying the
Indictment , and It was purely technical
largely depending upon verbal forms. So far
as the court's rulings have been made. It
appjara that tha arguments have llttlo
weight , and unless something more Impor
tant la presented the hearing may be termi
nated at any time by an order to deliver the
prlsonerb to Sheriff Plummer , If this Is
done arrangements are made for their trans *
fern without a momen't delay and they cai
bo well on their way to Covlngton or New
port lioforo toe crowd la tue court house
TRL. 1531 Paxton K Uur.c.s < t , Mzrj
Gallery 15c . Balcony 2So
Lower Floor ttSc and 50c.
Prices 15c , 2nc. rt5c , 5Oc , 75c.
Mnrrh 13. 13 , H Canal > fi I ilciei'H New York
Canlno production , 1111 , MKItKY WOULD , with
orltilnal New York cunt.
BfiVfl'C Coinmciiclitif Sunday Mntluco
DU0 If O MarcliS to 15 , lUccptlnu 14.
The Woodward theater Co.
ir I' 15.
Junday Matinee :
Sunday Night :
I'rlcea ; 10 Cents to All I'jna ol Hie Ilous * .
Clmnse of pluy every pirfmmunce.
would have time to tell the rqsult on tbe
This afternoon Judge nuckwalter over
ruled the motion to discharge the prisoners
on the ground of the Irregularity of the
proceedings for the extradition. Ho reserved
further hearing on the validity ot requisition
papers , and does not state when the same will
bo given a further hearing , Court ad <
journed at 12:30 : until 2 , p. m. , when th
court may announce the rest ot hU pro-
A patrol wagon was kept In waiting Insldo
the court yard during the forenoon and It
will bo there again during the afternoon In
order to transfer the prisoners as soon as the
order of the court is given.
Judge nuckwalter overruled all objections
to the delivery of Jackeon and Walling , and
remanded them to the custody of Sheriff
Hummer , but stayed proceeding * under the
order until next Saturday In order to allow
time for a hearing on a writ of habeas
corpus If desired by the prisoners.
WOIIIIIM Cullty of ManuliiiiKlitcr.
DBTHOIT , March 7 , Mis. Alice Lane , who
yesterday was found guilty of manslaughter ,
wait sentenced tills morning to ten years In
the penitentiary , Mrs. Lane was the pro
prietress of the lylng-ln hospital where
Kmlly Hall , the English girl sent to this
country by Rev , Jonathan Hell , dlad from tbo
effects of a criminal operation. Dr , Beaman
was recently convicted on the same charge
and given a like sentence.
Mfimifautiirliiur I' Il
OHUHOXKK , la. , March 7 , ( Special Tele
gram. ) Tlio Cherokee Novelty Manufactur
ing company's plant burned tills morning ,
Total loan oatlmated at $1,000 ; uo Insurance.