THE OMAHA DAILY s SUNDAY , MATCCIt 1 , 1300. r SPEG1RL NOTICES. Ailvcrtlnrtnriilo for ( lime column * Yrlll lie tnltrn mill ! I2itO ! p .in. fnr tlio evening nnd until 8 | i. in. ( or the nioriilriK niul Snndnr edition * . Ailvortlfter * lij * r < * incnlnK n nntn- licrnl rliroU , onn linve nn * er * n l- ilrrnncd < o n mimliprcil IcUcr Iti cure of The lief. AIIWTVITH no ml lrc eil Yilll 1 > c delivered npnu | irc < ien < ii < loti of Hie rltoclt onlrHnle * , 1 l-Io n troril flrt Inxortlniit Ic n rrord Ilicronftrr. Ivothhiir Inlicii for ten * limit -"c for Ilrt Inncrllon. Thcno HilTcrtlNrtiirntn iinmt lie run consecu tively. SITUATIONS WA.vrnn. AM nxpnuinNcnt ) Ditt'O CI.KRK WANTS a ultuntion nt low wnRcit. Knqulrc , 1213 Kar- nam. AMI 1 AVAM'iSIl 3IAI.U . A GOOD PIIYRICIAK IN A GOOD llv town on the Itcpulillcnii river , lor par- tlculnri ndilrcts llox CM , Lincoln , Net ) . A rcw UNnuairric. HUSTLING MUN CAN flna Rtpaily , promnulo work with C. r. Art mj Co. . Ki Bo. 1Mb t. 11-MM2MJ1 Al.KSMHN , CALUNO ON lIAIlDWAUn , Kenernl stores or ninnurncturlni ? tnnlc , to cnrr.y , dido line ; no exncrlfnco Tlio Empire Oil Co. , Cleveland. O. II * Ui7 M13 a 5VANTrD , A STnXOOHAl'HKH AND TYIT.- writer ! ninle ; mu t own maclilno ; stnte pcrlcnco nnd salary expectal. Aildrons I , i s , Hoe. H Mi' ! Ml BAILSMAN TO DIlUO TRADn. S1DK MNH or nlhcrwlsc. J. W. Knight , 217-MJ State st. IllaClno. Wl > . M WANTJD , JIIN AND WOMUN TO WOIIK AT liomc ; I pay JS.OO to $16.00 p rfti \ for mnk- IIIR crayon portrnlta ; new pntpnteil methou : anyone ono who cnn read or write cnn ilo tlie work nt home. In < para time , day or cvenlns. Bend for particulars nnd hesln work at once. Ad dress II. A. drlpp , German Artist , Tyrone. 1'a. n _ WANTED. SAUSMKN TO SUM * STAI'Lt ! fcwxls nt home or travel. Lllx-rnl salary or peed coiiimliidlon.Ve fend Bamples on op- plication ; gjio excluslvo territory. Address 1 * . O. llox 1,103 , New York City. _ H jiniNTH-aii2ATisT oFraiaivnN IIY ANY ncwup.ipcr rifty cents lo nKrnti on each dollir. Tlio Catholic News Is cndorncd by the Catholic lilnhops , prlentu nnd eminent vulters ns the lending Catholic fnmlly weekly. Subscription price , one year by mall , one dollar Cnnvnssere nro allowed Hie InrRC commission of nfty cents on onch Jl.W ) . Accnts wanted In every Cnthollo jmrlsh In every city nnd town. Kxperlenee not ncccisnry. Wrtlo for sample copy. Addrest The Cnthollo Newa , 13 IJarclny atrcet. New York. _ OITICi : MANAOIin. MUBT HAVU JOOO ; SAL- nry , H.SOO ; Rood chance for right person. Ad dress Manager , 200 Monroa blk. , Chicago. 1J wn nisniK ro NKOOTIATIJ WITH TKAV- ellliff nnd local snlomen to handle our brnnds of line cane ( roods , "OM IJookle , " "Oscar 1'ep- per , " etc. ; als.i our line of line Kentucky whltkle nnd wlnr-s In baiTel ; Lommlwslon or salary nnd expenses If preferred : references re quired. D. II. Fouchce & Co. . LexlnRton , Ky. B _ iso rnn CASH FOP. DisTnmuTiKO clrculnm ; Inclose 4 cents. U. B. Dlstrlnjlnn llercau , Chlcngu. U * ) TO 150 PAID SAWSMEN 1'OR CIQAHS ; experience unnecessary : extrn Indueem nts to cuMuiiiL'iu. Ulshop U Kline , SU l.ouli" . Mo. 11 623-M31 * WANTKD MHN IN KVnilY COUNTY TO ACT ns private ileloctlvfrt under Initructlonn ; cxpell- ence unnecessary. Addieps Unlverfnl Detective Agency. 1'lcl Uldff. , Indianapolis , Ind. U BALISMIN MAKE j ) A MONTH SHM-ING n mtchliKi for cooling refrigerators. Guaran teed 75 j er cent cheaiwr than Ice. Produces a dry cold that keeps perishable articles Indetl- nntely. Wrlti- for tenns. Arctic Jlcfrlgcratlnu Co. . Cincinnati , O. U flOi-1 * CITY BAILSMAN FOR OMAHA TO ni3P- rcsent llic manufacturers. Harness nnd linrd- warn Fpcclaltlea. Knclose alamp. Centaur Mfg. Co. . Chicago. I1-69S-1' . THAVni NO SALHSMUN TO SI2LL , l < > ilenlera ; 1103 monthly nnd expenses ] 2x- lisrlonco nnneeessiry. Write for jrarllculars. Acme Clgnr Co. . Chicago. D MC-1 * % VANTID , srLi.vuiu ori'oirruNiTY rou npliolntincnt fur young men In railway mall service. ITxamlnatlOns soon In every state. I'nitlcnlnis about all Rovcrnment poalllona free. National Correnpondcnco Institute. Wash ington , D. C. 11 010 ! 1VANTKD. CinCUluMl D1STKI11UTOHS KV- crywhere : J300 per 1.000 ; Inelobe 4c. North western Distributing lmc-au , Chicago. H-C03 1 * _ SALHSMEN , SAIiAllY AND UXI'RNSKS OU rnmmlsslon ; new upcclnlty for merchanU ; lin- niciiHu biicccss ; cxperlenco unneccasniy ; If you want n good thing uddrcs3 Mctchantd' Kc nomy Co. . lira Congieaa St. . Chlcugo. 11 CCi ) 1 VVANTKD , MAI.13 STUNOailAPIIKU. WITH knowledge of bookkcciilniAddrcjs L < 9 , Ilee. U-C11 1 _ * JO A WnCK TO SALESLADY OH GKNT TO eell National Dish Washer ; best and cheapest made ; over 00,000 sold ; washes and dries dishes In two minutes ; no ncaldcd flngera or Lrolccn dishes ; ny muss ; Belli ) on meilt ; satisfies all ; easily operated ; also ninny other eood sellers. Wrlto Dcpt. 4 , World llfs. Co. , W 3. Columbus , O. U-SM ! _ _ BALKSMIN MINDHALIZUD uuiinnu nosu , belting , etc. . Is belter nnd cheaper lhan vulcan ized. ARonrtea jtrnnlfd on uncovered ground. lillncrallied llubber Co. , New York. B M3-1 * % VA NTHD-MIN & WOMEN TO DisTnmuTn eaiiiplcn In every city In the United Stales. Hood pay , pcrminent position lo liubtlers. Un- closu stnuip. HwUa Herb Tea Co. , G39 Lincoln Avc. , Chleagj. IJ G97 ! GOOD , LIVU MHN WANTED ; ON RALAUY ui nice clean business. Cull at ISltf Douglas. H-MU3 II WANTKD , A SAMI'LU DISTIlinOTKH IN every city nnd village In tbo United States ; lady or Rcntlcmen ; enclose etamp. Swiss Hcib Tua Co. . Chicago. 111. 11M3 ! \VANTUD , rnATPIUNAL MI2N ; WHO CAN xuccfoefully organize ; to write for terms to It. 319 , IC9 De.irborn street. Chicago. 1635 1 * \VANTOD , 6M KIUST-CLASH BTONn CUTTHns In Chicago ; vragcs , Jl per day. ( S ) elsht hours' work ; mnko applications to The Cut Stone Oontrnctoia' Atuoclatlon of Clilciigo , cnro ol Chicago 1 > . O. , Chicago , III. 11 MOM 4 i.ADIiS WANTING GOOD UIIILS CALL SCAN , dlimvlnn Y. W , C. Association Home. SOU Davenport. Telephone , 1 7. C M513 M7 * vjNTKtTTArnixi'ElUBNCnD AND COMPr > tent e < iolc. n laundress and n trained wallrciis. Mti t fuinluli references. Miss Kountze , MII- l.ird hotel. C 571-ml * tVANTHD A CAPAIILU WOMAN roll COOK- ln nnd laundry work. lira. Marsh , nasl of Hruwnel ! Hall C UMJ-M2 * FOR HF.vr-nousis. 1IOUHKS IN AI.Ii PAIlTfl OF THE CITY. TUB O. P. Davis Company , 1WS rnrnam. D 7H 1IOUSHS , IIUNKWA CO. , 103 N. 15TII ST. D-747 IIODUIIN HOUSES. C. A. STAim.SS N. Y , UFK D-M1S ) TOR IvKNT. NICK SOUTH 1'HONT. 8-HOOM- brlck hourc , vvllh nil modern Improvements and In nrst-class condition. Inquire on ptinls8g , Mio HalMIouord street. D-I15 WAI.LACU. I1UOWN 13UC. 18 & Doug , D-7CO HUNT. 3-HOOM HOUSU ; OAKUr.N , H. V. _ car. _ d nnd Clatk. _ D-M377 FOii niJNT , : O-HOOM nousn. MODIIIN. : AT 1611 C.un. Apply Heed Hotel , Id. 07 , H. Omaha. _ _ _ _ _ _ -43J-Ml _ _ ' j'OH HKNT. TIII3 nnfilDHNCi : Ol' HCNHY D , i : tabrook , 3611 Howard ft. Iniulru on prem- lse . D-484 HOUSK. CKNTUAI. LOCATION , J15 month , loaulru SC18 Capitol avenue. D M > 90 M3' _ TWO C-IIOOM COTTAOEH. ONK rUUNIBIICD ; modern , Wt So. 30th. liOJ MS * foil IlKNT. HOU8H3 IN ALL PARTS OP the ctly , lrcnnan-l < ovu Co. , 43' } 1'uxton block. . U-M511 M37 riOUT-HOOM COTTACin , III ) SOUTH ! 1ST U MUM Ml' roil HKNT. FURNISIIKU HOUSU , jj.CO. MU3. P. C. Hall , -V-J , til. Mary's avr. D-MIinl" 10-ItOOM HOUBi : . NKWI.Y PAPKHKD. 5 minutes walk la ICth 6c Douilrau W. F. Clark , : ; Dutielas. -55J-t OR UKNT. TIIRKR COTTAGKS ; KN'QUIRB 403 N. Kill. The . Swift. D-MC07 ! FOR HKNT.HOOM MODKHN COTTAOK ; furnlihcd. Cull between 2 and 5 , 1S19 Daven port t , D-6J3 ! rou iii\T-ruiiMsiiiij HOOMS. CAUTiriH , rilONT PARLOR. WITH OR without board. W18 Ilarncy , iMIMl' FURNI8HKD ROOMS FOR MtlHT HOl'HK- keeping. 1119 Dodgfc E-5K BT. MARY'S ; FURNIBIIKU ROOMT : IIOOM.S AM ) IIOAIUI. " FuRNISIIKD KRONT ROOMS WITH OR WITHout - out bonrdi stem 1i nt ; electric belli ; baths ; r tM reasonable. Midland hol l , Ulh * Chl- capo * tn. r MM5 _ ftFltNISIIKD STKAM linATKD ROOMS. MOD- * m conveniences , Iward. 6" ! South ISlh. F 753 nmNtstr.nRooM , MooniiN , WITH HOARD , 15 week ; also ull rooms. The Rose. 2 > * > NiCEiJYFURNsuDoMs. JMI" I" M192 NcnROOM AND HOARD. Jl. 25 S. . ; L.AIIOI : POUTH nooMS. WITH STBAMI r.x- ' ' tible ; rcftrcncfu. 2 < N. l li. I &tA > MZ * OR rNPURNisiinn ROOMS ; mo.lcrn , BI ! < 4 So. 19th si. r M5 Ml * l-'OIl UI3NT..U.M'UHMSIIiil 1IOUMS. 4 ROOMS : WATKR IN KITCHKN ; CKNTRAt. ; rcannrnblc reni ; nice for houtekeeplnir. 1,02 AVebstcr st. Q 7SO C UNFURNISHED CI1AMHKRS FOR keeping , man nnd wife ; wntcr In kltchon ; utrel sink , waste pipe. 319 N. 17th. G-M612 S CONNKCTKI ) ROOMS , 3M SO. I6T1I.O O MS ml TWO tTNrt'nNisitnn , BTIAM 11 MATED roonn , 231D IJouslas. Ilcfcrcnce. Q 573-m2 * TWO OR THREr. NlfK ROOMS 1'OR LIGHT hous < keeping ; bath nnd water on snnie floor. 603 N. 18th i-l. 0-012 1 * FOIl IIK.XT STOUI2S AMJ POR RUNT , TUB 4-STORY UIUCK RUILDING nl 916 rarnntn l. This building has n , nrc- proof cement bisement , complete slenm heat- InjT flxtureii , wnlcr on all noors , pas , clc. Ap ply nt Ihe ofllce of The Dec. 1 510 . . 11HICIC STORH 11UILVJINO 1011 ruiai- > r > - ; Fnrnatn ; Ihrco slorlea nnd bnoemenl ; will allcr In sull tenant : low rent. 311 First National Hank bullUlnB. I I MC33 AGU\T3 WANTKD. AGENTS ; J90.0) WKKKL.Y SALARY TO RIGHT parties ; lltlle work ; n snap for some one ; new scheme : failure Impossible. Wille for special proposllion. Lock llox CMS , lloston. Mass. AGENTS AND I1RANCII HOUSE MANAGER ; peed pay. Suits to order J10 : pnnls , 13 ; fblrls , fl ; mncklnlosh , SS. Hunler Tailoring Co. , Cln- cinnatl , O. J AGENTS MAKE MONEY AND PLENTY OP It Belling our aluminum novelties. Illuitrnlcd catalogue , price llstx , free ; ten cenls brings a rainple. Novelty Inlrojucllon Co. . K9 Slate st. , Chicago. J WANTED. AGENTS TO SELL SASH 1X3CKS nnd door holders. Sainple sash lock free by mall for 2o stamp. Heel sellers ever In vented. Rest -wclghls ; J1SOO n day. Wrtlo tiulck. ttrohard & Co. , IJox 77 , Philadelphia. AGENTS -WANTED EVERYWHERE ; OUR wonderful novcllles pay S4 dally BUTO ; no ex perience required ; demand never supplied ; cnla- losuo free ; sample , lOc. Aluminum Novclly Co. , 331 llroadvvay. Now York. J AGENTS HUSTLERS ; t3 DAILY SELLING only revolving1 griddle cake lurner ; sample SOc. O. Mlckel , in.auufaclurcr , Haverhlll , Muss. AGENTS WANTED TOR THE CELKURATED Aloshlan non-narcotic pure Turkish clRaretles ; send lOc , Ko or 51 for sample. M. Atealilon , 1/i Trcmonl si. , Hoslon , Maai. J WANTED , AGENTS , 11IO PAY ; CHOICE TER- rllory ; paja sick , nccldcnl , death and endow ment benefits. Address American llonevolcnt asaoclatlon , St. Louis , Mo. J 611-1 * AGENTS. GOLD GLASS SIGNS. NAME plales , number : readable darkesl nlghls ; vvtlto for uamplea. Tlionios & Co. , Enslewood , III. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR CELE- braled Vlolcl Orris. Sample lie. Stamps. Bui- tana Perfumery Co. , Box 993 , Chicago. J M9 1 AGENTS TO HANDLE OUR SUPERLATIVE Kas light burner ; makes kerosene lamps glvo brllllnnl gaa light ; no chimneys to buy ; 113 wicks lo trim ; cheaper llinn oil ; samples free lo Ihose moaning business. Superlallvo Mfg. Co. , World Hide. . New York. J 033 1 * WANTED AGENTS A NEW 1S98 OFPICE & family atlan ot Ihe world ; full nnd complete lo date. Exclusive Icrrltory nnd liberal terma given to good solicitors and others. Don'l de lay. Write at once. 'Addicss John K. Walte Publishing Co. . 415-417 Dearborn St. , Chicago III. J 1 * AGENTS THREE J1ACH STATE TO CALL ON merchants ; { 20 lo CO made weekly : S15 guar anteed. Samples on $2 deposit or "C. O. D. " Aluminum Sign & Novelty Co. , Columbus , Ohio. J 0)1 ) 1 * J170 A MONTH TOR NO. 1 GEN. AGENT. References and Kecuilty for goodrt rcqulrid. Ad- diess , Factory , 900 Summit St. , Toledo , O. J C04 1 * LIFE OP McKINLEY I1RIGIIT MEN AND Wol men nru malting from $ . ? 25 a day handling our new book. Ever > body wants this graphic and authentic biography of the brilliant nd- vocnlo of protection. Sold only by Buhscilptlon nnd exclusive territory given. Act promptly nnd get In HIP swim vvllh the rest. For tcrnm , elc. , nddress Ihe publishers , The N , G. Ilamll- Ion Pub. Co. , 938 The Arcade , Cleveland. O. J (02 ( 1 * WANTED TO IlEXT. WANTED , TO RENT ; A 0-ROOM MODERN detached cottage ; must bo cheap. Address L 33 , Hee. K MS2g ! Ml' THI1 DEMAND FOR HOUSES IS GOOD ; LIST with J. II. Parrotte , ICth and Dodge. K MG23 31 STOUAQI2. STORAGE , FRANK EWERS , 1214 HARNEY. M-75I PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. . 90S-910 Jones. General storage and forwarding. M 733 WAKT13D TO HUY. IND.HAND FURNITURE. BROWN'S , 102 S. 14. N-438 WANTED , TO HUY A UICYCLE ; MUST HE In ttrst-clahH shape ; cheap for cash. L 31 , Dec. N MS17 MI * WANTKD , TO PURCHASE A GOOD SADDLE horse , Willo to Henry Kochler , Illue Hill , Neb. N M57C-M6 WANTED-CHEAP SAFE , ADDRESS 412 PAXton - ton lllock. 6S7 M. WANTKD. TO I1U1" A SECOND-HAND 8KW- Ing miichlno ; must be In good repair nnd a bargain , AddretnL K , Bee. N ( i31 ! * WANTED , THREE OR MORE GOOD 2-YEAR- old Durham bulls. 219 Hoard of Trade. N M6U 3 FOR SALIC-Fim.MTUUK. FURNITURE 11-ROOM HOUSIi WITH ROOM- era ; cheap for cosh. 2303 Douglas. O MG31 3 * FOIl SAMO HORSES AND WAOOJVS. FOR SALE CHEAP-TWO GOOD HORSES al33 ono cxprcsn wagon. Call Sundn > g only , 413 South 21 ave. I roil SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SEED SWEET 1 > OTATOES. VINELKS8. FRED Tlieo. Williams , Benson , Neb. Q M1CO-M2S * REST HARD WOOD HOG AND CHICKEN fence , Also "all wire , " C. R. Lee , 901 Douglas. Q-764 FOR HALE OR TRADE , THE HAH FIXTURES nnd furniture of die Denver ntloon , 1K1 Douglns Bt. , Omaha , Neb , Inquire at above number. Q M40SA13 IHCYCLE , HIGH GRADE UNION ; GOOD OR- rier ; neat appearance ; uscsl second . lJ. . , 2113 R et , , to , Omaha. FOR SAI.i : CHOICE urTHKKS , ROSES , shrubs , etc. , catalogue frca ( send for one ) . Glebe Nursery Co. , Ilochenter , N. Y. q C0 1 * roil HALE. A FAIRI1ANK3 STANDARD scnlo ; 3.WO Ibj. ; at Ifiu than U pi Ice. Enquire 1318 rurnam. QCIG 1 FOR SALE. A PINK UPRIGHT PIANO : BEST make , A. U. Ritchie , . ' 0 So. 15th st , QI9 1 3iiscni.i.\Nious. FOR RENT. 40 ACRES OP LAND ; WITH houto ; four miles from poctolllce , Omaha Real Katato and Truti company , ! 11 Soulh llth street. R-MK9 Ml PURH URED GRKAT DANK PUPPIES. 1S09 Harney ct. si.vss.\r.u , BATHS , ETC. MADAME SMITH. 23 DOUGLAS BTREET. tJ riovi' . room 11 ; mai > < iE ° , etcsm , alcohol niul ulpl.erlno bat bo T M63Q 7 * MMK. AMES , FORMERLY OF ST. LOUIS. MAS- ( BK and latin. 607 S. 13th it. , 24 floor , room 10. T-101.M8 * MADAME LKON , MASSAGE PARLORS , HKST- ful and rtfrt-elilnp. 417 a. llth tr. . upatalrs T-MM > 7' CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. DR. H. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , HE- llnbU butlnem medium ; 8th year t 119 N. 16lh. 8 753 MME. SYI.VA , ru : oni\T teller. Is at 334 N. Ulh etreel , corner of Chi- S-M637 S * PROP M. LEON MARRAD. THE WURLIVS sr alesl clalnnyant. h rctunn < J to Omilui nnd rnn } > f consulted on nil mntlfrs , Pinf Mnr- Tad li well known In Omnha , n well us In crery latre clly of the world , iind he Is rfcog- nlieJ by thi > pitta , meillcnl faculties nnd Ml- cnllsls of two continents n < the fotcm st me dium of modern llme , Don'l fall to ff Mm If you lire Interested In the affairs of life. If ImslneM , innrrlnRp , sickness , deaths , lowes love , courthlp , -cuUtlons , chnnEos , trnv K divorces. Intestmenln , losl or sl'len propeny , InteT'l you. If you cnre lo be more suc- rr tful , If you care In know wh < m lo Itiisl and whom lo nvolil. If > u nnl to know If the one you love It true. etc. If ynu desire to hive jour d-itn Mlc trouble * remove. ! , ymir lo l love rentored , Jour < -ntml < cnnveiled Into friends , In fscl , no mailer whalour imublpp , suspicions or il lp m y be. c ll < in this wonderfully Elfted man nnd he will 8nd you awny happy. wl"T and l lder Innn ever l > c- fore. Ri-mnnlwr , Piof. Mnrrad nsks > otl nnqiles- lions , but tells > -ou nil Jim want lo know , cnils you by name , tells > ou nnme * of friends nnd enemies as well ns future wife or husband , nnd guides you with n strnnse ccrtnlntv by a higher limn human poner townnl stiercs * ami ImppIncM. Silljfnctlon guaranteed or no ] ny laken. Pee. 1. Dally from 10 a , m. lo 8 p. m. , i l 1M9 Pnrnim sln-ct. Private wnlt ing rooms. Entire rnillsfacllon Given by mail. S C33 1 * PERSONAL. BATHS , MASSAGE. MMK. POST , J.19H S. 1STH. U 7S8 _ TINE LIVERY RIGS CHEAP. ED HAUMLRY , Kill and SI. Marj-'a avenue. Tcle | ione 440. MISS VAN VALKENHUROH DESTROYS PER mnnently by rlectrlcly supernuoui hair , moles , wnrls , tic. Room 410 , N. Y. Life bide.TJ TJ ,53 VIAVI Coi 3)6 HEE HUILD1NO ; HOME Irentmenl for ladles : phj-slclnn of flfleen years experience In allendancc ; consullallon froe. U MtCO MARRIAGE PAPER WITH PHOTOS. JM "ads. " lOc "How Knot , " Spokane , Wnsh coRsirrs MADE TO ORDER ; WRITE POR meafuri directions. 1909 Farnam. Hello Ep- perly Corset Co. U-M473Mch2S _ _ TO PARTIES HAVING OMAHA rilir. INSUR ance company policies ; see the agsnl Ibal wrote } -ou ; don'l glvo up jour policies until then. U M52S SUPERl'LVOUS HAIR WRITE FOR rRl'-fi IN- formnllon how to remove hair permaiientlj without slightest Injury to skin ; superior lo eleclrlo needle. Curlls Co. , ISO 52nd street , Chicago. _ _ _ U _ A REMARKAHLE OtTER-SEND 4 CENTS In stamps , a lock of j-our hair , name , nge , sex , leading njmplom , nnd receive a nclpntinc diag nosis of your disease free. Add. J. C. Baldorf , M. D. , Grand Rapids , Mich. U MAKD MONEY HY SUCCESSFUL SPECULA- llonl Send for our free guide. Olders execulo.1 In Ihe regular way. Ours Is nol n "syndicate" or "symoniallc" plan. Comslock , Coales & Co. , Rlnllo Hldg. . Cli I ca go. _ U FENCING LESSONS. PROP. L. DENIS. APply - ply at Ramge bldg. , room 200 ; terms reasonable. U M5 1 * LADIES , MMC. MURDENE OF NEW YORK will tench manicuring , facial massage , etc. ; removes superfluous hnlr nnd facial blemishes without pain ; the making of crcnma nnd lls- sue food taught ; also nil line preparations for the tollcl for Bale : prices reasonable ; only here Ihla week. Address L 41 , Bee. U CIO 1 * THE PALACE BEAUTIFUL ; COMING WEEK- with every hair dress or shampoo ; free ; scalp treatment ; don't miss this opportunity. 1(113 ( Douglas street. | U MC3G3 PRIVATE HOME TOR LADIES IIKPORK AND during confinement : bablcu adopted or cared fi.r ; terms reasonable. M12 N. 23th avc. , cor. Port St. , Omaha. U MC31 " MONEY TO L.OAN HEAL ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. . 318 N. Y. Life. Loans nl low rales far cliolcc security In Nebraska & Iowa farms or Omaha clly properly. W 7C1 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Famum st. W 76J S PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. W. H. McIKle , Omaha. HZ7 < ? _ MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Ilrennan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk. W 764 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 923 N. Y. LIPE. W 7C5 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Parnani Smith & Co. , 1320 rnrnam. W-757 FARM LOANS. DOUGLAS AND SARPY , 1 TO 10 years ; low rates. Garvln Uios. , 210 N. Y. L. W 7C9 GEO. P. BEMIS , LOANS. PAXTON BLOCK. V959 FROM J100.00 UP. F. D. WEAD , ICth & Douglas. W 233-M1C MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPHOVKD OMAHA properly at B , Bit. 6 and G' $ per cent. Puscy & Thomas , room 207 , First National Bank bldg. W-293 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , norses , wagons , etc. , at lowial rales In < : lly : no icmovul of goods : strictly confidential ; you can pay Ihe loan off at any lime or In nny amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 300 S. ICth st. X-770 _ _ MONEY TO LOAN. SO. CO , 00 DAYS ; FURNI. lure , pianos , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , Barker blk. X771 _ _ 1IUSINESS CHANCES. CRIPPLE CREEK GOLD STOCKS , SAFE AND sure ; K nnd upwaids Invested often brings fabulous nnd quick returns by placing your orders with the Vnn Huron Investment Co , ( Incorporated ) , tankers nnd brokers , BOS ICth st. , Dcnever , Colo. _ Y 772 CRIITLE CREEK MINING STOCKS HAVE advanced 300 per cent since last July ; wo are meinlcm of the etotk exchange al Cripple Creek , whera clock Is sold al Its true value ; stock In shipping mines now selling al 8 cents upwards , nnd In undeveloped mines 1 cent pjr nlmiu up wards ; we cnn pick out Iho good stocks ; Blocks nro now being offered to eastern customcm ror 10 cents , thai would nol sell for 1 cent on this exchange ; no remittances less than J12SO invested - vested : manual wllh Cripple Creek mining map mailed on rccelpl of 10 cents ; references , Mer- clvanla and U , B. National hanks. Omaha. E. Benedlcl & Co. , Cripple Creek , Colo. Y-S84-M2 _ ONE OP THE BEST SALOONS IN THE CITY ; must ell on occount of elckness. Addreso P. O. Box 813 , West Point. Nfii. _ Y M191 FOR SALE CHEAP , NICE CLEAN STOCK OP general merchandise In one of the best towns of North Mlssoutl on Ihe K. O. Bt. Joe & C. H. R. R. Will sell Block nnd rent store room If desired. Address Lock Box 18 Craig Mo. Y-M419-M7 _ jio.OOO HRICIC PLANT FOR $2,000. P. D. Wcad , 10th nnd Douglas. Y B70-m5 COAL AND FEED BUSINESS ; GOOD TRADE ; have other business ; Invcstlgnle. Address L 4 , Beo. Y MS30 M27 * BARKER SHOP AND HATH sale In San Luis Oblepa. Cal.i 2..VJO Inhabllantu ; established eleven jenrs mid located In Ihe very business ci-nler of the city ; rcanns for selling , retiring from business ; no reasonable offer refused. For parllciilarH Inquire of M , Ltmln , public mlmlnlstrator , Ban I/onls Ohlfp ? , Ca ] . , or nl Ihls olllce , Y MM7 Ml * SPECULATION : BEND YOUR SPECULATIVE orders for grain , provision * nnd stocks tu n reliable house. We solicit onlers on margins. Our dally markel letter s nt free on request ; also our book "Profitable Trading. " Our fa cilities nre unexcelled. McKcnzln. Turner & Co. , 418 Wetlern Union Bldg. , Chicago. Y MAKE MONEY IN GOLD STOCKS : 100 SHARES or tnoie In The Mlc-Mao Gold Mlnlne Co. nt 10o per share will bring fubulous returns. Proiprctus free. Knye Investment Co. . P. O. Box 42S. Denver. Colo. Y FOR SALE OR TRADE-A NO. 1 LIVERY bnm In Fremont , Neb. Addrei > Bos 701. Y-620-1 WANT MAN WITH PEW THOUSAND DOL- Urn who Is practical clay worker nnd under stand * curving all Kinds of clay ware. The light man will be offered splendid opcn'ng ' , Address L 18 , Bee. Y < S ! 21 t2 TO 1100 INVESTED IIY OUR METHOD OF turf upeciilatlon will jlelj .you an Income of { 23 weekly ; have never lost > 1 for a rlU'itl ; our b wk on "Successful Turf Speculation , " mailed free , Morrla & Co. , 112 Dearborn HI. , Chicago. Y COS 1 THIRTY'EIGHT ACRES GOLD LAND. I1G.OOO. Cripple Creek Gold Mining dlitrtct : first-class location ; alnuut iiure with proper development la become a rich mine ; just Ihe kind of gold ilalms for a good repuiable company lu handle ; Mock would bo worthy tlio intention of every fhrcvvd and careful Inventor : orcanltp ulth 1,300- 000 chare * of stock ; place 3W.IMJO furf ! In your trixuuiy und tell for 2a lo 4c per hluirdc - Vclopa jour propcily and bnlancs nf vtock Is Torth fnm ! * > per tharc lo 1 0 times ( hit amount ; noiv Is the time to Incorporate and by H > doln ; ; jou get In on Hit ground Hour. Wolfe , Webb k ChltlendiMi. Jtconia 203 to 209 Krnval & Cinmur bulldlne , Dcnv er , Colo. Y MC33 4 s'ySTEJIATlo Sl'ECULATION. ll.WO TlAIJB IN 3U dayi un { 100 ; now la your chance ; markrtu very active ; our book on epvculatbn and dally murktt letter furnl lii'd free. IVcderlck Wlc- Cini U Co. , 136 Van Buren ttrcel , Chicago. ( ContlftUM. ) YOU ARE POSITIVKJ.V I'ROTKCTKD HO Irxs by our njctem tif * peiHl tlon , the mnnl tmd r has equal chifiiW with the Urge one writs far pnrtlculnrt And reference. R , H & Co. , Opefa Itbuse , Clilcaeo. . . . Y-CJI1 * KOH ISACIIAVfllS. TWO HOt'SKS ON LOT 6 xl24 ; Jl'ST TWO blorks frotn new p-xslofluc ; make offer ; C-mon house nnd lot ; clenlj .for ft few ncres nea Council Bluffs. Jones. , Crpunse block. _ _ _ . . _ M4 WANTED , MACIUNKRY : > NBW OR CKPOND hand , lj equip n cre inorj' nnd che-se factory will tradd clenr rtiHIVMeil fnrm for same George W. Ames , ISHHi Farnam ulrcol , Z-M5JO M12 TO TRADI GOOD INSIDE RP.AI. B3TATI for | > avlnR Jib printing or newfiwi | r buslnon or Interest In simp , city or country. In citj e/iull electtlc imitor nnd chenp rcnl near N. Y. L. building. Address \ , 17 , lief. X-611-1 A' PROSPEROUS HOTKL lltTsTNESM t < xi | sale or exchange for Omnhn property nr fnrm Addie < > 3 Hotel Gnind , lloilon , Kansas. K MS17-S * WHAT HAVE YOU GOT THAT A MAN IN New Yotk wruM want In exchange for lol 23 block 1. Potler's addition to Oinaha7 Cl-ne lo rvirnom cnri ; Uvi mllcn from postudlce. Ad drew F. II. Hajn s , 1952 7th nve. . New York. . it C1C 1 WANTED. A PROriTAHLE Ill'SINESS ; PA1 J3.D.W wiully In fine Iowa faun , bilnneo In cash. Address U 5C. Hee. 5V-GI2 1 * FOR SALE , ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS ; 4 room collage , or will Imde for 7-roim liouno morlgnge. 11. Hodson , U. 1 * . hMi. Z M63I 2 SALK HEAL ESTATE. BARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE. IN CITY PROP crlles nnd farms. Jno. N. Frunzcr. opp. 1' . O RE 773 GEO. P. BEMIS. HOUSES , LOTS , IRRIGATED farm lands , loans. 303 and 30G Paxton block RK 323 ABSTRACTa THE BYRON REED COMPANY VOn SALU HANN'S PAIIK , QHAND ISLAND. Neb. , the larefst and mml bountiful park In conlral Nebraska , containing- ncrcg , large hnll with Btnce nnd nil tnoJern Improvements ! terms veiy lllwrnl. For pirtlculars Inquire of Henry Honn , Graml Island , Nfb. T > r _ -t - . * xriea DO YOU WANT A SURE INVESTMENT which Is paying 9 per cent now , during dul times ? We have It ; first class Improved prop erty on IGth street. Omihn Real E tnte nnd Trust Co. . 211 S. 15th ell eet. RE M498 THREE AND A HALF ACRES ; JOINS COUN ell lllufts ; price. ' Jl.WO : 10 ncres , two mile from Council muffs : price. J1.7M : 10 ncies , Join Council Hiufta : price , J2.900 ; 34 ncres , fou miles from Council Bluffs ; price , $1,601 ; 1 ncrci , nix mllei from Omaha ; pries. $1.000 Jones , Crouns * block. Ri : M513 M4 LIST REAL ESTATE AND RENTAL PROP crty with Jones , Crounsa block. Omaha. RE-M513 M27 TEXAS FARM & FRUIT LANDS DO YOI want to vlsll lha fine ngrlcullurnl and sloe ! latslng country In sDtithcrn Texas , where Hi land Is rich nnd Ihcrc Is plcnlv of rnTn , nnc goml prnlrle land cnn bo bought for } 5 00 lo $7.00 per acre ; If so prepare to BO with one' ' o our Compnnj" , Mnrch 10th , when cheap rate cnn bo had. Call and sen us , we will be Rind lo talk vvllh you. We will refund Irnnspoila tlon lo all parlies bu > lng land of us. Omaha Real Eslate & Trust Co. , 211 So. l < itli Kt. R. E. 591-M2. FOR RALE M ACRES 2Vi MILES S. W. OF stnto fair grounds ; 7-r < > oin house , lalge barn coin crib , gmnarr ; chicken house , vvel cistern , large cave , bearing apples , gtapes nnt pluni4 , large box elder dnd walnut grove ; price (2,500 ; ptxssesslon at ionec. AdJrchS L 37 , Ue. i ' < > Rl6181 FOR SALE 10 ACRKKSKftllLrS S. W. STATI fair Kl-ounJs. 11,000 ; In HOOd slate of cultivation Address L 3S , Hee. > . RE 61S-1 FOR SALU DESIRABLH HOMES IN "BEAU tlful Clifton Hill" ton' * isy terms to thrlftj people. A. 1' . Tukcy , ovv York Life. / " . R1S-M5S24 FOR SALE : FOR CA31I , AND CLEAR VACANT lots you can get a liom& very cheap of A. P Tukcy. New York Itlft-i RE M5S3 4 FOR SALE , TWO NEW COTTAGES ; CORNER 30th and Snhler streets ! " cistern ; cellar ; clt > water ; 11,200 ; long "lime. Enquire , 1318 Frfi- Tlnm. * " J RE647 1 11UILUINU AND LOA.N ASSOCIATIONS SHAKES IN & B. ASS'N PAY 6. 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2. . 3 years old ; always icdeemablc. 1704 Farnam St. , Natllngcr , sec 7S1 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on ravings. Apply to Omahn L. K. B. Asa'n , 1704 Farnam. O. M. NatthiETer , aeo 783 MUSIC , ART AND LANOUAGE. GEORGE F. GELLENBECK , BANJO AND RUltar teacher. 1R15 Chicago st. 109 DECKER BROS. ' PIANO ; BIG BARGAIN ; } 1M new pianos icnted and Hold. C03 McCaguc Imlldlng. MC25 7 Ul'IIOLSTEHING FUUN1TUHE. FURNITURE PACKED , MATTRESSES MADE and renovated , window cushions made ; prices reduced. M. S. Walklln. 2111 Cumins. Tel. 1531. : so LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN LEMON & WHITE English setter dog. Two nnd n hnlf yenra old well feathered , nervous temperamc'nl , nnd car ries head hlKh. Suitable rovvtml for his return to C. A. Claflln , 1141 So. 3Ist Street , or to tin. Crops Gun Co. Omaha Neb. Lost CS9 M-1- * LOST I WILL I'AY A REWARD FOR THE return of my setter dog , "Dave. " Has liver- color face with white stripes nnd liver-color spots on back. Return to 2C18 North 30th tt. . Lost 619-2 LOST OR STOLEN , DIAMOND STUD : D1BAP- praml during last two months ; liberal reward. Address L ZJ , Hee. 1-Oil M'J ! LOST. GOING FROM PAXTON TtOTVn Tb Hoj'd'H Iheuler. ThursJay , package containing nqunio cmbroldeied linen ; reward will te ixiM by retunilnaame to Mrs. Porter .1. W.ilte , Paxton liotil. Losl CIS 1 HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. 13lh and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. 784 I'AWNIIIIOKBIIS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 16 l. r.j 1MTIION1K13 IIOMB IMIU&T11Y. TIIU ALWAYS IinLIAHLH IIAnNHSS BIIOP of Joseph Iamhoefncr. ! ninnuged by the oldcat practical suildler nnd harnewmakT of Omaha , Is now Iwuteil nt 523 So. 13th t. . corner Jack- non. All kinds of homu-mnde and facloiy eooaa on hiinrt. to suit customer , RcpnlrtnB promptly attended to. August Holme , Minaeer , 123 Bo. 13tli st. , corner Jackson. 461 HIM OMAHA BICYCLE ; CO. . BEST PLACE TO HUY bicycles ; bicycles repalml , 323 N , ICth si. 607 WEST B1CVCLE & GUN/.tO. 2416 GUMMING ST. Agent for "Onturlal' . ' JNewporl" & others. SIIOIIT1IAMJ AND 'TYI'ISWIIITING. " A , O. VAN SANT'B SCHOOL , C13 N. Y. LIPK. ' 779 I'KRSONAL IK -"IGENTLEMAM WHO told Ills comi'.inlon on Ifie train lhal lie would buy 10.000 huvhils of y.jirut If he knew how lo BO aboul It will write lo C , P. Vnn Winkle & Co. . It. f > 9 , 232 J-ii.&illa rt , , C.ilcugo , he will iccelvo u copx > , pf , Ihe book , "Specula tion , and How lo Tifidr ( ' free of charge. MEDICAL. PILES CURED WITHOUT PAIN-ONE TREAT- inenl doe * Ihe work. No knife \r couttlc used. Rectal dleeaie n p < clulty. Dr. Cook , 307 New York Life Building. Ml 7 * FREE-PERMANENT CURE. BEND ADDRESS for free Eamplt * jioatpa'd ( b alrd ) of our celery cure for failing manhood , Hiawatha Celery Co , KaUmuz-jj , Mlclu C06-1 * OI'TICIAXS. OMAHA OPTICAL COMPANY : LEADING opticians ; removed to No. ISlJ'i Parnam treel ; opposite Haldut' ; Eyc Tented Free. M-4C1 ml * IJIJUJIATOLOr.Y. niUDl CO ALL 1)1615A'E8 and JuJ- rOmrE > ildg pcrf cUoca of the Bklu/ Irentcd by rivulnr rcirltleicd cr-i'HuIlil * . V JOHN II. WXI ) > UMIm W. 42d H. . N. Y.I Vrancbe * . Hottim. I'hMa..Chicago , Ft.l/juls. ontlio bklo cud Scalp , for u ruoui. VOTARIES OF ROD ASD Gift The Oracki of the World to Eo Hero i April , WINGED HORDES FROM THE SOUTI The Pintail' * Art-Itnl Tlio Iloitlc n tlio Cniinilit The Illir liiMKiHSlcol - Jnpr nnil Otlior lltirtilnirrrs o ( Cciillo AN'AOKUS Loomls I'annaloc and Kept are rapidly per fecllnR nrraiifio mrnts for the twentieth anmin tournninont of tlio Nebraska Slnto Sportsmen's nsso ilation , which will bo held on the Omaha nun club grounds across the river April 21 , 22 23 and 24. Tholr advertising matter 's ' now n" ou nlj worlt upon con templated Improvements nt tbo grounds wll bo begun next week. Thnt the shool wll be n great ono but little doubt remains , as the management have received assurances from all the prominent shots In the cotintrj that they will be here. Omaha Is now In the national circuit , which lends considerable additional attractiveness to the affair. Ono thousand dollars will bo added to the purses which will bo open to the world. A circular Just received convoys the Information tha there will bo twcnty-e'ght events cf twcntj targets each , $3 entrance , $30 added , total $840. Five Monies : 30. 25 , 20 , 15 and 10 per cent. Targets , 3 csnts each. arancl Averages for Twenty-eight Events $160. Klrnt average , $20 ; second avcragetS third average , $10 ; fourth average. $16 ; lift ) average $14 ; sixth average , $14 ; soventl average , $12 ; eighth average , $12 ; ninth aver age , $10 ; tenth average $10 ; eleventh average $ a ; twelfth average $9. Known traps , unknown angles ; empire traps , pulls and targets ; all t'es divided. The following state events nro open to Nebraska chootcrs only , viz : Diamond badge for champlanshlp of Nebraska , ten llvo birds per man ; $10 entrance. Gold medal for champion club team , two men per team , ten single targets per man ; entrance per team $101 1'lattsmouth cup for champion club team , four men per loam , ten single targets per man ; entrance per team , $10. This tournament follows the ono nt Atchl- son , held April 14 , 15 , 10 nnd 17 , and Is In turn followed by the Owl oJioot nt Joplln , Mo. April 28 , 29 and 30. This Is a circuit that will attract all shooters ; $1,000 cash to be added to purses at each place. If you want to come and get a slice of this money and at the same tlmo meet a lot of good fellows , why come. O. W. Loomls , P. S Parmelee. J. C. Head , managers. PAWLBT , Feb. 4. To the Kdltor of The Dee : The following pome I dashed off last night with cno hand tied behind my back It depicts , however , In realistic colors , nnd aroma , an event which occurred nt Hamil ton's lake a year ago last fall. I acted as a guide to the patty referred to In verse , nnd you will confer a great favor on their sand hill friends by giving It a place In your valuable columns. Peter Madison. Draw your cheers n llttlo closer. Git nroun' the blazing log , "FJll them -up again there , land.ord , Let us have a drop , o' grog ; ' ' nil . btory An' I'll tell yez n. 'Kout n party ot 'tho boys,1 From the town of Omuhaha , Who came out to make some noise , With their nice , slick limiting breeches An' their guns all polished up. They was goln' to have oJme shooting Ho It quail , or "chick" or pup , An' they had their ammunition , Faith they know Just what to bring- . In a llaslc of glass and leather , Stuff to set one's blood n-tlng. Wc'l , they sec me standing near them , An' they'd heard , o' me , tlu-y say. So they hired mo to go with 'cm , Said they weren't afraid to pay. An' I promised that I'd fetch 'em AVhcro they d get the best of game. So wo tramped around the An' all -\\o paw was mighty tame. Well , there wasn't much xtso shostln' When we'd , nothing for n mark. So wo thought we'd make a cottage For the night was cutting daik. An' they told me who they was , then An we sat around the lire Lord ! I mind It well this minute The thermometer was Jilghcr , Coureo tonight it's down past zero , Hut that night It warn't so bad , Tho' 'twas cold enough , I'll bet you. And those fellows , they wetc g'.ad That they'd brought some "bltln1 bll.y' In their little leather fla k Well , they emptied 4t and filled It , An1 I had all that I could ask. One , they said , was Sandy Orlswold , And a sport yez ought to see. Ail the others paid that Sandy Wrote the sermons In The Uee. Ho wns kind o' church reporter , 'Causo ho was go meek and good But I never saw no churchman Hit thnt nak ai Sandy could. Ono of them they nil called Stocky An' his maiden name was Heth , Hut he felt n kind of locky 'Cause ho had some nchlng teeth , Aching not becauce they hurt him , lut because he wanted game. Ho was quite a hand nt shootln' , And p'aln grub was kind of tamo. Hamilton , ho was another , I3ut ho didn't make much nolso And the others said that he was Always Frank , when with the boys. Well , ho wnHn't much on drinking , For be wan n quiet chap , So he quietly retired and Said he gucs-sed he'd take n nnp. liiit , of course. I can't Skip Dimdy , IIo was -with us , lee , that night , As wo all turned In nt bedtime. Going to bed by palQ moonlight. Well , we hadn't been iiFleep yet More'n un hour or su nt most When wo heard n tap. tap tappln1 At the door nnd window post. And wo wondered what the row was Some ono rays , "It's a chlu-munk ; Others , It was something different ; And ? z I , "JloyB , it's n skunk ; " Then up tprang Iho sturdy Sandy , I'ale and trfinbllns Hko a child , With his teeth nil eet a-cllncliln' , And h's eyes n-stnrlii1 wild. An' the one they nil called Fimikie \Vlth abbreviated shirt Looking .11:0.11 : naked fcare-crow. Says , "Aw , now. Is ho peed sport , " Well , they shot nt him and missed him , An' thev shivered like to freeze In their low neck , short-sleeve clothing Till they nil began to sneeze. The next morning found tame bullets Slicking In an o'.d barn door , Hut the target wasn't near there , MlEtor BkunUlo was no more. Should you 150 to Omaliahn Anxious lo get 0:1 : a drunk Ask thoEo boys to come and toll you How they didn't kll' the skunk. Colonel Parmelos was In attendance at tlio tournament over at Ottunnva Wednesday and Thursday nnd of course came back with tbo Ion's share of the honors. Sam Illclimoml lias pitched hla camps on tbs banks of the Platte below Claiks a .d Ic ready oud anxious to bee all his old [ rlendu. The "S , and N. II. " Ouu club held Its first weekly shoot yesterday en n rand Lar in tbo Ms ! jurl river near HaU OninMa , The club consists of C. L. Colcman , 1) . J. DM * n. J. 11. Helnhart and M. W. Cavanaugh. After shooting nt twenty-five blue rocka apiece the score stood : J. H. lUlnhart , 0 ; M. W. Cava- pnugh , G ; C. L. Coleman , 3 ; I ) , J. Dodson , 1. 'S. and N. H. " signifies bhcot and never hit. Tlipro Is a KranJ stand overlooking the grounrt'J free of charge to spectators , who > art bstUr wear an armor wl.on attending : hcso ehoots. btcaura no one can tell Just vhcre Coleman or Dodzon will shoot. Hello Helfccs oni several other sportsmen rom this locnl'ly will taVo In the three hi ; \estcrn shoots , In each cf wl.lcli $1,000 will ) - . added. Tiny cnmo off In April nnd are nt Atchlson , Omaha , and Joplln , Ho. Cincinnati Comincrcla'-Gr.zette. At the IrtuH'vllle , Ky. . Gun club slioot on Yafhlnstcn'a birthday , Hello HuU.e broke 00 tluo rocka In llvo inlnutw. thirty-five nl Uo-tlilrdu abends. The continued warm weather uaz brought a great many birds up from the iiuth , and Iruady r'm very creditable ba3 havu bten inado. Fred Fuller was over at Matiawa Frld.iy morning nnd b.iRired four pintails nnd n , brace of redheads. Dr. Oalbralth nml Henry Hmnon put In n day recently nt Noble's l.nkc , fishing through the Ice. Thty hnd great sport and caught somewhere In Iho neighborhood of 160 bnw and cropple. C. W. Thompson \U11 put up his tents down on the 1'latte this week for the spring shoot- Ing. Until the season proper opens the camp will be In charge of 12 , A. Sheppard , formerly of thla city , now of Chicago. TIM : m < i Mor.ui.s MIJHT. lln" < p Hull I'nlnMT front .11 nny I'Mi-lil * . T Til 12 Fifth Avenue - nue hotel In New York last week thu Wg baiw bill mo- fill Is wound up but'lner * . In addi tion to adopting the playing schedule , n new mtlonal agree ment was entered Into nn J some minor changes mndo In the rules. The tea- Ron will open on Thursday , April 16 , with Hoaton playing at 1'hlladclphla , llrooH- lyn nt Haltlmorc. New York nt Washington , 1'lttsburg at Cincinnati. Cleveland at St. Louis and Chlcngn at Louisville. Tlia national holidays , which nro conoid- orcd among the managers as "good pick- Ingfl , " nro fairly well divided. On Decora tion day two games will be played by the Clevelamls nt Huston ; Chicago will double In Brooklyn ; Laulsvlllo Is scheduled for two games In Now York ; St. Louts for the same number In Philadelphia , Cincinnati nnd Washington playing two games each with Baltimore nnd 1'lttfliurp : , respectively. Inde pendence day will nnd the Bostons In Hrook- lyn. Daltlmorcs In New York , Washlngtono In Philadelphia , Cincinnati In Plttsburg , St. Louis In Cleveland nnd Louisville In Chicago. Philadelphia will piny two games vvllh Chicago cage In the Quaker City on September 5 , which Is lecognlzed no Labor day In tlio Keystone slate , while on September 7 Cleve land will piny In Hoston. Clnclnniti In Brook lyn , Pllteburg In New York , Louisville In nnltlmoie nnd St. Louis In Washington. Bos ton's big holiday will bo celebrated with n game between the New Yorks and Bostons on the latter club's grounds. The changes of the rules made refer to the discipline and Impcslng of fines on players. Much more ar bitrary powers have , been given to umpires for Immediate punishment of refractory play ers. The umpire shall remove from the game and field any player gtillty of Indecent or vulgar languaga or conduct , nnd In addition thereto the player shall bo fined , the sum of $2G. The umpire \ < i authorize. ! to Impose n flno of not less than $5 nor more than $10 on the captain , coaclier or any player of the con testing teams falling to remain within the bounds of his position as defined In the rules. This , however , shall not deprive the captain of either teim from appcnllng to the umpire upon n question Involving an Interpretation of the rules. When the umpire orders n player from the field ho thall also Insist upon the player going from the ground" , and suspend the game until bis order Is obeyed , Mr. Hart of Chicago offered a resolution to dispense with the Temple Cup series , but this was voted down. The double-umpire question was not brought up , nnd It la probable - able that the single umpire system will be In vogue thly season. The leagues under the new agreement will bo divided Into six classes as follows , A , I ) , C. D , 13 nnd F , nnd the protection prlco will range aa follows : Scventy-flvo dollars for class A , $30 for class H , $40 for clas ? C , $30 for clara D , $20 for class E , $10 for class F. This also Includes the right ot resarvatlon for each club. The leagues will he classed according to the aggregated population of the cities repre sented In the respective lagues. The tlmo limit for drafting a player by a club In ouo league from a club in another league will bo from October 1 to January 1. At the expira tion of this tlmo the club drafting such player shall either release him or pay over the drafting price to the club from which ho wag taken. The drafting prlco of a claw A player la $300 , class H $300 , clare C $200 , class D $100 , class 13 $73 and class F $39. Among the knotty-fingered youths with srlcvancea to adjust under the head of minor league matters at the league meeting last ThurExlay was Alex Whltehlll , formerly of the Omaha team. This young man appeared In person to Icbby hla bill tluough the tu- multuoua course of bas-e bill legislation. Be- ti'dea being a pitcher of some renown , Alev la a tall and extremely sedate looking young man. Mr. Whltohlll wanted his alleged owner , G. A. Vanderbeck of Detroit , to sign a quit' claim dee-d to the person and talents of Mr. Whltehlll , a proposition which the Detroit magnate violently opposed. Alex has a better "sit" v.'lth Syracuse , and the league decided In his favor. Little Hollinsworth has been drafted from Ce.-lar Rapids by the St. Paul team nnd It ooks as If Buckerlno's famous Lincoln team will be thoroughly dismantled. Darnes and Speer go to Milwaukee , big Sullivan paid Buck $300 for his release. Snapper Kennedy ; oes to Cincinnati , and this only Icivcs Buck hliw-elf , Beldtn Hill and Willie Van Buren , Manager Scleo thinks that Baltimore will le more troublesome to Boston than Clavo- end In the pennant race. Solcc BoinctliiK.i ilcka the wrong shell in his guess at the little ball. "Tuck" Turner vows that the Phlladcl- pl la club will not try out another man for : he center field , left vacant by the transfer of Hamilton. Turner promises to boat all ils rivals. Sam Wise , one of the very old boys , will ) o on deck again next reason. Ho has signed to play second bas.0 for Buffalo. Ned Hanlon Is quoted as saying that the Ltiulsvlllcs would finish In the first division. Stop guying the poor Colonels. President Frcedmnn says he will lay off CI arley Farrcll without pay If the latter decs not icport on April 1 In the pink of condition. Fred Clarke ot Louisville heof the $10- 000 fame telegraphs from Des Molnta that 10 , McFarlan and Holmes are getting ni'xloiu for the pcason to open. What next ? There always bus existed a doubt as to n person being able to telegraph from Des koines to Louisville. niul AnsvTfr.s , CHI2STON , la. , Feb. 20. To the Sporting 2dltor of The Bto : Will you plpiuo Inform mo through the columns of next Sunday's k'o , the point : , accord itg to the standard 'or Judging , In the head of a thoroughbred setter dog ? R. 11. Wells. Aiis. The head chould bo long nnd Iron , with a well deHned stop. Skull oval from oar o car , fcliov , In ; ; plenty cf bialn room , and vlth a well defined occipital protuber ance ; tbo muzzle moJorutcly deep and airly tquaro ; from the slop to the lolnt of the note should bo lane , the nostrils v'do and the Jaw.s of nearly equal length , Ions not to 1)3 pendulous ; color ol noao ilack cr llghl-llvor. according to color of hu coat ; cyc-s bright , mild and intelligent and of a daik hazel color , the darker the letter ; cars of moderate length , hct on low and hnng ng In ncitt folds close to tlie cheek ; ho tips should bu velvety , tlie upper part lotlted with fine silky hair. OMAHA. Fcb , 24 , To tlio Sporting Kdltor f Tlio 1)23 Will you kindly Inform me hrough jour columns who la M present Immplon heavy.\clylit pugilist pf the world' ' f no ono holdo that title , who held It lot ? Vho lus the prcssnt champion of the United tates to meet beforp he can rightly style lniBlf champion of the world ? Thanking ou In anticipation. Rctarf. Ans. For the first tlmo for years we ave a real champion of tlio wnild , and hie runt name Is Koheit FiUalinmonx. John L. as never champion , for ho Ignored Peter ickscn's challeng ! and fulled to defeat lurllo Mitchell. Cortiott was never rhani- ilon. only by t > ufferancc , HUMHOLDT. Neb. , Feb. 21. To the Sport- ng KiSltor of The Hee : Plena answer < hc ollowlng quoitlons In Suaduy'H Ilee : John . Sullivan's aga and birthplace ? Paddy tyun's ago and bUthpUco ? Where Hyan nd Sullivan fought tlielr flghti , nu.nbcr of cunds , date of flRhUT Tom Tretx. Ana.It li claimed that John II. flfntry acad a quarter In 0:27 : , 1 ( ho did that Is NEW ENGLAND MUTUAI , I.IKIJ i.vsriiAM'n niMt'Aisv. Ho ton , Sl.nss , IIKNJAMIS V BTBVI5NS lYftiMrnb r.Mimliiril .tnnniiry 1-I.U.1 , ISIKt. > n G of \ \ > t Itwtmnet ? law * require thit ns ofti-n ns om-c In thr < vrars mch in iurnn > * company , wputtnxl iimln- the ] / . of tin * c. > m. tnnnurnlllt , rtinll be > rxmnlmvl l > v tlio Immune * IJepnrtment In oempllnne * with ( hit provi sion the iitiinl tilennlnl lnvc tlir\tl.m of the nf * f/vlrs lu thl company lis Just lwn cmipletpj Hach Item of property ntut evIU'nc * of Intlrht- Cilnci > claimed by the cotnpnny 1ms IIPA.M vxnm- IntHt In complete delHll , mill tinr suit rorrobo. Mies th ( > statement of It-in * nnd rvrty ilnun lo property st t forth In HIP Atmtinl Htntcmeht of the company. Iho llnbllltl < con lst of ml premium reservs niul a stnnll nin.n.nt of tmpnlil losses nn 1 cn | dowments whleh nri > < luc iwni nit cnlKnl fi > r or nvvwlllntf proper | > r r of title , nnd the balance ) of distribution nccount of prevlouM jear un cnlloil for. The first of thoto Kenn , the p > llcy r flenp. nmitiiitn to nioii' than M per cent of tin uitlrd " Millies of Iho rpnipnti ) . Thla nciount Imi n ciinputeil nt thU < Vpirtnient fioin our otll- clnl r.-Klitors , which nro Kept entirely distinct nnd Imli'pendrvit from thn of the company , niul iMiislllutn n complete ilupllcntp of the lullcy nccounls of the company. Assinvt AH IMII : i.nuacn ACCOUNTS. Post vnltia of I < P | e tnto JlS7to < i 7J l. nns nn inurlRDRe or ronl citnip ( flrsl . iKians on rollnirral occultly l,7tfJS7J SS I..11111 on r > inpiny'n lollelM nMRiieil ai i-jllnternl Jm M iTiMnlum lilies or lonim nn | HclM In force C9.1.MI 01 < \ t vain * of stocks iuul Iwnla oVMifJ.lS.m.XSl 7 ! deposited In liniilt. . . . . . . 46I , & < S tMlRor Aniftn 9iii.l : lU.OOS 5 OTIIiil ASSUTrf. Interest due niul nccruM 12I7.IJ2 K1 Unit * nccnitNl , . . , 12,034 SS Market value of > U > cl < i niul Uuuli , over cost . . . . . . . , . . , . . , . 703,203 G5 Uncollectetl proNev mluins on pollHtnlne n.Henewatii. . , clot In force f I,4I302 Jl'i9.v ' 97 Deferrol pmnlunia fS.9C7 o * f4,5rj 01 J131.403 02 JJ.tJ.r.M 9S Deiluct IrtnilltIB ( ! ) percent 28tSl Si ) f.6,717 53 Net nmomit of tineollected pro- } 113.127 Z2 J2n.S7l M JS1.S9J n ssciM tir , it > 7r st : uvi I.IAIHI.ITII : ; ; . Compuleil premium rcacr\e Helium's 4 per cent } : : ,9IC.493 09 PcMtli lo sra due ami 11:1- : p.ild $ S5,17S 83 Matured endowments duo iuul unpaid -S0.010 00 Total policy olnlnis 10C.1S7 9J ITnpalil dlniiltiutl m of Riirplus duo policy luMors 127,103 4 I.lnlillltles an to polley hoMer . . } l.l < 9. 44 03 Burplui as regard ? iwllcy hulilcra. . 2.147,739 00 After considering the remits of the examina tion the Department linn Rrfat pntNfactlon In asmirlmr the nipmliiTB of tin * Ni\V UNOLANIJ MUTUAIj UKi : INaVHANCU COMI'ANV that , nfter a perloil nf nfty-tno > enr * of nueceRsful ntlstencs the compiny In still In a position wlilch commnnds the iexpect and ndmlrnllan of the In- mirnnco coinmunlty. The Inxestmcnts stem to haxo tiecn inndltli JudBniant and discretion nnd can ) > c sulijected to comparison with thnno of any other corporation Im'lns ; Invetted funds of oxer $ Mi 0'K , w'ill the Internal mltnlnlMia- tlnn of Hie company leaxct nnthlng to 1 > * de- Rlieil. Tin * Dcpiitnient linn found nothing to criticise us to the coiiiluet ef the olllcers , nnd c.ui only commend the > nlillttv and faltlifulneaa ttlth whldi they have fulMlldl the trust Im posed on them by the policy holders. c.ico. s. MEimiiiri , IKSUKANCI7 COMMISSIONKII. W , J FISCHER , Oen , C1I.V.MIIEII OF COMMERCE , Oiniilin. the best quarter ever paced. Ho paced a half In 0:39V6 : at Freeport last year. UNDI3HWOOI ) , la. . Fob. 27. To the Sport ing I3ditor of The Bee : Please answer the following questions In next Sunday's Bee and oblige a regular reader : First What were the ages of Corbclt and Jackson when they fought their sixty-one round con test In California ? Second Did Corbott fight any cf tlio last rounds with a crippled hand rr wrist ? ! . V. D. Bcgcrt. Ans. Sullivan was born in Hoston , Octo ber 15. 1S3S ; Pddcly Kyan , Troy , N. Y. , 185C , Fought at Mississippi City , February 7. 1882 , / and at 'Frisco , Cal. , November , 13 , 1880. ' IMOGENK , la. , Feb. 25. To the Sporting Editor of The Heo : Will you please tell mo the fastest quarter ever paced , not a quarter alcne , but nny quarter of a mile , whether first , second , third or fourth quarter In n mile , and by what horse and where and * v.lien ? James W. Bogan. Ans. (1) ( ) Corbttt 25 , Jackson HO. (2) ( ) Both men had crippled hands during tbo latter part of thswalking match. COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. , Feb. 27. To the Sporting ICditor of The Hee : In a game of casino "A" has a build to an eight on tbo boarJ. Ho holds an eight , nn ace nnd a nlno in his hand , . I bet thnt he cannot ralsa hs ! build from eight to nlns. Do I win ? J. H. S. Ans. You do. CHAPMAN. Neb. , Fcb. 28. To the SportIng - Ing Hdltor of The Bee : Pleasa answer In Sunday's Heo when Coibett nnd Mitchell fought and g ve particulars ? William Ulcks. An-s. Januaiy IK , 1891. Corbett won In three rounds , after repeatedly fouling Mitchell. ALLIANCE. Feb. 24. To the Sporting Kdltor of The Bee : Pletiso state In The Sun day Heo where wild celery seed can bo obtained ; alto what ruciesj has attended the planting of reed , If you know of any cases. H. M. H. Ans. Know of no one cf whom you can pnrclmFo cither seed or bulbs. The plant has been tmccBaaftilly grown in certain wa ters , Cut Instances nro rare. WINSIDB , Neb. , Fcb. 5. To the SportIng - Ing Editor of The Heo : Pleaoe anu.vcr In next Sunday' ! ) Heo the following query and oblige : A nnd H make a hot on the Maher and Fltsrlmmomi fight. A makes the propo sition to H to bet. H auks A If ho has heard anything In regard to Iho result of the light. A sayfi that ho has not hoard n word. II accepts A's proposition , and the hot la made and money pos-tod , A beta II that Fltzslmmons wins. Later on II learns to a certainty that A know the ru- nult of the fight before ho placed the hot with H. Is that n but ? George Woods. Ans. H don't go. HUATIUCH , Neb , , Feb. 24. To the SportIng - Ing Hdltor of The Ileo : Plcasu answer In Sunday's Bee to dei-ldc a wager how many prize flishts have boon eottloj In ono round and whether nny In loss than nlnoty seconds ends ? J , A. Smith. An" . ( I. ) Scoria nf them. (2. ( ) Yes. CJODAH BLUFFS , Feb. 21. To the SportIng - Ing Kdltor of The Hoe : I'leaso answer the following In Sunday'o Heo : A man trying to shoot a squirrel from the fildo of a Uco ; the Bqulrrol moves around the tre to op posite nldo ao fast ns the man walkd. Doea the man BO around the squirrel ? L , M. Dickey , Ans. Yes , If the bqtllrrol doesn't go round him first. Thin Is the first conundrum J3vo nb'xcd Adnm. N15I1HASICA CITY. Nob. . Fob. 21. To the Sporting Kdltor of The Heo : Will you pleads Btato In Sunday's Heo whore nnd when Fltz- ulmniniiH killed hlu eparrlng partner In an exhibition , nnd oblige ? Harry Brunt. Ans. At Syracuse , N. Y. , November 19 , 1604. OMAHA , Feb. 21. To the Sporting IMIIor cf The Hoe ; Will you kindly Inform mt > In 8iinday'u Heo the name of Mrs , Senator Shornmn previous la her mmlaeo , and set tle a dispute ? Mercedes * . Ans. Margaret Cecilia Stewart. UNION STOCIC YAHUS , SOUTH OMAHA , Feb. 28. To the Sporting Kdltor ot The Hea : Will you kindly answer the following quo- lion In Tha Hnnday Ileo ; When playjmc crlbbago a person plnys "last rard , " at Iho same tlmo mnklng thirty-one , how many holes should bo counted ? H. II , Ulcltard. An * . Two. COUNCIL HLUFFS , Feb. 28 , To tha Sporting IWItor of The Bee ; Please anawor lu next Sunday's lice : A hots H that 0 would not get thlrty-flvo votes for the nomi nation on the llrnt ballot In the convention. C got fifty votes on the Informal ballot and withdrew hli came. Who wins ? A Sub- scrltior , , A no. A. ncnrrr Mini i'lntolM ' ci AVIiloir. DIJNVBIt , Feb. SO. Thomas Jones , nn Iron nouldor , bhot Mr . Annlo Muo in the face , nlllctlpij n serlouii but not necwsnrlly fatal round , and then ( hot himself In the head , dying Instantly , Inut nliM at the houss ot th voman , Jonpt wag a widower with flva children and Mm. Muse A widow , Her re- uual to marry him was His caute of th