Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1896, Editorial Sheet, Page 14, Image 14

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    THIS OMAHA i > ArLYJU.M ; SU i ,
Bu hicsi in a Jobbing Way Running om
what Ahead of Last Year ,
Ilnnlc CIcnriitKN Inillrnto a I'nlr lln
IICHN In All l.liipt CotiHlitcrnlilc
Activity In rrnilnrc Clr-
Cll'N Illlll l < IMt I'llGOK.
The past work has witnessed a fa
amount of biMness doing ! u the 'Aliolc-ja
district of the city , no gront Incrcnw i
compared with previous week nnd no nrei
nish of order ? , but Just a Btendy movcmci
of inercrmnilho of nil UlmK It vv.w polntc
out a week HBO that It was hardly to 1
expected that theie would be nny gro ,
Improvement In the character of buslnc :
doliiE nt the present lime. The npproae
of spring , however , always produces
bolter feeling nnd lends to the floor buylr
of Home lines of merchandise. Occasloi
ally a liouid la found that reports a ni
tltoablc Increase In the amuunt of uuslnri
Uclliff , but such onsen arc rather the cxce ]
tlon tlmil tlio rule.
Ai continued with a year ago most a
Iiou3e > report Improvement and In son
capon quite large gains In Ilia volume (
Hill's aie shown.
Money 1:1 : Btlll vuiy scarce In the countr ;
which miik , " ) collection * slow. llut vcr
lltilu pioduuc Is Kol't * fonvntil at thu prri
ml time iiml the amount of money coniln
back Inlo the Mite Is coii'cquently suml
1'ilcf" ! icninln very low oa practlcall
ever } thins that the tanner hntt to sol
wltlrh vvoiks a guilt disadvantage to a
classes or bu lile ? .
The bank cleat IIIMS .it Omahn show a gal
for the past \M.clt of U.S. per cent , an con :
jmrccl with the cotrcfponilltiB week of. his
jcar. The fivemse lot thu whole counti
\VIIM only 185 per cent , s-o that It can li
Mid this tit } li iccovctlnjety ne.ul
IIH fa < < t us the country at latje and 111110
mote rapidly than moai otlitt wcstcin cltlc1
K.uihUH City slii.vvs a gain of only 27 | > c
itnt , Denver 33 pti cent , while St. I'.il
has a decrease nt 133 pci cent Ht. JU--PP
a decieavt or 10 tier cent and Sioux Clti
decion > v of 0 , Iho only vvcstcin city tiiii a better showing than Omaha 1
A good deal has boon printed of late re
eratdlng the Ice ciop ami the prospect o
values thecomliiK summer. Careful In
qulry monK the e who are In a position t
Hicnk for branch of business show
that the iiimnllty harvested so far this vvlnte
In this section la less than half of a not ma
crop , but taKIng Into conaldciutlon the Ic
left over from last season and Mill In th
houses It may be paid that just about i
half ciop has been put nvv.iy. That mean
a large shortage the coming season am
that ko will have to be shipped In fron
other points. Other nearby points nr
nhort the tnme us Omahu , so that It wll
bo Impossible to stcnre any quantity with
out going some distance for ft. It Is Bali
by thu Icemen that It will bo Impossible t
Bet Ice shipped In litre for less than J2 pe
ton , Height. Last jcnr the vvholesa !
price of Ice at this point was only $2 pe
ton , so that It will be seen that to ship Ic
In will make It a rather c\pc > n lvc coin
JilO'llly ' , doubling the WhvlwtUe price a
There has been a good deal going On litho
the produce dlstilet tno paht week , and tin
tallicifl have had plenty to do. In the His
v place the attempt to locate ; the market gar
F / deneis over on Capitol avenue has brough
* lorili a vigorous piolcst from the pioduci
men at Eleventh and Howard stieets I
the gatdencts and hucksters arc kept In tin
Binie district as last year , that Is , nroum
13 eventh and Ilounril streets It centiallze
the produce business and makes a market
while to scatter them disperses the tradi
nnd Oniiiha will no longei iiuve a busy pie
duce market , as was the case last summer
To centralize the trade brings , all the In
tertsted parlies. Into one locality and faclll
ntes the transaction of business. The pro
diH-o men aic picpared to make a stroni
light against the bieaklng up of the market
Anot lici Interesting feature of the bus !
ness In the produce district Is the continue !
Uownwaid course of the egg market , untl
the lowest price on record nt this season o
the year has been touched. The mlh
weather that has prevailed over the greate :
portion of the west during- the wlntci hai
brought about an enormous production o
eggs , -which has been supplemented by ai
unusually laigepupp'y In the fouth , and alto
ftether the shipments oC flesh stock havi
been the largest ever known nt this Heasoi
of the year. The rrsult has been that east
em maikets have been flooded and ths prlci
has been gradually lorctd downward until
ns noted nlme , It Is loner than ever befon
at this time of the year. At the pieseni
time the wholesale pi Ice quoted In this cltj
is 8g8Vi cents , as atalnst 22 cents one jeai
ago.At the present time there are belnt
shipped from Nebraska , on an average , a
least two cars per day ot 400 cases each
thlity dozen per case , or a total of 21,00
dozen for the two cars.
Another feature of the situation Is the re
ductlon In the demand for meats of a'
kinds , owing to the fact that cheap cggi
are being substituted. The largo packer !
are all complaining that the public Is no
consuming meat In such quantities as for
merly , andi In consequence' the market ot
all kinds of ll > e stock Is depressed am
prices low. _
Condition of Trail o nnil Quotation *
on Maple mid Fancy Produce.
EGO'S rrcsh stock , EC.
IlUTTEll Common nnd old uradc * , 6c ; fnlr tc
rood stock , "OSc ; choice to fancy country. 12c.
VUAtf Choice fat , 70 to 100 Ibs , are quoteil
nt ClJffJc ; large anil coarse , 4J5c.
CHIisi : Domestic brick. lUic ; Edam , pci
03 , { 9 60 , Club house , 1-lb Jar * . per dox . 3 50 |
lilmbcrcer , fancy , per Jb . llVic ; Hoijuefort , H-lb ,
Jttrn , per doz , (3 CO ; Youns Americas , HHci
Twlng. fancy , lie.
POUI.Tin Urraned-ChlcXens , choice , 7'48
to ; course and hirse , 6V4ROc ; ducks , choice ,
lOiillc : turKoB , choice , 124il3c : Reese. 8c.
HAY Upiand , 1500 ; midland , J4 50 ; lowland ,
$400 ; rje straw , J3 60 , color makes the price on
nay ; light bales sell the best. Only top cradet
brlilK tup prices
BROOM COUN Hxtremely slow sale ; new
crop , delivered on track In country : choice green
clf-worklnc carpel , per Ib , 2Vic ; choice green ,
running to hurl , 2'4c ; comm n. 1'ic.
OAMI3 Jack snipe , 76cfflJ1.00 : soldcn plover ,
It 23 ; jack labhltf ) , per doz , II OOU1 SS , small
rabbits. It ; mnllaid ducks , 13 6003 75 ; red-
headH , 13 7S04 00 ; ranvastiuck ducks , 15 OOflS 00 ,
leal , tlue vvlnir , $2 WITS 25 ; teal , green wlnff.
I1.7W200 ; mixed ducks , 1.752t5 ; Canada geese ,
1(000760 ; small gttge (4 M 5 00 ; tiants , 1360 ;
squirrels , per doz , 6W76c.
I'lOnONS Live , 1 0001.10 ; dead pigeons not
TOMA1OKS riorldu , per six-basket crate , 4 00
C4 25.
CAnnACJn Calirornla ttcch , per Ib. , 2o.
1H3TATOIJ.4 rancy native stock , SOc ; from
tnr In fimll lots. 30 35c ; Colorado stock , 45c.
ON'IONH 1'er bu , 85W60C ,
IlICANH-Ilund picked navy , per bu. , II 60
BU'UUT I'OTATOKS-Cholce stock , 1275 per
cni.nUY-Canfornln. per' doz. No. 1 , SSc ; No.
I , 70O76c.
MMA IIHANR- Per Ib , 4'4iffBc.
WATCH riirss-1'ir IC-qt. cn e , 11.76.
Tin PLANT Hot bouse stock , per doi.
Lunches , SOjJSSc ,
APPLES Choice tii fancy Hen Davis , J3 00f
1 25 ; choice wine saps nnd vvllljw twigs , 13JW
CHANliniUUFS-Jeniey. | 6 6'O7.00 ; Loxrs. J2 51.
MALAGA OHAI'ES-Per CO-lli 1)1)1 , 15 0085 60 ,
per C5 to 70-lb. cross , 15 Wf6 00.
TnoncAL ruuiTa
OHANanS-Callfornlii bii'Mm ] sccdllnES , fancy.
$ t2J6.60 ; choice. | . ' .00ir2 23 ; fancy navuls , J3 00 ®
> .25 ; choice , li 50.
LEMONS Mcfslnas , fancy , 13 MQ4 00 ; choice.
| 325 ? 350 ; Cullfornlas. } 3 2fi3 50
11ANANAS Cliolce large sloek. per bunch , J2 00
C5 ; medium sited MmrhiK , ltOij2QO.
OYSTEnS-Mcdlums , 16c ; standards , 20o ; extra
seletU , Sic ; llr.incll & Co.'s select' , 27c ; New
York counli. 30c ; standard bulk , per gnl , J1.10.
IlONIJY-f.uuy white , per Ib , 15c.
MVPLI2 HiltUI'-rivo gal , cans , each , 1275 ;
a CUn" ' 'C5' quart
rifal5R-Puro Juice , per half bbl , | Jj pcx
1)1)1 , 14 75.
KAUEll KKAUT-Per bbl. . 3.75 ; half bbl. ,
riQS New crop. California , 10 Ib. boxes , per
Ib . lOo ; Impcrled fancy , SO-lb. boxes , 15oj choice ,
II 40.
COCOANUTB-Pcr 100. | 4 60 ; each , Cc.
NUTS Almonds , California , per Ib , medium
site. ] 0a ; 'iMragnna aliuonJ , per Ib , large ,
ISHo ; llratllp , per Ib , 8c : UnclU"JlnuU I > T
11) , fancy soft liell , Kc. utaimjrds , HOll'/ii ;
hlberts. per Ib , ICc ; pcacani , imliaaed nudlum
lOc ; large , lie ; peanuts , ran. 6ic ! ; rnuiicd. 7tf
7Ha ; hickory nuts vimill. per bu , II 76 , hickory
nuts , Urge , per bu. , II 50 ; black walnuts , per
' ' miEBSFl ) W II ATS.
nKiF-Qood steers , 400 la COO 1U ,
Hitl c ; Kood cows and hilfers , ISS'ie , medium
torts and heifers. ( l.tM c. Rood furniuarttni
c-uwu and helfeit. 3 > iU4c , Kood hlnd < | U.irteis covtn
anil helftrs , tUU7c , BOCK ! hlndquartirK , steera ,
7 We ; cuw rounds. 6c , cow plates , JUt ,
ioV chucks , J'ie4o' beef tenJn loins ,
freth. ZOc ; fro n Itt. beef rolls ,
bonelics. SI4c ; sirloin butts. boneless ,
c , luln lucks , 7Hc , cow rlls. No. 3. 7Uc , cow
loins , No. J , 1 0 ! beef trlmmhibs , , c.
JltnTON l > rw ed muiuii. Co , rucks , lOcj
l r > . Sc. saddles , ko ; Uw . 3c.
bogu , 6Uc , i > ork luhu. 7c ;
rlt ) li rh > linuMnfl > "Jr
okinnril fu ) Hirk lriinmifiE lendctlolr
IM PBS fr I irnnr | < ) per 0 > x We
Illl.1 | AND TAII/U
Th" t nlitd H nli t Ix-ntlif-r e mpnny bousl
2) M hldn fr ni < m * pnik r ln l week , noiir
InK I" UK 8 " " n d l.rntln r ( liirellr Tie pn
llrulnn * ire Rrndimlly trnnnplrinR , but fit Hi
nrlllnir lltllc more tlmn the i und ( net
kniran Thf ininhnrc Inrludot nnllve nit nt
nil Lrind l tecrn nnd In F IIIP felfrtlonn tnki
( he up t Mnich 1 on dellterli 'It
bulk of the lildei nrr In come fn > in Mlowm
rlNtr | > lnM The tinn nrtlon Is n eomp'ex til
nnd the ( irlres ntr ruiilldcntlnl ,
Of cniiire the erfmt "III tic to Mill furthi
rlreiiRllun the tnnrket It li untkrMmM Hint t
Icilher rompnny nt Its nnnunl mcctlne TUfFiln
tf the II-IM week d cldnl not to declare nr
dividend The usult nf this ncllon , ur Inck i
ncllnn , wni nn Immnl nle fall In Ixnithpr flfx
on Iho fxclnnjfis , but the t'hlcnRO pncker n
iel nl the ne vvllh piimnlmliy | , liklnx fi
Lrnntid tint the IfUKC nine tint of money receive
fnm the recint rnlrii of k.ilhcr ulll lw used I
HIP purchndo of hlde > Quotations :
Sltnr : ! ' Pii.TSreen snltfd , ench 25 I k
pi-een silted shenrllngs ( short vvooleJ cirly skins
uich 15c , dry shearlings ( short uuuled arl
sklni ) , No 1 , ench , lOc , dry sheirllngn ( shoi
noulcd early sktm ) , No 1 ench , 6c , dry fllr
Knnsns nnd Ncbrnrka butcher uool pells , per Ib
actual weight , 6jGc ; Or > Hint Kansas and N <
trn Ka Muiraln wool pelts , per Ib , nctiu
nclghl , 4RCc , dry ( lint Colornd > butcher nix
pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 406J4c , ary illr
Colcrnjo Murtaln wool pelts , pi > r II ) , ncltr
uiltrhl , 47Cc ! , dry pieces nnd bucks , actui
wilKht , 45c , feet cut off , as It Is useless t
IIHV frclglit on them.
TALLOW AND OIlEASn - Tnllon. No. ]
! 'ic ' , InlloWtNo 2 , Sc , grease. Mhllo A , 3'4 ' (
KTHIFO. unite II , Sc , grease , > cllon , 2'Jc , grensi
dark , 2c ; old butter , 2i(2'4o ( ; bccsuax , prime
154/22C , toUKh tallow , l',4c.
HONKS in cnr luis weighed and delivered I
Chlcngol Drj buffnlo , per ton , 112 OOU14 00 ; di
country , bleached , per ton , flVWftlZOO ; di
country , damn nnd meaty , per ton , 1C 0088 00.
\\OOI Unfcinhwl , fine hfavy , 6 7c ; line llshl
839c ; quarter blood , 1012c , teedy , burry nn
cliaffr. 8SOc , celled nnd broken , coarse , 763c
pottel nnd broken , fine , lilSc. Tlcece v\aehed-
Mrdlum , IMilSc. line , HJflfo ; tub wnshed , 101
ISC , blnrk , Sc. bucks , Co ; tag locks , 2fj3c ; den
St. l.oui * nciiernl Market.
BT. IXDUIS , Teh 29 1'I.OUR Domestic trade
Continues Rooil. cxpoit Piles illlllcult to make ,
iut one mU" of l.Ooo packs made , pr ci-s hlchcr ,
Clients , 13 7003 S5 ; extr-i fancy , $3 4JS3 50 ; fancy ,
[ 2WH300. choice , I25J02C3 '
WIH3AT Sold lowci nt the opening on bullls'i
lows from different sources , lint It did not K (
iff more tlnn 'ie before a rapid rccDvcrj tooli
; > lace and the mirket became stionser , fiiliirp *
: loslm ? ei v to He lower , Ftwl , ftead > : No !
red , cnsh , 73c ; elevator. 73f7"c. On trnclc , No !
lard. C3c , rcbnnry. C3c , Maj , C3'5fCOo ; Julj
CORN In futures the market was fciture-
es , with little clnnsf In price , nnd light trad-
ng ; ppot , eisler : No 2 mlxid , cash , SiiTiS2"He ,
.Yhrinry. 2G4 < ffM'4c , Mu > , 27Hc ; July , 25s 2Sylc.
OATS Futures iiulet nnd sto-ids ; spot , llrmer !
S'o 2 cnsh and February , 19'ic ; Mnj , 20c ,
luly. 19Vc
HYIHeller ; SSc ; elevator , 40c , on track.
COKN MUALi-ll 40ffl.41
IIIIAK Higher ; sacked , cast track , 43V4G4CC.
ri.AX Steady ; SSc.
TIMOTHY SIKI > $2 31ffi3 40
HAY Choice grades In demand nnd scarce ,
> ralrlc J500f900 ; timothy , active Lut unchanged
BOG'S Pinner : fresh , } 9.
WHlbKY II 22
LnAD-btenly ; J3
BPnwnil Nomlml at 13 75
PROVISIONS Polk , higher : etandird mess
iobblng , new , 19.73 ; old , J9 25 Lnrd , hlhher ;
irlme steam. 1515 ; choice , } " > 22'4 II icon , boxed
ihoulders I5C2V4 ; longs , 5C2' ; ribs , } 3 C2's ,
ilurrts , 1575 Dry salted meats , boxed shouldcis ,
i4 71 : longs J5 12V4 : ribs. J5 25 ; shorts , J3 37
POULTRY Turkej s , higher , lOc ; chickens ,
xw > , G'47c : ducks , Sc ; geese. 5Uc.
RHCIJIPTS Dour , 4000 bbls ; wheat , 34000
m ; corn , 90 000 bu ; oats. 12 000 bu
SHIPMENTS Hour , 7,000 Mils ; wheat , 8,000
ju ; com , 7.0CO bu ; oats , 2,000 bu.
I.Iicrpool Mnrketx.
L.1VKRPOOU Teb \VIICAT-Spot steidy :
lemand poor ; No. 2 red winter , fs SV.d ! No. S
ed spring , stocks exhausted ; No 1 hard Maul-
.obi , 63 7l4d ; No 1 California , 5s ! ) d 1'utures
> pencd and closed quiet , vvlth March 'ill lower
md other months unchanRCd ; buslnc. s abDut
Dually dlKtrlbutcd ; Mnrch , 5s Ril ; April , 5s S'M ,
\iny \ and June , Ss Sd , Jul ) , 5s 9d ; August , Cs
i d
CORN SiMt steady ; American mixed new , 3s
'ulures closed quiet ; business about equallj
Ili-trlbuted , March , 3s ; April , 8s ? tcl , May. is
"id , June , 3s 1'id ; July , 3s 2d ; August , 3s 2'Ad.
ri-OUIl Slendj ; demand fnlr , freely supplied ,
51 lymls fnne > Inter , 7 Cd
PROVISIONS llicon , cull , demind , pee ; Cum-
lerland cut 23 to 30 Ibs , 2a ; vhoit rlns , V3 His ,
7s , Ionic clear , llKht , 38 to 4" Ibs , 2C W ; Ions
'loir , henv ) , 5S Ibs , 57s 9d ; light cleir backs ,
8 Iba , 27s ; short clear middles , he-ivy , 6.1 Iba ,
:7a : Cd ; clear bellies , 14 lo 10 Ibs , 27s M. Hhmil-
Icrs , squnr * . 12 to IS His , 21 Cd llnnm , Bliort
ut , 14 to 1C llis , 37s M. Tallow , fine North
imerlcnn , 20s 8d. Ilief , extra India mess , 70s ;
irlme mess , 6s. Pork , prime mesa , fine west-
rn , 60s , line western , medium , 4Cs 3d. Lard ,
ull ; prlmo vvcftern , 27s 3d ; refined , In palls ,
SClinnSIJ Hosy : demand poor ; finest American ,
fliltn nnd coloreil , 43s Cd
HUTTiil : rinest Unite I Ktntes 95s : good , O's.
OILS lurpentlno splrllH , 0x 9d. Itosin , com-
non , 4n 7V4d. Cotton s'cd Oil , Liverpool rcnncd ,
7 Unseed oil. 17s 0.1
nnnuomiATOii iinnr rorcijuartcr , avid ,
ilndiiuartci , 4Ud.
III.UAPIIINQ POWDKR Hnidwood , f. o. b ,
.Iverpool , 7.
HOPS At London ( Pacific coast ) , It.
Wool Market.
LONDON. Teh 21 The nmount of wool to he
ffired at the second scries of the colonlil wool
ales , which c iena nt the Wool exchange next
llcKllK aBBrrKntPH 54019 bales , Including : New
outli Wales 2.,2i > 3 baleu ; Queenislnnd , 2 750 bales ,
'Ictorla 8 3CS Ixiles , boulh Auntralla , 3 033 bales ;
wan Hlvcr. 20C2 biles ; New Rutland. 1.B43
ales ; Cape of Ocod Hope nnd Natal , 3947 biles
'he new arrlvnla for the series URcrrKnted 235135
lien , nnd. deducting 77,500 biles whlc1 ! vvere
irivirdM direct , nnd addingIhe old Block , 22500 ,
nve'a Ib0l3r net avalliblc. The Impoits for the
. -fsK have been IIH follows 1'rom New Houth
Vales , 3,329 biles ; from Victoria , 6,124 bales ,
rom South Australia CG3 hairs : from Swan
tlver , 121 bates , from New Zealand , 26,101 biles ;
rom Cape oC Dcod Hopa nnd Natal , 8,231 bales
'ho in h illo liimlnivia transacted lnct thf Intt
ilex has been mnill , nnd appcirnucea point to
full fcupport of Vnines , vvllh n. pm lblltt > of
Dine advance In merinos. The prctnlencc of
nslerly winds han hampered the nirhals , hrnco
! iu actual supplies likely available ellll are
oublful ,
Loniliiii Trnilv Hc-vlcMv ,
LONDON , Teb. 20 Hie weather diirlni ? the
> eek has been cold , bul IB now mild , The
miket has l > een ! d lo Od hlBbfr on AmerUan ( id-
lies and the cold weather. There v\n a better
emand for coimnrpilon , offem were IlKht and
lusslan wheat vins held high. Itlvcr I'latie
liippers are not ofreilng entlmites. The surplus
l Aigenllna will , It la billeted , vary larsely ,
nllfoitiliv wheat , prompt dtlltery , wan ijnoted
t 2Ss 1'aicels weio ciulcl , Duluth \\hnt allont
as ( | uoltd Ht 2Ca 9d Hpol \\-IH Mim. Maize
na ijulct and ulendy. Mnol Amfrlean mulze ,
learner. March delivery , was quoted at 15s fd
'irley was uteady and Blow , Oats were steady ,
'lour wan stead ) and illlllcult to cell ,
ICiuiHiiN City > lnrUt > < N.
KANSAS CITY. Teb. 29-WHUAT-S-tfady , but
ull ; No. 2 haul GIUCJUc ; No. 3 Mil We ; n-
cted , nominal , S5 T4)e ; No Z red. 7SJf7ie : , No. 2
, ) rlnK. We ; No. S , nominal. COS62C.
COKN Active ; unchanged ,
OATh Rather slow ; unchaneed.
miJ-No , 2 , Me.
HAY Veiy dull ; weak ; timothy , I100XJ11SO ,
mlile t4W05i )
llin-lint-CKCAMiaiV-rirm ; 16 l c ; dairies ,
iOQtJ Very" weak ; Sc.
Dry ( iooiU Market ,
NH\V "iOniC , I'eb. 29 In the dry gooda mar-
H the heavy vwrm kept buyer * In their of.
ct todn > , and any tiuslnen of moment was ef-
. ctul thiough null or telegraph ordern The
> ot demand vras very llkht. Printing clollu
uio dull alii ) nominal ut 2iWI 11-lCc. bales for
ic week were 37WO pieces ot odd * and cnJa
nd 10.IXO pli'ci-a of Biuaicn ,
Kudy , Pebruar ) , 6J < ; May , 62VtC , Jul ) , t > 3 ! c.
n truck , Nn , 1 hard. c ; , o ; No. 1 northern ,
liC. Nu. S lioillitni. CO c.
riOUlt-lull. ilrst iKitents , t3S003W ; second
utenta , 13000335 ; Hint chars , I2.CO , second
leurs , I1KSS ( > ) .
M'rUoo AVbi'iit ( luotiitluiiH ,
lecitnUr , 11 HUi ilu ) , ('.t.
Bnsincsfl in Wlicnt Wns in the Unnds of t
Scalping Contingent.
There \Vitn .Not .tlucli DlMposltlon
nnil ( In * Triul >
( lulle t.ircloNs In All
CHICAQO. Feb. 29 Uuslncsq Invhc
toclny ns almost entirely in the hands
the rcnlplnR cant tiRcnt , Ncvavng co
nictlnff ana fltictuit on < j we-e frequent
consequence , but worn within narrow line
the co e showing a > io recession. Corn ni
oats v.vero nlmost llfelc's nnil made no in
tcrinl change' . Provisions \\crc strong
nnd show good advances
Wheat vvas less active nnd avernRi
lower. There vvns not much deposition
operate nnd the trade \vas narrow , ns vvt
ns Ht'ht , nnd the whole fluctuitlon of tl
fccsslon only % c , but keeping most of tl
time within a Uo range. The opening
ruther weak nnd nervous , dtte to a grci
extent to the failure * of cables to nil v am
In the face of the rise on this Hide yeste
ilny , they , on the contrary , showing sllgl
decline * . Northwestern receipt1" , too , whlc
amounted to 490 cars , were consldcrab'
more than last week , and cut some tlutir
ni did the largo flilptnenlB from Argentln
1,2.10,000 bu , ; one other factor of Ilko tei
ilency was the more moderate exports froi
both coasts last week , 2,209,000 bu. agnlni
3.149,000 bu. the preceding vvcik , and 2.CS3
COO bu for the Fame period In 1813. Tl
rather I'ght trade was also something of
factor of like tendency , llut weather nt
vices weru not very encouraging ; It wr
\cry co'd In the northwest , with Indlcntlor
that the low temperature might tpread I
the southwest. There was also a renewi
of the cash business gossip and some larw
amounts were reported tuken at varlnt
point ? . This caused n sharp tally , durln
which the price went to Ian night's closi
Hut dull Iriulo and romp doubt ns to tl :
genuineness of the cash business caused
subsequent decline. Mny opened about
lower nt from GTfec to C7 > sC , sold up to C7 j
and Fiadttnll y weakened to GT'fcc , clos.n
atendy at GT'/fcc b'd
Corn was excessively dti'l nmt tmlntcrcs' '
Ing , Inking Its tone from vvhcnt. Mn
opened ' /&c lower nnd lluctuntcd vvlth A ] A
runge , closing steadyi nt from 30"8c to SO-M
bid.Oats were also very dull , trading beln
almost entirely local Prices held stead ;
iluctuatlngbeltiom nnd within narrow llnci
May opened a shade easier at from 21'Je ' t
21'Jc nnd closed nt 2U/ic , jcsterda > 's clos
Ing llgure.
1'rovlslons showed strength from the star
Juo to the better fee Ing of the live stsc
market , nnd tccolved veiy good support a
[ lay , under -which prices advanced stondllj
Final figures were practically the hlghcf
ot the day. At the close May pork showc
in advance of 15c nnd lard and ribs abcn
) C CIX ell
Rstlmntcs for Monday : Wheat , CO can
: orn , 2SJ cars ; oats , 2iO cars ; hogs , 32,0 (
The leading futures ranged ns follows :
C.ish quotations were ns follons :
PLOUR Steady ; winter pitent-s , $160313 SO
tlnter straights , | 3 0033 60 , fprlns patents , J3.10J
40WIIDAT No 2 fprlnp. CSViQCC'ic , No. 3 spring
3Hc : No S red , U'4(70c. (
CORN No 2. 2 < l 29Kc.
OATS No 2 20'4c , No. 2 white , 21021'ic ; No
white , I0'ifi2194c.
ll\C-No J. 3JiC.
11ARLDV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 27C3JO ; No. 4
Oil .tec
PljAX SCHD No I 90c.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , 19 63C3 CO
ard , per 100 Ihs , J5I7'tffr ) 30 , short ribs , sides
oose. 13 0085 03 ; dry salted shoulders , boxed
rStfiT4T&c ; short clfnr sides , t > oxed , 6 fi61/4c
WHISKY Distillers1 finished goods , per eal.
1 22
SUGARS Cut loaf , | 5S7 ; granulated. 1525
tnndard "A. " 15 12.
Tne followlne were the receipts and shipment !
oday :
On the ProliiOJ oxohinTa toilnv the butter mar
iet * was flrnr creamery , Hii'JlMc : dairy , 84
He. Kccs , frcali. UH10Hc. ( Jhccso , dull
ccniiiiiptluu of Trading ; Markcil It ]
Heiiv } Liquidation.
NE\V YORK , reb 29 A renewal of the henv )
filing movcmenl Iniugurated on Inllmatlan of n
otc in the senate favoilna the recognition oi
tie Independence nnd belligerency of the Cubans
miked the resumption of trailing todiy. London
rices for Americans were shaded , and commls-
lon sales In this maikct were fjlrly Urge. The
nrly declines extended to a point or there-
bouts , and wcra most Important In Sugar , Dal-
in or o & Ohio , iLoulsvlllo & . Nafchvlllt , hi. I'aul ,
.ilcago Gas and Leither preferred. The rcae-
on wan xoon stemmed b ) the execution of fairly
irce purchasing- orders for both accounts , re-
altliiK In smuit advances above > etterdn > 'a
nul Bales In u number of cases. Leather prc-
; rred scored an exceptional rally fiom the low
olnt of a per eent , and bugar nnd Louisville
: Nashville recovered 1'4 per cent each.
The disturbing reports and assumptions regard.
ig ( ha outlook of the Baltimore . Ohio , tc >
ether with the positive statement that the
[ arch Interest had not been provided for up to
10 beginning of butlnc > j on thu block ex-
liange , resulted In an outpouring of mock , dc-
rcfslng the prices 674 per cent to 215t , vvlth an
islKnlllcant rally. The montage * of the com-
my were also conspicuously weak. The Da of
125 fell to S3 , ua against 9 | > csteiduy , and the
msola 6s of 1933 were offered at 97 , teller 20 ,
> against IOC the last previous sale , Theie was
.netted pleasure against the market In the
nal hour , nnd nearly all of Ihe early Improve-
lent was lout. .Speculation left off active and
e ik In tone nt net general louses of fractional
( tent. Speculative conditions at the opl-llnif
nd close of the week weie In. muiked contrast ,
luetrntlng llio pioveiblal unceitnlntly attend n ?
viutlonn InVall street , A decldrdlj biillUh
me prevailed at the outset , bused upon liber il
Jiehatea e > f our securities for foicfn ! account ,
ho cheerful nenllmcnt vvaa helghtcicd by the
icieuse In the trasury gold risolve , hilnhlng
le figures up to J1J3 52j,37tl , Conlldence wan
IKO derived from the easier Utidenc ) of the
loney nnd commercial paper maikctx , the good
lowing of railroad earnings and from predictions
lat thu treasury operations for rebruur > would
low a BUI ill tain li revenue , apart fiom re-
ills on bond account.
Another favorable factor was the opinion Hint
undent Improvement will occur In our foreign
aile movement this spring to appreciably -
n the outlUw cf sold usually Incldoi.t to thnt
'aB"n. Some slrets was nln > laid upon a lite
i bullloi , An upwnid movement was Marled
hlch iillalneil considerable proportions In fiu
undci1 > llti ) , prominent Inteinatlonil slocks ami
une of the lnJustrla ! . Ooinmltslon houses
lUght llbeially und the dlslrlbiitlon of the Had.
, S wan unusu.iil > good. Owing to u series of
ipoilunt dlatiirblni ; deulopiiients , the favorable
tliieiicin noted were kubeuiuenil > o\erea t and
Icen began u downward trend , vv.ilch toward
m end of the week gained such force In eer-
In secuiitleH us lo mouse considerable ap.ire-
: natoi reiiarUliu ; the | iorslbu s > mpathcllc ilTect
ion tae geneinl speculation , 'Ihe annual it-pori
1 the United Hum * Leather company cautetl
storm of hostile comment , and Its publication
eclpllaled a Hood of eelllng orders. Ulncm )
recii3l6 of the outcome of llm expett cxamlna-
an In progress rrgndlng1 Hit nuances of. the
nltlmoru & Ohio inllixiul , and llnull > uppnlien-
01 ns to the pu-fclble elfeel of die piuctlcally
lunlmous vote In the I'nltrd Stales einalc In
, vor of the recognition of Cub in belligerency
ul Independence , provoked wholenle liquidation
id iicmUtent and effective raliU by the bnr
nu [ eaillnt ; comm silon lu > ii . was cicJIled with
, \ca \ 1'rlday ard baiunlay it1 hetvveen 500 > ) and
,000 shares Th9 eeveiest lojff were ecorcd In
mar. the OraiifcerB , Leather p-efe-rred , Tiimrs-
0 Coal und Ixiulsvllle . Naehvllle and u few
her fchares. The ln.aka In lliilllmoie & Ohlu
id Leather prcfmed were tenjadonul , Ihe llrst
imed fell to .C. ns UKuliiBt 3D at last week' *
ia | > al i , rallied to $0 on the denial of the
ifuvwnble rcH | > rtB , and eventuall > receded lo
S. wllh Ihe tlnul Iransactkma at : J' ' . Leather
xferred slumped to I'J'H. ' na Ufal ; n CJ > 4 , the
p price of the v\eik. The net decline was Ct
ir cent. Other Important | -asca were In Cotton
1 pr iff mil . C',6 ' percent , LaClcdc ( Ins iiierire .
" - ' Westein
I per cent ; Tenne see Coat and
nlon. ! H per cent ; New Jcrtcy Cential. Tobac
id ht. Paul , . . t per cent ; Chicago , Clevelan
ndiinutl . Ht , Loulu , llurllngtcn und Itock
land. 2U per cent ; Uad , S't pr cent , Louis ,
lie & Naihvllle , 2 per cenl. The total rales
eiu 1 476.177 vliareu
Thei rnlluay bond market today was affcc'rcl
r tlie elrurntloii lu tlocl.ii , nlta the mJic Im
portunt bii m < in ih p < > . u n n luitrn T
vntimo ( f burlneHKyi nl > ir I In' li ilnl ABRI
RAI nnd i < wift iiimnbulril The ilcil n
nm untrd l llniouaa. The irivllng n" ikrlui
10 In Itcmllng r ,1 , in > mir linn rnri | >
2't ' prr eent It nm < rlnnl rrn lpt third *
| > r ernt , N < nh in I mine ci mo s ts 2 |
( enlI Norlhtrn Pncie | ( , trii t ifcelpU , " " 4 I
rent , U'nlmsh dclx ntutVs series II l' per cer
PltlMiurK nnd Wesifra OrM * l'4j | ! r lent , K
| > n A. Tftnc src iuj \ \ \ nr cent , Texas fli
Pncllle , Ilrst nnd K-gnils , Ut per cent , nnd Atcl
po'i ndJuMinpnl 4 .1 t , r rent
( SivernmenlB nerA flfKlilly rnslor In tone n
wilenfff iindi" it 111) ) ( MM The Inllvvay In
rmukft for the vvpik rerpvided to the com
of stock prices nttn -cldnl movements we
noted In sonic Inslnurf/pnrtlculntly In llnltlmc
ft Ohli Iniie The consol R * of 19SS wrc offer
divn to 97 , seller 10 , nJrnlnst 107-the prccedli
week , nnd con c l t cf I92"i slumped UV4 | i
c nl In 93 , owing to thd tnncl d condition of t
compnnj'H nffnlr . "the Northern Picldcs we
also conspicuous Ir ) ' thK il nlhiKS nnd ndvnnc
nmterlnlly on expectation of active steps In t !
near fuliiic , Iniklni ; toithe rehabilitation of t !
pnperty. The ngHieKitc rnles were 15,939 ( X
Tin- final tlRurca sl\ow \ ; ronceMilon , n n nil
with declines In th speculative Ipsues cxten
InK 13 3 per ! Kvnt In Knnsid & Texas Is ( In
eminent ) ! for the week were lesi active. Prn
tlrnnl concessions occurred on dealings of J94'
too Slight ndvnnc H were noted on nlnle l u
on transactions of | 27KV >
The Kvcnlng Post's London cibl'grnm unj
The stock markets were- dull todii > Amerlcni
foil shnrplj en the sentiment * itprcfcd In tl
Ctilnn debate In Ihe pennt > . but cla < ed nlmve tl
worst , Lut with a general fall of from ( I
13. The Pnrls market was weak on tlm nlun
fall In Ppinlnh peciirllles.
The New York Plimncler > this week * . Tl
Umk stntfm'inl for the current week Is Importni
mainly In demonstrntlnR the fact that nlthouc
the Krenter portion of the money needed fi
thp JlOO.Onfl OOi ) liond subscrlpllon has been in
inc. * , the clrnrlng ho\i o bnnka still hold | 22OM
003 excess reserve Since Pebruar ) 3 , the Imnl
have lo t In rash $1C Ml 100 , nnd their cxeens r
wervo linn fallen In round numbers nh ut IIS 000
DM. In view of the fact that nt least Ki per cei
of the new loan has Ixvn llnnnctd through Ne
York City , this mnkrs a most creditable rtiov
Ing. Of course , the depiiltor ) ImnKs held up I
last week something like f8 ( KM.UOU of governmei
dfponltx , a part of whleh has slno' been covere
Inn the treasury , lut vvllh a surplus rescrv
nlxivo } 20 0X1,000 It does not neem that a tlgl
money market In In sight. The statement ft
the week Is nlso fnvornhl" In showing nn cj
pins on In loars Ths irarkct for inpcr ha bw
much easier of Into , nnd the fact that tnnl
nro again oxtemllng this part of their bunne *
after the sharp cenlrnctlon which cent HIP Ion
totnlB from tlMtS-'O. ? * ) on Jnnuar ) 4 to (443,431Si
on IVbrunry 8 , can be seen In the tncreni e (
$ Knuo In the Hst three weeks. The decre-n e i
J2ilOOO.ooO from Jnnutry 4 to Pebrunry 8 hn
lli rforo been ntirl > recovered. Part of till
expansion , no doubt , represents Ixind purchnsf
but mercantile ilciniml Is responsible for a pn
poitlon at least. That the nw bonds nn hrln
ued for clrcuHtlon purpo e Is evldnt. Sev
crnl of the larger binka have of late withdraw
n Inrge amount of their circulation , hut the cm
rent statement shows nn expansion of $233 2W
nnd this Is being repcnud , not alone In Ne' '
York , but nil over the country.
The following were the closing quotations o
the le tiling stocks of the New York cxchang
todnv ;
Ifow York Money Market.
Casy at 3 per cent.
: ent.
STERLING EXCITANCJE rirm with actual
justness In binkers' bills nt 54 S794Q4 88 for de-
nand nnd | 4 E U4 SC % for slxtj dajs ; posted
ales $4 87i4 SI ® nnd J4 SS'fciJfl k9.
GOVERNMENT 11ONDS Easy ; new 4s , reg ,
117 ; new 4s , coupon , 11C > 4 ; 5s , reg. and coupon ,
113 ; 4s , reg . 10SV4 : 4s , coupon , 110 , 2s , TUB , 85 ,
1'aclno 6s of ' 97. 102
Closing quotations on bonds were ns follows :
Snn K r a lieIn co Mlnlnir ( luotntloiix.
SAN FRANCISCO. Teb 21)Tho olTletal oloain ?
iiotatlons for mlnlns stocks toj.iy were ai fol-
Silver Inn , G8J c ; Mexican dollars ,
Ightdrafts , par , tolozr ip'ilc , pir.
Iloaton btuck dnotntlonii.
HOSTON. Fob 29. Call IO-UIH. n per cent ;
line IO-UIH 5 7 per com. Closln ; prlcai for
locks , bonds and mlnlii
New YorU MliilHB duolntloiuu
NEW VOIUC , Fob 'J8.Tho followliij ara the
lOBlns mliiluz nuoutlons.
London Mou
LONDON. Fub 'Jlt | > clo- l I. !
.in. 1
rle ' ot
1. Central . x. QJII. HUW4H. „ 7iHi !
HAII BII.VER-31 3-"l6d per ounce.
" ' ' ' '
Ta)0NIaT0"1ofl'dlisco''un't > 'In the open market for
lou nnd threemonths' bills I _ 1S ! ( . per cent. ,
1'iiri'lKii Kliiiinulal AITnlrM.
nrilLIN 1'eb. S9. Exchange on London , eight
uTtfsight , SO marks 45 pfir.
PARIS Teb 29 Three per cent rentes , 102f
[ V centlmea f r the nceount ; exclmngo on Lon-
im. 25f 23 centlni" * for cheek * .
IONDON Teb 2J Bold U nuoted at Ilucnas
ircu nt 20060 : Madrll. 17 C2 ; Lisbon. 25 ; ht.
teisburB. W , Athens , 77 ; Rome , 112.80 ; Vienna ,
nOSTON. Peb. J3.-Clearlngs , > 14.HS,877 ; b > l-
nceu , 1,243P2.
HALTIMORK Ptb , -Clearing , ! .SC7,712 ,
IA. Pel , -Clearings. . If. ! * . .
[ ene-y , 7 l > i-r cent , New lorlt e-ithaniu ,
r 'Uiit l rr < in flint < pni < }
i HP l.Ot'l' ! , l.K ncfl. li , . JJSM9M , b
'hn < i MCI f .7 Mono C i * JHI iiri , New V
rxclianRp nOe discount bid
MIW 1OIIK , Peli M Ihepntld nf prl
from the imi' of Ni-\v ork for the Wf
ninountnl to | < 47SW In gild and JI3 > < 1 < In t
\PT Thn Impirls were Hold , > 7W ! 4 7 , * ll i
JS1 fill , dr ) Rxxls JWMi gen ril mrrclm
dine , l < 61S.976. nenrlngf , I'K.SII.JTt ) , batnuo.
Ni-vv \ < irl ( WfcUl ) Hunk .Stntcnicii
NI\V ! YORK Peb MThe vvtfkl ) l ink slit
ment shows thn folovslnit chniiRcsi Reserve , d
cronse , J4 214 'Al. loans , Incienfe , fl,7J 10
specie , decrease , ta.GlC.SOOl Ifgnt tender , decien
J6I1 lee , ilemstf ) | , dpcrense I1W 4W1 , clreulntlo
Inerenxe } 2S3 2i The banks now hold 124,422 1
In excess of the requirements ef the 25 per cc
I.ON'DON. Pfb -Consols for mone
109 11-IC , consols for the account , 109 13-18.
( luiitnlliiiis of tin * Ilny oil Vnrliu
NP\V YORK , Peb 21.-PLOL'It-llccelpti < . SC I
! > > ! ; exports , 13,000 bhls ; market more nctlv
with a good ilcmilul from exporters for fprlr
ctcirs , nuking prices advanced , but biijfrs ni
conservative. Minnesota pitcntu , J3 COW3 7
Minnesota bakers , 12.705(330 ( It > c flour , qule
supciflne , )2 C002 75. Ituckwhent Hour , qule
IltlCKWIlKAT-Qulet ; 40C41c.
CORN MiMr gulct ; ) cllow western , coars
HVn Dull ; 4fX3\tc.
lIARLKY-Stead ) ; western malting , C4 < (
fecOIng , 3SC39C.
DAllLCV MALT-Stend ) ; western , 47 "ic
WIIIJAT Spot , nominal , No. 1 bird , 77"jiC , d <
llvered , Optkms opemd weaker under dlsapiwlni
Ing cablca. big Argentine shipments nnd reduce
weekl ) wheat nnd Hour exports , ralllid nctlvcl
on cnsh operations west , reports of drouth I
California , cold wave coming and fiec c veilni
but e-npcd off llnnlly under realizing , and close
unchanged to ' , ,0 net louer.Mnich | rlosnl c
75c , Mn > , 73 D-10074 5-lCe , closingnt 7J' c.
CORN Receipts , S2,2'W ' bu , exports , 6 ItM bu
spot , nominal. No 2 , 374e ! ; steamer mixed , 37'it
Options opened easier vvllh wheat nnd mini du
nil the morning , closing bare1 ! ) nlmdy nt 'ic lie
lots , March , clotvd 3'c , Mny , CC ( | 3G 13-lCc , cleu
Ing nt 3G\c.
OATS-llecclpts , 43 SOO bu. ; exports , C 3 bu.
tpit. Inactive , No 2 , 2tiliC. Options o | > eneHl vei
tliilet , but ( alrlj steiid ) , closing undivided
Mnrcn , clewed 2Co ; Mi > , closed 2C. !
HAY-Sleudy , fchlpplng , J7 605(8 ( W , good t
choice , JS OOfcH Ce ) .
HOI'S Weak , stale , common to choice , 11
cre > p , JiiI4V4c , 1893 crrp , SlJSo ; 1'uclllu const , Ib9
crop 2V5If4c , IS'tj crop , 3 ( Sc.
lltOIib Quiet , nnlverton , lie ; Ruenos Aie
dr ) , 16c , Texas , dry , l > c , Callfoinla , He.
LKAT1IL31 blend ) ; hemlock fole , lIiietK
Avres light tr > hn\ ) weights , 20c , acid , : lli.c !
\\'OOtx Quiet , domestic lletce , ICo.-c , pulled
19i)2Ce' ) .
PROVlSlONS-llcef. ) : famll > , J.O OJ {
1200 , extra mess , } 7 COOS oo , beet linns , Jlo no <
1GOO Cut meals , pickled bellies , 4ffVc , pickle
hams , k fiS'lc l.ud , ste.idy. western s'tnn
closed at > 3 50 nominal , May , J > 70 nominal , le
lined , steid ) . Pork , ste d > , mesa , JIO 23JJ10 M
short clem , Jll COil2CO
UC5GH Dull nndtcnd > ; elate nnd Pcnnsyl
lanla , llffll'ic , wcstein ficsli , He ; southern
HUTTKR Receipts , 3,070 pkgs ; stead ) ; west
; rn creimer ) , 13fc ; Klglns , ! 2c.
TALIX\V btendy , clt ) , 3"i < j3ic. country , 3' |
fftc , as lo quality.
PirrilOLUUM-Cjulct ; United clo ed at 1 2CM
HOSIN Quiet ; strained , ccmmon lo choice ,
il KiTl.G ? '
TtJRPlINTINn-Qulet ; 19'i6'29'4C.
111C13 Plrm , domestic , fait to extra , SHflCc ,
Inpin , JUifftc.
MOLASSI.S Quiet ; stendv , New Orleans , open
settle , good to choice , 2Jii37c.
MHTAI S Pig Iron , quiet nnd cis ) ; southern ,
11.75431323 , northein , 112 UOT13 50 Copper , linn ,
> rokcrs , lie. Ixnd , firm , brokers , J3 li't. Tin
) Htes. market ea ) . I
COTaONhiii : ) OIL Quiet but about stead ) ,
irlme crude , 27c : butter grades , 23c , prime sumner -
ner jellow , 2Jtl25'ic
Coffee Mnrkct.
NHW 1OIIIC , Peb. 21 COPPKn-Optlona
ipcned stcnd ) nt an ndvince of "WIO points ,
lales on the cnll , firm on higher cables , foreign
iulng orders and local covering , closed steady
it i net iidvincv of uffl ) p ilnts. Files , 12000
> ags Including Mnrch 112 GO , Ma > . J1J.05 bpot
offee. Rio , steady. No 7 , J13 23 Mild , steul ) ,
> ordovn , JlC75(177"i AVnrehoupe deliveries fjom
few York ) e. terda ) , 11,781 biits. New York
itock todiy , 223I4 > bags , tTnlted States stock
: :0.711 bags , nlloit for the United States , 1 < ! .UOU
nga ; total vlalble supply for the United Sntes ,
C4 711 bugs ngulnst 421239 bngs last ) enr
bANTOS , Peb 23 Quiet ; good average S.nn-
os , 1J 5W rels , receipts , 4,000 bigs , slock , 2GO-
iX ( ) bags
IIAM1IURG , Peb 29 Coffee market firm
RIO , Pel ) S3 Steady ; No. 7 , 13.500 rels , ex-
'hnnKc , S'4d , recelpta , 2 Oi bigs ; cleared , for the
Jnltcd States , COW bags ; for Uurope , 3,00 * bags ,
itock , 102,000 big * . _
Toledo f ; nil 11 3InrUet.
TOLI3DO. Peb 29 Wll HAT Lower ; weak ; No.
1 cash 74140 ; Stay. 75Xc ; Jul > , 71'4c.
CORN Dull and steady ; No 2 mixed , 29e ; No
I mixed , ZSi'ic. May , SlHc.
OATS ? Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 20J2c ; No. 2 while ,
:2o : , May , 22'ic.
ItYIi Dull ; No 2 cash , 41c.
CIX1VI3R SHDI ) Active ; lower ; prime cash ,
4 40 , Mnrch. J4 SO
RiCiiPTS-nour , 500 bbls ; wheit. 8.000 bu ,
orn , C4 000 bu ; clover seed , 750 bags
SHIPMENTS Plour , 600 bbls ; wheat , 1,500
> u. ; clover seed , 757 bags.
Cotton Mnrlict.
ST. LOUIS , Peb 29 COTTON-QuIet ; m'd- '
Illng , 7 9-lCc ; silca. 16 bales ; recclptu , 1G.1C1
ales , shipments. 1.47S biles , stock. C9 807 Inles
NP.W ORLUANS , I'cb 29 COTTON Weak ;
nlddllng , 7'Ac , low middling , 7 5-16c ; good orill-
iiry , 7c ; net receipts , 7,739 bales , gross , 7,7 %
inlcs ; exports to Great Hrltaln , 11,800 Inles , to
hi ! continent , 2,120 bides ; coistwlao , 1,171 bales ,
ales , 3,150 bales ; stock. 305 778 bales
NI2W YORK , Pel ) 29 COnON-Qtilet ; mid.
ling. 7 13-16C , net receipts , 1,023 bales , gross ,
,223 bales ; sales , none , stock , 158,312 bales
hiiprar .liar Uct.
NCW YORK. Pel ) . 29 SUGAR Raw , stead ) .
, ilr refining. 3 > c , refined quiet , standard "A , "
7 c : crushed , 5c ; granulated , 5c.
LONDON , Peb 29 SUGAR Cann , dull , ccn-
rlfuiral Java , 13s 9d , Mtlficsuulo , fair refilling ,
2s ; beet , dull nnd Irregular , Ptbiunr ) and
larch , 12s IVid ; apot , petroleum , B 7-lC05'4d.
Lntlelimtloii Miii-li I'lciiNiinler Tlmn
She was attired In her new bloomers , and
ho seemed to bo proud of them , relates the
Ihlcaco Post.
"Well , " ho said , after he had survejed the
evv costume critically , "I suppose you are
appy now. "
"No-o , not exactly , " she replied slowly.
"Why , you must have the freedom of
tovemont for which you have longed all
our llfo , " he exclaimed.
"Ycy , I have that , " she admitted.
"You have aluays been complaining that
woman was too much hampered by her
klrts , " lie persisted.
"It Irf true , too , " she assorted.
"Ever since you were a llttlo girl , " he
ent on , "you say you have had a longing
> play leapfrog and alt such games every
mo you saw the boys doing it. "
"I admit It , " she said.
"And vou always thought It unjust that
ou should be deprived of such sport be-
iuso you were a girl. "
"It did seem so. "
"Well , now you have- got your bloomers ,
suppose there Is no reason why you
Wouldn't play leapfrog , If you want to. Why
on't you do It ? "
"Because , now that I can , I don't see any
m In It. I I don't think much of bloom-
rs , anyway. "
"Glvo mo a liver regulator and I can regu-
ito the world , " said a genius. The druggist
andcd hint n bottle of DoWItt's Llttlo Uaily
Iscrs , the famous little pills.
NSTflUMfiNTS placed on record February
29 , IbOG ;
W Hempsted nnd wife to Mrs I A
McDonald , n'/ ' . Iota B nnd 9 , blk 2 ,
Jlu > no'H 1st ntlil to Vnlley $ 000
. .1 McDonald nnd wife to Mis. M J
HemiKted , lotH I nnd C , blk 3. same. 00
[ UKO Pracht and wife to M A Honmn ,
lot 3 , blk C , KounUc 1'laco 6,000
lary Kclker to Joseph Volz , lot 14 ,
blk 13J , Bouth Omiilm CKl
'malm ' I.onn nnd Titnt company to
II J UoiHtiiiiui , lot 1 , blk C , 1'attlck'H
add 4,000
r J nnd wife to Omaha
Loan and Trust company , lot 23 ,
blk 4 , Vu3Bnr Place * DOO
eter lIedrlcliHen and wife to W 1C
J'otter , receiver , e'S ' und e',4 of vv',4
HVV 1-lC-ll 4.C77
QUIT CLAIM nnnus ,
! H Tlor and wlfo to II M 1'uffcr ,
lots 17 und 18. blk 7 , C 10 Mnyne'a
1st add to Valley . , , , 1
peclal master to 13 V McCauley ,
lot 1 , llltneliniif * ) ! Place 1C70 ,
amo to I' W Horbach , ItMHehoId
unon eK lot 2. blk 119 , Omaha . . . . . . 4,370
amo to J II Moohend , u 0 } feet lot
9 , blk 17. 13 V Smith's ndd l.KO
ame to U M Hulkeley. lot 7 , Cain
Place f. 2,000
i A Hnrmon nnd wife to A W Simp-
kins , lots 1 to 9 , blk 2. Golden add ;
lots 0 to 10 , blk 2. Harmon's mitullv ;
lot 3 , blk 14 , hauiKlLrt ) & 11'n High '
land park ; e',4 ' lot 7 , Lindsay's
BUbdlv , . , . . . . . , . . , , 1
Total amount of transfers . .JiC.Cca
Week find Mouth Oloso with Very Llf
Receipts of Oattlo.
Mnlic Slnirl M'urk i f II
Scant ) OIT < TMK | > linn * llule n
I.lttleSlroimrr , lint No
SATURDAY. Tel ) , 29
Receipts for the days Indicated nre :
Cattle. HOITS. Sheep , llorsi
1 olirtmry 23 S' > 3 3.3M IW
rebiunrv ZS 918 3.610 l' < 3
rcbiunry 27 1,201 3,713 1.5JO
lebrunry 26 1,7V ) S.4C7 I,4'i3
1'etiruary 25 . . . . 3Xi7 M * > l Mt >
February 21 tf,9 1,2U1 & 7C
Pcbruary 22 & 53 4,101
Receipts for the week , with comparlsot
ntc ;
Cnttle. Hops. Shot
Receipts this week 8,73(1 ( 207 4 , ;
Receipt- ? last week 8,7)0 ) 21,271 3 !
Same week , Isn 8.RSI 33,111 3 , (
Same week , 1S9I 13,489 40.7:0 5 , (
batno week , 18m IS 750 13fi09 7 , (
Sinie week , 1892 12,49' ) 22.3G9 6 , (
Receipts for the month , vvlth comparison
nre :
Cnttle Hops. Slice
rebrunry , 1S98 33.308 7',772 13,1
Tebrinry , IK'iS 3i,3V ( > 121,311 12f
l-cbiunry , 1801 W COS UVSO 24t
Since January 1 there lins been ti fnllli
off In the receipts , ns compared vvlth tl
corresponding period of 1895 , amounting
9,5i ! cntt o nnd 97.853 hogs.
( JATTl.n Omalia had more cnttlo tcwl (
tlmn either Chicago or Kansas City ni
nt the same time only 853 were r
celvcd. Tlio cattle situation could be sun
mcit up In a very few words about tl
tisunl Siturdnj's run nnd the ttsttnl Sntti
dav/B innrkct.
Owing to the snow storm It vvns rntlu
disagreeable In the > ards nnd every one \vi
reitily to do business and Bet through wll
It ns BOOH ns possible. The bujers vsnnU
a few cattle nntl they were not lone I
making selections , pajlng about teni1
prices The mo t of the fnt steers on tul
wcru only f.ililsh stuff , but there was on
oad good enough to bring $3 9)
Hutchers' stock went nt nbotlt yeslerdo >
prices , there being no change In values (
any Importance. 12vcr > thing wus sold b (
fore the clo e
StocKers nnd feeders briuprht fully stead
prices , and , while the offerings were n
token , the- market , ns u * unl on tlie last d.i
of the -week , vvns without fcnturo of nn
Itnportnnce. Representative sales :
1 cow 1210 J3 00 22 feeders. . . . 1175 JJ CO
HOGS The week closed wllh a fulr run of
OKS , 3 CM head being1 reported In , as against
Cic jcslcidny and 4.1C1 on s-alurdiy of lost
The market did not show any materli ! change
'ho first bids were , If ninthlng , a little easier ,
ut tha market prnctlcnllj opened nt fully
Icidj prices If anjlhlnt , " . It vvns strong ,
i. It was n lltlla ens er to Ket the price tlmn
estcrdaj. The demand vvns belli r and ( he
u > crH took hold and iKnighl more frcelj. The
jna weie prncllcnlly cleued In KOOI ! penson. At
10 close the feeling WTH weak , owing to the rc-
orls fi\m other marl.c'8. '
The lies market of Ihe pabt week Ins been
L the lowest point of the month At the open-
ig of the week hogs Eold on this market 1 tr elj
L S3605i3SO but U broke badly on Tuesday
nd WfiiiUfdii ) , recovered some of the deillnc
i Thursday , but went hick again on I'rldn ) .
i the IHSU t\vrv das s of ( he vveiK ( he h gs hold
rgely nt S3G5ft370. which was the lowest point
inched Flncc Januno ] G
The demand has been good nil the week for
Kht lioji" , which have commanded n piemlum
u-r be.ivy weights H'e ' henvj hogs have not
> ld no freely nnd on some dnjb It has not been
terly easy to H bujer for all theie were here
till , the surds Imvc been kept pretty well
cared and hogs have Kid freelj on most da > s
I the current pi Ices. Representative sales :
o Av Sh. Pr. a < o. Av. Sh. Pr.
0)3 . . CO 4C 301 SO (3 05
SJ7 TO 3 to Cl . . . . ir. . . . 3(5 (
447 Kfl J CO JO. . . . US . . . 301
31)5 ICO SCO & 310 . . . 3 C5
301 8) 3 CJ'4 51 214 . . . 3V ,
3(5 . . . 3 t a 44 JOG 80 3 Ci
' 'J3- . . 3 C5
230 . . . 30' 40 !
U3 40 3 61 ( i . . . : n . . . 3 cs
ZM 40 3 C5 4a . . . 271 41) 3 C"i
2CO 40 3 C5 67 210 40 3 C"i
M7 200 3 C3 40 . 223 W 3 G7' < ,
207 . . . 3 CJ 114. . . . Zo3 120 36714
iM 80 3 G5 82 271 . . . 3 C7'4
jci to J GJ M . ra . . . a c7'3
21J , . , 3 C3 fS . . . . 2(0 . . 3 C7'/j
234 . . . 3 f > 71 . . 24i 40 307(4 (
i',0 . . . 3 f t.2 . . . . 2H . . . 3 t > 7'i
2f5 . . . 3 CS W 2S.1 12' ) 3 C7V4
"IS tO 3d 71 230 40 3 b714
J77 . . . 3m 7" J(8 40 370
SS ) 120 365 81 196 . . 3 70
818 . . . 3 f. f2 . . . 20.5 60 370
225 40 3 f" 70 215 . . . 371)
„ ! ( . . . 3 C" C2 . . . M 40 370
21.S . . . i C5 C2 . . . Jill . . . 370
272 210 3 G" 7R 2U SO 370
317 . . . 3 Cr. SO . . . . 211. . . . 3 70
211 40 3 Cr 147 1S7 . . . 370
2fO . . . 36" CO 231 . . . 370
2,13 60 3 f. 77. . . . 1H1 . . . 370
2.19 40 3 G- 72 221 . . . 370
3C1 210 3 V
rids ouns AND INDS.
J10 . . . 260 G 215 , . , S G2V4
-t0 . . . 300 7 101 . . . S G5
iW . . . 3 ( X ) 1 SCO . . . 3 Oi
111 . 3 M
4HI3U1' The demand was Efod , though the mir-
t Is lower llian a week ago. Representative
lea :
. Av. 1'r
buckH r70 J2 . ' 5
mUed nalhcH , ht , J 13
Mexican lambs L5 325
11 IniprovI'Diciit In nriiiiiiiil TlioiiKli
Hi'i'rlplM Coiilliiuu hiniill.
CHICAGO , rib 23. Although rceelpta conllnuo
\v , there Is no Improvemfnt In pilccs , It lu
uro than a matter of little demand thin liberal
pplkK , Dxporler nra K"od putchaiiera at the
linn low prices , bul otlnrulro trade la nolhlng
boaBt of. Thu demand for fcciKru ban at last
irost ceatod , and prlem are lower. I'rlccn tot -
t > ruled us lollouu ; 1 uncy LH-CVCD , from tt 10
(4 Do , Btccm , common to cholet , fiom ) J 25 to
ii , stockcrii and fee-driu , from \i \ Cj to UG3 ;
ills , conn und helfeiv , fmm ( . ' 00 to | 3 DO , veal
hi a. from 1925 to JCSS , 'lexua eteera , from
10 lo S3 k'J
In hogs leeclplB tcxlay were llchl , nnil the
inply was pretty well Inken ut ) e teidjy'H de >
Ine. H.iU-H tanged nt fiom U GO to 13 G5 , moist
the tiudlnt ; being at 13 80 to 13 CJ ) . I'rlcia
nu yja iJwrr Iliun asoiU ago , und prime
uvy hohs wera ISo lower lhan u 5cnr iiko
In theep there was u fair truiU1 , rceeliits lie-
K of the luual light huturday older , ami i > rlc < s
era ctcndy , nu particular change bclni ; re-
liled. bheip Bold ut flum 1250 to | 3 M , u , few
line lo extra natlio wet turn telling ut from
GO to (3 8 < > l-uinlm told ut fiom )3 0) to Jl 'M
Uecelpla : Cattle , M head ; liotu , 13,000 head ,
eip , 1.WX ) he-ad
StOI'l.N 111
Record of receipts at thu four principal market *
1'ebruary a , 1MO.
r Cattle. Hoga. Hhcip
Omiha , 8U 3.JM 102
> ulh SW 13CN10 l.CKrt
mmas ilcupt City , , . , , 300 3M ) 1,70)
, Loultf. . . , ' 2000
Tolals , 1.6S3 J1,8SI 3.J52
M cu : > i.u <
inkan nml feuler * . IJ'Wffl S8j bullii , t > .U9 ' -
IIOdR llncipis 3 JO ) liMiil , slilpmtnt * . Iff ) if I
hend mnrki-l M.nd ) lulk vf Mlrii JSCSOJTO ; 'Vj
h i\v tSOHTXiO | < nKrr < J1 CMM 7A
lprrlptK. 1 'ft ) tiMd , > hlpnitnt . 1M
hrnd , innrKet utrnd ) , lambs , JSWffMO , muttony
JSOIJ3 80. _ _
ST. U1PI8 , Peb. - \TTI.i : ecep
bend market verv ( | iilet , vvllh nnlj relnll
owlm ? to luenccr uiti ! > . unlive * HOOfM
tocker nn.l feiMers , | Snft n , cows 12 OOWZ.75 ;
llOdS ltreelptd J OM hi nil. ntiiket
henvy. 3.70 3W , niKed , 3 CO J < 6. llBht ,
. . . , 4W head : tnnrkct . , ,
natives )2 751/375 , inertly JJ ir.T3 SO , southttn ,
JJ 5003 40.
.vniicur..N mnui.
A Woman Sintilciil > n M > rli cil of tlio
Power ot Spcovli.
Every physician In llellevtic liospllnl was
called Into consultation last night over otto
of the most curious cn cs that lias ever cotno
to _ their attention , relates the New Yorlc
Wet Id. It Is thit of n young woman sud
denly stricken dumb Uamlsnmo Annla
Pclincffer. while piesotvlng cvety otlior
faculty , has suddenly been deprived of the
power ot speech tinder most mysterious con
Miss Sclmcffpr Is 22 yenrs old nnil lias for
some months been employed In the restaurant tl
In n Sixth avemtp diy goods Ftoro. Sh jj
lives with her patents In Ihe npirtnirnt house , Al
* "
G21 Kast Twelfth sttcel Wlillo nt her work
on Monday afternoon BIO | hnd occasion to
rcnovo n broken gla i from a table , when
the hit of glass dropped from her hand nnd
a gash two Inches long was cut In her left , , { 1
hand. The manager of the department ail- * V |
vised her to go homo , but after the Injured ( I
hand hnd been bound up she said she felt
much h tter and remained ,
Uy Tuesday morning , when Mies Schncffcr
reported for duty , her hand had swollen to
twice Its natural size. Then the manager
Insisted on her going lo a physician , She
went to the New York hospital , where her
hand was treated , nnd acting unilrr the ad
vice of the physician she returned home ,
Ily Wednesday night Miss Schueffer felt
so much better that she went to prayer In
tlio Seventeenth Street Presbyterian church
on 1'lrst avenue. Ilcforo tlio meeting she
seamed particularly happy , laughing and
chatting with her friends.
It was near the conclusion of Iho servlco
tint Mlbs Schacffcr , as she sat In her pew ,
suddenly Cultured a low cry nnd fell over.
When some of the members of the congrega
tion rcachcl her she was unconscious. A
> oung man ran out nnd got Dr. Meyer , who
lives close at hand In Sixteenth street. Ho
soon restored Miss Sclioeffcr to consciousness.
She looked In wonder at the filghtcncel faces
about her nnd Bald : "I'd like tu go homo ,
please. " ,
SI n co thnt moment she has never spoken.
Miss Schacffer wns taken homo by some ot
tier friends. She walked Into her room alono.
Those who accompanied her did not notlco
the fact that she elld nut speak , believing
that ) she way simply weak In consequence of
her swoon.
She rat In a rocking chair In her room so
long that her father , who had retftcd , went
to her nnd as'ced what wns the matter. She
Jld not answer , simply shaking her head.
The father , believing that his daughter was
, cxeil at something , allowed her to remain
ivhcro she was , saving , "Well , nil right ; If
rou can't answer tne. "
At midnight Mrs. Schacffcr went to her
laughter's room , seeing that her light was
till burning , and said , "Why , Annie , you
> hould go to bed. "
Again the young woman nodded her head ,
> ut raid nothing , and the- mother went away.
It had been tlm cut-torn of Mlra Sclmcffer to
ulso early. Yesterday morning she did not
lo sj , nnd when her father wai nbout to
eave the housa at 9 o'clock ho went to her
> edsldo anil asked If she had not better get
ip. She shook her head as the had done the
light before.
"Why , you are In an nwful humor , " the
athcr said an he left the room.
Towards noon Mr. Scliacffet was hurriedly
iutnnioni'd from his place of business. Ills
life had become greatly alarmed. Miss
ichaofferhud arisen nnd eaten her break-
ast , but , despite everything the mother could
lo , the d-iughter would not speak a word ,
'o nil questions that were asked her she
eplled by a shake of her head. Nicholas
Jlaelus , a friend of Mr. Schaeffer , was called
n. Ho tried to get the young woman to
peak , without success , and then ho wrote on
. hit of paper :
"Can't you speak ? "
And Miss Schncffer wrote "I cannot. "
After that Mr. Ulaslus , who Is an under-
aker and has n shop on the ground floor of
ho house , telephoned to Bellevue hospital
nd an ambulance came , with Dr. Ayrcs.
[ o examined the joung woman , but could
inko nothing of her case. She was taken to
lie hospital.
Every effort there failed to make her
peak. She appeared to bo In normal health ,
i\o for a wandering look In her eyes. When
yked If she know what was going1 on about
er , she nodded. She was told to try to
take an effort to epeik , but wrote agalu on
10 pap-r that she cott'd not.
The case was diagnosed as one of aphasia
lotor , but the phjslclans could not tinder-
Land how the voice could have been lost.
: must bo an effect , they said , of the cut
11 the hand. There are no symptoms of
ickjaw In the case.
SilllH ApniliiHt 1'iiclllc Itoililx.
SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 29. Instructions
ave been received from Washington at the
lice of the United States district attorney
i Institute additional milts against the
DUthorn and Central Pacific railway com-
inlcs nnd against the trusteeu of the three
nd mortgages to recover for the govern-
icnt about 20,000 acres ot vnluable land
one the railroad lines named , n largo por-
OM ofwhich lies In Alameda nnd Santa
lar.t counties and between San Jose and
3UY WHEAT . . .
About this time last > enr wheat started r on
AMIlil roursn und did nut Ktop unlll ? JVHit
h.incc had been made A I.-IH title n or ( his
i turn Is Just commencing , vvlth prospeelH good
i ' . < cent wheat within the mxt lxlv ilujn.
Ihe Flioilage In crops the world ov r , IIH well
i reserve supplies , juntlili.t from W cent lo
00 whent. Our nilvlee U , low I'o time In
fcclnt jour trades on the maikct and hold for
prollt ,
\ \ . . miuept those who desire to Mudy the
nernl "Ituatlon lo Find their n'mtftie * und our
w book explaining m irgln trndlni : and de-
iliiK nil market cxpre alon , nlso dally marl et
Iter containing1 all current KOOS . ( and fiUKbCBt-
K when and In what to Invcfel will be Mill frca
charge.U. . II. KAIIMIAM A CO. ,
S Commerce HldK , C'hlcnRO. MimbuB Open
lloiinl of Trade.
Our Free Letter
reviewing the rreln and itock market ! , wilt bf
nt you dally on rcqucit. In tht hope of drstrv
e part of your buclueta Orderi lolhlted fof
h or on three to five point margin * .
Members Chicago Hoard of Tune , New York
reduce lixchanee , New York Com Block Ex >
> &nge 17 Hoard Tr < ed , Chlcu.o. 41 tlruadway ,
CIT York.
oop-gio-oli lo > al Insurance UuildloK ,
In Grain and Provisions.
irdein scouted Udr lto Hoard of TindeIn nil
ptloui. Atl > ucf inailo on ruii > lv iii iit I ninilua
, < - fO
Vardi. liefer to ny chj
Btui u
( m ehuu e , >
liuiklnit Inttltiitlon or ( uininrrclal AKency , * uf
Bftrket letter ou appllutlon. CorrejponJemu -
complaliiti are coming to llio Chlcnia
Ai many
Trade uliowlnt , " thnt iicieorm Intending ta
> ard of
memberu ot
al In L-ruIn and nrovluloim llnouun
u llouid and siilijtct to Ha rules und rexula *
mUleil Into deillnc with peitoni or
in > ii ro
who huvu no connection with thin Hoard ,
e iiulillo l cnulloned nKnlnvt dealliiK with KUCI )
rbona or llnnu. nnd U notlncd Ihat UKOHOIl
bJONi : . Hccielnrj , will answer any Inquiries
to whether nny particular penon or firm It
member of mich IJonrd.
( liOlir.U : V. BTONn. Becrulary.
I The uJvanco ban
IUY WHEAT ! only juat com *
I mrne < il Wheat
11 K" to SO crntR within a rliort lime Kend
r our lxHk on "Kpeculatlon" und dully market
ter , which ure free
VAN itii'im .s. co. ,
mmUdon Ilrolarv , Itlallo llldi ; , Chicago.
TIII : ( iitiuT IIIAII : .
VNI > UiWH TUJVINH & ro. have removed to
sir new olllcei and are prepured ( u hundlo
ir bUblncHii than over In KtixkH , ( Iruln , I'io-
ilonn und t'otlon bend for our book , ' "Hie
lenco or Khort Helllni ; . " the moot fcucccimful
t of Kixculntlcn , mailed fri-u u | > uii apillcallon ,
< our Dally MuikU lAllir ,
AMlti\VS TI3KVIM3 A. CO. ,
Ittt i'-'S , Sl-X-SI J'aclllo Avenue , Chicago , Ilk