THE OMAHA DAILY U.EE : . FEnmTATiv ' < ? SPBGIRL NOTICES. AilvcHlnrniriit * for ( lirnr cnluniiin 111 IIP lnl < pit until latitu n .111. for I IIP iMcnliiK a ml iinill H p. in. for llic inoriiliiK ffml Sun < ln > - cilllloiiN. A H ortlarr * ! } rcqupiillntr n niim- liprpil j'lii-rk , rnii tinte nntmrrn nil- < lrflril lo n niiiiiliprpil letter In pnrp Of Tile IICP. AllNtri'I-N HO IKtllrpHMPlI . will IIP itclltcrcil upon iii-mi-tit titlnn of tinpipp | | < onlj. Hntrfl , l i-2e n T ortl llrnt liifiprlloiii lc n troril tliprpiiftpr. Anthill * taken for IPBH I linn ar.c for flrnt liiNcrtlon. TlirNc iiiUpi-llnpinviilN iniint liu run lvpy. WAXTUII-MAI.K HUM' . roil run IIUMANI : DKHOIIN- er , coed Bide line for hiuilwiirc or Immcss nalesmnn. Call or uddiMs 401 So. llth at. 1I-M6H F27 WANTfiO. MO MHN ANO THAMS TO HELL pur feerl Rrlndcru nml cookers ; rnlnry , * 50 in { 230 | , ( .r month , nroonllnir to ability. Tlio Lltchfleld Mrs. Co. . Wetwlcr City. In. H-M719 F27 * _ wo TO nso PAID BALIRMKN ron CIOAIIS ; er rpnef | unneceiwiuiry : e tr.i Inducements to customer * . Illtlicp & Kline , St. Irfiuli. Mo. H MT T rea . A aoon I'IIYRICIAN IN A ooon Hv town on the Ilepubllenn tlvcr. Tor pur- tlcutnrn address llox CM , Lincoln , Neb. . H M2M Mli ! * _ A VKW KNKHOirriC. HITRTLINO MHN CAN flnil steady , profitable v.-oilc nllli C. V. Ailnmi Co. . M4 Bo. Kill Hi. 11-M3BM21 ( _ WANTIID-CANVAMHintB KOH A NBW HOOK Just out. It In very cheap ; meetliiK wllli suecesi : quick , cmh snUsj pro\lnK to In * HIP t > o k of the linur. Apply for a few ilnMi nt Hoom S3. Hotel Mercer. H-MI21-27 * _ V'ANTKD , A COACHMAN WITH OOOI ) 11I5K- ricnwn. rmncU C. Oiatilc , Omolm National llnnk bulMlng. HI3" FOII niNT , o AcitL's norm LAND WITH house ; 4 mltpi from po tolllee. Omalm Ilvnl Ustnte nnd Trust Co. , Zll 3. IStli U t. H-M < 19 JS _ \vn nnainn TO NHGOTIATI : WITH TUAVIL- InR nnd snlemen to Imndle ourlimndu of flnn cnsn fri xls , "OM ll'iiklp. " "O'cnr JM'PT. " etc. , also our line of flio Kentucky wlilfMes nnd wines In barrels : commission , or salary nnd expense * If preferred : references required. U. H. Kouslioo & Co. , Lexington , Ky. It MM ai _ " BALHSMKN TO DHUO THAUfi. "sUMJ LINKer or otherwise. J. W. Knleht , ZIT-ZT. State Mroct , llnclneVN. . ) l M1S6 Su * FOR HUNT nouaus IN AI.I. , PAUTS ov TUB CITY. Tin : O. K. Dux Is Compuny , 1W3 rarnam , 1 > 714 TIOU.SKS , IHNU\VA & Co. , 103 N. ISTH ST. 1 > 747 _ MODBIIN HOUSnS. C. A. fiTARR.SK N. Y. JAVR KOH KINT. : NICK SOUTH PIIONT. s-uoos brick house , with all modern Improvements an < 1 In llrsl-cliiss condition. Inquire on . KIO Hnlf-Hownrd street. D 219 TI.'U FOLLOWING IIOUHHS AIII3 ni J will ! H > rcntetl nt midwinter prices. They wli1 roinmond more rent 0) daJH later , lie- mcii'btr we I1I make Inducements to dcslra- bk ) tLiAnlM : No. ,12C North 27tli avenue , 8-room , modern do- tnclwd lio.M.- . ZOOt Soutl , lll'i ' street , 7-room , modern dcUichcd lioune , 5101 Jnckson slr t , 7-room , modern detnchca house. 8202 Reward FtriMt , 4-room cottnBC. yn South 21th street , H-ioom mod rn detached ' ' hnuse. _ Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnam street , Hee bulldlnp. D-M12J , HOUSiS. WALLACn , III10W.V ULK , 16 & TWO 6-HOOM COTTAGES , ONH FUUNISIinD ; modern. S0233. 30(1 ( D-Ml-Io * _ 8-iibbM coTT7van. sio SOUTH SIKT. ST. D M.179 20 * ' FOn HUNT. 3-IIOOM HOUSR ; GAIIDC.V. S. i : . cor. 23d nnd Clnrlc. U M177 fen ur.NT , 10-nooM roTTAai : AT isu CASK. Apply Heed Hotel , tel. 07 , South Omalm. iionniiN IIOUSD , NHAH I'AUIC. law So. istii o street. U M476 HRNT TIIIJ iinarniNcn : OF HBNHY n. Rstnljniolc , COM IIOMiiid st. Imiulre on prcm- ElOHT-HOOM HOt'SIJ , CIINTUAI. LOCATION Jlr. month. Inquire 2CI6 Cuplliil nvenue , I > M4 M3 FOR IIRNT , sna iiowAiii ) STnuirr. FUII- nlHhed or imfurnli > heil. Also for tale , piano , cheap. Inquire on premises or at GIT N. Y Life- . D-&I4S3 27 FOII RENT PUKMSHED 11OOMS. SUITK Or rtOOMH ; FlTHNISHKr ) OH UNFUU- nlslied ; modern conveniences. 1713 riilcnirn st. E _ M5G7M _ _ 2011 ST. MARY'S AVHNUi : , Fl'ItNISIIUP rooms ; hmisickecpliif ; . 12 > I46'J 2a * rnoNT I'.MILOII. WITH ort wlllinut bo.ird. 2019 IIarn y. E M4 2-M1 * KDMSIIKl ) 11OO.11S AM ) IIOAIII ) . rUHNISIIGD FHONT IIOO.MS WITH OK WITHout - out bouid ; xtcam lii'at ; electric bells ; baths , lilies lensonablc. Midland hotel , ICtli & Clil- Bte. F J1335 rUUNlSIIKI ) ST1IAJI lIHATnn 11OOMS. MOD- crn roiinlence.i , boaid. 605 Soiilh I3tli. F 753 FUUNUsTinD AND L'NFt'riNIsTl1ir ) Jtb'oMH with liJiild. Utopia , 1721 DaM.nuort at.F F 34S-2C * JAUOi : b'OI'Tll HOOMS , WITH RTI3AM ; Ex cellent tiilile ; iefercnce.1. 202 N. ISIIi.F . F M37C 28 s. rnuiiriiiLL WILL OPEN THE notrsiw 2101 nnd 210.1 , HouKlns ( furmcrly known nfl Thci AllMiiv ) , March liU. Itdoins furnished or unfurnlHlied ; table board , | 3. Apply 1S13 Chi- icng i. t F M380 2S * riniNisiinu itooji , MOURHN , WITH HOARD. ' ? \veek : also suit I'vmia. Tlic Ilo5i > , 2'iii ' ) Harney , ! - MI20tt 723 NO I IT II PTII STUlinT pniVATlf PAMILY hn\n ( me flout nxjinn. furiilxlitil or iinfuinlnliol , Mllli bnnnl. Handsome lUtnched icaldmei" IUIKC Kiou-ds ; refeienocs. I * M495 27 * ' ' NIUELiY riHlNISIIEI'j'tOOMH. 2 > ) l H , S'.TH ST 1' JHSJ M3 KOH Illl.NT U.VrUUMHIIUI ) 1UHMI.S. i HOOJIHi WATKlt IN KITCUHN : C13.VTUAI , , rraxonnliln lent ; ulce for liouieKecrilnK. 17QJ AVoliRter nt , C750 ! c UNP'juNi.smin riiAsiiiniiH FOII Irocplnc. nun and wITv ; uator In Mtclien : l''el nliiM wnito pipe. :10 N. 17th , ( i 11CI2 rou itivr : sTonus AMI OKKIUHS. FOII HUNT , THUSTOHV IHUCh' IllM Ht Wt rniimiM FI. Tills hullillni ; II.IH n tire- proof rriuont hmemciit , cornpltie Htcnm hont- Inir tltturc * , wntcr on till nn \ KRf , ito. Ap ply Ht till * nflli-e cf Thf n > " . 1-510 AGKM'.S WASTHD. Aonxw WAN'rnn nanvi-tt : . ouit \\oii. U'ifiil jii\rltln ) | > .iy fl dully mirr. No ft * jiajence ( rquliri ) . IK'n.uul n vrr mi | > i > IKHl , 'Ojil- nlr > Kuo fri'O. h.inii'li- . ! Alumlriuin ' Nmdty O' , . K3 Itioiultt i > . New Yolk , J MM : AOIINW. JM.WVni3KIA" PAI.AltV TO IliailT Ii.utU'Hi lltllonnU ; n rnnu lor mnna one ; ni'w wlimv" ! fullmc lini' " * l'ilf.Vilti for f.Jt'clul | | ) U' | > o lllcn. Lt'c ' ) ; box & .M , Ilontuu Mnh * . 1 J-MIS72G * un 'ro liOAItll AND 11OOM 11V C1IOMTIUM\K AND \ vlfiIn Mrlrlly iiiUnla fiitnll- ; | , -i J ucluhliui- liiHul ; v.'alKliiv ill , $ Ju W. Itcferpiircji. I. 2J , Jr ) > c olllce. IC-1SJ nousnV.NTID , iiv s Ai'i'i.Tfl , AT oxen , la U'lU ; cultaKo imfcrUHl : u or 7 looms wltliln > 't mlla ; .f futiit lioutc mil oust of Twntluili Htrcct. AiUliesa U , K , Wak ! r , J ) llninoy itu-ct. K-.M501 ; : . 'rillJn I'NI'l'llNU'llJD. MOUIJIIN ruonini ullliltr tl ht l.tuilji of cjurl hout'j t if.uuimMa lent ; f r m.'loin tcnnnl. AiMii'ib I , w. life. K MJJ3 K * STOU.UJI ; . BTQII.\aU , fltANIC KWUUtf , )2l ) ! ' , J'ACIKIO STUIIAOK \V.\lliilOHSi"co" : : WJ-SIIO Juntt , CicnvMl ktoruga ur.J WAXTHU Til III'V , yia VIVH. lOy > M AKll ! ) Al'lti-TUACT3 : OI- iro"J land , wllli nr wlltuji bull'llnua. wltliUi ! > la n lullct" cf Oinaiia. I'ltlu-i In NcLrjiliu or lawn. Ocu , I' , lleinti , I'uxtau WH HA VI ! A NL'MIIIMt or I' fur IIUIIIIM dun f. IX'J' ' ) U , Hit > our | ir I'tuy mill v * H 'il want to cell Oin.ilu lira ) l.'jutv and Trutt ( a. , ill Ha , litli at. N-JUT5 :7 KOH SAI.IJ rL'IIMTt'lli : . J AND CAItl'KTS AT K.1 SO. 10TII. 0-711 I-JS 1'on AMIVAit N.s. rou SAM : , s CHOICI : MII.K rows. MILK route , horse nnil w Bon. Addrcsf , 41JI Mircy KOH SAI.n MISCnt.l.AM'.OUS. siin awnnr i OTATOKn. vtNni.w ? runu Thro.Vllllnni , Hen * n Neb. Q-M1M-M2S * IIF.ST itAimwoon lion AND fence. Also "nil Ire. " C. II. I.-1 * . Ml ron sALicimtfi : rut'ir TIIKKH , itosra slirulio. otc. Cntnl iRtie free , fpiid for fti' It's full of Iho chol t hlnilK , ( Jlobc Nut 'r > ( ! om- pnny. llotlitntrr , N. V. Q-M.19-2i ; rou sAi.n on TUAI > I.TIIIJ HAn rix nnd furnltiirt of the I > iir mlivm. l l l ) < iiiKn ! < tt. , Oinnhn. Nfl > . Iniitilrp nt nWp ninnlx-r. q-MlSt-iia _ rui it Tiiouoiiiinniu ! : IIOI.STIIN : with cnlf for i < alc. t23 H. Kth trwt. CI.AIHVOYAXTS. MllH. nil. It. WAIUlttN , CI.AIIIVOYANT , UI5- llnblo liurlnean mMlum ; 5th jcnr nt 113 N. ICth. M. I.ION MAitnAD , TIII : rr.i.i- : lirntMl clnlr\oynnt. ImK rrtuinnl In Omnlin , nnd rnn lie c.inf til toil on nil nfralrn. Wllhoul iiKUtfltr you quMtlon * I'rof. Mnrinil lelln you cxprjtlilnB jinit , lupucnt nnd ftitiirp PntlH- fnctlon ciminiitpcri. Dally from 10 n. in. to 8 p. tn. , HID Knrnam street. K-SU7J n * MMI3. SYI.VA , THi : OHHAT teller. Is nt IJ4 N , 15th street , corni-r of t'lil- cn o. S MIV ) S3 * IIATIIS , ivrc. MADAMi : SMITH , 15Z2 DOt'OLAS STUKtrr , 2d DOT , room U ; nia' nge , Btenm , nleolinl nnd sillpliurlne Imtln. T 131 M MMK. AMIS. ronMiiu.YOF ST. I.OUIH. MAR. sago Anil baths. W" H. 13th ft. , 2d floor , room 10. T 101-MS * MADAMR LEON , MASSAOH I'ARLORB. IIUHT- ful and lefroe'.ilnt ; . 417 S. llth ctr. . upstairs. T Mtll I'KIISOXAI , . 1IAT1IR , MASSAGC. MUE. POST , 319J4 8. 1BTII. U-75S KINI3 MVKKY 11IOS CHRAP. UD nAtl&lLRY , 17th and Et. ilniy's n\enuc. Telephone. 410. U-7B7 MISS VAN VALKHNlUtnOH nnSTROYS I'lMl- mnnently by etectrlrty nuperlluous linlr , molci. worts , etc. , Hoom 410 , N. Y. Life bids.U U 73 ? VIAVI CO. . 348 DISC IlltlLDINn ; HOMR trentmpnt for IndleKj th > 8lclon of fifteen years' experience In attendance : consultation free. U M7M MAItniAOK PAPnil WITH PHOTOS. 200 "nds , " lOc. "llow Knot , " StwkaneVnah. . U 9i-M4 * 3io.\iv TO LOAN IUAI. KSTATB. ANTHONY LOAN AND TIII'ST CO. , 313 N. Y. I/lfe. I wna nt low rotes for choice security In Nebraska & . Io a farms or Omaha city property. VV-7C1 MONIJY TO IX > AN AT I.O\YiST HATKS. THK O. F. I.i\ls Co. , 1503 Fnrnim t. \V 62 c PIII : CINT MONKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA leal Cilale & Neb. farms. W. D Melldc , Omaha. W-7C3 MONCY TO LOAN ON 1MPROVGD OMAHA leal estate , nrennan , Lo\o & Co. , Paxton blk. W 764 CITY LOANS. C A. STARR , 923 N. Y. I.IKIi \V-765 LOANS ON IMPUOVnn & UNIMPROVIID CITY property. W. 1'ormra Smith & Co. , 132-J Tarnani. AV-757 FARM LOANS. DOUGLAS AND SAIII'Y , 1 TO 10 years ; low rates. Ctanln Llros. . 210 N. Y , I , . W 7f,3 QUO. P. IIHMIS. LOANS , PAXTON Ul.OCIC. ' .V 039 FROM J100.00 UP. F. D. WUAD. ICth & Do aT \V-203-M10 MONI3Y TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA properly at B , 5V5 , C nnd G',5 per cent. Pusey & Thofiia' ' , room S07 , First National Bank bldjj. W-233 MOXISY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONHY TO LOAN ON rURNITURE. PIANOS horses , wagons , etc. . at lowiwt rates In city no removal of coeds : strictly conliilentlal : > oi can pay the loan off al any time or In nn > amount. amount.OMAHA OMAHA MORTGAC1K LOAN CO. , 30G S. IClh st. X-770 MONRY TO LOAN. 80. CO. 00 DAYS : PURNI lure , pianos , ctr. Duff Green , rooms , llaikcr bile X771 CIIAXCKS. CRIPPLR CIinUK GOLD STOCKS. BAFR AND Fiire ; 13 nnd upnards Invested often brines fulmlourt nnd < iulclc rctnnis by placing you onlers with the Van Huren Iiucstmont Co ( Incorporated ) , tankers nnd blotters , 03 ICth xt. Denever , Colo. Y 772 CRIPPLR CRHRK MINING STOCKS IIAVP nilvanred 300 per cent cilice last July : ne nrp niembem of the sloe ! ; exchange at Cilpple Creek lieru stock In sold at Ita true value ; stock Ii BlilppiiiK mines now pi-lllnir nt 8 cents upwards and In undeveloped mines 1 cent ptr share- tin wauls ; wo can pick out the Rood stocks ; stock * ore now belnu offered lo i-astern customem ror 10 cents , that would not sell for 1 cent on this exchniiEe ; no remittances less than $12.00 In vested ; manual with Cripple Creek mining mni mailed on receipt of 10 cents ; leferrncea. Sler- chants nnd II. 8. National hinks. Omalm. 13 llenedlct & Co. , Cripple Creek , Colo. Y-SS4-JI2 ONI3 OF TIIK IIHST HALOONS IN Tlin CITY- must pell on account of slcUncs. Aildresn P , O IJox S13 , West Point , Nrb. Y M13I FOR SAI.R t'JIRAl1. NICR CLRAN STOCK OF Benenil merchandise In one of the best towns of North West Missouri on the K. C. St. Joe ft C. II. R. R. Will ceil stock nnil rent store room If deslied Addic Lock llox IS finlR Mo. Y M4I9-M7 ron s\i.n , A cooo CLIIAR STOCIC OF MIL- lln ry nt n li.ux.iln In on of thp best towns nf H. W loua , of Z'fft Inhililtantn. O.m.l . ion cons for selllner. AdJre& I , 23. Oninhn 1 ! > ( . Y-M407 2S * IltTSINI rt OPHNINO. A TIItST CLASS openlni ; for hardware m1 ( Teneml nierrlmmllHe In OIIP or the host county sent tcwr/i In loun Fur suitable tocm to rent aiSilrei-a L 1. nre Hoc. y M4 1 2C KOH WANT TO nXCIIANGR IMPROVnO AND 1'N- Improved Omaha property for 0 , 10 , SO , 10 , 80 nnd 160 ncro traeUt of ROOI ! l.ind , with or with out liulldlnus , within 6 to K miles of Om ilia , either In Nehri l.a c-i luwn , ( leome P. lleinli , I'aMon block. " _ 7. \ \ WILL nxoiiANon aoon OMAHA RR.M , 1:3- titt > > , lmpio\ ami unlinpro\t'd. together with nultlrlent cash , for Kllt-edgo Omaha huslneHj propfity , ellhor ! mpro\i > 4 or unlmprovfil. Cc. . P. Ilcmle , Puxton block. 55 303 J.'OIt SALi-HKAT : , IJSTATI3. IJAROAINB , BALK OR TKAlJR. IN CITY PROP. crtl s ami farms , Jno , N. 1'ivr.zciopp. . P. O , Gi:0 : , P. P.KMIH , HOUSKfJ , LOTS , IRIUOATRD fjim lands , I&JUH , U3 and 200 I'aMon block. Tin : UYRON IIRKD COMPANY HR774 FOR BAliK-HANN'B PARK. GRAND ISLAND. Neb , , th * laice&t unit ni'iU beautiful park In 'central Kibnmkii , contalnlnc SO acres , lauii hall , with mace and all mixlVrii lmpiovvmeiil ; tnma wry liberal , For pirtlculara Inquire of Hrnry Hann , Crnu < I Inland , Nfb. RK.rM253-Mi : ron HALU : : D ACIUJS OF LAND ; si UNDKII culllMitlfti. Inline * nil g'VHl rivi-i lialtoiii hay l.ind ; lucalnl 8 miles \v ( t of I'.ixlon , Neh. , vn nun 111 1)1null of North JNatl * il\ .j r.iTtlie-.ul quill t > r and Routln-ast numtcr of wcllon II. town 13 , north nmr.e 37 , Keith rounly , NHi ; $1 pr nirc ; Sl.llOO down ; Inlnme In 3 to 5 yeam lit H | u > r e-ni , or fl , < X > f.Mih ; U rlu'lit la Irrl- K.itlMi he It , AJJircj Jotin I'lyun. lluu-liln/on , M'nn , ' HI' .MM' ' ) Ji 13O YOU WANT A 6PHR INVllsT-MKNT which U pajlnv 9 pr rrnl now , dmti | ? dull tlnn'3V hiiNC II ; llrd clnn Impnuetl prep- city < m IClb Htisct , Ornha Hiul nlale nnd fruit Cu , 111 H. ISIh < Ire-it , ni > M433 itii > LAKiTTtr-sintvAVio : , ' LANDS ; OPKN for tuttleiiKnt Hay 1 ; inap-j furnished how nu InriOylh lnf'j-iiiittli > n , nnlUil for ? ' . ( . if yju locuti llinmuli me jour ) niund'-o -callntr l price. J2 W quaiter y > itlon. c. l | , .NYubml' , ( I Oi-nnanlu Life Ht. I'.uil , Minn. , i'\-Bo > vrninrnt miri'ty lr.ivt | r , Kr | i Ilili nd- UiCk . It will not nsali. ! Hi : MI9J Z0 Ml'SICJ , AHT AMI \XriU.\CK , NKv PIANOS iuW7iin LU AT i.ow- ot pricey ; JI'/I.OO oriran fur IIS.W M3 Jlc _ CaK o tulJir , 437 . n BORoiT i\ iro'tar \VMIItOKURS. . u N W ruit.MTLHi ; , rURNITURR PAPltRD , MATTRKSSKS MADR and ren i\nted. vilndow ruhlon made , prlp reducwl M , S. Wnlklln , Sill Cumlng. Tel. 1311. tM > iiiTMentis AXO II K ItritKIIT. Ft'NiHAI. ' DIRECTOR AND ftnhnlmer. 1615 Chlcflgn * t telephone M. 776 SXVANSON & VAMRX. 1701 CUMINa. TRuT5eo 777 Al O. MAVlT ItN DRRTAIcTiR AND RM" l-atm r. 1417 Farnnm t. . tel-phone K5 77J l.ttST. LOST. A < XXM ) NC1TR. PAYAIU.R MAItrit 1. Wl , corrispund box 47 , Pnpllllon , Neh , nnd re ceive ron Aril. Lot M353 27 IX > ST. 1tX'KRTTrRMORAXI > PM ROOK , \VII.t , finder len\t > It nt I.ltiJ. nN' . , liln Douglas street ? I/J3T MIJI tl * l'ATHO.M7.I3 llt > MI3 IMH'STHV. Till ! ALWAYS URt.IAItl.R IIARNRSH HltOP of JiMpph 7 nulhopfnpr , mnnased by the oMe t pmrtlcal ntiMloi * nnd harncMinaker of Onialtn. Is now lifiitnl nt Ml So. 13th ft. , corner .lac'K- soti. All KlinlM nf liomtniilo nml fneton irofhis nn hand , t suit customer Repairing promptly nttendpil to. Atiffiist llohne , MiniiKcr , r. : ; So. lllli rl. . coiner Jackson. 4SI M2I Mr.niCAi. . PILKS CI'IIKD WITHOt'T PAIN-ONI5 TREAT- tnent does the work. No knife cr couetlc used. Rectnl disease n ppwlalty. Dr 0xik , 307 New York Life llulldln ? . 301-2 ? HICYRI.HS. OMAHA U1CYCLR CO. . HUHT PLACK TO I111Y bicycles ; bloclcs repalicd , 323 N. IGth gt. W7 1IUIMMXU AM ) LOAN ASSOCIATIOXS. SIIARR8 IN MUTUAL L. & II. ASS'N PAY 6 , 7 , 8 per cent vhcn 1 , 2 , 5 yeirs old : nlwajs redeemable. 1701 Fa urn in St. , Natttnger , sec. 781 HO\V TO GKT A HOMR OR HRCURU GOOD Interest on nil Inss. Apply to Omaha L. & II. ABS'II , 1701 Farnam. G. M. Nattlnger. see SHOHTHAM ) AND TYPISWIUTIKQ. A. C. VAN BANT'S SCHOOL. CIS N. Y. LIFR. T7 1IOTF.I.S. ARTNA HOttSR ( RIIROPKAN ) , N. W. COR. 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. 781 OI'TICIAAS. OMAHA OPTICAL COMPANY , LKADINO opticians ; remoxeil lo No. 11174 F.irnain street ; opposite Haitian's ; ICyes Tested Frcp. 11 161 ml * me is iH .vofxcnn AS A ni.\rn. .Sinootli Voiuirr JInii Who Worked tin- People of lir City. A very smooth Individual who does busi ness under tlio appellation of Charles Meyer lias been collecting money from suburban residents on the representation that lie was etr.ployed for that purpose by the Associated Charities. The susceptible persons who listened to his appeal have simply con tributed to Meyer's personal bank account , us at no time has he been connected In any naiiner with the charitable organization. The firtt that wns heard of Meyer's opera tions was from some residents at Twenty- fourth and Grace streets. Howas de scribed as n yoiirR man about 26 years of age , attired In a dark suit , llglit and a dark slouch hat , and two teeth were missing from the left side of the lower Jaw. Jc drove a horse and buggy and represented hat he was willing to accept old clothes , but as the association was hard pressed for money he preferred cash. Several people cor trlbnted small amounts. A day or two later he called at the res- ! | denco of a woman at Thirty-seventh and Jackson streets , ono who has been more or less connected with charitable work. Slip suggested that the Associated Charities did not employ collectors nnd the swindler re quested her to call , up the office tind they would assure her that lie \\CLS all right. Much to hlu surprise there was a telephone In tlio house which wu9 Immediately called Into service and the Information thai the fellow wao a fraud was quickly obtained. When she turned around , however , ho had disappeared and that was the lnt t that has been heard of him. Ho is reported to liavo obtained at leasl $20 during the few days he v as at work. The Associated Charltlea requests that no donatlono be given to any person unless ho has credentials signed by the president and recrctary of the organization. The soft glow of the tea rose is acquired by ladles who use Pozzonl's Complexion Powder. Try It. WAS CAUGHT IN ,1IACOO\ALU'S THAI' IJnvlH I'Mm-il on Avoouiit ot Ilavlnn Ilniilfil ( iiirluiee. O. Davis , another of tlio unfortunates who was caught hauling garbage without a per mit , wah fined $5 and coata yesterday In pollco court , but the due was remitted on condition that ho no longer Indulge In the practice. Oavfs stated that he had hauled garnagc Because lie couiu get noining else to do and was compelled to raise money In some way In order to feed a number of persons who were dependent upon him. Davis said that ho had tried to obtain a permit from Garbagcmastcr MacDonald , but that the latter had refused to glvu him one. MacDonald , who was present , answered that he Isbucd permits only to people who hauled garbage from their own premises. To this Davis said that he knew of persons holding permits who hauled garbage wherever they liked. MacDonald denied this and complained that ho had a hard time making his bread and butter when every Tom , Dick and Harry hauled garbage , lie ' being compelled tn pay for the prlvllego. Judge Gordon took occasion to say that he tiu&pccted that permits were not always Issued lo persons who removed garbage from their own premises , hinting that favoritism was being shown. PECULIAR POISONS. IX Till : JIl'.MA.V IIODV , TiltIlrHiiIt of linrii'rfi-c'l DlKCMtini of I''OOtI. Kvcry living thing , plant or animal , con tains within lUvIf the germs of certain de cay and death. In the human body tlic.'e germs of din- tai > e und death ( called by scientists I'to- nmlries ) arc usually the results of Imperfect digestion of food ; the rebtilt of Indigestion or dyspepsia. Tl.e stomuch , from abuse , weakness , does not. promptly and thoroughly digest the food. The rcEult Is a heavy , sodden mass which 'crmunts ( the Ural piocess of decay ) , poison- tiR the blood , Making It thin , weak and acKlng In red corpuscles ; poisoning the jraln , causing headaches and pain In the eyes , Had digestion Irritates thn heart , causing palpitation and finally bringing on diseaio of Ms very Important organ , I'i'or digestion poisons tlio kidneys , causi ng Ilrlfjht's dlsrpeo and diabetes. And this is to because every organ , every nerve depend ! ! upon the stomach alone for loiirlylunent nnd renewal , and weak dlgc.s- Icn pliawj * Itself not only In lots of appo- IIo and llcbli , but In ucaK nerves and muddy complexion , The nngllsh scientist , Huxley , said he best Hurt lu life ! n a sound stomach. iVcnlc Etomachs full to digest food properly , jecauso they luck the proper quantity of digestive nclds ( India and hydrochloric ) and loptogenle products ; the most benslble rem edy In all cases of Indigestion Is to take after each meal cneo r U\o of Stuart's Dya- iSblf. Tablets , because they supply In a pleas ant , harmless form all thu elements that \eak stomachs laok. The ipgulur uws of Stuart's Dy&peps'u 'jMetsi will euro eveiy form of stomach rouble except cancer of the stomach , They Increase fletli , Insure pure blood , rene nerves , a bright t-ye and clear com plexion , lirca-jfi. all these result only from \hnlcfOine food well digested. N'enrly all dnigRlBtH tell Stuart's Dyspepsia fablrta at 50 cvnta for full sired package , r by mall by enclosing prlco to Stuart Co. , lurtball , Midi. , but asla your druggist Hn > t. Teslimony for Prisoner in the Trial for MpBlfi tighter. SHOWING OF SCff-DEFENSE 13 MAD- rtiMoHrr SPPII * in Sini-oMtliaV Ifntiil AKpinpt ( ol'r \p lie \ViiM of The trial cf Jens M. UermansDn for the klllltiR of John Starostk.ia \ iiro rcsslnc rapidly In the criminal court. The first , wit- new examined jcntcrday was Antonla Starostkn , the 10-ycnr-oM daughter of the mtinlcretl niiti. The only Important fcituto ot her testimony wns her statement that she had pone to Hermanson's siloon with her mother , and the witness had asked Herman- sn why he had killed her papa. She said IlormansJn replied , "Let him die , wo cnn get nlotifj without him. " Tnls completed the evidence on the part of the state , and a number of witnesses for the defense were sworn. .lame ? Henderson , an umbrella mender who llvco on the river bottoms , waa tlio first witness called to the aland by the defense. Ho testified to havlnK been In Honnanron's saloon during the morn ing of the day when the assault was made and saw Starostka when he entered the saloon. The first thing Starostka said was , "U'hero'a my dollar ? " Hermanson replied , " 1 don't owe you any dollar. " The testimony of the witness * , up to the point where Her manson ordered Starostka to leave the saloon , was corrolnratlve of that of tno witnesses for the state. When Hermanson took holil of Starostka to put him out , the witness tes tified that Starootka nut his rlcht hand In the sldo pocket of his coat and said , "Me fix y&u. " Starostka also tok hold of a rail on the open door and resisted Horrnanson'n ef forts to push him out. Immediately after ward Hermanson alruck Starostka on the head and the latter tank to the floor. The witness further testified that ho know both Starostka and Hermanson for three or four years , and knew their reputations. He said that Starostka had the reputation of being a quarrelsome man , while Hernianwn's reputation wao good. O ; cross-examination the witness testified that ho usually spent a good deal of time at the saloon In question. He had heaid of both Hcrmanson and Starostlta having had oaveral flRhts with other parties , but only knew of his own knowleilgj of one light In which Hcrmanson had been cngagpil , Jens Peterson was the next witness. It was necessary to pmploy an Interpreter , and considerable time was wasted In finding that the witness could throw no light on the subject. He Identified the piece of broom stick Introduced In evidence as being like the stick ho had ocn In Hennanson's hand and with which ho , struck Starotska. Adolph Nelson , grocery clerk , was the next witness. His * testimony was mainly corroborative , and Mie also identified the broomstick as being' very much like the stick Hermanson ha'd,4ised. He also testified that Starostka put Ma right hand In the side pocket of bis 'coat juat as Hermanson struck him. He Jljil riot see any revolver , or any attempt nn thdj part of Starostka to withdraw his hand from hla pocket. STAROSTKA HAD A REVOLVER. At the afternoon session Julius T. Holmes and James Jorgansen were called by the defens ? , but nothing 'new ' was dovelopsd by their testimony. ? * William J. Keiiexii'who gave his occupa tion at a poultryi.dreaser , was ths next wit ness. He said henvas outside the saloon nnd heard a disturbance 'Inside. The door flew cpen and Starostka ! , and Hermanson came tumbling out. istarastka was falling nnd Hermanson peemod to be pushing him. As Starostka , fell th witness saw1 that he held In his right hayd , , a'u old. rusty revolver. once'ieraspejil.jl.lie.revolver . by the " * barr'el atid' * wrenched It from Starostka's hanfl , saying : "I'll keep this. " then WMU back Into the saloon , taking the revolver with him. A revolver was shown the wltnsss , which ho Identified as the one Starostka had In his hand as ho fell. It was a cheap looking weapon , with a black handle , the barrel and chamber being badly rusted on the outside. Some cons'trenatlon was created by thecareleys rnannpr in which the witness handled the weapon , Hermanson's attorney remarking that the revolver waa loaded and was likely to ohoot at the slightest provocation. Charles Samson , a teamster , substantiated the testimony of Kelley and a vigorous cross- examination failed to shako his testimony as to Starostka having had a revolver In his hand as ho came out of the door. The defendant , Jens Hermanson , waa then called to the stand to testify in his own be half. He salil he had been In Omaha eight years , working first for Fanning & Slavln , street sweeping contractors. Afterward he started tending bar , At the time of the affray at Issue he was employed by James Grlebo to tend ban ml his saloon , at Seventh and Loavenworth streets. Ho had known Starostka slightly. On thn day In question Starostxa came in and demanded a dollar The witness said to Starostka that he didn't ewe him a dollar. At that Starostka ex claimed : "You lying , me fix von ! " The witness then started from be hind the bar and told Starostka ho would have to get out , ad-hat ( was a respectable place. He tbak a'llttln piece of broomsUck and thought he would scare Starostka. He opened the door and told him to go out. At the panic lime he took Starostka by the left shoulder and tried to push him cut. At tint Instant .Starostka drew a revolver fiom hlu coat pocket and the witness struck him on the head with the t'tlck , at the tunic time pushing him out. The wltP033 also teollfled that Star-stka'n reputation was bad ) In that neighborhood , he having boon engjge'il In several flghls. A long and severe ctoss-exumlnatlon filled to shako the testimony of Hcrmanson In any material point , Charlea R. Fanning , a contractor , totlfled as to He.-manson'e character being good. Mark Hoatnnn , { hi , C. I'etera.n. August Grlebe , Mary Kltisow , Agnes Slovek anil C. A. Jacobsen were called to testify to the good reputation of Ilcnnnnson and the bad repu tation of Staroatka , , Tills completed ( ho evidence for the do- fcnse , and Abraham Rathmnann was called In rebuttal 0:1 : Staro.'tka'a reputation. He testified to having known Stirstka eight , years , and knew Chat MB reputation waa good , Mrs. Staros.lta | waa recalled and tes tified that her hutbatid did not own a re volver. Antona ( , Starcstka , the little daughter , testing't/ ] > ' 'tlie same effect , Thl completed qU | the ovldonco In the case anil the court .adjourned until thlti morn ing , when the argUrjjCttts will be commenced. Cures , absoluteTcnnaneiit cures have given Hood's Sarsaparllm'lli'o largest tales In the world and the flr./place ( utnoni ; medicines. AS A ( ; j.vsti.Ti\ ; i\iixinn. : ; T. I'rli ( < > 4ii4 > r Atlantic City Ac. I'i'plH n I'OHj.loa ! In Oiuiilin. Ooorio ; T. I'rlncc ; late superintendent of the city water 'Vifrljo system at Atlantic City , N. J. , will arrive In Omaha some time next month , anrt' rn. tiunio a pouHion as hydraulic englnefifjvffyi the Omaha company , ' Receiver Ulcrb'owcr fcays that Mr. Prince liab been employ'ffdypjj the bondholders' com mittee on the the'--y that the kcrvlccs of a man who has iiiafla7 hydraulics a hpeclul ' study are nevlcd , In'tills city. The local company has noveri had a specialist In thi.t department. Recently the bondholders eent two or three exporte to look over the plant , and It was presumably on tholr iccommenda- tlon that Mr. I'rlnco was emplo > ed. Ttilw IK taken to Indicate that the bondholders con template Eomo material improvements In the system. Mr , I'rlnco has tendered his resig nation at Atlantic City , to talco effect March 1. Mr , Illerbottcr status that ho will not bo tmperlntomlent , as ) ms been Intimated , but lila duties will Dimply bo those of a consult ing engineer. 'I'lie .Moilfl-ll AV r. Commends Itself to the well-informed , to do pleaeautly and effectually what was formerly done In the crudest manner and disagree ably as well. To cleanse thn syrtem and break up colds , headache ? , and fevera with out unpleasant after cffectu , ese the delight ful liquid laxative remedy , Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by California Fig Syrup Com pany , r ! FASTER ! FASTER ! T OUT TU&Y GO ! Those . AT OM'K A IHCTIOVtHY AS ! i : > t'l CUM1 IKIHA. f . , . Priiiliicpil at ii font nf Otcr ifT.'d ( ) ( > ( introductory t ( limited ) of that great i popular ? reference library. tt tt . . . t rota MAS.SIVI : v * i < AIIOITID ; POII.M > K. ยง AMUSEMENTS. ccsooccecccc ooeceocBsec Beginning Sunday night next and continu ing for t o ulghts , Doyd's theater will nro- ' musical comedy entitled sent Charles H. Hoyt's titled , "A Milk White Flag. " The basis of "A Milk White riag" is rivalry for funeral honors between two military organizations , the members of which , says the author , are " pfrred veterans from the fields of Mars and the serv'co ' of Venus , " They start their fun making with a corpse , which at one time was an objectionable feature of the performance ; bat Iloyt has flxsd all feat ; \vfcat was Indelicate lias boon made amu-slng ; as a result , the farce Is thoroughly enjoyable. Hy a neat perversion 'of popu lar Bonsa , to" , there Is a more acceptable Ecor& than If the music was original , "Girl Wanted" Is the title of n new farce comedy , which will ho the attraction at the Crclghton for four nights , commencing Sun day matinee. March 1 , designed to reveal adequately tlio comic talents of Frank Ilush and company , under the management of Davis & Kcosh , The talents of Mr , Hush are known to bo diverse. There Is no kind of character that lip cannot Impersonate , with astonishing accuracy and irresistible humor. The characters are said to be funny and all arc Involved In the thread of story that gives the ploco 'consistency. Specialties are given by nil In the cast. Mr. Ilush does two or three different specialties quite out of tlio usual lln s , During the engagement of this attraction th'ero will be a material reduction In the prices , Morriron's "Faust" will bs Been at Boyd's theater on Thursday , Friday nnd Saturday of the present week , with a cheap price matinee Saturday afternoon. During the number of years Morrison's "Faust" has been continually heforo the public In every principal city of tlio country It has been universally successful. The singing In the church choir of Nuromburg Is done by a company of carefully selected singers , carrle.1 especially for that purpose , The sale of f ala for Hie engagement of "Faust" at the lioyd will open tills morning at 0 o'clock. "The Vondttn" will he the attraction at the Crelghton for the regular popular priced matinee tills afternoon and will continue at that theater for the remainder of tliooek , closing with two performances Saturday. "The Vendetta" hai apparently succeeded In winning popular favor , the Ind'catloiu being for large audience ! ) during the remainder of the stay of W , H , Ogden and his com pany. Today the Brothers Byrne w 11 close their present engagement at Hoyd's tliu.Usr by glvjng two | > rformancM of " 8 llqlls" a special cheap price matinee ( hi * afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock for ladles and children. There Is IIQ form of entertainment that pleutvs the little folks like a play uith plenty of pan tomime and tilcka In It , and there very fea ture ! are prominent In " 8 Dellb. " Chil dren's tickets to any part of the houbo will be sold at reduced prices. Tonlght'i per formance will cloM ( lie engagement of " & Bells" at Boyd's theater. Itlclmril Mansfield and the New York Oar- r ck Theater Stock company are coming to the Crelghton theater on March 0 and 7. Mr 1 MniiBflcliI will bu seen In both "Beau Bruni- ' mell" and "A Parisian Romance , " Mr. Mans field's appearance hero Is recognized ; w one of tlio most Important dramatic events of the Heason , on account of his distinctive eminence as an actor , the lilcli standard of his productions and his own unique vcrsa- t'l.ty , which permits the presentation of a repertoire of remarkable variety of dra matic expression and strong popular lutcr- est. Since he first asj.ume.1 the tatk of pre serving the Interests of the drama and teach ing Iho public the lessen In morals attached to such work , Mr. Mansfield's energies have never fl ggcil and the splendid icaults of his efforts ale known everywhere. TtHjr.Tincrt TIIKV t.nrT TIII : IVOHI , n AVlHi'onxlii ItiiNliiinil mill Wife Die ! > > ' Their ( Mm 'llanilM. MADISON' , WlK. , Feb. 25. A terrible tragedy , resulting In the fatal shooting of Mrs. A.V. . I'etcrfon by husband , and his death by lila own hand Immediately afterward , occurred nt midnight lat > t night al their home In this city. Whether It waa rot practically it double suicide Is a question , A letter ostensibly from both parnl was left to the children , fnylm ; huib.tnil and wife had premeditated milcldo for some time and resolved to dlo together. This declaration , however. Is opposed by the fact that when found the wife , who lia'il retired and was In I'or night roho , luul one arm thrown acro-M her face a ; > If to shield It , and n hullot In the arm while the husband was still fully Moth with other memberr of the house hold had nttPiulril revival services being hold ht-ro by II , Key M | | | during the evonlni ? . and had gone to their rooms apparently In the belt of Hplilts. The family came hero last year from Alfiona , In. , where Patterson waa a nit-rchnnt , retiring on account of poor hoalth. They r.une here to educate their chlldrn at the Htnte iinlvnnilty , which I'at- terfou formerly attendi-d , N'n other motive than insanity on thu part of the husband , or Intcinjcil siiid'K' on | ho past of both ran ba for the ilesil , I'll n N ir 'I'm In Wi'eel.rr Inilletetl. imaN. . Y. , Feb. 25. The grand Jury of Onrlda county has found against John W. llildreth , Herl > r-rt I'lato , Fred llilstol and Theodore Illbbird , Hie boys who the New York Central fast mall , two mlleu wit of Homo last December , They will .bu tried at Home MuiIng the term beginning March 3. The boys will he tried separately , HIldrHh coming first. TI"1 boy * are now In the Utlca jail , but will ho removed in the Itoino jail nidiy next. Brlutul Is "aid to be dying of consumption. Murderer IJet n Aeiv Trlnl. ALBANY , Feb. 25. The court of appeals today reverted the judgment of murder In the Hi at dfgreo found against Mnrtln V. Strait , convlctc < ( l of having murdered his wtfo at Klmlra , and grjute.l . the tlefemlar.t . anew now trial , The principal pnlnt brought out by the appellant In Dili argument for a new trial was that onn of thu jurors was over CO years of age , which l Iho maximum limit of ag3 for jurors , a fact which wan not known to the defendant at thn time of the trial , _ ICIIIeil n .N ( it ell Dmiirriulo. BKIfiTOU Ifj | , , I't-h , 25-After tliontlng threv * men , M. F. Oriosett was Killed yester day. flrliactt wa a noted doti'ertdj ar.U shot Into a logging camp with a rifle. W. It. Floworf ) and Henry Calvin opened fire on Orlasett. The desperado rode at the two men , firing rapidly. Calvin was shot In the leg , but continued to shoot at Orlswett from the rjround , He fell from hln Imrco and Calvin and Flowers continued to pour lead Into him as he lay on thu ground , nr.vriNti rou FI.KIOIM ; IIUSIIAMI. Mm. CMtron ThliikN Hint lie iio ) > rd ivlth n School Teueher. J. B. Cat ron , the man who attempted to commit suicide 'While In thp 'ofllce of the chief of pollco last September , la being sought for by his wife. A letter ha- * been received from her from Cameron , la. . In which she Inqulies as > to Ill's whereabouts and of these of the woman who was hero with him at the time. She also diM > ro a detailed account nf their doings while In this city. Catron was arie ted hero nn an Information from Maploton , hi , whcro It was mid that , ho committed embezzlement. Whllo ofllcors wcio looking for him he entered the clilot'n ofllce. When toll ] that he was wanted , ho promptly promcil a knlfo hlndo agalntt lib neck , hut did not prcsu haul enough. It way learned tlut ho came to this city with a t.chool teacher of Miploton , and that tli9 twi occupied the rome room at one of the hotels. Miv. Catron Is particularly unxloua to learn of the whcicabouts of thl woman , hut little Information can bo trnt her. After Catrcu' airost the woman worliod for rovpral weeks In a real estate olllc ? In the Cioiin e block and then went to Kamu.i Cty : , Iruowlng money lo pay her tianspor- Intlcn , l/ilt'r hi.D returned thn money , but tjvi ; ) no Hildrt-M. It lu prctMiiuHl that oho joined Catrnn at that city , for Mrs. Catron writes that after ho got out of the &crapa Catnn went to Kaneau City , Hho has , how- r-vcr , filled to learn hlu exact whereabouts. Mis , rat ron Btatei that uhu Is In alnuist dcptlttitc' clrcumutancei1 , She liaa blx rhlhlrcn. _ lldUo .Snillli ill Alliinfn , ATLANTA , Oa. , Fob.-25.-T.S < cretary of tin Inlcrlur Hoka Smith ailived here this mornIng - Ing from Washington. He will spend EC.-V- eral here attenillng to prlv < ito bu-jlncn ! ii. Heceham's pills are for billi- ousncss , billions hcadachedya , pepsia , heartburn , torpid liver dizziness , sick headache , bad taste in the mouth , coated tongue , loss of appetite , sallow ckin , etc. , when caused by constipation ; and constipation stlie most frequent cause of all of thorn. , Go by thj ( book , Pills i6c and 250 a box. Hook free at your drug-gist's , or write H. F , Allen Co. , 356 Canal St , , N. Y