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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1896)
TILE OMAUA DAILY BEECW'HESDAY , TEnilUAllY 18. 1800. SPE01BL NOTICES AitvrrllnemcntH for thenc colnmn Trill IIP InUon until 12iit : > p. in , fo the rvonliiRnnil niitll 8 p. nt. for tli ntiiriiltiK nnil Sntiilny rdlltotm. Ailvrrll rritliy r < qnrntliiR n nnm lirrcil cliook , enii lmvi > nnHwcm nil flrcnnoil to n. ntiinborod letter In cnr of Tlic H T. AiiFiTTom no nililreniici will lie ilcllrrrril iiiion ] ircnentnlnn of ( lie rlirok only. Union , 1 1--O n norj flrit Innorllonj Ic n TTOTI tlirrcnflcr. > Vollilnu : tnKori ( or lex llinn J"o for llrnl Insertion. Then nilvrrllHcnicnlH inniit lie run connect ! lively. .n MAM : IIHLP. 8AinfiiUN ron run HUMANE DKIIOIIN fr : good Ride line for Imnlwar * or hnrnfs liftman , Call or address 401 Bo. 14th ft. n-Mei < rzr WANTKIJ , COO MKN AND THAMS TO 8EI.I our fppd rrrln'lpr ' nnd conk cm ; Mlnrr , IK to lt'fl per montlt. ncroitllns to ability. Tin Utchflelil Mfe. Co. , Wfbiter City , In. n-M7 re ; * CT TO tlEo PAID BALESMEN FOH ClOAHS exp rltice unnecessary : extra Inductmtntn t customers. Illshop & Kline , St. Loul * . Mo. n-M787 KM * WANTOII. A GOOD PHYSICIAN IN A OOOD \\\f \ \ town on the IliMuiMlrnn river. For jmr tlculars mldtTM llox < f3 , Lincoln , N > b. 11-M2M MIC * IK PEll WEKK AND nXPKNSES TO RiiTl clears ; oxpeilcnc * unncceMitiy : special Induce mcnts. Valley Clear Co. , 8t. LmiU. Mo. 1I-M2H ! ! CANVASSnnH TO SEI.T. 1IA7CINCJ powder with premiums ; quick snlrs ; plrnium work : Mit money. Western Novelty Co. . 81 Joseph , Mo. I1-217-1D * IIICI.P WAVI'HII FKMAI.K. \VANrnn. SECOND OIIIL , AND HEI.P TAICI rnre of taby ; referenced required. I2I" l'nr nnm st. C-M2S2 IS WANTED. REFINED YOUNG-LADY ( GOOD needlewoman ) to assist In light hoinu > wnrk. 131 Ho. Mill M. C-M2.V ) 18 WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COOK.REF- erenco leipilred. Good WBRCS. KI4 Lansdon Court. . C-M V-1S TVANTED , COOK AMD LAUNDRESS. 2017 - . street. C-MS01 29 FOR IUCNT nODSKS. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF TUB CITY. THE O. V. Davis Company , li/05 Varnam. D 744 HOUSES. BE'NEWA & co. , 103 N. ISTH ST. P 747 MODEIIN HOUSES. C. A. BTAIUU25N.Y..LIFE D M1SO FOH HUNT. NICI3 SOUTH FllONT. g-UOOM bHck hou i' . wllh nil nindein Improvements end In flint class condition. Inquire on premises , MID Half-Howard street. D 21 T1IU FOLLOWING HOUSES ARE and will to rented nt midwinter prices. Tliur will command more rent CO days later. Remember - member we will maku Inducements to deslra Mo tcniintH : No. 920 North 27th avenue , 8-1 oem , modern de tachcil house. 2004 Bouth llth street , 7-room , modern detached IHIUBC. . . . 3401 Jncksan ntreet , 7-room , m.idcrndetached houftc. 2508 fiewaril ptrcel , 4-room coltngo. 207 South 2llh street , 14-room modern detnchcil houiu\ Fidelity Trust Company , 170 ! Farnam street nco liulldlng. D-M123 _ EIOHT-IIOOM HOUSE CENTRAL LOCATION $13 mintil. Inquire 2610 Capitol avenue. D 154-17 * HOUSES. WALLACE , UHOWN BLIC , 16 K DOUR. D-7CO FOIl UHNT-FUUMSHIOn ROOMS. DESIRABLE SOUTH FRONT FURNISHED room : bay window ; modern conveniences ; ( good board , third floor ) , 1S22 Chicago street. EM-JC3 20 * TWO FURNISHED AND FIVE UNFUR- nlshcd rootns ; rent reasonable. C14 S. 17th nve. 2811 ST ! MARY'S : FURNISHED ROOMS ; 1 f Housekeeping. i E M302 19 * ROOMS AXD IIOARD. FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS WITH OR WITHout - out bnnrd ; Meam heat ; electric bolts ; baths ; mte * leascnable. Midland hotel , 16th & Chi- caco sts. F MJ F18 _ FURNISHED STEAM HEATED ROOMS , MODern - ern convcn'.ancen , bMrd. 602 Bnutli 13tli. F-733 FROVT ROOMS WITH IIOARD , AT MRS. Chrlschlll'B. 1812 Olilcngo. _ F M506 22 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 201 P. 2VTH ST. FM15T IS * LARGE SOUTH ROOMS. WITH STEAM ; EX- cellenl table ; references. 202 N. ISlb.F . F M277 It * FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ROOMS , with board Utopia , 1721 Davenport st. r" ISO Iv NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 4 FOR It ISN'T UNFURXISIIICD ROOMS. 4 ROOMS ; WATER IN KITCHEN ; CENTRAL , reasonable rent ; nlco for liouscktenlnR. 1702 AVi-tntcr st. O 7M _ C UNFURNISHED CHAMBERS FOR HOUSE- kneplnc. man nnd wife ; nntcr In kitchen : steel Blnlt ; w Btn pipe. 318 N. 17th. O-M6U " * * * " ' " _ - . " " * * _ . L-L . "J a - -7 _ _ _ r _ - - FOR RUNT STORKS AMI OFFICJ2S. TOR RENT , THE 4-STORY UIUCIC BUILDING at 816 Farnnin st. ThlH building bus n lire- proof cement basement , complete fcteam heat ing tlxlurei" water on nil Hoots , E- > & . etc. Ap ply nt the otHci ? ot The Hee. _ I 010 FIRST CLAHH IIUICK STORE IIUILIJINCl , 1011 1'nrnam 3 olorles anil busnnent : will niter to tult trnnnt ? Low rent. 214 First National r.anh HMg. . . I-M1000- ; . ' , WAXTKI > . AOENTS WANTED. STATE AND COUNTY hnu < 13 lioiwe cnmnBicm to soil our Hjfety krtllo * nnd oilorl--ns fiylnir pnni ; cxcluslva ter ritory. AiMic E. C. BKInnvr , Albany , , N. Y. J JlilOl ID * AC. ENTS VISIT EVERY STORE AND OFFICE : nt-w nign printing dlces ; ctpady work nil summer ; Inclose stamp. Arc. Co. , Racine. v > ls. WAM'KU TO RKVT. , iii'n'wr.r.N NOW AND MAY i , A or moio room detuchnl houic. with la n ; wllIlriEt to tnlie lejso for two or five > r.ira , n d will pay liberal rent for flrfct clims house. Address K 61. lo ) oni e. _ 1C MiM 18 " WANTED ? TO HKNT. T1IREE UNFURNISHED rotiins for llBht lious Urvilni | { by family of two. A.WIVSH OeoiRB M. White , II. & , M. . local oince. K 298-1. ' WANTED. MARCH 1ST. 6 OR 7-ROOM DE- tache < l house ; cullago prefmril,1 within three- utiniteo of n mile of Court hmuo. Addicss , HtattnK pilep , U. 8. W , , SI Hull 1'litce. In- dlnnniwlUi , Iii'l. _ 1C-M3M IS * i. II. 1'ARROTTE , ROOM ZJ , DOUOLAS 11LK. If MSJ2 FI8 STORACn. Bl-O'tAOB , FRANK EWERS. 1Z14 HARNEY. H 751 PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. . VOS-910 Jor.ct. General storage nnd foinanllng. WA.N'TKII TO RUY. ND-HAND VUnNITUnil UllOWN'S , W 8. 11. < VANTUO. TO IHJV HIICOKIMIANDUD HA- loon nxtute * and rufh reslitrr. Addrew A. ! < ' . l > \ oi lc. Old. Neb. N-M9S1 HOUSE , TO TEAR DOWN OR MOVE. 2910 N M19 ! 20 I'AUTICUI.AH. HUT LIST ALL IIAIt. In mil cttnte wlili 1' . I ) , Vi'aJ. N-2M-19 n it i. \ a Yot'ii IIOUBKS DOWN TO THI : Union Stwk VanU lion tn ikit ; auction nl lotuorrow ; plenly ot i-a ; < ni nnj Boutlicrn buy- era ; uuctlan fcilo exeiycJnctJay. . _ N-MSM WANTKP. OOOI ) 6iCONI.HANI : > UICVCI.Ui irllh lite luiiiroveincntH : sulinblo for ulrl ( rum 7 to 11 tears. AcUrcn U. ( _ . Uule. Dunlap. lu. N-M50T It' FOIl SAI.n-l'UHMTUUi : . runKtTunu AND AT sa so. IOTH. o tn rti AVACJOXS , UTO. 8 CUH8 KIWA ANn KKUItASK.V COl'NTUV hortcs will LK ) .id t | aueilan loinarrow at I'll Ion bljk yards lurse nuiket : nuctlon exery -lii " FOII SAM : MISCKM.AXKOU.I. IIAHD WOOD 4 AND S-FOOT FENCE TOtl earn cribbing. G n. Lee , Ml Uouglan.Q Q 754 BALK , NATIONAL CASH nEQISTHR : ALmost - most new. Inquire ; oi So. Hth. g-M3 19' 81IED BWBET POTATOES. VINnhi : 3. FttKB. Tlifo.Vllllnm . llcnson. Neb. Q-r roil HALE , IJICVCLE. ALMOST NE\V , ONLY . ( ; eajy terms. Call at 521 Bo. 10th st. .iiiscii.L.\Mofs. 11ENT. TEN ACKE3 , WITH HOUSE ANI > Imrn. nenr new Talr grounds. C. r. Harrison , 912 N. Y. Life. ll-MSil 18 * CbAIIlVOYAXTS. MIIS. Dtl. If. WAUItEN , CLAIRVOYANT , RE liable business medium : Slh year at 119 N. Hlh S-753 1'IIOK. M. L1XN MAIUIAU. THE CEI.r liralfd clairvoyant , 1ms telurnod In Omaha , an < rnn lie consultpd on nil olTiilrK. Wlthnut nrit Inu ymi question , 1 lof. Marrnd tells you ever ) thin ) ; pafit , present and ( ulure. Pallnfactln Kiiaranteeil. Dally from 10 a. m. to R p. m 1SU rnrnnm Btrrft. S MZ9J 19 IIATIIS , KTC. MADAMB SMITH. 1W2 HOUOLAS STREET , 21 floor , room 11 ; massage , steam , alcnhol nn sulphlirlnr linths. T 2IC 22 MME. AMES , FORMERLY OF ST. LOUIS. MAR sage and baths. W a. 13th St. , 2d lluor , roam 10 T 101-MS * MADAME LEON. MASSAOK PAIUX > ltB , REST ful and rerreshlng. 417 S. lltli St. , upitnlrs. T MiS4 22 I > EItSO.\AI < . BATHS , MAS3AQE. MME. 1'OST , 319'S B. 15TH U-7M FINE LIVERY RICS CHEAP. ED RAUMLEY 171 h nnd St. Mary's tuenue. Telephone , 440. U-7ST MISS V VN VAI.KENDUROH DESTROYS PER manently by electricity tuperlluous hair , moles warm , etc. Room 416 , "N. Y. Life IJIdg.U758 U-758 VIAVI CO. . 340 HEE HUILDINO ; IIOMl treatment for ladles ; physician of fifteen 'years experience In attendance ; consultation free. U-M7M J1ELLE EI'PERLY CORSET MADE TO ORDER at 1W9 Farnanli Lady canvasssm wanted. U-M706 F23 MARRIAOE PAPER VrtTH PHOTOS , 500 'ads' , lOc , "Dow Knot , " Spokane , W * h. U 912 m-1 * LADIES FREE FACIAL STEAM AT I'ALACP Ilcnutlful , 1CH Douglas St. , Wednesday mornln from 8 to 11:30. : U 294-18 WANTED , PERSON TO SHARE CAR TO Cripple Cretk. 424 N. 17tl > st. U M303 18 BIOSKV TO LOAN URAL ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 313 N. Y Life. Leans at low rates for choice security In Nebraska & Iowa farms or Omaha city property W-7C1 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THF O. F. Davis Co. . 15031 Fnrnam s ! . W 7CJ C PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. W. U. Mellclc. Omaha W 763 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urennan , Love & Co. , Pnxlon blk W 7CI , CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 923 N. Y. LIFE W 7M LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITV property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 132) Fnrnam W 707 FARM LOANS , DOUGLAS AND BARPY , 1 TO 10 years ; low lates. Gdrvln ilros. , 210 N. Y. L W-7C9 GEO. P. 11EMI8. LOANS. PAXTON ULK. W 939 FROSI J100.00 UP. F. D. WEAD , 18th & Douglai W 2aJ-MlG MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property at R , 5 % . 6'nnd G1 per cent. Pusey & . Thomas , room 207 , Flist National linnk hldfr. ' W-203 MONEY TO I.OAX CHATTELS. MONPY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS rioritej,1 WHgons , ( tcl , at lowest rates In city noremoval of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at anytime or In any amount. ' OMAHA' MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 200 S. Kith st. X-770 MONEY TO LOAN. 30. GO. 90 DAYS ; FURN1- ture. pianos , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , Barker block. X 771 BUSINESS CHANCES. CRIPPLE CREEK GOLD STOCKS , SAFE AND sure ; P and upwards Imcsted often brings fabulous and quick returns by placing your orders with the Van Buren Investment Co. ( Incorporated ) , bankers nnd brokers. 808 IGth tt..Denxer , Colo. Y 772 CRirPLl'3 CREEK MINING STOCKS JIAVL advanced 300 per cent since last July ; we are memliers of the stock exchange at Cripple Cicek whei'o stock U a ld nt Its true value ; stock In shipping mines now selling at 8 cents upwards and In undeveloped mines 1 cent per share upwards ; wo can pick out the good stocks stock * are now being offered to eastern cus tomers for 10 cents , that would not sell for , 1 cent on this exchange ; no remittances less than J12.W ) Invested ; manual with Cripple Creek mining map mulled on lecclpt of 10 crati ; refer ences. Merchants nnd U. S. National bankn , Omnha. E. Benedict & Co. , Cripple Creek , Colo. Y SSl-Mch 2 ONE OF THE BEST SALOONS IN THD CITY ; must fell on account of sickness. Addiess P. O. Box , 813 , West Point , Neb. Y M19I WHEAT IB DOOMING AND IS THE CHEAP- cflt ppeculatlvo comodlty In the woiM today ; anyone who has $1 to spare should buy It ; trade through a rcyponslble 1101133 and get tellable Information by sending for our large red boDk , containing nil necessary Information to enable anyone to handle thflr Investments Intelli gently : also our dally market bulletin , which HUggeuts when nnd what to buy ; both free. Stnnsfll & Co. , Bankers and Broken , 132 Trad ers' BIdg. , Chicago. Y in2I8-19 FOR EXCHANGE. FINE STOCK OF CLOTHINO IN EXCHANGE for young all purpose horses. Address Mllcham & Baclcy. Uloomfleld. Ncl-'aska. Z 939 21 I AM GOING TO ST. LOUIS TO LIVE AND wlali to exchange my house and lot on Fnniani st , for liouso and lot In St. Louis. Address 1C 69 Bee. . . Z 187 "OR SALE HOMES IN CLIFTON HILL FOR cash nnd clear vacant Iota. A. I' . TuKvy. New York Life. ! ? M25G-19 WANTED. TO TRADE A GOOD DRAFT horte for n good driver ; will pay cash for dlrteience. Call nt 621 No. JGth. 55 M237 22 'Oil EXCHANGE 20,00 > ) STOCK OF BHOER und gents' furnishing gocds for unc-thlrd cuah und balance real estate. Simpson & Cn. , 1009 O St. , Lincoln , Neb. 3-M 201-19 * Foil SALE HEAL ESTATE ! . BARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP , nnd farms , Jno. N , Frenier , ojn > . P. o. RE-773 GEO. P. UEM1S , HOUSES. LOTS , IRRIGATED farm lands , loans. 303 and 300 1'axlon block. RE-323 MJSTRACT3. THE BYRON RUED COMPANY. RE-774 OR SALE , CORNER GEORGIA AVE. AND Parll'o ' fili'i OOxlW. for J3.000.00 net. A. P. Tultcy , New Yolk Life , RE-197-17 OR SALE , IIANN'S PARK , GRAND ISLAND. Neb. , the lulgot anil mist beautiful palk In Ontral Ncbru ka , containing a > acres , large hall , with vtuce und all modern Improvements' terms very liberal. For particulars Inquire of Henry Hann , Grand Jflarul , Noli.REMU3 RE-MU3 1115 MODERN BRICK HOUSE FOR (4.000. 23 ft. 3-story htore , Farnam sU , $1&M , West Farnain t. residence lot , } WO. Acre In llydn I'urlt. JJ'W. ' Ix > t on Onttr St. , will take piano , tiX. F , DVtad , ICth und Douglas sts , RE-297-19 MEDICAL. ILES CURED WITHOUT PAIN ONE TREATment - ment does the woik. No knife or coiutlc turd. Rectal dlneanes a upedtlty. Dr. Cook , OJ. New York Life Building. 15i-17 HOUSES WJXTEHEU. HORSES WINTERED ; BEST OI' CARE lvrn horses , both winter and summer. Addreta M. J. Welch. Qretna. Neb. 776 DA.VCIXn. NEW CLASSES FORMED FOR BEGINNERS t Morand'a this week ; adult * . Tuesday ami Friday , 8 p. m. ; children , Saturday. 10 u. m , ; tint lesions taken pilvatfly If detluil ; open day and evening ; asMmbllx. Thurnclay , 8:30 : p. m. ; centlemen and ladlcr. Me. VJ-U7 Fit 511'SIC ' , AIIT AND IANO. GOOD CONDITION. 7 ; I--OR SALE or rent , William II. Hrhmolirr , lfth noor Me- Cogue , bldir , M-N3 23 EOIIGB V. OKLLBNBKCIC. BANJO AND ullir teacher. Ill ; CUtcavu st. n AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS flHARES IN MirrUAL U & U. ASS'N PAY , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , I , 3 yenrs old ; alwayn redeemable. 1704 Famam St. , Nattlngcr , See , J 781 _ _ HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on MVlmrs. Apply to Omaha L. & H. Ass'n , 1704 Bee BIdg. O. M. Nattlngcr , Sec. 782 HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. COR. 13ln and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. 784 LOST. LOST OR BTpLEN , ONE BLACK AND Tshlte cow , fnim 5G16 I'oppleton a\f. Lllxral reward for return. IKH | M2H ! < UMKllTAKKItS AND EMI1AI.MEIIS. H. K. Rt.'RKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND rnbalrner. 1615 Chicago et. , telephont M. 776 " " " " " " BWANSON & VA"LlENl"i7o"l"cUMINo""TEL. 1060 777 M. O MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM- . balmer. 1417 Fnrnam St. . telpphone KZ. 7T8 SIIOIITHAND AND TYI'EWIUTINO. A. C. VAN SANTS SCHOOL , 613 N. Y , LIFE. 77 PITMAN SYSTEM OF SHORTHAND TAUGHT by mail liy an ex-olllcla1 reporter. For par ticulars nddms F. E. Bell , 701 N , Y. L. bide. Omaha , 176-18 * UICYCLES. OMAHA BICYCLE CO. , BEST PLACE TO BUY l.lcycles ; lilcycles repaired. 323 N. 16th at. 607 UFHOI.STEIUNG FURNITURE PACKED. MATTRESSES MADE and rrnorateit. wlndnnr cuihlonn made ; prices reduced. M. 8. Wnlklln , 2111 Curalng. Tel. 1 1. 781 PAWN11IIOICERS. It MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 4IS N. IB ST. DEI1MATOLOUY. HAIR ON THE FACE liy depilatory ! If strong , by electricityper- mnnontlr. 20 yosr ' experience. Dermntol- * OKlstJnhn R. Woodbtiry.BTW.42d HU.N.Y. Bend Blamp for book on tfaclal Blemlihei. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY L All Druggists. RAILWAY TIME CARD IHUUMNQTUN & MO. UIVCit.Anlvea | OuialmUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. I Omaha 8:30am : Denver Express S:3Jatn 4Mpm.illk. : IIIIIi. Mont. & I'uget Snd Ex. 4:03pm : 4SJi > m Denver Express 4ODpm : 7:05i > m..Nebraska Local ( except Sunday ) . . 7:45pm . . .Lincoln Local ( except Sunday.ll:25am ) 2:45pm..Fa l Mall ( for Llncolp ) dally. . . Leaves ICHICAGO , BURLINGTON & Q.Arrlvos | OmaliilUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason SU. | Omaha 5:00pm Chicago Vestibule 8:00am : 9:4Sam : Chicago Express 4lGpm : 7GOpm..Chicago : & St. Louis Express. . . 8:00 : m ll:30am Pacific Junction Local 5:30nm : Faat Mall 2:40pm. : Leave * ICHICAQO. MIL. & ST. PAUL.Arrlves | Omaha [ Union Depot , 10th ft Mason Sta. | Omaha 6:00pm : Chicago Limited 8 : < Mam IQUoam..Chicago ExproM ( cr. Sunday ) . . . 32pm Leaves ( CHICAGO < fc NORTH WEST N. | Arrives OroahalUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha ll:00am : Eutern Express 3:10pm 4:45pm : Vrstlbuled Limited S:43pm : 7:05am Carroll rasscnger 10:40pm : G:4Spm : Omaha Chicago Special 8COnm : 40pm Doono IKK-- , 9:30am : Missouri Valley Local. 9:3am Leaves ICHICAGO , R. I. & PACIFIC.Arrlve | " OmalialUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha EAST.- ' 10.40am..Atlantic Express { 'ex. Sunday ) . . . J:35pm : C:2Ipm : Night Express. . . . . ' 8:15am : 4:50pm..Chicago : Vcstlbulcd Limited. . , . ljpm : 4SOpm..St. Ptul Veatlbuied'Limited. . . . l:3jpm : VTEST. G:4Spm.Oklahoma : & Texas Ex. ( ex. Sun..10:33am : l40pm Colorado Limited 4:00pm Leaves I C. , ST. P. . M. & O. ( Arrives Omahal Depot. 16th and Webster St > . I Omaha 8:15nm : Stoux City Accommodation. . . . 8:15pm 12lSpm..Sioux : City Express ( ex. Sun..ll:55am ) : Ei45pm St. Taut Limited 9:10am : " Leave * I F. , E. & MO. VALLEY. lAirtves Omahal Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. f Omaha 2:15pm : Fast Mall and Expres E:33pm : I:15pm.ex. : Sat. ) Wyo. Ex. ( ex. Mon. ) . . 5:35pm : 7.80am..Norfolk Express ( ex. Sunday.10J5am : B45pm ; St. Paul Express 3:10am : Leaves I K. C. , ST. J. & C. n. Arrives OmaliaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha oTojani Kaiunn City Day Express 5:30pm : 8M5pm.K. C. Night Ex. Via U. P. Trans. 7:00am : Leaves | _ MISSOURI.PACIFIC _ _ ( Arrives Omahal Depot , ISth and Webater Sts. f Omaha 10l40am . " .St. Loula Express C:00am 9:30pm : St. Louis , Express COSpm : 330pm..Ncbrn ; lia Locnl ( ex. Sun. ) . . . . 9:00am : Leaves l SIOUX CITT & PACIFIC. Arrives Omahal | Depot , 15th and Webster Sta. Omaha E45pm ; St. Paul Limited 9:10nm : Leaves I HIOUX CITV & PACIFIC. ( Arrives OrnaliaUnlon | Depot , ] 0th & Mason Sts. | Omaha Tibsam Sioux City Passenger 10:40pm : 5:4' . | > m St. Paul Limited 9:30am : Leaves I UNION PACIFIC. ( Arrives OmahnlUnlon Depot. 10th & Meson Sts.l Omaha Kearney Express 4lOpm : 8:20am : Overland Limited 4M5pm 3COpm.Ucat'co & Stromrj' | Ex. ( ex. Sun. ) 4:10pm : & :4&pm..Grand Island Express ( ex. Sun..l2OSpm ) : 3Mpni Fa t Mall 8:40am : > a > -es I WAHASHHAIWAY ; iAFrjvei" OmalialUnlon De-pot , 10th & Mason Sle.l Omaha 4:30crr ! . . . . . .Bt. Louis Cannon nail llK > am HELD AN ANIMATED SESSION Fitzsimmons Applies Some Ohoico Epithets to Maher and Oorbott , FINALLY AGREEDifO FIGHT ON FRIDAY 10 : Mnlier'n ItnrUcH' Tent n I'or felt of I ? 1,000 ( n IliA'e hint In the Illnir on that ) > > Stuart SIIJN KL PASO , Tex. , Feb. 17. The flBlit wns on and off and on OGJln all within the space of thirty minutes this afternoon. It Is now definitely set for l-'rlday and IJuck Connelly has agreed to post for Mnhcr $1,000 additional forfeit If his man Is not In the ring to fight on that day. Julian made qvcry possible con- ccselon and finally turned the whole maUor over to a committee of flve. all ot whom were to be named by Connelly. If this com mittee decided that he was not entitled to the forfeit , he would agree to wait until frlday and have the tight then. The com mittee decided acalnst him , and Julian cave In accordingly. The conference was origi nally set for 10 o'clock. Stuart was the only one present at that time. After waiting a law minutes ho went away and did not show up again until 1 o'clock. Meantime ullan and Connelly came , but made no headway In the matter of an agreement ; When Stuart returned the conference opened. Julian and Kltzslmmons demanded the $1,000 forfeit and announced that no further nego tiations would be considered till that was paid. "I will pay no forfeit. I will take my man and go to the ring to out of the forfeit , " said Connelly , .Ignoring the fact that Maher wns at Las Cruces , forty miles away , with 'no chance ot * getting "to El Paso tomorrow morning. "All right , " said Julian , "get him and come on. " "The rings are ready , " said Stuart , "any time you centlemen arc ready. " "Will Maher light If he gels to th ring side ? " asked Julian. "No , ho won't , " replied Connelly. "Ho Is In no shape to fight and I trill not take the chances of losing all the money my friends have bet on him. " "You are not on the level , that's what's the matter with you , " shouted Fltzslmmons. "You know we are entitled to that money , and you nro trying' to beat us out of U. " "Why didn't you pay your forfeit money to Corbett ? " asked Connelly. CALLED CORBETT A CUR. "Pay money to Corbett ! That bloody cur , " ejaculated Fitzslmmons. " 'Cause he had no right to it. If he had he'd have reached for It pretty quick , I can tell you. But suppose 1 do agree to wait until Friday , how do I know I will get the ? 1,000 if Maher don't show UD ? " "I'll guarantee It , " said Connelly. "What good Is thiit to mo ? " said Fltzslm mons. "I was gfiaJvintccd $4,000 whin 1 licked Jim Hallbuti.I never got It. You don t want to flght 'BTid ' you never did went o fight. Your manIs , not ready to fight , and 10 Is afraid to fight. Ho is cut of eondlt on jccause ho is afraid , i You arc a whMo pack of bloody curs. " . . . "I'm no more of ttjC r than you are , Fltz , " said Connelly , rising f'om his scat. "You are a bloody CUP- mid I'll bet $1,000 Uat Julian can lick you Incite ri-und. " "You are no $ i > od. It's all off , " shouted ? ltzslmmons , tumlnjguto the crowd. "These lellows are not on the leval , and I will hava lothlng to do wlth'theni. Ivon't fight un- ess I get the forfc"lll that belongs to mu. It's all oft , I tell you , ' . ' and wild with niga , Kltz- slmmong broke from the ro m and went Into the street. * ' " ' , After.'aiinoment , CAimelly wanted to know f Julian wouldi'fight , . , uuder any .circum stances. Julian saidIt was a matter he would , discuss "after ; tho'-questlon of"fdrfelt had been settled , "lib was'Justly entitled 'to ' he forfeit , bat thati'there might be no ques tion of his sincerity , ho would leave the matter to any ten dr five men Connelly hlm- self might name. - Connelly Bald : "Let Stuart name them. " Julian acquiesced. t Stuart named George Slier , Louis Houseman , Chicago ; William Naughton , San Ffanciwio ; Tom O'Rourko , New York , and Hugh Fitzgerald , Houston , Tex. Some one suggested that Dan Stuart act as chairman oftthe committee , and Julian again agreed. He'lighted a cigarette and tilted back In his chair as the committee re paired to the rear room. Some one went for Fitzsimmons , who soon crowded his way In. Ho was still angry and profane. "I won't fight , " ho said. "They are a lot of wclchore. I've been fooled and fid dled for all I'll stand. " SAYS MAHEIt IS AFHAID. Then ho strcdo out , ' closing the partition door with a bang. As he got outside lie turned and shouted to " ' Connelly : "You're not on the levei. Your bloomln' big stiff Is afraid to fight. I'll fight anybody , that otlier big duffer , Jim Corbett , or any body else , bare knuckles or gloves. But this thing IP off. It's not a square deal. " Aa Fitzsimmons disappeared , the commit tee came in. Houseman announced the deci sion. It was that the articles of December 5 were void last Friday. Under the circum stances and the understanding at that time the forfeit money need not bo paid. " "Will your man be ready to fight Friday ? " Julian asked. Connelly said he would. Connelly said ho would turn the $1,000 In the hands of the stakeholder over to Stuart and put up an other $1,000 th's afternoon , guaranteeing for Infants and Children. OTHERS , Po You Know u t Batemon'a Drops , Godfrey's Cordial , many so-calle f $ $ thtng gyrups , nnd most remedies for children ore composed ot opium or morphine f Po You Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons r Po You Kndw that In most countries druggists ore not permitted to eoll narcotics Without labeling them poisons T nlu-r T "l Po Yon Know that you should not permit any medlcimftp bo given your child vales * you or your physician know of what it U composed t I n I Ml 1 Po You Know that Castorla U a purely vegetable preparation , and that a list of " Its Ingredients U published with every bottle f Mill ! Do Yon Know that Cactorlo Is the prcEcription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. That It ha * been In use for nearly thirty yean , and that moro CdstorU is now sold thane o ! all other remedies for children combined t ! % ; 'j ' Po You Know that the Patent Office Department of tha United States , and of other countries , have Issued , exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and hid 'nlsTgbs to use the word " Cantoria " and its formula , and that to imitate them U a btate prison offense f Po You Know that ono of the reasons for granting this government protection was because Castorla liad been proven to be almolntely burmleskT Po You Know'that 35 average dobej of Castorla are furnished for 35 cent * , or one cent a dose f Po Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation , your children i bo fcrpt well , and that you may have unbroken rest f Wollt these thing * nro worth knowing. They are fact * . The fae- nlgniituro of Children Cry for Pitcher's C&ttorla. their Appearance to Stuart. It Is by no meanti certain that Maher will be able to flRht on Friday , although he t ja lie will Ret Into the ring no matter what the condi tion of hla eyes may be. They arc still 'badly Inflamed , NO FAITH IX THE FIGHT. CHICAGO , Feb. 17.-James J. Corbctt. when shown the dispatches from El I'aso Riylng Hint-Connelly had posted a forfeit for Manor's appearance In the ring next Friday , Bald. "The fight won't come off , at lca t not on Mexican Nil. I'll tell you why. When I was stopping nt Hot Springs last summer , training for my contest with Fltz- slinmonr , President Ulnz of Mexico stated In nn Interview that he would not allow the fight to take place on Mexican soil under any consideration , hook at the dignity he would lose. The better clashes of Mexicans arc bitterly oppoced to prize fighting and ho could not consistently allow It , even If ho so dcslre.l , which It Is very evident he iloca not , and don't you believe that Diaz can prevent the fight It ho wants to ? "If they pull that fight oft It will be by coma means that I can't see. As sura as you are born , If they pull that fight off every last ono of them will go to jail. I learned my little lesson at Hot Springs. I never thought from the first that the fight nould come off. Why , It It had I < would have been there lighting Instead of Mnhcr , but I'm not going to chase around the country tort- Ing the law any more. " When nsked Fltzslmmon * ' motive In In- Rtlng on Mahcr's backers posting a for feit for his appearance In the ring next Fri day , Corbett said : "What Is fl.OOO to him ? There Is nothing' In Fltzslmmons claiming the forfeit now. Why don't he wait ? Look at what he would win If he whipped Maher. However , If the fight Is pulled off success fully , I 'Will fight the winner. It they don't fight , Fltzplmmons Is the man I will go for. I know we can't fight In America. My con tracts cxplro May 1 , and If In the meantime I am not matched , I am going to Australia or England next Slay , and will try to get some of the prominent sporting clubs to offer a purse for a contest between myself and either Fitzslmmons or Jackson. " STAR IIUIJV 1IKAT A CUACIC FIKL1) . Favorite * ami Second Cliolcei Took All lint Olio IIiioo. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 1" . Three , of the six events cnrdod at Insloolde today were handicaps , and most of the best horses at the track faced the Hair. The weather wns perfect "and the attendance was fur above the Monday average. Green 11. MorrlV colt , Imp. Star nuby. added another rnco to his lotiB string of victories by winning the ml.o and a sixteenth handicap , having as competitors Calirlllo. the "Iron horse , " Logan and other high class animals. Three favorites , two second choices and one out sider were the winners today. The Aus tralian starting machine was used exclu sively today , and In no Instance were the horses at the post more thunj n minute. Sam DoRirett. the crack Jockey , left for the east lust night , owing to pressing busi ness matters , which require his personal attention. Doggett will probably ridn for the Flelschman stable this season. He Is very favorably Impressed with racingon the coast , and will return eaily next win ter. Bd Purser has purchased the great racing1 mare ; Applause , from Plttsburg Phil. Terms private. Results : First race , seven furlongs , purse $100 : Min nie Cec. 99 ( Garner ) , even , won ; Hazard , Iff ! ( MncUIln ) , 4 to 1. second ; Governor Jludd , 91 ( Jones ) , 20 to 1. third. Time : 1:31. : SleepIng - Ing Child , San Luis Hey , Ida Sauer , The JudRC. Belle of Stonewall and Comrade also ran. Second race , six furlongs , selling , purse S100 : Gold Hug. 108 ( Chora ) , 3H to 1 , won ; Vcrngua , 9114 ( McLaln ) , 8 to 1 , second : Mollie - lie R , 100 ( Frawley ) , G to 1. third. Time : 117. ; Ucpcntcr , Ginger , Hrnmetta. Vernon Imp. Amarlno. Huntsman , Raphael , Craw ford and Fleet also ran. Third race , mile and a sixteenth , handi cap , purse $ . " > 00 : Imp. Star Ruby , 114 ( Mar tin ) , 9 to 5 , won ; Cabrlllo , 101 ( T. S'oan ) , 2',4 to 1. second ; Lopan , 119 ( Chorn ) . 2 > 4 to 1 , third. Time : 1:18. : Del Norto. Dungarven , 12. H. Shirley and Imp. Fullcrton Lass also ran. ran.Fourth - race , handicap , hurdle , one mile , over four hurdles , Inside track , purse J400 : Three Forks , 150 ( Cairns ) , 8 to 5 , won ; Arundcl. 139 ( Coady ) , G to 1. second : Ci cero , 140 ( Owens ) , n to 1 , third. Time1 l:57tt. : Arctic , Argenta , Artist , McGovern and Silverado also ran. Fifth race , seven furlongs , handicap , purse $400 : Yankee Doodle , 96 ( Garner ) . 4 to C won ; Wheel of Fortune ; 103 ( Chorn ) . 11 to 5. 'Rpcond ' ; Gratl/y. 93 ( Reidy ) , 7 to 5.third. . Time : 1:29 : , A'gltato and Road Runner also ran. . Sixth race , six furlongs , selling , purse $100 : Tim Murphy , 103 ( Jones ) . 8 to 1. won ; Roreas , 1064 ( Chorn ) , 8 to 5. second ; Walter J , 83 ( McClaln ) , 25 to 1 , third. Time : 1:1CV1. : Japan , Model , Royal Flush , Felix Carr , Candor and Princess Rose II a'.sj ran. 'Mill ! Of A. SEXTUI'LE.Y KXl'LOHES. Ankle Ilrnkcn mill tin- Oilier IlIiU-rH Ilnilly llrulHod. SAN DIEGO , Col , , Feb. 17. At the Coronado - onado track today the tire of a wxtuplex exploded , causing seven wheelmen to re ceive Injuries. . The accident occurred dur ing the trial of a racing team for the world's records. In the mile and the half mile Hying start. Wells , the San Francisco wonder , was paced by the sextuplex with Stone. Terrlll , Washburn , Schmidt , Vaughan and SwnnbroUKh up. . A warming up mile was made and then away they went for the "go" agaliiHt time , Wells keeping within three feet of the roar wheel of the big machine and the others putting all their mottle Into the combined effoit to Jeavo him. When near the three-quarter pole and going1 at a 1:41 : gait n report was heard , and In a second or so nothing could bo seen of the wheels or the rlclcro , all havlmr gone down In a terrible Jumble be hind the low fence. Swanbrough was the only one , however , seriously hurt , his left ankle bone being broken. The others weie bruised nbout the limbs and body , except Wells , who escaped with scarcely a bruise. NeW OrloillIN Kill1 ! * Il NK\V ORLKANS , Feb. 17.-Clear ; cool ; track good. Results : First rare , JMO , for 4-year-olds and up ward , selling , coven furlongs : Dockstadcr (7 ( to 2) won , n. F. Flv , jr. , (6 ( to 1) ) second , Souvenir ( S to 1) third. Time : l:30 : , J. Second rare , $200 , for 3-ycnr-oMs and up ward. polling , seven and a half -furloncBi Rainmaker (2 ( to 1) ) won , Hazeled (0 ( to 1) ) necoud , Gleezomo (25 ( to l ) third. Time : 1:39. : Third race. $250 , for 3-year-olds , and up ward , rolling , one mile : MliUtnr (4 to l ) won , Lllllnn R (7 ( to ! J ) second , 13nn John s-em (8 ( to 1) ) tlilnl. Time : 1H',4. : Fourth race. J300 , handicap , for 3-year- olds ami umuircl. mile mid twenty yards' Roosevelt (8 ( to ' ! ) won , Poytonl.i (30 ( to 1) ) second , JJlnco (8 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:43' : , { . Fifth rnce , } 250 , for maidens , a-venr-oldc. fix furlongs ; CoinmlPKloner Frank (5 ( to 1) ) won , Twelve-Fifty (7 ( to G ) pocoiid , J. W Levy (7 ( to fi > third. Time : 1:17. : Sixth' wop , JL'OO.for 4-j ear-olds and up- wnrd , Mlllncr , t-nven furlongs ; Gold Dust (7 to 2) ) won , Hutch Arrow (10 ( to 1) ) second , My Heho (9 ( to 2) ) third. Time ; .Stoiifiii'H Mitltlt nil Aoohlfllt. LONDON , Feb. 17. Whlln exercising on tha rnco course nt Lewes. Stoncnell , the G- year-old cheptnut IIOITC , by Stonehenge , out hf Nell , formerly tlip property of 'M , F. Uwycr , and which won claimed by Mr. T. Hoodlass , after running sixth on May IS latt. In the Ncwtnnrkct selling plato , for the Belling price , f400. plus stakes , or fCOO In all , was badly frightened nt n pack of fuNhoundr , fell and bioko his leg. The horso' wns killed. Not a few who read what Mr. Robert Rowls , of Hollands , Va. , has to nay below , will re member their own experience under Ilko cir cumstances : "Last winter I had la grlppo which left me In a tow tate of health , I tried numerous remedies , none of which did mo any good , until I WOH Induced to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The drat battle of it so far relieved me that I was enabled to attend to my work , and the second bottle effected a cure , " . For tale at 25 and CO cents per bottle by druggists. Another C'lm noc for Stunrt , " MIDDLKSHORO , Ky. . Feb. 17. Dan Stuart lias telegraphed from Cumberland Gap to have his match there. There are raid to be five acres of ncutrul ground near there , over which neither Tennessee , Ken tucky nor Virginia has Jurisdiction , where the light could talso place unmolested. Uiu-liloii'H Ai'iilon Salve. The best salvo In the world for cuts , bruise ! , iorea , ulcer * , salt rlmnm , fever sores , letter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles or no pay icqulrcd , It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded , Price 25 cents per box. For talc by Kuhn & Co. _ _ o c a. Omaha-ChlcJKO Special via THE NORTHWESTERN - WESTERN LINE. Miwourl River 6M5 even- Inga Lake Michigan 8:45 : following morning. SOLID TRAIN STARTS from tht OMAHA U. P. depot , clean , spick and span. You should IKV the equipment. City Office , liOl Farnam St. I'"uriiiiiu Hlrt-o.t. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way ticket office. IMIIVATRS 1IAI1 TO STAND IIAflC. One of Them llrlntrn III * nt the * Urn ml Army Ktirnntimrnt. HOLDUEOE , Neb. , Feb. 15. To the Editor of The Uec ! Since the eighteenth annual encampment of the Grand Army of the He- public has become a thing of the past , and as we were a duly elected representative to that encampment , and attended In that capacity , at the city of Oniaha , Neb. , Febru ary 12 and 13 , wo flatter ourselves that we were a closv observer of events that transpired In connection with that encamp ment , both Inside and outside of ( Jrelghton hall , The eighteenth encampment poems to have been bound to a certain line of pro cedure by the seventeenth encampment. That fevcntccnth rncimpmcnt seems to have made certain promises to Individual com rades , that came within a very narrow mar gin of not being fulfilled at the eighteenth encampment. The city of Omahi took CAre of the comrades of the eighteenth encamp ment In pjilenillit style. There was not n man who attended who could go away and say that he was not welt housed , and well fed , In fact , Omaha Is nich a largo place that It could gulp down two or three such encampments nt once nnd not know they were there. Wo had no objections to file until wo arrived at Crclghton hall. There we first met d system of guards which once passed we were then compelled to give ths countersign over a bayonet. This was after each comrade's credentials had been closely scrutinized and passed upon by the highest authority , and an encampment badge given. After wo were once within the tucred (7) ( ) precincts of brigadier gcneraU , colonels , majors , ( nothing below a major counted for anything ) , wo were confronted again by the eight of United States uniforms , swonls , sabers and s.Mne more bayonets. This made It look decidedly as though a few hundred of us "old vets" were In that hall under guard , awaiting trial by a drum he id court martial , Instead of being there for the trans action of a brief business , at the same time trying to hurry up things for fear our nickels would not hold out. Wo were given the use of Crclghton hall from sldo to side , and frein 'end to "end , In which to transact th6 business of the clglltoentth encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic , Depart ment of Nebraska. Uut most , of us soon found , that there was a magic line drawn around the rostrum , or platform. In that hall , over which It was not safe for a pri vate to pass and live , which fact wo were forcibly made aware of on Wednesday even ing. Having been a few minutes ahead of the agreed tlmo of convening the even ing session of the encampment , we had oc casion to wrlto a notice tor an old comrade - rado which ho wanted read from the stand , which Is very customary to do at such meet ings. Wo found that we had no paper for the purpose. It was suggested by com rades sitting near that there was an abundance of paper furnished for the use of yio Grand Army of the Republic on the rostrum. Opening a sldo door leading to this holy of holies , we proceeded to help ourselves to a half sheet of this Grand Army of the Republic headquarters paper. Isn't It a wonder Jove didn't get after us with his thunderbolts ? But wo found that Mars let loose a small pup at us very Boon. Wo proceeded to take possession of a very small desk , or table , and were proceeding to write our Innocent little notice , all un conscious that the saber of Damocles was suspended over our head. In about fifty seconds we were approached by a guard , at wo supposed him such , as bo was dressed In a United States uniform , with a very small regulation cap resting on his bump of self esteem , who , drawing on his fiercest look , demanded of us If "wo were an official. " There , In the presence of that fierce looking guard , who , no doubt , felt that the destinies of this great country rested on his shoulders , wo commenced to review our army record of three and a half years , but with all that military dig nity confronting u , In the person of that guard , we could think of no military position over occupied by us higher than a "high private. " So wo were compelled to tell that , fierce star chamber grandmother-guard that we were only a common delegate to the , eighteenth annual encampment. Then came the etorn command : 'Get yourself oft this platform. " Wo swallowed a few pounds of our veteran pride , and turned onr back on that uniformed grandmother In Israel and left the platform. There- was a time when guards and officers could nnd did or der ua around , tie us up by the thumbs , curse us , and even "buck and gag" us , If we did not obey promptly and "get around spry. " The thought never occurred to us that we were under military regulations at the eighteenth encampment , or we should have kept away from headquarters. Uut then , our homely face and somewhat bleached locks and faded old overcoat , that hid a not very nlco undercoat , did not look well on that platform , so noon to be occupied by the aforementioned brigadiers , colonels and majors. Oh , yes , while wo think of It , and before wo forget It , we would like to Inquire why it was that of the many committees appointed by the commander on last Wednesday , every man chosen , as far as we could ascertain , was taken from that small number of comrades ( beg' pardon , gentlemen , for being so familiar aa to call you comrades ; hope you won't have any after ) who Raton mother-ln-Israel guard us , on the platform of Crelghton hall ? Them were 417 privates on the floor of that hall Just as capable of serving on committee ? as those chocn from the small rlrclo of headquarters , and , for aught wo know to the contrary , Just ns capable of runnlnp an encampment. In the name of every veteran private ex-soldier In the Depart ment of Nebraska , wo ask you to draw no "dead lines" at our annual encampments , over which an ex-private veteran cannot PPHJ without being insulted ns we were. J. M. HARUAUGH. § AMUSEMENTS. | cccocccccccosccc-ccccccoeceo The return of 'Alexander Salvlnl on Fri day and Saturday evenings next nt Hoyd's theater , Is likely to make an even greater stir than usual. Salvini , the Ideal D'Artng- iinn , and the almost equally brilliant Ruy Mlns , has a large local following which duds his abonndanl enllmslatm as Infectious a * his methods nro exhilarating. Since hix last vlblt he has added much to his fnmo uu Hitml t If huresay bo right , and ciitlcal roinmunl a reliable crlteilon , It would pcem that he- has every chance of bearing of ! the prize. As a whole , Salvlnl's pioductlou of Hamlet Is Bald to 'bo the moat complete that has been taken on a tour In many yc-nra. It will bu C3ii for the first time hero on the first night of his engagement , the perform ance to commence at 8 o'clock , procUely. Reach & Dowers' Mastodati mlnttrcla arc announced for a three-night engagement at the Crelghtou , commencing Thursday , Feb ruary 20. The company Is composed of forty well known artibts and the attrac tion U said to be a llrst-class ono In every respect. A f > pcclil mutlnoa will b given on Washington's birthday. 'The Vendetta , " presented by W. II. O.lgcn . and a competent company , will h the card at the Crelghton for the week commencing Sunday matinee , February 23. Mr , Heego and the excellent company that Is supporting him will glvo another special- priced matinee on Wednesday afternoon , when the firth performance of his Swedish dialect atudy , "A Yonulne Veiitlcmnn , " will be the bill. Hoyd'i theater has ban filled at each performance of "A Yeiiulns Yeatle- man. " Ilyrn ? Brother * ' " 3 Ilolli" will open a four night * ' engagement at Boyd's theiter with i cheap-pricud matinee Sunday afternoon , We heard a mechanic say that he would not be without Salvation Oil. It Kills pain. ' t'raillo nnd the flriivc , The following births and death a ntte re ported at the health otllce during the twenty- four hours ending nt noon yesterday ; Ulrtha William Elliuorth , 2217 Corby street , girl ; Charles Tinker , 1213 Davenport , boy ; JoMph Sanies. )310 Wllllunu , girl ; Al bert Davlu. 1209Vllllmna , toy. Deaths Auguila M. Von WJndhnlm. 35 , 1733 South Ninth , Prospect Hill ; Hurry Schrelber , 3 , 1C09 Lvavenuorth , scarlet foyer , Holy Scpulcher. The Throat "Hrown'a Bronchial Troche * " act directly on the organs of the voice , Thfy have an extraordinary effect In all of the throat. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS | ece f The ordinance providing for an annual license for out of town solicitors and runner * was read for the third time and passed nt tht > city council meeting last nlcht. Here after Mllcltora will have to pay $100 for a license Instead of J30. This ordinance wa * passed at the earnest request of business men who claim that Omaha runners flock around the depot and stock yards nnd Imliico strangers to go to Omaha to make their purchases , to the detriment of local bust * ness houses. Petitions asking for flro hydrants at Twen tieth and O sheets ami Twentieth anil I streets were read and referred to the com mittee on fire and water. Mike O'Hern bobbed up again with a re quest that the city pay for n suit of rlnthoi ho wore while taking care of a smallpox patient a couple of years ago and wh.'ch was burned when the patient recovered. Re ferred to the finance committee. The coun cil was requested to order the old frame build- Inn at the rear of the police station torn don n. because unsafe. Chief Ilrennan was dlrooiecl to attend to thematter. . Liquor licenses were crantcd to P. Brosnl- han. Twenty-fourth and Q streets , and John N. Burke , Thlrty-wcond and Q streets. An ordinance ordering an electric lleht placed at Twenty-fourth and U streets was read for the first time nnd referred to the Judiciary committee. City Engineer Bcal was ordered to repair one ot the cast Iron pillars which supports the Q street viaduct. The pillar Is cracked and a couple of heavy bands will be placed nrnuiid It. The chief of police wa's ordered to arrest all persons found peddling without * license. Crosswalks were ordered laid1 at Twenty- second and J streets and at Twenty-seventh'- ; ami E streets. I ) . Jotter , through his attorney , asked that ' , Thirtieth street south of Eggers bo dedicated - or clso the money lie paid for grading tax bo returned to him. Referred to the Judl- - clary committee nnd city attorney. Jolter Mny Do Sutiir l''onclnK. Residents In the Third ward south and _ , west of Eggers street may wake up some morning soon and find a board fence built across Thirtieth street , Just south of Eggers street , thus throwing travel to the city around by Albright. 13. Jotter , proprietor of the South Omaha brewery , threatens to block this road , as It passes through his property , unless the city council refunds to him | SQO which hu paid the city as a part of the tax fcr grading Thirtieth street from the brewery south. Several years ago the city council levied n tax for the grading of a section of this street and Jetlcr paid his money at once. John Ryan owns the property on the other side of the street , but the city council at that tlmo let Ryan oft without his paying anything , provided ho would dedicate his half of the road to the city. This has never boon done and Jotter wants his money back or the street dedi cated. As lie owns nearly all of the land around that locality ho says he will feiico the ro.iJ up and stop travel unless Ryan pays in his $800 or .the road Is dedicated very shortly. HoNiiltnl AMNOulntlon Olllcori. Yesterday afternoon the annual meeting of the South Omaha Hospital association was held , nearly all of the members bo'ng pres ent. The report of the auditing committee on the books ot the secretary and treasurer was read and accepted. The report showed that the books had been properly kept and all money properly accounted for. The elec tion of officers followed. Mrs. ( C. L. Talbot was elected president ; Mrs. James Hall and Mra. I. M. Atnerton , vlc ( presidents ; Joseph- hie Carroll , secretary ; Mls Magglo Pollard , financial becretary , and Mrs. ( Berry , treas urer. Board ot trustees : Rev. H. J. Mc- Deavitt , E. O. Mayfleld , Mcsdamca J. C. Carley , J. M. Tanner , P. A. Cressy , H. H. Ames , W. G. SJoanc , T. Hi Ensor and C. M. Schlndel. Th6' trustees elected Mr Mc- Ueavltt as chairman of the board and Mrs. Cressy secretary. A public entertainment will be given soon and Mesdames Hall , At her ton , , Scliln- del and Ensor were appointed a committee on arrangementtJ. AVniit KmtlMky for Trenmiror. Sunday afternoon about 1BO Bohemians gathered at Koutsky's hall to talk over the spring campaign and decide what Is Best to do in order to gain recognition from the democrats and republicans. After a good deal of talk It was agreed to demand of the republicans that Frank Koutsky be given the nomination for city treasurer. If this In ilono the Bohemians stated that they would be satisfied and not ask for anything olsc. The fact that Frank KnuUky has always bwn a democrat and has served a term In the city council as a democratic representa tive from the Second ward does not seem to make any difference with the Bohemians. Kcntsky appears to be satisfied with the way his friends talk and la willing , so , he says , to change over to the republican party for the tlmo being , If ho Is guarantcpd the nomination for city treasurer. In case the republicans will not entertain the proposi tion of the Bohemian clubs it Is understood that an effort will be made to have City Clcilt Maly re-elected city clerk on the demo cratic ticket. MllKl < ! City fiOHNlp- C. J. Anderson of Nellgh Is In the city. Peter Lcng 1ms moved to Crown Point , Ind. William Olio'of Charleston here yes terday. Zcb ( toodwln of Alliance Is registered at the Exchancfl hotel. Meyer Klein left last evening for , a trip thruuuh westem Iowa. Hills Wright of Alliance was a Visitor yesterday at the stock yards. J. J. Tomllnson of Plymouth was looking over the yards yesterday ofternoon. Oocrge Bock leaves today for San Fran- clfco , where 'he Intends to go Into business , There will be a meeting tills evening ot the Woman's Choral Art club at Collins' muslo store. * A meeting of the republican city central committee will bo held this evening In the Singer block. Thn bakket social given by thn younfj women ot St. Agnes church laht evening was I n very pleasant affair. This evening there will bs a midwinter picnic at the First Methodist churcji. A musical program has been prepared , The cottnco which was destroyed by fire In Albright Monday mornlns belonged to C. Chandler and yvag Insured for $125 , Tim Insurance will more than cover the loss. s\ \ A warrant Is out for the arrest of Mlko Burns , who lives In Albright. The com plaint Is sworn to by E. E. Rldgeway , who alleges that Burns kcppt a vicious dog. To provo lile statement Hldgeway showed marks on hlt > leg where hu says tlio dog bit him. J. Wcstbrook of Phlllpsburg , Kan. , was at ( ho stock yards yesterday xvith Tils first ship ment of hogs to this market. Mr. Wcstbrook was paid a good price for hln hogi and np < pcaroJ uell pleased with the treatment hn received at the hands of the commission men and the ttoclc yards company. In the future ho vslll Khlp here Instead of to Kansa * City. m II Mny ! ) < > UN tar Von. Mr. Fred Miller of Irving , III. , writes that he had n severe kidney trouble for many yearn , with severe pains In his hack and also llit lite bladder was affected , He tried many so railed kidney cures , but without any g ; > ud results. About a ye < ir ago ho begun me ot Electric Bittern and found relief a onco. Electric Bitters U especially adapted to cure of all kldnry nnd liver troubles und often Klvts almost Instunt relief One trial will prove our statement. I'rlcn tuily GQc. At Kuhn & Cn.'g drue fctore. 1C I tin IliiUor Mnrkcl , ELGIN. I'l. . Feb. IT.-HIJTTER-AcUvej orrcriiib-v , 37.140 H * . ; sales , 33,124 Ibnt 13u QUAKER OATS The Child Loves It. The Dyt > peptlo Detnuuds It. Tito Hplctiro Dotes on It. DO YOU EAT IT ?