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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1896)
THE OMAHA DAILY J5EB : SUNDAY , TTBBIUTAnY 10 , 1800. IN SACKCLOTH AND ASHES Society Preparing to Go Into rt De cline. ABOUT READY FOR THE LENTEN SESSION Week Hint linn rnp l tlnil I.HIIc < o Attract tlio Attention of ( lie Swell So , Aftlilc from Minor I'ttiiollntm. The social calendar for tha two days of grace before the beginning ct the- Lenten caron Include several events of Intercut , al though It Is not as gay as It has be n on previous years' The prrlcnttn season Is nov , ' practically at an end , nnd there will , bo no largo wed dings nor fashionable functions until after the chiming of the Ei.iter belts , Society folk will doubtless beglal of the rest from so much gayetynnll excitement and will be glad to turn their thoughts lo other subjects , such as literature , music and study. H Is almost ahraa Ihrough Lent that there are co many little reading clubs , cookIng - Ing clubs , or sewing bees organized , or mutlcnl societies formed. At tin * .Inynrn Untirlna I'lirty. A dancing party was given Friday night by Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Jnyncs at their homo In * Kounlze Place In honor of Ihelr daughlcr , Mies Ilerbcrta. The house was decorated wllh carnallons , frezlns , roses , palm ? , ferns , snillax and plants , and the library , music room , drawing room and dinIng - Ing room wore cleared for dancing. Punch was s > : rvoil throughoul Ihe evening In Ihe dining room , Tlicro was n room filled up on Ihe Erccond floor with Ml tecs for Iho Ictc- n-leles , which was made a charming retreat. Supper was also served upstairs. The table was very pretly with Us red decorations anil candelabra and pieces of Mexican drawn- work scattered here and there. McPherson played Insplrlllng dance music. The programs wcro clover pen and Ink cknlchcs , with ( lower designs containing pretty faces , made by Clark Powell. Among the dancera noticed were : Miss Jayncs In llsht blue crepon. Miss Barllcll wore a lavender and while creation , with whlto chiffon bodice over lav ender silk. Miss Ella Cotton wns In whlto China silk. MUs Blanche Miller In pink mousHcllne do sole over whlto silk. Miss Tumor In red .crcpon. The Misses Keller , one In whlto Snlss over blue silk , Iho other In pink silk. Miss Edith Jackson were a whlto dolled Swiss , with white r.atln ribbons. Mlsa III Orcutt , a dross with skirt of whlto silk and fancy silk and chllTon bodice. Mlra Gilbert were white figured organdie over blue silk. Miss Hlgglnson wore pink silk and lace. Miss Tukcy wore pink crepe and pink vel vet trimmings. Miss Edllh Thomas-wore pink crepe with flowered pink bodice trimmed In lace. Miss Looli Pardoe were white chiffon over white silk , with primrose colored ribbons. Mli'j Hunter were a dark skirt and fancy Persian silk waist. Miss Juunlta Humphrey was In pink silk , with overdress of while organdie. * Miss Brunner were whlto China silk and lace trimmings. Miss Allco Wellorwas In a brown silk skirt , with fancy pink silk bodice. Miss Lohmor wore a blue organdie , trimmed in narrow whlto wtln ribbons. Miss Jessie MeCune were a rosebud fig ured blue Dresden slllc , Irlmmed In cerise velvet. Miss Sadlo Alexander wore a whlto silk skirt , with blue and whlto striped Bilk waist. Miss Elizabeth Allen wore a blue organ die , with blue satin trimmings. Mlsa Macomborwore -white organdie , trimmed In Valenciennes lace. Miss Kennard wore a fancy pink waist and dark skirt. Miss Christiansen was In yellow silk , tr-mmed In chrysanthemum Jur ai'J laven der ribbons. Miss Towar wore pink and'white crepe , trimmed In old rose colored satin ribbons. MIsg Loud wore a whllo dotted Swls ? , trimmed with yellow ribbons. Mlts Robinson was In blue organdie. The men present wcro : Lieutenants Wells and Hutlon , Messrs. Powell , Charles Pow ell , Purvis , Potter , Reed , Tukey , Thurston , Towno , Wagner , Raymond , VanCourt , Baum , Clarke , Chambers , Collott , Cuscaden , Dale , Fonda , Gardner , Charles Gardner , Godso , Hopkins , Humphrey , Hunter. Hughes , Leon ard , Lindsay , Lehmer and MeCune. ThurNtoii lllllcH' Informal Ounce. One of the enjoyable Informal functions of the season occurred at the Thurston Rifles armory last Monday evening , the occasion being the February compotlllon for Ihe Thurslon medal , which concluded with nn Informnl hop. The homelike quarters were the scene of n largo assemblage of thu com pany's friends nnd admirers. About 8:30 : the defenders of the Galveston cup gave a very creditable exhibition , under their now commander. Captain William J. Foye. The Individual compotlllon , under Ihe supervision of Captain Foye nnd Lieuten ants Hayward nnd Stockham followed. This was very close , as usual , and called forth much applause from the guests , who viewed the contest with Intense Interest. Mr. FreJ Fisher was the successful competitor , nnd was rivaled by Corporal W. C. Bartlett for a considerable- length of time. The balance of Iho evening was devoted lo dancing , and a very enjoyable tlmo was had by all pres ent. ent.Tho Rlfloj are anxiously looking forward to tomorrow evening for a delightful Urns , tin occasion being ths compnnv'i first leir > year party. The boys are unable to learn the particulars of the event , other than that a good tlmo awaits them. The Banjo club Is a new feature to the social life ot the Rides , and It is meeting with highly favorable success. In response to a hearty encore received nt the Install- tlon ceremonies ot Ihe Grand Army of fhe Republic nl Crolghlon hall Thursday evenIng - Ing , the club rendered a medley of national airs of Its own arrangement , which , while appropriate , provoked much mirth from the veterans. The club Is organized as follows : Flrsl banjos , Wlrt Thompson , A. H , Gsant- nor and Paul Vandcrvoort , Jr. ; second banjo , L , Pallorson ; piccolo banjo , ClmKes M. Rich ards ; gulta-s , Claud Stockham , R. Coverdalo , 0. Hackenburg , W. Lyon and C. Kastlo. The Thurstons promulgated thu spirit ot militarism thnt evidenced Itself In Omaha last week by tendering an Informal recep tion to the visiting Grand Army veterans. The portraits of honored heroes adorned Iho walls , nnd the profusion of decorations , to gether with a display of accoutrements and all else that goes to make a military recep tion what It should bo , were neatly arranged for the occasion. A vision of such seemed to malto the old soldiers fool young again , and they thus freely mingled with the future defenders of "Old Glory. " Many Jokes and Interesting stories were related , wnlch pro- vokoJ any amount of laughter and inorrl- ment from the members of the Hides. The display of the Oalveston championship cup attracted considerable attention , and called forth great praise and congratula tions , A squad of the Rlflos gavean exhi bition , under the command of Lieutenant Stccklmm , and the veterans showed their appicclatlon of the same by declaring It to b the best thing they had yet seen , SiirnrlHiMl .Tuck OIVIMI. Last Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jack Owen entertained a merry parly of maoquoradera at tlu-lr pretty home on West Churlos street. The event was In honor of Mr. Otvcn's birthday nnd was plumed aa u fcurprl , so when the genial chief was sum moned In haste from his office ho was as- tonluhed to find h's parlors filled with gro tesque figures and the dance going merrily on. Refreshments were served and a musical program was much enjoyed , Mr. WaleH en- turtalned thecompxiy with a few clectlon for volco and guitar most acceptably , Over thirty guests were prewnt and all expressed most hearty enjoyment. They were : Mr. and Mrs. J , P. Ilarnliart , Mr , and Mrs. Charles L. Pond , Mr. and Mrs , W. A. Hooper , Mr. and Mrs. A , A. Hopajn , Mr. and Mra. Horatio Hutchlnu , Mr. and Mra , Rudolph Deal , Mr. and Mrs. P. Strau- b'lugh. Mr. nnd Mrs , Sol Hopper , Mr. and Mrs. Perry C. Hough , Mr. and Mr . Harry UdyarJ , Mr , and Mr * . Win 8. Kins , Mrs- Hello ICvnng , Mm. D. S. Fisher , Mrs. E. W. Owcn.1 , Mr * . W. A. Hooper , sr.f Mrs. Eliza- brth McOoagac of Lincoln , Neb. , Mr * . Maud Shaw of Council Uluffs , In. , Misses Mary Scott , Iklln Soil , StclU Hutchlns , Te slo Ilopson. Al ce Dopuo. nthel Hutching , Mag- Rio Heck ; Messrs. Fred Hutrhlns , William Young , William WaWi , John Irons ttutbvon , Augustus * 1'llnt , Ilcrt Cardwcll , Mr. Young of ( Irand Island , NVb.j Masters John H , Owen ? , Uusscll and llaymond Hvans and Joy Lvdyard. _ 1'nliTluliKMl nt CnrilM. One of the most delightful German whist parties of the season wns glvon by Mrs. George \ \ ' , Llnlnger and Mrs. Frank Hallcr last Wo'lno.lay afternoon at their home , In honor of the Forest Hill Card cluli. Hvt-ry ono who has hail tlio good fortune to visit at this beautiful home , which con * tnltw iv > many exquisite treasures of art , knowa what nn abode cf hoipltallty It Is , and what phamilni ; hostesses Mrs. Llnlnpcr and Mrs. Haller are. Prizes were won by Ml * , Allen , who received a mosa-apato stamp- box , set In slht-r. Mls Gardner received a silver nail file , and Mrs. Lawrence was console ! with a pretty handkerchief case. During the afternoon there was music by the Enterprise club , which played several numbers that were enthusiastically applauded , Mlsi Allen whIrtlcJ , Miss Hetrcl played a number of selection ? ; Mrs. Cotton sang , ac companied by the club. Uefreshmenta were served mid the after noon came to a close all too soon , Derides the members ot tbo club , there were present Mrs. Charles OarJncr , Mrs. John llorbach , Mrs. J. 12. Boyd , Mrs. George R. Marker. Mrs. H. L. Jayncs , Mrs. Joseph Hat-ton. Mrs. Cotton , Mrs > . Heth. Miss Uody , Mini Gardner , Miss Amy Uirker , MSD ! lletzol , Miss Allen , Miss natbacli , .Mis Thatcher , Mrs. Mahoney and Miss Coe. AVeOile.l nt St. One of the prettiest weddings of the sea son was celebrated at St. Peter's cliurc last Wednesday evening , the contractlnRpar tli > 3 bolnR Miss Helen C. MnRUlro and Mr Thomas J. O'Drlcn. The bridal c'ouple , pre ceded by Mr. S. Carmody and Mr. Charle C. Patrick aa ushers , and follow cd by th bridesmaid , Miss Katherlnc Whalon. and th groomsman , Mr. John Maher , marched dow the center aisle of the church to the altar where they wore unite 1 In the holy bond of wedlock by Rev. Thomas Walsh , usslpte by nov. J. Callahan. DurlnR the csremony Mrs. R. Downy rrn dored Mlllard's "Ave Maria , " with 1'rof A. Provost at the orsan. The bride looked beautiful In a "chic gown of navy blue , set off with pink am gDld trimmings , while the bridesmaid wa very ptetty In a smart tailor made gown After the ceremony the bridal party am Immediate friends repaired to the home o the brlile , on West Fiirnam strset , wher dinner was served , alter which the brld and groum repaired to the drawing room and received congratulations or their man friends until 0:30 : , when they departed ami shoncrs of rleo and old plioea for an ex tended visit through the south and east They will be at homo at the Mercer hole after March 1. _ Ail Aniiniinoeiiiciit Tun. A kenslngton was given by Mrs. Vlcto Will to and Miss Helen Moore at their bom yesterday afternoon. Tlio house was deco rated with ferns , palms nnd cut flow-ore During the afternoon the engagement wn announced of Mlsa Moore to Mr. Harry Jor dan. Many were the hearty congratula tlons and good wishes. Miss Moore played and Mrs. Dickey an < Miss Drake melted. Refreshments wer served , Those present were : Mesdamcs Wcssells Ualdrldgo , Palmer , Haller , Mercer , Carson Bradford , Coffman , Offutt , IloDowater , Coles Heed , Mclklo , Deuel , Chase , Love , Richard sen , Gardner , Johnson , Dickey , Lyle Dickey McCormlclc , Hughes , Stone , Mlllard , Me Whorter , Stephens , Stebblns , Blerbowor Klrkcndall , Ogden , CulllnRham , Smith , Carter tor , Morples , Barlow , Wattles. Hull , Baum Dlotz , Munger of Fremont , Batting , Esta brook and Howells ; Misses Drake , Morse Himebaugh , Creishton , Gardner , Cady , Am ) Barker , Doane , Wakcley , Sloan , Baum Barker , Taylor , Allen , Squires , McKcll Brown , Wcssslls , Stone , Lindsey. Parrottc Gorton , Jcnas , Colpelzer , Buck , Wilkinson o Keokuk , .Emma Sharp of California ; Messrs Sharp , Palmer , R'ngwalt. I3noN Club Ilauce. At Mcrand's dancing academy last Wednesday day evening n merry company of young people ple enjoyed the second of a series of danc Ing parties glvon by the Enos club. In every respect It wao ono of the Jolllest parties o the winter and the committee received the congratulation ! ) of all present for the able manner In which It handled the affair. The club orchestra furnished the music. * Those In attendance were : MUses McQull Ian , Garvey , Rccltbud , Benson , O'Netl , Emer son , Buoh , Do Cota , Ellis , Thomas , Janes Whlpplo , Borkhardt. ERgleston. Williams E. Shropshire , L. Shropshire , Hanafan , M Hill , S. Hill , Peters , J. Byrne , Wagner , L Byrne , Gamble , Hordlgan , West , Jorgeson Lundcll ; Messrs. Fries , McQuillan , Garvoy Nester , Hald , Duncan , Van Darvoart , Peter son , S'mpson. ' C. Walker , Fenwlck , Elling ton , Cheatwoad. Solomon , Buzzcll , Corbett Bonnewort , R. Walker , Inches , Honey , Roaj , Grotto , Elbright , Elton , Ed Murphy , Post , Grimth , Butler , Ireland , McMahon , Powell , Hahn , Malpno , E. Murphy. Hopper , Davis , Maloy , Vln'qulDt , Adams , McDonald , Sachs , Lowry , Potter , Manner. The MoiitoBiiniiiK Dunce. Last Thursday evening the Montezumas gave another of their pleasant dances at the cub ) rooms , 1G12 Douglas street. Among those who participated In the even- Ing's amuEoment were : Mo3cs ! Mctcalfe , Byrne , Lundeen , Moran , Lewis , Callan , Fan- nine. E. Wlgman , Brady , Frazcr , Sheldon , L. Wlgman , Osboruo , Williams , Andreen. Hill , Knapp , Wleborg , Nester , Moss , Gulne , E. Quick , Andrae , Stockham , A. Quick , Rohn ) . Daltou , Brown , Wagner , Gunther , McCullcugh. Lecdor , Johnston , Beck. Long , Wiseman , Hume , Small , Rico , Ilor , Balding , Troatler , Kirk. Thomas , Bowman , Eaton , Berry and Jefferlos ; Messra. Knapp , Clutter - tor , II , Nester , McMahon , Stewatt , Foster , P. Ncstcr , Walker , Drlesbach , Reynolds , Sullivan , Wurl , McCullough , Ehlers , Gunthor , Griffith , Brown , Binder , French , Clomonte , Klnt'loy. Garr'son , Gaiter , Van Dorn , Buz- zell , Wltworth , Stokosborry , Borshelm , Whit man , Evans , Holmcr , Olmstead , Gernhardt , Howe , Gosnoy , Cardwell , Haufmann , Forbes. Flvo lit ( liu An enjoyable party was given Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Farniley at the Henderson hotel last Wednesday evening. Progressive high llvo was the m oilo of entertainment. Mr ; ? . C. A. Lewis succeeded In capturing the 1 ( lilies' dm prize , a beautiful boquot of cut flowero. Mr. Jamea W. Bouk won the gentlemen's first prlzo , a very unique prize , being a little box made In Imitation of a cake of soap. Mrt > . G. W. Sutton carried away the ladles' consolation gift , whllo Mr. Theodore Farnsloy was tendered the gentle men's booby prlzo , a toy pistol. During tlio evening rofres < hmentn were served , and not until a late hour did the guests don their wraps , after having thanked the hostess for an evening DO pleasantly epcnt. Thoaa present were : Mr. and Mrs , Theodore doro Livingston , Mr. and Mro. G. W. Sutton , Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Connoran , Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bouk , Mr , nnd Mrs. A. E. Wallace , Mesdames Rock , C , A. Lewis , Farnsloy , Henderson , Meain * . Elmer Graham , Farnsloy and Bouk , _ ViiI < Mitlno Caril Parly. Mr. and Mrs W. S. Rector of 2128 Wlrt street , assisted by Mm. Rector's sisters , Mrs. Charles Ford Scovll of Chicago , and Mrs. Frank D. Spsncer of Nebraska City , enter tained at cards. Scro cards , table counters and partners were chosen by cuplds In various valentine creations. The liouso wan decorated throughout , whlto and green being the prevailing colors. The first prizes were captured by Mr , ana Mrs. William A , Redlck , and the consolations by Mrs , Stone and Mr. Hartman. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Paxtcn , Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Redlck , Mr. and Mrs. Klrkendall , Mr. and Mrs. Christian Hartman , Mr. and Mrs. G , W. Covell , Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Ransom , Mr. nnd Mrs. Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Stone. Mr , and Mrs , Ford , Mr , and Mrs. Klerstead , Mr , and Mrs. ( V > man , Miss Hartman , MUs Sharp of California , Mr. Dostwlck , Mrs. 8cvll and Mrs , Hiiencer , of .Mother ( Inline ItUyiiiDH. Mrs , Henry McDonald entertained 'friends In a very novel manner last Tuesday after noon. Each guest wag given a slip of paper , upon which \\a written one of the old familiar rhymes of "Mother Qoase. " and requested to draw her conception ot the same. The contest resulted In favor of Mra. L. T. Stcarnn. who received n vase as first prize , while Miss Agnes Hirst was consoled with a miniature elate pencil for drawing the poorest representation. The quests were : Mrs. Wagner of Chicago cage , Mrs. M. D. Smith of Crcston , Mcs- dnmcs J , G , Martin and L. T. Stearns of Scuth Omaha , A. T. Sldwell , Kaltlcr , George Strand , V. B. Lady , A. Schall. S. K. SpaldIng - Ing , J. C. Bodman , J. B. Sheldon , K. Chap man. F. A. Squire. J. A. White , L. Nedd. H. D. Hoeg. E. Hoel. J. n. Crane. S. M. Ware , W. II. Anderson , G. L. Hello , Wil liam Whlt ; Misses Glacomlnl , Abbott , Stlrc , C , Glacomlnl , Knapp , Burkctt , Hirst , SpaldIng - Ing , Hood nnd F.-ilrchlld. in < crnliicil nt ( Icriunti Mrs. John Horbach entertained pleasantly at German whist on Tuesday afternoon. Prizes wcro won by Mrs. Thomas Orr and Mr ? . Joseph Chrkson , the former winning a silver card receiver ; the latter n calendar folio for note paper. Rcfrcfhrnenls were served and the guests were : Mrs. Lyman Rlchardpon , Mrs. Charles Greene , Mrs. Lovl Carter , Mrs. Fred Davis , Mrs. Shlverlck , Mrs. Charles Lyman , Mrs. C. 1C. Coutant , Mra Thomas Orr , Mrs. James Me- Kcnna , Mrs. Jorcph Clnrkson , Mrs. Charles Ogdcn , Mrs. Jonics McKell , Mrs. Louis Brad ford , Mrs. Robert Rlngwalt , Mrs. L. M. Dennett , Mrs. Gannett , Mrs. Kurtz , Mrs. Howard B. Smith , Mrs. Deuel , Mrs. George Prltchctt , Mrs. George Ltnlngcr , Mrs. Dewey , Mrs. Hal McCord. Mrs. Frank Hallcr , Miss McKcll , Mrs. Henry Yatcs , Mrs. Morgan and Miss Dowey. _ MlN * .S > v cii ilh r. Miss Hulda Swcndby entertained the members bersof the North Star Social club last Fri day evening nt her homo , 1910 Grace street , It being a surprise party given In her honor. Progressive high flvo was played and prizes awarded Miss Isa Perkins and Mr. Phln Austin , the consolation prizes being given to Miss EsNo Tail and Mr. Clarcnco Lewis. After refrethmcnts were served dancing oc cupied the evening. Those present wore : Misses Ethel Plymp- ton , Viola Morgan , Isa Perkins , Esslo Tail , Nettle Martin , Lora Martin , Hannah Swend- by , Hulda Swcndby , Lulu Rhyn , Carrie Thompson , Klslo Cooler , Mrs. Worley , Mrs. Cooler ; Messrs. Gladstone , Talt , Alfred Johnson , Kenneth Jack , James Hayes , Charles Lew Is , Phln Austin , Will Talt. Clarcnco Lewis , Fred Martin , Jack Gardner , Calvin Plympton , Lew Cooler. A. S. Frost , Ray Cotton , C. W. Jones , Harry Rhyn. Opened n Valentine * Hot. A party was given last Friday evening In honor of Mr. Otto Borne at his homo , 2412 Wlrt street. Games and music occupied the early part of the evening , when a valen tine box , which had been prepared , was opened amid much laughter , after which refreshments wcro served. Those present were : Mlssos Anna Hay , Jcyslo Brcssman , Pearl Wilson , Grnco Adams , May Dick , Lulu Oschnnbeln , Myrtle Odkfcrd. Lillian Valentine. LIH > an Simons , Louisa Borne , Perry nnd Phyllis Borne , nnd Messrs. Charles Baldwin , William Baxter , Ed Lafferty , Art Hathaway , Will Miller , Dwlght Carpenter , George Boycr , Fred An thony , John Gard , Wesley Gard , Sam Oachen- beln , Claude Redman , Lee Harter , Gutave Berne , W. L. Davis , Wood and Erlcksen. Mrn. Ynnt'M Luncheon. A luncheon was given last Thursday by Mrs. Casper E. .Yost. The table decorations wore In good taste. The centerpiece was em broidered In yellow rosoa and tboro were also four cut glass vaseg of Mareshal Nell roses on the table. After the luncheon the guests were given cards on which were written twcnly-four * hort phrases , characteristic of the historical character whose Initial It repre sented. Prizes were won by Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Squires. The guests were Miss Jenness of Michigan , Mrs. Charles Greene , Mrs. Joseph Lehmer , Mrs. Isaac Congdon , Mrs. Milton Barlow , Mrs. Charles Offiitt , Mrs. W. J. Conne'.l , Mrs. George Patterson , Mra. Richard Carrew , Mrs. William A. Redlck , and Mrs. George Squires. . The Dnnclnpr Cluli Rcrninn. Quite an enjoyable affair was the German given by the dancing club on Thursday night. Among the dancers were noticed Mr. nnd Mrs. Coles , Redlck , McCormlck , Arthur jlth. Will Mlllard. Cartan , Chinton , Wilbur , Melkle and Chase ; Misses Webster , Morse , Doane , Crounse. Chandler , Nash , Moore , Yates , Allen , Himebaugh , Rlngwalt , Cady nnd Palmer ; Messrs. Mullen , Cowln , Hutton , Patrick , Berlin , Crofoot , Gannett , Morsman , Horbach , Allen , Jordan , Brown , Hall , John Patrick , Hamilton nnd Palmer. The specta tors wers : Mr. and Mrs. Offutt , Mr. .and Mrs. Joseph Lehmer , Mr. nnd Mrs. Bradford , Mr. and Mrs. Mclntosh , Mr. and Mrs. Wy- 111 an , Mrs. Coffman , Miss McKenna , Mra. Wakeley , Mr. Gulou. Mr. Saunders. Valentine 1'nrty. The valentine party given by the Young .Men's Institute at Crelghton hall last Fri day evening reached the high tide of Its New Year's eve party In numbers and mer riment. What lent particular zest to the affair was the frequency of the "ladies' choice , " a privilege which brought out a moderate number of masculine wall flowera The affair throughout was a delightful one and brought to a fitting close the series of select socials Inaugurated last September ly this energetic organization. The committee In charger Messrs. Frank A. Murphy , D. J. Sullivan , J. J. Rlley , D. J. Lahey , K. H. Koestors , J. P. Ford , John McQuillan , T. B. Malone , S. E. Sawtell , Eu gene Murphy. Murphy.A A Jlirlhiluy Party. Mr. Eskel Nelsen gave a very pleasant birthday party Monday evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Schultz , 1723 South Twelfth street , to commemorate his 21st birthday , The house was decorated with plants. 3amo3 were Indulged In and progressive high five was played until a late hour , after which an elaborate supper was served by Mrs. Schultz. Those present were : Miss Cra Greeley , Miss Aina Ccffey , Miss Christina Nelsen , , llns Liura Young , Mrs. Schultz , Mrs. Ches- er Allen , Mr. Tim F-Jley , Mr. Eskel Nelsen , Mr. Charles H. Young , Mr. J. Ftynn and Mr. William Berbom. Vnleiilliic 1'nrty at Ilcllevne. Miss Emma Wright , ass'sted by Miss Helen Longsdorf , gave n valentine party Friday evening. About twenty couples were pres ent. Quito a little talent was displayed In vrltlng valentine verses. It was nearly 2 o'clock before the guests departed. * Among houa present were : Misses Carrie Muttonchops - chops of California , Jones , Hamilton , Peters , lamllton , Weekly , Stores. Weekly , Conners , Corr , EKsman , Knysor , McDonald , Kaysor , Soelmlre , Hortzler , Arthur , Longsdorf nud Vrlght ; Bendy , Weekly , Bendy , 55uchor , PeteM , Morris , Peters , Clothing , Nolan , Seolmlro , Longadorf , Wright , Arthur and Slrpless. MIM. IIculnr'H AVhlHt Party. A German whist party was given by Mrs. Vllliam Rector on Saturday afternoon In loner of Mrs. C. F. Scovll of Chicago and Irs. Frank D. Spencer of Nebraska City , acquomlnot roses designated partners and irlzos were awarded , A most enjoyable afternoon was spent y Mrs. Joseph Metcalf , Mrs. Cornish , Mrs. aynea , Mrs. Klerstead , Mrs. Sutphon , Mrs. 'ord , Mrs. Crummer , Mrs. Lewis , Mrs , Wel- er , Mrs. Davenport , Mrs , John Brown , Miss Irown , Mrs , Covell , Mrs. Whltmoro , Mrs , poncer and Mrs. Scovll. Sim. Yaten * IIlKli rive. Mrs , Henry Yates entertained In honor of ilrs. Kurtz last Monday atternon at her ionic. The first part of the afternoon high vo wao played and at 5 o'clock supper was orved , The guests were : Mrs. Gannett , Mrs. Curtz , Mm. Joseph Barker , Mra. Wllllim A. ledlck , Mrs. Wood , Mrs. Prltchott , Mrs , ; tiarlcs Lyman , Mra K. M. Morsman , Mrs. Vesiley Morsman , Miss Gardner , Mrs. Bcn- ictt , Mrs , Coutant , Mrs , Richardson , Mra. jovl Carter nd Mrs. Gardner , They Rave nil Inillau Teu. The Ladles' Aid society of Grace Evangel- cal Lutheran church gave a very enjoyable ndlan tea last Friday evening. The church nd tables were decorated with corn stalks , ( vine the room n very "mnlssy" appear- nee. Souvcnlru were eiven each person at- end ng In the shape of email cards adorned with negro doll babies , the name of the articular red man which It was supposed to eprosent being written across the face of the card , H Qycr had p'.accd hie flno collec tion of Indian -rf/lcs / at the dlrpoMl of the women and lt , ) | | tlo SM , Reynolds , was the happiest one -vt the company , decked with war paint and feathers , representing Chief Red Cloud. , < t _ _ Mrn. Ji VJ'Mcycr 12ntprtnln . A party wdjjgjven by Mrs. J. F. Meyer at her rofldeof ; on South Twenty-eccond street In hone M > f her eon Fred'a Gth birth day. Mrs. MbyeV'wis assisted by Mrs. J , A. Abcrnctty In entertaining the little folks. The pred6rnlrlhtlng ? colors -used In decorating were pink nhV ! 'blue nnd wcro arranged In R very artistic'manner. . Refreshments were served. ThOftj present yrcre : Hose Turkic , Madge Thompson , Venus Hart , Violet Btichman , Hazel Hartley , Mamie Sullen , Rudolph Ver Mchnor , Johnnie 'Ver ' Mehnor and Herbert Vcr Mehncr , Roy ftwanson , and Earl Cornwell. Mr * . Worjhlnnloii'n I.ntirhcon. In honor of Miss Eugenia Kountze Mrs. Worthlngtcn entertained at a luncheon last Thursday. The table was decorated with la Franco roses , rare old china , silver and cut glass. Covers were laid for Mrs. Gardner , Mrs. Cartan , Mrs. Smith , nnd her friend , Miss Breed ; Miss Stella Hamilton. Miss Yates , Miss Nash , Miss Chandler , MUs Doanc , Miss McKenna , Miss Kountzo and Mrs. Worthlngton. " \VeililliiKn mill Ono cf the Interesting , but unheralded weddings of the week , was that of MUs Anna J. Brennan and Mr , Will M. Jackson , Wednesday afternoon nt the rectory of the Good Shepherd church. The ceremony was performed by Rev , J. P. D. Llwyd. They will bo at homo after March 1 , on South Thirty-third street. _ PloiiNtiren Pant. ' Miss Nash entertained Informally at lunch- con on Tuesday. Mrs. Charles W. Lyman entertained In formally at luncheon on , Wednesday. Miss Margaret Hitchcock ontcrtalnod a number of her young friends last Wednes day afternoon , Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Morsoman gave a dinner last Friday evening In honor ot Mrs. D. V. Barknlow of Denver. Mies Llla Alexander gave n tea from 5 lo 8 o'clock last evening. A number of in vited guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. James McKonnn enter tained the Saturday Night Whist club at dinner and cards last night. An Informal dance was given by the Missis Crounse last Tuesday evening nt the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. G. M. Hitchcock. Mrs. Eva Porrotlo Sweeney and Miss Par- rotto entertained Informally last Wednesday at a kenslngton. for Miss Wilkinson of Kco- kuk. kuk.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pcrscls , 3S02 North Suvontccnlh slrcel. cnlertalred a number of their neighbors last Thursday evening at progressive high five. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. G. Tempeton entertained n number of Ihelr friends at cards last Thursday evening In honor of Hon. and Mrs. A. E. Cady of St. Paul. The Bon Ami Card club was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baum last Monday evening. Prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs. Lehmor and Mrs. Sliolcs. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. McWhortor entertained at dinner last Thursday evening. Covers were laid for Dean and Mra Gardner , Miss Gardner nnd Miss Wnlker. The homo ot Mr. and Mrs. Neuzcl was thrown open fori.a farewell party by Mrs. Moore , Miss , Moore and Mr. John Moore. There were present about thirty. The Sans Squclclub , consisting of twelve young women" , gave an Informal leap year party In Iho dining hall at , the Union Depot hotel last I rlilayi evening. About thirty couple ? wera'iprcspnt nnd a very enjoyable tlmo was hadr , Mrs. John Hnrbach entertained at luncheon last Monday. The" table decorations were yel low. Covers ' rtpre'lald for Mesdamcs Clark- son , Worthlngtcn ) . Lake , Schwan , Bache , Shlverlck , LaCey , " Joseph Mlllard , James E. Boyd , and Hobacn. Mra. Shlverlck entertained the Six Hun dred Euchre 'club last Thursday afternoon. The first prlzqs , p tty pincushions , were won by Mesdamc j.Gaunett , Wcssells , and Mc- Konna. The second prizes , dainty workbags , were won < by losdames Schwan , Bennett- and " Carter. . Miss Wilson entertained the South Side club last Thursday evening at her homo on South Seventeenlh slreet. The evening was spent In playing high five. Miss Lillian Day of Denver rendered oaveral beautiful vocal selections , after which dainty refreshments were served. Miss Hamilton entertained at luncheon last Monday In honor cf Miss Bell and M'ss Wal lace. The table wao prettily decorated with marguerites. Cover. ? were laid for Miss Wal lace , Mlso Bell , Mlsa Doane , Ml > s Chandler , Miss Nash , Miss Crounsc , Miss Palmer , Miss Yates , Mla3 Wnkeley , Miss Breed of Boston , Mrs. Arthur C. Smith and Miss Hamilton. A valentine luncheon was given by Mrs. W. C. Ives last Friday. Everything was dainty and heart-shaped and with Iho plate cards at each cover was a fragrant bunch of violets. The table waa decorated with pink carnations. The guests were : Mrs. Stebblns , Mrs. Connell , Mrs. Chadwlck , Mrs. George Patterson , Mrs. Connor , Mrs. Stlgor and Mrs. Butler. Miss Lillian Snell entertained at cards last Friday evening. Prizes were won by Mabel Cartu , Joslo Swartzlandcr , Florence Randalls nnd Oden Mackay. Present were : Mablo Cartu , Faith Potler , Mary Barker , Agnes Emerson , Lulu Peyko , Mlna Edwards , Florence Randalls and Miss Evans ; Messrs. Harry Cartu , Odcn Mackay , Wlllard Barrowo , .Carl and Glen Raymond. An enjoyable card rarty was given last Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. Francis Wes- sells In honor of Mrs. Kurtz. The guests wore : Mrs. Kurtz , Mra Gannett , Mrs. Cou tant , Mra. Lyman Richardson , Mrs. Bennett , Mrs. Yates , Mra McKenna , Mrs. Barlow , Mra. Schwan , Mrs. Moore , Mrs. Prltchelt and Mrs. Sargent. Prizes were won by Mrs. Richardson and Mra Prltchott. Mrs. F. B. Kennard entertained at cards last Friday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Mc- Fall of Oskaloosa. These present were : Mra T. C. Brunner , Mrs. H. P. Deuel. Mra E. Hanoy , Mrs. E. Rosawatcr , Mra Fell , Mrs. BuckinghamMrs. . Wllklna , Mrs. Palmer , Mrs. McConnell , Mrs. Strung , Mrs. J. D , Foster , Mrs. Hawcs , Mrs. Richards , Mrs. Rons , Mrs. McFall , Miss Isaacs , Miss Wil kinson. Mrs. John H. Butltr gave a dinner Tuesday In honor of her mother , Mrs. Vandyke , who departed yesterday for her homo nt Fredonln , la. These present were : Mr. and Mrs. Mor ris Morrison , Mr. and Mrs. Laren Nobergall , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koufmami , Mr , and Mrz. Joe Dennis , Mr , and Mrs. Nels Dennis , Mr. and Mrs. John Conto , Mr. and Mrs , Los Lloyd , John Johnson , Mrs. Birch , Mrs. Morse , Mrs. Wright. A farewell parly , previous to their mov ing to Kansas City , was given by Mr. and Mrs. Theodorot Starks , at their homo In Kountzo. Placelajt Tuesday evening. The ho n DO was docppatifd with growing plants In full blossom. A host of friends were present and thoroughly" enjoyed the evening playing cards. Prized were awarded to Mro. Ed Smith and Mr. N w land of Sioux City. After refreshments were served dancing was enjoyed until a late hour. Friday ovonlrjg , 'February ' 7 , at the resl- denco of Mrs. M. T. Hascall , 4135 Grant strcvt , the Royal Neighbors of Ivy , camp No. 2 , gave ono of.pjls. merry surprises In honor of Mrs. Hascall's bjrthday. After supper was served Mrs. Hascall was presented with a hand&ome parlor lamp by the members ot the order , who took upon themselves this method of showing their friendship for her. Cards and music and coasting without snow were the amusements of the evening , Ono ot the social events of the week was a leap year dancing party given by the Ladles Auxiliary to the Oriole club at Cosmopolitan hall la t Friday evening. MUs Julia Bowles acted , as mistress ot ceremonies and led the grand msrcli , assisted by Mr. H. Grau. These In charge were : Committee ot arrangements ; Miss K. Smith , R , Dln- goldlno , L. Schluetcr. Reception committee ; MIU3 M. Dlngeldlno , F. Smith , G. Schluetor , Floor committee : Mlsa A , Clalr , M , Gcnslor , M. Garneau , 0. Smith. Last Tuesday evening a musical was given In honor of Mr. and Mra. Frary at tholr residence. 2616 Decatur street. Those present were : Misses Katie Griffith , Amla Scb&eflle , Blanch Martin , Mamlo Burd , Clara Free , Pearl Sunderland , Edith Vanqueat , Vugll Holding. Myrtle Dacota , Oma Free , Maud Kills , Nettle Dacota , Mrs. D. C. Redman Mrs. Egan , Cdlth Egan and Mode Martin , and Messrs. Lee Harter , Will Fcurlck , Grove Smith , Ocorgo Bard , Ch rlt > Walker , George Yager , W. Grant , Charles 0. Choekloy , Ralph Hnywnrd , Jim Davis , Will Bartlett , Georga Spctman , S. Frary , Illckey Rowe and L McAvoy. _ In I'rnnttcct. The Mltwes Whcrfy will give a dancing party at the fort. The Commercial club will give a dancing party next Tuesday evening. The Monday Night club wilt give their last dance tomorrow evening. Miss Colpetzer will give a sheet and pillow case party on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Richard Carrier has cards out for re ceptions to bo given Tuesday afternoon , The flrsl meeting of the Cooking clul will bo held at thn homo ot Miss Webster. Mrs. Hrnco will entertain the Forest Hill Card club on Tuesday afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Mr. nnd Mrs. Richard Carrier will re ceive on Tuesday evening from 8 until 11 o'clock. Invitations nro out for a party to bo given by the Carlisle club. Wednesday evening , Fcbrunry 19 , nt Morand's dancing academy. Ttio Mlcues Grace nnd Joan Thurston will glvo n dancing party at their homo on Fnr- nnm rtrect Monday evening , February 17 , from 7 until 10 o'clock. Among the social events of this week will bo n lofp year party , given by the women el Iho "Montczumns" nt their club room ) 1(512 ( Douglas street , Thursday evening. This party will bo In honor of the "Montezumas" and tholr friends. Visitor * . Mrs. Munger ot Fremont U the guest ol Mrs. C. N. Dlotz. Miss Gorton ot Buffalo U the guest ot her cousin , , Mrs. Love. Mrs. G. H. McFall of Oskaloosn , In. , Is thu guest ot Mrs. F , II. Kennard. Miss Minnie Williams of Denver Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Saunders. Mr. nnd Mrs. Osgood Eastman and daughter Helen left Tuesday for their home In Kvans- Ion. Ion.Mrs. Mrs. G. Kolls and son at Grand Island , Neb. , are vlslllng her mother , Mrs. Clara Roedcr. Mr. Wcllter Wclla of Chicago was the guest list Sunday ot Mr. nnd Mrs. James H. Parrotte. Mrs. D. V. Barkalow of Denver has been the guest of Mre. S. D. Barkalow during the week. Mrs. Fred Tcmplo ot Lexington , Nob. , Is vis iting her sister , Mrs. J. W. Robb , 1235 South Thirtieth avenue- . Mrs. E. M. Collins of Fremont , who has been visiting Mrs. Began , returned lo her homo a few days ago. Mrs. Emma B. Ewlng nnd daughter , Ed- wlna , ot St. Louis arc visiting Mrs. George T. Pumpelly , 2519 Chicago slreet. Mrs. P. Sheldcn and Mrs. W. Newell of Blair have boon the guests of Mrs. J. R. Manchesler for the past few days. Miss Ella Bell , who has been the cucst of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burns tor the past three weeks , left for her home on Mondny. Mr. Albert Miller of Franklin. Pa. , spent Sunday In town as the guest of Mrs. L. J. Drake. On his return to Franklin on Mon day ho was accompanied by Mrs. Miller , who has been visiting her parents hero for several weeks. Friendly Judge Woolworth Is In Now York. Mr Seth Drake spent last Sunday In town. Mrs. Hawley and daughters are visiting In Chicago. Mrs. Guy Barton came homo from Topeka , Kan. , on Monday. Miss Mount went to Lincoln on Tuesday to spend weeks. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Shears , at Huntlngton , Ore. , a son. Mrs. C. M. Raymond left on Tuesday for southern California , hoping to Improve her health. Miss Elizabeth Van DrufT of Rook Island and W. D. Stnley of this city are engaged to bo married next month. WOSIE1V I.V MEX'S IIOLKS. TrtnimiliN of Orent ActreiHen When Wearing Seek and Iliixklii. Mlsa j\Ca .Rehan's appearance In the part of Prince Hal , Shakespeare's madcap hero o "Henry VIII. , " marks the revival of aclrcsscs In male characters. It is also announce ! that Miss Vera Berlnger , who was the orig inal Little Lord Fauntloroy In London , and her slstor , MLss Esmo Berlnger , nro studying the parts of Romeo and Juliet. This Is the first time since the days of Charlotte Cush- tnan that these famous roles haov been as sayed by two sisters. As early as 1838 Mlai Cushmon played the male part of Rolt In "Pocahontas , " n drama by George Washington Parko Custls , and her career at the Park theater. In New York , as "utility actress" deevloped her capaclly In this direction. It was when she began he : nccond London engagement at the Haymarkc In 1845 that she appeared as Romeo , selecting the orlgUuj play Instead of the acting version then In vogue. Her Idea of playing this tragic lover's part was chiefly to bring out her sister Susan. She mot with great suc cess , for the play ran olghly nlghls , then a wonderful length , and had an extended tour In the provinces. The London Times said : "It Is enough to say that the Romeo of MIs = i Cushman Is far superior to any Romeo wo have over had. The distinction Is not ono ot degree ; It Is ono ot kind. For1 a long tlmo Romeo has been a convention. Miss Cushman's Romeo Is a creation , a living , breathing , animated , ar dent human being. * Miss Cushman looks Romeo exceedingly -well ; her dcport- moat la frank and easy ; she walks the stage with nn air of command ; her eye beams with animation. In a word , Romeo Is ono of her grand succeses. " Although Mmo. Sara Bcrnhardt has never appeared as Romeo In Ihls country , she Is said to both look and act the part ot that passionate young lover with consummate art. Though ChaVlotto Cushman la associated chiefly with Lady Macbeth and Meg Mer- rltles , she achieved great renown as Cardinal Wolsey. On n few occasions sno played Hamlet , which her biographer , Emma Steb blns , say "glvo her Intensepleasure. . " Miss Cushinau alludes to It In some of her loiters as the very highest effort she had ever made , and the most exhausting of nil her parts , this ono seemed to fill out most completely the entire range of her powers. Miss Mar riott appeared as Hamlet at Sadlcra Wells , London , under her own management In 1SG4 , and In 1870 appeared In New York In the samerole. . Another woman who gained early distinc tion In this line was Mrs. John Drew , who began her career sixty-eight years ago as the Duke of York to the "Richard III. " of Junlua Brutus Booth. She played also Ham let as well as Dr. Pangloss In the "Heir at Law. " The latter character she appeared In about 1629. Pretty Peg Wofflngton , the heroine ot Charles Reado's novel , was famous for her man's characters and Sir Harry Wlldalr , In the "Constant Couple , " will always be as sociated with her name. She first played It In 1738 In Dublin , taking the town by storm , and It is said ono maiden refused to bellevo that It was played by a woman and offered her hand In marriage to Iho hand some Peggy , She made a great sensation when she appeared In London In this char acter In 1740 , which had never before been acted there by a woman. "It waa ad mitted , " says Macklln , "that Peg Wellington represented the gay , good-humored , dissi pated rpke of fashion with an ease and ele gance of deportment that seemed almost out of the roach of female accomplishment. " It Is Interesting , too , to remember In this connection that Julia Marlowe began her ca reer as Sir Joseph Potter In "Pinafore , " with a Juvenllo opera company , billed aa Fanny Brough , though her real name was Fanny Frost , Then ehe attempted Parthenla , Ju liet and Imogen , meeting with success. One of her best parta was that of Chatterton , Ihe sad young poet , who perUhed In n garrot. DOMINANT SEVENTHS ! $ * * * * * MfHK * * * * f4 * < MM t Ths musical g.ven by Miss Lillian Terry la t TUCK ) * ? evening called forth an au dience , enthusiastic nnd Interested. It xvas a well dressed and pollsliod congregation of men and women , amateur and professional musicians and society leaders , who wcro there to do honor lo Mlw Teny , and , to ac cept her hospitality. Miss Terry has boon here but a. short time , Ions enough , however , to become established as n fnvorllu with all who are fortunate enough lo know her , She wag In excellent vo co , and sang well. Her selections embraced almost o\cry line ot vocal art. The Lorelei qtiattcl niado Us first bow , and wai well received. The accompaniments of Mr. J , 12. Duller were excellent , and ho certainly gained fresh laureli , well earned , nnd thoroughly merited. Mr. Adolmnnn showed his ability ns nlo - llnlst , nnd It Is but fair to Btnto that hto work Is putting him oa a high among violinists. * Mr. Tabcr glvoa his forty-thin ) organ re- cltil this afternoon at 3:20 in the Flrft Con gregational church , nnd will bo assisted by MUu Carrlo Mnudo Pennoch , soprano , and Mr. Thomao J. Kelly , baritone. Mr , J. 12. Butler , organist of Trinity cathedral , has recently written n now sacred song which Mr. Kelly Is to s-Ing today , Mr. Tnber desires to request that there bo no talking or whispering during the perform ance , ns there have been n number of com plaints tnado by people being disturbed on thin account , The following program will bo given today : PAUT I. Nocturne from Midsummer Night's Dream Mendelssohn Heiceuse ( new ) Uosserui LnrglieUo ( now ) Uoascnu Vocnl Salvo llocltm Dunn Miss IViuioch. Overture Wllllnm Tell nosslnl PAUT II. Prelude from Tilstmi and Isolde..Wngner Vocnl-Unto Then Will I Cry..J. R. Uutler Mr. Kelly. Andnnto In S Mnrfnrrcn Vocul Evening Song Urndsky Mlsi Pennoch. Pilgrim Chorus ( by request ) Wngner * * Among the Interesting musical nnd social events ot the past week none wns more enjoyable joyablo than that ot Saturday evening ot the pleasant homo of Miss May Bonner , Twenty- sixth and Cnldwcll streets , where about fif teen friends , with musical Inclinations , en joyed the following program : Piano solo , "Farantelle. " Nlcode , Miss Elizabeth Lid- doll ; vocal solo , "The Lord Is Mindful of His Own , " Mr. C. W. lingers ; piano duct. Nocturne from "Midsummer Night's Dream , " Misses Llddell nnd Bonner : vocal BOO. ! "Dorl , " Mrs. Beckett ; piano role , "Dance of the Demons , " Miss Viola Pratt ; soprano solo , "Beautiful Isle of HID Sea , " Miss Gertrude - trudo Sherman ; piano solo , Gottsclmlks' Tremolo. Miss Bonner : buss solos. "Fathoms Deep" and "Anchored. " Mr. Clarence Hlg- glns ; piano solo , "Novelette , " Schumann , Mr. Frank Newlean ; Mr. Newlean also played a beautiful melody of his own composition and "Swedish Wedding March ; " bass songs , "Oh , Promise Me , " and "The Armourer , " Do- Kovcn , Mr. Wallace Johnson ; piano duet , overture to William Tell , Hosslnl-Gottsclmlk , Misses Bonner and Llddell. Ilefroshments were served , a few parlor games were en joyed and at n late hour the guests departed , expressing gratitude for the entertainment of the congenial host. A song recital will be given on Thursday evening February 20 , by the vocal department of Bellevue eallege at tlio college chapel , the program being as follows : PAUT I. Chorus How Lovely Are the Mosscn- gers . from St. Paul College Choir. Baritone Solo llenrts nnd Swords. . Watson Mr. Lloyd Cunningham. Violin Solo Spring Sons . Mendelssohn Mr J. W. Loiirle. Baritone Solo The Troulmdor . Cllflon Mr George l.unti. Bass Solo The Mighty Deep . Judo Mr. if. Y. Nichols. PART II. Chorus The Radiant Morn Hath Passed Away . . . . Woodward CollegeChoir. . Qunrtel O How Delightful. . .Molloy-Kratz "U. of O. " Quartet. Baritone Solo The Sentinel . . . . .Rodney Prof. Crothers. Mandolin Solo Kordlca Waltzes . Mr. George Lunn. Basa Solo The Goldbeater . Rnudcgger Mr. C. W. Lourle. Chorus Damasnls Triumphal March. . . . . from Nanman Collcgo Choir. Accompanists , Miss iSrlsmnn , Miss Palmer , Lee Q. Krntz , Dlreclor. Last Friday nfternoon Iho Cadet Ofllcers1 club of Iho Omaha High echool gave Us second end annual muslcalo. There was a splendid audience and the following program was rendered : PAUT I. March Beau Ideal . Sousa O. H. S. Uanjo and Guitar Club. Piano Solo Waltz . Wlenlask Miss Josephine Bell. Fantnsle Scene do Hallct . DoBerlol Robert Cuscadcn. Recltallon A Modern Sermon . Sergeant Arlhur Welslmns. Mandolin Solo Don't Ho Cross . Zoller Miss May lialbach. Song Two Roses . Werner Ofllcers club Quartet : Lieutenant Dale , Cap tain Wagner , Sergeant Leonard , Lieu tenant Godso. PART II. March Sox Nix . Guckert ' 07 Mandolin Club. Vocal Solo Autumn . Rubinstein Miss Sarah Bowen. Violin Obligate . Mr. Cuscnden To the OIIlcer A Valentino Miss Mao U.irtlott. The Hunters' March . Kollner Guitar Quartet : Mlsi Morris , Miss Hulbach , Mr. G intner , Mr. Wlgton. Piano Duet Tabasco Marcli . G. W. Chadwlck Corporal1 * Cuscadcn and Kngle. March Dusty Rhodes . C. L. Johnson O. H. S. String Club. The violin solo of Mr. Cuscaden was par ticularly fine. He plays with a great deal of feallng and with the finish of an nrtlst. Ho'was nbly accompanied by Prof. Irons. In fnct , this number was a great treat and well appreciated. Miss Sarah Bowcn's solo also doscrvod opeclal mention. Every number on tbo program contributed to Its excellence. The following La the musical program at SI. Mary's Avenue Congrcgullonal church to day : MORNING , 10:39. : Organ Introduction . H. H. Allen Doxology . . . . Hymn . Congrognt an Olory to the Father . Congregation Soprano Solo . Miss Lllllnn Terry Hymn . Congregation Solo Bnlllo Hymn of the Republic . . Mlsa Terry Chorus Glory , Glory , Hallelujah . . Congregation EVENING , 7:13. : Vesper Overture Organ . H. II. Allen Hymn 737 ( omit , 4th verso ) . . . . UongiPKHtlon Boprnno Solo The Lord My PuHtiiro Shall Prcpaie . Porter MTH. O. H , SlmoiiH. Clarinet Bolo Melody . Weber Mr. GtiltJo Huebner. Glory Bo lo the Father , etc. . Congregation Adagio-Clarinet . Spohr Mr. Huebner. Hymn 745 ( two verses ) . . , . Congregation Soprano Solo-Show Mo Thy Way. O jxird. . . . Torrent Mrs. Simons. Offertory Organ. . . , . II. II , Allen 1'nrtliiK Hymn 197 ( ilrst and lubt verses ) . . Orfc-an Recessional. . , , . H. II. Allen The entcrlalnmcnt glvon l > y the Junior members of the Young Men's Christian asso ciation last Friday evening was a success Inanclally , as well us In plnt ot musical excel- once. The Junior Military band , numbering twenly-ono pieces , directed by C. S. Shook , opened the entertainment. The band lias icon organized but a t'hort time , yet It uhowed great musical ability. The character song by Elmer Umsled was well rendered. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S.Gov't Report Bakin Powder ABSOLUTELY PUBE Ml ? < Or ACS Starks and Mlsi Monlts Melktft showH olecntlonsry utility In tholr reclU * lion ? . Tlio Junior members In tliclr bar bell tliltl demonstrated thnt they nro thn coming athlotc.x Arthur doff , the 7-year-old cornet * It. la Indeed n wonder , and his solo , "Nornin , " w a well rccelx-c < l. About Iho cutest number wns the slnalni ; nnd dancing of the ilttlo 4oirold tot , Marlnn Snowden. The banjo trio of Masters ( lollonbcck , Snow- don nnd Adams rendered the Imperial ma fciirka In a manner ronoctlnj ; great credit on their teacher. Prof. Oolleubcck. The enter tainment closed with a inarch by tlio Junior band. As a whole. It was ono of the best concerts Riven nl Aivsoclnllon hall , consider ing the ages of the participants. Tito rtctor of All Saints' church and tha tadlcY Aid society dcslro to express their profound RrntlUido to the men nnd women who no kindly assisted In the production of the opera of "Powhaian. " nnd ali o to ths parents of the young peopltj Interested for their Efnorous and hearty support nnd co operation. Of Intercut to J.n.llpn. Mrs. 11. H. Dnvlcs. the Omnha milliner , Is at the Hotel Imperial , New York City , nnd will select aiiytMiiR for her lady friends , who may wrlto her to that address. Sllvcrtliorm' Uciiiiiinlc < l In .lull. CHICAGO Kelt. IB. The habeas corpus case of Albert E. Sllvcrthorno was decided In the circuit court today. Sllvcrtliotne , who wns nn extensive lumber dealer , tdl .l some tlmo HRO and was nrrcslccL on chirRt of fraud. The court hold that the affidavits med by the creditors showed that frnttd had been committed nnd remanded Slhcrthorno to the custody or the sheriff. GALL IT "CUfF Fiction , bluff , twisted truth , anything but don't let the mat ter drop until you've given us a chance to back up every word about our SALE. Come in that will do the business and help you to determine whether we preach facts or peddle fairy tales. In tills store , whether it Is marked $7.50 , $15 or $25 , toinorrrw goes for $1.08 n genuine clean-up. . $18.50 nil wool REEFER SUITS , box fronts , melon sleeves , lined skirts , now Steele & Go. 1511 / . , DOUGLAS. Romovnl Sale Cloaks , Suits nnd Furs. AMUSEMENTS. BOYD'S. AI ATI NEC TODAY TONIOHT. TO-DAY AT 2. TUB SWEDISH BEST SEATS , LAUGH MAKKR , 50cund25c. GUS HEEGE In his new play , A YENUINH YENTLEMAN Nlglit prlccf , licet scnta , Me nnJ 'Jc. NEW THEATRE. TWO NIGHTS OWJLY. AND SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 21-22 , KNOAOEMENT OP ALEXANDER AND HIS COMPANY OF PIWERS , UNDEn THE MANAGEMENT OB' MR. W. M. WILKISON. FRIDAY EVENING- HAMLET ( Mr. S.ilvlnl'H dmt appearance here In Hits lulo. ) SATURDAY EVENING Dumas'famoiiH romance , ( ho THREE GUARDSMEN To bo iirofli'titcd with elaborate ucuula effect * and accuBBOrleM. Seats on Sali Thursday , Feb. 20. PRICES : Lower Eloor , $1.50 nnd $1.00. Ualcouy , 75i nnd 5c. ( ) Lower Hex Sonts , $1.50. Huleony Itox Seats , $1.00. THE CREIGHTON Tel. 153l-l'4Ktou H UtirgaiJi MIM- FEB. IG , 17 , IB , 19. ominoncltitr MATINE1 ! TODAY 2MO TONIQIIT AT SilB , 'V > "i JOHN DILLON IN Till ! SOCCKSSKUn COMKOy "WANJED-THE EARTH" I'rlcon 25o , 33p. rno , 7 c. ci. oo. MATINEKVEI > NKHI > AY. Kok 20. ' . ' 1 , ' . ' . ' -Koaoli Si liowurn' Muulodou itliinlroU. Jr t Jr TT Wk. V VA Prescriptions retail.'V He careful wlicro you have your Prescriptions fllled. IJrlnK them to us and wo guarantee you atl - factlon. Wo nro making a epec- ' Prescriptions laity of nillng Physicians' tions , tailing great core In prepar ing avery one , using only th PUREST IncrefllentB , and at th name tlmo nave you at least iO per cent on the price , Cut prices on all Patent Meal" clnes. . Everything In the Drug line. * < Goodman Drug Co 1110 Karnata St. Wholesale and retail.