Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1896)
SPEG1RL NOTICES. W.\NTii > SITUATION. AN nXI'KHIKNOUI ) imUO CMHIK WANTS A nlUmtlrm nt law wag * * . Knqulre HIS Knrniim. A 270 IS WA.NTKD MAM : nri.r. TOM THR Ht'MANK D tri Kfxxl ld line for hardware or taletmnn. Call or adJrc s 1)1 V > . Mlh > . H-M614 K27 , too MIN : AND TKAMB TO HUI.I. our ffod grlmlers nniJ eooKen : rnlntr , > ' to 12M ptr month , ncconllni ? lo ability. The Utehfletd Mfg. Co.V bMer City , In. fC4 TO 1150 PAID PAT.HflMRN FOR GIOAtlS : r rlfneo unnecwmryi xtra Inducement * to cuMomrra. Illihop & Kline , 81. I < 0" ' . TO COVHTt NKtl. AND , IOWA with our oIlB nml Rren cs. Noble IlcfllnlnR Co. , Cleveland. O. K-14S M ro'ii PBn DAY roit GOOD S lloom 617 , Bhfcly bld . H-Hi 1C * XJi'iior.STiitKns ; i.or.voH AND coucii makorn wanted : vtemly work : hlRhest wo * . H. Knrimt & llroa. , 163 Michigan nvcmii1. Chicago cage , 111. 11 MJM ! ' * _ B.U.nflMAN TO DllUO TIIADH. StDR UNI2 nr othrrwlno. J. W. Knight , 217-223 Stat at. Haclnc. Win. n _ WANTKD , MIIN AND WOMP.N TO WOIIK AT homo ; I imy to ll .00 per week for tnnk- IIIR frnyon portraits : new pntpnted method ; liny one wlm rnn rend or write enn do the work nt home. In opnre tlmp. dny or evening. Send for pftMlculnm nnd begin work nt once. Ad- drp n If. A. CJrlpp. dermnn Artlnt , Tyrone. I'a , \VANTII > , HAMHMIN TO sni.ij STATI.K goods nt horn ? nr travel. Liberal fnlnry or good rotmn'Kiilon. ' We Fend Mmples rn ni > - pllontlon : Klvo exclusive territory. Aitdrtwi I' . O. llox 1,103 , New York City. II AOiNTH-OIinATi:3T OPKI2II OIVr.N 11V ANY nennpapcr rifty ccnl lo ngtnt on each d 11 ir. The Cntholtc News In endorsed by ( he Catholic IIRIOM ! | , prlinlH nnd eminent writer * nit the If-ndlng Cnthollr family weekly. Hubucrlptlon price , one year by mall , one dollar Cnnvasicin nro allowed the large commlMlon of flfty rentn on ench H.OO. Agenta vnnted In e\-ery Catholic parish In every city nnd town. Kxpfrlcncp not Tiecewary. Wrlli * for sample copy. AUdrens The Cnlhollo News , U Ilarclay street , New Yorlc. _ _ _ _ _ Jln CANVAHSCItH KVnttWIIKltn TO HANDI.K our lightning soldering plain nnd other quick nollor . 3 per rent profit : sell * on sight ; send l"o for sample. Inter-Stale Supply Co. , 121 InSaHe 8t. . Chicago. U-S16 1C \V'ANTti ) , Al'l'UOATIONS KOIl ItAIliWAY malt clerk nnd other civil seirlce pwltlon , ex- nmlnatlnnH for which occur soon In Omaha , to write for date nndabiablc Information ( free ) . U. S. Ilurcau of Information. Clncln- nntl. O. H-217 16' _ 15.PR11 WKIIK ANIJ BXt'KNSIlS TO BHM.I cigars ; experience unnecessary : special induce ments Vnlley Cigar Co. , HI. lx > ul . Mo. DON'T lin HARD OI : I TOOK Mil. CO Mi' 8 ndvlce. took ngcncy for new nlumlmim goods. sign letteis , door plates , numbers nnd other * .l > oclatle ! ; they nro elegant , catchy sellers ; customers delighted ; pleasant business. I make ts lo HO per day ; work nix linum * : no capital. Write Woild Mfg. Co. , Wi , Columbus. O. 1J 211 lu * BAM2SMKN TO SHIA CICJAU8 TO DUAI.KIIS ; Jl ) monthly nnd expenses. Experience un- ncccasnry. Write for pattlculnrs. Sup'rlor Cigar Co. . Chicago. U-210-1C * _ " WANTin7TitAVii-iNa"HALn8MKN : TO snu , to dealers : J100 monthly nnd exponsm. Experi ence unnecessary. Write for particulars. Acme Clgnr Co. , Chlc.igo. ] ) -209-lG * _ VANTKI ) . nOOKKKEI'KR. STHNOGUAPIinU nnd clerk ( either sex ) In msat every southern county. Must dciMxIt In hank J1W. Na loan luked. Address 1 * . O. box 433. Nashville , Tenn. SPECIAI SIAKH YOUR INCOMI3 JI50 TO J300 per month In your own county by our pliui. Ono cleared JS7. & ) In one day. I. Co. . lept. O. , Kldn-y , Iowa. 11 2H-16 * S TOR FUATnitNAI. . order ; ban no trouble leaders. Terrltoiy unre- Mrlcled. lllg pay. Addivr * It 312 K'i DeirlKiin Bt. , Chicago. n 213-16 * " MnN WANTIJD. nicmTVni Ans A month nnd expenden guaranteed good salesmen. Contracl forwarded Immedlalclv. Wo mean hiiHlnpHS. Address nigln New Process lluttcr Co. . Maploton , Iowa. U 212-16 * $3 TO 0 1T.II DAY KOIl S.vuMUN JN AL.I. towns ( cxcrpt these taken ) In Nebraska nml , ' } Iowa , to handle the best seller ever. Intiuduced In Hie west ! send .Mi'tx. for sample. AVooil f Bar. Co. , 517 Sbeely blilg. , Onmlu , Ni-b. 11 231 16 * WANTED , A GOOD PHYSICIAN IN A GOOD ll\o town on the Republican iFver. For par ticular * nddrea llox CM , Lincoln , Neb. OPPIC'B MANACIER ; MUST IIAVH t W : SA I.- nry , J1.2HO ; good chance' ' for right i > ; mon. Ad- diess Manager , 200 Munroo blk. . Chlciigo. II I'OR THH CUSTOMS , RAILWAY MAIL , IN- illan , depniLmentnl nnd govetnment prlnllne sen-Ices , bright men to prepare by mall for the examination * soon ID be held. Particulars free of Niitlniml Correspondence Institute , Washington , D. C. U-2M-1C * _ WANTED nXI'nniHNCKD SMOKING TOIJAC- ro saluimao on commission for Onuhii nnd Nebiaska. Bend references. , Mlchle Tabncca Co. , Goldsboio. N. C. , U 233-1G * WANTKD TUAVBI.INCJ SALESMAN TO IIAN- dle a nuw nnd very protllntd * sldo line ; nn Hnmples. Address Itox CM. Columbus , Ohio. 11-234-10 * - - WANTED TIlAVKLINd HALIISMHN : side line. I n\c * trough hanger. New. Myers & Van Flclt , Oat-rUt , Indiana. H 233-10 * FOR TIIK INTERNAL IIBVENUE , CUSTOMS , mllnuy mall nnd other examinations , bright men to piepiro by mull. Partleuluis free. Na tional Cor. Intitule , Washington , D. C. ' 1J-250-1C * _ WANTED-CANVASSER3 TO SELL I1AKINO pouj-.r with premiums ; quick salts ; pleasant work ; big money. Western Novelty Co. , St. Joseph , Mo. 11 237-19 * III5LP WAXTHD PR1IALI' ' ! . WANTED-LAniES 1'OR THEATRICAL COM- p.iny. Add reps 1C 63 , lice. C 23S-10 * LADIES' HELLING OUR NEW HOHE- SUPporters - porters mnlio money ; ramplrs nnd terms , 10 n-nis In ullvcrVetcrn Mfg. Co. , Itox 21 , Knixvllle. In , C 227 10 * VVANTEO. SECOND C11RL. AND HELP TAKE ciiio nt baby ; reference * required. . 2i21 Rir- nnm st. C M262 18 VANTEI ) , IIEHNEO YOIJNfJ LAUV ( aoOO needlcnomnii ) to ne.ilct In light houtienorlc. 131 Ho. S3th Ft. C M23D n von HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF TIIK CITY. THE O. F. Dnvls Company , IWi Vainam. D 7(1 t AND 9 ROOM"HOUHEM ON FARNAM AND S-room bouue on 11 and Ltavenuoitb , chvnp. Jubn W. Robblns , 211 N. Y. I.lfo Illd.T. n-7 _ HOUSES. 11ENEWA & CO. , 10J N , 15TH HT. ilODERN-HOUBES. C. A STARR J25 N.YLPE. U M1SO ' I'OR RENT. NICE SOUTH TOONT. B-ROOM * . brick lioueu. with all modem Itnpinvcmcnlg ' 'v und In Ih'flt clnxs condltl.ui , Inquire nn premise ? , -610 Hn If-Huwnrd street. p iU THE rOLLOWINO HOUSKS ARE DESIRARLE 'vl and will b9 ixnted lit inldivlntT prices. They will iiimmnnd mere lent U ) day * l.ufr. Re- iifmber wit will muki > Inducemcntt to deslra- l l.b ) tfiuinU ; Ko , oo Nuith 27li ! avenue , S-room , modern dc. tncticd hQUHt * . ZDI Bouth Hlh slreet , 7-room , modem drtnvhed , It'll ' J.ii-ltmn ilrt t , 7-roJni , in dclachcj . ! Bewnrd dlrwt. l-nMiii rnttugt * . South -Itli etrcet , ll-rocm modern dttacbcd iie. iie.dillly Triift Company. 17 rarnam Mreet , bull'llng. ' -Ml:3 HOUSE CENTRAL LOCATION , IIS ; : iDiitli. Imiulro JC1C Capllol ave.'iue. UVCE , DROWN PLK , 10 & Uoiltf. D M YOU RENT , li-ROOM. MODERN IIOt.'HE ; LO. i-iitlon. CI7 Norlh 1Mb ; Ix'IWiHn Cnllfurnl.1 niiO ! . , > : itvil : i. API' ! ) ' . W. U. Moll ! ; . rjmt Nn- loniil bull.llnir , U-J7J JC VL'RY DK.HiTlAIILi : HtTvEN ROOsfnol'HlT : mcxleuil theaii tu ilcbt party. Apply II * N irlh Twtntj--iitli. D-267 If roil iU5.vr-run.visiui > V L * R N I BllEI ) HEATED JlOOMsl tOU E ! f * 1''RNiriiiED HEATED ; I.I.IIIT f J N , ISlh. E--ML"J1C' : cu ST. M.vp.Y-a rt'itNif IIED itonMHt . JJ-lttrtlJ * IIOOMS AXI ) ItOAnt ) . HONT ROOMS WITH ( ) \ \ ITH- out rtcnm heat ; fii'clllc | Hbatln | | ; rtlK r * iiimblc. Mldlund hntcl , Ktli K Ch | . ' > tl . K-.M1t PIS BTIJ.VM'HEATKI ) ROOMH , MOD. . baard. tWJ Sou'h 13lb. K-7S3 ' win o.\u. ' ns. : UI1 it ROOMS ANH noAttn. ( Contlnurtl. ) NICELY Ft'RNISHED ROOMS , Ml R. KTH 8T. F-M1S7 U * LARCH : BOPTH ROOMS , AVITII STEAM ; Ex cellent table ; reference * . 2J3 N. ISth.I' . I' "ft * * ! I 1 * ITRNISHED AND t'NFt'RNISHED ROOMS , wllh board Utopia , 1721 Davenport t. F 1M 19 * DESIRAIILE" " POI'TH I'RONT rt'iiNisiinn room ; > y window ; modem Convenience' ; ( Rood board , third floor ) . 1SI1 Chlcngo utreel. EMM * rt'RNISHKD AND t'NI'H'RNlRIIED ROOMS ! modern. 62I'4 ' So. 19lh * l , E-2M 16 * TWO rt'RNISHED AND FIVE t'NFt'R- nlshed rooms ; rent rrnflonable. 614 8. 17th nve. i : MSS3 19 * HIJXT-IJM'UHMSHIin UOOMS. 4 ROOMS ! WATER IN KITCHEN : CENTRAL ; reasonable rent ; nlc for huutekecplnu. 1702 W < bttcr l Q-750 c UNFUR'NISHED CHAMREHS FOR HOUSEkeeping - keeping , man and nlfe ; water In kitchen ; slel lnk ; mnitc pipe. 319 N. 17th. O-Mf.U TWO PLEASANT ROOMS ; ALSO OOOD stiible. 2301 Farnnm Bt. F 279 ! < ron HUNT STOUI3S AM > orricus. FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY RRICK RUILDINQ at 818 Farnam it. Tills bulldlmj ha n fire proof cement basement , complete steam hent- ln r nxturei' . water on nil floors , gar , etc. Apply - ply nt the office of The Pee. I 810 FIRST CLASS IIRICIC STORE RUILDINO , 1011 Farnam , 3 otorle ? nnd basement : will alter to null lennnt. Low rent. 314 First National Raok Rldff. I-M1WO-22 ACJIiM'H WAXTKI1. AGENTS .AND IlllANCH HOUHE MANAOKIl ; Rood pay. Hullo lu older ? 10j pnnts , $3 : plilrln. U ; macklntonh , II. Hunter Tailoring Co. , Cln- climnll , O. J AGENTS MAKE MONEY AND PLENTY Of It i-olllntr our nlumlmim nortltlo * . . Illustrated cntnlogup. price Ilitu , Jreo ; ten cents brlngi n narnplc. Novelty Inlroducllon Co. , SJ9 State at. , Chicago. J WANTED , AGENTS TO SELL SASH LOCKS and door holders. Sample rash lock free by mall for 2o stnmp. Uest aelieis ever In vented. Rest wMshts ; J12.W n day. Write quick. Ilrohnrd & Co. , llox 77 , Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR OfrTaiNAL novelty : an Immense success : sample. 12st ? . . stamps. Sultana Perfumery Co. , llox 9U Chi cago. J-219 10 * 17..00 PER MONTH AND EXPENSES : HtJST- llng ngenla wanted on salary or commission : must be responsible ; go-d * Al. Rough Remedy Co. , Uuchanun , Mich.J J 220 lo * WANTED. AGENTS ; A NEW 1893 OFFICE nnd family atlas of f.\a world ; full nnd complete - pleto to date ; exclusive territory nnd liberal terms given lo good solicitors and others ; don I delay ; write at once. Address John F. Wnlte Publishing Co. , 415-417 Deal born St. , Chicago , HI. J 222 16 * LIFH OF M'KINLEY ; WE WANT 11RIGHT men nnd women e\crywhrrc to act ns ngeiils on our now book ; a graphic nnd aulhittlc biography of the brilliant advocate of protec tion ; a gold mine for hustlers , for It Is n book the people wnnt ; nguns nliendr In the Held are clearing from JW to J2T. n day ; so.d only on subscription , nnd exclusive territory Bt\cn : act promptly nnd get In the swim , with the rest. For terms , etc. , address the publish ers ( transportation charges paid ) , The N. G Hamilton Pub. Co. , 625 , The Arcade. Clevc- lond. O. J-221 16 * WANTED , AGENTS : 111O PAY ; CHOICE TER- rltory ; pajs sick , nccldent. death und endow ment benefi's. Address American Renjvclent association. St. I ouls , Mo. J 229 10 * HUSTLING AGENTS WANTED EVERY- wllere for Ilownrd'n popular mads to older clothing ; goods neil nt sight nnd with large prMlts. Rack bottom prlc'ti. Spring sample outfit now ready and furnished free upon np- pllcaKon. No previous experience required The Howard Tailoring Co. . 6th ave. nndnn Huron , Chicago. Mention paper. J 231-10 WANTED AGENTS ; gold glass name plates , numbers nnd signs : readable dnikest nights ; namnles free. Thomas & Co. , Englewood. 111. J 313-16 * AGENTS WANTED STATE AND COUNTY h3usi tn house canvassers to sell our safety kettles nnd odorlesn frying pans ; exclusive tcr- rllorv. Address E. C. Skinner & Dro. . Albnny , N. Y. J 230-15 * AGENTS. , .SELL 'jTORACrOENE ; " CURES the tobacco ImbU In 13 days ; tu-o plugs ; guar anteed cure , > 1 ; free clrculnnt nnd proofs : no rnnvasslng ; 15 dally. Tobaceoene Mfg. Co. , Iowa Fnlla , la. J-273 1C * WANTEoT HUSTLERS ; J2.M WILI < START you selling our famous chewing gum ; big prolltB nn smnll Investment ; send stnmp for particulars. Kate W. Nobles Mfg. Co. . 1132 Chicago Stock "Exchange. J 200 1C * WE DONTT LlfrWHEN WE SAY WE HAVE the best selling articles In America , For proofs address J. Lahmer & Co. . Ch'caso. J AVAXTI5D TO KK.\T. WANTED , RETWEEN NOW AND MAY 1 , A 10 or more room detached house , with lawn ; willing to take IMSC for two or live years , nr.d will pas' liberal , rent for first class houso. Address 1C C3 , IJei > otllce. K M230 13 WANTED SUITIJ OF ROOMS , FURNISHED or unfurnished , with board , for a man , nlfe nnj llttls girl two years old ; stale location nnd lei ma. K C2 , II > e. K 210-15 * WANTED. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR light , housekeeping In good location. Terms must be moderate. Address K CO , Ree. K 201 1C * WANTED , TO III3NT. THREE UNFURNISHCI ) rooms for light housekeeping by family of two. Addresi George M. While. II. A : M. . local freight cilice. K 237 1C * WANTED , TO RENT. THE REST 8-ROOM house within six blocks of Re ? building that Jij a monlh will pay for. K C7 , Dee.K . K 133 16 * HKNTAL AGKJ.CY. J. II. PAKROTTB. ROOM 22 , DOUGLAS ULK. L M532 FH STOHAGR. BTORAGE. FRANK EWERS , 1214 HARNEY. 11 751 STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. . U08-910 Jonci. General storage and forwarding. - M-752 WANTED TO 1JUY. JXD-HAND FURNITURE. UROWN'S , 102 S. 11. N-45U WANTED , TO I1UY SECOND-HANDED SAloon - loon fixtures and cash lesUU'f. Addiess A. F. Dwora K , Old , Nub. N M923 21 _ WANTED. TO Hl'Y A FRESH COW ; MUST be rich anl large milker. Addiess 1C CO. Hue. N MIM 15 HOUSE. TO TEAR DOWN OR MOVE. 2310 Farnam. N M1S2 2i ) WANTED TO RHY FOR CASH , STOCK OP merchandise ; owners only ; no Udders ; stale pattlrular * na to uinount. Invoice and pilce , lxck liox M , Fairfax , Mo , N 234 13 M'ANTKD-TO PURCHASE AN ESTARLISHED business not mjulrlni ; over $7,0i to handle. K 53 , ll'f , N 3 M0 WANTED-TO 11UY STOCK HARDWARE ; PAY . .i.ftOO chcicii Jinv.i farm , balance In cash. K 51 Hee. - N-2U.1C * WANTED. WHEELS TOR1IOVS : 10 AN " yeaiu of use ; t'lve prlcAddresa K SI Hue. N-273 1C * VOU SALU PUH.MTl'HK. FURNITURE AND CARPETS AT J2J SO. 10TH. O-7J2 2S FOR SALD-1 ItEDROOM SUITE ANI > SPRING nt n bori iln If rold at oncv. Iii'itilre ! 03 N. loth t. O 2JM6 * FURNITI'RIJ FOR 5-UOO.M HOttSE : PARTIE.I b > u\ln ; ( f.wn : ( jcxxH nlm-iet new , ami mu t IHJ fuM ; Mondjy between 2 iind 3 o'clock. 1019 N. 2W. OJS10 ANII IOA.\ HHAHE3 IN MUTUAL L. & II. APH'N PAY C , T , S per c < rt wlicn 1 , 3 , S ytnn old ; nlwavj - " " liH rninaw ! . . NulttiiEcr , tec. 7S1 HOW TO Gin1 A HOME OX SECURE GOOD Intelviit ui ; tuilnm. Aiplto | OniHlu L. & II. A 'n , 17U1 Un 2Kz. ! G , f. Nalilnccr. Sec. 7K roit HARD WOOD ANl C-l.-Oo I'T.NCli FOR Ccni crlbbliiir. C. R , Lcc , PJi li > vs\u \ . Q-754 _ _ ' ITOR SALE. NATIONAL C\k'll REGISTER : AL. i'iit ' nv. . Inqulro 701 Ka , Kth. ( J--W3U 19 * SHED SWEI.T POTATO,1' ! ! VINELESH. FREE. Tlu-o , Wllllniua. lUiiwn Xl/ . ( J - > ! ! & ) Mis' roll j\uT KirvrLi"ALMOT-I-"NE\\ : IVOOia < > I'Tirn. C.r ; at Kl I5i > . IJfi ' . ( i- ir : is LADIES' Ui MOIiHL RIl'VCI-L' , NKUIH NEW , fur ule fbcap Call ctcr.JtiSb ut ( . ! ' it. Mlh , y-ri ic ron s.\in ( Continued. ) ItJIl SALR CHEAP , SET OF SILVER PLATED br * f nd Instruments ; II pieces ; mode by C. O. Conn , Elkhnrt , Ind. Adjress ills Uur detts st. Q-Kl lp. A rAIRHANK'fl STANDARD RCA1.E ! lb . ; at less thsn M ptlce. Enquire 13H Far- nnm. Q ! O H FARM TO RENT ; ice ACRES , NEAR EMKIK em , Neb. ; wll | I'nse for a number of Jenrs t the right party. Call or address D. McMllHn , 1(91 South 17th Mreet , Oniaha. R-M193 17 * FOR HETl Inrn , near new fair grounds. C. K , IMrrls 912 N. T. Life. ll-MMl IS * Clj.lIltVOVANTS. PROP. M. LEON MARRAD , THE WORLD'S gienlest clnrlvoynnt , hns returned lo Omnhn. ar.d ci.n be to .ru t d n . ll mi t e r. Prof , ftinr- tad welt Known Li Omnha , aa well ns tn e\ery large city of the woild , nnd h la rectK- nlzeil by the press , medical faculties and scientists of two continents ns the medium nf modern times. Don't fall tn nee him If you are Interfiled In the affairs nf life. If business , marriage , sickness , dtnlhs , losses , Isvp , courtship , speculntlona , changes , travels , divorcee , Investmenta , lost nr atoltn prop erty , Interest you. If you care to bo mole successful , If you care to know whom to trust and whom' to avoid , If you wnnt lo know If the ono you love Is true , etc. If you desire to have your domestic troublen removed , your lost love restored , j'ottr enemies converted Into friends , In fact , nn matter what your troubles , auspicious or desires may be , call on this wondeifully glflcd mnn and he will send you a ay hnppler , wiser nnd bolder than ever be fore. Remember , Prof. Mnrrnml asks you no question * , but tells you all you wnnt to know , calls you by name , tcl'ii you nnmfs of fr.'cmls anil enemies , ns well as future wife or husband , nnd guides you with a slrnnge oertnlnty by a higher than human power lo- ward success nnd happiness. Sallsfavllon guaranteed or no pay laken. Fee , Jl. Dally from 10 n. m. to 8 p. in. , nt 119 Fnrnnm street , Private wnltlng rooms. Entire satis faction given by mall. S 271 1C * MRS. DR. H. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium ; 8th year at 119 N. 16th. S 755 SIASSAC.K , n.VTHS , ETC. MADAMU SMITH , 1522 DOUGLAS STREET. SD floor , town 11 ; massage , alcam , alcohol and sulphurlne balhs. T 210 22 * MME. AMES , FORMERLY OF ST. LOUIS. MAS- ange and baths. 607 S. 13th at. , Zd tloor , rormi 10. T 101-MS * MADAME LEON , MASSAGE PARLORS , RESTful - ful and refreshing. 417 S. llth at. , upstnlrs. T M2S1 22 * I'KIlSONAb. RATH8 , MASSAGE. MME. POST , S19M 8. 15TH. U 756 FINE LtVERY RIG3 CHEAP. ED UAUMLEY , 17th and St. Mary's avenue. Telephone , 440. U-757 MISS VAN VALKENDUROH DESTROYS PER- mnncnlly by , electricity tuperlluous hair , moles , vrartn. etc. Room 41G. N. Y. I.lfo niilir. _ , U 758 VIAVI CO. , 340 REE BUILDING ; HOME treatment for Indies ; physician of fifteen years' experience In attendance : consultation free. U-M760 WONDERFUL SYSTEM FOR MAKING OLD faces young ; wi Inkles removed. 200 Douglas blk. Wrlle Mme. True. U M4D7 T17 * I3ELLE EPPERLY CORSET MADE TO ORDER at 1909 Farnnm. Lady canvassers wanted. U M70f. F2.-I * MARRIAGE PAPER WITH PHOTOS. 200 'ads' , lOc , "Bow Knot , " Spokane , Wash. U-9U m-4 _ RE"WAID OF " 23.oo FOR INFORMATION or Joseph Kouba ; last heard from Helena , Mont. , thres years ngo , nnd Intended lo go north : 13 30 years old , nbDut 6 feet high , well built , auburn hair , giay eyes ; In the only son of old parents. Address John Kouba , Lcrerne. llenton county , la. ' U M2021C * DO YOU SPECULATE ? THEN SEND FOR our book "How to Speculate Successfully dn Limited Margins In Grain and Stock Markets. ' " Mailed free. Comstock , Coates & Co. , Rlalto building , Chicago. U SUPERFLUOUS HAIR WRITE FOR FRSE IN- formallon how to remove hnlr permanently * without slightest Injury to skin ; superior to - electric needle. Curtis Co. , ISC 32nd street , Chicago. U . A REMARKABLE OFFER-SEND 4 CE NTS In stamps , a lock of your hair , name , age , sex , lending .sjmplonm , and receive n scientific fllagi nosls.of your disease free. Add. J.iCt Ilatdorf , M. D. , arandRaplds , Mich. U _ ATTENTION SPORTS HI A ROOK EVERY spjrt should read ; neatest volume of the kind ever published ; 405 pages and no nonsense ; chock full of : ! Ihlngs ; sent securely s.nleil upon receipt of CO cents In sliver or stamps. W. A. Black & Co. , Lock Box IS ) , Grand Rapldi , Mich. U 212-10 * LADIES. THE PALACE , BEAUTIFUL PAR- lore , 1615 Douglas st. . Is the only place where you can be pleised In hair dressing , manicur ing , steam massages for chapped faces , beau tifying the face nnd complexion , nnd developing the form. Special rates mads to ladles for treatment by the week or month. U 22 15 SIONEV TO LOAN HISAL ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 313 N. Y. Life. Leans at low rates for choice security In Nebraska & Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W 7C1 .MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam St. W 702 0 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. W , B. Melkle. Omaha W 763 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA rent estate. Brennan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk. W 764 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 925 N , Y. LIFE. W 705 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY propel ly. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Fainnni. W-7C7 FARM LOANS , DOUGLAS AND SARPY , 1 TO 10 yearn ; low rates. Gun In Bros. , 210 N. Y. L. W-769 GEO. P. BEMIS , LOANS , PAXTON BLK. W-S59 MOXEV TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO IX3AN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS. borne : , wngons .etc. , at lowest rates In city ; no removal of goods : strlclly conlldenllal ; you can pay the loan off. at any time or In any " " " " " " ' 'OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 203 S. 16th st. X 770 MONEY TO LOAN , 30. CO. 90 DAYS ; FURNI- lurc , pianos , clc. Duff Green , room S , Barker block. X-771 CHANCES. CRIPI'LB ' CREEK GOLD STOCKS , SAFE AND sure 15 and upward ! Invested often brings fabulous and quick returns by placing your ordem with the Van Ilurcn Investment Co. ( Incorporated ) , bankers und brokeis , 803 16th st , , Denver. Colo. Y 773 CRIPPLE CHEEK MINING STOCKS HAVE advanced 300 per cent since last July ; wo am members of the stock exchange at Crlpplo Creek , where atock la sMd nt Its true value ; sleek In shipping mines now soiling nt 8 cents upwards , nnd In undeveloped mines 1 cent per ihare upwards ; wo can pick out the good clocks ; stock * ore now being offered to eastern cos. toinera for 10 cenla , that would not sell for 1 cent on tills exchange ; no remittances leas than 112.50 Inveutfd : manual with Cripple Creek mining map mulled on receipt of 10 cents ; refer- cncea. Merchants nnd U. S. National banks , Omaha , E , Benedict & Co. , Crlppls Cieek , Colo. Y UI-Mch 2 FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR LAND. THE most complete vitrified brick plant In Kansas. R. 11. Drury , Atchlson , Knn. _ Y M903-17 ' * ONE OF TUB REST 8ALOON3 IN must fell on account nf s'claiers. Addreta I' . O , Box , S1J , Weft Point , Neb. Yt-MUl SPECULATE WITH RELIABLE FIRM ; BIG pralllK made quickly ; wheat must ndvnnce ; will go to Sc : buy now ; send for booh , "Trading , " unJ market letteis fiee. Millar & Co , own- mission , suite 78 , 231 La Balls street , Chicago. Y MM3 1C * fwiI.L HELI. MY STOCK OF HARNESS AND fixtures at n bargain ; only abop In town , In a good fnniilnir country ; fataMlshed In 1873 ; rea son for tulllntr , ld auc. Address C. Fllcklnger , Filth , Neb. Y M20I 16 * SPECULATION : HEN ! ) YOUR SPECULATIVE oidorii f'T ' Kraln , | ) ic\l lon and stacks to a reliable haute.V > solicit ordera on uurglns. Our dally market Idler sent freeon lequesl ; nlso our Ixxik "Prnfltnblo Trading , " Our fa cilities nr * unexcelled. McKenzle , Turner & Co. , 4IS Western Union Bids. , Chjcugo. Y " MAKE MONEY IN OOLO STOCKS" 100 SHARES or more In 'ihe Mlc-Mnc Gold Mining Co. lit lOo pr share will bring fabuloua returns , Pro p ctu.i free , KIIJO Investment Co. , P. O. lljx IJ8 , Denver , Cilu. Y I'OR HKNT-rVlNE BAKERY. WITH GOOD kU > rt. AJ.Irrt'4 . W , II. W. 1703 N. J.ib st. V 16 * MAKE MONEY IN GOLD STOCKS ; 10) Hharra or more In Mlc-Mao Gold Mining Co. will bring fiiLtiliU < returns 1'rcup'cliu free. Kaye Iiucitmcnt ( 'it. , P. O. Box 4 ! | , Denver , Colo. MAN ABLD TO HANDLE A CORRESPOND- cneu hutlni ; inuiiagu and build up truJu In nnd put ILW ) CHSH Into mi-icmndlse ) price * ) , ivlilih haw uhr.ul > ' been iv 'l und U i > lllncllifie. . cun have > u- prilcr c.ppjiuny | ! | with ui ; II25.CU I'.ir munlh ut.,1 | > irrentatio licsMea : uferfncca. Address Jltr. , cf , C. U. FulUc , Biyce BUg. , Chlcaeo. Y K4 1C * ciiAjtcns. ( Ointlnued. ) BUY WHEAT A.Np YOtT WILL MAKI money ; price * must ndvnnce : trade with t'hl cnifu brokm onlrr-n-n nrc on the ground nm Mn watrh your iM n-sta closrly ; send for ou Iwok , "Safe Hcthmili of giieculntlon nnd fill pnrtlculnm freei.jhlnh-st referencea. F. J Wakem A Co. , ClilcAso. ' ( t > t bllshed It7 . ) ' * Y-225-K WHEAT IS ROOMINrt AND IS TIIK CHEAP cat sp"ctilatlve comoillty In lhi world todnv nnj'nne who hna It I t'parc should buy It : tiMde through a respon-slbli. house nnd get reliable Inforrmt in by m > u < llng for our large- red IMJU ronlnlnlng nil necwjnr , > ' Infxrmntlon to ennhlo nnynno to linntll * th Ir Investments Inlelll gently : nl o nur ll.llly market bull'lln , whlcl s'lggesls when i.nd whit to buy ; Imth free Sfp.isoll & Co. . Ithnlicra nnj llrokerii , 1SJ Trad era ' Rldg. , Clilcnjrvi. Y m2J19 * * MONEY. IN OUR "INNEIMVIIEEL SYNIH rates" imymrntu nfc | | . ) per month for ten month * . Prints' II.OW. No risk. Write todiy Wlleox & Company , Ilroktm , 631 llmndwny , New York. Y 221-16 * MERCHANTS WRITE ! LIVE MEN WANTED tn lent loom In drpnttncnl store , cheni > rent. Address llox 7S2 , Jefferfon , In. Y 221 15 * FOR SALE-GROCERY STOCK WITH LEASE of store : goods clean , fresh nnd slaple ; trade rslabllshed ; location first class ; nt Kearney , N l > . : no Irades cimldered ; will Invoice nlxiul Address Jv M. lie * . Y 241-16 * ron FINE STOCK 01' CLOTHING IN EXCHANGE for young all | iun > oe horses. Address Mflcham & toiler. Bloomllrld. Neb-nskn. Z 939 21 I AM GOING TO ST. LOt'IS TO LIVE AND wKi to exchange my house nnd lot on F.tmam si. for house and lot In St. Louis. Addrers 1C M Ree. / 117 WILL TRADE NICE LOT ON 25T1I STREET foi1 work team. A. Portz , 2llh and Vlnlon B'S. X 219 16 * WHAT HAVE YOU GOT THAT A MAN IN New York would want In exchange for li.t . M , block 1 , potter'n addition lo Omnha ? clnss lo Fatnnin cats ! two miles from P. O. Address F. 11. Hn > nc < , 1902 Sexcnth nve. , New Yoik. / 21 ° , 16 * FOR EXCHANGE ; FINE RESIDENCE AT Beatrice. Neb. : cost > 5OX ) , nnd Is very com- plcle ; litle perfect nnd clear ; will exchange for slock nf groceries general merchandise , bfwts and shoes. Address M.dwny Land Co. , Kearney , Neb. 7. 217 16 * FOR SALE-HOMES IN CLIFTON HILL FOR cash nnd clear vocapt lots. A. 1' . Tukey. New York Life. 2-M256-19 WANTED , TO TRADE A OOOD DUAKT borne for a Bocil driver ; will pay cnah for difference. Cull nt 623 No. 16th. / M2i7 22 I HAVE FOR EXCHANGE FOR GOOD FURNI- lure In ton or lirtevn-nMm flat first mortgage paper , clear land , clear lots , nnd a'.mp cash , 823 N. Y. Life. X-SSO 16 * FINE IMPROVED RANCH IN KNOX CO. . Neb. , for good i ntal properly ; will assume. 823 N. Y. Life. / SSI 16 * FOR TRADE. THREE Ft'LL LOTS , WITH Hinflll hmlsft tlI1lnfllmltir , > < llit frtltna fr .n. Btate. capltot buildings , for a (3,0 stock of general hardware ; prefer lo deal with owner. Address Owner , room 14 , 1010 17th St. . Denver , Colo. Z M28S 17 * FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO RENT A HOUSE When It costs one-half more llian owning n homo built In Ihc best part of the city In the II nest and Intcst style.WHY WHY Will you continue to' pay } 33 to 140 per injnlh rent for nn old housf , which you are nshnmed lo Invite your friends to. a place which jou only look upon as nMempotary abode , WHEN You can buy a beautiful lot In Rees Pince. nn Gwigla a\cnue or''Vrfilnl.i ! avenue , two of the best residence street hi 'Omaha , at such a low- price that MIU can' ' build a seven or clght-rcom modern home. w-Hf | > \ety midein Improvement nnd fcuperbly finished/ auch n low cost Ibal 7 per cent Inlercst en your total Investment will not exceed tw-tPt'ilMs of what you are now- paying In rent ? ' ' Win- Do you continue to''pay rent ? Becnuss you are ' BLIND To your own Interpkls ; or too blind to s e the bargains that are Walling to be picked up. Call and FCO us. J.'t 'Us show you the .location of this pioperiy. N < V tlndes ; Cash only tabes. FIDELITY ; TRUST COMPANY , ' 1702 Farnam1 stieet , Bei } building. O. II , Payne. Prcsl'dfnt. II. II. Harder. Secretary. RE 276 16 _ BARGAINS , SALE PR TRADE IN CITY PROP- -i , ertles nnd farms. i-JHON N. Frenzer , opp. P. o. - _ i , , , Q jf . , _ R E773 GEO. P. 1JEMIS. iroHSUS , LOTS , .IRRIGATED ' farm lands , loans } ' ' 3(8 ( and 300 I'oxton block' . ' - ' RE 323 ABSTRACXSJ .THUIBYRON njpp. cojipANY. . _ . . 'tf-ft _ nl' < 0 i > RE 774 " FOR SALIJ , CORNER" GEORGIA AVE1' AND "Pacific Sts.C6xKO , ' for $3,000.00 net. A. P. " Tukcy , New" York Life. RE 197-17 FOR SALE. IIANN'S PARK , GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , ihe largest nnd tnntt beautiful paik In Cenlral Nebraska , Conlalnlnir 20 acres , large hall , wllh stage nnd nil mndein Improvements : terms very Illwtnl. Fcr pattlculars Inquire of Henry liana , Grand Island , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l _ RE-M2S3 Mil 80 ACRES. DOUGLAS COUNTY , IMPROVED , } 3 5QO 00. OT ncrcs , Douglas , County , Improved , Jl,0-)0.00. 80 acres , Johnson County. Improved. $2,000.00. Wnnled. house. Inside , have clMt- house outside. Wanted , house , poulh , have clear lot nnd ea h. Wanted , lot , have nice home , encumbered. J70'.0' ) . Wanted , acres S. O. hcuse , cne. JSOO , renlcd , J1S. WnntPil , farm , have cash and 17 ncirn , Cnl. Wnnled , merchandise , have' farm and cash. Qqrvln Bros. . N. Y. Life. Omaha. RE 253 10 TWO NEW COTTAGES ; CORNER THIRTIETH nnd Saltier streets ; cistern ; city water ; ll.MO ; long time. Apply 13)8 ) Farnam. RE 271 16 MEDICAL. PILES CURED WITHOUT PAIN ONE TREAT- inent dos the work. No knlfo or coustlc uaeil. Rectal diseases n specially. Dr. Cook , 307 , New Yoik Life Bulldlnir. 155-17 * HOUSES WINTERED. HORSES WINTERED ; BEST OF CARE ilven horses , both winter nnd summer. Address M. J. Welch. Gretna. Neb. 775 _ DANCING. NEW CLASSES FORMED FOR BEGINNERS at Morand's this week ; adults , Tuesday nnd Friday , S p. m. ; children. Snluiday. 10 a. m. ; flnt lessons taken privately If desired ; opn Any and evening ; assemblies. Thursday. S-.3) p. m. ; Kcnllemcn nnd ladles , COc. M Vi ? FH HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. 13lh and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. 784 MUSIC. AHT AM ) LANGUAGE. GEORGE V. GELLENIIECK , BANJO AND guitar teacher , IS13 Chicago st. 1C9 PIANO , GOOD CONDITION , J75 : FOR SALE or rent , William H. Sohmollcr , llflh Moor Mc- Cague , bldg. M-233.22 * 1'AWNimOKEIlS. II. MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY. S N. 16 at. 1J\1)EHTAICEHS AM ) E3IIIALMEHS. II. K. BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , IMS Chicago at. , telephone m. 770 S\VANSON & VALIEN , 1701 CUMING , TEL. 1000 777 M. O , MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM- balmer. 1417 Farnnm'fA ' , , lel'phono 22J. 778 SIIOIITHAM ) VLND TVPEWHITING. A , C. VAN SANT-S' UHOOL , 01J N , V. LIFE. i'r 77 PITMAN SYSTEM OF 'SHORTHAND TAUGHT by mall by an dx/clUda' repurler. For pir- tlculara address Ft liii'JBell ' , 701 N. Y , L. bbh ; . Omaha. ' . . .1 170-18 * PERHONAL IF THH GENTLEMAN WHO told his companion on the train Ibal he would buy 10,000 bushcli.irfli wheat If ha knew how to go about It will , , wrte | to C. F. Van Winkle & Co. , R. 59 , ZJJ.j.a Salle M. , Chicago , he will lecelv-e a cony .of the book , "Specula- lion , and How to Trftde" free nf charge. OimCIANS. OMAHA , OPTICAL J'CO. ' . LEADING OPTI- claim , removed M. l IJI'j Farnum fct. , outh side , between Utft' lin-l ICili KU. Eyes tented free ; sola ppcclacltH lilted frmu KM up ; steel spectacles titled frdikli'M.Cx ' ) up , J , F , Ponder , manager. 2S8 1C * IlIOVCLES. OMAHA BICYCLE CO. . BEST PLACE TO BUY Ucyclca ; blocks repaired , 323 N. 10th at. C07 L'1'IIOI.STEIUNG FURNITURE PACKED. MATTRESSES MADE and renovated , window cushion * made ; prlcei reduced. M. S. Walklln , 2111 Cumlnf , Tel. 1331. 78' ' ) LOST. LOST OR STOLEN. ONE BLACK AND white cow , from 2516 Poppleton ave. Liberal rcnard for return. Lost US 13 Ik * UEUMATOLOliY. HAIR ON THE FACE IITIJQIIT , br depilatory I H Urong , by jectrlclljr.pur-l manentlr. aiyeiri'eiptjrlenco. Doruinlol- mflit JoUu II. AYoodbury. 1 W. 2d.tjt. . . M.Y. Bead ( lamp lot book oil ftclal UleiaUke * ALL RIPE FOR THE START Completion of the Preliminary Cantor of the Pneumatic Steals , HARMONIZING THE MOUNT AND COSTUME CriiTO III Color * A \ii\el ilillo SrlHMiu NIMV itrk'n < ! rent Illr.vvlo PnMi ItiiiiiKMiliiu * In LoOul Cli-clr.s. With the close of the Omaha exhibit the round of cycle iJiowo Is complete. Chicago opened the ball , then came New York , San Francisco , Denver nnd Omaha , All essential preliminaries for the season's trade and sport nnd pleasure arc done. The eteeds In nil size ? , shapes , colors nnd conditions have passed In review before admiring multitudes , Nothing now remains but the pamlng of n few weeks before the word " ( Jo" la given , and nwny will whirl such n throng of wheels ns Omaha never dreamed of. That the blcyclo will bo the overshadowing fad In the midwest next summer Is beyond dcubt. The number of last season U likely to bo doubled , for the demand for wheels at thla early date Is something startling and mint agreeable to the doilers. The number of the latter hag also Increased , so that the searcher for "tho best In the market" has nn almost endless variety to pick from. All this must hnvo a marked Influence In the "good roads" movement so auspiciously begun , and It Is not too much to cxpnct that the rocky roads and harrowing hump In Omaha and vicinity will disappear before the season wane ? . COLORED WHEELS. The newest thins In blcyclo fashions Is to have the coloring of the "wheel" to harmon ize , or even match , with the costume worn by the blcycllstc. Quite a rage for colored machines seems to have set In , cast and west , and dark blue , red , pale blue , yellow , cream color , white , brown anJ even pink ones may be observed on the roads and In the ehop.3. All the light painted ones , except white , strlko one as exceedingly absurd. On ? strikingly handsome woman was noticed In Now York recently dressed In a very miartly made gown of rough white serge. The skirt fell admirably over the wheel nnd the bodice had short , full basques that took away slightly from the effect of breadth In the back. The front opened slightly over a neat waistcoat of smooth white cloth , fastened with small gilt buttons , and the throat was encircien uy a narrow Hand or ermine. A amart toque , n'so of ermine , was trimmed only with n tall black aigrette , and white doeskin gloves nnd black patent shoes with while gaiters were worn. The wheel on which this dainty costume was mounted was also white , with fine black lines , and the fit tings nil of dazzling nickel. The saddle was whlto leather , as alee was the llttlo pocket slung at the back. Another pretty costume was of blue granite cloth , with Eton coat faced with whlto. The nklrt , which fitted perfectly over the hips. hung very gracefully and quite evenly on either side of the bicycle , which In this In stance was painted dark blue. A white felt hat , trimmed with whlto wing ? , was worn with this costume. A coat and skirt of dull terra cotta cloth , with velvet collar , looked well. Two sisters , who were specially con spicuous , wore coats and skirts of scarlet , and scarlet Tarn o' Shanters. A bright green coat and oklrt was effective , also u Norfolk coat In dark green velvet , green skirt and Jiat. Coats faced with white look very smart , and are much worn In New York. A gray ccstumo , with scarlet tie and scarlet Tarn o' Shantcr hat , was nice , as was' also n "brown tweed' . Norfolk Jacket and skirt. An other pretty costume was of petunia cloth the cflat having white facings , with which was , worn a black velvet toque with white .LATEST IDEA IN BICYCLE SADDLES. The bicycle saddle , as nt present made , tias been dubbed " ' " fitly "the rider'a curse , and the recent determined effort on the part of the manufacturers to construct n saddle that will not Injure the rider ap pears to have borne little fruit. In ono llrectlon , however , there seems reason to liopo that a solution of this vexed question Is at hand. Apparently the most sensible move yet made in this direction Is the plan of taking a mold from the Individual rider t'3klng a true seat , and building a saddle to conform to the pame , as certain shoe makers construct thoes from a cast of the Toot. In doing this the rider's own wheel It placed In a fixed stand and friction Is applied to the rear wheel , so that he can assume the position ho actually has when riding. Instead of a yaddlo there is placed on the seat post n flat piece of wood rimmed at the back with leather , nnd on this board is laid modeling clay to a depth of about three-quarters of an Inch. A piece of thin fabric Is put over the clay to irotect the clothing , and the rider Is re- luircd to sit In his natural pose and pedal 'rom five to fifteen minutes. From the mprcsslon made on the clay a plaster cast s made , and from this Is formed a mold , n which an aluminum plate k < cast. The tlumlnum plato la the basis of the saddle n fact , In the saddle after being covered with seal leather or pigskin , and having a strip of oval form removed from the center. A number nf the prominent riders In some eading New York bicycle dubs are using saddles constructed after this fashion. These jiddles , naturally , cost double what Is paid 'or the ordinary paddles , but the gain In comfort and health Is said to be remarkable. When this saddle has been generally Intro duced It Is said to bo the Intention of the nventor to have placed on the market a ready-made form that has been cast from composite molds , each made from the Im- prerslons from a score of riders. SPIIUNO FRAMES. After riding over rough roads or having md his machine receive n very heavy phock , f a wheelman finds that hlo wheel runs hard without any apparent cause , the very obvious cause is that the frimo Is not true. Framcu are often fillghtly sprung by a fall , or In the case of a heavy rider , by the strain on the sprockcto of going up a heavy hill. Some times the Irregularity can bo delected by the eye. If It cannot he coon , then the wheels and sprockets should 1)3 touted to see If they are In line , The front and rear v ht > ols Piif.uld track. f they are eel true between the forks , and ho frame Is straight , they will da M. If ho wheels' are both centered In the forks , are au far from ono s'do as from the other , hen It lu quite simple to try them for thr ruenc&i of the frame. Turn the wheel up- sldo down , getting the handlebars straight , and tot both wheels spinning ; with a piece of btrlng long enough to reach from one end of the machlno to another , see If It can ba utrMchpd tant and be hold so as to bo Just a llttlo above the center of the tlfes. Hotter ptlll , because It does not allow of deception by Irregular tiros. Is to take two strings and hold ono on each fldo of the rims. If the spinning wheels brlnt ; tli rims In constant contact with the strings on both sldei , the frame la true. To ascertain whether or not the sprockets are In line , a string can also be tired. Take off the chain , nnd , making a loop In the end of the string , put it over the tooth of the front sprocket. Then dnw It taut to the rear sprocket , nnd hold It so as to sea If every tooth of the snrllcr sprocket will touch the airing. If the rear sptocket Is true , as It Is apt to be , a similar test can bo made of the front sprocket. If the sprockets and wheels nrc true to themselves , but out of line In rela tion to each other , It means that the frame Is out of true. " A NEW BICYCLE PATH. Ono of the grandest cycle patlu In the country has been started In New York. When the commissioner of street Improve ments designed the grand concourse to ex tend from the new Mncomb's dam bridge to Van Cortlandt park , nt Its Junction with the Mosholu parkway , cycling was not as popular as It has since become , and pro vision was made In the plans for only the ilrlvewnjs and promenades. A change was made In the design and two blcyclo paths , each twelve feel wide , have been added to the plan , the paths being placed between the drive and promenade on cither sldo of the concourse , and thus assuring tlio riders going north or south a direct pathway with out the danger of meeting others coming In an opposite direction. The length of the concourse will bo four and n half to five mllei- . and It will extend along the rlcigo between the Mlllbrook valley on the cast and Cromwell's Creek valley on the west. Alone nearly Its whole course the rider will have a view of the Harlem river on the one side nnd Long Island sound on the other. All main thoroughfares crossIng - Ing the concourse will pass under It by means of transverse roads , as In Central park , thus precluding Interference from other vehicles. The' path will be practically level , there being only In two places a grade , not greater than two and a halt feet to the hundred. The approach to the concourse from the viaduct will bo handsomely laid out. When the concourse Is completed the cyclist can ride through Central park , up Seventh nvonuo to the now Macomb's dam bridge , across to the concourse , then up to Van Cortlandt park ; thence through the Mosholu parkway to Bronx park , and across the proposed - posed I'clham parkway to Pelham Bay park. It Is proposed to build the concourse in sections , and the commissioners who were appointed to condemn the land for the first section of ono and n halt miles have about practically completed their work , and It Is expected that their report can be confirmed without waiting for the condemnation pro ceedings regarding the other portions of the thoroughfare. CHECKMATING THE BICYCLE THIEF. It la suggested for the benefit of the tlo- tcctlvo bureaus that are now being formed In many cities for the protection of b'cycles from theft that the number should be put In a more conspicuous place than at prewnt , and before the first and after the last figure a mark having an official stencil should be placed. For Instance , If a wheel were num bered 625,501 , and the maker's mark were n star , placed before and after the number , a thief , desiring to change the Identification , must efface the stars as well as the figures. The metal , after filing , would not stand the replacing of the stars. The uss of such n system would also'1' prevent the addition of figures , n common practice now. If the num ber of the bicycle were placed In plain view an altered number would be upecdlly de tected , and the buyer could offer no excuee for purchasing stolen property. A slmplo and effective method of private identification la to turn the wheel upside down , remove a portion of the enamel , say one-half by ono Inch , from any part of the frame , cleaning until the metal ID entirely free from the enanmel. Then cover the space with candle grease and wet the point of some sharp In strument with carbolic acid. Write your initials or private mark on the tubing , and after allowing the acid to leave its trace , rub eft the grease , and .with ono application ot enamel "cover all ( race of yo'ur work. This gives indisputable proof of ownership. RUBBER BALL TIRE. Ball bearings on bicycles are to bo followed by ball tires , If the plan now being tried by an Inventor Is successful. The Idea Is the latest In development1 of the many Improve ments that have been suggested on the pneumatic tire. Some years ago an English man brought out a t're which had the In terior filled with hollow rubber balls , but the plan did not work well. The new plan is to place the balls outside the rim , so that they will take the place of tubing. The now tire Is an arrangement ot Inde pendently detachable hollow rubber ball * , hold In position by a channelled aluminium rim. The balls when Inflated will stand a pressure of twenty-five pounds to the square Inch. The outer surface louche.- ) the ground , and as the wheels revolve three of the balls are alwayu In contact with this surface and bear the wulnht of the rider. "Tho great advantage of the ball tire , " said the Inventor to a representative of the New York Sun , "Is If cne b punctured the buoyancy cf the others will prevent the tire colUpalng. One-third of the balls might ba punctured without causing a blcycl st to end the trip , for the tire would still ho buoy- ano enough to support his weight. When necessary a usod-up ball may bo taken out and a new ono Innertcd with but a few min utes' ION of tlmo. " IMPROVED INSTRUCTION. There Is a demand for better Instruc tion In the use of the bicycle than Is given In most rldng schools. Instruction is gen erally confined to teaching Just enough to enable the pupil to balance the wheel and to mount and dismount very awkwardly. No attention is paid to position , nnd It Is u com mon sight to tec lJdlo9 riding with paddle so low that they rannot straighten tholr limbs , and w Ills , randies so hlglutljat they can scarcely use over them. This combines In make the rider's appearance very bud mnl the exercise- difficult nnd tiresome. In only n few riding school * nrc Instructors required - quired to leach puplla so well that they will reflect crrdlt on the school after graduation. They are taught correct position , correct pduling and the rudiments cf the en re of bicycles , and therefore ride faster and moro easily than other ; , and are not holplOM In case e : an accident. GENERAL NOTES , Iloaton'f bicycle ihoiv bcsan on St , Vfcl- onilno'H day nnd will end i Wa ! iliiGi' < ii'c birthday. Any young man may please Ida sweetheart Immensely by giving her a bi cycle for n valentine. Bicycles are such valuable property nowa days that c\ery ono should bu careful not tn leave a \vicl ! In a. place wheio It could ho carried off easily. StcuUiiK wheels In the larfift cltlcH has been particularly notlrn- able In the last season , many theftH having been made while the mnehlno stood against the lda of a house , and only for a monipnt , while the owner wan Inside , Again and * sS f mm E did not have our whuels on exhibitbn at the cyc'e show , but it was not our f fault , Our competitors were afraid to meet us on 9 equal terms and refused" to show if we did. 9 9f * * A 9 We use this space to tell our friends and patrons that we do not belong to any combine or trust , but have a full line of ' 96 models , including the celebrated Andrae Tandem , on exhibition at our store , 1419 Dodge street , and we expect to sell them on their merits. i 'M. 0. Daxon Telephone Street.'M. 11-19 Dodge Street. Manufacturing Co. | L Again this thins has happened ami th owner has cotno out In perhaps n minute or two to find his wheel Rene or catch a view of ( he thief flying down the stre-l At break * neck opeed. The newest cyclometer Is ns small ami bfnutllul as a Gonovn watch , Many styles arc on the market nnd It Is no longer poml- ble to plead tint the recording machines look clumsy on ( he cycle spokes as an ox- ciiso for not buying , AVhlM'frlnir of Hio AVtu-rl. Congressman Towno of Minnesota ha ? In * troiluced n bill Into ronrr > ss to the effect that railroads fea requlreJ to carry bicycles free when accompanied by owner , liebo - llcvos the m on Jure will pass. A llko bill his been Intinduced Into the Now York legisla ture. The fathers of theie bills want peti tions ; they wnnt the undivided strength of wheelmen ! they want moral support. The Now York Ptato division should take nctlon. The delegates to the national assembly thouU take action. Th * chief consul of e)6h sluto should be Instructed to forward petitions In favor of Hies ? measures. The 'Wheel. The above hill will bo watched with great Interest by cyclists nil over the country , as the question of free ttwnppJrUHon of wheels when accompanied by their owners Is ono of vital Importance to every ono of them. There are a few rules which the cyclist nil on lil observe when riding , and which may prevent an accident. The rider .should never g.izo at his feet when riding , for the reason that he hardly npprec'ntes ' the rnto of spocd at which ho Is going , nnd would not tin- llkcly run Into some obstruction before he knew It , nnd perhaps receive n serious In- Jury. It Is proper when passing a team , foot passenger or any ono whom lie might meet on the roiil , always to keep to the right , or If they arc going the same way you arc , pass them on the left. It Is no more than right when meeting n horse that appears to be frightened that the rldor bhould dismount. Thcsj few courtesies are appreciated by every one , and will not only gain respect for wheelmen , but will maka the oport more popular than ever. It sesms as though before long that ther would he a good field In every city for blcyclo stands , or nt least for boys who have a deslro to make a llttlo money and become known n § capable of cleaning bicycles In good shape. Even If such a place ns a bicycle stand were not available , If It were known that boys could be procured at certain places who would call when requested and clean a blcyclo properly for a. fixed price. It seams as though they would be. In great demand. Also If this were the case , there would be n good many moro bteyclea cleaned than there are now. The wheels would last longer , and , of course , be moro valuable. Notwithstanding the fact that people may Intend to clean their wliejls , It ID often neg lected and put off , when , If there were a boy around whom they knew would do It for them for 10 or 15 cents , the'.r wheels would always look aa good as now. This seems like a good opening for enterprising boyp , and there ought to be money In It for them. If you ride n single tube tire , and should by any chance happen to have a puncture , don't go at once to a repair man. That la the nrst thing a good many rldcra think they must do In onler to get sntlffactlon , nnd for this reason they , of course , think the pneu matic tires are a great nuisance. Some of them arc , but the slngla tube variety la not only popular because It Is fast and resilient , but for the reason that If punctured It U mended without time or trouble nnd any ono can make the repair. Unllko the double tube , which may sutaln one of these old- fashioned Inner tube leaks that Is blinply nn Impossibility to find , a leak In a slnglo tube may bo found without any trouble. There arc repair kits made BO small that they may be carried In the vest pocket , and these contain all the necessary appliances for making a tire as good us new. By simply following the directions , which are very brief nnd Dimple , any novlco can repair a single tube' tire and feel more satisfaction than though he had taken It to an expert repairman and paid for having It done * , in tin' Clul > Hotixr. r Wheelmen were pleased to note the familiar faces of many of the old as well ns thci new members around the club house during the past week. The next regular mealing of the club will be held March G. Make a note of tha'dat * and ba sure to bo present. The Uniform Rank of the Tourist Whoc4- men attended the Omaha Cycle show In the Armory , Friday evening. The uniform consists of white knee pants , double breasted whits Jackets with black buttons , \\'nHo golf cap nnd black clockings. A cherry red diamond mlorns the front of the cap and completes n very nobby suit which was donned on several occasions during the- state fair week , In parades , etc. last fall. There Is foino talk of adopting a uniform by tin pntlr * * rlnh next Ilumor says that Mr. Marsh Is developing into qullu a icorcher. To Imvci followed him last Sunday on the wuy out to Florence would convince the must skeptical. That's all riftlit , If you had had a racing wheel , wo know the Tourists' colon ; would coma' out ahead , but you stuck pretty close to his lie-jli just tlio same , oven If he was a. professional , and road a sixteen pounder. Some one was asldiiR recently about tlio Cheese & Cracker gnntj , wlint lias bscomo of them ? The same inlRht bo aaltrd of ( roma of tlie balance of the bayp who did net faro overt as well as that. The former odds a wonderful amount of Rtrenitli ; somctlmea at tlio critical moment when nothing better can b ; bad. ' D. J. O'nrlen and family liave been PO- Journlne In the vicinity of Denver for tlia piet ton tlnys. Mr. O'llrltn also expected to visit Leadvlllo , Cripple Creek and ottior points durliiK hlc. absence. Mr. O'lirlcn was In attendnnco at the Denver Cycle eliow , and reports having a fcpljiidhl time. Mr. IlolirbotiRli I ? coiiIcmplatliiR leaving tlift city. Of coursi ) business Ix.foro pleaturo , but in ttio event ot his leaving tlio Tourtot * \vlll luic a good incinliJr. Metrni. Wllle and Wlldortniin took R very cnjoynblo tjiln up to tilcnwoad on their now tiinem lant Hunilay. Sam time ago wher-lmen read a very In teresting account of how n neighboring clty'a generous citizen bad banqueted tovcral Oinahit whtolmcn , wlio were IntereKcil In having a bicycle path constructed leading Into Omaha. The menu wnu perfect nnd a general good time wns rfported on that ocraclon , but bciv about the blcyclo path , are we going to have U ? Arulun Salve , The best salvo In I ho world for cuts , lirulsfs , Borrs , ulcers , t< rlinmn. fever tore , tetter , chnppcd linndB , clillbliilui , cor.m nnd all nHIn eruptions , ami positively euros piles , or no pay required. It l giiarantoed to glvii perfect willsficllou : or ninniiy refunded. I'rlca 25 cents per box , for sale by Kuhn & Go , I'OIIK .MK.V KIJ.L1JI ) I.V A .niMO HUAI < "r. Al'C'llll'lll WlIN ( 'llllMOlt ll ) ' il SUI | ) .III111M IiiH ( li ' 1'riu'k , MIIAVAUKi : ! ! , ! ' * ! ) , 1C , A itppclpl to tlio Kvculiig Wlnconslii 'from Ilepubllc , M'lcli , , says : A terrible apcldont occurred at 0 o'clock this morning lu Itcpublln mine , whlto llio men worn coming up In tlio nkip from worlt nut of Xo. 1 Kluft. Tlin accldnnt ttaw cauued by tbe sldji Jumping tlio track , and ns there nero nn H'gn lR to bo given lo tlio { ngluc-er lo btop tlio nlli. | It was pulloil on until | t cauglil and turi'.fd ovijr on tlio inca. k'lllng ' : WILMAM M'OHAW. single. JAMI5H DOnOR. married. ADOU'H llOITIv1 ! , , married. MATHIA8 riHIKMIimO , marrleJ. Injured ; diaries Anderaon , Ibroo rlb broken , h'rlt'k ' Murtl , Irg lirokun. Janice .MrOraw , hack hurl. Andrew ! ' : tcrson , Inn t liitcnially may die. , - For a pjln In tlio clicet a piece cf Itanuel rtaiiipeneJvlti | CliJii.jr'.a n's 1'aln bfllm ao < l bound on ever the hvui ot tlio pain , qnd an other ( in tie ! ba. k bctwunn the tbouldem , wjll afford prompt rclldf. Tlilu In cipocUlly vat- uttblo In ca o v.'hsrb the pain In caused by cold AiiJ Uicro N a tendency touurd pneu monia. For Mia by