Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1896, Editorial Sheet, Page 14, Image 14

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Jobbira Generally Repoiting Sorao Gain
Over La&t Year ,
rK tu Ilio Cotinlrj * I" Coni-
forfnlilt * I'lrutiniilMiici-N nnil .Mile
to I'lirHiiixeVlin ( Tlio Ito-
uulrc Produce ; Shm.
The npproaeh cf'g has Invnrlabl :
n fitlmulntlng offcct UIKJII builnciH , whlcl
Is uliendy comtnunclng to tliiow off tin
lethHrgy tlmt lins clung to It fet the pas
month or mote. The feeling In nl
"bianchfs of the Jobbing trndo lii unmls
tiikaljly btttei , and while . there Is no
much Increase in the \olumo of business
ilolng from wetk to wick , still theie Is i
dtcldul guln at , compaied with a year ago
This ImprovuiiFiit In bu liu"-s as comparei
with the eoricspomllng munlh of 1KB. does
not nppcnr to bu conllned to one or two
houses , or lu any one line of bii liCH ! , bu
It geneial , iir.irtlrnlly all hoti'CH In eveij
branch of the jobbing Undo I > porting ,
tome little gain over lust season.
1'lenty of oidci uic Lomlni ; from countr )
rnslomei" , nnil no doubt the Kicat ma
Juilty of the local Jobbing house * arc filling
Just about as many otdeis as they eve
did , the only tiouhlo Is that the rota !
tiade Is bu.Ung mine spultigly. the bills
being Riniill. thus Indicating both u more
limited consumption and greater cautlot
than ptevalled bcfnro the period of dnl
llmex In.
A Jobber who IIIIN been out over the t-tnt
riultc extensively , ami him had cxcuptl Ut
uppoi tunltle.s fet observation , "iiy * that u.t ,
i educed coniiumptlon of goods In Ncbratki
IH not due fa much to the scarcity u
money as nvmy linaglne. It Is gcnerall )
supposed that the shoit cropi and low
piiceH haphuud the fnimcis where the }
could not nffotd to piirclint-e more than
thn bare necessities. On this oilier hand
the funnels have done very HttliS corn
plaining about Ihi- hard tlrney , and then
imvu been no calls the past winter from
any section of the slntp foi help , whlcl
would have been the on If the fin mots
wcro In such poor condition llnanoinlly us
generally supposed. THe jobber rneatlnnei
e.tptnlnsthe dttmtlon thus ; "The droilll
of isal IniiKhl the fanners a IK SOII thn
they will not soon foigct. They had conit
Into the habit of gionlni ; coin , and ono 01
two other crops , and of hujlng everythln ;
else from the store. Many large farmers
did not pretend to grow their own potatoes
nnd gardens were scarce ; It was so muel
easier to buy tomatoes and other cannei
Roods than to inlj-c them. The farmers
did not even grow enough beans to snpplj
their own tables , but obtained their .suppl >
from the local stores , which ordered Iron
the Omaha Jobbers , who had them shlppei
In from thu east or from California. The
loirs of the corn crop of 1S3I left the fnrrners
without the means of buying UK usual , am
In consequence they had to go on hhal
rations until a new crop could be grown. '
* I ast year every farmer made a great
effort to grow everything that lie wouli
icqulro for the support of hH fnmllv , am
with good success. This elmncc of'pollc >
on the part of the Nebraska farmer- , ac
cording to the Investigating jobber , has
caused the Omaha grocery houses the loss-
of no fctnall amount of trnde. The InrniBr
does not have to Iruv nearly so much In
the line of canned fruits and vegetables
dried fruits , etc. , as formerly , nor li he
buying us much fresh fruit and vegetables
as the wholesale fruit and produce houses
can testify to.
This moans , for the time being u.lo s of
business , hut In the end It will bo a goo <
thing- because It will Inc-caso the farmer's
purchasing power when u comes to other
Ilnc-4 of gqoda and will leave more wealth
in the Ftnte.
The bank ilearlngs continue to show a
f gratifying increase over last year , the gain
I * the 2ast wrek being in excess of ZO per cent'
I/Or * \vh.le the nvei.ico gain for the whole coun
try vvas only 98 per cent. Minneapolis
Bhow.s about the largest gain of any city In
the country. 41 per tent , but her gross
clearings art ) only a little over $1,090,0 < X )
greater than Omaha's. Kansas City gains
ZJ-per cent , St. 1'aul 1.6 per cent , St. Joseph
13 uer cent nnd Denver teports a deciease 01
5.4 per cent. It will be noted from this that
Omaha Is keeping pace with other cities In
thlK part of the. country , and no doubt If
id the Hvo stock , business couM he put on 11 =
feet once more would soon forge ahead of
Its , rivals.
If Omaha could secure the live stock ship
ments from Nebraska that rightfully belong
to her It would make a great difference to
the showing that this city would be able
to make. A jobber Is authority for the
statement that the ! o s of business at South
Omaha Is hurting the jobbing trade ol
Omaha. A retail merchant from a town In
the western part of the state was In the
city thq past weelt and remarked that since
nil the stock In his section had commenced
'goingto Kansas City Instead of South
Omaha , It was not so convenient for him to
buy hip goods In Omaha. He said that he
was an Omaha man and regretted to see all
the live stock going away from here , es
pecially as ho was aware that It would
take the trade of a eood many country
merchants with It. A good many retail
merchants arrange It so that they can come
In to buy their goods nt the came time with
a shipment of stock , nnd thus get a pass-
to the city nnd leturn , when otherwlye. they
would have to pay fare. If the stock Is
going to some other city than Omaha that
fact Is an Inducement for the merchant to
make the same change.
The produce mirket of the past week has
been very slow and It Is no easy matter tepee
pee Just why. Some lines of produce are ex
ceptionally low , especially for thl seanon of
the year , as for cxarnple.butter nnd eggs. The
consumption of eggs In this city Is appar
ently the smallest that It has been for sev-
era ! years and at a time when the price
makes eggs about the cheapest article of
food In the whole list. The Hhlpping de
mand , however. Is goodnnd It Is not dim-
cult to keep stock * ? well cleaned up.
With butter the > cape Is not so favorable.
The consumption locally of that commodity
Is also very light , but at the same time the
demand for shipment Is extremely poor even
nt the low prlcc. prevailing. There does not
appear to be any outlet for It In the east.
With poultry It Is quite different. The
rcceiptu are'very light , and as the demand
Is good , values have been forced up so that
arrivals are brlnplng prices that are very
pallr/nctory to shippers. In fact poultry Is
nbout the best selling article on the whole
list of country produce.
The game briPinci-H nt this season of the
year does not amount to anything , there
being hardly anything In that Una hut rab
bit * * , and they are In light demand.
Notc-i .Aliont the Me 11 WIn > Miikc tlu-
WlicrlN ( io ' 110111111.
The Omaha & Grant Smelling nnd ncfln-
Ing woiks will construct a store house to
cost about $3,000.
TheV. . A. Page Soap company hap
ndopted the name of "Tho Western Soap
company" and has Increased Its c.niltiil
Block from JW,000 ) to $75,000.
Kant Omaha Is to have a paint factory
In the near future. The old cement works
ir to be remodeled and converted Into a
plant for the manufacture of paint.
The Rrexol Stone company has been
nwaided the contract for nupplylng the
htone for a new church at York , About
twenty-live carload ! ) of cui mono will bo
The Omaha & Grant Sme'tlng nnd lie-
fining company has placed nn order with
Wilson & Drake for three 203 horse power
nnd patent multiple boilers and tht > Omaha
Street Hallway company for four 100 horse
power tubular hollers to provide power
jiceescnry for Uie state rarr tralllo next
Uy the HBO of the saw nnd by careful
brcfdlrur the majority of the cattle fat-
tentd for market have lout their he.r.l
adornment , and It noema barely nosflblo
that the time may come when all domestic
cattle will behornless. . While It nicy be
comparatively easy to find n substitute ) for
Konid products , manufacturers of comb ? ,
buttons' , etc , , nro decidedly phoit of material
and they nro quite aware that the mipply
Is gradually dwindling ,
On Wednesday evening next there vl'i
bo a meeting of the Manufacturers' asso
ciation of Nebraska at the Comrnerc'al
club rooms at 6:30 : o'clock. A lureo attend
ance of manufacturers from out through
the ( state Is expected and the Omaha mem
bers will entertain them with a banquet.
The general subject for discussion will he
how to push Nebraska products to the
front , thus encouraging the building of
more factories and the employment of more
A traveling man from the cast , who was
In the city the past week , was dUcusslns
with a local manufacturer the peculiarity
of American people In always preferring
goods from n distance to those made at
home and uuvo the following IlltiMtatlcm ;
A large shoo manufacturer In a Hinull New
KiiK'aml ' town noticed that none of the
residents of the town , not even his own
iiiployeu ; , vu-re wearing Hhocs madeby him.
It.happened that IrU factory was the only
Industry of any Importance located there.
In fact. It wag the main support of the
town. PhD manufacturer dlscliiuted oil of
hla Ju'lp nnd clo ed his factory. A week
or two went by and the merchant ) * were
beginning to feel the scarcity of money and
finally waited upsn the manufacturer , who
tuolalned that h was tlml of supporting
a ( own that would not support him. It did
not tAke the merchants long to coma to
the cniicluflion tlmt they would carry In
stock the ihoc ninilo in their own town.
OM MIA * titMiitAi < M AH KMT.
Condition of Trnde nnil Qnnliillnn *
on Slnplr n nil 1'niicy rrodni.1' * .
io08-Pii : > h slock , lofllle.
tll'ITI'lt Common smile" , 5. . ; fnlr to cool
Mock 't , rh Ice lo fnncj country , 131 < M < * .
VI'AL-C"olce fat. TO to 100 Ibs. , are quoted
nt e'jfKc ' , Inrgc ami cosirnr , 4t75c.
rinisi-IiiVHIo : : : bilck , ll'ic ' ; Edam , per
djz , JO to. nub IIMUC. Mb. Jars , per doz , , U M ;
LlmliPicrr , f.incj per Ib , ll'le ; noiiu f'irt , ' 4lb ,
JuK ptr dor . J5.CO ; Vouni ; Americas , llUc ;
Twln , fiinc ) , lie
I'ori.TUV-l-Trfstd-Clilckitis , "We ; co.ircc
nnd IntVf. r.4 ic ; iltickx , cliulc" , lOt/llc / ; ttuKeja ,
iliolre. UfllJc , gees' . 8c.
I'OHLTIIV LiveJnrnbinn of the Montnni
1'oulltj 1'aikliip mid Supply rompanv. quotes
live poultry ilrm ntid ' .ini'-l nt : H'ns nnd
yomuijostors , tv. old wwkn. 2'4ctuil.fv '
IiniK , i'fcc ' : young tuikiy Bubblers. "He ; old
Totni , Co. iltftkf , full ftnlbered. 7ci BCCJO. Cc ,
HAfplnnd , l.-.W ; mldlond , 14 MJ Inn land ,
II W ; rjc kiuw , t.8.r,0 : color rnnkr.s th ? lulce on
haM llRht biles all the b' t. Only tup Glades
1)1 Inn ti > p prlies.
1IIIOOM COHN Hxlrenuly slow Kfllo ! new
ciiiri , dellvnud n Itaek In country ; cbole * Rin-n
Belf.nji impel , tier lb. , 5'ic : choice Bncn ,
nniiK in buil ; nrj cnnm..n. l'se. '
( JAXIIJnch > mi" | . 7fctl. 0 : golden plover ,
il.3i : jnik lubbllf ) , r-i- dn ? . , II ik ) : smnll
rnbblts , I'lif/JI in ; nfillhid ilmkx , tt Mtt.'Sl led-
llcnds. n.Trei.OOl cnnvnwbutk duiks. Jj WjfS W ; , l.luo \vlnir , J2.C032.M ; tnil. etcen wltiif ,
l.,172i)0j ) inKcil ditiUf l.7r > ( ? ; Cnn.ida cec c ,
I6.t > 17./0 ! ; mnnll tf- < . H..Vti3.W ; br ntiJ3.W ;
iUlirel | . per dur. , CflfflSc.
I'KinONS Live , Jl.Ootrl.W ; ilrnd plgroni tiot
vior.TABLnn. :
llUfATOns I'l'jrlJu. tier fli-ba.'l.ct crate , $1 JJ
Mo. 00.
Al'LII'LOWint-rri dn ? . . .M.
C.MlijAdiCnllfnrnln : : " * : , r"r H' . . Ic.
l'OTATOis.-rntiey : native stocU , C'V ' ; from
lure In mull lots. MilKr * Culomdn iilock , 43
f(45c. (
tNllNS-IVr bu . SSflMf.
ItiANS-ltniiil : iiltKMl nnv.v , ier bu. , JI..V1.
> ' ' <
it * '
: . ; - - . per do ? . . No. 1 , OOc ; No.
? , iV ; ntxtein Ni > liin l.n , . 4n < ri4riC.
t.JMA IHJANS-fer lb. . Sc.
} \Anu : ( m > . -i'eMrrci. | cnsp , t\.r \ .
I'll ! 1'LANT Hut ho'i c stock , per doz.
Sun.liM , so * .
Ton -.mi , ! ag0 , | lo , otll | miput ( Of KUinmcr
nulls rioin Oillfiiinlii iinchnd nl iut * , p.OiM.'W )
pounila foi cntlip spaf-M. In ISH ih\r\-
polliitlou of rie h frillts ix.iibnt IM.inS.O'M
I'1'- ! ' ' In ISS'i there \vur lmpoite.1 finiii Spain
'l.ifjo.wo . pound. , , f mlxlnslih n tirniluctlcn tf pounds In Cnllfoin'n. nml li > lj |
KUinilrn | ; In tln > foiled S nte nf : iiKHl ( ) 1 imun's
In nil , nliiH jparR liter , theie vvvre Imimtc.l
< > uly I'.iWl.oio pnunilr , nlillr CHlifntnli prmtui.p.1
! > S > .iK"i | , uundn. phnvvlmr n tolnl oo-ipumptlon if
I" " "JOW iiuitml * . or nnJncronn ! uf ; 2tlO)3) ) ) )
poumN In ni lulu * during nine > eari . Quoiatlons :
AI'I'LIIS Cliolce Hen UavlB , (2.7:03 00 ; choice
ttlnu Mis | n'd willow twlKf. W.S..yS.M.
CUANiiitHIiS-Jersey : , 18 73.-
MALAGA ' OIlAI'KS-I'er W-lb , bbl. , ? i3 00t3.M ;
per O'j to 70-lb. gross , } 0 OOW7.M.
The v nines of lemons Imported Into tlio United
Mntr nnglvpn belowtnken fiom the
slntlsth-s for crfcli ll rnl jrar :
j ; ! | ' ; . VtM7.32Cl5 ! ! ! ' . > . II 374,032
JJ ' . 4,2S-.27tlS10 | | . S.18-IM4
} . I.MI.3JS.15S8 . 3 MS.'lsa
JJM . 4.548 2CJ18JT . 3 MS 147
1V" ' . I.351.970I1SSO . , . 2,603,513
n.fn.nfli5rr"111 ll'frc ' al ° " Ol > ) acrfe Plnnteil with
iivpj - . jleld ' "P'Jj1 ' box 8"R"Prove | tlmt the
per m-rc ran b tnken
t"8 c llrornlfl * "
SlS'irW1' ' C ISff ' ' -vrilJln
BTl * $
this m , * " ' " fl. . .1.1..1 ! ! : ?"n' ; ? ! | ' ' ° f
( Quotations :
: Callfornlns.
, , ! lir fe * l ° rt- Per bunch. J2.00
medium sized bunches , J1.7502 00
M \1'L13 '
SYItUI' Five irnr. cnnu
12 ; ! S Bal ' * &
. . * cdn'I" " '
| jb < jJDJ1j -r"ro Juice , per half bbl. , J3 ; per
AUT-Pef . .bb'J33 ' ; half bbl. ,
crop * California , 10-lb. boxes , per
ey- sobb0"9' | 13C ! cllolce'
: . , ? , ? : \ * ° s- < r >
JtAl'LL' SUQ All-Choice , per lb. , OCJOc '
I'linsnnVES Ajsorted , 20-lb. jMts | , each ,
bo'cOANUTS-rcr 100. J < 50 ; each , 6c
NUTS Almonds , Cnllfornla , per Ib. . medium
slzo , lOc ; Tarragona almondff , per lb. . laice
12'Sc ; Ilrnzlls , per lb. . So ; Enclls.i walnuts ner
lb. , fancy soft shell , lie , etnnuanls. ll@HUc-
Illberts. per .lb. , 10c ; pencans , pollB'ied medium.
lOc ; mrge , 12c : peanuts , rnw , 6'5c : ronsted , ' 7JJ
Tiac ; hickory nuts , email , per bu. , $1.75 ; hickory
nuts , laigc , per bu. , $ I.M ; black walnuts , per
bbl. , J3.
I1EE1' ' Good steers , 400 to COO Ibs.
3iiiGc ! ; good cona nnd heifers , 403c ; medium
cows n ml helfern , 4',5c ; good forcquarters cons
and heifers , 3' , c ; good hindquarters cows
nnd heifers , O'ic ; cow rounds , 6c : cow chucks
MUTTON Dressed mutton , C'lc ; racks 10c-
ua. So ; saddles , Sc ; stews. 3c.
1'OHK Dressed hogs , 5o ; pork loins , 6Ac- ! spare
ribs , 5'io : pork sliDUlderB , CVic ; poik shoulderH ,
skinned , G'ic ; pork trimming11 , Cljc ; tenderloins
loc ; p'gs' fe t , cleaned , per dot. , 33c.
No. 1 dry suited bides , 6c ; puit cured | | Ucs '
' , * o per lb. less than fully cured. *
Sltiii' 1'KLTS-Orecn
- sailed , each " 35T60c-
nreeu alted shearllnKS ( short woolcd early skins )
each 15c : dry bhearllngs ( short woTilVd
skins ) , No. I , each , lOc ; dry siiearllriKs ( farly short
wooicd early skins ) , No. i each , Bo ; dry flnt
Kansas and Nebini-ka butcher wool nclls ner n ,
actual vvelght , E Cc ; dfy nint Kansas anel Ne
braska Murrain wool pelts , per lb neiiinr
weight , 4Ec ; dry flint Oolornd > butcher WM !
pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 4Q6Uc * drv flC
Colorado Murrain wool pells , per lb yactunl
weight , 4 T5c ; dry pieces and bucks actual
vvelght. 44/50 : feet cut off. oa U Is useless
"Jiios to
pay freight on them.
- Tallow No 1
3',4c ; tallow No Z , 3c : crease , white' . 3Uc
grease , white II. 3o | grease , yellow. 2140 : Ereiise :
dark. 2c ; old butter. ICzVlc ; bewwui prime1
13G220 ! rough tallow , IJSc. vuiue ,
HONKS In cnr lol weighed and dell\ered In
Cblcaso : Dry buffalo , per ton , J12 00&14.00 ; dry
counlry , blencncd , per ton , $10.00812.00 * drv
country , damp and meaty , per Ion , $0.0038 00
WOOIUnvvaehed. . line heavy , 67c * hno IbVht
88ic ! : quarter blood , 10O12C , * seedy , burry unci
chaffy , Sff9e ; celled nnd broken , TOuree 7ffOc-
celled and broken , fine. 6iJSc. Tleeco vv'ashed
Medium. ISfllkc : line , 14016e ; tub washed ICO
ISc ; blnek. go ; bucks , Cc ; tan locks , 2O3o * dead
pulled. 5jGc.
INo , lNo. | lNo. | 1
Lge. IMd'ml Sin' 1 1
lllnck J20H25 $ 15 00 J 6 10 510012 $ 5 W
Illack Yeurlhigs. . 1JW15 10 UO 700 700 3 01
Illuck Cubs 6W 8 SO 6 4 00 COO 2 00
llluck Montana &
Cuttuu MnrUrt.
NKW OHLKANS , F b. 15-COTTON-ifaeyj
nlddllntr. 77-lCc ; food ordinary. 71-lGc : net re-
elpts , I1949 bales ; Krosn receiptC.190 bales ;
xpirtf * . crastwlce , 199 bub/i * ; ( ale * 3,000 bales ;
ttiK-k. 339.524 bales.
NDW YOIUC. IVb. 15 COTTON-Dull ; mid-
lllng. te : net reeelptn. none ; srosn receipts , 20)
Mill-si ; eiporls. t Uifal Hrlluln. 1,930 bale * , ; to
"lunce. 1.C27 talon ; lo tbr continent. 5.716 bules ;
oiuurdrd. none ; lulen. none ; stock , U7.30G bHlen.
ST. LOtHH. 1'Vb. 15- COTTON Qul l | 1-lfc
ovvtr ; rnlddllntf , 7 ll-16c ; talrt. 700 ba'.es ; re-
vlpU , 515 bales ; slilprnt-nts , 102 l < alea ; s'ock ,
3,24 liale > . _ _ _ _
HAN . .
> ccembrr , U lit ; ; May , tl.llii ; cltartd , 2U7,9 : $
tntkla ulieut.
Wheat Was Weak and Closed Nearly Ono
Cent Lower.
Corn AVii n I'nlrly Aollve nnil Sold
* I'll .Slinriilj I ? rl > * liul I.OH I
Iliv Ail * , n lire
CHtCAaO. Feb. 15.-Morc from lack of
support than anything else client totlny
\\ns vvenk and closed nbout > ic lower. Trail-
on have become tlmltl from the llm * trom
effects of the past week's surprHlns ftuc-
Umtloim nnd n ? n consequence hnvo become
escee'HnB'y cautious. Corn nnil onts were
but slightly nfTccteil nriil clorcil unchnnpcO.
Provisions hntl n downward tendency nnd
sho\\cil tnntorlnl lo scs.
There wns a fair Fpeculntlvp trnde In
wheat for the short session , the market
l.nvlnir from % c to Ic range. The feellriR ilc-
viMcpeil was n little ttnsett'ed nnd prices
rather nervous. The start was weak. Theio
were n Rood many selling orders on the
niurkct and pome of the early sales were
as low as GTKc. or at a He decline from
the ole c last nlffhti Hut the decline started
omc good buying , the strength being In-
cieased bv a rumor that a cold wave would
Invade the winter wheat legion tonight
and posf'ble damage to the growing crop
was feared. As the strength developed ,
xl-orts began to cover nnd It did not take
long to advance the price to from C8o to
CC'/te ' pllt. Among other routine news which
helped to strengthen lltir.tuallon was the
rr.oie modciate noi thwestern movement anil
reports that the bukiof the same was com
ing from the elevators. Hut the buying fever
gl initially subsided and when the Ions
attempted to realize they found that th
demand was exceedingly tame and In th
effort to get rid of their ho'dlngs the pro
jva * * .railnnlly lowered nearlv Ic nnd tlrer
v.a not much lecoveiy. The Argenlln
shipments \\tie a f.ictor In producing weak
tiesr , for the trnde has heard so mud
of the shrinkage In tin. crop and the b.u
quality of the wheat that the 800,000 bu
shipped was a sin prise. Yet , the total Hlilp
mcnts for the first two weeks of Febnmr )
Hi's vcnr have been only -100,000 bu. ngalns
l.fOOOW bu. the siime time hist year , am
2.0TO.OOJ bu. the same time two years ago
Mnv wheat opened about Uc lower , wit1
sales at fiom G39ic to d6c , Improved grad
nallv to frctn CC7 c to GfiUc split , then turnci
weak and told off to 63 > 4c , casing at GGVfc
bli' .
Coin was faltlv active nnd sold up sharph
early , hut finally lost all the advance. 1
wan Influenced some byvhcat and als
by the Impression that the proapeetlv
change in the weather might cut off re
celpts. It followed wheat on the la = t break
Mav opened fractionally lower at 30V4e rpllt
sold up gradually to 30'Sc , but weukenei
later to 30'/4c , whete It closed.
Trading In oats wns exceedingly quiet
nearlv nil the trading being done by coun
try ileulerp. The market was Influenced al
most entirely by the action of wheat. Maj
opened unchanged ntI'ic , so'd up to fron
2WC to 21'/.c nnd c'osed just steady at 21' ,
Provisions were heavv. said to be becaiiF
of much long stuff offered In anticipation
of a heavy run of hogs next week. Mnj
poik started nt a decline of from 2'/4c to 15c
dropped another lOc and wound up at n
net Io = s for the day cf 12'ic at $10.10 per bar
rel. May lard at HIP elo e was worth $3G
ns against $ "i"0 on Frldav afternoon. Ma >
rib5- , which closed yesterday at $333 , rested
at $ o 2'/4 today.
Estlmntes for Monday : Wheat , 1GT > cars
corn. 300 cars ; oats , 203 cars ; hogs. 30,03 !
The leading futures ranged ns follows :
O f 1 I. I itt.M | Li V. I O1333
04- C3I
June .
Torn. No ! ! . .
Jnlv 31 ! : uvis
Oats. No. a. .
May , . , JIM
Pork.per bbl
10 00 10 on V 87M U 00
May 10 20 10 20 10 07)a ) 10 III
July 10 ; i7)i 10 siy 10 1-5 1025
Fcb r > so 6 J2Mi S 42H
May fi 7i ! 0 117 5 (10 D no
July 5 80 fi 8'Jk 6 72W C 76
Fcb B 10 C 12W G m fl 0.- >
May o5t ? 5 : u > C l2l ! < ) fi 22J
July 5 40 sm fi : io
Cash quotations were as fallows :
KLC4JII Steady ; wfntor patents , } 3.nOf 3.SO
winter straight * * . I300K3M : bakers. J2.10 i2.40
spring patents , $3.103.40i spilns straights , l-.COii
WHEAT No. 3 spring. < 3fC.1Tic ; No. 3 pprlnj ;
C3'c : No. 2 ri-d. C7V.iSC8c.
COUN No. 2. 23Hc ; No. 2 yellow , 28'/ic.
OATS No. Z , 19ic ; No. 2 white , 211J0224c
f. n. b , ; No. 3 white. 2W20HC , f. o. b.
nYK No. 2. 28 > ,4c.
1IAIIM3V No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , 2730c
f. n. b. : No. 4. 2ic ! , f. o. b.
ri > AX snii > NO. i , 9iuc.
TIMOTHY SinD Primp , $3.S7V403 90.
I'nOVlSlONS Mecs pork , per bbl. , JlO.onifJlO.lO
Laid , per 100 Ibs. , 3.42'W > 41. Short rltw Bides
( loof.e ) . $5.10 3.13. Uiy salted rhoulders ( boxed-
J4.73fl5.00. Short clear sides Iboxed ) , 15 37VitJ
5 SO.
SO.WIIISKV Hlslllleru1 nnlfchod goods , per gal.
SUOAnS Unchanged : cut leif , J3.S1 ; eianu-
Intnl. J3.19 : stnnl.ird "A , " 11.06.
FOllLTnY Qulel ; tuiKcyB , HU013tc ! ; chick
ens , 7(4S9'tc ( ; ducks , I0fil3c.
Tnn following were the receipts and shipments
today : i , s.
Al Holes. HccelptH , bhlpnicnti * .
Flour , bbls. . , bu.
Corn , bu. . . .
OalB , bu. . . .
Ilyo. b.i
Uarlpy. bu. . .
On the Pro t no J oxc tin * tolly the bnttor mar
ket was firm : crcnmeiy , HiXlB c ; dairy , 8 ®
llli * . ECP . weak ; fresh , I'JHSKIc. CliccBC ,
OUlet ; OKQlOMc.
CIoHlnic ( luntntloiiM oil the 1'rliiclpnl
ConiiiioiIltlrM mill StniilcH.
NKW YORK. Teb. 15. PLOUn-IlecelplB , 10,500
bbls. ; cxpoit.s , 13,300 bbls. ; dull and easy on
spring patents and unchanged on other brands ;
city mill patents , 14.3504.55 ; winter patents ,
J3.83jJI.00 ; Minnesota patents , J3 C0ff3.75 ; Min
nesota bakers , 12.9093.20 ; spring low grades ,
J1.90W2.CO. nye flour , dull ; superfine , t2.CO2.7'i ( [ ;
faney , J2.70S2.90 ; buckwheat flour , dull ; J1.23
WIIHAT null ; 39ff4Ic.
COUN MI.'AlDull ; jellow uc-Elcrn , lower at
72c ; llrandjwLie , 12.26.
UYlqulPt nt 40Jj43c.
IIAHLKV ( Juki ; multlnp , 41047c ; feedltiB , 33f
IIAIILKY MALT Kit inly hfld ; westcin , 47 ©
WHUAT Hecelpts , 900 bu. : exports , 2J.SOO bu.
Spot , market flnn ; No. z led , tO'.Jc ' , f. o. b. :
No. 1 hard , 75)4c ) , delivered. Opiloui opened
lovter on heavy Aigemlne phlpments nnd weak
cables , milled Mini ply nn talk nf Armour buyIng -
Ing , nlilch led to Imrrlfd roveilng by room
shortx , tut finally cold off under liberal realiz
ing und cloned heavy nt V40c net loss ; No. 2
rid , Fibrunry , doted at 7J'jc ' ; May , 72lO72'fc ' ,
closed nt 72'ic.
COUN Hecilpts. tS.COO bu. ; t-xports , 300 bu.
H | t , dull ; No. 2. SO'sc. Options opened Hteady ,
advanced cm gooil local country bujlni ; . finally
ins'rt off wllli wheat , nnd cloi.ed nt UW/'o nit
advance ; February cloned at 3CUc ; May , 3CiW !
3C7-I6e. cl3.lnir at SC'ic.
OATS Hecc 'pt , 41.JOO bu , ; exports. 3.100 bu.
futures ; 19,000 bu. sput. Spot , dull ; No. 2 , 23K4 ?
S ! > \c , Optlonf , dull and nominal , und closing
unchanged to Uo up ; February clcsed at K'ic ;
May closed nt 23\c ,
HAY Stendy : shippingJ7,50 j8Gfl ! good to
choice. J8.004i9,00.
HOI'S Quiet ; common to choice 1S94 crop ,
2'/i ' 3'te ' : 1K5 * crop , 1'aclllo coast. 4ISc.
HlDrS Oulet ; wet salted New Orients , se
ll ctel , 4 1 to 65 Ibs. , 1'c ; Cla'vceto1 , 2 ! to 25 I' ' s. , llo
lluenos A > res , thy. 20 lo 24 Ibu , , ICo. ; Tcxus !
dry , 21 to 30 Ibs , , 9c ; California , 21 to 23 Ibs. ,
LlIATHUIl I'lrm ; hemlock sole , llurnos
Ayr-s , light to heavy , 20c ; arid , 21(7230.
WOOL Quiet ; domeutlo fleece , lG 2-e ; pullfd.
PHOVlSlONS-ncef , steady ; family. 1012o ;
extra mets , Sc ; beef hams , I6c. fut meats , dull ;
pickled hams , S'td'Jc. Lurd , weak ; wrstedi
steam , closed at J3.77H ; May , J3.95 , nominal ,
I'ork , nulet : rncsn , I10.60ttl0.75r family , Jll ; ehoit
TALLOW-sTendy ; city. 3i03 ? 13-JCo | country ,
STiBJ 15-ltc. as to quality.
l'iTHOLirM-Lowcr : ; United cloetd at J1.42
bid ; rcllned. New York , J75 ; Phllndelplila nnd
Unlllmore. J7.80 ; I'lillmlt-lphla anil Ualtlmori * , In
bulk. 14 SO.
ItOSIN Quiet ; strained , common to good , | 1C )
Tt'UI'KNTlNn-Qulet at 29Hfi30c.
Ill'TTKIl Hecelpta , 3.175 pkifs. ; market rteady ;
v.-.otcrn creamery , 12&19c ; itate ciramery. 13K
16'tc ' , Ulxlnii , 19c.
ina8 : H cel | > lK , G.984 I > kg . : market Kteady ;
statu and Pfiin Iva/ila , 14' , ei4'ic ' ; wntern ,
HUc ; soillliMli , 13V4lllc.
HICK Firm ; domestic , fair to extra , 3'ift6c :
Japan , ' > . * J4c.
MOLASSUS Quiet : New Orlcani , fren kettle ,
fornl to cbolcr , 23637C ,
UllTAl-S-l'lf Iron , gultt ; southern , J11.76
13.21 ; northern , J12U051Z.50. Couptr , Hiady ;
brckem , SllUO. Ltod , uteady ; lirck'n. | 3. Tin
j.latt-a. ( | Ulci.
COTTON bUED OIL Dull onil Ltavyj prime
crudi * , 52T2Jijri ( iirlme etude , f. t .
( iff pfrndc K , JoUIl'lc. i , ,
j u
lilitr < I Unit lti N > > i'liiirneorlrcil ( tin *
Klnnl 'rrnillii ; .dr HIP Wi-pk.
NnW YOIIK. 1'eb. It 'Hjpcldpd henvlnffs
ncterlr. l tbp Hnnl tfildlifttf the week. Thin
condition rcnu'teil partly from the efforts of
the l > rofe Monnl denim * nnd , lo n Iros ft-
t"nt , from llqutdat'rn ( of loth ilomesllo nnd
fon-lgn accounts. Minbattnn , Tobacco nnd
Leather pteferred wrrfMIt ? fc-itufcs of the pcc-
ulnllon , nnd ill * < plnjcditli.ble ' ( ; wenKhc s on in il-
erntp offerings. The v * ni.'inllc ilenlalu of thp
recent fnvornblo tutuorslln circulation nbDiit
Mnnhnttnn nnd Ilio tmfuvornble c nrocter f
the quarterly report of inrnlnKS , publlcheil lo-
dny , provoked n vigorous nnd effective attack
by the traders. The Block dropped S'4 per cent
ti 10l i , nfter nn rnrly gnln of n point. The
professlonnls rnlded TUincca on the detictlun tf
rpnllrlntf b > Inilders Incidental to the encgurnKin- * ;
nnnunl Mntcment of npenillons. The rei > ultlng
los tenched 2S per cent , with n subsequent
rnlly of % p r cent , A decline of 2'i per cent
In L nther preferred , despite reports nf Improve
ment In the leather Inidc and tf large recent
sales by the compnii ) , cnufei.1 some surprise , but
the room scnlpero brought nut Hie i > ld nrRument
of the imssngi. of 1 1e dividend ngnln t the flock ,
The conee " < lens In the fc-enernl tnnrkst were
mnlnly frncltonal ,
Sugar Improved nllout n point on further nd
Vnnces In foreign beet 'nnd domc. tl < : lellned
sugarc , but eventually lost the gain. In sm-
pnlhy with the weikncusl In the ither shnrrn.
The cloilng wns mmlernlely active nnd bonv >
In tone. Tne v eck's fprculntlou lias been un-
rnllufnclory to all but the brokers , who devote
their exclusive ntltnllon tl > quick tutns In the
mnikct. There has been gcneinl comp'nlnt anuiiK
connnls lon men over Hie dullnes * nf bu lne s.
The progress making toward replenlthlng the
Bi > ld ie ervo cf the tre * > ur > , IncldenUI to the
latest governnunt bond Irsiie nnd the reports
nmi Rui-ilp In relation thento , bnva been tlio
plvotnt Inllucice In Wall street. In the ln t few
days It bus become clear to experienced llnan-
cleis tlmt the net gold receipts lo the trentui * .
fitnn the new JIO. ) ( oo tKsue will fnll couslder-
nbly thort of enrly nntlclpntlcn , p.xclted by the
exceptionally Inrse oversubscriptions. This , cf
ccursc , Is due to I lie fuel tlmt n fnlily Inige
proportion of tbp Fiiccessful blddei.s will , In nil
l-robnblllt * , , draw tlielr gu'd from the trenur > ,
and thus defeat the vcrj object nf tbp lonn.
Investors lmvi > ndopted n emulous policy until
the c-iiuso of HIP mon'y , exclmngf nnd meunli-
llle paper Innrkets eai Lp mole clearly furei.iBt
than nt present. The failure of the fret- silver
definl In congipfs to sllmulite foreign pm-
clmslm * of our securities nnd the selling for the
* nni3 Inteiest attrlbulptl to ( nprenied friction
over the Tnmsuinl sltuntlon , together with the * .
pmllctlons of promln > > nt numpenn tlnnncleis of
an early sharp revival of gold expoitB , exert n
dcprms'ng Intluenc' ur n the locnl speeulntlvp
Ic-iders. Trnde reports me le s encouraging , nl-
though returns of riillroiid trnlllc are mainly
fav orahle ,
The general mniket movement hns bfen fnlllv
active , In tplle of the holldnv Interiuptlon , and
the cour c of pi Ices viTatlc. The Industrials nt-
tr acted the crinlent ppecuHtlve nttentlon. with nnd Tolncco , nml , lluctuatlng wld'ly. I'vl-
dence of aitlvo innnlpulatlan by Insldcts was
mnnlfrst In each case. The llrrt mimed wa
mniked up 2 per cent to 113'i , In nnttclpntlon of
the earlv drclninllon of the regular dli Mends.
A riacltlin to lll'l folloned , on frai of u bill
In tbu United Slntcs n-nnte. piovldlng for the
itmovnl of the dllTprentlnl on the stnple. Silb-
ni-quenlly , on successive * advnnces In foreign nnd
dDmestlc grndes of the stnple , the price milled
to mrt.
The nnnunl repoit of the American Tobacco
company was much moie favorable than the
strojt had anticipated , nnd covering of shoit
coincident wllli Its publication cau cd n inlly to
S3 > , i , ns against 76 < i , the e. < rly Inw point , A
lenctlon to 78 ? occurred on lenllzlng sales , but
the net gain wns 3'n per cent. Manhattan
Jumpeil live points to 1I3V4 on reports of n lease
to the Metropolitan Tnicllon coinpnny. Denials
of the toiy. nnd the unfavorable icport for the
Deceinbel eiunrter w el et responsible for n clump
to 101'i. The Hnal quotation vvns 101'i. The ng-
KTCKnle Mies were l.C8iM : shni-es.
The i.illvvay bond. , market 4odny wa fnblv
active , with n dqvv4Viurd lend-Micr In prkes.
The de-lll'igs nmounted tif J609.01X ) The ppecnla-
llon of Die v\c < .k wqs , moderntc Inolume , nnd
a Him tone prvvalUti , , altliuUKh some lirpgulni-
llv In v.ilut's wns 1104,1 ! . , The total business v\nn
JC.712.KV ) . Tin * mnil.el jpi BDvernments wns
strong , with the pxixpU > ti , of n 'a per cent drop
In th * old 4" . MaiKed sln'imlh nnd cxcepllonnl
ncllvltj chnrncteilzrtj ,4hc dialings In the new
Is coupon. A single transaction of J507.000 took
place , nnd the aggregate cales reached $1,02 ! ) OW.
1'or the week the unu unlly large totnl of
? 3,2C7IX)0 was recordcyl , l\\f buslncus Iwlng chiefly
In the new 4s cnijinn. { jSllght c3nRe lens In
nrleesers Keneinlly. iua > 1 < * , nnd u-poits of Ilia ;
llquldntlon of the Intfiyf s that hail seeuted a'
IUIKC pinportlon of tl ) . .ne v loan ttelo cuiivnt.
The fellow Ine were , Uie , , closing quotations dn
, he leading stocks of , , the New York exchange
todnv : .
Atcblsgn 11I41N. Y. Il7)v )
Adanm Kx. 118 N. Y. A.N. R. . . ' ! . 4M
Al'On.T. H _ ss Qnt.irloA , W 16'1
OrcccnJmp ' VHS
Halilmore'iOliloY. OreKou Nav , . . -
Cinulu Pacltlo. . . . O. S. L. .CU. N..V. . S
rV iujuLi.Soutlio.uit. Pa ttlc.Mall
f.A ,
fchMj St. Ohio 17K PlttHbiuir loo'
Chlojfro tl Alton. . Pullin.iii P.ilaco. . . T.VJ
C. , II & .Q . . . . ' .t' . . , .
Chicago < ; UH 11. O. W. . . . . . . . ; . . . ' '
II. O. W.'ttfd ' - ,
The total sales of stocks today were ICl''jO' )
shares. Including : American Sugar , 21,630 ; Amer
ican Tobaeeo , 1G,900 ; Ilurllnglon , 4,000 ; Chlcaso
Oas , 2.400 ; General UleCtilc , 4,400 ; fxiulsvllle &
Nashville , 3,800 ; Manhattan Cunwlldated , 7.9CO ;
Missouri Paclllc , 2.000 ; National Lfnd , l.COO ; Hock
Island , 2.101) : St. 1'nul , K.400 : United SlaliH
Leather preferred , 5,400 : Western Union , 1,9)0
Wheeling' & Lake K.le , t.SM.
New Yorlc Money
Nominally 3 per cent.
I'HIMi : MUHCANT1LR rAPlin- : < , ! .87 psreent.
STIIULlNa I3XCHANGIJ Quiet , with actual
business In bankers * bills at J4.87H4.87 > i for
demand , and J4.87'ie4.87',4 ' for sixty days : posted
rnfs , J4S7Q4.E8 and JI.SSH'OJ.W ; commercial bills ,
HONDS State bonds , dull ! railway bands ,
easier ; Roveinninnl boniV * , lower for old fig , others
steady ; nevv 4x , ren. , 1151 ; ; coupon , 11574 ; Cs ,
rce. . and rniipon , 112 ; 4s. reg. , lOS'/i ; coupon , 109 ;
2i. re * ? . , D3.
Closingluotatlons on bonds were as follows :
Kliiimclalimt. .
IIOSTON , IMi. 15.-I'.earInK * * , $14 UCIO ! > ; bil-
1IA1.TIMOH1J , rcb.Cl5nrlngs. ) . Kr.0CSJ :
ImlnnM" , $ l.4"i.
riitt.Anin.riii.Vt ivii. -cirnrinci. . V > . : M-
7SO : Imlnnrps , Jl.wz.jil ! v\oelt , } VS.t.7liCill !
nnces , JS , 71.9.34' !
ST. l.Ol'IS. IVli. IS firming , l2 > C2 : . lj IM- |
mcr , t409,2.Vi ! Innnry , CIO p i . .fill1NiV YnlK
pxclmnxiN 2" > c ilK'umt a'kcil : par lihl.
WAS1UNOTON. IVIi. IV-ToiliV's ( .tnliiii lit
nf tlie comlllhn nf the ( infilrj * 1io : AViill-
alle cnsh Imlntice , KuViH.W ) : ttuld rprprxc , ' .i ,
910 2.M.
HlirAOO , rpl ) . IS Clmrlnvn , .J15.4S14V. :
nuncy. on pnll. steady nt 6 | r cvtitjl on llni" ,
0577 tier1 cent : Now Yink p\clianip , lipfoie clcnr-
IIIRH. nnmlnnl ; nftpr rleniltiKi. So illmniinl ; for-
plRii exchniiKe , bnnliPih * l m l"ti Flfillng } 4.S7iW
. .
Ni\V YO11K , IVli. IS. The cil'inln nf
nom the pint of New Yoilc for Hit' weih
nninuntnl In 1MS.OW In KoM nnd JUTT.'S'i In pll-
\rr. The Imports wire : Mnlil. > I. S7.73i : fllior.
JVUG4 ! dry RO-ids. } 3.3Vl.n < S ! RPiicitil incrcliimllM * .
t4.WiW8. Clcatlni ; ' ' , IllZ.JSI.iHi'Ji lalnnc ) s , | i,57' ; , .
00. . _ ,
I ori-Uvti KlminelMl An'alrx.
I1UHI.IN , IMi. 13. t\c1innce on l.nn 1m , olKh )
dn > ' sight , 2' ' ) murl < . 4G pfg.
1'AHIH. Prb. 15. M'hrie | irr c.ijt mills , J02f
l"o for Hie account ; rxclmtiRe < m London , JJC
2)c for clH-cki.
LONDON , IVli. 11. Gold ! qnolid lit Itucnns
A > rp t ilnv at Z1.1.iiO ; Mmhld. 17.1.- ; I.l bon , J'i ;
St. rrtctsbtirR. 63 ! Athi-ijs , " ; Home. 1'K V ) ,
Vlonnn. 1IV1. The uniuunl nf bullli'm v no Into
the Hunk of Kimlnnd > m Imlnlicp twlty Is 1"J ( ) ) .
. l tv Y irk AV.-t-Kly llr.nlc StntiMtirnl.
crease } 239.4'W. ' The banks now hold t3C.RtSJ 76 In
PXCCBS of the re < iulrcmcn i , of ( he S3 per lolc.
Ijon'loii Coiivolx.
LONDON , Tcli. 13 CloKlnn : i"o'ijls for
mojioy nnd the account , 10S13-10.
St. Loiilit Ciciicrnl Mnrki't.
ST. I.OIIIS , Fob. 13. KLOUH Uiill nnd eai > ;
IKilenlH , S3.TOH3 80 ; extra fancy , ( r.4Ht " > : f.inry ,
j.l.Wi'MO : choice , 12 COJT3.71.
\VHIAT Opened with frc offetliiKS , which
were well tnken und the maikct , willed v\.i * * . llrst
Inclined to weakness , pteadltd ; Inter ndvnnrcd on
.1 stiff l ally In Chlcnuo. but dm Inn thei"t !
hour the maiket showed ureat we.iKiHfs on
liquidation by limns here and elsewhere , ' and
closed at the bottom at lift He loui > i tha'i fl p-
* .vhere. Spot , dull and lower. No. 2 led , cash ,
ic ; No. 2 hnid , 62 ? c ; 1'tbruaiy , 01 Sc ! May ,
04"NO : Julyi 02He.
COHN rirm and hlphcr , v , ently
May bid up 'S.fT'-c. ' lint l.ilei , with ic-
l.ipxei elxevvberp went on" nnd cb ed 'He under
ievteiday foi futures. SHt. | lovvoi ; No. 2 mixed ,
and r biuury , 26'ic ' ; May , 27027' c ; July ,
OAT.S I'nturos , Him durlnn moM of Ibo ses
sion nnd May said > I' , < c lilRher. but eased off
lalor nnd clnspd about Uic saint' ns > p < li > iil.iy.
Spot. Him , NIL ! cash nnd Petruary. 3'Jc ; May ,
20'JcJulv ' : , lii'lc.
llYH QuiPt ; No. .1. 37o.
OOIIN MDALr-tl.3. > ttfl.4i ) .
11 HAN Dull : stud ( > ; tvvo cni , F.uKcd , Euld
east tinck nl 4V/ic.
i'i.A-x snro-yiiiet nt s > .
TIMOTHY 52 73Sl3 Oil.
HAY QuIM , nlth ilpmnnil only fur rjiolce
Kindes : tiinlrle. ja 09010.00 ; timothy , fli 7'OM3 M.
rOULTUY Tuikejs. HIJ-llc ; chickens , IDMCT.
7iiSo : duckg , belter , 84T1IC ; ecfe. quiet , uiiCc.
HUTTKR Market slendy ; ciramciy. 13T2c | ) :
iluliv. IZiflCc. '
UOGS Market lower nt lO'.Jc.
MI2TALS Lead , quiet nnd Htoatly : sales. Inn
2 cnra spot , $290 ; chemical , $293. Hpctlcr , x\rak ;
rellorB nt $3.70.
rnoVISlONS I'dik , laveer : htnndard inoso. tob-
1/lnK , ' $ > .C2i4'nPw : , fllUS'J. hind , lower ; ptlme.
Hleady nt fJ.Z" ; cbolre. } 3.37's. H.ioon ,
shoulders , S4.7S ; longs , U 75i illiH. IIST'S ; shorts ,
JO. Diy salt ments. boxed Bhouldcis. S4 73 : lone" .
r 23 : ribs. { 3.074 ; Hhorts. . : , ) .
nncnil'TS Flour , 4.0W ( Lbls. ; wheat. 13,000 bu. ;
corn. 77.000 bu. ; ontn. IS OflO bn.
SIHI'MIINTS Flour , C.OOO bills.hcat ; , C.OOO
bu. ; corn , 7OuO Lu. ; oats , 18,000 bu.
Liverpool llarkcls.
LIVnni'OOL. Feb. 13 1:0 close : WHEAT
Quiet ; Ueniaml pool ; No. 2 ie l wlnloi , 5s S'id ;
No. 2 led Kptinc. st : < ks exhausted ; No. 1 hard.
Manitoba. Cn 7' d : No. 1 fnllfornla. r.s Pd.
Future" closed tasy , with Fi > binnryid lower
and oilier months Id lower ; luiHlnesH nbout
equally dlbtributed ; I'tbmnrj , t-s 7 'id ; Mnicli ,
April. Mny nnd Juie , Bs " 'id ' ; July , Ss 7d.
COIIN Spot Bteadv : Amerlonn mixed new ,
3s IHd. Tutuies clossd vieak vvltli positions
lid lo er nnd distant positions UiPid lov\er ;
business nb-Hit equally dlstllbuted ; Tebiuniy , 3s ;
March , 3s ' .t < l ; April , 3s id ; May , Sa l'd , Jim ? ,
3s I'id : July , 3s I'-id. '
FLOUR Dull , demand pocr ; St. Louis fnncy
winter. " Oil.
I'llOVlSlONS Kncon , steady : drmnnd , moder
ate ; Climber land cut , IS to SO Ibs. . 2Sn : rhort
ribs. IS Ibs. , 2G : Inns rlenr , lltlit , 38 to 43 Ibs , ,
27s ; lone clenr , heavy , .11 Ibs. 2Cs Cd ; short ili-nr
backs , llRlit , IS Itm. , 2Cn ; slnrt cleir nililillCH.
lieavy , " Ibs. , 2Ga ; ilcni bellies , 14 to 1C ll's. ,
28s. Rliouldfrs , squai e. 12 to 18 Ibs. . 25s Cd ,
Hams , whorl cut , 14 lo 10 His , IPs. Tallow , line
North Ameilcnn , 20s 9d. He < f. extra India mess ,
72s fitl ; prime mess , G7s 6d. I'ork , prime moss ,
line western , MB Gd ; prime mess , medium , 4'is M.
Lnrd. dull ; prime western , 2Ss ; icllntd , In palli ,
28 Cd.
ClIEESn Quiet ; demand moderate ; finest
American white nnd colored , 41s.
IIUTTI'R Finest United States , 93s ! EO3d ,
G0 .
OILS Turpentine Fplills , 20 Sd. Itosln , com
mon , 4s 41 d. Cotton seed oil , Liverpool rcllncd ,
17s. I.lrxieed oil. 20s.
IinrniQCRATOR l : Er rorequaiteis , 3Jd ! ;
hindquarters , 4d.
HLBACHINQ rOWDCn-llnidwood , f. o. b. ,
Llvertiool , 17.
HOI'S At London ( I'qclflc coast ) , 2 Ca.
NEW YORK , Feb. 15. COrmn-Optlons
opened stendy , with pilces unchnnirul ti > 6 polnlK
lower ; ruled dull nnd heavy under nn unratls-
factcry spot demand end foreign cables ; tindlnR
mostly locnl ; decline cheeked by full warehouse
iljllverles ; closed quiet nt n net decline nf . ' . { TIO
points ; sales , 9.230 bass , Includlnn March , 2 10 ©
12.43. Hirot coffee , Illo , quiet ; No. 7. 13.12'/ ! .
Mild , quiet ; Cordova. $1C.7317.75. Wnrthuupe
deliveries from New York yesterday were 12710
bass ; New Ycrk stoek today , 21.VH4 InKs ;
United States slock. 270,104 bugs ; nflonl for the
United Slntu , 177,000 IIHKH ; total visible hupply
for the ITnlted States , 433,101 bags , asalnst 470-
983 bags lurt j ar.
SAN1XJS. rel ) . 15. uuiet ; 14,400 rcls ; receipts ,
3,000 bags ; slock , 331. 000 bags.
HAMIIUna. Feb. 15. Quiet ; U pfff decline.
HAVIIH , 1'eb , 15 , Closed unchanged ; sales ,
8OM l > aK8.
HIO. Feb. IS. Steady ; No. 7 , $13.20 ; exchange ,
9 l.lGd ; receipts , 4,000 bass ; cleared for the
United S'ntes ' , t.Wittge \ ; for Europe , 3,000 IMES ;
stotk , IM.OOO baas.
KANHAH CITY. IVb. 15. WHHAT rjxces-
hlvcly dull ; nominally liBlo lower ; No. 2 rend.
74O'Sc ; No. 2 bard , C.jC < Jc ; No. S , nominally 30
Ot 5e : rejected , 25041C.
COHN 1'nlr demand ; prices unchaneed ; No. 2
mixed , 22c ; No. S white. 234 i2rHc.
OATH Low erj No. 2 , UMlMie ; No. 2 while ,
1914 i20c.
HYi : No. 2 , 33c ,
HAY Hteud > ; timothy , flO.OOflll.30 ; inalrle ,
Creamery , v\eak , ICfJl'c ; dairy ,
Bleady. WnSo.
iaos Weak , unsettled ; 10'ic. '
Toli'ilu fir 11 1 ii MurUrt.
TOLKDO. I'eb. 15 , WHEAT l mer ; weiik ;
No , ' - ' cai > h and I'ebiuary , "Ua ; May , 7lo ; July ,
70'ic. '
I'OHN Active ; higher ; No. 2 mixed , J9cj No , 3
inlxt-l , : s'se ; Ma > , SOTic.
OA1S IJulct ; Blendy ; No. I inlntd , 201ic ; No.
2 while , We ; Way , 2I'ic. '
IIV1J Dull : No. 2 tush , 41c ,
ci/JVUH SiUD : Active ; tteadyj prime cnih
and Mnrcli. 4.52 > i ,
ItUCIJIITS Wheat , 1MO bu , ; coin , 12,010 bu.j
clover need , 3SO bngs.
SHlf'MUNTS Whcul , Z.Oi'O ' bu. ; corn , C.OOO bu. ;
clovtr ted , 486 bags.
I'cui'In .
1'KOniA , Feb. 15. CORN Market tileady ; new
No. 2. 87c : new No. 3 , ZOlSo.
OATS Mnrkef rtrm , Inacllvej No. 2 white ,
'iUiM'ic : No. 3 whllr , l Kc.
UYK Mnrkft dull , nominal ; No. 2. SSQMic ,
WHISKY Market Bteady ; tlnlshtd i-u ti on
the luiuls of > ! . " - for hlitb wines ,
HiClJII'TS : C rn , Hl.OUO bu , ; oats , 28,330 bu. ;
rje. nee : vvhliky , 75 gal. ; wheat , 18,600 bu.
rHII'MiNTS-Corn. ! : Zl.l * ) bu. ; outs , : c,760 bu. ;
r > u. none ; wlilflty , b23 niil.i wheat , 8,4W Lu.
NB\V YORK. Ttb. IS.-Sl'OAH-Ilnw , fln.ns ;
fall * ullnlntr , S < ; ic : centrifugal , I'C Ktt , 4e , lie-
lined , firm ; ni6uld "A , " S'ic : mnndurd "A , "
4'4c : lonfectloneiu * "A , " 4 ! c ; cut loaf , 6 ic ;
crukhnl. i c : grunululfd. 5c.
LONDON , Feb. 15. SUU Alt Cone , firm : centi ) .
fuial Java , Ha ; Muscov du , fair lellnlnK , la ,
licet , ucllvrj Tibiuary , l.'i 4 > d ; March , i : Cd.
. 'cliiuary , COc ; May , CO c ; July , He bid. On rrack ,
No. 1 Imrd , die ; No. 1 norlliern , tOc ; No. 2
OithMn , t > 9c ; rect'lptu , Z2Z cttru.
FLOUR- Dull : Hut palenti , 131(93.00 ; second
iiattnlK , )300(3.0 ] ; llr l tkiys , { . ' .GO ; uttind
clearn , It 10 S.W > .
Another Very Marked Decrease in Receipts
for the Week.
lln.ivrKiiRcr anil TriulhiK It rink mi
tli < - Iilinllrit llctM'litlK HIIHM Cloiu
nit I'mvi > n Work nllli
n ! nl n in ii ,
SATUHDAY , rob. 15.
Receipts for the Onjs Inillc.iteil nrc ;
OnttliHOBS. . Sheet ) . Horse * ? .
February 11 SOI 4.1S ) 1,1.3 ,
n inns * i.aa iin . . . .
ID 1.210 l.MI 2X5
'obi ' uury
The iccelpts for the \vcck me :
Cattle' . HORS. Shoe * ) .
Hecolpts tillweek. . . . . n)31 ) IS.iil ! ) 2,03fl
Hccclpls lnil week. . . . M73 17.V.2 S.1U
Siune week 1S"3 7,7ffl n"iSS > l.iiU
Satnt > week IS > 1I , 2.5,1-11 lo.asi
Knmo vvpck ISM 11,763 . ' . ' . 'JOl ! I.9I5
A heavy falllntr off In tlie receipts nf both
cattle nnil IIOK * * will be notcil n * conrparcil
wllli n ycur HKO. One rinil two years HKO
the * receipt * " of cnttlo were won * tlmn
iloublt what they were the past vvcclt.
OATTIjU The rcci-lpts were fnlily liberal
for a Hatmitny , there beltlp SOI head , n *
nRiiliiFt 1,008 yc-tcnl.iy anil 91S on Satunlay
of laft week , it sccmcil like quite a urn ai
eonuiaicil with the receipts tit other points ,
ChlcaKo repoitliifr oirly 400 heail anil K.rn-
Bafl Cltv jr.O. Like yi.storilay , the mnikot
was In sellers' favor , anil vvns of aery
"ntlsfactory character.
For n Pnturilay the ilniunul was KOOI |
ami the IHIJ-CIH rnnili * Blunt work of clt'iuliUT
the yaii1 . livervthlnK vooarlv \ \ at sooil
slioni ; price * * . Tlieio was nolhlnt ; very
prlnii' nmoriK the offciliiKs of beef Mtceri * , so
that the snlea illd not chow up vciy will.
Uoiit ) twelve IO.UB ! of cows nnil hclferi *
worn on pale ami the buyers vven > rrol loni-
In Rather IIIR them In nt pi Ices that Were
stront , " . UH compared with yestenlay , In FOIIIO
rnei n little strorrRer. Uvcr > tlilnt ; chnnntHl
hanilR early.
The trailc Irr Ftockcrs anil feeelers was of
small Importance , owing" lo the few cattle
of that kliul on sale. The prices pa'il illil not
show nnv rnntcilnl cluingc from yesteriluv.
Itoirrescntntlvc pales :
. Av. I'r. No' Av. l'i. No. Av. Tr.
. . . SV ) J.t 00 r.HSI M W U..1013 } .1 70
. . IK'J ' 341 17..11SI .11.0 3 > . . .I1SO 370
10. . . . Sll ) 34- 21..12DS 3W 2) . . 13V7 375
1. .li : < ) 3 50 .r..11M ) 3 CO 2H..12U 3 7'
11 MX ! 3 .VI " ( . . . .133 .1 ( , ' 1 in . HP.l 2 Ml
2. . . . lil.'i 275 3. . . . SlHi 3 30 7. . . . 4' " > 1 7rt
HOGS II was an off day for the sell-in * of
hags. 1'iovlslons vtcre lower nnd inlcos on hogs
took a tumble at nil the in.u Lot pulnl" . Owing
to the lower prices olTertd by the buji'rp the
mniket a little i-lovv nt the cpenlnK , but
nlien the trade was Nice falily nndir way It
wus renBunably nctlvu and Hie pens weie denied
In good senBon.
The prices paid showed n decline of about f'C
on heavy hoKH , whleli faild largely nt J.VJOW3 9. > .
as against IX 1C,01 CO > t > t.terdnv nnd n decline of
r.illOo c-,1 llfdit welehthleb brouulit (193 piln-
clpally , ns OK'nlnut } ) .00i(4.05 ( on yeslerday. The
top WQH { 4 , as against $4.05 > et > teidny.
The hoe market of the past week lias been
romewhat uneven , the fluctuations being quite
large. At the opening of the week the IIOKH hold
at } 3.S2'if(3 ( So , with the bulk nt U S3JJ3. ! * ) On
Tuesday the. mniket vvns lower , a CIKVI slinre nf
Ilia pales being reported at J3.S003 83. On
Wednesday the mniket wont baik again lo nbout
wlirre It wns on Mondas. The uimard comso
jf the market was continued on Thursday nnd
1'rlday , the lilghett point of the v\eek lolng
touched on the lusl nuvitlcned dny , wben a few
good light loads rold at $405. The demand bus
been good all the pnsl week nnd the nrrhnlB of
each dny bnvu met with prompt sale , Il"pic-
Bentatlvo Fnlc * * :
No. Av. Sb. I'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r.
47 427 120 } 3 S3 73 223 120 } 3 HJl ( ,
.M 345 120 3 S > 70 205 . , .1 W'i '
57 271 120 309 r.8 217 . . . 3 : iji [
54 280 tO 3 M 61 241 40 3 2'j '
t > 270 120 3 00 C7 iM 40 39214
115 237 40 3 ! * ) OS 247 . . . 3 B214
49 234 40 3 90 CO 2C7 ICO 395
C6 231 . . . 390 04 229 . . . 391
M > 321 40 3 90 I CO 243 . . . 3 ! r >
' 5 278 SO 3 90 C8. , 223 SO 3 9"
47 328 SO 3 90 C7 217 40 3 S3
211 JfrT SO 3 90 71 263 . . . 395
,9 , 270 40 3 W I 01 2.V1 . . . 395
j2 311 SO 390 74 213 . . . 393
C4 209 . . . 3 0 K4 270 . . . 393
SI 251 2SO 3 90 C4 234 SO 3 93
C2 305 . . . 300 SI 2US SO 391
62 291 SO 390 K 304 . . . 395
C3 213 . . . 390 12 308 . . . 393
C7 239 . . . 3 9i ) ! ' 272 . . . 3 M
Jl 203 . . . 3 SO 70 21S . . . 393
M M > 8 . . . 390 S3 . .211 . . . 391
70 2.J4 SO 390 77 2'X ) f > 0 391
CO 3U . . . 0 90 ' 57 203 , , , 3')3
CO. 401 . . . 3 ! < 1 f.2 . 211 . . . 391
12 ' . . . .204 . . . 3.0 . ( .5 231 . . . 395
f,9' 276 . . . 390 C9 2'H ' . . . 393
f,9 2S > 0 SO 3 90 67 , 237 1U 3 91
CO " 2SO 200 391 HI 2 40 393
CO . . .217 . . . 3 no 71 242 . . . 391
in ,3SO 40 3 90 JS 183 . . . 3 97'j '
01 Iii.l.2-,4 , UO 3921J 60 100 . . . 400
C3 201 . . . 3 92'4
1 . .270 . . . 273 3 . 2W . . . 3 ( rt
j " " 300 . . . 360 102 . 120 ICO 390
; , . . . . . 3 DO
MIIJ1311 Tlio receipts of slieep weie tlii * ling-
r t of liny d.iy of tin week , and the market < ic-
l\o | at fully utind > prlees. Tne i-lieiii nrarkft
h.iH been In fair elinpo tbq pa > t vvcik , the de-
m.ind being Kooil nnd Itm tmde reaponnbly nc-
tl\p on most i"ii * , . Gotxl to choice natives arc
quotable nt 3.XW.W ( ; Rood ti > choice wiil ; * in * * ,
12.7f. 3,40 : fjlr lo B M ! tttx-k nhp p. $1. . . .173.00 ;
conimon ( ) choice. 40 to 100-lb. lambs , J 60&4.W.
Hfprcfentatlvp uulen :
Av t. I r.
t (
hs'weslein vvclherc , fed. . . , . , . } 3J > ' j
ITS ivistitn ttcthcrii , feil . . 1- " 3 -J
lf CloNcil nJlh Ilrnvj- .llii"tiM
oner IHlKTM A IHI u I I he Sunn * .
1'eb. 13. Thi * week closed with
htavy beeves sclllnB at lOo to Ho lower tlinn
l.iFt H.ituidny , otbeis ruling nbout thf HJIIIP ns
n week up ) . Medium weliht : me fl Illng HIP
best , l > astern fchlpiierti and eii rlirH h.i\f
bouulit fieely , and n IUIKPI propoitlon of the *
entile th.ui usual has btt-n thlpp d fiom hue
itlliv liimf , 1'ilicH today luli-d no fDlluv\ !
I'nncy bmes , J4.43W1 01 , conimon to prime sleern ,
} J25tMl < 'I ' "toclifiH and feedem , 12 Wfi3.9' ) , bnIK
cnw mid lu-lfiTH , J1.73&3 US ; MM ! aiUf , J5.W& >
O..V ) : Texiis Hi ? is , } J.234 10.
1IOOS-A Ocpllno of tc today ; bu > er
Inuk for concppxlunii and tht * xupply vvns
cf at 'tho iciluied price ? . Conimon tu prhno
lii-ivy nnd medium vvclghm sold today at I3.90W
4.20. and prime llsht Hold n high an J4.SO , The
bulk of the IIOKH euld at ) I.10 ( ( 20.
Slli : ! : ! ' TIB | few on Mir twliy were nelil < .irly
at Him priori , and ( j "latli > nH iveru nlioiil Uic
mine an n vveek ago , for good phcip , but mime-
what loner for luuibs. Common lo ihikeno -
tlvo Hheep an * now miUtili'.al 2.7J i1 8 . wmtcrnB
lit JSDO i3CS for peed lo choice and fnlr to inline
lambs at J3 Wi4 CO. , , , ,
HKt'KIITri-Pnllle , 400 had ; hugs , 10,00) ) head ,
ieeji , I,9W head. _
KANSAS CITY. IVb. 15.-fATTI.i-lle lp ( ,
MO ; uhlpme-nlB. 1,300 lifod ; market itrady ;
Texas l'r , 12.800360 ; TVxwi M VH , IZU'ftZii * :
beef uteerii , 1300(1420 ; natlvo conn , Sl,00i32. > ;
rtocker * und ficdern , J2.5'JB3.75j bulls , J..IW
'lIOGS IleCflpt * . 0,400 luad ; uliliinibnli * , 200
btad : market vv ak t tc lovnr ; bulk uf sal- ,
inlxrtl , t3tO 3 S ; llKht ,
13 iISl3 & 2'i. '
SIH3ii' : Hecelptn. 2,0'rt h adi hlpm-nls , none ;
innrktt mi-ady ; lumbu , UW4I4S1) ) , muttinn. tAMfif
3.CO. ,
SI. I.iuilN I.He SI < ic I. .
ST. LOI'IH. IVb. II - OATTI.ilUctlpln : , SW
hiud. inarktt bii-acly but tlou , oujnc U email
* ' natlvo lift-vri ri-'AHfa vlorkrri * und
> ui'l'l ' > 'l , - ;
fitUtu , U.004/3.W ;
Tr < ni . , f..i griM nn.l f J
U r. ipi low IK ml ni Mft So
"lfH'l' ; ' > ' . HS1W4 15 ,
Sllllia rjirlpn SCO li n.1 : irt.iiket t-trona ;
j niil.vrI17iys. . * ? ) . friulhtin , ! 2.Ktf.133 ; lumtis ,
.Sim-it In . „ . , . .
lloil of r eel.tH | nt tie four prlnclpAl nmr-
ltls fr Fntmd'tv , lebrunij IV
faille Hoc * , Slirrn.
S mis Omalin . . sm 4 U 1 US
ilduiKo M | Cio ( > j
Knn ni City. . . , i j.4 , JIX
SI. l.nul-i. , , jjo } , ooi ) JIXS
Totals l.Mjl ; . * , tv ; 'i 4,433
l.ONDO.V WnTjKlTT " ( ill"\IV HKVlinV.
\ \ > ntli * r Miirlni * . ( In * IVrltnl .1IIM nml
I.ONIK'N , Teb. 1 . The nralher dullnr * tli
pail week hai been mild nnd iliu , In themat -
kit wheat wa pilivmel * , quiet DutlnK t ie
v\ei > k only five cntBoos v\eii > nilil. The xntl -
tliiil pi ) ltlon Ii Kntlofnrlnty n boldtiri , ind buv-
fit art * ultetly Indlffeicnt. Values were 3d to r.l .
viorte. Th" late of crn-un.ptlrii un Inw , mid
tiien * wni no spi ulillve demand White nn > l
wai flow. Ihiluth wl'eat , panel on p.i ni ; ' ' , w.i
iliinlid nt 27 * * . I'loiit found dlllloull ales. Mal-u
wns d'lll nnd dincKliiK. Mixed American mnlii * .
I'lbiuiry iMIvery. Hieilnei , wn quoted nt lo-
Cd. Rule * , wni dull nnd rn j. Oats welc Blow
and iitichiinRrd
Thrco htmdied hopeful lumitlc.s , represent
ing several times as m.iny equally fatuom
pcisons resident In revcrnl states of thli
ut'lon and In ntuupp , met Monday last In
Cleveland to begin systematic operations
for the discovery of the pot of gold which
everybody Knows Is burlo.l nt the end
of the minium * . They HIP not perhaps
quite ° o fra.iki inr near v sj plctun-siiue In
Ihelr dercrlptlon of their object , says the.
Chicago Chronicle. According to their
statements .tlu-y were m humbled to form
an International corp i.illon made up of
heirs of Anneko .Inns and devoted to the
purpose of Fecuilng for thc--e heirs nboirt
1W nerc of land In New York City on which
Hurgher Jans unco grew cabbages and ou
which now sKteen-Mory htecl buildings
i-piout and thilvc. Kor many decades
hundreds of people have contributed money
for Inwyets' fees and other expenses Incident
to the proscutlon of the c nlin for thlt
properlty , > ct are trulav n" tar from the end
of the rainbow as over. The ( { 011110111011 of
the bar , however , hive prallted mlghtly
and ninny of them will doubtless regard as ,
highly unprofessional the action of ex-
Govcrnor llondly who has dec'lned to act
as general coun cl for the new association
on the very unu > unl ground that Its claim I * *
preposterous and without wan ant. What
If all lawyers s-lmild bo moved by suclv
ridiculous scruples ?
In the mind of man there Is prob.ibly no.
conviction more llrnrlv rooted than that
somebody oui-'ht to hnvo left him SOIIKV
money If the affairs of the wbr'd were only
i > ioneilv arranged. From that to the
theory that sorneboiU actually illd leave
him fjrciit property which by accident ot >
ilcslKn has been illverteil from Us proper
ttftatnentnry channils Is but a .short Hlcp.
Noswindle finds more vvllllniIctlms than
the old one , frequently exposed , of ilcliutlnp-
cieduloiiR Americans with the assertion that
they are heirs to tome IIUKO estates In
I2uiopo and fccurlriR from them money foi-
legal and other o\pensei Incident to Its ,
recovery. Krorn time to time the proportions
tions of such swindles have become so hugo-
tl-at American inlnltteis icsidcnt ahroiul
have thoiiBht It proper to deny olllclal'y
the existence of Mich estates. Such was.
the case with the famous , IetmlMn [ estate ,
the would-be heirs to which were so numerous - .
ous that they , too , formed an International
association and llnall : , canned an Investiga
tion to he made throu'-li the United State *
Department of Slate , with the icsult of
discovering that no Mich estate existed.
The Tovvnely estate , Mippnsed to consist or
tiOOOOOOOO lylnp in thu Hank of Knt-land
awaltlnpr clalrnantF , was another fiction.
It hcems scarcely credible 'hat a .y lorulder- .
able hodv of men could be so Ignorant na
to Imagine that uch an enoirnous sum
could be left for decades Idle and ownerless ,
but the swindlers who Invented the my
thical Townley estate pi oil ted hugely by the
credulity of men of all nat'oii" .
Time and again the delusive nature or
the = e supposed bequests bus been exposed.
Some are merely threwd swindles , other *
spring from honest del'islon. but In either
ca e there are people who profit by them
and who are Interested In keeping up the
humbug. There may be , as an eminent
Ohlcagoan once said , a new "sucker" born.
every minute , but' there Is nu Indication that
the supply of sharpers
their Kind Is falling short ?
Mlcliluran Killtor * nn a .Tniiiit.
CHICAGO , Fcb. 1 ! > . PublMier * * , edltorat
and their families , to the number of 110 per
sons , members of the .Michigan Press as
sociation , left hfre th's iir.crnoin over the
Illinois Central for a trip to the City of
.Mexico on their thli ty-nlnth annual ex
cursion. The party Is under th3 leadership-
of Charles S. O'borne of Siult Ste. Marie ,
the president of thn -oclallon. . Among-
the lending people In the party are Gov-
ernsr and Mrs. Itlch.
INSTRUMENTS plnceil on record February
15 , 1890 :
C Brcnlzer and wife to H 13 lirenl-
zer , lot 8 , block 1 , Missouri Avenue
park $1,200
C F McCreary and wife to John Mc-
Creary , lot 3 nnd s'i in 2 , block 1 ,
Idlowlld add I
H M Smith to .1 .1V Hcmpsted , n'
lots 8 and P. block 3 , C K Mnyne's
1st add to V.i'lcy 351
William TJiomp on and wife to S W
Boyd. wM 18-1C-10 3,000
M K Schaffer and liucband to H J
RCFS , iUb lot 4 , In lax lot 17 , In 22-
15-13 6,000
N S Blown to J M Hamilton , lot 11 ,
block 3 , Institute. Place KH )
Mat tin Uarnen and wife to W K Pot
ter , receiver , lot 29 , block 2 , West
Sldo 31
A B Gibson and wife to B G O'Con-
nell , lots 7 nnd 8 , block II. Carthage
add and lot 21 , b'ock 6 , Orchard
Hill 1,000 ,
O F Jaynes nnd wife to J II Barker ,
lot 21 , block 2 , Sherman Avenue
' " ' " " "
A K Francis"nnd"j"ii
Kendall , w 41 feet lot 7 , b'ock 87 ,
Omaha Mft
Covert I edge of MIUOM to Cathno
Hartman , lots 7 , lii to 19 , Bcauvolr
Place , nnd lot 17 , block 2 , Kllby
pjaco 1
Inez Cutluhan mid hueband to J W
Frogge. 11 % of n'/j HW nnd n i nw
se 31-1C-H
Sreclnl master to Omaha I.oan and
liulldlng ; association , lot 12 , Lewis
nub 800
Total amount of transfers
As many complaints are coming to the Chicago
Heard of Trade showing that pcitona Intending to
deal In grain and provisions thiuuHii member * ) of
Iho Hoard and subject to Its rules and regula
tions are mlelcd Into dealing with peisanB o.-
llrms wm : have mi connrctlun with this Hoard ,
Iho public Is cautioned annliiht de > alng ) nlth elicit
pcisona or flrnm , und Is nollfled Hut UnonOR
I' , HTONI3 , Secietniy , will answer any Impjliles
ns lo whether any particular pciton or linn Is
a member of such Hoard
aioitaL' P. BTONn , Secretary.
Only Hist ilar Invrstmenls In CHII'l'LIl
CltiiK : : and In'fl golil e-amp * . Write for In-
fonimtkn nnd rcfirence. Stuart , WilKlit ic Co. ,
Denver , Colorado.
goo-oio-911 Ro3fll Insurance
In Grain and Provisions.
Ordfn nmitrrlClilrairo Ilo id < < l Tind * In < MI i" I
iiptluiiit. A'ltnmc * mailo mi c iii lKiiiiieiit I'111 , "
vUiciiuuio. Union Mut K Vnnlu. Iltfirlomir Cli cnKO
tijuiklntt liutltutlon or CoiiimurcUl Adeney. . ' * *
Btatket let tr im | iillca on. Con o pondtnce olltltoO.
Our Free Letter
nevlcwlniHie grain and ilock .naret ! , will tx.
tent you dally on request , In Ihf hope of de > rv >
Ins part of your butlncit. Orders tolh'Iled far 1
each cr on three lo five point marclni * ,
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chance. 17 Uoaid Trade , Cblcauo. 44 Uroadway ,
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Valuablu Illufelrated book. How lo Invent , rlrnd
IQp. J. C'ook. Jr. . 47 Hank block. Denver. < 'o.o.
The bettt HpcculiUlve cnt rprlae cvt-r ( iffcrid.
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I3ouht ( and told on coininlsglon. Meclroi '
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