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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1896)
THE OMAHA PAIJjY BEE ; SAdfojUDAY , FEimtTAHT 15 , 1890. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Was a Puzzler for All the Traders Yesterday , TOPLNED LOWER , WHICH WAS SURPRISING aiiirkrt Ilnlllc.l on Ilii ) Inn l r Proml- mnt lloiinfii nml Hie Ailvnnco , \Vn Ilvlpcit 1 r CHICAQO , Fob. 14Tho Hcklencss dls- jilaycd by wheat today would mnkc even St. Va1cntln9 envious. Opening lower , which was the first sun'rl * ; , It rapidly advanced nnd held strong until neat the close , when It wont down , closing nt/f low of % c since yesterday , nftcr having been nearly Ic above that price. Com and oats were more consistent ) a.nd closed practically unchanged , ns did nlsb'provisions. . ' In wheat there was a moderate specula tive trade , the marltet ruling rathef spasmodic medic , the range for the day being lUc. The tone nt the start wns weak , nnd In itial trades showed from He to Vic and 'HiC ' loss , but a good demand prevailed shortly afterward nnd prices gradually sold up l < jc , The easy opening was attributable to some extent to the weaker-cables , Liver pool coming V4d lower nnd then the cold wave predicted yesterday failed to ma terialize , the weather on the contrary , be ing mild and favorable , nnd no doubt cut something of a figure with the action at the start. The market rallied on buying by prominent houses nnd the ndvnnce was helped along by , the liberal exports , more moderate northwestern receipts nnd fair out Inspection here. The decline In the afternoon In the face of the rlso on this side yesterday wan also said to be duo to the reduction In ocean freights more than anything else , and this explanation was something of a help to the situation. As a rule there was little In the news to war rant the advance , but sentiment was un- dcnlably bullish , nnd the feeling that some upturn was due was quite general. May opened about V4o lower nt from C6V4o to CGc and started up and sold from C7c to 67\Jc \ , and at noon was C7Uc. The market broke badly toward the close of the session. Hoom traders loaded up heavily above C7c for May and In endeavoring to sell out caused a sharp reaction. Besides the re port of $1,000,000 In gold taken for export helped -depress values late In the day. Heavy selling orders also came In from the northwest and Mny Bold down to C6V4c , cloning rather weak at that price. Corn was quiet , but llrm , Influenced by the strength In wheat and the continued moder ate receipts. May opened unchanged to 30Vdc , advanced to 30c , nnd reacted to bid. The market weakened during the last hour In sympathy with wheat. May sold off to SOVfcc , ' and closed easy at that price. In oats the feeling was firm early , but later as wheat went down the advantage was lost , . May opened fractionally lower at 21V4e , fluctuated between from 21Vto to Zlc , nnd eased off , closing nt the openIng - Ing price. Provisions were slightly weaker at the opening. Influenced by the unexpectedly largo run of hogs , but as yard prices held well and wheat displayed strength , ad vances were noted. Later , however , ns activity subsided nnd the grain markets lost their early gains , provisions did like wise. Closing prices for pork and lard wcro practically unchanged , and ribs closed 2'/4o lower. .Sstlmatod receipts for Saturday : Wheat , 140 cars ; corn , 2S5 cars ; oats , 230 cars , hogs , 12,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows ! Artlclni. I Oi3ii. | | High. | Lovr. | Clp33. Cash nuotntlons were ns follows : I''L.OUIl Qulcl : wlnlor patent * . J3.40i3.70 : win ter straights , } 2M3.40 ; linkers , $2.1002.40 ; spring patents , J3.1003.25 ; sprlnu straights , J2.COR2.90. WHEAT No. 2 eprlns , CI'.iiTC3o ; No. 3 spring , 63WCIHCJ I o. 2 red , GSlifflGSic. | | COHN No. 2 , 2SMc : No. 2 yellow , SS'/ic. OATS No. 2 , 19yo ; No. 2 white , 21Jf22'lo ; No. S white , 20W21C. I UYB-No. 3. 39c. IIAIILEY No. 2 , nominal ; No , 3 , 25g32c , , f. o. b. , nominal. FIjAX SEED No quotations. PIUMB TIMOTHY HKKU-J3.S7 . | PIlOV'lSIONa Mess pork , per hhl. , H0.15O10.20. iJinl. per 100 Ibs , , J5.62. Bhort ribs , sides , loose , t5.20125.25 ; dry altcd shoulders , boxed , % @ ; short clenr side * , boxed , GWJuVio. WHISKY Distiller * ' Jlnlslieil Booda , per pal. , tl.23. SUOAnS Unchanged ; cut loaf , J5.81 ; eranu- Inled , J5.19 : standard "A , " $3.0 . I'OUWHY Qulel : turkeys , HViO13',4c ; chick ens. 7WW9WO ! ducks. 1013c. Tno following were the receipts nnd Dhipments today : On the Produoj oxonan'iro today the butter mar ket * was Htcady : creamery. 1 IQlSJic ; dairy , 8O 100. Ecu * , rresh , )3ai35 < CChousu , qulbt ; 8 } < NI3W YOU1C GK.M3IIAIU MARKETS. Unoditlonx oil the 1'rliicliml CuiiiiuoilltlvM nml Stnplc . NEW YOUK. F b. 14. FLOUH-nccelpU , 10.900 bbls , ; exports , 27,909 bbls , ; moro active on spring patent * , mainly at $3,60 ; winters wcro quiet , but firm ; bids' CSlOa lower and quotations somewhat nominal ; city mill pat ents , J3.45ff3.I3 ; winter dtrnlehts , t3.C003.75 ; winter palcnts. IS.SOCiM.OO ; wintereNtras , J3.83 ; winter low grades. J2.3032.70 ; spring low grades , Il.0f2. | ! ! > 0. Ityo flour , quiet ; superfine , J2.C502.75 ; fancy , J2.70f2 , l ) . IJuckwhcat Hour , slow ; J1.25 * ' i'lticiCWHEAT Quiet nt 40 41c. COHN MKAt > Strady ; yellow western , coarse , 72fi > 73c ; Ilrnndywlne , J2.21. HYlNomlnali 40CI3C. 1IAIH < EY Stcndy ; nmlllnsr , 4104Ge. 11AUL.UY MAl.T Btradyj wealern , 4C4TMC. WIIHAT Kxportu , 111.800 bu. Spot market Ir regular ; No. 2 red. 8'H4c. ' f , o , b. ; S2V5o nlloat. Option * openM weak under dlxappolntlng cables but met Rood buylnu orders nnd turned strong. assisted by xmnll Kprlne whcnt receipts , cold wnvn west , ncllvo coveting nnd liberal clear ances , and later by a cash demand west , and with u final entire loss of the ndvance , duo to general realizing ; cloned Uo net loss ; No. 2 rod , February , closed 73fici May , 11 6-16073 7-16c , closed " 2 Vie , COHN Ilerclpts , 12,700 bu. ! exports , 3S.OOO bu. Spot steady ; No. 2 , Sfi'Sc. Options opened easier under proipcctlvo freer movement , milled shaiply on caveilng , but llnully sold off with wheat , clda- Ins uiurtlled at unchanged prices from hist night ; February closed nt SOHo ; May , K\ia \ ZO 7-l e. clojfd 561-Jc. OATH Ilco ' ( ill . 75.COO bu , ; exports , 1,300 bu. 8pot quiet ; No. 2. 25Vic. Options Vi-ry dull , sell ing off with wheat nnd dicing Ha net lower : February , J5K , closed S4cj May , coined 23U . IIOl'S Quiet and steady ; utat . common to choice , 1894 crop , J'Je4Vic ; 1S55 crop. 4 5cT Pa. cina coast. 1894 crop. ZViWllJo ! 1895 crop , 4 f9c. HIDES-Uull ! wei sailed. > to b > . , lie : Jjuent.8 Ayrei , dry , so | b . , itics Texat , dry , II to JO It'sCalifornia. ! . 81 to Ibs. . lie. IjUATHEIl Steiidy ; Hemlock solo , nuenos Ayrrs , Usht to heavy , tnc ; acid. : if23e. domctlo ( l * c . pulled. c. c.PllOViaiONS neef , stcodvi family , lOOlSo ; extra men * , So ; kfef hams. lee , packet. J3.OOSrt.DO. Cut incati , quletf plcklrd ham * , snflUc , Lard , wenlcj weiteni steam closed lit ! , nominal ; May , Jd , nominal. Poik , lower : mess , J10.WW 19.7S ; Bhort clear. I ll.Wffll ! . 50 : fsmlly , 111. TAMXJW-Flrmi city. SUtfJ U-16o ) couniry , SliffJ 15-lOc. B - to iiimllty. lIUTTKR-ltecelptu , l.M ; p' < ci. ; Blcady ; wett- ern dairy. lOOHoveitttn ; crcumory , lIUUo ; Elgin * . 190. Kaua Hectlpts , D.EJO pkgs , ; w al < ; state nnd rannsylvunlo , 11 Vic ; \\eatera , IlUc ; southern , . HOBIN Dull ; itralned , rcmmoa to iood , JI.E7H f I. CO. lUCU-flteady ; Comeillc , fair to extra , SROts ; Japan , aHutc , MOMSSES-Flpnly lifld : New Orleaiw , open liottU , Mood to choice , Z9UI7e. TIIHPBNTINE-tJuleti IZ ! ic. tHiE3K-Qul : tr larira. COlO'.ic ; mall , CfflO c ; nait .klrnt. SUO"I' : ' tklmr , Zff4c. l CTHOI.EUM-Uulli United cluiod nt J1.4SJ4 liuTALS-PIr Iron , fairly active. Corptr , nitn : brtiknrprice. . MOM : exchange price , JlO.tO. Lead , steady ; bickers' price , ! > i xchango price , JJ.l4aJ.13. Tin. qultt ; Ptrnlts , Jll.45Ifl3.DO ; plates , quilt. Biwltcr. firm ; domestic , S4.00ff4,10. COTTONSERU OIU-Dull and easier under Wfota noulhi-rn isdvlcea ; prlnu crude , ISJStfSJc ; Uiiunir yeUuiy , tMJ Hc. Cotiou MnrUcl. N13W YOIIK. Feb. 14.-Tli cotton market openttl lilfhir In a better clan of cable * than lud b n * * ptcted , L ter the market wruktnid ou luJIc.itlona of frca Interior receipts und a large at lh port * tor next wetU. Theit lu > dlcAtlcms trera attended by weak ndrlcc * as to spot cotton In the loutnpm markets. DuifnK thn Afternoon the market became decidedly weak under local nnd outside pressure , and cljscd e y with prices unchanged to 3 polntd lower , n com pared with yesterday's fluurcn , nfter nhowlnn ( it ono tlmn nn ndrance of 3f5 point * . Futures closed easy ; nolM , H6.509 l > ale ) 1'Vbruiu-y , J7.70 ; Mnrch , 17.74 ' ; April , J7.73 ; May , J7.83 ; June , J7.86 ; July , J7.89 ; Auirutt , J7.86 ; Srptcmber , J7.65 : Oc tober , J7.B1 : Novemlwr , J7.48 December ; J7.40. HT. IX3UIS , Feb. 14. COTTON-Steady ; mid- dllnif. 7 > icj snlm , 731 bates ; receipts , K3 bales ; shlpmfnts. 493 bales ; stock , 73,734 hales. NEW OIU.EAN9. Fob , II. COTTON Easy ! middling. 7' ic ; low middling , "Hoi BOCK ! or dinary , 7 8-16ci net receipts , 3,853 bales ; Kross 6,347 bnt'-s : e ports to Frnncd , 37 bales ; to the continent , 72 bnlcs : ctw.itwlx1,14 ; bales ; sales , 4,90 < ) bales ; stock , 532,673 bales. OJIAIIA GI2M3UAL MAttKKT. Condition of Trnilo nml Qnntntloni on Stniilo nnd Fnncy 1'roilucc. KOGS Fresh 'stock , lOflllc HOTTER Fair to Rood stock , 8c ; choice to fancy country , 13fUc. ViAI < Choice fnt , 79 to 100 Ibs. , nre quoted nl C'tff'c ; largo nnd coarse , 45T5c. , CHKESI Donn-stlo brick , IlHc ! Kdam , per doi. , J9.50 ; Club house , 1-lb. Jars , per dox. , J3.DO ; Umbcrger , fancy , per Ib , , HHc ; Roquefort , V4-lb. , Jars , pnr doz. , JJ.C9 ; Young 'Americas. I HHc ; Twins. fancy.-Ilc , ' I'OULTIIY Drtssed'-Chlcltcns. 8T9ccoarse ; nnd larse. GV4l6d ; ducks , choice ; lOSllof turkeys , choice , 12 lsc : eeose. 8c. rOULTHY Live C. .Tacobson of the Montana Poultry Pnckl/iu nnd Supply company , quoles live jKHillry firm nnd'anlcd nt : Hens and younfr roosters , G\4o ; old cocks , 2l4c : turkey hcna. Siic ; younR turkey tjobblcrs , 7Hc : old Toms , 6c ; ducki , full fenlhered , 7c : KOCSO , 6c. HAY Upland , J3.W ; mldlanW J4.50 ; lowland , J4.00 ; rye straw , J3.C9 ; color makes Ihe price on hay ; light bales sell Ihe besl. Only lop erodes brlns lop prices. I1ROOM CORN Exlrcmely slow nale ; new crop , delivered on track In country ; choice green self-working carpet , per Ib. , 2c ; choice green , running lo hurl. 2'4c : common. l4c. ! GAME Jack snipe , 75c0J1.00 ; golden plover , 11.25 ; Jack rahbltH , per doz. , II. Ol ; small rabbits , aoceil.oo. ; mallard ducks , JS.Mff3.75 : red- a * . J6.005J. . . . . squirrels , per doz. , 60JT75C. PIOKONS Live , Jl.0ogi.20j dead pigeons not wonted. VEGETABLES. TOMATOES Florida , per six-basket crate , J4.TW CAULIFLOWER Per doz. , S1.50. CAI1HAGE California fU : ! : , per Ib. , 2c. POTATOES Fancy native stock , 30c ; from store In Email lots , 305f35c ; Colorado stock , 45 ONIONS Per bu. , 340c. DEANS Hand picked navy , per bu. , J1.50. SWEET POTATOES-ChoIco stock , J2.C002.7G per bbt. CELERY California , per doz. . No. 1 , 90cJ No. S75c ; western Nebraska , 4045e. LIMA HEANS-Per Ib. , Go. WATER CRESS Per 16-qt. case , J1.75. PIE PLANT-Hot house stock , per doi , bunches , 90c. 'FRUITS. MEXICAN STRAWDEHRIES-None. APPLES Choice Ilcn Davis , J2.75f3.00 ; choice Wl(5l'H"Unnd ( ' willow twigs , J3.25y3.50. CRANHERRIES-Jersey , J8.73. MALAGA GRAPES Per 60-lh. bbl , , J5.00@3.DO ; per 65 to 70-lb. gross , J8.00ff7.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. , Sil.ANIS CaIlfornllx huddod seedllnss , fancy , 98 fancy navclsWM ! J3.504.25 ; Callfornlas , iIA 'AI Ai8 ch. ° Ice lnree 8tock. P ° r bunch , J2.00 S2.25 ; medium sized bunch , Jl.75Jf2.00. MISCELLANEOUS. OYSTERS Mediums , 15c ; standards , 20c : extra stlects , 2 c ; Urnnch & Co.'s selecls , 27c ; New CIDEli Pure Juice , per half bbl. , J3 ; per bbl. , J4. ,5. .SAUEn KRAUT-Per bbl. , J3.75 ; half bbl. , * , FInS ew cr ° P' California , 10-lb. boxes , per Ib. . lOc ; Imported fancy , 30-lb. boxes. 15c ; choice , 10-lb. boxes , 11V5SJ12C. DATES-New Persian , 60-lb boxes , per Ib. , GV4c ; fards , 10-lb. boxes , per Ib. . 9c. MAPLE SUGAR Choice , per Ib. , 910c , PRESERVES Assorted , 20-ljj. palls , each , CO'cOANUTS-Per 100 , J4.GO ; each , Be. NUTS Almondi' , California , per Ib. . medium size , lOc ; Tarragona almonds , per Ib. , large , 12Vc. Brazils , per Ib. , 8c : Eacllsh w Inuls per Ib. , fancy soft shell , : : c , stanuards , lignvjc ; nibcrts , .per Ib. , lOc ; peacans , polished medium. lOc ; largo , I2e ; peanuts , raw , GHc : roasted , 7 ® 7c ; hickory nuts , email , per bu. , J1.75 ; hickory nuts , .largo , per bu. , JLW ; black walnuts , per bbl. , J2. - ' DRESSED MEATS. DEEP Good steers , , 400 to 600 Ibs. , 5IfCc ; good " cows and heifers , ' 4i5c ; medium cows' .and. "heifers , ,4Hc ; good . * orequarterscow and heifers , 3Uc : good hindquarters cows nnd heifers , 6ijc ; cow rounds. Be : cow chucks , 3o : beef tenderloins , fresh , 20c ; frozen , 19c ; beef rolls , boneless , 9 He : sirloin butts , boneless , 9Vic ; loin backs , 9i4c ; cow ribs. No. 3 , 7Kc ; cow loins No. 3 , 8V4o. MUTTON Dressed mutlon , Oijo ; racks , lOo ; legs , So ; saddles , Sc ; slews , Sc. PORK Dressed , hogs , Co ; pork loins , 6',4c ; spare ribs , GV4o : pork shoulders. GV4c ; pork shoulders Bklnned , GV5c ; pork irlmmlnga , 6V4c ; tenderloins , 15c ; pigs' feet , cleaned , per doz. , 35c , HIDES AND TALLOW. In reviewing the tallow market' the Chicago Shoe and Leather Gazette says that nt last the abnormal low price of4c has been touched at which prlco sales were effected. Some 250000 were taken. Even nt this figure ihero'Is hardly enough trade to susloln these low prices and a further decline Besms Inevitable Stocks are gelling larger on account of the" email sales by packers , who have been accumulating In an ticipation of higher markets , ' nnd'witli lower provision markets things nre In a pretty bad Bhape at the present momtjit. Europe has taken qulta n good bit of off grades , which mad ? packers rather firm , and It nt ono time looked as If prices would react a little , but their pur chases came to a sudden halt nnd bids were L0"8 ? ' r hl8' .wltl ? " " " "or Provision markets had tha effect to sicken the market once more but our only hope la for continued European trade , ns the demand from the domestic source Is very dlscoumclng on account of dcmornllzid ' "tmorauzeu soap trade. 'Quotations : inujio ixi * . i erecn niaes , 4e ; No. 2 irreen hides , jp ; No. 1 green salted hides. Co ; No 2 green' sailed hides. 4c ; No. l green ealtM hM . 25 to 49 Ibs. , Go ; No. 3 green laUcd h ? 40 Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to is ii , 25 r\ \ . No. I veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. ; 4cNo i'riJ Hint hides. 7ff8c ; No. 1 dry iilnt hldei. snff. No. 1 dry Baited hides. Co ; part cured ' dcs' ' MO per Ib. less than fully cured. ' SHEEP PBLTS-Green salted , each 23CT60c- green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) ' each 15c : dry shearlings ( short wooled skins ) , No. 1 , each. ' lOc ; dry ehcarllmn ( early hni wooled early skins ) , No. 1 each. Go dry nfn Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool cells nor ih actual weight , CS6c ; dry nint Kansas 'nnd Nc braska Murrain wool pelts , per in n tMni weight , 4ff5e ; dry flint Colorado butcher polls , per Ib. . actual weight. 40615" dry woo n Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per b. . nctua weight , 4Jl5c ; dry pieces and .bucks ac un weight , 4050 ; feet cut off , aa U Is useless fn freight them. pay on . TALLOW AND GREASE - Tallow , No 1 3 c : lallow No. J , 3c ' ; grease , white A 3Wc' grease , white U , 3c ; grease , yellow , 2jcBrca1c' | ; dark. 2c ; old butler , 202550 ; beeswax i > rim . 15 23c ; lough lullow. IHc. . ' IJONES-In car Jots welched nnd delivered In Chicago : Dry buffolo , per ion , J12.COO14 00drv country , bleached , per ton- JlO.OOffliOOdry country , damp and meaty , per tn , Jtl.oOffS 00 WOOL Unwashed , line heavy. C7c hne ihrht 8 9o : quarter blood , HWKc ; ioedy. ' ? ? and chalty. SJMc ; celled nnd broken , coaiue 7fi9C- celled and broken , fins. Q8c. Fleece wasli i ' Medium. 150HCI nne , I4fflCc ; tub washed. pul'led. ' 606C0' ? ' PUR3. No. lNo. ( lNo | , " i Lge. IMd'inl am'll DEAR Dlack J ! @ 23 J 15 00 J 8010 J10O12 J GOO Ulack Yearlings 1215 1900 7 00 7 00 3 00 Dlack Cubs GO 8 G@ C 4 00 G 00 209 lilack Montana Mountain . , , . , iseis 1400 1900 1900 400 Dlack Montana Yearllnxs , . , 1100 > 00 500 COO 2 GO Dlaclc Monlana Cubs e co 4 SO 300 409 200 Silver Tip. . . . . . . . 20 oo 12 00 8 00 800 4 00 Silver Tip Yrlgs 11 oo 8 00 00 6 00 2GO Sliver Tip Cubs , , 6 00 4 SOO 3 00 1 CO Drown 20323 1600 1300 1200 GOO yearlings 10 Ml 2 809 COO too 4 00 Cuba , . * * * < 7 00 6 00 100 400 200 00M Dadgir IQ1 CO M 100GO 400GO 200GO Fl her 800 COO 400 00 200 FOX Silver ( acoordlnB lo beauty ) , . . . , . 10900 CO 00 4900 2909 1909 Silver Pale ( ac cording to Lea'y ) CO 00 39 00 00 15 00 60 } Cross 7 00 3 00 200 1GO 100 lied 1 50 1 2 } 1 00 7G 25 Uruy * 75GO GO 40 35 25U Kit > . . GO 40 20 0 10 Lynx S 00 2 00 1 GO 125 10GO Marten : oo 1 GOCO 1 00 1 00 GOGO Mink 9385 CO 45 25 10 Mink Daik. . . . . . . c : COes 43 20 10 Mountain Lion , ( perfect head and feet ) 10 > 2 Otter 1 00 CO 7 COO 4 00 200 Oiler Pile , . , , , 7 00 6 01 4 00 309 1 GO llaccoon , . . . . . . . . co < jo 01GO 20 19 Haccoon , Illack ( us to beauty ) , , BKUNK- Ulack , rased. 1 26 75 10 IS Short striped. . , . . 1 00 70 45 40 20 Narrow itilped. . . GO 40 23 20 10 Uroad ctrlped. , , . 30823 Wolvorln * 4 00 3 00 2 00 200 100 Wolf Mountain , , 300 2 00CO 1 GO 75 40 Wolf 1'ralrl * CO 40 20 19 Ucavtr , per ekln. 4 GO 200 400 2 00 Ueaver Kits 300 1 GO 75 GO 00U MUSKRATS tiprlnc Wlnltr 4 8310 Fall . . . .i Kit Toledo Grnln SlurUct , TOLEDO , F b. 14. WHEAT Lower : steady ; No. 3 caih , 74c ; May , 7iUo ; July , "Hie. COHN Actlva : Heady : No. X mixed , 29c ; No. mUcd , JSVjc ; May , to&c. OATB Qulel : .No. i white. :2c ; May , 2Uc , nYC--lull ; No. I cnih. 4lc. OLOVEIt SEED Steady ; prim * caeh and March. Jl.Uli. nKCBIPTS-Flour. COO bbls. : wheat. 15,000 bu , : com , i".f bu. ; clover seed , fM bags , SlIIJ'MIJNTS-Flour. 1,000 tbl . ; wheat. 4.000 bu. ; corn , 1J.Wbu. . ; vUv * ; cetJ , C t WEATHER HINDERS BUSINESS Oontinnod Closeness of Money ia Also a Disturbing Element. IRON PRODUCTION EXCEEDS DEMAND Demand for Hoot * nnd .Shorn In Din- nppolii tliiKrotliliiK liiu-ournnr- for Textile WorkiTit Small Sale * of Wool , NEW YORK , Feb. 14.-4Jt d. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Itevtew of Trade , which Issues to morrow , will say : The weather still hinders business ns docs the continued closeness of money nnd the prolonged Inaction" con gress , but conlldenco Increases , The produc tion of pig Iron , 198,099 tons weekly , Feb ruary 1 , Is 4.C3 per cent less than January 1 , nnd 8.5 per cent less than November 1 , while the unsold stocks Increased C3.18S tons In January , showing an output much ex ceeding the present demand. I'lg Iron at the east and at Chicago has not advnncedv southern competition continuing at prices so low that several Alabama furnaces have stopped , but bcpsemcr Is a shade lower nt I'lttsburg. The demand for plates , shwt.1 and flr < - nall ooni'niif" M" Rood , and there ere more orders for railroad cars nnd bar Iron nt Chlcnpo , but no. further sales of rails appear , and the demand for tin- Ishwl productions kotps about 70 i > = r cent of tnc capacity employed. The eoko output Is again much reduced. Copper Is a shade llrmcr nt 10V4 'cents , while tin nnd lead arc not active nnd unchanged. The demand for boots nnd shoes In still disap pointing , several factories have closed and n few nro working full time , belief In lower prices still previi'lltnc , although further reductions have , been- made In most linen , amounting since Jan uary 1 to G per cent. Same prominent makers Rft peed orders for women's llRht shoes , but others scarcely any , nnd Boston shipments thus far nro 21 per cent leas than last year. j Textile work shown Ilttl * chance , though the cut In print cloths to , 2.75 mid a general con cession In brown nnd bleached staples , averaging for the whole I VI quoted , C per cant since Jan uary 1 , Induced more buying , which the known accumulation of goods ahead of demand has hindered. Many mills arc reporting gnat profits last year from the rise In cotton , but the pros pect of a larger crop this year docs not promlss a repetition of surli gains. Though goodn still average 12.7 per cent nbave their lowest point last year , cotton Is now 44 per cent higher than It was then. Sales of wool have been small for the two weeks of February , 9.320,700 pounds , against 10.- 2f,0TiW pounds last year , and 12,502CTi0 poundr. In 1893 , but higher prices abroad , sustained by heavy shipments of goods to this1 country. Incline holders of wool here to make no concessions , BI > that manufacturers have the more dUllculty In meeting competition. Many cancellations of or ders for clay worsteds and mixture ! ) nro reported slnco the reduction In prices. Clothiers , whs hnvo still to carry largo unsold stocks ot deal ers , ns well ns theTr own , defer orders , Produce markets tend downward , mainly be cause supplies exceed expectations. Wheat has declined three-fourth of 1 cent with w f.tern re ceipts , 3.0 : : , SOS bushels , against' 875,199 'bushels last year , while Atlantlo exports for two weeks have been only 3.C39.195 bushels , ngalnst 2,721,341 bushels lost year. Corn Is a shade lower , nnd Loth pork nnd lard are n little lower. Cotton re ceipts were small , but spot cotton lit * declined an eighth for the weelc. t- The failures for the week have been 82t In , the United States , against 270 last year , and sixty- seven In Canada , against flfty-one last yean WEEKLY CLEARING HOUSE TOTALS. f.i , of lIuxlucN.s Trammeled ly flic AHxocliitciL IliinUH. NEW TOUK , Feb.Thc following table , compiled by , Bradstrcet's , shows the total clear ances at the principal cities and the percentage of Increase or decrease , as. compared with , the corresponding week last year : PLACES. Clearings. Inc. I Dec. New York 50i.4no.wr , ! 10.11 Chicago 70.MO.04SI 1 Q.S Boston Philadelphia St. Louis 22.TO.040 San Francisco -12.815,519 Baltimore 13.313.250 33.0 Kltlaburff 13,033,675 27.4 Cincinnati 10J2,700 ' Kansas City . ' . . .j ' . . . . 9.C43.490 22)3 ) New. Orleans . . . " . . . . . : . . . . 9.777.03 ? 49.7 Buffalo 3.633,520 ' 14Q Milwaukee . . - . 5,700,212 10.4 Detroit ' , 5,717,476 ' 2.1 Louisville G.5S1.693 8.9 Minneapolis 5,915 033 44.8 OMAHA 4.152 , CM 20.9 Providence 4,858.100 0.8 Cleveland 6,014,455 49.4 Houston . - . . : D',240,103 5.4 St. Paul 3.G73.5S7 1.6 Denverf 2J3I.C36 ' Indianapolis , ' 2,854.185 2.V.3 Columbus , 'O 4,081,700 11.2 HartfYiril I 'a.W-J.187 47.3 nichmond P,1C7CCI i.S Washington 1,910,310 25.7 Davenport 1,351,724 Dallas 2,7.'tSH E.4 St. Joseph l.a ,553 13.2 Pcorla 1,901,077 18.0 Memphis 2.503.G1G 51.3 Portland , Ore 1.1S8.133 7.0 Rochester 1.23S.80I 9.5 New Haven , 25.4 Savannah 2,73T,6C 23.9 Springfield , Mass 1.204.0S3 9.0 Worcester 1.265.292 DO. I Portland , Me. . , 1.277,055 14.4 Atlanta 1,476,733 47.7 Fort Worth 1,599,145 S5.8 Waco 1,792. 87 C.2 Syracuse . . . . . . 711,418 1.7 Des Molncs Qrnnd llaplds 72 ,292 T,7 Scuttle US.CM 6.S Tlnftkfnrd 238.426 13.3 Wilmington 705,700 9.4 Norfolk 1,0-16,601 41. ' Sioux City 458.109 Loa Angeles 1,308,356 12.0 Tacoma 391,133 18 .S Kalamozoo S43.773 20.6 Spokane 328,870 7.0 Jacksonville 723,136 14,7 Lincoln ' 2S7.595 15,5 New Uedford . . . . 443.149 42.4 Wichita 496,138 Illrmlnglmm 401.815 Topeka 277,901 Lexington , Ky. 263,217 31.1 Dlnghampton . . . . . 263,000 4.0 Scranton . . . - C79.SOO 23.0 Hay City , Mich. 302.506 2.0 Full River S27.196 18.6 Akron , O 235,991 32.0 Springfield. O. . . ISO,093 26.5 Canton , O 140.0M 13.0 Sioux Falls 81,785 S5.0 Fremont , Neb. , . 59.578 15.6 Hastings , Neb. , Ct.441 12.2 Chattanooga. 232,363 34.7 Fargo 138,518 39.3 Nashville 1.083.B16 2S.8 Qnlvcston 6,737,730 93.0 Salt Laka 1,033,821 7.2 Helena C10.137 Augusta 015,768 33,3 Toledo 1,114,062 Dayton C83.875 Knoxvlllo 434,204 TotnU United States. . I 905,345,2531 | 9. . . . , . Exclusive of New York. . . 402.848.2981 9.0 DOMINION OF CANADA , Montreal , , 9,479,000 7.4 Toronto 6,838.397 El.l Halifax 1,222.934 28.0 Hamilton C83.492 9,1 Winnipeg 982,579 52.9 Totals l 19.206,602 23.8 Galvcslon. Houston and Waco are not Included In totals because containing other Items than clearings , Dayton , Davenport. Toledo nnd Au- custu , Me. , ore not Included In totals' because of no comparison last year , IIUYING A LITTLE. Market linn Tlen Irrcuriilnr TVltU n Gcncrnl lliiIIUli Tone ; NEW YOnU , Feb. II. llradstrcet's review of this New York stock market for the week shows Irregular strength has characterized the trading on the Slock exchange for the past week. The outcome of iho bond Issue has stimulated public Interest In the market and brought In a consid erable volume of new buying orders , London also purchased our securities to a certain extent , the market there being affected by a renewed movement In Knfflr circles , and Americans being hfld 1n better esteem on account of the BUCCPHI of Ilio Ixind Issue and ttio decreased fear of sil ver legislation by congress , ns' well as because of the prospect of an undemanding between our own and th * Hrltlih sovemmcnts In regard to the Venezuelan question. The foreign buying was of a very marked character on Thursday. but was checked on Friday , largely because of Ilia appearance of friction between thu Doer gov ernment of the Transvaal authorities , _ The rapid restoration of the treasury gold to almost normal proportions , through payments far the now bond sales , also had a. favorable ef fect on 6p"ulatlva sentiment , though the with drawal of considerable amounts of cold from the treasury to be turned back to It Immediately In payment for bond subscriptions , was naturally rceudd a an nnomaloua feaiurc one , however , which could not be avoided under our present currency system. The crurhlns vote ncalmt the senate sllvur vubstltute for the bond bill In th houno of representatives wan another .Incldtnt . of nn encouraging character. On the other hnnd , professional Interests have continued to realize their profits im blocks of shares purchased before I ho beginning of the present rlo nnd tha tradcm have appealed anxious for a reaction , both to rover shorts and to attract fresh buying at a lower level of l > rlccs. Altoerlbcr tha market has been jjronder. Tim participation U of a much more Ktneral charaoUr , and a decidedly large number of stocks hava participated In Its movement. The underlying ton * hm been bullish , though the realizing referred to abovft and the disposition of JJita t Utr to ttll on rallies hr.i created Irreg ularity , though the npiifnrancf .of buylnp. whether from our own.piiblli' or London , ha * eatunl nharp and deelJdJl-o erlnir. On Krldny the market had a ronctlonary tone , but wns steady nt the close. D HV/ SITUATION IS IMSAl'I'OIM'IXO. Oiimltit , One of tltRIK'jMv I'liiiTx Srnil- ln Fnvoralil < > ItcporlM. NEW TOUK , Feb. Tl. tlradstrwl'g tomorrow will say ! The gnen > l JjiffVy * * situation through out the country docs tjiH 11 * * * anticipations , nnd except a few cities llaltlrnore and J'lllsburK , In the fast ; Chicago , St. L-AJls and Omaha at the west ; Qnlveslon nnd ClMHnnooga nt the south , remains dull for the season , < n most Instances disappointingly so. InlpfClement In demand ami price Is confined to hldfV leather nnd InjMs nnd shoes , which nre coit-tfMi nis In th short list of staples , for which IKlqfft are higher. Features of the situation nre thys ? resulting from un favorable weather i-ast nnd In the central went , i faction rtn prices of Iron nnd steel , further complaints by woolen manufncturem , nn out look for more Idle woolen machinery , n smaller total of bank clearings , continued ntirrnem and maintenance of hlRh rates for loans , notwith standing the favorable Inference drawn from the hmvy oversubscription to the governm nl bond Issue , nnd rcstrlctfd production of pig Iron. Exports of wheat ( flour Include ! as wheat ) from both coasts of the United States this week , amount to 2,718,000 bushels , nqnlnat 2 , ! > i)7,000 ) bushels lost week , and As compared with 2.C72.000 bushel * In the corresponding week one. year ago , 2.0iV , OM bushels In the same week two years ago. 3,080,000 bushels three y.nrs ngo , 'and as con trasted with 4,042,000 busheS ) In the correspond ing week In 1592. Tim total number of 'buslnrfu failures reported throughout Iho United Stales this wi-k Is 3S1 , nn exceptionally large number , the gain , ns com pared with last week , being forty-tlirvc. Most of the Increase- explained by totuins from the central western states and the Pacific coast. There are elghty-flvp more btislnelis failures this week than In the rtTond > .week of February. I'M. ' ninety-three moro than In the corresponding week In 1894 , nnd 176 mbro than In the second week of February. 1893 , while , nfl compared with the nscond week of February , 1892. this week's Increase Is 121. ' ' ' STOCKS AMI noMs. Stniilpntntloii by the SppeiilnUvc l.cmliTH Wild the I'Vntiire- . NKW YOUK. Feb.Manlpulatlon by the speculative leaders was again today the feature of the stock , market. Outside business wan very llifht and there was n dearth of news bearing legitimately upon price ? , .aside from n dlfap- polntl-u tun ; In the London marltol for pur securities. Tlie usual conlllct In the market nnd the Inconsistent gossip wns circulated regarding the act vo Industrial stocks , 'and they exhibited relatively much greater activity than the rail road list. The courpo.of pticos was erratic. London had been expected to follow the strong closing of the local market , but , ns a mailer of fact , prices irom that ce'iter showed declines or from V , to H4 per cent , and subsequent for eign stlllr.r ; In this market effected losses of ovur n point In Louisville & Nashville and St. r.11'1 , after an early display o strength. The l.onilon wcol ness was "ascribed to the apparent renewed fr'cilon over the Transvaal situation hiid to tht discouraging estimates by lending European financiers as to the net results of the now loan In stivnglhcnlng the treasury resene. The point made several' days ngo In these dlspalchea lhat good authorities did not figures out more than J70.000.00) of new gold from the loan , Is now more generally appreciated , and bear capital was made out of It yesterday nnd today. This Is not illogical , In view of the approaching spring Imports sea son , when a fairly large outgo of gold Is normal. Sugnr led the entire market In point of activity. The stock at the outset displayed aggressive strength on pool manipulation , based on- actual calculations , ns Its abundant resources and large earning power , expectations of the payment of the regular dividends now Impending , nnd fur ther advances In foreign sugars. An advance of 2 % per cent was engineered , carrying the price to 115. The Evening Post's 'London financial cable gram says : The stock markets opened dull today on President Krugerls-.jJJiessngo. Kulilrs were especially affected , { fherg was a general recov ery later , and the Closing prices were nl Ihe best , but with Ilttle"b\i \ ! ness , except In rtrst- clats Investmcnl stWutiWes. American opened below Ihe parity , but ) there was a rally nt the close , and Ihey finished ; , al Ihe best. Grand Trunks were Hat on ihe deficit of the half year. The 5,000 in gold taken'trom tha Hank of Eng land for America totliiy IS apparently to make up n special order , ! for ; there Is practically no demand now for gold hcfej The Paris and Her lln markets were quCct" tjiilay , but rather easier. The slock lost a large part of ihe Improvement In "sympathy with ll - ' WHeral 'heaviness a'l the close.Tobacco moved .Within n range of 1V4 pet cent on 'purely professional , manipulation. The i all way shares.a a. troup , were not especially noteworthy. Sllsht. declines occurred In them early , but there EaV a subsequent practically general ImprovcmcnUtoshbout list night's closr lw ? under .the Jnjlucpcci of n , , buying movement that was In progress orountl 1 o'clock. Weyik- ' ness characterized'the'market In the final hour. Manhattan broke -3 % fr cnt. to' 107 % , without fresh report or xiimofi , otherleading - shares iwero depressed 1 , toH4.ffler.cent. ) .the uranuers leading , The" closing \vastralher quiet end weak' , 'with ' values' rulingnt' Inji' low point. The bond market was dull amlrsfcnerally firm. Sales ag gregated $1,160,000. .1 Government bonds were easier on- dealings of , $584.003. The following were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York exchange today : Atchlson. . . . 1UMIN.Y. Central. . . . . . 07M Adams Kit. 14 ! ) N. Y. AN.-E. . . . ; . . . AHon.T. II B8 Ontrro&W : 10H Am. Express 11'2 Oregon Imp 2s * lialtlmoro & Ohio. . 3 ( ! Oregon Nav. . . ' lU : Canada Pacific. . . . 67U O. S. L. kU. N 7K CanadaSouthern. . fiOVi Pacific Mull 2X ! ) Central I'acltle. . . . luj P.U.&E sw Cho3. & Ohio IIH PlHsbunj ino. ! Chicago & Alton. . 1S4 PnlhiKin I'alaco. . . 1CU C. , I ) . &Q 80M ncadlncr IUW Chicago < 5as II7W U. U. W 10' Consolidated Gas. . IfiriU II.G. W. pfd 44k , C. , C. , 0. &St. L. . . .J8 ROCK Iiland 7''hi Colo. Coal A Iron. . Si ! St. Paul 7fiki Cotton Oil Cert. . . . 18 do pfd , . lliSJi Delaware & Hud. . 127 St. P. & Omaha. . . . 4D4 ! Del. , Lack. A ; W. . . ltll ( do pfd 122 D.&II.O. pfd 40 > M Southern Pacifies. . 20 B. AC. P. Co IflH iujar Hennery. . . . 11. < W Erlo ll ! ! ( A Iron. 3V Krlepfd ail TcxaaUiclllc Ss FortWayno Ki'J r. AO.Ccpt. nfd. . . . OSt O. Northern pfd. . 110 Union Pacific 4lf U.&K. I. nfil 0(1 ( U. S. Express 48 Hocktnir Vnlloy. . . 17)j VV.St. L. P 7W . . . 04 > i W. St. L. & P. pfd. . Iflfcj Kt. P. A ; Iluhil'i ! & Wl'llB fnp n Rv. . . lllll 123H 40 ? 31 ! 10 , SUM 1UO IS in IOH : n 81' 10H isi ) . 2:1)4 : -7 H5 - ' Total sales of slocks today \vrie : CS,5)3 nlmrcs , Including : American Sugar , 53,90American - ; T < ( - baeco , 20,24) ; llurllngton. 9,100 ; Chicago Ga , 17,0X ( ) ; Distilling' , G.OW ) ; General Klectrlc , .IM : Kansas & Pacific , 3.000 ; I < ouUvllle & Nashville. 13,200 ; Manhattan Consolidated , 4,2 < 0 ; Missouri Pacific , 8,6'JO ' ; H idlnc. K.Ci ; Hocls Island , 7,10-i ; St. Paul. 23.DOO-United ; States Leather preferred , < lny Is { 5.00) , OeM I * qtloto.1 lit HUMIOS Ayrrs to- any at 913.10 ; MrulrKI , 1J.U ; I.lMion , Mi Pt. rcleraburs , SO ; Athcn , 77 , Homo , 10S.90j Vienna , 103. 103.I'AVUS I'AVUS , ! > . 14. 1 p. m. Thrw tr cent rent1 * , I02f 9Jc for the account ; exchange on IxmJon , 23f SOHc for chMkg. lloHtoii Stock Utiotiitlon * . ftOSTON , Kol ) . 14.-C.iH loam. I1S3 J'er cent ; tlnio lo.ini. 8HM7M ] > cr cent. Closing prlcei for Block * , bonds ruulmlnln ? nharaii A.T , AS. K lilX.wrKlPC. nfct. . . . 51 Am. Sintnr , 11UH Win. Am. Siiirnr | ) M. . . . IDOWlEdlsoti KIcc. Ilia . 13lt lUyfitntoGns. . . . ! H4 Oon. Klco. iifil jtoll Tolonhonn. . . SOI Atehlfton 2d.i 2(1 ( IloRlon .V Albany.13 Atchlton - > * "I'.M 1109ton& M.-iltio. . 107 Now Kiuliml fit. , 112 ! c. it. A-q . . . . so OPII. Kloctrlo Cs. . . 87H KUchhtirg. . . . . tut Wl . Cent. Iflls . . . -tt : ( Ion , Klectrlc Allones Mlnlntr Co 40 IlllnnlH Stool ( IHhlAlhmllo Mexican Central. . lIMWaMou & Montana N. Y. AN. E PI Hullo.tlloslon. . . . Old Colony 177 C.ilunu-t A Hocla. . 205 Ore. Sliort Lino. . . . H I'rnnklln 14 UtiblKsr. . . . . . 27 Koamarsi1 1'J SnnDli'jro. , f.0 OlCOOla -'IU Union 1'aclllc I' omney I'I ( WpHtRml i. 08 T.vnarAclt. . . . . . . . . . 11:1 : \ \ > Ht KncJ nfd Hlll Wolvorlno UM \IMV York Mining < l onlonn. NKW YOIIK. Kob. It. Tim followlnff nro the cloHtn ? mining quol.illons : nnlwnr Outarlo. . . . . . . . . . . .1000 Chnllor . . . . HO Ophlr. 11. " . Crown Point . 1.1 Plymouth -0 A Va , . . . HW ( jnlukBtlvur.- . . . , 17A Dc.iihvooil. . . 7t > unlcltHllvcr ) ) M.1CSO notilcl & Curry. . . . . an Slo.-ra Nnvada 4 ( > Halr.V.NorcrosB. . 110 Simulant Con. . . . . . 201) IIoniOHtaita.K . uaOH Union Con. 3D Iron Silver , . . . . -1 Yellow Jacket.- S3 Mexican . fit ) I.omlrtn Slock CluotiitUoiiH. I.ONDON , Feb. 14. I p. m. closing : 1'aclflc. OHM St. I'anlcom. , 7HM Krln 17 N. Y. Contra ! 101 KrlulMB 75 H PcnnHvlvanla C4it III. Central OHH Uoadlnsr 7 Moxlean ordinary , in Mex. On. now 4w. . 72 HAH SILVI2U 30 15-lCd per ounce. MONBY \ < , per cent. The rnte of discount In the open market for short and three months' bills Is IjW/i per cent. Flimticlnl Note * . I1OSTON , Fob. 14. Clearlnss , $14,430,810 ; bal ances , 11,672,037. I1AL.TIMOUE , Feb. 14. Clearings , | 2,02C , 9S ; balnncos , 1273,032. . rillLADBI.l'HIA. Feb. 14. Clearings , $ S,1G3- 869 ; balances , $ l,10GOGo. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 14-ClearlnBS. M.74,102 ! ) ; bal ances , J352.IS1 ! money , 6 < H8 per cent ; Ne\v York exchanse , K c discount bid ; par nslecd , WASHINGTON' . Feb. 14. The subtrcasury nl New York today lost $ lr > 49,0 < W In Bold coin nml I1S.40Q In bars , leaving the true amount of th : pcild re-xen-e $70,180,870. CHICAGO , Feb. 11. Clenrlnss * $15,918,331 ; money , llrm ; call loans , C per cent ; commercial paper , Ci7 per cent ; New York exchange , 2oc discount ; foreign exchange , bankers' I ondon nuVnu. > i NKW YOHK , Feb. 14. tendon advices state th-it owing to the slackened Inquiry for bar ( fOli : for exiwrt , the price has been reduced to 77s 9d. Clearings , $126,011,823 ; balances , $ S.2' ' > 5iSO. ! The deposits of ffdil at the aubtrcasury to-lay were between $1,0 iH ( and $5,000,000 ; withdraw als , about $1,500,000. SAlil5S OP AVOOli AHE IIBA.VV. Free Pnrclinjiliiw In Chccl cil liy llolde'ri' Idea of Value. .DOSTON , FeV ) . 14. The American AVool and Cotton Reporter says of the wool trade : "The sales In the three principal markets for the week have amounted ta 4,766,440 pounds , 2,203.100 pounds of which were domestic wool. The total suits since January 1 , 1S96 , have been 37,047,830 pounds , ngn"nst 32,30j'9C5 pounds a year ago. Al though nfl the record of sales shows , a larger amount of business has been done In the period undciv review than was transacted a , week earlier , nevertheless the market continues to be quiet. Money Is as tight as a drum , and holders of wool are for the most part relentlessly Him In their Ideas of the value of their commodity , so that free purchasing Is quite thn exception. Strange OH It may seem , In caniideratlon of the obvious dullness of trade , rates for good stack show no depreciation. "Tho sales for the ; wek nt New York hav * .amounted to 1,112,200 pounds , of which 197.00J pounds were domestic and 915,000 pounds foreign wo3l. The same eanservatlve buylnff that has been characteristic of the maiket for many weeks Is ntlll Us principal feature. The sales since January 1 , IStO. have amounted to 9.G34.730 pounds , against 7,67G.SO pounds a year ngo. . "The sales nt Huston for the week have been 2.KC.750 pounds , of which 1,100,700 pounds-were domestic wool. The market csntlnues quiet , itliough prices arc steady. Australian Is In the It-ad .nmons nil. sorts of wool . , nqw nelllnK , al though , th ( > rha's recently been"some " diversion of ; attcn\lon toward our staple tprrltorlHl wools. Sales slnco "January" . ! , ' 1606 , have amounted ts 13,132,030 'pjLnda.i > - ' "The Inquiry at Philadelphia continues more largely for thrfe-elghths and one-half-blood wool , particularly washed , which In at this time In limited supply , with the price llrm. Sales for the week have amounted to 913,000 iwunds , of which C07.-IOO pounds wpre doinpstlc wool. Sales since January have amounted to 8,321,050 pounds , against ! " . ,631,813 pounds a year aga. ' "There haa been less business done nt St. Louis this" week , but offers close to asking prices hav .been had on , several lines , and It would t cem ns though large sales would result soon , us some of the offers"are'for large blocks of wool. " . St. I/oulM General Murkct. ' ST. 1XDUIS , Feb. 14. FLOUR-Dull nnd easy ; patents , $3.7003,80 ; extra fancy , $3.45 3,55 ; fancy , $ J.OOff3.10 : choice , $2.60J3.73. WIIBAT Although nil Influences were bearish this mornlni- , the market was firm , a sharp rally In Chicago starting a buying Hurry , which re sulted In .a quick advance ; later , on a decline In Chicago , the market went off and closed below yestprday' for futures. SpDt , strong ; No. 2 red , cash , 73c ; No. 2 hard , C3c : February , 6245/C5yc ; July. C3 o : May. C2ViffC2c. COHN The early weakness In what brought out sellers of coin nt yesterday's prices , but also mood off buyers , EJ thfre was no trading and a strong , feeling cropped out. Late In the day the market' turned weak again , declined and closed lower than yesterday ; No. 2 mixed , cash and February , 20'io ; May , 2G8'27c : July , 28Wo. ( "I ATMTln-l ll'llll alll.ira nrtlllrn Q > t/\l ataoHt. . No. 2 , cash nnd February , 19'c ; May , 20'/4c asked ; -July , 19vic. nYE Steady ; No. 2. 37c. CORN MBALf-IMOQMi ; . 1IRAN Saolceil , not tmlable nbDve 43c , east tniclt , ljut In demand at that. FLAX SEKD-Qukt. 5c- . TIMOTHY SEKU-$2.73O3.C5. HAY Choice grades' wanted and firm ; trans actions today mostly confined to the lower grades. which were sell'lng ' freely ; prairie , $3.50ff8.73 ; tlmathy. S8.rOei.M , this tilde. WHISKY $1.22. LKAD Finn nnd active ; sales , fi cars refined and 15 cars of chemical , at $2.90 ; 100 tons cnrod- dlng for Maich , nt $2.9214 ; 5 cais chemical at $2.93. Speller , weaker , $3.70. I'OUI.TUY Turkey * , higher , lOSllc ; chickens , Bteady , 71tlTSl ( c ; ducks , steady , 9JS1014o ! ; geeae , steady , & $ iGc. lltlTTKH Dull ; aleady ; creamery , 140200 ; dalrj' , llfflBc. / KQGS Firm and In demand ; lie. PIIO VISIONS Pork , Jiigher ; standard mess , jobbing , new , $10,45 ; old , $10. l.anl , sti-ady ; prime eteam , $5.33 ; cholc ? . $3.43. llacon , l xed shoulders , $5.30 ; longs , $5.7. ; libs , $5.8714 ; shorts , $0 ; dry salt meats , l < oxfd Khouldera , $4.75 ; longs , $3.23 : ribs. $5.371,4 ; shorts , $3.W. IlKCKII'TS-Flsur. 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , 20,000 bu. ; corn , SS.OOO'bu ' , ; onm , 15,0i)0 ) bit , I SllII'MKNTS Flour , 7.CWO bbls. ; wheat , 20,000 bu , ; corn , S.OW bu , ; oats , 1C , MO bu , LIVKUPOOL , Feb. 14. WJIKAT Spot , quiet ; demand , pear ; No. 2 red winter , Ca 4',4d ' ; No , 2 red spring , stocks exhausted ; No , 1 hard , Mani toba , 6s C'/jd ; No. 1 California , 6s 8d. Futures oponcil quiet , with near positions V4d lower nnd distant positions < , Jd lower ; closed steady , jvllh March iid lower nnd other montlm % d lower ; business about equally distributed ; February , Da 7d ; February , S3 7d ; March , April , May and June , Da 8d ; July , Cs SVld. CORN Spot , quiet ; American mixed new , 3s IHd , Futures opened easy nnd unchanged ; cloned tlrm , with near positions unchanged to Ud higher and distant position * ' , ' , d lowfr to Hd higher ; business about equally distributed ; February , 3s. Hd ; April. 3s l > ,4d ; May , 33 Hid ; June , Ss Zd ; July , 3s 2 > .id. FI.OUR Firm ; demand poor ; St. Louis fancy winter. 7s. PROVISIONS nocon. steady ; demand Improv ing ; Cumberland cut , 28 to 30 Iba. , 28s ; short rlb , 28 Ibs. , 26a ; long clear , light , 38 to 45 Iba. , 27s ; lanir clear , heavy , C5 Iba. , 2G Cd ; shsrt rjear backs , light , 18 Ibs. ' , 20 : short clear middles , heavy , 65 lb . , Z6s ; clear bell lea. 14 ti > 18 Ibs , , 28s. Shoulders , square , 12 In 18 Ibs. , 25s fid. Humi , short cut , 14 to 1C Ibs. , S9s. Tallow , Una North American , 20s 9d. lieef , extra India menu , 72a Cl ; prlinu mess , 57s Cd. Pork , prime mess , tine west ern , D2s Cd ; wc-stern medium , 4Cs 3d. Laid , dull ; prime western , 21s ; refined , In palls , 28s Cd , CJIKESK-Qiilet ; demand moderate ; Uncut American , white and colored , Via. IIUTTRR-Flnost United Slates , 93a ; good , C0 . OILS Tunientlne , uplrlts , IOs 9.1. Rasln , com mon , 4s 7',4d , Cottonseed oil , Uverpaot rcllned , 17s. Llnsenl oil , SOv , REKlUaiJHATOH HKnF-Forcquarter , Slid ; lilndqiiHrtera , 4id. IILIIACHINO 1'OWDIOn-IIardwood , f. o. b , , Llven > ool. 7. HOI'H At I ndon ( Pacific coast ) , 12 f.a. The receipts of wheat during ti ) past throe da > n wcr 231,00i ) rentals , Including 134,000 centals American , Itecclpts or American corn , 285 000 cenlals. Weather , overcast , but not threatening , ICiiimax City KANSAS CITY. Feb. 14. WHKAT-I'ractlcally Ifeless ; No. 2 hard , C'lflCCiic ; No , 3 , WiMc ; ra. lecled. nominally , 33H4-3C ; No. 8 red , 76c. COIJN Fair demand ; No , z mixed , 23c ; No 2 while. 23Hc. OATS Firm ; No , 3 mixed , 18l5 ? 19c ; No. 2 white. Wl < jj20c. RYlNo. . 2 , 33c , HAY Very dull ; timothy , $10,00811.50 ; prairie , IS.fc6fn.oa. _ llirrriil-W0 kj creamcn16ffl7c ; dairy , 13 CflSc. llGOS-Flrmer ot lie. MliiiirnitoIlN MINNHAI-OLIS. Feb. 14. WHBAT-February , COljtr ; May , GHimGllic ; July. Gl'Ho ; on track , No. 1 hard. Civic ; Nu. 1 northern , Ul'c ; No. 2 north ern. UHc ; tecclpts , ! G3 cars. FLOUIt Quiet : tlm patenUi , $3.15@3.CO ; second end patents. $3.00 3.10 ; lint clear * , $2.CO ; second clear * , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Slight Incrcnso in the Receipts of Both Oattlo and Hogs. CATTLE SOLD TEN CENTS HIGHER lc inn nil Cooil nml OfTorliiKM All Solil llnjTn ANo Sdlil C ! Otitn llljihcr on Active Doninml 1'ciiN ClenrtMl Kurly. Feb. 14. Jlccelpts for the days Indicated are : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses. February 11 3r > 5 110 . . . . February 1.1 S29 2.211 232 26 February 12 935 2.47G Gl . . . . February 11 2.131 4,191 227 7 February 10 1,210 l.GGl 2S3 February S PIS 2.SG9 475 February 7 1,107 2.S.TS . . . . 23 CATTLE The receipts of cattle today numbered 1,003 hend ns against 829 yesterday nnd 1,167 on Friday of last week. The supply ot cattle has been very light over slnco Tuesday , and buyers wcro a little hungry for them today , whlcn contributed much toward making a better market. Then , too , the reports were encouraging frcm other market points , so that every thing was In the seller's favor , with the result that there was n decided Improve ment In the market on killing cuttle. With the buyers all wanting oatllo the few fat steers on sale did not last vrry long , but everything was sold and weighed lip 4n Rood suason. It was a good strong nnd active market , with prices In extreme cases lOe higher. Several loans of pretty dfcont little cuttle sold At $3.ttM.S.r ) > . llutchers' stock wns also In good demand nnd desirable cows nnd heifers sold freely at stronger prices. The market closed early with practically everything sold. Stockcrs and 'feeders were In such light supply that that branch of the trade did not cut much Ilguro In the market. The prices paid did not show much change as compared with yesterday. Representative sales : JJEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. Xo. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..1071) ) { 30) 17..1182 $3 03 43..1111 GO 1. , . . ! ) fiO 300 19..1137 363 22..10SO 3 CO 3..1343 3"35 4..1103 3 55 1..1U23 GO 20.1233 3 < 0 25.,122,1 3 K 6..1095 3 Cl ) 7..llOi ) 345 G..102J 35" > 29..1223 3 Co 8..1100 345 3..113G 3 f.5 11I..133S 375 8.1131 350 3..1186 3 D5 G2..1250 3 SO 9..1270 3 GO 1..1090 3 GO 10..1272 385 4..10S3 3 GO COWS. 2. . . . 025 1C3 4..1032 235 3.1110 2 G5 2. . . . SSO 175 1. . . . 960 2 SO 11..1113 270 1..104' ' ) 1 ! 4.1070 235 3..1210 275 6..1000 200 5..1150 240 2..1275 273 1. . . . & 20 2 00 1..1000 2 4 14..1145 273 4. , . . M > 2 200 4. . . . 972 240 1..1340 273 2..lOW 20) 1..10.V ) 240 8..1060 275 5. . . . 876 200 2..1095 245 7..1104 275 1..1100 200 1. , . . 1120 .2 45 8..1072 2 SO 1..U40 205 14..11G3 245 1..132) 2 S3 1..10SI ) 21) 1 , . . . 880 245 7..12W 285 1. . . . 860 210 5. . . . 956 250 4..11.15 290 2..10SO 313 2..116' ' ) 200 B..1126 2 SO 2..1120 315 3..12SO 200 3..1200 300 1. . . . 010 2 20 1..1070 2 05 1..1020 3 00 1. . . . 820 220 1..1150 255 2. . . . 890 S 00 1..130) 223 1. . . . 92) 203 1..1070 300 1. . . . 7SO 223 10..1022 2 GO 8..1000 305 4. . . . 937 223 1..1090 2 GO 2..1160 310 1. . . . GW 223 8..11GO 2 GO 16.,1175 315 1..1020 223 4..1168 260 1 , . . . GSO 313 1..11G1) 223 G..1116 2 G5 G..1166 315 2..1001) 323 4..1040 263 4..1012 } 20 1. . . . G70 235 8..1177 2 G5 8..1031) 325 2..1035 233 G..1050 265 22..1025 323 HEIFERS. 2 . . . 413 2 GO 3. . . . 900 290 G. . . . 702 31 : S2J 26) 12. . . . 80) 300 5..1004 3 ! 670 275 13. . . . 690 300 15. . . . 792 325 G90 2 SO 9. . . . 90S 310 2. . . . 705 340 G70 283 G. . . . 830 310 2. . . . 890 340 ,910 , 2 90 DULLS. 2. . . . 930 200 2. . . . 895 360 1..1S70 SO 1..1020 210 G..1101 2 G ) 1..1740 89 2. . . . G12 220 1..1030 2 63 1..1430 2 SO 1..15SO 223 1..1SOO 2G5 1..1SDO 80 1..1G9D 223 3..IS1G 263 1..1S30 85 1..13GO 240 1..1260 370 1..149. ) 85 1..1190 240 2..1193 2701. . . . . 900 9) 1 ; . 700 240 1. . . . 860 275 1..1020 90 ll..l030 243 1..1720 273 2..1&00 290 1..13GO ym 1..1610 2173 1..1730 300 1.12' ' 255 1..1180 280 1..19SO 330 260 . BTXGS _ . . . . 1.-.1200 2'10 18..1333 260 1-.12CO' 2 75 , . - - CALVES.- ' " 350 3 00 2. . . . 110 400 1. . . . 160 G 23 173 310 2. . . . 83 423 1. . . . 110 G 23 317 300 2. . . . 123 500 1..150 025 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. MILKERS AND SPIIINGEHS. . 00 1 cow nnd' calf 25 00 1 cow nd calf t 25 OJ "l springer 2700 1 sprlnser' , . . . 2SOO 1 sprlnser 3000 1 cow and'cnlf SO 00 HOQS There were 3,355 hogs In the yards this mornlnp , as aualnst 2.241 yesterday nnd 2.SJ8 on Friday of lout week. It was the largest run of the week thus , fur excepting Tuesday. The maiket oamo the sellers' way , being active at an advance of fully Go. It could tilmosl be described aa n 4 market , with a 11.05 top , though there were a fc v sales of coarse heavy hogs at J3.90@3.95. The popular price WHO 51 , and the bulk of the sales were 'In ' thai notch , as against J3.9033.95 yesterday. The demand was good at thft advnncn nnd the nens were cleared In good season. Today's ud * vance carries ihe marltet to the highest point of Iho week so far. Representative sales : 7 385 . . . 390 BIIEEP Tliero were two loads of sheep here which sold an the market at good , strung prices. lU'iirescntullvo uiles ; No. Av. Pr. 6S native ewes nt 1315 CO native lambs , . , , 109 I 21 CHICAGO MVIO STOCK. There AVun n Hotter Di'iniinil Titan I > Niiil on Krlilny. CHICAOO , Feb. II. In cattle there was a belter demand than usual on Friday , and prices were about lOo higher fur ileclrnbl * loU of me dium nnd light steers , but hi-nvy cnttu ! failed to show any marked Improvements. Tcd iy' sales were on the liasls of fruin J3.25 to Jlo.- for common to choice drc ed beef and shipping steers , with the bulk selllni ; at from sr.TJ to J4.25 , Cow end heifer talus wcia butweon from 12 to J-.4J , nnd n fnw calva sold nbgve fi. There JS'jjn n modeinio flix'ler mul feedar trude , inuslly nt from J3.35 to $3.l > 0. 'Joxas rat tle , choice fed ti-cr , sold aa Mali n 51.10. In ImgH receipts , ns unuul , were llht , with a good local and ( hipping dt-manil at Gc higher , sales ranging at from J3.95 la 11.32'J fur poor lo prlmo dioves , with the hulk ut from il. : > ) in JI.25. The government leport bears out the private repoits have been rvcclved nil nlong regnnllng the choriage In Iho supply , nn.l cvciy- body , ndmlta nuw that Ilia ciufi Is Kic.iUy uliiit , Thu rccelpls this wrcli will lull far lieblnd n yrnr ago , but prices hiv ruled weak nnd declining a part of thu time , though Ihe really Inciameil eiihtem Bhlpplng demand has | > arlly checked Ihe downward iiiov.iiifcnt : , Thu eheep maiket has rrfatly lni ; > rave < l , nnd prices generally have' recalned Iho hinsea < jf ihn earlier pan of the Week , .Sliffn yolil nl from J2.C5 In J3.65 , chiefly at 13 anil upwnrd.Veiterns brought from J3.10 to I3.C5 , and > oitllnm fn-iu J3.69 to J4. Lambs nve a trifle vrc-ikrr , the best Inlniiliig JI.GO. Receipts : Cattle , 3 , ) hcnd ; liuuf , IS.OOCl ht-aJ ; sheep , 8,000 head. Stock In M4li ( , Herur.l cf ruiiptu ut l'io tvir prlnclpA ) nuir- keta foi 1'rld.iy , 1 tb.usry II : Ottlo. Hog * . Sheep. South Omuhu'M \ J.J.V. .10 Chicago . , . . * ' > 12.000 S.wO Kunuis City . , , , . , . , , . . , , 3 > .K * 7,4'M ' , ' 'n Bt , Unils . , . . , , . , . . 1,1. 3 E.7CO 6' s.vjj : ir.j ro ICllllNIIN C'llV lilVH HOOU. ( 1CAK8AH CITY , F lv II. CATTLUKsCHpln , 3.WH head ; .ililpnicms , I ? * v ) h di | j l iuJ-4 ; steady to j.troni : . othirn t\uw \ , aUiJt Mc-'uly ; Texaa t\feit \ , . IJ.20fll.4Jj T ? n * CQW , Ji.Wfri..S ; beef n cr , U.C44TI.Z1 : native ro vs , Jl M3J.Vi ; itockem and fe i2rrs. Jt.7..3J.7J ; tulls , j.0l.15 . UOGK-Utoilptg , 7,43 < ) head ; ihlptrienu , 7M bead : r.iorkti it ady to ( a Ulglitr ; ba''jt vf t-.tles. Jl"5i4.00 ( ; imckem , J3.90O 4.03H ; mlxpil. J3.Sr.B3.93 , IlifhH , J.1.801N.OO ! York. , . , . . S11EKP Recc-lpts , CO ) head ! ohlpmcnts , SM headi mnrkct stonily ; InmU , W.TT.IM.IS ; mutton.v J2.35tf3.65. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ St. l.iinU ltv ( > Slock. ST. IXtMS. Feb. ll.-CATTLK-Recelpls. 1,409 head ; shipments , ! > V > head , marki'l uteady t : > 10o hlRhcr , hut rnnRem unchanged ; fnlr In best ( ilfliv. ping steers. J3.I.M ; dreswl Iwef nnd butchers * grade * . J3.25tr4.Mj liulk of BAles , 3.3Vtf.l.49 ( ; sttvrii under l.C" ) Ihs. , J2.50if3.50 ; bulk of Mle. , J2.7SO 3.25 ! stix-kers nnd feeders , J2.fW3M ; bulk of ale , J2.15B.1.M ; canning cows. JI.2sr2.0i ) ; rnlves , chiefly JS.ooSf6.00 ; bulls , mostly J2.ooif2.50i Texan steers , grnssor * . J2.G01I3.00 ; fed , J3.0inra.7i ; cow mid heifers , J2.00n3.00. IlOtlS Receipts. 6,700 head : shipments. 3.000 head ; market opened Ho uji , hut closed weak ; heavy. Jl.00n4.85j mixed. I3.S004.2J ; light , Jl.Wtf 4.25 : bulk of wile * . J4.055f4.1S. HII13EP Receipts. GOi ) head ; shipments GOO head ; market steady to llrm ; natlvm , Jl.7.lfl.M : joulhern. J2Crt 3,23 ; Inmbs , J.UiO4.W ; culls nn.t 'V ' v York Mvo Stock. , .NP\V YORK. Feb. ll.-niiVirtHecelpl : ; ! . . 2.625 hend ; shndo higher ; steers , J4.10BI.CO ; . " "n. i' ' 'i ' , .6" ! hulls , J2.75 f3.2.dry ; c , wsi. * J1.VST3.2. . . ( "nblos qimte Amirlunn steers nt ! > H10.\ dres el weight ; ivfilgrrntor lun-f , nt 7WSc. SHEEP AND LAMDS-Recelpts , S,0i hend ; flow ; sheep , potir to prime , J2.75if3.00 ; choice and exli-rt wethers. J4.23ir4.S > ! lamhu. Jl.WirS.S ) . HtylflReceipts , 4.700 head ; nominally nrmj J4.wJf4S3. Cort'oc NEW YORK , Feb. ll.-OOI-FEE-Optlons opened steady nt n derllneof Irtif U paints ; ruled but el ) * steady throughout the session under weak European ndvtces nnd foreign Iliiuldalloti , Tlio decline wns checked by n steadier ruling of Ihe Incnl cpot innrkei ; closed quiet nt 68fJ ) points net decline. Sales , 12w Ings , Including Matvh , J12.I5V1J.W. Spol cofTee , lllo , market slendy ; No. ,7 " 13 0. Jllld , quiet ; Cordova , J16.76 Warehouse dellverlm frpm New York yester day , 3.SSO bags ; New Yoi'K Ktock today , Ji-i.lCJ bags : United States stock , SH.S1S bags ; nlUwt for the United Stntey , l.W.OM Uig" ! totnl visible supply for Ihe Unlleil tnles , C6S.S15 bags , against 48iiir7r. hags Inn year. HANTOH. Fclj. II. Quiet ; gi .l nvernRi" San tos , J14 : receipts. 3.0M IMICT ; stock , 3J7 , < XW bags. lIAMlltlRO. Feb. ll.-Qulct ; imflmnged. 1IAVRI3 , Feb. 14. Closed Hendy , nt unchanged to Vif net decline : Kales , 15,000 lings. RIO. Feb. II. Steady ; No. 7. 13,200 rels ; ex change , 93-52,1 ; receipts , 3.0JD bngs ; clenrol for the United Stales , 7,00i ) bag.-t ; slock. 201,00 ! ) bags. Dry Oooiln Market. NRW YORK , Feb. II. Iniprovnl weather conditions nnd reduced prices for bleached col- loin nnd fnncy prlnls nnJ standaril llcklngn have resulted In nn Increased volume of BiieBk which wns succeeded by n widened Inquiry , Agents have tcduced the prices of Hamilton , llajet , Nnxos , Sllverettn navy blue nnd Indlco prints to fi cents : nlso nil styles of Simpson narrow prints to Gc , nnd Amoskeajr nee , Omegn , XXA nnd XXX end Cordlwi AC licking * Ho each. Printing cloths , steady nt 2ic , nnd odd goods easier. FALL RIVER , Feb. II. Print cloths , quiet nnd llrm nt 2UC. MANCHESTER , Feb. 14. The cloth market I * steadier and yarns nre quiet. I'corlii PEORIA , Feb. 14. CORN Market steady ; No. 2 , S7c ; now No , 3 , " 6'.4c. . OATS Market steady ; firm ; No. 2 white , 20 % © 20lSc : No. 3 white , 19'SHiaiic. HYE Market dull , nominal ; No. 2. 403f41c. WHISKY Market steady ; finished goods on the basis of J1.22 for high wines. RECEIPTS Corn , 6D.S90 bu. : cat * . 72.259 bu. : rye. none : whlskv , none ; whcnt , 10.KOO bu. SHIPMENTS Corn. 15,400 bu. ; onts. 31.709 bu. ; rye , none ; whisky , C64 gal- : wheat , 4,899 bu. SiiKar ninrkct. NEW YORK , Feb. 14. SUGAR Raw. firm ; fair refining , 354c ; cenlrlfugnl. Wl test , 4c. Re- Ilncd , qulel ; standard "A , " 4ic : confecllonTa "A , " 4ic ; cut loaf , GV4c ; crushed , D0-16o ; pow dered , G 3-l6oi granulated , 4TSc ; cubes , S'.ic. LONDON , Feb. 14. SUGAR Cane , firm ; centrl. fugal Java , 13s lO'.Jd ; Muscovado , fair refining , 11s 9d ; beel , firm ; Fcbruar } ' and March , 72 * IW. _ _ "Frlwco AVlicnt QilolntloiiH. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 14. WHEAT- Weak ; December , J1.161 } ; ; Mny , J1.1354. T -o Were Not NiittirntlKvil. DENVER. Colo. , Feb. 14. Attorney Qen- eral Carr's stenographer arrived today from Wnlscnliurff with a. transcript of the evl- denco taken by the prana Jury In the case of the Italians who were lynched last March. The Jury , after bclnp out four hours , found that the Italians came to their death nt the hands of persons unknown. Two Italians had taken out naturalization' papers. Dr. Joseph Cuneo. nctlnir consul for Ita'.y , has written to Governor Mclntyro nnd Attorney General Carr thanking them for the cnerKy and Interest .displayed In the Investigation nnd trial. , - I'lirclm-iorn 1'uylitK Up : CHICAGO , Feb. If Tha gold , In the Chicago subtreasury has been Increased nearly 11,000,000 within tha past week , pur chasers of the new bond Issue depositing their gold for u certificate to send to Wash ington. "I do not know the exact amount of bonds purchased by Chicago people and banks , " said Cashier Pratt , "but so far na I can learn from the depositors , Chicago Is not .buying the bonds on the Installment plan. All the gold so Tar deposited with U9 has been for the full number of bonds 'pur chased by the depositors. " Five Hundred WcnviM'H Strike. SACO , Me. , Feb. 11 , Between 400 and BOO weavers of the New Yorlt corporation In Saco stopped work In a sympathetic ctrllto this morning1 , on account of the ttlfcharga of J. J. Wlialen , president 'of the local weav ers' organization. This action wKl probably result In a shutdown of the entire corpora tion. tion.Don't m Don't Invite disappointment by experiment ing. Depend upon 'One Mlnuto Cough C3ura and you have Immediate relief. It ciirci croup. , The only harmless remedy that pro duces Immediate results. TUB rV 3IAUICRT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record February li , l&Qtit / WARRANTY DKEDS , Rowland & Bradford to O 13 Scaton , east 33 feet of Ic/t 6 , block 1 , South Omatia Vlaw 500 A I , Heed and wife to II It kockwood , north one-half of lot E , block 133 , Omaha 3 Geary Maurice to Annie M Geary , lot 3 , bloca 21 , South Omaha ; lot 4 , block 7 , Jotter's ndd undivided half of lot C , block lo , , Corrlgan I'luce , . , , ,2,200 Ira Van Camp et al , to H J llyers , lot 10 , block 1 , Sunrlso add , 250 A 1' Johnson to Alvln Baunders , lot 4 , block 1. Sunrise udd : part of lot I , block n , Park I'lace ,1COO James W Henderson nnd wlfo to A F Wolff , south one-half of lot 21 , block 2 , Armstrong llrst ndd 2 A FVoirc and wife to Elizabeth Jlond- rlckson , same , . , z IWKD3. Bhcilft to J L Stoddnrd , n tract on east line of 2Ulh Hlreet , commencing' at a point li foot south of norlh- weat corner of lot 02 , , S IS HoBcrs' ndd . . , ; , 3,333 Same ( o Omaha Havings bank , lot 8 , VnnCnmp nnd K'a sub 335 Same to Hiinu , lot J , block 3 , 8 K llnirorii' add , , 1 335v Totnl amount of transfers $9,451 OR. McCREW ; B THM ' * -HECIAL I ST WIO TBIMT. < AU. PRIVATE DISEASES Wtaknen ft Diwrder 4 MEN ONLY 0 V ui Eipctieac * . V Vein In Oruahi. noolc fit * . Coniuliatioi jind ' .xHiuiiiation Kite. M'.h ' and Tarnam Sll < < IM MI " . n Our Free Letter KevlewliiB Hie craln and "lock : natkft . will l tut you dally on requnt. In thf liopa of U rv as purl of your liu lnv . Orden sollcltuil ( of ra li i-.r r.n three lo five point martin * J , R , W1LLARD & GO llci.ibcrj Clil'.at-o Uoaid ot Tluo . o'civ VoiU roJucs Uxclianfc'e , N tv 1'uik Coin , fltoclt Kx- chsny , 17 licmij Trade , C'hlcavo. 44 ievr York. JAMES E. 130YD & CO. Telephone 10t. ; ! Oiniilui , Nub. CQMIV1ISSION GRAIN , ; PROVISIONS : AND ; STOCKS JUimi 11H4 Hoard of Trade. Ullpct nria la Chlrnxu : mJ fVcw 1'orU. John A. Waircn Co , CBIPPI.E CBSEK. Illiutinlvil li'wlj , lfo\v M Inveit , KcnA Oc. J. Hick , r. , T Il < irck liifltk , Denver , Coio. lit nnJ soM on eoinnilralon. Jfeohul livavltnent Co. Colorado iivrlaaa. Colo. aJTISoNAU"Ti'r"'fHH"cfNV7ifwAX wJ7o lulO Ma lumiunlbii on | lm train tiii | tit wculU I'll10. . ' l I'UilieU of ulicvl If 1 ; kn w ) in\v 11 K ali' It will wrll * tu C. V , V Wlr.kU ft ( : > . . II. (9. Kt I.n. 8al ! > t. . C'mrupo , h W.i ; rectlv * H rojiy ( Urn t"Hi.'fuU ) - lion , ar.'l How ti TrAdv" fico tf c\vtsi.