THE OMAHA DALLY BEEv rRIDAY , FEBRUARY 14 , 1890. SPEC1RL NOTICES. AilvrrtUemcntu for tlicne colnmna will lie tnkrtt until liStllO | i. m. ( or the crcnlnR nnil nntlt R p. m. for the inortiliiK niul Sundnr edition * . Ailvertlm > ri r liy rpcinrxtlnjc n nun- lierril clirolf , cnn hitvc nn ivrr < nil- drcKHCil to 11 ntiinlicrcil letter In cnre of The lice. AitmTrr * o mldrennotl T-,111 , he ilcllrrrcil upon iircni'titntlon of the check only. Itntcn , 1 1--O n woril flrnt Innertloiit Ic n rroril ihrrcnftcr. Nothing tnkcii for ICKR limn U.'c for flrnt Itmcrtlon. Thcnc nil\'irll eiiiciilN nnmt be run coimccu- ilvelr. 2I > SITUATION . SITUATION WAOTTn HY AN OI'TIPK MAN. nl * > Monographer , references { urnlihril. A'ldr 1C M Hep. A 1 ) 11 * nr.i.r. FOn THK HtJMANT. UBHOnN- < ? r ; Rood Mc Una for linrJwnro or hnrnc alcaman. Call or address 441 Ho. Htli si.m WAKTHD , COO MIJN AND TEAMS TO SMI.Ij our feed grlmlera and cookers ; rnlnry , Jw to I2M ptr montli , acconllnB tn nblllty. The Lltcliflcld MfR. Co. , Webster City , la. U-H718 F _ _ _ _ | < W TO 1160 PAID BALKBMnN TOn CIOAH3 : experience unnecrsimry : extra Inducement * to customers. Dlihop & Kline. St. Ix > ul , Mo. -M787 F _ _ BAi.rcsMnr * TO covnn nun. AND IOWA nlth nur nlln nnd crcanes. Noble * lleninlnR Co. , Cleveland , O. H-H5 16 _ * 2 TO ti rnn DAT ron GOOD SAI.KSMKN. ) teem M7. Rlicely bldy. 1I-1S7 1C * a AND iouNon MAKBUS MiintM nt nnce. Apply Ijetucrn 5 nnil 6 p. in. I'eopte'B Futnlturo & Colpct Co. , 1J15 I'nrnim Bt. 11-M1S2 13 _ WANTKD , A HAT SALESMAN. ONLY ONK Him linn hnd cxperlenco need apply. Aildrws P. O. Uox C2. city. " -1XI \VASTKD FEMALE HKI.T. WANTJD , iicspECTAnun annMAN nADY. so to 40 > car old. ns lieu chwpr by aermnn 1 farmer with two children , living near Omnhn. Acldrc K C , Omaha BPC. C M153 H * , WANTKD. A OIUL FOll QUNIJUAIj HOUSH- > , work. Z10J Lnthrop t. C 1S8 13 TOIL UEXT HOUSES. IN AI < 1. PARTS OK Tim CITY. TIIU O. V. Davis Company. IPOS 1'arnam. D 744 'i AND D-ItOOM IIOUSKd ON' FARNAU AND 6-room house on Z2d and Lcavenwortli , cheap. John W. Itobblns. 211 Ts' . Y. Life Ulds. IIOUSKS , 1JUNEWA & CO. , 10J N. 15T1IHT. IIODURN HOUSES. C. A. BTAnR. 25 N.Y.D . D All 80 FOR HENT , NIC13 SOUTH TIIONT , S-ItOOM brick liousinlth all 'modern Impioxcmcnts and In Hist cln condition. Inquire on preinlsra. ' 8610 Half-iro\\ard atrett. D 519 8TUAM HKATUO 8TOI11M' AND K1.AT3. "Howard IlnncU , nsent , 1010 soBt. TUB FO1.LOWINO TIOUSKS Ant3TnSmA1ILK and Wlir be rented at mldulnte prices. They nlll command' more , rent CO ilnya later. Rc- inctnb c wo will .make Induccmcnti to doslra- l > lo tenantt : No 920 North 27th avenue , 8-room , modern de tached IIOUBV. . , ' . 2001 South 4Uh street , 7-ioom , modern dftnched house. . , 3411 Jacltsin street , 7-rooin , modern detached hotiap/ 3302 Reward street , 4-room eottaRe. 2)7 South 21th street , 14-room modem detached house. ridcllty' Trust Company , 1702 Farnam Btrect , . nco building. D M123 _ 5-llOOM COTTAGE ; MODURN ; FUUNMRIIUD ; 803 S. 30th. D MI31-1C * EIOHT-HOOM HOUiiCCKNTRAIj IXCATlON. (15 mOTlh. Jnqulrc 2010 Capitol avenue. _ FOR.RnNTCOTTAOi : , 1811 IZARU STnniTT. FinST-CHJASS BOARD AT 161 UAVRNPORT Elrtel. . . E M471 Fll _ IIHATED . , ROOMS : . , LIGHT lioniscKecplnB ! 2019 IHirncy , EU731C' FURNISHHD HEATED ROOMS ; LIGHT houseki-eplns ; COS N. 18th. 11 M17910 * NIOEI > Y FUhNlSHCD FRONT ROOM 1511) ) Ilinvnl-d street 13 150-15 * FCHMSIinD IIOOMS AND HOARD. FIRST-CIA88 I1OARD ; ItlO DAVKNI'ORT ST. F MI71 FI4 _ FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS WITH OR WITH- 'out' board ; steam herit ; electilu bells ; baths ; rates reasonable. Midland hotel , ICth & Chicago cage Hi * . _ F MM1) F18 rURNISHCD STEAM IinATED ROOMS. MOD- rn comenU-nces , board. COJ South 13th. IV53 K1C12L.Y FURNISHED IIOOMS. 201 S. S3TH ST I * &ils7 IS LARGE BOUTH ROOMS , \V1T1I STEAM ; 1JX- collcnt table ; reference202 N. ISth.r . r 'M196 16 * ' FURNISHED' AND UNrURNISHUD HOOM8 , with board Utopia , 17SI Davenport st. F ISfi I.-OH UKXT UNPUIlNISIIRn HOOMS. i IIOOMS : WATER IN KITCHEN s CENTRA ! , ; reasonable rent ; nice for lioii-tkceplnR. 170i Wuln-ter t. Q 7M B'UNFURNISHED C1IAMI1ERS FOR HOUSC- kccplnir , man and wife ; wateriln kitchen ; steel Sink ; wiHte pipe. S1J N. ITlh. G-M612 rou unvr-sToiiEs AM > OFVICKS. . FOR RENT , THE 4-STOUY IJRIC'C. RUH < DINa kt 910 Fninitm si. Thin building has n flre- 'nioof cement basement , complete team heat- ln llxturcs , wnter on till tloors , sag , etc. Apply - ply "t the onice of The Uec. l-Hll riRhT CI-ASS llIUt'K STORE imn.DINO 1011 Farnam , 3 stories and Inivrnent : will alter to iult tennnt. Low 'e"t. 314 Flrat Natlonul I-M1000-2J Bank llldg. UKNTAL AGKJiCV. J. H. 1'ARROTTE , ROOM K , DOUOLAS I1MC. I * "Mu3 FiS STOHAGU. BTOItAGD. I'llANK UWIJUS , UU HAtlNP.Y. M 5l TAC1F1C STOHAOK AND WAlinHOU8H CO. . SOS-910 Jonot. aenernl toi-aKO nua Iot\vardln , 1 . * M 763 WA.Vl'HU TO 11UV. KUUNITUKB. UUOWN'S. 102 8. II. N 4ia , TO 11UY finCOND-HANDlID SA , l 6n fixtures and cash ri-ebtfr. Atlilros A. F , Ijyorafo OrJ. Neb. N-MOK M . V'ANTiD : TDTliUY- TEN 'OU FIFTIIKN lipnin pOttcr ekctrlo motor In coed cnndltlim. wllli nrlca ind ( ull naitlcnlars. K > , N Oi-13 TO tt.'Y A FHKSH COW : MUST tie rich nnl laigo inllKur. Addrcsb K CO , llcv. , _ N-M 103 l'OUBI * . IX ) TKAIl DOWN OH MOVE. 23io rnninm. X M1M 20 * VUHNITURU AND CAHPETS AT 123 BO. 10TH. O-7M Fti _ FOR BAI.U. PltltNlTL'ICR. LACE CURTAINS and rugs. Inquire 53J Drown O-n-13 UIJIIUI\i AND I.OA.V ASHOCIA'1'IO.\.S. bHAUKS IN MUTUAL b. .t U. ASS'N 1'AY . 7 , S per c nt wlirn 1 , I , 3 years old ; oluuja redeemable. KM Farnaru t. , Nuttlngtr. Sec. _ 781 HOW TO OUT A HOMU Oil BKCWU1 GOOD Intercit on iMVlnsi. Apply to Omaha L. & IJ. Ass'n. 1701 Ue llldj. a , M , Nattlnjcr , Bee. 7U KOK HAHD WOOD 4 AND ( UrOOT FENCC PO11 corn cribblnir. C. H. Le , Ml Dousla 7Q7M Q-7M FOR SALIJ. NATIONAL CASH HF.OISTKU ; AL- nwat utvr. Inquire 704 Ho. loth. Q JI311 19 BIID BWJKT POTATOI . VINKLI-SS. vnni : . Ttt o. Williams. HCIMOII , Neb. { ) M1C4 MS roil HKNT. TAUMi ! IO Al'UKS U.NDI.'n ulow ; it lullcib from Omaha ; icooJ IIOUM nn.l Uirtu. Cull ll N. llllu It-UlGj ! < CMIRVO VASTS. Mna. on. . WAnnEM. CLAinvoTANT , HE- llable business medium ; Ith rear at 119 N. Kth. S-7M PIIOP. M. LiO.V : MAtUlAf ) , THK CKLE- brntpil clalr\oi'nnt , h < icturn il tn Om ha , and c n be eon ult l on all nffulrs. Without k- Inif you queitlonii. Prof. Marrail tell * you e ery- thlnc past , present onJ future. Satisfaction tniarnnteeil. Dally from 19 a. in. to 1 P. * " ! 1S1J rnrnim streft. S M191 15 * MASSA n , I1ATIIS , I'.TC. MADAME HMITH. 1622 DO1IOLAS BTItEET , ] Moor , rrxim 11. Massage , gleam , alcohol nnd tulphlirlno liaths. T1U 15 * MME. LAHUE ; MASSAOE ; 1CIJ HOWAHD ST. . [ T-M4SO F15 MMH. AMH3 , rOHMEHLY OP ST. LOUIS. MAS- engonnJ bnlhs. C07 8. Kill St. , 2J floor , room 10. _ T-IOl-MSV MAllAMt : LEON. MASSAOC 1'AllI.OItS. 11EST- ful and refreMilnff. 417 S. lllli t. . upstnlr * . T MII'J 15 * BATHS , MASSAOE. MSIE. TOST , J19',4 8. 15TH. _ _ TINE Livnnv ntos CHEAP. KD . lilh and St. Mao's axenuc. Telephone , 440. U-7C7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MISS VAN VALlCENMUUCm DRSTHOYfl I'En- manently elcctrlcltx tuperlluou hnlr. moles. wart , no. Hoom 410 , N. V. Llfo lMe. ) U-7 _ _ _ _ VIAVI col sio HEI : iiuti.niNn ; HOMI : treatment for Uilles : physician bt fifteen years' experience ! In Attendance : consultation free. n M7M SYSTEM FOP. MAKINO OLD faces younB : wrlnklM removed. 200 Diuslas blk. ' Write Mme. True. U-M437 ri7 _ DELLE EI'I'EIU.Y CORSET MADE TO OUDKn at 1909 Farnam. Lady canvassers wanted. U-M703 F85' _ _ MAimiAon PArnn WITH PHOTOS , see ads' , lOc , "Bow Knot , " Spolmnc. Wash. U 9 m-4 , PAIILOHS , lOli DouRlai street ; just opened ; guarantees ( IrsU claM ork at reduced prices ; Imlr ilresslnir , mnnlcurlng. ecaln treatment nnd Mcnm mas- BIIKCS. U M1R3 15 _ LADIES CAN HAVE THHIII HAITI DnESBED free , Friday n. m. at I'aldce Beautiful 1615 Douglas Bt. U 189 13 .MONEY TO LOAN HKAI , ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 318 N. Y. Life. Leans nt low rates for choice security In Nebraska & Iowa farms or Omaha city property. A01 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES. Till ! O. F. Davis Co. . IMS.Fainam t. W 762 6 PEH CENT. MONbY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. W. D. Mellttc , Omaha W 703 _ _ _ MONEY TO LOAN ON. IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , llrennan , Love , & Co. . Poxton blk. W 761 CITY LOANS. C A , STAnn , 825 N. Y. LIFE. W 703 MOHTOAOES. O. O. WALLACE. DllOWN ULK. W 7C6 LOANS ON IMPROVED & 'UNIMI'nOVED CITY property. W. Fainam Smith A : Co. . 132) F.irnom. W-7C7 MOUTGAOE LOANS ; LOW HATES. J. D. Zlttle , ICth nnd Douglas , Omihn.W7M W-7M FARM LOANS , DOUGLAS'AND SARPY , 1 TO 10 years ; low rates. Garvln Uros. , 210 N. Y. L. W-769 QUO. P. UEM1S , LOANS , PAXTON BLIC. W 953 SIOXEV TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS. , wagons , ctc. , at lowest tales ID city ; no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can. pay the loan off. at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 30C S. ICth St. _ _ _ _ _ X-711) MONEY TO LOAN , 30. CO. 90 DAYS ; FURNI- ture. pianos , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , Darker block. X 771 UUS1NKSS ClIAXCKS. CRIPI'LE CREEK GOLD STOCKS , SAFE AND Btiro ; K and upard4 Invested often brings fabulous nnd qul k returns by placing your oldere 'rwjtll the Van lluxcn Investment Co. . ( incorporated ) , banktra. ixnd ( brokers , S03 ISth at. . Denver , Colo. . Y772 cnirpLD "CIIEEIC MINING STOCKS HAVE luUunccd. SOO per cent , since last July : wo are members of the stock exchange nt Cripple Creek , whcro' stock Is sold at Its true value ; stock In shipping mines now selling at S cents upwards , and In undeveloped mines 1 cent per share upnnrds ; wo can pick out the coed stocks ; Blocks are now .bclnc offered to eastern cus tomers for 10" cents , that would not bell for 1 cent on this exchange ; no remittances.less than $12.50 Imested ; manual with Cripple Creek mining map mailed on receipt of 10 cwiti : refer ences. Merchants and U. S. Nntlonnt banks , Oirmlia. E. Benedict & . Co. , Cripple Creek , _ Colo. Y-S84-Mch 2 FOR SALE OR TRADE TOR LAND , THE most complete \llrlfled brick plant In Kansas. R. n. Drury , Atchlson , Kan. Y M903-17 * FOR "SALE SALO"ON AND FIXTUltES AND bather nhop , good town In Cass counaty. Ad- ilrc K 41 , Uee onice. Y OS7-14 FOR SALE. HARNESS SHOP IN EASTERN Nebrnika town of 2.COO Inliahltants ; only two nhops In town ; stock Mill ln\nle > Jl. W. all Ilrht-c-lawt ; will sell nt n birgnln If s'M noon ; good reason for aelllm , ' . Enniilre- H. E. An- dcison , Indlanola , la. , but , JOT. Y M13J 15 * ONE OF THD DEST SALOONS IN THFI CITY ; must fell on ncrount of Blcl.nuss. Addrcm p. O. liox. 813. Wc t Point. Neb. Y Mint FOII ExciiA.vcr : . FINE STOCK OF CLOTHING IN EXCHANGE for young all purpose horses. Addront Mllch.-un & Itnzley. Dhxiinflcld. N l > * aska. Z 933 21 I AM , GOING TO ST. LOUIH TO LIVE AND wish to exchange my house nnd lot on linnam Bt. for house and lot In St. Louis. Address 1C S9 Ucc. Z 157 FOR SALE IUS.VL ESTATE. BARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY I'ROP- rrtlcs and farnu. Jtto. N. Frenzcr , opp. 1 * . O ltt773 GEO. P. DEMIS. HOUSES , I/3TS , IRRIGATED farm lands , loans. 503 and 201 ! Paxtnn block , RE 323 ABSTRACTS. THE UYRON HEED COMPANY. RE-774 FOR SALE. MO-ACRU FARM WITHIN TWO miles of good mllroatl ton-n. In best part of southHfiteni Iowa ; good land ; fair Improve ments ; U down : part In city property ; Imlinci on lonif time. E. J , Kuechle , P. O , Dox 213 , Council muffs. la. RB M94 > U * MHIJICAL. PILES CURED WITHOUT PAIN-ONE TREATment - ment iloou the , work , No knlfa or couKtla used. Rectal dloea s a fpeclolty. Dr. Cook. S07. Now Yoik Life llulldlng. Ij5.i7 IIOHHKHVI.TBRI'I1. . HORHE3 WINTERED ; RKST Ol ? CARE . lvfn horses , both winter nnd eummor. Addn-ss H. J. Welch. Gretno. Neb. 775 Ul'IIOI.STMIll.VC. iFUItMTUHE. UPHOI.STKRINO. FURNITURE REPAIRED end packed very cheap this montli. JH. S. Walkin. 2111 Cumlng. Tel , lai. T50 DANCING. NEW CLASSES FORMED FOR I1UGINNERS at Morand'H this neck ; adulty , Tuesday and Friday , S p. m. : children , Suturdny. 10 a. m. ; first lemons taken privately If desired ; open day and e\enlng ; assemblies. Thursday. 8:30 p. m. : eenllemen and I/idltv We. M Ki7 FM HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. 13 | ) > and Dodec. Rooms by day or week. 781 MUSIC , AHT AND KIMHALI , PIANO : ONLY JCO ; CASH OR ON time ; now pianos for rent. M5 McCague bldg. 117 15 * GEORGE K. UBIJ.ENnECK. JJANJO AND eullar teacher. 1815 Chicago it. 1W STUDENTS IN GERMAN , OMAHA PRIVATE rollrse. Wtt New York Ufe bids. Abraham Rudy , prufcislonal German teacher" 177-13' PAW.WUIOICEJIS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS UOtfcr. 411 N. IS VMIEIITAKEIIS AND UMIIALMEUH. II , 1C. BURKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 1611 Culcajru sL. telephone 90. 7il 8WANSON & V.U4EN. 1701 CUMING , TEL. 1KO 771 M. O. MAUL. UNDKRTAKER AND EH. 1417 Farnnra it. , telephone KJ. 771 OMAHA UICYCLB CO. . UtoT PLACE TO 11UY bicycles ; blcrUs replcd : , 33 N. Ktb it. C37 MUNYON'S ' REMEDIES DOCTOR YOURSELF Well-Known People Testify to Wcnderfu Cures They say Munyoii's Remedies CurjCatirr'a sia Rheumatism , D/sjfjp , matism and the Mail Ob stinate Diseases. ( ) e ( MMIITOII * Ritlilc to llrnllh from Your DrtiKKlxl It Will Cost Von nnil MilSnc Your Ilc. R. Oliver Strumm of J'JOT Gamble street , St. LouN , Mo. , cays : "I bad Kidney disease for about iroven year * , and It has reduced me In flejh very much. My urine was heavy nml cloudy and left a thick sediment. I tl'cd many different kinds of medicine with out gliding any relief. Finally I began uilng Munyon'p Kidney Cure , nnd It com pletely cured me In a very slicrt time. " Munjron'ft Rheumatism Cure "hover falls to relieve In one to three hours , and cures In a few days. Price , 25c. Munyou's Dyrpcpsh Cute Is guaranteed to euro all forms of Indigestion and stomach trouble ? . Price , 25c. Munyoii's Catarrh Remedies positively cure. Price. 25c each. Mtinycn's Kidney Cure speedily cure ? paint ! In the back , loins and groins and all forms of kidney dlsc-asa. Price , 2Sc. Munybn's female Remedies are a boon to all women. Price , 25c. Asthma Cure , with Asthma Herbs , $1.00. Munycn's Nerva Cure stops nervoumesv and builds up the system. Price , 25c Munyon's Headache- Cure stops headache In three minuted. Price , 25c. Munyon's Pllo Ointment positively cures all forms of piles. Price , 25c. Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all Impuri ties of the blood. Price , 2Sc. Munyon's Vltallzcr restores lost powers to weak men. Price , $1.00. A separate cure for each dleeasc. At all druggists , 25c a bottle. Personal letters to Professor' Munyon , 1G05 Arch street , Philadelphia , Pa. , answered with tree medical advice for any disease. SHORTHAND ASTD TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. . C.13'NV Y. IAFC. 77 9 _ PITMAN SYSTEM OF SHORTHAND TAUQHT by mall by nn ex-olUcUI reporter. Toi par ticulars address F. K. Dell , 701 N. Y. L , . lildff. Oinnlm. 176-18 * RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves IDUIILINGTON & MO. lUVmi.lArrlvcs OmaliaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha S:30am : Dervcr Express 9:3oam : 4:35pm.Dlk. : Hills , Mont. & 1'uget Snd Ex. 4:0opm : 4:3opm : . .Denver Uxpress * . . . . , 4:0upm : 1 : OJim..Nebraska [ Local ( except Sunday ) . . 7:43i : > m . . .Lincoln Locnl ( except Humlaj.ll:2iam ) : 2 : pm..Fast Mall ( Cor Llncolr ) dally. . . Leaves ( CHICAGO. DUULINGTON & Q ( Arrives- ' Om.ihalUnlon Depot. IQlli & Mason Sta.f Omalia 6.00pm Chicago Vestibule 8:003in : 9ISntn : CtilcuKO Express 4:15pm : 7SOpm..Chicago & St. Louis Express. . . 8.00am ll:35am : Pacific Junction Local C:30pm Fast Mall ' 2 : < 0pm. Leave's [ CHICAGO. MIL. & ST. PAUL.Arrlves | OmahaUnlon | Depot. 10th & Mason Slg , | Omaha IjToOpm. . Chicago Limited 8:05am 10:43um..Chicago : Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 7:2jpm Leaves ( CHICAGO & 'NORTHWnsrN.lArrlvca OmnlialUnlon Depot , 10th & Mnson St3. | Omnlm' ll:00nm. : . . . ' . ' .Knstern Express.3:10pm ' 4:45pm : VtBtlbuled Limited 5:4jpm : 7OJam..i Cjrrcll Passenger : . . . .10:40pm : 5:4opm : Omaha Chicago Spcr-lal 8:0frim 4:30pm : nnone Lorc 9:3 : < 1am .Missouri Valley Local 9SOam Leaves ( CHICAGO. It. I. & PACIFIC.IArrlves OmahalUnlon Depot10th & Mason Sta. | Omaha ' DA ST. J 16740am..Atlantic Express < * x. Sunday ) . . . o:33pm C:23pm Night Expres.r 8:15am : 4:00pm..Chicago Vc tlbuled Limited. . . . l:35pm : 450pm..St. lvml Vestlbmed Limited. . . . l3opm WEST. CMIpm.Oklahoma & Texas nx. ( ex. Sun..10:35am : l:40pm : Colorado Limited 4:00pm : Lonvca I C. , ST.1'P. ' . It. & O. ( Arrives Oinahal Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. | Omaha "sTllam Sioux City Accommodation. . . . 8:15pm : : City express ( ex. Sun..llS5am S:4Ji : > m St. Paul Limited OilOam Lco-vcs I F. . E. & MO. VALLEY JAirlvcs Omalial Depot , 15th and Webster Stsf Omaha 2:15pm..T.rast : Mall ami Express . . . . . . G:33pm : ; . . ( > x. Sat. ) Wyo. Ex. ( ex. Man. ) . . 535pm 7.60am..Noifolk Express ( ex. Sunday.10:25nm : 6l3pm : St. Paul Express : IOnni Leaven I K. C. , ST. J. ft C. D. Arrives" OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha sibsam Kansas City Day Express 5:30pm : 9:45pm.K. : C. Nleht Ex. Via U ; P. Trans. 7:00am Leaves' I MIS8OUUfPA CIFIC J Arrives Omahaj Depot , 15tli and Webster 31s. f Omaha 10:40am : .7.8t. Louls Express CMam : 9:30pm : St. Louis Express t:03pm : 3:30prn..Nebraska Local ( ex. Sun. ) . . . . 9:00qm : Leaves SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omalial DfpoJ. 15th juul Webster Sts. f Omaha B45pm ; S ( . Paul Limited 9lO ! m Leaven I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. | ArrUcs OmahalUnlon Depgt , 10th ; & Mason Sla. | Omaha 7:05am , Sioux City Passenger 10:40pm : 54'pm St. Paul Limited 930am ! Leaves I UNION > ACIFIC. Oinnh | ljnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sis | Lea > -es I IVAHASH JIAIWAY. JArrUes Omah.-ilUnlnn Depot. 10th & Mason Sis. I Omaha 4:3CDrs : Bt. Louis Cannon Ball l TIIK REAliTV MAIUCnT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record February 13 , 1696 : WARRANTY DEEDS. Sarah Darling and husband to Wil liam Stnin , blk 11 , Boyd'H mi < l . J 1,000 J C Jacob * and wife to K M Jacobs , lot 15 , hlic "II , " Saunders & IPs add. 1.000 Jennlo Honey and husband to S 1C Humphioy. lot 13 , blk 0 , Kountzo Place- . . . . . . . . . 7,600 OuHtnv Peterson nnd wife to II H Harder , trustee , n y , of w 'A lot 24 , blk 4 , Oimpbcll'sudd . , . . . . „ . . . 700 Qustavo SundberK und wife to B A Bundhorff , lot 9 , blk 2. Kostcr'H nild. . 700 Anton llaiimelster to Theresa Itaum- olster , s 30 feet lot 7 , blk 2 , Hor- bnch'H 2J add . 1500 Saino nrwl wife to U N Robertson , n 45 feet lot 8. blk 2. name . 1,000 II ! . < Lockwood nnd husband to A Ij Reed , lot 18 nnd w 10 feet lot 17 , blk 6 , Alamo Plaza . , 10000 Anton Malek nnd wife to n P Bcebold , lot 3 , blk 103 , South Omaha . 1.2SO D P Sccbold nnd wife to J P Alar- t tin , same . , . . , . , , , 1,280 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. niJ ? Pll,1lar.Jfnnlo Honey , lot 13 , blk 8 , Kountze Plnco . . . . . . i B K. Humphrey to D O Alsnp , name. . 4.150 Total amount pf transfers { HOW TO BE A MAN W33ATC ' ' " "von troubled \vltlinimi- " - - " * tal weakliest * , nenoumioMs , loss of Hi-xnal power , night emltmlonH , mi- nnlurnlctlHrR N"clmnres , luck of do- lro to -JAi . , . nor | 0nll nnjm.,1 j. bor , oiiiHod by youthful Indlscrotloiii. If BO , send forfull BU box "J _ [ A 1313 Irwluient Caimiilos for f 3 00 Ouarnntecd to euro or money rpturnud. Slnzlo ft'll nOf f boxes * 1. Tills U no f.iko * - * * - AV J vT euro , nor free lirvscnpllon. na medicine cotttu money. Don't bo fooled. Ilulin'H I'liuriuucy , VOI'J t > 'ariijm Street , Omulia. i-Tiirlitit Tunty n nil J' u- , - _ ' * . no\er full tn brine men. i A'i'iiiKlvK ro ta Hir ( In// / , K ( box , 0 ( or 13 1 y iimlL Kuhu'i. I'liurmacy , Uiuuhu. WILCOX COMPOUND ANSY9P1LLS hair and hl'l . . .r..l'nr al ly.nldniir'Uu. i- . _ , _ _ fin HvuiaH'j Aafn/Hanl. W'lT.CdV fil'l C'lKIl ) I'tt. SM bouth hlfblfi Slivct , fUlL&Ut.I.I'lliA. t > FAVORS THE * EXPOSITION i < * i lot Iowa Will Assist. h the Transmississippi ' Sko'wJroject. II I HI MAWKEYE LEGISLATURE ENDORSES PLAN Sir. AVntdm TclU Ho v < lic Uninlin ConiiiiltlccVOM Kceelvoil nt Molnp * Welcome to I3 - 1 t Gurtlon W. Wattles , vice president of the Union National bnni ) , who has Just returned from DCS Molnes In the Interest of the Trans- mlwlsslppl exposition , was seen by a Bee reporter yesterday. He- declared himself as highly plofls d ttlth the treatment that the Omaha and Council I ) hi ( la delegations had received at the hands of the Iowa legislators. The main object of the visit was to secure the endorsement of the exposition by the Iowa legislature. This waa cordially granted nnd every assurance given that Iowa would co-operate with Nebraska tn making the ex position of 1898'a grand success. "When we first began to talk to the people at DCS Molnea about the exposition , " said Mr. Wattles , "they1 didn't know what It was , They had not heard of It. I think this Is too general throughout the wast. If the exposition Is attended by only 1,000.000 per sons , the amount of revenue that Omaha wilt dorlvo from tlio affair will bo groat. Wo can at least afford to work hard In order to prop erly start.the venture. "When the Iowa people learned of the mag nitude of tlia proposes ! exposition and recog nized the great advantages that would accrue to the entire west , they were not slow In de claring themselves' heartily In favor of It. Iowa has * lost a good many people to the south during the latter's boom , and they ore anxious to do anything that will help bring back some of these wanderers. "On , our arrival In Dos Molnes Governor Drake at once called a meeting of the lead ers of both branch of the legislature. We met at , the Savory house and were given a most courteous hearing. After we had pre sented a prospectus for the exposition , the governor appointed Lieutenant Governor Par- rott and Speaker Dyers a committee to draw up a resolution , endorsing the project. Till * was done and the 'resolution ' was prosantoJ In the house } > y Assemblyman Weaver. There was but a slngld speeqll on the motion to cn- dorso the exposition ; and that waa decidedly favorable. The resolution was passed by a unanimous vote. In * the senate , as soon at- the special , order before that body was dis posed of ; the resolution was Introduced by Senator Garst. The senate also passed It unanimously. "Tho fact that , four out of the five citizens who went on thlsjorrand are old lowans helped out Immensely. But the thing that accomplished the moit good was the presence of ox-Govornor Saunders. Ho was heartily greeted by his former comrades and as sociates and when he appeared before the legislature that , bndjiJIadjourned and Insisted on hla speaking fnorni Ihe chair of the pre siding ofllcer. Th6' Pioneer Lawmakers' as sociation of Io\\n1was In convention at the tlmo and the ex-gflvefnor renewed many old friendships. The cou'rjbbsles that were shown to him were- most marked and we were nil glad to be with him and to have him appear In the Interests of''llte ' exposition. " "Ono remarkably Jcpturo was the perfect ficcdom from anything like Jealousy. Iowa people were tjilltt'agreed that Omaha was the otic1' place Tfhe-Vein transmlsslsslppl ex position should be hold. The lowans had a slight- political i motive in ithelr , cordial endorsement of our plan. Everybody over there la" heart anWeoul for Allison for the presidency. * t was.said to"us not a few times that lowana wished to bo neighborly and hejp -NcTftaSkSf 'with the coming ex position. In return1. they hoped and cx- jeqte'4ihat . .tfoTJr&fcavriulCI'j , Bjjp' ( > ort lowa'a , "election * to the prebradncy. " V ' , ' The Omaha men .who visited DOS' Maine's In the Intere'stsjuicJ nthe exposition , , , wore : Gurdon W.Vattlos , . ex-Governcr Saundcre , W. S. Strawri , Z. T. Llndsey and John A Wakeflelu' . ' The later acted as 8cretary for the party. The Council. Bluffs delegation consisted of C. n. Hannan , C. II. Odell. I. M. Treynor , William ' Moore and a newspaper representative. I'HIES HUOUGIIT IIACIC TO wlili the Ijiirreiiy of n Watch He Illumes HlH Wife. Ofllcer Cox returned yesterday from Sioux City , bringing John Frfes , who Is charged with the larceny of a gold watch from Mrs. B. Norman of North Twonty-flrst street , and also with disposing- goods ob tained from the Nebraska Clothing company " pany , but which had never been paid for. While In SI6ux City Fries learned' that lie was wanted and returned the watch. He blames his wifeantU.Hays that ho [ s Innocent. He says , that he does not know what has become of his wife , claiming that she left him In Sioux City' An effort will be made by the police to place the little daughter , who was deserted by Fries and ils..wjfoIn , some good home. Fries is not willing that this should be done and action win bo postponed until after Jils trial. It , has boon learned that ho and his wife left a 12-year-old son In the hands of a hotel keeper at Corning , Mp , , where they lived before cgmlng to this city. t Opera singers and public speakers can keep their voices cjear and strong with the family remedy. Dr. Bull's , Cough Syrup. IloriU ArrrxtlMl nt _ Sioux City. J , A. Borst ; who tried to swindle a num ber of druggists In 'tho 'city by selling spurious quinine , has been arrested In Sioux City. The chief pf police yesterday re ceived an inquiry from the- Sioux City authorities , asking If the , man was wanted. Chief Sigwart replhd . .Inthe negative. Sher man & McConnell were the only dealers swin dled , and they only tq the extent of $12. Lund & Co. mede a largo purchase for which they gave a check , payment on which was stopped before It was cashed. It Is under stood that Borst Is wanted In Beatrice , where ho cleared $100 on his trick. Ono Jllnuto Cough Cure touches the rlgbt spot. It also touches It at the right time If you talto It when you have a cougo or cold SOP the point ? , 'Thon doa't cough. . " . . . . r i. .T. Tobacco userseay. Ah ! mayboyousay coyourselftouTlierooro millions ilko you , \Wir7hy3clan8 | ! calU "TO BACCO NEpVE" teal Is , your nervous - ous system is/completely under tobac co's narcotfo slfmulant , end when you say , "I CANjtJppIT , " you tell the truth. The raturatwayJs to treat IhodlHttseU nervous syslenty using NO JUKES IT TO BAG BSYf _ els dlrecUj gn th lobaccs-Irrltaled nerve contre * , fcstroylng the nerve craving effects , builds up and Improves the entire nervous system. Makes WEAK HEN STRONG. Many report a gain tf fin pounds In ten days. You run no Vhyslcal or financial rUk NO-TO-BAC old -infer your ea DRUGGIST'S IUAMNTEE. -Every drogoUtisuutliortodto Mil no-To-Bac under abaolulo guarantee to euro every tonn ot tobacco using. n" " " ' " " " "uarantoo , froosaniploor STllANOH CONDUCT OF KKJfYOtf Machine Aftrnt Ill" Viilunttlrn Vnnnil. The Nebraska managers of the Singer Sew ing Mftchlno company are wondering wlul has become of T. K. Kenyon , their agenl at Norfolk. Kenyon has disappeared and his departure Is marked by some peculiar Incidents. He was last seen WodncsJay morning at the Northwestern depot In Coun cil Dlults. Just as a train was pulling out he Ttn to the , depot , but missed connections. Ho had a dark brown valise In his luml and after ho had missed the train ho con tinued to pice up and down the platform for some time. The depot pollccnun noticed that the man seemed much excited and forme 1 the opinion that he was 'crazy. Kenyon finally went nway and that was the last thought of the matter until Wednesday when the vatlo was found In the rear of n grocery store In Council Bluffs. It was taken to the police station and opened , It contained notes amounting to over $1,000 , ex ecuted by various farmers In the vicinity of Norfolk and In favor of the company. Most of the notes bore endorsements Indicating that payments had been made within a short time. Kenyan's name and business was disclosed by a number of letters from the Singer company , which were In the valise. Nothing has been learned of Kenyon's whereabouts since ho left the depot , and the local managers nro a good deal mysti fied at the occurrence. The manager of the Omaha establishment telephoned to Grand Inland yesterday , but was unable to learn anything. Kenyon worked under the direc tion of the Grand IMand ofllce and the manager at that place has begun Investiga tions. _ TBl4lSOK MAY M3WTON. Ocrtnrcn the fllrl I.pft the I'oor Farm n ( Her Omt Accord. Judge Stenberg , chairman of the committee on poor farm of the Board or County Com missioners , says that Ida May Now ton , the girl who told a long talc of woo to the police , Is Imposing upon the good nature of a credu lous public. Ho says the girl was at the Milford - ford homo for girls for a year , the full length of ttmo that any girl Is allowed to stay , and was then admitted to the Home of the Good Shepherd at South Omaha , but was ousted from that Institution on account of her continued resistance to oil of the rules of the place. She was then taken to the poor farm , but refused to remain about the Institution , running auay whenever she secured an opportunity At one time , the Judge states , the ? ! i told htm that she would not I'tay thciu , but would get out the first time she got a chance , and would break out of the windows If necessary. "She has never been adjudged Insane , " continued the Judge , "and we had no right to detain her against her -will. She was not Insane , hut \\as bent on running after men. She made Ufa a burden for every "man about the poor farm , and they are glad she has gene , but she Is not entitled to sympathy. She Is simply vicious , and Is determined to lead an Immoral life. She paid to me just a few days ago that she- Intended to take upJrer residence in the eastern part of the city and would like to sec anyone prevent her from doing so. I suppose she left the- poor farm to carry out her Intentions in that respect and none of the county officers had any au thority to stop her. " SUITS AGAINST E.X-CL.I2KK MOOIIES. Clinrproil with HiiviiiK Collected II- li-KUl KCCM Willie In Olllce. Sixteen suits have been commenced In the district court against Frank E. Mooros , ex- clerk of the district court. The cults arc based on section 34 of chapter 28 of the Ne braska statutes , which provides" a penalty of $50 In each case where fees are charged In excess cf the- amount fixed by law. The suits are brought by the following plaintiffs : Fannlo B. Godwin , George P. Davis , Isabella L. Peck , Howard , W * Charles , Katherlno A. Anderson , Charles E. Bates , Gugeno C. Bates , Anna M. J. Bellainy , Mary 'A. . Martin , Uufus W. Peck , Dante ? H. . Smith , executor ; Ohrls : tlan Sehler ( Richard Goodman , Adln R. Clapp' . , ,1. ' ' ' S : . Bryant. Tfie 'defendant ? hi. each case- arc F. E. Moores and his bondsmen , Charles H : Gulou , Frank/Colpetzer , Oeorgo T. Mlels and John B. Furay.'andlhe amounts sued for are $50 in each case except those of Katherlno A. Anderson , Charles E. Bates and Eugene C. Bate ? . In each of which the amount sued for Is $100. The petitions filed allege Illegal col lection of sees ranging In amounts from $10 to $40. Minor MnttrrH In Court. The German Savings bank has commenced suit against H. ' T. and W. F. Clarke to recover $3,000 on.a . note. Tho. Standard Oil company has commenced suit 'against the Goodman Drug company to recover $1,523.35 due on a note. ThP Jury which heard the case of Basil M. Webster against August Jornberg and others , returned a verdict against the defendant , John O. Nordgren , for $4,931.30. Richard nice , the colored boy who was tried Wednesday on the charge of grand lar ceny , was found guilty of petit Marcony by the jury , and waa remanded for sentence. , Judge Scott Issued an order yesterday allowing the attorney for George Morgan forty days' extension of time In which to file his bill of exceptions. Morgan li < under sen tence. of death for the killing of Ida Gasklll. In the county court the case of Oeorgo D. Mclklejohn against the estate of Catherine M. Tuseler was1 pending for several days. The suit Is for attorney's fees and judgment has been entered against the es tate , allowing Melklejohn $2,000. The Jury In the case of F. J. Hctzel ogalnk ox-Sheriff Bennett was discharged by Judge Keysor after being out nlnety-flvo houra. This was the fifth trial of 'the capo and the jury Informed the Judge that the members stood five to seven In favor of Ilctzcl , but were unable to agree. This U the third die- agreement , verdicts In favor of Hetzcl hav ing boon returned on two former.trlals. The Mortem " \Vny. Commends Itself to the well-informed , to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done In the crudest manner and disagree ably as well. To cleanse the system and break up colds , headache * , and fevers with out unpleasant after effects , use the delight ful liquid laxative remedy , Syrup of Figs , Manufactured by California Fig Syrup Com pany. _ HAT SUVA'S KI.AHOUATK FUM3IIAI. . Many IlncU I.onilx of Plain * Sent to tliu Church. TROY , N. Y. Feb. 13 , The "Bat" Shea funeral Is being made the occasion of a great demonstration of sympathy with the family of Shea. Until midnight there was a con- etent stream of people passing through the parlor In which the b.ody pf Shea lay. The employes of the shirt , collar and cuff factory sent a number of floral tributes , The most pretentious.was a "Gates Ajar , " bearing the Inscription , "Innocent , " At each , of the shops funds have been subscribed "for flowers to be sent to the church , $300 at one , $100 at another and smaller amounts at each of the others. This money will bo uecd for the purchase of loners and the funeral expenses. At the luneral this morning a vast concourse of icopla was present. Several vehicles were cqulred to carry the flowers. AND IIEIl IIOAHDKHS. Ait U n 11 n 111 llouril Jllll ( ictH Them Into I'ollcu Court. Mrs. S , B. Medford of 612 North Thirteenth street , was arrested ' yesterday on a cont- ilalnt charging'her vtltb larceny of a num- ier of household articles. The complainant s W , T. Shreve , who la employed In a restaurant. It appears that Shrevo , his wife and a rlend were rooming and boarding with Mrs. iledford. They owed a. board bill of several dollars and were ordered out by Mrs. Med- crd. The latter held their trunk , but It was replevlned by Shreve , who charges that some AI tides were stolen from the trunk. Mrs. Medford denies this. New DulldluK * 1 There has been a alight boom la building operation ! during the past few day * . The Omaha and Grant Smelting and Refining company baa been given a permit to erect a two-story brick bag- house In connection with Us plant , at a co t of $5,000. Quit 'eteriwawill build a two-story frame dwell- ng at 2813 Davenport street at a cost of ! 1,500. A number of permit ! for smaller ninrovementa bavo been Issued. WAS A DAY OF SCREAMING Police Station Pilled for Hours with Women's Wails. WILSONS IN COURT FOR ASSAULT to IMcnil nnil tvecp Olllccru mill City I'll ) lflnn limy Spelli , It nnil UciiunclnllotiN. An unustially ponsAtlonal and ridiculous scene occurred In the police court yesterday mornlnp , when the three Wilsons , Mary , the Rrnndmotlicr. Marie , the daughter , and lUiliy , the granddaughter , who were arrested at the Drexel hotel Tuesday night on warrants charging them with assault nnd battery and with resisting an officer , were called before Police Judge Gordon. The three women made their arraignment as dramatic as pos sible. They were conducted Into the court room , accompanied by the usual assortment of vags and tramps who had been gathered the day nnd night before. This evidently did not please the nomcn , fof they crowded to the end of the bench , as far as porslblo from the common herd. The fun began as soon as they were called before the Judge. The complaint against them contained two chatgcs and Marie displayed a knowledge of law by demanding that they bo arraigned on separata complaints. To the question of whether they were guilty or not , Marie an swered that they did not Intend to plead , ergo go tn trial. She would not allow her mother or her niece to say a word. She acted as spokesman and once more demanded that two complaints bo filed. While the prosecutor waa drawing up the complaints the second act In the court room drama occurred. Marie maidenly became aflllcted with a sevcro fainting spell. She suddenly nroso and walked out of the room and Into the jail , dojplto the protestations of the court officer , doing to the woman's cell she reclined on a cot and all efforts of the jail officials and the city physician , who WHS called to attend her , failed to Induce the woman to arise. She protested that oho wna unable to do so , although the physician stated that the fainting fit was feigned. Mary nnd Ituby were allowed to accom pany Mario. When the two new complaints had been filed Mrs. Wilson and Ilnby re turned to the court room , sat down In chairs and the court ofllcer told them to listen while he read the warrants. "I won't listen , " eald Mrs. Wilson , and she turned her back to the officer and threiy her head as far away from him ns she could while he read. Ruby , the little girl , who Is raid to be 11 years of bgo , began to cry. "Come up before the Judge , " ordered the court officer when ho was through. "I won't , " said Mrs. Wilson , as she braced herself. "I won't , nnd you can't make me. " The little girl renewed hoc weeping. "I won't go , " screamed Mrs. Wilson as two officers caught hold of her , "I won't , I won't. " She struggled desperately and remained ns firm as a rock In her chair. ' "Bring her up here , " ordered the court. The officers put forth extra efforts and the woman dropped to the floor , striking upon her knees. She was dragged up before the bench all the while " ' " , screaming , "I won't , and was then placed upon her feet. During all the while the sobs of the granddaughter resounded through the court room. SHE KEPT SCUEAMINQ. The complaints were read and throughout the reading Mrs. Wilson screamed : "It la an outrage. You can do anything you want with us , but It Is an outrage. Think of bringing an 11-year-old girl here and ua two poor women. It Is an outrage. " "What Is jourt plea ? " demanded th6 court. "Aro you guilty or not guilty ? " Mrs. Wilson shook her head and pointed a warning finger at her granddaughter , The gesture was repeated when she was'asked when she would bo ready for trial. Upon that'Judge1 Gordon announced that he un derstood tbe gesture * and actions of the prisoners as signifying that they were In nocent. He set the trial for this afternoon at a o'clock. The woman nnd the girl were at once re turned to the jail , the former between two officers , and bewailing the outrage to which she had been subjected. When the jail was reached the jailer was ordered to take the old woman to a cell , while the girl was or dered to bo placed with Marie In the woman's room. At the Iron grating the old" woman fiercely clutched the girl und refused to lot her co. "You shan't take her uw.iy , " she screamed. "If I go down there she will go too. You arc brutes , all of you. You shan't take -her. , you ohan't. " The officers once moro Interfered. They seized the old woman and forcibly tore her from the little girl. She was dragged down the stone pteps and pushed Into a cell , still resisting. The girl was put In the room with the other woman , and she at once began to sob and cry. Her screams le- sounded through the building and were taken up nt once by her aunt. "They have taken grandma from us , " was the refrain sung by the little- girl , while the other screamed , "Oh , oh , oh. " The lamentations became so violent that It was deemed advisable to put the three together. An attorney for whom the women had sent appeared , and ho wont Into con sultation with them. The- weeping and walling-continued for an hour , despite the efforts of rollco Matron Cummlngs and the police olllccrs to restorequiet. . At the end of that time the women requested that everybody leave tlte room , und even City Physician Towne , wjjo was attending Marie , was ordered out. Ho Mated that there was nothing' the matter with the woman. HAD A IUIIE EXPERIENCE. The warrants for the women bad been ! > i\orn out by Constable ) Wllaon , who had1 for almost a week been trying to collect an at torney's fee of $15 duo for cervices In the Wilson-Raymond Injunction caen. Ho was armed with a writ of attachment on the property of the Wilsons , who were Installed at the Drexel hotel. Ho appeared at the hotel Tuenlay to servo the writ , but tbo women refused him Admittance to the room. From that tlmo until Wednesday afternoon they remained In the room and Constable Wilson remained tn the outside. Ono big meal waa berved the women on Tuesday over the tranfom , but the botul proprletpru refused to ucrvo any others In that manner for fear of breaking the china , The women have lived ou fruit passed In to them by acquaint ances. Wednesday they called for Dean Gardner and the latter responded. Ho went lulo the room and talked -Allli them and then went oulsldo'to expostulate with the constable. While the conversation was going on , the women became curious to heur and oponcd the door , This was I ho rlmuco that Wilson was waiting for. He stepped Insldo. The women closed the < leer and tlio constable claims that they attacked him. Ho says that Mary grabbed hold of him and ho violently threw her off. Then Marie attempted to rtrtke him with the water pitcher and Ruby with some other article. While dodging the articles , however , Constable Wilson levied upon tlio wearing apparel of the women , a bird cage and a valise. The women say that the ocrvlce of tlio writ was Illegal , They eay that the constable forcibly entered tbo room anl that ho as- faulted tlio old woman. They are also very eevero on the ofllcers , who ivpni compelled to break In the door of the mom before they could make tlio arrest. Tlioy promise to make It warm for everybody , but uro not In clined to talk very much. Mrs. Mary Wlteon and her granddaughter were taken to the county Jail la t ovenlng at C o'clock to await their trial , which takci place before Judge Gordon today at 2 p. m. Another scene * nas enacted at the jail. Mlsc Marie pleaded Inability to remote from her present quarters on account of sickness , and she waa at length alltnsej to remain , lira. Wllbon and Ruby fought deiperatoly when they were Informed that they were to bo traneferrcd to another Jail , and It waa only jy the efTorU of several ofllcons ( hat they were at length forced Into the patrol wagon. 3n the way up the hill Mm.VIUon abuicd the' wen roundly and made dire , threati of vengeance eho would wreak upon them nben she gained her freedom. I'or rueumatUro and neuralgia you can not eel a better remedy than Salvation O.I. VMS THK UKPiriAIt M1TICI3 , I lOllr lloonmrn tl i He ml of the Jf ; lnl n Pnrlllr I.rrrnt Driutrtinrnt. The receivers of the Union Pacific system have jttit sent out announcements of changes In the law department that have been anticipated for tome tlmo. By- resolution of the receivers , adopted Novem her 20. 1S93 , Judge William II. Kelly Is ap pointed general solicitor for the receivers. - . Judge Kelly has Just announced the fol- J lowing appointments : W. J. Carroll , first to the general solicitor , and U. P. I Smith and C. L. Dundcy , assistants. ] Judito Kelly was born In Ohio In 1810 , * Ho tecclveil his education In the publU ' . schooli of DaWItt county , Illinois. In 18C1 * ho enlisted as a private In the Twentieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry , and served until t the conclusion of the war. Ho studied law * ' and \\fl9 admitted to tlio bar In Illinois. In f 1876 ho was chosen attorney for DoWItt county. He removed to Lincoln , Nob. , In 1879 , where ho practiced law for A time. Tor two years he served as city attorney for the Capital City. I ISSS he removed to Omahi , and bcc.ime attorney for Nebraska on the Union Pacific , n position which he continues to hold. The position Judge Kelly occupies Is ono of the Kre to ; > t responsibility , and It Is no exaggeration to say that the manner In which the duties of his department are performed reflects the highest credit upon him. and gives every satisfaction to the people with whom ho comes In contact. W. J. Carroll , who has Just been promoted to the position made vacant by the ad vancement of Judge Kelly , has been hero for the last eleven yearn Ho started In. an Interior position In the legal department of the Union P.tclflc. and by close applica tion to the duties of the various positions ho hai held hns advanced himself to ono of the most responsible ofllccs In tbo great railroad xystom. Before coming to this coun try Mr. Carroll served In both the army and the navy of Great Britain , and In the former rose to the distinction of an officer. He had not studied law previous to hla 'coming to Omaha. Ho studied for Inn now profession hard and long , and his mastery of It Is un questioned by those having dealings with him. Ills appointment no assistant to the general solicitor gives great satisfaction to all connected with the system , and especially to those In the legal department. E. P. Smith , one of the assistants to Judge Kelly , has been In Omaha a llttlo more than four years. Ho came from Wisconsin , where ho was engaged In the practice of law. It Is a t-lngUlar coincidence that Senator Thurs- ton , the late general solicitor , read law with Mr. Smith In the llttlo town of Beaver Dam , Wla. , n number of years ago. C. L. Dundoy , also assistant to the general solicitor , has been hero for vwo years. Dur ing that nhorl tlmo ho has made A. host of frlonds for himself by his affable and courte ous disposition , and has succeeded In gaining the confidence of his superiors by his strict attention to business. Mr. Dundoy came to Omaha from Nauvoo , III. Ho graduated from the law school of the University of Michigan In the class of ' 91. In that year he was ad mitted to the practice of law by the supreme premo court of Michigan , and , was granted the same privilege In Illinois , phort whllo afterward. After practicing In Carthage , 111. , for a time , ho came to Omahs , and at once j connected himself with the legal department i Paclflc system { 1 of tbo Union Palmer IK Here to Stny. Whllo the policy of retrenchment on the part of the now management of the Santa Po road Is being carried out most vigorously , It Is not probable that the Omaha passenger office , In charge of Edward L. Palmer , will bo abandoned. The local freight ofllco has been closed , nnd the paracnger ofllco maybe bo moved and the services of Mr. Palmer's assistant dispensed with , but It looks as though the genial passenger agent was hereto to stuy. At Topeka 300 men have been dis charged from the shopa , and th'o heads of the various departments at Kansas City havu suffered a reduction of 10 per cent In their salaries. So the Omaha olllco has not re ceived harsher treatment than has been dealt out clsawhcro. Ice flor e In , io General Manager Hold'rego of the iJurllng- ton yesterday , received a report of an extensive lce , > gorge which has. formed near the 'company's bridge over the Platte nt Schuyler. The gorge has driven the water out of the regular channel and at the bridge It Is about fourteen feet deep and exceedingly rapid. The' Ice gorge Is a mile long and as wide as thechannel. . No Im mediate' danger Is anticipated , but a man has been Stallone ! at the bridge to watch the movement of the gorge. The report was from Superintendent Ulgnoll nnd Chief En gineer Weeks , who were on the scene Wednesday. The orge Is said to bo a pretty sight. _ rM IiiHtcnd of. 1'iillmniix. It Is announced that the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha road will soon substi tute Wagner sleeping cars for the Pjlllman cars now In Eiervlco on that road. The con tract with the Pullman company wan made when the St. Paul & Omaha was operated as n 5'aparato road. Since the road has' been a pail of the Northwestern system Marvin Hughltt , who Is president of both roads , has been waiting for the expiration of the con tract with the Pullman company In order to put on Wagner cars. _ Itnplil Cllj'H New Itoml. Reports from Rapid City , S. D. , state that bond * have been sold to complete the first thirty-two miles of the Dakota , Wyoming & Mlwourl River road , from Rapid City west. Most of the grading Is finished and several mllna of track have been laid. The road U projected to the Scull creek coal fields In Wyoming , eighty-seven miles from Rapid City. , _ the Hi-celt cru * HnlnrleM. DENVER , Keb. 13. A special to the News from Albuquerque , N , M. , says : Judge II. L. Warren , who waa appointed by United States Judge Collier to determine the com pensation due tlio former receivers of the Atlantic & Pacific railway , has Hied his re port , recommending that ouch of the thrco iccclvcrs should iccclvo $ S,000 per annum. Clear Weather Prevailed' The Uurllngton weather report yesterday showed light snow tlirdugh the western part of the state and along the Wyoming division. Elsewhere along the Iliiillngton , a on the Union Pacific and other llnop , mild , clear weatlur was reported , with but llttlo ptotpcct of the longcJ for moisture , \VlieelIiiK-.fc f.alv'e Krle Election. MASS1LLON , O. , Feb. 13. A. O. Blair of Toledo was today eleclcd president of the Wheeling & Lake Erlo Railroad company. Mr , JJlalr IB a prominent railroad man and coal operator and his election Is looked upon with much favor by all Intcrcste'd. llnllvtuy Noten mill I'ei-NOiiiilti. Master In Chancery Cornish of the Union Pacific left for St. Paul last night. George Clayton of the Wnbasli has gen * to Salt Laku City for a brief sojourn , Major Wolcott of Oheyenno was n Ciller at the Uurlliifiton headquarters yesterday , Tra\clng ! Passenger Agent Charlie Dux- bury of the Dal'liiioro & Ohio IK In town , John Rattenburg , master painter of the Rock Island vy < tom , was In the- city yester day. ' R. H. Morr.'n , commercial agent of the Louluvllle , St. hauls & Texan rallroail , la In the city from St. Louis. Odcar Vonderhllt , traveling passenger agent of the Northern Pacific , waa In tlio city yes terday from Den Molnes. John Ilraklns , well known to local railroad ers and Interested In tlio Omaha Van and Storage company , was recently married at Holland , Nob. W. T. Savage , who represents tlio Plant steunibhln and railway system , wjg a caller at a number of 'the local railroad Qtllcoi yes terday afternoon. Ouneral Mandurnon Is expected at lilu ofllco on Monday moinlng. He Is ntnv pn Uls way home from Waohlngton. Lost night ho wa to addreai the Scotch-Irish Hoc'cly of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia , his early home , Wo Arc 1'oUoncil li > - Air and Water When they contain the germi of malaria. To annihilate them and avoid or conquer chill * and fever , blllou * remittent or dumb ague , USD perslituntly and regularly HwtPttur'n Stomach Hitter * , which nlio remedies d > - peptlir liver trouble , condlpatlan , loj of ttreagth , nervousneai , rhoumatUm and bM > ncy cumplalut. Appetite and vleep are Im proved by tills thorough medicinal agent , and the Infirmities of age mitigated by U. A ttireo time * U * > .