Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : fjilftiDAY , FBBHUATtY 14 , 1890
"Wheat Not Entirely Responsible for the
General Advance ,
York Pent CJc-neroim
Order * unit Knlr Kurt-licit He
nintiilViK HPiiiirUMl
mill llomlH.
CHICAGO. Feb. 13. Wheat news loday
Although rather lending toward hlghe
prices , was not. entirely responsible fo
the ndvntife ninde. There was n genera
disposition to buy , nnd the effect wn
ohown In the galrt In the price of Mnj
wheat of Ic over Tuesday's closing price ?
Corn nnd oats advanced nbout Uo each
I'rovlilont nre up sharply nnd show sub
ntnntlnl gains.
Wheat showed decided strength , nnd soli
up nearly Ic from the close Tuesday , A
the slut t the fecllim was somewhat easier
nnd there was a sale at Uo below the clos
Tuesday , but there WHH n good claps o
buying , nnd with rather moderate offerings
the price was gradually advanced , nn <
before noon the gnln was over Ic. The
early cable Fceintd weak , but the seconi
one repotted some Improvement. New Vorl
Bent gcneious buying orders nnd a fal
foreign demand was reported there
the clearances from that port being rcportci
ut 2C5.000 bu , In wheat nnd flour. The loca
talent wan largely on the buying nnd nearly
nil the big speculators were said to be
taking whi at very freely. The falling of
In the receipts at Minneapolis nnd Dulutl
for the pnst two days , 832 curs , romparet
with OfiO cais last week , and the fact tha
much of the growing wheat Is uuprotei'tci
by snow nnd liable to Injury from a middet
freeze , made shorts nervous , nnd , taken
In connection with the sticngth displayed
caused a good deal of covering. The Ilm'rn
local shipments by rail and action of the
AVcstern Frilght association In outtlni ,
the rates on wheat to Kansas polntn one
half , or 12o per 100 lb ? . , were also Inctru
mental In adding to the bullish tendency
It was estimated that the big cll < | iia u
operators which has been working to de
press the market for some clays bad PC
cured sntl fnctoty lines nnd was now work
Ing for an upward movement. May openei
Eomewhat Irregular and about 'ic lowei
at fiorn CJ'.AC to CuKc , but then turnci
strong nml went up gradually to from GfiVic
to C6c , split , reacting under some active
realizing to fifiUc. The market kept Btroru '
( luring the last hour , mainly on piedlr.
lions of colder weather , and there wn
nctlve buying , largely to cover whottti
May sold up to CCTic , but cased off a true
tlon , finally cloning steady at GG < &c.
Corn was ouiot but strong , Influence
bv the strength In Wall street , and was
also liolprd by the storm , which Is ex
peeled to cut off receipts. May opcnec
unchanged nt 20c , advanced to . ' ( Hie. one
reacted to .IJVic. The market held steadj
nnd llrm during the last hour , May closing
ut 30'tc.
Oats were" quiet but firm , nnd closed n
shade higher. Sympathy with wheat w.i *
the main cause for the advance. Ma >
opened unchanged at from 20'c { to 21c : pnl <
up to 21'/ic , and closed at from 21'Jc to
rrovlslons opened firm at n slight ad
vance , and gradually worked higher. The
strength displayed by wheat and the smal
run of bogs gave the market an unex
pected firmness. For Mny delivery pork
closed at tl0.32Vs , against $10 on Tuesday
I..ard left oft at JS.Tt ) , ns against J..CO on
Tuesday , nnd ribs at $5.37' , compared with
Estimates for- Friday : Wheat , 200 cars
corn , 32G curs ; oats , 263 cars ; hogs , 10,001
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Artioloi. I Opal , j ilUh. j LO'.v.
WrentNo 2
Feb o-i * t
Mny OliK
Juno i MX ttl ! i
July G5U 004 ont DOH
CoinNo 2. .
Feb : 2HH
, . .Mny . ! "H UOM 80 V.
July yns
Sept H1H !
Oats. No. . .
Feb inu iin ;
May iHf ;
July am
nSm 21J1
Pom , pctbul
Cash quotations wprcns follows ;
KlvOUH Stendy ; uliade easier : winter patents ,
U.4W.1.70 : wlntustialghts , .00 3. < n ; baker ,
* 2.10ti2.40 ; sprlnu patents , J3.10&3 25 ; sprlnfi
etrolKhtB. 2.CO@2.90.
\\aiEAT-Nii. 2 i-prlnc. G4H ? C5ie ; No. 3
eprlUK. C4'4o ; No. 2 red. CSHfiCO c.
CORN Np. 2. 2SVio ; No. 2 yellow , ! 8Vtc.
OATS-No. 2. 19'ic ; No. 2 white , 21Ji4i22e ; No.
8 white , lilUfcSHaC
niYH No. 2. SSHc.
I1AHLKV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 23VJ037c ; No.
4 , 2Jfl27o.
TIMOTHY SnnD-Prline. 3.87'4W3.80.
I'ROVISIONS Mr a pork , per bbl. , $10.204M0.73.
Lard , per 100 Ibs. , ir > . .r > 2V&n ! > . ! > 3. Short rllm sides
( loosi- ) , | 3.20 < ; r > 23. Dry talteil nhouldern ( based ) ,
4.75 3.00. Hliort clear sldcB ( lioxHl ) , J5.374SB.W. !
WH1KKY Ulstlllers1 nnlclud goods , per Bnl. ,
HUOARR Cut Innf , J5.S1 ; granulated , $ .r..19i
clandaid "A. " J5.0 .
POULTRY Klrrn : turkeys , 11013 0 ; chlcKcns ,
THWIOe ; ducks , lo 12c.
The following wcie the receipts and shlpmftitH
today :
( liiutntloiiH on the I'rliielpiil
Coiiiiiioilltlcsi nml .Stii | > IcN.
N.r.W YORK , Keb. 13.-FLOUR-Recelpts , 31.000
tbls , ; exports , 19,300 bbls. ; market steady on
prlng patents , with small business ; vvlnlers ,
quiet , but nrm , with some export demand
for stralghls ; bids EfJIOc lower ami
quotations somewhat nominal ; city mill patents -
ents , 3.r.3.55 ; wlnlcr straights , KMQ3.1S ;
winter patents , | J.8off4,00 ; winter extras , I3.S3 ;
Winter low grades , 12.3002,70 ; spring low grades ,
ll.60fl2.CO. RJo flour , quiet ; superfine , J2.C3ffl2.73 ;
fancy , l2.70e2.SO , Buckwheat flour , slow ; Jl , 5
llt'CKWHlSAT-Qulet nt 40 4Ic.
-Ji' ° l'NMiAI--Steiidy , ; yellow western , coarse ,
TnclJo ; llraiulywlne , 12.20.
IIYK Nominal ; 40O43c.
1IARLUY Stuidy ; malting , ttOttc.
! ! ftH'KV ! > ' * l-T-Stendy ; western , 46 < T3c ,
WI I IAT Receipts , none ; exports , 1M 300 bu
fpot , llrmer : No. 2 nd , so o ; No. 1 red , hard ! '
H.KC. Options were ut first weak and lower
under big spring wheat receipts , better cables
nnd big crop itporla , but trade got short tinil
the market turning strong on big export clenr-
iincen. uctlvo i-overlng net In nml prices nil-
> anrei | sharply , ruling strong nil day helped by
Higher lnt c. better demand west nnd pros
pective falling off In spring wheat receipts , and
I' IHHio hUher : No. 2 red. February , closed
nt 7HiC ; May , 714W72Wc. closed lit 7S % .
CORN Recolpts , SJ.coo bu , ; exports , 31 , ! > 00 bu
Bp Jt. tinner ; No , 2 , SCXc. Option mnrKet was
Ilimer nnd higher , with wheat , and on pros-
Iiscllvo smaller movement , owing to bad wnitlicr
west ; rlcndUo higher ; Kebruary , JCHo , closed
SCHi' ! Mny , . 8C lS Hc. closed nt 36ic. !
OATM-Rei.'lptH , M.SOO bu. Hpot , flrmeiNo. ; .
2 , tl e. Options ruled quiet , but tinner with
coin , closing HifUe net higher ; Kvtruury. 2i\f
SiJJr. closed nl ZiHc ; May. 23H023Kc , clos l at
* ? e *
HOPS Quiet and iteody ; state , common to
choice. 1SU4 crop. 2\5 \ 4Ho ; 1S95 crop , 4ff o : Pa-
tlllo eoiint , 1W4 crop , 2iW41Jc ! ; 1695 crop , 4fl9c.
UIDKS-Dull ; wet salted. to K his. . Ho :
uciiba Ayr , dry. 20 ibs. . luo ; Texas , dry. 24
SO Ibi. . 9c ; California. 21 lo 21 Ibs. . I4o.
LBATIIKR Klrm ; hemlock sole , llumos Ayres ,
light lo heavy weights , 20c : acids , 21 23c.
OOI , yulct ; domeitlo lleece , 16 2.'a ; pullrd ,
PROVISIONS Reef , steady ; family. 10ffll2c ;
extra mess. $ o ; t > eet hams. l c ; packet. 3.00J9.CO.
Cut meats , quiet ; pickled hams. SMJriic. i
wruk ; vvrslern steam closed u | | 5.k2Vi ! . nominal
May , JO , nominal. I'ork , lovvvr ; meu. tu Wit
10.75 ; short clear. $ llUri2CO ) ; family , Jll
TALIXW-Klrm ; clly. 3Htf3 13-16c ; country
3H 3 15-lCc. ns to quality , '
I'lmtOLEUM-Steady ; ifnlled elated at II 42
IIUTTlIR-Recelpts. 6.2U pkgs. ; inarkfl llrm :
elate dairy. 9i16a ; western dairy , lOUHc ; vvcut-
c-rn creamery. 12 19o ; Klglns , I9e.
iOQA Receipts , 10.75S pkgs. ; maiket qup | ( ;
ttate und Pmns Ivanla , 15'io ; wise : n lV4013Wc :
southern. 14 > 15c. '
ROSIN Dull ; klralned , common to good , > l,57)i )
ItlCi : Steady ; domestic , fair to extra , SKGCe ;
Jopan , Settle ,
MOl ASHKH Klrmly hM ; New Orleans , cpn
kettle , gooil to choice , WiiSJo.
TUIII'iNTINK-Qulct ; t9 29Uo.
Clllvi : l--Qulet : hiiKi1. CfllOUc ; small , CSlO c ;
part rklnn , 3U Mc ; full eklms , ZtHc.
MKTAW-PIg Iron , steady ; snulhern. | 11.73fli
I3.2J ; nonhern. I120001J.40. Cupptr , llrm : bruk >
crc' price. J10.37'i ; exchange , tUI.tttilO.35. Lead.
Irady ; brokera' price , 13 ; exchange , IJ.12HW
'cOTTONBEliD OIL Dull and tkaltr under
toulhern nilvlcenj prime crude ,
lummer yrtlow , Z892 < iHc.
Cninllllnii of Trnilcnml Ctnotntlnn
on Slnplc nml Knnc > - I'roilncr.
in TTiilKnlr : to Rooj slock , Sc ; chote
to fancy country , ISflHc. ,
VttMf Choice fat. 70 to 100 Ibs. , nre quote
at 6I2rCi large and coarse , 4QSc.
CIIitsi-nomesllc brick , lHic ; Edam , PC
in. , t5.M , Club housj , 1-lb. Jars , per dox. , 13. M
Llmlwigcr , fancy , per lb. . ll'.ici Roqu fnrl , ' 4-lb.
Jars , per do * . , J3.GO ; Young Americas , HV4c
Twins , frtncy , lie.
' ' " ( Ifc' conrs
l'Ol'LTRY-lrcs eil-Chlckrns. ,
nnd Inrgp. 5ff6c ! ducks , choice , 9010c ; lurkeys
chnlcp. I2i(13c ; ge e , 7fl8e.
1OULTRY Llve-C. Jneohson of the Mbntnnn
Poullry Packing and Supply company , quote :
live iKiultiy firm nndnnliJ nt ; It'ns nm
young roosters , B'ic : old rocks , 2'ic : turk *
hens , * ' * c ! young turkey gobblers , i ! c ; ol
Toms , te ; ducks , full feathered. 7c : geese , Cc
HAY Upland , 15.00 ; midland , J4 W ; lowland
tl.OO ; rye slrnvv , } 3.CO ; color makes the price o
hay : lluht bales sell the best. Only lop grade
trlng tup prices.
HltOOM CORN IJxlrermly slow sale ; new
erop , delivered on Irnck In coanlry ! choice grrc
self-woiklng carpel , per lb. , 2Uc ; choice green
runnlni ; lo hurl. 2Uc ; 1'ic.
OAMH-Jnck snip75c J1.00 ; golden plover
11.2.- ; J.irk riibblts , per doz. , ll.iw smnl
rnW.lls , S.VOtl.00 ; innlfanl dinks , 3.50ff3.73 ; red
heads , I3.78W4.00 ! carivimlmck ducks. J3.00i8.00
leal , lilue wing , 12.0062.25 ; tin ) , green wing
II , 73172.00 ; mixed ducks. I.7.ff2.23 ; Canada geese
t .00fi7.60 ; small grsf , t4.jO 5.00 ; brants , I.CO
siinlriels. per do/ . , 60fI7.c.
PIOI5ONS Live , 11.0001,10 ; ileail pigeons no
. .
TOM ATOKS riot Id.i , pef slx-batket crate , ! . &
CAl < LlPLOWiil-Per doz. , $1.50.
CAHIlAUl Cnllfornln r : ! : , per lb. , 2c.
POTATOnS fancy native slock , 30c ; from
iloie | n nnall jots , 3DI33c ; Colorado stock , 4
ONlONH-I'fr bu. , 33itHOe.
1II3ANS Hand picked nnvy , per bu. , Jl.M.
HWIKT IOT.\TOKS choice flock , 2.coe2. "
per bbl.
Crn.nRY-Cnllfornln. per doz. . No. 1 , 0c ; No.
: , 7.V ; v\cntein Ncblnskn , 40843C.
LIMA lliANS-Per lb. . Cc.
WATKR CRK'JS IVr 10-qt. cnse , J1.75.
Pin 1'LANT Hot house stock , per < loz
lunchea , ! Kc. )
Al'I'LtS-Cholcc lien 'Davis. J2.7.1W3.00 ; choice
w ! " < ; . ' "I1" nnd willow Ivvlgs. I3.23V3 JO.
CRANIIiHRIiS-Jcrsey , S.75.
MALAGA ORAPKS-IVr W-ll > . bbl. . $3.00S3.M
per 03 to 70-lb. gross , | 0.00J7.00.
uu'iitoi teedl'nm , fancy
1 fU11Cy "aVelS- " "
J.1.30ai.:3 ; Callfornlns
. . . . .
' AN'ANAH Choice large stock , per bunch , $2.00
02,15 ; medium sized bunched , tl.75if2.00.
pYSTURS-Medlums , 13c ; stamlatds , 20c ; extra
elects. 2.K ; ; lluinci : & Co.'s selects , 27c ; New
frK H1',301- * " hddrd bulk , per gal. , J1.10.
HONrJY Fancy vvhlte , per ) b. , 13c.
M M'Ll : SYRUP 1'Mve ' gal. cans , cnch , J2.75
gal. cons , per doz. , 12 ; 14 Ba | . cans , JC.23 ; quar
tea tip , 7.1.1,1.
. , IUIir1 ] > ure Juice , per half bbl. . J3 ; pei
Mil. , { 4. , , i.
HAUKR KRAUT-Per bbl. . J3.75 ; half bbl.
i'lOS New crop. California , 10-lb. boxes , per
lb. . lOc ; Impurled fancy , SO-lb. boxes , 15c ; choice
10-lb. brtxea. HVJfll2c.
UATKS Ncw Persian , CO-lb boxes , per lb
3Hc ; finds. 10-lb. boxes , per lb.H > c.
MAPLn SUOAR-Cholce , per lb. , 9R10c. (
PRHSERVES Afsorled. 20-lb. palls , each
Co'COANUTS-Per 100. J4.CO ; each , Cc.
NUTS Almonds , California , per lb. , medium
size , lOe ; 'Tniragona almonds , per lb. , largo ,
! 2Vic ; Ilrazlls , per lb. , Cc ; Unsllsh walnuts pei
lb. , fancy soft shell , lie , etutuVards , 11@ll ! c
fllbeits , per. lb. , 10c ; peacans , polished medium
lOc ; large , J2c : peanuls. raw. G'.ic ; roasted , 7 ( ]
J',4c ; hickory nuts , rmall ; per bu. , $1.73 ; lilckorj
nuts , large , per bu. , $1.60 ; black walnuls , per
Mil. , $2.
UKCK-Good slcers. 400 to COO Ibs.
J'.iCOc ; good cows and heifers , 4 43c ; medium
euws nml heifers. 4V4c ; . good forequarters cows
and heifers , 3'icgood : hindquarters cows
and heifers , CV4c'COW ; rounds , 5c : cow chucks
3c : beef tenderloins , fresh , 20r ; frozen , 19e ; bee
rolls , boneless , 9W9'Sc : sirloin butts , boneless
1W9V4c ; loin ImckH. 9R9J5c ; cow ribs. No. 3
7W7'ic : cow loins , No. 3 , bBS'.Jc
MUTTON Dressed mutton , 6'Jc ; racks , lOc
Sc : saddles , 8c ; stews , 3c.
spare rlbe. 5c ; pork shoulders , SVic ; pork shmil
ders , skinned. B'.4c ; pork trimmings , Cc : tender
loins. He ; pigs' feet , cleaned , per doz , 35c.
Some persons , according the Shoe nm
Leather Review , hold the opinion that hides are
accumulating nt country points since the com
petlllon among city dealers to buy them lias
decreased. Natural conditions seem to favo
tha , new plan of buying on selection. The Inn
tiers are not anxious for hides nnd there is no
Incentive for dealers to
scpur the In
quest of them. Quotations : country
HIDES Nu. 1 green hides. 4c ; No' 2 e-reen
hides , 3c ; No. ,1 gieen salted hides 6c : No "
gieen salted hldts ? 4c : No. 1 ert > pn , . , , . , . , ' '
25 to 40 Ibs. , Sc ; No. 2'green sailed
(0 ( Ibs. , 4c : No. 1 veal calf , s to IS its 23 li-
No. 3 veal calf. 8 to 15 lbs. 4cNo i'drV
Mint hides. 78c ; No 2 dry ( lint hides. SJICc-
No. 1 dry salted hides , Cc ; pait cured hldiS'
n " "
ito lb. less
per than fully-cured.
SIUJKP PKLTS-Grecn s-iltcd. each KSIWc-
green salted shearlbigs ( short wooled early sklnsV
ach 15c ; dry shearlings
( short vv > lcd
Hklns ) . No. 1 , each , lOc ; dry shearlings ( early short
vvooled early skins ) . No. I cnch. Bcjfcjry ? m
Kansas and Nebraska butcher' wool pelts nor Ih
actual weight , EBCc ; dry nint Kansas'and N'e'-
brnska , Murrain wool pelts , per | b actual -
weight , 405c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool
pelts , lb. . actual weight. ?
per 4fl6K0 ! ; dry nht
t Vilnrniin Miirra In rru\l nnl * _ . _ I. " * i ii
31ie ; tallow No. 2. 3c : grease , while A. SMc-
rfiease. white 1J , 3c ; frcuse , yellow , 24cgreale' }
Jark , 2c ; old butter , 2 J2'lc ; beeswax . prime
! 5G22c ; rough tallow. l',4c. ,
11ONHS In car lotswelched and delivered In
Chicago ; Dry buffalo , per ton , tl2.ooai4.00 ; diy
country , acned , per ton. HO.OOR12 00dij
country , damp and meaty , per ton , $0.0088.00.
WOOIUnnashnl , flno heavy , 607c hne llcht
s9 _ - : nu rter blood , locjte ; seedy , 'burfy u %
palled. OQCc ,
INo. lNo. | lINoTll F
-Lgc. I . IMd'ml Sm'lll
Hack ? iS5 } * S P o ® ? ? t BOO
Hack Yeni lings 7 00 7 00 30) )
Hack Cubs 6 ® 5j > C 4 00 100 200
Hack Montana &
Mountain 14 00 : ooo 1000 400
Hack Montana
YenrllnKK 12 00 8 00 BOO coo 200
Hack Montana 00HO
Culm ( HO 4 ta 300 4 00 200
Silver Tip. . . . . . . . 20 00 12 00 800 9 00 4 00
Hliver up iriu C 00 2 CO
Silver Tip Cubs 00 4 10 3 00 3 00 1 CD
irown 1 00 12 00 1200 COJ
Veal lings 104/12 8 00 C 00 too 400
Cubs 700 COO 300 4 00 200
Jadser Iffl CO 60 50 00CO 200CO
Ulier 800 C 00 4 00 4 00 200
liver ( according
to beauty ) 10000 CO 00 40 00 3000 10 00
hlUcr Pale ( nc-
tonllng to bea'y ) [ 0 00 30 00 20 OJ 1500 60J
Ciuss 7 00 3 00 200 1 C ( 1 00
led 1 CO 1 23CO 1 00 7C 23
Iruy 76CO CO 40 35 15
m CO 40 30 35K 10
. > " * 3 00 2 00 1 50 J 23 en
lurten 200 1 CO I 00 100 enco
link 50WS5 CO 45 25 10
link Dark K 45 20 10
.lountnln . Lion ,
( perfect head
und feel ) 1O 2
Otter 800 CO 7 5 00 4 00 t w
Otter Pale 7 00 COO 4 00 3 00 1 M
laccoon 60@70 CO 35 00o 10
[ accoon , Illack
( an to beauty ) , , 509 2
llack , rated 1 23 76 CO CO 25
Ihort striped 1 00 70 43 40 20
farrow Mrlped , , , r.o 40 23 40o 10
liuadlrlpcd , . . . 20 ? 23
VL ! tne 4 00 3 00 200 2 oo 100
Vulf Mniintiiln , . 3 00 2 00co 1 CO 76 4'J '
Volt Prulrle MOOO co 40 20 10
leaver , p r * kln. Sff 4 2(0 4 00 2 00
leaver Kits 1 CO 75 60 23
pilng , .
Vlnter 8010
ColTre Mnrkt-t.
NEW YORK , Tfb. 13. COFFEE Options
prned etcudy at CfllO polnu advance , but ruled
nactlte nnd feuturi'lrfu * ; no speculative support
nd undertone of wtfk fecllnx ; IndlfTercicc of
pot buem ; closed iiulet ut 6 point ? net nd *
ance , Hnlen , IO.OH buM. Including March , I12.C5.
ml. Rio dull ; No. 7 , J1J. Mild , iiulet ; Cordovu ,
SSfirmc , h'alrs , COO | > ag Maracalbo , COO lags
iavunllla. nnd 10 > ) liaga Jamaica , p. tVarc -
louse deliveries from New Yoik Tuesday , 8,443
uigs ; New Yoik stock today , 229,000 bugs ; United
tales elnck , 2M.C27 bngs ; alloat for the I'nlted
lull's. 170x > ) UIKH : total vltlble suiiply for the
'lilted Stales , 472.CZ7 bags , agalnsl , 4S5.4S1 bags
ant year.
SANTOS , Feb. 13. Quiet ; good average Ban-
n . 114 ; rtreipts , 4UjO bags ; mock , 33.r > ,000 bagi ,
HAMIIUIIU , Keb. 13. Steady ; unchanged to
! pfK advance ; ealen , 13,000 bags.
HAVRE , Feb. 13. Cloted leady at If to lUf
et ndviince ; sales , S3.WK ) bags.
1UO , I'Yb. 13 , steady ; No. 7 , $13 20 ; exchnnge ,
1-lCe ; ii'celpls , n ne ; cleared , for the Unlli'il
tales , 4,000 bags ; for Europe , 1,000 bogs ; etock ,
16,000 baga. _
Tiilt-ilo Grill u Market.
TOI.IMX ) , Keb , 13.-WHEAT-Hlgher ; No. !
null. 74c ; May. 75 ici July. 70'c ,
fORN-bull : steady : No. 2 lllUixl , 23c ; No , 3
llsrd iSV4c ; May. 3Wc.
OATC-Steady ; No. t mlx d , JOlJcj No , 2
ihlte. 22o ; May. ZSVio bid.
KVli-Dull ; No. 2 rnih. 4lc.
CLOVER SEED- Loner ; prime caeh , 14. U ;
March. 14.524.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 6,000 bu.j corn , 11,000 bu.j
lover utttl. (1C bags.
SHIPMENTS-Klcur , 1,000 bbli.vhrat , ( .000
u. ; corn. 10,504 bu. ; clover K-i-d , 1,1U bags.
Dry UuuilH MnrUt-K.
NEW YORK , l\b. 13. With many buyers In
no market , and la vUw of i co h moisture
and ictocmsomc floudu , there hue been more bu l-
nejii dolnr nil around and In nil cln e of
cotton fabrics , uch btonn , bleached , csloml.
rrlnted nnd woven fancy KOoOt , than hereto-
fotc. Agents linve reduced the prices of Pacific.
Cocheco , Windsor , Mcrrlmac nnd Allen , blnck
nnd white nnd fancy r l prints He cnch. print'
Inic cloth * , dull but utendyi l 2 ic , nnd no bus-
lne"i reported In exld gwxle.
Aricr tlio IKillilriy Slnrtcil
NEW YORK , IVb. 13. Ihii-lncM nftcr th ? hbll-
dny started under the stimulating Influence of
higher prkes for Amerlcnn stocks In Lomlon
nnd IjujInR onlers for that account In thl mar
ket , chiefly for St. 1'nul nnd Louisville K Nash
ville. This condition of nffnlrs was rnnlnlynt'
trlbulnble to the conciliatory tona of the queen's
rnfKsnire In rclntlon to Ihc Venezuelan Imbroglio.
The locnl mnrkets , while somcnhnt less active
thnn that of Tuesday , nnd Irregular nl times , tx-
li I bit M | nn under current of strenmh llmtv a
ns furpilplng as It was unpulatnhle to the pro-
rr * lonnl benrsi nml the btilH u about stocks.
Inllmncift Imirlnt ; U | > on special stocks were the
nnnual report of the American Tobacco com
pany. HIP decision nt Albany favorable lo the
Chlcnfta ( las company In the 1'ltl-llnrnms case
a.iil n stronB nml higher market for domestic
nnd foreign sugnts. In the late dealings the
mntket was stimulated by Washington for castu
of n derisive free sliver defent by the house
committee of the whole. The re | > ort of the earn-
IIIRH that enme to hand were , ns a. rule , favor
able , nnd the experienced judxes of the com
mercial paper Innrkct predicted an easier turn
pmvlded money rotes continued on about the
present basts. In puifly pp.'culntlve circu'-i.
| ies ! mlstlo tone prevails en the subject of thu
Piolmble nclunl resulls of the nMv Rciveinment
loan and predictions of a resumption were frcelV
made. The market opened fairly nctlve nnd
strong , with Tobacco conspicuous by nn iulvnn i
of lo on a fnvornble exhibit of enrn'-igs ' for the
past year , In the face of the severe conflict that
has been waged with manufacturers. The rcpoit
however , did not make clear the * reasnn for the
gloomy stand taken by the ninnngemtnl In regnnl
to the last dividend.
Other Important * but Ies material Improve
ments occurred In SiiRar , Chicago Ons , rienernl
niectrre ntnl Louisville & Nashville. Tobucei )
Icil the entire market In jwlnt of activity , nnd
the extiemc rise In It , ru compared with Tue -
day's final sale , was 40. Offerings by Insldcis
nnd realizing by ihe tradorn were responslhl *
for n recession to SO'.j. A covering demand by
Ihc shorls sent the price up to 82(4 ( nt the
close. Manlmltiui wax wrll siippoitcil , gaining
24 ! per cent , with n subsequent bu-.ik 13 109Vi
to 110. The manipulation of this stock for some
time pnst has hallled nil reaEonable Inlerprcln
lion. Up to midday Ihe movements tu pi Ice
had been somewhat erinlle , but after that hou
the entire list developed n decided upward ( en
doney , In which thu granger , uaulers , Loulsvlll
A Nashville , Chicago Ons nnd n feW othe
shares made the grentt'st progress. The news u
the decision of His nttDiney givieial of Ihls slat
ilcnylng the motion foian Injunction to restrain
the Central Trust company fiom pnitlclpnlliiit
In the consolidation of the Chicago Una com
1 iiinlva carried tha price of the stock up 3' , { pf
cent. New Jersey C ntial advanced 3J4 tic
ctvit , presumably on covering of shorts. Th
grnngei.s nnd Louisville & Nashville galnei
12'J per cent , the last mentlonfd mnklng the ex
trtme rise. Missouri I'acllle declined 1 % pcr'cent
anil subsequently recovered nil of the loss with
out explanation. The Block of the HrooMvn
Rapid Transit company , the successor of th
Long Island Traction company , was traded n
21HW'j. The closjng vvns moderntply ncllvi-
nnd strong nt the best figures of the day. Rnll
way l .ids were less nctlve than usual recently
but nn upvvnril tendency was noted. The sale
aggregated Jl.:62,000. Prices of government sccu
rlttis were shaded somewhat on trading , amount
Ing to J375.000.
The Kvenlng Post's London financial cable
gram nays : The stock markets are quiet , bu
llrm today , mines alone vvete dull. American
were better , cltHlnp nt the best , llouds wcr
firm. Gold was bought In the open maikct ll
small quantities for America. The. feature o
the Hank of Kngliind's retuin today ( , ' n a. fuillie
Increase of 2,090,00 in govcinment drposlts and
a coi responding decrease In olher deposits du
to icv'enue collections. The e Mn nml bullion nr
only MS.1,000 less , although 702.000 gold net wvie
i-xpoited. The details were I5SS.OOO In gold
112.000 exported to South America , 73 000 o
t'nlli'il States coin sold , 0,000 Impoitcd fron
I'm Is nnd 5.000 from Malta. The Paris Imuiai ?
was dull. A small Chinese piovlnce of Tokli
Iwn ! s to be floated there on Kcbruary 22. Th
Berlin market vvns dull.
The following were the closing quotations on
the leading stocks of the New York exchange
lodav :
AtchlBon 17 N. Y. Central
Adumu Ex. Ifil )
Al'on.T. H 58 ont V.o&' ! ! ! !
Am. Express 112 Oregon Imp
llalltmoro .V Ohio. . K8V. Oregon Nnv
Cniiad.i Pacllle. . . . C8 . , O. S. L. &U. N
CanadaSonthcNi. . MM Pacific Mull ,
Be for Iho account ; filllnge on London , ISe 23c
for check * . U 11
IIUrtLlN , Feh , U.ntchange on Ixindon , tight
days' sight , 20 marlu 4t pfg.
IX3NIKN. I'eb. 11 Uold In quoted ft I llurnn *
A > res n | 211 ; MadrM 17.M'.4 ! Lisbon , 2S ; HI.
Pcttrfbufff , M ; Athetfs , ; ; Home , 108.W ; Vienna ,
rinniirlnl Xotrn.
IIOSTON , Feb. 13 aMrIng , $11,172,850 ; bat-
nnces , $1,503,800. , " *
llALTIMORi : , r < /k-Cteaflnss / , $ I.974,7CS ;
b4lnnfs' , $2S.W. . .
PHILAUKLPHlAiT'eu. U.-Clenrlngs. t9SX,10J ;
balances. J1,17.1M3. . . ,
ST. LOUIS , Feb. iX-icienrlngfi , $3.4 9.634 ; bal
ances , UIM7 ; nuinfy , ' s per cent ! New YorK
exchange. par bid ) iff .pccmlum asked.
WASIIINdTON , IVh. 13. Today's slntemcn
of the condition of the treasury shows : AMill
nlile cn h balance , tlSS,7TO,773 ; BoM reame , $05 ,
877 i t 62 ,
CHICAGO , 1'eb. 13. Clearings. 19.41IM7
money on cull , steady nt per cnl ; tin tune
BIf per cent ; New Vcik cxohaliKe , Sic discount
foreign exchange , steady nnd unchanged f bank
era' Ixindon sterling , $4.S7 iG4.86H.
NB\V YOllK , Feb. 13.-Thc withdrawn ! * o
gold from the subtrensury tndny tip to 3 p. ill
Hmounted li > nbout $ lfK , i W , the greater I'art o
which sum was wllhdrnwn by bullion brokers
Clearings , r.M'i.OOOi balances , $6,231,143.
Si. IionlH ficiiornl Mnrkct.
ST. IXH'IH , 1/eb. 13.-.FLOl'R Dull and en >
patent * . M.70WA80 ; extra fancy , 3.4.HJ3.J ; func >
t3.oofl3.10 ; c-nolcp , $2. oif3.75.
WHIAT The downward tendency In specu
latlvc tuidlng received n check today nnd Hi
price * mlvnncrdclosing "tV'lc higher Hhait Tues
day ! 'pat * betlerj No , 2 red , cash , , 72o ! No
2 Imid , 3c ; February. K2V ! May , WTic ; Jul >
W , c. , ,
CORN Strong and Jilgiier. the close being n
nn ndvnncu 6f UCiUn Over Tuesday for futurnt
spot , strongvr ; No. 2 nilxdl , cash , Whc ; Kcbiu
my , 2Go : Mny. 27V4c , July , 2 % c.
OATH Futuicw strong and HfMic higher ; pot
easier ; No. s cash nnd February , 19c ! May , 20 ° ; 4c
July , mic.
RV13 Loner ; No. 2 , 3 < HC.
llltAN Dull ; quotable ut 4Gc , eackcd , ens
FLAX SEKD Quiet ; Sic.
TIMOTHY SUii > -J5.7f.ff3.G > .
HAY Choice glades ) In demand and scnrcc1
with no call for lower grade * ; prairie , Jl.2iij8.o )
Ilinnthy , Jli.Mifl3.Oi ) , this side.
WHISKY 11.22. '
llt'TTBIl Dull ; steady ! crenmery , 14fJ20c
dnlly , 11B15C.
KllUS Firm nnd In demand ! He.
POULTRY Ttirkod , hlRher nt D'.iRIO ' c
ehlikoin , higher at T'ibB'.ic ' ; ducks , 'J'.iBluc '
geese , COCVii * .
LUA1 > Dull nnd easier ; Fiiles. l o cars , Ml >
s.Miil , li.STU : two cars for March , < 2.W. fprliei
fuilablc nt $3.75.
1'KOVISIONH I'oih , hlglier ; ' standard mess
Jobbing , old , 19.75 ; new , 110.30. I.nrd , higher
prime Hteain , $5.35 ; choice , $5.45. llacon , boxo
FhtnililiMS , $5.r > 0 ; lungs , $5.75 ; fibs. SJ.BI'.t ; sluits
( ! . Dry salt nunt * . Ixixeil tliouliU'iP , $4. 75 ; longs
$5.25 ; ribs , J5.37',4 : ehons , $5.5' ) .
11ECBIPT8 Flour , S.0 bbls. ; nheat , 59.0W bu.
coin , 93.000 Int. ; Data. , 2J.OUO bu.
SHirilENTS Flour , B.OO ) bbls. ; wheat , 28,00
hu. ; coin , 175.000 bu. ; onta , 10. WO bu.
Liverpool .
LIVKIU'OOU Feb. 13.VHBAT Spot steady
demand poor ; No. 2 red winter , fa Sijd ; No.
red sprlhK , stocks exhausted ; No. 1 hard Manl
toba , t > s 1'idf No. 1 California , Ss 9Udi future
. pened easy , \\llli near and distant positions Ud
! o er , but Inter reacted nnd closed firm , wjtl
near imd ilist.'int positions 'iff ' ,51 ! blgber ; tiuslnts
heaviest on latest positions ; February , 5s M
March. April , Cs , S',4'1 ; May , Gs S'id ; July
. " > < Slid.
COKN Spot quiet ; American ; mixed new , 3
Ud ; futures opt-ncd quint at unchanged. 'prices
closed linn , with April and May Ud higher am
other months unchang.'d from yestcrdiy's closing
business about equally distributed ; February , 3
Ud ; March. 3s Id ; April , 3s I'.Sd ; June , 3s 2d
July , 3s 2V4d.
FLOUn Market dull ; demand poor ; St. I ouli
fancy winter.- ? d. i
I'llOVlSIONS Hacoq , quiet ; demand poor
Cumberland cut , 2S tg CO Ibs. , 27s ; short ribs
z ? Ins. , : ii' < ; long clear ? iigiu , us to u jus. , zs
long clear , hen\y. "Win * . , 2Bs Cd ; short clear
back ! ) , light , 18 Ibsl , * . 26a ; short clear mlddUf
heavy , 55 Ibs. , 20s ; .clear bellies. 14 to lli ll .
2Sn. Shoulders , squrtre-J2 to IS Ibs. , 2 > s Cd
Hams , short lilt , 14' , to 1C lb" . . 3'J. . Tallow , line
Noilh American , 2M 9d ? lleef , India mess , 72
Cd ; prime mess. 574J6d. I'ork , prime mess , line
western , S-s Cd ; pcinie Tints ? , medium , 46s 3d
I.iid , dull ; prime , wesUrn , 27s Cd ; rcrtned In
J s
palls , 23s Gd.
CHBI5SE Qulell demand poor ; nncst American
wlilte. 45s ; llnest AmerteAn colored. 41s. ,
JIUTTKH Flnpft .Vnlted States , 95s ; good. , C0 ,
OILS Turpentine fplrll ? , 2.s ) 9,1 ; r.osln , cbmmon ,
4s " ! S'l ; cottcnsee.l blj , Llveipool Tcllnrd , 17s 3J
llnj-eed all , 20s 3il.
RnFIUQEnATOn' UnEF Forequaiter. 3',4d ;
lilndquitrter , 4T d. Ir ia ,
HLBACIIING ! > OyDiyi Hardwpoil , f. o. b. ,
Liverpool , 7. ,
HOI'S At LonVlon' ' ( PAclflc ! coast ) . 2 os.
Cotton Marki'l ,
125 bales ; sales , 36 > 'bpK's ; splnneis , 1S3 bales ;
stock , .1SS.S23 Laics. %
NK\V OIILKANS. Feb. 13.-COTTON-Qulct ;
middling , 7c ; low middling , 7'fcc ; Bood oidlnnry ,
7 3-1 Cc ; "iccclpts , 4.SS2 bales ; gloss , 5,100 bales ;
exports to Great Ilrlfaln , 11,1)60 , ) bales ; to Iho
continent , " 09 bales ; c < iastwlsc , 1,103 bales ; Bnlfs ,
500 bales ; stock. 32S.72.0 baliii.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 13. COTTON KaSy : middling.
7 0 ; sales. 850 bales ; .receipts . , 1,787 bales ; ship
ments , 2,195 bales.
IviinxnN City Mnrlcets.
KANSAS CITY. Feb. 13. WHEAT In better
demand ; slightly higher ; No. 2 hard , G5G6c : No.
8 , 50ffl57c ; rejected , nominally 30T3Gc ; No. 2 red ,
nominally , 75c.
OOIIN Active ; No. 2 mixed , 23c ; No. 2 white ,
OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , lS'l10c ; No. 2
white. 19i J20c.
RYE No. 2 , 35c.
HAY Steady ; tlmDthy , $10.0011.0 ; prairie ,
HUTTnn Weak ; crenmery , lCfl7o ; dairy. 130
EGGS Firm nt lie.
Poorln Mirlce < H.
PnORIA , Feb. 13. COIIN Mailtct steady ; No.
2 , 27c ; No. 3 new , 2C'Jc.
OATS Market easy ; No. 2 white. 19019'4c.
HYK Market dull ; No. 2 , 40@40JJc.
WHISKY Market steady ; llnlshed goods on
the basis of $1.2S for high wines.
HECKIPTS Corn. 92,900 bu. ; oats , 67,800 bu. ;
rye. 1,200 bu. : wMeky , none ; wheat , 10,200 bu.
SHIPMENTS Corn. 17.750 bu. ; oats , 83.900 bu. ;
rye , none , whisky , 825 gals. ; wheat , 7SOO bu.
NEW YOniC , Feb. 13. SUGAR-Raw , nrm ;
fair refining , 3 Vic ; centrifugal , ! JG test , 3c. le-
llned , quiet ; standard "A , " 4Jc ; confectioners
"A , " 4c ; cut loaf , nHc ; crushed , f > Vic ; pow
dered , 5Uc ; granulnted. 4T c : cubes , 5Hc.
LONDON , Feb. 13. SUGAIl Cane , firm : centri
fugal Java , 13s lO'/id ' ; Muscovado , fair rdlnlnir.
Ha 9d ; beet , firm ; February and March , 72s
MIiinenpoIlM AVlient.
MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 13. WHEAT-Strong ;
Fcbiuary , COUc ; May. 61Ufl61 4c ; July , C2c. On
track. No. 1 hard , Gl'.Jc ; Mo , 1 northern , COVic ;
No. 2 northern , 59'c. '
FLOUIl Dull ; slow demand ; foreign trade
dull ; first patents , $3.15M.Gij ; second patents ,
$3.0'ft3.10 ' ) ; first clears , J2.GO ; second clears , $2.10
© 2.20. _ _
'FrlHco Wheat
December , $1.15 % ; May , $1.17i.
\ew York SolrnllMt Suce < t > ilN AVI < 'hout
tinCnthnilr Ilnyx.
NEW YOHK , Feb. 13. The human brain
las been photographed. Dr. Carleton Simon
of 114 East Fifty-sixth street exhibits a
picture of his own brain , obtained from a
process In which the cathode rays are not
a factor. He tiaa been nearly tlireo years In
completing bis experiments. He tells the
story of his efforts as follows ;
"The brain has Jfeenjpy especial study , and
[ have worked Indenejidently In a quiet way
'or nearly three yntreX'to photograph It , I
first bought to ftfccoiAlish my purpose by
lai'slng a contliiuourf current of electricity
: hrough tlio brain , Illuminating It by the
spark , and then I'3fTWi ' the Interrupted cur
rent , but this pclfluced paralysis of the
jraln , rendering s n&eUss the subjects. The
principle Is IllustraUij Jby a flash of lightning
on a dark night.1 which carries Images ,
hrough which It ( trawls to the 'eye. From
this , Indeed , it m" Suggested to me the
itamo Idea mlghtiibvoI | | ( ! > Plled. to the brain.
Again , you knowHne firefly Is made almost
transparent by ltsUftij > lantern.
"I am still far ( Irani , having perfected the
nstrumcnt by which I am able to photograph
ho brain. Of colrUtbe ] more solid struc-
urea are renectWlRdli the plates , and I
found that the leas exposure I gave to the
photographic plate the easier I apparently
vas able to ph t < mlaph translucent ma
terial. " VUJ
IVliiKitrn KnllN.\rnrly Hun Dry.
NIAGARA FAMA N. Y. , Feb. 13 , For
bo first time In lialf a century the American
aU ! practically ran dry today. Dy the forma-
Ion of ) an Ice bridge or dam extending from
Schlosser's dock on the American bank , about
talt way across the river , the water was
almost entirely diverted to the Canadian
alls. This morning It was possible for a
I mo for a man with a plank to have walked
rom the mainland to Goat Island .without
wetting his feet , and , Indeed , to walk be-
ween all the Islands Indde of Goat Island.
At 11 o'clock the water was BO low that a
nan In knee boots could have walked across
ho brink of the fallu from Prospect point to
Scat Island.
Don't Invite disappointment t > y experiment-
eg. Depend upon One Minute Cough Cur
nd you have Immediate relief. It curei
roup. The only harmless remedy that pro
duces immediate
Receipts of Both Hogs 'and Oattlo Continue
Light ,
Prlec-H Ailvnnrnl 1O Ct > n < * Pitt Sccr
StcnilHORH In ( Jotul DC in n nil nt
n' n-Ci'iit AilvniiPC niiil ( he
Venn ( HoiircMl Hurl ) ' .
THUnSDAY , Feb. 13.
Receipts for the tlnys Indicated nre !
Cattle. HORS. Sheep. Horses.
February 13 823 2,241 S32 26
February 12 9S5 2,478 Gl . . . .
February 11 2,131 4,1M ! 227 7
February 10 , 1,210 1.6G4 1 3
February 8 jiis 2.KCO 475 . . . .
February 7 1.107 2,833 . . . . 23
Felirunrv ( ! nr.l l.Ksri 229 . . . .
CATTI.El It wns nnothcr day of ex-
trcmsly" light cattle rcgelpts , only 829 head
being received , ns nghdut 9S3 yesterday nnd
064 on Thursday of last week. There were
hardly enough cnttlo here to go around
among the buyers , mill as everyone wanted
a few head , the trade was soon over. The
feeling on the market was better , and the
trade ns a , whole Was more satisfactory
from n seller's point of view.
Only nbout n dozen loads of fat Htcer
were on sale , nr.d the buyers picked up
all that were desirable in Rt/od season ,
paying tully steady prices. The best cnttlu
here were only fairish stuIT , and the sales
were mostly at J3.5003.70.
Matchers' stock was again In very light
supply , only about ten loads of row * nml
holfcre being oftored for wile.- The demand
was very urgent , and everything sold on
the Jump , nnd at prices fully We higher
than ye tenlay. The liens were practically
cleared of that kind of cattle before 0
o'clock. Snippets nre all talking of the
rcarclly of butchers' stock In the country
and the size of the receipts would seem
to bear out their assertions.
Full loads of Btockcrs nnd feeders were
hard to nnd , the supplyconsisting mostly
of odds nnd ends , n piece of a load here
and ihere. The market did not show any
material change In the matter of values.
The demand Is light , but with so few com
ing It has been sufllclcnt to hold prices
steady. Representative sales :
0. . . . 'JtS 22 S..1H.J 2 i.o 2..tZIO 310
1..lOOi ) 22.1 2..1230 2 S3 6..1081 315
2. . . . C33 2 23 3..1200 2 53
1. . . . 440 22.1 3. . . . 5SC 2 Cl 4..K17 200
1. . . . 730 233 9. . . . 462 273 1. . . . ! )10 ) 2'0
1. . . . SCO 2 .VI ! ) . . . . C37 275 2..C20 2 SO
1. . . . 700 2 T. ) 1 , . . . 530 2 75 1. . . . CGO 3 00
7. . . . Ml 2 l0 I. . . . 320 2 7.1 P. . . . CSS 3 10
1. . . . MO 2 Cl ) 2. . . . 615 28) ) 0..8SC 315
1. . . . 490 2 CJ U. . . . IC3 281 2. . . . 875 325
2. , . . an 2 cj 3 , . . . ; oo 250 3. . . . cs4 325
2 , . . . 420 J 63 1. . . . MO 290 1. . . . 950 323
1. . . . CCO 2C5
1..1450 220 1..1,140 231 1..2070 275
L..ICOO i : ' 3 i.i.w ; 20 a..iocs 2 so
l..l.0 ! 221 2..I.V.I 201 1..1710 390
1..17CO 240 1..1J30 2C3 I..1090 3 M
1..U70 2 45 1..14W 2 75 1..1420 .1 lO
1..1510 250 1..1470 273 1..2.M 313
1..1230 275 1. . . . ll 0 2 ! > 3 2..1113 310
, l.i.380 2W.5 ,1.4u , SSt 303 .6.1. . 373 3 W
T-2W 2 CO - , . . . .r330,3 00 1. . . . 3CI ) 350
4. . . . 3.r.0 275 1. . . . L2J 300 2. . . . 130 450
2. . . . 335 275 3 , . . . 2fsO 3 50 I. . . . 130 600
5. . . . 340 2 75
3. . . . COG 250' 12. . . . 42l ! 340 13..517 3
1. . . . f. . ! 0 300 10. . . . 78S 343 1. . . . 840 350
i.4. . 5SO 300 22. . . . SIS 343 t > . . . . 310 315
1. . . . 340 300 0. . . . 730 345 3. . . . 50G 355
1. . . . 710 300 7. . . . C22 343 11. . . . f2'J 353
1. . . . CS1 3 W 3. . . . 743 350 3. . . . SI ) 355
3. . . . 673 3 S3 1. . . . 700,350 1. . . . 4.V ) 3 CO
8. . . . ! > IO 333 2. . . . 415 350 7. . . . 807 3 CO
13. . . . 975 3 35 C. . . . 554 3 50
HOGS Today's receipts of hogs \\rrc about
the Fame nH yesterday so fnr B numbcns ucie
concerned. There were reported In 2.241 head , us
against 2,470 yesterday anil 1,83.1 on Thursday or
InJt week.
The buyers wanted hogs this morning and the
market opened early nnd at an advance of nbout
V. Most everything bold at a lunge ot 13.90 $ ;
4.00 , while the bulk y.sterday wont at J387' W
3.90. The movement was nctlve nnd the pens
were cleared early In the foienoan.
Today's advance carried the market to the
iilghest i > rfnt touched since la t Saturday , when
the IIOKS sold nt about the t-.tme innge us today.
On Thursday of last week the bulk of the hogs
wild nt 13.95@-I.00 , with a J4.10 top. Representa
tive sales :
No. Av. Bli. Pr. Na. Av. Sh. Pr.
14 S87 40 J3 87'5 77 248 120 J3 95
_ 3 2U4 . . . 390 59 352 80 393
; 3 .346 80 3 90 51 297 120 395
C2 284 SO 390 63 292 . . . 395
19 337 240 390 f > 0 232 40 395
CC 301 40 390 75 222 40 395
56 320 40 390 70 242 . . . 393
24 250 . . . ,390 67 304 . . . 395
325 go 3 so C5 238 . . . 393
288 . . . 390 10 217 . . . 395
; 3 300 200 390 74 234 ICO 3 95
87 " 214 160 3 90 f > 5 2C2 40 395
< p. | . .370 40 390 C9 242 40 395
; 3 310 160 390 SI 239 . . . 393
0 " 231 160 390 C2 246 . . . 39714
. . . . . . . 3 92V4 CO 208 . . . 400
17 . . . .293 120 3 92V4 C7 253 . . . 400
61 291 120 39254 21 , . .215 40 400
8 37. . . . . a SiVS 1M "I . . . 1 vv
3 269 120 393 77 217 . . . 400
" "
: ; : : . . . 393 130 204 . . . 400
t 372 . . . 373 S 316 . . . 390
1 . . . .360 . . . 37.1 5 2IC . . . 390
6. 228 . . . 32(4 ( B 318 . . . 390
D 274 40 385 S 231 . . . 390
3 300 . . . 390
SHBB1' The market Is nbout etcady with no
quotable clmngei
Small HcvclptH Kept the Market Oulte
Strong ; .
CHICAGO , Feb. 13. In cattle .there was a little
tronger market , on Ing tu the email receipts ,
anil trndu au falily active , some of the better
lass of cattle showing advances of fioni EC to
Oc , but no general Improvement In prices x\nn
> erceptlble. Common to prime native drvtsul
leef onil shipping i-tecru Here In demand at
rom (3.20 to J4.G3. KOO.I heavy export cnllle
elllnit around 14. The Mocker and feeder Irndo
VUH very fair , Kales being largely at from $ J.4" >
o (3.80. C'liwa end heifers aKnln Mid well at
tn.iiK prices , most of the sales being at from
1,90 to 13.40 , llullH sold ut from } 2 to $3.35 , nnd
he few cul\es offered were wanted at from $3
o JO. Texan cattle \\cro lu good demand ut
rom (2.50 to 13.90.
In hogs today's run \\na light , and prices Mere
Irons at tin uveiuge advance of 6c per 100
Kjutulx. Hales were ut an extreme range of fiom
3.90 to I4.3 > 2 , course heavy hogs selling the Moist
and uKUorlcd light the het > t. The bulk of the
.lira wan at from 14.15 to 14.23 , prime heavy
nd butcher welchtB bringing 14.25. Mont of the
Igu wuit over ut 13.0.
Kherp were light und there was a fairly nctlva
enmnd ut strung price * for ili'ulruble offerings.
nferloi' to common native sheep sold nt fiom
2.25 to } 2.75 , fair to good nt from fJ to (3.40 , and
jport grades at from 13,50 to JJ.OO , the bulk
f the nhrvii bringing fiom 13 to 13.60. Westerns
sold ut from S3.2J to i3.bO , Mexican icarllng" ut
rein I3.C9 to | 4 , nnd lambs nt fiom | 3 to | 4.pO.
necclplu : Cattle , 9,000 head ; hogs , JI.OOO head ;
heep , 10,000 head ,
KIIIIHIIM Clt > - Mve Sloclt.
KANBAH CITV , Feb. 13. CATTM'3 Jlcrelpts ,
, U)0 ) head ; Fhlpmenli ) , 3,500 head : inaiket stead )
o stionxi Texas steers , I2.40tj3.5ii Texas cows ,
l,75Q2.tiU ; beef cteeis , (3,0064.20 ; natlva co s ,
1.rxj3.25 ) ; etockeiu and feeders , (2.50O3.75 ; bulls ,
llecelpls , 5,900 head ; shipments , 1,900
lead ! market strong , lOc higher , nclUc ; bulk of
ales , (3.85(13,93 ; heavy , (3.30fo3.93 ; packers , (3.S5
(4.00 ! mixed. (3.75Q3.95 ; lights , (3.75U4.0J ; YurK-
m S3 90C ? * } 00
BliBkl' ii'celpts. 700 head ; shipments , 1,00)
.ad ; market steady ; lambs , (3.COQ4 50 ; muttons ,
2. Mil 3. W- . _
HtuvU in Slurlit.
Ilecord of receipts at the four principal mar-
etu for Thursday , February 13 ;
Cattle. HOKS. Sheep.
outh Omaha . * & 2,211 U2
hlcaga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,00) 15.000 10W )
Canuji City . . . . . . . . . 1 COO 6,900 700
Totals . . . . . . . , .13. 9 28,141 11.H32
Yorli Live Siuvlc ,
NH\V YOHK. Feb. 13. IIKEVUS-IlvcelpU , 3CS
lead ; steady ; shipments today. 40 > head.
HIII-'KI' ANU l/AMIiS-H i'lpI , 3,315 head ;
lec-ii. slow : Iamb * . 15fi2Jc lower ; sheep , poor
a prim * , (2.7584. 23 ; extra , (4.4) ; lambs , (4.40 ®
23 ; extra. $5.35 ,
] 1KH ItwIptB , 3,107 head ; nominally linn at
5.4965.10. _ ,
Hi , Io u U Mve Stock.
ST. U > UJB , Ftl. U.-CATTLU-IltcelptJ , Z.ZOO
tnnrlitt t aily ; nuthc tru ,
rs nnd fr dcrk , 12 0003. CO ; rxm * ami
JJ.WUJ.35 ; Texni iletrn , Kmttcr * .
fed , $5.0)173.65.
11OOR ntcelptfi. ( .009 hcml : tnnrkct Sc ;
h i < > - . (4.W04.50 ! mltcd , (3.WIT4 10 ; 11(01 ( , H.WU
HIIIIKPIlecelritu , l.WK ) hfael ; mnrhrt fclronserj
HAllvp . | 2,7. ' > Q3.CO ; nouthrtli , 12.4)03.41 ; lambt.
A noost roit AVIIITM-.Y.
l DcniorrntN On II nil Hint
to Kntcr thp Itnrr.
JACKSON. M'8i . , Pcb. 13. The Whitney
prejldontlaf managers express llicmsclves ns >
having accoinpllrlicd results beyond enythlnR
they expected when they recently decided
upon a Whitney campaign In this state. Pe
titions calling upon Mr. Whitney to enter the
flolil have heen s'gned by leading and Influen
tial men from every section and pntty faction
In the state. They claim to have the leading
buMncM nnd professional men of the state
capital , Including the mayor and city ofll-
clal ? , three-fourths of 'bo irclPlaturo and
flrially the new gtato adrnlnlBtrallon. except
Governor McLaurln , who was not Importuned ,
hut whoso close friends nre actively enlisted
In tha measure. The call upon Mr. Whitney
reads ns follovvo :
While we , the imilerslfrnnl , Mississippi
democrats , recognlie the lieccfMty of ilnnn-
clul nml other Mcforins In this * country , If
H evident that stielr ii-forins cttn only he
had tluougli n democratic mltnltilMrutloii
ot the whole federal government. If the
ancient foe of the south , the republican
party , cets control of the conrrnl govern
ment In the nntlomil elections , republican
measures will bo enacted that will onlrench
that party In power and pcrpettmtu It for n
Rencrntlon to come. AH npplled to the
present situation , wo tfcoinmernl to our
political brotherhood throughout the coun
try n spirit of conrervntlsr.i and concession
Upon the great political Issues of the day
an the only true bnsls for unltv and har
mony nnd success to ins great political
party to which we belong. It not be
forgotten It must never be forgotten that
the city halls of the eastern mitt New 13ng-
land states were the scenes during the past
twcntyllvo pears of those heroic debates
and Intellectual conflicts which have le-
sulted In political justice , white supremacy ,
local self-government and the material ad
vancement of tire southern people. Kecog-
ilzlng In Hon. William C. Whitney of the
ICnrpIre slate of New York n typical Amer
ican , a patriot of unquestioned loyalty to
hlH country , n man of tact and affnlts In
the hlghi-nt cense of the term n statesman
of broad und enlightened views one of
Ihc purest nnd most glorious among north
ern democrats , we therefore call upon you
to allow your name to go In-fore tlio next
democratic national convention ns n candi
date for the presidential nomination , be
lieving your nomination will unify and
enthuse the democratic party throughout
the country und Insure the election of Us
' This call will be forwarded to Mr. WhUney
at once.
A Tll.\.MI MAD13 A 5IOXTI3 OIUS' ' 3
Ilmv a Wonry AVnurKlc * I-VI1 Into n
HniiilHiiiuc Fort u no.
SACRAMENTO. Cal. , Feb. 13. John P
Harmons , a tramp , BO years of age , who by
his own confession recovered over $20,00' '
that was hidden by train robbers a yea
ago , Is locked up In the Jail in this city
for months ho has been living In San
Francisco on the fat of the land , on the
prcceeds of money taken from the Overlain
express near Sacramento by Jack Brady ant
Drowning over a year ago. The prisoner
has lurned over to the police $2,000 which
he had In the German Savings bank Ir
San Francisco , $5,900 In securities , a diamond
ring and a diamond collar button.
Harmons found the money hidden under a
clump of bushes near Sacramento , where ,
the robbers who held up the train hat
burled It. It Is known that the robbers ob
tained over $60,000 from Wells , Fargo S.
Co. , but Hfcrmcna did not find all the
plunder. He says he obtained only $20,000
but It Is believed that these figures arc
rather under the exact amount. This con
clusion Is based on the fact that when
Drady , one of the bandits , confessed urn
took the officers to the place where the
money was burled , only $6,000 was found.
Harrncns had evidently- taken the rest ol
the treasure before the officers arrived.
Harmens was arrested In San Francisco
Saturday and brought to this city last , night
In appearance he isa typical tramp
Among Ills' friends "he Is , known as ' 'Dutcl
Charley. " After he found the money ho
went to San Francises , where he loaned n
great deal to responsible business men. Hut
he was not miserly , as It Is said that he
lived a life of luxury seldom dreamed ol
by the average tramp. He bought the most
elegant clothes for himself , making a trip
to New York for the purpose , and the tramp
was transformed Into a regular fashion plate.
Million * of nnllnrs Worth of Prop
erty GOOH II | > In Finnic.
NEW YORK , Feb. 13. A special from
Panama , Colombia , says : A great fire raged
In Guayaquil , Ecuador. When the firemen
and soldiers , who were hurriedly ordered out
to help them , finally brought It under con
trol , thousands of panic-stricken persons
were homeless In the street ; ' , many lay dead
In the morgues and property worth nearly
$2,000,000 had been destroyed , Including the
noble cathedral and the convent which adJoined -
Joined It. The fire was first discovered In
the convent. It spread with such rapidity
that It way with great difficulty that the
majority of the Inmates escaped with their
lives. The firemen were on hand within a
few minutes , but were unable to save cither
the convent building or the cathedral of
San Augustine , which the flames Immediately
attacked. From there the fire flew to sur
rounding property , and In an Incredibly short
time many blocks of houses were In a blaze.
The fire brigades of all surrounding towns
were summoned by telegraph , and battalions
of guards were dispatched to aid the firemen.
Through their efforts the spread of the fire
was checked , and the city saved from de
The panic , which began among the nuns
In the convent , several of whom were burned ,
was contagious , and the city became terror-
stricken. The officials urged the president ,
General Alfaro , to seek a place of safety , and
ho took refuge , with , his family , on board o
steamship In the harbor.
It Is believed that at least thirty persons
suffered death , and It Is known that many
were Injured.
IIiiderwrUrrH Anrrvc Hint flic ItlHkx
Slinll lieKxtrii IliicnriloiiH.
BOSTON , Feb. 13. The accident risks for
bicycle riders are being considered In the
conference of the Mutual Accident Insur
ance underwriters and an ultimatum Iran
practically been given out. It was decided
that bicycling IB a hazardous occupation
which Insurance companies cannot Insure
against at the present rate. In the resolu
tions adopted was the clause ;
Resolved , That ( he use of the bicycle has
been covered by additional cost or a reduc
tion of the amount of death Indemnity bene
fits ; and U Is recommended that this be pro
vided for by either of tlm following methods ;
1 , The adequate Increase of premiums to
cover Iho added risk , or
2. The clasulncation as an occupation of
bicycle riders as a class twice as hazardous
as the "preferred" risk.
3. That benefits by accidents In bicycle
riding be epcclfically reduced.
4. The Including of bicycling under the
policies to bo covercnl only by specific per
mits at an extra premium.
Stock companies were not represented In
the conference , but the prominent ones
represented were : Star of Chicago. Commer
cial Travelers of Utlca , National of New
York , New England , Mutual , Matranlc
Equitable , Massachusetts Mutual , and Atlas
of. Uoston.
.Von * Alilu ( o Milieu Aluminum UN Ilnril
IIH Hll-l'l.
NBW YOHIC , Feb. 13. Edison , In his ex
periments with the Itoentgen rays In pho
tography , believes that he has accidentally
hit upon a process of hardening aluminum
that will make It a substitute for eteel In all
the various commercial used of that metal ,
from ships to bicycles. This tneann a revo
lution Ip the Iron world , This discovery was
made last night. In happening to pick up
one of the aluminum discs uecd for the
cathode electrode In the course of his ex
periments , be tried to bend It , but found
that Its nature had entirely changed and
that It was as ft Iff as steel.
Killed nn laitu. .ViirxiTViuiiii ,
OTTUMWA , la. , Fob , 13. S. AI. Smith , a
nurseryman , wai killed today by I. Klrby ,
a farmer at Mount Sterling. The tragedy
was the remit ol quarrel .over money
. a * . .
One Steamship Linn Intends to Abandon It
lirmur Methods.
> _
t t
OnjH-r Snjn He Will 1'tirnlnli
nml Aiiiiiiiuiltliin If They
tlir > liin < - > - to l'n > -
fur Them.
A , Feb. 13.Ve have Urea
of having our ships stopped , our officers ar
rest oil and our line llbcleJ by the Spanish
and we now propose to give them n new kind
of medicine , " ald Captain William Kcrr ,
counfd of the Hart Steamship line , Inst
night , and ho then proceeded to give the In
formation that tha company would adopt n
policy which , If carried out , will annoy the
Spanish aothorltlca considerably , lie giro
said that for a considerable period a boat
laden with ammunition and stores hnd been
lying at Wilmington , S. C. , and the cargo
would go to Cuba.
"I am telling this to let Spain and others
know what \NO are doing , " lie fald. "Tho
steamship Commodore Is now at Wilmington ,
leaded \\lth arms , ammunition , dynamite and
stores. Slio Is loadedso full that the boat l
deep , to deep that they could not get any
body to take her out of the port , The boat
has been there several months- . Tonight at
12 o'clock Captain Samuel Hughes of the.
Lauradla goes down to Wilmington and take
with him I' . F. Thurston , chief engineer of
the ship. They will take the Commodore- .
Charleston. The cargo \\lll go to Cuba. No-
person can come aboiird until ho shous the
Cuban flag. If Cuba \\nnt9 tu buy ammuni
tion and supplies of us I do not see why wo-
should not sell to them. Wo do not propnvo
to sneak oul of port any longer , but will b
open In our trafllc. "
IjHWES , DP ! . . Feb. 13. The captain of
the schooner Navarlno , which was detained
by a Spanish cruiser while enrotito from
Munzninllo to liopton , said today that h
was unable to get the name of the Span
ish vessel. After the Spanish marines hail
thoroughly searched the schooner the pilot
of the Navarlno was restored , and she
was allowed to proceed. The Naval Ino l
In fair condition , after her encounter with
a cyclone , nnd wljl proceed to Boston us
as the weather clears.
Prince I.iilRl of Itnly Jim n Queer
1'orxunnl AiU'iulnni.
SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 13. The Italian
colony In this city Is considerably agitated
over the discovery that Plctro Qorl , the an
archist who was said to have Incited Antonio
Caosarlo to murder President Carnet , It *
shadowing Prince Lulgl , the nephew of King
Humbert of Italy , who arrived hero last week
on the war ship Ghrlstophcro Colombo. Since-
the arrival of the prince ho has attended a
number of scclal functions given In bis honor
and on each occasion a tall , dark-complexioned
man was noticed. When the identity of tlio
stranger was learned the prince asked to sea
the anarclilrt. When the tall young man
\\as pointed oui to him the prince watched
him with a Jingo of well-bred curiosity.
Oort says bo has no particular motive In
following the prlnco about and attended the
balls at which King Humbert's nephew was
present for the purpose of seeing the women ,
Ho admitted that he taught Carnot's slayer
the principles of anarchy and was himself &
hater of royalty , but denied that he had anf
evil motive In seeking the company of Prlnco
Pool of Soft Co-.l Producer ) ! .
NEW YORK. Feb. 13. The Advertiser
today says : It IB reported a movement
to form a pool of the producers pf bitu
minous coal Is under way. If the plan Is
successful the marketing1 of'nil bituminous
coal will bo placed In the hands of a Foiling
ing- agency , whoso headquarters will be
In this city. The new pool will bo made ,
not of railroads , but of producing com
panies nnd Individuals shipping to tide
water. The prices fixed will be for bitu
minous coal alongside. Of late low grades
of bituminous coal have cold atongsldo at
J2.30 per gross ton of 2.240 pounds , or even
lower , and the hlirher crades at about J2.5O
per gross ton. The decision as to tonnage
will be governed by previous sales. Al
ready 80 per cent of the Interests directly
Involved- are said to have Indicated their
willingness to enter the pool.
Sent Up ns nil Iliililtunl Criminal *
CHICAGO , Feb. 13. H. Dean , a son of
( he chief justice of the supreme court of the
British possessions In Africa , pleaded guilty
to the charge of forgery In Judge Dunn's
court today. Some years ago. It is said , ho
had a prominent position In ono of the first
banks of Knglnml. He came to this country
ami visited California , where ho got lnto >
trouble and served two years for forgery.
The crime to which he pleaded guilty to
day was attempting to pass a forged checlc
for $1,800 on Cook & Co. , the excursion
agents nnd bankers. He was sent to the
penitentiary for an Indefinite term , under-
the habitual criminal act. Dean has a wife-
anil children living In New York City. Ho-
begged hard for clemency , nnd the court
agreed to recommend his discharge when ho *
bad served one year with good behavior.
Pill I In in Given to Arc-lililnliop Kaln. .
ST. LOUIS , Feb. J3.-Blshop Shanley of
North Dakota has arrived here , and deliv
ered to Archbishop Kaln the pallium re
cently conferred upon the latter by the ?
lope. This badge of olllce will be omclally ;
conferred upon Archbishop Kaln by Car
dinal Qlbbons at the cathedral. May 10.
A report Is now being circulated that Cnr-
II mil HntolII will not mnito the contemplated
visit to St. Louis. Father Francis M. Kelly
of the Holy Angeles churcn says that , ow-
ng to the disruption between Archbishop
Kaln nnd the clergy regarding the reccp-
.lon of Cardinal Satolll , Dr. Tlooker , secre
tary to the cardinal , wrote to a former
student of the American college that he.
thinks the cardinal will not visit St. Louis.
I ii mi rim re CnniiiiinlfH Muy TnUe It All.
CHICAGO , Feb. 13. "God bless the rich
corporations ; the poor people can steal. "
Such was tlio unique title of a paper read
before the farmers' Insurance convention
nt the Great Northern today. The author
of the paper wiis II. F. Stapel of Hockport.
Mo. Ho asserted , that If the present ruto
of Increase In the growth of seven corn-
ir.nlc.s of the United States was kept up
or twenty year * they would practically con.
tro' the finances of the United States ,
William A. Frlcke. slate Insurunco oorn-
nlBfloner of Wlfconfln , nddreFscd the mect-
ng , nnd a paper on "Some Experiences In
Mutual Insuranco" was read by John l'\
Merllc , Yorkvllle , Wl .
MlmifHotii. IN for DnvlN.
ST , PAUL , Feb. 13. The republican stnt
committee met here today and formally
ssued the call for the state delegate con
vention , to bo held In Minneapolis on March
Jl , for the selection of four delegates ut
urge and nine presidential electors. The
convention will have 1,1.11 do'egutcs. No
formal action was taken , but the ecnllmrnt
was unanimously In favor of the candldauy
of United States Senator CtiHhmnn 1C. Davis
of Minnesota for president , and u solid dele
gation for him Is considered certain ,
MlnliiK Mm Di-lii ) ' Tlii-Ir n
DENVER , Feb. 13. The departure from
Denver of the special train currying mining-
nen to New York City to Inaugurate the
new mining exchange has been postponed
until tomorrow morning. The excursionists
urrlve at New York next Tuesday.
Our Free Letter
Reviewing the ireln and slock uurktts. will b
tnt you dally on request , In Iht hope of drierv-
at part of your builnen. Orders , solldtcd for
a h cr on three to five point margins.
Mci.ibcrJ Chicago Hoard of Tl a , New York
'roJuce ISxclmnge , New Voik Cons. Illoclc Kx-
hin * . 17 Hoard Trade. Chicago. 44 Uroatlway.
tew York.
Telephone 1J ( ) ; ( ) . Onialui , Nub.
l.K > in 111V4 Hoard of Trad * .
Direct vuM'a la Chicago and New York.
Crrrtfi v4cns ( | John A. Warrtn * Co ,
BouKht and tolil on commission , llecliei 1
Jnvwtmtnt Co. , Colorado Uprlnga , Colo. .